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tv   KRON 4 News at 630pm  KRON  June 19, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm PDT

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>> welcome back. we're continuing to remember a true american icon, willie mays, and we're highlighting the effect he's had lives near and far. and that includes a life of birmingham. alabama's first black mayor who was a bat boy for the birmingham black barons. >> the team that jump started mays career mihai bulls reports. >> news of the passing of 93 year-old hall of famer willie mays hit home for richard arrington junior. birmingham's first black mayor. all of a sudden here.
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>> and pass. it was on show. joe children. >> arrington in may's attended the same high school fairfield industrial high school for negroes. arrington was to classes behind the athlete when he got the chance to become a batboy for the birmingham black barons. may's help the team win the pennant in 1948. >> new pipe of davis's children. he was the manager and so he would let sometimes me and my cousin. he would let some games be the bat boys. >> the 2 men has crossed again after arrington was elected as birmingham's first black mayor and was invited to visit maze at his condo in new york. that first time his open the closet. want to know i wanted to end of it sort they will begin. the meeting took a couple sweaters that couldn't win, but there remains one arrington says may's continued to visit birmingham over the years. he was the ambassador for the u.s. youth games and hear arrington is seated right next to may's when he returned to be inducted into the alabama sports hall of fame. >> i don't think there be
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another really really managed it. so many everything. well. nobody could run better and we're really on base nobody could catch the ball, really no better. could bet. i mean, really could do every thing. and a major command with respect to do. >> arrington described maze is a kind man who always had time for others, especially when he returned home. what should people feel if and i would call a hike to end you know, the days black community to live there. >> and if they was coming they would be that patiently that he would send makes a concern. great, really, really is going on. >> reporting in birmingham, i'm amy high bulls. >> other news we're following for you tonight. a california bill that aims to hold auto burglars accountable. now, one step closer to becoming law
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introduced by senator scott wiener. this bill is meant to close a legal loophole he says makes it more difficult to prosecute car break-in. thieves under existing law, prosecutors are required to prove that the car was locked and forcibly entered without permission. so that means that victims have to come in to testify, which wiener says can be an undue burden, particularly but for victims who don't live in san francisco, the bill now heads to the assembly floor. democratic leaders at the state capitol. they are doubling down on their plan to kill some of their own retail theft bills that if voters approve a november ballot measure to reform prop 47. this comes as newly leaked emails out of governor newsom's office show. he is open to a prop. 47 reform. >> does not this year our capitol correspondent eytan wallace reports. >> it's borderline corrupt republican assembly member kate sanchez not holding back how she feels about a plan from legislative democratic
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leaders to cancel several the legislature's bipartisan retail theft bills. if voters approve a ballot measure to reform prop 47 during the upcoming election prop 47 is the 2014 voters approved the law that changed certain nonviolent crimes from felonies to misdemeanors and loosens penalties for offenses like retail theft. when the items stolen are valued at less than $950. supporters say prop 47 resulted in criminal justice reform and reduced the california prison population. but opponents argue and let criminals off the hook. democratic leaders in the legislature argued the issue of retail theft can be addressed without reforming prop. 47. that's why they're back in more than a dozen bills they say will tackle retail theft without touching prop. 47, including one bill to increase penalties for thieves who steal property with the intent to resell it and another to make heartbreaking thefts, punishable up to 3 years in county jail. but democratic leaders are now adding amendments to those bills that would cancel voters reform prop 47 this november.
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republicans say those amendments are part of dirty politics. truly unfortunate. you turned what could have been a bipartisan accomplishment into political gamesmanship. but as of now, a majority of legislative democrats disagree their bills and their words but do far more. >> help us prosecute in and organized retail theft and anything in that initiative. it all comes as these leaked the emails from governor gavin newsom's office shows he's open to a ballot initiative to reform prop. 47 just not now in the email exchange between the reform prop 47 initiative co-chair greg totten and the governor's chief of staff, dana williamson williamson writes as far as an initiative, we are open to something in twenty-twenty 6 as well as providing all the necessary bells and whistles to make a deal. rock solid thoughts in response. our focus is on amending prop. 47 on the 2024 ballot this necessary policy change is simply too urgent to wait. another 2 years. williams and
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then says it's really amazing your incapable of taking a win. >> and the consultants you're working with have not won anything in a decade. good luck in point of personal privilege. it's really rude that you agreed to a meeting and then backed out and did not reply. this is why no one wants to work with you in response to all of that. newsom spokesperson said this, quote, we regularly engage with a diverse range of stakeholders from across the political spectrum. the california district attorneys association requested a meeting with our office and later canceled. republicans not buying >> embarrassed me that the state of california's chief executive would be acting this che mine. >> and as for the retail legislation, despite republican outcry, democrats have now formally added the amendments in question to most of those bills. they now advance to the assembly and senate floors for a full vote reporting at the state tom wallace kron 4 news. our weather time here as we get a live look from the top of mount tam where you see that
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fog has made its way back into the bay today. >> you know, we could use all the help. we can get. those firefighters need the moisture in the air that, yeah, to kind of died down. but yes, it's going to be hot and they made some progress in some of the fires. and that's because of the improved weather conditions around much of the state to get that surge of that low cloud deck onshore. really? that just helps out so much. you're seeing that moisture content. really sore went from almost desert-like. a couple days goes down all the way to about 4% over 90% in some cases around the bay area. late night early morning. hours now. so that fog moving on shore. that is a great sight to in around the fires. the winds becoming mix. now you see some of the onshore flow. then you start to see the wind kind of spiral around making its way up the valley here. and so you see that fire burned in a different direction. the sites fire, they're pushing some of that smoke away from the bay area today. and that's where the air quality improved as well. also, you can see right there, skaggs the winds kind of picking up again in the afternoon, getting gusty spots. so sometime these fires
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can but the wind's actually pushing some of the fire conditions back on the burner area itself. and that's a pretty good news, too. as you see that fire moving back toward the places that have already been affected by the burn, it can burn anymore out there right now. overall, we've seen a pretty impressive onshore wind and that seabreeze bring with that. that moisture and low clouds and the fog overnight tonight. tomorrow morning, things calm down. but then as we head toward the afternoon, again, the winds will pick up and now we pick up in the afternoon, the fires come running. and even though that's a westerly wind and a moist when the fires can get a little active out there. as you start to see an increase in those winds now, humidity. this is really been the hero so far over the last couple of days. now that moisture really coming up across the board and overnight tonight, boy, it is going to be damp enough. you can see along the 100%. that's why we're talking about some drizzle on the coastline. but you get up in and around the fires. now you're starting to 95% in santa rosa. and that's just tremendous. now that is going to back off by tomorrow afternoon. but that's going help firefighters overnight tonight. so the next couple days, hopefully they can get a handle on these fires are
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going heat things up as we head toward the weekend. high pressure taking over and guess what? we've got heat advisories going up in the central valley. temperatures are going to be the 90's in the triple digits as we head toward the weekend. thank you, lawrence. well, the month of june doesn't just offer a time to celebrate lgbtq rights today. >> the nation also recognized juneteenth. our kron 4 noelle bellow takes us to pinole where the city's youngest mayor. >> used his unique perspective to create a celebration highlighting both events. >> if you want to get to know someone, they say you should take a walk in their shoes are in devon murphy's case. just take a walk alongside is any support. so many things every little gathering the city that we go to very personal mean he he knows my name in 2023. murphy became the youngest mayor in pinole's 120 year. history being sworn in at just 29 years old. he was also the city's first black and openly
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mayor. >> was there ever a point where you felt discouraged you're like you couldn't do this. the short answer is absolutely. was very difficult to understand how folks received money. and so as i was trying to build approval as most elected to want to do, i also have to recognize that, you know, i am who i and i was going to no matter what some people, but hopefully make a lot of people happier and make lives better. >> one of the ways he looked to make lives better was to create space for community empowerment. under his direction. the city launched a dual pride and juneteenth celebration now in its second year. >> it's about recognizing the historic significance of both events. kind of my purpose is to create spaces like it could be perhaps because i, you know, sit on intersections of identities. but i also frankly
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think that's just in game. >> being the first leader of the city to tick off. so many boxes wasn't new for murphy. he was also the first openly and black student body president at his alma mater, ucla. but just because he'd been the first before doesn't mean it was always comfortable. >> as mayor, i you know, what's in meetings with, you know, all mayors contra costa monthly, right. and most of those mayors certainly weren't my age most. mayor didn't look like i didn't have backgrounds very differently than i do. >> those differences only emboldened murphy to do more for his community, crediting his mother for influencing his passion for public service, seeing her work and social welfare and uplifting our city in our community inspired me to not just want to do that, but make systemic changes. murphy remains on city council and is currently mayor emeritus in pinole. his true passion is to create clean economy initiatives. one day, i hope that everybody normal have solar. hope to have
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storage. >> for that's solar. and i hope that they feel that that is going to empower them to be better neighbors to talk. >> murphy joins this walking group regularly to connect with those. he represents. he says he simply wants people to feel like democracy is working for them. >> i want them to recognize that they're seen and that they're heard and that i may not know everything about their community, but i listen and i'm willing green. they're back down cultures. there he their understanding of the world into policy in pinole, noelle bellow. >> kron 4 news. still ahead in sports, how the cubs honored willie mays and what we learned about. >> the warriors and gp 2 today.
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>> in a one-on-one interview, the u.s. surgeon general described his vision for what social media warning labels could look like. he says they would act as both a guide for kids and parents. >> and he's ready to work with congress to get the ball rolling. our washington correspondent basil, john reports. >> we fundamentally need to prioritize making the platforms themselves safer. >> surgeon general murthy is calling for warning label on social media platforms. similar to labels on alcohol and cigarettes. >> and the warning label would be part of our effort to make sure that parents know what we know and public health and
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medicine, which is that social media use is associated with mental health harms for kids. but what would digital warning label look like? it's a message that would pop up regularly or be displayed regularly when people used their social media account. what the said, how often this warning pops up and the appearance and style of it would be determined during a testing phase approved by congress. >> critics like carl's able with net choice argue the government should not be in charge of deciding what's appropriate for kids to view on social media. every child is different. every family is different. >> and the views of those families and children are basically only known to the parents say bill encourages the surgeon general to push for digital literacy in schools and to encourage parents to take the devices away rather than trying to control. what teens do and replace parents with government. but doctor moore, the pushed back saying this has nothing to do with
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restricting free speech. it's not telling people. >> you know that they can. and can you something? it's warning them about the risks that are associated with social media use. doctor morning. he says he's optimistic congress will get on board with this plans reporting in washington. i'm basil, john. >> governor newsom says he wants to restrict how much time teens use their phones during the school day. he cited the mental health risks of social media recently discussed by the surgeon general who is calling on congress to place warning labels on those online platforms news and says he plans to build on a law that he signed back in 2019 that authorized school districts to limit or ban the use of smartphones by students while at school or under the supervision of a school employee. >> and now kron 4 sports. >> and we know it's been an emotional 24 hours for the giants organization has they grieve the death of willie mays? it will get even heavier
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for them as they travel to bring the mayhem tomorrow to play at the site amazes old league team. but in the meantime, they look to take the series against the chicago cubs in clear skies in chicago's south the historic wrigley park. guess what? classy gesture by the cubs organization to have a moment of silence for willie mays and pay their respects. mays hit. 54 home runs at wrigley during his career. the most by any visiting player. top of the first kyle hendricks. he gets matt chapman swinging here. hendricks went 5 and two-thirds innings and struck out 8 while only giving up a run. 4th inning now in half, he's been raking against the giants. he launches spencer bivens fastball 442 feet out to center field. his 9th homer of the it's one, nothing. 3 pitches later dansby swanson. it's one out to left back-to-back bombs. swanson's
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8th of the year is 2 to nothing. same inning. same score. crow armstrong lays down sacrifice bunt chapman, bob of the pickup throws white at first cairo astride crow armstrong collide, run scores. i know he's ok, cubs. they go up 3 to nothing. 9th inning giants down 6 to one bases loaded for jorge solera and look at that one swing of bat. it's a one pitch game one ending 20 run game. i'm sorry. >> but will the giants couldn't get any closer? they lose this series. they lose the game 65. we will see them in alabama birmingham tomorrow. the first domino of the warriors offseason. >> has fallen gb to is opted into the final year of his contract. he will get paid 9.1 million dollars next season opting give pain the flexibility to extend with the warriors. this offseason
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instead of becoming a free agent with more time restriction. gp 2 said during his exit interview that he would like to try to extend and renegotiate a long-term deal with the warriors he loves playing here in the bay last season. payne had an up and down year because of injuries. he only played 44 games. he had a hamstring injury bleak injury, but there's no doubt about it when he's healthy and on the floor, the warriors are a better team is like a swiss army knife out there. alright, staying on the hardwood. a tough, tough blow for stanford alum can bring discussed camera tore her left acl during a game with l a spark play. connecticut's look ugly. what we all saw live here in the newsroom. but we were hoping for the best. fortunately that's about. >> as bad as news, you could get. she will now miss the paris olympics where she was going to represent team usa in the 3 on 3 phase of the basketball stuff. she will now get surgery and she won't even
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get to go to paris altogether. i talked to cam a couple weeks ago. she was so excited to experience her first olympic games with her god brother steph curry who is experiencing his first olympic games. so just a tough blow for can. but i've been told she is in great spirits and she is ready to start her rehab. all that's your look at sports. back to you guys. all right. thanks, jay. let's turn now to >> the 4 zone forecast as we take a live look here at the richmond, sandra fell bridge toll plaza. our first chief meteorologist lawrence karnow joining us now with a look. yeah, guys. and by the way, that game birmingham, alabama, tomorrow you're looking at steamy heat. how about temperatures in the 90's for that baseball game tomorrow? but here in the bay area, we are going to see some 90's, even some triple digits we head toward the weekend. not yet, though. summer weather is really kind of settled in today. nice. see that fog out there right now. more of that on the way tonight. in fact, pickup likely to see some drizzle again along the coastline tomorrow, partial
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clearing weekend, though, we start heating up as high pressure takes over almost right on cue. summer begins tomorrow. at one 50 in the afternoon and well, that fog is already made. returning to see it start to stretch inside the bay. now more that on the way models picking up on that, too, making its way inside the base the green. the drizzle showing up along the coastline. pretty strong push of this model is correct. moving all the way. the central valley that some good news for firefighters. not only here, but also the sites fire in the interior valleys as well. so more that fog on the way. of course, that keep those temperatures much cooler out toward the beaches in san francisco 50's some low 60's along the coastline. not a whole lot in the way of sunshine for tomorrow. plan. a cloudy day there inside the bay. you'll find more sign of warmer weather to 72 in redwood city. lots of 70's 80's in the south bay by tomorrow afternoon. east bay sticking up in the 80's. maybe some mid 80's in the livermore about 80 degrees in walnut creek. 82 in danville about 86 degrees in pittsburgh. coastal areas keep you nice and cool 50's and 60's in the fog next couple days. here comes
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summer. yep. that's right. here it is. begins tomorrow. and we heat things right up near triple digit heat as we head in towards saturday. all right, lawrence. coming up, a new records been set for california's most expensive crib. crib. >> how much longs next? ♪ “jack n the box” by ice cube ♪ ♪ and your babies ♪ ♪ see my head is so big they call me ♪ ♪ jack n the box ♪ ♪♪ come on, fool, you know it's true. ♪♪ get a chick-n-tater melt in my new munchie meal. jack: welcome to jack in the box!
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with four sandwiches to choose from, everyone can build their own munchie meal. or they can just get mine. or they can get exactly what they want. or they can just get mine. or they could just get yours. jack: build your own munchie meal. ice cube: or get mine. jack: welcome to jack in the box! >> the summer solstice is tomorrow and it will be bringing a solar spectacle to california and so rare strawberry moon is expected to rise the day after the summer
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solstice. so on friday, peeking out at 06:00:07pm, according to nasa, go get a look. scientists also at the moon will appear full for almost 3 days. the moon is named after the abundance of strawberries harvested in the u.s. during june, which is pretty cool. well, it seems as though the news never stops here at kron 4. >> so dan thorn is here to tell what's going on. diet. i just you don't get kind of jump the gun because we want to talk about this. that the gun? give dad a moment together, his himself. but in meantime, we got we have a new record for the most expensive home ever sold in california. once again. it's in malibu la times that enormous oceanfront estate is just sold for 210 million bucks. there it is. the seller is oakley sunglasses, founder james genard who reportedly sold it for 135 million dollars more than he bought it for in 2012.
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it's not clear who the buyer is that they have a lot of money. the times says it was purchased by an llc, somewhere in delaware. you state spans 9 and a half acres. the main house, you know, has 14 bedrooms and bathrooms over 15,000 square feet. can you imagine trying to clean that thing? interiors? they were designed by michael as smith, who is best known for redesigning the oval office. all right. well, now we go to dan thorn who is standing by live the newsroom with the. >> look at what's coming up on the news at 10. we say hey granby. well, police in solano county right now searching for a number of people accused of stealing from local businesses. investigators sharing these pictures in hopes of catching those thieves will have more on that. plus, we're going continue to remember baseball. great, willie mays coming up on kron. 4 news at 10 o'clock. i thank you, dan. that wraps up kron 4 news at appreciate you being with us. for the past 3 hours. we'll see you back here.
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>> tomorrow night, the safety. well have a good night tonight.
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hey, flex. considering there's a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh. ♪ ♪ >> announcer: justin who? >> the cop who pulled justin timberlake over had no clue who he


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