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tv   KRON 4 News at 6pm  KRON  June 24, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at 6. >> thanks so much for joining us on kron. 4 news at 6. i'm vicki liviakis and i'm dan thorn. our top story tonight. it's been 4 days since the fbi raided the mayor of oakland is home along with the offices of callaway solutions. and today was the first time the mayor has addressed that our kron four's dan kerman live with us in the newsroom with the pushback from the mayor dan? that's right. the mayor says she isn't going anywhere. she maintains she is the victim here and this all could be because >> overweight right-wing plot to get rid of her. monday. oakland mayor sheng thao made her first public comments since the fbi raided their home last thursday. this investigation. >> it's not about me. i have not been charged with a crime and i'm confident that i will
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not be charged with a crime because i am innocent. tell also made it clear now that the rain or the recall will force or out of office, i will not be bullied and i will not be disparage and i will not be threatened out of this office. the fbi has not said what they were looking for when they raided taos home. the offices of calloway solutions and the homes of 2 people associated with that business. how is now demanding answers and maintaining she was not the target. and in fact, is the victim here. this wouldn't have gone down the way did if i was rich. if i had gone to elite private schools, if i had come from money. i know that for sure. because former elected officials are sitting safely in their houses in the hills right now with campaign finance violations piling up mountains of evidence to prove actual wrongdoing. the mayor also suggested a right-wing conspiracy may be behind the fbi raid which came just days after the recall qualified for
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the ballot. there are a lot of radical right-wing forces who know they will never win an election in oakland, fair and square. they know their extreme views are at odds with our open values. but they have built the rules to protect and preserve their power and maintain dominance over the rest of us. we are a threat to that order to get up and say something like that. i'm not sure anybody is going to the late for criminal defense attorney michael cardoza says suggesting a right-wing plot. >> it's behind this raid is grasping at straws. he also says tao can make as many demand says she wants. but that doesn't mean federal prosecutors will respond. >> a judge is versed in criminal law in the federal courts determined in or her mind that there was probable cause and she will not find that out for months to come until f and indictment is
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filed against her, she won't know what the probable cause as >> also today, we found out the mayor's attorney tony brass has withdrawn as her consul brass telling kron 4 he knew nothing about the mayor's news conference today. the mayor's office responded saying talon form brass. she was changing attorneys on saturday. bres as that's totally untrue. there was no communication on saturday about a change in attorneys and in fact, he withdrew this morning. now the mayor has issued a statement thanking brass for his initial legal guidance and saying she has now obtain new legal counsel and did that over the weekend. but at this point, she says she's not ready to say who that is until the agreements are finalized. so more on that. i'm sure. still to come back to you guys in the studio. >> and medial after the mayor
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held her news conference. why a group of people supporting the recall effort. they held a rally outside of oakland city hall. they criticize the mayor's response and her claim that right wing groups are behind the recall and the fbi raid on her house. >> that was an embarrassment 59 and she have blamed everybody without shred of evidence we are it from right group. because look at the signature i just think it is disgusting and i dare her eye. they're hurting. tell me to my face that right we can 3 years dare you to say to my face. >> the oakland naacp also releasing a statement following the mayor's address. they're calling on mayor town to resign. it budget concerns and following a mass shooting that happened during a juneteenth celebration at lake merritt. the statement reads in part for the good of the citizens of oakland, it is time for the mayor to step aside and allow for a new new leader to take her place.
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there is no time to waste given the current crisis facing the city. if the mayor truly cares about the people and not just her career ambitions, she should do the honorable thing and step aside. so that the city does not collapse while she deals with her personal issues and quote. >> well, hilton hotel near the oakland airport is scheduled to close after more than 50 years. the port of oakland says it's going to happen in late august. the hilton hotel on hagan. berger road has been a tenant of the port since 1968, the port says is going to work with the facility operators and the city of oakland to help the employees affected by this closure. not clear yet exactly why the hotel is closing. >> a huge sideshow in the bay bridge this weekend. chp says more than 150 cars. we're blocking both the east and westbound directions. this happening near the toll plaza kron four's rob nesbitt joining us live in the city tonight with more on what happened. rob.
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>> there are still tire marks on the bay bridge from that sunday sideshow. that happened early around 02:00am. and this is not the first time officers have been called to the bridge because of reckless driving. >> and if you're trying to drive across the bay bridge early sunday morning, you are met with illegal fireworks shooting in the air and a large crowd with around 150 cars doing donuts at high speeds. chp officers responded first, 2 cars blocking westbound lanes near the toll plaza and then a second sideshow. on the eastbound side. your treasure island, it took about 30 minutes before the crowd of drivers and onlookers dispersed officers with chp conducted enforcement stops as cars began driving away towards oakland. those stops led to 3 arrests. one person for driving under the influence. another arrest for reckless driving in participating in a sideshow. and the 3rd for vehicle theft that was made after the vehicle was involved in a hit and run crash. more arrests could be coming in the near future with chp saying in a statement, quote, the chp takes these types of reckless
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and illegal driving exhibition seriously. additional follow-up investigation will be conducted in regards to this incident and appropriate enforcement actions will be taken against any persons or vehicles identified in this illegal and improper behavior. >> it wasn't just ground units that were called to the bridge on sunday. but chp also had a helicopter flying overhead. and chp says the pilot of that helicopter was met with laser beams shined up from sideshow. participants below reporting live in san francisco. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. yeah. tall order for the police department's trying to stop these things. thanks a lot, rob. >> in the south bay, doctors, nurses, patients and health advocates came together to speak out about their concerns over the closure. a regional medical center's trauma unit in east san jose. the group rallied in front of the
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hospital to talk about how far they're going to go to stop the closure of the trauma center. the center is set to close up in august. they say that the closure would negatively affects heart attack and stroke. patients. the group says it plans to keep protesting until changes are made. >> we are not going go away. we will continue to show and so community get fit justice. it more. people have joined our campaign, including. neighbors and community leaders. are more and more people fighting the closure because ladies lives are at stake. >> regional medical center is owned by hospital corporation of america. it is a for-profit company. >> and update tonight on a few fires burning in california and the point fire near lake sonoma is now at 100% contained after burning more than 1200 acres crews say 3
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buildings were also destroyed in that fire. 2 of them ended up being homes and almost half of the other sites. sites fire rather in colusa county contained and burning more than 19,000 acres. so far, crews say they have dropped more than 700,000 gallons of water and also a lot of fire. it hard to put out those flames with that. get you a look at your 4 zone forecast live picket, the carnival cruise ship here in the bay area. nice day. nice day to take a cruise, lawrence. yeah, stick around. just kinda right. inside the bay. enjoy all that good food out there on that cruise ship. but yeah, we've got some this going on the atmosphere. some changes coming our way. of course. >> the dealing with numerous fires around the state, some air quality issues here locally as well. that fog, you can see nice finger fog stretching into the golden gate bridge right now. more that on the way that will likely deepen here in the coming days in around the sites fire. yeah. the winds picking up in the afternoon. they are getting a south westerly component to that wind still likely an active
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afternoon for that fire, especially pushing a northeastward as those winds coming up on the south of the best news of all, really for the fires, as you see the humidity come way, way compared to early last week back some places, 1900 percentile. that's the forecast overnight tonight. and again, we see another round that humidity low by the afternoon. it's going to dry out some of that dry desert air still lingering from that big ridge of high pressure that has been sitting overhead. but those temperatures triple digits inland. but that is going to head eastward. so we're seeing a lot of moisture wraparound. that's something we're watching out for 2 lightning strikes. we've had one strike locally in the bay area. we're watching out for the possibility of more. we'll have more on that coming up in a few minutes. thanks, lauren. santa clara county health officials are providing an update now about the recent outbreak of a bacteria that causes gastrointestinal infections in homeless encampments. >> 9 people have tested positive. that's up from 3 cases just last week. 6 of those people who tested positive have been hospitalized. they're also 21 suspected cases. the symptoms
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include diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps, you not not a comfortable doctors providing an update on what they're doing to try and stop the spread. >> we're working directly with the individuals in the homeless encampments providing when we're out there, clean water, hygiene kits and making sure that they are educated. about. not using the river for bathing drinking cooking or >> several of the encampments are affected des along the guadalupe river. health officials say that the risk to the general public that remains low. coming up, several people injured in shootings over the past week enrichment. the latest on the most recent one broke out last night. >> human trafficking is on the rise in the state department says technology is part of the problem. i've been a salon in washington. explain the details from a newly released report. and a new approach.
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san jose police is taking to keep people informed about the city's criminal acts.
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>> shootings continue in the city of richmond. 2 people were shot and apartment complex in the city late last night adding to the string of shootings that the city has been facing over the last week. our car for his lezla gooden spoke with police about this violent week. >> on sunday around 11:30pm, the richmond police department responded to reports of gunshots ringing out at this apartment complex. police found 2 indivi gunshot wound. one of the victims died on scene. the
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other victim was taken to a nearby hospital and is expected to recover as multiple shootings at 3400 block. i'm not rimond parkway. officers responded and located 2 victinside the building over the last 7 days. a total of 4 people have been killed in separate shootings in richmond. we asked police if they are connected detectives has had to determine that these 2 separate incidences meeting the one on the 18th of the 19th and the one yesterday are appear not to be related. as news time. no arrests have been made in sunday's shooting. and the richmond police department says additional officers will be out on patrol. certainly there was a, you know, i'm activity, increased activity in the short amount of but overall trend that think it's too soon to say. and they are asking anyone with information to please come forward. lets the good kron. 4 news police in san jose are looking for man
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who they believe is responsible for a homicide. that happened earlier this authorities are also trying identify that victim. this happened back in may 9th. >> police are responding to a shooting in the area. mclaughlin and 2.80, when police arrived, they found the victim suffering from a gunshot wound. he died at the hospital. police have identified this man as the primary suspect. been identified as joseph martinez. >> they've obtained a warrant for his arrest. police say that he's about 5 foot 315 pounds with a tear drop tattoo on his face. and the victim has been described as an east indian man between the ages of 30 34. >> around 6 foot tall with this tattoo of a trident on his right arm. he was apparently known in the area as kumar. police believe he went to school in san jose between 2006 and 2010. >> it's unfortunate we don't have the victim it because i'm sure the family watts closure needs closure and really help with the case.
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>> and anyone with any information about either the suspect or the victim is being asked to call. >> san jose police man is in police custody tonight after an hours long standoff with san jose officers. police say that man was armed with a gun. he barricaded himself in a hotel room at the carrabelle in near north first street and east. rosemary street officers say the man did peacefully after hours negotiation and nobody was let's get you a check of your forecast tonight. take a look at the embarcadero. some blue skies, a little bit of clouds hang around. nice view. first, chief meteorologist lawrence karnow joining us now to talk about the trends out there. yeah, a little ripples you out there, right to get the palm trees in the park. a dairy got the subtropical moisture behind that that some tropical moisture got to watch a very closely tonight as it could produce some dry lightning strikes. we've seen a couple strikes now in the bay area. so novel, want to see we don't want to see more fire starting to see the hills are very brown. you're looking toward the east bay right now. some ominous looking clouds up
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above. there's just not a lot of energy to trigger these lightning strikes more so to the south. and you can see just dozens of strikes all the way through fresno. there you go all the way up in the high country there as well. >r as numerous lightning strikes, that would be surprised. we heard about some fire starting from that a locally, though we have had some activity and you can see right now there's just not much energy with the but that moisture kind of sliding on through. and yeah, just after 2 o'clock this afternoon, we did have one but lightning strike in the south bay and that system kind of rotating on through near san jose continuing on its way toward the east bay. there you go. that strike this afternoon and then another one of the east bay as well. we're watching that closely. they'll be isolated if we see him at all. in fact, you're mostly just going really need sunset out of it. but curtain certainly can be dangerous as we've got a chance. some lightning strikes parking some fires tonight. models pick up on some that moisture coming up through the bay area as we head toward tomorrow morning. so that's going to be with us. it looks like through tomorrow as well. so be prepared for that. otherwise you're seeing more low clouds and fog forming down below a stronger sea breeze kicking in. that is
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going to cool down the temperatures. highs tomorrow got 60's in san francisco missions, some sunshine and some fog. we'll call partly cloudy. some of that some tropical moisture moving to oakland. also san jose will be warm, though in the san jose to about 85 degrees in san jose as well. but that dry lightning is dangerous. and that's because of that moisture that's falling from those clouds running dry lair and evaporates before it gets to the surface. so if you get a lightning strike on top of that dry ground, well, things can spread. it can. it's been the cause of many, many, many fires and poor. >> all right. you know, you keep an eye on technology is making human trafficking easier for bad actors. the secretary of state's office says that it's a global problem. washington correspondent, next in line explains how the state department is trying to fight this problem online from a smartphone. communication has no borders and the state department says in a new report, human traffickers are taking advantage trafficking is the very definition of a problem that. >> no one nation can solve secretary of state antony
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blinken says traffickers use dating apps and online ads to find victims encrypted messaging and virtual currency. make it more difficult for law enforcement to trace it. it has created new opportunities for traffickers to exploit individuals for profit and on those apps organizations worldwide are trying to warn children and parents. >> and how to avoid becoming a victim. worldwide. the international labor organization estimates in 2021. 27.6 million people were in forced labor. 2.7 million, more than 2016. the estimate includes 6.3 million people forced into work and 3.9 million in state imposed labor trafficking is the very definition of a problem that no one nation can solve. a lot the state department's report says traffickers take advantage of countries where they can find gaps are loopholes in the law. unfortunately, some governments are part of the
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problem. the state department identified 13 countries where the government funds trafficking. we encourage governments to prevent trafficking. the secretary of state says investigators worldwide are trying to fight the traffickers online using artificial intelligence to detect trends. in washington on the day. some lot. still ahead. today marks 2 years since the overturning of roe v wade. >> we've got a look back at what's happened since that historic rule.
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>> today marks 2 years since the supreme court overturned roe v wade removing the federal right to an abortion.
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the decision left regulations up to the states and ignited intense debate about the issue and over the weekend, former president donald trump celebrated the anniversary while vice president kamala harris accused him of stealing reproductive rights for women. >> when he was in the white house, donald trump handpicked 3 members of the united states supreme court because he intended for them to overturn roe v wade. >> president biden says he wants to bring back that federal right. former house speaker nancy pelosi was in san francisco today on the two-year anniversary of the supreme court's decision to strike down roe v wade. she was joined by abortion rights advocates, including the ceo of planned parenthood of northern california. pelosi talked about the ongoing battle for women's rights on capitol hill, including of
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push to protect the right to contraception. she called on republicans to join the fight for women's rights. >> all this goes you would think. that with their opposition to abortion, they would madly embrace contraception women having the right to contraception. 8 republicans voted yes. 195 republican 795 point this year. >> recent study found that more than 171,000 people have traveled to a different state for an abortion since january of last year. >> still ahead on kron, 4 news at 6 of course, political analyst michael yaki breaking down oakland mayor sheng taos news conference today following an fbi raid last week. plus why governor newsom isot g to be giving a state of the state address this year. and satisfaction levels on muni.
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>> welcome back. talking weather here important for us that i don't even know why we bother to show that you can open a bag. it's quote, bells because you get to see like the of the gate bridge there saying, hey, what's up, going here? i only to disappear into fog later on that's going to be gone. yeah. well, all right. you're talking about the air quality out there. besides the fog? you know, we've had numerous fires around the bay area and around the state for that matter. and so you get these fires burning in different locations. boy just depends on which way the wind kind of switch back on your right now. you're looking
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good. air quality. lot of blue skies out there right now. you can see that fog has entered the bay and up above. we've got some subtropical moisture moving on through so far. so good. most of the bay area looking okay. you're in the green and those places that have some yellow moderate amounts of blues. begin to show up in the santa clara valley. >> also toward marine and oakland as well. parts of the east bay, too. but i think overall as high pressure begins to weaken. well, that's going to change everything. you're going to see a stronger sea breeze freshening of the atmospheres. we're going to see that nice ocean air begin to move on shore. so the forecast for tomorrow, that's where we want to be all in the green outside. looks like we'll see nice, fresh air all around the bay area of high pressure that big dome or high pressure that's been sitting over head kind of trapping some of the that's going to slide eastward as it moves out of town where we're going to get that nice return, low clouds and fog. she saw how compressed that fog was. you see the top of the the golden gate bridge that's going to start to expand that ridge weekends. all of a sudden that green, there's going to get deep that's going allow to move all the way inland. some of the interior valleys. here
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we go as a the smoke forecast for tonight, not bad at all. you see some of that in the central valley and then you see that continuing for tomorrow as are most that going to head eastward as you've got that nice onshore flow. little fly in the ointment is that we do have that subtropical moisture around right now. so the forecast models not having the possibility of some new fires have some new fires were to start. that could be an issue as we head forward right now. there's see all the lightning strikes of the central valley head up in the sierra nevada. a chance of some more of that activity as we head in toward tomorrow to love. more on that. you're a long way forecast coming up in a few minutes. thank you, lawrence. san jose police announcing the launch of the san jose's most wanted. >> facebook and instagram pages. the department says this is part of their effort to generate new leads on people and cases. the page will showcase suspects wanted for violent crimes. many of the people who will be on the page are believed to be hiding outside the u.s.. >> the social media pages, both instagram, facebook.


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