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tv   KRON 4 News at 5am  KRON  June 25, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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>> now lacross i want to know what probably caused fbi has. what evidence have they collected that justifies raiding the home. city mayor now on the kron. 4 morning news. oakland mayor thao breaking her silence for the
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first time since the fbi raided her home last week. plus, another sideshow takes over the bay bridge over the weekend. chp says they now have a plan to stop the sideshows and happening again. and health officials are warning people in the south bay stay away from the guadalupe river will tell you live. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning far. >> well, that tuesday morning you're waking up with bright and early for the kron. 4 morning news on june 25th. i'm reyna harvey got a lot happening in the weather department who we've been talking about, the dry conditions and now there's a slight chance we might see thunderstorms. good morning. yeah, we've actually had a couple of them rolling across the bay area this morning. so something that you want to keep an eye out on. >> take a look outside right now from your center tower cam looking at downtown san francisco. little bit of the first light of day, but also some of those cumulus clouds in the distance. a sign of some of that building of
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thunderstorm activity. another view right now of the golden gate shows a little bit of the fog out there, too. so a lot of factors at play here. first and foremost, i want you to know it's not going to be that typical dry summer day. it's actually quite humid out there and take a look at where we're sitting right now. we do have a little bit of that lift occurring, thunderstorms building across the region right now. right around do we have a spot of light rainfall currently over the richmond center fell bridge, pull a on overthrew the carquinez. yesterday we had brief thunderstorms building over san jose this morning. they have popped up a little bit further northward. now this activity is going to be pretty few and far between today just happened to be kicking off the morning with a little bit of it. so do watch for that. it is very, very spotty right now. most of us are dry. one of the reasons temperatures are as warm as you're looking at them. and i know we're having a reporting problems. so not as many of them popping up this morning as i would have liked 50's to 60's for our current temperatures. this
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is because of the humid nature of that air out there. we have monsoonal moisture across the region that has kept temperatures up during your evening hours. chance of thunderstorms continue mostly in the first part of the day. after that, we're just going to see mostly cloudy, humid, feel to it. daytime highs today still in the 70's 80's to 90's. as far as your roadways are concerned, we are looking at a morning that is going to be bringing some hopefully good traffic. we are seeing a 7 minute drive over the bay bridge this morning. as for mateo bridge, 12 minutes across it. do have a car stalled out on the side there, but that is not resulting in any backup. richmond center fell 8 minutes and very empty at the moment. and here's a look at the golden gate. 19 minutes to make your crossing right now. all right, john, thank you that. 5 days after the fbi raid on her home, oakland mayor sheng thao. >> spoke publicly for the very first time shortly after her attorneys and resign rovers kerman has that story. monday.
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oakland mayor sheng thao made her first public comments since the fbi raided their home last thursday. this investigation. >> it's not about me. i have not been charged with a crime and i'm confident that i will not be charged with a crime because i am innocent. tell also made it clear night the raid north. the recall will force or out of office. i will not be bullied and i will not be disparage and i will not be threatened out of this office. the fbi has not said what they were looking for when they raided taos home. the offices of callaway solutions and the homes of 2 people associated with that business tao is now demanding answers and maintaining she was not the target. and in fact, is the victim here. this wouldn't have gone down the way did if i was rich. if i had gone to elite private schools, if i had come from money. i know that for sure. because former elected officials are sitting safely in their houses in the hills right now with campaign finance violations piling up
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mountains of evidence to prove actual wrongdoing. the mayor also suggested a right-wing conspiracy may be behind the fbi raid which came just days after the recall qualified for the ballot. there are a lot of radical right-wing forces who know they will never win an election in oakland, fair and square. they know their extreme views are at odds with our open values. but they have built the rules to protect and preserve their power and maintain dominance over the rest of us. we are a threat to that order to get up and say something like that. i'm not sure anybody is going to the late for criminal defense attorney michael cardoza says suggesting a right-wing plot. >> is behind this raid is grasping at straws. he also says tao can make as many demand says she wants. but that doesn't mean federal prosecutors will respond. a judge is versed in criminal law in the federal courts
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determined in or her mind that there was probable cause and she will find that out for months to come until and indictment is filed against her, she won't know what the probable cause. as we've also learned that the mayor's attorney, tony brass has withdrawn from the case saying he knew nothing about the morning news conference. >> the mayor's office says the mayor inform brass on saturday that she was changing. attorneys. but brass says that's totally untrue. he says there was no communication on saturday from the mayor. now, the mayor herself has issued a statement thanking brass for his initial consultation and saying over the weekend is when she decided to change attorneys and she says she will announce the name of that attorney once the agreement is finalized. dan kerman kron, 4 news.
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>> well, immediately after the mayor broker silence those water out of office, they held a rally right outside oakland city hall. the criticized house response and her claim about right wing groups being behind both the recall and the fbi raid. >> was an embarrassment 59 and she have blamed everybody without shred of evidence we right group. >> because you look at the signature i just think it is disgusting and i dare her eye. they're hurting. tell me to my face that they some right wing can 3 years. dare you to say it to my face. >> all right. we'll take a listen to that right now.
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>> i would have i'm cooperate fully with the fbi and this there's no wrongdoing my part period. but that's not what you get. you kind of went above and beyond that. and those are the things that i think we're going to get her in trouble. the fact that she was talking about billionaires influencing the fbi. there is a right-wing conspiracy you know, for all president bay area. it sounds very. trump. you know, the idea that there's a conspiracy that somehow you can read fbi into coming after you, those kinds of things. that's what you should have done. it may be that would lead to the reagan the resignation of her criminal defense attorney. >> reactions from residents, political experts we have on our website kron 4 dot com. time now 508. let's head to the south bay, santa clara county officials warning people to stay away from the guadalupe river after confirming 9 cases of shigella. so to the patients
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are in the hospital. carly, the latest reports are in addition to the 21 suspected cases that bacterial infection all of these cases so far have been among people that are on housing, that colors, jett momo. that story. >> it's it's it's boys. not summit going to go through again. you know, townsend recently got moved into a hotel in san jose after living on the streets of san francisco for 4 years. that's where he says he caught a bacterial infection known as shigella multiple times. and everybody that i know that's how much he's gotten you know, it's san jose. shigella is spreading to unhoused people all along the guadalupe river. 6 have been hospitalized in the last week. should de la can spread easily through fluids and can cause diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration. >> would suggest to just wash your hands and don't share anything with anybody. so with about 9 confirmed cases
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shigella throughout the guadalupe river area, the county officials are saying a couple things to avoid. the first thing is to avoid getting in the water, avoid drinking the water, using it to cook. >> and also of like washing your clothes 3 >> for rattle my home, he says washing his clothes with the river. water is the easiest option. so this is so that you put into clean your clothes. he uses a lot of so and a lot of anti bacterial oceanside. if there are you going consider using the river from the water from the river less than the risk to the public. >> continues to be low. meantime, santa clara county public health says to avoid the guadalupe river anywhere north of highway. 85, only a little bit of the organism can cause infection. if you do get in contact with the river, wash your hands part of the body that touch the river. do not touch your face. do not eat until you wash up of has a passion along and west says it's just another thing to
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worry about for san jose's unhoused residents. >> on top of the recent city of san jose's announcement that they're planning moving people away from the guadalupe river and it is sanctioned encampments in san jose. jack. will kron 4 news? >> i love the ti. a train has been removed from the tracks after slipped off while attempting to switch directions. it happened around 12, 30 right near capitol expressway and highway 87 in san jose. this is yesterday. passengers still have to get on a bus between curtner and santa teresa until further notice because of track repairs and that derailment crews say none of the passengers onboard thankfully were hurt. ok, 10 o'clock this morning. governor gavin newsom, the senate delivers state of the state address. it's going to pre-recorded and it's going to be on social media. most california governor's over the last 60 years, chosen to deliver a formal state of the state address. newsom's taking a different approach last year took part in a statewide tour.
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and later deliver a letter to the legislature. newsom's speech will come just days after state leaders reached a budget agreement that closed a 47 billion dollar shortfall in a 298 billion spending plan. this year's march going to be available on youtube. facebook's x at 10:00am. still ahead morning news. okay. here's a live look. at what is going on. we're talking about gender affirming care. gender affirming care. >> we'll have more on that. new mr. clean ultra foamy magic eraser?
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with the scrubbing power of magic eraser and the cleaning power of dawn. watch it make soap scum here... disappear... and sprays can leave grime like that ultra foamy melts it on contact. magic. new ultra foamy magic eraser.
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we're here for things. you know, today, gig workers are going to rally against uber and lyft say the apps are using their deactivation
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practices. now the act is to suspend or terminate a driver count little to no warning reason or explanation. and the point fire. this is near lake sonoma. it's now 100% contained. fire burned 1200 acres destroyed 3 buildings, 2 homes, 2 other houses were damaged. walk out fire continues to attempt to get the sites fire under control and caloosa county. we're using role to even hot spots and they create maps for firefighters use. cal fire says throughout the state there are about 160 drone pilots. currently the site's fires 86% contained. it's burned more than 19,000 acres. and the summer season is here. and now you can get into any california state park for free. all you need is a library card. live reports past program allows people with valid library check out a park passed from their local library visit as many as 54 state parks throughout the year. all for free. today,
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there's a 15% risk. >> for a thunderstorm across the bay area. if we have a thunderstorm, the main issues are going to be lightning landing on dry fuel beds which could start a grass fire winds may also impact the area around the storm. now, john has been actively talking about that. john, what are you seeing out there? 50 1% was not is still something more than a risk. we are looking at thunderstorms actively right now. so that is something that we're seeing across the bay area and already saw yesterday, 2 for the south bay. >> in fact, under storms up in the sierra nevada yesterday likely resulted in a couple of additional fire starts as well. so this is a situation that especially fire monitoring crews are looking at very closely. we're looking outside right now here at the golden gate bridge. a lot of fog settled the right into the golden gate this morning. aside from the fog, this is a look at the past few hours here. so we saw those thunderstorms in the south bay yesterday and especially a
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heavy sell rolling right through fresno on up into the sierra nevada. as i mentioned, that excessive lightning, all that dry tender up there really resulting in a rough situation. now, back here at home this morning, we've already seen a lightning strike in western contra costa county so far this morning. this narrow band is not resulting in widespread activity. also, additional lightning strikes now just reported just northeast of fairfield, too. so this is 2 counties now that have seen lightning currently. now we're looking at a few showers off and on around southern sonoma and napa on into solano counties as well is a very isolated shower in southern alameda county right now. so we do have some activity out there currently that we're looking at. shouldn't results in too many issues on your morning commute. but indeed, it has been an active morning. high pressure. ridge is really drying in this moist monsoonal air. and that's what's bringing us the thunderstorm activity yesterday was fully anticipating ce that. stay on the central coast and for the
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most part it did. but we merely saw that band reaching san jose. and that's why you have that afternoon thunderstorm there yesterday. and of course, those thunderstorms as anticipated in the central valley up into the sierra. this is potential that is going to exist mostly for the beginning of the day. we'll still tap into that cool sea breeze at the coastline helping coastal areas out. as for temperatures today, it's going to be a warm and humid feeling one, a little muggy from time to time 50's and 60's at the coastline. some 70's 80's and yes, a few low 90's still hanging on for a few of us palo alto. 82 today, santa clara, 85 san jose at 87 degrees. well, here in the upper 70's, same in oakland, right at 74 degrees. conquered at 91 wall, antioch at 93 vacaville, 94 santa rosa down through center fell in the 80's. looking ahead. tomorrow, we cool down into the 80's and that's where we're going to stay for the rest of the week's forecast into the weekend. today. the
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possibility of continued lightning and thunderstorms. after that, though, we will be drying out and definitely looking at a much more study forecast. as for your roads this morning, other than a couple of wet spots here and there most of us are high and dry. 8 minutes across the bay bridge. and you can see those dark clouds on the left side of the screen. that's that band that's rolling in the north bay, 70 oh, bridge at 12 minutes to make your crossing. they're looking at the richmond center fell 8 minutes currently to make your drive time. and the golden gate bridge. 19 minutes from nevado to the tolls rain. all right. on the eve of 4 is local election headquarters. president biden, former president trump first debate of this election season is going to be on thursday. >> analysts are calling it high stakes and they say it carries significant risk for in kron 4 due carry the debate live thursday night starting at 6 kron four's catherine heenan will be moderating a panel of our political analysts both before and immediately after that debate.
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former house speaker nancy pelosi is continuing to push for women's rights. she was san francisco yesterday as our nation marked 2 years since that supreme court overturn roe v wade removing the federal right to an abortion. that decision left regulations up to state and ignited pretty intense debates about the issue. pelosi talked about the ongoing battle but women's capitol hill, including a push to protect the right to contraception. >> all this goes well, you would think. that with their opposition to abortion, they would madly embrace contraception women having the right to contraception. 8 republicans voted yes. 195 republican 795 this year. >> well, she was joined by abortion rights advocates, including the c o of planned parenthood of northern california. recent study found that more than 171,000 people
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travel to different states for an abortion since january of last year. the u.s. supreme court has agreed to hear a case involving gender affirming care for minors setting up a pretty important decision next term for lgbtq rights. want to correspond reshad hudson? joining us with the very latest on that good morning was shot. >> they ran a good morning to you. this case could have a major outcome for more states across the country because more than 20 of them have already have laws on the books that deal with banning this type of treatment for minors. >> are bans on gender affirming care for minors constitutional this fall. the u.s. supreme court will hear case and decide. >> decisions about the welfare of our kids, the decisions about the health care for our kids that we left to parents and their doctors, not to politicians. >> the high court will hear the biden administration's challenge to tennessee's ban on gender affirming medical
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treatment for minors such as puberty, blockers and hormone therapy care that every major medical organization in this country supports kelly robinson, the president of the human rights campaign calls the band's a form of discrimination. nearly half of u.s. states have enacted bans on transgender care for minors. according to the human rights campaign. but conservative groups like the heritage foundation argue the bans are lawful because it's a state issue. these people have voted for the representatives. the representatives voted in their state chambers. the laws were signed into effect. that's a democratic process at work. >> and the court will take up this case and their next term, which starts in october. >> reyna. all right. thank you for that breakdown was shot. coming up on the kron morning news. san jose police are working on a new tool. >> to help them find suspects most wanted. and after the break, the vta is r.questing for more federal money to help with an expansion project in
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with an expansion project in the s
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(♪♪) when life spells heartburn... how do you spell relief? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids' dual-active formula begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief. going to be a press conference that today with saudi officials. >> they're asking for federal funding. they're seeking more money to fund of eta's bart silicon valley phase 2 extension project. if they do not receive the funding. 75,000 jobs at risk, the%tape live or 6.2 billion dollars from the federal transit administration when the project is complete, bart will service and extend its 6 miles from the various a stop into downtown san jose and indian city of santa clara. san francisco's pride parade coming up this weekend. bart
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is encouraging people to take public transit to the city. they're going to be running sunday morning at 8 trains running every 5 minutes. embarcadero, montgomery street powell, street civic center stations. >> are all along that parade route ok, let's get a live look at sfo. well, international travel is in full swing. people are traveling. >> airport officials say there was a record breaking international travel this weekend. more than 120 international flight went through sfo each day. the 45 airlines serving 51 destinations. didn't specify how many international passengers. they said it was the most ever recorded. people are traveling there traveling far live. muni riders say they are enjoying riding buses and can cause a lot more. according 78, more than 72% of riders rate service is good or excellent. he's actually the highest since 2001 as of intake says it is working to make muni service safer,
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cleaner, more reliable, and the agency says major delays of fallen 76% since 2019. the survey was conducted earlier this year. a full report is going to be released next month. still ahead, we're talking about another fatal shooting this time enrichment. this is the 5th person killed within a week. >> a fire breaks out in the overnight hours in concord at a reptile store. coming up, we'll tell you what happened. we'll talk to the owner coming we'll talk to the owner coming up in a live report. i'll be honest. by the end of the day, my floors...yeesh. but who has the time to clean? that's why i love my swiffer wetjet. it's a quick and easy way to get my floors clean. wetjet absorbs and locks grime deep inside. look at that! swiffer wetjet.
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>> i welcome back to the kron. morning news. we're engine on 05:30am, and the weather is taking a little tear. just depends where you are across the bay. john morning. yeah, it is a term that is a good way to put rain that we are looking another humid day today. so yesterday we had that potential of thunderstorms in the central part of the state, but some of them drift it this far north as san jose yesterday and today we've had a couple even further north from there. now. this is the fog that settled into the golden gate. just wanted to show you a nice sunrise view. but this is what the radar is looking like right now. a line of showers. and we do have 2 lightning strikes. the first that was about an hour ago in western contra costa county. and then up around fairfield earlier this morning as well. that cloud to ground lightning yesterday in the central valley was actually quite noticeable around fresno likely resulted in the couple small fire starts up in the sierra foothills. so this is not an ideal situation. sure. we love to see green on the radar, but we don't like those thunderstorms along with that.
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you can see we do have some spots of showers mostly up in the north bay right now. most of the rest of us are dry. but if you're looking at the horizon, you may notice some of those darker clouds. i know we have a lot of numbers missing. temperature map this morning. we're having some reporting issues, but we do have a little sampling 50's to 60's for our current numbers. it is a morning that is bringing relatively mild temps kind of a humid, muggy, feel to it later on today. we are going to be looking at continued cloud cover mixed with sunshine. so it kind of a partly cloudy day. all in all. daytime highs in the 70's 80's to low 90's at the very warmest. as for your roads, things out there are pretty smooth sailing on most of our spans. as you can see across the bay bridge roadways are dry importantly, but 10 minutes to make your crossing the san mateo bridge at 13 minutes. also dry while the richmond sandra fell has seen a brief, very bite shower. it's really not enough to stick to the roads making too slick what you're doing, just fine to make your crossing some of those dark clouds in the distance from the golden
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gate and rolling along. okay for your commute right now. all those michael climb as we have in the bay breaking overnight, a reptile store damaged in an overnight fire. >> this is in downtown concord numbers will trend live at the scene. good morning. well, >> i'm inside the store. and right now the good news is the animals are just fine. you can see them right behind me. no damage to them whatsoever. in fact, the owner was going around making sure that the cages are fine because there was a lot of smoke that came into the store. in fact, that could still smell it. the fire broke out in the overnight hours. fortunately, no major damage to the interior. but we do know the outside a little bit of damage, but still it rattled pun intended, rattled a lot of errors, including that. daniel, you owned this store. when did you get the call? and you must thought the worse when it comes from the fire department. i got the
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from the alarm company around 3 o'clock i yeah. check the cameras. see the firefighters going to my first size. >> you know, so i run down fast as i could. went through, checked all the animals are, but it was okay. and then that slight, that was the only thing i really care about. everybody was fine. >> no damage to the interior. your fans are going, but you can smell the smoke. the smoke hurt the snakes. it can if it was a lot. but it's we've aired it out there. everybody is fine. everybody's your very popular store will be open today. moving forward. are you still have to assess what's going not will be open? yeah, everybody's will be there hgain. that's the good news. this is one of the most unique stories i have ever been to in my life. you can see lizards there. you can see frogs. fortunately there. okay. the stories are very hard to find. i know the fire department. they quickly put it out. in fact, they're not even here. what is here are the snakes
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and this is as close as i'll ever get next to a snake behind glass with a careful owner like nathaniel gray, the jump into action to protect me. just in case the fire department, they jumped into action to protect everybody in the overnight hours. fact, i so glad animals are safe. maybe in the next hit. we can get him to take it out. >> you cam put it on you like to see that on air. thank you that. well. >> absolutely not. we have another big story. the city of oakland losing another staple for travelers coming into the city hilton. oakland airport is closing after more than 5 decades covers. michael thomas is live san francisco bay, oakland international airport with the latest on that. good morning, michael. >> hi, good morning, everyone. well, the oakland hilton is not the first business to close its store here in the high crime area of the city and its all. despite oakland
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officials saying maybe putting more police presence earlier this year. take a look. this is general video we have of the oakland hilton hotel. it's been in this area next to the oakland airport since 1968, but it will officially close its stores at the end of august. the reason still unknown. now the hagan burger corridor in oakland has seen its fair share of high crime. and we've seen a major chain restaurants like in and out in denny's close their doors because of it earlier this year. back in march. at that time, oakland mayor sheng thao said the area was the gateway to the city and its economic engine promising more police presence in saying that crime in the area actually gone down. and again, we have not gotten an official reason as to why these doors at the hilton will be closing, but it is one less business city has to offer for those travelers coming in. and it comes right after oakland airport added san francisco to its name in hopes of attracting more foot traffic in travelers. the port of oakland says it plans to work with the facility operators and the city to assist employees that might be affected with job loss and decide what they plan to do with that building. moving
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forward back out here live. we did reach out to the hilt and a company to get a comment as to why they planned on closing its doors. we have not heard back as of yet were hoping to chat with some travelers this morning to hear their thoughts about the closure. but that is the very latest here oakland. i'm michael thomas renal. send it back to you. a huge loss. michael, lots of folks stay. there's thank you for that update. >> ok, the sideshow with plenty of fireworks. stopping traffic over the weekend. chp says more than 150 cars blocking both the eastbound and westbound lanes as congress. rob nesbitt report police it make some arrests but they couldn't get everybody. >> and if you're trying to drive across the bay bridge early sunday morning, you are met with illegal fireworks shooting in the air and a large crowd with around 150 cars doing donuts at high
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speeds. chp officers responded first, 2 cars blocking westbound lanes near the toll plaza and then a second sideshow. on the eastbound side. your treasure island, it took about 30 minutes before the crowd of drivers and onlookers dispersed officers with chp conducted enforcement stops as cars began driving away towards oakland. those stops led to 3 arrests. one person for driving under the influence. another arrest for reckless driving in participating in a sideshow. and the 3rd for vehicle theft that was made after the vehicle was involved in a hit and run crash. more arrests could be coming in the near future with chp saying in a statement, quote, the chp takes these types of reckless and illegal driving exhibition seriously. additional follow-up investigation will be conducted in regards to this incident and appropriate enforcement actions will be taken against any persons or vehicles identified in this illegal and improper behavior. it wasn't just ground units that were called to the sideshow. the chp also had a helicopter flying overhead and according to chp, the pilot was met with laser beams, pointed up from the sideshow.
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participants below. >> reporting in san francisco, i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >> antioch, a pedestrian was hit and killed. this is on loan tree way right near black diamond dry. he was pronounced dead on the scene. so happened sunday around 10:30pm. the driver of that car remain on scene and early investigation shows the man did not use don't walk signal while crossing the street. and impairment does not seem to be an issue in this crash. parcel of the gunshot wound had to be airlifted to the hospital. another is dead after shooting enrichment sot of sunday night at an apartment complex on richmond parkway right near 80 police tell us no one has been arrested, but they do plan have more officers out on patrol. this comes as 4 people were killed richmond within the last week. well, in the south bay, police in san jose are looking for man who they think might be responsible for a shooting that killed a person last month. investigators have identified the suspect as joseph
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martinez. police say he's about 5 foot 315 pounds with tear drop tattoo on his face. the shooting happened on may 9th in the area of the law. london to 80 authorities are also trying identify the victim. so this is a picture of his tattoo, tries trident on his right arm. he's described as an east indian man between the ages of 30 34 around 6 foot tall and he's known in the areas kamar police believe he went to school in san jose between 2006 2010. so if anybody knows him, please call 4. meantime, san jose police are launching sales most wanted facebook and instagram pages. the page is going to showcase suspects wanted for violent crimes. many of the people who will be on that page are believed to be hiding somewhere outside the u.s. department says this is part of their effort to generate new leads on people as well as cases. the social
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media pages, both instagram, facebook. >> we'll update with photos and descriptions of people that were still looking and hopefully that will bring new leads and tips for us. and so that's something that we're hoping that could be something we could leverage. and probably hopefully bring closure to these cases. >> right now, there are currently 9 people listed on the most wanted social media pages. and in the south bay gig, workers are rallying against uber. lyft. they say the apps are abusing their deactivation practices. that's where the app suspends are terminated driver's account with little or no warning or reason or explanation. the rally today at 11:38am. at uber. green light in san jose. the points fire right near lake sonoma is 100% contained. the fire burned 1200 acres destroyed 3 buildings, including 2 homes. 2 other houses were damaged. and we've got new video from the cal fire as they continue to get the sites fire under control in colusa county using drones
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to keep an eye on hot spots. cream apps for firefighters to use the >> it's more advantageous for us to fly these mapping missions and and for admissions at night. once the sun goes down and it allows the ground, the cool from the solar heat from the sun to the day gives us a much more accurate thermal signature. we can really pinpoint any. areas of heat. they're out on the fire line. >> cal fire says throughout the state there are about 160 drone pilots. currently the site's fires 86 per cent contained. it's far more than 19,000 acres. for the second time in less than a year, apple facing a major antitrust lawsuit. this time it's coming from europe. regulators are accusing the tech giant posing pretty unfair restrictions on app developers. >> hate to keep wrist. basically developer should be able to steer consumers to a tentative offers cheaper options outside of the app
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store. >> apple rejected those allegations claiming its products are designed to maximize the customer experience. the justice department filed a similar lawsuit against apple back in march. the break. the jive with her adorable park. the first time since willie mays passing with a game against the cubs will have the the cubs will have the highlights will right
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for a noticeably whiter smile. new personal best. crest. to give your teeth a dentist clean feeling. start with a round brush head. add power. and you've got oral-b. round cleans better by surrounding each tooth to remove 100% more plaque. for a superior clean. oral-b. brush like a pro. are 4 things you to know today. president biden and former president trump's first debate of the election season is on thursday. what catherine heenan is going to moderate panel of our analysts both before and right after the debate. the train has been
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removing tracks after it slipped off while finest directions. this happened around 12, 30 right near capitol expressway. how 87 in san jose yesterday crews say none of the passengers aboard were hurt. thankfully. officials asking for more money. this is the fun of eta's bart, silicon valley phase 2 extension project. if they don't receive the funding, 75 jobs. 75,000 jobs. all right. wrist. allison was a surprise for a coming up this week and bargain courage in people take public transit to the city. if you go embarcadero, montgomery street house treat and civic center stations are all along the parade route exit any of those locations. and you can get into any california state park for free. all you need is your friendly library card. >> live remarks pass program allows people with library carts checkout apart. pass from your local library visit
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as many as 54 state parks to the year. all free. now it was temporarily suspended because of budget cuts early in the year. the new state budget expected to be signed later this week. fund the program through the end of next year. so get want to get into paint. i will. john has been driving the weather because we've been some sprinkles and thunderstorms. a lot going on today morning. yeah, yeah. we've got the remnants of tropical storm alberto making its way across the region giving us a warm, humid, feel to it. >> just kind of that monsoonal moisture vibe out there that we're seeing across the region. want to start with a little bit of fog through the golden gate. nice sunrise there the distance. we truly got it all this morning. this was yesterday. and as you can see, we had thunderstorms rolling through the central coast on up into the sierra nevada mountains to in fact, did see likely a few fire starts from afternoon. thunderstorm activity out in the central valley up into the sierra yesterday. late in the day. now where we've been this morning's showers have been very spotty few and far
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between. but we've indeed seeing the couple of sprinkles around san jose saw some brief lightning up in the hills of contra costa county as well. it's up around fairfield. so do watch these areas in particular right now. some light showers in portions of southern sonoma and napa counties and then over san pablo bay on up into solano county, too. as for what all this energy is right here. the high pressure ridge is just really circling up the remnants of alberto and some of that monsoonal moisture yesterday was fully anticipating it to stay in the central coast in the central valley. and then we barely saw that one band making it up to san jose. and that's what we saw yesterday afternoon today. some of that energy is making its way up a little bit further north. so do anticipate that potential today and certainly the muggy air feel that comes along with that. as for winds winds out from the coastline, from the west, on into the bay relatively light this morning. so not a huge windy coastal day, but keeping the city cool 50's and 60's for san francisco as well as along the
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coast. temps elsewhere in the 70's 80's to low 90's. today is our last day that we're really going to see 90's on the map for a while. we're taking a break for a little bit after this. san jose 87 today. livermore pleasanton your low 90's. while hayward san leandro up to richmond in the 70's concord over to antioch in pittsburgh. also reaching into the low 90's this afternoon after today's potential for continued lightning, we will be seeing drier skies and much calmer conditions. the rest of the forecast also to know cooler 70's and 80's for your highs and sunday for the pride parade in san francisco, you'll be looking at lots of sunshine, little bit of fog at times during the morning, but looks like a great day for any activities outdoors, right? looking at roads this morning. we are seeing the bay bridge just now starting to see the metering lights turned on. so you've just got the first beginnings of any sort of backup forming right now. it's 16 minutes to make your crossing. as for the san mateo bridge, 13 minutes to make
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your crossing there. while both the richmond center fell and the golden gate looking just fine. >> doctors, nurses, health advocates, all came together to speak out about concerns over the closure of regional medical center. trauma unit. this is an e the rally yesterday run for the hospital. talk about how far they will go to stop that closure. they say it would negatively affect heart attack and stroke. patients. the group says it plans to keep protesting until changes are made. >> we are not going go away. we will continue to show that. and so community get fit justice. it deserves. more. people have joined our campaign, including. neighbors and community leaders. are more and more people fighting the closure because lives are
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stake. >> the trauma center is set to close in august. regional medical center is owned by hospital corporation of america. a for-profit company. in sports giants honoring willie mays at oracle park as they start their series against the cause of sports director, jason dumas, with all those highlights. >> obviously, then a mentally exhausting week. but you've got to keep all pushing, just like this, say, hey, kid would have done himself. san francisco will have a more formal celebration of life for willie later in the season. but they still gave their respect. they honored him pre-game all players from both of those teams were wearing number. 24 barry bonds, the godson of willie mays was also in attendance along with whaley son michael. it was a moment of silence. a nice gesture for one of the most transcendent athletes of all time. we pick things up in the top of the 5th cubs up a run.
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men on the corners. cody bellinger. it's that one past the first baseman run comes on in to score the cubs pad. their lead to 2 later on in the inning. three-run cubs lead to offer dansby swanson and >> another line or another run. just that capped off a three-run 5th for chicago. bottom of the 6 giant down 3. >> look at that home run and also look at the backdrop in the most beautiful ballpark. and the world and my taylor. that cut the deficit to 2 and i'm home run. bottom of the 9th dies down a run bases loaded for austin slater. just deep enough. to bring home cairo us try to we have a brand new ball game. so guess what, folks is up to wilmer flores bases loaded 2 outs. 3, 1, count. and the cause make it easy on him. that wasn't even close. giants win in
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walk-off fashion. with those twenty-four's on their back. great win for william is on it. breaking a five-game win streak losing streak at that. all right. that is your look at sports. back to you guys. >> well, this week in the annual special olympics in northern california, summer games coming to the south bay athletes from dozens of counties will compete in swimming track field, bochy ball tennis opening ceremonies are friday night 7 at the seine 7 stephen sentence stadium in santa clara. >> i'm probably wars. kyla grogan is going to be there. she going to be emceeing it. if you like to go admission is free. that's going to be great. okay. hip-hop legend, more hill and the foodies. they're coming to the bay. the miseducation anniversary tour scheduled to be at the shoreline amphitheater mountain view on september. 13th is going to be a good one. tickets will go on sale this friday. apple music recently named the miseducation of lauryn hill.
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the best album of all time. that is great out one of my karaoke. go to news. california lawmakers came together to honor former san francisco mayor willie brown. they are representative phil ting voting with lawmakers in sacramento designate june 24th as willie l brown junior day. the name is to honor brown's public service as the longest-serving california assembly. speaker and the 41st mayor of san francisco. of course. coming the next hour, we are celebrating 5 month across 4. >> tell you how a summer camp has been off in a safe space for the lgbtq+ campers and the families for decades will right back and go anywhere.
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>> well, police in hillsborough are warning about car thefts after people in the area been seen leaving their cars unlocked with the keys inside. they say cars were stolen 2 than yesterday morning, right near sandra mundo and el aurora road. the other 2 car stolen saturday on roehampton road in ravens court wrote police earlier in the body might have surveillance video in these neighborhoods. so you don't leave your keys inside the cars. well. happening today, the union city council set to vote on a potential new cannabis location looking at the new proposed location on road. the petition against location is gathered over 1200 signatures the past 18 months. residents have been protesting. unions proposals for 3rd cannabis dispensary because of safety concerns. iast year, the city council signal that they intended to grant cannabis retail permit.
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2 people who already had dispensaries in redwood city and alameda residents kept expressing opposition to the proposed 10 series. on the peninsula box truck carrying 16,000 pounds. >> lava cattle over turns on talked about this one was happening a lot. chp says the truck hit 2 cars yesterday morning right near the 3rd avenue off rant. it's unclear what caused the crash, but the box truck ended up on his side. none of avocados actually spit out of the truck. but cruz did have to move to the pros to be able tip the right side up because leticia just too heavy. police say nobody was hurt. coming up the next hour, reptile store in concord suffer damages from an overnight fire. we'll have the latest in a live report. >> plus, you got the supreme court. they've agreed to hear a case. we're following gender affirming care for minors. now this (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...and itchy eyes, the truth may be even more uncomfortable. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease,
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or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at with cascade platinum plus, i have upped my dish game auntie, in that dishwasher? watch me platinum plus gives you the highest standard of clean, even in your machine. clean enough for you? yeah! scrape. load. done. cascade platinum plus.
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want to know what probably caused fbi has what evidence have they collected that justifies raiding the home. city mayor. >> now on the kron, 4 morning news, oakland mayor sheng thao breaking her silence since the fbi raided her home. >> new report this morning say that there could be a new public safety measure on the november ballot and it might compete. >> with an effort to reform prop 47. and health officials warn people in the south bay stay away from the guadalupe river. we'll tell you why.


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