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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  June 25, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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re energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪♪) >> i am my ancestors. wildest dreams and am your mayor, mayor sheng thao. >> today on kron, 4 news at noon one day after a defiant speech about not backing down ddress still unfolding. another mayor, member of shang taos team is out. >> from the bay station. you're watching kron. news and news. >> and thank you for joining us kron. 4 news at noon. i'm to reset is stasio. we are
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following breaking news at noon right now. garbage truck shutting down lanes on 6.80, in pleasant hill. this is northbound 6.80, north of monument boulevard. chp telling us of the truck caught fire just after 9 this morning. >> all northbound lanes on the highway north of monument were closed and some southbound lanes closed as well. video shows the burned garbage truck to a smoldering. you can see right there. there is no estimated time for reopening. the cause of the fire has not been determined yet. we'll continue to follow right now. the fbi fbi investigation into oakland, mayor sheng thao. now that her attorney has resigned as her counsel after the mayor spoke publicly yesterday. >> without informing him, tony brass, a high-profile attorney who also represents some other criminals in this area, was retained as mayor taos council last week after the raid on her oakland home kron. 4 news reached out to mayor taos office. i was told that the
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mayor inform tony brass, she was changing attorneys on saturday brass saying that that was absolutely untrue. telling kron 4 he received no communication from tao on saturday about changing attorneys. he reiterated to kron 4 that he informed the mayor of his decision to withdraw yesterday morning. and now this mayor thao sent kron 4 the following statement. i appreciate tony brass for providing me with initial legal guidance. he helped him better understand the investigation. and my legal options over the weekend, i obtain new legal counsel and thank mister brass for his counsel. i will share the name of my a new council once agreements are finalized. so what happens next? what is the target of this investigation? what are prosecutors doing behind the scenes? former u.s. attorney winston chand joining me now to share some insight. you are a former u.s. attorney in new york. 8 years experience a lot
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of this legal issues behind the scenes, somewhat confusing to people. what is the most elite? what is the most significant aspect of all of this balding? the mayor of a major city. >> well, first of all, thanks for having me on a i would say that the important thing to keep in mind is that there's a little is only very little information that the public is aware, you know, the searches would have been done with applications made in under seal to a core. and so the bases for that is not known to us. so we don't know what it was that let the government to see the searches. we don't know what the underlying offenses are. we don't know if the evidence that was supposedly in the home of the mayor that the government is trying to obtain was evidence related to her and the family some 3rd party that happened to store information there. so i think it's early yet until we know more. and until that
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time, we'll just have to wait and see how the investigation plays out. >> isn't it significant to regards to having a warrant at a federal magistrate signed off that they believe that a crime? was committed and that there's evidence that could be found inside the home that they have to have that substantiated in order to go into someone's home. >> shards, a substantial to to ask for permission to invade someone's home to search for documents. and so i think that the government must reached a point in its investigation where it felt it had enough evidence to go to the court to ask and let's be real. when you go to the court to ask to search the home of a sitting government official, there's there's no there's no doubt that the standard is even higher, even though legally speaking, the standard is the same for every person. but we're trying to do that in the context of a election in the context of local politics and in that area, the standard must have been pretty high,
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but it's internal matter at least. >> and as far as what we heard from the mayor yesterday, she saying vad to billionaires, these were her words of billionaires were involved, that the the department of justice was working with these billing billionaires out of piedmont and san francisco. is it remotely accurate to say something of that magnitude. >> well, i can say is that wasn't, you know, part of those decisions, but i would say licensing department justice that would be a pretty rare occurrence billionaires could influence the conduct of a local u.s. attorney's office. >> that maybe, you know, the there could be something to that. if the defense of iran to try to prove if there is a case but >> as a matter how things normally work, you know, that's a pretty tall accusation. >> and then as far as she was saying that it was troubling that the press was there. well, as a member of the media, i was there, you know, several hours after we heard
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from neighbors informing us that there was an fbi knocking going into our home. >> so it's not like the federal government is going to give us the media advance notice. is that somewhat? not accurate? >> i think from time to time prosecutors have been known to tip off the media, it's also plausible that people were there at the right time and told the medi what you know, when when they saw i've with their own eyes as neighbors. so i think that you can't draw conclusions. the way, from >> there when it comes to the search warrants, er's information in that warrant. that is specific. but it has been reported that the fbi went in there and took a cell phone, a laptop on. is that something that could have been like on a cover letter that the mayor could have seen? >> yes, so generally speaking, there would be a inventory she conducted are sort feel that the end of the search that get
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into the homeowner. and so that cover sheet inventory sheet with said what all the items that were taken. >> and then right now is a forensic team, for example, behind the scenes trying to connect dots believed that there could be evidence of a crime. could they be looking to see if you know that document corresponds with maybe perhaps with a witness had told them, are they trying to bring those worlds together? yes, for sure. >> you know, they reach some point in their that it makes sense for them to become public. so generally speaking, what that would mean is they spent a lot of time up until now working undercover, working in secret to try to figure out if the allegations that they have suspicions about were true. and so now that they have whatever they detain from the from the home, they're trying match that up with what information they have trying to corroborate and sources and seeing if things like the devices, the phones, laptops, whatever papers they took corroborate the
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information that they had to begin and that last thing i wanted to ask you, when will we see any kind of culmination in any kind of? and i mean, is this something we'll see in a month from now? could we see a? >> a grand jury indictment to mean where is the end in all this? >> the possible to know for sure. but given that the searches were done in this public way, i would tend to think that if they are going to charges, they they should be rather than later. so we're talking about months, maybe weeks to but not years. >> and anything else that kind of strikes you about this case? >> i think that. all of has been a lot of speculation what is going on, whether or search was based on allegations of public corruption versus campaign finance. i think that the fact of the matter is that we don't know because it's too early, but one would tend to think that federal laws do cover local campaign finance violations. so things being equal, the federal law that
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would apply here tends to cover public corruption. and so things like a kick backs, things like improper payments to bow to government officials and in exchange for some sort of political action as opposed to campaign finance. >> and what about bribery, for example, of the kind of in a pay to play? you know, you support my campaign. i put you on my staff something along those lines. >> yeah, those are those would be typical federal charges. okay. and then why was irs inspectors involved the postal service? inspectors involved? is that also the kind of the totality of >> what they could be looking at? i don't mean you can read so much into the fact of which particular agencies were assisting in the search and we don't know who the lead agency is are because we don't have the online court documents that. >> it's pretty common for federal investigations to assisted by both the fbi as well as other federal investigation. agencies like the irs
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>> post, all those are not happens all the times. i don't think worried any particular thing to that. okay. thank you very much. really appreciate a former u.s. attorney winston chan joini us on kron. 4 news at noon. stay with kron. 4 news on air and online as we learn more about the fbi raid and the recall efforts. download the kron 4 app to get push alerts sent to your mobile device. when news breaks. >> you can also find the latest developments on our website. of course, kron 4 dot com. while the trouble in oakland continues outside of what's happening with the mayor, the city of oakland is losing another staple for travelers coming into the city. the hilton oakland airport is closing after more than 5 decades. michael thomas has the details for us. >> the closure of this hilton hotel in oakland is just one of many businesses to close its doors in this high crime rated area. and it comes after officials did at a heavier police presence to help businesses thrive. the hilton hotel and hagan berger road is
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sat next to the oakland airport since 1968 but will officially close its doors at the end of august with the reason still unknown. but east bay residents say it's just another loss for that out. >> i i'm trying to take term that doesn't ever profanity in we just have to see how we get on the other side of you know, part of this economy. but a part of it a city of oakland just seems to be direction. >> the hague and burger corridor in oakland has seen its fair share of high crime in major chain restaurants like in and out. and dennis have left the area earlier this year because of it at the time. oakland mayor sheng thao said the area was the gateway to the city and its economic engine. that travelers tell me if something isn't done soon, will that engine may stop running? people are scared. i'm not because i've grown up here, but people are terrified to come to oakland because it's so scary. and if that is your what your city like
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stands for what people view your city nobody's going to come. they're not going to spend their money here. the closure also comes after oakland airport added san francisco to its name in hopes of attracting more travelers. and back in march, mayor thao did promise a heavier police presence. and again, no official reason has been given for the closure, but it is one less business the city has to offer, but many in the area say they still have hope for what's ahead. can easily sadie's. this is a problem. safety. there's a lot of problems, cities and in the just great. we all get >> the port of oakland says it plans to assist those employees find new jobs. and it also needs to figure out just exactly what they're going to do with the facility. that is the very latest reporting in oakland. i'm michael thomas will send it back to you live in the studio. thank you, chael, for that. we're coming up on prime days are back. were. >> taking a look ahead of the >> taking a look ahead of the deals that will be available.
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it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. ♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the tim♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ y nos gusta picante ♪
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♪ause this place is caliente ♪ ♪ 'tamos enchilado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state with you ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado oooh ♪ ♪ we got that drip, drip, drip ♪ ♪ come take a sip, sip, sip ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪ liz neeley: you know, you've probably heard it said that some people have to hit rock bottom before they really come to the lord and give him their life. ♪ feels so golden ♪ and that's what happened. i probably had a lot of anxiety at that point about my future, but as i began to study the word and a lot of dr. stanley's teachings and sermons, i began to realize that, through the love of jesus, god saved me for a purpose.
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>> a reptile store is damaged in an overnight fire i downtown concord. kron. four's will tran shares what happened. >> here's what you need to know. as far as the owner knows at this particular point, his animals are fine. he cannot say with certainty because of smoke inhalation, but they appear to be fine when he came to the story a little bit earlier in the overnight hours when he had to jump out of bed to come to this location. in the meantime, you can see some people at is sce here. they're looking at the damage. fortunately, it was on the outside to a shed that houses cage now, let me show you video of inside thiswent down at hoffman's reptiles. it has snakes, plenty of them
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lizards as well as frogs inside. among many other pets. the fire department. they rushed here at around 3 o'clock in the morning, but it was not the fire department that told e owner to come down here. instead, it was the alarm company. he jumped out of bed. he came to this location, but he was not worried about his building. instead, he was worry about the lives. check the cameras. see the firefighters going to my first >> you know, so i run down fast as i cowent through, checked all the animals are, but it was okay. and then that slight, that was the only thing i really care about. everybody was fine. >> hoffman's reptiles has been here since 1980. so it's very hard to find a store that sells snakes. and that's why it's quite popular. almost like a lanark in concord. it is open for business pg and e had to cut off power to at least one section of the building. that's 2 kb hair and nail salon. but it appears
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that contractors, they are here to restore the power. so that place should be operational today as well. back to you. >> will tran thank you for that. let's talk about our forecast as we take a live look outside. you can see sfo and the plane taking i see a private how about that day jump on that. does that room for >> a good day. tree is a good day, we had a little morning call. here are some showers going on. but what we're really watching out for real, the real concern is for strikes, a lightning that here's the light live shot coming in from the golden gate bridge see different story than from yesterday would have that surface fog situation. it's more that moisture. that's a lot. we go to radar. real quick. i don't see any lightning strikes in here. you do see the radar echoes. i did check the reporting stations in the north bay. they're not really reporting anything, although maybe in your backyard, you might be getting a little bit the way some rain showers here again, now that we start to get to that daytime heating, we don't want to get this off flared up because this is tropical moisture in the mid layers of
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the atmosphere and that's what sometimes dries that dry lightning. some other words, if this was producing lightning, it would be dry lightning. and that case give you a gentle flow idea what's going on. looks like the last layer has now lifted towards the north. so we're left over with of the descending a edge of all of this. and then upstream. here comes little front. this guy here is going to give you a little bit of a cooler 2nd, half to the week. experienced a start and it's going clean out or atmosphere nice and conveniently for all of this. you know, these lows, this time of year, we talk about all that monsoon stuff later on in july and august. this acts as a nice little kind of cleaning up the atmosphere kind of situation there. the only thing is we don't want the offshore winds post that 87 right now at this hour for antioch, 83 for concord, 93 for livermore. still looking at 80's along the east bay shoreline. again, to underscore the fact we'll probably some 90's for highs today in spots to have some 60's. when i-69 near santa rosa, 77. meanwhile, for napa, little core up in the north bay than yesterday because of
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our rain call and then to the south bay. you can see some numbers a couple degrees ahead of yesterday. real quick on futurecast for we have that leftover cloud cover for today. starting to get close to sunset looks like things are departing a little bit only to welcome in the traditional marine layer for fog yet again tomorrow morning. but again, now that front's past things clear out bytomorrow afternoon could take ang a longer look at your forecast. coming up and that theresa. >> dave, thank you very much, california. foreve a group planning to build a new city in solano county is investing in health care. the company announced a new partnership with medical provider north bay health to implement 6 to 10 new primary care centers in northern california, north bay health operates hospitals in fairfield and vacaville and 5 primary care facilities in solano county. its 6 will be an upcoming urging care service in rio vista with an on call doctor and rotating specialists. it's the first doctor's office in the city of
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more than a decade. the ceo of california forever says it fills a major need for that community. >> there was a need for health care and not just in the new community. >> but much beyond that in solano county. it was most acute here in rio vista because we homve ngle pson we talked to. >> the city's mayor says that this means that rio s residents will no longeve to drive tofairfld vacaville to get the care at they need. and the ceo has that the move is part of an investment in solano county, not a move to win votes for his company's initiative to construct a proposed city if solano county voters passed that this november, california forever says it will lead to a 200 million dollar investment and downtown businesses over the next 10 to 15 years. and the south bay, santa clara countofficials are warning people to stay away from the guadalupe river after confirming 9 cases of shigella, all of these cases
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so far have been among unhoused people along the guadalupe river kron four's jack moment reports. >> it's it's it's boys. not summit is going to go through again. west townsend recently got moved into a hotel in san jose after living on the streets of san francisco for 4 years. that's where he says he caught a bacterial infection known as shigella multiple times. and everybody that i know that's how much he's gotten. you know, it's san jose shigella is spreading to unhoused people all along the guadalupe river. 6 have been hospitalized in the last week. shigella can spread easily through fluids and can cause diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration. i would suggest to just wash your hands and don't share anything with anybody. so with about 9 confirmed cases shigella throughout the guadalupe river area, the county officials are saying a couple things to avoid. the first thing is to avoid getting in the water,
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avoid drinking the water, using it to cook. >> and also of like washing your clothes 3 >> for rattle my home, he says washing his clothes with the river. water is the easiest option. so this is so that you put into clean your clothes. he uses a lot of so and a lot of anti bacterial oceanside. if there are you going consider using the river from the water from the river lot less than the risk to the public. >> continues to be low. meantime, santa clara county public health says to avoid the guadalupe river anywhere north of highway. 85, only a little bit of the organism can cause infection. if you do get in contact with the river, wash your hands part of the bodythat touch the river. do not touch yr face. do not eat until you wash up of has a passion along and west says it's just another thing to worry about for san jose's unhoused residents. >> on top of the recent city of san jose's announcement that they're planning on
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moving people away from the guadalupe river and it is sanctioned encampments in san jose. jack. will that kron 4 news? >> i'm trevor shirley in washington, olympic gold medalist swimmer michael phelps will be on capitol hill tonight as obe accusations of illegal doping by chinese athletes. i've got and done. can we just call my dad now? ohh. ahh! golla . of course. gorilla glue is incredibly strong and versatile,
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back. >> so are the leading cause of death in children and the government should take the same approach. it has previously taken to prevent smoking or traffic accidents. >> he's calling for warning labels on firearms and reinstating the ban on assault weapons worth. a also says that there is incrsed ne for mental health resources for victims of gun violence. for onethis afternoon, amazon's 10th prime day is set for july 16th and 17th. amazon says that prime members will have exclusive access to millions of dollars of deals across various categories starting at 12:00:01am, pacific those invite only deals will be back again, which means that you havesign up in advance to get an invatioto get some of the biggest discounts like 40% off sony wirele headphones and 30% off peloton products. there's even an official song from megan thee stallion called its prime day
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a key deal that you can get right w. 5 months of amazon music, unlimited r free plus, amazon's lowest prices ever on rain. kendall and arrow. they're also big discots on groceries and travel. next at noon, the city of richmond is seeing a spike in deadly shootings in just one week. >> how police are responding. >> one state in america with a dream. the california dream. >> a new way to share the state of the state. how governor newsom is defending his work as governor and w his work as governor and w the gop is responding. new mr. clean ultra foamy magic eraser? with the scrubbing power of magic eraser and the cleaning power of dawn. watch it make soap scum here... disappear... and sprays can leave grime like that ultra foamy melts it on contact. magic. new ultra foamy magic eraser.
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>> kron 4 is your local election headquarters. governor gavin newsom delivering his pre-recorded state of the dress today on a social media talked reproductive rights and immigration while touting the billions of dollars spent getting tens of thousands of people into shelters, the rising of minimum wage for fast-food workers and the strength of california's economy. while he did not mention president biden or former president trump by name, he used the platform to criticize the gop and try and boost biden ahead of thursday's big presidential debate. >> the california way of life. we recognize is under attack for conservatives and delusional california bashers their success depends on our failure. they want to impeach the very things that have made a successful as a tactic to turn america towards a darker future. they do so in the name of, quote, unquote, liberty and freedom. want to roll back
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the same time social progress, social justice, racial justice, economic justice, clean air, clean water basic fundamental fairness. they would cleave america rom the principles of freedom and the rule of law and in the process, through our economy and in many respects society as we know it into chaos. >> the california republican party releasing a statement in response to the state of the address and reason park gavin newsom has been an absolute disaster for our state. the state of our state is struggling under democrats failed one party rule, but california republicans will never stop fighting to turn california around, quote. >> president biden and former president trump's first debate of this election season is this coming thursday. analysts call it a high stakes event and say that it carries significant risks for both men. kron 4 will carry the debate live thursday night starting at 6 and kron four's catherine heenan will be
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moderating a panel of our political analysts both before and immediately after the debate. governor newsom and california democratic leaders announcing a final budget deal. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace has reaction from members on both sides of the aisle. >> what feelings on this budget vary greatly. democrats say it will benefit everyday californians while republicans believe it's not sustainable. >> we have a deal on the budget. governor gavin newsom announcing over the weekend he and democratic leaders in the legislature reached an agreement to imple3ent a 298 billion dollars spending plan in the coming fiscal year. just go right oversaw among its priorities, education, specifically more than 115 billion dollars for k through 12 public schools and community colleges. a big win for education. >> that's a democratic state. senator dave cortese looks a member of the budget subcommittee on education. cortese says, well, it is
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important to solve the state's projected 45 billion dollar deficit. he makes clear cuts to education. >> was not an option. let's face it. the kids. >> didn't receive the full education they were looking for, you know, during this pandemic year. so we're still playing catch-up. and again, funding is key to that. also included in the budget agreement, 1 billion dollars for local governments to address homelessness. >> and 250 million dollars for programs to help low-income communities, access broadband internet. and the statement newsom said he's grateful for the partnership of our legislative leaders in meeting this challenge with balanced solutions that continue to make progress on california's priorities. what to balance the budget. the deal also calls for 16 billion dollars in cuts including reductions to affordable housing programs and to california prisons run by the department of corrections and rehabilitation. the agroement. also what draws more than 12 billion dollars from the state's reserves and pauses the implementation of the $25 health care minimum wage until the fall. it also temporarily
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pauses some business tax credits. republicans say they've been kept out of the loop on all of noting democrats negotiated this behind closed doors. nothing. i still haven't anything directly about gop sen. roger is the vice chair of the senate budget committee. >> he says from what he has seen, he believes the budget is too optimistic about how much revenue the state will take the coming year. if those dollars come in below projections, he worries that could lead to future deficits. well, as i've said the budget is nominally balanced. that is on paper. >> but it's not sustainable. >> and lawmakers are expected to formally vote on this budget later this week. the governor must sign it. no later, thursday night reporting at the state tom wallace kron 4 news. >> and back locally, another deadly shooting in richmond. police say that 2 people were shot an apartment complex late last night. one of the victims died as kron four's lays like goodman reports. it is adding
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to the string of shootings the city has faced over the last week. >> on sunday around 11:30pm, the richmond police department responded to reports of gunshots ringing out at this apartment complex. police found 2 individuals each suffering from a single gunshot wound. one of the victims died on scene. the other victim was taken to a nearby hospital and is expected to recover as multiple shootings at 3400 block that richmond parkway officers responded and located 2 victims inside the building over the last 7 days. a total of 4 people have been killed in separate shootings in richmond. we asked police if they are connected detectives has had to determine that these 2 separate incidences meeting the one on the 18th of the 19th and the one yesterday are appear not to be related. as news time. no arrests have been made in sunday's shooting. and the richmond police department says additional officers will be out on patrol. certainly there
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was a, you know, i'm activity, increased activity in the short amount of but overall trend, i think it's too soon to say. and they are asking anyone with information to please come forward. let the good kron 4 news. >> some say police are launching senate days. most wanted facebook and instagram pages. the page will showcase suspects wanted for violent crimes. many of the people who will be on the page are believed to be hiding outside the united states. the department says this is part of their effort to generate new leads on people and cases. >> the social media pages, both instagram, facebook. we'll update with photos and descriptions of people that were still looking and hopefully that will bring new leads and tips for us. >> and so that's something that we're hoping that could be something we could leverage. and probably hopefully bring closure to these cases. >> right now, there are currently 9 people listed on the most wanted social media pages. doctors, nurses and
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health care advocates came together to speak out about their concerns over the closure of regional medical center's auma unit. thas an east saint the group rally yesterday in front of the hospital to discuss how far they would go to stop the closur they say it wo negatively impact heart attack and strokepatients. the group says it plans to keep protes untichanges are made. >> we e nogoing go away. we will continue to ■show and so communiet fitustice. it more. people have joined our campaign, including. neighbors and community leaders. are more and more people fighting the closure because lives are at stake. >> the trauma center is set to close in august. regional
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medical center is owned by hospital corporation of america. which is a for-profit company. the point fire ne lakenoma h been fully contained after burning for 8 days. 1200 acres burned and 3 buildings were destroyed and 2 fire is still under investigation. includes a county for cal fire has increased containment on the sites fire to 86% more than 19,000 acres have burned. crews are using ones to keep an eye on any kind of hot spots in cream apps for firefighters to use. >> it's more advantageous for us to fly these mapping missions and in for admissions at night. once the sun goes down and it allows the ground, the cool from the solar heat from the s to the thermal signature. we can really pinpoint any. areas of heat. they're out on the fire line.
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>> cal fire says touout the statehere aabout 160 drone pilots in operation these days to help out. let's talk about our forecast as we take a live look outside here in san francisco. you can see how beautiful it is. but there is a cloud layer out there. kron 4 meteorologist dave spahr out here to tell us all about daytime heating here that the concern is will get some dry lightning out of this activity. here is a. >> the view coming in from mount tam, you get the general just also we're talking about this layer that mid-level cloudiness here. >> where appears on radar these radar echo not yielding to much the way of surface rains, but we did have a little dose going on this morning a little bit there. most readings were well under a 10th of an inch, but at least a little shower minus the lightning part about it. we won't complain about that. there's in the motion. you can see ending ending edge of it to the south. already looks like it's marching through the bay, but we're not entirely done with this yet after get to sunset, the know probably will be the all clear. here's the front to kind of clean us
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out overnight being replaced, of course, by that marine layer tomorrow morning. temperatures are still moving well inland, though. 93 for a little more. you can see 87, antioch, most rings up north, a chilly 77. my comparison, napa. 69 also for santa rosa. so we have the variable clouds today and isolated thunder showers still in the cards. warm and a few spots will still pop into the 90's. now after that front, but a cool off a little bit to finish off the week. pretty nice with mostly sunny skies that continues for a summertime weekend with a little warm-up expected as we get into early the following week. we'll take a look at that 7 day forecast for you coming up in a bit. theresa, as always, thank you, dave and national news olympic gold medalist michael phelps is diving into political waters to capitol hill to it is all part of an effort to bring attention to anti-doping standards ahead of >> the paris olympics, washington, d.c., correspondent trevor shirley has the latest for us. and a lot of what we can expect to see tonight will focus on recent accusations of illegal doping by chinese athletes
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>> it's a rare evening hearing designed to get more public attention. phelps will be joined by fellow olympian allison schmitt and the ceo of the u.s. anti-doping agency. the focus will be on reports that chinese athletes who tested positive for banned substances were still allowed to compete in the 2021 olympics. chinese authorities say those positive tests were the result of contaminated testing samples. the world anti-doping agency didn't question chinese officials handling of the case that organization also declined to show up in tonight's hearing, despite an invitation by congress, that decision has been blasted by u.s.. lawmakers who accuse the world anti-doping agency of turning a blind eye to china. breaking the rules. they said by and said nothing. >> when 23. chinese swimmers tested positive for a substance known tmz and a
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performance enhancing drug. in the last olympics are one of the largest contributors and not the largest contributor to the world and that organization. >> and we get on was for me, you know, year. maybe we need to be looking for an independent body to be given that 4 million dollars year, too. reporting in washington. i'm trevor shirley. coming up, we're celebrating pride month on kron 4 will tell you how a summer camp has been offering a safe space for lgbtq+ campers. >> and their families for decades.
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is celebrating pride month today we're learning about a special camp. >> for the lgbtq+ community. it's not just a safe place for campers but also for their families. kron four's rob nesbit gives us a peek into camp. >> nestled beneath these redwoods of northern california is where you'll find camp it up a summer camp dedicated to cing an inclusive experience for the lgbtq+ community. i hope that goes well. sam carter pearl attended his first camp it up when he was just 5 years old. the 15 year-old has grown into his own as a young trans man knowing that each summer he comes to camp someone younger than him is watching. i think important to like. >> the yourself. so to set an example for other people who maybe want to be like not as comfortable, that acceptance isn't just for kids camp. it up haseen inviting families with 2 moms, 2 dads and all other family dynamics for more than 3 decades. >> joey stephenson and pike barber brought their son blake
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for the first time last year. i really like have family. >> the seven-year-old is a big fan of the ping pong tables and his parents. appreciate a week of quality family time. you're going get cream soda in the great outdoors and a judgment free zone. when i 14, 15 and coming out. >> if if there had been something like this, i would have. >> absolutely lost my mind to train. go to it. one of the most familiar faces at camp as yolanda vieira allen, who is in charge of camp counselors in training or see it. taken family crafting. she started coming to camp it up in 2007 and became more involved as a staff member 5 years ago. >> to see it, director noticed how most of the families attending work. we're but the majority of kids were straight. so she started outreach to youth. and last year, 65% of the young campers work. we're very exciting. you know, as as young as 4 year olds, word a self-proclaimed
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their identity, particularly as young trans kids that win for camp it up was happening at the same time that legislation was passing all over the u.s. making it difficult for lgbtq+ kids to exist such as the signing of the don't say bill in florida. campers coming from a mississippi, alabama, florida. >> who were using pseudonyms because they didn't want their names put out there as having being a trans family. >> camping up advertises as an arts and nature base camp. but it prides itself on being a camp for kids and families needing a safe space and a beacon of love where you safe enough. >> to lake talk about what you're going through in, especially about their sexuality and other things you might not feel like you can talk about with your family or those around you to make good on a commitment to racial justice and equity. camping up also has camper ships for those who might not be able to afford a week away. >> making sure acceptance does not end on the last day of
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camp. >> that every person leaves feeling energized in renewed. i'm feeling empowered to be themselves authentic. lee live their lives camping up as having a record number this year with 250 campers taking part from july 3rd to the 7th. >> rob nesbitt kron. 4 news, lovely. >> join us wednesday evening at 6.30, for our pride month. special toasted by john trimble and robin has spent this year. we celebrate the big enough love that shines bright across entire bay area. talkinouht beautiful. bold. i guess that's not the case with all of those clouds. but let's talk about our forecast as we take a live look outside the golden gate bridge, right? there is some fog. >> you kind e of t cloud cover. actually, we don't have much in the way of surface fog. and we did yesterday and at the lower stuff, it's the write the stuff in the mid layers. we're seeing the same thing to east bay shoreline. there's that mid-level moisture kind of interesting that when you reach that level, it's actually getting
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saturated further on up. and that's right. the freezing mark below very, very dry. so the recipe is you get a thunder shower cooking up there and all rain is going evaporate. but you'll get the lightning, though. so that's what the concern is in this air mass that is producing least aloft. some showers. a lot of that is which is evaporating before getting to the ground. here's the front a little front that will put the cap on all of this late tonight into tomorrow. opening up the skies in cooling off just a touch. we got the winds going in the right direction to 90. it looks like by 4 o'clock at 7. back to 82 again. want to pencil in there. some scattered clouds and isolated little shower is still possible. 68 san francisco, 74 for oakland, 87 san jose. get a little bit warming to the south. asia will notice and still some lower 90's, possible east of the east bay hills. meanwhile, we're going to keep it in the 80's up north. 61 for half moon bay. 68. meanwhile, for san francisco, the longer range deal here first front plays out. we just talked about that. so looking pretty good to finish off the week
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into the weekend. starting to warm up a little bit by the time we get finish off the weekend and early next week. but the other issue is potentially some offshore winds, at least in northern california. it looks like it won't penetrate into the bay area, but it's getting close to northern napa and solano counties might have a little pop early next week of some offshore winds to look out for. here's the rest of the week. look at that. not too bad for june. lot of 80's. we've got 70's returning for the east bay shoreline in chile, 60's to the coast. theresa. >> they thank you very much. in sports, the giants honoring willie mays at oracle park as they start their series against the cops. sports director jason dumas has the highlights. >> it's obviously then a mentally exhausting week. but you've got to keep pushing, just like this, say, hey, kid would have done himself. san francisco will have a more formal celebration of life for willie later in the season. but they still gave their respect. they honored him pre-game all players from both of those teams were wearing
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number. 24 barry bonds, the godson of willie mays was also in attendance along with whaley son michael. it was a moment of silence. a nice gesture for one of the most transcendent athletes of all time. we pick things up in the top of the 5th cubs up a run. men on the corners. cody bellinger. it's that one past the first baseman run comes on in to score the cubs pad. their lead to 2. >> later on in the inning, three-run cubs lead to offer dansby swanson and >> another line or another run. just that capped off a three-run 5th for chicago. bottom of the 6 giant down 3. >> look at that home run and also look at the backdrop in the most beautiful ballpark. and the world and my taylor. that cut the deficit to 2 and i'm home run. bottom of the 9th dies down a run bases loaded for austin slater. just deep enough. to bring home
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cairo us try to we have a brand new ball game. so guess what, folks is up to wilmer flores bases loaded 2 outs. 3, 1, count. and the cause make it easy on him. that wasn't even close. giants win in walk-off fashion. with those twenty-four's on their back. great win for william is on breaking a five-game win streak losing streak at that. all right. that is your look at sports. back to you guys. jason, thank you for that. next at noon, who's next to get their name on the walk of fame will take a closer look fame will take a closer look at the 2 2025, nominees.
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>> and back to breaking news for you. we brought you at the top of the hour. fully loaded garbage truck caught fire heading north on 6.80, north, a monument boulevard this morning. that's over by pleasant hill. according to contra costa county fire protection district. the truck at compressed natural gas on board. chp has reopened 2 northbound lanes of 6.80, north of treat boulevard. 3 southbound lanes are still closed. additionally on northbound 2.42, lanes have been closed. the fire threatened vegetation and buildings on the opposite side. them that sound wall out there. kris provided structure protection. the cause of the fire not know exactly yet. drivers are being advised to avoid sick saving the wannacry pleasant hill area. that whole interchange out there. if you can do so. in other news,
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prince is getting a star on the hollywood walk of walk of fame. the late singer is among more than 30 new honorees announced as part of the class of 2025. other recording artists set to receive a star included the b 52 isley brothers george strait and keith urban. >> and the movie category, jane fonda called fau farrell, rather, nia long, amelia estevez and jessica chastain will be honored and tv. fran drescher lauren graham, nigh on shannon and sherri shepherd are among the honorees. and in sports soccer star david beckham. we'll be getting a star as well. hip-hop legends, lauryn hill and the fugees are coming to the bay area. the miseducation anniversary tour is scheduled to be at the shoreline amphitheater and mountain view. september 13th tickets are going to be going on sale. apple music recently named the miseducation of lauryn hill. the best album of all time. well, if you love
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going to state parks, there is now a way to do it for free. all you need is a library card. the library parks pass program allows people is valid library cards to check out park passes from their local library and visit as many as 54 california state parks throughout the entire year offer free. he was temporarily suspended due to some budget cuts. but the new state budget would fund the program throughout the end of the year. that's going to do it for here for kron. 4 news. we're going to say goodbye and toss it over to live in the bay. thanks so much. tree set. we have such fun show at an amazing lineup of guests today here on live in the bay. stay with us. we have a short with us. we have a short
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>> welcome in to live in the bay, everyone. we have an incredible show for yo, today. coming up. >> singer songwriter and san francisco pride grand marshal tory teasley is joining us in studio. >> we check or new single the 2024 sf pride. weekend love. >> and the ceo of wish list or apple joins us to chat. how they're streamlining wish list to management all the ways you can get in on the social experience against then we're joined by staff sergeant from the u.s. air force air force will hear about his career and what it means for him to serve our country. >> plus, doctor simmons said the u.s. here in studio with all the best skincare tips. what you need to know for your best summer skin. there's so much happening today on live in the bay.


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