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tv   KRON 4 News at 12 Noon  KRON  June 26, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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>> today on kron, 4 news at noon, 20 billion dollars on the line for affordable housing. we'll know today of a bond measure will reach the november ballot. plus, why alameda county's embattled district attorney says some in her own want her out. and another problem for tesla. but this time it's not about the cars on the road. it has to do with more than 100 air quality violations at the fremont plant. >> from the bay station. you're watching kron. noon.
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>> thanks so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin happening right now. there is no red line. bart service between the richmond in millbrae stations today because of emergency track work. this after a track maintenance vehicle derailed near the 19th street station in oakland forcing bar to cancel red line service possibly for the entire day. no one was hurt in the derailment. truck were continues between macarthur and 19th street. oakland stations. passengers may face a 20 minute delay the various and sfo, no brake directions through downtown oakland, mowbray riders from richmond are advised to take the orange various a train and transfer at macarthur to a yellow sfo train commuters from millbrae to richmond can take a yellow any on train and transfer at macarthur to a richmond tree. more trouble for tesla. the automotive company has been ordered to correct air quality violations at its plant in
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fremont four's. michael thomas is there with details. >> according to officials with the bay area, air management control. tesla has more than 100 violations that they've received over the last 5 years. all leading up to the orders that are set to be issued this week in total, 112 era violation notices have been filed since 2019 officials say these violations are frequent, reoccurring and can negatively impact the public health and nearby environment. >> adding that the factories paint shop and it's toxic chemicals directly into the atmosphere that tesla does have an air pollution control system that are in place. however, they continuously breakdown and at times are being shut down by the company do to other equipment problems. the order requires a tesla hire a third-party consultant to evaluate and implement recommendations with approval from the board to help protect the health and well-being of those living nearby. as we get more information coming from tesla and those air quality officials will continue to keep you updated. that is very latest reporting here in fremont. michael thomas kron.
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4 news. >> 5 crew stopped for progress on a fire near the altamont pass. cal fire says this blaze grew to 20 acres this morning. this is time lapse video of the fire. it's near the intersection of altamont pass road and grant line road. it's not clear yet what started this fire or any buildings were threatened. let's bring it bring problem. meteorologist kyla grogan now with the latest conditions in that area. kyla. hey there. yes, we are a little breezy out there. we've got wind out of the west-southwest and you can certainly see that in fairfield up in about 25 miles per hour. 14 in concord. 21 in san francisco. but let's zoom in on closer where this isn't just show you temperatures obviously not too bad out right now showing 73 degrees. but you can see those breezy conditions out of the west at 20 miles per hour right here. altamont pass road. where kind of intersects there. that's where that is. and just looking at it looks like it had a leavening different engines on scene and 60 firefighters obviously they've managed to stop the forward progress. that is certainly the first step about 20 acres
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like is what they're looking at right now. i do think conditions will be a little bit difficult this afternoon as we do start to get a little more breezy going. having said that, temperatures are pretty nice and were much cooler than we were yesterday, particularly in the union east. they were yesterday. we got up to 97 degrees in livermore and we're not looking for anywhere near that today. livermore right now sitting in a very pleasant 71. today. we're looking at temperatures are going to be kind of like average. maybe a couple degrees cooler. so not bad at all. if we take a look at our inner east bay there you can see temperatures looking to top out in the mid 80's. that's certainly a better scenario for firefighters and for everybody, right? we've got this nicer temperatures out there. 63 will be our high today in san francisco. you can see up in the north bay about 86 in santa rosa. 77 in san jose. so altogether, a really pleasant run for us as we go throughout the day today and frankly, tomorrow friday, looking very, very similar. it isn't until we get towards the weekend. going to start to see some of these temperatures pop up. marine layer is with us as we take a live look here. when
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i come back in just a little bit, we're going to talk more about our 7 day forecast in that warm-up. that's on the other side of the weekend. all right. looking forward to a kyler. thank you. officials are deciding whether a 20 billion-dollar affordable housing bond will appear on the november ballot. kron four's will tran reports. both sides are inside right now. it's going to be quite heated because there are many people who are saying. >> the bay area, the state desperately needs low income housing, affordable housing and then there are those who say not so fast, it is not money. well spent. now, let me show you video. we shot this a little bit earlier this morning. this is oakland mayor sheng thao. she showed up to this location. she was actually supposed to be here last thursday, standing side-by-side with san francisco mayor london breed and many other bay area mayors who are in support of the 20 billion dollar bond. but she did not show up. this was
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hours after home was raided by the fbi. but she did not say exactly why she did not show up to the press conference last thursday, but it has been stated that she is in full support of the 20 billion dollar bond. as far as the detractors people against it, they say this does not work because it does not tackle homelessness and the problem with mental illness. i got a chance to talk to the people against the bond measure. they say it is not money. well spent even on construction of how it's going to be built, what they want to do is to have mid-rise and high-rise to a large extent. >> in the course cities and along transportation lines. but these homes on a spur square foot. per room bases are a lot more expensive to construct. >> if this measure gets on the november ballot, it does not mean it could happen because
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the threshold is so high when this particular case it takes. 55% of the voters fun with 20 billion dollars. >> antioch is cracking down on illegal sideshows. the city council voted unanimously on an ordinance punishing organizers and advertisers with fines jail time. a car seizures. right now. police have the power to arrest those suspected of participating in sideshows. second-leading is required for the end of july for that ordinance to become law by the end of summer. in alameda county district attorney pamela price responding to reports that some attorneys in her own office support the recall election against her kron four's. dan kerman reports. >> i would expect this will take us through the end of the year at a news conference tuesday, alameda county district attorney pamela price said getting to the bottom of past prosecutorial misconduct in death penalty cases will
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take some time. but she said it's her investigation. this firing up her opponents, our efforts to hold prosecutors accountable. >> for this kind of misconduct and other ethical lapses has been met with resistance from the prosecutors union before we arrived. and certainly since we've been here prices, that's why it's no surprise to her that there's word on social media. >> that the union representing 9 management attorneys in her office have voted to support her recall. i do believe >> that they're threatened by review past prosecutor misconduct. i do believe that too many prosecutors in this office were raised with very different values than the values that this community hold today. >> price also says despite statements to the contrary, the union only represents about a quarter of those who work in her office. and the majority of those who work for her happy one former employee who might disagree with that. his former price communications director, patti
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lee, who is suit price for racial discrimination, wrongful termination and retaliation. price was not asked about that suit nor did she address it by name. but she did say this. >> i think that the public should know that i have spent my entire career addressing hostile work environment and i did not come to the da's office to create hostile work environment and anyone who says that i have is misrepresenting what is actually occurring at the da's office regarding the alleged misconduct by district attorneys in those death penalty cases. >> the da provided very little update, other than to say that investigation is proceeding. she was asked whether or not all of the da's involved in the alleged misconduct. we're no longer working in the office. she said that is something she is not able to confirm. in oakland. dan kerman kron, 4 news. >> and price confirmed that chief assistant district to
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spruce junior has resigned. bruce is pictured here right next to price wearing that red tie. bruce join the da's office at the start of last year after retiring as marin county's assistant district attorney. developing world news now, as the israel-hamas war enters its 9th month, republican u.s. senate candidate steve garvey arrived in israel this week to show solidarity with the jewish state. pray for you. >> it. >> and they see garvin meeting and praying with the family of israeli hostage gaia gilboa. the law, a hamas kidnapped the law during the deadly surprise attack in israel on october 7. so far garvey strip has included a briefing from israel, defense forces and a visit to 2 of the hardest hit locations during that attack during an interview with our capitol correspondent eytan wallace garvey shared the message she hopes to send. it is real.
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>> there's israeli estimates that they want where we stand. one of our greatest allies, greatest memories, whatever they need. so >> it never, ever. we israel they can do whatever they want to to protect their sovereignty of the people. the country. >> garvey is expected to meet with senior israeli government officials later this week. coming up with 4th of july. just around the corner, we're looking ahead to travel tips and expectations for your money. >> plus, francisco schools at risk of closing down the campus is under consideration and how parents are responding. and a major project to connect the vta with far in the south bay may with far in the south bay may not happen. bother the bugs, not your family.
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connecting the vta with bar in the south bay hits a 6 billion dollar wall. the project is already slated to take more than 10 years to finish and has a 12 billion dollar price tag. but as kron four's jeff moment reports they're banking on help from the federal government. >> if you live in san jose, you live in one of the top tech capitals in the world. you also know that you live in a part of the bay area that is disconnected from the rest of the region because part doesn't come out far into san jose. but now there's a new project aimed to do just that. bringing bart connected to the rest of the vta. there's just one problem, though, is that county leaders say they can't get this project done.
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>> without 6 billion dollars in federal funding. we are here today. >> because we're at a turning point with the with federal funding for phase 2 of art, the to silicon valley standing outside the southernmost part station on tuesday. santa clara county leaders announced they've applied for 6 billion dollars in funding from the federal transportation agency. >> the money they say they must get in order to get the project across the finish line. it's about people. it's about our neighbors and it's about local community truck. shun work has already started on the extension. and when it's done, it would connect art to vta 3, several stops in san jose potentially create 75,000 jobs. >> the bart jose project is a critical. it's critical to the thousands of local 2.70, members along with the rest of the traits will rely construction projects like this one. bart service in san jose is limited. but this project would take it right through downtown and all the
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way to santa clara. >> the vta says this would connect all the cities that touch the san francisco bay by bart. and we need the federal funding to ensure that where we stand today is not the end of the bart line, but just the beginning. so construction on this six-mile long extension connect apart. >> to the vta is set to be completed by 2037. now we did reach out to the fda to find out if they will be securing funding to this park project. we have yet to hear back reporting in san jose. jackie moment kron 4 news. >> let's talk about our forecast now as we take a live look outside at the embarcadero, beautiful blue skies out there. bit of a breeze to kyla. yeah, really nice day. in fact, a little cooler day. i'm gonna take you up to half moon bay where you can see you've got some blue skies out there, too. some sunshine as we have the clouds clear from a good portion of the coastline today, there are a few probably hanging out there in spots, but we're looking pretty good. so a breezy afternoon tomorrow have more of the same. even a few degrees cooler tomorrow.
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likely we will warm back up this weekend and then next week we're going to start the week. very toasty for our inland communities. looks like we could be back to those mid to upper 90's potential triple digit heat. but today that marine layer certainly and some low pressure to the north and west of us is helping to cool us down. and you can kind of see it right there. that's a low pressure system. brings some rain up 2 spots like seattle and the jet stream dipping down just enough to kind of press those temperatures down for us. now, there is high pressure to the south and the east of us. there's actually more out in the pacific as well. but for today, really nice for a really nice temperatures. some really nice blue skies. and as we take a look at temps are you can see san jose about 70 degrees. 63 in oakland, just 59 in downtown san francisco. so we are running a little cool out of the coast and around the bay itself. but it's a pretty nice in fairfield. 78 degrees right now in some low 70's up in the north bay. also looking mild, but let's talk temperature trends because i mentioned that we're going to be warming up next week's summit. take livermore's example here as we take a live look from the east bay. we've got those beautiful
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blue skies today. by the way, good air quality, too. i just checked it. so livermore this time of year to be about 86 degrees today, we're looking out for 85. you can see what kind of just role there the next couple of days, right through saturday where we say where we should be that we head into sunday high pressure building. we start to warm up. this is where we get into a little bit of more intense heat as we get into monday and tuesday. so just something to kind of think about as we roll toward that space right now, high pressure being pressed down by the low pressure. you can see how that happens. starts to slide those colors down a little bit. and that means cooler air coming in as we get into the weekend, though, by the time we start to see sunday, that's when this high pressure moving in from the pacific. this one starting to build that by the way, heating up a good portion of the country right now. and that's when we're going to get the warm up now for our weekend pride events. i think we've got great weather out there. it should be nice. it should be sunny and will be a little bit warmer on sunday for the parade than saturday, but still pretty nice. not until monday and tuesday that i have concern for more extreme heat headed headed our way. all right. nice to see
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that. we'll have sunshine for pride. thanks. kyla. well, this week, san francisco school board is considering which of its 121 public schools will close or merge in the next school year. >> kron four's sara stinson reports. >> students in san francisco are willing to summer break, but some still have school on the mind. the school board is deciding which schools to close or merge in effort to combat a more than 400 million dollar budget deficit. the board met tuesday night to discuss how they will make this decision. a long line of students spoke during public comment against closures will be hard for me to restart at a brand new school, not having the ability to be with most of the people that i know now. >> would be heartbreaking as a member of the board counted as a student, i wasn't expected are what matter most in decisions that affect our education and future of the district says the budget deficit is due to enrollment dropping by more than 4,000 students since the 2017, 2018 school year. the board projects it could lose another
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4600 students by 2032. but one parent blames the district. they're using our kids resources to fix something that they are responsible for creating superintendent matt wayne presented the criteria that will be used when deciding which schools will be affected. he says all 121 schools receive a composite score based on 3 categories. 25 1% on excellence. 25% on effective use of resources and 50% on equity. the concern that we have is that schools will be closed on the backs of the poor. >> and that and more affluent neighborhoods. well, just fill up more schools. superintendent wayne says this process includes community feedback and oversight after we develop our recommendations were going to go through an equity audit. >> 2 and a to ensure that we're not disproportionately impacting anyone community. >> that was sarah stinson reporting. the superintendent announces the proposed list of affected schools in september. the boy then plans to vote in
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december. any changes go into effect the following school year. >> i'm trevor shirley in washington. 23 time olympic gold medalist michael phelps telling lawmakers doping among some of the world's elite athletes is still running rampant. coming up, take a look at what congress is now asking anti doping officials to do that. story's just ahead. plus, the cdc is warning the public of a heightened risk of dengue, a virus. >> we look at the numbers impacting the u.s..
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>> we're health this afternoon. the cdc is warning the public of a heightened risk of dengue, a virus infections in the u.s. countries in the americas reported the highest numbers of cases ever totaling 9.7 million this year alone. the virus is spread by mosquitoes that thrive in warm weather and can cause headaches and flu-like symptoms. severe cases can cause serious bleeding, shock and even death. 40 cases of the virus have been reported since january this year. cdc says that you can protect yourself by using insect repellents wearing long sleeves and making sure to sleep in rooms with the ac on or having some window screens installed. for your money this afternoon.
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triple a is offering tips for people planning to travel this 4th of july for more. so for most people, the worst time to drive will be in the afternoon on wednesday, july 3rd and sunday, july 7, the busiest route in the bay area as expected is expected to be highway 17 between san francisco and monterey. so just to double check check the traffic there before you head outside. now, according to triple a nearly 71 million people are expected to travel for the holiday weekend nationwide. nearly 80% of them will be driving 4th of july travel technically does start this saturday and runs through july 7th here in california. more than 8 and a half million people travel at least 50 miles from home. and you may want to hold off on that new tv or computer until next month because the summer price wars are coming. major retailers compete against each other by offering pretty low prices. wal-mart says july 8th to 11th will be its largest savings event ever. the
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walmart deals will be available on another company's website in the app. target is getting in on the act as well with a new circle. we promotion with up to 50% discounts which runs from july % 7th to 13th. and of course, there's amazon prime days running july 16th and 17th. i'm already getting promotions on the app. coming up next at noon, the family of a world-renowned surfer killed in hawaii is speaking up about his life and legacy. >>uplus, another bump in the road for president joe biden has loan forgiveness plan we know so far what his administration plans to do next. and looks to expand their fleet as residents prepare for more driverless prepare for more driverless cars around san francisco.
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anyone san francisco is now able to catch a ride in a driverless taxi. >> the vehicle was only available to those who had signed up on a waiting list. but now anyone can hitch a ride. kron four's lezla gooden has their reaction to the announcement. >> starting tuesday, anyone can now catch a driverless waymo robo taxi and san francisco. previously the service was only available to those who signed up on a waiting list. now waymo says their meeting in need by providing safer driving options. but some experts say only time will prove the technology is ready for the expansion. took them 3 years to get to the state open it
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everybody very careful about it. they they dealing with a lot of backlash because of some of the issues happening. so for me to say that they are or not, it's actually the that, you >> the jury is still out. san jose state university professor and tech expert ahmed banafa says this expansion by waymo could be defining moment when troy them if they can go through this and provide the service with them, you know, little glitches perfection in something like this. one is a bit difficult with no accident, no incidents at that. and there is no way for them, you know, to to look back, they're going just be going forward over the years. waymo has dealt with several incidents, including accidents, vehicles feeling to follow roadway rules and even interfering with the san francisco fire trucks last year. the san francisco fire department expressed concerns. >> about that us taxis expanding today. we asked if that is change the nickels and did state at the time that the vehicles were not ready for
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prime time because some of the software that we were seeing deployed was not putting public safety. first. >> as far as whether or not vehicles are ready for this deployment. that's really between the software engineers and the regulators to set those benchmarks and make sure that everyone is safe as possible. the department says they have been training on how to respond to autonomous vehicle emergencies notice some improvement with these vehicles on the roads. i can tell you that the incidents with the fire department encountering autonomous vehicles, blocking responses seem to have decreased in the last calendar year. but we continue to see issues where the cars do become continues. much like human drivers do sometimes. >> and that was lezla gooden reporting for us this afternoon. the fire department also says they continue to collect their own incident. reports of driverless taxis and they hope that everyone continues to put public safety first. alright, 63 million dollars. that's how much oakland leaders are proposing to cut from the city's budget.
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if the 105 million dollar deal to sell the city's share of the coliseum falls through. critics say that proposal could affect public safety council. president nikki fortunato base. she posted on social media right there. she says 65% of the city's general fund is for public safety and the deficit require significant. general fund cuts. the city council is set to vote on adopting the proposed budget on friday. the city of san francisco is helping small business owners calling fisherman's wharf their home. the board of supervisors announced $50,000 to support entrepreneurs of color to lease open retail spaces in the area. the port of san francisco also has money set aside for anyone wanting to lease extend their lease or build out spaces on port property. a new poll finds most californians support term limits for more elected officials, including county sheriffs county supervisors and district attorneys. the poll by uc berkeley found strong support for term limits among democrats, republicans and
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independent voters poll respondents preferred a maximum of 2 to 4 year terms for most offices. california's longest-serving county supervisor is keith carson of alameda county elected in 1992. he's retiring at the end of his term. a poll says nearly half of californians surveyed want parents to be% fine for their children's absences from school education company. test prep inc inside surveyed 3,000 parents. the study found 46% support the ideas of fines to prevent absenteeism. the survey found support for an average fine of $22 per day. 44% post finds saying they would hurt low-income parents. 70% of those parents believe that schools are authorities should provide additional support for struggling students. 85% say parents of truant children should attend workshops for counseling. sessions if their child chronically. absent. that's what a forecast taking a live look outside at sfo.
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see a bit of cloud cover out there. let's check in now with kron 4 meteorologist kyla grogan high pay their yes. we're having some cooler temperatures today. not the case for friends in the southern tier. even over to the east coast. check out washington, d.c., right now. >> 98 degrees. and if you've ever been to dc, you know, the humidity there will make it feel a whole lot warmer than that. 95 in atlanta, 96 in dallas. so obviously high-pressure very much large and in charge and a good portion >> of the country today. now, as we look across the next few days and i'm taking augusta, georgia, here's an example. 102, today they are going to see cooler temperatures. but time we get into thursday and friday. but it is a very toasty time right now. you can see dallas by friday set to be 101 degrees. we're kind of the other end of that spectrum. we're actually cooling it down today and tomorrow. and then by friday we'll start to see temperatures lift up slightly. and then on the other side of the weekend start to get a whole bunch warmer as we get into monday and tuesday. so let's take a look at temperatures right now. you can see there is certainly some heat. we've got 94 degrees in bakersfield. a pretty nice day in los angeles
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at 78 103, in vegas. they've been hot for a while. they continue that run. 62 out at sfo right now, sacramento, about 83. so this looks ahead at next week, which of course, we do have the july 5th holiday, not this weekend, but the following weekend and want to show that we're still going to be seeing just a roasting southern tier of the u.s. we taken into california and our cooler temperatures do not last. we, too, will be pulling things a little bit above average, although doesn't look like it's going to be extreme by the time we get into that july 5th holiday certainly would be warmer than we should be by norm. so just something to keep an eye on and maybe just to kind of take a deep breath and enjoy the fact we've had a little marine layer presence today that should keep us nice and mild. the next couple of days. our warm-up doesn't start really until sunday sunday. monday. tuesday, though, are looking pretty toasty. i'll be back in a little bit and we'll talk about that. all right. thanks so much. sure. in the national news now on capitol hill last night, olympic gold medalist swimmer michael phelps. >> blasted anti-doping officials accusing them of
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turning a blind eye to rampant shooting among some of the world's elite athletes. now congress is calling on international sporting officials to do more. washington correspondent trevor shirley is in dc with the latest. >> all of this comes amid recent reports of chinese athletes who tested positive for banned substances, but who are still allowed to compete in the last olympics leading to fears that something similar could happen during this summer's games as well. 23 time gold medalist swimmer michael phelps told congress doping among some of the world's top athletes remains rampant. the hardest part seeing athletes achieve seemingly impossible feats knowing the immense effort and sacrifice is required to reach these heights. >> cleanly house lawmakers called tuesday's prime-time hearing after reports. 23 chinese athlete who tested positive for performance enhancing drugs still competed in the 2021 olympics. people just getting away with everything. >> you know, there are people
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who are still testing positive. they're still having the opportunity to compete internationally in congress's crosshairs. is the world anti-doping agency or wada? >> which is supposed to ensure clean competition at events like the olympics. but some lawmakers say wanna is conflicted in. >> 2018, 2019. come when china paid watt of nearly 2 million dollars more than their required annual dues payments. what a clear those 23, chinese athletes to compete in 2021. >> agreeing with chinese officials that positive drug test came from contaminated samples. waters says it's conducting an independent review of that case. we must ensure that the world anti-doping agency wada it's held accountable and does the job without fear or failure? the world anti-doping agency declined congress's invitation to testify, saying in part the hearing was designed to make headlines but did nothing constructive to strengthen
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anti-doping measures. phelps says that the very least there needs to be greater deterrence. i'm one that if somebody does test positive, i would like to see a lifetime ban. and some lawmakers are calling on the u.s. to stop paying money to the world anti-doping agency. >> instead calling for an alternative regulator reporting in washington. i'm trevor shirley. >> president joe biden pardoned potentially thousands of former u.s. service members convicted of violating a now repealed military ban on consensual the president saying he is, quote, righting a historic wrong to clear the way for this group to regain lost benefits. biden's action grant a pardon to service members convicted under the uniform code of military justice is former article one. 25 which criminalize sodomy the law, which has been on ther books since 1951. was rewritten in 2013 to ban only forcible acts. those covered by the pardon will be able to apply to get proof. their conviction has been erased and
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moved to recover, lost, pay and benefits. 2 federal judges blocked biden's student loan forgiveness plan, the rulings now banned the biden administration from moving forward with his safe plan, which would eliminate debt for some and lower monthly payments and loan terms based on a borrower's income. the kansas attorney general lead this multistate effort calling it a massive victory. >> those are among the lowest paid careers there are. and so when our students choose serve our nation as opposed to make the big bucks. we should reward them. >> in a statement, the white house said these rulings, quote, won't stop our administration from using every tool available to give students and borrowers the relief they need. emotions still raw on oahu's north shore and beyond. following sunday's shark attack that killed beloved lifeguard and surfer to perry. his wife
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amelia tells us it's been hard, but she knows he died doing something he loved. howard dashefsky has that interview. >> little more than 48 hours since perry tragically lost his life in the fatal shark attack. his wife, amelia decided she wanted to speak about his love of surfing the legacy he leaves behind. and most of all the faith that they always relied on. that does. >> it takes me going knowing that he's in a better place because he knew he was going to go to heaven one day in. that was the one thing he loved. he left such a great legacy and he was he was sorry. it was just it's mind blowing to say, like how much so many people have reached out to you know, and it's just great. like you always took care of me and we went we we met like 25 years ago south parkland and creeping doing that like that. passion. so we'd wake up. i go check it for him until matt is any come down you can see like to sleep the it was just it was just so beautiful. it was it was like also men like.
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>> this place surrounded us, you know, like it was out half bait like and you know, i sunny times. i'm like, please come in. he go have to like the pipe and, you know, i like he's like, oh, man, i nearly died today. and what you always nearly >> he's like a little prayer out right before and i'm alive and you come in straight obviously, guys might know about the story when he hit his head and you got. >> 50 stitches in 25 stable. like would please just give me more time. you know, i was just like and i thought he was going to die right in my on there on the beach up hot line that day. so was just had looked to many time, but i just couldn't believe it. this was this was it? >> meal you says her husband of 23 years was everything. friends and colleagues are saying about him and more always there to offer a smile and reassurance to those. he loved and always willing to lend a helping hand. even the perfect strangers. >> he was just he was loving and he had time for everybody like even like blog lady coming up, like where's the
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pipeline? and he'd be like, you know. telling them where it isn't. all a million says it was always a game of the 2 of them served. who caught the best wave who had the most fun. >> and when i asked if she was planning getting back in the water anytime soon, she said absolutely mario would be angry if she didn't. >> as the surface where risk-taking is. so we. one of things that you and to the playing field knowing. you never again expected have them place. it's just tragic and tragic. >> us cellular plan that includes free, calling free, texting, and even free data for your smartphone. is it too good to be true? find out i'm good to be true? find out i'm rich demu
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♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ y nos gusta picante ♪ ♪ cause this place is caliente ♪ ♪ 'tamos enchilado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state with you ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado oooh ♪ ♪ we got that drip, drip, drip ♪ ♪ come take a sip, sip, sip ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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did you know some dish soaps don't remove all the grease, even with scrubbing? whaaat? i just cleaned those! try dawn platinum. it removes 99% of grease and food residue. that's why dawn is trusted to save wildlife affected by oil. dawn platinum cleans to the squeak.
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>> now to bay area baseball with the giants were looking to bounce back at home after a tough one. the a's trying to stop the bleeding down in los angeles, taking on the angels, our sports director, jason dumas has the highlights. >> the giants got back from a brutal one in 5 road trip yesterday and they were able to get a win against the cubs. they look for 2 in a row tonight. beautiful summer night at oracle. perfect night to be out on the water. >> you get seasick. i know some people. you see 6 bottom of the second. no score to offer michael conforto. >> grounds one into right field for a base hit. jorge solera scores from second and the giants take the one. nothing lead. top of the 3rd. now it's 2 to nothing but the cubs cut it right in half. michael bush. lace is a 2 out
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single in the center field. all i'm saying is 2 to one. let's go to the bottom of the 8th 3 to matt chapman. he is going to hit this wall hard. it gets through the left side of the infield. patrick bailey, elliott ramos table score. find one good guys. that was more than enough of cushion for camillo duval. >> he set down the cubs in order in the night. giants get another great bullpen win. 5, the one your final. let's go down the socal. the a's hoping to bounce back after falling to the angels in game one of their series. >> top of the 3rd no score to offer jj bleday. he hits a flare in the center. that one is going to drop for a base hit a run comes into score. but let a gets a little stingy. he's gunned down a second as he was trying to get
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that double. same score. bases loaded tyler anderson. it's tyler, nevin that will force a run-in oakland pads. the lead to 2 bottom of the 4 a's cut it to one bases loaded from a key moniak. he hits a shot into right. that is a grand slam. the angels take the lead and then some. top of is down by 2 with a chance to tie the game. but these are always a gut punch. the double plays to end the rally. that was their opportunity. a's fall. 75 your final? all righty. that is your look at sports. back to you guys. >> all right. let's talk about our forecast now taking a live look outside at san francisco and kyle and i was driving in this morning, actually a bit chilly in the city. yes, we have big temperature drop, especially if you're inland. big difference between yesterday and today with some 90's out there yesterday. we should see just 80's today live look outside shows you a
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little bit breezy and san francisco and certainly some nice blue skies all across the bay area today as we take a live look from the east bay just confirming that as we zoom in a little bit here, nice visibility out there, too. so current temperatures in san francisco and low 60's. same story oakland, free, pleasant out there. san jose, 70 livermore. 71 concord in the mid 70's. and you can see sandra's, it's 72, half moon bay, little cooler. 59 degrees. but the big difference in temperatures is really east bay, south bay, even around parts itself. you can see livermore. 22 degrees cooler than we were this time yesterday yesterday we got into the upper 90's in livermore. so that's some nice and much-needed relief. so today's highs will be much more pleasant. as i mentioned, 85 in livermore, not 97 rate. 63 in san francisco are looking out for some nice 70's around the bay. and, you know, those inland spots really the warmest one of got theirs, antioch, about 87. so let's talk about this marine layer. we're going to have a pretty nice day today. could see a few of those clouds kind of hanging on to the coast in spots. and then tonight, the overnight we'll start to see some cloud cover move right
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back in. so we start off with some patchy fog. if you're at the coast, it hangs on a little bit. but i think for tonight, really for most it's going to be mostly clear skies. just hear out the coast that are going to start to see that patchy fog showing up in the morning. temperatures pretty mild tonight to about 50 and 61 degrees. so it's all about low pressure to our north and west. that's what's allowing some of that cooler air to roll in as this front kind of tracks through. and that will hold as we go through a good portion of this week. it really isn't. until we get into next week that we start to see some heat build back in. so this shows you departures from normal. you can see the center of the state certainly a little bit above average as we roll into friday that starts to pick up. and then as we get into sunday notice it will start to spread into northern california as well. but next week as we get into monday and tuesday, now you see really widespread heat that is going to be kicking in. and, you know, that's the thing want to make sure everyone has a heads up about that. we do have some heat. it looks like monday into tuesday. right now. not sure exactly how long that's going to last. but it does look like and above average week next
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week, the question will be as we get closer to the 4th of july, you know how long that he will sustain itself. and of course, keep an eye on it. by the way, pride weekend looking great weather should be great for our all right. love the sound of that. thanks so much. >> could you really get free phone calls, texts and data on your smart, smart phone without the monthly fees? i mean, that sounds pretty great. >> rich demuro puts a new cellular plan to the test in today's rich on tech. it sounds too good to be true. a cellular plan that comes with a free phone number, free, texting and even free data to access essential apps. >> i've been testing it and it works. but there are some things to know. >> a cellular plan with free calling free, texting and now free data. we're like the only phone company that's trying to find ways to charge people less. not by the way, to treat people more. derrick team is co-founder and ceo of tax. now we've been doing it since i was in college. 2010.
12:51 pm
>> we've been at for a while. nearly 2 million people use their service daily for free calling and texting. now they're expanding to include free essential data. this means you can access your e-mail maps and ride sharing apps on the go for free. the idea is that we want to get people maximum flexibility. >> and more ways for to save money from their own bell. i've been testing the new service to start you pay a one-time fee of $5 to get a tax now sim card. >> but this in your phone to activate 5g cellular service, phone calls and texts are all handled through the tax now app. not a native tyler or i message they work with or without wifi, but here's where it gets interesting. you can also use apps like gmail, google maps and uber for free over tax. now's cellular signal if you need more access on the go, you can pay a dollar to unlock unlimited data for now $5 for the day or $40 for the month.
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>> many tax now users just piggyback on free wi-fi, at home at work and threw hot spots. if you. >> all right, hey, financial situation. still have also been reliable and access. all the essential things you need to get access to. the service is supported by advertising throughout the app. you can also pay to lock in your phone number, get 2 factor authentication codes or remove ads completely. >> but at its core tax now delivers on its promise of free calls, free tax and free essential data. as long as you're ok with tapping into wi-fi, for everything else, we cracked the code to be able to operate indefinitely. so that are exciting. so we're not going anywhere. and we're going to cuba from list for things for free. >> to maintain your free phone number tax now tells me users should use the service at least once a month. if you want to learn more, you can go to my website rich on tech dot tv. i'm rich demuro. that's richaun tack.
12:53 pm
>> coming up next at noon pride events are in full swing where you can catch the finale of the drag me down town series in san francisco. we series in san francisco. we show you ♪♪ when you have moderate to severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the #1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists,
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you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin, some even achieved long-lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging.
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weekend, i said they ferry offers more ferries for riders traveling in and out of the city. >> east bay commuters can now enjoy more options, whether they're coming to the city for pride, celebrations or a giants home game at oracle park. as of a ferry recommends you purchase your tickets in advance as trips are by reservation. only. happening tomorrow. it's the final day for the popular pop up drag
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performance series. drag me downtown. it's from 05:00pm to 07:00pm at the one market restaurant and one market street. this event happens every thursday this month and is free to attend. and join us tonight at 6.30, for our pride special as well. it's hosted by our own john shrable in rob nesbitt. this year we celebrate the beacon of love that shines bright across the bay area. and we certainly hope that you'll join us. after a decades in business, casper's hot dogs is closing one of its locations in hayward, the restaurant c street location in hayward has been open since the 1940's its last day is set for saturday, july 13th. and we heard from some customers. >> we've been here for a little boy love this place the miss it. what a missed. a lot of this is my favorite of all the hot dogs. in the world. this is the some sentimental memories. they're the owners say the closure is a necessary move to address the quote.
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>> the health and future sustainability of the company. casper still has another restaurant in hayward on foothill boulevard that's still open as well as locations in pleasant hill. double and richmond and oakland. that will be off from the newsroom today. thanks so much for joining us here on kron. 4 news at noon. i'm stephanie lin. remember to take good care of yourselves today. we'll see for kron 4 news at 2, 3, but in the meantime, stay tuned for live in bay. >> hey, thank you so much, stephanie. we have such fun show today on live in the bay and incredible lineup. we're talking about some fresh kx. we're talking about some lovely jewelry and lineup of summer events that you want don't want to miss all of that and so much more. stay with us hi, i'm sally. i'm from phoenix, arizona. i'm a flight nurse on a helicopter that specializes in trauma. i've been doing flight nursing for 24 years. i had a fear that i wouldn't be able to keep up. i wanted all the boost i could get!
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can feel like a revolving door... keep things fresh with febreze small spaces. it's an outlet-free air freshener that fights odors for 45 days. so even after every flush... you know your bathroom smells amazing. ♪ lalalalala ♪
1:00 pm
>> welcome in to live in the day. we have a great show for you today. coming up, night from koat will join us in studio. we're getting a preview of their summer lineup of the guys want to miss it. >> then the handcrafted jewelry line that can transform your attitude and your life. >> we're testing out with dreamers of dreams, crystal jewelry. and it's blending technology and robotics to bring one of the most precise sprinkler systems we're learning how aaron green can save up to 50% on your outdoor water bill. plus, the sneakers that are a celebration fine giving your footwear a little attitude. >> checking out the styles from brushy. there's so much happening today on live in the bay.


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