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tv   KRON 4 News at 8am  KRON  June 27, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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are definitely breezy a step in marin county as well as in san francisco. so if you're in these spots, get the light jacket on this morning. most of the rest of us aren't too terribly windy and actually sitting under a good dose of sunshine already. temps are currently in the 50's to 60's. so a nice start to this morning. great for the morning jog. getting outside for the coffee for a few minutes we will be seeing today's daytime highs much like yesterday. not in the 90's. just 70's and 80's for most of us. we've got a gradual warm up ahead and have all the details on that as we go rania. all right. on the eve of let's get here. 14 right traveling into the city this morning. no accidents on your bridges. our san mateo bridge around 21, which is standard fell bridge just short of 15 and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls. 28 minutes. time now is 8 o'clock in the breaking news. we've just learned that an oakland fire fighter >> has died. he drowned in san diego, our sister station in san diego says his firefighter
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was pulled from the water. here you see some video from san diego. that's the scene after he was pulled out. the body was pulled out a 2 in the morning. this is crystal pier in pacific beach. and officials have notified the oakland fire department about this. and here's what we know so far. >> winter said he was he's a current oakland firefighter with some experiences for yes. so he is the open competition that happened, to incident, notify us. he was first of the as millions 20's. yeah, assistant >> and kind of a story. >> what we do know are so many things. i mean, what are the circumstances? you know, what is an accident that clearly he was not working as a firefighter at the time while he was in san diego. but we're hoping for more information. and right now there are people
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from oakland headed to san diego at this hour to get more information we will give you an update on this breaking news as soon as we get it. all right. we've got some of the breaking news overnight. 70 firefighters responding to a warehouse fire. this is a 24th and wood street right near 8.80, coming off the bay bridge. the city's fire department tells kron 4 the warehouse is occupied by the pacific supply company. heavy smoke could be seen even this morning coming from that building. firefighters say that fire was contained to the warehouse so other buildings won't be threatened. the cause is still under investigation and we're still trying to get more information. also breaking overnight, cal fire on the scene of a vegetation fire. its 3 acres in ag when this is off of frizzy and dry officials ask anybody in the area to avoid it. we're going up that uses. we get more details on that as well. and there are few wildfires that sparked across the bay area. new ones will want to tell you about. this is forcing
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residents to evacuate near brentwood yesterday. >> no reports of anybody being her or any homes burning crews were able to stop it at about 2 acres. last check. it's 75% contained. c. >> and hitting it hard from the air there. and in the south bay. >> fire crews stopped for progress on this fire in san jose. >> at just 30 acres, they put those flames out. it broke out about 6 o'clock last night and communications. he'll just tap water, love a parkway and nobody was hurt there either. well, dead, another in critical condition after a shooting in hayward. this happened yesterday around 02:00am. this is on second street while on the corner from here at high school. that's what police say. they found a 15 year-old boy with gunshot wounds who later died. about 15 minutes later. police say another victim, a 13 year-old boy is taken cell to the hospital. no arrests have been made 803, and movie goers in the east bay are worried because there was a shooting in the theater and units and now currently they're still trying find that suspect.
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we'll have more information on that story coming up. this is by kron four's sara stinson. >> moviegoers, tell me it's frightening to hear that shooting happened inside the century. theaters here at union landing. police say this is very rare. and despite their being no arrest, they do not believe there's a threat to the public. a late night movie at a century theater at union landing ended abruptly when gunshots rang out inside one of the theaters. >> union city police say they got the call just before one in the morning. they began to evacuate the building and then clearing all the additional theaters as they had located a gunman on site. so they did make sure all the theaters were clear. >> and that the premise was safe and then they located the victim, a 19 year-old man was taken to the hospital. he's expected to be okay. investigators say they believe a dispute between 2 people escalated into a fight between 2 groups. sergeant brandon hayward says this kind of
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violent crime is rare in the city union city. this is, you know, very, very few shootings that we've had. >> this calendar year. so this is a rare event. that is a very safe complex. that's a place you can bring your family, have a nice meal. go see a movie in the movie theater parking lot. we spotted a car that was broken into police say they've been cracking down on car burglaries here agrees union landing are down. 52%. so they still happen. there's no way to completely prevented from happening. but the numbers are actually starting to favor its pretty greatly. the theater was opened on wednesday with moviegoers in shock about what happened here so sad to know that days shooting. that's coming. mind-boggling. i mean, >> we want a safe place for everyone. come we come here for watching movies with family and children. okay. >> so this has you second guessing. you want to go see the movie right now. yes, yeah. exactly. that's what she fears exactly. will she feel we just talked about and police are still working to
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identify the shooter? they do not believe that there's any threat to the public because they believe this is an isolated incident between 2 people. now police are asking anyone with video or information to come forward. i'm sara stinson reporting in union city kron. 4 news. >> well, in november you will be able to vote on a 20 billion dollar proposal aimed to bring more affordable housing units across the bay when also improve existing ones. so how money each area is going to recede. if voters pass that 20 million dollar bond after 2.4 billion will go to san francisco, the same amount santa clara county, 7 tail. they're getting 2.1 and then alameda, they're going to get into billion contra costa county. 1.9, the rest of the bay area counties will receive under 700 million officials say about 4 billion would also go to a new program to fund affordable housing contracts. also the preservation projects as well. it is 806, and san francisco is getting ready for the annual pride celebrations
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this weekend. closures in dowatown area. they we get michael thomas live the castro with the latest morning. michael. >> hi, good morning, everyone. that's right. we're expecting a lot of people to come to san francisco for pride, not only really through that public transit, but also on flood and through vehicles. but there's to be a lot of road closures and road detours. take a look at your map on your map. excuse me on your screen right now. there's a map on there. you can where that means a road closure is going to be for that pride parade on sunday. >> but a lot of surrounding streets will also be closed. and that starts today lasting through next week on monday morning. it includes growth street between polk and larkin near the civic center plaza along with pope between mcallister in grove, larkin between mcallister and market and fulton between height and market. keep in mind, this will also affect some muni bus routes that includes 1921. they've already been adjusted for today for those closures and it will remain like that into monday morning when everything goes back to normal
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on your screen now is an additional graphic. we're kind of shows you all the additional streets for the most part. it's the same streets as closing today for tomorrow. but there's one more street had it on there. and keep in mind throughout this weekend in san francisco is expected to host about a million people or so for pride. and then to add to that, not only the pride events, but you've also got the giants versus the dodgers that are set to play tomorrow night, then through the weekend. so back out here live. >> have a lot of foot traffic. a lot of people in that public transit also a lot of cars just driving through the city. san francisco police say they will be out monitoring everything and those drivers and staff. so just make sure you're out there being careful, having fun. and most of all, pack your patience during rain on sunday. back to you. all right. thanks a lot, michael. >> all right. kron 4 your local election headquarters in today. president biden, former president trump square off in their first presidential debate of the year. dc course power shot. hudson takes a closer look. in just a matter of hours. president biden and
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former president trump will share a debate stage. >> both campaigns say the 2 men have spent the last week preparing for just about anything tonight, president joe biden and former president donald trump will face off in their first debate ahead of november's general election. >> president biden 100 with advisors at camp david to prepare for the big night. >> this vision, a simple it's protecting freedoms. it's ensuring that everyone in this country has a fair shot on capitol hill, republican leader spoke out in support of trump. joe biden's feckless failed and catastrophically week record. house speaker mike johnson says the former president's energy will be unmatched doesn't matter if you drink the whole gallon. the energy drinks is not going to be able to match the vacuum. end and the readiness of donald trump. democrats say president biden must stress among other issues, his administration's efforts to protect reproductive rights and donald trump must own.
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>> his devastation, his devastating supreme court justices who have caused this pain wednesday, president biden picked up the endorsement of former gop congressman adam kinzinger. and sometimes that means taking somebody and endorsing them that you didn't think you'd indoors 3 years ago. >> tonight will be the first of 2 debates during this presidential cycle. the next one is in september. >> reporting in washington, reshad hudson, back to you. >> thank you. reshad and governor newsom is going to attend today's debate between president biden and former president trump. he says he's going to be there as a surrogate to advocate for president biden. and tonight there will be a watch party at manny's that is happening in san francisco at 5 o'clock and is open to everyone. if you want to watch from their or you can watch from the comfort of your own living right here on kron. 4, starting at 6, catherine heenan will be moderating our panel of political analysts. but before and immediately after the debate. still ahead, the problem morning news city of
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oakland preparing for severe budget cuts tomorrow. >> could affect public safety will talk about that. plus, bird flu on the rise. how officials are telling farm workers to protect themselves. and santa clara county officials warning residents on the major risk using those illegal fireworks down. >> and we are looking at forecast today that's inviting to get back outside 60's and 70's for major cities. a few 80's for this to inland. but no 90's just yet. we're saving that for the latter part of your forecast with talking to
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>> well, bill protecting farm workers from extreme heat is one step closer to becoming
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law. they offered by state senator dave cortese from san jose. what comply compel employers to follow existing state regulations. it would also call for farmworkers who experienced heat related injury to be given timely medical treatment. also to be compensated while working for a non compliant employer state law requires that agriculture employers provide shade hydration access. rest breaks, heat illness, prevention it now has to the committee on appropriations for a hearing. >> the 4th of july is just around the corner and fire officials are warning do not use illegal fireworks. and there's a couple of reasons. number one, you could lose a lamb or your life even. and number 2, you could start a wildfire. >> you've already seen over the last couple of weeks, number of fires all over the state because our weather has turned hot. we're starting to get into our seasonal wind patterns. and so the smallest will lead to fires.
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>> in santa clara county, they say over the past couple years, they've seen several people going to trauma centers. some have lost their limbs from illegal fireworks. so they're recommending they leave it to the professionals and you can watch the power shows in person or right here on kron. 4 festival shows are so much better. yeah, less stressful. they will. you stress because you always was like it's going to be too and also like my dog is yeah. watching from a nice to stumble. we'll look at that closer july 4th. what about for today? you know what today is going to like literally picture perfect 70's 80's again, like yesterday. you we love it. we're doing it. sickly repeat it said to out there. you can see outside. we've got all that low gray pushing on into the golden gate and into san francisco right now. >> that's not going to last
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for long, pretty shallow layer. it burns off and today is going to be, as we mentioned, nice and comfortable that thunderstorm activity we had a couple of days ago. it's well on the outs. we've had a little bit of coastal drizzle that you can see showing up here really near the coastline. now, as far as the big picture set up goes low just draped right across the northwest is just enough to keep us on the cooler side after today. temperatures gradually trend upward. just a little warmer into pride weekend for san francisco. then a lot warmer into next week. so enjoy today. little breezy at the coast. but aside from that, not a lot of catches to today's forecast 60's for san francisco 50's and 60's right along the coast. 70's 80's elsewhere. and as i've mentioned and are definitely excited about no 90's. on today's forecast as santa clara, you'll be at 80 san jose at 79, even some upper 70's again in dublin, san ramon, while hayward and oakland down in the low 70's much like yesterday, antioch in vacaville are too hot spots yet again, close to 90
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degrees. looking at tomorrow. temperatures a little bit warmer. we see daytime highs back in the couple low 90's by sunday pride sunday in san francisco, though, 70's in downtown and in the castro district going to be really comfortable next week's when the heat really gets here in tuesday and wednesday, not looking so fun right david, that was get your own near 50 middle line into the city. no accidents or delays. >> 70 over is just short of 18 minutes. it december fell about 13 and the golden gate bridge. 37, the tolls 20 minutes. governor newsom says deploying the national guard to crack down on fentanyl is working. the governor's office reported about 7 million pills containing fentanyl. they've been see since the start of the year. newsom first deployed members of the national guard back in 2022. last year the national guard help sees a record of over 62,000 pounds of fentanyl. the lee announcing the state will double that amount of national guard members are going crack down on illegal fentanyl.
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clooney right along the southern border. >> it's a 17 and starting on monday when you go to a bar restaurant, california, they have to have test trips for drugs in your drink like fentanyl. yeah, they're going to be required now. thankfully, kron four's lezla gooden has more on that. starting july first, nightclubs and bars will be required to offer drug testing kits must have signs like this one that say don't get riffey drink. spiking drug test kits available here and after a staff member for details, this new law will be enforced by the department of alcoholic beverage control. what the actual kids need to test for, which includes ghb, ketamine and a couple other items to law only applies to businesses that do not serve food or hold a tie. 48 license and they will be required to stop these drug testing kits and make them available for free or at a low cost allies and specific on what type of kid stay must have because the general range that there's a lot of
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different items out there include straws stickers test strips. and so with the law says that these kits must be on hand. it doesn't have a certain amount, but that it must be available to the customer. some bars we spoke with off camera say they have been providing these kits for months but others feel they were not given enough notice to comply and time interact with bars and nightclubs, making sure that they are administratively up to date that they're in compliance. >> you know, that could be administrative fines from this if they're not. but we're in what we expect most of the licensees from the feedback we've gotten to be ready to go in and ready to offer this to their clients. that was less look good in reporting. time now is 8.19, and >> as first reported yesterday, a covid outbreak in the san francisco county jail system. ucsf doctor peter chin-hong says the jails have enough ppe to handle the outbreak and thanks. the staff is doing the best they can to slow the spread.
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>> part of the problem with jails and prisons aside people very from small quarters. so ventilation is going to be important. and of course, we have a lot of tools right now compared to the early days, fox nation, even if somebody is infected and they're high risk getting seriously ill, they can get a pox looted. so hopefully this will be all continue. >> doctor jean hahn also touches on the spread of gang, a fever around the world and spoke to about that. that's the tropical disease spread by mosquitoes currently breaking int'rnational records and health officials say that's becoming more common in the u.s. as well. mainly right now in florida and at the u.s. mexico border. >> while the spread of bird flu is being felt on the peninsula. and san mateo county health and now participating in a state program offering personal ppe for workers and dairy and poultry farms. cases of bird flu have been detected in the bay area among birds and other livestock, including dairy
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cows around the country. there have been 3 recent human cases among workers in pretty close contact with dairy cows. however, there are no known cases in humans or cattle to date in california. cdc says even though the risk is low, they're still recommending ppe for dairy and poultry farm workers as well. the slaughterhouse workers time now 8, 2050 refurbished laptops are given kerry senior center in san francisco on wednesday morning. the laptop survival 18 team were given to older adults in the city who don't have internet access. evers part of an 18 t initiative to address the digital divide through internet accessibility, affordability, and safe adoption. it's a 21. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, oakland mayor sheng thao is former opponent is now on a second chance at the top job. >> and a budget plan to eliminate acupuncture might not move forward. governor newsom has promised, though, to remove it from medicare.
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>> 8.24 right now and a new google study on gen z reveals some trends about where they get their news. gen z. are you listening to the show right now? probably not because it found that gen z, first of all, they can discern between reputable news and ai-generated content. but the survey finds they don't care. also, they only read headlines and then they rushed to the comments to see everybody has to say about that reading the long article they don't trust anything with ads or pay walls
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or pop ups asking for donations or subscriptions. that that was about everything out. almost okay. 8.24 right now and you know how long you have spent and wasted of your life in traffic. 42 hours apparently sitting in traffic just last year alone. this is according to a study by the transportation analytics company called inrix. they say the last time translates into a full work week at a cost of $773. that's how long you spent in traffic last year. collectively that amounts to 70.4 billion dollars in last money and time. the report says the traffic congestion. it's not just in the evening commute in the morning commute anymore. it's just pretty much part of our daily lives. new york was rated as having the worst traffic in the nation. amazon announcing new plans to launch their own discount store fashion and lifestyle
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goods. trying to compete with sheen online storefronts with ties to china. just become really popular in the u.s. right now. it's not clear when amazon will debut its storefront, but in presentation for sellers and china. amazon said going to start accepting products sometime this fall. big game changer. well, community leaders in san francisco celebrating the restoration of acupuncture is benefits in the state budget. governor newsom's may budget revision proposed to eliminate acupuncture from being covered under medical, caused uproar in the asian american community. fortunately, the final state budget announced on sunday restored the services for low income and other individuals who get their health insurance coverage for medical community leaders there to hold a news conference at 11 this morning. it's 8.26. and coming up next on the kron, 4 morning news. the golden gate bridge is about to get more expensive. >> and then some we're going to tell you how little by little actually kind of a lot little actually kind of a lot by lot of racing.
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♪ ♪ california sky ♪ ♪ todos alcanzamos las estrellas ♪ ♪ sunny state of mind ♪ ♪ flexin' all the time ♪ ♪ todo es dorado ♪ ♪ y nos gusta picante ♪ ♪ cause this place is caliente ♪ ♪ 'tamos enchilado ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ livin' in the golden state with you ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado oooh ♪ ♪ we got that drip, drip, drip ♪ ♪ come take a sip, sip, sip ♪ ♪ feels so golden ♪ ♪ vive en el estado dorado ♪
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>> 20 is the time and we're checking out your commute and the weather on a thursday morning. this little at me, i don't know. views or mcgee often missed a little here in california. we never say mcgee back we always do is in miami. it was 2 days ago came out was thing with that tropical moisture felt that way. but becoming less that way, which is been so nice back to that dry stuff. the west coast is known for. >> as you can see outside of kuwait, our skies are nice and clear and it will be breezy from the coast, but not too bad. we are seeing winds at the coastline inverness around 22 miles per hour. that's up around point. raise 23 miles
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per hour in san francisco making for a bit of a brisk one for coastal areas and do watch for some coastal drizzle in the santa cruz mountains this morning. aside from that sunshine, mild to start 50's 60's for us livermore in redwood city at 60 degrees. oakland at 58 napa. also at 58 degrees. currently later today, comfortable dry importantly and 70's 80's for ya. we'll be talking more in this forecast as we go rain. all right. on the get you here. >> no accidents on the bay bridge. that's a good thing. 15 minutes traveling into the city this morning. mateo bridge around 60 minutes. there you were to assume or bridge just short of 13 minutes. and the golden gate bridge. 37, the tolls. 28 minutes 8.30, right now and more trouble for the city of oakland. a huge budget shortfall is threatening big cuts in public safety. the cuts include fire and the police department. crawford's theresa breaks it all down. >> oakland on the brink, the city facing a multi-million
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dollar shortfall. councilmember treva reid in a letter to the city administrator and mayor earlier this week saying that the deficit is around 177 million dollars and the general purpose fun. the bulk of that fund about 63% goes to public safety such as paying for police and fire. councilmember reid says that one of the options the city is looking at to balance a 2.2 billion dollar budget is cutting 63 million dollars, which could affect many programs as well as staff positions, adding on social media, quote, i feel the weight of this financial challenge with our community as i work to ensure equitable service delivery and investment is prioritized with are stretched resources and quote, i think it's 4, 5, a fire stations will be browned out starting in the fall after the fire season. >> after the wildfire ground on a rotating basis. not again. that's not a good thing to do. no one wants to do that. adding to that, possibly canceling some police
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academies. this is the most dramatically horrible budget situation. we've been my entire time in the council may be for for decades all come. mayor sheng thao releasing newsletter that included a statement on the budget. it reads, quote, i will remain focused on supporting the city council this week as a vote to pass a balanced budget. we will complete the transaction for the sale. the coliseum property to the african american sports entertainment group. and we will continue to address crime head on and quote and councilmember nikki fortunato bas said on social media, quote, while our deficit is significant. so too is our commitment to retaining the services on which our families, local businesses in communities rely oaklanders want and deserve no less unquote. all of this comes to a head on friday. that is the next city council meeting on the budget. it all has to be finalized by july first, that is the beginning of the fiscal
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year. theresa kron, 4 news. >> you will likely see my name on the next mayoral election about. >> a familiar face to oakland voters. that's former council member lauren taylor saying he intends to run for mayor again as current mayor sheng thao is facing that recall. he lost by 677 votes to tao in the 2022 election. that's less than one percent. and now with how dealing with the aftermath of the fbi raid and this recall election upcoming taylor is gearing up to fight for that top job once again. >> first and foremost, we've got to restore faith and trust in government, rebuild the relationship with the community actually reach out and bring folks together with that solid foundation. we can address the public safety crisis. >> no one else has made an official announcement yet on their intent to run again sheng thao. if she loses the recall. >> my brother was not at the wrong place at the wrong time.
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he was in his home with these people, entered his home and tied him up and removed him from his home. >> laurie henson is outraged by what she cause lenient plea deals for defendants connected to her late brother's kidnapping and murder 3 years ago, benjamin, he man was kidnapped and killed a house robbery. hinson pleaded for the judge in alameda county superior court to reject the plea deals and said the cases to jury trial. alameda county district attorney's office plea deals throughout the kidnapping charges for all 4 defendants. the judge saying that if these cases went to a jury, they could result in hung juries or no convictions at all. hinson claims she learned none of the defendants will face firstdegree murder and kidnapping charges through a news release from da pamela price's office. >> you cannot continue to lead off these violent criminals and give them the opportunity to reaffirm. and andrea fan and hurt our community over and over again. >> well, 3rd defendant
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pleading guilty to a home invasion robbery due in court next month. he faces more than 6 years state prison. the 4th defendant faces residential burglary, identity theft. but her case is pending and not yet scheduled for trial. motorcyclists have one less san francisco dealership to rely on for bike parts and writer. get it after more than 100 years of operation harley davidson on main street, which is a staple. it shut down doors for good. now, the deadly perkins harley davidson opened back in 1914, over the weekend. they just abruptly closed as of now the business not confirm a reason for that permanent closure. >> it's a 35 and watch this. police are looking for this woman who stole from a massage shop in oakland's montclair neighborhood. you're watching it happen here on the surveillance. this is the crown time massage and the owner says this woman came into the business around 6.30, monday night. and you can see right fling through behind the
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desk there. she made off with about $1100. so they are looking for her. anybody who recognize this woman asked to call the police. lawmakers at the state capitol are advancing a bill that would stop schools from notifying parents if their child identifies as transgender or a member of the lgbtq community at school. and the issue is sparking controversy. some parents say they want to be notified. they should be notified. other parents say that would put children's lives and mental health at risk. >> students most impacted by force outing feel unsafe. speaking publicly because i know as a mom as somebody who has a degree in child development that. my child and my relationship will be stronger if i let them come to me when they're ready. >> the bill now heads to the assembly for for a full vote. well, for california affordable housing initiatives, they've been approved as part of the first-ever pathways to removing obstacles to housing.
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also known as the pro housing program. the bay area will receive 5 million dollars to build 1.4 million homes over the next 25 years. los angeles tnt to maintain landline service for thousands of residents. currently, the state legislature is debating a proposal. it would release a tnt from its current obligations. they have some concern, though, that removing the land lines, we'll leave those residents that live in a rural areas with a hard way to reach 9-1-1. former congresswoman jackie spear was in pacifica say that cell phones are not always reliable. >> no, the create a challenge. so land lines are really quite important for this region. if you're in the mountains and you have a family emergency or there's a violent storm or
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there's a fire you can't rely on your cell phones. so having land lines are really important. >> no word on when the state legislature is expected to make a decision about a tnt. >> it's a 37 and new electric car charges are revealed there now at oracle park. you can see them in operation yesterday. the giants in partnership with ever charged now installing 100 chargers to try to help meet the city's carbon neutral goals and also expanding access they say to elect electric car charging is it's good for locals, makes our lives easier to and visitors and it helps which to cleaner transportation in the long run. all right. going to cost more to cross the golden gate bridge to get in the san francisco. yeah, more today or soon and that a lot more in the long run. concours will tran takes a look at the toll plaza at how much you're going to have to pay. i will. >> come monday, you'll need a golden nugget just across the
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golden gate bridge because i did the math and i went into journalism just so i would not do math. but my basic math tells me it probably will cost drivers about an extra $120 every year. if they only cross at 20 times a month for their work from marin county into san francisco right now. you're paying $9 and $0.75. in fact, i have the video to prove it. tears video that we got a little bit earlier. the signs will need to be changed over the weekend because come monday that 9.75 will be thing of the past 9.75, by the way, was only a one-year thing because it actually went up. $0.35 every year since 2019 and then in a couple of days are now it will go up $0.50. the people who run the golden gate bridge. they say they are facing a massive budget deficit and once again they turn to the commuters help. so
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take a look at your screen. here's what you will be paying come monday. and for a full year after that, you'll be paying more again because this will happen every year for the next 5 years. come monday. it's $10.25. if you drive yourself, if you have fast track its 9.25, carpool is your best bet. so i don't care, harry that you don't work the morning show shift. get up. get in the car because you the saving your sept $3.7. 25 if your car pool and like i said, this will happen over the next 5 years. the golden gate bridge. they said that this, you know, this aggressive approach raises them about 25 million dollars every year as they are staring down once again at a budget deficit. they were hoping to alleviate this, but they say there's simply no way and a bridge that was built in the 30's at approximately 39 million dollars should
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already been paid off. it is not paid off. it still costs money to run. and guess what, you'll be helping to pay for it. you already are. but you'll be doing more of it. come monday. >> all right. thanks a lot. we'll all right. well, still have a lot to get to giant of been on a tear since returning home, looking to keep up with their winning ways against the cubs. will have those highlights. coming up. plus, bay city getting ready to host its first ever pride. we want a war with the trailblazing mayor, how this came to be. for the july approaching fast. what you can do to keep those pet safe. >> and we are looking at gorgeous day today to maybe get outside, enjoy some sunshine relatively mild temps, 60's 70's to 80's for most of us. i got your
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kiiinnnddd of feels like everyone's trying to copy the $5 biggie bag. so, how can you spot a knock off? won't taste like wendy's. this job is easy. when the deal is as fresh as the meal, gotta be wendy's. ♪ gotta be fresh ♪ ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ when the deal is as fresh as t ♪ do what you want ♪dy's.
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get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer. >> a 43 is the time. and it's thursday, though. you may be looking to the weekend if you have plans already. yeah. and john has everything cover price forecast. good morning, like thursday's, there's a lot to anticipate out there say sometimes and try to get there. feels like the weekends. basically. wave do about, hey, we're looking outside at what we've got right here, which is your view from mount tam, a couple streams of low gray still hanging on out there. gorgeous thursday ahead of yesterday, we saw any sort of remnant tropical moisture that was in the eastern sierra moving out. and now we've really looking at a dry steadily dry forecast ahead. unless you're talking the immediate coastline. we've had a little drizzle up in the santa cruz mountains. that's all a product of that deep in marine layer out that way. low
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pressure to the north little troughs tearing its way through cooling us down just for yesterday. and today after today, temperatures will gradually trend upward. so if you prefer the cooler today is going to definitely be one to enjoy little cool at the coast with that onshore breeze. tomorrow, temperatures will rise just a few degrees inland this weekend for pride in san francisco. we willuhave spots of fog during morning hours, but overall afternoons will be sunny and very mild in the city. today's daytime highs are going to be in the 60's for san francisco southard of the san francisco on the peninsula 50's and 60's at the coast. well, 60's to 70's on the bay shore. most of the rest of us will be 70's to 80's today and nobody quite to 90 degrees just yet. san jose at 79, even dublin, ramon in the upper 70's fremont hayward all the way up the east bay shoreline to richmond in the 70's. well, antioch in vacaville are 2 hottest spots just shy of 90 degrees today.
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a look at shows tomorrow's temperatures rising into the upper 80's. i expect a couple of low 90's for spots like antioch. well, sunday is going to be warmest day of the weekend. it is going to be the pride parade in san francisco. if you are heading out for it, expect daytime highs in downtown san francisco to be closer to the low 70's. as for next week, we heat up even further. it's hard to miss those triple digits on the way come tuesday and wednesday right right on the eve that get you rolling your 15 minute ride into the city. no accidents on our bridges. that's the good news. >> 71 ridge, 15 there 80 to 101 which refill bridge 14 minutes and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls. 26. >> let's talk sports, mexico taking on venezuela in the copa america soccer tournament. no score in the 57th cut. but mexico has called for a file and that sets up venezuela for a penalty kick. venezuela captain didn't fail. not that shot home and venezuela leads
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by one. and then in extra time a penalty in favor of mexico and he misses venezuela. takes the win, becoming a leader in their group, ending a 13 game winless streak against the giants. and later today, team usa will face off against panama in atlanta. get your flags out there. feeling good after beating bolivia to 2 mil 2. i say that 2 nil this past saturday. the u.s. currently has 17 wins. 2 losses in 7 draws against panama. the match is 3 o'clock this afternoon. and then they take on your way on monday. all right. let's talk baseball giants taking on the cubs in game 3. the ties with this shot in the bottom of the second who? >> that baby is out here. >> and in the same inning, another home run to center field, trying stay on top 2043. look for that series sweep this afternoon. that is on taking on the angels trying to avoid the sweep. top of the second to offer the a's and a shot down center field. >> just shy of a home run. the
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a's would have gotten around. but kyle mccann, some played. >> and the out can do your letters, interference and then let's go to the bottom of the 6th bases loaded for the angels. so we have bases loaded for the angels. there we go. the shot extends their lead. like we needed to see that the a's fall 5 to 2. they play again friday taking on the diamondbacks. 8.48. right now and millions of people are going to be in san francisco this weekend for the pride parade. fbi now issued security warnings last month. >> saint foreign terrorist groups could exploit increase gatherings associated with the lgbtq community. yes, to the people of organized a parade say they and invested about a million dollars on security so that they're ready. members of the lgbt, a nonprofit. also the political climate say they say the political climate nationwide has been fueling hate. >> last year there were over 600 pieces of anti lgbtq
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legislation introduced across the country, including right here in california. >> the fbi is urging law enforcement and the public. if you see something suspicious report it. we are celebrating pride month here on kron 4 and in the east bay, the city stanley. and get ready to host the first ever pride parade. the celebration is going to be exciting. kron 4 sarah stinson has more. i've been. >> at the forefront advocating for community victor aguilar junior takes pride in breaking barriers in san leandro as the city's first openly man elected as school board. trustee in 2017 city council member since 2018 and vice mayor in 2021 was welcomed with open arms to help move our city forward and to help. >> raise our price flag also spearheaded raising the transgender pride flag in leandro idea or grew up in los angeles and went to college at hawaii pacific university. he
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moved to san leandro in 2011 with his husband where the 2 said i do timely and really is is a great place to call home. >> as my husband, i have lived here for many years and support the security wholeheartedly. eichler says he works to advocate for the lgbtq+ community locally, but also of the state and national level as president of national league of cities lgbtq+, local officials. >> he's been able to meet other politicians like president joe biden and he just spent 3 weeks at harvard for the local politics and government program. now he's planning the city's first ever pride celebration happening this july. it's a great opportunity to show. >> that, you know, sammy under we appreciate and welcome everybody who come and live here that are part our community. and we love our allies. our allies are great. part of make the what makes the community a better place for us to live a goal he wants for the upcoming pride celebration. i want people to feel a sense of belonging.
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>> i want people to fill that. >> they are welcomed in our community and that we're here and celebrating our in our girl. pride is just a beautiful beginning to many more events to come in. our in our beautiful the san leandro pride celebration will be taking place on july 12 from 48 right here at 2 to 2 davis street. >> i'm sara stinson reporting in san leandro kron. 4 news. meantime, sandwiches he's gearing up for private field weekend tomorrow. the organization lumen 8. >> is back for another lighting ceremony. little bit is behind some of the most spectacular light displays in the city, including this laser rainbow this year, the laser flags to look a little different because they're celebrating a milestone and the lgbtq+ community. >> we're the only city in america who is working with these large families were cultivating a new art form. so it all starts here in san francisco in this year in honor 20 years in census goes the first city to legalize
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same marriage. we're gonna put 20 beans. 20 major cannes last friday. we had 6. so this will be 14 more than in. it's going to be unprecedented. and really we don't even quite npwhat it is going to look like but we're pretty sure it's going to be extraordinary. while the grand lighting ceremonies taking place tomorrow to kick off a colorful 3, 9, experience. >> we'll be right back after the break. >> coming up, we're talking about speedy airport screenings ahead of 4th of july tsa and build a new high tech equipment. all right. the
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newly crowned world's ugliest dog is already cashed in on
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his title after 6 time entry, ugliest dog contest the sonoma-marin fair petaluma. love this dog. can we see him he's well. i mean, you can see him in person, but he's on the mug root beer cup defeat as well thing be falling to the crown this past weekend. >> now the 8 year old dog. look at that. we saw the of that. he featured on now only 1000 cans with wild thang's mug will be produced may be available mid july and you can actually enter to win one of this is the bows show with some you. >> and the goals that we're is unveiling their new secondary logo. this is for the alternate uniforms in the 2024. 25 season and then makes a basketball net and then it makes the hoop there. the bridge also represented in the uniform with a sloping cable connecting the jersey to the shorts. you'll see those on the road. hip-hop legend and former outkast rapper andre
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3,000 is coming back to the bay area and he's bringing his flute to see fluent in it. yeah. he and his band of jazz musicians are going to go to oakland's fox theater. have a show on october 5th. that's part of their fall tour. tickets go on sale tomorrow at 10:00am. all right. that will be show you won't want to miss another show. you want to miss morning news. >> come back up. the santa clara county officials warning residents, the major using those illegal fireworks. plus, governor newsom says his plan on fentanyl that crackdown. it's working his office sharing new numbers. and breaking news in opened fire fighter found while on vacation in san diego. we got those heartbreaking details only get back. well, breaking
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news and health and firefighters drowned while on vacation in san diego that the late-breaking details straight ahead. plus, firefighters are working to fully contain a massive warehouse. fire in oakland talk about that. and moviegoers innings city on the edge of their seat after a shooting in a local theater this morning. police are still looking for that shooter. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> and thanks for waking with us on a thursday. and are rain in for james this morning? it's supposed to be a nice thursday. yeah. about looking terrific weather heading getting a little closer to the weekend. can close the weekend and getting close to what will be a beautiful weekend to. >> pride weekend in san francisco. weather is looking great for it. now. if you are
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in spots like san jose your last day of 70's. this is your look outside at downtown. >> lots of sunshine out there. after today. temperatures will begin to trend warmer by next week. it's back to the heat. we go across the board. winds this morning out of the north and west. a nice cool wind a little bit breezy towards the coastline. it a little bit foggy out that direction enough so that some of the santa cruz mountains of actually seeing some drizzly, misty conditions, most of the rest of us and are nothing but the sun 50's to 60's for current temperatures. a few low 70's now popping up for this to inland oakland at 59 alameda in berkeley at 57 currently later today. it's all about to the 70's to 80's for your highs after today. it's going to be a couple of 90's in the mix. so enjoy coolest day of the rest of the forecast. all right, john, thank you for that. get you rolling here on the bay bridge. 13 minute. ride our bridges. all of really good. no accidents. 15 minutes on the senate hail. >> richmond center fell 13 and the golden gate.


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