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tv   KRON 4 News at 9am  KRON  June 27, 2024 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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in spots like san jose your last day of 70's. this is your look outside at downtown. >> lots of sunshine out there. after today. temperatures will begin to trend warmer by next week. it's back to the heat. we go across the board. winds this morning out of the north and west. a nice cool wind a little bit breezy towards the coastline. it a little bit foggy out that direction enough so that some of the santa cruz mountains of actually seeing some drizzly, misty conditions, most of the rest of us and are nothing but the sun 50's to 60's for current temperatures. a few low 70's now popping up for this to inland oakland at 59 alameda in berkeley at 57 currently later today. it's all about to the 70's to 80's for your highs after today. it's going to be a couple of 90's in the mix. so enjoy coolest day of the rest of the forecast. all right, john, thank you for that. get you rolling here on the bay bridge. 13 minute. ride our bridges. all of really good. no accidents. 15 minutes on the senate hail. >> richmond center fell 13 and the golden gate. 37, the
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tolls. 24 minutes. it's 9 o'clock. and the breaking news in oakland firefighter has died in san diego. he drowned. >> and our sister station, san diego has the details providing us with the video that you see here. he was pulled from the water is body was pulled from the water around 2 o'clock this morning at crystal pier, which is in pacific beach. officials say they have notified the oakland fire department about this. and here's what we know at this hour. >> winter said he was he's a current oakland firefighter some experiences for yes. so he is the open competition that happened, to incident, notify us. he was first of the as millions 20's. yeah, assistant >> and kind of sad story. >> that's all we know at this time is that it is a an
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oakland firefighter, a man in his 20's. we don't have a name or anything yet. but officials from the oakland fire department are headed to san diego to get more information and to be able to follow that up and handle it. we will bring you more details as soon as we get we also have a breaking overnight news in oakland. 70 firefighters are responding to a warehouse fire. this is a 24 that would street right near a 80 when you get off of the bay bridge, the city's fire department tells kron 4 that warehouse is occupied by pacific supply company. heavy smoke could be seen pouring out even this morning from that building, firefighters to the fire was contained to that warehouse. so other buildings would not be threatened. cause still under investigation. and also breaking overnight, cal fire's on the scene of a vegetation fire. so we acres and anglin right off of freezing and drive officials ask anybody nearby of with the area. we get more updates. we'll bring those to you on air. >> it hit hard from above here
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as we look at another couple of fires that are burning in the bay area. one forcing residents near redwood to evacuate yesterday. this is now 100% contained at 250 acres and nobody was hurt. no buildings damaged. a look at it. he want to see the flames behind the homes like that. you get worried. that's why they had the evacuations. but that fire is out. and then in the south bay forward, progress has been stopped on this fire in san jose. it only burned about 30 acres. broke out 6 o'clock last night along communications. he'll just off of the guadalupe parkway and nobody was hurt. helen teenager is dead. another in critical condition after a shooting that happened in hayward yesterday around 02:00am right on second street. this is just around the corner from hayward high school. now police say they found a 15 year-old boy with gunshot wounds later died. about 15 minutes later. another victim, a 13 year-old boy, took himself to the hospital. no arrests have been made. time now is 903. and movie. yours in the east bay are worried because it was shooting in a movie theater in
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union city. and police are still trying to find the suspect. they're asking anybody with any information to come forward. we've got kron four's sara stinson with that story. >> moviegoers, tell me it's frightening to hear that shooting happened inside the century. theaters here at union landing. police say this is very rare. and despite their being no arrest, they do not believe there's a threat to the public. a late night movie at a century theater at union landing ended abruptly when gunshots rang out inside one of the theaters. >> union city police say they got the call just before one in the morning. they began to evacuate the building and then clearing all the additional theaters as they had located a gunman on site. so they did make sure all the theaters were clear. >> and that the premise was safe and then they located the victim, a 19 year-old man was taken to the hospital. he's expected to be okay. investigators say they believe a dispute between 2 people escalated into a fight between
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2 groups. sergeant brandon hayward says this kind of violent crime is rare in the in union city. this is, you know, very, very few shootings that we've had. >> this calendar year. so this is a rare event. that is a very safe complex. that's a place you can bring your family, have a nice meal, go see a movie and the movie theater parking lot. we spotted a car that was broken into police say they've been cracking down on car burglaries here agrees union landing are down. 52%. so they still happen. there's no way to completely prevented from happening. but the numbers are actually starting favor its pretty greatly. the theater was opened on wednesday with moviegoers in shock about what happened here so sad to know that this shooting. that's coming. mind-boggling. i mean, >> we want a safe place for everyone. come we come here for watching movies with family and children. okay. >> so this has you second guessing. you want to go see the movie right yes, yeah.
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exactly. what she fears exactly. will she feel we just talked about and police are still working to identify the shooter? they do not believe that there's any threat to the public because they believe this is an isolated incident between 2 people. now police are asking anyone with video or information to come forward. i'm sara stinson reporting in union city kron. 4 news. well in november you'll be able to vote on the 20 billion dollar proposal aimed. >> bringing more affordable housing units across the bay but also help improve existing ones. ok, here's how much money each county will be getting. so its past about 2.4 billion will be going to san francisco county and then the same amount for santa clara county. santa tale will begin. 2.1 bill, alameda county, 2 billion contra costa, 1.9 and in the rest of the bay, those counties will receive a little under 700 million dollars. officials say about 4 billion. also go to a new program, fun, affordable housing construction and preservation projects. it's 906, and almost pride center
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says getting ready for the annual pride celebrations this weekend. yeah. so they're already work in street closures in downtown area. start today. was thomas live in the castro. what you need to know morning. >> hey, good morning, everyone. we're expecting a lot of people here this weekend and that includes people visiting the castro using that public transit. and of course, taking the san francisco streets. take a look. this is a graphic up on your screens. you can see just exactly where that main closure is going to take place on sunday with a pride parade is set. >> but in, you know, starting today, excuse we're gonna have some road closures nearby. this includes grove street between polk and larkin near the civic center plaza and tomorrow, other nearby streets will be closed as well. >> it's also going to affect a muni bus. the routes 1921 have already been adjusted to avoid those road closures. and i caught up with a muni bus driver this morning to talk about the crowds he expects. and then i also chatted with the store owner in the castro of what he expects. take a listen.
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>> this is the big going to my first we can do to work right or from eating and yes, i expect a lot of people expect to be for everybody and hopefully we can get service everybody in a timely katie's the over million people between here the varied on sunday. >> so we expect that probably through the end of 2000 and castro said the knights. >> now another store owner tells me normally they would experience a lot more business here in the castro. he says out about the last 7 years or so. it hasn't been quite what it was, but they are still expecting large crowds. and you'll hear more from him coming up in the 10 o'clock hour. and lastly, tad, more fuel to the fire while the giants are playing the dodgers starting tomorrow night and through the weekend. so the roads are going to be very packed. and if you're visiting, the castro expected to bumper to bumper that the very latest in the castro, michael thomas will send it back to you. 2 ladies in the studio. i'm michael thanks. look at time com now. not going to be that way this weekend.
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>> all right, 908, and we are your local election headquarters. and today president biden and former president trump square off in their first presidential debate dc correspondent john hudson gives us a preview of that much anticipated event. in just a matter of hours. president biden and former president trump will share a debate stage. >> both campaigns say the 2 men have spent the last week preparing for just about anything tonight, president joe biden and former president donald trump will face off in their first debate ahead of november's general election. >> president biden 100 with advisors at camp david to prepare for the big night. >> this vision, a simple it's protecting freedoms. it's ensuring that everyone in this country has a fair shot on capitol hill, republican leaders spoke out in support of trump. joe biden's feckless failed and catastrophically week record. house speaker mike johnson says the former president's energy will be unmatched doesn't matter if you drink the whole gallon of
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energy drinks is not going to be able to match the vacuum in and the readiness of donald trump. democrats say president biden must stress among other issues, his administration's efforts to protect reproductive rights and donald trump must own. >> his devastation, his devastating supreme court justices who have caused this pain wednesday, president biden picked up the endorsement of former gop congressman adam kinzinger. and sometimes that means taking somebody and endorsing them that you didn't think you'd indoors 3 years ago. >> tonight will be the first of 2 debates during this presidential cycle. the next one is in september. >> reporting in washington, reshad hudson, back to you. >> and gavin newsom plans to be at today's debate between president biden and former president trump saying that he's going to be there as an advocate for president biden. and if you'd like company, you can watch the debate watch party at manny's in san francisco. their doors open at 05:00pm or just watch it from
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the comfort of your own home right here on kron. 4. we're going to broadcast debate with commentary too. at 6 o'clock catherine heenan will moderate a panel of our political analyst both before and immediately after the debate. all right. still ahead, look, rob, the morning news. >> the city opened the pair for severe budget cuts tomorrow that could affect public safety will talk about this. plus bird flu on the rise. how bay area officials are telling farm workers to protect themselves. and santa clara county officials warning residents on the major risk using illegal fireworks. >> and today is going to be a another beautiful one. lots of sun comfortable temps in the 60's to 70's for quite a few of us. i'm going to be ta
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>> 9.13 right now and a bill aimed at protecting farm workers from extreme heat is one step closer to becoming a law. the bill is authored by state senator dave cortese from san jose and it compels employers to follow existing state heat regulations. call for farm workers who are experiencing heat related injury. also to be given a timely medical treatment. so the state law right now requires that agricultural providers give their workers shade hydration access, rest breaks and heat illness. prevention training. and this bill now goes to the committee of appropriations for a hearing. the 4th of july is around the corner and fire officials all around the bay are warning you do not use illegal fireworks. this comes with a big risk not only of hurting you, but also starting a wildfire. >> you've already seen over
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the last couple of weeks, number of fires all over the state because our weather has turned hot. we're starting to get into our seasonal wind patterns. and so the smallest will lead to fires. >> fire officials in santa clara county say over the past couple years, several people have gone to trauma centers in some cases lost limbs because of illegal fireworks. they recommend you leave it to the professionals. you can watch it. you know, out at a fireworks show are just right here on kron 4 and the bay area does a really good job of setting up a little spots. you can watch it every year. they do a family do that. and i just watch it on tv and it all depends on the weather how much we can see. that's not something we're predicting today. let's get through this thursday, john, right? maybe tomorrow, maybe that all actually of 4th of july in the seven-day forecast tomorrow. that's how close we are. >> but hey, today will focus on all the sunshine, comfortable weather we've got ahead of us. you can see right
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out here from the east bay hills, lots of sun out there looking at the horizon. now we are seeing the any remnants of tropical storm alberto, that monsoonal moisture having left the state yesterday really just hugged the nevada, california border yesterday. as for us across the bay, that's nothing but sunshine for most areas. little fog down the peninsula at the coastline. even a little bit of drizzle up in the santa cruz mountains, low pressure to the north and a dip in the jet stream is bringing us our coolest weather of this forecast yesterday. and today. so if you liked yesterday's feel today is your last chance to get out it before we see temperatures on the rise into the weekend and then a heat wave into next week. as for winds out of the north and west, keeping the coast, cool temperatures, moderate elsewhere. beautiful afternoon forecast. take a look at our temperatures that will 60's in sf cool 50's and 60's at the coast. but then saw that 70's to 80's elsewhere. now with those 80's, we will be seeing plenty of sunshine so warm. but compared to where we're headed, which is going to be
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90's to triple digits. these numbets are way cooler. so livermore's 82 enjoy it. same for you in walnut creek. while oakland at 72 today, antioch in vacaville, our hottest spots in the upper 80's today. tomorrow we will see likely a sprinkling of a couple of low keep us in the 80's average inland through saturday sunday for pride sunday in san francisco. expect upper 60's to low 70's after that, the heat is really going to be building in by tuesday and wednesday, inland areas climbing into the triple digits, right? all right, john, the role of the year 14, right traveling into the city on the bay bridge, mateo bridge around 15 minutes. richmond, sandra fell just short of 9 and the golden gate bridge. 37 of the tolls. 21 minutes. take a look at this. rescue. alameda. fire crews helping a teenager who was stuck in the mud.
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>> near the end boat ramp yesterday afternoon. the tide was rising. the teenager ended hitting stuck and then after he was rescued taken to the hospital, we're not sure of his condition. >> take a look at theft that happen. and police are looking for this woman. this is a massage shop in oakland's montclair neighborhood and it's called the crown thai massage. and the owner says that this woman came in around 6.30, monday night. she can see she's rummaging behind the desk there. she ended up stealing $1100. and now if anyone recognizes her police want to hear from you. governor newsom to say that deploying the national guard to crack down on fentanyl. it's working. the governor's office reported about 7 million peels containing fentanyl. they've been see since the start of the year. newsom first deployed members of the national guard back in 2022. to help tackle the fentanyl crisis last year. the national guard help sees a record of over 62,000 pounds. newsom recently announced the
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state will double the amount national guard. we're going to crack down on illegal fentanyl, including along southern border. meantime, a 22 year-old man has been sentenced to nearly 3 years in prison for possessing fentanyl and meth with the intent to distribute in the city's tenderloin neighborhood. johan, real medina of san francisco pleaded guilty to those charges back in february. he was arrested in january of last year. the kerry nearly 4 pounds of fentanyl, an about an ounce of meth. in addition to that prison does murillo medina will serve 3 years of supervised release. starting on monday. when you go to a california nightclub or bar, they will have to have a drug testing kit at all times in stocks so you can make sure drinks okay. >> specific on what type of kid stay must have because the general range that there's a lot of different items out there include straws stickers test strips. and so with the law says that these kits must
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be on hand. it doesn't have a certain amount, but that it must be available to the customer. >> so you'll see them there that way. you know, if you leave your drink unattended, which you shouldn't, but, you know, you'll be able to test it with that drug kit. there's no word yet on what the fine would be or punishment for businesses that don't have them ready on hand for customers. lawmakers at the capitol are also advancing a bill now to prohibit schools from telling parents if their child identifies as transgender or lgbtq at school. the issue is very controversial. some parents say that they want to be notified. others say that notifying their parents would put certain children at risk. >> students most impacted by force outing feel unsafe. speaking publicly because i know as a mom as somebody who has a degree in child development that. my child and my relationship will be stronger if i let them come to me when they're ready. >> the bill now heads to the assembly floor for a full
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vote. 50 refurbished laptops were given to the curry senior center in san francisco wednesday morning. laptop survived by 18 team were given to older adults in the city. don't have internet access efforts. part of an 18 initiative aimed to address the digital divide to internet, accessibility, affordability and safe adoption. community leaders celebrating their successful advocacy for the restoration of acupuncturists benefits in the state budget. governor newsom's may budget revision proposed to eliminate acupuncture. ers from being covered under medical. it was an uproar in the asian-american community. fortunately, the final say budget announced on sunday restored the services, income and other individuals. get their health insurance coverage for medicare. now. it's 9.21, coming up on the kron. morning news. oakland mayor sheng thao is former opponent is now eyeing another chance. chance. >> at the city's top job. you told mom to send her prescription
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to amazon pharmacy. she didn't. (over speaker) price check in pharmacy. all mom had to do was use amazon pharmacy. and her meds would get delivered right to her door. you're so sick, you can't even get up, to throw up. so, you scheduled a virtual visit with amazon one medical. maybe now you can stop looking at your popcorn bowl, like a toilet bowl. ♪♪
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>> it's 9.24. and for your health is time to check your status. today marks the 29th annual national hiv testing day, although infections have declined in recent years, hiv remains epidemic in the u.s.. the cdc says that they estimate a 1.2 million people living with hiv and many do not know that they're infected. the cdc recommends hiv test as part of a routine health care, a procedure for everybody who's 13 to 64 years
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old. and we're just a week away. 19 from 4th of july is next week. biggest holiday travel period. one of the men of the whole year and the tsa is they get a lot of people are going to fly. in fact, a record number of people they think will fly on sunday about 3 million passengers. and this week they unveiled a new high tech equipment to speed up the screening process. agents say it will make their job easier. reduce the number of checked bags and pat downs that they have to do on bags and on people, it will more quickly and more accurately identify passengers who pose a risk. for your money. if you're planning a cookout over the 4th of july holiday, there's been a little extra money. the price is just about. everything's gone up, including burgers and chips. according to a wells fargo report, has the highest inflation among needs increasing amount 4% since last year. potato salad going to be cheaper option and ships. so you can do that, they've gone up about 3%. the
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cause of potatoes is actually down from last year. okay. so many more potatoes, ice cream and goods will also cost more and ice creams up the percent. the price of cupcakes has jumped more than 5%. wow. an expensive meal. coming next, the problem morning news on bridge crosses and a cost commuters and extra bucks is like everything's going up. we'll have more on that coming up. 9.20, right now. we hope
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you're feeling good. start the day right on thursday is the weather is cooperating. yes, specially in time all the festivities for pride over the weekend. lock and going we've got the giants play and it's a busy weekend. yeah, it's cost city is going to be so busy. it's the ferry. it's going to be bart. >> any way you can get in and hopefully not deal with all the traffic that city is going to have this weekend. a little traffic in the skies to above sf this morning. take a look at all that fog pushing in from the coastline that is keeping the city of nice and cool today in the 60's winds from the coast at around 22 miles per hour in sf and inverness as well as senator bell also little breezy the rest of us looking at sunshine and calmer conditions. a little bit of coastal drizzle up in the santa cruz mountains. they want to note as part of that deep in marine layer out that direction. temperatures super comfortable 50 60's, some low 70's beginning to pop up in our inland areas later today. it's really 70's 80's for daytime highs. much like yesterday. so
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if you enjoyed yesterday's forecast, you'll definitely enjoy what we have today. rain. all right. on the eve of role in here, traveling on the city right now about 14 mason at fremont street exit, 17 ridge, 40 minutes there, december fell just short of 9 and the golden gate bridge. 37 that holds. 21 minutes. >> it's 9.29, an east bay woman is asking alameda county judge to reject a plea deal for the people who are accused of killing her child from forcefully to call has that story. i asked >> corey henson 6 feet away from 2 of 4 defendants convicted of charges in connection to her brother ben hermans murder addressing judge scott patton prior to sentencing wednesday morning in alameda county superior court, a last-ditch effort to convince judge pat and to dismiss the alameda county
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district attorney's office is plea deals which threw out the kidnapping charges for all 4 defendants. my brother was not at the wrong place at the wrong time. he was in his home. >> when these people entered his home and tied him up and removed him from his home nearly 3 years men was bound and gagged, then strangled to death and left on the side of the road in the oakland hills in court, one defendant pleading guilty to second degree murder and he was sentenced to 15 years to life in state prison. the second pleading guilty to first degree residential burglary and he was sentenced to 6 years in state prison. judge patten saying he feels for henson and her family adding, though, that if these cases went to a jury, they could result in hung juries or no convictions at all. defense attorney, steve to philip u.s. agrees. i think likely come.
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>> ensign claims she learned none of the defendants would face firstdegree murder and kidnapping charges through a news release from da pamela price's office. i haven't heard one word from pamela price in a statement earlier this month, price stated the crimes were heinous, but the please ensure the defendants are facing the appropriate consequences, which breaks henson's heart. you cannot continue to lead off these violent criminals. >> and give them the opportunity to really and andrea fan and hurt our community over and over again. 3rd defendant pleading guilty to home invasion. robbery is due in court next month. and he faces more than 6 years in state prison. the 4th defendant faces residential burglary. >> and identity theft charges. but her case is pending and not yet scheduled for trial. >> in oakland, philippe djegal, all kron, 4 news. >> 2 men have been arrested for pretending to be ice
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agents and targeting undocumented latinos. >> we're driving up to people that they thought were going to be fearful of being deported flashing either a bad or immigration paperwork that that they said identify themselves as ice agents. in one case, a identified themselves as fbi agents. >> and demanded to see identification and then had people hand over their wallets. >> she is describing crimes that happened in southern california. but investigators say the men are also charged with kidnapping robberies in the east bay. so they're going to go court first in orange county and then they'll face charges in contra costa county. in the south bay. a man is in jail, accused of a gang related shooting that injured a man in san jose. the shooting was in march on mclaughlin avenue near the grand century shopping mall where a man and woman were in a car. they were sitting in a car. and somebody shot into that car. the man was hit at least once and drove himself to the hospital where he's recovering. >> all of the mill your face might be eyeing a run for
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mayor of oakland. this is current mayor sheng town's future hangs in the balance following an fbi raid on our home kron four's. dan kerman has that story. >> i do not see a viable path. it was in late november of 2022. when oakland city councilman loren taylor conceded the mayoral election to sheng thao tell beating taylor in the ranked choice voting contest by a mere 677 votes. less than one percent. now with how dealing with the aftermath of an fbi raid as well as a recall election this november, taylor is gearing up to fight for oakland again. >> you will likely see my name on the next mayoral election ballot. >> taylor says the reason he'll run for mayor again. if thao loses the recall, it's no different than the first time to allow oakland to rise to its full potential. first and foremost, we've got to restore faith and trust in government rebuild the relationship with the community, actually reach out and bring folks together not to say it, but do it how you lead and how you guy
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forward. and then we get with that solid foundation. we can address. >> the public safety crisis. taylor says oakland's problems have gotten worse under taos leadership and he says her response to the fbi raid. >> suggesting a right-wing conspiracy at the highest levels is par for the course passing blame, creating sort of misdirection >> and on conspiracies and other things that it it's not be it's not the type of leadership that i think we in oakland's well, the last election is close. >> taylor, thanks, voters. now a lot smarter. the one thing that gives me some sense of comfort is eyes are wider, open opener. what has happened. what >> is happening hopefully there will be more resistance and a taking at face value. some of these things that are happening in come at the last minute to manipulate the outcome of an election. >> dan kerman kron, 4 news and
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oakland's got another problem to an enormous budget shortfall that is threatening to cut services, including the fire and police department. the city leaders say they're working to try to fix the problem, but they admit that these are very challenging times for oakland. >> this is the most dramatically horrible budget situation. we've been my entire time in the council may be for for but can't complain about, you know, whatever happened the past. we have to deal with this now. part of the budget deficit, that challenge we have. it's a structural one ongoing one other parts are more kind happened just recent recent year. recent couple years, regardless, we still have to deal with it. there's trace the all the options we have on the table are bad options. there are no good choices here. there are no great. a great idea that there aren't any great choices here. there will be cuts. some of those cuts will be temporary cuts like refreeze, a position or several positions for year. some of those cuts will be
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absolute deletions. >> but wow, to hear him saying that none of the options are good stuff. and tomorrow is the next budget meeting for the council where they have to make these hard decisions. they are planning on the sale. the coliseum and that should help with some of the money problems. but the money's not there yet for that. so the budget has to be approved by july. first, the start of the next fiscal year. how oakland grandmother killed by a speeding car last year will get a street named after her honor. local city council approved naming the intersection of foothill boulevard in vicksburg avenue to some to my away. 4 spoke with santa's family this time last year. the 73 year-old. she immigrated here from burma. she's on a daily walk with her daughter and granddaughter when she was hit and killed. speeding driver was eventually arrested and charged. 9.37. a time bay area leaders calling on a tnt to maintain landline services for thousands of residents. currently, the state legislature is debating
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proposal that would release a tnt from his current obligations. there are some concerns that removing the land lies with leave residents rural areas with no way of calling 9-1-1. former congresswoman jackie spear was in pacifica saying cell phones are not always reliable. >> know, the create a challenge. so land lines are really quite important for this region. if you're in the mountains and you have a family emergency or there's a violent storm or there's a fire you can't rely on your cell phones. so having land lines are really important. >> don't have any word on when the state legislature is expected to make a decision about 18 team. it's 09:38am. it's going to cost more on monday across the golden gate bridge. so soon the new toll hike starting and we got will trend has been live. the toll plaza. talk about how much drivers are going pay will morning.
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>> wednesday, you look back and think 9.75 to cross the bridge. what a bargain. because by the time this is over, it will go up $2 and $0.50. so enjoy 9.75. for now? because come monday, it will jump $0.50. 50 cent's. not a lot. but if you stack it up over the course of a year, my basic math, if you go into san francisco from marin county, 20 times a month. you're looking at approximately $120 increase just for the same right? why are they doing this? well, the people who run the golden gate bridge and the ferries and the buses they are facing a massive budget deficit of 220 million dollars. and once again, they are turning to the drivers. so it doesn't matter if your electric gas diesel, you will be paying the same if you drive across the golden gate bridge by yourself. so take a look at your screen. come monday, july 1st 9.75 will
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jump to $10.25. if you have fast track its $9.25 car pool is your best bet. that's $7. and $0.25 so $0.50 across the board. and this is the first year of 5 years of increases. so that's why i said $2.50 before it's over. and even if you ride the bus or take the ferry, you will not escape the pain just won't be as painful. it would be $0.25. and the problem is far from over because get this, you already pay more than you did last year because starting in 2019, it went up. $0.35 every year. >> and when this is over, there's still a huge budget deficit. the increase will raise 139 million dollars. but it looks like the people who run the golden gate. they say they are still staring down the barrel of the 650 million dollar budget deficit over the next 10 years. so don't be
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surprised that it will increase even after 5 years from now. >> and people are listening. you will they're going to be surprised because you get the fast track like at the end of the month. and then it's all in one. and that really adds up every day. feel so much. absolutely. i mean, that's how they you. you don't realize it and then you get dame. that's why cash is king. but they do accept cash. they will. >> that a lot to get to this morning because as san francisco >> gets ready to celebrate pride this weekend. law enforcement officials, my folks to be safe. and the giants looking to extend their winning streak against the cause. we'll have the highlights coming up. and we are looking at a day today. that brings with it some 60's 70's for your daytime highs. today is the coolest day of the rest of the forecast. >> ready because the heat is >> ready because the heat is on next week. i'll (♪♪)
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>> 43 right now check out the weather on a thursday. i want to get ahead of ourselves as we can talk about the weekend. i know we do have a whole thursday here to get nice you know, there's there's a fine line because you get to look forward to the weekend and anticipating a lot going on, especially in the city between the giants game pride weekend. and if you are in walnut creek this weekend, it is going to be a little bit warmer. today is a day in the low 80's for ya. you've got some real hot weather just around the corner. so if you're inland, especially enjoy what we've got right now before warm up any sort of thunderstorm activity that we saw earlier this week had some remnants of that east to the sierra yesterday. it's out now we are seeing clear skies for the bay unless you're right up and down the peninsula at the coast where we do have a lot of cloud cover out there. low
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pressure mixing with that high to the east of us with it really just comes this dip in the jet stream. cool air pushing on in yesterday and today making these to the coolest of the forecast before that aforementioned heat wave that is just around the corner. lots of sunshine today. cool coastal breeze. nice day to be getting out there. tomorrow starts to warm up a little bit. the real heat gets here next week, though. in the meantime, it 60's for the city, a little cooler at the coast. so of course, the jackets on out that direction, 70's to 80's elsewhere and no 90's in today's forecast. so hopefully get a chance to enjoy it. redwood city at 75 south bay temperatures, upper 70's to low 80's for you. while the east bay also looking at some 70's to low 80's hayward at 71 oakland, 72 temperatures in antioch in vacaville nearing 90, but not quite getting there will santa rosa 86. let's look ahead. tomorrow's temperatures nearing 90 for more and more of our inland spots by sunday
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is pride parade in san francisco. expect 70's for that? well, inland areas starting to heat up into next week. those inland spots are going to be scorching with highs rising well into the triple digits. great. all right, john, let's get rolling here traveling into the city right now about 14 minutes. >> looking good will accidents. 70 overs 14, 80 to 101 richards refill ridge 8 minutes and the golden gate. 37 of the tolls. a 21 minute ride. millions of people are going to be gathering in san francisco this weekend for the annual pride festivities in the fbi is issuing security warnings. they're saying foreign terrorist groups could exploit the gatherings associate with the lgbtq+ community people who organize the pride parade say they've invested nearly a million dollars on security. and according to members of an lgbt nonprofit, they say that the political climate nationwide has really been fueling hate.
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>> last year there were over 600 pieces of anti lgbtq legislation introduced across the country, including right here in california >> the fbi is urging law enforcement and the public to be vigilant pay attention. and if you see something suspicious report it. meantime, san francisco gearing up for a private weekend tomorrow. the organization of women, 8 that for another lighting ceremony. latest on some of the most spectacular light displays in the city, including right laser rainbow flag. this year. the laser flag is going to look a little different as they celebrate a milestone in the lgbtq community. >> we're the only city in america who is working with these large families were cultivating a new art form. so it all starts here in san francisco in this year in honor 20 years in census goes the first city to legalize same marriage. put 20 beans. 20 major cannes last friday. we had 6. so this will be 14 more than and it's going to be unprecedented. and really we
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don't even quite what it is going to look like. but we're pretty sure it's going to be extraordinary. well, the red lighting ceremony taking place tomorrow to kick off a colorful 3 night experience. >> now it's over the bay area sports. the a's trying to avoin the sweep against the angels. the giants back at it against the cubs overs dan thorn has those highlights. >> the giants were looking to megan. >> 3 in a row over the cubbies with the youngster on the mound. that would be hayden birdsong rookie pitcher. he was called up from triple-a sacramento for his major league debut. birdsong is originally from illinois and he had family and friends in the stands are all now former chicago fans, of course, birdsong when foreign to 3rd. he gave up 3 runs 5 strikeouts in a performance that the giants and his family, his first really appreciated the giants trailing one. nothing in the second inning man on for michael can what? yeah, i out here over the brick wall, right center field. he's not big. fly the season. giants take a 2 to one lead. good florida. yeah. david, are
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here. high and deep to center field. way out there into the netting over the giants garden. giants go 3, 1, the other hyped about cubs did come back and make it a game, though. 5th inning luis matos says yeah, not for long finishes up the giants home run trilogy hits his blast to left field. 3rd of the season proved to be the game winner giants go on to win 4, 3, in the meantime, in southern california, the a's are looking to avoid the sweep against the angels. let's go to the top of the second inning here. no score 2 on for schuman he hits a fly ball to left center. that will go off armando alvarez comes around to score kyle mccann coming home. >> bonehead play here. steps over home plate i do. it makes contact with alvarez. goes back to talks. it though, home plate umpire says see a runner's interference. a lot to settle for just one run. ouch. that one hurts. bottom
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of the 6th inning here tied one bases loaded zach the liner out to left field miguel and who do are can't get some leather on it gets past him bases, clearing double. they take the lead that are here and up by 3, 1, on for matt. nice lines. this one into right for a base hit another run comes around to score capping off a 5 run 6th inning for the angels a's fall. find to their 5th straight there had not the desert take on the d backs on friday and that's going to do it for sports. >> it's 9.50, right now. and new electric car charges are at oracle. they unveiled them yesterday and you can see a lot of people taking advantage. the giants are in partnership with ever charge installing 100 chargers in an effort to meet the cities carbon neutral goals. the city is expanding services to electric car, charging to make it easier for people who are local to charge up and also tourists and visitors. they
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can help a transfer assault, a cleaner fuel. >> or power, i should say not fuel specifically, by the way. i think that wasn't actually the charging stations. but you know what they look we'll be right back.
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>> swiss check out the golden state warriors, new secondary logo. this is for their
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alternate uniforms that they'll be playing in in 2024. 25 season. >> that's a basketball net. and then the ball goes through just to show you. but >> really look at the net and it's sort of like a bridge as well. upside down. yeah. they're going where those on the road excited to see those. you know what else you got to see the world's ugliest i love this and i like that. he's called wild fang because it's like a little fang that his tang looks like a fang out and with that ugly mug, by the way, got a lot of money for winning. get that's why they put his mug on them. a group here, cannes, a nice from the sonoma-marin fair in petaluma. that's where see is owner got this big check in. know he's you know, he's cute mind. have the hair bands member, the hair bands in the 80's. like. >> he's a heavy metal guy. should put in now. i love they really love it. so anyway, that there's only 1000 of
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those cans. >> so if you want to get one of the mug root beer cans, i i'm sure they're here to watch him enough. i think so happy with this year's hey, that's a good news coming to the bay, hip-hop legend and former artists. >> outkast rapper andre 3,000. he's coming to the bay area. and guess what? he's not bringing his rap for os. he's bringing the flu. so he and of you know, he just dropped album and it's him playing the flute. all fizzle out. but you told me about it sort of like of meditative kind of stuff like sounds great to me. i like it. a lot love to check out the oakland fox airshow 2. yeah. that's going to be on october financial you tickets on sale this friday at 10:00am at bet you they're going. so i wonderful be him rather well, you know, the full to the flow and maybe out in will drop a few lars. ok, guys. >> also now i know you saw right now, but what about inside i haven't seen too yet, but i'm hearing it's the top 10 domestic highest grossing
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animated movie. so that is a lot of folks want to go see 800 million dollars that's made around the world so far. >> and i think the theme is the same. but i think this time to yet you're going to be very so. she's got a motion. okay. you know, worry? i think gross. so it's inside out won. the emotions were more gentle way. okay. and then those sadness. all right here. so i'll check it out in animated form. kind of fun. and it's always fun to see it on the screen. play out instead of in your head motions killings better on this getting your hands the wrong >> 9.56. right now. coming up next on about 4 morning news. be careful. watched the fireworks on kron 4. don't mess with them. we're going to tell you why it's so dangerous. and governor newsom is got this plan crack down on fentanyl and he says it's working. we'll take a look at how that's going. and then also the breaking news that we
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learned about this morning in oakland, firefighter has drowned. he was on vacation in san diego without video of where the body was found and where the body was found and the circumstances. the rash on your back,
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has traveled south to well... let's just call it south. thanks to amazon pharmacy, you've avoided the added discomfort of having to pick up your itchy bum cream... in person. this is a "got up too fast from tying your shoes" back injury. lucky for you amazon one medical can help. they're great for sneeze related back injuries too.
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(♪♪) news in oakland, fire fighter has drowned while on vacation in san diego. we're going to have the details. and firefighters are working to fully contain a massive warehouse fire in oakland.
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plus, movie goers in union city are worried after a shooting in a local theater. >> from the bay local news station, you're watching you on morning team. >> good morning and thanks for waking up with us on a thursday. hope your day is going well so far. june 27th. my gosh. july 4th is around the corner. john shrable taking a look at this thursday and a big weekend in the bay to this weekend. upright this weekend. july 4th is super close now indeed. and >> they're weak or looking at a view right here at the golden gate bridge. as you can see, just a little hint of fog out there. >> that cool coastal air brushing up against the coast with that wind out of the north and west, little breezy at times up the coastline. so do watch that out. also, a little fog up in the santa cruz mountains resulted in a few spots of coastal drizzle out there elsewhere. it's nothing but the sunshine and temperatures


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