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tv   KRON 4 News at 5pm  KRON  June 28, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> from the bay area's local news station. you're watching kron. 4 news at >> good evening. thanks for joining us here on kron for news at 5. i'm noelle bellow and i'm dan thorn, the oakland city council facing a number of bad choices. how to close a multimillion dollar budget deficit for this year. and for years ahead, council has been discussing the mayor is balanced budget proposal as well as some other options. kron four's dan kerman joining us live from the newsroom. >> with the very latest city leaders have simply been spending more money than the city has and relying on one-time revenue like that proposed sale of the coliseum to keep them afloat. they are finding that simply does not work. and now. >> their meeting and facing the possibility of massive service cuts including to police and fire. the city of oakland's in a world of financial trouble and faces a 292 million dollar budget deficit for this year. and next year. >> how did this happen for years? the city has spent more
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money than the revenues. it is taken in the budget cycle, as you said, repeats a pattern that we've seen for years. >> we have been making decisions and ignoring. have to be in fiscal stewards of the taxpayers. hard earned dollars the city is faced with mayor sheng taos budget which would freeze hiring but hold off on layoffs. >> but relies on a one-time revenue package with the sale of the city's half of the coliseum property, a sale that has yet to take place. and as a result, city finance officials say that could impact the city's credit rating. i'm very concerned about our bond being reduced. the other proposal doesn't rely on the coliseum. property sale, but that means less revenue for the city and big service cuts, including reducing the number of police officers by about 100. it is going to have a major impact. >> my ability to cover patrol
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ships and 2 just provide basic response services to the citizens of oakland. >> that's oakland, new police chief floyd mitchell speaking there. the council is now discussing changes to both proposals. the final decision is not expected until another meeting on tuesday. live in the newsroom. dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> dan, thank you. new at 5 oakland mayor sheng thao has hired a new attorney. jeffrey tsai is a former federal prosecutor. and according to his profile, he prosecuted former presidential candidate john edwards for campaign finance violations a decade ago, the announcement comes nearly a week after taos. first attorney tony brass resigned after the mayor spoke publicly about the fbi raid of her home. so far the fbi has not revealed the nature of their investigation. the mayor says she has not been notified. she's the subject of an investigation and she has done nothing wrong. meantime,
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oakland police have released a summer safety plan. the initiative aims to crack down on violent crimes. kron four's rob nesbitt is looking into how they're working to do that. he's going to join us at 5.30, police in richmond have arrested a church volunteer accused of rape. >> according to police, miguel villa lobos is accused of assaulting the victim during a music lesson. it's cornelius church. police say the lobos was the music director. the victim told police that her be her abuse began when she was a minor and continued for several years. police believe there may be more victims who have not yet come forward. anyone with any information is being asked to call richmond pd. >> in a landmark case on homelessness, the supreme court today ruled cities can punish homeless people for sleeping on public property even if there isn't shelter space available. the case originated out of grants. pass oregon. the court's decision reverses a lower court ruling that stopped the city from
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enforcing its public camping ordinances, calling it cruel and unusual punishment writing for the majority justice neil gorsuch said fines and jail time are not cruel or unusual because they're not designed to increase quote, terror pain or disgrace and are commonly used punishments across the country. justice sonia sotomayor disagreed, writing, quote, sleep is a biological necessity, not a crime for some people sleeping outside is their only option, end quote. san francisco, of course, has struggled for decades to try and solve its homeless crisis. while some groups believe the supreme court's decision will help the city others disagree. kron four's terisa stasio takes a look at how the decision may play out in the city. nearly 3,000 people currently live on the streets san francisco. according to the city's recent count. >> with friday's supreme court ruling giving cities more authority to evict and possibly site some like san francisco mayor london breed say the decision is but with
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this opportunity will be able to do more too. >> clean and clear our streets, especially for those who are refusing shelter and services with the city for years. san francisco has and we will continue to utilize a balanced approach for addressing homelessness on our streets. >> san francisco city attorney david chiu adding the court's ruling broadens the city's powers in a positive way. >> we've always led with the compassionate shelter and services first approach, but also balancing that with needing to keep our streets safe and clean this decision will allow the work of our city to be more efficient our time better spent san francisco has found itself reeling for years attempting to solve its homeless crisis, trying to strike a balance between caring and meeting the needs. >> for the unhoused in keeping public streets accessible to all. >> decision is a huge blow to unhoused people in san
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francisco who are already struggling to survive. >> jennifer friend buck is the executive director of the coalition of homelessness. decision is basically saying that it's ok to jail and arrest and find insight. >> on house people who have no other choice but to be on the streets. no amount of criminalization is going to end homelessness. only housing does that. >> currently the coalition has a lawsuit against the city fighting for the rights of those on the street. ship is a lawyer with the group representing the current lawsuit or the city to follow its own policies. >> and the law enacted by its own voters and ensure that it is offering shelter before it is encampments. and we certainly want or did not to engage in the field practice of criminalization of homelessness. the mayor saying friday city services will act more quickly to compassionately reach out and step up efforts in light of the court's decision. >> the coalition says it is prepared to double down and fight for the rights of those
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unhoused more than ever before. theresa kron, 4 news. >> the u.s. supreme court ruling comes as a new report says that san jose has the fourth-highest homeless population in the country, according to finance website, insider monkey for every 100,000 people. san jose has more than 360 residents who are homeless. advocates say that there are a number of factors contributing to these issues, including a lack of affordable housing and soaring rents. earlier today, mayor matt mahan addressed how this ruling will impact the arab encampments in the city. >> just as we have read that targets for building affordable housing and market rate housing, we need target is from the state and for so that everybody is in on the solutions. the whole says together, we can homelessness. we're going every city in every county to expand that base dignified shelter and those in patient treatment beds. >> among the ranking san jose
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comes in behind new york city who is ranked at number 3, los angeles. second and eugene oregon takes the top spot oakland mayor sheng thao says the ruling does not change what her administration has been committed to. in a statement, she says in part the best way to prevent homelessness and create long-term solutions is to create more affordable housing units. the city teams continue to work tirelessly to address the critical needs of our own city. this is why we're also taking steps to strengthen. all right. management policy to ensure that this ruling is not used as an incentive for other cities to push their homelessness crisis in 2 nearby cities and be sure to stick with kron 4 on air and online. as we learn more about the impact of the supreme court's ruling. be sure to download the free kron. 4 app to get push alerts sent to your mobile device. and you can also find the latest information on our website. kron 4 dot com.
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>> hopefully surrounding up abandoned cars across the city city officials say 39 cars were towed. 2 others were recovered as part of a large-scale abandoned vehicle operation on wednesday. officers conducted that citywide sweep to address complaints from residents about those abandoned cars contributing to blight. police say they conduct daily checks for abandoned vehicles and conduct a bigger operation wants a month. this was one of those the department sing on coring residents to help encouraging residents to help report these cars by calling their hotline. all right. let's get you a check of your forecast tonight. we're taking a look at the golden gate bridge marin, headlands sausalito area. all that good stuff >> beautiful evening out but we know things are. >> just get warmer and warmer. will it be an encore tomorrow? going to on one after another on course be playing out here in the coming days and they're all looking hot right now. we're talking about a significant heat wave rolling into the bay area as we get
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into next weekend with those temperatures going to stay hot right into the holiday. >> the 4th of july is going to be sizzling out there right now. you can see beautiful skies. nice and clear. so stay that way. as we head through the evening, we are seeing a couple patches of fog along the san mateo county coast, but otherwise little haze out there right now and looking sunny and bright, really some nice weather. but watch this. this is going to be a long range forecast. you can see right now the pressure pattern following more of westerly flow flow right now, but that all changes as high pressure begins to build a look at that big dome or red started creeping toward the coastline from the pacific. and there you go. starting on tuesday. i think we're looking at triple-digit heat that continues into wednesday, possibly on thursday, maybe all the way into next weekend, too. and some of these temperatures now may be well over 100 degrees in spots. so it's going to stay hot for the duration right into friday. and next weekend. so need to be prepared for that heat advisories or he watches have been posted now across most of the bay area except for san francisco and right along the coastline. not only for here
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but all around the state. it is going to be some scorching weather. the hottest temperatures so far of this early summer season got a long way to go. but check out some of the numbers we get toward tomorrow afternoon. pretty comfortable generally in the 90's, maybe a little bit cooler spots inside the bay, but still staying hot inland by sunday. and then those temperatures triple digits on the way as we head toward next week. >> thank you, lawrence. tonight marks the beginning of one of the biggest weekends of the year in san francisco. yeah. more than a million people expected to be in the city for pride celebrations. the events will be happening all weekend long. culminating with, of course, the annual pride parade on sunday that gets underway at 10, 30 sunday morning at market and beal and ends at civic center plaza. that is where, of course, where most of the weekend's festivities will be taking place. police say they will have an increased presence at the parade and the festival. there are several road closures to keep in mind. there are already in effect right now across the city. more closures are set to go in place tonight and tomorrow morning. most of those closures, though, will last
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until monday morning. so if you have plans to head into the city, you've got to expect delays, spot pride. celebrations are not the only things bring people to san francisco. that's right. this is also the second weekend for the stern grove music festival. those free concerts bring thousands of people to the city every weekend for the next few months. >> this weekend features a performance by chicago. batman that show starts at 02:00pm at the space is already sold wow. and on top of that oracle park going to be packed as the giants and dodgers set to play a 3 games this weekend. the first game of the series tonight. >> there's also going to be games on saturday and sunday afternoon. and there's giveaways and like it's tough sell. yeah, exciting. all right. well, this weekend is also san francisco is going to be celebrating a the 4th of july just a little bit early in the city is going to be having its first ever 4th of july parade. it's being brought to you by friends of great highway park. yeah. that parade starts at noon tomorrow. it runs down the great highway. as you see here between noriega and judah.
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>> there will be no cars or trucks in the parade. all of the floats. >> will be either people or pedal powered. >> of with all the events happening at the same time, anyone coming to the city is encouraged to use public transportation. that's probably going to be the quickest way for you to get anywhere city is going to be happening this week. got all right. still to come here at 5 o'clock 4th of july, right around the corner to safety tips to remember even when lighting those safe and sane fireworks. >> plus, a rodent infestation shuts down a popular grocery store in san francisco. and millions of people expected to flood airports this weekend for the start of very busy travel period. we're live at travel period. we're live at sfo with the rush.
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getting 2 of my sausage croissants with a freshly cracked egg for just $5.50 means you've already won the day. add a sweet cream iced coffee for an extra buck with any breakfast item between 6 and 11 a.m. at jack, every bite's a big deal.
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welcome to jack in the box! >> well, it's of the busiest travel periods of the year right now underway. we're taking a live look at sfo. going to be really busy there. tsa says that they are ready to screen millions of travelers as we approach the 4th of july holiday and in the bay area weekend full of events. as we mentioned earlier, expected to bring even more visitors in today and tomorrow. yeah, airport is hop and think it's a kron four's gayle ong joining us live now. >> from as a foe with the very latest on the travel rush get out. >> know hello, noel. and and yes, you know, it has been busy. usually the mornings and evenings are the busiest times here at sfo and seeing a break from the traffic right now late afternoon. but lot of people are going to somewhere warm.
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>> where you have luggage lined up at the drop off her. but as why this family arrived at the airport early friday afternoon, we do to kids center and a newborn. >> 2 car yeah, we're packing big were going for 10 days. friday is expected to be one of as opposed peak summer travel days with about 166. >> 1000 travelers passing through the airport ahead of the july 4th holiday. most travelers we spoke with plan to head right before the actual holiday. guys like get in there a couple days early is going to save you money and time. i prefer to travel before and after the holidays. if i can. >> brand ruhollah way when it comes to traveling during the holidays is i just try to get there as early as i and hope for the best when it comes to is a security. holloway had better luck with that security line in the afternoon. >> according to aaa, the 4th of july travel starts this saturday and runs through july 7th here in california. more than 8 and a half million
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people travel at least 50 miles from their home this woman. also avoiding the busy travel period. she's heading back home after spending time in the bay area having a party at my pool party in tucson. >> so yeah, this weekend expected to be another round of busy traffic here at sfo, especially with the holiday week ahead. but airport officials are urging travelers get here early 2 hours. if you're flying domestic flights and 3 hours, if you're flying internationally, even the parking they all want you that ahead of time because they do feel at reporting live from sfo. gayle kron. 4 news. >> yeah, definitely like you said that with uber prices to you're going pay like 100 bucks or write any we might as well thank you. >> the national average for gas has bumped up slightly. if you're planning to drive to your 4th of july destination, it's hit $3.50 a gallon because of the cost of oil per
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barrel has crossed. now $80. the state average for gas, $4 and $0.80 almost $0.30 less than last month. so that's good. but here's what we're paying in the bay area for a gallon of regular gas. the most expensive is found in the north bay $5.10 in sonoma and napa counties. san francisco and san mateo counties. you'll pay between 10 and $0.15 less than that. east bay residents are expected to pay less than $4.90 for a gallon of regular gas and the cheapest counties are santa clara and solano for around $4 and $0.83. all right. well, as safe and sane, fireworks sales kick off in some counties here in the bay area. >> today, first responders in the east bay, we're reminding the public all fireworks are prohibited in contra costa county kron four's philippe to reports. we know from experience what's coming our way. the next 10 days, backyard barbecues, trips to the delta ending with fireworks shows on the 4th of july.
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>> and inevitably, preventable wildfires caused by the use of illegal firework. see the shows to the pro side. fireworks shows are sanctioned by contra costa county. anything outside of those involving fireworks are banned county wide every year we run over 50 vegetation fires from these fireworks on 4th of july. and during a news conference its training center in concord friday, the contra costa county fire protection district joined by county by their district attorney's office and local law enforcement stressing how dangerous the combination any fireworks and current weather conditions can last year to structure fires on independence day were caused by fireworks. well, we did have a wet winter. the increased lead to increased grass and vegetation growth, which is very receptive right now to sparking wildfires looks can be deceiving. illegal fireworks can turn a joyous occasion into a tragedy. >> in just an instant, the
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district attorney's office prosecutes people caught selling or using fireworks possession of 25 pounds or less is a misdemeanor with a fine ranging from 500 to $1000. >> and up to a year in jail. thing over 100 pounds of illegal fireworks can result fines of up to $50,000 and will be charged as a felony. we're hearing it or seeing it. we're seeing some fires already. >> our law enforcement partners are already receiving those calls and taking action on those calls. and the next 10 days are critical for the fire protection district. it is up staffing through the holiday, but the fear is fireworks related calls preventing resources from reaching other emergencies. >> the problem that can be mitigated by the public. >> simply following the law in concord, philippe djegal, all kron. 4 news. >> and the safest way to catch a fireworks show is of course, the 4th of july celebration right here on kron 4. be sure to well and me as we bring you the fireworks shows in san francisco, san jose and we're
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in kron four's 4th of july live next thursday, starting at 09:00pm. it's going to a lot of fun. >> i think lawrence is looking at us like he's supposed to be involved in the for yeah. i'm going to be you there's a bunch of fog. sorry. right? yeah. you know what? hey, that's always a tricky forecast to that. they always worry about that. everybody's outdoor. they want to be able to see the fireworks. and yeah, i think this year, i think it's going to work out, ok, although, boy, we've got some hot weather to get through. so as we head toward the 4th of july, you're going to watch big dome of high pressure building in overhead. that's going to compress that marine air. we may see some patchy fog just inside the bay years. almost a way to early 4th of july forecast for you. but i think it's going to be incredible night. i in some of the valley's i think. >> at this time of night or at least 9 o'clock at night when the fireworks are going off on the 4th of july, we could be sitting in the 80's in the tri valley in the east bay temperatures will be very warm. probably 70's inside the bay and then 60's. you approach the coastline. but
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still a couple patches of fog. one thing i am worried about with the fog is because that ridge of high pressure going to be so strong up above that might squashed down lower. that means love those fireworks could disappear. if you start to see the cloud deck coming about 500 feet or so years, it's hard to see all the fireworks as they launch about there. but right now looking good. so far, we just got some patchy fog in the distance, half moon bay gets a mostly clear skies. now for some patchy morning fog temperatures around the bay. 59 in half moon bay, jump over the hill. you're 71 in redwood city. 71 also in alameda, hot 93 right now in concord. 93 also in fairfield and 86 degrees in petaluma. well, kind of in between pressure systems right now. we've got some fog along the coastline, one high pressure ridge line the east. one just developing off the coastline. that's going to be a settling in as we get into the latter part of the weekend tonight. if you're stepping outside, nice that to do so. enjoy your beautiful friday evening out there, 70's 80's. how about that? very nice in the valleys. lot of 70's inside the bay cooler along the coastline. the next couple days. it's going to change, though. tomorrow should be a beautiful one.
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enjoy the sunshine, warm. 85 degrees in san jose. thank you, lawrence. >> still ahead, the 2020 for special olympics, northern california summer games kicking off and santa clara today. we're there ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer.
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♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer. >> as 2020 for special olympics, northern california summer games kicking off in santa clara with the opening ceremony just a few hours away this year. athletes from dozens of counties will be competing and swimming track and field bochy ball and tennis. our colleague rogan is hosting the games this year.
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she was in santa clara today where volunteers are getting ready for the games. kind of spoke with and olympic gold medalist connor fields who will be giving remarks at tonight's opening ceremony. >> just feels so good in to see the joy in the passion that these athletes have and only the athletes but all the staff that work everybody does because they want to be here because it's important to them and they can see the positive change are having all these athletes lives. and so just it just feels good to be here. >> many of the athletes competing this year have competed in games for several years. and besides sports, athletes say today is an opportunity to join a supportive community and make some new friends. >> trying to do their best and whatever they do, for example, i you know, i see them. like for softball. they trying to learn how throw the ball and n,t showman technique they can use to better themselves the arts and everything else. >> tonight's opening ceremony free and open to the public q
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begins at 7 o'clock stevens stadium in santa clara. the games will run through the weekend. >> coming up next, san francisco grocery store temporarily closed due to rodent infestation. we have the latest plus, state lawmakers passing a finalized state budget will hear from a senate and assembly leaders sharing just what's inside their final spending plan. and oakland residents are going to see an increased police presence throughout the city this summer. the initiative
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>> tonight at 5,


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