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tv   KRO Non News  KRON  July 12, 2024 11:30pm-1:31am PDT

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>>the area's local news station. >>thanks for joining us. you're watching kron-on live on air and online. i'm stephanie rothman. a 3
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year-old girl is missing after her father who she was last seen died in san francisco. police would not say how the dad died. the little girl's mom says she could be anywhere from fremont to san jose to san francisco. the girl was last seen at kasai oreo apartments and fremont for shock moment has more after speaking with the little girl's family. >>ali, lorenzo is just 3 years old. her mother crystal tells us that she last saw her daughter on thursday when she went to go spend the day with her father. she tells us along with their family that they do not want you to forget what their little girl looks like until she's found. she a bubbly vivacious, 3 year-old girl. and we just want her brought back home safe. and in one piece with friends and family by her side, crystal obese as to be on the lookout for her little girl, 3 year-old elliot lorenzo. she's loved. please, please she says ali was supposed to come home from her dad's on friday. but
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instead the family learned from san francisco police that gerrit lorenzo, at least father died now know that her father since passed away and no one knows where ellie is fremont. police tell us they've called every contact. and jared lorenzo's phone. >>but so far, no leads reason we're following have to do with cameras and cell phone information. we've contacted, like i said, >>family members and and so far nobody knows her whereabouts still and her family say ellie could be from anywhere from fremont to san jose to san francisco. the 9 total. >>outside jerry lorenzo's apartment on friday. police seen going in and out of what appears to be his apartment. neighbors tell us he always kept to himself park the car and but that he's supplement. that's it for family making this tiktok to spread the word and making sure at least face is known to all at least 92 point. >>clara damage. and the only thing anybody can do is care.
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she's a person and not a day to wait. >>this is jarrett sneaks christina hug and said, oh, no. >>i don't know what it is that made him sad man. but i know that he was sad. and sometimes sad people hurt people mostly people hurt themselves. in this case. we're hoping that's where the hurting stopped at wheeler enzo is about 3 feet tall. weighs about 60 pounds. if you do know anything at all, you're expected to call fremont. police reporting here at fremont jack moment. kron 4 news. >>well, the man accused of kidnapping a teenage girl at powell street bart station has been charged by the san francisco district attorney. 37 year-old jamal ali. blue is facing one count of kidnapping by force or fear and one count of battery on tuesday night. surveillance video shows blue forcing a 17 year-old girl from the station and pulling her to a car around 08:00pm. lu was arrested early on wednesday morning. police say he knew the victim and this was not a random incident.
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shane killian, the father accused of killing 4 of his family members in alameda appeared in court today. people who knew him talked about the kind of personhe was saying he was short tempered, often getting angry over minor things. and they also say he loved talking about his kids but have problems with his father-in-law, who happens to be one of the victims, his alleged actions come as a shock to some of his co-workers who described sun just like this. >>pretty level most of the time. feisty occasionally. pretty level always. pretty cheerful most of the time. >>chileans arraignment is now set for monday, july 20 seconds. alameda unified school district also shared this statement about the deadly shooting say they're devastated by the news that one of their students and his family was killed. they said their hearts go out to all that are involved in this terrible, terrible incident. and officials say 9 of the 19 people who may have died
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because of the heat in santa clara county, where seniors older than 65 4 of the 19 where people experiencing homelessness in response to this. san jose mayor matt mahan is emphasizing the importance of outreach programs focusing on encampments. >>we've been out with outreach teams providing water, giving people information about our cooling centers, our partners at pta are offering free transportation to the city's cooling center. >>some signs to be aware of when it comes to heat exhaustion versus heat. stroke on your screen with heat exhaustion. it's important to get yourself out of the a cool area and drink plenty of water. the more serious signs of heat stroke include throbbing, headache, no sweating by red-hot skin, and feelings of confusion and dizziness. look, you might lose consciousness in the case of heat stroke. call 9-1-1. and for more now on the end of this heatwave, let's go to our chief meteorologist lawrence karnow to talk about when we'll get a break. lawrence. >>but it's been exceedingly hot to start out july. there's
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no getting around that. but now i think this may have been in this is we're going to things turning the other way as we head in toward the weekend. and it looks like in the next week to that fog thickening up outside into spreading well onshore for tonight. high pressure that's been camped out really, although july now, finally looking like it's going to fade away, becoming a distant memory, little more of a trough carbon itself out along the west coast. and that's going to really allow that cool air to make its way well onshore. something to watch out for this weekend. we are seeing a little bit of a monsoon. that's when we little tropical moisture wrapped up around that ridge of high pressure tomorrow afternoon. maybe some more thunderstorms up in the sierra nevada. watch out. if you're headed in that direction because you might see some of those thunderstorms in the afternoon. temperatures around the bay area in the coulee off just a bit 60's in the san francisco will keep in the 50's 60's right along the coastline. foggy all day long of the beaches tomorrow. 74 some sunshine in burlingame, a much more comfortable. 80 degrees warm up lot about hazy. the south bay. still some 80's, maybe a couple low 90's getting close to that place like sirte hogan, campbell. but but places like
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the east bay that have been looking at the triple digit heat. watch those numbers really cool down. so tomorrow you're still on the hot side in the 90's, but much cooler there. you will still find 90's near 100 degrees well inland. but most bay area, good experience. some cooler temperatures around the bay area and that is going to be a trend that is going to go right to the weekend and into next week. so, yeah, look at the 7 day forecast. one long ago i was putting hundreds almost across the board as it was just so odd in the valleys will see that cool brener work its way well inland. there are say we're going to be near average right around tuesday. >>thanks, lauren. visitors trying to get to alcatraz over the weekend could run into some problems. workers say they plan to strike tomorrow to protest unfair labor practices. workers previously walked out on a four-hour unfair labor practice strike over the memorial day weekend. the strike its schedule from 07:00am to 10:00pm at pier. 33. and switching gears to a dance party in san francisco.
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bonga pete's night market returns. a battery street at clay in the financial district. you can see dozens of people are out there enjoying the music. and a variety of artworks on display. the event ran until 10 tonight. and dozens of people packing san francisco's chinatown. also for the monthly night market, the asian cell market happens every second friday of the month along grand avenue. plenty to see eat and shop. so much fun out there. a deadline to do it next. time around. a t
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announced today that hackers accessed the calls and tax of nearly all of the cellular
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customers. >>kron four's spoke to a cyber security expert to learn more. >>joining us now to talk more about the cyber security incident is ahmed banafa, the professor from san jose state university. thank you so much for joining us. appreciate your time. he's their guests. professor, you're yes, i mean, you guys, if roe is that for a second, i understand you're one of the victims. how did you find this out? and are you worried now about your information? >>well, i see man from a tnt, listing the last 4. gets over the phone numbers for me and for the family saying that. did you know the title is, you know, an incident with a cnn security incident. i mean, of course, the news everywhere and about what happened, you know, and how many people would be impacted by the that the biggest problem facing here is this is a invasion of privacy incident. the
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information the hackers got is basically a list. like lot list of you know, phones and how many time, any forms, how many times a concert in phones and that the ration and the tax. you text the numbers, just a number. there's no names. nothing associated with that. so total about 210 million people impacted by that. >>so what would a hacker want to do with that information? that's what it's question. this is a starting point for press reference. example, now we have the phone numbers. there are tools that will tell you who is actually the owner of this phone number. and you will understand that profile who they trust, what they call a lack and its out multiple levels. it could be a problem for some kind of fat blackmailing some kind of explosion or sometimes sometimes at the national security when this one number, the longs to somebody important. and you know exactly who she's calling and how many times the call, how many time they're texting them. so that is a lot of the issues with this process. >>att is saying that the
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compromise data does not include the content of the call. so the tax personal information such as social security numbers, birth dates or other personally identifiable information. but they didn't learn about this in april and data that was taken that was hacked from people was between of 2022 and october of 2022, suffer that six-month period. but we're just learning about it now. the fbi then got involved, which is why att says it was told, you know, to hold off on letting people know. and now they've also arrested a person. they have a person in custody for this. what does the fbi involvement signal to you? >>well, means this thing is done by that have you know, they have seen this happening before. when you talk about company like this, which is spread over multiple states. now we're talking about the federal, you know, barely come
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and to deal with it. so and also, too, it's it's a very important thing about the that the security of the system. you know, whole story about what happened is akin to services provider basically to store this information and that provider this year. and this is how they get to that information. this is why they're talking about it. that happened different because you in that period of time that cloud. so is it provide there was a victim hacking process. >>tt's is saying it's going to let customers know if they were impacted. you could get a text and email or get actual letter in the mail about this. but people can also go on to their accounts to see if they've been hacked it all to see if their data was affected. is that something that you did like? what should a customer do if you're in 18 t customer, what should you >>but i see that e-mail and it's coming straight from a it can't. and there's no action from my side. you know, there's actually i can go to the web site a tnt and just
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look you know, the update. they this is a very good point. and i'm glad you mentioned that. middle of this chaos, the fraud could happen. people can take advantage because in text messages that can send e-mails, they can have phone calls to people to say i'm with a tnt on block to confront show. you're date of birth. they can do things that will take advantage of the situation of people are panicking about data. this is why it's very important to keep this in mind to make sure that don't share this information with anybody unless this is you are sure and the percent that this is a tnt at the sometimes they will take advantage of text message and disinfected this click on this link. so you can update your information. so we you data would be safe. that's another prop this case. and be careful about this any suspicious activities that's just going to open people up to like a whole other. >>host of different scams that could be taking place. and as i was asking you, that question about att customers,
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hack probably also includes if you're an 18 to customer calling and texting your all your friends or your family or coworkers who are to 18 t customers. their information possibly also compromised. >>well, their phone numbers that would be exposed because we need to when you are calling a taxi not only taught, you know, dealing with numbers within the network of a tnt texting and calling anybody. and that's those those numbers actually on the list because if you look at your bill that you received dept. by the end of the month, so end of the period of the of the billing, you're going to see that they will tell you that the cold and the duration and how many, how many text messages sent to this number? this is what you know, the hackers at the gotten their hands. >>professor banafa, appreciate you joining us here this afternoon to talk about this att data breach in sorry. this happened to you. thank you. take care. >>kron will contithe oakland ba
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hosting their first ever block party every month. the park kron four's justine waldman spoke to the co-founder of the ballers to learn more. >>so joining us now is frying carmel, the co-founder of colors and a special guest here, brian. 2 days in a row. >>nice to see you again. what's up with this block party tonight? and who is our special friend here? >>yes, so we're having a block party tonight. i think we like been on your show multiple times and said our whole vibe is 48 block parties around a baseball game. and so we're finally coming through on that promise. and this is our first block party. and we got love
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more here. who's going to be hosting tonight along with allen one of our regular house and we've we've got to do the details. they're going to we have dj show hart each a bag it's going take the sharpest the egypt for the warriors. yeah, i love a good dj. so we're definitely going to have some music. what else can people expect? >>definitely going to have some music. definitely have a goodbye. and i think bringing new people to the part we time. so crowd participation, you know, we want to give people to participate. the in a me, somebody get introduced to beautiful space that are curating here. >>so you want people to come down? is it free to attend? people have to buy tickets. >>you got my ticket for the baseball game, but i think our tickets are pretty affordable. yeah, we're having a block party in food truck plaza with deejays >>we're going to be cooking up some jerk chicken plates and it's it's going to be a good time. that's from 5 to 6 right before the game. and then during the game, we're going
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to have dj spinning between innings and love. more is going to be doing what beautiful, interviews and hosting things that he does. and so it's going to be a a beautiful experiment. so the idea is to get people out to come to the town enjoying a friday night, celebrate a little bit. the good things going on in oakland is that the vibe you're going for? >>it's exactly what we're going for. you is a lot of beautiful, positive things going on the opening and we know we are innovators you know, we innovators and being creative is our thing, you know, introducing business and creativity and community is very powerful and very important for so. >>that's what more details that are going to be going to be here tonight. we're live tv. there. in our press spots were just getting things. got a look. when we we always said like we're not the savannah bananas and savannah bananas, i don't think would be would be the thing in oakland. but
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we do love their spirit of experimentation and that's what so i think as thought experiment, what is the what's the open version of the savannah bananas? and i think that what we're going to be doing with these guys tonight is going to be >>a fun. >>experiment that i think it's going to be great. i've seen the bananas on instagram like the players like dance a little bit that there. the game i think is is serious. but their players are certainly having fun. your players a little more serious are in contention now for like up post a playoff run here. and dancing at the plate. we're going to dance in. the players are not going to dancing. they're going to they're in a playoff see if there are very serious. but >>between every happening, there's 2 minutes that belong to these beautiful gentleman who can and ladies, who helping the party is not huge. and i think that's the fusion future we do. it is like is bringing a serious in and that did join a city that is that that child like energy. i think that there's places in this world for that, you know, and that's e. have so much fun
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tonight. thank you for joining us. i hope you get a big turnout for your a block party tonight. >>play some good tunes for me. all right. all right. we've got thank like haha. >>mothe california state fair
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is now open 2 weeks of fair fun at cal expo sacramento will feature horse racing shopping live music rides. plus exciting food and drinks. reporter chloe curtis has a preview of visitors can expect.
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>>and rides the california state fair jam packed with over 100 food vendors and 70 rides this year. you know, we get anywhere from 650,000 people up to 750,000 people coming through the gates here at the california state thousands of people made their way to the fair in the heat, including barbara kempton and paula curtis, 2 of the first people in line. >>bring in here and we always right front because we're here so so we have a nice just full of big frozen ice water being first in line. now, a yearly tradition for these friends. read it first. and yet it's just a thing. triple digit heat expected yet again this weekend. tried to stay cool at the state. fair with fans, cooling centers and dozens of ministers. >>attention to the weather how the weather is going to be. there's plenty of roller coasters. but if the ferris wheel is more your speed,
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you've got plenty of time to make it to the fair will be here for the next 3 weekends >>kron
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in the south bay. high temperatures are on the way and bring safety concerns. santa clara county is investigating more than a dozen deaths to see if they were caused by the heat. kron four's
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>>michael help immediately populations that are most susceptible heat injury included people that are very young people that are very old, pregnant people and their medical conditions. think about heart disease, lung
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disease, diabetes, obesity. so it's it's definitely important if you have anybody your community, anybody anybody in your family is one of those high-risk populations to be checking in on them and the temperatures guy and make sure that they're staying. >>in the u.s. high temperatures are the number one cause of weather-related fatalities reporting in san jose. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >>challenges continue to arise for people across the bay area. during this heat wave. folks living in a mobile home park in the east bay were without electricity all night long as kron four's gayle ong reports. power has just recently been restored. >>as 8 o'clock last night, the power went out. and it was off for about 15 minutes in it. and it came back on for about 30. and then it went off at 9 o'clock. >>as of one, 30 friday afternoon, power was back at the spanish range mobile home community in hubbard. erick erickson is a longtime resident and talks about the challenges of living with no
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power during another hot day. i talk to my neighbor next door. their refrigerator. >>it's all thought out. they don't have any backup power. she has not as artistic child in the home that can she can only feed certain things she can't really feed them much because they don't have a refrigerator. according to pg e's outage map. the cause of the outage was due to damaged equipment. >>a spokesperson for the utility says an initial investigation shows the faulty cable is customer owned, not pg and e's cable. >>wind damage equipment owned by a customer. it is their responsibility to make repairs pg and e crews were seen on site along with the utility worker for an underground utilities company. erickson is grateful to situation has been resolved. it has for dealing with no power and hot weather. you can't because where we lived. most of our people in the park, especially if they're in a home as old as my my homes over 30 it's all mental. >>so when the sun hits it, it
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acts like heat or even with fans on the days we've been having worked up around. 95 degrees. it's still 90 degrees in the house with fantz reporting in hayward, gayle ong kron. 4 news. >>thanks for let's turn now to
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south bay san jose mayor matt mahan join kron 4 stephanie land to talk about some of the recent headlines coming out. the city. take a look. so let's start with something impacting all of us here in the bay area. and that's the extreme. >>heat. all right. so is santa
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clara county. we know at least 19 people who may have died because of the recent hot temperatures you've been open about sharing at least one unhoused person did die in san jose. there any way this could have been preventable? >>well, i think i think it could. i think that a number of the deaths among our homeless population on our streets are preventable. every year in our county, 200 people over 200 people living in encampments di many of it because of many those cases due to exposure to the elements. untreated, chronic illness. so, yes, we need to get people indoors, connected to services that have been might push will will make it a historic investment in this budget will do just that. we're more than doubling the number of tiny homes that we felt in the city in terms of this heat wave, which has been quite devastating. we've been out with outreach teams providing water, giving people information about our cooling centers, our partners at vta
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are offering free transportation to the city's cooling centers. so we're doing what we can to try to stabilize and create places where people can go during the day. but that's not really a sustainable long-term solution. >>yeah. and you mentioned, you know, all these great resources and of course, a financing that's going in to address this issue. and they all sound like good things. unfortunately, of course, do know of at least this one deaths involving a son house person. so i mean, can you walk us through what you envision as a solution? that might be a little bit more. >>long-term, i mean, has the serie has the city experience challenges with getting the unhoused indoors in the first place? >>well, i think primary answered the really over simplify. it cities need to build more shelter. counties and putting santa clara county need to build more inpatient treatment. and we have those facility. we have the beds
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available to require that people them. and i'm i'm all final up love. but in order to implement it yet actually offer people place to right now, we have a waiting list for shelter in our county. we have a lack of treatment beds that's why my emphasis been on holding city hall and others like the county accountable for building shelter and treatment. we also need to build more house and senate. they just approved a housing plan that will enable up 70,000 new homes in our city. but we know that that in the long term, very expensive proposition and one of the public financing people, bill, that we need the private market, you know, fill that out. and that will put hot. >>meantime, i believe we are wealthy enough community that we can provide a minimum, a dignified shelter placement or treatment place, but every person on our streets and when it's require that people from going take advantage. >>how much more housing do you think that the city needs to build in order to addressed to properly address the
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homelessness crisis that san jose is seeing. and how far off are we from that? mark? >>yeah, it's a great question. what we need affordable housing workforce housing and the thousands housing units makes job. well. but in the meantime, my argument and then that 44,000 or so people on our won it out there for year or more than 2 million men we need what really boiled down basically they form of shelter, wound finding a home shelf for imported motel room. even franklin states were take part in sight at starting point but won't thank it's the management completes a connection there, that should be paid. but need to be able to provide that. and i would all make the plug near that.
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we really they get proper events that more and the whole the whole and out probable for building bait that fell for an inpatient treatment. the committee got back to the for the their to the i think you're going to be disappointing will be overwhelmed in airport was getting everybody up there >>that recent supreme court ruling on homelessness. it allows cities to basically enforce laws banning camping. so obviously addressing homelessness, a big priority for 8 your administration. how do you see this ruling shaping your policies in the days moving forward? >>well, creates clarity and it enables greater accountability. so was starting to say, i support a tough love but for it to work, we have to actually be offering people something cannot arrest our way out of this or wave a magic wand and say homelessness is now illegal then think that it's going to go away practically
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speaking. and i would argue ethically speaking, we have a responsibility for building at least basic dignified shelter, inpatient treatment. senators. and then when they're available, i think this really makes very clear and we should not have any hang-ups with the courts around the city. more that we can compel people to use or they if they want to coose to camp can find another city. that's okay with with public camping. i'd only campaign should be a choice. but right now we have waiting lists for shelters. so we've got to give people and on chance to turn their lives around and get connected to services. >>and we tried to have you earlier, but hoping you can service again. i mean, how far off is the city of san jose from building enough? a dignified, basic shelter as you put it for the homeless. >>yeah, we are still a ways so year and a half ago we had over 5,000 people living on
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our streets. last count had us down to about 4500 reduced unsheltered homeless. this by just over 10% niche year. we're adding another 1200 placements across tiny homes say parking safe, sleeping and converted motel rooms that could allow us depending on the inflow, meaning people falling into homelessness create another 10, 15% reduction. so it not easy. part of the question is fluke. but once we get people into sheltering connecting the service is how quickly do we empower them to graduate out to reconnect with family, to get a job, find an apartment where they can afford the rent. we've got to get people moving through the system, not simply stop and shelter for the rest of their lives. so it's a dynamic problem. one thing all just on end this point on is that leadership from the state that i referenced earlier, we need a statewide framework for ensuring that every city and county is doing its part to build shelter in treatment
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centers and provide those services. my fear with grants passes that smaller cities will simply banned camping and all homelessness in the state will end up in a handful of big cities that will be over while we need everybody to do their part so that we can actually end homelessness in california. >>all right. all right. so in the interest of time would like to talk about another big headline that your office you been vocal about prop. 47 reform. so supporters say that this will help 6 the states, retail theft and drug problems by enforcing harsher penalties. but critics say that the move drives mass incarceration. the governor just backed off his own anti-crime ballot measure this week. so where do you particularly stand on this issue? >>well, i'm endorsed the effort look, no, i think trying legislate at the ballot box we so often do in california is is is water park so that this isn't a perfect measure. but i have endorsed that. and i'll tell you what,
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it basically does. 3 things that i believe in one is it classifies fentanyl we have enough people dying on our streets from fentanyl overdoses that it's it's past time that we that we do that. number 2, it creates escalated penalties for organized retail theft, which we absolutely need to do. and i think that pretty broad consensus on 3rd. and this is where the implementation of going to matter a whole lot is it creates accountability through the threat of time jail or prison for getting treatment. if you are repeatedly arrested or public drug possession and use per use of hard drugs in public. and we need that tool. we've seen declining plummeting, in fact, participation in drug courts and part of the reason is we've lost the u.s. tax. we have some of the carrots are getting treatment. we've lost the accountability. i believe
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that people should have an option to get treatment when they are violating our drug laws. but that there has to be some accountability actually taking advantage of that treatment when it's a repeat behavior. we have far too many parks impacted by public drug use. i've talked to people don't let their kids play in the playground because they had witnessed public drug use i-one to create a humane system that does not return to the air. mass incarceration gets people into the air of mash treatment. but that has to have enough accountability that we compel people to do a really hard thing which is confront addiction and actually take advantage of the treatment options that are available. >>while the topic of crime, illegal sideshows do continue to be an issue in the bay area. we know the san jose police say just made a pretty significant bust. what are plans to prevent future sideshows from happening in san jose. >>we did so huge. thanks to chief joseph and the department. we've got a phenomenal police department. they've been very proactive
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over a year ago. we had a big action where they actually cited hundreds of people impounded dozens of vehicles. it had been a little quieter for awhile. we did have a recent incident and followed up with tremendous investigation or and have 7 suspects been arrested and where we're going through the prosecutorial app. interestingly, i think important to note 6 out of the 7 suspects who were the kind of prime prime suspects in this incident. 6 out of 7 to not live in san jose, which i think just highlights the fact that these are quashed jurisdictional impact. one of the individuals was from out of state. so the san jose police department just convened a bay area working group with 18 other agencies, including state and federal folks. but particularly regional agencies to improve information-sharing and coordination of our approach because we need to be able to work seamlessly together to
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stay on top of this and ensure that those who are perpetrating these big illegal and dangerous sideshows are being apprehended and prosecuted and that that we put an end to paid. >>it's interesting that you do mention that a lot that the suspects were largely from outside the city of san jose. so how do we prevent that sort of criminal activity coming from outside from entering into the city of san jose. would you say? >>well, i think it's it's that kind of work we're doing through that very a working group that is essentially a task force of different law enforcement agencies sharing information and intelligence or donating in real time. making sure we have a tight working relationship figuring out the extent to which we can operationally support one another when there's a large sideshow, it's very resource intensive for our police department to respond. we have to coordinate across real-time data streams up patrol cars. the air support unit. and i
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think getting having a mutual aid model where different agencies around the region are sharing information, real-time, potentially responding jointly and being highly coordinated operationally as part of how we're going to handle a fast-moving large-scale criminal activity. that doesn't really respect city or county boundaries. and so that's that's the approach we are taking. i'm proud to see san jose pd leading the way and we're going to continue to do so. >>alright, san jose mayor matt mahan a so much more we want to cover. but that's all the time we have left today and we look forward to our next conversation with you. >>likewise, stephanie, thank you. thank you. >>kron on will continue in a couple of minutes. keep it here. kron four's your local election headquarters cause for president biden to step down are fueling speculation that the dnc delegates could be tempted to choose another nominee. our washington correspondent maddie beer-temple reports on the possibility of an open convention.
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>>president joe biden says democratic delegates should vote their conscience at the convention next month. they're free and if that means voting for another candidate democratic process. nearly 4,000 delegates have committed to nominating president biden, but they can change their minds. the delegates make the decision. california congressman brad sherman supports the president but knows his debate performance is hard to forget the delegates feel. >>the candidate before them in august is june 27th joe biden. they may go in another direction while some have said in open convention discredits millions of democrats who voted for the president in the primaries. others say it's the right move. connecticut democratic congressman jim himes is one of the latest lawmakers to call on the president to drop out. >>he defends the idea of delegates making their own decision. we shouldn't be afraid of what what we purport to defend, which is a democratic process. delegates
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coming together decided. but what exactly would a contested convention look like? they will be speeches made on behalf of those nominees. there will be a back room dealings. george washington university professor casey bergen says if the president withdraws it could be a free for all at the dnc. but sherman says that seems unlikely for now in the absence of the consensus. >>the delegates will vote for joe biden. >>in washington, i'm maddie beer-tall eyes are on paris,
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but not just for the olympics. this time it's all about samsung and their latest
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devices. new foldable phones, a new smart watch and a health tracking ridge. tomorrow takes a look in rich on tech. >>samsung continues to evolve and expand its ecosystem. the company showed off 2 newly polished versions of its foldable phones, but also introduced to completely new products ultra version of its smartwatch and the smart that tracks your health. 24 7. >>samsung in the city of light. the company brought me to paris for galaxy unpacked. see, oh, samsung has been making foldable devices since 2019. this is their 6th generation. they also unveiled a high-end smart watch and a health tracking here it is the first-ever samsung galaxy busy. flip 6 gets to new lenses with more megapixels,
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putting its pictures on par with the s 24. this is a feature called auto zoom. if i stand over here, the camera's going zoom out to get me in the shot. new interactive ball papers respond to movements. the battery is also bigger. there are now less tradeoffs for choosing this compact flip phone. there is still something so satisfying about getting a like next up, z fold 6. the phone is slightly shorter and wider in a bit lighter overall, it's more comfortable and easier to manage this year. this is the best part about having a foldable phone. most camera improvements are in the software processing. samsung focused efforts on a more durable hinge and screen new ai features include a way to transform sketches to an image, math problem solving and translations samsung's first-ever galaxy watch ultra has extreme water resistance. an extra button siren and longer battery life. plus they
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can detect sleep apnea. it's $650. finally for 24 7 health tracking samsung's first smart ring comes in black, silver and gold can measure sleep heart rate temperature and exercise. plus, gives you a daily energy score gesture controls that you double pinch to take a photo with your phone and the rumors were wrong. there is no monthly subscription fee. the ring starts at $400. samsung's foldable phone's continue to improve, but the prices have yet to come down in a meaningful way. in fact, this year's phones are $100 more expensive than last year. >>busy philipps 6 is $1100 is the fold. 6 is $1900. the new devices are available july. 24 in paris. i'm rich demuro. that's richaun tack. >>at travis air force base, they have one of the most advanced simulators in the world to mull trainees into
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skilled pilots for the massive kc. 46 pegasus, melanie townsend went for a spin to give us a behind the scenes. look at how it works. >>several for bass or 6 for 6 from site is you're down here now. request option, request. >>gentleman. i'm coming in for a full stop approach in this kc. 46 pegasus comes trying to stay level upon and taxiing off the runway. >>think i've got but what if i told this is all a simulation. hard to believe, right? but that's what's inside this multimillion dollar que, flight safety international defense now training the next generation pc. 46 crew members, travis air force base. >>this is one of the most technologically advanced simulators in the world is full-motion fully pays for it by similar can do anything the
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airplane can do, including any malfunctions that way. a cruise not surprised things go wrong are able to react accordingly. >>just walking up. and looking everything is designed with symmetry in mind. want to look and feel like you're in control of this boeing, the human, even turbulence feels >>all the passengers to turn on seat providing tremendous benefit to pilots like major zachary bennett. >>i thought pretty awesome. right? like this thing imitates with the jets. like when you go fly the it's almost identical. >>the kc 46 main purpose is refuel. most receiver capable aircraft on a global scale. that's why hundreds hours of practice and repetition makes for perfect mission. this aircraft is getting after a different mission said it's getting after getting to those fighters, bombers cargo aircraft and getting them to where they need to eat.
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>>so things go so the reason. can always reset and try again. >>he can't simulate engine fire on a real life. you can shut down that engine and go practice one engine operations with the real thing. i you can practice sitting here. you can get the repetitions. you learn about how fire landed. a note. no kidding. emergency situation here. so when you have it in the it's second nature. >>it may be simulation. easy. yes, but the air force is going places ushering in a new era of technological advancements dedicated pirates. >>i can say that i love being there for and that's a really feeling fun job. >>don't
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>>now from long for the area's local news station. >>welcome back. you're watching kron-on live on air and online. i'm stephanie rothman. i 3 year-old girl is missing after her father who she was seen with last died in san francisco. police would not say how the dad died. the little girl's mom says she could be anywhere from fremont to san francisco to san jose. the girl was last seen at kasai rodeo apartments in fremont. ca for shock moment has more speaking with the little girl's family. >>ali, lorenzo is just 3 years old. her mother crystal tells us that she last saw her daughter on thursday when she went to go spend the day with
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her father. she tells us along with her family that they do not want you to forget what their little girl looks like until she's found. she was a bubbly by patients, 3 year-old girl. and we just want her brought back home safe. and in one piece with friends and family by her side, crystal obese as to be on the lookout for her little girl, 3 year-old elliot lorenzo. she's in the love. please, please she says ali was supposed to come home from her dad's on friday. but instead the family learned from san francisco police that gerrit lorenzo, at least father died now know that her father since passed away and no one knows where ali is fremont. police tell us they've called every contact and jared lorenzo's phone. >>but so far, no leads reason we're following have to do with cameras and cell phone information. we've contacted, like i said, >>family members and and so far nobody knows her whereabouts still and her family say ellie could be from anywhere from fremont to san
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jose to san francisco. the 9 total. >>i outside jerry lorenzo's apartment on friday. police seen going in and out of what appears to be his apartment. neighbors tell us he always kept to himself park the car and but the case apartment. that's it for family making this tiktok to spread the word and making sure at least face is known to all at least 92 point. >>not clear damage and the only thing anybody can do is care that she's a person and not a day to wait. >>this is jarrett sneaks christina hug and said, oh, no. >>i don't know what it is made of his bad man, but i know that he was sad. and sometimes that people hurt people and mostly people hurt themselves. in this case. we're hoping that's where the hurting stopped at lee lorenzo is about 3 feet tall and weighs about 60 pounds. if you do know anything at all, you're expected to call fremont. police reporting here at fremont jack moment. kron 4 news.
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>>officials say 9 of the 19 people may have died because of the heat in santa clara county where seniors older than 65 for the 19 people were experiencing homelessness as well. in response, san jose mayor matt mahan is emphasizing the importance of outreach programs focusing on encampments. for more now on the end of this heatwave, let's go to our chief meteorologist lawrence karnow lawrence. >>but it's been exceedingly hot to start out july. there's no getting around that. but now i think this may have been in this is we're going to things turning the other way as we head in toward the weekend. and it looks like in the next week to that fog thinking up outside into spreading well onshore for tonight. high pressure that's been camped out really, although july now, finally looking like it's going to fade away, becoming a distant memory, little more of a trough carbon itself out along the west coast. that's going to really allow that cool air to make its way well onshore. something to watch out for this weekend. we are seeing a little bit of a monsoon. that's when we get little
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tropical moisture wrapped up around that ridge of high pressure tomorrow afternoon. maybe some more thunderstorms up in the sierra nevada. watch out. if you're headed in that direction because you might see some of those thunderstorms in the afternoon. temperatures around the bay area, the cooling off just a bit 60's in the san francisco will keep in the 50's 60's right along the coastline. foggy all day long of the beaches tomorrow. 74 some sunshine and burning game a much more comfortable. 18 degrees. warm up lot about hazy. the south bay. still some 80's, maybe a couple low 90's getting close to that place like sirte hogan, campbell. but but places like the east bay that look at the triple digit heat. watch those numbers really cool down. so tomorrow you're still on the hot side in the 90's, but much cooler there. you will still find 90's near 100 degrees well inland, but most bay area, good experience. some cooler temperatures around the bay area and that is going to be a trend that is going to go right to the weekend and into next week. so, yeah, look at the 7 day forecast. one long ago i was putting hundreds almost across the board as it was just so odd in the valleys will see that cool brener work its way well inland. there are say we're going to be near average right around tuesday.
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>>thanks, lauren. to talk urrea owner and walnut creek now has the dish at $45,000 to 14 of its employees. according to the department of labor, the owner of talk area, el molino, negley necklace, gated to pay them overtime wages. the owner was also ordered to pay more than $2000 in penalties. and buying a home is an exciting milestone for many but a record number of people are falling victim to fraudsters. the scam involves a potential home buyer receiving an email from their mortgage lender or aging regarding closing payments. however, in reality, the emails are from fraudsters jumping in at the last minute to divert thousands of dollars to a bogus bank account. officials say one in 20 homeowner buyers or sellers fall victim to fraud last year with losses exceeding $70,000. >>biggest fear was. how am i going to scrape together?
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payment to secure the home? >>currently, there's no federal law that protects consumers from scams like this. however, as senate hearing earlier this year, a consumer advocates warn lawmakers they've been seeing the scam growing. and now take a look at this. new ferry will soon start sailing in san francisco, but it's not just a regular one. officials say this is the world's first ferry, completely powered by 0 emission. hydrogen. feel it's 75 people and officials plan to launch it next friday. they say it will run for free for 6 months between the ferry building ampere. 41. and it's seen on the peninsula raises thousands for local animal shelter. 17 year-old chai wadhwani presented a check for $8200 to pets in need in palo alto. the teen sold photographs of the dop double animals and also raise money by offering porches for families and their pets. he says he was inspired to help
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the shelter after his own family's experience while adopting a dog. he saw the park additions, all the animals there and felt he needed to do something. >>it feels good to make the difference in. so that provides a bunch animals here. know they can use $200 to. really improve a bunch of things. it stop. take us to a lot of money. so >>he also goes on to say that he plans to keep this up for the next year and hopefully expand the mission to even more shelters. and remember these these redbox movie rental kiosk used to be the only way we could watch movies, but they're all going away. less than 2 weeks after filing for bankruptcy, the parent company has now filed to liquidate the company at its peak redbox had 34,000 chaos across the country. but the company fails to adjust to the streaming world and now they owe millions in royalty payments. entertainment companies including sony and
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bbc pictures. it's not clear when redbox kiosks will begin to close down, but it's going to happen soon. i guess we all are to blame for that a little bit. y
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>>and accused killer who eluded capture for 40 years is finally in rested in the murder of a 69 year-old woman. richard moore was only a teenager when prosecutors say he abducted, raped and be madeleine garcia to death in placer county in 1984. but now the na brought the cold case back to life and led police to a quiet socal neighborhood. angelica kate is live in echo park with more. >>we love this because it's a
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it's quiet. it's calmer on a quiet street in echo park. one neighbor who prefers not to show his face says he's in shock and disbelief. it's been kind of shocked to learn that something crazy is it sort happened with someone that we did after discovering a man who many described as friendly, helpful, even saintly. he was always pretty friendly, was think i wrote my bicycle by one time. and yes, if i need to air my tires. so was arrested 2 weeks ago for the 1984, gruesome, the murder of 69 year-old madeline garcia in roseville, california, about 400 miles north from where he was hiding in plain sight get up early. walk the dogs and noticed a bunch of unmarked. course, a lake. >>basic civilian cars cameras on those with a red and blue definitely a heavy sort of feeling to it. you're something big is has gone down. it took 40 years.
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multiple law enforcement agencies and a breakthrough in dna technology to connect. 59 year-old richard moore or what he is. neighbors called him to the crime. >>investigators say moore who was 19 at the time dragged garcia to an alleyway and beat her to death. he's now charged with one count murder, though, additional charges of rape and kidnapping could follow. as folks stroll down the street where moore was once a free man. some say they're not going to let his alleged actions impact how they treat neighbors in the future. everybody has a story. everybody. >>every story is a is different. and sometimes it's summer wilder and >>crazy than others. >>angelica today, ktla, 5 news. now to a wild scene in orange county. burglary suspects make a run for it after a high-speed pursuit. but they picked the wrong copped to run away from now. several of them are in custody
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facing a long list of serious charges. orange county bureau chief chip yost has more on how the suspects were taken down. >>hello there. yeah. we see videos all the time of criminal suspects trying to outrun police officers. well, right now we have a word of warning to some eu criminals out there. there's one westminster police officer. you might not want to try that with. when this burglary suspect tried to run from police after the car he was in crashed, bouchard and tile in fountain valley during a pursuit thursday. what he almost certainly didn't know is that the westminster police officer chasing him. >>as a former wide receiver. >>for the university of missouri football team stays fit and has quite the reputation of not being the guy to run from. >>in total, 4 people were arrested after police chased them from a home that just been burglarized in
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westminster, a handgun and other property believed to be stolen from the home were recovered at the crash scene. police say the reason the suspected burglars were wearing vests like this. it's because they were trying to pass themselves off as construction workers. we've investigated quite a few burglaries where they're they're becoming a little bit more brazen and actually trying to blend into the community. better say know we're doing undercover operations. they know that the community is aware. so >>disguising themselves as city workers disguising themselves as construction workers. a pizza delivery doordash any type of to get access to somebody is home and blend into the neighborhood. >>la impact a multi-agency task force was also involved in this case. and police tell us the 4 people arrested are suspected of possibly being one of those south american burglary, tourist cruise. we've been hearing a lot about lately reporting here in westminster. i'm chip yost,
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ktla. 5 news. from hollywood st
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being thrown out to a mob swarming a gas station in the east bay. there's a lot happening in the legal world for on the top court cases in california. kron 4 s noelle bellow and grant lotus sat down with legal analyst michael cardoza. >>your motion to dismiss with prejudice is granted. >>a very tearful and emotional
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alec baldwin today in court as the judge dismisses the involuntary manslaughter case against him. this regarding the shooting on the set of the 2021 rust film resulting in the death of cinematographer halyna hutchins. the judge basing her decision on misconduct of police and prosecutors over the withholding of evidence from the defense baldwin's lawyers have filed a motion to dismiss the case. >>claiming the santa fe county sheriff's office there in new mexico took possession of live rounds of ammo as evidence. but did not record them in the official case. file or let the defense know about it. the nature of the dismissal means this case cannot be filed again. and for more on that case and some other legal matters. michael cardoza joins us live in studio. good to see. michael, nice to see you this came a surprise, i think to a lot of people this dismissal was that case for
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you? >>it was from a because remember scott peterson at the end or the peterson trial, a blue tarp washed up in the bay right near the end of the trial. and what judge saluki did at that time, new evidence. but it wasn't withheld sonar. we're going to take a hiatus couple weeks. all do your dna and whatever size you want to do on it. and then will will be back in this case. there certainly was prosecutes in misconduct. and i thought as i listen to it today, i thought, you know what, she's probably going to take a break in the case, make the jury come back in a week or 2 or 3 and say, ok, here's the evidence. now, go do what you want with a defense. but she didn't. and she declared dismissal in the case which surprised me a little bit. but i think she did the right thing. >>i mean, is there any other potential for more charges to be filed against him going
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forward or this is pretty much it for him now. won't use where a jury. >>and start moving forward at the case is dismissed that done for ever and this case, the judge said dismissing that with prejudice. so what happens when you use words, jury jeopardy attaches? and if it's dismissed, that's dismissed. but this judge really was saying to appellate courts, look, i'm making a decision here. i don't want to be overruled on cutting off all avenues of the prosecutor refiling this especially in light of the misconduct that happened here. and i think what speaks volumes this the second chair, this second attorney prosecutor quit. russia and the middle of this argument. so i'm done that speaks volumes to me about what she must have been thinking about the lead prosecutor and her ethics. >>baldwin may have been careless onset. i know he was a producer in addition to the
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star actor, but, you know, obviously, you know, he killed a person and has to live with that. and if you're halayna hutchins, family, they probably feel like they don't get justice. this case is now just gone. it's such a complicated case considering all the elements that into it. and i understand that and we are a society. the blinds, we need to blame someone. the question to the criminal jury was baldwin responsible for this? he was a hand. he was handed a gun. 2 people before him. the armorer and the first to assistant director was supposed to check the gun and they said to him when they handed it to him, this kind cold that means is filled with blacks are loaded with blanks. sadly, he relied on that. i know a lot of people say whenever you point a gun at someone you should check it yourself. first of all, the baldwin have the tactical knowledge because the bullets looked the same. the blanks and the live bullets looked the same. the way you tell the
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differences. apparently the armorer shake it and then the blanks. there's a bb inside of here that rattle, ok? that's a blind. but did he know that shooting effective? sure. but it's unlike the home like if we're home and i take a gun, not my point. that someone? yeah, i'm really night legend and doing that. i should check it. but i hear you've got an says, yeah, you're on set. you have 2 people telling your least one and 2 of checked that, hey, it's cold. it's ok, go ahead. relied on that. remember, there's a civil okay. yeah. so i guess this isn't the end and for and when it comes to this. but i mean, clearly the relief in his face today. >>to be cleared of this one, right. but again, the prosecutor was way out of bounds on the way end. >>they're really gives. people, especially jurors. the notion that can we trust prosecutors, you can generally
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this is really unusual. but like i said, the thing that speaks volumes to is that second prosecutor, that's like saying you're a bad bank or i'm not going to work. and i you walk out in the middle of the show here. terrible on out. yeah. so, you know, it just speaks. volume. know, do his wild that there are these real bullets, though, on the set that we knew that they were there at all. yeah, yeah. and they didn't turn it over to the defense because what the prosecutor did was and this is the of that prosecutor. well, it doesn't mean anything they can use this. >>but it's like you don't get to decide. give it to the defense. when i prosecuted tied open evidence locker and say there it is. pick what you want. take a look. and she she made the i'm deciding whether you need this or not, don't do he had to give it to a mall. that prohibit you from running. then the problems like this? story here locally
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in the bay. that is a really rocked the alameda, tight-knit community there. >>this this situation where this this dad is accused of killing his in-laws. his wife, his 6 year-old injuring his one year-old. you know, there are who worked with this guy gets a welder who said, you know, he was kids, proud of his kids. you know, he can run hot from time to time. you know, if you've some happened at work or whatever, but no one could have ever expected this. what is your take now on criminally what will happen to him and what his future is through the system? >>well, certainly he appears to be responsible for these tests. the defense, of course, we'll have him psychologically examined to see if there's something wrong with him. and if that will lessen the degree or if there's an insanity defense and there. but i'm more interested in what the da
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did because in a case like this, you have multiple homicides, and they charge the homicides against him, but they failed to charge the special circumstance. know a lot of people think special circumstances, just death penalty. it's not. that's also a wild life without possibility of parole. and they didn't charge that. i think that speaks volumes about the district attorneys philosophy about prosecution. she is elected. she just put her philosophy and but you also supposed to follow the law and send messages to people. you know, you kill multiple people. we are going to file a whopping against special cirque's death is pretty much off the table. california, but she didn't do that in. a lot of people are criticizing that. i think rightfully so. well in the da has already been criticized quite bit. >>when comes previous cases as well, i mean, the governor
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just pulling back offering help to the district attorney's office because of their lack of with him and his office in regards to needing some help. >>again, like what does this say about even the da's office at this point? when were, you know, she's up for re a recall as well. and now a very high profile, situation like this trip for quadruple murder that happened. homicide that happened in this home. she's making mistakes like that or something that, you know, you don't necessarily understand why. that's sure it's a mistake on her part. it's a philosophy on her part. here's my philosophy. i'm going to be gentle on crime. i'm going to give people breaks. >>and it does send a message to the community. and i guess what i say, you know, in my mind, if i were looking at the da said, hey, how's your philosophy working? take a look at the community. look at the crimes that are being committed. you're not holding
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people bowl people accountable. i've heard people say a criminal say, oh, i just talked to pammer pamela. pamela, help me here. you can't have that. you have to have a district attorney that follows the law. and when it calls for l y apart, special would do that. let your is the side where it should fall. but you know, running rampant crime and alameda. and then you have the governor, 70 min, a lot of chp to help out now. she can't do anything about that. when the governor said all attorney generals and to help you into the office so they can help prosecute cheap. absolutely stonewall. that according to the ag and the governor, the governor basically threw her under the bus. and i think rightfully so. he goes you don't want my help, ok, what we're going to do. it. make these arrests and let the ag prosecute him. that's not how it should work, but she's forced that
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government into that. governor, michael, one more out here on this your thoughts on oakland, mayor sheng taos attorney today coming out and saying maybe the justice department. >>or win it, you know, raided her house and went forward with this case so close to her recall election. >>well, keep in mind, number one, the government has what we call government immunity. you know, you can point to them. but in this case, you 3 different arms. of the federal government. they got together. so do they really believe that people are going to believe 3 arms of the federal government got year. the irs or the fbi. let's all get together let's her and get her out office. come who's going to believe that? i sort of call it a magic trick on their part. look over there. don't look at my record as mayor or the job i'm doing. they've they've heard her certain life. we
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don't know whether they're going to file charges or not, but notwithstanding what they're now doing is trying, you know, last ditch effort to keep iran office. look over there. what they did the west. don't look at the job or do it. >>we'll see if it works. yeah. michael cardoza, thank you for
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the president's future. president biden is in michigan today to deliver remarks at a campaign event in detroit. >>recall martin has more. >>the biden campaign says the president's remarks will focus on contra sting another 4 years under donald trump
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compared to another 4 years under the biden administration. of course, hanging in the backdrop of it all are concerns from democrats who question it. president biden is the right candidate to prosecute the case. >>on the heels of a consequential press conference where president biden defended his decision to stay in the rays. believe i'm the best qualified to governor. the president is taking his message back on the mood this time to detroit, michigan. but as president biden soldiers on a growing number of democrats are urging him to drop out of the race. connecticut congressman jim himes called on the president to step aside moments after the president thursday night news conference. the qualification for the president of the united states is so much more and whether you can have a good news conference or a press conference. others including missouri congresswoman cori bush appeared to be wrestling with their decision to stand by the president right now, 100% of the falls houses are office are asking me to ask the
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president to step out of the race. democratic leader hakeem jeffries whose challenge with keeping the party united says he met with the president thursday evening in a friday morning letter to congressional democrats. even he stopped short of fully endorsing the president's campaign. california congressman mike 11 is the latest house democrat to call on president biden to step aside. >>in total, roughly 18 house democrats and one democratic senator are pushing for a new nominee for now in washington, raquel martin, back to you. >>kra major evacuation sfo
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after smoke began filling an airplane cabin as it was leaving the gate for takeoff. 3 people were reportedly injured. kron four's lezla gooden shares. what lead to the smoke on the flight bound for miami? >>yes, it all took place around noon today when an american airlines flight left its gate. soon crews started noticing smoke filling the cabin. now in a statement, american airlines says it actually was coming from a passenger's laptop inside of their now, the airline says that they were able to remove the back and evacuate all passengers through emergency slides and others to the jet bridge. now 3 passengers were injured and one. >>the community is mourning the loss of vacaville police officer matthew bowen, officer bowen was killed in the line of duty yesterday morning while making a traffic stop. kristin martin reports from the vacaville police department after speaking with officers who knew him personally.
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>>it was ball of energy. always inquisitive, hardworking, always had a smile, a smile. they'll no longer see. >>yesterday when i came in, i wasn't working yesterday, but it came in because of what happened. he's still ogden to to our computer. not all is. his windows and his paperwork for the last times. >>kind of hit me hard. vacaville police say officer matthew bowen, who joined the department in june 2023. was killed in the line of duty thursday morning >>phillips that murder. >>police say while officer bowen was initiating a traffic stop a passing vehicle struck him. >>are a good buddy. yeah, that. with that said, what's a lunch with? covered me. whatever he thought that i needed to cover on the traffic
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stop was always the first answer on the radio. >>now, the vacaville police officers association is asking for the community to answer the call to help them support officer bowlen's wife and 2 sons through a fund, a hero campaign. anything that we get go straight to the family to fill what he's not there to do anymore. their goal is to raise a million dollars. >>i can only imagine how hard it would be for my family. >>officers say the community of vacaville has already shown up and their department is keeping them strong because this is what he would want us stay strong for him to continue to do as a loner. what he would want to do, what he was happy and excited to do every single day. and that was right. a motorcycle, kristin vartan kron. 4 news. >>don't the father accused
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of killing 4 family members, including his own son, shane killian appear before a judge on friday. kron four's philippe call spoke with people who worked with him. >>nice guy with a short fuse. that's how colleagues describe 54 year-old shane chilean. here's a photo taken of him the morning he shot 5 members of his family in alameda killing 4 of them in his own home. fellow. well, durham, mike, sacks peace. as for the 3rd time in 3 months that deadly day killian walked off the job at pbf refinery in martinez after someone was critical of his work. saxby says it is not uncommon for construction subcontractors to lose their tempers once in a while, but adds kilian seemed to get upset about relatively minor issues. several colleagues also say kilian
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talked about his family on the job, loved his children, but had a strained relationship with his father-in-law. one of the murder victims, saxby says killian was not happy about his parents-in-law moving in with him on kitty hawk road. jay rock sheild nose and works with killian too and describes him this way. when i was an apprentice, he was a drowning person work multiple filters together. >>how would you describe pretty level most of the time. feisty, occasional in pretty level. always. joking. some pretty sure for most of the time never talked as kids all the time. seemed yes. i was really proud. sadly, 2 of the shooting victims were kilian 6, one year-old sons and the 6 year-old son did not survive. >>philippe all kron. 4 news. >>kron on will continuein the s
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temperatures are on the way and bring safety concerns. santa clara county is investigating more than a dozen deaths to see if they were caused by the heat. kron four's. rob nesbitt has more from the county's public health department. >>temperatures are climbing into the 90's as of midday friday at the santa clara county department of public health temperatures much higher than that are being blamed for causing several deaths. the county's medical examiner is investigating whether 19 people who died were the result of excessive heat of those 4 people were homeless and 9 people were adults over the age of 65. the youngest death being investigated was a 32 year-old
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heat waves like we've experience can be extremely dangerous, especially for those with underlying medical conditions. here are some signs to be aware of when it comes to heat exhaustion. first is heat stroke. we heat exhaustion. it's important to get yourself out of the heat to a cool area and drink plenty of water. the more serious signs of heat stroke include throbbing, headache, no sweating, red, hot skin, and feelings of confusion and dizziness. like you might lose consciousness in the case of heatstroke, assistant public health officer in santa clara county, doctor christian sarah c says it's important to call 9-1-1 and seek medical help immediately. populations that are most susceptible heat injury included people that are very young people that are very old. >>pregnant people and with. koa their medical conditions. think about heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, obesity. so it's it's definitely important if you have anybody, your community, anybody your neighborhood, anybody in your family is one of those high-risk populations, check on them and the temperatures guy and make
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sure that they're staying. >>in the u.s. high temperatures are the number one cause of weather-related fatalities reporting in san jose. i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >>challenges continue to arise for people across the bay area. during this heat wave. folks living in a mobile home park in the east bay were without electricity all night long as kron four's gayle ong reports. power has just recently been restored. >>as 8 o'clock last night, the power went out. and it was off for about 15 minutes in it. and it came back on for about 30. and then it went off at 9 o'clock. >>as of one, 30 friday afternoon, power was back at the spanish range mobile home community in hubbard. erick erickson is a longtime resident in talks about the challenges of living with no power during another hot day. i talk to my neighbor next door. their refrigerator. >>it's all thought out. they don't have any backup power. she has not tested child in
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the home that can she can only feed certain things she can't really feed them much because they don't have a refrigerator. according to pg e's outage map. the cause of the outage was due to damaged equipment. >>a spokesperson for the utility says an initial investigation shows the faulty cable is customer owned, not pg and e's cable. >>wind damage equipment owned by a customer. it is their responsibility to make repairs pg and e crews were seen on site along with the utility worker for an underground utilities company. erickson is grateful to situation has been resolved. it has for dealing with no power and hot weather. you can't because where we lived. most of our people in the park, especially if they're in a home as old as my my homes over 30 it's all metal. >>so when the sun hits it, it acts like heat or even with fans on the days we've been having worked up around. 95 degrees. it's still 90 degrees in the house with fantz
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reporting in hayward, gayle ong kron. 4 news. >>more news stocks closed the w
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a high note and a tnt says hackers stole records of nearly all their customers. david lazarus with tonight's money, smart. >>their stocks ended the week on a high note as traders looked beyond tech stocks for potential gains. for example, the dow closed above 40,000 by just a smidge. not because of a i or the typical tech suspects, but rather caterpillar and home depot at the same time, traders also
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shrugged off higher than expected wholesale prices and some lackluster earnings coming out of the banking sector. instead, traders are focusing on the possibility of interest rate cuts perhaps as soon as september. now, looking ahead to next week. well, we've got a speech on monday by fed chief, jerome powell that will be parsed carefully by investors for any hints of policy changes. don't hold your breath. he seldom drops indians in speeches like that. also, earning season kicks into high gear next week. we'll have earnings from among other companies, goldman sachs, netflix and dominoes. now shares of a tnt today. well, they were largely unchanged despite a tnt revealing in a regulatory filing that what it said was nearly all of its wireless customers being impacted by a cyber attack that occurred roughly 2 years ago. what's going on here? well, a tnt is now revealing that a couple years ago, hackers apparently
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got into the system of a 3rd party and was able to make off with phone numbers and data regarding calls and texts sent by wireless customers. although the content of those calls and texts apparently wasn't included. now, apparently this wasn't related to a separate hack attack free tnt that was reported in march that didn't involve potentially millions of social security numbers. nevertheless, in a situation like this, just having someone's phone number can also be very revealing. so why are we learning about this now? well, 18th, he says it didn't find out about the hack attack until just april and then it went to law enforcement and they all agreed. let's not tell anybody until we can investigate a little bit. and so now we know back to you. >>if you are itching to watch a movie this weekend, scarlet johansen and channing tatum start a new historic rom com that is out of this world. dean richards has a preview. >>ms. are on very original. no, i do not want to stop drop and roll with. book is on i
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kind of a home slams. they like each other hold kelly jones. so whatever happened to the good old fashion romcom. >>scarlet johansen and channing tatum are dusting off trying their hand at one called fly me to the moon. it's set in 1969. it is centered around a slick advertising executive and the one of astronaut launch director for the upcoming apollo 11 moon mission. she has been hired to persuade the public and nasa brass. they going to the moon a great idea. he is the one to be astronaut who is not so crazy about the slick sales person selling is project like a canopy. we need shoot. you mean to fake here's where fly me to the moon goes into big-time routine romcom the sparks fly and a love hate
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relationship was. >>all with a little history about the early days of the early space missions with a whole lot of predictability along the way. this one is a harmless screwball comedy with 2 very likable stars. it won't go into the romcom hall of fame but does provide a few sweet and funny moments, i give it a dean's list. well, you can always get my movie reviews and home video picks sent right to your phone's every week. >>just by texting the word, dean, 2, 9, 7, 9, 9, 9, and i will be a great weekend in chicago. i'm the dirt routes. >>and that does it here for us atwith the morning news at 7. i'm stephanie rothman. thanks for watching.
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