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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  July 14, 2024 7:00am-10:00am PDT

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no problem with simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection— go with simparica trio. - hope you enjoy today's adventure. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. one thing's for sure. you can always count on the unexpected. from the columbus zoo, i'm jack hanna. see you next time when we go "into the wild"! [music] >> it said take a look at what happened. >> now on the kron 4 morning news. former president donald trump narrowly escapes an assassination attempt during a
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campaign rally. the suspected gunman now dead. and leaders across. there's no place in america kind of and leaders across the bay area and nationally now responding to the threat on president donald former president donald trump's life. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> thanks so much for joining us here this morning on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> today is sunday. the 14th in our top story this morning, former president donald trump just barely surviving an assassination attempt at a campaign rally on saturday in butler, pennsylvania. now just minutes after trump took to the stage at least 5 shots rang out. one of the bullets just grazing the side of the former president's head blood visible on the side of trump's face. secret service killed the gunman at the scene.
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saturday's attack also left one rally, spectator dead and 2 others critically injured. the fbi identified the shooter as 20 year-old thomas matthew crooks at this hour, the motive for the shooting remains unclear. let's bring in our reporter tino bovenzi who is live for us now in butler, pennsylvania, where the attack on the former president happened. tina, what are you seeing out there at this hour? >> stephanie, good morning. it's been a very restless night for investigators here who are working to process evidence and control the perimeter here outside of this fairgrounds area where a 20 year-old man unsuccessfully carried out his attempt to assassinate the 45th president of the united states. the fbi has positively identified thomas matthew crooks as the shooter. crooks is a bethel park, pennsylvania native, an area just south of pittsburgh. investigators are working to determine his motive right
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now. but it seems it would be to prevent donald trump from re assuming the presidency. officials say crooks climbed a roof outside of the perimeter of trump's campaign rally, firing multiple rifle shots at the stage. one of those bullets gracing the right ear of the former president. he was bloodied but the republican nominee for pre-ident was not seriously injured. the u.s. secret service confirms that one person in the stands was shot and killed and 2 more people were critically wounded. this area is now secure and the threat is over, but the work is far from over for investigators. >> the chaotic scene, law enforcement, i believe acted heroically quickly identifying and neutralizing the threat as well as responding to assist the various victims. >> right now we need the public's help. anyone who was on scene who saw anything
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identified any information. please report that to the fbi using these are the phone number 1, 800 call fbi or online at fbi dot gov. >> there's a large contingent of media stage here about a quarter mile outside of the butler farm fairgrounds. police are keeping us a far distance away to make sure that their investigation is not slow down in any way as they continue to process evidence. as for the condition of former president donald trump, he is seemingly in good spirits and ready to continue. his campaign effohis next stop is milwaukee, wisconsin. the president was seen in a video posted to axe walking down the steps of trump force. one unassisted seemingly, ok, stephanie, there are a lot of concerns, of course, from people who are here who remember seeing the shooter crawl into place before he started opening fire. and also they're worried about potential security at campaign events moving forward.
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>> all right. you know, thank you so much for your live coverage of this developing story this morning. we do appreciate it. we turn now to reaction to the trump rally shooting here in the bay area. let's bring in tiffany justice now. >> tiffany, local leaders are sharing a lot about this this morning. >> right after the apparent assassination attempt against former president donald trump. bay area leaders are now reacting. the former president was reportedly injured after shots were fired at a philadelphia rally saturday. >> california governor gavin newsom taking social media saying that, quote. >> violence has no place in our democracy. my thoughts are with president trump and everyone impacted at the rally. former speaker of the house commenting as well. nancy pelosi saying let us pray that all those in attendance at the former president's rally are unharmed. >> going on to say that as one whose family has been the victim of political violence. i know firsthand that political violence of any kind has no place in our society.
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san jose mayor matt mahan saying as well like all americans, he shocked and horrified about the incident in pennsylvania going on to say no matter our respective political parties or you must commit to settle our disagreements with rational debates and popular votes, not bullets. this is a developing story that we're continuing to follow 3 more about this incident and reaction from bay area leaders. you can go online to kron 4 dot com reporting live to back to you. all right, tiffany, thank you. >> and reaction continues to ripple across the globe this morning to the assassination attempt on donald trump. former president bill clinton releasing a statement saying, quote, violence has no place in america, especially in our political process. hillary and i are thankful that president or former president trump is safe and they are feeling heartbroken for all those affected by the attack at today's rally and grateful for the swift action of u.s. secret service. the former president george w bush also reacting saying, quote, laura
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and i are grateful that trump is safe following the cowardly attack on his life. we commend the men and women of the secret service for their speedy response. and finally, former president obama echoing his predecessors saying, quote, there is absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy, although we don't yet know exactly what happened. we should all be former president trump wasn't seriously hurt and use this moment to recommit ourselves to civility and respect in our politics. michelle and i are wishing him a quick recovery. we're also hearing from eyewitnesses to the shooting this morning, a man who says he lives just a few yards from where that rally happened pennsylvania, spoke about what he saw moments before shots were fired. >> probably a minute or 2 before the shooting. sa guy, gray shirt, chi minh up the metal roof on the building. upside us didn't know what he was doing in trying to alert
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police. there's a guy kron on the roof and we saw a rifle slung over his shoulder yeah, after that, a couple shots fired off. so. wasn't very it was. it was scary. i grabs all my family that was nearby and ran and got in the shelter and i came back out. ran back and grabbed more as much as i could. as long as my family was safe. so yeah, it was. pretty traumatic for everyone. >> president joe biden also reacting after cutting his trip to delaware short. he spoke with trump just hours after that assassination attempt. president biden also addressing the nation in a live televised address last night saying there is no room for this kind of violence in the country. watch this. >> there's no place in america is kind of violence, sick. reason or a few 90's country.
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cannot allow for to be happening. cannot be like we cannot condone this. and so i want to thank the secret service and all include the state against making sure that people and i we have more details come relative other people may be injured in the audience. i don't have all that detail will make that available to you. the bottom line is. trump rally, the rally that should have been able can be conducted peacefully without any problem. but the idea the idea that there's political violence or violence in america like this is just not appropriate. everybody, everybody must come down. everybody. >> and new this morning, former president trump releasing his own statement on truth, social calling for unity. he says, quote, in this moment is more important than ever that we stand united and show our true character as americans remaining strong and determined and not allowing evil to win. he added he looks forward to speaking at the
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republican national convention in wisconsin, which is set to kick off tomorrow. we know that donald trump previously pledged to the national rifle association that if elected he would reverse gun restrictions put in place by the biden administration. but could this attempted assassination change that? our political analyst michael yaki weighs in. >> should change the tone. but i'm just telling you right now that i've heard from for marjorie taylor, greene and others that that the heart right there, going out there and basically making this the fault or the instigation are the direct result president biden and the democratic party. and i think that, you know, we should not do that. we when paul pelosi was attacked. you know, we were there say this is resulta, blah, blah. i mean, we're talking about if there are crazy people out there. i wish i could say something would happen. i don't think in mainly for the short term. i don't think though, that, for
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example, anyone sill seriously say well. depending how the spurs obtain their in pennsylvania, by the way, is one of the most for places in the country own a gun. you know, it's going to talk about gun control. those are we talking about the kind of weapon that this person may views that we find out what kind of was where the kind of ammunition. but those those kinds of discussions have been pretty much got it by the current supreme court. >> and stay with us here on kron 4 for the very latest on this breaking story for the latest developments. anytime. head to kron 4 dot com. or you can check out the kron 4 app which is free to download. all right. let's get a check of the weather with dave spahr morning. a very busy day for us newsroom. how are things looking at the weather center? >> okay. good morning, stephanie. good morning, we have that fog. that's return to kind of shows you how that high pressure is sort of weakening a little bit. the heat statements and so forth of all been kind of retired. now you'll notice the
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difference this afternoon, even a few folks well inland. but fog is here and causing some minor delays at the airport about 45 minutes or so. you can see it kind of start to rip away. but it's lingering a little bit around the hills. you can see off to the distance back to the fog program here. here's the coverage around the bay approximately. and you can see it take spacey all morning to really kind of peel away. and there are some problems spots along the coast. you may not see some a lot of those much sun, maybe and some coastal locations. this afternoon. we've got 60's covering a good chunk of the east bay 50's. meanwhile, up north, how does that compare to 24 hours ago? pretty close, although we're still trailing in some of those inland spots and it will be even cooler this afternoon. the breakdown for you. 76 by 11 by 2 will talk about 89. will that feel so much better to say? we've got a pretty mild forecast coming this week, but watch out another heat spike around the bend. stephanie. dave, thank you. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news, we're learning more about the attempt on former president donald trump's life. stick around. we have the latest.
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>> 7.14, this morning and questions continue around the security response to former dot for former president donald trump's rally and how the shooter managed to do what he did now. a retired secret service agent is criticizing security at the rally. remembering lessons learned in the 1981 attempt on president ronald reagan's life. angelica cade reports. >> questions started to swirl about the chaotic moments leading up to what's now being investigated as an attempted assassination. mainly how did this happen? i continually say yes, it's a mistake. retired secret service agent mike for dan. not sugar coat on
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abilities after learning the shots appeared to come from an elevated position outside the rally venue. that roof should have a law enforcement presence. >> or it should be under surveillance and of somebody positions themselves on the roof like this person good with a firearm. they never should have been able to able to shoot the firearm. the terrifying moment bringing back memories for nearly half the population of america's last attempted assassination on its commander in chief. >> president ronald reagan was shot in 1981 after speaking at an event in d c virgin says the secret service learned a lot that day because of that incident. >> we'll never see a president. exit the building and then walk in the open to the motorcade that the response to the incident was textbook. >> as we've learned, the shots were coming from stage, right? so the day evacuated. the president's states left.
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unfortunately, that's where the motorcade was. while the motive remains unclear. attack on trump follows a string of political violence in america. >> the january 6 attack on the u.s. capitol. the hammer-wielding man who attacked the husband of former speaker nancy pelosi and the california man who threatened to kill supreme court justice brett kavanaugh as the investigation into the attack begins the political unrest only seems to be getting more intense. >> and that was and jelly contained reporting for us. we know the fbi will lead the investigation into saturday's attack. all right, 7.16 this morning and we're getting a live look at the white house. we know that president joe biden, he actually his home in delaware early last to return to the white house. and we also know he had a conversation with former president trump just hours shortly after that assassination attempt on trump's life it's a lot of developing news coming out of this. let's turn now to a day
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for a look at our local weather. >> okay, good morning, stephanie. good morning, we're going back to that fog again this morning. as you can temperatures will be dropping inland. you'll feel a bigger difference today as we were really take out the role bite. but the least heat latest heat spike. we had, by the way, as i tease earlier, it looks like we're looking at another one potentially developing into next weekend. something to watch east bay shoreline. it's just covered in the ground fog for right now that marine layer is getting squeezed a bit, not as hot above us as it was yesterday. it's only in the 80's, i say only but yesterday was in the 90's in the morning hours. we've got 60's for the east bay, some upper 50's at work here to 59 livermore in fremont up to the north bay there see all those 50's as well. 64 for san jose storm tracker. 4 shows the high that we've talked about as it starts to wane with that low kind of cleaning things up for us that is aloft and talking about, yes, we had take care of the fog first, but at least we're taking here. some of the cloud cover a lot. you'll see a little more sun inland today. so if you got to have those warm temperatures, why not with the
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warm temperatures, the left over business of all that moisture out towards the mountains that shower and thundershower activity will continue. and it still has to go through a dry layer. so that is still a little problematic. fog comes back again, as you can see tomorrow morning. i stop that here about 2.15 to give you a general idea of the continue flare up in the mountains still as late as monday, although that's very, very widely scattered and some leftover fog around the bay just a little bit into the early afternoon before stress to really mix out a little bit. all right. here's what happens into tuesday morning. we go back to that same scenario. so what does that mean? we're getting a break. so for today, 90 is happening inland. but this week, mild early with 80's going on inland. okay. but turning hot again late in the weekend. you'll start to feel about thursday. question is, does it hold into the weekend? the thinking is we might be topping off their 100 yet again. so be watching a couple. those trouble spots. 68 san francisco with afternoon clearing take care of that morning. fog. 73 oakland, 84 san jose. the big
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map only lower 80's. you can see some of the purples are starting to go away. the north bay got some lower 90's. they're looking ahead. that's a pretty good shot there. how about that? there's mount am you have a to around there, the fog and then aloft the skies start to clear on out. 89 looks like by tuesday and there's more treats to come with that. we'll get down to the you know, lower to the upper 80's like that for a couple of days of illness to pay. very good. thanks so much. data about. >> all right. well, the number of acres burned across the state this year is about 20 times what it was last year. firefighters and the governor now warning residents to remain vigilant throughout the summer. dan kerman reports. >> lawnmowers weed eaters, chainsaws. grinders welders, tractors and tremors. can all spark wildfires a news conference wednesday. cal fire chief joe tyler said californians must remain vigilant because fire season is now year round in his already in full swing. the california fire service as a whole. >> because responded to more than 3,500 wild land fires
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that have burned more than 207,000 acres. so far this year that 200,000 acres now compares to just over 10,000 acres at this time last year, which cal fire says is all due to the weather. we see late rains that has a growing her basis. fields are grasses quickly. in some areas you can find that they are still 4 to 5 feet tall. we find ourselves here recently that we have the high temperatures associated with the high temperatures. we hadn't oars and west and northeast winds but a push the fires that have been ignited too, where we are today. lightning is not our friend when to sup 8 ing some lightning strikes this weekend up in the sierras. we saw abnormality of lightning strikes in the central valley, particularly around fresno. >> earlier in the season that were typically seen them. there's nothing again, typical. >> the governor says
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california has the largest firefighting fleet of anywhere in the world. and then the last 6 years cal fire has increased its ranks by 3,000 with more to come over the next 5 years were committing the additional 2400. personnel to cal fire. that's making up for issues around cdcr. it's allowing us to augment our efforts and allowed us to do. and this is a long-winded point of gratitude to the legislature. >> to maintain my commitment that i made. but it can't be. mine alone had to be our commitment. it had to be ratified and supported by the legislature as it relates to the quality of life. the wellness of members of cal fire. >> dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news. we continue our breaking coverage on the attempted assassination of donald trump at saturday's campaign rally. stay with us.
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some heartbreaking new developments in the missing persons case of a three-year-old fremont girl. police say they found ellie the reds. those body early saturday morning at a recycling facility. >> her mother had reported her missing after learning eli's father was found dead in san francisco. police say the girl was with her father under a custody agreement was supposed to be back with her mother by friday night, ali was last seen at the casa royal apartment complex in fremont. the death is now being investigated as a homicide.
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the vacaville fire department hit with tragedy this morning after the death of a code enforcement technician. this comes just 2 days after a vacaville police officer was struck and killed in the line of duty. the back of the fire chief says brydon ned assay was off duty when he crashed his motorcycle a friday night along vacca valley parkway. the chiefs went on to say it's a very difficult time for the department and the city. san mateo county sheriff christina corpus has been named to the state's jail oversight board. governor gavin newsom appointed her friday to the board of state and community corrections. the board was created in 2011 when a when a prison alignment plan responding to severe over crowding was set up. the plan shifted to counties the responsibility for holding lower-level offenders. corpus has served as sheriff of san mateo county since 2023. coming up on the kron 4 morning news, we're learning more about the attempted assassination on former president donald trump. we'll have the latest in just a moment. stay with us.
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>> well, now on the kron 4 morning news, former president donald trump narrowly escaping an assassination attempt at a campaign rally saturday. we'll go back to top story in just a moment. but let's get you started this half hour with a quick check of our forecast. >> with dave spahr. stephanie, good morning and good morning, were treated to that morning fog again today. it's a nice little climate control. keep those temperatures suppressed a little bit. >> however, we are seeing some minor delays, at least sfo. they're looking about a 40
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minute delay or so. but with that first things, first, we take care of the fog open up the skies a little bit around the bay. we void and that in those inland spots there. but to what's happening a lot. there are a few little scattered clouds here with that low. that will kind of clean it all out. but you can kind of get a shot of this. what's going on? some rain trying to happen a lot in the central valley, however, not make much progress. you can see some lightning strikes on that as well. that extends up to the mountains. however, though, some upslope in, as we say in the trade, a lower 60's covering a little good chunk of the east bay. we've got 59 for livermore 50's. meanwhile, up north and this compares to some cooler numbers in london. however, along the coast are pretty much on the money from where they were from yesterday. let's try about 76 going on by 11 by 2 at about 89 again, faster clearing for the bay. plenty of sunshine well inland. we're taking some of that bite out. by the way, that bite is coming back again with another heat spike by the weekend. stephanie. >> take a look at what happened.
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>> top story this morning that failed attempt to assassinate former president donald trump. someone in the audience was fatally shot. 2 others critically injured. secret service agents killed the gunman now identified as 20 year-old thomas matthew crooks from pennsylvania. the ne simlot breaks down. what happened? >> a searing moment saturday afternoon. former president donald trump says the bullet pierced his upper ear in a shooting at a campaign rally. take a look at what happened. you can see the moment president trump grabbed his face and duct in a post on truth social. the former president says he immediately felt the bullet ripping through his skin. secret service returned fire, killing the shooter. as secret service lifted p fist pumps to the
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crowd. photos show blood on trump's face. issa and smith says he was standing outside the western pennsylvania rally by the fence. probably a minute or 2 before the shooting. >> sa guy, gray shirt climbing up the metal roof on the building the site. he says he saw the shooter with a rifle over his shoulder. after that, a couple shots fired president biden says he's been briefed on the shooting. he cut his weekend trip to delaware short after the attack on the former president. there's no place in america. kind of violence sick. it's sick. president biden spoke with former president trump on saturday evening. the idea that there's political violence or violence in america like this is just not appropriate. >> everybody, everybody must condemning. the trump campaign says the republican national convention will begin monday as planned. >> in washington, i'm the day some lot.
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>> former president donald trump issuing a statement saying he's been thinking about the people at the rally who were affected by that attack saying on truth, social quote, i want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the rally who was killed and also to the family of another person that was badly injured. it is incredible. such an act can take place in our country. and we continue our coverage of this assassination attempt. let's bring in communications professor nolan with the university of cal state east bay. the morning to you. so thanks so much for being here of what first of all, the optics of this moment we see the former president, he's standing at the podium moments later. gunshots rang out. you see the blood on his face. secret service responding to that moment. what's the effect that this has on the public? >> remains to be seen how the public will react. from what we've seen so one thing that was very trumpian, i would say about that the scene was that trump likes to project strength. stopping the secret
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service from removing him from the stage for just a moment or 2 to raise his fist. now the crowd cheer. i think that's going to be iconic video and photo that will be played over and over again by trump and his supporters to illustrate the types strength hopes the project. >> and speaking of that, a response from his supporters as well. we saw a lot of reaction on social media from the general public and also from different tech leaders, whether it was here in the bay area and beyond to walk us through what you're seeing there. >> yeah, i the incident is a good reminder of many things. but one in particular is why it's so important suspend judgment when these type of events this is a pretty a chaotic you know, a lot of people are being interviewed informations coming in and we start to get a picture eventually of what happened. but in the immediate i thought people were way too quick to jump to the former president's
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son blamed on the radical left. i saw people online saying it was a false flag. these are things there's no way we could know at that time. there's no evidence to justify any of those that time or even even now at this point. and i think that's that knee-jerk reaction creates a lot of we start to draw conclusions about evidence. this is how you get false information out there. and that perhaps a consequence the right? but the viral nature of how things can go on social media >> i'm curious also to get your perspective on how republicans respond to this, perhaps also president biden. he did cut short his time in delaware get back to the white house pretty quickly. and we understand he also had a phone call with president trump shortly after that assassination attempt. >> you know, my husband, joe biden, i think was was pretty well. was a leader. he immediately came out, spoke to the nation about the tragedy.a try try to offer some comfort that the federal government is
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taking this seriously. i think you also recognize we all do of how polarized this country is. and so the fact that he and former president trump are able to engage in a phone call, i think that's really seem like a minor events. but i think it's really important that those lines of communication are opened. as far as the republicans, it remains to be seen convention coming up this week. and i think there's a lot of power in the hands. the republican party right now. they can either turn this event into something to rally and unite the country you know, example of why the polarization of political violence or are problematic or they could go the other route. they could use it as a political tool to further those divisions and blamed the left's you normalize further this deep division that we've been experience over the last few decades. and of course, we know that there's been a lot of attention previously. >> on president joe biden's performance at the first
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presidential debate. how do you see perhaps the narrative now changing at this point? >> i think it in terms of politics and political discussions, i joe biden is at least happy that a lot of the focus will probably turn away from him in his age and dropping out of the race and turned toward questions of political violence and gun violence. the secret service. so this will probably president biden arrest. from a lot of the criticisms he's have thus far, but the other part of that typically when there's event like people rally the victim, a most famously reagan saw about a 20 points improvement in his approval ratings after the attempted assassination on him. so i imagine trump is going to see a bump in in support as a result of this event politically speaking is not going to be great for biden's electoral chances. >> and of course, we also know
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trump has been a supporter of the nra as well. he's pledged his support to he said he's going to roll back a lot of regulations that the biden administration has put in if trump were return to the white house. >> do you see this assassination attempt changing that for from trump's perspective? >> who knows if you know presidents evolve in and change a trump stick to the same rhetoric and policy positions on guns. he said previously or the shooting could change his mind that we saw this with with reagan. reagan was much more open to support things like assault weapon ban that things like that after the shooting that occurred with him. once a bullet graze your ear, it could change your mind. remains to be seen how trump will react. >> all professor nolan higdon with the university of cal state east bay. thank you so much for your time this morning. all right. and you can stay with kron 4 for the very latest on this story.
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lots to come. lots more developments to come as well. you can head to the kron 4. our website kron 4 dot com where you can download the kron forecast. for more on that. all right. let's get a quick check of our weather with dave sphar. dave. >> okay, we come back. we'll take a look at these temperatures. a little bit more detail in the 4 zone forecast. we do see inland. we're getting into the lower 90's. that's an improvement back into kron. 4 morning news continues.
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>> all right. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news 7.41. this morning and federal state and local law enforcement officials are on high alert ahead of monday's republican
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national convention. that's happening in milwaukee, former chairman of california's republican party, tom del beccaro shared what security measures can be expected here. >> look, i'd be surprised if there were any big rallies anytime soon without some dramatic changes, right? this kind shot from a distance away with a large got. so i think there will be a change. look, you can walk up to yankee stadium. i hate saying this out loud or you can walk up to sofi. incredibly before there's a metal detector. i think been saying this for 15, some years, that to be some different, some recognition that we're not in the we have to do better with our security. i'd be surprised if there is an event anytime soon. and the security for for at milwaukee's going to be off the charts. i can't imagine how long it will take to get inside that building.
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pennsylvania senator john fetterman is also responding to the shooting. watch this. >> it's difficult this point to ignore what she with. butler where heat is the apparently so i would also take this opportunity >> all right. let's turn now to the situation that's closer to home here. looking outdoors at court tower looking a bit gray on the skies there. a touch of a breeze their day. yeah, that is that we have that continuation of the onshore winds. good morning, stephanie. good morning. all. >> as that high stress to weaken a little bit more. so we'll get some more influence that we typically get now and bring those numbers down. the seasonality headed to tahoe.
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we do have the chance of a flare up of some thunder showers. i think going forward, we're going to be further south so that to early start of the week drop in the lower 80's, not too bad there. a certain getting the feeling of summer. beautiful picture coming in from mount tam. there's the fog here at the ground. and then meanwhile, aloft son is waiting for us soon as this fog burns off. 66 antioch, 59 for a little more east bay shoreline in the lower 60's 50's. meanwhile, up to the north stormtracker 4 has that low. that's kind of in our backyard. it's kind of doing a nice cleaning job as the high moves. but the transition is driving some instability with some lightning strikes there. and pretty much the center of the state of put this on here. this means the prediction center says you could have some flare up of an isolated shower. scattered about hear thunder shower for the parts of the central valley. but more importantly off towards the east. so that high is starting to wane. now and our low. we start to lose that as well as this front passes. but afterwards we see another heat spike trying to develop here a sting pattern here. it's like
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a high trying to develop out to sea as well. so that will be something to watch as we head into next weekend. we have hints of it already. 68 san francisco. it's keeping the lower 60's at the coast. the start, the fog to be more stubborn today. 76 for burning game. 85 city, 80 palo alto in the south bay us to about 84 san jose. 91. meanwhile, for morgan hill, those numbers have improved a little bit there. tri valley. you're looking about 90 lower 90's at that dublin, 88 84 hayward. let's try about 89 walnut creek, 69 for berkeley. so we'd be coupled we have that contrast, help drive some local winds here. the at 69 89. meanwhile, for a fairfield, 82 for a nap at 85 for santa rosa. there's today's highs forecast here and there we going to have the seven-day here. we get down to about 90 or so in the middle portion of the week. there's the buildup of them. that's next. heat spike is a possibility into next weekend. stephanie, we might be revisiting a couple of spots into around 100, but we don't
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see 105, in all that crazy business yet. so stay with us. we'll see if that develops. all right. thanks so much. data ready. she ate. >> for your health, doctors are close to a potential cure for patients with lupus. it's an autoimmune disease impacting one and a half million people in the u.s. mostly women. dina bair has more. >> we have my michael family or sell sept there. sean has been living with lupus for 25 stating symptoms can most definitely pay you. fatigue, ct scan all major organs are inflamed. my colon, my liver inflamed. if your immune system which normally protects you from bacteria, viruses and fungi >> actually, instead of protecting you, the make proteins that can damage these organs. the sun is not friends with people with lupus. so i do precious frequently on the skin. that's what happens in those with the autoimmune disease. the body produces
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antibodies to cause damage to the skin, lungs, brain and kidneys. as a result, patients must take medications that suppress their entire immune system, even though they do a good job and helping deal with the disease actually make you more vulnerable to other infections, looking at blood samples from people with lupus and those without. >> the researchers identified a chemical imbalance among the patient population, more injury, causing cells and fewer wound healing cells noting a targeted bill root cause of lupus. the team set out to rebalance the body's chemistry. we don't eliminate the cells. we think we can reprogram them from causing disease causing would do it in the lab. doctor, j choi and his colleagues at a special mediator to the blood, a molecude deficient in patients that successfully impacted just the lupus causing immune response, not the entire immune system. we really have to push saying we've done some basic science, but we need to make use of the drugs. and so real goal is to >> be able to identify ways to make this chemical into something to take bill. you
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clinic in the world. >> if there's some new research that can highlight why and how that's beneficial. because once you know what you're fighting you, how this come to be. you have some answers that you're not living by. >> all right. that was dina bair reporting for us. the next step is to move the research from the lab to the production line. the research team hopes to partner with a pharmaceutical company to get the treatment in the hands of patients within the next year or so. all right. now to bay area baseball as the giants taking on the twins in their second game of the series starting off in the 4th inning. all tied up and the twins hit a shot to the outfield. run comes into score making one nothing. twins later in the inning. runners on the corners and a pitch gets away from the giants as another one comes home on the passed ball. bottom 5, now 2 to one tie on 3rd time, one on 3rd for the giants and they come through with the base hit and the giants tied up at 2. all. then in the 6 inning, the
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twins hit a fly ball down the line and just leaves the yard. the twins would hold to win this one by a final of 42 final game of the series is today at 105, twins. go on to win 4 even the series. meanwhile, he is looking to win the second straight over the league-leading philadelphia phillies over the league-leading philadelphia phillies, i should say. but that would be short-lived. >> as of the second inning, the phillies hit a 2 run home run, making it 2 to one phillies would answer back with a home run of their own tie. the game at 2 in the 3rd inning. well, the league's best would build their league their lead and go on to win by a final of 11 to 5. the a's planned their final game of the series today at 10, 30. decades after inspiring millions of people that turned to his fitness with his eccentric richard simmons's died. he died at his los angeles home at the age of 76 criswell takes a look back at his career.
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>> one day after his 76th birthday, legendary fitness personality richard simmons passed away at his home in the hollywood hills saturday morning. police and fire officials say they arrived at the scene around 10:00am following a call from the housekeeper. the death appears to be the result of cardiac arrest and natural causes. simmons was born in 1948. in new orleans, louisiana, and relocated to los angeles in the 1970's with his flamboyant, yet compassionate disposition frequently, wild costumes and exploding frizzy hair. he quickly won over legions of loyal fans after opening a number of gyms and releasing dozens of workout videos, namely sweating to the oldies. he also hosted the richard simmons show a combination talk and fitness show from 1980, to 1984,
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simmons always shared that he had a difficult childhood being significantly overweight but managed to change his life with a strict diet and exercise program. millions of people struggling with similar issues sought out his guidance. simmons also tackled acting often appearing as himself in shows, including a reported 72 episodes of the soap opera general hospital. he faded from the spotlight during the last several years, choosing to live quietly and privately in march, the fitness grow revealed he had been diagnosed with skin cancer and would have surgery to remove the malignant cells. >> that was chris wolfe reporting for us. more sad news. actress shannen doherty has passed away doherty best known for her roles and the wildly popular series, beverly hills 9, 0, 2, 1, 0, and on the witchcraft fantasy charmed
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was diagnosed with cancer back in 2015, her publicist said that they told people magazine in a statement that doherty lost her battle with cancer this morning after many years of fighting the disease, she was 53 years old. >> happening >> today, best deal day celebrations and one of the places marking the occasion. the san francisco design center galleria. this is video from the moment last year. the holiday honors the french revolution when citizens of paris storm the bastille prison in 17, 89 today's event features authentic french food and drinks dance party at a special preview of the olympic games. the festival starts at 11:00am. we'll be right back.
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we're back to our top story this morning. former president donald trump just barely. >> surviving an assassination attempt at a campaign rally in said on saturday in butler, pennsylvania, just minutes. after trump took to the stage, at least 5 shots rang out. one of the bullets just grazing the side of the former president's head secret service killing the gunman at the scene. saturday's attack killed one rally spectator and left 2 others critically injured. the fbi identified the shooter as 20 year-old thomas. matthew crooks at this hour, the motive for the shooting remains unclear. investigators telling the associated press they believe the weapon used to shoot at the former president was bought by crooks father at least 6 months ago. federal
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agents still working to understand when and how crooks got a hold of a weapon. in the meantime, trump sent a memo to his staff saying he is in, quote, great spirits after this incident. now the former president still plans to speak at the rnc tomorrow. much more on this coming up on our next hour of the kron 4 morning news. so stay with us.
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>> this said take a look at what happened. >> now on the kron 4 morning news. former president donald trump narrowly escapes an assassination attempt during a campaign rally. the suspected gunman now dead. >> there's no place in america is kind of >> and leaders across the bay
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area and nationally now responding to the threat on former president trump's life. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> thanks so much for joining us this morning on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's sunday, the 14th and our top story this morning, former president donald trump just barely surviving an assassination attempt at a saturday rally campaign in butler, pennsylvania. this minutes after trump took to the stage, at least 5 shots rang out. one of the bullets just grazing the side of the former president's head blood visible on the side of trump's face. secret service killed the gunman at the scene. saturday's attack also leaving one rally, spectator dead and 2 others critically injured. the fbi identified the shooter as 20 year-old thomas matthew crooks at this hour, the motive for the shooting remains unclear. we turn now to reaction to that from valley shooting here in the bay area. let's bring in our
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tiffany justice. tiffany, local leaders are sharing a lot about this. >> they definitely are. after the apparent assassination attempt made against former president donald trump. bay area leaders are reacting on social media. the former president was for the injured at a rally on saturday. now, california governor gavin newsom taking to social media saying, quote, that violence has no place in our democracy. my thoughts are with president trump and everyone impacted at the rally. former speaker of the house commenting as well. nancy pelosi saying let us pray that all those in attendance at the former president's rally are unharmed. going on to say as one whose family has been the victim of political violence. i know firsthand that political violence of any kind has no place in our society. san jose mayor matt mahan see as well like all americans. he is shocked and horrified about the incident in pennsylvania
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going on to say no matter our respective political parties are believes or believes we must commiettle our disagreements with rational debate, some popular votes, not bullets. this is a developing story that we will continue to follow. >> all on the dea if you want to learn more about reactions, you can go online kron. 4 dot com reporting led to justice. back to you. >> tiffany, thank you for your coverage this morning. and reaction continues to ripple across the globe this morning to that assassination attempt on donald trump. >> former president bill clinton releasing a statement saying, quote, violence has no place in america, especially in our political process. hillary and i are thankful that president a former president trump is safe heart to heart broken for all those affected by the attack at today's rally and grateful for the swift action of u.s. secret service. former president george w bush also reacting saying, quote, laura and are grateful that trump is safe following the cowardly attack on his life. we commend the men and women of the
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secret service for their speedy response. and finally, former president obama echoing his predecessors saying, quote, there is absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy, although we don't yet know what exactly happened. we should all be relieved that the former president was not seriously hurt and use this moment to recommit ourselves to civility and respect in our politics. michelle and i are wishing him a quick recovery. we're also hearing from eyewitnesses to the shooting this morning, a man who says he lives just a few yards from where that rally happened in pennsylvania, spoke about what he saw moments before shots were fired. >> probably a minute or 2 before the shooting. sa guy, gray shirt climbing up the metal roof on the building a side us didn't know what he was doing and trying to alert police. but there is a guy kron on the roof and we saw a rifle slung over his shoulder
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yeah, after that, a couple shots fired off. so. wasn't very it was. it was scary. i grabs all my family that was nearby and ran and got in the shelter and i came back out. ran back and grabbed more as much as i could. as long as my family was safe. so yeah, it was. pretty traumatic for everyone. >> president joe biden also reacting after cutting his trip to delaware short. he spoke with trump just hours after the assassination attempt. the president also addressing the nation in a live televised address last night saying there is no room for this kind of violence in the country. watch this. >> there's no place in america. kind of violence sick. it's sick. 2 a few 90's country. cannot allow for this to be happening. cannot the we cannot condone this. and so i want to thank the secret
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service and all include the state against making sure that people and i we have more details come relative to the other injured. other people may be injured in the audience. i don't have all that detail will make that available to you. the bottom line is. trump rally, rally that should have been able can be conducted peacefully without any problem. but the idea the idea that there's political violence or violence in america like this is just not appropriate. everybody, everybody must come down. everybody. >> and new this morning, former president trump releasing his own statement on truth, social calling for unity. he says, quote, in this moment it is more important than ever that we stand united and show our true character as americans remaining strong and determined and not allowing evil to win. he added he looks forward to speaking at the republican national convention in wisconsin, which is set to kick off tomorrow. another
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trump previously pledged to the national rifle association that if elected he would reverse gun restrictions put in place by the biden administration. but could this attempted assassination change that? our political analyst michael yaki weighs in. >> should change the tone. but i'm just telling you right now that i've heard from for marjorie taylor, greene and others that the heart right there, you're going out there and basically making this a fault or the instigation or the direct result of of president biden and the democratic party. and i think that, you know, we should not go there. we with o c was attacked. you know, we were there say this is pure resulta, blah, blah. i mean, we're talking about if there are crazy people out there. i wish i could say something would happen. i don't think in mainly for the short i don't think though, that, for example, anyone will seriously say well, depending how the
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spurs obtain their in pennsylvania, by the way, is one of the most for places in the country own a gun. you know, it's going to talk about control. those are we talking about the kind of weapon that this person may views that we find out what kind of was where the funding and mission. but those those kinds of discussions have been pretty much got it by the current supreme court. >> and stay with kron 4 for the very latest on this developing story. you can head to kron 4 dot com or download the kron 4 app. that is free. questions continue around the security response to former president donald trump's rally and how the shooter managed to do what he did now. retired secret service agent is criticizing security at that rally. remembering lessons learned in the 1981 attempt on president ronald reagan's life. and julie, can cade reports. >> questions started to swirl about the chaotic moments leading up to what's now being investigated as an attempted
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assassination. mainly how did this happen? i continually say yes, it's a mistake. retired secret service agent mike for dan. not sugar coat on abilities after learning the shots appeared to come from an elevated position outside the rally venue. that roof should have a law enforcement presence. >> where it should be under surveillance and or somebody positions themselves on the roof like this person get with a firearm. they never should have been able to able to shoot the firearm. the terrifying moment bringing back memories for nearly half the population of america's last attempted assassination on its commander in chief. >> president ronald reagan was shot in 1981 after speaking at an event in d c virgin says the secret service learned a lot that day because of that incident. >> we'll never see a president. exit the building and then walk in the open to the motorcade that the response to the incident was
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textbook. >> as we've learned, the shots were coming from stage, right? so the day evacuated. the president's states left. unfortunately, that's where the motorcade was. while the motive remains unclear. attack on trump follows a string of political violence in america. >> the january 6 attack on the p.s. capitol. the hammer-wielding man who attacked the husband of former speaker nancy pelosi and the california man who threatened to kill supreme court justice brett kavanaugh as the investigation into the attack begins the political unrest only seems to be getting more intense. >> and that was angelica cade reporting for us. we know the fbi will lead the investigation into saturday's attack. all right. switching gears, real briefly here. let's get a quick check of the weather with dave spahr 809, this morning friday. >> okay. good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and we're seeing a temperature reduction going on for us today and that will carry forward into early next week. we have the fog in the cloud cover situation we
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talked about now. the cloud cover sister situation aloft is not going to be too much. not as much as yesterday was. do see a little bit of action, though, across the state. you do see some lightning up there in the mountains. we talked about this before. you'll see it today and maybe a little bit tomorrow, although i think it's going to pretty much south of tahoe, which a lot of this action appears to be. but just touch another some bite that's going on. and this. and even though radar seen that, it's no guarantee that's actually striking the ground. so we jump out and you can see that clear definition of where that line is. it's actually being driven by low. that's pushing kind of cleaning out our atmosphere a little bit. and they're referring to the higher levels of the atmosphere. the cloud cover not so much. the fog that takes time to kind of mix we do have that warm air aloft there. you see its checking in on the ground level. they're covering up everything on the east bay shoreline. give you an idea how it peels away very nicely except along the coastal areas. we may have some problem areas remaining. some fog clouds a bit 60's cover most of the east bay right now, finally 50's up north. 57 for san francisco.
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64 san jose and most readings are close to where they were from yesterday, but trailing quite a bit inland. you can see in the far east bay and even up to fairfield in concord a bit. the breakdown for you today about 82 at high noon to 3 o'clock 89. that's right. 80's through much of the day today, retiring the triple digits and even the 90's. but maybe just taking a little bit of a hiatus. we may be seeing some hot temperatures returning morning forecast and it stephanie. >> dave, thank you. and coming up on the kron 4 morning news, we're learning more about the attempted assassination. our former president, donald trump. stay with us.
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>> a 13 this morning. let's bring our reporter tino bovenzi bovenzi, rather who was live for us now in butler, pennsylvania, where the attack on former president donald trump happened. you know, what are you seeing out there now? >> right now, it's a lot of the same, stephanie. there still is a perimeter around with a lot of road closed. signs up. a lot of access is blocked off right now as investigators continue to work tirelessly through the night and morning here, too, figure out what exactly led to the events where a 21, a 20 year-old man attempted to and unsuccessfully carried out an assassination attempt on former president donald trump. that possibly identified. thomas matthew crooks, as the shooter crooks is a bethel park, pennsylvania native, an area just south of pittsburgh.
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investigators are working to determine his motive currently, presumably to stop trump from winning the election. officials say crooks climbed the roof of an outside of a building outside the perimeter of trump's campaign rally, firing multiple rifle rounds at the stage. one of those bullets grazing trump's right ear blood being the president. but the presumptive republican nominee for president was not seriously injured. the u.s. secret service confirms that one person in the stands was shot and killed and 2 more people were critically wounded. this area is now securing the threat is seemingly over. but the work for investigators continues. many people attending this rally last night wonder how could this happen? and is this a failure of security? >> really at this point, we're not going to make that assessment. there's there's an active investigation. a lot of things need to occur. investigative lee to make those determinations of what if any failures that were. so
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really we can't comment on that this time. >> there is a large contingent of media states year about a quarter mile outside of the butler farm show fairgrounds. police are keeping us at a distance to make sure that we don't slow down deter their investigation at this point. again, as former president donald trump, you seemingly in good spirits and doing ok after being shot grazed by a bullet on his right ear is a video that was posted on x by his campaign or director of communications, rather that showed him walking down the steps of trump force. one unassisted looks like he's ready to continue on the campaign trail. his next stop is slated for milwaukee, wisconsin. stephanie. also understand from your reporting that at least 3 victims affected by this 2 critically injured, one dead of winter, we expect to learn and identification identity around these victims. >> right now we know that they are 3 males who were shot and
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killed there working to notify the next of kin from what we understand from the press conference last night. but right now, that's about all we have, stephanie. >> all right. you know, vote bovenzi. thank you so much for your ongoing coverage of this developing news. we appreciate it. >> all right. back here at home in the bay area. live look outside from our walnut creek camera. traffic moving along pretty smoothly at 8.16, on the roadways out there. let's check in now with day for the latest on our weather. >> okay, stephanie, good morning and good morning, everybody. there you see the nice contrast at work here. the inland spots already nice opening up here. and yet we're still dealing with a fog even at this hour. it's ground fog at this level. however, right above us, of course, as typical form the inversion situation, we got to mix it out. and when warmer air is up there, rather just drier air, which has both. it's a very buoyant, a hard to get moving up here. 60 for livermore at this hour now. 69 for cup north, mostly 50's. we have 64 san jose. there it is a low
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off of our coast on the cleaning job, kind of cleaning up the atmosphere. and when we say that it's not so much the fog of the sometimes those can help as well. but you see the flare up of the showers and some thunder showers. we've seen lightning strikes in that and that's typical along that spine of the mountains there on the western side of the high there. you can see it continue to rotate like this. however, it will be a player. looks like later on in the forecast as we get to the weekend. here it is on futurecast for clearing out the skies, the flareup of those thunder showers. but you can see how it's pushed a little bit further to the east. now. not so much in the central valley. we get the spilling in of the overnight fog which lingers at some coastal locations as late as the mid afternoon with again, the flareup of showers and some thunder showers and fortune. sometimes those are dry and that could be problematic. so breaking this all down here this week, we've got mild early. that's a lot of 80's going on inland. so a nice treat for us right around the 90 degree mark or so. then the latter portion of the week. it looks like thursday's are bump back again for what we may see. another heat spike
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returning. that's 100 plus or spots. we're saying 100 plus not 105. and getting up to one 10 and that kind of business, at least not yet. that has to be watched. 68 san francisco, 73 for oakland. 84 san jose there in the lower 90's off the east bay, mild 80's. meanwhile, up north there, 84 for san jose. check it out. mount tam picture that we got the fog of the ground. some scattered clouds aloft will take care for this afternoon and 80's and 90 going on for much of the 7 day. i'm going to have the seven-day forecast later on. but boy, it's a nice little treat after all we've been through wonderful. thank you so much about. >> the number of acres burned across our state this year is about 20 times what it was last year. firefighters and the governor now warning residents to remain vigilant throughout the summer. kron four's dan kerman reports. >> lawnmowers weed eaters. chainsaws. grinders welders, tractors and tremors. can all spark wildfires at a news conference wednesday. cal fire chief joe tyler said
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californians must remain vigilant because fire season. >> he's now year round in his already in full swing. the california fire hold because responded to more than 3,500 wild land fires that have burned more than 207,000 acres. so far this year that 200,000 acres now compares to just over 10,000 acres at this time last year, which cal fire says is all due to the weather. we see late rains that has a growing her patients. fields are grasses quickly. in some areas you can find that they are still 4 to 5 feet tall. we find ourselves here recently that we have the high temperatures associated with the high temperatures. we hadn't oars and west and northeast winds. push the fires that have been ignited too, where we are today. lightning is not our friend when to sup 8 ing some lightning strikes this weekend up in the sierras. we saw
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abnormality of lightning strikes in the central valley, particularly around fresno. >> earlier in the season that are typically seen them. there's nothing again, typical. >> the governor says california has the largest firefighting fleet of anywhere in the world. and in the last 6 years, cal fire has increased its ranks by 3,000 with more to come over the next 5 years were committing the additional 2400. personnel to cal fire. that's making up for issues around cdcr. it's allowing us to augment our efforts and allowed us to do. and this is a long-winded point of gratitude to the legislature. >> to maintain my commitment that i made. but it can't be mine alone had to be our commitment. it had to be ratified and supported by the legislature as it relates to the quality of life. the wellness of members of cal fire. >> dan kerman kron. 4 news. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news. we continue our coverage on the attempted
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assassination of donald trump at saturday's campaign rally. at saturday's campaign rally. stay with us.
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♪ rise ♪
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♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ (alarm beeping) ♪ rise ♪ ♪ and thrive! ♪ (♪♪) belvita! new developments in the missing persons case of a three-year-old fremont girl. police say they found la lorenzo's body early saturday morning at a recycling facility. her mother had reported her missing after learning eli's father was found dead in san francisco. police say the girl was with her father under a custody agreement but was supposed to be back with her mother by
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friday night. ali was last seen at the casa roy apartment complex in fremont. the death now being investigated as a homicide. with that, fire department hit with tragedy this morning after the death of a code enforcement technician. this comes just 2 days after a vacaville police officer was struck and killed in the line of duty. the vacaville fire chief says brydon net assay was off duty when he crashed his motorcycle late friday night along becca valley parkway. the chief went on to say it's a very difficult time for the department and the city. coming up on the phone for morning news, we continue our coverage on the attempted assassination of donald trump at saturday's campaign rally. stay with us.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news. former president donald trump narrowly escaping an assassination attempt while at a campaign rally. get to that top story in just a moment here. but thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. >> you started this half hour with a look at the forecast. but dave spahr, hey, dave. >> okay. good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and we're starting today off as we traditionally do with a lot of fog. again, it's a little bit more aggressive today, but it will peel away few folks in the afternoon and around the bay inland that already done so and it's a nice cooling mechanism as we get that ernest onshore wind at work. now, sfo because of this fall, we're seeing a minor delay about 40 45 minutes or so. there you get an idea. the fog
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bank right behind us here a little bit. now we take a look at the radar because we do actually have some spots appear on at least the state radar. now, this low is kind of insulating us and clearing us out, at least for the clouds are aloft. it doesn't help so much for the fog that takes some time. but there you see the lightning strikes there and there are some rain showers, us. some rain has been collected with that in the mountains. this is pretty much south of tahoe. however, and that will flare up again. it looks like tomorrow and maybe even as late tuesday as the pattern starts to change a little bit. now, there you see a lot of 60's in the east bay 50's. meanwhile, up north, 64 san jose contrast say where a little cooler inland you can see kind of drops off a little bit. for example, livermore 10 degrees behind. but it's pretty close when you get close to the bay with the numbers yesterday. just the breakdown for you about 82 by high noon. we'll do about 90 by 3 o'clock. our general forecast calls for highs around 68, san francisco. 73 for opening before for san jose. by the way, nice to see those 70's return to the east bay shoreline there. but
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there's still plenty of 80's to be had maybe today after tomorrow will see hayward and fremont drop off to the 70's to end the 90's being replaced by 80's inland. so at your 4 zone forecast, look at that extended which unfortunately has another heat spike in it. stephanie. >> take a look at what happened. back to our top story this morning. that failed attempt to assassinate donald trump. >> someone in the audience was killed. 2 others injured. secret service agents were able to kill they fatally shot the gunman now identified as 20 year-old thomas matthew crooks from pennsylvania. the nascent lot breaks down. what happened. >> a searing moment saturday afternoon, former president donald trump says the bullet pierced his upper ear in a shooting at a campaign rally. take a look at what happened.
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you can see the moment president trump grabbed his face and duct in a post on truth social. the former president says he immediately felt the bullet ripping through his skin. secret service returned fire, killing the shooter. as secret service lifted trump up. he fist-bumped to the crowd. photos show blood on trump's face. issa and smith says he was standing outside the western pennsylvania rally by the fence. probably a minute or 2 before the shooting. >> sa guy, gray shirt climbing up the metal roof on the building the site. he says he saw the shooter with a rifle over his shoulder. after that, a couple shots fired president biden says he's been briefed on the shooting. he cut his weekend trip to delaware short after the attack on the former president. there's no place in america. kind of violence
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sick. it's sick. president biden spoke with former president trump on saturday evening. the idea that there's political violence or violence in america like this is just not appropriate. >> everybody, everybody much condemning the trump campaign says the republican national convention will begin monday as planned. >> in washington, i'm the day some lot. >> and former president donald trump issued a statement saying he's been thinking about the people at the rally who were affected by this saying on truth, social quote, i want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the rally who was killed and also to the family of another person that was badly injured. it is incredible that such an act can take place in our country. and we continue our coverage on that assassination attempt. earlier today, i spoke with a communications professor, nolan higdon at cal state east bay. good morning to you. so thanks so much for being here of what first of all, the optics of this moment we see
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the former president, he's standing at the podium moments later. gunshots rang out. you see the blood on his face. secret service responding to that moment. what's the effect that this has on the public? >> remains to be seen how the public will react. from what we've seen so one thing that was very trumpian, i would say about that the scene was that trump likes to project strength. stopping the secret service from removing him from the stage for just a moment or 2 to raise his fist. now the crowd cheer. i think that's going to be iconic video and photo. it'll be played over and over again by trump and his supporters illustrate the types strength, the ups, the project. and speaking of that, a response from his supporters as well. we >> saw a lot of reaction on social media from the general public and also from different tech leaders, whether it was here in the bay area and beyond to walk us through what you're seeing there.
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>> yeah, i the incident is a good reminder of many things, but one in particular is why it's so important suspend judgment when these type of events this is a pretty a chaotic you know, a lot of people are being interviewed informations coming in and we start to get a picture eventually of what happened. but in the immediate i thought people were way too quick to jump to the former president's son blamed on the radical left. i saw people online saying it was a false flag. these are things there's no way we could know at that time. there's no evidence to justify any of those that time or even even now at this point, i think that's that knee-jerk reaction creates a lot of we start to draw conclusions about evidence. this is how you get false information out there. and that perhaps a consequence the right? the viral nature of how things can go on social media >> i'm curious also to get your perspective on how
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republicans respond to this, perhaps also president biden. he did cut short his time in delaware get back to the white house pretty quickly. and we understand he also had a phone call with president trump shortly after that assassination attempt. >> yeah, my husband, joe biden i think was was pretty well. was a leader. he immediately came out, spoke to the nation about the tragedy. try try to offer some comfort that the federal government is taking this seriously. i think you also recognize we all do of how polarized this country is. and so the fact that he and former president trump are able to engage in a phone call, i think that's really important me. seem like a minor events, but i think it's really important that those lines of communication are open as far as the republicans, it remains to be seen convention coming up this week. and i think there's a lot of power in the hands. the republican party right now. they can either turn this event into something to rally and unite the country you
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know, an example of why the polarization of political violence or are problematic or they could go the other route. they could use it as a political tool to further those divisions and blamed the left's you normalize further this deep division that we've been experience over the last few and of course, we know that there's been a lot of attention previously. >> on president joe biden's performance at the first presidential debate. how do you see perhaps the narrative now changing at this point? >> i think it in terms of politics and political discussions. i joe biden is at least happy that a lot of the focus will probably turn away from him in his age and dropping out of the race and turned toward questions of political violence and gun violence. the secret service. so this will probably president biden arrest. from a lot of the criticisms he's have thus far, but the other
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part of that typically when there's event like people rally the victim, a most famously reagan saw about a 20 points improvement in his approval ratings after the attempted assassination on him. so i imagine trump is going to see a bump in in support as a result of this event politically speaking is not going to be great for biden's electoral chances. >> and of course, we also know trump has been a supporter of the nra as well. he's pledged his support to he said he's going to roll back a lot of regulations that the biden administration has put in if trump were return to the white do you see this assassination attempt changing that for from trump's perspective? >> who knows you know presidents evolve in and change a trump stick to the same rhetoric and policy positions on guns. he previously or the shooting could change his mind that we saw this with with reagan.
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reagan was much more open to support things like assault weapon ban that things like that after the shooting that occurred with him. once a bullet graze your ear, it could change your mind or remains to be seen how trump will react. >> all professor nolan higdon with the university of cal state east bay. thank you so much for your time this morning. bay congressman eric swalwell joined a long line of politicians talking about what happened condemning violence and calling for unity. >> to anyone who is seeking to use for any political benefit. urge you not to do that. that unity must be our antidote in a moment like we've been through too much political violence in this we all suffered through january 6. the former speaker of the house, speaker pelosi in our backyard in the bay area had
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her husband her husband was attacked violently and act of political violence. today's tragedy, a only a the concerns that all of us half. i also just want to say that i will not be by this. i know my colleagues will not be intimidated. i will do everything to protect my family. my staff, but i will my job and anyone who that we will be a country that turns to violence rather than voting for settling our political discourse is sadly sadly i'm mistaken. and so again, i'm glad that the former president is okay. i'm so grateful to law enforcement and every possible way. want to reiterate that violence is never been the answer in america. violence is not the answer in america and violence never will be the answer america.
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>> the federal state and local law enforcement officials on high alert ahead of monday's republican national convention happening in milwaukee, former chairman of california's republican party, tom del beccaro shared what security measures can be expected. >> look, i'd be surprised if there were any big rallies anytime soon without some dramatic changes, right? this kind shot from a distance away with large got. so i think there will be i change. look, you can walk up to yankee stadium. i hate saying this out loud. you can walk up to sofi incredibly close before. there's a metal detector. i think been saying this for 15, some years, that to be some different, some recognition that we're not in the we have to do better with our security. i'd be surprised if there is an event anytime soon. and the security for for a at milwaukee is going to be off the charts. i can't imagine how long it will take to get inside that building.
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pennsylvania senators john fetterman also responding to that shooting. watch this. >> it's difficult this point to ignore she with. butler where heat is the apparently so i would also take this opportunity >> and stay with kron 4 for the very latest on this developing story. you can also head to kron 4 dot com or download the kron 4 app. we'll be right back.
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>> we're casting our gaze to the trans american building pretty nice. as you can see, the fog still in place, although it's lifted a little bit more aloft as the morning starts to progress here a little bit more. so we're getting those overcast skies that will then turn into opening up the skies a little bit better, too, because happening a lot. look at that. lots of sunshine already happened from our mount tam picture. good morning, everybody. welcome back. and our forecast has some moderation. as we get into this week, we'll be talking about that in the extended forecast. first of all time was talking about some showers and some thunder showers going up there in the mountains that looks to be pretty south of tahoe. so you probably may get graze maybe a little bit by a flare up here or there. but by monday, we're going to go out and called some variable.
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clouds are 80 82 for tuesday by wednesday about 83 ce were going pretty good on that front. maybe a little bit less with that numbers continue to improve. but remember the little closer to where the highs edge is? that's what's driving some of this transitional thunder showers, lower 60's in most of the east bay, although antioch racing 69 north bay got 50's and lower 60's. 64 san jose and 58 again for san francisco. there's the picture from space. again, that low's going it's still possible in the have central valley is kind of the border line, but it's going to be probably the the higher elevation because it gets up lifting factor that helps drive some of those afternoon showers. you have a when pop that happens this afternoon right across the carquinez strait. but elsewhere, numbers getting into the teens which is just a modest breeze. little bit more animated, though. it looks like tomorrow and that will help with the cooling process that we've talked about. as far as our players, there goes our low up towards the north. there's the high off towards the east. so pretty mild midweek. as we talk about. but
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getting into next weekend, looks like another highs try to develop here and that could drive temperatures up for us as well. we already see them happening that way and into monday, the following week. that's when numbers may start to push little bit more into that spike zone. 68 san francisco in the 4 zone forecast lower 60's off towards the coast. 76 for burlingame. 85 city 80 for palo alto. meanwhile, the south bay about 84 east bay shoreline around 80 ish, get those in the 70's by tomorrow. lower 90's cover tri valley. looks like 89 the walnut creek and concord. 69 for berkeley. 69 vallejo nap at 80 to 85 santa rosa. this mild forecast next couple of days. hey, that's an improvement there. change happens on wednesday in the thursday friday. you see the upper 90's. we're still kind of, you know, working on all that to see the heat spikes coming our way, stephanie. but i think but next weekend will be flirting with ali. some locations getting 100. the next question is, does it take the next decade ok, so would you say
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this is pretty typical? yes, this is very seasonal in case you're just wondering what one this is kind of close to what it should be if not a couple degrees below, ok, but it could. we're headed for another heat up. so, all right, dave, thank you. >> for your health, doctors are close to a potential cure for patients with lupus. >> it's an autoimmune disease impacting one and a half million people in the u.s. mostly women. dayna baer has more. >> we have my michael sell sept there. leshawn guirola has been for 25 stating symptoms can most definitely pay you. fatigue, ct scan all major organs are inflamed. my colon, my liver inflamed. if your immune system, which really protects you from bacteria, viruses and fungi >> actually, instead of protecting you, the make proteins that can damage these organs. the sun is not friends with people with lupus. so i do precious frequently on the
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skin. that's what happens in those with the autoimmune disease. the body produces antibodies to cause damage to the skin, lungs, brain and kidneys. as a result, patients must take medications that suppress their entire immune system, even though they do a good job and helping deal with the disease actually make you more vulnerable to other infections, looking at blood samples from people with lupus and those without. >> the researchers identified a chemical imbalance among the patient population, more injury, causing cells and fewer wound healing cells noting a targeted bill root cause of lupus. the team set out to rebalance the body's chemistry. we don't eliminate the cells. we think we can reprogram them from causing disease causing would do it in the lab. doctor, j choi and his colleagues at a special mediator to the blood, a molecule deficient in patients that successfully impacted just the lupus causing immune response, not the entire immune system. we really have to push saying we've done some basic science, but we need to make use of the drugs. and so real goal is to
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>> be able to identify ways to make this chemical into something to take bill. you clinic in the world. >> if there's some new research that can highlight why and how that's beneficial. because once you know what you're fighting you, how this come to be. you have some answers that you're not living by. >> and that was dina bair reporting for us. the next step is to move the research from the lab to the production line. the research team hopes to partner with a pharmaceutical company to get the treatment in the hands of patients within the next year or so. >> and >> happening today, best deal day celebrations. one of the places marking the occasion. the san francisco design center galleria and this is video from best deal day last year. the holiday honors the french revolution when citizens of paris storm the bastille prison in 17 89 today's event features authentic french food and drinks a dance party. and a
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special preview of the olympic games. the festival starts at 11:00am. baseball taking on the twins and their second game of the series starting off in the 4th inning all tied up and the twins hit a shot to the outfield. >> and one run comes into score making one nothing. twins later in the inning, runners on the corners and a pitch gets away from the giants as another run. hope comes home on the passed ball. bottom 5 now to one tying run on 3rd for the giants and they come through with the base hit and the giants tied up at 2. all then the 6 inning. the twins hit a fly ball down the line and it just leaves the yard. the twins would hold to this win to win this one by a final of 42 final game of the series today at 105, winds go on to win for 2 to even the series. meanwhile, he is looking to win a second straight over the league-leading philadelphia phillies. but that would be a
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short-lived as in the second inning, the phillies hit a 2 run home run, making it 2 to one phillies. as we answer back with a home run of their own tie. the game at 2 in the 3rd inning with the league's best would build their lead and go on to win by a final of 11 to play in their final game of the series today at 10, share decades after inspiring millions of people that turned a fitness. richard simmons has died. chris wolfe takes a look back his career. >> one day after his 76th birthday, legendary fitness personality richard simmons passed away at his home in the hollywood hills saturday morning. police and fire officials say they arrived at the scene around 10:00am following a call from the housekeeper. the death appears to be the result of cardiac arrest and natural causes. why? simmons was born in 1948.
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in new orleans, louisiana, and relocated to los angeles in the 1970's with his flamboyant, yet compassionate disposition frequently, wild costumes and exploding frizzy hair. he quickly won over legions of loyal fans after opening a number of gyms and releasing dozens of workout videos, namely sweating to the oldies. he also hosted the richard simmons show a combination talk and fitness show from 1980, to 1984, simmons always shared that he had a difficult childhood being significantly overweight but managed to change his life with a strict diet and exercise program. millions of people struggling with similar issues sought out his guidance. simmons also tackled acting often appearing as himself in shows, including a reported 72 episodes of the soap opera general hospital. he faded from the spotlight during the last several years,
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choosing to live quietly and privately in march, the fitness grow revealed he had been diagnosed with skin cancer and would have surgery to remove the malignant cells. >> and that was chris wolfe reporting for us this morning. and in more sad news, actress shannen doherty has passed away. dougherty best known for her roles in the wildly popular series, beverly hills 9, 0, 2, 1, 0, and on the witchcraft fantasy charmed was diagnosed with cancer in 2015, her publicist told people magazine in a statement that doherty lost her battle with cancer this morning. after many years of fighting the disease, she was 53 years old. disease, she was 53 years old. we'll be right back.
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♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ (alarm beeping) ♪ rise ♪ ♪ and thrive! ♪ (♪♪) belvita!
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i will never forget the picture that i have, i'm the only one that's not smiling. even though i'm with my close friends, i felt alone. i didn't feel pretty, i didn't feel confident. when i got invisalign, i built my confidence. it was the best investment that i could do. you never know what you're capable of... (car horns) till you rise to the challenge. because there's nothing better than the sweet smell of victory. and trash bags. smells good in here. cool! strength that's anything but ordinary. ♪ hefty! hefty! hefty! ♪
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story this morning, former president donald trump just barely surviving an assassination attempt at a saturday rally. can campaign rally in butler, pennsylvania just minutes after trump took to the stage, at least 5 shots rang out. one of the bullets just grazing the side of the former president's head blood visible on the side of trump's face. secret service killed the gunman at the scene. saturday's attack also leaving one rally, spectator dead and 2 others critically injured. the fbi identified the shooter as 20 year-old thomas matthew crooks at this hour, the motive for the shooting remains unclear. investigators believe they that the weapon used to shoot at the former president was purchased by crooks, father at least 6 months ago in the meantime, trump sent a memo to his staff saying he is in, quote, great spirits after this incident. the president still plans to
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speak at the rnc tomorrow. much more to come on this. stay with us here on the kron. 4 morning news.
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>> it said take a look at what happened. >> now on the kron 4 morning news. former president donald trump narrowly escapes an assassination attempt during a campaign rally. the suspected gunman now dead. >> there's no place in america. there's kind >> and leaders across the bay area and nationally now responding to the threat on former president donald trump's life. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no. >> thanks so much for joining us this morning on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's sunday. the 14th at our top story this morning, former president donald trump just barely surviving an
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assassination attempt at a saturday campaign rally in butler, pennsylvania, just minutes after trump took to the stage at least 5 shots rang out. one of the bullets just grazing the side of the former president's head blood visible on the side of trump's face. secret service killed the gunman at the scene. saturday's attack also leaving one rally, spectator dead and 2 others critically injured. the fbi identified the shooter as 20 year-old thomas matthew crooks at this hour, the motive for the shooting remains unclear. let's bring back our reporter tino bovenzi who is live for us now in butler, pennsylvania, with the attack on former president trump happened to know what are you seeing out there now? >> stephanie, the areas becoming a lot more busy, a lot more cars out and about a lot of trump supporters still here standing by to talk to the media. if we'd like. but it's been a real let a restless night, rather for investigators who are still processing the scene in protecting the perimeter
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around the fairgrounds where a 20 year old man failed in his 45th president of the united - states. that man has been positively identified by the fbi as thomas matthew crooks of bethel park, pennsylvania, an area just south of pittsburgh. investigators are working to determine his motive, of course, but it's believed he is trying to stop trump from winning the election later this year. investigators say he climbed a roof outside of the perimeter of trump's campaign rally, firing multiple rifle shots at the stage. one of those bullets grazing the former president in his through his right ear. but the republican nominee, the presumed republican nominee for president was not seriously injured. the u.s. secret service does confirm, however, that one man was shot and killed in the stands behind trump and 2 more people were critically wounded. this area is now secure and the threat
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is over. but the work for investigators is far from finished. >> he really law enforcement, i believe, acted heroically quickly identifying and neutralizing the threat. >> as well as responding to assist the various victims. >> right now we need the public's help. anyone who was on scene who saw anything identified any information. please report that to the fbi using these are the phone number 1, 800 call fbi or online. fbi dot gov. >> there's a lot of videos and photos circulating on social media right now that the fbi would love to get their hands on to help piece things together. of course, police are keeping us away from the scene right now as they want to make sure that their investigation runs as smooth as possible so they can process evidence. as for the condition of former president
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trump, he is in good spirits according to his camp. and there's video of him walking down trump force one steps on assisted after this incident after being treated medically here in butler and released last night. i did speak to one trump supporter just a few minutes ago. a woman named lynn who lives near here. she says she shocked that something like this would happen in her small community. but stephanie, she says her confidence in donald trump for president is only going up after this event. >> sure to be a lot more news coming out of this story as well or tino bovenzi reporting live for us from butler, pennsylvania. thank you for your coverage. and we turn now to reaction to the trump rally shooting here in the bay area. let's bring in now. kron four's tiffany justice. know tiffany, local leaders are sharing a lot about this. >> they absolutely are. after the apparent assassination attempt against former president donald trump. bay area leaders are now reacting. we do know the former president was reportedly injured after shots were fired
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at a rally on saturday. california governor gavin newsom taking to social media saying, quote, that violence has no place in our democracy. my thoughts are with president trump and everyone impacted at the rally. former speaker of the house commenting as well. nancy pelosi saying, quote, let us pray that all those in attendance at the former president's rally are unharmed. going on to say that as one whose family has been the victim of political violence. i know firsthand that political violence of any kind has no place in our society. san jose mayor matt mahan also saying like all americans, he shocked and horrified about the incident in pennsylvania going on to say no matter our respective political parties or believes we must commit to settle our disagreements with rational debate and popular votes, not bullets. this is a story that we will continue to follow all all those details reporting live us on news. back to you. all right, tiffany, thank you for your ongoing coverage on this.
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>> and as we continue to bring you the latest on the attempted assassination of former president donald trump, bring in a former state gop chairman tom del beccaro. tom, thank you for joining us this very busy morning. yes, thank you. well, time start off here and walk us through the optics of this moment. it's pretty powerful, right? we see the former president. he's giving a presentation on stage one moment. the next moment we see his hands to his ear than blood trickling down the face. secret service agents just scrambling to the stage. walk us through the effect that this has on the public. >> well, i think this is an inflection moment for the united states. as you know, i've been writing about political divisions, causes and dangers for 20 years. now. it's really a question of how we respond to this in the past. with respect to jfk and the attempt on reagan's life. we have. rallied as a people
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trying to rise above the moment. and in part that had a great deal to do with the manner in which lyndon johnson conducted himself after it. and also how reagan both of them sought to unify the country by. in johnson's case adopting the goals of jfk, even though quite honestly, he didn't agree with them. and then reagan talking about how we can do better and we'll have to see in the midst of this campaign if the 2 rivals are able to do the same. of course we are all this all also happening pretty much just days before the rnc in milwaukee, right? how do you see republicans really rallying around their candidate of choice here? >> just so, you know, the nation. what's our full? what happened with jfk and and responded to him and the same
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happened with reagan. reagan was struggling in front of congress with his initiatives and then the assassination attempt occurred and the nation rallied around his initiatives. so what i expect happen in milwaukee is something no one has ever seen, which is for the person to be on national television right after reagan. of course, was severely injured and did not speak to the country for some period of time here. just days later, trump will be probably in the loud is building in the history of mankind. all with the whole world watching him. and i'm hopeful that he just present some positive message saying how the criminalization and dehumanization of each other in politics can no longer be the american way. >> okay. so a call for unity we know that trump has historically been quite close with the nra. do you see this assassination attempts? a
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changing or a potentially having him adjust his tone around gun control at all. >> what i do think is necessary misses stunning to me that this rifle, is sit was so accessible within the home and that this person had balm equipment in his car and his house have no idea about this. i'm sure most americans are wondering. how that is possible and how someone of this age can be driven this far. i think that will be a big issue. it those that have in the past committed these atrocities that schools and otherwise have had severe mental issues. most of that i know someone who works with those kind patients and she's got over this exhaustively with me. that is a big deal in american today. the mental health of our children and
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social media doesn't seem to be helping that as far as the gun issue altogether. i encourage people to take a step back and really look at this. but i also encourage everyone on earth. who is a parent who guns to really to look at themselves and say, have i taken enough precautions? is that something that can happen today? let's talk to about the response from the democrats shortly after this incident happened. we know that. >> president joe biden, he cut short his time in delaware to return to the white house. he's expected to get briefings on this incident today. we also know he had a phone call with donald trump not long after that shooting. biden also delivering that address to the nation. so >> how do you democrats to respond to all of this and how do you feel about the president's handling of the situation so far? >> well, i'm glad you got out there and spoke >> about how we need to condemn any such violence. we
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also need as a country to tone down our rhetoric as a former attorney general bob barr's, said attorney general barr said who is not a fan of trump by any stretch. we have to stop saying it and say this to you. as historian. this notion that the that the country, the republic is on edge of and there's existential threats that simply not true, but that rhetoric and that that notion of of demonizing especially voters. look at adams jefferson were at each other's throat that they did not demonize voters. and we have to get to a point where voters can disagree on policy, but it doesn't have to rise that point. and both of these candidates need to make that point. >> alright, historian and former state gop chairman and author tom del beccaro. thank you so much for your insight this morning. ok, take care.
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all right. well, we continue our coverage of that assassination attempt on donald trump. again, a quick check of the time here. 9.11. switch things over. real quick to the weather, though, with dave spahr did. what should we know today? >> okay. good stephanie. good morning, everybody. where seeing an improvement in our forecast as we see temperatures get a little closer to their averages and it looks like we will do that. there's some left unfinished business, if you will, up in the mountains a little bit as the transition between this high weakening off to the east was allowing the showers and the thundershowers to fire up. now, some of this is actually striking the ground. this is pretty much all south of tahoe and most of that cluster of lightning see their mammoth lakes. it looks like it's near. but as far as the base concern, we have mostly our fog in which to deal with in the home front and what's going to help clean things out aloft is that low? you can just see that clear line. developing where the low is and we don't think of a low pressure system is kind of cleaning out or atmosphere. but sometimes after something like a monsoon, which this kind of hinted at are sort of
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in the tate a little bit here. this is will do a nice clean up job for us. that's the beauty shot of the east bay shoreline. all russelton fog there. we may see some fog linger at the coast a little bit later today. 60's cover the east bay 50's. meanwhile, up to the north bay and there's your breakdown about 86 by one at 4. 89 pretty close to those averages will be checking in your forecast be checking in your forecast in a bit. lot mor why do you do it? you ignore the signs, and the flashing lights. my mom is out there. that's my dad in that truck. slow down. how would you feel if that was your dad? be alert. be work-zone alert
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on a connection worthy of gold: xfinity mobile. only xfinity gives you the most powerful mobile wifi network, with speeds up to a gig in millions of locations. and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. h e l l o ! you're going way too fast. don't you see that work zone? seriously? that's my papa behind those cones. how would you feel if that was your dad? the alert. be work-zone alert. >> we action continues to ripple across the globe this morning to the assassination attempt on donald trump. former president bill clinton releasing a statement saying, quote, violence has no place in america, especially in our
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political process. hillary and i are thankful that trump is safe. heartbroken for all those affected by the attack at today's rally and grateful for the swift action of u.s. secret service. the former president george w bush also reacting saying laura and i are grateful that the president, the former president is safe following the cowardly attack on his life. we commend the men and women of the secret service for their speedy response. and finally, former president echoing his predecessors saying there is absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy. well, we don't yet know exactly what happened. we should all be relieved that former president trump was not seriously hurt and use this moment to recommit ourselves to civility and respect in our politics. michelle and i are wishing him a quick recovery. we're also hearing from eyewitnesses to the shooting this morning. man who says he lives just a few yards away from where that rally happened in pennsylvania, spoke about what he moments before shots were fired. >> probably a minute or 2
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before the shooting. sa guy, gray shirt climbing up the metal roof on the building inside u.s. didn't know what he was doing in trying to alert police. there's a guy kron on the roof and we saw a rifle slung over his shoulder yeah, after that, a couple shots fired off. so. wasn't very it was scary. i grabs all my family that was nearby and ran and got in the shelter and i came back out. ran back and grabbed more as much as i could. as long as my family was safe. so yeah, it was. pretty traumatic for everyone. >> and president joe biden also reacting after cutting his trip to delaware short. he spoke with donald trump just hours after the assassination attempt. the president also addressing the nation in a live televised address last
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night say there is no room for this kind of violence in the country. watch. >> there's no place in america kind of violence, sick. it's sick. 2 a few 90's country. cannot allow for to be happening. cannot be like we cannot condone this. and so i want to thank the secret service and all include stating that making sure that people and i we have more details come relative other people may be injured in the audience. i don't have all that detail will make that available to you. the bottom line trump rally, rally that should have been able can be conducted peacefully without any problem. but the idea idea that there's political violence or violence in america like this is just not appropriate. everybody, everybody must come down. everybody. >> new this morning, former president donald trump releasing his own statement on
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truth, social calling for unity. he says, quote, in this moment is more important than ever that we stand united and show our true character as americans remaining strong and determined not allowing evil to win. he added he looks forward to speaking at the republican national convention in wisconsin, which is set to kick off tomorrow. and new this morning, former first lady melania trump broke her silence in regards to that attempted assassination of her husband and just like her husband, melania statement also focuses on unity, saying in part, quote, this morning, ascend above the hate, the vitriol and the simple not ideas that ignite violence. we all want a world where respect is paramount. family is first and love transcends. we can realize this world again, each of us must a man to get it back. we must insist that respect feels the cornerstone of our relationships. we also know donald trump previously pledged to the national rifle association that if elected he would reverse gun restrictions put in place by the biden administration. but could this
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attempted assassination change that? our political analyst michael yaki weighs in. >> that should change the tone. but i'm just telling you right now that i've heard from for marjorie taylor, greene and others that the heart right there, you're going out there and basically to making this the fault or the instigation or the direct result president biden and democratic party. and i think that, you know, we should not go there. with o c was attacked we were there say this is derek resulta, blah, blah. i mean, we're talking about if there are crazy people out there. i wish i could say something would happen. i don't think in mainly for the short i don't think though, that, for example, anyone will seriously say well, depending how the spurs obtain their in pennsylvania, by the way, is one of the most for places in the country to have to own a gun. you know, it's going to talk about control. those we
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talking about the kind of weapon that this person may views that we find out what kind of was where the funding and mission. but those those kinds of discussions have been pretty much got it by the current supreme court. >> stay with kron. 4 for the very latest on this breaking story for the latest developments. anytime. head to kron 4 dot com or download the kron 4 app. >> all right, justin law enforcement officials tell the associated press the bomb making materials. >> were found inside the car of the man accused of trying to assassinate donald trump. that suspect, as we've reported for you throughout the morning is 20 year-old thomas matthew crooks. authorities say bomb making materials were also found at crooks home. we're going to continue to follow that development for you closely and bring you any updates throughout the newscast. alright, checking on the weather with dave. >> all right. good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. beautiful shot coming in from the mount tam picture. i believe this is and you can see a lot of the fog appears to be. >> ripped however, different
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shot that we see going on here. good morning, everybody. east bay shoreline still dealing with some of that fog at this hour at the ground. so it's a very broken up depending on exactly where you are certainly inland. we're seeing an open up nicely and a lot. we don't have the cloud issue like we did from yesterday. thanks this low a little cleaner to kind of clean things out, but their in the back side of the high right up against the mountains that up sloping. you see the showers and the thundershowers fire up very sparse. but the mountains today, little bit tomorrow to there's our onshore wind pop that happens this afternoon and tomorrow, kind of a local wind. but we also have the 2 different systems that play as well that are delightfully giving us general flow pattern future cast for you. see the rain continuing a little bit or the more concern is the lightning about to happen with more energy in the atmosphere for us. you can see a little bit of that fog just doesn't completely clear in maybe the coastal areas as much tomorrow morning. the fog is a little thicker and harder to kind of clear out inland you'll get it. but around the bay, it may be some broken clouds as we approach noon, there's the flare up still in the
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mountains. this late get into about tuesday. it dries out a little bit. there. we continue on with our morning fog. today's highs. there you 73 going on for oakland. 84 san jose. there's the big map there with lower 90's in the far east bay. but we keep them in the 80's up north. how about that next couple of days, more of the same. getting a little better. maybe perhaps as we get into the middle of the week's arab tuesday wednesday, bringing down those numbers to the 80's little inland, which is right on target. that's the goldilocks zone. unfortunately, another heat bump will call at this point. maybe i should say as we go into thursday and friday numbers will come back up again. so watching that to see if that starts to run away from us. >> all rught, dave, thank you so much for very helpful.
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>> heartbreaking new developments in the missing persons case of a three-year-old fremont girl. police say they found la lorenzo's body early saturday morning at a recycling facility. her mother had reported her missing after learning eli's father was found dead in san francisco. police say the girl was with her father under a custody agreement. what was supposed to be back with her mother by friday night, ali was last seen at the casa roy apartment complex in fremont. the death now being investigated as a homicide. vacaville fire department hit with tragedy this morning after the death of a code enforcement technician. this comes just 2 days after vacaville police officer was struck and killed in the line of duty. that of those fire chief says that brydon mid was off duty when he crashed his motorcycle late friday night along back a valley parkway. the chief going on to say it's very difficult time for the department and the city.
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coming up on the kron 4 morning news. we continue our coverage on the attempted assassination of donald trump. >> at saturday's campaign rally. stay with us.
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it's time to get away and cash in at cache creek casino resort. to rock and to roll.
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to go all out or go all in with four stars and rising stars. northern california's premier casino resort is the perfect place to do as much... or as little as you want. make your getaway now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. >> all right. happening right now, pennsylvania governor josh shapiro is getting a live news conference responding to the attempted nace attempted assassination on former president donald trump following saturday's campaign rally. let's listen in.
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>> to their governor, there were some concerning items. >> police found in the suspect's vehicle. >> and are confident this over that he acted alone and public is, in fact said the investigation is ongoing. law enforcement will update you on the status of their investigation throughout the day. >> i have not spoken directly to the former president. i have wished well multiple times last evening through statements. lauren, have. people, pennsylvania. i know we're praying for him again. according to his team. and seems as though he will be fine, obviously, relatively speaking. we're glad to see that violence is never acceptable. should also let you know that i did speak to president biden. he called me last night to make sure that here in the commonwealth we have all the resources we need
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to die short we did. at the time he had yet to speak to president trump. i think they connected later in the evening and he wanted me to know he was trying to reach too. former prnsident. i think that was the honorable and right thing to do. i'm glad the president biden did that. have no unmet needs at this time and will working in concert with our federal partners. and i let the president coming talk to the families of those injured and to >> i spoke to the family of one of them and the left a detailed message. i'm not going to get into their status that will be shared by the pennsylvania state police and with the said, i just missed the last part of which
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>> i have directed that flags be flown at half-staff in corey's memory. >> chief of staff is working through process now. my message to all pennsylvanians, my message to all americans is to be from your to believe what you believe to advocate for what you believe to be engaged. >> in the political and civic process, but always do so peacefully. remember that while we may be democrats or republicans above all else, we are americans. >> and if you look at the story of this great nation of the last 248 years, a nation that was born right here pennsylvania. it's been wooden area. americans every single step of the way rising up demanding more seeking justice, advocating for change in doing so peacefully. and
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those who have advocated for such change peacefully, they have been the ones to bring that about. we have to remember that even in these times where there are real divisions. have to address those divisions through engagement in the political and civic process peaceful manner that it's incumbent upon all political leaders of all parties. and it incumbent upon the public. i will tell you that notwithstanding the tragedy that we saw last night. here in pa the awful tragedy. that every day when i'm around pennsylvania, i see the very best of pennsylvania people who do have for police, people who do have passion, police but really gauge peaceful man. >> and who love their neighbors and gauge with people in their communities, even those that they might have differences. we need to learn from our history in this commonwealth and this country. we need bring our better angels forward carry that
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forward into this. political will take 4 more >> that was pennsylvania governor josh shapiro giving that live news conference responding to the attempted assassination. former president donald trump. we heard him saying his message being you know, people should be firm and their believes to advocate what they believe in and to be engaged in the civic process, but that it's important to do so peacefully. all right. we will continue to monitor that press conference for breaking coming out of that. but in the meantime, let's turn now to communications professor nolan higdon of cal state east bay for some additional perspective in context around all of this. good to see you again this morning, professor. all right. so to start us off here of what we just the governor of pennsylvania providing some remarks, a lot of people providing their perspective on really this very historic moment. how do you see, first of all, what's
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your reaction to republicans reaction to this moment? >> well, i'm quite let you know, not just by republicans, but a lot of the discourse in seen online and by we there's a lot of details emerging in especially with a breaking news event like things are going to be messy. we're going to get information and pieces. and one of the big problems i have seen in the u.s. recently and in the digital era in particular is that people jump to conclusions without you know, i've heard everything from from false flags to the liberals were behind this to jobs. all these baseless claims there's no evidence to support being thrown around. and i don't think people realize that the gravity of of the of this situation when they make these comments, those things are spreading go. they go viral and people start to internalize them and we need to do is get down the truth. what actually did happen here hopefully prevent this from happening again.
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let's not lose sight of the fact we lost a life here. so i think people should take a lot more serious and the la mer judicious and things they post about this events until they have evidence to support the things they and is there any way to control that you say is the is there some responsibility on the behalf of social media companies? >> to build in some sort of some guardrails to prevent this sort of thing from happening. that misinformation spread. >> i think radical idea of democracy is that we put the how the power in the hands of the so i'm a little uncomfortable big tech to make determinations about what we post or si. think the responsibility of all americans. if if you really care about democracy and you have care about principles of truth, please just slow down. think before you post share like or write something, you don't want to be a part of the so-called fake news problem. you want to be part of the solution and spreading things that are not well supported with evidence. makes you part of the problem. >> well, turning now the from
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the democrats as well. we mention we talked a bit about this actually in our 07:00am and am hour, but would like to revisit this again for 09:00am viewers some president biden, he did cut his time in delaware. sure to return to the white house said he had a phone call with former president trump not long after the shooting happened. walk us through your response to that interaction. there. >> i think president did a good job in my estimation for the office of the presidency is supposed to do in moments like when there's tragic event like this causes so much fear and anxiety and concern and confusion, we have to turn to the president and to let us know what is the nation doing for the people in this moment? so i think biden made it clear that the he's taken a serious he won't tolerate this. he won't entertain any justification for it and he's going to do what he can as our congress to ensure that something like this will not happen again. i think it's
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also particularly that we've been in the midst of the era of deep political divisions, very hyper polarized climate. and so the fact that he and former president trump or able to would seemingly was a brief phone call. i think it's a big deal. i think it's really important that we start talking across the city logical disagreement is very good for democracy, but we need to temper down the rhetoric that there's no way we can live with each other okay. of course the rnc is happening tomorrow and milwaukee. >> what it what do you forecast to come out of that convention given your expertise in communications? >> well, would like to say what we're going to see is a unifying message for all americans. but i think some of the politicians we've seen come out thus far from the republican side of the aisle. seem very comfortable to blame this event on liberals and liberal rhetoric and biden's rhetoric and given that the convention you know, starting
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on on a monday, i republicans are going to use the news cycle to hammer that message remind audiences that trump was a show. the video of how trump stood up with his fists near with blood on his face. and continue to derive so i'm unfortunately expecting divisive rhetoric that i would love to be wrong. >> what do you needs to change in order for us to get away from that divisive rhetoric. i mean, it's it's not going to be solution that people are going to come up with tomorrow. but any small micro adjustments that need to happen here. >> i think there's a we can and there's a lot we can do at the individual you know, i think what was mentioned earlier, resisting the urge to to comment on post and post on things when we don't have evidence. i'm learning to disagree with someone's arguments that but not attack them personally and try to reach out to those we disagree m with and find some human connection. you know, you may
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never convince them on one policy or one politician. i'm reminding them that you're credible person, a caring person and that we're all americans and we have to learn to get along. even when we disagree. >> all right. professor nolan to do with cal state east bay, thank you for your time this morning. east bay congressman eric swalwell joins a long line of politicians talking about what happened condemning violence and calling for unity. >> to anyone who is seeking to use for any political benefit. urge you not to do that. that unity must be antidote in a moment like we've been through too much political violence in this we all suffered through january 6. the former speaker of the house, speaker pelosi in our backyard in the bay area had her husband her husband was attacked violently and act of political violence.
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today's only the concerns that all of us half, i also just want to stay that i will not be intimidated by this. i know my colleagues will not be intimidated. i will do everything to protect my family. my staff but i will do my job and anyone who that we will country that turns to violence rather than voting for settling our political discourse is sadly sadly i'm mistaken. and so again, i'm glad that the former president is okay. i'm so grateful to law enforcement and every possible way. want to reiterate that violence is never been the answer in america. violence is not the answer in america and violence never will be the answer america. >> pennsylvania senator john fetterman also responding to the shooting. watch.
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>> it's difficult this point to ignore she with. butler where heat is the apparently so i would also take this opportunity >> stay with kron. 4 for the very latest on this story. and for the latest developments, you can head to kron 4 dot com as well. check out the kron 4 as well. check out the kron 4 app.
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♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ ♪ rise ♪ (alarm beeping) ♪ rise ♪ ♪ and thrive! ♪ (♪♪) belvita!
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look outside at the transamerica building in san francisco. >> looking at the gray out there and you look at the fog is trying to punch back again, you know, kind of cleared. but it's getting school aged and it's kind of mixing out a little bit to give us all to mentally kind of a sunny afternoon here a little bit. so get a little time. here's another perspective to show you how the fog us departed are mount tam or a picture. there's the leftover fog there. but after all that, we should clear out nicely for the day tahoe. if you're headed that way, you might pick up a stray thunder shower today. maybe maybe maybe but most that actions stay south. look at the readings, though, tomorrow. 78 lower 80's into tuesday. wednesday. so far we're at 72 for antioch. most ratings now are in 60's. some 50's out towards the west san francisco. santa rosa and half moon bay at 57. here's the set up. as we talked about the flaring up of the thunder showers, particularly for the mountains that uplifting factor. but this low, it's kind of clearing things out for us aloft. but still the possibility is there to see
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the scattered showers and thunder showers, right where that high pressure is. you can see her. kind of goes around it. it gave us all of that hot weather and now its waning. that's going to your 4 zone forecast for today. 68 san francisco to the coast. very contingent on when this fog decides to clear. so we'll keep it in the 60's and get used to that. just about all week long. we'll be in the 60 76 burlingame. 85 city in palo alto in the south bay were in mid 80's territory. 91 going on for morgan hill, 88 east bay shoreline to the south now tri valley's in the lower 90's. but the 80's a start to break through 73 for oakland, 70 for richmond will be about a 69 billy hope. fairfield 89 to 82 for napa and 85 for santa rosa. so here's the relief. more moderation for the week ahead. however, we get towards the end of the week and things start to nudge up. we're talking 97. 98. ouch. we may be going back to 100 plus for the weekend and the monday after are going to see how far we go closer.
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okay. all right. well, we'll take any small, cool down what we have >> all right. thanks day. for health. doctors are close to a potential cure for patients with lupus an autoimmune disease impacting one and a half million people in the u.s. mostly women. dina bair has more. >> we have my michael sell sept there. leshawn guirola has been living with lupus for 25 years. stating symptoms can most definitely pay you. fatigue, ct scan all major organs are inflamed. my colon, my liver inflamed. if your immune system which only protects you from bacteria, viruses and fungi >> actually, instead of protecting you, the make proteins that can damage these organs. the sun is not friends with people with lupus. so i do precious frequently on the skin. that's what happened in those with the autoimmune disease. the body produces antibodies to cause damage to the skin, lungs, brain and
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kidneys. as a result, patients must take medications that suppress their entire immune system, even though they do a good job and helping deal with the disease actually make you more vulnerable to other infections, looking at blood samples from people with lupus and those without. >> the researchers identified a chemical imbalance among the patient population, more injury, causing cells and fewer wound healing cells noting a targeted bill root cause of lupus. the team set out to rebalance the body's chemistry. we don't eliminate the cells. we think we can reprogram them from causing disease causing would do it in the lab. doctor, j choi and his colleagues at a special mediator to the blood, a molecule deficient in patients that successfully impacted just the lupus causing immune response, not the entire immune system. we really have to push to saying we've done some basic science, but we need to make use of drugs. and so real goal is to >> be able to identify ways to make this chemical into something to take my bill. you the clinic in the world.
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>> if there's some new research that can highlight thought why and how that's beneficial. because once you know what you're fighting you, how this come tv, you have some answers that you're not living blind. >> that was dana bair reporting. the next step is to move the research from the lab to the production line. the research team hopes to partner with a pharmaceutical company to get the treatment in the hands of patients within the next year or so. >> and >> happening today, best deal day celebrations. one of the places marking the occasion as well. the san francisco design center galleria. this is video from best deal day last year. the holiday honors the french revolution when citizens of paris storm the bastille prison in 17, 89. today's event features authentic french food and drinks a dance party and a special preview of the olympic games in paris. the festival starts at 11:00am. and not a bay area baseball. the giants taking on
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the twins and their second game of the series. starting off in the 4th inning. all tied up in the twins. hit a shot to the outfield and one run comes into score making one nothing. twins. later in the inning, runners on the corners and a pitch gets away from the giants as another run comes home on the passed ball. bottom 5 now to one tying run on 3rd for the giants and they come through with base hit and the giants tied up at to then in the 6th inning, the twins hit a fly ball down the line just leaves the yard. the twins would holds to win this one by a final of 42 final game of the series today at 105, twins. go on to win 4 to even the series. meanwhile, he is looking to win the second straight over the league. leading philadelphia phillies. that would be short lives as in the second inning, the phillies hit a 2 run home run, making it to one phillies is would answer back with a home run of their own tie. the game at 2 in the 3rd inning. but
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the league's best would build their lead and go on to win by a final of 11 to 5 is playing their final game of the series today at 10, 30. decades after inspiring millions of people to turn to fitness. richard simmons has died. chris wolfe takes a look back at his career. >> one day after his 76th birthday, legendary fitness personality richard simmons passed away at his home in the hollywood hills saturday morning. police and fire officials say they arrived at the scene around 10:00am following a call from the housekeeper. the death appears to be the result of cardiac arrest and natural causes. simmons was born in 1948. in new orleans, louisiana, and relocated to los angeles in the 1970's with his flamboyant, yet compassionate disposition frequently, wild
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costumes and exploding frizzy hair. he quickly won over legions of loyal fans after opening a number of gyms and releasing dozens of workout videos, namely sweating to the oldies. he also hosted the richard simmons show a combination talk and fitness show from 1980, to 1984, simmons always shared that he had a difficult childhood being significantly overweight but managed to change his life with a strict diet and exercise program. millions of people struggling with similar issues sought out his guidance. simmons also tackled acting often appearing as himself in shows, including a reported 72 episodes of the soap opera general hospital. he faded from the spotlight during the last several years, choosing to live quietly and privately in march, the fitness grow revealed he had been diagnosed with skin cancer and would have surgery
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to remove the malignant cells. >> and that was chris wolfe reporting for us this morning. and in more said, news actress shannen doherty has passed away. she was both know she's best known for her roles in the wildly popular series, beverly hills 9, 0, 2, 1, 0, and on the witchcraft fantasy charmed. she was diagnosed with cancer in 2015 republic says tell people magazine in a statement that already lost her battle with cancer this morning after many years of fighting the disease, she was 53 years old. be right back.
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our top story this morning, former president donald trump just barely surviving an assassination attempt at a campaign rally event in butler, pennsylvania. just minutes after trump took to the stage, at least 5 shots rang out. one of those bullets just grazing the side of the former president's head blood visible on the side of trump's face. secret service killed the gunman at the scene. saturday's attack also leaving one rally spectator dead. 2 others critically injured. the fbi identified the shooter as 20 year-old thomas matthew crooks at this hour, the motive for the shooting remains unclear. investigators say they believe the weapon used to shoot at the former president was purchased by crooks, father at least 6 months ago. in the meantime, trump sent a memo to his staff saying he is in great after the shooting. the president still plans to speak at the rnc tomorrow. and we will, of course, continue to follow this story very closely for you. lots more to unpack here.
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and you can find all of that developing news on air and online at kron 4 dot com. okay, stephanie, just following just a few little a thunder showers going up in the mountains. most of this is probably just making some noise locally than the actual rain. although we are getting some rain. >> tracking at the surface, not so much in tahoe, which points to the south and that's where the threat will remain even tomorrow. a little bit highs expected to be very pleasant. upper 70's, lower 80's going till short sleeve shirt kind of weather. >> and it is one note when we do see the clear out today, pretty good in the bay this afternoon. again, warm but not hot hot that we've been experiencing. there's the flare up in the mountains. let's do this again tomorrow. there's the morning fog and we get to the afternoon. it's still lingers in a couple little problem areas even in the mid afternoon. there's your flare up happening in the mountains again as that low just doesn't seem completely want to go away. but it's going to be a player later on highs in the lower 90's to the east 80's up north. checking out your seven-day forecast. it's really towards next
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weekend that things get interesting. who might be popping about 100. >> okay. all right. well, thank you so much for staying on top of that. than thank you to all of you for tuning in to us at the comp for morning news. we'll see you back your news. we'll see you back your morning at 07:00am. dave's compy just scored the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. yes. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years. introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities.
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