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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  July 20, 2024 7:00am-10:01am PDT

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jack: thanks for joining me on today's adventure. from the columbus zoo, i'm jack hanna, hoping you'll join me next time as we go into the wild. >> now on the kron 4 morning news. new details on the tragic events that led to the death of a three-year-old fremont child. why her family says the courts failed to protect her. plus after months of community outcry, a san jose medical trauma center is keeping its doors open. >> from the area's local news
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station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. it's saturday, july, the 20th. let's get your morning started with a look at the weather with dave sphar. good morning, dave. >> hey, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. hot week out. so we're taking a little bit of a break just in time for this weekend and get all the sunshine that comes with it and taken off that oppressive heat. so you folks inland can take a little breather from those triple not forever. but i mean, just for this weekend here, there's the east bay shoreline for you. and that fog is pretty much departed except in some of the problem areas. speaking of which along the coast, you might have a little bit of that fog lingering. some fog clouds a bit at the beaches and a little bit. the east bay shoreline, probably a little bit more aggressive tomorrow morning. but again, clearing out for mostly sunny day. meanwhile, a lot of the west, it's that typical monsoon with the scattered airmass thunder showers going on for this
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afternoon and tomorrow afternoon. some variable winds right now going on with mostly the single digits. but we do expect that typical onshore wind later today. most readings in the 60's with some 50's already 72 for antioch. but almost all of those are above a few degrees where they were this time from yesterday. now let's try about 80 by 11 o'clock to about 88. we'll still see some 90's, but take a little breather from at least those oppressive 100 plus. so today, tomorrow looks like a breather. getting hot again early next week. morning weekend. forecast a bit, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. for documents reveal accusations of mental illness and kidnapping. >> in the case involving the death of a three-year-old fremont girl. her body found in a san jose recycling plant last weekend. kron four's terisa stasio reports. >> other struggle for her child and 2021. court documents obtained by kron 4 news. that crystal o b ellie. lorenzo's mother pleaded with the court for full custody
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shortly after separating from ellie's father jared lorenzo documents show be claim lorenzo was mentally ill and that he was using various drugs, including after all, she said his behavior was erratic, disappearing for days and coming home ranting at her and baby in a letter to the court, lorenzo's needs had deep concerns about her uncle saying the lorenzo be of kidnapping and abusing ali. initially the court agreed granting sole custody be and supervised visits only between ellie and her dad. but after forcing him to undergo random drug testing psychological evaluation and weekly therapy sessions, the court gave lorenzo visitation schedule with unsupervised visits. >> actually, one of the nightmares of my business. we all worry about this kind of thing happening. we all try do our best to prevent this kind of thing from happening. david patten is a family law
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attorney who has been practicing for more than 30 years. it sounds mom did a pood job of doing everything she could to convince the court that there was a problem. and unfortunately, the courts have to balance between doubts rights and moms rights in this in this kind of situation. so so mom and sometimes its staff, say that the other person is a danger and you know, also, unfortunately, sometimes they're going to cause the bottles for various reasons, say that even if it's not true last thursday, eli's mom says that she kissed daughter goodbye as her dad took her to stay at his fremont home. >> a family friend says that the mom and daughter were planning on moving to texas soon and we're working out a deal, the renzo so that he could still see his daughter. but authorities say that lorenzo south in san francisco before that law enforcement believe he fatally struck his daughter and put her in a dumpster and autopsy reveals
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that she died of blunt force trauma to the head. >> once in a the court's going wrong. and there's a tragedy like this and it's very, very >> we have heard from a family friend that there is a plan to hold a memorial for ali, but they add that they cannot make those plans right now because they're still too distraught about ellie's death. in the newsroom. theresa kron, 4 news. 11 people, including a minor arrested for theft in pleasant hill. >> officers say the thefts happened at stores in the crossroads shopping center thursday. the group is accused of stealing $2000 worth of merchandise. the senate is regional medical center plans to keep its trauma center open. that decision coming after months of outcry from health care workers and residents, the medical center houses the only trauma center and east santa clara county and was set to close next month. hospital officials say they quote, found a path to keep the center open by making
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some changes. but some doctors say the proposed changes could be dangerous for patients. >> this is not what this community needs is highly dense. you know, talking about almost 45% of the santa clara county population. we don't. morgan cardiology services. this is just lip service to this is absolutely, you know, but little last compared to what was lost for. we're not asking for extra. we ask you come and then what you have in the community. and this is this is like killing the community. >> county officials tell kron 4 will take time to approve the proposed service changes. 2 police officers who fatally shot a woman in pacifica will not face charges. that's the moment right before an officer opened fire at michelle r e s that's a and just before this, police say all rice had shot
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her son. police say a race then pointed her gun at one of the officers. the da's office says the shooting was justified. self-defense. the 2 officers involved have been placed on administrative leave as the investigation continues. san mateo county agreed to pay 8 million dollars to settle a harassment and discrimination lawsuit. the 2022 suit was filed by a sheriff's deputy karen barker. she claims she and or years of harassment by her former swat team leader. the suit adds other employees reported the harassment to high ranking officers but nothing was done to investigate the claims. the sheriff's office tells kron 4 these incidents happened under the previous sheriff and the current administration is committed to improving the culture. francisco police are looking for the suspects involved in robbing a cleaning crew at a popular lgbtq nightclub. it happened thursday at oasis in the city. so neighborhood, the club says a cleaning crew had wallets, phones and other belongings
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stolen. police were called by the time they arrive, though, robbers that already taken off. lisa says the robbers also trashed the building. man pleads guilty to aiming a gun at federal officers in august last year. investigators say sean de lap chase to federal agents while driving pulled up next to them and then aimed a gun at them. a search of lapse home led to the discovery of a pistol ammunition and firearms. parts. the law has a prior felony conviction and is banned from having any of those items. he faces at least 20 years in federal prison. in alameda county man. let's now spent 3 years in federal prison for selling fake machine parts to the department of defense which supplies the military. the u.s. attorney's office says steve kim, let a company that sold fan assemblies. authorities say he would create fake labels and attach them to the products he sold. they say some of those products were installed are intended for nuclear submarines and aircraft and missile systems. and developing this morning after
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friday's global it outage impacting businesses and airports. we are keeping an eye on san francisco international airport this morning. systems are back online here. but as of 06:00am this morning, there were 55 delays and 45 cancellations at sfo. compare that to friday when nearly 200 flights were delayed. 87 canceled. we continue to keep an eye on those numbers and update you throughout the morning. i love and sandwiches celebrating the opening of its one 100th store. the new spot san francisco is that doctor maya angelou way just a 5 minute walk from oracle park. first opened its first shop in the city back in 2007. for music party is coming to san francisco this weekend. the organizers who brought dj skrillex and freddie again, the civic center kick off a free edm festival tomorrow at the embarcadero plaza. organizers expect more than 2000 people to show up. so a busy day. i think it's important right now with the city.
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>> to provide entertainment to tend to create culture, to make the city fun i think we're all stuck in this doing live been entertainment culture live events. kid can adds to the value of living in san francisco. >> organizers have a couple more events up their sleeve this year on september. 21st, they host a concert featuring indie-rock band at civic center plaza in october, they plan to host another event at union square. details still to be announced. >> coming up on the kron 4 morning news, a west nile virus warning now issued for santa clara county. we've got the details coming up. and president joe biden continues to resist calls to end his reelection campaign. our election coverage continues after the break. >> take care of that morning fog and it's sunny all the way this time. look at the space that we have not so crowded with the triple digits. that will feel good. few folks
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inland as you take a little break from the oppressive heat coming back early next week. we have the forecast called for morning news continues.
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>> all right. now to a west nile virus warning for residents in santa clara county. officials say mosquitoes are testing positive in parts of san jose and other incorporated areas. local agencies now working to combat this issue. the vector control district sharing a map of the area where mosquito treatment is planned this upcoming wednesday night, officials recommend people
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wear long pants and long sleeve shirts, news bug repellent and keep those windows closed at night. all right, taking a live look outside at mount tam at 7.13 this morning. gorgeous view. we're also seeing a bit of what would that be marine layer. their data is exactly the fog that we like to talk about all the time. it is back and that's a nice thing. kind of showing us a little bit from those oppressive temperatures. >> particularly in the west. well, this is what we have kind of drive home. the point there is fog has we don't see it everywhere going on around the bay. but this is half moon bay kind of underscoring at the beaches. you might be left over. some of those scattered clouds that's going to mix out, bring the sun out. but you're going to be still looked over. some of those scattered clouds there. not a big problem here. seals still see nice temperatures going on. little chillier out here with the 60's going on. but certainly you folks in going gets i'm just break here from the sir, really hot temperatures that we've had last few days. they see what's left over from the county exhaust showers and thunder showers were in the season. the kind of beginning of the
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monsoon pattern and that has gravitated off towards our mountains a little bit. but no further than that, there's sfo in the background. and for today, we've got morning fog, sunny and still warm 90's inland and upper 90's. and that in many spots will be having that in the 4 zone. 70's and 80's for the bay. and then tomorrow, let's bring a 70's for the bay. and that's why some 80's even inland. tomorrow is going to be really a nice treat here before we have another spike again. the next week, a hot again, 100 plus early into the week. now. but then cooling quickly. late week board. is that look nice and i will show you later on as well. futurecast for what goes on. we have the daytime heating with this air mass that's in place. it's the monsoon fires up those scattered thunder showers, air masses. all because you take away the heat. boom. there gone. this looks to be south of tahoe. so you sequoyah national park is 70 those the likely targets for today. there's some marine layer tomorrow with some perhaps scattered sprinkles along the east bay shoreline really shows the muscle that this will have tomorrow morning. so
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again, a nice break. we're getting for this weekend and you see the cloud cover that again mixes out with the dry air aloft and again, fires up those thunder showers, singsong pattern firmly in place except not into that really heat bite that we've been having. 71 san francisco, 76 for oakland, 85. meanwhile for san jose warm and sunny, we'll call it now. those numbers are still kind of lofty in the far east bay around the quirkiness straight, antioch, getting up to about 96 98 santa rosa. so we've got some hot spots still there, a little improvement looks like in the south bay with 85 san jose. 71 san francisco in half moon bay at a chilly 61 by comparison. back to that shot. stephanie started off with their from sutro cam. 89 going on by sunday, at least getting some 80's cooking in here and 100 sorry, mount tam rather 100 going on for monday. and that shows you how the numbers jump monday and tuesday for the next 2 days as we get into early next week. yeah, i know we go back to heat spike this a spot late in the week. it's
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going to be a nice little treat. there will be talking more about that. how things really break dicey for us. a nice little cut off low can do some sweet things. yes, absolutely. so which have to be a little patient? yeah. and last thing to a certain look at some of the dew point values to see the moisture that we have inland a little because the safety power shutoff business, anything the the thing is the humidity levels aren't as lower as highs would like to see him for the morning hours are still in the lower 50's. that's a little on the low end course or feel terrible. they were high be but that's one problem. it's a little dry. it's not so much offshore okay. all right. well, we know you'll be keeping an eye all that for us. all right. thanks so much. >> the democratic national convention is one month away. and while pressure mounts on president joe biden to drop out of the race, biden's campaign says the president plans to be back on the campaign trail next week. john fenoglio reports. >> one day after republicans officially unified behind their nominee for president.
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democrats are in disarray over their nominee's ability to serve a second term. we know that we've slipped a bit from the debate and we know that the president has to prove to the american people exactly what he believes. biden campaign chair jen o'malley on msnbc insisting president biden is staying in the race despite mounting pressure from democrats for him to step aside, he has tested his beat donald trump before we have the path forward in our pathway to get to 270 but the path to 270 electoral votes needed to win the election is becoming more perilous by the day. more than 30 congressional democrats are now calling on biden to bow looking at now is poll numbers that are coming back. you know, individual members that might be in really tough battleground states are battleground. the strikes saying their poll numbers slipping are watching the president's numbers. >> in 7 critical swing states, trump is leading biden. >> trump also appear slightly ahead in 3 others. but the numbers are within the margin of error. well, the president
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recovers from a mild case of covid at his delaware home. nbc news is reporting biden's family is having private conversations with him about how he craft a possible exit. >> the biden campaign denies this according to multiple reports, former president barack obama, former house speaker nancy pelosi and senate majority leader chuck schumer have expressed concerns about biden's ability to win in november. some deep pocketed donors are also reportedly withholding campaign cash with biden on the ticket. i think this looks like a sinking loyola law school professor jessica levinson says the pressure on biden is enormous and time is running out to unify his party. if he were somebody who was willing to bow out, he would have frankly done. so earlier, it's clear that he needs this pressure in order to try and say i'm handing over. >> this opportunity to somebody else in the party. all eyes now on vice president kamala harris who visited the dc ice cream shop with her
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grandniece is harris ignoring reporters. questions about biden's viability and about what comes next. i'm john fenoglio. >> 2 bay area lawmakers joined the growing chorus of democrats calling for president biden to end his reelection campaign. north bay congressman jared huffman and south bay, congresswoman zoe zoe lofgren, rather, both released letters they sent to the president praising his career of service, but also adding they don't believe he can beat trump again in november. that letter from representative huffman reads in part, quote, at this point, we must face the reality. the widespread public concerns about your age and fitness are jeopardizing. what should be a winning campaign. these perceptions may not be fair, but they have hardened in the aftermath of last month's debate and are now unlikely to change 3 other congressman also signed their names to that letter. congresswoman zoe lofgren, more direct in her
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letter saying in part, quote, simply put your candidacy is on a trajectory to lose the white house and potentially impact crucial house and senate races down the ballot. it is for reasons that i urge you to step aside from our party's nomination to allow another democratic candidate to compete against and beat donald trump in the november election. the congresswoman says sending this letter was not easy. >> really an agonizing decision and this is him. it's all of us, but it's really not about him. >> for me, it's about the american people all of the indices right now. look pretty grim in terms of beating donald trump with a candidate. president biden. >> representative lofgren also said the party should not be too quick to anoint the next nominee. >> some have suggested that we have a a quick series open meetings, perhaps moderated by
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president obama and president clinton with the candidates who stepped forward. we'll see what the president does. but i do think there has to be some kind of transparent process. >> in the last week, other top democrats, including barack obama and former house speaker nancy pelosi. also reportedly expressed concerns about president biden's chances. >> and it is november draws near. you might be feeling election anxiety. and if so, you're not alone. >> trump was vicky liviakis connected with a mental health specialist on ways to help those feeling nervous about the future. >> people are having on then take panic attacks like people who have never experienced panic. everybody's had some anxiety, but really where they can't get out she ought to know. doctor tara fields is a bay area, psychotherapist who's treating more patients these days for political anxiety might want to say to to if you're feeling very anxious some days.
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>> i'm really not ok talking about politics. can we take a break today? doctor fields is also author of the love fix and says setting boundaries can help with friends and family. you might disagree with just say. >> i can only anxious you feel about what's going on politically. >> and i'm feeling the same way, but i need to do is just take a break for talk about. does not work for you and they might go. yes, thank you for the reality check. let's go for a walk. >> other ways to cope. stop doomscrolling and moderate your consumption of media might i'm only gonna watch local. i want to see what's going board network news. >> no, going my that are just going to scare me. i don't. she says just 5 minutes of meditation is good medicine. but if the symptoms persist seek help and you feel out of control and you are having trouble breathing and you're having trouble sleeping. if you're eating too much, you're starting to drink your
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self-medicating. >> relationships. people close to saying i'm really worried. that's absolutely the time to check in with a license, mental health provider. >> in san francisco, vicki liviakis kron. 4 news. >> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, a family is reunited with their beloved pet after being robbed at gunpoint. if you have heart disease and struggle with ldl-c... even with statins and a healthy diet... listen to your heart. talk to your doctor about repatha.
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repatha plus a statin lowers ldl-c (bad cholesterol) by 63%, and drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. talk to your doctor about repatha. (vo) meet fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. fargo makes banking faster, and easier. (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card!
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(vo) lets you pick up the tab, even if you forget your wallet... (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) fargo puts important information at your fingertips. (dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no... (vo) want to see everything fargo can do? you can, with wells fargo.
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can expect a rather you can exchange guns for cash in oakland, the gun buyback event taking place at mount zion baptist on willow in 12th streets. organizers say they plan to break down those firearms and turn them into garden tools to help grow new life. you can stop by this event any time between noon and 04:00pm. a puppy stolen at gunpoint is back home safe and sound this morning. police say the 4 month old ship to puppy. you see here was taken from a south bay couple on wednesday night. the puppy was a gift from the husband to his wife. officers found and arrested the man who took the dog after spotting a car that was used in the robbery. still ahead on the 4 morning news, former president donald trump delivers his speech at the republican national republican national convention. hey, flex. considering there's
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a heatwave, it's kinda chilly in here. oh, that's because i'm pre-cooling the house with the ac before 4 pm. then i'll turn our thermostat to a comfortable 78 or higher that way i could stay cool later. ooh, what about me? you're never cool. oh.
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and now on the kron, 4 morning news home at last we hear from passengers on board an air india flight forced to divert to russia. all right. let's get you started this half hour with a look at our forecast first with dave spahr heyday. hey, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and a pretty nice weekend going on here for you. but it is the middle of summer. so it's going to feel every bit like that. >> however, when to take off some of that oppressive heat, the triple digits and so forth are just taking the weekend off because we're going to think back of the forecast early in the next week. but let's enjoy this weekend. still sfo, no delays occurring out that way. at least not whether or air traffic related directly. our winds are kind of variable now at this hour, as you can see in there will be still that preponderance of that offshore says the onshore westerly wind, however, going
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to be hard to get that moisture well inland. so therefore might have some dry spots. well, east and south current readings are in the 60's with some 50's in the west, although warm 76 at this hour for antioch and all of our readings here are above where they were this time from yesterday, even though we're looking for improvement in our afternoon highs by 11 o'clock or so. let's try about 80 with 2 o'clock being 88 in there will be readings well into the 90's, even upper 90's at that with a bigger drop expected for tomorrow. when get a little more into that, check out your 4 zone forecast. and most importantly, that extended which has a cool down yet again coming our way, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. aaron. dia passengers finally. >> made it back home friday to sfo after an unexpected detour to russia. the airline says a technical issue caused the diversion saying pilots had, quote, detected a potential issue in the cargo hold area. they say the plane landed safely at the russian airport thursday. this comes at a time
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when u.s. and european union airlines are avoiding russian airspace during the war with ukraine. we spoke with one passenger. >> if you just read event related against foot someday they do it over the past. >> what put us? was you know, anxiety get no more information about what's going on with them. they had wi-fi, which is great but if the comfortable or not they're going you know, they were safe all on board we were getting a pet from them some of the on next. and what but it wasn't comfortable of the county tournament. not so >> 225 passengers and 19 crew members were onboard that flight. >> all integrated. our society isn't help a little, but we could be based on really kind of concerning. >> back to the developing story on the global it outage friday, several meltdown knocking out software services at airports, tv stations, banks and court systems. the outage also affecting services
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like visa adt security at amazon of all software update from the cybersecurity company. crowdstrike is being blamed. this was not a security incident. the company says trouble with an automatic update affected computers, running microsoft windows worldwide. we spoke with the president and ceo of the nonprofit internet society for their perspective. what happened here? >> this was a update. push. it was an automatic one which you want to enable. you want to have automatic updates because if you don't do then you're sitting there. you know, a sitting duck was 0 day exploit or something comes along. so everybody enable these the good practice. it turned out that, you know, there was a flaw in this particular update and when it updated it gresham gene. >> one is frustrating. he also says every now and then a mistake will happen here in the bay area. it will still be sometime before certain services are. >> back up and running.
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>> all 8 courthouses in alameda county also hit by the outage. the it team, they're saying the civil court is still lagging behind. but criminal court was back in session online friday and in order to process cases, steph, steph went back to using pen and paper for filings. >> our 2 case management basically in the cloud. they're all i mean, i'm effect. all the courthouse is same way to just walk into courtroom, courthouse. who wouldn't it wouldn't. it would just seem like a normal day. and kind of scenes where everyone's kind of frantically working. >> officials tell us the it team is manually fixing court computers and are hoping to be operational again by monday. developing this morning, we're keeping an eye on san francisco international airport systems back online here. but as of 06:00am, there were 50 delays. 45 cancellations tying to that. global it outage on friday, nearly 200 flights were delayed from the airport. 87
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flights canceled travelers who was stuck at the airport said they were concerned something like this happened. >> if some not recover, i fly them maybe kind. so that may be at my flag now flying. so i don't know of a no idea. the. >> technology can be scary in that aspect. like the fact that it's one little software not running to spec. many people's lives. >> many people now familiar with the blue screen of death as tech experts call it, airport screens were showing blue screens of death for much of the day. we're told. and the company behind the global outage again is a cybersecurity giant called crowdstrike. it's a company paid to protect companies from hackers and reporter rich demuro explains. crowdstrike controls about 80% of the market for endpoint security. >> basically, they help computers scanned for viruses. hackers in ransomware in real time. the company is
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headquartered in austin, texas, with offices around the globe. major companies install crowdstrike software on servers and other computers that keep planes flying financial transactions going and trains moving. but all of that ground to a halt because of a faulty update pushed to machines. >> some nowadays the word is called endpoint detection and response. and so this company crowdstrike, they're kind of it. they are the go-to company for the enterprise's. think of the fortune 5,000, the 5,000 largest companies in the world. those are the companies that really depend crowdstrike's expertise to keep them safe. not only from like basic things but cyber criminals who do this for their everyday job and even like intelligence apparatus that are trying to steal nations that secret. so they have to be on their companies locally nationally and worldwide being affected by this issue. >> the website downdetector dot com showing disruptions to td bank charles schwab. visa. bank of america x box. chase,
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atp. and even starbucks crowdstrike says this was not a security incident or cyberattack. the issue affected windows-based machines. not mackerel, linux. and there is a fix, but it's not necessarily easy. crowdstrike ceo spoke about the complexity of the problem on nbc's today show. well, you, when you look at software, it is a is a very complex world. and there's a lot of interactions and i'm always staying ahead of the adversary is is you know, a tall task. so >> the sort of obviously, you know, you try to understand and mitigate them. >> in some you have weird interaction and didn't seem like it happened every window system. there's different versions and flavors a patch levels, if you will. and we're just trying to sort out where the that negative interaction again, that's what we're focused on, giving customers back up and running. >> it departments around the
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world now scrambling to clean up the mess, which in many cases involves getting hands-on with computers. no easy feat in today's world of distributed machines and remote computing it. workers prepare for a long weekend. the good news here is that the issue doesn't affect many personal computers running windows and one officer macean here. our world is more connected than ever. so problems that were once local now go global companies are operating worldwide. so when something breaks, it affects a much wider swath. it's our new reality. when tech works, it benefits many when it doesn't. we all feel it. i'm rich demuro. possible power shut offs could be happening in east bay this weekend. >> pg e is warning that those safety shut offs are due to high winds and dry conditions. if those power shut offs do happened about 500 customers in the bay area could lose power. pg e has notified 16,000 customers across the state via text email automated phone calls in the bay area.
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nearly 500 customers in alameda county and contra costa county were warned about this pg e is they say that they're trying to be proactive with the weather can change. so if power, shop does happen, it would happen around 11:00am saturday. customers should expect to have their power back on in the evening and one affected area could be near the altamont pass with those high hot temperatures and gusty offshore winds. back in the forecast. there. a local ace hardware store in livermore is also letting customers know it could be smart to stock up on any hot weather essentials. here's their guidance. >> its been this hot before, but never been this hot for so many. he's in a row, obviously stay hydrated. but personal cooling. we have handheld misters, obviously in-room fans, air-conditioners. i'm just stay cool. stay out of the direct heat. >> employees tell us it's been hot like this before, but never so warm for so many days in a row. so it's important to take precautions, especially
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because those temperatures are expected to climb to 102 degrees on monday. as dave has been tracking couple is your local election headquarters. former president donald trump officially the republican nominee for president he accepted the nomination at the republican national convention and made his first speech since the assassination attempt. our washington correspondent maddie beer-temple reports. the former president said he rewrote his speech after saturday's attack. >> with a focus on unifying the country. >> the republican national convention in wisconsin wrapped up with former president donald trump. now the nominee. i proudly accept your nomination for president. trump's remarks addressed his close call saturday when a would-be assassin shot his year at a rally just a few short days ago. my journey. with you nearly ended. he also paid tribute to the firefighter who was killed that day. trump said he aims
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to bring the country together. i am running to be president. >> for all of american and pitched his america first agenda to the crowd. we will not let. countries come in, take our jobs and plunder our nation. but he also spent much of his speech attacking his opponent, president joe biden. the damage that he's done to this country is unthinkable in response to his speech. the biden campaign says the president is more determined than ever to win in november. >> warning trump has extreme vision for the country. the democratic national convention is just one month away and it comes as a growing number of democrats call on president biden to step out of the race. >> in washington, i'm maddie beer-temple. friends and family of the retire firefighter who died in the assassination attempt of former president trump are saying a final goodbye. corey comperatore, a father of 2 was shot and killed at last
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weekend's rally in pennsylvania. people from all over the country showing up for his funeral. and former president trump also honoring him during his speech on thursday evening. coming up on the kron 4 morning news just a week away from the start of the summer games in paris. officials expressing concern over last-minute preparations that could cause problems. they say. >> we have the details. here's a look at your forecast. highs going on for today. we're still breaking out. are a crane on? is there a little bit or purple? i 96 going on for antioch up. dorothy, the 98 santa rosa. >> little bit more mild by comparison for the south bay going into that 4 zone forecast and also talk about a wonde
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>> good morning. welcome back. and this live shot of our sutro canning in an idea what it looks like downtown really departing that fog a little bit. bring it upstairs a bit to mix up with some of that drier air problem. is that air right above us is also warm. so federal bit a buoyancy. hard to get that to maneuver a little bit there, but we'll take care of it this afternoon. good thing is will continue to bring that marine layer into the city all day long today with the continual onshore flow. we're looking at yosemite here and it's kind of the same thing, too little bit of haze going on in the distance. but the forecast calls for warm for the season. upper 80's at this. you really can't get a good feel. this of secondary heat spike coming our way early next week. but upper 80's and 2 tuesday, you can see which is not a big surprise this time of year. 76 at this hour for antioch, a lot of 60's around the bay and
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inland. you can see with a cool 56 for santa rosa. 66 san jose. so this is the big picture of the western u.s. all the rockies and everything like that. and you already have some or graphic lifting because of the topography. that kind of raises the atmosphere little little pockets here and there helps produce some of those showers and thunder showers with us. the monsoon, the typical pattern we get this time of year. the atmosphere has some of that moisture trapped in it when it gets heated, you have the chance of a thunder shower. that's why we tend to see him on our local mountains here or the mountains up around town and so forth, which is possible to see this weekend. most likely that will be and that's what all that green that you see there. just prediction center says, hey, you could see some scattered thunder showers in the west of the rockies. again, this time of year, not a big shocker. there's the high and it hasn't gone away. it's just taking a little break here. and then it comes on back. so, yeah, here we go look at that. that's the 500 millibar. so it's above us a bit. but gives you a general idea of the high over place overhead falling error. you
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can't get as much mixing going on. we don't get the good surface winds like we'll get some of them. the breathing winds today and tomorrow we won't get that consolation early in the week and expect numbers to follow suit. however, its back. it's broken here. watch this action. oh, look at this. nice little juicy cut off low. you know, doesn't show up too well. the surface necessarily cause again as a feature above, but it does the trick. it really breaks the back of this heat spike and that looks sweet as we head into saturday, much cooler air upstairs helps us out at the surface and we'll see an improvement again as early as thursday. friday. still kind of working on timing everything. but today, 71 san francisco, the 4 zone forecast. some chilly lower 60's which will be very contingent on when that fog breaks out and up at the coast, along with the onshore winds. keeping us cool. 75 burlingame 78 foster city, 81 palo alto here in the south bay. most readings in the mid 80's. but deviate more inland and they start to go back to the 90's again, 92 morgan hill, east bay shoreline, upper 70's here, but still
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close to 80 in spots tri valley. we've got you down for lower 90's today. 92 for a concord. but again, you go further inland. you'll start to get some upper 90 74 for berkeley, the 74 92 fairfield, 89 knapp. who does another bad one? 98 santa rosa. we see 90's heading down south here 7 day forecast. here's the improvement tomorrow. 89 is that sweet them back to 100 plus, we think the breaking point might be wednesday and this and then back to double digits. look at that big fall. don't hurt yourself. going down to 85 watch your step. >> so a nice cool down happening towards the end of the week. but again, another heat spike coming our way weight or stay tune for heat statements will probably get with all okay. so we'll just have to grin and bear it for the next few days until the cut off low gets alright, dave, thanks so much. >> we're now exactly a week away from the start of the paris olympics. >> french authorities hard at work making sure venues are ready, but so will last angeles be as proactive to
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play host city in 4 years. sandra mitchell has more on what we can expect this summer. and in 2028. >> paris has been on a building in renovating spree ahead of the 33rd olympia for the organizers of these games. sustainability was key to their planning and that led to some really creative ideas for venues. organizers have worked with parisian authorities to transform the city's landmarks into game ready facilities. while in paris. we got a special look inside this summer's games that for it's an 8,000 seat arena. normally home to french professional basketball. but it has been transformed into a space ready for next sports and rhythmic gymnastics. >> also, instead of constructing and olympic village from scratch, organizers decided to retrofit an existing structure built way back in the 1930's in a
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spring visit. la mayor karen bass got some new and creative ideas for how to put on the games in an exciting but official way, this has been very fantastic. >> to meet the mayor and to see how a vision that was established several years ago. that will really be served by the olympics coming several historic locations will be playing important roles in the 2024 summer games. the site of napoleon's tomb will have archery on the premises. >> the poll alexander, he 3rd bridge will host road cycling marathon swimming and triathlon performed between its glittering art nouveau lambs. the palace of versailles, opulent, former home to the port of the kings of france will host equestrian and modern pentathlon on its manicured grounds and to many it serves as the symbol of this city of like the eiffel tower will be the backdrop to a new volleyball court. as you
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can see where i couldn't even use i coming to life and we still more than 60. so it's temporary seats the city center for us >> just studying that, we had to and we won states to the world since france isn't known as a surfing hotspot. this years competition will be held in the overseas island of tahiti. paris is almost ready with a new olympic village and several sports venues. so was in la building. anything new? >> back here la organizers have decided to use existing infrastructure for the games. la as well, has decided not to build. a new olympic village would opt to use the ucla campus. something that's been done in the past. and like back in 1984, locations used during the 1932 olympic such as rose bowl in pasadena and the la memorial coliseum. >> we'll be used once again for our city's 3rd time hosting. it might not
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polynesia that la 2 will be holding events away from the host city. >> oklahoma city will serve as the location for softball and canoe slalom. 2 things. the city has world-class venues for oklahoma city has been great and we didn't want to go to other cities and asked them to do things that when we don't think is appropriate for their and certainly not something we would city of la to do. and when the olympic committee announced in 2017 that la would host the 2028 games, then mayor eric or city released a proposed budget of 6.8 billion dollars. >> financially the city is not in a position to build new venues and stadiums. the la area, though, does have a wealth of entertainment and sporting locations. organizers have options for places to host competitions. and in a recent media briefing la 28 chairman casey wasserman announced some of the sates outside of the immediate la area. basketball will be
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played at the new home of the clippers. the nba's newest and most technically advanced arena. >> that we will call the arena in inglewood, california. we couldn't be more excited to utilize this new arena. those best global basketball competition for both men and women during the olympic games in our updated the new plan, the home field of the rams and chargers that we call the stadium in inglewood, california will be transformed and to the largest swim stadium in the history of the olympic games. so now we look forward to seeing it. la continues with the push for a more sustainability when hosting the games. >> we'll just need to wait for years to find out. >> we'll be right back.
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(vo) with fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo, you can pick up the tab even when you forget your wallet.
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(kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) want faster, easier banking? you can, with wells fargo. what else can fargo do? (woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo.
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>> well, if you're fan of mini-golf, there's a new course in san francisco's mission district. holy moly has taken over the establishment previously known as urban putt. it opened up its doors for the first time on friday. >> we're the mission. there's lot of diversity here. a lot of people looking to do things besides going to the bar. we offer the entertainment portion. plus, a full bar and restaurant are catty shack. >> holy moly does cater to families throughout the day. but after 8 o'clock, it's for those. 21 and older. and del taco is now america's best fast food chain. according to usa today, the outlet reporting that fans love the del talk love del taco for its options, which includes a dedicated breakfast menu, as well as vegan vegetarian options. customers also said del taco have the best fries speeding up the reigning champ mcdonald's coming in second
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place for best fast food chains. kfc followed by chick-fil-a in 3rd place. can't remember the last time i had fries del taco. >> well, still ahead on the next hour, the kron 4 morning news. we learn more about the tragic death of a three-year-old fremont girl. why her family says the courts did not do enough to prevent her death. plus, after months of community protests, a trauma medical center in the south bay is keeping its doors open. and we also continue tracking the impact of friday's global. it outage that shut down major airlines and businesses. stay with us. the kron 4 morning news continues.
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if you have heart disease and struggle with ldl-c... even with statins and a healthy diet... listen to your heart. talk to your doctor about repatha. repatha plus a statin lowers ldl-c (bad cholesterol) by 63%, and drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it. repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. talk to your doctor about repatha.
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morning news. new details on the tragic events that led to the death of a three-year-old fremont child. why her family says the courts failed to protect her. plus after months of community outcry, a san jose medical trauma center is keeping its doors open. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the kron. 4 morning news >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's saturday, july, the 20th. let's get your day started with a look at the weather with dave sphar heyday. a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody with this weekend. let's take a break from all that oppressive heat. you know, the triple digits and so forth. that's going to feel like july little bit be onshore. but >> the nastiness of last week we're taking a little bit of a breather from so enjoy as those numbers actually improved little bit more. so tomorrow helping us out here
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is the fog. it's of the coast shore that will mix out ultimately, but we'll see some scattered clouds in the skies later on today. podcast shows us that should happen little quicker, but it does underscore the fact that the coast that's a little sluggish area that handle. meanwhile, those winds will remain on shore from the west. they're kind of variable right now and they're single digits. so they're not particularly that active. 76 at this hour for any off. we've got 70 for livermore, even concord at 69 with a lot of 60's. you can see around the bay. 59 chilly degrees to half moon bay. but all of those readings, as you can see, are pretty much a few degrees above where they were this time from yesterday. but again, an improvement we'll see about 84 at high noon, 88 by 3 o'clock. still some of those inland sections. you can expect plenty of 90's to be had will be talking about. but again, a better improvement for tomorrow. more new weekend forecast a bit, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. court documents reveal accusations of mental illness and kidnapping in the death of a three-year-old fremont girl.
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>> her body found in a san jose recycling plant last weekend. kron four's terisa stasio reports. >> other struggle for her child and 2021. court documents obtained by kron 4 news. that crystal o b ellie. lorenzo's mother pleaded with the court for full custody shortly after separating from ellie's father jared lorenzo documents show be claim lorenzo was mentally ill and that he was using various drugs, including after all, she said his behavior was erratic, disappearing for days and coming home ranting at her and baby in a letter to the court, lorenzo's needs had deep concerns about her uncle saying the lorenzo be of kidnapping and abusing ali. initially the court agreed granting sole custody be and supervised visits only between ellie and her dad. but after forcing him to undergo random drug testing psychological
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evaluation and weekly therapy sessions, the court gave lorenzo visitation schedule with unsupervised visits. >> actually, one of the nightmares of my business. we all worry about this kind of thing happening. we all try do our best to prevent this kind of thing from happening. david patten is a family law attorney who has been practicing for more than 30 years. it sounds mom did a good job of doing everything she could to convince the court that there was a problem. and unfortunately, the courts have to balance between doubts rights and moms rights in this in this kind of situation. so so mom and sometimes its staff, say that the other person is a danger and you know, also, unfortunately, sometimes they're going to cause the bottles for various reasons, say that even if it's not true last thursday, eli's mom says that she kissed daughter goodbye as her dad took her to stay at his fremont home. >> a family friend says that the mom and daughter were
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planning onemoving to texas soon and we're working out a deal, the renzo so that he could still see his daughter. but authorities say that lorenzo south in san francisco before that law enforcement believe he fatally struck his daughter and put her in a dumpster and autopsy reveals that she died of blunt force trauma to the head. >> once in a the court's going wrong. and there's a tragedy like this and it's very, very >> we have heard from a family friend that there is a plan to hold a memorial for ali, but they add that they cannot make those plans right now because they're still too distraught about ellie's death. in the newsroom. theresa kron, 4 news. 11 people, including a minor arrested for theft in pleasant hill. >> officers say this a and at stores in the crossroads shopping center thursday, the group is accused of stealing $2000 worth of merchandise.
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the senate is regional medical center plans to keep its trauma center open. that decision comes after months of outcry from health care workers and residents, the medical center houses the only trauma center in east santa clara county and was set to close next month. hospital officials say they quote, found a path to keep the center open by making some changes. but some doctors say the proposal could be dangerous for patients. >> this is not what this community needs is highly dense. you know, talking about almost 45% of the santa clara county population. we don't. morgan cardiology services. this is just lip service to this is absolutely, you know, but little last compared to what was lost for. we're not asking for extra. we ask you come and then what you have in the community. >> and this is this is like healing the community. >> county officials tell kron 4 it will take time to approve the proposed service changes. and 2 police officers who fatally shot a woman in pacifica will not face
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charges. unless the moment right before an officer opened fire at michelle, a race just before this. police say a raise had shot her own son. and according to police, a race that point her gun at one of the officers, the da's office says that shooting was justified. self-defense. the 2 officers involved are now on administrative leave during the course of the investigation. san mateo county agreed to pay 8 million dollars to settle a harassment and discrimination lawsuit. the 2022 suit was filed by sheriff's deputy karen barker claims she endured years of harassment by her former swat team leader. the suit as other employees reported the harassment, 2 high ranking officers, but nothing was done to investigate the claims. the sheriff's office tells kron 4 of these incidents happened under the previous sheriff and the current administration is committed to improving the culture. francisco police are
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looking for the suspects involved in robbing a cleaning crew at a popular lgbtq nightclub. it happened thursday at away, says in the city. so my neighborhood, the club says a cleaning crew had wallets, phones and other belongings stolen. police were called by the time they got there. the robbers had already taken off oasis as the robbers also trashed the building. little man pleads guilty to aiming a gun at federal officers in august last year. investigators say sean de laps chase to federal agents while driving pulling up next to them aiming a gun at them. a search of the lapse home led to the discovery of a pistol ammunition and firearm parts. the left has a prior felony conviction and is banned from having those items. he faces at least 20 years in prison. and alameda county man must now spent 3 years in federal prison for selling fake machine parts to the department of defense which supplies the military. the u.s. attorney's office says steve kim, let a company that sold fan assemblies. authorities say he would create fake labels and attach
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them to the products he sold. they say some of those products were installed or and intended for nuclear submarines and aircraft and missile systems. developing this morning after friday's. global it outage impacting services at businesses and airports. keeping an eye on san francisco. international airport. systems back online. but as of 07:30am, this morning, there were 65 delays. and 48 cancellations at sfo. compare that to friday when nearly 200 flights were delayed. 87 canceled. they continue to keep an eye on these numbers and we'll update you throughout the morning. ike's love sandwiches is celebrating the opening of its one 100th store. the new spot in san francisco was at doctor maya angelou way. just a 5 minute walk from oracle park. it opened its first shop in the city back in 2007. the free music party is coming to san francisco this weekend.
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the organizers who brought dj skrillex and fred, again to civic center, kick off a free edm festival tomorrow at the embarcadero plaza. organizers expect more than 2000 people to show up. i think it's important right now with the city. >> to provide entertainment to tend to create culture, to make the city fun i think we're all stuck in this doom loop entertainment culture, live events kid can adds to the value of living in san francisco. >> organizers have a couple more events up their sleeve this year on september. 21st, they host a concert featuring an indie-rock band at civic center plaza in october, they plan to host another event at union square. details still to be announced. coming up on the kron 4 morning news. a west nile virus warning now issued for santa clara county. we've got the details coming up. and a family is reunited with their beloved pet after being robbed at gunpoint.
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>> and we're taking a little bit of a breather from those oppressive heat temperatures that we had before. now, let's try some 80's here, although we still see some 90's happening well inland. look at your forecast. we come back kron morning news continues.
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>> all right. welcome back. 8.12, this morning and we're taking a live look outside from our mount tam camera. gorgeous view this morning. just something nice to wake up today. >> looks like out of the fog does want to give up entirely.
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good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. half moon bay kind of overcast for now. we're not going to stay that way all day today, though, that will mix out into the afternoon hours a little bit here, along with what we get some daytime heating will get the firing up of those showers and thunder showers extending about as far west as our mountains, although i don't see anything for tahoe per se, but we might see in yosemite and sequoia national park, just those higher elevations like that, not getting into the central valley and serving off to the hills to the coast. we've got morning fog as we talk about sunny and still warm, those 90's will be still felt inland with 70's and 80's covered the east bay shoreline. tomorrow, there will be a big improvement. the one all of this even inland. you're going to see some 80's going on here with 70's for the east bay shoreline. that's a one-day little drop. and then we snapped back again. it looks like next week. hot again. 100 plus expected. and this is monday, tuesday, maybe wednesday and potentially maybe even thursday and there as well to they're still kind of like looking at all this right now. they'll probably have something for us, at
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least by tomorrow in terms of the heat advisories, the excessive heat watches, all of that kind of business that will probably pop either tonight or tomorrow cast for. there's the blow up. you can see in the afternoon hours with the daytime heating just airmass thunder showers. you got some moisture trapped in the mid layers of the atmosphere and you get the heating and you can see whatever fog we have this long since gone. it does come back with some maybe some drizzle along the east bay shoreline. that's a good thing. should you help think that marine layer is kind of helps out a little bit as we mix it out for a sunny, more pleasant temperatures again left over some showers up in the hills there. now we'll keep some scattered clouds kind of her future just a little bit. we have 71 for san francisco. 76 oakland, san jose about 85. and that's a noticeable improvement from some readings we see well inland in the east bay. mid-nineties, for example, like antioch, up to the north bay here, 98 santa rosa. but around the perimeter of the bay, you can see the improvement with some 70's working here a little bit. got 81 for redwoods, saint 85. meanwhile, 4 san jose get more
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into this with your 4 zone forecast little bit later on. of course, we'll have that extended. but the next couple of days show this nice little break for a weekend. and then monday, little hint at what's coming our way early next week. meanwhile, what is for breakfast? i'm starving >> we're getting caviar for breakfast day. all right. we're really excited about our next guest here. a san francisco restaurant is cooking up organic chinese american cuisine with a fast-food twist. and this month they're announcing an exciting new item on the menu. joining us live to talk about the creative concept and how they did it is mama who co-founder ben moore and rnd manager derek chant. good morning to you guys. morning morning. of course, so glad to have both of you here with us today. so to start off right, tell us about the but really stands out. i think to most people. >> it's really fun name. and that's where lot of the reason that we chose miami, who is an old idiom in chinese language, it literally means horse
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horse, tiger tiger. but yes, locally means something that's kind of so-so, not this, not that a little bit imperfect. so it's intended to be playful and casual interest in. how did you inject that message into your offerings at mama who? yeah. i think a lot of what we do is taking classic dishes and flavors. so things have been around for a long time and just being playful with them. so new expressions, so taking stuff people might remember doing it in a that's ideally fun for people to absolutely wonderful. and your the rnd guy and so >> it was just national caviar day. yes. you came up with this really interesting concept here, but you're going to show us. >> yeah, we we sell a lot of fried chicken sandwiches of the restaurant and we did a little refund out. this is a fried fish sandwich you have a fish county made from pacifica cool spots and u.s. we've got some tartar sauce made with tony's pickles. take a cabbage. and then we made a final slide with some walk scallions salon, trump then you have this lovely care firms are allowed to go with it. fantastic. and where source all your ingredients
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from. >> yeah, sourcing is a is a big part of what we do. so this is a good example. whenever we have a chance to feature a partner of ours that we're proud we like to do something fun with an item on the menu. and so this, for example, it's our nic ally their local sustainable caviar producer. so there's someone who really support their business practices and love to make some delicious food with them. other than that, you know, most of the produce, our menu is organic. and we're very picky about all the meats and all that we serve. absolutely. because it is interesting when people think fast food like. >> fresh and organic doesn't always come top of mind. but you guys have really kind of turn that idea on its head. yeah, exactly. i think in a simple way, a lot of what we're trying to do is take the values that you might expect when you go to fine dining or full-service restaurant. and just threw them in a casual setting, make it easier for people and more affordable for people to get those every day. fantastic. so maybe walk us through how this is all going to come together. yeah, absolutely. so it starts with this sort we walk some scallions and get some trying
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and then we had some blanche rowan blanchard, the same thing. >> i said like be that'll flavors >> and what inspires the flavor profile? would you say? >> let us talk show to say to traditional chinese american dishes while and then also like just flavors for everyone can enjoy. >> very nice. are there any personal stories from childhood that might ovens got into this dish is well >> firmino by different had, you know, i to full time working like having 20 say was a common experience for so but never quite like this is even more fun than my child. i would say, yeah, yeah. we we try to take these concepts. we have some nostalgia for and like we said, play around with them. so this and a lot of ways is meant to be like an adult, happy hit the double happiness meal. yes, that's right. yeah. that does make sense. and you have and that includes like a little card as well, right? yes. so we a package in this box again, kind of playing off of the
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happy meal idea. you know, we're calling it double happiness. when first of the character? young the card over there. a long she is that literally too 2 that each me enjoy pushed together. so it sort of celebrates the joy and the fun of of unity, things coming together. so represents the partnership. well, now, does this also also supposed to be reminiscent of like a wedding invitation because of >> all right. great. you it really interesting experience when it comes to enjoy the caviar to you offer like a mother of pearl spoon with that. walk our viewers through for those who don't know why it's important that people do just dig into this with like of metal. spoon, it's a non react material, you know, and you know, it helps add to that. >> kevin is a luxury in green. and so we wanted to add to that with the civil funnel toy that you get the happy meal. >> and it is with the restaurant looking on it because when a metal comes into contact with caviar, it can affect the quality of it.
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so that's what we want to do. a wooden spoon or in this case. a nice moment ready for caviar and has all right. walk us through the finished product here. yes, so like i said, we have our fried fish sandwich. law are tied to nice pickle. tartar sauce. little or ingest on tap for precious. and then we have this generous portion >> the state caviar comes article. wonder, frank, and it took that basket forward just a little bit. so our viewers can get a closer look at >> can tell you, smells really nice making those all agree in the studio this morning. tell us a little bit to you guys. how's it been like operating a business in san francisco? the city has been through so many different cycles, ups and downs like what's that experience been like? >> so it's a roller coaster. yeah, we we actually opened. so we have 3 restaurants, 2 in the pandemic. so it's really been a roller since her casual. we do a lot of takeout, you know, probably half of our food goes out the door and so more natural for
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us to be flexible during the ups and down times because, you know, it's not on the dining but yeah, you know, we work hard were flexible. we like to have fun and it takes a bit of tough attitude to make it work. but we love it well. congratulations on all your success to this point. >> and how long is the double happiness meal going to be available for? >> well, we'll see how popular it it's been very popular so far. so it until i be run out so we started yesterday. it's available dining on the restaurants and we hope it's going go for a few weeks. yeah, can anything else. you want to tie off ties off with their. you've got 3 restaurants in the bay. we've got to the city one in the inner richmond and want to know ali and then one more more in in mill valley. >> okay. fund has lost a lot of different options for people who want to take all right. all right. that's derrick chant, rd manager and been more co-founder with mama who thank you so much, you alright, wishing us double happiness this morning. we'll be right back. all right. be right back. all right. thanks to a thank you.
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8:23 am
i love the great outdoors... [ nature sounds ] from indoors. it's a vibe. do i enjoy being in nature? mmm. do i like looking at it? fo sho. so if maintaining forests maintains my happy place, yeah i'm gonna be a papertarian. living room? sanctuary. bathroom? sanctuary. other living room? well, that's just extra. in america we have private forests. so when you choose this, the forest people will replenish that. so those outdoor creatures can [ yells ] stay where they belong!
8:24 am
francisco man is set to spend the next decade behind bars after firing a gun at a postal worker. prosecutors say it happened in april 2023, the man confronted the mail carrier. investigators say it started yelling at them. the postal worker got away but not before having to pepper spray. the man investigators say the man then got in his car and fired more than a dozen shots at the mail carrier. the carrier was not hit. the man sentenced this week to 11
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years in federal prison. happening today. you can exchange guns for cash in oakland. the gun buyback event taking place at mount zion baptist on willow and 12th streets. organizers say they plan to break down the firearms and turn them into garden tools to help grow new life. you can stop by any time between noon and 04:00pm. a puppy stolen at gunpoint is back home safe and sound this morning. police say this for should sue puppy was taken from a south bay couple wednesday night. they tell us the puppy was a gift from the husband to his wife. officers found and arrested the man who took the dog after spotting the card that was used in the robbery. and now to a west nile virus warning for residents in santa clara county. officials say mosquitoes are testing positive in parts of san jose. local agencies now working to combat the issue. the vector control district sharing a map of the area where mosquito treatment is planned this upcoming wednesday night, officials recommend people wear pants and long-sleeve shirts, news bug repellent and
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keep those windows closed at night. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, former president donald trump delivers his speech at the republican national convention. >> a look at his top priorities.
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news home at last we hear from passengers aboard and air india flight forced to divert to russia. >> and sfo still seeing delays as they recover from the
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global. it outage. >> look at the latest numbers. we're going to all those top stories in just a moment. but let's get you started at 8.28. this morning with a look at our forecast with dave spahr heyday. well, good morning to you, stephanie. good morning, everybody. a little bit of improvement we have for your weekend going on here as we see retrench a little bit, at least back to double digits. it looks like. >> we'll still see plenty of 90's going on. well inland, actually fewer. those fewer of those expected for tomorrow. so nice little break in the heat. spike department coming back monday. however, and we'll keep you abreast of how that pans out right now. first things first live shot coming into sfo. no delays being reported out that way. least not related to weather. air traffic air. here's a look at the winds kind of variable. we expect them to pick up a little bit more. so with the traditional onshore flow, although conditions remain quite dry inland. however, this is what's posing the safety power shutoff situation in the far east bay. you have a lot of 60 still in the east bay, speaking of which 70 for livermore, 79 for any act. but
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most of these readings are degree or 2 or better above where they were this time from yesterday, even though numbers will be improved for afternoon highs today. so let's about 85 at high noon. 89 going on by 3. again, we're going to see some 90's on the board, a or all of that out for you. and the 4 zone forecast. also looking at that extended to for the next he despite coming your way, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> aaron di of passengers finally made it back home friday to sfo after an unexpected detour to russia. the airline says a technical issue caused the diversion saying pilots had, quote, detected a potential issue in the cargo hold area. they say the plane landed safely at the russian airport thursday. this comes at a time when u.s. and european union airlines are avoiding russian airspace during the war in ukraine. we spoke with one passenger. >> if you just read event related against foot someday they do it over the past. >> what put us? was you know, anxiety get no more
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information about what's going on with them. they had wi-fi, which is great. but we want if the comfortable or not they're going >> a 225 passengers and 19 crew members were onboard that flight. >> to understand how integrated their society help a little. but we could be based on it's really kind of concerning. >> back to that developing story on the global it outage friday cyber meltdown knocking out software services at airports, tv stations, banks and court systems. the outage also affecting services like visa adt security and amazon. a faulty software update from the cybersecurity company. crowdstrike is being blamed. this was not a security incident. the company says trouble with an automatic update affected computers running microsoft windows worldwide. we spoke with the president and ceo of the nonprofit internet society for their perspective on what happened. and while it is
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frustrating, he does say that every now and then the state will happen here in the bay area. it will still be sometime before certain services are back up and running >> automatic one which you want to enable. you want to have automatic updates because if you don't do then you're sitting there. you know, a sitting duck was 0 day exploit or something comes along. so everybody enable these the good practice. it turned out that, you know, there was a flaw in this particular update and when it updated it pressure gene. >> all right. on to our next story here to the east bay, core houses in alameda county were hit by the outage. the it team, they're saying that the civil court is still lagging. the criminal court was back in session online friday. the process cases staff went back to using pen and paper for filings. >> our 2 case management basically in the cloud.
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they're all i mean, i'm effect. all the courthouse is same way to just walk into courtroom, courthouse. who wouldn't it wouldn't. it would just seem like a normal day. and kind of scenes where everyone's kind of frantically working. >> officials tell us the it team is manually fixing court computers and they hope to be operational again by monday. and we continue to keep an eye on san francisco international where as of 7.30, this morning, there were 65 delays. and 48 cancellations. that's still an improvement from friday. when that take out started, which forced the delay of nearly 200 flights. we heard from travelers. >> if the state some not recover, my flight may be canceled my flag now flying. so i don't know of a no idea the. >> technology can be scary in that aspect. like the fact that it's one little software not running to expect. many people's lives. >> many people their now familiar with the blue screen of death. this tech experts like to call it. airport
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screeners were showing that for much of the day. and we're learning more about the company behind that global outage. the co crowdstrike, cybersecurity giant and reporter rich demuro reports on that. >> crowdstrike controls about 80% of the market for endpoint security. basically they help computers scanned for viruses. hackers in ransomware in real time. the company is headquartered in austin, texas, with offices around the globe. major companies install crowdstrike software on servers and other computers that keep planes flying financial transactions going and trains moving. but all of that ground to a halt because of a faulty update pushed to machines. >> some nowadays the word is called endpoint detection and response. and so this company crowdstrike, they're kind of it. they are go-to company for the enterprise's. think of the fortune 5,000, the 5,000 largest companies in the world. those are the companies that really depend on kron
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strikes expertise to keep them safe. not only from like basic things but cyber criminals who do this for their everyday job and even like intelligence apparatus that are trying to steal nations that secret. so they have to be on their toes companies locally nationally and worldwide being affected by this issue. >> the website downdetector dot com showing disruptions to td bank charles schwab. visa. bank of america x box. chase, atp. and even starbucks crowdstrike says this was not a security incident or cyberattack. the issue affected windows-based machines. not mackerel, linux. and there is a fix, but it's not necessarily easy. crowdstrike ceo spoke about the complexity of the problem on nbc's today show. well, you, when you look at software, it is a is a very complex world. and there's a lot of interactions and i'm always staying ahead of the adversary is is certainly a, you know, a tall task. so >> the sort of obviously, you
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know, you try to understand and mitigate them. >> in some you have weird interaction and didn't seem like it happened every window system. there's different versions and flavors a patch levels, if you will. and we're just trying to sort out where the that negative interaction again, that's what we're focused on, back up and running. >> it departments around the world now scrambling to clean up the mess, which in many cases involves getting hands-on with computers. no easy feat in today's world of distributed mathines and remote computing it. workers prepare for a long weekend. the good news here is that the issue doesn't affect many personal computers running windows and one officer macean here. our world is more connected than ever. so problems that were once local now go global companies are operating worldwide. so when something breaks, it affects a much wider swath. it's our new reality. when tech works, it benefits many when it doesn't. we all feel it. i'm rich demuro.
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>> possible power shut offs could go into place in the east bay this weekend. pg e is warning the safety shut offs are due to high winds and dry conditions. if the shut-offs to happen about 500 customers could lose power. pg e notified 16,000 customers across the state about the potential shut offs in the bay area. nearly 500 customers in alameda county and contra costa county got notifications. the utility says any shut offs would go into effect around 11:00am saturday. customers should expect to have their power back on in the evening. we heard from one local ace hardware store in livermore staff there warning customers. it might be smart to stock up on hot weather essentials. >> its been this hot before but never been this hot for so many. he's in a row, obviously stay hydrated. but personal cooling. we have handheld misters. obviously, andrew fans air-conditioners. i'm just stay cool. stay out of the direct heat. >> employees tell us it's like
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this before, but never for so many days in a row. so it's important to take precautions, especially as temperatures are expected to climb to 102 degrees on monday. is your local election headquarters? and former president donald trump is officially the republican nominee for president. he accepted the nomination at the republican national convention on thursday night. our washington correspondent maddie beer-temple reports. the former president said he rewrote his speech after saturday's attack. >> with a focus on unifying the country. >> the republican national convention in wisconsin wrapped up with former president donald trump. now the nominee. i proudly accept your nomination for president. trump's remarks addressed his close call saturday when a would-be assassin shot his beer at a rally just a few short days ago. my journey. with you nearly ended. he also paid tribute to the firefighter who was killed that day. trump said he aims
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to bring the country together. i am running to be president. >> for all of american and pitched his america first agenda to the crowd. we will not let. countries come in, take our jobs and plunder our nation. but he also spent much of his speech attacking his opponent, president joe biden. the damage that he's done to this country is unthinkable in response to his speech. the biden campaign says the president is more determined than ever to win in november. >> warning trump has an extreme vision for the country. the democratic national convention is just one month away and it comes as a growing number of democrats call on president biden to step out of the race. >> in washington, i'm maddie beer-temple. friends and family of the retired firefighter who was killed in the assassination attempt of former president donald trump are saying a final goodbye. corey comperatore, a father of
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2 was fatally shot at last weekend's rally in pennsylvania. people nationwide have shown up for his funeral. former president trump also honoring him during his speech thursday night. and now to the latest on the investigation into the assassination attempt against the former president on monday. secret service director kimberly cheatle will face lawmakers on capitol hill about what went wrong. and butler, pennsylvania last saturday, she is slated to appear before the house oversight committee after its members subpoenaed her republicans in both the house and senate have called for the director to step down. cheatle says she has no intention of resigning. >> all right. we're getting a little bit of a breather this weekend on the oppressive heat. so they'll still be plenty of 90's well inland, but we've got some 80's working their magic a little bit inland. you can expect more of that where that came from on your sunday. another heat spike is coming our way. a look at your 4 zone forecast. we come back. but forecast. we come back. but for morning news continues. introducing togo's new barbecue beef sandwich.
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it's piled high with tender beef that's slow cooked and smothered in tangy memphis style barbecue sauce. it's no fuss, no muss. just tons of flavor. the best barbecue beef is only a togo's. try one today.
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>> all right. welcome back 42 this morning. taking a live look outside at our mount tam camera. gorgeous view of this scene right here. just a scene to start the morning their that it is. good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and as typical our inversion in place here, the biggest problem, of course, with that as the warmer air, which is >> like a balloon on top of us. that's hard to get it to move a bit so we can lease south this moister air when it gets up there to cure those
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afternoon clouds for you. there's a look yosemite national park here to some hazy sunshine to start the day. going to be sweet out that way with high temperatures expected not just today tomorrow in the 80's, but all the way through tuesday. that's their heat spike. very modest temperature change. different story in the home front right now. we've got 60's leah lining up by the east bay shoreline with 79 for antioch. 74 livermore up north. it's pretty much those 60's. so today, once we get that daytime heating, we're to see those scattered isolated showers and thunder showers going up tick in the mountains. the higher elevations, again, just add heating. it's very typical this time of year and this latitude to kind of get them coming together. but let's look at what happens into the future. yeah, the heat spike we talked about early into next week. boy, that highs in the low ideal location just sinking on top of us, the falling error, all the elements in place. but it does end not just because it moses on out, but look at those little sneaking little low here. boy, that helps out a lot of doesn't actually show up in the clouds and the radar
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sector, but really above us, it really is a nice little treat here. and that is a nice good guy. whether guy does a nice job of kind of cleaning things a little bit breaks the back of heat spikes like that. oh, yeah, that's good. heading on next weekend like this. so there's an end to this next heat spike as well. just so, you know, 71 san francisco, the 4 zone forecast cool with the coast as a negotiate. some of those fog clouds in the early afternoon. 75 burning again. let's try 78 foster city, 81 palo alto, not too bad here in the south bay with some middle 80's. but getting to the 90's. when you get to los gatos and morgan hill east bay shoreline. we've got upper 70's here, but i think we still might see some 80 sneak in here. try valley. it's lower 90's for today. 92 for concord, however, off towards the burkina straight, those numbers spike again. 74 for a berkeley toledo, 74 92 for fairfield. 89 for napa. 98. meanwhile, for santa rosa. again, improvement tomorrow is expected. and then another pop
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here happens monday into tuesday, wednesday. so we do have the statements on all of this business just yet. they may issue something tonight or certainly by probably tomorrow, but enjoy the nice break in the action this weekend, stephanie. all right, dave, thanks so much. >> july is minority health awareness month. a time to bring awareness to the unique challenges facing racial and ethnic minorities. in 2020 fewer than one in every 2. african-americans got care for mental health. and in 2018, asian americans were 60% less likely to get mental health treatment. and with so much happening in the world right now, it's become more imperative than ever that we take steps to take care of ourselves. joining us live now is charlene dunkley psychotherapist with stella nova psychology is san francisco. good morning to you, so lovely to have you. join us so bright and early. thank you. so for some a walk us through some of the trends here, what are some what are some of the big challenge that challenges that ethnic minorities face when it comes to getting a hold of mental health. >> yeah, i'm one of them might be systemic oppression and
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racism discrimination. those are big factors that impact people's ability to get mental health care. >> those things can be related to maybe past negative experiences that they had with mental health treatment. and because of systemic oppression and racism and discrimination, it might make it harder for folks to have the financial means or access to insurance to get mental health care. the other pieces that you know there is that look like me are really in low supply. 82% of their fists in the united states are are white. so folks want to have an experience with therapy where there sitting with some of that might look like them. i have the same lived, experiences them and that can make also difficult for them to access care. relate ability. factor is so key. oftentimes when people are trying to open up and be more vulnerable and share some previous trauma that they might have experienced in their lives. what do you think needs to change systematically to really help address some of those issues that you mentioned? i know it's a big question, but yeah, are you in your own personal experience working with clients? i think
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there needs to be addressed some issues related to stigma associated with mental health, especially in minority communities. i think social media has done a fantastic job, but that recently, especially since the pandemic, there's so many pages on ig and tiktok about, you know, black there pasar other therapists of color and talking about their experiences being at their person, providing care to people that look like me and you i also think they need to be policies put in place to make sure that mental health care is accessible to people from any community, any marshallese community absolutely so walk us through some of the common signs that people could be looking at. whether it's in themselves or in family members loved ones around them where, you know, things that they should be considering in terms of whether or not they should be seriously looking at where, you reaching out to somebody like you additional support. there are lots of factors. i think that anybody can benefit from psychotherapy any point in their life. i think it's great to be proactive about getting support, especially
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when you're going through life transition that might even be positive like moving are getting a new job or getting married, becoming a parent. i also think that if you're struggling with some feelings of low self esteem or excessive worry about things that might be happening at work or you're spending a lot of time may be isolating. maybe you're concerned about your use of mood, altering substances or other people commented on your well-being. those are probably signs that you need to get support. and of course, if you're thinking about harming yourself or anyone else, there's always 24 hours 7 today, weak support. you can call 9.80 in california, but that's definitely a sign you need to get some extra support. >> and you mentioned stigma as well. of course, there is a stigma and some communities to seek that mental health support. so what is the best way to approach that conversation? weather its with ourselvee or with a loved one? >> i think it's great to make sure that you have conversations with other people that might have access mental health care in the past. some people from your community that you can maybe talk to about it. and i think
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it's also great, like i said, was mentioning about the social media piece getting on social media and seeing that there are actually therapist and people of color that have been in therapy and that they benefited from it. and, you know, i also think it's really great to read some books that are out there right now. there are some fantastic colonize in therapy books. that's why doctor mylan a doctor jennifer mullin. and there's a what will people say, which is doctors to hodge power. coli actually don't think she's a doctor. she won't be opc those are great resources as well to try to tackle stigma in our communities. right and globally. of course, there's so much happening in the world. there's warfare abroad and we have a big election season that's coming up. and there's all sorts of >> misinformation out there. just a lot of pressure, i think on different communities and different for those feeling overwhelmed right now that information overload, that anxiety. what are some easy things that they can do to help get themselves out of a funk. yeah, we do have a
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constant influx of information and access to what's happening in the news. i don't know how you handle it 100 regular basis. exercise. yeah, that's great. that's actually one great way. getting outside. getting into nature is another way connecting with things that feel like they have a sense of meaning and purpose in your life that aren't necessarily about the things that you're scrolling on. social media on the new news about and also making sure that you're taking some breaks from that social media time and taking breaks from watching the news, getting adequate rest, making sure that you're nourished and hydrated and again, maybe doing some things that make you feel like you're actually contributing to making changes in the world as well. very good. and for anyone who's looking for affordable resources that they can tap into, if they might be going to a tough time. anything you recommend there. there are wonderful resources online, open counseling is a website where you can look up free or low-cost. there be sliding scale therapy in your area. you know, most private practices. i know our private practice also provides sliding
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scale or low-cost for folks that are looking for access to services as well. but there's there's definitely support out there fun as we tie things off here are charlene would love your thoughts on this july. of course, again, health awareness month. is there a message for viewers at this time from you? >> i think right now focus on being in community with others being with folks that really understand your world view and making sure that you're getting time to take a break from all the things in the world that are stressing you out and try to bring as much laughter and joy into your life is possible. i know feels counterintuitive, but think that's a great start to be able to get through some of the difficult times. >> all right. charlene dunkley psychotherapist, acela nova psychology in san francisco. thank you so much for joining us this morning. thank you for having all right. we'll be having all right. we'll be right back. flex alert! flex alert!
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a power outage is looming. that's just alert, he's always getting worked up about something. flex alerts notify us of preventable power outages. that way we always know when to help stop one. ok flex, just drop some knowledge on me again. oh, ok i will - i'll turn our thermostat to 78... i'll unplug the blender. the hair dryer. - my blankie? - yep! - let's talk about it! - nope. ooo, we can save the laundry til' the morning!
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oh, yes please! oh! little things like this help save our power and help save us from outages. with flex alerts, the power is ours.
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>> it is time for the walnut creek fiesta cultural event. it's viral weeklong celebration of latin american arts and culture. and today is the last day and this is happening at the leisure center for the arts, the event runs from noon to 07:00pm and is free to check out. the san francisco zoo may not have giant pandas yet, but they do have this cute red panda. this is little me bow. she recently arrived from the memphis zoo. isn't she a cutie? she joins 2 other red pandas already at the zoo. so they're going to make a final group out there. and if you're a fan of many golfers and you pour says san francisco's mission district,
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holy moly has taken over the establishment previously known as urban putt. it opened up its doors for the first time on friday. >> we're the mission. there's lot of diversity here. a lot of people looking to do things besides going to the bar. we offer the entertainment portion. plus, a full bar and restaurant are catty shack. >> holy moly does cater to families throughout the day, but after 8 o'clock, it is for those 21 and older. still ahead on the next hour of the kron, 4 morning news, we learn more about the tragic death of a three-year-old fremont girl. why her family says the courts did not do enough to prevent her death. plus, after months of community protests, trauma medical center in the south bay is keeping its doors open. and we continue tracking the impact of friday's global outage that shut down major airlines and businesses. stay with us. the kron 4 morning news continues.
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(vo) fargo, is the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. (woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card. i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo.
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(vo) fargo, is the new virtual assistant from wells fargo.
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(woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card. i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. the kron 4 morning news. we are tracking the latest developments on what led to the death of a 3 year-old freeman child. why her family says. >> the courts failed to protect her. and after months of community outcry, a san jose medical trauma center is keeping its doors open. >> from the area's local news station, you're watching the
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kron. 4 morning news at no. >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's saturday, july, the 20th. let's get you started with a look at the weather. but dave sphar high day. >> hey, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and a little bit of an improvement for you this weekend. it's still going to be summer like it's still going to be the late july type forecast not a bit on the toasty side, but still a little bit of a relief from what we had last week. and what comes next week, too. live shot comes in from half moon bay. still that morning, fog is still hanging around. this will mix out as we get to the afternoon. meanwhile, we'll probably see in the rockies. another return for some widely scattered showers and thunder showers sharing in that up in the mountains around 70. so sequoia national i probably tahoe is a little far north for most of that for the winds. we do have kind of variable single digits to calm for the most part, some double digits here. and there they will remain pretty much on shore. and even with all of
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that, conditions are a little dry in the far east bay. that's what this safety power shut-offs might be about. with that 79 going on for any at this hour. 74 for livermore in concord and up north. a lot of 60's along with the east bay shoreline. but these readings for the most part are a couple degrees ahead of where they were from this time yesterday, even though this afternoon will be pretty pleasant. 88 1 o'clock at 4 about 87, but plenty of 90's to be had a little bit of an improvement for you tomorrow and then point, what do you see the end for her child and 2021. court documents obtained by kron 4 >> ellie lorenzo's mother pleaded with the court for
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full custody shortly after separating from ellie's father jared lorenzo documents show be claim lorenzo was mentally ill and that he was using various drugs, including after all, she said his behavior was erratic, disappearing for days and coming home ranting at her and baby in a letter to the court, lorenzo's needs had deep concerns about her uncle saying the lorenzo be of kidnapping and abusing ali. initially the court agreed granting sole custody be and supervised visits only between ellie and her dad. but after forcing him to undergo random drug testing, psychological evaluation and weekly therapy sessions, the court gave lorenzo visitation schedule with unsupervised visits. >> actually, one of the nightmares of my business. we all worry about this kind of thing happening. we all try do our best to prevent this kind of thing from happening. david
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patten is a family law attorney who has been practicing for more than 30 years. it sounds mom did a good job of doing everything she could to convince the court that there was a problem. and unfortunately, the courts have to balance between doubts rights and moms rights in this in this kind of situation. so so mom and sometimes its staff, say that the other person is a danger and you know, also, unfortunately, sometimes they're going to cause the bottles for various reasons, say that even if it's not true last thursday, eli's mom says that she kissed daughter goodbye as her dad took her to stay at his fremont home. >> a family friend says that the mom and daughter were planning on moving to texas soon and we're working out a deal. the renzo said that he could still see his daughter. >> but authorities say that lorenzo south in san francisco before that law enforcement believe he fatally struck his daughter and put her in a dumpster and autopsy reveals
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that she died of blunt force trauma to the head. >> once in a the court's going wrong. and there's a tragedy like this and it's very, very >> we have heard from a family friend that there is a plan to hold a memorial for ali, but they add that they cannot make those plans right now because they're still too distraught about ellie's death in the newsroom. theresa kron, 4 news. 11 people, including a minor arrested for theft in pleasant hill. >> officers say the theft happened at stores in the crossroads shopping center thursday. the group is accused of stealing $2000 worth of merchandise. the senate is regional medical center plans to keep its trauma center open. that decision comes after months of outcry from health care workers and residents, the medical center houses the only trauma center in east santa clara county and was set to close next month. hospital officials say they quote, found a path to keep
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the center open by making some changes. but some doctors say the proposed changes could be dangerous for patients. >> what this community needs is highly dense. you know, talking about almost 45% of the santa clara county population. we don't. morgan cardiology services. this is just lip service to this is absolutely, you know, but little last compared to what was lost for. we're not asking for extra. we ask you come and then what you have in the community. and this is this is like healing the community. >> county officials tell kron 4 will take time to approve the proposed service changes. 2 police officers who fatally shot a woman in pacifica will not face charges. that's the moment right before an officer opened fire at michelle, a race just before this. police say r us has shot her son.
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according to police, a racing pointed her gun at one of the officers. the district attorney's office says the shooting was justified. self-defense. the 2 officers involved have been placed on paid administrative leave as the investigation continues. san mateo county agreed to pay 8 million dollars to settle a harassment and discrimination lawsuit. the 2022 suit was filed by sheriff's deputy karen barker. she claims she endured years of harassment by her former swat team leader. the suit as other employees reported the harassment to high ranking officers. but nothing was done to investigate the claims. the sheriff's office tells kron 4 these incidents happened under the previous sheriff and the current administration is committed to improving the culture. the san francisco police are looking for the suspects involved in robbing a cleaning crew at a popular lgbtq nightclub. it happened thursday at oasis in the city. so neighborhood, the club says a cleaning crew had wallets, phones and other belongings stolen. police were called by
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the time they arrived. the robbers had already taken off oasis as the robbers also trashed the building. well, a home and pleads guilty to aiming a gun at federal officers in august last year. investigators say sean de laps chase to federal agents while driving pulled up next to them in and a gun at them asserted elapse home led to the discovery of a pistol ammunition and firearm parts. the law has a prior felony conviction and is banned from having any of those items. he faces at least 20 years in federal prison. alameda county man must now spend 3 years in federal prison for selling fake machine parts to the department of defense which supplies the military. the u.s. attorney's office says steve kim, let a company that sold fan assemblies. authorities say kim would create fake labels and attach them to the products he sold. they say some of the products were installed or intended for use nuclear submarines and missile systems. developing this morning after friday's global it outage impacting
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services at businesses and airports. we're keeping an eye on. sfo were systems are back online. but as of 09:00am this morning, there were 88 delays and 50 cancellations. there. compare that to friday, though, when nearly 200 flights were delayed in 87 canceled. we continue to keep an eye on those numbers and we'll update you throughout the morning. i saw sandwich is celebrating the opening of its one 100th store. the new spot in san francisco at doctor maya angelou way. just a 5 minute walk from oracle park. its first opened its shopping and the city back in 2007. so you can see it expanded quite a bit since then. free music party coming to san francisco this weekend. organizers who brought dj skrillex in front again to civic center, kick off a free atm festival tomorrow at the embarcadero plaza. organizers expect more than 2000 people to show up. >> i think it's important right now with the city to provide entertainment to tend to create culture, to make the
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city fun i think we're all stuck in this. dimly up in an entertainment culture. live events. kate can adds to the value of living in san francisco. >> organizers have a couple more events up their sleeve this year on september. 21st, they host a concert featuring an indie-rock band at civic center plaza in october, they plan to host another event at union square. details still to be announced. today. the u.s. navy and bay area community plans to honor and exonerate more than 200 african american sailors wrongfully charged with the port chicago disaster more than 80 years ago. well, for stephanie justice is live for us in concord at the event. what are you seeing out there? tiffany, how is a celebration going? >> all right, stephanie, this is a big events involving multiple agencies. you can see the set up right behind. does a lot of people expected to be out here today. we've already seen a few family members, descendants from those who are
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here many, many years ago. we do know they're holding a senate ceremony today. a full exoneration, african american sailors who are charging 1944. with muni after an explosion here at port chicago, the incident known as one of the worse homefront, disasters of world war. 2, the explosion killed hundreds of service members and expose double standards. among the then segregated ranks. the explosion killed 320 sailors and civilians meet nearly 75% of them were blacks and injured. another 400 personnel. the pier was a critical ammunition supply site for forces in the pacific during world war 2 and a job of loading ships was left primarily black enlisted sailors. now after the explosion, sealers were ordered to return to loading the ships even though no changes had been made to improve safety steelers refuse many of them or punish. keeping them from receoving honorable discharge is last wednesday was the 80th anniversary of that disaster.
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today's ceremonies being held should start around 10 o'clock this morning with family members in attendance. stephanie, back to all right, tiffany, thank you for your coverage on that important historical event. >> coming up on the kron, 4 morning news, a west nile virus warning now issued for santa clara county. the details coming up. and president joe biden continues to resist calls to end his reelection campaign. election coverage continues after the break. >> we're here. we're here and check it out. >> high temperatures for today. upper 80's going on. we'll see some 90's in some of those inland valleys to ensure all that. but this weekend is an improvement compared to what comes next weekend. we already had brought for morning news continues.
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>> welcome back. good morning, everybody. live shot from our mount tam picture here and there you can see some of the hazy sunshine trying appear on through some of that fog. but still getting a decent amount of sun shine and across the bay a bit along the coast. it's a problem area. it's overcast for right now. probably by the afternoon, though, be kind of a break up here. some fog clouds left over, but sharing that with some sun and those onshore winds for the right quick temperature check for you. 79 antioch, tri valley, looks like you're around mid 70's while we have upper to middle 60's along the east bay shoreline mid to upper 60's up north. 61 san francisco. 59 for half moon bay and 71 for san jose on the west. it's going to be the continuation of those rocky mountain monsoon afternoon evening
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thundershowers. when you get the maximum daytime heating leftover for moisture kind of in the mid layers of the atmosphere drying out for our part, although in our local mountains will pricey. the flareup occur a little bit this afternoon. shows up on futurecast for as a fog kind of erodes away. coming back again with force tomorrow morning. and you might even have some stray sprinkles, wet roads potentially in some portions of the east bay shoreline as a fog reaches well inland to the sacramento valley erodes away pretty quickly. and there you see again the return of the flare up in the afternoon hours. but this all spells for us around the bay. a relief from the oppressive heat. just long enough to talk about the next spike coming our way into next week of those statements probably coming by tonight or tomorrow. what what's going on next week here? so we've got the morning fog that we talked about sunny and still warm 90's inland 70's or 80's around the bay. but a big improvement tomorrow. we've got 70's for the bay and 80's for everybody inland. i know map show mostly a lot of 80's. but when you get into some of
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these towns and so forth, still, those 90's are hanging out and we won't see as much of that tomorrow. so will be nice. hot again next week, 100 plus very early in the week. now, monday, tuesday. then the next question is, when does it end while some time by friday that breaks in cooling quickly late in the week and it will feel good. setting us up for the next weekend. 71 san francisco. 76 for oakland, 85 san jose and the big map. there you have some of those 90's still encroaching in the far east bay. still have purples out right now. rose another odd ball number. meanwhile, lot of 80's. meanwhile in the south bay with those upper 70's along the east bay shoreline. looking ahead, returning to the same mount tam picture. 89. for sunday. and by monday, 100 sign of things to no more of that coming. so you know what the drill is from last week. we just repeat can cool water bottles but actually way yeah. we'll grin and bear it. yeah, a lot. you know. right. thanks a lot.
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>> the democratic national convention is one month away. and while pressure mounts on president joe biden to drop out of the race, biden's campaign says the president plans to be back on the campaign trail next week. john fenoglio reports. >> one day after republicans officially unified behind their nominee for president. democrats are in disarray over their nominee's ability to serve a second term. we know that we've slipped a bit from the debate and we know that the president has to prove to the american people exactly what he believes. biden campaign chair jen o'malley on msnbc insisting president biden is staying in the race despite mounting pressure from democrats for him to step aside, he has tested. he's beat donald trump before we have the path forward in our pathway to get to 270 but the path to 270 electoral votes needed to win the election is becoming more perilous by the day. more than 30 congressional democrats are now calling on biden to bow
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out what folks are probably looking at now is poll numbers that are coming back. you know, individual members that might be in really tough battleground states are battleground. the strikes saying their poll numbers slipping are watching the president's numbers. >> in 7 critical swing states, trump is leading biden. >> trump also appear slightly ahead in 3 others. but the numbers are within the margin of error. well, the president recovers from a mild case of covid at his delaware home. nbc news is reporting biden's family is having private conversations with him about how he craft a possible exit. >> the biden campaign denies this according to multiple reports, former president barack obama, former house speaker nancy pelosi and senate majority leader chuck schumer have expressed concerns about biden's ability to win in november. some deep pocketed donors are also reportedly withholding campaign cash with biden on the ticket. i think this looks like a sinking loyola law school professor jessica levinson says the pressure on
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biden is enormous and time is running out to unify his party. if he were somebody who was willing to bow out, he would have frankly done. so earlier, it's clear that he needs this pressure in order to try and say i'm handing over. >> this opportunity to somebody else in the party. all eyes now on vice president kamala harris who visited the dc ice cream shop with her grandniece is harris ignoring reporters. questions about biden's viability and about what comes next. i'm john fenoglio. >> and 2 bay area lawmakers joined the growing chorus of democrats calling for president joe biden to end his reelection campaign. north bay congressman jared huffman and south bay, congresswoman zoe lofgren, both released letters they sent to the president praising his career of service, adding they do not believe he can beat trump again in november. the letter from representative huffman reads in part, quote, at this
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point, we must face the reality that widespread public concerns about your age and fitness are jeopardizing, which should be a winning campaign. these perceptions may not be fair, but they have hardened in the aftermath of last month's debate and are now unlikely to change 3 other congressman also signed their names to letter. congresswoman zoe lofgren, more direct in her letter saying in part, quote, simply put candidacy is on a trajectory to lose the white house and potentially impact crucial house and senate races down the ballot. it is for these reasons that i urge you to step aside from our party's nomination to allow another democratic candidate to compete against and beat donald trump in the november election. the congresswoman says sending that letter was not easy. >> really an agonizing decision and this is him. it's all of us, but it's really not about him. >> for me. it's about the american people all of the indices right now. look pretty
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grim in terms of beating donald trump with a candidate. president biden. >> representative lofgren also said the party should not be too quick to appoint its next nominee. >> some suggested that we have a a quick series open meetings, perhaps moderated by president obama and president clinton with the candidates who stepped forward. we'll see what the president does. but i do think there has to be some kind of transparent process. >> in the last week, other top democrats, including barack obama and former house speaker nancy pelosi have also reportedly expressed their concerns about president biden's chances. as november draws near. are you feeling election anxiety? if so you're not alone. trump was vicky liviakis connected with a mental health specialist on tips to help those feeling nervous about the future.
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>> we're having panic attacks like people who have never experienced panic. everybody's had some anxiety, but really where they can't get out she ought to know. doctor tara fields is a bay area, psychotherapist who's treating more patients these days for political anxiety might want to say to to if you're feeling very anxious some days. >> i'm really not ok talking about politics. can we take a break today? doctor fields is also author of the love fix and says setting boundaries can help with friends and family. you might disagree with just say. >> i can only anxious you feel about what's going on politically. >> and i'm feeling the same way, but i need to do is just take a break for talk about. does not work for you and they might go. yes, thank you for the reality check. let's go for a walk. >> other ways to cope. stop doomscrolling and moderate your consumption of media. might i'm only gonna watch
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local. i want to see what's going bored at >> no, going just going to scare me. i don't. she says just 5 minutes of meditation is good medicine. but if the symptoms persist seek help and you feel out of control and you are having trouble breathing and you're having trouble sleeping. if you're eating too much, you're starting to drink your self-medicating. >> relationships. people close to saying i'm really worried. that's absolutely the time to check with the license, mental health provider. >> in san francisco, vicki liviakis kron. 4 news. >> still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, a family is reunited with their beloved pet after being robbed at
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when we're young, we're told anything is possible... ...but only a few of us go out and prove it. witness the greatness of anna hall on a connection worthy of gold: xfinity mobile. only xfinity gives you the most powerful mobile wifi network, with speeds up to a gig in millions of locations. and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity.
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man is set to spend the next decade behind bars after firing a gun at a postal worker. prosecutors say it happened in april 2023, the man confronted the mail carriers started yelling at them. the postal worker got away but not before having a pepper spray. the man investigators say the man they got in his car and fired more than a dozen shots at that mail carrier. the carrier was not hit. the man was sentenced this week to 11 years in federal prison. happening today, you can exchange guns for cash and oakland, the gun buyback event taking place at mount zion baptist on willow in 12th streets. organizers say they plan to break down the firearms and turn them into garden tools to help grow new life. you can stop by any time at this event between noon and 04:00pm. and a puppy stolen at gunpoint is back home safe and sound this morning. police say this 4 month-old should sue puppy was
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taken from a south bay couple wednesday night. the puppy was a gift from the husband to his wife. officers found and arrested the man who took the dog after spotting a car used in the robbery. still ahead on the 4 morning news, former president donald trump delivers his speech at the republican national convention. >> a look at his top >> a look at his top priorities. this isn't charmin! no wonder i don't feel as clean. here's charmin ultra strong.
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ahhh! my bottom's been saved! with its diamond weave texture, charmin ultra strong cleans better with fewer sheets and less effort. enjoy the go with charmin. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ introducing togo's new barbecue beef sandwich. it's piled high with tender beef that's slow cooked and smothered in tangy memphis style barbecue sauce. it's no fuss, no muss. just tons of flavor. the best barbecue beef is only a togo's. try one today.
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>> now on the kron, 4 morning news home at last we hear from passengers on board an air india flight forced to divert to russia. and sfo still
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seeing delays this morning as they recover from the global it outage we have a look at the latest numbers. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news at 9.29. this morning. let's get you started with a look at the forecast with dave. >> hey, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and we're take a little bit of break from the oppressive heat here. still going to be summer-like. still very much like mid-july thought a little bit on the warm side however, some minor relief happening for this weekend gets even a little better for tomorrow. as here, no delays being reported out related to whether or in terms of the traffic we have winds that are going to be on shore, but they're very calm right now as we expected. but after we get some daytime heating will get some movement with all of that. now, even though they're onshore in not offshore conditions are still a little dry well inland. we can't get that marine layer in there entirely. so that's what's prompting still. maybe some power shut offs in some parts of the far east bay. we have 84 at this hour. antioch, 74 doesn't for tri valley.
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upper 60's line up the east bay shoreline with 60's and 70 ish up north there. but all these readings are a couple degrees above where they were from this time yesterday. want take care of that morning. fog bay will be looking at mostly sunny skies and as well inland, too. upper 80's to lower 90's expected for you this afternoon. we have more into the weeds here with your 4 zone forecast in check into that heat spike coming our way. and it's all to stephanie. well, thank you so much, dave. >> aaron di of passengers finally made it back home friday to sfo after an unexpected detour to russia. the airline says a technical issue caused the diversion saying pilots, i detected a potential issue in the cargo hold area. they say the plane landed safely at the russian airport thuday. this comes at a time when u.s. and european union airlines are avoiding russian airspace during the war in ukraine. we spoke with one passenger. >> if you just read event related against foot someday they do it over the past. what
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put us? was you know, anxiety get no more information about what's going on with them. >> they had wi-fi, which is great. but we want if the comfortable or not they're going you know, they were safe all on board all we're getting updates from on next. and what but it wasn't comfortable of the county tournament. not so >> 225 passengers and 19 crew members were on board that flight. back to the developed, understand how integrated their society help a little. but we could be based on it's really kind of concerning. >> back to the developing story on the global it outage friday cyber meltdown knocked out software services at airports, tv stations, banks and court systems. that outage also affecting services like visa adt security and amazon. a faulty software update from the cybersecurity company. crowdstrike is being blamed.
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this was not a security incident. the company says trouble with an automatic update affected computers, running microsoft windows worldwide. we spoke with the president and ceo of the nonprofit internet society for their perspective on what happened here. >> this was a update. push. it was an automatic one which you want to enable. you want to have automatic updates because if you don't do then you're sitting there. you know, a sitting duck 0 day exploit or something comes along. so everybody enable these the good practice. it turned out that, you know, there was a flaw in this particular update and when it updated it pressure gene. >> well, can be frustrating. he says every now and then mistakes do happen and here in the bay area will still be sometime before certain services are back up and running. all 8 courthouses in alameda county were hit by the outage. the it team, they're saying the civil court is still lagging, but criminal court was back in session online friday to process cases. staff went back to
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using pen and paper for filings. >> our 2 case management basically in the cloud. they're all i mean, i'm they affect all the courthouse is same way just walk it. important courthouse to wouldn't it wouldn't. it would just seem like a normal kind of scenes where everyone's kind of frantically working. >> officials tell us the it team is manually fixing court computers. they are hoping to be operational again by monday. and we continue to keep an eye on san francisco international airport as of 09:00am this morning, there were 93 delays and 54 cancellations. there. that's still an improvement from friday. when that take outage began forcing the delay of nearly 200 flights. we heard from travelers. >> if some not recover my flag, that maybe kind. so that may be at my flag now flying. so i don't no idea. the. >> technology can be scary in that aspect. like the fact that it's one little software
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not running to suspect. many people's lives. >> many people their now familiar with the blue screen of death as tech experts call it the airport screens showing that image for much of the day. and we're learning more about the company behind that global outage. cybersecurity giant crowdstrike. our reporter rich demuro explains. crowdstrike controls about 80% of the market for endpoint security. >> basically, they help computers scanned for viruses. hackers in ransomware in real time. the company is headquartered in austin, texas, with offices around the globe. major companies install crowdstrike software on servers and other computers that keep planes flying financial transactions going and trains moving. but all of that ground to a halt because of a faulty update pushed to machines. >> some nowadays the word is called endpoint detection and response. and so this company crowdstrike, they're kind of it. they are the go-to company
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for the enterprise's. think of the fortune 5,000, the 5,000 largest companies in the world. those are the companies that really depend on kron strikes, expertise to keep them safe. not only from like basic things but cyber criminals who do this for their everyday job and even like intelligence apparatus that are trying to still nations that secret. so they have to be on their toes companies locally nationally and worldwide being affected by this issue. >> the website downdetector dot com showing disruptions to td bank charles schwab. visa. bank of america x box. chase, atp. and even starbucks crowdstrike says this was not a security incident or cyberattack. the issue affected windows-based machines. not mackerel, linux. and there is a fix, but it's not necessarily easy. crowdstrike ceo spoke about the complexity of the problem on nbc's today show. well, you, when you look at software, it is a is a very complex world. and there's a
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lot of interactions and i'm always staying ahead of the adversary is is certainly a, you know, a tall task. so >> the sort of obviously, you know, you try to understand and mitigate them. >> in some you have weird interaction and didn't seem like it happened every window system. there's different versions and flavors a patch levels, if you will. and we're just trying to sort out where the that negative interaction again, that's what we're focused on, back up and running. >> it departments around the world now scrambling to clean up the mess, which in many cases involves getting hands-on with computers. no easy feat in today's world of distributed machines and remote computing it. workers prepare for a long weekend. the good news here is that the issue doesn't affect many personal computers running windows and one officer macean here. our world is more connected than ever. so problems that were once local now go global companies are operating worldwide. so when
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something breaks, it affects a much wider swath. it's our new reality. when tech works, it benefits many when it doesn't. we all feel it. i'm rich demuro. >> and possible power shut offs could go into place in the east bay this weekend. pg e is warning that the safety shut offs are due to high winds and dry conditions. if the shut-offs to happen about 500 customers could lose power pg notified 16,000 customers statewide about the potential shut offs in the bay area. nearly 500 customers in alameda county and contra costa county got notified. the utility says any shut offs would go into effect around 11:00am saturday. customers should expect to have their power back on in the evening. we heard from one local ace hardware store in livermore staff there warning customers. it might be smart to stock up on some hot weather essentials. >> its been this hot before, but never been this hot for so many. he's in a row, obviously stay hydrated. but personal cooling. we have handheld
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misters, obviously in-room fans, air-conditioners. i'm just stay cool. stay out of the direct hit. >> employees tell us it's like this before, but never for so many days in a row. so it is important to take precautions, especially as temperatures are expected to rise to 102 degrees on monday. is your local election headquarters. former president donald trump officially the republican nominee for president. he accepted the nomination at the republican national convention thursday night. our washington correspondent maddie beer-temple reports. the former president said he rewrote his speech after saturday's attack. >> with a focus on unifying the country. the republican national convention in wisconsin wrapped up with former president donald trump. now the nominee. i proudly accept your nomination for president. trump's remarks addressed his close call saturday when a would-be assassin shot his beer at a rally just a few short days
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ago. my journey. >> with you nearly ended. he also paid tribute to the firefighter who was killed that day. trump said he aims to bring the country together. i am running to be president. >> for all of american and pitched his america first agenda to the crowd. we will not let. countries come in, take our jobs and plunder our nation. but he also spent much of his speech attacking his opponent, president joe biden. the damage that he's done to this country is unthinkable in response to his speech. the biden campaign says the president is more determined than ever to win in november. >> warning trump has extreme vision for the country. the democratic national convention is just one month away and it comes as a growing number of democrats call on president biden to step out of the race. >> in washington, i'm maddie beer-temple. friends and
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family of the retired firefighter who was killed in the assassination attempt of former president trump are saying a final goodbye. corey comperatore a family. a father of 2 was fatally shot at last weekend's rally in pennsylvania. people nationwide have shown up for his funeral. former president trump honoring him during his speech thursday night. and now to the latest on the investigation into the assassination attempt against the former president and a secret service director kimberly cheatle will faced lawmakers on capitol hill about what went wrong in butler, pennsylvania last saturday. she will appear before the house oversight committee after its members subpoenaed her. republicans in both the house and senate have called for the director to step down. says she has no intention of resigning. >> still warm today. expect those temperatures to be in the mid to even upper 90's in a couple of spots will get more into this than the 4 zone forecast. but the trend is going in the right direction for the weekend. even a little better for you on sunday to
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going to take a look at that forecast both short and long. the kron 4 morning news continues.
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if you have heart disease and struggle with ldl-c... even with statins and a healthy diet... listen to your heart. talk to your doctor about repatha. repatha plus a statin lowers ldl-c (bad cholesterol) by 63%, and drops the risk of having a heart attack. do not take repatha if you are allergic to it.
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repatha can cause serious allergic reactions. signs include trouble breathing or swallowing or swelling of the face. most common side effects include runny nose, sore throat, common cold symptoms, flu or flu-like symptoms, back pain, high blood sugar, and redness, pain, or bruising at the injection site. talk to your doctor about repatha. >> all right. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news 9.44. this morning and lovely shot of the golden gate bridge, although not quite as clear as we love would like to see it. i think somebody stepped out of the shower is what was there a little bit. yeah, a little bit of hazy going on there. but we're in the right trend here to have some moderating somewhat moderating
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temperatures still been on the. >> the toasty side. good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. i'm sending up to yosemite national park where you see kind of the same ordeal, too. but as well. but we'll see a lot of sunshine this weekend and not too bad in those temperatures, even as we get into the warming week. upper 80's here, but still looks to be somewhat control. we're still working on the details about what this nest next heat spikes going to be. they haven't issued any statements yet. they'll probably do that probably by tonight or maybe tomorrow. give you a little warning on all of that. they usually try to stay. 24 36 hours out for something like this. meanwhile, the machinery of the scattered showers and thunder showers. you can say basically and unbroken line of all of this from lake michigan all the way too. the pacific coast, you will notice to doesn't impact us. but in our local mountains or the mountains, i should say we talked about tahoe, but more important probably to the south, don, around yosemite and sequoia national park. you can get those air mass isolated or scattered about thunder showers. sometimes they call in the forecast. the
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silent pops up 20% chance it just because that leftover moisture, we have a lot daytime heating. so longer-range. what happens? another heat pump coming our way. heat spike in all of that. that will be early next week. tuesday. wednesday looks to be the 2 bad days. but hang on. that's right. there's a battle going on here. like the old wild. wild west. yeah. a little cut off low right here. take that. and what do we get out of that? we get the dividends from that. you're going to feel this on friday. big slice happening in the seven-day. so wat'h your step when you watch it. it's going to get better as we head on into next weekend. so they'll be an end to this next heat spike before we have one right now as we speak for this weekend. 71 for san francisco will keep him to the chilly 60's at the coast. that's coupled with an onshore wind. that's very typical. so it'll feel kind of cool. even once these clouds to part breakup. 75 burlingame, 78 foster city, 81 palo alto in the south bay. most readings lower to middle 80's. but you get more inland. 92 morgan hill, 90 los gatos east bay shoreline approaching
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80 with tri valley, lower 90's. 91 for walnut creek, concord and 92. but you get further inland from the quirkiness straighten up. we go to the upper 90's. still, 74 for a berkeley, but no 100, though, 74 vallejo, 92 for fairfield. 89 for napa. boy, they want to get close, though. 98 going on for santa rosa. sunday's a little better now getting to the upper 80's for a lot of locations away. we go from monday tuesday to wednesday. one, a one. but look at that big drop there on friday. nice. so a little improvement there as we see the heat spike retreat. but enjoy this weekend, stephanie, nice time for people to get out and got to pick tomorrow. you folks inland. so getting other from the heat before away. we go next and remember the sun block. that's true. thanks a lot, dave. >> san francisco restaurant is cooking up organic chinese american cuisine with a fast-food twist. and this month they're announcing an exciting new item on the menu. >> earlier today i spoke with
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mama who co-founder ben moore and rnd manager derek chant. morning to you guys. morning morning. of course, so glad to have both of you here with us today. so to start off right, tell us about the but really stands out. i think to most people. >> it's really fun name. and that's where a lot of the reason that we chose miami who is an old idiom and trying his language, it literally means horse horse, tiger tiger. but yes, locally means something that's kind of so-so, not this, not that a little bit imperfect. so it's intended to be playful and casual interest in. how did you inject that message into your offerings at mama who? yeah. i think a lot of what we do is taking classic dishes and flavors. so things have been around for a long time and just being playful with them. so new expressions, so taking stuff people might rem mber doing it in a new way. that's ideally fun for people to absolutely wonderful. and your the rnd guy and so >> it was just national caviar day. yes. you came up with this really interesting
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concept here, but you're going to show us. >> yeah, we we sell a lot of fried chicken sandwiches of the restaurant and we did a little refund out. this is a fried fish sandwich you have a fish. patty made from pacifica cool spots and u.s. we've got some tartar sauce made with time. pickles. can have a cabbage. and then we made a final slide with some walk scallions salon, trump then you have this lovely care firms are allowed to go with it. fantastic. and where to source all your ingredients from. >> yeah. source saying is a is a big part of what we do. so this is a good example. whenever we have a chance to feature a partner of ours that we're proud we like to do something fun with an item on the menu. and so this, for example, it's our nic ally their local sustainable caviar producer. so there's someone who really support their business practices and love to make some delicious food with them. other than that, you know, most of the produce, our menu is organic. and we're very picky about all the meats and all that we serve. absolutely. because it is interesting when people think fast food like.
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>> fresh and organic doesn't always come top of mind. but you guys have really kind of turn that idea on its head. yeah, exactly. i think in a simple way, a lot of what we're trying to do is take the values that you might expect when you go to fine dining or full-service restaurant. and just threw them in a casual setting, make it easier for people and more affordable for people to take out those everyday. fantastic. so maybe walk us through how this is all going to come together. yeah, absolutely. so it starts with this sort slaw. we walk some scallions and get some trying them. then we had some blanche rowan blanchard, the same thing. i like be that'll flavors >> and what inspires the flavor profile? would you say? >> let us talk show to say to traditional chinese american dishes while and then also like just flavors for everyone can enjoy. >> very are there any personal stories from childhood that might ovens got into this dish is well >> firmino by different had, you know, i to full time working like having 20 say was a calm and but never quite
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like this is even more fun than my child. i would say, yeah, yeah. we we try to take these concepts. we have some nostalgia for and like we said, play around with them. so this and a lot of ways is meant to be like an adult, happy hit the double happiness yes, that's right. yeah. that does make sense. and you have and that includes like a little card as well, right? yes. so we have a package in this box again, kind of playing off of the happy meal idea. you know, we're calling it double happiness when he first of the character young. the card over there long she is literally too 2 characters. that each mean joint pushed together. so it sort of celebrates the the joy and the fun of of unity, things coming together. so represents the partnership. well, now does this also also supposed to be reminiscent of like a wedding invitation because of >> all right. great. you it really interesting experience when it comes to enjoy the caviar to you offer like a mother of pearl spoon with
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that, walk our viewers through for those who don't know why it's important that people do just dig into this with like of metal. spoon. it's an honor reaction, material, you know, and you know, it helps add to that. >> there's a luxury in green. and so we wanted to add to that with the civil funnel toy that you get the happy meal. >> and it is with the restaurant looking on it because when a metal comes into contact with caviar, it can affect the quality of it. so that's what we want to do. a wooden spoon or in this case. a nice moment ready for caviar and has all right. walk
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the city here and one in mill valley across the bridge and the first one open in january twenty-twenty. so right before the pandemic, how so? it's really been a roller casual. we do a lot of takeout. you know, probably half of our food goes out the door and so more natural for us to be flexible during the ups and down times because, you know, it's not on the dining but yeah, you know, we work hard were flexible. we like to have fun and it takes a bit of tough attitude to make it work. but we love it well. congratulations on all your success to this point. >> and how long is the double happiness meal going to be available >> well, we'll see how popular it it's been very popular so far. so it's until i be run out so we started yesterday. it's available dining on the restaurants and we hope it's going go for a few weeks. yeah, can anything else. you want to tie off ties off with
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we've got 3 restaurants in the bay. we've got to the city one in the inner richmond and want to know ali and then one more more in in mill valley. >> okay. fund has lost a lot of different options for people who want to take all right. all right. that's derrick chant, rd manager and been more co-founder with mama who thank you so much, you alright, wishing us double happiness this morning. we'll be right back. still have be right back. still have thank you. introducing togo's new barbecue beef sandwich.
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this is a. >> the red panda days that >> this is for a moment or are not a squirrel yeah, you could see i could see that missus. little me. bow. she just got here from the memphis zoo and she joins 2 other red pandas already. >> the so. >> evolution had different colors in mind there says when outcry, rusty red line up. they are very cute. but what kind of weather can the animals expected? a well-told a hot inland today, stephanie, we're still looking at those mid to upper 90's in the far east bay reaches there. some of these are out for people maybe lose some power later today with that safety power shutoff here up north. meanwhile, we've got 80's 90's, but what's it look like more relief sunday? watch out next week. it's another heat spike. more details to follow when the issue them. they probably do so tonight or tomorrow. there's another drop thursday friday. yes, cut off low. >> all right. sounds good. thanks so much, david. thanks to all of you for joining us here on the call for weekend morning news. we'll see you
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back here bright and early 07:00am tomorrow. see you.
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