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tv   KRO Non News  KRON  July 29, 2024 11:30pm-1:31am PDT

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get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer. kron. 4. >>the bay area's local news station. >>rothman tonight, vice presidential candidate jd vance is in the bay area making his first visit since being named former president trump's running mate. he
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attended a fundraiser and dinner at the 4 seasons hotel in east palo alto kron. 4 shock moment was there and has the latest details. >>when vice presidential candidate jd vance rolled up here to the 4 seasons hotel in palo alto. he was greeted by more than a dozen trump supporters. but those trump supporters were also greeted by some protesters which led to some arguments. for the first time since becoming former president trump's running mate, ohio senator jd vance is in the bay area. rolling in the motorcade en entering the 4 seasons hotel in east palo alto for a fundraiser dinner. according to bloomberg, it was hosted by bit goes ceo mike bell. she got because are supporting jd vance. elizabeth starts came with these folks to cheer as the vice-presidential nominee arrived. they say they're excited for vance and say if vance was vice president in 2020 instead of mike pence, he would back trump on his reported efforts to overturn the election. think jd vance
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would not have certified the electoral results when penn state. >>yes, definitely. he said he did. he said he would have the news and all the news is all one-sided. so people are kind of brainwashed with what's going on in the news because we don't hear you don't hear the other side, but protesters nearby clashed with the trump supporters for a right now. >>this always the opposite end. and i like practicing speed other protesters to saying former president trump and jd vance do not represent >>i know how they on the act. they're dealing brown. people don't votes to get this year, please. still, trump supporters vowing that keep showing up here in the bay area. we are strong and we are not going to give. >>anymore. we are going to defend our constitution. i want to i want come to me and
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i want now. we don't know how many people exactly where at this dinner fundraiser for jd vance. but we do know the tickets started off pretty expensive. the starting price for those tickets were more than $3,000. each reporting here in east palo alto track moment. kron 4 news. >>well, the city of oakland officially reaching a deal to sell its share of the oakland coliseum. the home of the a's counting down its days. it's being sold to the african american sports and entertainment group. the group announced on accept they signed a term sheet with the city marking the first significant step and the 105 million dollar deal. the group said in a statement, quote, we envision a future where the coliseum stands as a beacon of opportunity bringing machine to jobs, economic benefits and most importantly hope to our residents proceeds from the sale could help oakland safe off a pro po 63 million dollars in budget cuts and avoid layoffs and the oakland police officers
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association is not celebrating the deal. they're released a statement saying they're quote, hold assailed. oakland coliseum will stop the mayors and city councils, epic mismanagement and they are deeply concerned for the safety of residents, businesses and our police officers. oakland mayor sheng thao plans to announce the deal officially tomorrow morning at city hall. we'll bring you the details right here on kron 4 and kron on. a man is recovering tonight after being stabbed and nearly set on fire in berkeley. according to police, it happened near heinz avenue near pablo avenue and they say the victim got into an argument with his partner inside a tent. the partner allegedly punched the victim several times and use a kitchen knife to stab him. they say they also attempted to set the victim on fire by pouring gasoline on him at officers say the attack was interrupted by a friend helping them and get away. police haven't identified the suspect or made any arrests so far. well, that video there
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shows just how intense the fire fight. >>this video taken on friday of a firefighter trying to get a hold of the flames burning from the park fire, the largest fire in the country right now and the 6 largest wildfire in california's history. the man accused of starting the park fire appearing in court for the first time today. 42 year old chico resident ronnie dean stout. the second is accused of pushing a burning car down an embankment on bidwell park on the day. the park fire began. the da says that burning car sparked a grass fire before spreading further. and you saw how it continue to spread the da also saying stout has a prior record including 2 felony convictions. he also now faces enhance our son charge. there were reportedly adamant in pushing for no bail.
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>>the fact that he is facing a life imprisonment. that this was extraordinarily a dangerous act. he does appear to have an awful problem. >>the park fire has currently burned over 373,000 acres. and it's only 14% contained. stout's arraignment is expected to continue august 1st. and one person has been detained by police following a series of grass fires along 8.80, in oakland. the fires happened this afternoon between fruitvale avenue and high street. this video you see from citizen app, the oakland fire department says one person was detained at racine setting the fires with a blow torch. fortunately, all the fires were quickly put out. there are no reports of any injuries. and looking at all those different fires. we need to look at. the conditions has finally catching a little break.
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weather-wise is temperatures. >>have cooled off quite a bit. the humidity has come up whole lot in the couple of days here. and there seeing the effects. do you get that breeze kicking up in the afternoon? and that's when fire start to ramp up. get a lot more active are looking toward the creek fire right now and you see some of the winds. they're blowing 14, 19 miles per hour right now in and around that active fire. and it happens to be in the canyon area. so kind of a difficult place to fires difficult for the winds to those winds will twist and in between the canyon areas right there around the topography that makes it difficult to fight those fires and those winds can change drastically in those canyons. so good news is though, we're seeing much higher humidity. the downside is, yeah, we're just have to deal with that sea breeze again, i think especially by tomorrow afternoon that is going to ramp up again, likely to see some 20 and some 30 mile an hour winds. you see the areas shaded in red there. those are some 30 plus mile hour gust and maybe even some stronger gusts over the altamont pass. but overall, the humidity, it's going to come up way up tonight by
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tomorrow morning. you're nearly saturated. that means about 100%. that means that is going to slow that fire way down. good new
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>>president biden is calling for major supreme court reforms. this includes term limits and enforceable code of ethics for the court's 9 judges. for more on this kron four's, catherine heenan spoke with rory little professor of law at san francisco college of law. >>i know this is considered a long shot. but tell us more on what the president is hoping to do here. >>well, the president has proposed to 3 different things and we need to think about them separately. i think 2 are
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about the supreme court directly that proposing term limits for justices so that each justice was more than 18 years and then they would move on to more senior semi retired position. and every every president would get to appointments a year. i'm term to term one every 2 years. so there's term limits. there's a code of ethics. the idea is that congress would enact a code of ethics that the supreme court has to abide by. i think that's a more risky questionable, whether it's constitutional and then a 3rd proposal is to effectively overrule the supreme court's recent decision saying the president has almost absolute immunity for crimes committed while in office. most people think that's not right. and there is precedent for overruling an immunity decision. the 11th amendment was enacted in 17. 95 overrule
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the supreme court having to do with states and immunity. so it's not unprecedented. it takes two-thirds of the approval to ratify constitutional amendment, but it's still a good proposal from the president. so that what i think is probably the most happy proposal for most people and all of them are very difficult to imagine being enacted in our current political world. yeah. also the question going back to that 4 minute rory of granting. >>a broad immunity to presidents and former presidents. i mean, course, that does sound like it's partly trump field. is that something that would be difficult to do. >>well, yes, i mean, the supreme court has ruled that the president trump, but they said all presidents are absolutely immune for core constitutional actions. they take all their president and presumptively immune for anything they do officially as the president it is inspired by the january 6 indictment of
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president trump, which is pending washington, d.c., the case has now been remanded to see whether any of it survives this rolling it is very difficult to change that other than by a constitutional amendment since the supreme court is the authoritative final source of constitutional rulings. they said this is based on the constitution. it's not in the constitution. does not text about immunity in the constitution. >>tell us a little more on why an enforceable code of ethics could be really tricky worry. i mean, i think the public was just outraged reports of millions of dollars in luxury travel and gifts that justice thomas, for example, accepted continues to defense was so why would that be so tricky? >>well, what's tricky about it one branch is supposed not be able to regulate another branch. so the supreme court is itself a 3rd branch of government under our separation of powers. the
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ideas that congress cannot tell the supreme court justice is what they can do or not do and that they are to be controlled by the political process. the political process doesn't work very well. supreme court justices. so in this sense, it's related to life 10 year if they have life tenure and you can't regulate what they then you're stuck with them until they so they die or retire. so the idea here is we should have a code of ethics just like all other federal judges are bound by a code of ethics. it's enforceable through mechanisms. it doesn't happen very often, but it is available. there should be something for the supreme court. the problem is that congressional legislation over the supreme court seems like it might violate the constitution. justice kagan has propose justice elena kagan, who is the former dean harvard law school's. he's pretty smart lady. she is proposed that the court do this internally that they adopt their own ethics code. i think that is a likely possibility. actually. i think
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you may see that happen in the next year, too. >>the president did not call for expanding the court, but is that a question likely to be lurking out there for some time worry? >>well, yes, you know, life tenure has always been a problem for people that don't agree with the direction of the court is going in in the 1960's. we used to say let's impeach justice. brandon, let's impeach earl warren today. people don't like where the trump court is going and maybe with good reason. and so life tenure creates a problem. this the this this term limit proposal. what regular rise that if it were adopted. and there's a lot of details that have to be worked out. but if it were adopted immediately, the most senior justice who's got more than 18 years would have to retire. that would be justice, thomas. he would have to step back and the president will get another appointment and then the ideas every 2 years, we would have a regular turning over of want justice. and that would keep the court in a sense being fluid and not
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bound by people that have been there for 30 years. his views are out of step with the public. >>all right, professor or a little is always so we really appreciate your time and your insight. thank you so much. >>more news comingpolice
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are searching for the person who killed a 16 year-old girls in hayward over the weekend. kron four's michael thomas has more on the investigation. >>this is a map of where the shooting happened on west tennyson road. not too far from truro avenue in hayward. police say in total 2 people were shot around 11, 15 sunday morning. when officers arrived, they found a girl that had been shot and was later taken to a nearby
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hospital where she died. the second victim was a 41 year-old man that police say tried to get away from the scene, but was found just a few 100 feet away at a gas station nearest road. he was also taken to a hospital and is expected survive those injuries. no information has been released on the identity of the victims or who the shooter might be. as of right now, it's not believe the victims knew each other and neighbors say several women at the time. we're standing outside of an apartment complex when a man simply opened fire. take a listen to how one neighbor describes the neighborhood right? >>talked some people the bag like get people. they're just working folks. we have mae for it. so i think problem here. >>i think a that is the very latest reporting in hayward, michael thomas on for news. >>kron 4 is your local election headquarters in the latest round of election drama. governor gavin newsom and entrepreneur investor elon musk. our publicly feuding on social media all due to a fake
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campaign video that musk shared on x uses artificial intelligence to mimic vice president harris's voice. and now newsom is calling for action to make that video and others illegal capitol correspondent eytan wallace has more. >>well, this entire situation brings up a larger conversation about what role artificial intelligence can and will play this election. all as governor gavin newsom in several state lawmakers say they're turning their concerns into action. she's in the spotlight in her race for the white house. but now kamala harris is also in the spotlight for a new video online, bringing into focus the use of artificial intelligence or a in this election. the video which uses professional footage of harris on the campaign trail and even features the official harris presidential campaign logo, most notably uses a did it to sound exactly like harris. haha. >>only thing is the video is fake in it. the voice
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mimicking harris states. you think the country went to expletive over the past 4 years? you ain't seen nothing yet. all of it. the parody that uses footage from this real harris campaign that. >>we choose freedom. >>but that message is a far contrast to the one featured in the fake video. in that video, the voice purporting to be harris claims to be a, quote, diversity hire incompetent on many issues. the think video was first shared by an independent user and youtuber and was then re shared by entrepreneur and owner of social media site x elon musk with his 190 plus million followers. his caption, this is amazing, accompanied by a laughing but governor gavin newsom did not take well with any of it, expressing frustration with musk for sharing the video. newsom writing this on social media, quote, manipulating a voice in an ad like this one should be illegal. i'll be signing a bill in a matter of weeks to make sure it musk
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responding in part with a comment not appropriate for air, but concluding with this message. quote, perry is legal in america. still not. everybody sees it that way. the misuse of ai in campaign materials can absolutely be dangerous to our democracy. los angeles democratic assemblymember wendy cut a vo is the author of ab 23. 55. >>if signed, it will require anyone who creates or distribute a political ad made with artificial intelligence to include a disclosure. notice. the ad features a i ensure that the voters know when artificial intelligence is being used. it is very easy for a voter to confuse what is reality. what an actual >>candidate may have said is what has been created in the in their voice. opponents of the bill, including the electronic frontier foundation, argue it violates the first amendment and is unconstitutional. but says her bill is legal and necessary. it's democracy at stake and ai is. >>not regulated. then we could
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have deep stakes and misinformation is this is new technology. then we all have to take very seriously and pass the laws and for us to be able to ensure that the voters at the end of the day, you know what's real and what's fake. >>and governor newsom's office says he will work with the legislature to get a bill on this very topic to his desk after lawmakers return to the capital from the summer recess next week reporting at the state capitol. a ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer.
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♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way. find your way to exceptional offers during the summer of audi sales event at you local audi dealer. >>when the temperatures rise in the summer on, fortunately, sodas, crime often that's been the case in antioch where police are increasing their
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presence at a shopping center to hopefully curb the crime crop forcefully call explains. >>early morning calm and mostly empty parking lot at the slaton ranch shopping center in antioch, a welcoming environment for those heading to retail stores choose to him. first thing in the morning. that seems to be the best time shoppers making their purchases in the daytime rather than at night. i know that there's a lot of activity around here i try not to come here and they don't ever come out here in the evening time. crime can happen at any time. but shoppers taking precautions in light of a rise in thefts, burglaries and other recent incidents prompting the antioch police department to bolster patrols at slaton ranch. you know, there is body found back there and lot homeless. >>back in this area here and i noticed there stores closing down. that in itself says a lot by increasing patrols. police hope to improve response times to active
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crimes in progress. anytime we can add extra patrols. >>it helps the community feel safe. but more importantly, also lets sends a strong message to those who are potential criminals. >>don't come here and do that. police recently sharing video of a wanted suspect accused of burglarizing the jc penney store down the street. >>and making away with nearly half a million dollars worth of jewelry last month. still, some shoppers are concerned about an increased police presence in the area considering the police department's recent history of corruption and abuse of power, i think is really going the community. and that's having greater passion for our community because if we do better we want me place to come in and really help us to do so. either way you should expect to see cops on foot and in cars at the shopping center through the summer. >>in antioch, philippe djegal, all kron. 4 news.
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>>hope they're saving some money. >>well, a california, the reality is one in 4 adult children live with their parents. and the reason why they do that is because the economics changed. it's become increasingly since the 60's, more expensive for housing, more expensive for food, more expensive for transportation costs are higher and especially impacts those individuals and that don't have a college degree. their
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income earning potential is a lot less. but in the san francisco bay area, little different than california as a whole in san francisco. it's not one out of 2 adult children live with their parents. and that's because we have a huge tech industry here. we have hundreds of thousands of people hired by tech making really quite a bit of money so they can sell incur higher rents in her cost of food that so georgia, i mean, are they saving their and what about the sanity of their parents? >>well, i think their parents are a favor by letting them about letting live at home in a should do that because you have an opportunity to. >>save money because to buy a house in the bay area or anywhere else, you have to put down a down payment, larger down payment. you can put down means a less that you have to fund and the banks really look at your total debt as compared to your income. it's called the debt to income ratio and the banks do not want buyers who have more than 45% of dead, not dead, includes not just the home debt but college debt, credit card debt. so if
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you live at home with your you've got to really buckle down and you have to save. you have to reduce debt and you have to save money that will make it easier for you to qualify, especially when and if the rates ever come down, got it. george's, you know, it's not just young people there. that's why a lot of people are leaving california. >>renters, who are beginning to think they'll never be able to afford a home starter homes that cost a million dollars. how can anybody help to own a house? well, i think we all have really think a lot differently. these are challenging difficult time services goes an expensive, you know, built out area told so people that are buyers state they can't planned. live may be in the marina. >>for some of these other expensive places. they have to really look at where it's really more towards glen park. the excel sure. and point they have to look at emerging areas and maybe they have to go further out the bay area to do that. if that's their desire to live here, you know, in the bay area because it all has to fit their cash flow, especially, you know, when they get older and they're
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retired and they're just living off of their income and social security and maybe they haven't planned properly. maybe you don't have enough resources they don't. that would definitely cause of death to leave the area. but i think we'll have to think differently and we have to do some planning. we have to get more in touch with their finances, understand our balance sheet. understand, you know what, what our cash reserves are understand how much debt we have announced a time for for people not to feel hopeless about this. but if they do have some money to put down, just look at what you get if you have credit card debt, you got your rid of that. you have to reduce it. if your college debt you got to pay down. now's the time to do it. whether you're living at home with your parents are living on your own regardless. you have to find a place to live some point in your life could be a barrier outside to do that. you need down payment and you need to have a good debt to income ratio. >>jorge, i want to talk to mortgage rates, but you did mention something about credit card debt and it really struck home with me. consumer spending. interestingly is is
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up, but people are going in debt. they're putting it on their credit cards. this could be a dangerous situation. what's your advice? >>well, exactly. people were we look at the numbes and credit card debt is growing. and so when i give talks you know, financial advice and with our clients. give yourself credit for haircut. you cut it up. you should not have a credit card that you're not paying off because if you don't pay it off the following month, the interest rates now are over 20%. so that really goes against your your your desire to save him, put away money. so first thing is if you're not paying off your balance every month, give yourself credit card haircut. that's going to save you a lot of money. you're getting some sort of return on your 401. k your ira. portfolio but it's probably less than 20%. get rid of those credit cards. do not put anything if you don't have the resources, you just don't spend it. that's what you have to do going george, we've been talking a lot about gas prices and food prices as
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we. >>always do. we have a story last hour. but hey, the inflation food prices coming down a little bit. >>but when do you predict people will feel bad? because it doesn't seem as though they are feeling. >>well, there's a lot of positive things that we can take a look at, right. and we can take a look at, you know, gas prices have come down. a lot of our other commodities have come down. but if you're that average person going to the store, buying food and groceries, you know that it's expensive and it's probably going to be for a while. we have this environmental problem. now. it's either too hot or too cold, not enough rain or too much rain. we've seen crop failures. seeing it more expensive to feed beef and cattle and that sort of thing. so it's it's it's not just trying to get food prices down, but also trying to control the environment that where you planting fruits and vegetables. i mean, can't get around because here anymore. we have to go to another country to get them or tomatoes that's going in. that's going to be more expensive. so we do see food costs really going down. but we see a lot of the other other items that go into the,
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you know, bagging groceries that we do buy that that is that are starting trend down. but but not nearly become affordable for most people. you know what? we need to wrap this up. but i did tease about the the rate cut. are we going to see that and blood help? >>well. i'm not a forecaster a fortune teller, the market tells us that we expect to see a rate decrease in september october, perhaps one in november. there's a lot of things going on in our environment. we've got, you know, global warming going on. we've got inflation going on. we've got election that's going to cause policies to change. oil is a commodity that really affects, you know, inflation and rates. and so there's just a lot of issues out there. but we are looking forward to september for a cut of 25 basis points. one quarter of one percent. that doesn't happen. the market will be terribly disappointed and you see a decline if if it's baked in as it is right now and we see the the the rate increase that will probably affect the market in a positive way. and hopefully we look at the rates down going forward that that's kind of the plan. that's the
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federal reserve charged to do that. are george's squeeze it all and you got it all. thank you >>kron on's
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(vo) with fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo, you can pick up the tab even when you forget your wallet.
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(kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) want faster, easier banking? you can, with wells fargo. what else can fargo do? (woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. bart says they have recover from an electrical fire in oakland that disrupted service over the weekend. kron 4 charles clifford has the latest on the 300 plus passengers. and what to know before take the train next. >>well, disruptions to bart service are not uncommon, but they're usually brief the fire this past weekend in disrupted service saturday night. well into sunday. things weren't cleared up until monday morning. hart says they're
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doing what they can to keep this from happening again. >>this past saturday afternoon, a fire inside a barn electrical room in downtown oakland. stop service at 4 stations between fruitvale and 19th street also caused systemwide delays. 300 people were safely taken off trains and platforms along that same stretch of track smoke could be seen rising out of the ground in downtown oakland. the oakland fire department was able to extinguish the fire in the electrical room, the disruptions to bart continued into sunday parts as they now believe the fire was started by a ground fault. basically electricity inside the room started flowing along an unintended path and ignited the fire. they're still trying to figure out exactly why that happened. >>we're constantly inspecting our equipment and we have electricians on our staff that or go each substation and check on equipment, replaced equipment, make sure that it's up to date and we'll keep doing that on saturday and sunday. the fire had caused problems along the green and red bart lines. but all service was restored to normal by monday morning. now service
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did get back to normal on monday morning. however, just after noon on monday, bart suspended red line service again. they say that they're still having some power issues at this point. it's not clear when that service will be restored. although bart says all of its stations are open. but for now in san francisco, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >>fire crews are now on day 6 in their fight to cut down california's largest plays the park fire more than 100 buildings have been destroyed and more are still under threat. claude that stefani and has the latest. >>you can see some of the additional resources that have been brought in to try and tackle this wildfire. we are able to connect with cal fire just a little bit ago. they were telling us that for anyone under an evacuation order, you might want to sit tight. they're not anticipating any of these orders to lift for days, but at least they had some good news overnight. they had some calm conditions that rolled through that allowed them to put in some additional containment lines. however, they say the next few days
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could prove to be a whole different beast. the park fire is now bigger than the city of los angeles with no hopes of backing down anytime soon. cal fire tells us they're forecasters are anticipating hotter. temperatures and wind factors that could very well work against firefighters. cal fire says the weekend proved to be a calm one. luckily buying them time to put down containment lines and keep the fire at bay. we've even seen some evacuation warnings be downgraded today. more resources have been ordered but other elements are also making this firefight, particularly difficult, including areas that are not easily accessible to firefighters and the potential for in complete containment lines due to the rugged terrain. hard to. >>create a containment line is for one. and then we need to make sure that where we put it, we will be able to complete because it's not in that work just been wasted. so that's what's making it very difficult. >>and this is proven to be an
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aggressive fire. the park fire is now among the top 10 largest wildfires in california history reporting from chico covering local news that matters. cotta stefani and fox. 40 news. the cash not
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legislation would be new in san francisco, but the cause of a contingency management is not a new one to gain more of an understanding of what this means for people trying to get clean kron four's. rob nesbitt spoke with former addicts to get their take straight from the community. >>that's right. recovery is an inspiration. san francisco supervisor matt dorsey itroduced his cash, not drugs
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legislation on the steps of city hall monday, a short distance from the tenderloin with a stronghold of the opioid crisis has been evident. it's where tom wolf found himself struggling with addiction. i got a ticket to to opioids up back in 2015 after having surgery. >>and that's piled into a heroin and fentanyl addiction that led me to the streets of san francisco are i was homeless for 6 months. it wasn't until his own arrest that he decided to join a recovery program and start his path to sobriety, wishing a program like cash, not drugs existed back then to offer sobriety bonus of up to $100 a week, opportunity 2 take advantage of something like this at that point, i was so desperate and not just for drugs, but to just survive that i may have taken advantage of it. when mayor london breed brought in reinforcements last year from the chp, san francisco county sheriff's office and california national guard. she received criticism from those who work in harm reduction. according to the mayor. cash not drugs is about meeting people where they are. these
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programs are for the community by the community. >>people who understand those struggles and who were there to help people change and turn their lives around. former addicts like wolf consider a pale for sobriety to be a valuable step towards ending the opioid epidemic and not unwanted pushing to recovery. we need to have every incentive possible. we need to have every tool available. >>with a goal of getting people clean and sober off of drugs and into recovery. because that's how you not only save lives. that's how you change your life for the better. >>reporting in san francisco, i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >>u.s. officials are debating how to respond to an airstrike that killed 12 children and israeli control village this weekend. the attack from lebanon is increasing fears of a broader regional war in the middle east. washing correspondent jessi tenure explains. >>thousands filled the streets of an israeli-controlled village to mourn the 12 children killed in an airstrike on a soccer field week. strongly condemn
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lebanese has blessed rocket attack. the u.s. state department blames hezbollah for the strike, which is a proxy of iran. that's raising fears among members of congress of a broader regional war in the middle east. iran, through its surrogates, hamas has been lot of who these is really the real evil in this area. on cbs face the nation, the senate's top democrat leader chuck schumer stress the victims were not israelis is where arab kids they shot at. they don't care. they send missiles at and they don't even care. texas congressman michael mccall says that could be why hezbollah denies playing a role in the attack. doesn't make any sense to me why they would target those people. israel has threatened a strong response to the strike and lawmakers largely agree the u.s. ally has a right to defend itself until the iranians believe they're going to get hit, that we start putting their or refineries. >>on a target list you're going to get more. this south carolina senator lindsey graham wants the u.s. to respond to, especially he says after the senate got a report last week on iran's nuclear
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program, they could use these 3 or 4 months before election to sprint to a nuclear weapon. this all comes a cease-fire. negotiations continue over the israel-hamas war. the state department says the deal is achievable, but mccall is skeptical or on would ever allow won. they won a lot of staying power. otherwise they lose power in washington. i'm jessi tenure. police are
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searching for the person who killed a 16 year-old girls in hayward over the weekend. kron four's michael thomas has more on the investigation. >>this is a map of where the shooting happened on west tennyson road. not too far
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from truro avenue in hayward. police say in total 2 people were shot around 11, 15 sunday morning. when officers arrived, they found a girl that had been shot and was later taken to a nearby hospital where she died. the second victim was a 41 year-old man that police say tried to get away from the scene, but was found just a few 100 feet away at a gas station nearest road. he was also taken to a hospital and is expected survive those injuries. no information has been released on the identity of the victims or who the shooter might be. as of right now, it's not believe the victims knew each other and neighbors say several women at the time were standing outside of an apartment complex when a man simply opened fire. take a listen to how one neighbor describes the neighborhood right? >>talked some people i'd like get people. they're just working folks. we have make a living. so i think problem here, i that is the very latest reporting in hayward, michael thomas on for >>kron 4 is your local election headquarters. election day is under 100 days
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away and it's an understatement to say a lot has changed and fast as both candidates try to build momentum before november. washing correspondent maddie beer-temple has the latest on the campaign trail. >>both candidates campaigns are taking shape after the major shake-up of president biden withdrawing from the race. >>in a presidential race that looks a lot different than just a week ago. the dynamics have shifted dramatically. both democrats and republicans are contracting the candidates with vice president kamala harris in the spotlight. she's a radical left lunatic, a highly skilled, charismatic, very intelligent prosecutor with hair is expected at the top of the ticket. house democratic leader hakeem jeffries says his party is re-energized. seen the surge of activism volunteerism and certainly grassroots financial support. the harris campaign said it raised 200 million dollars in the week since president biden dropped meanwhile, republican nominee
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donald trump and vp pick jd vance are focusing on harris's handling of the southern border. kamala harris is directly responsible for the worst quarter crisis in this nation's history. but harris is focusing on abortion talking today about iowa's latest six-week abortion ban. when i'm pressing united states, i will sign into law. >>the protections for reproductive freedom. george washington university's casey burgat says those issues the border and abortion will continue through november. not only because their supporters agree with him. >>but it's it's a very, very different picture about the other side. and will voters head to the polls in 99 days? there are still a lot that can happen. that's the fun part is that there's always always always an october surprise. democrats are expected to formally vote to nominate harris and her running mate by august 7 in washington. i'm maddie beer-temple. >>marvel's deadpool and wolverine shatters box office records in its opening weekend. plus, it was a
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star-studded comic con in san diego as fans were surprised with new movies and castings alike. scott mantz has all the details in the entertainment report. >>we start with some exciting day pulled wolverine news which dominated the box office this weekend now holds the record for the highest grossing opening weekend ever for an r rated movie. the superhero extravaganza has the 6th highest opening of all time crossing 211 million dollars. that's domestically beating avengers, which grossed 207 million to celebrate the success. deadpool aka ryan reynolds posted this iconic mean it's a photo of wolverine holding a photo that says number one movie in the world. if you haven't seen that, pull more marine get well, what are you waiting for? it is awesome. and it is the most fun i had
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with the superhero movie since they are ready. spiderman, no way home. marvel studios clearly having its biggest we can ever since avengers and game fence tooth. that palm wolverine. and of course, all the announcements they made as san diego comic con this weekend, including this big reveal that even blew my mind. >>we give you the one person. who could play victor von >>on saturday was announced that robert downey junior or should i say academy award winner robert downey junior for oppenheimer. >>returned to the marvel cinematic universe, not as iron man, but as villain. victor von doom, a k a doctor,
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tim, he's set to return in the next 2 avengers films, doomsday and secret wars. fans, of course, went knots and even downey's former costars are reacting. gwyneth paltrow commented downey's instagram post about the surprise saying, quote, i don't get it. so your daddy now alluding to the fact that he's now playing a villain another panels making headlines for this highly anticipated film. i want to make another run making captain america official military position. >>and if we disagree on how to manage situation. >>that's set to hit theaters next year. and that is your entertainment report in hollywood. i'm scott movie mantz. >>more news coming
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>>now from long for the area's local news station. >>welcome back. you're watching kron-on live on air and online. i'm stephanie rothman. tonight. vice president candidate jd vance is in the bay area making his first visit since being named former president trump's running mate. >>he attended a fundraiser and dinner at the 4 seasons hotel in east palo alto kron. 4 shock moment was there and has the latest. >>when vice presidential candidate jd vance rolled up here to the 4 seasons hotel in palo alto. he was greeted by more than a dozen trump
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supporters. but those trump supporters were also greeted by some protesters which led to some arguments. for the first time since becoming former president trump's running mate, ohio senator jd vance is in the bay area. >>rolling in the motorcade en entering the 4 seasons hotel in east palo alto for a fundraiser dinner. according to bloomberg, it was hosted by bit goes ceo mike bell. she got because are supporting jd vance. elizabeth starts came with these folks to cheer as the vice-presidential nominee arrived. they say they're excited for vance and say if vance was vice president in 2020 instead of mike pence, he would back trump on his reported efforts to overturn the election. think jd vance would not have certified the electoral results when pence dead. >>yes, definitely. he said he did. he said he would have the news and all the news is all one-sided. so people are kind of brainwashed with what's going on in the news because we don't hear you don't hear the other side, but protesters
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nearby clashed with the trump supporters for a right now. >>there should always be opposite end. and i like practicing speed other protesters to say former president trump and jd vance do not represent them. i know how they on the act. they're dealing brown. people don't votes to get this year, please. still, trump supporters vowing that keep showing up here in the bay area. we are strong and we are not going to give. >>anymore. we are going to defend our constitution. i want to i want come to me. >>and i want now. we don't know how many people exactly where at this dinner fundraiser for jd vance. but we do know the tickets started off pretty expensive. the starting price for those tickets were more than $3,000. each reporting here in east palo alto track moment. kron 4 news.
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>>recently released video shows just how intense the fire fight is right now in northern california. this video taking on friday of a firefighter trying to get a hold contain those flames. burning from the park fire. it's the largest fire in the country right now. and 6 largest wildfire in california history. and the man accused of starting the park fire. he appeared in court for the first time on monday. >>42 year-old chico resident and ronnie dean's south. the second is accused of pushing a burning car down an embankment on bidwell park on the day the park fire began. the da says that burning car sparked a grass fire before spreading even further. the da also saying stout has a prior record including 2 felony convictions. he also now faces and enhance our son charge on that. they were reportedly
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adamant in pushing for no bail. >>the fact that he is facing a life imprisonment. that this was extraordinarily a dangerous act. he does appear to have an awful problem. >>the park fire has currently burned over 373,000 acres. it is only 14% contained. sounds arraignment is expected to continue on august. 1st. and now for a look at whether he's calm for chief meteorologist lawrence karnow. >>nice to see that fog rolling back into the bay area, of course, is off this weekend tonight, going to be deep enough likely see some drizzle out there, too. so see making its way across the bay now about some to get the east bay hills going to surge. well onshore in lynn. and yeah, it is going to be damp along the coastline tomorrow morning. that sea breeze blowing, too. and cool. temperatures down all around as you've got 58 degrees now in san francisco. 62 in oakland, 64 now in san
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jose. cooling down to 59. see the marine air now working its way in lemore. 63 in concord and 57 degrees in santa rosa. 59 in half moon bay. temperatures overall take another hit today has been cooling down since the weekend. well, another day of a 46 degrees cooler in some parts of bay area. really comfortable temperatures a little bit below the average 81 degrees in livermore. still warm 83 in concord. 76 in napa. 75 redwood city. 77 for a high in san jose. and 62 in san francisco. now this is nice. we have this nice little trough here. but boy, it's going start to warm up again. we've got those temperatures expected to warm, especially into the weekend. thanks so much. lauren is cash, not drugs, that the new policy proposal set to be presented on tuesday to san francisco supervisors by supervisor matt dorsey. if passed, the money would be given to addicts in a program. >>they have been screened in. >>the underlying principle of cash, not drugs is a simple one. a humane and effective
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approach to san francisco's drug crisis. should also include rewarding good behavior and not just punishing bad behavior. >>and onto bar, take a look at this new fare gates. it's now in place at the civic center station in san francisco. they're much bigger and are intended to be that way to help prevent fare evasion. this the second station to get the new gates. they've already been installed at the west oakland station. >>the data shows that we've had more than a million entries and exits at west oakland for the first 6 months of this year. and that's significant because it's about 120,000 more than we had during the same time last year in 2023. so that's an 11% increase in entries and exits and compare that systemwide. it's only 6%. so we could see that we're having more people being processed through those fare gates. >>and bart officials say the fruitvale station in oakland will be the next ones to get the new gates. they say all the stations will have them by the end of next year. and a
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big milestone for apple store employees. the silicon valley tech giant has reached a tentative contract. but the first ever unionize apple store in the country. the labor deal must be approved by roughly 85 employees at the store located in a baltimore suburb in maryland. and brutal vote is scheduled for next week. and a report says apple will finally release its long-awaited ai features in october. bloomberg reports the company needs more time to test the artificial intelligence features the apple intelligence was announced back in june includes features like proofreading and rewriting custom emojis and summarizing emails and phone calls. a lot going on there very much. looking forward to the emojis. i know i'm not alone.
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>>to redwood city officers were injured while making an arrest of a man believed to be a panhandler outside of a safeway. police say antagonizing crowd formed during the incident and required reinforcement kron four's lezla gooden is at the red with police departments with the latest details. >>yes, the department says they were called out on friday around 08:30pm. the sequoia shopping center for a disturbance. once they got there, they came across. 31 year-old aaron martinez before they're able to speak with him. he won a side of a safe way. and that was just beginning take a look at the citizen app video from that night. officers say once he went inside is believe he stole 2 class bottles of liquor and he came back out. he was questioned by officers.
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martinez then hit one of them in the face with a bottle. the 2 responding officers tried using a taser on martinez but were unsuccessful during the same time. officers say a large crowd started to gather and show antagonizing behavior towards them. one officer did suffer from a broken ankle. the san mateo county sheriff's office to respond to help break up the crowd. improvise scenes, security eventually. 31 year-old martinez was arrested and some workers who i spoke with inside of the shopping center say that this isn't the first time officers have had to respond to similar incident like this at the safeway. but they were shocked to hear that a crowd was involved in redwood city. let's get in kron. 4 news. >>in san francisco, there's a new policy to help addicts with their recovery. it's called cash, not drugs. the bill will be introduced by san francisco supervisor matt dorsey, and it's supported by mayor breed kron four's terisa stasio has the details. >>the underlying principle of cash, not drugs is a simple
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one. >>san francisco, matt dorsey on pushing for new legislation and san francisco that would give up to $100 to those in substance abuse treatment. >>a humane and effective approach to san francisco's drug crisis. should also include rewarding good behavior and not just punishing bad behavior. >>if passed, the money would be given to those in san francisco's adult assistance program who have been screened and diagnosed for substance use disorders and referred to treatment back in march. you may recall san francisco voters approved proposition f that mandate screening as a condition of receiving financial assistance, the cash drugs would be a three-year program in coordination with the county's public health department. >>they're lying that it represents really isn't new. it employs in addiction treatment strategy known as contingency management. it's
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where patients receive tangible incentives to reinforce positive behaviors like abstinence from addictive substances. alright here, insta medically assisted treatment. let's be very clear. >>these programs are for the community by the community. people who understand those struggles and who were there to help people change and turn their lives around. >>supervisor dorsey also shared with the crowd a little bit more about his fight and struggle for sobriety over the years. the supervisor plans to introduce the legislation tomorrow at the regular board of supervisors meeting in the newsroom. theresa kron, 4 news. food banks in the bay area and across the country are in dire trouble. the need for meals increasing at a time when federal, state and local funding that was generated during the pandemic. >>has now dried up. kron four's dan kerman reports tough times ahead for the san
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francisco marine food bank and especially for those they serve. >>before the pandemic, san francisco-marin food bank was serving about 32,000 households each and every week. now we're serving about 50,000 each and every week as of july. first, federal state and local pandemic-era funding has gone away. >>and that means the 50,000 households, this food bank currently serves. >>will be whittled down to just under 40,000 over the next year. >>home delivery grocery program will be scaled back and the pop-up pantry program will go away entirely. now that the government funding has run out and as we spend down the emergency reserves that we were able to buildup with the generosity of our community. so that program, unfortunately will sunset that will mean that less people will be served. that makes community donations more important than ever. but san francisco marin, food bank, executive director tennis crosby says another way to help fill the gap is to provide easier access to
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calfresh the federal program that provides grocery store food stamps to low-income residents. these are benefits that are already available to the state of california. >>but the same only 70% of people who are eligible to receive calfresh benefits in our state actually get them. that means that we're leaving 3.5 billion dollars on the table every year. that should be accessed by 2.7 million californians. crosby says reforming that program should be a top priority for california. dan kerman kron. 4 news.
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>>in some medical news, there's a major breakthrough in the diagnosis of alzheimer's. >>new blood tests are reportedly 90% effective in spotting the disease which affects 6 million americans reported mills. hayes has the details. >>this new blood test for all timers would drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to get a diagnosis. that means that that you could get treated much quicker than before. right now, doctors can only diagnose alzheimer's if and they are able to do a cognitive test or if that person is showing symptoms. but right now, researchers here and all across the country rely on the trademark signs, a buildup in the brain of a sticky protein called beta amyloid. however, these need to be a scene using hard to get brain scans or an unpleasant spinal tap. the study looked at doctors initial diagnosis, which was about 60% accurate. a specialist who was 73% accurate and the blood test,
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which were 91% accurate. there are treatments that can slow down symptoms, but only if they are caught early. some people are reacting online. some say they don't want to know if they have the disease. others say they want to be tested as soon as possible. one person said, quote, i wish this had been discovered sooner. i'm watching my husband. i a little more each adding that after 7 years, her husband no longer recognizes her. the problem with the blood tests to is that that you can only get the test if you are showing symptoms and that's troubling because you can actually so signs of that beta amyloid, a block or in your brain, 10 years before you even show symptoms of having all timers. right now, the alzheimer's association is seeking fda approval so that people can that be able to take this test to in their regular family doctor's office? to redwood city
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officers were injured while making an arrest of a man believed to be a panhandler outside of a safeway. police say antagonizing crowd formed during the incident and required reinforcement kron four's lezla gooden is at the red with police department with the latest details. >>yes, the department says they were called out on friday around 08:30pm, to the sequoia shopping center for a disturbance. once they got there, they came across. 31 year-old aaron martinez before they're able to speak with him. he won a side of a safe way. and that was just beginning take a look at the citizen app video from that night. officers say once he went inside is believe he stole 2 class bottles of liquor and he came back out. he was questioned by officers.
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martinez then hit one of them in the face with a bottle. the 2 responding officers tried using a taser on martinez but were unsuccessful during the same time. officers say a large crowd started to gather and show antagonizing behavior towards them. one officer did suffer from a broken ankle. the san mateo county sheriff's office to respond to help break up the crowd and provide seen security eventually. 31 year-old martinez was arrested and some workers who i spoke with inside of the shopping center say that this isn't the first time officers have had to respond to similar incident like this at the safeway. but they were shocked to hear that crowd was involved in redwood city loves a good in kron. 4 news. >>this year's back-to-school spending is expected to reach more than 38 billion dollars. karina prix auto reports that parents can expect to pay more for their child's items that they have in past years. we get more from her on this now. >>we also found that parents are going to be spending an average of $605 per child on
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new school, supplies and services on top of the glue sticks, lunch boxes and binders going back to school can require other expenses like doctor's appointments and haircuts. we found that those costs became higher. the older the students were in the home. this can make it hard for families to catch a break. the most expensive part close parents expect they're going to spend an average of $231 per child on new clothes for back-to-school savings. dot com says as kids get older, their sizes aren't the only things changing. they also start to develop a sense of style and experience peer pressure to follow the trends. but students aren't the only ones needing a restock. most teachers carry the burden of stocking their own classrooms. what the average teacher spends anywhere from 500 to $1000. >>every year on school supplies, things like books and pencils and notebooks as well as subscriptions to classroom technology. that money come straight out of pocket, which can be a challenge for younger teachers or those who have kids. they
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need to supply of their own. a spokesperson for mta says the struggle to keep up with back-to-school shopping shows we need to re-evaluate how the state funds are schools. that includes everything from paying educators, a good wage so that we can keep the best and brightest working in our kids classrooms and nothing is more important. the future of our students, they're going to determine the very direction. our entire state heads. and so it's important. we give them the resources and everything they need. >>a big win for team usa. the u.s. men's gymnastics team has broken a 16 year low pick drought reporter jalen washington has more. >>hello from paris. and we are just outside of bexar see arena where the usa men's gymnastics team just secured their first olympic medal since 2 1008, they earned a bronze medal after the team. final competition tonight. and wow, what a moment being inside of arena and just feeling how electric it was. so many teen usa fans cheering
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everyone on the energy from the very beginning. much different tonight. what we saw night one, they were confident they came in. they were ready. they hit 18 for 18 routines and all the pressure was really on tonight for brody, malone is returning olympian who had a few big mess night. one who was able to redeem himself performing excellent tonight as well as stephen ross, a coup literally is on the team, just competes on one event did the final routine for team usa on pommel horse and really needed to nail it. of course, we had ukraine on our heels the entire competition and we were able to really stay focused and we got it done. and it was really, really exciting. another big headline coming out of tonight, china losing to japan. of course, china was the favorite to win gold for this all around team final and had a couple big mess ups on high bar which ultimately
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allowed japan to scoop in and secure that gold medal. so that is the very latest here from paris to get everybody talking about that incredible, incredible in performance from usa men's gymnastics. we're going to be catching up with more from the athletes as well as the parents. but for now, we'll send it back to you. >>kron
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back-to-back fires have burned more than 1000 acres in the east bay leaving aftermath cleanup for neighbors and fire crews along the charred hills kron. 4 shock moment has more. >>came back. i was really
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shocked to see the amount of fire retardant remains from a fire in bay point too close for comfort. it was all over. >>these parked cars. it's shocking to see it this close. the harlan, this close assist. >>are wait. wayne kaminsky bought this home 30 years ago says this is the first time they've ever had to evacuate. definitely. we've already had discussion on that store. the call. >>supervisor a county supervisor say, you know what's going on here now with a big cleanup. he has to schedule. >>he's more this won't be the end of it in bay point fire neighbors say came closer than any fire before it. >>it burned 470 acres and took hours to control. we don't live in. >>teco are in those areas. next to santa rosa. so we've never had always, you know, the mission of this kind of name for the fired half. >>and we're seeing a lot of fire activity throughout the state the vegetation very drive-in. cal fire's chelsea
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burkett says fire season has been steady this year, but tall grass and high winds makes heart help yourselves, you know, educate yourself, read the bent double that defensible spaces creating his own between your house and the hills in which a fire can't catch on the kind keep it clean. neighbors we spoke with say they're cleaning up their backyards. i don't have address in my backyard and them are the cause of the fire. cal fire also says to check your car for metal that can cause sparks and to only use power tools in your backyard before the afternoon. >>but in the meantime, neighbors are just thankful this recent fire didn't cause more damage. that was very scared. and thank you learned nothing happened to my house in bay point jack moment. kron 4 news. >>around the bay area, bart says they have recover from an electrical fire in oakland that disrupted service over the weekend. kron 4 s charles clifford has the latest on the 300 plus passengers. and what to know before take the train next. >>disruptions to bart service are not uncommon, but they're
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usually brief the fire this past weekend in disrupted service saturday night. well into sunday. things weren't cleared up until monday morning. bart says they're doing what they can to keep this from happening again. >>this past saturday afternoon, a fire inside a barn electrical room in downtown oakland. stop service at 4 stations between fruitvale and 19th street also caused systemwide delays. 300 people were safely taken off trains and platfors along that same stretch of track smoke could be seen rising out of the ground in downtown oakland. the oakland fire department was able to extinguish the fire in the electrical room, the disruptions to bart continued into sunday parts as they now believe the fire was started by a ground fault. basically electricity inside the room started flowing along an unintended path and ignited the fire. they're still trying to figure out exactly why that happened. >>we're constantly inspecting our equipment and we have electricians on our staff that or go each substation and
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check on equipment, replaced equipment, make sure that it's up to date and we'll keep doing that on saturday and sunday. the fire had caused problems along the green and red bart lines. but all service was restored to normal by monday morning. now service did get back to normal on monday morning. however, just after noon on monday, bart suspended red line service again. they say that they're still having some power issues at this point. it's not clear when that service will be restored. although bart says all of its stations are open. but for now in san francisco, charles clifford kron, 4 news. >>big win for the bay area at the olympics to stanford. swimmers won gold and silver over the weekend. kron four's will tran is at stanford university with reaction from students on their begin classmates. >>there is a current student who is taking a break from her education because she's too busy winning gold. her name is tori huske and she just won the gold medal in the 100 meter butterfly. really down her teammate who set olympic
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record just the heat before that. her name is gretchen walsh. torri huske had about 15 or 20 meters left to go and she tractor down and won 5 point '04 hundreds of a second. that's probably just a fingernail to the wall. she's coming back to stanford eventually with a gold medal that she isn't the person meddling in paris. we have some own manual. she was a staffer, a student at one time graduated a few years ago. she was part of the olympic relay team 4 by 100. she will bring home a silver medal. got a chance to talk to stanford students this morning. proud does not begin to describe it. >>i do think is something that people they pride and just how well atlantic, department doesn't mean these students are doing amazing things while they're also doing really well school. there is actually a pretty cool post off campus. >>that says it. stanford actually has the most representation at the olympics, both it to any other
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school in the ncaa. so that speaks to the excellence here in the classroom and on the field, you just humble brag on me. did you? there was a humble brag. it's only is only a bag. he's not sure. >>he wasn't lying. i went to the stand for website. stanford as 60 people. >>competing in the olympics which is an all-time record for the school. now, vice presi
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kamala harris is the likely democratic nominee. her first big task is choosing her running mate, several governors and a u.s. senator are on the short list. washington correspondent
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reshad hudson on how the window to pick a running mate is closing very soon. >>the clock is ticking for vice president kamala harris to pick a running mate. she's bringing a positive vision. minnesota governor tim waltz is one of the people on the vp shortlist. we care about what happens. your kids. we care about the environment. we care about. job creation wants. and transportation secretary pete buttigieg are contenders who spent sunday morning making the case for harris presidency. most americans already agree with her on the issues that they care about. the most. the timeline for harris to choose a running mate is shorter than most presidential candidates. her campaign is only a week old and the democratic party has an august 7th nominating deadline where and kind of uncharted territories, at least in the modern era. >>casey burgat a political science professor with george washington university says. >>vp pick. it doesn't move the needle that much but has some advantages. you bring someone in who is able to talk to a
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different type of demographic, but mostly is able to put a state in play that otherwise wasn't already in your column. in addition to waltz and buttigieg, the list of potential vp candidates include arizona senator mark kelly, pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, kentucky governor andy beshear and north carolina governor roy cooper reporting in washington reshad hudson. >>the fbi has provided the detail update on its investigation into the attempted assassination of former president donald trump. washington correspondent basil john has the latest. >>the fbi says former president donald trump has agreed to do a victim interview as it investigates the assassination attempt on the former president's life. we want to get his perspective what he observed. pittsburgh special agent in charge. kevin road jack said this is a standard protocol. the agency also revealed new details on the shooter including thomas crooks, internet searches. he
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also may searches related to power plants, mass shooting events, information improvised explosive devices and the attempted assassination of a slovakian prime minister. >>in addition to the ar 15 crooks had 2 explosives in his car that did not go off it is recovered from vehicle. >>did not explode adjacent to the site of the rally to the receivers, all being in the off position despite hundreds of interviews, the fbi still hasn't identified a motive for the shooter. >>we believe the subject a significant efforts to conceal activities. additionally. >>we believe that actions also show careful planning campaign rally. however, investigators have managed to paint a picture of the kind of person. crooks was. >>we do still believe that he was a loner. the primary social circle is family. we have identified only a couple people who we would call his friends. or in fact, they did.
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>>the fbi says his parents have cooperated with the investigation and had no knowledge of trucks, planes reporting in washington. i'm basil, john. >>kron 4 is your local election headquarters on the campaign trail for 2024, you probably heard about project 2025. both former president trump and vice president harris have attacked the 180 page, self-described presidential transition project by the heritage foundation. but trump's vice presidential nominee. on the other hand, jd vance has a different connection to this project news nation. stephanie haines has the details. >>project 2025 the 922 page, self-described presidential transition project drafted by the heritage foundation outlines its for real policy recommendations has securing the border, unleashing american energy, improving education, nd weaponizing the federal government and dismantling the quote, deep
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state. however, opponents argue project 25 actually rolls back certain liberties for americans, including according to axios, limiting access to some reproductive care, cutting back on snap benefits. privatizing the national weather service and defunding public broadcasting and overhaul certain federal government agencies such as the department of justice and the department of education. other reporting shows there are proposals to lower corporate taxes which could lead to eliminating 10's of thousands of civil servant jobs. implementation hinges on whether former president trump makes it to the oval office once again. but he may not be fully on board writing, quote, i have nothing to do with and know nothing about project. 25, the fact that i do is nearly dis-information put out by the radical left. democrat folks do not believe that reportedly dozens of people who worked in the trump administration have contributed to the project and
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the peak candidate. jd vance is writing the foreword for the upcoming book from the project's main author. democrats now seizing on concerns about the project. vice president kamala harris saying it will threaten to dismantle public schools. she's blasting her message on the campaign trail. >>that believe they put that in writing. 900 pages of it. project 2025. plan to return america to a dark past. a mixed
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street ahead. a big earnings from microsoft and other tech
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giants. and as the american dream out of reach for a majority of renters. here's david lazarus with money. smart. >>their stocks closed mixed today as wall street slipped and wait and see mode ahead of some big earnings this week in coming days will have microsoft apple, amazon. all of these will be closely watched to see not just how they've done over the last 3 months, but also what they have to say about the 2nd half of the year. also this week, the federal reserve is meeting as scheduled, but no rate cut is expected to be announced. yes, there's some buzz on wall street that maybe the fed will pull a rabbit out of its hat and announce a surprise rate cut. but that seems very unlikely. more likely is that fed chief jerome powell on wednesday will set the table for a possible september rate cut. that's something to be watching for. meanwhile, among individual stocks, mcdonald's up 4% today, even though they missed. analysts estimates for the last 3 months. mcdonald's did tell investors that they are aware that many customers are unhappy about current pricing and they are working
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to fix that. and that's why the stock was up. disney up about 2 and a half percent today after a huge opening weekend for deadpool and wolverine bringing in more than 200 million dollars in box office receipts. now let's look at the housing market and the news is not great. a new poll from cnn finds that most us renters are not hopeful that they're ever going to become homeowners. the poll finds that 86% of renters want to own a home, but don't believe they will ever be able to afford one and more than half of those surveyed say that they will simply never be able to afford a home and they don't think that will change anytime soon. low inventory, high prices, high mortgage rates, all of those are conspiring to create an affordability crisis. and that's creating unfortunately a nation of renters. it's also under cutting both the american dream. and at the same time increasing the gap between haves and have nots. back to you. >>in the film trapped a man and his daughter realize they're at the center of a sinister events while watching
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a concert so-called has more for us on the mystery thriller in your entertainment report. >>actually found this movie pretty entertaining. sure. it was farfetched, but certainly it was a disturbing and original premise. there's certainly a unique premise behind this. tell me about it. thank you. well, me is the idea of setting a thriller. >>at a kind of a pop concert. >>and that that kind inappropriate colors that come from teenage concert where they're screaming and having the time of their life ecstasy from these girls. >>while you are having the worst moment, the worst day.
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>>way you're realizing, oh, my god, my life might be over and you still kind of have to kind of keep dancing with your daughter as you're trying to figure out. >>how to get out of district it any. coast. >>you know, the idea started from my dad and i can talking about wanting to create something that brought film and music together in a way that was, you know, kind of immersive and felt like you were watching in real life in wheelchair. people up. >>going to new date. so they set up a trap for. >>you want to give too many things away tonight movie. but the thing is most interesting to me is that night is always working original stories and there are very few directors that are still doing that these days. >>channel the exits. >>my excitement about a project like this are project like oppenheimer is that
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you're getting a director got a very unique vision and he's going fill it to the nth and he's not going to have to take kind of kids from anywhere else. you're going to be able to kind of you're going to have a new story with new characters and things that are based on ip or sequels and what i love about every night is that if you give too much away, it's not as much fun to watch. >>with your report, i'm doug kolk. >>more news coming now,
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let's get a check on the
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latest fire statistics and weather in the bay with kron 4 chief meteorologist lawrence karnow lawrence. >>we have onshore breeze. of course you get those winds picking up in the afternoon that could blow the fire is long, but it is a really raise the humidity level. and that means the moisture in the atmosphere that slows down the fires and the temperatures have come way down local fires. point fire. now 100% contained. so look at the creek fire, though, in us knowles. issues with that. but this the largest fire in california right now. and you see the winds kind of interact in the afternoon. you see the smoke starting to below as we head toward the afternoon. that's because again, those flames fan by a pretty good seabreeze late in the day. the temperatures a tease right now. you're starting to see a little southerly component win. coming up, humidity is going to come up again overnight. think that's going help out firefighters in those locations overnight tonight and tomorrow by the end of the week, all of a sudden high pressure starts to build in. then we've got some more issues as fire danger going to be on the rise again. a little trough coming through right now. but as we get toward the next couple days by wednesday, that ridge starts to build in temperatures start to warm up
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by the end of the week. yeah, we start to get hot spots inland and that includes the central valley, california. well, the 90's, again, maybe start talking triple digits over the weekend so that he's going to be with us for a bit going to be watching out for that as we head into next week to temperatures around the bay area tomorrow. pretty comfortable in spots, maybe a little cool on the coastline. 61 in the sunset 50's 60's along the coastline. even some drizzle up toward the beaches. very moist of the early morning hours tomorrow, maybe 80 90 plus percent across % parts of the bay area and then have the south bay by tomorrow. after lots of sunshine, 70's and 80's mid 80's, the warmer spots livermore about 85 degrees in walnut creek. 88 in concord, about 88 degrees in fairfield back along the coastline. keeping a cooler with that patchy fog kind of hugging the coast all day long. i think the temperatures are going to slowly start to warm up, though, as we head toward mid mid week and then we get towards saturday. that's we start talking temperatures, mid 90's, some places near triple digits by monday. >>on 4 sports. well, the pace came out to play today in santa clara, but so did the niners first draft pick.
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>>after dealing with a hamstring talking about ricky pearsall, the niners easing him into practice in kyle shanahan did say that he could be a full participant in practice as soon as tomorrow. of course, they want to take it slow, which is good news. while they work to figure out a deal between the niners and the and brandon aiyuk, of course, now the parents are in play, which means there's more excitement out there for the guys. today was the first day for pads which means they were able to get a little bit more physical out there and they're one step closer to the start of the season. kyle shanahan spoke about that after practice. take a listen. >>there's always a different element that's going. i think there's a little more butterflies for guys and stuff like that. he try to make the same stuff that we've done the last 4 days you can running backs off, which is nice be on set to tag him off. but there were more thought you heard the pass a little bit more, we show a lot of clips before we get out of practice to make sure the knot anyone is going out there. and just i feel like it's game day because we have passed on. so the price is pretty hard without like to
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know nothing to change but feels a little bit safer. having those on you guys are you to play real football. you get a thought. fusion has home honestly just get physical. >>so guys are pretty excited for that. >>and just a day out from the trade deadline, the braves having a reunion of sorts after the giants traded away. jorge is still there. thanks to the team where he won the 2021 world series mvp the giants in that deal received lefty tyler in the deal. and of course, a young infielders save in trouble. mean, wow. in paris, it was kevin durant who put on a show against the coli o k and the serbian team. it was lebron james who seem to be the driving force headed into the olympic games, of course, in the exhibition games. but durant show the world just how bad he was itching to get back there back out there, rather on the floor, finishing with 23 points. 21 of those coming in the 1st half after starting the game, 8 of 8 from the field, his former bay area teammate made it clear that when kd is mentioned and he's
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out there on the floor, that type of place to be expected. >>his nickname is easy. money for is the all-time leading scorer in usa basketball history. says the amazing to watch. and you know, i got to watch him up close in 3 years. he made to do it again. he's the special. they bring out the best in one another. >>we're very season to the people games. you know, we played a lot of and that's ball when it comes to the members all time versus so, you know, to have data on our side. on my side, is this a treat for sure? >>and that does it here for us at kron-on will be back with the morning news at 5 o'clock. i'm stephanie rothman. thanks for watching. have a great rest your night.
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♪ ♪ >> nischelle: tonight... major marvel news. straight from the biggest stars of the mcu. >> it was marvelous. >> nischelle: "e.t." takes you inside comic-con for all of the superhero scoops. >> you're not wrong. >> nischelle: and the return of robert downey jr. >> new mask. same task.


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