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tv   KRO Non News  KRON  July 30, 2024 11:30pm-1:31am PDT

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>>we begin now with breaking news. >>you're watching kron-on live
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on air and online. i'm stephanie rothman. we continue with that breaking news out of north bay. a shelter-in-place is issued and rohnert park and this is an active situation as we continue to learn more. the department of public safety is asking people who are near labatt avenue ameren or park essway to find a safe place to be immediately. this is near the target shopping applebee's at this time. people are being asked not to call police dispatch with their questions. an all-clear notice will be sent out as soon as the situation develops. it's unknown why the order has been issued at this time. but of course, we're working to learn more about this and will bring you updates as soon as we get more information. and onto several unhoused people in sunnyvale tonight infected with scabies, the santa clara county health department says the outbreak started last week at the north county homeless shelter. kron. 4 shock moment has more on the parasitic infection.
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>>sort the 2 weeks ago, homeless advocate todd leighton says he's not surprised when he found out scabies cases are rising among unhoused people in santa clara county, the county health department saying they are investigating 5 cases for of unhoused people and one employee of the north county homeless shelter in sunnyvale. scabies is one issue of >>the problems there at dia. at the at that at the citadel shelter like who has worked with unhoused people in the county for years says conditions inside the shelter are not good. dreamily. >>harassment, the the filth. >>mold and mildew. the scathing know wilson in an house nonprofit took control of the shelter this year and linked in says they inherited a mess and house people would rather live on the streets was a say about the shelters when the un house would rather live
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outside the shelters, adn the shelters. kron 4 tried to reach out to bill wilson throughout the afternoon and evening on tuesday but did not hear back. my skin is on fire. reacts to. >>everyone differently. i don't have the blisters, but i have the burning and itching sensation on my skin and house volunteers near the shelter. tuesday told us the infected residents are place here at the days and just down the street this one did not want to be on camera but tells us the first on house person at the shelter was exposed to several people. they're putting us all together in one big, happy contaminated mess and expecting us to will ourself out of homelessness. >>the reason why i'm not there because i don't like the shot badly, sleeps just feet away from the shelter. >>he's also feet away from highway to 37. he'd rather be here. that insight been >>it's been really hard. the high. we're sure that you know what a season. he's worried being on the streets instead of a shelter will grow challenging after governor
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gavin newsom is recent moves to crack down on encampments throughout the state as hard. meantime, leighton says proposed encampment sweeps will only push people to do weekend. that's and they're going to go find another place to live and the trash in the crime and the problems will will continue to present. this is just groundhog day all over again in sunnyvale. jack moment. kron 4 news. >>and this comes as many homeless encampments are being cleared across california. some san francisco leaders are pushing back on the statewide call for homeless encampment sweeps supervisor. dean preston says he feels the governor's executive order criminalizes the unhoused. >>issued the invitation and authorize cities and states across the nation to criminalize. sweet. homeless people from the crime homeless, even when they're not offered anywhere to go. >>meanwhile, mayor london breed says she will consider
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enforcing criminal prosecution against the homeless who refuse services. the mayor's office says they expect the 9th circus to officially lift the injunction this week. that means san francisco will be able to implement new policies as we camp months in accordance with the supreme court decision. crews in marin county are investigating what sparked a fire at a homeless encampment video from a restaurant in nevado shows crews responding to the fire this morning at the city sanctions site. the fire quickly spread through tents and around the fence, leaving more than a dozen people without a place to stay. >>i believe the city is. we're going to close the camp down right now and all the people that are at this camp, i believe, are in the process. again, emergency hotel room. >>police are asking anyone with information to give them a call. in fremont. fire crews putting out encampment fire near some apartments. this was
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at the corner of spruced harris and foxtail terrace. no one was hurt. thankfully the cause of the fire is under investigation. and on wildfires, the park fire burning near chico is now the 5th largest fire in california state history. the fire continues to grow rapidly burning 10,000 more acres since last night. this is bringing the total acreage to more than 380,000 acres. cal fire says the fire which sparked last wednesday is 18% contained. as of tonight. and closer to home. crews are gaining ground on the creek fire burning in alameda county. it's burning and so near the calaveras reservoir, it's burned more than 740 acres since it started on friday. it's 65% contained 20% more since last night. evacuation orders are in effect for areas east of fremont. keep it here for updates on all the fires live on kron 4 and kron on. and how
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will these fires affect the air quality here in the bay area? for that, we check in with kron 4 chief meteorologist lawrence karnow lawrence. >>well, many fires new fire burning there. that's going affect our air quality will see some of the smoke, a jacked and yeah, eventually make its way back into our skies. numerous fires now burning around the state. so any change the wind direction can really affect our quality here in the bay area. the good news is most of this is going to be coming in what we call aloft. that's about 9 almost 10,000 feet or so. so that is going to be moving in. then that smoke started to rotating. you'll see here in the forecast models. this is about 10,000 feet. you see the fire there. you see all the orange from the pedro fire. put this into motion here and take you through the night tonight into tomorrow morning. you may see that haze atm, even in the north bay. again, it is going to be above the service of their quality of the service, not going to be bad, but it is going to be hazy again. we saw something similar over the weekend with some of that smoke working back from the park fire back in the bay area by 1 o'clock.
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it spreads parts of the east bay and the north bay. and they continues to track more heavily in the north bay by the afternoon. so, yeah, something to watch out for equality going to suffer. been expect some hazy conditions around the bay area. no spare the air quality of the service should be ok by tomorrow. >>so a new law
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will prevent schools from forcing teachers to tell parents if a child identifies as a different gender and class. >>one north bay school district is on board kron four's will tran is in nevado with the latest. >>many school districts will be back in school about a week or 2 from now. and when they do, there are new teachers and
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new laws that everybody needs to get used to the lull that was in place for many locations now is the law of the land throughout california, including school districts like the one right behind me in novato unified school district, which means that moving forward. if a child identifies as a different gender goes from him to her today. well, before the school district was required to call their parents, letting them know exactly what's going on, how their child identifies as school. that is no longer allow. the child now has privacy rights. governor gavin newsom actually signed this law into effect a couple of weeks ago saying that telling a parent, especially if the child did not tell the parent that is outing the child and could create friction and tension at home. so he signed this in the had the support of many school districts throughout california. in
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fact, california is the first state in the nation to enact this law uniformly. there are 13 other states completely opposite of california. they require their school districts to call parents whenever their child identifies as a different gender. so this is nothing that is uniform across the country as light even uniform as far as acceptance within california, there are many school districts who fought against this saying that the parents, they have the right to know exactly what's going on with their child, especially since that child a minor. and this is basically stripping the rights away from parents. not only this. this law require that school districts basically. keep silent about this, not tell their parents. it has the infrastructure in place to protect staff members, including teachers and principals from any retaliation from parents who might not like this new law.
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kron four's your local election headquarters as we feel he waves an destructive wildfires across the state. >>a new poll shows nearly 8 in 10 likely california voters say climate and the environment are among their top issues. this election, our state capitol correspondent eytan wallace spoke with the pope director and breaks down the results. >>78%. that's the number of likely california voters who say the environment is important to them and will play a factor in how they vote in the upcoming election. those figures coming from a poll conducted by the public policy institute of california or ppi see, i think was startled dresses. >>you know, the amount of attention that people have environmental issues today that affecting them personally. mark ball, the saris, the poll director. >>he notes the survey comes as the state response to destructive wildfires and
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sweltering heat in many areas. among the environmental issues, voters rank at the top of their list, climate change and greenhouse gases, loss of forests and wildfires and the need for an adequate water supply to respond to a future drought. this gives us an a glimpse into those those issues that are the top tier. more specific. they were people talking about when they say, >>you know, the environments on mind. finding 60% of californians do not support governor newsom's efforts to ban the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035. >>but three-quarters of respondents do support efforts to tax corporations based on the carbon emissions. they roduce. what's more? 59% of likely california voters say they support a 10 billion-dollar climate bomb set to appear on the ballot this november. if it passes, the bond will fund several projects related to wildfire prevention forest management, safe drinking water, drought and flood resiliency and
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coastal erosion. democrats support it if approved in november. this funding will be a really important step our efforts to adopt our communities to adopt our entire state. >>to the realities of climate change. but many legislative republicans feel differently. they argue the bond proposal is irresponsible fiscal policy because bombs require the state to borrow money and paid back with interest in a later date. borrowing is very expensive. >>a phrase that i've always loved the insidious thing about borrowing money is yeah, you have to pay it back. >>and to be clear on the issues, this poll focused mainly on the environment and climate. the pull director says it's important to note a recent survey see conduct a show in addition to climate affordability and the economy remain top of mind for voters reporting at the state capitol. a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >>more news codozens of
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violent attacks over the past month have left elders and oakland, senior living community scared to leave their homes. kron four's philippe djegal reports there desperately asking local leaders to help them. >>go. and that's a bit. i had proper. i'm so scared. and unfortunately for good reason, photos snapped of one of maria sayings fellow residents at westlake christian terrace in oakland encapsulates her horror. >>tended to in the back of an ambulance after being assaulted and robbed near her retirement home. no matter you all. >>rich cohen, do your work. it happen to your local leaders and residents living in the affordable housing
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communities. 2 towers near lake merritt our garden news conference tuesday detailing their plate. helped us to be safe where we leave since the end of june westlake christian terrace, resident council president sister marie taylor says nearly 30 violent attacks and robberies have been reported in the area. >>15 of the victims live at west lake 14, our asian american and less than a handful of arrests have been made. i had a resident on sunday say to me. >>i am tired of calling 9-1-1. >>for my neighbors, residents say they appreciate the oakland police department has stepped up patrols in the area, but which the patrols were more frequent. community leaders have teamed with fielders to develop a list actions. city council statement. federal agencies take to help small patrol. >>from opd high patrol and a county sheriff and also including the popular base. and second, want to have a
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police substation in facility, if not examine the area. and so we want revitalizing the freebie choteau and at last one of what the county and making sure that they'll be resources. that program to get vital as the program so they can walk seniors to whenever they want to go. because right now, that's not the case. they are free to leave the property. we should be outraged. >>outraged and disgusted the pace. really help is on the way believe should all run for is facing serious charges for the mysterious week-long disappearance of his daughter, alison chao. jeffrey child is now facing a long list of charges including child abduction and jelly. could keita breaks down the latest chapter in the monterey park story. >>jeffrey chao seen here masked up making his first appearance in criminal court on tuesday, pleading not
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guilty to 2 charges, one for child abduction. that's a felony. and another for falsifying. a police report to families. >>the father of 15 year-old alison chao who was found safe after a citywide search to find her earlier this month was arrested last friday. a shocking twist in a case ktla has been following since the beginning. >>allison went missing 2 weeks ago after she left her dad's home in monterey park on a bike after an intense search. she turned up safe in glendale. the big question, where was she charges filed today could bring some answers los angeles county da's office released a statement saying falsely reporting a child as missing not only violates the law, but also diverts critical law enforcement resources away from other serious matters. meanwhile, the attorney for mister chow said today after court allison still wants to be with her understand she's she's in good spirits. so healthy. of course, you want to be with her dad. this after we know alison's mom and the child had custody of allison
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reportedly one day before she went missing monterey park. police showed up at her dad's home with a court order to bring allison back to her mom. that interaction was caught in this now viral video. video that was it was mentioned, i believe in today's proceedings >>wherein young allison major state. her position clear of not wanting to go. but you know, that's that's to be litigated down the road for days now, community members and jeffrey's family have been following this case protesting for allison's voice to be heard. >>it seems like a lot of people have been silencing her and not listening to her. so we really want her to have the opportunity to speak. the park
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more than 386,000 acres and is just 14% contains more than 5300 firefighters are on the front lines in tehama county while impacts are being felt in butte, plumas and shasta counties as well as firefighters fear high temperatures could cause more problems. callers residents are waiting for the all-clear to return home. claude a stefani and has the latest details. >>and of course, an emotional situation for those residents who are able to return back to their neighborhood. we're seeing some residents who are returning to find their home still standing while others are returning to nothing but ash. and with that, a lot of residents telling us that it's important people at home understand what they're going through. we want to go ahead and paint the situation for you. we're just south of highway 32, where you can see how much of this land is charred. a situation that we've been able to witness firsthand. but of course, as
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we kind of pull you on over to the other side of the roadway, a very different situation where it doesn't even look like the fire has touched the other side of the roadway. luckily that home remains out of harm's way. and for a lot of these residents have been able to repopulate these areas. a lot of them are in standby mode, not able to breathe a sigh of relief. the park fire continuing its wake of destruction. many still waiting to return home. cal fire broke down the size of the fire for us. but 3 of the footprints of lake tahoe in the footprint of this fire, we checked out forest ranch. one of the areas that was repopulated just yesterday we caught up with one resident who said he left his area in a flash, went out on trail right there and was looking at the >>seeing flames and i was like. >>i look at it before. we've got the evacuation warning and i came back. i said, look, everybody's get the stuff. get the out on forest ranch. road
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3 homes in a row were decimated to nothing. >>for parker, he considers himself to be one of the lucky ones. it hit like 4, 5, houses and then it just like. went really around us. totally blessed that we have a big generator, as i was told a generator. but how survive. you know, however, fire crews tell us with the hotter temperatures. populated areas still need to be ready to leave again. >>it's possible the fire could come roaring back through their area through clean everything up. make sure there's no. >>used to bree or anything that can catch on fire around the house basically just on standby. >>we're learning a little bit more about those repopulation efforts. it's not exactly all about whether an area is no longer in the fire's path. it's a little more involved with that where officials have to make sure that there's internet that there's running water and they said that it could take a while for residents to get back into
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their area because the infrastructure damage is so extensive. so truly, people have to be patient with this process because they don't allow you back in without that area being ready to accept residence reporting just off of highway. 32 covering local news that matters closet stefani and fox. 40 news. fire ravages of 11 oakland bookstore and now the community is speaking out trying to deal with the community's loss. >>kron four's terisa stasio has more on the future of the iconic bookstore. >>a cherished community fixture gone. yeah. >>shocked. i thought that it. anybody spoke to pro artist. >>can firefighters tell kron 4 news that the fire broke out around 5.30, in the morning. flames reaching out of the second story where some offices were located. crews battled the blaze. one firefighter suffered some minor injuries and was taken
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to the hospital. the bookstore owner showed up and was completely devastated. his life's work inside the owner of the building says that they will do what they can to try and help rebuild. >>was it landmark for the community for rock ridge as independent books are there so necessary? so sad to all can fire officials say that they do not suspect arson, but
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>>the city of oakland has taken another step toward selling its stake in the oakland coliseum. if the deal goes through officially, the city could get more than 100 million dollars from the
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sale kron. 4 charles clifford has the details. >>well, the city of oakland has been working for years to sell its share in the oakland coliseum site. mayor sheng thao said today that she believes this is a win-win situation for the city. the city get some badly needed money to shore up its budget woes. and the coliseum site is set on a path towards redevelopment. on tuesday. the city of oakland and the african american sports and entertainment group or scg finalize an agreement in which the group will take over the city's 50% stake and the 112 acre oakland coliseum site oakland is set to receive 105 million dollars for the sale which the mayor says will be used to shore up the city's budget to ensure that we did not cut. >>public safety to ensure that we did not close firehouse is and again, to ensure that the future of oakland is financially a a s e g leadership says that they now plan to start working on a redevelopment plan for the site. >>they also say they are in contact with the oakland
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athletics and alameda county, all of whom still have a stake in the coliseum. we've been in contact with the a's the most recent spoke to them with this morning. and so we are very much constant communication with respect to negotiating for there side of the site as well. the mayor also addressed concerns cg might not have the funds needed to close the deal. we know that going in partnering with 8 s e g. >>which is borne out of oakland, working with loop capital out of chicago. >>that they have the funds. not only they have the funds and they have the wherewithal. they have the vision of community and that's what works in the city of oakland. the mayor says the city will receive the 105 million dollars in a series of payments. 5 million within a few weeks. 10 million by the first of september. >>15 million by november. first, 33 million in mid january of next year. and 42 million when the sale is completed possibly by mid 2026
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in oakland, charles clifford kron. 4 news. >>during a mayoral debate this month, san francisco mayor london breed talked about homelessness in the city promising to aggressively crack down on homeless encampments. but not everyone agrees on this. some city officials and community members were speaking out against that approach. com for 70 justice has more. >>it didn't work with mayor jordan did it with the basics program didn't newsom past the sunlight. it's not going to work today. previously fictions of people living in encampments failed to reduce the number of people forced to live outside on our get our state in our city. >>community leaders along with elected officials speaking out on homeless encampment, sweeps tuesday last week. governor gavin newsom sent out a directive urging california to step up homeless sweeps. san francisco mayor london breed saying the city will
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aggressively crack down when they are legally able to and possibly enforce criminal prosecution. for those who refuse services. so the supreme court. >>issued the invitation and authorize cities and states across the nation to criminalize. sweet. arrest homeless people from the crime homeless, even when they're not offered anywhere to go. >>supervisor dean preston speaking out against the executive order saying it will criminalize those who are homeless speaking outside of a vacant hotel on market street. community members are asking for real and sustainable solutions. they want the city to feel the more than 700 vacant living spaces around the city. the san francisco mayor's office says that the city is already doing what the governor is calling for. the administration says that's why the city is seeing a 5 year low in the 10 count on our streets.
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>>even work for her but now community health trends and sweet. but every day can even the floor. and we have so >>reporting tiffany justice kron, 4 news. we continue with breaking news out of the north bay. a shelter place is issued in rohnert park. this is an active situation. the department of public health safety is asking people who are near la bath avenue and rohnert park expressway to find a safe place to be immediately. this is near the target shopping center. food maxx and applebee's. at this time. people are being asked to not call police dispatch with their questions and all-clear notice will be sent out when it is clear it's unknown why the order has been issued and we're working to learn more about this. we'll bring you more information when we get it. the executive
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director of a former nonprofit in san francisco was arrested tuesday on 34 felony charges. kyra worthy is being accused of misusing more than $700,000 during her time at sf safe, a nonprofit that partner with the san francisco police department to prevent crime in the city kron four's. rob nesbit has more. >>it's a long list of charges against kyra worthy for misappropriation of public money to wage theft at the former nonprofit called sf safe in total. the 49 year-old is accused of misusing more than $700,000. she allegedly
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used $1000 to pay her landlord and more than $90,000 of sf say funds on a home health care worker for parents from for legal analyst steven clark says nonprofit seldom have the same building protections as corporations is for the very reason that you don't have significant oversight. >>that prosecutors tend to throw the book and people that use this public trust because of sf states relationship with the city's police department. the da's office was asked to take over the investigation. >>executing 25 search warrants obtaining hundreds of thousands of pages of records and interviewing more than 2 dozen witnesses. a spokesperson for the san francisco attorney's office saying, quote, >>kyra, we're the not only cheated san francisco communities out of valuable services, but also exploited sf safes employees and nonprofit partners. we are working diligently to root out this kind of corruption and we fully support the da's actions to ensure accountability when worthy was hired in 2018, the nonprofit had cash reserves in excess of $300,000. according
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to the da's office, the executive directors theft and mismanagement resulted in the 48 year-old charity having no assets and ceasing operations in january of this year. this worthy was put in a position. >>where she was entrusted with these funds to do good for the community, not do well for herself. and that makes us very different when it comes to punishment. >>a fire inside a city-sanctioned homeless encampment in marin county is being investigated as a possible cause of arson kron four's lezla gooden on what we know so far. >>talk behind star restaurant is the league earner temporary homeless encampment. the restaurant's video surveillance caught the moment a fire erupted from the camp at 03:28am. tuesday morning. 10 minutes later. the nevado fire department arrives and is seen cutting into the wooden fence community. nevada police officers to responded and were
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met with the fire quickly spreading through tents and around the fence. officials say they are investigating the fire as arson. very, very extremely sad that this happened. jason serris is one of the founders of the encampment and says he was in tears when he got the call. >>up in smoke, good half of the camp. i didn't realize how motion i get when i got to the can. after all, the blood, sweat and tears, it took to get to this point. jason says he wants even lived here. he tells me he's not sure when people will be able to return. some residents tell me they did have some injuries. and later went to the i believe the city is. >>we're going to close the camp down right now and all the people that are at this camp, i believe, are in the process. again, emergency hotel rooms, the fire was put out within an hour.
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>>it did not spread to nearby businesses. we spoke with lieutenant chris jake up from nevada pd who says they are treating this as arson and due to the early stages of the investigation. he was unable t share details why they believe it's suspicious. my hope is that kid and the city will continue. >>rebuild this camp, support this camp. she people on the pathway to getting house. >>lets the going con for news.
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>>nato celebrated 75 years. this month was summit of world leaders in washington, d.c.,
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but not every state in the u.s. is protected by the treaty washing correspondent maddie beer-temple explains. >>the military alliance known as nato says attack on one is an attack on but that doesn't include hawaii. this really is a technicality on paper. congresswoman jill tokuda says it's because hawaii is south of nato's cut off the tropic of cancer and it became a state a decade after nato was signed. that was 75 years ago were not in the world today that we were in 1949. congressman ed case says today's threats from china and russia of war and protection by the alliance. >>that's why he wrote a letter to the secretary of state asking for hawaii to be formally added. you want to wait until it happens. >>the figure out whether other countries will the guard themselves as bound to a mutual defense obligation. >>the state department wrote back saying that an attack would, quote, almost certainly draw an allied reaction. but
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an amendment would be unlikely to kudos as the u.s. military presence plus frequent exercises with other countries make the exclusion concerned to constituents because they see so actively right there in our community. oftentimes the presence of other countries to come to ces strengthening ties in the indo-pacific should be a bigger focus. but kaye says it's worth pursuing. he's considering legislation to urge the state department to support an amendment. >>or he may go directly to nato secretary-general. i don't think it's cause for a tremendous alarmed, but it's nice to get things going for in washington. i'm maddie beer-temple. >>calls to expand a guaranteed income program in la intensify. >>to help more people pay their bills. they say a basic income test during the early part of the pandemic was a success. and it's now right for expansion. alina abovian has more on their new proposal from downtown l a.
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>>this initially launched as a pilot program right after the covid-19 pandemic to help struggling families living extreme poverty. so the goal now it's extended to people who abusive. domestic partnerships in also children who are trying to transition out of foster care. now, this is called the big league program and initially was introduced in 2021. by councilmember curren price. the pilot ran for 12 months from january of 2022. until march of 2023. it provided 3200 households within the city of los angeles living in poverty with $1000. the cash each month guaranteed income at the time. it was considered the largest guaranteed basic income pilot program in the country. a 6 million dollar investment which expanded to nearly 40 million dollars according to the report, reveals that families were able to use that money specifically for emergency expenses to pay for better quality food for school costs and for clothing for kids to study also revealed there were
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6 bands were more likely to get better jobs while on the program and seek help those people who are in abusive relationships. la city council members, current price marquese harris dawson and hugo certain martinez. introducing a motion today to the city council, also asking for an additional 45 million dollars during today's meeting, both price and martinez saying they're pledging an additional million dollars from their discretionary funds toward the program. >>people who are trapped in situations of toxicity, intimate partner, violence or community violence have the power to make their own decisions about what they're going to do with their futures. so rather than the money going into a household that then has to be bargained over with amongst family members. it went straight to moms and we saw these moms take that money and establish immediate safety by not only providing material for their children materially for their children terms of food security in terms of enrichment, but also directly attributing leaving situations of intimate partner, violence
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and committee parlor minds because they received a guaranteed income through bigley. and according to the council members, they say that this pilot program has served as a blueprint for at least 38 other cities throughout the country. >>but it will still need approval from the city council has the very latest. i'm ellina abovian here in downtown la ktla. 5 news. and e
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investigation is heating up after an lapd officer punches and handcuffed man in the face. kimberly chang is in downtown l a with reaction from offficials and the man's family.
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>>this is a portion of cellphone video that has gone viral. it shows an lapd officer punching a man in the face as you're trying to take him into custody. this happened july 28th near east 100 13th street and grand avenue in watts. in the video, it appears the man is handcuffed on one side and the officers are trying to put the other side man can be heard when suddenly the officer punches him on the side of his face. civil rights advocates and attorneys for alex michel say mitchell was not resisting, had his hands behind his back and was restrained. they say this is another case of excessive use of force. something to be done in past this only child. santa well, he was compliant. >>time taken time bomb ticking. >>this officer clearly. has anger management issues is not
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deserve to remain on the force. we're calling on the district attorneys office to uniform officers from southeast patrol division. >>i'm sure vehicle double park facing the wrong direction and conducted a traffic stop. >>lmpd interim chief dominic choi address the incident at a police commission meeting the involved officers incident has been removed from field duties while the investigation into the incident is conducted. the ellie police protective league defended the officers. actions saying the snippet of video lacks context and is misleading. pointing out that only one wrist was handcuffed they handcuffed is not secure and it's a loose and he was resisting in the first place. he could injure the officer causing great bodily injury. as you can see, he was only 6, 5 over 300 pounds and >>the officers were having difficulties. so lapd
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use-of-force directive indicates that officers could use a distraction strike or kick to overcome any sort of resistance, create distance. >>the sacramento county sheriff's office says it's seeing a surge in gang related violence across the county. kimberly cruz has more after speaking to the sheriff's investigations division. >>it's a constant war zone between gang rivalries. violence spilling onto sacramento county streets. just last week. this at county sheriff's office seen to gang-related shootings. the first one happening on east and weigh on july 22nd. the 15 year-old was killed then just 2 days later, another shooting this time on wall avenue where a man was shot in the chest with definitely seen an uptick here seems like there's a couple factions that are kind of going to war right now. it's either one game hunting, another game or just where they come together by happenstance. that's where captain dustin solo with the sacramento county sheriff's
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office of centralized investigations division says. >>they are seeing gang related violence county wide, especially among the youth, the involvement of juveniles and gangs is huge issue right now because those are the kids get recruited. they know that juveniles face very little consequences for their actions. they can send >>they are easily manipulated into doing stuff for further into the game. still the explaining that majority of the shootings in the county are gang related. detective seizing about 200 guns off the streets so far this not just random guns is good. ar fifteens. i'm very good waponry that they have better than we have in a recent bust. happening on july, 26 at least 4 guns were recovered. detectives confirmed that the suspects were on their way to confront rival gang members at a nearby neighborhood. >>also ready and armed. the amount of violence that they can inflict has gone up. >>you know, tenfold compared
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to 10 years ago where we're the issue right now just people aren't being held accountable for. types of crimes they're committing. i think it has a lot to do with, you know, the mail on just kind of were criminal justice stands right now in california. >>more new
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>>we begin now with breaking news >>welcome back. you're watching kron-on live on air and online on stephanie rothman. we tenney with that breaking news out of the north bay. a shelter-in-place is
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still active in roan. our park. the department of public safety is asking people who are near look at avenue ever rohnert park expressway to find a safe place to be immediately. this is near the target shopping center. food maxx and applebee's at this time. people are being asked to not call police dispatch with questions and all-clear notice will be sent out when the time comes. it's unknown why the order has been issued. but we are working to learn more. we'll bring you updates as soon as we get more information. and there are several unhoused people in sunnyvale tonight. in fact, it would scabies the santa clara county health department says the outbreak started last week at the north county homeless shelter. kron 4. shaq moment has more. >>first heard about the 2 weeks ago, homeless advocate todd lincoln says he's not surprised when he found out scabies cases are rising among unhoused people in santa clara county, the county health
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department saying they are investigating 5 cases for of unhoused people and one employee of the north county homeless shelter in sunnyvale. scabies is one issue of >>the problems there dia. at the at that at ad will shelter liked and who has worked with unhoused people in the county for years says conditions inside the shelter are not good. and the mold and mildew the scathing know wilson in an house nonprofit took control of the shelter this year and linked in says they inherited a mess and house people >>would rather live on the streets was a say about the shelters when the un house would rather live outside the shelters. kron 4 tried to reach out to bill wilson throughout the afternoon and evening on tuesday but did not hear back. my skin is on fire and house volunteers near the shelter tuesday told us the infected residents are place here at the days and just down the street. this one did not want to be on camera but tells us the first on house person at the shelter was exposed to
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several people. they're putting us all together in one big, happy contaminated mess. >>and expecting us to will ourselves out of homelessness. the reason why i'm not there because i don't like the shot badly, sleeps just feet away from the shelter. he's also feet away from highway to 37. he'd rather be here than inside trying to hide. >>we're sure that no, you know what the season he's worried being on the streets instead of a shelter will grow challenging after governor gavin newsom is recent moves to crack down on encampments throughout the state as hard. meantime, leighton says proposed encampment sweeps will only push people to do weekend. that's and they're going to go find another place to live and the trash in the crime and problems will will continue to present. this is just groundhog day all over again in sunnyvale. jack moment. kron 4 news. >>well, many homeless encampments are being cleared across california. some san francisco leaders are pushing back on the statewide call for homeless encampments, sleeps
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supervisor. dean preston says he feels the governor's executive order criminalizes homeless people. >>issued the invitation and authorize cities and states across the nation to criminalize. sweet. homeless people from the crime homeless, even when they're not offered anywhere to go. >>meanwhile, mayor london breed says she'll consider enforcing criminal prosecution against the homeless. refuse service says the mayor's office says they expect the 9th circus to officially lift the injunction this week. that means san francisco will be able to implement new policies and sweep these camps in accordance with the supreme court decision. the park fire burning near chico is now the 5th largest fire in california state history. some residents are now able to return home, but there are mixed emotions with some are turning to their house. still standing while some have lost everything.
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zach boetto reports from fars ranch in few county. >>behind me is big chico creek canyon residents who live along forest ranch way, which backs up to this canyon, say their homes were fire prepared, but it still wasn't enough to stop the park fire from tearing through some of the homes on their street. returning home after the park fire for john mitchell who lives in forest ranch. >>was a blessing. my office is right there. >>and it's still standing and it didn't burn. and there is burned. parts of it our good neighbors have nothing. >>his neighbors, though, were not as lucky. the park fire. now, california's 5th largest fire on record ripping up the big chico creek canyon and burning up at least 3 homes along forest ranch road. but stopping short of jumping the road and getting the dons house. it's unbelievable. it's too close to home. to my
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right. you can see just how devastating the park fire was to big chico creek canyon. and to my left here, you can see. what was 3 homes which burned in the fire. was it a mobile home right there? that luann janey. there's friends of ours that live here in the neighborhood. >>next, there's 2 more else. is it? we're good neighbors to there. everything lost everything. it's heartening, especially when i saw the people, they're going to some of their stuff last night. after they let us come back in the year. >>john says he and all his neighbors had defensible space around their homes at the request of cal fire. but it wasn't enough to save all of the homes. he thinks the fire crews for what they were able to save and warns others whose homes are in line with where the park fire burns. now just
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do what they ask you to do. and that's all you can he's still with sku. that's what we did. and that's that's probably where houses are still standing. fire officials this evening warning that the smoke is expected to blow south. so those who live in the park fire radius or south of that, if you are smoke sensitive. >>they advise that you close your windows for the night reporting in forest ranch for kron. 4 news. i'm zach boetto. >>here at home, crews are gaining ground on the creek fire burning in alameda county. it's burning in seminole near the calaveras reservoir. it's burned more than 740 acres since it started on friday. it's 65% contained. that's 20% more since just last night. evacuation orders are in effect for areas east of fremont. keep it here for updates. another epic warning from the fda. experts say there have been problems in the process of mixing the popular weight-loss drugs
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resulting in overdoses, symptoms of an overdose can include vomiting dangerously low blood sugar and more. a severe overdose may need to be monitored for an extended period. the fda is encouraging health care providers to be more careful when they're prescribing or ministry. the drug. 7 million pounds of ready to eat deli meat. is nasa ready after all? boar's head is recalling more than 71 products nationwide. this includes ham salami and bologna. the recalls are tied to an ongoing outbreak of listeria poisoning that has already killed 2 people and sickened nearly 3 dozen in 13 states. the affected me where package between may 10th and july 29th under the boar's head, an old country. brand names. and the rainbow flag that currently towers above san francisco's castro district could soon be designated as a city landmark. san francisco's board of
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supervisors gave preliminary approval for that today the flag celebrates the late harvey milk's election to the city's board of supervisors decades ago. according to the harvey milk foundation, the election made him one of the first openly elected officials in the country. what a great designation for this area. a ne
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schools from forcing teachers to tell parents if a child identifies as a different gender and class one north bay school district is on board. kron four's will tran is in nevado with the latest. many school districts will be back in school about a week or 2
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from now. and when they do. >>there are new teachers and new laws that everybody needs to get used to the lull that was in place for many locations now is the law of the land throughout california, including school districts like the one right behind me in novato unified school district, which means that moving forward. if a child identifies as a different gender goes from him to her today. well, before the school district was required to call their parents, letting them know exactly what's going on, how their child identifies as school. that is no longer allow. the child now has privacy rights. governor gavin newsom actually signed this law into effect a couple of weeks ago saying that telling a parent, especially if the child did not tell the parent that is outing the child and could create friction and tension at home. so he signed this in the had the support of many school districts
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throughout california. in fact, california is the first state in the nation to enact this law uniformly. there are 13 other states completely opposite of california. they require their school districts to call parents whenever their child identifies as a different gender. so this is nothing that is uniform across the country as light even uniform as far as acceptance within california, there are many school districts who fought against this saying that the parents, they have the right to know exactly what's going on with their child, especially since that child is a minor. and this is basically stripping the rights away from parents. not only this law require that school districts basically. keep silent about this, not tell their parents. it has the infrastructure in place to protect staff members, including teachers and principals from any retaliation from parents who might not like this new law.
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kron four's your local election headquarters as we feel he waves an destructive wildfires across the state. >>a new poll shows nearly 8 in 10 likely california voters say climate and the environment are among their top issues. this election, our state capitol correspondent eytan wallace spoke with the poll director and breaks down the results. >>78%. that's the number of likely california voters who say the environment is important to them and will play a factor in how they vote in the upcoming election. those figures coming from a poll conducted by the public policy institute of california or ppi see, i think was startled dresses. >>you know, the amount of attention that people have environmental issues today that affecting them personally bar called the saris. the poll director. he notes the survey comes as the state response to
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destructive wildfires and sweltering heat in many areas. >>among the environmental issues, voters rank at the top of their list, climate change and greenhouse gases, loss of forests and wildfires and the need for an adequate water supply to respond to a future drought. this gives us an a glimpse into those issues that are the top tier. more specifically where people talking about when they say, >>you know, the environments on mind. finding 60% of californians do not support governor newsom's efforts to ban the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035. but three-quarters of respondents do support efforts to tax corporations based on the carbon emissions. they produce. >>what's more? 59% of likely california voters say they support a 10 billion-dollar climate bomb set to appear on the ballot this november. if it passes, the bond will fund several projects related to wildfire prevention forest management, safe drinking
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water, drought and flood resiliency and coastal erosion. democrats support if approved in november. this funding will be a really important step our efforts to adopt our communities to adopt our entire state. >>to the realities of climate change, but many legislative republicans feel differently. they argue the bond proposal is irresponsible fiscal policy because bombs require the state to borrow money and paid back with interest in a later date. borrowing is very expensive. >>the phrase that i've always loved the insidious thing about borrowing money is yeah, you have to pay it back. >>and to be clear on the issues, this poll focused mainly on the environment and climate. the pull director says it's important to note a recent survey see conduct a show in addition to climate affordability and the economy remain top of mind for voters reporting at the state capitol. a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. it's been over a centur
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since then orleans massacre and for the first time city leaders are making sure history isn't forgotten. cole walker reports. >>on july, 30th 18, 66, about 200 black men gathered at the mechanics institute where the roosevelt now stands during the reconvene louisiana constitutional convention to peacefully protest for their right to vote when they arrived. mayor john t monroe led a mob of x confederates to the protesters and attacked them as a result. >>34 lives were lost that day. i was account for day and a member of 100 injuries happened that same day as a result of.
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>>the skirmish on the 100 38th anniversary of this tragedy. mayor latoya cantrell, along with superintendent and kirkpatrick will be making an apology to the victims marking it the first time a new orleans official has publicly apologize for the actions that took place that day. there will also be hanging a marker at a location as well. among those expected to attend the event or several descendants of the massacres victims, those folks have never gotten an apology. >>and never gotten any kind justice from this. so symbolically, what it represents is a step in the right direction. >>this won't be the first time a louisiana official has publicly condemned past tragedies. one such time was when former mayor mitch landrieu removed 4 confederate monuments across new orleans. plus, he says actions like these are just the start. i had a personal experience when governor john bel edwards
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issued a >>posthumous pardon for my and says the home of plessy. and one of the things he said was. >>stroke of his pen cannot change all the pain and hurt. it has happened over those years. but it's a step in the right direction. in southern ca
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more problems with criminals stealing copper wire from anywhere they can get their hands on it. officials are responding now with the task force to crack down on the thieves and hold them accountable. jennifer mcgraw are is in downtown la with the latest. >>diesel steal just about anything they can get their hands on meltdown and traded
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for cash. whether that's a catalytic converter copper wire or even a fire hydrant. a major bust in downtown la thanks to a heavy metal task force of officers and city leaders cracking down on copper theft and other scrap meal crimes. >>making 82 arrests and recovering 2000 pounds of stolen wire. >>the city, all san jos is no longer your atm machine. >>l a council members, kevin de leon and tracy parks vow to assemble a task force after city streets and recently renovated 6th street bridge went dark. >>wire theft is not a victimless crime. the city has spent tens of millions of dollars on repairing damage caused by the thieves. most of whom use hand saws to saw right through metal panels. >>back in january, de leon said in his district alone, 3700 lights across the city were out, not just expensive to 6, but also a great security threat to the public.
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>>it impacts the most vulnerable communities in the city of l a black and brown neighborhoods impacts use at parks impact senior citizens. single mothers at parks who get out of town by sundown because they're in fear for their life when they have to walk home. and it's not just impacting la but cities all around us in pasadena. >>they're working to make it harder for crooks to steal any unique historic city. the criminals are targeting expensive wiring. some of these currents are up to 3,000 votes which can be lethal. >>so that believe a condition on the public right away. now we need to remedy right away. the city of pasadena now even offering thousands of dollars as reward both pasadena la city officials telling these criminals who abused the public infrastructure that we've all had enough. >>that we're cracking down. and that people will, in fact, be held accountable for their conduct and cities are getting clever, finding out how to keep these out of the infrastructure in the city of
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pasadena is also offering a $10,000 reward leading to a tip to an arrest here in downtown la jennifer macgraw ktla. 5 news. >>some iphone users are already trying out apple intelligence plus met as a new fun ai selfie generator. rich demuro has those stories in rich on tech. >>here's what's happening in the tech world. some iphone users are already going hands-on with apple's new ai features called apple intelligence. apple released a beta software update for developers which includes some of the new apple intelligence features like a new version of siri email. some reason. smart replies. better photo search ai writing tools and improved notifications. now the features are only available for the newest iphone, 15 pro models running developer beta software and some features like image generation and emoji creation aren't available just yet. now, according to bloomberg, i will not launch with the new
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iphones in september but might come as a software update as early as october. meta has created one of the easiest and most fun ai selfie makers yet it's called. imagine me. and it uses your photos to create images of you in different scenarios. you can say imagine me as a superhero. imagine me on a beach or pretty much anything else. you can think of. you can even change in aspect of the picture after it's generated. imagine me is rolling out to users inside facebook, instagram, whatsapp and messenger. you can start the future by chatting with meta ai in say imagine me. it will ask you to take a few selfies to start the process and the photos it generates are some of the best i've seen. fair warning. this is a lot of fun. you'll probably way some time playing with this new feature. if you want instructions on how to access it, go to my website. rich on tech dot tv. i'm rich demuro. that's richaun tack. it's almos
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am summer fest. it's an event that celebrates bay area music culture, fashion food and a lot more. tell us more about this event. kron four's terisa stasio spoke with rapper. i am sue. >>kind of food. talking about. >>we talk about different types of food. it takes place california's great america. my personal favorite is funnel cakes. chicken tenders. time do. but anything that looking for, they got it there. so. >>all types of stuff. >>very good. tell us a little bit about how you got involved in that sand and kind of the takeaway for everybody
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watching. >>so basically i'm summer fest started in 2015, we had the first one the regency ballroom and then from there went to the war into the fox theater, made wages all over s norco. and in last year we link that with california's great america and is expanded of crazy brought it outside, which was initial vision for the whole festival. running it back again. it was just a great turnout. people was riding rides in this, taking the music just had a complete blast. so just a great event. >>the riser fit spectacular. my daughter's always love going there for so is it. does it start tell me a little bit about the parameters of when it starts, how long goes on that kind of stuff so we can get that out. absolutely. so the park opens at 10 in the they close at 10 at night. >>the concert itself starts 0:00pm in the redwood ampitheater and with your ticket, you get access to the water park, that theme park and the kind of certain that we end it with a big fireworks show.
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>>my favorite is the water park. i have to admit. so do you go on on the rise when you're there? i'm just curious. >>i'm a little wishy-washy with the big roller not go it, but i will get on sunrise. we'll just the whole vibe a newsman park in just combining that with music is just such a >>just fun. seeing all that and a background like the view from the amphitheater incredibly see. brides on this side and you turn see levi stadium just like a crazy no atmosphere. they light up the trees and everything. so it's really going to be cold returns or really cool. i like all part as well. >>what is going to be kind of the flavor of the music. what are you going to sing? >>you know, i'm going through all my songs. my whole bringing a lot of people from heartbreak, gang. the group on part of some local other bay area artists. yeah, like this bay area, hip-hop of tempo fund sing-along. the party
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good vibes? >>so the ticket price includes being able to stay later and watch the shows cracked. >>yeah, the show takes place during park hours. the park closes at 10. so the thinking includes like i said, the concert, the theme park. you can get there from 10 to 10 have a whole day kids under 3 are free, you know, saying it is is a family-friendly event. we're not going to be isn't any stage? is that like those good everybody bring the famine come through. >>so it starts at 07:00pm cracked. absolutely very good. anything else that you think that you'd like to share? >>i just appreciate all the support. i'm grateful for this opportunity and, you know, just to bring something positive to bay area and just showcase the music and culture. i want to do this for years to come. >>excellent. thank you very much for joining us today. thank you for having me. the 2024 games in paris marks the one 100th anniversary of the last time the city hosted the olympic summer games. >>and for one family, the desire to travel to paris was
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personal. jack doles tells us why. >>is for steve 100 yeager and his family? the paris games was a bucket list event. i got older, i said, i know this is really, really cool. and i want to be at the 100 th-anniversary was olympics. and so in paris was awarded. i think in 17 us i've got to go 100 years ago. steve's grandfather, harold osborn, won 2 olympic gold medals. it list >>he won the high jump and then a calf long and because he won the decathlon, you know, world's greatest was pretty special. and to this day, he still the only to kathleen to win 2 medals in the same games. crazy thing is he died in 1975. i was 15 years old. you know, i didn't really know. did not talk about the olympics all that much and what he did. he was a very humble guy. his family is more than happy to boast about his accomplishments. steve paraded around france with a commemorative t-shirt. they also made a stop at the stadium. it all happened. it's
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still standing and still in use of crazies. it to to know did what he i just also good because i think when you do when you say like that. >>the 24 games is among the greatest in olympics history. it was a more lives by the movie chariots of fire. >>and he knew all those people and charles panic or whether was the sprinter who was in that movie. you know, they have letters back and forth. and so they travel on a boat po whole team must have known each pretty well panic. eric lindell pub owner johnny weissmuller were among the stars of the 24 games. but in his own quiet way. so was harold osborn. yeah, i i love talking and steve takes great pride in his grandfather's legacy. >>back in his home in illinois, he still has some of his olympic memorabilia, a team jacket and cuff links. he used to have the gold medals. but those have been given the herald's beloved alma mater, the university of illinois, whether being put on display
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for all to see. senators say ch
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competing with the u.s. for influence in every region of the world and they consider it one of the most significant challenges for the u.s. lawmakers want to know what other ideas can be utilized to combat beijing's agenda. washington correspondent basil john has that story. >>the u.s. needs to step up its game to compete with china's actions on the global scale. u.s. deputy secretary of state kurt campbell told lawmakers we will have to invest substantial resources,
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build internal capacities in our government and with our institutions to contest everywhere. campbell says if the u.s. can take a more active role diplomatically and more countries in africa and asia will welcome the u.s. over china. our value proposition is strong military technologically education, everything. >>many lawmakers agree. it's important to add basa ders to fill these international relations gaps. how higher priority is it for united states senate to confirm particularly career ambassadors where we have so many that are vacant today? >>it's a place that really the chinese are taking it to us is an international organizations. have to be able to contest their indiana republican. senator todd young is concerned about china still portraying itself as a developing nation. >>when he says it clearly isn't. are we trying to deal with the crusie reform certain issues in the multilateral
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development banks and the international financial institutions we need. we need more help along the road. campbell noted that better relations with african countries might grant access to rare earth minerals, u.s. technology and defense development reporting in washington. i'm basil, john surveillance and repression. >>the acting director of the secret service says his agency failed its mission. he testified on capitol hill weeks after the assassination attempt of former president donald trump. washington correspondent vinay simlot explains what we've learned so far about the security planning. >>the acting director of the secret service said he couldn't defend the planning for the security for that event. he told senators that he didn't know why the roof that the gunman used wasn't secure. he also said secret service agents didn't know that local law enforcement saw the gunman on the roof moments before the shooting. what i saw. >>made me ashamed. shame. the
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acting director of the secret service says for the failures happened. >>led to a gunman firing at former president donald trump. i think this was a failure of imagination. a failure to challenge our own assumptions. the acting director says he laid on the roof less than 150 yards from where the former president was speaking. the place where thomas matthew crooks tried to take the former president's life. i could not. and i will not. and i cannot understand why there was not. better coverage or at least somebody. looking at that roof line. investigators say about 30 minutes before the shooting local law enforcement shared a photo of crooks in a group chat moments before the shooting. one confronted crooks on the roof. but the acting director says his agents didn't know this was happening. it is troubling to me that we did not get that information as quickly as we
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should have. republicans accuse the acting director of deflecting blame to local police, but we're still not getting straight answers, but somebody has got to be fired. i have lost sleep over that for the last 17 days and just like fire somebody. now the acting director says that a secret service counter sniper shot and killed. >>thomas matthew crooks seconds after he fired at the former president. investigators believe he was able to get off 8 rounds in washington. i'm some lot. stock
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ahead of wednesday's fed announcement on rates and
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america's national debt hit a new milestone. here's david lazarus with money. smart. >>hey, there are a mixed day on wall street with the nasdaq seeing a big sell-off ahead of major tech earnings from the likes of meta, apple and amazon. after the closing bell today, microsoft posted its quarterly results. overall, the revenue was up, but its cloud computing division didn't quite hit the mark. and that's why in after-hours trading, its shares were down. starbucks also missing analysts expectations in its after the bell report as well hanging over the market as well was a two-day meeting of the federal reserve. it began today. traders will be watching very closely tomorrow to see what fed chief jerome powell has to say or not say about a possible september rate cut. also crowdstrike, that company that was behind that huge computer outage in recent days. its shares were down 10% amidst reports delta has hired a high powered lawyer to possibly sue the company for damages. now,
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let's look at a very, very big macroeconomic problem. and that is the national debt. it has hit. 35 trillion dollars for the first time ever. i know that's a big number. what does it look like? it looks like this. that's right. that's a 35 with 12 zeroes attached to it. it's an enormous number. and it's basically the latest milestone on our long road to fiscal recklessness. now, what does this mean for you? what it means is our interest payments on that debt. keep going up. we're not paying roughly 1 trillion dollars a year in interest on that debt. that's 1 trillion dollars that is not going to building roads or building bridges or building schools. instead, it's going to saudi arabia and china and other holders of our debt. that's a real issue. moreover, the nonpartisan congressional budget office estimates are interest payments double within the next 10 years. back to you. >>in today's entertainment
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report, a look at usher is new concert film and a child with megan trainor about her new album, timeless. here's dayna devon with entertainment report. globally renowned triple threat usher is giving his fans the ultimate concert experience in movie theaters this fall. >>this is just a snippet of usher's concert film called rendezvous in paris film last
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year during paris fashion week. the concert film will arrive in cinemas around the world for a limited run beginning september 12 tickets to the movie will go on sale. august 6th. and the internet has lovingly coined her as mother. and she is, in fact, a mother of 2. we chatted with megan trainor today about life, her new album and just being no, not that snow to him all. >>and the limit. maison that. nothing. of front of >>is honesty. so important to you as a mom. >>and honest and timeline see a lot of comments of like, oh, my feel so long are all need
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to. and then i long. so i kind early what i was trying to figure out. well, i can just order carson. daly did a whole segment on and it was something that i did physically send to my mom and say here's how i'm feeling and just all i get it so with anything with motherhood. i know how hard it just being part just being a mom and i i just wanted to like. i just asked for so much help. and i wanted to make that clear tell other moms like you could ask for help. you are such a breath of fresh air. thank you so much for everything that you put out in the world and all of your honesty, especially as a mom. thank you for that. >>it is so lovely talking with you. all of us were excited to hear from you. thank you again. meghan's new album timeless is out now. if that is your entertainment report here in hollywood, i'm dayna devon. more news now,
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let's get a check on the latest weather in the bay with kron. 4 chief meteorologist lawrence karnow lawrence. >>there's a little fog out there right now. but overall, i think the weather pretty nice to us least the last few days. we're gonna start to heat things up, though, in the next few as we get toward the weekend, some places getting hot in some of the valley. so here we go out the door tonight. we do have that fog that has made its way inside the bay bumping up against the east bay hills and start to move inland overnight tonight. pretty thick up toward the golden gate bridge as we speak. in fact, likely going to see some drizzle overnight tonight special on the coastline temperatures. yeah, started to creep up just a bit today at least 2 to 4 degrees warmer in many parts of bay area. even 7 degrees warmer today in santa rosa. that's what it's going to work out. we've got high pressure now
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that started to build in overhead. so a slow leave stay. these temperatures really going to start to warm up as we head toward the weekend, 18 degrees. a really nice day in san jose ad. also mount dew, 82 degrees in little more. just slightly below the average 86 in concord of hot, 90 in antioch. 72 in oakland today. and 66 degrees in san francisco. so overall, pretty decent day outside tonight. yeah, that thick fog kind of settling in tomorrow morning start out very similar like we did today, although the clouds going to burn off earlier by tomorrow afternoon. so mostly sunny skies and then warming up as we head in toward the remainder of this week. temperatures out the door right now. you've got some 50's coast side and cloudy skies. a little dense fog along the immediate coastline as well. 16 alameda. it is currently 66 in fairfield, a warm 74 in vacaville. so high pressure beginning to build in again as a ridge starts to strengthen, going to see a lot less fog in the coming days. so high pressure going to start to sneak in here over the next as it builds probably see a little monsoonal moisture wraparound that ridge to some to watch out for as we
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get toward the weekend, likely to see a couple of thunderstorms popping up over the sierra nevada and then we have to worry about the possibility of more fires. that ridge is not going to be around forever, though. i think it's going to weaken as we head toward the middle of next week. but tomorrow, yeah, it looks like a day that's going to be very similar. we'll see temperatures in the 60's in the san francisco 50's and 60's along the coastline. that drizzle start out today was very wet out there early on this morning. a 69 degrees in millbrae about 6 for south san francisco, breezy in the afternoon. again, 70's you make way down the peninsula. 78 in mount view, the south bay enjoying lots of sunshine. temperatures pretty comfortable the 80's outside. 85 degrees in san jose may be as high as 90 though, get on the hot side in livermore. 88 dublin about 92 in concord. so here we go. those temperatures starting to heat up inland and that's going to be so slowly warming up over the next couple days. in fact, here's your 10. a 10 getting a little bit hot as we head into the weekend mid 90's into saturday. well, maybe even near triple digits as we get toward tuesday after that looks like those temperatures are going to come back down. the trade deadline has come
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and gone and this guy is still a giant blake snell with the subject of some pretty legitimate. >>trade rumors over the past couple of weeks in really it made complete sense. snow seemed to be a pretty good asset for teams looking to make a playoff run and a giant seemed to be going in the opposite direction. but clearly in the front office, they saw it differently. in other news, alex cobb, he's on the move. mark hanna, he's coming back to the bay and for paul blackburn had been ship as well. now, speaking of these 2 squads, how about some bay bridge series? i see we are already starting to highlight very early. that was my guy. let's go to the second highlight. this is lawrence butler drive into center field. he's going to go deep to center. solo home run. it is 2 to nothing just like that. top of the 5th gray's get burned again this time by brent rooker. again. that
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ain't coming back. a's extend the lead to 4 onlookers. 26 home run of the season. jp sears was dealing for oakland here in the 7th. he gets elliott ramos right here, ramos agree with that. the list up no, and he gets off down here. bob melvin. coming out to kind of take up for his guy to no avail. of course. giants would make some noise in the end, it was really never closed a lose this 1, 5, to 2, 1, all right. to the football field. a couple of goats at practice. of course, frank gore, jerry rice. >>it's day 2 of pads at 9 camp and word out of the niners hq that the defense has been winning. most of the reps, brock purdy threw 3 interceptions yesterday and another for today, of course, is just practice quarterback the amador lenoir. he's been very vocal about his unit and the chip on their shoulder and
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that kind of desire to prove that that's super bowl performance was a fluke. >>we're just a bad taste in our mouth that was left. we you know, we're planning a super bowl and losing big game. you know, we just got a chip on our shoulder. you we're ready ready to get back to some guys were and i believe one of them, guys, you always. but the challenge of myself, you know, i'll never point fingers. you know, at 8 take miles as a man and tournament lessons. >>and that does it here for us at kron-on will be back with the morning news at 5 o'clock. i'm stephanie rothman. thanks for watching.
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♪ ♪ >> nischelle: tonight... [sirens] angelina jolie and brad pitt's son pax hospitalized after a crash. new details on his condition.


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