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tv   KRO Non News  KRON  July 31, 2024 11:30pm-1:30am PDT

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for. >>the area's local news station. >>good evening. you're watching kron-on live on air and online. i'm stephanie rothman. we're learning more
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about the man who lost his van in a fire in berkeley this morning. the van was his home. he's also okay. cancer patient at stanford health care. and as doctor is trying to help him raise money for his treatments. kron four's gayle ong has the details. >>and early wednesday morning fire in berkeley damage. ryan sixes van. the van was parked next to this building on himes avenue near 7th street.a passerby woke 6 up and that's how he says he got out. grabbed the dogs, got my backpack, mikey's my wallet. whatever i could. good good. my bike. unfortunately, i we got out of percent. basically safe is my doctor. kristin gangi who is an oncologst at stanford health care. she's been taking care of 6 for the last 4 years. she says 6 has stage 4 of a rare form of cancer called sarcoma and he has been getting chemo after chemo. i say you can on the street gave this chemotherapy his it gets on foot and for your skin.
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>>it's very toxic to the skin after kron, 4 story aired doctored and you set up a fundraiser to help pay for his treatments. and a new home very dedicated. he's got 3 dogs, very dedicated stocks and very nice person. very sweet. everybody in my clinic lots hopefully maybe bad number 3 will be a stand-up man with a kitchen. this might be a blessing. >>i'm trying to look at positively 6 staying optimistic after losing his home. >>and it's this positive attitude that he also shares with staff at doctor ganges clinic. jacqueline solomon is an intern there after hearing a story and talking with him. he's out. he said, like. keeping of like being with his dogs like being happy is. not area care cancer, but isn't it definitely other heart? meantime, the cause of the fire is under investigation, but crews say there was a
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homeless encampment near the building and that the fire may have started there. >>and we are told 6 does have a place to stay for a month. we posted a link to his fundraiser on kron 4 dot com gayle ong kron. 4 >>a measure provide more support services to berkeley's and house will be on the ballot this november. the mayor and city council are moving forward with a measure to receive funding from property transfer tax is berkeley's mayor says the ballot measure is based off proven strategies that help or clean reduce its unhoused population. by 45%. and mayor london breed acted on her pledge to get more aggressive with clearing out homeless encampments in the city. this comes just days after governor newsom order local governments to start dismantling homeless encampments. today, police officers, san francisco's how a homeless outreach team and others all cleared out encampments throughout the city. this is including areas near the tenderloin and civic center. members of the
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homeless outreach team say more on howe's people might accept their services because of the sweeps. >>responses might get. now it might be a little bit faster that what you before, you know, because know that things changing. and course, when this happened after we offer services. i have to just people are going well, i don't want to get in trouble. actually take take you up you know, the office. >>according to the healthy streets operations center, they will continue conducting these sweeps and say they'll now be able to address residents who try to go back cleared encampments. in northern california, the park fire that started near chico has now expanded to almost 390,000 acres. the man is at 18%, almost 6,000 firefighters have responded to the fire. it's now the 5th largest in state history. the person suspected of starting the fire due back in court tomorrow. and the creek fire burning east of fremont is 85%
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contained. as of right now, crews containing 10% of the fire just today. >>it's burned more than 740 acres. >>some of the activation warnings are still in effect for the area. now, let's get a check on weather and on the weather conditions for those fires. for that, we turn to kron 4 chief meteorologist lawrence karnow. >>had some of that haze in our skies from the fires around the bay area. most that has been aloft. and so about 10,000 feet or so, not having to worry about it down below. but i think we'll see a little bit more again for tomorrow. in fact, out there tonight, not a bad night around the bay area. we're watching that. patchy fog move in. but high pressure begins to build in. and usually when that ridge builds in dallas starts to trap and only squash them. remember trump, some of the plumes a little bit lower toward the service. beautiful shot, though, from the berkeley hills. look at that. the fog lit up in some of light from the berkeley area right now. but out over the bay, the fog continuing to spread out the cap make its way all the way of the hills. now, numerous fires burning around the state. the one that
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we're watching right now is the pedro fire. that one right there is the one responsible for bringing some of that. he's back in the bay area today and maybe again tomorrow. here's a surface smoke forecast model and yeah, right now we've had that nice onshore breeze. that really helped clear our skies. but the continues to burn. forecast models are starting to pick up on maybe some of that smoke working his way back in the bay area as we head toward tomorrow afternoon, especially and then a strong sea breeze kicks in late in the day and it starts to clear out skies again. so maybe a little hazy and parts of bay area. some of the interiors right now, they're quality looking fantastic. we're all in the green outside just where we want to a tomorrow that may suffer just a little bit as high pressure builds overhead. i think maybe in the north bay start to see a little haze. you might see a little bit to the east bay. they got wise looking good around the rest, the bay area. and i think that's the way it is going to stay at least for here. other parts of the state. and they are definitely not as lucky. of course, you get in and around those active fires it toward the park fire. they're looking at some very poor, some the worst air quality right now. and southern california, numerous
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fires continuing to bird in that direction that calling some issues there. but for now, unless the wind changes direction, looks like the barrier work out, ok, just a little hazy tomorrow afternoon. lawrence. >>a community meeting tonight in the east bay about air quality in homes. dozens of packed people and nevin community center in richmond are hearing from a neurologist doctor brett andrews. he explained how certain home appliances, including gas stoves, pose health risk to families. he also said many families in richmond are especially vulnerable because of their vicinity to other pollutants, such as the chevron refinery. >>communities are usually directly associated or near a sources fire rates air pollution from outdoors and those mixed together. lucian. >>nonprofit alliance of californians for community empowerment action, organize that meeting. and we're just
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about 5 months left in the oval office. president biden is aiming to wipe out more student debt today. the department of education started e-mailing millions of americans about penn potential debt relief options that they could soon qualify for. borrowers who owe more money now than when they first started repaying their loans are among those who could soon see their debt forgiven. president biden announced the plan back in april. it's not held up by republican led lawsuits. it will take effect this fall. >>has very still very, very focused on making sure we're delivering on the initiatives on the goals that we set out to do in the beginning of this administration. >>last year the supreme court struck down biden's first plan for a wide scale student debt relief. and since then, the president has used executive action to forgive debt for specific groups bars with the clock ticking now on his time in office, seems he's trying to wipe out as much student debt as possible. the administration has already canceled more than 160 billion
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dollars in debt for tens of millions of americans.
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>>as the bay area continues to grapple with the fentanyl crisis. san francisco lawmakers this week announced new legislation to tackle the issue offering to pay people up to $100 a week to stay sober. for more on this kron 4 stephanie lin spoke with city supervisor matt dorsey who introduced the proposal this week. so super visor. we know that mayor london breed has thrown her support behind this. >>so how do you envision this program is pass to work?
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>>the programs help a sobriety and recovery. almost incentive for adults who are in the chat and who seeking public assistance. san franciscans remember back in march, he passed proposition half which required that individuals who are deficient or seeking to get public have to be assessed for substance use disorder if they are positive for a substance use disorder or addiction will be referred treat it what my legislation proposes is to offer treatment option. it would be a contingency management program that strategy medicine. there are words could be here instead of punishing bad behavior. so it would be to writing every incentive to require individuals on to be drug tested they test
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negative. then they could get a bonus of up to $100. now could be something that starts at $25 a week while $50 week to $7500 200. per week thereafter to work on behavior. but i want to give experts, the public professionals, the flexibility getting to the program as we move forward. it's a supervisor. how do you make sure that participants through the program would be held accountable and that >>folks won't fall back into addiction? >>well, it's thing is that drug testing richmond? pretty sophisticated. they're going to be it is always possible in some circumstances to but i'm going to working with the toxicologists and the people who do these kinds of drug programs to make sure this is something that is not going to be use. but i will just say as somebody who has listen, really open about my own recovery from addiction and
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alcoholism. it's my own journey that to ask for job for supervisors. first from mayor breed but this is personal to me. and i really to believe that there's a better life on other side addiction. we just got to do more to help people get there. and i think this you know, approach a little more carrot than stick. but honestly, we need both carrots and sticks. contagious match is strategy and addiction treatment? has been studied for decades and it deemed to be one of the most effective treatments we have. this would be one of the marshfield contingency management program. so captured. but i think we have a big problem and we need to run big solutions. >>and supervisor, how much are you thinking that this is going to cost the city and where's the funding going to come from? >>so one of things contingency
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management is it is a strategy that reimbursable see medicaid california has dedicated funding to reimburse local governments, for contingency progress. in addition to that, we have contingency. there contingency management reprieve fund to that problem created. so it could be from the funding that created as part of proposition. have which is a fund it's going to be created for a savings. but i actually would think. one thing to remember is the only people who are going to benefit from program are the people who are getting and staying sober. and i'm going to. richard, that there's going to be much outcomes for people who choosing to get off of trucks for trucks. so i think this is going to be a program that's going to lot of success. it's a pilot program. so only going last for 3
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years. we have a funding source from the state funding as well. but we have some flexibility in how is going to work. and the department human services will have the option of sending limit on how many persistence there are so that we can scale up the right way. i want to make sure that this is an effective program before we do that out but we're hoping my expectation is it's going to be success. all right. couple of questions here for you supervisor do you have a message for people who question why the city is? >>the king of paying people to stay away from drugs compared to perhaps other means of prevention. >>well, right now, under california counties have to provide it. >>public assistance to end of indigent individuals as part of what we hear sarah, to so-called county adult assistance program or cap. so
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it's a staple part that we do so we already provide funding for indigent individuals with no strings attached. >>the >>on trucks for would be strings attached would say is we're going a little bit extra. have to submit to weekly drug tests and you've got to be negative for the i think that incentivizing good behavior. i can tell you i much of the downtown market in south of market area. one thing that i think many of my and i agree on you know, people can talk about almost problem and retail theft problems for those of us who are really seeing it up close its trucks. that's a problem. if we make progress in getting people on the other side of addiction, i think we're going to see progress on like retail country conditions almost most importantly, we will see progress what has
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been called the greatest loss of life we've seen for a public health crisis try do stunts ever. >>all right. francisco city supervisor matt dorsey representing district 6. [ navigation ] stay straight for the next 200 miles. ♪ hey, come on, come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ ♪ what could go wrong? ♪ ♪ come on, come on, come on ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ do what you want ♪ get into an audi and go your own way.
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the first time since california's $20, fast-food minimum wage took effect in april. the state's brand new fast food council met to hear directly from workers and franchisees. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace was there and shares what business owners and employees had to say about how the law has impacted them thus far. >>he said.
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>>cheers and celebration from fast-food workers as they attended the state's first fast food council meeting since california's minimum wage took effect last april. see winning. but groom? well, because of cruise is among those who came in person employee at a wendy's franchise in oakland. she spoke to us in spanish about how the $20 fast-food minimum wage has improved her financial situation that has seen them win its been really good because i can now put more food on the table. and and in my fridge and pay my rent on time, which was always a challenge. but on the flip side for franchisee take their tour. it's been tough. he owns and operates an arby's restaurant in northern california. i have been forced to raise prices. i tried to do the best i can. >>i have taken money out of our own savings to make things work this last quarter. but i do not know how long they will be able to sustain something like that moving forward. >>but 4 months after the fast food minimum wage law took effect. there's still confusion on who is exempt
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from it. while fast food, restaurants and airports, museums, hotels, gambling establishments and event centers are exempt. the law says nothing about ice cream parlors. campbell, who owns a handel's homemade ice cream franchise in san diego, came to the meeting to make clear she received written messages from legislative staff who told her businesses that make and sell only ice cream were never meant to be included in the law. still in the end, nobody from state government ever for a final clear answer one way or the other. >>we've gotten the run around from one agency to the next to the next which led us here today to convey to the fast food council. 2, please take into consideration that ice cream parlors were not the legislative intent of the bill. when asked about the issue, the fast food council attorneys said that most likely will need to be clarified in the legislature itself. still, the council's chairperson is vowing to get to the bottom of small business owners. they're seeking clarity. and so i am
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when has been my position as chair dive into that. >>in the meeting that took place here, primarily focused on listening to industry stakeholders, but did not result in formal action. the fast food council next meet in september to decide who to hire as the council's full time executive officer reporting in tom wallace kron 4 news. >>more news
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(vo) meet fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. fargo makes banking faster, and easier. (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! (vo) lets you pick up the tab, even if you forget your wallet... (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) fargo puts important information at your fingertips. (dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no... (vo) want to see everything fargo can do? you can, with wells fargo.
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calling it quits in the bay area and a bell, candy company, the maker of rocky road and several other favorites is closing its. hey, we're location for good in the fall. the company said it will
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close in september after 74 years, but employees, they're already being let go. kron four's terisa stasio reports. >>everybody everybody they say know that samuel gonzalez, he says on monday he and other annabel candy company employees were told to sign a document and pick up their last checks today on wednesday. so stop so and how many years have working here by he says his colleague stella down us have worked at the hayward facility for 25 years and couldn't believe that they could be so cold. >>to just let her she working for like 25 years. >>so is hard, especially now with this is that economy love win debate that ran. we have to pay fees. >>anabel manufactures candy bars like rocky road know. bangkok.
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>>can be moved to hayward in 1965. we're going to miss they are a legacy company in our city. and we're very saddened. this really is a sad day. >>hayward mayor mark salinas says the birds bring back warm childhood memories. any says it's unfortunate to hear the facility's everywhere we went. we always either rocky road. our big banks with that weather was the movies. we we don't we go camping. salaita says that he hopes the company will help its employees in the city is working on finding a new business to take over the spot on industrial boulevard. but, you know, we do when they move out of the facility, that is a pretty large swath of land in the in the industrial sector. >>you i i can hope another company will come in with, you
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with >>footprint and you are supposed to work today? yes, it was we have to work this week. but up. >>they don't say nothing crossed or reached out to and about but have not heard back. the plan is to continue to make the candy bars just at a different facility. and hayward theresa kron, 4 news. >>kron a will
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>>challenging fire season for communities and firefighters alike. chloe curtis from our sister station in sacramento, spoke with cal oes and shares how the agency determines how and where to mobilize in times of need. >>you need to be ready. these
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fires are with extreme fire behavior. >>fire season is off to a hot start this year burning more than 763,000 acres across 4600 fires while surpassing 2023. when nearly 26,000 acres burned across 3700 fires. >>it's a combination of factors, including the last 2 years where we've had really wet winters and the grass has grown the fuels there. the conditions are there. >>it is the perfect storm. >>cal oes fire and rescue chief brian marshall says when it comes to getting the engines where they're needed. >>incidents place orders for firefighters. some fire engines just like the fire engine behind me. and cal, oh, yes, we move the orders across the state. and fire departments fill the orders. cal? oh, yeah. says it has about 300 fire engines that it's mobilize so far. but other agencies like cal fire
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and the u.s. forest service also have resources working up and down the state. cal oes says california is very unique and let the state's fire system is split into a north and south command center. >>meaning north fires get north resources in south fires, get south resources. >>now that's in a perfect world. >>not quite the case for the park fire that's burned 4 to 5,000 acres an hour with the park fire being so large. so devastating. >>you will see firefighters and fire engines from southern california on the park fire doing work, saving communities. cal oes is also mobilizing for the burrell fire, the largest blaze in kern county's history. >>even though the historic town to have a was nearly totally destroyed. as you drive through the fire area. you do see houses that firefighters were able to save in conjunction with the
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homeowners doing their defensible space. while there's still a long ways to go containing both fires agencies like how oes are working around the clock in communities up and down the state to save homes and save lives. >>either covering local news that matters. chloe curtis fox, 40 news. fake parking tickets are showing up on some vehicles in southern california. >>it's a new scam that uses a code to try to access your personal information. alina abovian shows us what to look out for. >>there will be safe tickets. they look a very real, very easy to be deceived by them. and the whole purpose is to get your personal information to get your credit card information. hammer, police say really want the public to be aware of this new scam and some of the citations while they're taking place right here in downtown all hambre. so take a look. this is what it looks like. these images were sent to what some him. police department and it sort of looks like a store receipt. the number one thing to look out for when it comes to these fake tickets is the qr code
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where people can could pay their fines. well, this is a scam. this is a fake ticket. so do not scan the qr code clicking the code can lead to either a fraudulent website or you might mistakenly download malware that could compromise your phone and your personal information. i think it's awful. i mean. >>seems like everyone, everywhere everything you do nowadays, every late have to be really careful. and now even everything nowadays is right now to get your money is i feel like this is just another one of those things that people to be careful. there's a lot of people get a lot of tickets around here. because parking. >>i street sweeping day. >>overnight, everything. so yeah. and yes, not uncommon to walk down the street. see 4, 5, people have tickets already. >>and a lot of unassuming people, people who don't get tickets often and may not be able to differentiate between the fake and the real. so this is what an actual ticket from el hamburg police looks like the department only has 2 kinds of citations, a yellow
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ticket in an envelope or a white citation. both for the public to the city of alhambra website, which is alhambra dot org city of alhambra dot org. now, take a look at this. if you think you have a fake ticket, if you think it looks suspicious immediately called the al hamra police department traffic citation. the phone number for that is 6 to 6, 570-5119. now back out here. we don't know exactly how many of these tickets have been given out, but >>the people who are giving them out, we don't know if they're dressed in police uniform and parking citation enforcement uniform. just look out if anything seems suspicious. reported directly to the alhambra police department. that is the very latest. i'm ellina abovian reporting here in alhambra, ktla. 5 news. los angeles count
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officials are taking a stand against governor gavin newsom's. recent directive that pressure is local leaders to dismantle homeless encampments. the board of from their stance on tuesday saying they want criminalize homelessness. reporter omar lewis is in la with more. >>that executive order from the governor now sparking another heated debate surrounding homelessness. as governor newsom pushes to clear encampments statewide la county leaders are holding their ground opting for what they call a more compassionate approach that leads to permanent changes. just days after governor newsom's executive order turned up the pressure on local governments to dismantle homeless encampments across california. la county leaders are sending a resounding message that they will not be criminalizing
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homelessness in a unanimous vote on tuesday. the la county board of supervisors reaffirmed their commitment to a strategy that spans 88 cities and addresses the needs of over 75,000 homeless individuals in the county. la county officials say they prefer a care first approach moving away from incarceration and toward supportive services with the ultimate goal, a permanent housing while the la county board of supervisors acknowledge the frustrations with encampments and rv's lining the streets. they emphasize the sentiment that simply clearing tents won't solve the problem. my position >>has and continues to be that i do not believe the criminalization of homelessness is quite frankly. i find it almost. ludicrous to think that we're going to shoot heart tickets, the individuals that are unhoused for you get another ticket and then another ticket and then have a warrant out for their arrest. >>for what? while the state cannot force cities to adopt
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these measures from the governor's executive order, they can incentivize them through funding. governor newsom's order instructs local and county governments to adopt policies consistent with those being used by caltrans and comes in response to a supreme court ruling granting governments greater authority to eradicate encampments. while some cities like san francisco have embraced the order. angeles county is remaining steadfast in that tier first approach. however, some residents called in to the board meeting on tuesday to express their frustration with the pace of the counties encampment efforts. >>have reexamine him prioritize park areas. we are changing fast we don't adequate delivery of mental health or drug rehabilitation services. >>and that motion passed before the board of supervisors now requires a new report to be created that provide solutions and addresses encampments given the governor's new executive order and that new supreme court ruling. that's the latest for now reporting from
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hollywood. i'm omar lewis will send it back to in the studio. >>and emotional plea from a widow searching for answers. a portland oregon woman's husband was shot and killed while working as a rideshare driver. now she's urging the suspect to do the right thing. reporter ariel salk has the details. >>you took my husband. my kids, his father. he didn't want to teach. we had nothing to do with it. he was just doing his job. kelly kelvin is going it. >>joshua house and was shot killed while driving for uber last month. he was just doing a job. to support myself in our 3 kids. when he was tragically taken. she's teaming up with get some work. right. your local, can you despite? >>the fact that we're competitors with each other when something happens to anybody who's a private for
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hire driver, it really impacts all of us. the private for higher transportation advisory committee which provides him put up by including regulations and procedures. >>will be presenting these rules, including creating a thorough vetting process for passengers prohibiting third-party writers and mandating cameras in the cars. something already required for taxis in the city. make. >>private for higher transportation is safe as it can be for everybody so that nothing like this ever has to happen again. the goal is to get approval from peabody on the changes and then taken to the city council to make it a code is rideshare companies push. >>passenger safety passenger safety. what about the drivers? >>don'stocks jump as the
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fed signals as a temper rate cut is on the table. >>and disney is reportedly making more job cuts. here's david lazarus with money. smart. >>hey there, the federal reserve as expected left interest rates unchanged today, but stocks took off like a rocket after fed chief jerome powell did say that september rate cuts are very much on the table. here's what powell had to say. our confidence is growing because we're even getting good data at the time is coming it, which will begin to be appropriate to dial back. >>that level of restrictions. that's all just a fed speak. the way of saying if the economic data hold up, then we will see a rate cut in september. and right now the inflation rate is running at 2.5% and approaching the fed's target rate of 2%. so we do seem to be moving in the right
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direction. the nasdaq took off in a big way because investors were showing their enthusiasm about all this by once again buying overpriced. tech stocks ai chip maker nvidia up 13% today. and then after the closing bell, facebook parent, meta crushed revenue expectations. not a surprise there, but it did also report that last 4 and a half billion dollars over the last 3 months. spending on the metaverse. >>meanwhile, disney reportedly making more cuts this time in its tv division. according to reports out there, disney is bringing the axed both national geographic and it's free form networks, perhaps cutting as many as 140 jobs. also, some of the abc tv stations are expected to feel the heat as well. ceo bob iger's been very busy trying to cut costs. he's cut about 8,000 positions since resuming the top spot in 2022. and he's also cut billions of dollars in overhead. disney reports its latest quarterly earnings next back to you. >>it could be just what the doctor ordered a blood test
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that can detect colon cancer has not been approved by the fda. the shield blood tests has the ability to open the door for more patients to screen for the potentially deadly disease. morgan francis spoke with a surgeon about the impact. >>almost all colorectal cancers are preventable. >>on any given day, doctor christian brown could go from office visits with patients to treat colorectal cancer through minimally invasive surgery. roughly one in. 25 people have an overall lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer. however, doctor brown says regular screening reduces that dramatically. the most important thing for patients to know is that treatable. if you catch it early enough, so show up for your routine colonoscopy. less than 60% of patients who are candidates for colonoscopies actually get the screening. but now a new fda approval could pave the way for an easier option. it's called the shield blood test. it starts detecting cancer
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when polyps that look like this start to develop during that process, the call rectal cancer starts to release little pieces of dna into your bloodstream called micro dna, which are sometimes detectable with specific blood tests. research by the new england journal of medicine shows the shield test was 83% effective at detecting colon cancer. however, it isn't as thorough as the gold standard colonoscopy, which can catch polyps before they turn cancerous. the blood test might be more convenient, though, for patients who don't go in for their routine screenings, possibly those who can take time off work. currently the test is available, but without the fda's approval, it costs almost $900 out of pocket with fda approval. that is going to make it more accessible for insurance companies to start paying for that test. >>reduce the cost to the at the end. and we may start to seeing that more frequently in the future. >>alameda county district attorney pamela price is standing by. a plea deal made
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with the man who pleaded no contest in a murder for hire scheme. the man shot and killed a well-known oakland dentist back in 2022. now kron four's dan kerman has the latest details. >>anytime you have a sentence that includes life as part of the sentence. it's not a light sentence. it's a life sentence. alameda county district attorney pamela price is standing by a plea deal. >>sheen. the son will get 15 years to life for the murder of popular oakland dennis lillee. she missed of us. i will have to go through a process if he's ever to be released. that the state of california will have to decide if he should not die in prison. he was on august 21st of 2022. when she was gunned down in oakland's little saigon neighborhood. surveillance video showing a car pulling up alongside her car. someone getting out and then the shooting. so initially it was thought to have started as a robbery. it turned out to be something much worse. murder for hire.
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investigators determined she's long-term partner, nelson chia hired the son to kill she then after his arrest, chia committed suicide, leaving the sun to face charges alone. this week the deal was announced with the pleading no where case was was off to a plea bargain, whether it was the right decision. wednesday price was asked about reports she son was upset with the plea deal and had accused her of having an agenda to reduce the prison population as a lawyer and someone whose practice law for 40 years. understand what my applications are and that is to make the best decision and often in plea bargains. it's not. it's not my personal decision. and so there's no >>personal agenda that happening around the county. we have 150 lawyers of which most of them are, in fact involved at least 87 of them
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are every day making plea decisions. playmaking offers a negotiating deals and they don't need my authorization to do price also said it's not our place to second guess the plea deals her prosecutors make and what they feel is in the best interest of justice, the defendant will return to court for final sentencing on august. 20th. >>dan kerman kron. 4 news. (vo) fargo, is the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. (woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card. i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo.
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(vo) fargo, is the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. (woman) oh, come on! come on! (vo) fargo lets you do this: (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card. i found it! i found my card! (vo) and also, this: (woman) fargo, turn on my debit card! (vo) do you fargo? you can, with wells fargo. sacramento waterfront area may be getting a facelift in the next few years. >>mayor darrell steinberg recently announcing plans to modernize the space in hopes of attracting more visitors.
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reporter kimberly cruz has the details on the proposal. >>many come for the history. i can remember back in the day to come. was younger. so it's just the nostalgia. and for some the feeling of the good old days still lingers through the streets. >>much the same except for the shops. number of shops decreased a little bit. not the sum of turnover are something different now. but >>it still has its charm. now we multimillion dollar project could bring forward plans to repair the deccan modernize the waterfront area. we can keep the historic nature of oled, sacramento and at the same time create something that's much more moderate. i mean, we're talking about elevated platforms to be able to view the river. we're talking about large public parks. we're talking about more restaurants. >>this could include renovating or replacing existing public market
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buildings, creating new public and performance spaces, rebuilding the worn wooden sidewalks and exploring activations to fill the real city cafe building. >>our waterfront is underutilized even today, right? i mean, that's part of the motivation for the 40 plus million dollar investment to attract a private investment. but thoughts on the proposed plans or split definitely looks more inviting and >>updated but you wouldn't be able to call goldsack anymore, right? i like that area. >>i think it's more community friendly. >>that places a sit down and relax. to see the river a little bit more because, know, you can't really see the down here and that many places people worried a good change would old. sacramento is known for keeping like the weight keep it old-school into the way it has been for years. don't. >>definitely like upgrade it. but do do too much if approved? the mayor says the modernization plan will be done in phases over the course of several years and be paid
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for by measure and funds. originally slated to open in august, slower pairs to a rundown. community pool in san leandro are delaying the facility from reopening for yet another summer. >>kron four's philippe to call explains why. >>cement mixers, lips, boots and hard hats instead of floaties belly flops and cannonballs in the deep end, how beneficial have been to have the that kids who had a great time, even though kids are preparing to return back to school, swim classes and other activities had already been scheduled at the san leandro family aquatic center and supposed to begin in august and september. but for the second time since closing mid summer 2022, the city says the pool's reopening has been delayed now until next summer. kind of stuff, you know, because summertime. you know, i know it's not that hot outside, but it was still be nice to go over their assistant public works. director tom says supply chain issues dating back to the
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pandemic. >>has slowed construction which ramped up in march. crews still need to resurface the pool refurbished the deck and slide. upgrade the play structure and install an 80 a lift to help people get into the water. just the way things have been for the last couple years, especially after covid supply chain issues and struggles to get contractors of what delayed the project its possible. but they still have long time ago. the city says the farley pool and the boys and girls club in town can accommodate those who signed up for classes at the aquatic center and offer full refunds. if that is prefer is looking forward to jumping into the pool after playing pickleball. but that's not going to happen. in a statement, the city apologizes for the inconvenience and appreciates the community's understanding. >>as it works to complete this project in san leandro. philippe djegal all kron. 4 news.
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>>now from kron 4, the area's local news station. >>welcome back. you're watching kron-on live on air and online. i'm stephanie rothman. we're learning more about the man who lost his van in a fire in berkeley this morning. it was his home and he's also a case. is cancer patient at stanford health care kron four's gayle ong has more details. >>and early wednesday morning fire in berkeley damage. ryan sixes van. the van was parked next to this building on himes avenue near 7th street. a passerby woke 6 up and that's
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how he says he got out. grabbed the dogs, got my backpack, mikey's my wallet. whatever i could. good good. my bike. unfortunately, i we got out of percent. basically safe is my doctor. kristin gangi who is an oncologist at stanford health care. she's been taking care of 6 for the last 4 years. she says 6 has stage 4 of a rare form of cancer called sarcoma and he has been getting chemo after chemo. i say you can on the street gave this chemotherapy his it gets on foot and for your skin. >>it's very toxic to the skin after kron, 4 story aired doctored and you set up a fundraiser to help pay for his treatments. and a new home very dedicated. he's got 3 dogs, very dedicated to stocks and a very nice person. very sweet. and everybody in my clinic lots hopefully maybe bad number 3 will be a stand-up man with a kitchen. this might be a blessing.
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>>i'm trying to look at it positively 6 staying optimistic after losing his home. >>and it says this positive attitude that he also shares with staff at doctor ganges clinic. jacqueline solomon is an intern there after hearing a story and talking with him. he's out. he said, like. keeping be like being with his dogs like being happy is. not a syria care cancer, but he's and it definitely other heart. meantime, the cause of the fire is under investigation. >>but crews say there was a homeless encampment near the building and that the fire may have started there. >>and we are told 6 does have a place to stay for a month. we posted a link to his fundraiser on kron 4 dot com gayle ong kron. 4 news. >>the alameda county district attorney is standing by. a plea deal made in the case of a man who shot and killed a well-known oakland dentist surveillance video from august of 2022. showed a car pulling
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up along next. he'll lilly shoes car in oakland's little saigon neighborhood. investigators later determined shoes. long-term partner, nelson chia higher has sheen bus to kill issue. then took his own life while in custody. well, this week, the district attorney pamela price said hasan had agreed to plead no contest to second-degree murder and faces 15 years to life in prison shoes, son criticize the da for having an agenda to reduce the prison population. >>a lawyer and someone whose practice law for 40 years. understand what my applications are and that is to make the best decision and often in plea bargains. it's not. it's not my personal decision. and so there's no personal agenda that happening around the county. >>price also went on to say it's not her place to second guess the plea deals her prosecutors make. what they feel is in the best interests of justice. the defendant will return to court for final
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sentencing on august. 20th. 3 more suspects connected to a deadly july for shooting are in jail tonight. the shooting in pittsburgh near the intersection of west 10th and qatar. streets left one man dead, a total of 5 people have been arrested so far, investigators have not yet said what led up to it. they're asking anyone with information to get them a call. now, let's turn to weather. and for that, we turn over to kron 4 chief meteorologist lawrence karnow lawrence. >>beautiful shot. the fog sometimes looking gorgeous as it starts to slip inside the bay tonight. you see it out there to just kind of a thin deck. and so you see the light shine through out there tonight, looking down from our sutro cam. see the lights down below the sales force building. yeah. just being covered by the fog. so a little bit over 1000 feet deep. so that rain, they're going continue to track into the bay. but the valley should stay mostly clear. it is dense in spots, though. you can see that out toward the golden gate bridge. temperatures. well, coach side, you're in the fog the 50's there. 55 in
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san francisco. 59 in oakland, a san jose checking in at 66. still mostly clear skies. 68 livermore still 70 warm and conquer. 55 degrees in santa rosa. 55 also in half moon bay, temperatures started to jump a bit today, especially inland as numbers heating up 6 to about 11 degrees in some of the interior valleys and well, that's a trend that will likely continue. in fact, getting in the nineties today in spots in the little bit above the average and live more in concord, 7 day for a high in napa. 78 also in hayward, 81 in fremont a warm 84 degrees in san jose. warmer temperatures are ahead. you know, she was black. >>tell a number of years ago when she happened to turn black and now she wants known black. >>former president trump questioning vice president harris's black identity. this happened during a tense interview in front of an audience of black journalists in chicago. trump repeatedly sparred with 3 black women moderating the national association of black
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journalists event. >>wall doing this. also trying to appeal to black voters. and already the harris campaign has responded saying trump's remarks are part of the chaos and division of his campaign. >>but others say this is all part of former president trump's plan to fire up his supporters. oakland city leaders are passing a law that protects disable renters. when elevators break down. it requires landlords to maintain elevators in a safe condition and relocate disable tenets when there's no access to and from their apartment. a resident can also decide if they want to accept this housing from the landlord, find their own or seek a reimbursement of $250 a night. the law only applies to buildings with 3 or more units and it goes into effect mid december. in san francisco, the board of supervisors has voted to ban software, but it says allows corporate landlords to price gouge their renters. the board says the technology gives corporate
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landlords access to a database that allows them to collude with each other and charge the maximum possible rent, killing the competition. city supervisors hope the band will ensure more units on the market. and another reason canes is opening in the east bay on monday, the fast food chain announced last week this new location will be in hayward. but think about a day currently raising canes has just one location in the bay area. and that's oakland hayward restaurant will be on harder road near mission boulevard. the chain says more bay area locations are set to open before next year. >>got a good get some of that us.
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>>new research shows an increase in so-called self-managed abortions since the overturn of roe v wade. that means more people are turning to unsafe methods and their pregnancies to talk more about this research kron 4 stephanie lin spoke with doctor lauren ralph and epidemiology at ucsf. >>so doctor, to start us off here. we understand that you were involved in this study yourself. can you walk us through what you found? of course. >>so just to make their first when we refer to self managed abortion, i'm referring to any attempt to end a pregnancy that takes place outside of the formal health care system or without clinical or medical supervision. and we know that self-managed abortion is not necessarily a new phenomenon has likely been happening for centuries. but we also hypothesized that it might take on new importance or more
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civilians has access to abortion has become more restricted in recent years. so we conducted a study and which we completed 2 surveys, first of which took place right before the supreme court's decision but overturned federal protections on abortions or 2021. and then we repeated that same about one and a half years later. so a year after the dobbs decision that overturned federal protections on abortion and what we saw in that short time period was an increase in attempts to self manage abortion and the u.s. population of reproductive age. so we saw increase from 2.4% to 3.4% during that time period. >>that certainly is would you say that is a significant bump or i mean in the in the broader scheme of things? >>i think it is because if think about we asked people whether they had ever
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self-managed abortion, done something on their own to end a pregnancy in their lifetime. so to see that bump in just a short time period tells me that there is more difficulty that people are facing in accessing clinic based care. >>where they also attributing the reason behind their decision to self terminate. as being connected to the roe v wade decision at all. yeah, i would say people's reasons for self managing abortions fell into 2 buckets. >>the first reflected a real desire for privacy and autonomy in their reproductive health care. so they they felt that they work early on in the pregnancy and wanted to try something first before going to a clinic. and the second reflected a barrier to getting to a clinic whether that was the cost of abortion care. not knowing where to go being worried about having to get a parent's permission. and so i think those are things that we
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hypothesize have likely gotten worse since the supreme court overturned federal protections on abortion. >>we also from our understanding that the study found that many people were trying to attempt to trip terminate their pregnancies using substances like herbs or even hurting themselves physically. what should people know about the risks of trying to attempt to end abortion in this way? >>so i think that's right. we saw that people used a wide range of methods to try to end a pregnancy on their own. and some of those i have the potential for harm we don't know very much about whether they're safe or not. and other methods we know are safe and affective. so, for about a quarter of people in our said that they had self sourced of the medications that are used in a medication, abortion. that's mifepristone and misoprostol. and we know we have some good data that's come out recently. that shows that when people self source
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the medications and use them on their own, they can have a safe and effective abortion on their own terms. so i think the goal and the onus on health care providers policymakers is to make sure that those people who who want or need an abortion have access to safe and effective methods, including those that they might have self so where ken young women get information or anyone who is kind of going through this process right now, where can people get information on safe abortion access? >>yeah, i would encourage to look to us about abortion providers who are actually offering information about where people can find pills, medication, abortion pills, and a safe, effective way. and that might include doing a telehealth or a virtual console with the provider and having the medications mailed to so i think i would encourage people to turn to the their portion providers and their community for people
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who might going through there's a great hotline, the miscarriage and abortion hotline that can work someone through who's having any symptoms are any complications that they might want to discuss with that provider that they like to get some some advice on. all right, doctor lauren ralph, with ucsf, thank you so much for your time and your perspective this afternoon. >>more news mayor london breed'
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pledge on a more aggressive approach to clearing out homeless residents in the city is already underway. kron four's lezla gooden spoke with officials on their progress and has that story.
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>>on wednesday, public works. employees, the homeless outreach team and san francisco police officers made their way throughout the city cleaning up encampments and requiring unhoused residents to leave some of those areas include near the tenderloin and civic center. >>that responses might get. now. it might be a little bit faster what you before, you know, because know that things are changing. i think you know, first thing that's happening after we offer services we might have to change is people are going well. i do want to get in trouble. actually take take you up on, you know, the offers the goals of the sweeps are for residents to accept the city's offers to shelter. >>the healthy streets operation center says they are continuing to conduct these sleeps like they always half but will now be able to address residents who tried to return to cleared encampments. expect that in the future that might be changes. >>i think there's also a more tools available to the city in
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general to address encampment prevention. we notice that an house residents began moving their camps before. >>as a pda right here on fern. and it's not clear where they went next. but the outreach groups say they were able to place some into shelter. >>i think the hope that we will have be able to address more areas that are problems to general public, to businesses and the community. >>lets the going con for news this week. the senate overwhelmingly passed legislation designed to protect children from dangerous online content. and there's a bay area dad behind it all. kron four's vicki liviakis spoke with that whistleblower and exclusive interview. >>arturo bahar realized there was a problem with his 14 year-old daughter went on instagram and instantly started being harassed. what would you do for your kids what he did was become a whistleblower bahar work for met up and saw that it was time to take action. >>like that, this is see no
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evil. hear no evil. speak no evil. where they're not willing to ask a teenager that this happened you. it would be the isis thing in the world for them to say when you block somebody waiting to block them and to say, well, you know, they were being kind of creepy. don't want to contact on want that bounces. it's harassment. that should not. there's no other place in the world. there's no institution. there's park. there's no school. there's business where the norm is that it's okay to get sexually harassed other than in messages on social media. and it's a matter will on the part of social media companies to fix meta has created features to protect teens like anonymous notifications. bahar says it needs to be simpler. all that made that would need to do is to have the buckman misting saying, oh, this is not for me. it's on wanted. barr says he's happy. the lawmakers are finally starting to act on the effects. social media is having on kids and their mental health. >>and thankful his own kids are proud of them. in san francisco, vicki liviakis
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kron. 4 news. >>for more information on the last prevent online harm. visit parents s o s narcan in t
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club. that's what the san francisco department, a public health was implement next month. the department is partnering with the entertainment commission and bay area drag queens kron four's rob nesbitt reports. >>we first introduced you to the drag queen route during last year's kron. 4 pride special. the performer nicknamed the narcan queen will be expanding her work and harm reduction next month.
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drag queens and our can. it's an unexpected combination, but one that's been working at away says in san francisco for the last 3 years. every time we start the show, i always like to make sure we have our can. host of the saturday night show princess coaching a rude always opened the 2nd half of the show explaining how to recognize and overdose and how to administer narcan to someone experiencing 1, 2, different nostrils. she then hands out narcan for free to audience members and estimates that around 4,000 free doses have been given away so far. on wednesday, the san francisco department of health announced a partnership with route track. we, nikki j and the city's entertainment commission to expand overdose awareness and prevention. what we're doing when we're promoting. >>our can and over is prevention techniques that are shows is to empower patrons and party goers to turn around and teach their friends about this as well. august 31st is overdose awareness day. >>san francisco department of health will be expanding its distribution of narcan to nightclubs during the entire
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month of august. something director of overdose prevention at the department of help ilae locker and is looking forward to first time that were ever actually spreading out events throughout the >>because the crisis that's happening with the overdoses. needs more than one day last year. there were 810 overdose deaths in san francisco. the most ever recorded. the numbers have lowered each month of 2024. and those in nightlife hope free narcan will help continue that trend. thank you so much. i've been told many times by patrons. >>a princess who i've given away narcan that debuts the narcan to reverse overdoses and their communities, whether it be a stranger or a friend at a party. the main focus with this work is fentanyl. >>kron four's your local election headquarters. time is ticking for vice president harris. the likely democratic nominee. now she is only days to pick her own vice presidential candidates. washing correspondent vinay simlot joins us with an update
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on the candidates on the trail. with first
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responders throughout the u.s. facing higher rates of ptsd and suicide. democrats and republicans are now working together to provide some support. they say a dedicated hotline will guarantee mental health services to our first responders. washington correspondent basil john reports. >>when you're in danger. first responders are first on the scene to help the work brings along a lot of stress. it's no
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surprise that the first responders face higher rates of behavioral health conditions near democrat senator kirsten gillibrand says recent studies from law enforcement. and firefighters are more likely to die by suicide than in the line of duty. this is something i think people are hearing about all across the country about this. she in missouri, republican senator josh hawley introduced the bill to expand mental health services for first responders. this bill would provide those resources to local first responders. >>it would also set up a hot line where they can call if they are struggling. so it'll be a specific call center dedicated to first responders, according to blue help more than 120st responders in new york took their own lives since 2018 across the country. more than 1400 we've seen suicide rates among first responders, a law enforcement just skyrocketed in recent years skyrocket. andrea edmisten with the national association of organizations. >>says there is a lack of counselors and therapists who
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understand the difficulties law enforcement to go through. >>but this bill would change that individuals embedded within the organization. officers contrast. >>that they are willing share their experiences is vitally important to addressing the mental health and wellness. angela brandon, wholey are confident this will pass reporting in washington. i'm basil, john. >>senators passed a package of bills aimed at boosting online safety for kids. the legislation would create new regulations over was social media shows children and how tech companies use their data. washington, d.c., correspondent hannah brandt has more on the vote and what it means for your family. >>this is the biggest step congress has taken in decades to regulate social media's impact on children and the vote was bipartisan and overwhelming. with 91 yes votes. a pair of bills passed through the senate with the goal of making the online world safer for kids. senator
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marsha blackburn says the move sends a message to big tech kids. >>are not your product. kids are not your profit source. >>and we're going to protect them in the virtual space. the bills implement what's called the duty of care, forcing companies to try to protect younger users from harmful content like content involving bullying suicide eating disorders, exploitation and substance abuse. young people will take back control over their online. >>lives parents will have tools to safeguard those young people. senator richard blumenthal touted the measure says significant in reducing social media dangers pointing out. the legislation also gives parents and kids the option to erase private data and stop targeted algorithms. they will be able to disconnect from the addictive features. this comes after months of personal and emotional advocacy, including from parents who lost children to cyber bullying and other online issues that strength that persistence of the parents who never gave up has paid now the bills move to the
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house where backers hope they're taking up quickly. there's a need that cries out for action right away because lives hang in the balance >>but any further action won't happen that quickly because the house is out for recess until september in washington. i'm hannah brandt.
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>>u.s. officials are trying to tamp down concerns about a larger war escalating in the middle east following israel's assassination of top leaders of hamas and hezbollah. vo terror groups are proxies of iran and lawmakers worry this will complicate already delicate negotiations to end the war in gaza. washington
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correspondent jessi tenure reports. >>the white house says it cannot release many details after the israeli military took responsibility for the deaths of top leaders of hamas and hezbollah we relieved that an escalation is inevitable. john kirby with the national scurity council says these latest developments do not automatically trigger a broader war in the middle east, especially a cease-fire talks continue for the israel-hamas war. i'm not going to speculate on what impact any one event might have on that. secretary of state antony blinken remains hopeful. a deal is possible not let them come out. but israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says his country, quote, will exact a very heavy price from any aggression on any front. defense secretary lloyd austin warned against any escalation. we don't want to see any of that happen. >>members of congress were a lot more candid about the assassinations. israel is taking credit for and they're larger ramifications. i'm glad that he is gone. missouri
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republican senator josh hawley says hamas has to be dismantled. israel has got to be able to defend its own borders. south carolina republican senator lindsey graham says the u.s. has to hold iran accountable for hamas and hezbollah and should target its oil refineries without those refineries. they would not be able to fund terrorism. graham also says iran could be responsible for a nuclear arms race in the region. iran will keep going until somebody tells them to stop. he warned iran could have a nuclear weapon in a matter of weeks in washington. i'm jessi tenure. >>robots are now taking the sports field, but not how you might expect. rich demuro explains in rich on tech. >>robots are rushing the field and making their mark quite literally. recently. i visited one college. that's part of a growing trend where robots are being used to paint field lines for sports, making the process faster and more accurate than ever. at this
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university. robots are storming the field. >>this is a real big where we're actually replace scene. some of the things that humans would do and actually doing it better. they're not playing sports but prepping for them who are convinced immediately. brian marine has been with cal lutheran university for 25 years recently, the school adopted several robots that can autonomously paine field lines. so when we learn of the robot, i knew right away that this is something that we could use and take them for not groundskeepers pulling strings, measuring getting those right angles. exactly the way they're supposed to in the robot really eliminate a lot of money for, you know, some of the manual labor, the turf tank, as it's called, uses gps and wi-fi for precise lines. every time there are a lot accurate within a centimeter. basically this tablet is going be the brains of the operation. just load the robot with special chalk paint for fields, choose a design and off it goes. we've got soccer lacrosse, football
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rugby. there's so many different designs that i can think soccer lines that used to take 2 to 3 hours now take 20 minutes of football field that might have taken 2 days now takes a few hours. robots use less pain and are more efficient and feel change is making them popular. everybody from the nfl. bounty y eso club. but are these bots pulling a fast break on human jobs? what about the human job? yeah, this displacing changing. so a human beings. those are in the robot, although does live in the field, autonomous lee. somebody has to be there to maintain the equipment to run the tablet, to build up a just like you would with a regular was fine with me. >>the school tells me that while these robots are officials, they're not replacing human jobs entirely. >>that's because they free up grounds keepers to focus on other important tasks. i'm rich demuro. that's richaun tack. >>a theme park in
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virginia is revealing new details about the world's tallest and longest launch when coaster it's set to open next year. but delaney hall went to the park to see thrills are in store. >>excitement is building at kings dominion, as work begins on the park's newest coaster wrap. tara. the new coaster set to open in 2025. will be the tallest and longest launch tween coaster in the world. soaring at 145 feet to 3,086 foot long ride starts with a launch. that brings riders from 0 to 65 miles per hour in
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just 4 seconds. your sitting in a chair basically we are 2 seats on each side of this wing and it's a series of wings that gets launched and then takes kind of the feeling of flying. ken parks is the creative force behind the project in says the right is perfect for thrill seekers. >>after the launch, riders will plummet into a dive loop and navigate 3 inversions several twist. lot of speed and the launch, of course, get you going very quickly into huge flyovers. riders will find the 89 0nd ride at the side of the familiar a volcano roller coaster that towered over kings dominion for decades. it's a piece of park history that parks says was crucial to the new coasters design. we could never bring back volcano and that wasn't the intentions. we're creating a new experience, but we certainly want to pay homage to what some people in what we loved. and so we worked that into our story. and like any good roller coaster, this one has an immersive story for
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riders. >>they'll follow team of archaeologists who unearthed the remains of the temple that once honored the mighty jungle hawk. there was this temple that celebrated bird of prey that was found within jungles and just happen to be at the base of global k know that collapsed in on itself. and that is now getting the opportunity for us to go and explore with this group that we haven't. jungle is called the way foundation and see new adventures. bridget by water is the vice president and general manager of kings dominion and says she's already looking forward to the coasters opening. often people think that the point of the rides is just to get on a ride and ride get off and get on the next ride. and then. >>in all reality, this is about living through and experience a unique experience with your friends or your family. the coasters opening coincides with the park's 50th anniversary next year with construction expected to wrap up this fall. >>for now, park goers will have to wait with tall fences, hiding the mystery and excitement behind craft tara.
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>>and emotional plea from a widow searching for answers. a portland oregon woman's husband was shot and killed while working as a rideshare driver. now she's urging the suspect to do the right thing. reporter ariel salk has the details. >>you took husband. my kids, his father. he didn't want to teach. we had nothing to do with it. he was just doing his job. kelly kelvin is going it. >>joshua covid was shot killed while driving for uber last month. he was just doing a job. to support myself in our 3 kids. when he was tragically taken. she's teaming up with some work, right? your local, can you despite? >>the fact that we're competitors with each other when something happens to anybody who's a private for
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hire driver, it really impacts all of the private for higher transportation advisory committee which provides him put up by including regulations and procedures. >>will be presenting these rules, including creating a thorough vetting process for passengers prohibiting third-party writers and mandating cameras in the cars. something already required for taxis in the city. make. >>private for higher transportation is safe as it can be for everybody so that nothing like this ever has to happen again. the goal is to get approval from peabody on the changes and then taken to the city council to make it a code is rideshare companies push. >>passenger safety passenger safety. what about the driver's >>deadpool and wolverine breaks box office records once again. plus, we're learning more about all the surprise cameos in the film and how much hugh jackman showed his love for the crew. dayna devon has the details in
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entertainment report. marvel's deadpool and wolverine continues to shatter box office records with the super hero flick surpassing 259 million dollars. now. the marvel movie grossed. more than 500 million dollars globally and it scored the biggest are rated opening of all time. now that the movie is out, we're learning more about what went on behind the scenes during filming, including what wolverine hugh jackman did for the crew. so he posted this video to x, formerly twitter with the caption. i can't remember why i started scratchy fridays. maybe it was that i wanted to make sure to say hello to all those worked tirelessly to make the movies. they are the real heroes. i love them. i love the whole of us. now, if you thought the movie was funny, you're not alone. director shawn levy shared this video of hugh jackman cracking up after watching the rehearsal of a fight scene. so
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if you haven't seen the movie, go ahead. enclosure ears. spoiler alert. channing made a cameo in deadpool and wolverine as the superhero gambit. anything to ryan reynolds for the opportunity. these pictures are almost 10 years apart to the day i sat in the audience when ryan reynolds showed his first peek of deadpool one to the world. and i think i ran backstage right after and found him. i think i just hugged im. it was like holy bleep. you did it, man. it's perfect. i didn't know. we're really at all back then. but since then, i can say there is almost no one that has had my back in this industry more than ryan. reynolds, i thought i had lost gambit forever, but he fought for me in ghana. but i him probably for ever because i'm not sure how i could ever do something that would equal to what this is meant to me. i love you, buddy. then ryan
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responded to channing is tweet saying imagine having a front row seat to this guy. he's not only a once-in-a-generation talent but genuinely a good man. i know what it feels like to will a character into existence and chan did just that. put the most vivid, authentic version of the character on screen. this was our second san diego comic con 2 of the best days of my life happened while channing tatum wore this shirt. coincidence or conspiracy? that is your entertainment report here in hollywood. i'm dayna devon.
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>>olay's if all kind of sneaking and there's beautiful. look at, though, out over the bay. of course,
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we're looking from east bay hills earlier now from our sutro cam and well, that fog just kind of kick it out over the bay. very low out there right now, spreading across san francisco going to begin to make its way at least the inland inside the bay but has interior valleys. yeah, it's kind of squashed that you can just see the top a sales force tower giving is just under 1000 feet. so that marine learn down below there, san francisco. so that fog out there right now, there's going to be that in place tomorrow morning. when you wake up, it's going to be dense in spots. that's the only thing high pressure overhead. so watching that marine layer along the golden gate bridge. you can see pretty thick out there right now and more that on the way. temperatures today. yeah, we start to warm things up in the 90's in many spots in the 92 and little more. 94 degrees in concord, 78 for high, very comfortable in napa and 67 degrees in san francisco. but we are going to see some changes coming our way. little drizzle along the coastline, not as much as previous cloudy early on in most in the morning set for the valleys, the mostly sunny. i think earlier in the temperatures are going to be heating up and that trend take
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us right in the weekend, too. out the door right numbers a cooling off coast side in the mid 50's in pacifica and half moon bay. 60 degrees right now in oakland as a warm 73 in concord, in 81 degrees in brownwood. so overall, we've seen some changes begin to build in as high pressure starts to move all of a sudden you start to see a little circulation. the monsoon clouds begin to come up the south course the fall down below and it could be that fog. that race is back on shore overnight tonight into tomorrow morning. see the drizzle out there as well early tomorrow as well. but otherwise, it's a lot of sunshine as we head toward the afternoon, really looks like some nice weather head as high pressure going to take over. that ridge will continue to build. that will strengthen our temperatures. going to warm up slowly in the weekend. you can see some of that monsoon rotate across the sierra nevada and that could bring a few more thunderstorms. watch now for the possibility. more lightning strikes up there. temperature-wise 60's in downtown san francisco coast side, 15 60's cool out toward the beaches inside the bay of find morrison about 67 degrees in burlingame for tomorrow afternoon. 74 in foster city, beautiful temperatures in the
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south bay couple 80's and warm by the afternoon east. they start to get a little bit on the hot side. you're back in the 90's. up tomorrow afternoon about 93 degrees in walnut creek. 95 in concord and you start to talk about some triple digits in the interior valleys, but otherwise around the bay area. just a general warming trend over the next couple days, a little bit above the average. and that will be the case the next couple days back the next 10 days. those 90's kind of wander up and just hovering above normal, right on through that period in the beginning of august. keeping cool out along the coastline, 60's out toward the beach. >>the giants tumbled last night in their battle with the a's at oracle park. but tonight they were hoping their ace could get them back into the win column. logan webb has been everything but the giants a's pitcher over the last month. webb is really struggled as of late in his last 3 starts. into with a whopping 8, 4, 4, e r a yikes. indeed. a big one tonight to right the ship for the giants and of course, his own ship. and he did exactly that. there was a jam early for webb bill. first inning 2 on with only
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one out west here, the strict rearing back fires strike 3 right past the dangerous bat of brent rooker that he faced off against shay langa-leers. got him looking as well. end of the threat let's go to the 5th inning now. no score giants off. they had the lead right here with this blast. >>from mike yastremski just a little too far right into mccovey cove. not a home run, but souvenir for the famous mccovey cove days. yes, did eventually get a single to get the rally going. marco luciano singled as well runners on the corners set up this crazy sacrifice fly from center field to center field from brett wisely or crown goes not sunshine state. a one zip lead. holds up right here. help from his friends. yeah. gold glove. 3rd baseman in the 9th inning. matt chapman. nice grab their on this low liner to get held out chopper. and then here's the play that ends. it all gets stuck around
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to it and it. masterpiece. webb struck out 6 in his 3rd career complete game just an hour. and 55 minutes is when snapping the giants. 3 game skid web talked about how he and the staff really has to step it up. and the 2nd half of the season short. >>i wish i could be more like sometimes other guys our staff in a striking out 15, 11 it seems like every day the striking a guy's. when i try and do that, it doesn't work out so well for me. so keeping on the ground trying to we get the tempo and get the hitters back i think it's we're excited take on the challenge is just going out there every 5 days. well, every day of this. the mentality for each of us is every 5 days going out there and giving their all. >>yeah. just pitch your game. that's the key. well, it was a another day of training camp for the forty-niners at levi's and still no word on a deal for brandon aiyuk or trent williams. now, as for the guys
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actually did practice today, the defense has continued to dominate the offense in the last couple of days of camp brock. purdy threw for 4 picks in his final 5 throws yesterday. 7 total over the course of 2 days and offensive coordinator nick sorenson could not be more excited for the success. his defense is seen as of late. >>the in detail what we do and that's playing hard playing physical, violent, you know, having that speeding communication that we have to have. and then it's just execute him. but the main thing is our guys are just competing every day. just work hard, get better. that's that's your focus every day. then stuff like that works out and you get the ball because you're executing in. create some some confusion up front. you know what, guys in his face and everything just russian covers guys together. so it's just about the work. you know, guys made plays guys making plays. and that's important. >>meanwhile, the antonio pierce era has begun with the las vegas raiders with the interim head coach tag removed. it's officially his team. the raiders are in costa mesa for a week of practice away from that hot, hot vegas
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heat. the team made some radical changes in the offseason. jimmy g is gone. so either 8 mcconnell are newly acquired quarterback gardner minshew. it's going to be running the offense. max crosby's again going to the lead man on defense. but the bottom line is the raiders are in a tough division with improved broncos team. chargers squad, which is now run by jim harbaugh and of course, the world champion kansas city chiefs, but peer says is up to the challenge. >>mond competition, physicality. our craig, the radar identity. and it really put our stamp on what we want to have our place town look like both offense, defense, special we've 60's soul for these guys go at it and compete like they've been doing all spring and best man win. >>and that does it here for us at kron-on will be back with the morning news at 5 o'clock. i'm stephanie rothman. thanks for watching and have a great night.
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♪ ♪ >> nischelle: tonight... kathie lee gifford struggling to walk. only "e.t." is with the star. revealing a series of health setbacks. >> i have been beat up by life.


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