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tv   KRO Non News  KRON  August 9, 2024 11:30pm-1:30am PDT

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f or you could find out for yourself. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. >>now from long for the area's local news station. >>thanks for joining us. you're watching kron-on live on air and online. i'm stephanie rothman in the south bay. several businesses are on edge tonight following a
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string of burglaries earlier this week. the funny farm restaurant in san jose had their door busted and a cafe next door was broken into as well. kron four's shaq moment has the details. >>now the owners of the funny farm restaurant here in the evergreen neighborhood say this attempted break-in makes it the 5th time that's happened since 2021. and they say auto. take us a couple more break-in. attempts to shut them out of business. >>i want to add this crew. lives up to the name of their business. that's my chicken passed over. interact with customers with jokes like just make them feel like they're at home. but this week was a tough one for people running the funny farm restaurant. >>in attempted break-in on monday, just after 6 in the morning destroying the side door, another 6,000 or so per door. ron levy, co-owner and chef at funny farm restaurant says they've been broken into 5 times in the last 3 years. a couple of break ins away from never opening again. and it's
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breaking costing hundreds to thousands of dollars. and san jose police confirmed to kron 4 about this recent break-in attempt and says on that same day, burglars broke into cafe a row may right next door like to not have to worry about this kind of thing anymore. >>we're trying with tooth and nail and everything we have to hold on to monica levy, the other co-owner says they had 3 other funny farm locations in san jose, but they have to close that due to rising business costs. these recent break-ins now threatened the last one standing in to see people just literally destroy and damage it with no thought or care to the people that they're hurting. staff needs a place of work and we need a place serve our community. we're putting together a safety plan with crime prevention. >>councilmember for san jose domingo can dallas says he's advocating to hire more police officers and increased patrols in evergreen neighborhood doing everything we can to make sure we bring these perpetrators to justice. but until more is done to stop
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this string of burglaries. >>the funny farm restaurant takes up the wants to shine through the setbacks. >>when i think when people start seeing that, that they're getting convicted and they're getting arrested and they're going to jail, there's there's something to pay. >>that's going to slow it down. and as you can see, despite all of the break-ins that happened over the years, the funny farm restaurant is still persisting with its karaoke nights just about every single friday. now next week, san jose police and that councilmember who you saw in that reporting will be walking through the businesses here in the evergreen neighborhood to find out if there's any safety improvements that could be out. reported here in san jose. jackie moment kron 4 news. >>and this morning welcoming visitors to a day full of live music, food drinks and much more. the killers were tonight's headliners and the 3
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day festival is celebrating its 16th year. >>especially his my heart. and really enjoyed dancing. and so it's really fun to just, you know, see the vies for the people also really enjoy dancing and just, you know, letting good yeah, also are both really actually read it. so we love meeting people just connecting people who also live here. so it's fun. >>new this year outside land is getting in the wedding spirit. it's a celebrate the 20th anniversary of san francisco becoming the first place in the u.s. to allow same marriage. 21 couples in total will be getting married over the weekend at the festival. >>always a fun time san francisco this time of year. so we have your outside lands forecast saturday. looks like we'll be in the low 60's mid-sixties for your daytime highs. partly cloudy skies. a west-southwest breeze from 5 to 18 miles per hour. but those clouds roll in the evening and temperatures should dipping down to the 50's. so just always bring layers as usual. if you're heading out to golden gate
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park, as for the rest of your weekend will be holding on to the low 90's inland for saturday. so that looks like it the last hot day for a while until we start to cool down sunday inland. as you can see, trending downwards from upper 80's to low 80's starting monday, the baby and the coast will be in the 70's and 60's. and we are in a cooling trend for the next couple of days. >>police in san francisco gather this morning to remember a fallen officer. lucy on or the 29 year-old died in july. 28th unexpectedly. ortega has been part of the san francisco police force for 9 years and most recently worked at the mission station, friends and colleagues described him as empathetic and hardworking a police officer who loved his job. 3,000 san francisco hotel workers voting to authorize a
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potential strike. the group is asking for wage increases, health care benefits and protections against layoffs. officials say authorizing a vote does not mean a strike will happen, but it would authorize the union to call for a strike. one 3rd contract expires next wednesday. on bell man has been charged in connection to a crash that killed an 81 year-old woman in say helaena the collision happened sunday morning on main street near charles krug winery. police say 43 year-old dominic carballo was driving under the influence of methamphetamine and fentanyl when he had jackie rhodes and then drove off. investigators say rhodes was walking in the bike lane at the time. a judge ordered her of to be held without bail. in antioch. police officer has been convicted for conspiring to defraud the police department. he was working for the fbi, says the officer paid someone else obtain university degree in his name. so you could then
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get a pay raise from the city of antioch. he now faces up to 20 years in prison. the officer is the 6 police officer to be convicted in the conspiracy to commit fraud in that department. a plane was 61. people on board has crashed into a residential area outside of soft paulo, brazil on friday and the airline both pass confirms all 61 people aboard were tragically killed. there's no word yet on what caused the accident. but an investigatio is underway. we will bring you more information when it becomes available. and onto the a's. they're saying goodbye oakland with a completely sold out stadium. the game on september. 26 will be against the texas rangers and each fan will receive a commemorative ticket. the first 25,000 fans will receive a replica of the oakland coliseum. gates will open at 09:37am. but parking opens at 8 the final time a's fans can
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tailgate outside the oakland coliseum. sadly, the sold-out capacity for the a's game will be 46,847 people. the a's have played in the coliseum since 1968. cities across the country are seeing a rise in the popularity of run. walk clubs as people look to get out and fortune friendships and relationships. the event ticketing site eventbrite reports the number of run and walk clubs increased by 69% from 2022. to 2023 and attendance at those events. search 170% during the same time period. data released by site shows people especially gen x-ers are sprinting to run clubs to make friends and even find dates. couples meet at a get engaged at said raanan said anniversaries. we know how many relationships have started because people have just met and then kept showing up. >>many cities across the
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country offer a variety run clubs featuring brunt runs, wine runs and even run clips, focus on food and music. i definitely been a part of that. i know a lot of you watching have to so fun. you're watching. kron on will
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governor newsom is doubling down on his executive order that man cities across the state clean up homeless encampments. he says that they fail to do so they will lose out on money. kron four's will tran reports from san francisco. >>governor gavin newsom is happy with what san francisco is doing, but not happy with los angeles and los angeles
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county for what they are not doing. the governor was in southern california yesterday in los angeles, going through a homeless encampment, clearing the debris, basically showing up that area that this is what he would like to see now right now, los angeles county is not in compliance with his executive order to clean up encampments, too, possibly criminalize homelessness. san francisco has been very aggressive with his sweeps to the point where many critics are saying too aggressive in los angeles. they are not doing it. they have told governor newsom that they will not turn their jails into homeless housing shelters that criminalizing homelessness does not solve the problem. the governor says if they don't listen, then they won't get the money in a few months from now. we need local government to step out. this is a crisis act like it. the state's unprecedented billions and billions dollars sport.
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>>i'm not interested in providing that not seen the results and the taxpayer, not just the governor is not complicated, will send that money to counties that are producing results. >>just to give you perspective, there are 180,000 people in california that are considered homeless. that's nearly one-third of the entire homeless population in the united states. governor newsom was careful not to specifically go after a los angeles mayor karen bass. she is against this. she says the sweeps basically push the homeless population all around that area without solving the situation. >>governor newsom says if the areas if they don't use the money well, when they revisit the budget in january, they want get them >>in a shocking move, rarely seen in politics. a prominent california state senator has announced she's switching from the democratic party to the republican party after years
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as a democrat state senator maria alvarado gill says she feels her now former party has become unrecognizable. capitol correspondent eytan wallace spoke one-on-one with the senator about her decision. >>well, this is so rare at the capitol that the last time a sitting state senator changed parties midway through their term was 80 years ago. but now senator maria alvarado gill says what she describes as serious changes in her. now, former party compelled her to make this very big decision. the pendulum has swung so far to the left that this is not the democratic party that i recognize. that is why state senator murray over auto gill says she made the decision to switch from the democratic party. >>to the republican party, the bill passes follow will not make any major change to the democratic super majority makeup of the state senate where democrats now hold 31 of the 40 seats overall do gill says she's changing parties to send a clear message to democratic leadership in sacramento. i think that they went in a direction that does not reflect the will of the people. it reflects a very
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small minority of special interests. and so i'm saying no to that. she says an unwillingness from democratic leaders to reform prop 47 played a huge part of her decision. prop 47 is the 2014 vote or approved a ballot measure that lowered penalties for some nonviolent crimes, including retail theft. when the items stolen are less than $950. supporters say it led to criminal justice reform and reduce the size of california's prison population. but opponents, including overall gill. >>believe elect criminals off the hook. voters have spoken over and over again of they're tired of the crime in their community. they are tired of the homelessness and they want to know that the super majority. >>listen to them and sees them and frankly, i haven't seen that in the 2 years that i've been serving in a statement, democratic senate president pro tempore might mcguire responded to alvarado gill. >>writing, this is disappointing for voters who elected senator alvarado gill as a democrat. they trusted her to represent them and she's betrayed that trust. while most republican leaders
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enthusiastically welcomed alvarado guillen to their party. gop assembly member billa say lee did not noting alvarado gills district which encompasses parts of the central valley and includes a huge area from lake tahoe all the way to death valley is comprised of more registered republicans than democrats say. lee believes alvarado gill changed parties to make it easier to win re-election in her district in twenty-twenty 6 quote gill only switched republican for political purposes. we do not need or want fake republicans in our party. he went on to accuse sarah previously supporting kamala harris for president, a charge denies. well, it's actually incorrect information. i've never endorsed kamala harris for president. are you leaning one way or the other for president? >>well, what i'm doing right now as i'm watching both of them and i want both of them to prove that they are worthy of the vote from california and all dough. gill is already facing consequences from democratic legislative leaders. she's been kicked out of the latino legislative
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caucus and she fully expects to be stripped of her role as the chair of the senate human services committee. by soon s. >>next week reporting at the state capitol. wallace kron. 4 news. another bay area city is
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seeing a rash of tire thefts. walnut creek police reporting an uptick in thefts around apartment complexes across the city. kron four's michael thomas reports. >>the tires and rims seemed to be popular for thieves these days just as it was last month in the north bay walnut creek. police now warning its residents to be aware of. some people are waking up to find their vehicles sitting on bricks. police say thieves
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seem to be targeting rims and tires on both new or honda's and toyota's in walnut creek, specifically during the overnight hours and ones that are parked at apartment complexes. >>one resident that didn't want to go on camera tells me he was recently a victim to a car break-in, but not for his tires. and another tells me this. >>i haven't seen any as i do. i so, yeah, i'm i'm not sure. but i have heard there are some break-ins recently but that's the most i know about the cars >>nonetheless believes a tire and rim thieves are on the loose at night. and it isn't just happening in walnut creek last month in the north bay petaluma santa rosa and rohnert park police all rise of tires and rims being stolen off of toyota. camrys and corollas along to civics and accords won a great police. didn't give any details as to what models are being targeted but say it's all newer residents say the area's pretty safe for the most part. but as we all know, crime doesn't have a zip code. kind of worry a little bit about but i'm too worried yet.
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>>so i don't have a honda is and toyota, toyota side on how window that was. >>the investigation is still ongoing. but police say to be aware of your surroundings and if you see anything suspicious, report it as soon as possible. as you get more details from walnut creek. police will continue to keep you updated. that is the very latest reporting in walnut creek. michael thomas kron. 4 news. ♪ ♪ get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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we can tell you what it's capable of or you could find out for yourself. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. saturday. make-a-wish greater bay area celebrating 40 years and to mark a special events. they're holding their family-friendly walk for
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wishes fundraiser for more about the fundraiser kron four's reyna harvey spoke with ceo of make-a-wish greater bay area. that's the pay your. >>so one, let's talk about what make a wish is and the walk and wishes you guys are doing some great work. >>thank you. thank you. well, we grant wishes, as you know, kids, ages to have to 18 with life-threatening illnesses. and tomorrow we're going to do a celebrate that and raise a little money for it. but also welcome back. a lot of wish families in kiddos and even have a special wish moment for you tomorrow. so hopefully it will join us to come on ok, excited to talk about that wish moment because as we know, you guys have done legendary things in the remember one year you will. >>took over san francisco with a bat kid this year. i know we can't really get into it too much because it's going to be a surprise. but what can we share? >>tomorrow we will actually celebrating what we call a wish reveal. so we're going it
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tell one kid know what her wish is going to be. and, you know, we have 5 different types wishes they wish to have. i wish to i was to be a worse to me and i was to go to. >>and that's all i can tell you that people just need to join us tomorrow morning bright not only all the fun. and i'm sure they tune in next week. they'll be able to see what that which actually was. i'm excited. >>40 years is a long time. and amazingly long time of quarantine wishes to families helping communities out. can you tell me a little bit how the organization has evolved over the years? >>well, we actually our very first wish was to have the kids really wanted to start of knight rider. that it was a few trips to disney world. now we grant over 300 which is a
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year we've sent kids all over the world. we've had kids to give them back. granted the wishes and course wishes and even things as simple as a ice cream party and kiddos backyard is really wanted the heart of that town wants to have a what their dream and their wishes. and it's really all about joy. and that's what we hope to do and what we have to celebrate tomorrow. we've been doing it for 40 years and we've been doing and also rain, as you know, with community of supporters and friends. we have over 800 volunteers that help us grant these witches. so it's just a lot of fun and it's easy to do. and frankly, everybody gets involved and this changing a life. and you can say that about a lot of things. case. yeah, exactly. when you talk about people that getting involved in changing lives, one wish at a time for our viewers that are watching at home. >>and maybe this organization speaks to them in a special way and they want to get involved. how can they do
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that? >>oh, it's so easy. first of all, just go to our website. wish pour forward slash greater bay. we've got all different ways to get involved. it is so you could come walk in an event tomorrow morning at 07:00am at great america. but other ways we love actually wanting to become volunteer. wish banners. but we also people who have special if you like to work in your backyard, we have backyard make overs if you know how to do a great painting we have that make overs down with the staff. doesn't let me do the painting because i'm not very i'm good. i can tell the story. let's put it that so there's lots of ways go to our website and just put a plug in to first and easiest way to do it is to join us tomorrow morning great america and walk with and see the magic and really witness the fund that is wish granting will bet you are one of the leaders of this local organization. i mean, for you.
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>>what does it mean when you get a chance to see the looks on these kids faces when they have some of their wishes that they never thought ever going to come. true happen. and the families, mean, what does it mean for you? >>your heart swells, right? and i mean, it rain on a mom and i'm very that my kids are healthy. but when i see a mom smiling a little kerry and i haven't seen my kids smile like this. our family happiness and joy like this in so long it's hard not get a little emotional. i'm in a really good way and feel feel that difference you're making. and it's so simple to do and fun and we can't do it without home. a whole bunch of people. so as i say. >>come see the magic tomorrow morning. and and see the goodness of people come out and take a walk with they actually get a discount to go
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to great america for the day and the parking is it's for so. they join us tomorrow. >>you can't go wrong. it's a win win either way.
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>>in a little over 24 hours. vice president kamala harris is due to touch down in san francisco. her first stop in the bay area since earning the democratic presidential nomination the former san francisco district attorney and california attorney general is coming to the bay area for a fundraiser on sunday kron four's. dan kerman has the details. >>what a difference a month makes. i mean, we came from a
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democratic death march to a national dance party. you think alex? turks sounds excited about kamala harris running for president. he is. she remembers where she came from. she remembers who are friends are. and i'm just honored to be, you know, one of very many people that are involved in this event on sunday. turkish worked in san francisco politics and public affairs for decades and has known harris for 24 years. now he's co-hosting this sunday's fundraiser for her in san francisco. the city he says that will mobilize with more than just dollars. you're going to see our local democratic party really take things to the next level in recruiting. you know, that vital population of the gen z millenial occasional voters and getting them activated in calling those networks and those populations in states like pennsylvania and arizona. >>and michigan and georgia. so i don't think san francisco's just come with money, which we
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will also come with energy. the location of the fundraiser remains under wraps, but published reports suggest it will be at the fairmont hotel, a favorite of the biden administration. no parking signs are already up and barricades are stationed along part of california street with california, a virtual certainty for democratic presidential nominees. >>political experts expect harris to spend much of the next 3 months campaigning outside of california. so she's probably going to spend more time in swing states. >>but, you know, at this point in the campaign, it would really, i think be to her advantage for her. and governor walz also campaigning in states that the republicans think they have locked up that actually could swing to the democrats. uc berkeley, political science professor stephen fish says those include florida, which barack obama won twice and north carolina, which obama won during his first election. harris walz in red territory, needing, you know, wildly
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enthusiastic crowds that could force the republicans to divert some funds just to defend the state that they think they've gotten a pocket would also be great flex for the democrats show that really the running to campaign everywhere. again, it will be a quick stop for the vice-presidential be in las vegas for a rally on saturday. then here in san francisco for that fundraiser, she's expected to leave here shortly after it concludes. >>dan kerman kron, 4 news. >>kron four's your local election headquarters with the debate said between harris and trump. well, abortion be a top issue in the 2024 election. former president donald trump says no, but the harris campaign and many advocacy groups disagree. washington, d.c., correspondent hannah brandt has more. >>in his fight to take back the white house, former president donald trump says abortion won't be a big factor. i think that abortion has become much less of an issue. katie rod hand with planned parenthood votes disagrees. donald trump is living in a daydream if he thinks abortion rights are not
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going to be defining issue of the 2024 presidential race as president trump appointed 3 conservative supreme court justices who helped overturn roe versus wade leaving abortion access up to the states which trump says is where it should stay. we brought it back to the states everybody wanted in the states. but argues the patchwork of abortion restrictions across the country deprives too many women of the central health care. 44 1% of women in america live in states that don't have access to abortion. and where their right to make their own decisions about their health care has been stripped from them. health policy research organization kff studies abortions impact on the race and in the last 2 years things have changed. researcher ashley kurtz singer tells me right after the supreme court decision they saw a peak in voters naming abortion is a top issue and has definitely decreased since but there is a significant share. it's about one in 10 voters who still say abortion is their most important issue. and she says the demographics of those voters have shifted.
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now the single issue, abortion voters are more likely to be democrats. they're more likely to be younger and more likely to be women. so she says the question is if they do become one of those issues were driving them to the polls on election day in washington, i'm hannah brandt. >>for the first time ever, the national debt broke. 35 trillion dollars this week. and economic experts say that amount of financial baggage will soon be unsustainable. washington correspondent trevor shirley is in dc with more. >>for years, lawmakers have kicked the can down the road when it comes to the national debt. and now some in congress say we're at a point where there will have to be some kind of bipartisan solution. the united states is now more than 35 trillion dollars in debt. adding about $78,000 to that amount. every single second, the path that we're on is unsustainable. chairman of the federal reserve, jerome powell warns it's a problem.
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congress and multiple administrations have ignored too long. you can't run these kinds of deficits in really in in good fist, good economic times. for very long democrats blame trump administration tax cuts, but experts say problems started long before those went into effect. others, though, say those tax cuts would add nearly 2 trillion dollars to the debt over 10 years. it was costly. was regress of it did not pay for itself. republicans point fingers of the biden administration's american rescue plan for covid relief. 1.9 trillion dollars of totally unnecessary spending. but the non-partisan congressional budget office says congress only controls less than a 3rd of the budget and almost 3 quarters of mandatory spending goes to entitlement programs like medicaid and social security. they've been running on autopilot. some lawmakers say congress needs to get mandatory spending under control and then level with voters. neither side. >>has been honest with the
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american people. >>lawmakers say at this point any solution will have to involve congress working in good faith across the aisle to get the debt down. reporting in washington. i'm trevor shirley. >>more news or lose
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out that the message from governor gavin newsom when it comes to addressing homelessness in california. he was in la yesterday clearing an encampment there. kron four's terisa stasio has reaction from bay area. officials. >>the governor not holding back. you may recall 2 weeks ago on july, 25th he ordered cities and counties to get to it. and now he's saying that
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if they don't comply, he's going to withhold millions of dollars. an urgent matter. that's what governor gavin newsom is calling his most recent push to deal with homeless encampments and california. the governor drilling down on his point as he helped tear down a campsite on state property thursday in la county. this is a crisis. >>act like it. the state's unprecedented billions and billions dollars sport. i'm not interested in providing that not seen the results. i think the governor is right. and we clear about. >>300 encampments per year. at the same time we add sheter capacity because we know that san jose like the entire state of california does not have enough shelter. beds does not have enough treatment beds sent as a mayor. matt mahan. >>showing this data as the city is working on the crisis in 2022, there were 4,975 1000 people living without permanent housing in san jose and 2023. that figure was down by 10% to 4,411 in the past 2
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weeks. mayor london breed embracing the governor's directive. she has sent crews to start dismantling encampments says they offered shelter space and mental health assistance. homeless advocates have fought the move, saying that it was inhumane. and oakland mayor sheng tells office highlighted how the city remove the wood street encampment. the mayor's office sending this statement to kron 4 news quote, oakland and our partners in alameda county are proud of the work we've done to serve our unhoused communities and keep our neighborhoods safe and clean up in the north bay. the city sending us this statement saying that they have protocols in place. >>and they are consistent with the governor's orders and the newsroom. theresa kron, 4 news. >>chicago police are investigating the death of a woman at o'hare airport. police say she got entangled with the conveyor belts. reporter andrea medina reports.
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>>the arrival section of terminal 5 at o'hare international airport is crowded with travelers amid the busy atmosphere. chicago police are conducting a death investigation after a woman was discovered dead thursday morning just after 07:30am, the chicago fire department responded to a call for a person trapped in some type of machinery. when firefighters arrived, they found a woman entangled in the conveyor belt system used for moving baggage in terminal 5. police say she was 57 years old and was pronounced dead at the scene. >>just signed for the family. kathy keller drove from michigan to pick up her cousin at the airport and was shocked to hear about the incident. scary. with all the security without the camera. >>how could something like that happen to anybody? >>the illinois department of labor and the occupational safety and health administration osha have see
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that they're not investigating the incident because the woman was neither a city of chicago employee nor airport worker. why the woman was there in the first place remains unclear. but questions persist about how she managed to gain access to a restricted employees. only area which contains numerous conveyor belt, used to transport luggage from various airlines to the international terminals, baggage claim area. cpd has indicated they last saw the woman on camera at around 02:30am in the morning entering the restricted area. but as far as the exact time she came into contact with the machinery is still unknown. travelers say they have not experienced any disruptions from the ongoing investigation. outside lands 20
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getting off to an exciting start. tens of thousands of people are going to golden gate park to listen to top live music acts have some food, some drinks in just a good time. kron four's rob nesbitt is at the park with details on all the excitement. >>day one of outside lands and people are starting to shuffle and to see their favorite bands play, including the killer's which will be headlining later. i caught up with some fans to find out what they're most excited about from day one. >>day one of the 16th annual outside lands festival kicked off friday. a steady stream of festival goers took advantage of the 11:00am opening. we did that strategically. we we definitely noticed around one or 2. then that's kind of when people start pouring in. more this will be christine bows. 3rd outside lands. i asked what keeps her coming back each year and for her, it's all about the good vibes. and so it's really fun to just, you know, see the vies for the people also really enjoy dancing and just, you know,
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letting good music. yeah, also are both really actually read it. so we love meeting people just connecting people who also live here. so it's what's good vibes for her is good money for the city outside lands has generated more than 1 billion dollars for the san francisco economy. headliners this year include sabrina carpenter, post malone, chappell roan and friday's headliner. the killers, gerson dolan and his sister, andrea, are most excited for. i've a fan 17 years not just about the music for them, though. they also plan on taking advantage of all the food vendors inside with more than 100 bay area restaurants. 35 wineries and 30 breweries taking part lot. tons of things to do is just, you know, getting along interacting with other people as so that that's the fun part. you know, listen to the music have a little drink here in there. something new this year, the festival will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of san francisco being the first city in the country to allow same marriage with 21 marriage is happening inside the festival.
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>>reporting in san francisco, i'm rob nesbitt kron. 4 news. >>the phone with a unique form factor. demuro takes a look at samsung's latest foldable phone. >>after samsung's launch event in paris, i spent the day with their entry level foldable phone. the flip 6. this year's model has an upgraded look and feel less of a visible screen crease and the cameras got a big quality boost. the main advantage of a flip style phone is that you can use the main cameras for majority of shots, including southeast samsung calls this flex mode. samsung's flex mode lets you leave the phone half open to give you more versatile. capture options. a feature called auto frame uses ai to hone in on a subject. it's not always perfect right now. we're going for traditional french. no lines. proud. and you can also hold the phone like a traditional camp order
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to shoot videos. here are some photos taken on the flip 6. there's no optical zoom, but you can still zoom in digitally. the range and quality is decent. new ai features include portraits studio. this transforms faces into styles like comic 3 cartoon water color and sketch results can be hit or miss. but this is a fun feature overall videos and photos from the phone are great for the casual user. this year. the cover screen can do more and the battery is the biggest on the flip yet at $1100. the flip 6 is $100 more than last year. it's fun, compact and different. and those might be just the reasons to get it. that's rich on tech. i'm rich demuro. >>cano 6
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new stores are now open in downtown san jose. this is the 3rd time moments has worked downtown san jose open new stores for more on this crop or just the moment, spoke with andrea jung, the program manager of moment. so this grand opening was today. tell us about these 6 stores that just opened up. >>well, yeah, we're very excited to introduce street. as you mentioned, it is 6 businesses that are failing 2300 square feet of existing retail vacancies. the 6 businesses include tiny keeper shop that rose go jelly. it's klein leases to china and see there. >>so what are the posters behind me? one was for each
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shop. >>yeah, yes, exactly. you already see one for each shot. and so these stores now that they're open down there, how do you think this will transform downtown san jose? >>this is something that the app and trying to do with downtown retail and shops as a program in general, we are putting these creative small businesses in an existing corridor vibrant street is known in that a town historic district as the lgbtqia and so we're hoping add to the existing vibrancy. >>so were showing some video from the grand opening from today. also, a little look inside the stores what was it like for these businesses to finally be able to turn the key and open up and let customers come in because a lot of them have not had a storefront never 5 of the 6 businesses actually their first brick and mortar location. they've been doing events. they've been doing other types of pop ups. it's different for a small business to take a leap of faith and
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had a physical store. a lot of these tenets is the first time, you know, to going through the process of what it's like to be at business owner in this way. and one of the businesses, tiny keyboard shop had a successful location at saint square and love downtown san jose. so much that they decided to stay. so what are the stores will kind of stuff today? self? all sorts of things. you can kind of get a glimpse of it behind think about souvenirs. think about you may be and i'm a gaming cat related items. these are things that i'm here to a very vibrant and young audience and we accessories, clothing, also get these. >>and this is sort of just the beginning of opening up the stores downtown. how do you think it will look in the future? you trying to get some more is the more of a can see there that needs to be i think that any downtown i'm can relate understanding that they can seize that happened. there is is kind of like 3rd phase of our moment, pop-up shops, the first one being at all
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that the sale which is located on the paseo san antonio district. and so opening these ones on street today allow us to have more stores across multiple districts and in total will see a 15 different pop-up shops here in so these are pop-up said, what's how what's their longevity look like downtown? are you hoping that they stay permanently? and that's always the goal of pop ups feeling that the program that exists right now is year term. so when your for these businesses but success to us beans that they'll be able to stay maybe even occupied a space that they're already in long term and they can maybe work with their property owners directly our partnership with them here. >>well, we're happy to see some store fronts opening and ribbon cuttings. it's great for downtown san jose. audrey on, thank you for joining us. appreciate your time. socks and a roll coaster week with modest gains and health care costs for retirees are soaring. here's david lazarus with money. smart. >>hey, there a drama mean were the week on wall street ended
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on positive note with all 3 indexes clawing out modest gains today. but oh, what a ride. it's been with that 1000 point drop for the dow on monday, followed by yesterday's nearly 700 point gain. it was up and down right and left this and that and a lot of traders were left with their heads spinning overall. however, i'd say the silver lining here is that each time we had a setback, we saw bargain hunting and buying on the dip, which means the traders overall remain fairly bullish. and there's good reason for that. even though recession fears for the catalyst for selling this week, generally speaking, economic fundamentals are sound. corporate earnings are strong and generally speaking, things are on the right track. nevertheless, getting the economy to that soft landing that the federal reserve is trying to achieve. that's the real trick. so a recession is still possible. even a mild recession. but for right now, just expect a lot of volatility. next week we get new inflation numbers. plus earnings from the likes of walmart and home depot. now let's shift gears and look at
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health care, specifically health care in your golden years. postretirement healthcare. most americans think they're going to need about $75,000 to handle their health care needs after they retire. but fidelity investments out with a report saying, that's way off. you should expect about $165,000 in health care costs beyond what medicare and medicare advantage might cover. that's going to be a real wake-up call for a lot of seniors. the takeaway here start planning early. make sure you're saving money for possible health problems later on in life, not least of which very expensive prescription drugs. also keep in mind, assisted living is very expensive and typically not covered by insurance. and at the high-end that can run you about $10,000 a month again. plan ahead. back to you.
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z's baking the house special. arisa's styling a new look. and steve's filling his biggest order ever. with the first ever comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee, these business owners get five years of value on gig speed internet and advanced security, all from the company with 99.9% network reliability. so now they can focus on doing what they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited tim.
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>>now from kron 4, the area's local news station. >>you're watching kron-on live on air and online on stephanie rothman in the south bay. several businesses express their war ii's following multiple burglaries earlier this week, the funny farm restaurant in san jose have their door busted and a cafe next door was also broken into kron 4. shaq moma spoke with the owners to talk about their safety concerns. >>now the owners of the funny farm restaurant here in the evergreen neighborhod say this attempted break-in makes it the 5th time that's happened since 2021. and they say auto. take us a couple more break-in. attempts to shut them out of business.
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>>i want to add this crew. lives up to the name of their business. that's my chicken passed over. interact with customers with jokes like just make them feel like they're at home. but this week was a tough one for people running the funny farm restaurant. >>in attempted break-in on monday, just after 6 in the morning. destroy the side or another 6,000 or so per door. ron levy, co-owner and chef at funny farm restaurant says they've been broken into 5 times in the last 3 years. a couple of break ins away from never opening again. and it's breaking costing hundreds to thousands of dollars. and san jose police confirmed to kron 4 about this recent break-in attempt and says on that same day, burglars broke into cafe a row may right next door like to not have to worry about this kind of thing anymore. >>we're trying with tooth and nail and everything we have to
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hold on to monica levy, the other co-owner says they had 3 other funny farm locations in san jose, but they have to close that due to rising business costs. these recent break-ins now threatened the last one standing in to see people literally destroy and damage it with no thought or care to the people that they're hurting. staff needs a place work and we need a place serve our community. we're putting together a safety plan with crime prevention. >>councilmember for san jose domingo can dallas says he's advocating to hire more police officers and increased patrols in evergreen neighborhood doing everything we can to make sure we bring these perpetrators to justice. but until more is done to stop this string of burglaries. >>the funny farm restaurant takes up the wants to shine through the setbacks. >>when i think when people start seeing that, that they're getting convicted and they're getting arrested and they're going to jail, there's there's something to pay.
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>>that's going to slow it down. and as you can see, despite all of the break-ins that happened over the years, the funny farm restaurant is still persisting with its karaoke nights just about every single friday. now next week, san jose police and that councilmember who you saw in that reporting will be walking through the businesses here in the evergreen neighborhood to find out if there's any safety improvements that could be out. reported here in san jose. jackie moment kron 4 news. >>while 3 teenagers and an 11 year-old boy are being accused of a nearly $200,000 retail theft san francisco investigators say the group is connected to dozens of store thefts. some of them turning violent against workers. say most cases these forced entry into stores that were closed. but employees were still inside. 3 teenagers ranging around 13 to 19 years old are taking into custody. and the 11 year-old was referred to the community assessment center because of his age. heavy police presence in antioch this afternoon after police say a suspect
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barricaded himself inside a home near dallas ranch. middle school and the surrounding area was put on lockdown for about an hour because of this. officers tell us the man barricaded himself while they were doing a search warrant and they say the man was detained. now to weather, we turn to kron 4 meteorologist gayle ong for your weekend weather forecast. gayle. >>all about the clouds and the fog rolling in overnight. and you can expect that to linger on into the morning and we'll see some afternoon sun. tomorrow's daytime highs will be very similar to what we saw today in the low 90's. 95 in concord, 93 in livermore, 86 in san jose, 70's along the east bay shoreline. 92 expected in santa rosa. and it looks like this will be the last day on saturday. we'll see the 90's for a while because we're cooling down to the 80's. as you can see, starting sunday inland. so you'll get a break from the heat for you inland because it was a hot one this week we've reach triple digits earlier this week. now we're trending
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down to the 80's. a huge difference in the temperatures around the bay to sunday. you'll in the upper 60's and then go back to the 70's by the end of the weekend. 60's will be a cooler at the coast. >>our 5 witnesses watch a plane plummet from the sky in brazil. these images are bit disturbing. sadly, not a soul on board survived the fiery crash. 61 people incredibly, though no one on the ground was hurt in this accident. sheen king reports on what we know so far about the crash. >>this dramatic video is nothing short of devastating. you see a small passenger plane spiraling to the ground. where it burst into flames in a residential area. witnesses described the chaos with the aircraft smashing into several homes and causing widespread panic. >>going >>the plane street and out it
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went down, thought something had happened in and run out of gas or so i ran out of the house and i saw falling on the couple's home one local resident says she ducked for cover and started praying as the plane plummeted from the sky. >>shake ukraine. most thought it was going to fall in our yard. it was scary, but thank god. there were no victims among locals. brazil's president interrupted unable event to share the heartbreaking news. i have to be the bearer of some very bad news. i would like everyone to stand for a moment of silence because a plane has just crashed in the city of the cell and it seems that all of them died. >>i would like to ask for a minute of silence for the victims. >>flight 22 83 was on its way to the international airport near sao paulo when its signal went out. authorities are investigating what caused this crash. the area sealed off with emergency responders at the scene. airline vo pass as they're assisting the victims.
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families while working with sao paulo's, head of public safety to determine exactly how the flight went terribly wrong. lot kids look, he says they will provide the best and fastest possible response and above all through future investigations will find out the real reason for the crash. we spoke to aviation expert ross amer who is a former boeing and united airlines pilot about what he thinks may have happened to calls, rolls into ace what we call a tailspin. >>it gets closer to ground and actually speak, saw. so i would imagine that sometimes >>aircraft, could be or supersonic before hit the ground reporting. gene kang. >>now it turns oakland where some of your favorite nba stars were there friday to announce a new nonprofit in the bay area. bay area native
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and nba hall of famer jason kidd and former cal star and now nba champion jalen brown were both behind the organization. the tax change. it's a national initiative aimed at building generational wealth in underserved and underrepresented communities in partnership with community organization. oak stop. the program has already successfully launched in boston and they're hoping for the same in oakland. >>and oakland, which i would consider is like a second home to me going to school at uc berkeley. i got a lot of ties. lot of people in this room that i've known for a long time. oakland is in its history and tradition, entrepreneurship and business and togetherness and organizations. so what an honor it is to be up here announced an initiative. >>the oakland change will have its organizing hub in downtown oakland. and the initiative will also be parting with local universities like uc berkeley and stanford to
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create pipeline's renovation and investment. you're watching kron-on. a bell rang o
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morning to celebrate an extra special start to harvest season in sonoma. there was more of a chill in the air and the first grapes were picked. so explain the significance of this year's harvest kron four's grant lotus and vicki liviakis spoke with robinson basse any executive director of the sonoma valley, venters and growers alliance. >>we love some wine. tell me you're picking already in august and picking already,
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you know, at things usually kickoff incur narrows in sonoma valley. >>and because of the more temperate climate there. so, gloria, for our had their first pick, it usually starts with sparkling and they always kick it off with a bang lots of bubbles. so how's how's it looking this year? going to be know where they won. yeah, it is. everything is looking picture just as you've explained it in a textbook >>you know, it's been. >>a pretty typical summer that grapes like some warmth and some heat. and so everything is getting ready to go. you know, many different varietals will follow suit. that things will really be humming in about 3 weeks. so we're looking to a great banner year for 2024. >>robin, do you ring the bell every year? but why is this year extra special? >>yeah, this year is quite significant. we're celebrating the 2 100th anniversary of sonoma valley wine 200 years
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ago. the first of kinds were planted. and here in sonoma, the birthplace of california wine. and so we're celebrating the year of the that farming legacy, the stewardship of the land that has kept these grapes and vines growing that produce the winds that we love to drink here in sonoma valley. >>so for folks who are watching this and they're starting to get thirsty, what can they do to come and visit? >>we would love for them to come and visit any time. but something extra special that we have is our vintage festival that's going to take place september. 26 through the 28. and it's an incredible event. starts off with vintage movie night and then we had a beautiful harvest dinner, which is a pair, course, with the who's who of sonoma valley. and then we kick it the weekend with a full day of plaza festivities for families to celebrate all day. just
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come. you don't need a ticket to come to the plaza festival and then it ends with the grand tasting at the historic barracks in sonoma will 50 vintners pouring and chefs. it will be an absolutely spectacular sonoma evening. >>sounds robin, when people started crime would be in the newsroom. they ask vicki where to go and wine country because she kind of knows her way around and that's fine. but for people out there who might not have vicky's number to text if you don't know what's going on. but you know, you have friends and family coming in. they want to experience wine country. where's a good place to start? >>yeah. of dot com. you can see all of our wineries listed there. you can sort by family-friendly accepts, whatever you might be looking for, whether you know, smaller vineyards or larger properties, it will all be there. and then valley of the moon vintage festival dot org. if you want to join our
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vintage festival events buy tickets and we'd love to have you. >>so lets get into a little bit of the nitty-gritty here. what makes sonoma wines just, you know, distinct the or how do you describe >>it's so you need. and it's such a great question because are many different micro growing regions that we have. we can produce a vast amount varietals. so you know, you go napa valley and you expect to drink beautiful cabernet in sonoma valley because of the microclimates. one vineyard can produce. i'm very different styles of wine. even if it's just a pinot noir vineyard. you know, depending what you like, even if you're in a where people like many different rivals, you can get that here. so diversity is really what sets us apart in all of the different flavors that you can experience here
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in sonoma valley. well, you have our he's already making reservations are robin the thank you so much for your time. congrats on kicking off this historic. >>2 100th year and all the best as you get harvest season really up and running. presiden
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and other world leaders are pushing for cease-fire negotiations between israel and hamas to resume next week. these officials say a deal is even more urgent due to increased tensions from iran in the region. washington correspondent jessi tenure reports. president joe biden
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issued a rare joint statement with egypt and qatar to up the pressure on cease-fire negotiations. >>as israel ordered another mass evacuation in gaza ahead of new attacks. the framework of the deal is that there is a six-week cease-fire that would be agreed to. >>once the deal is finalized, president biden and his counterparts are mediating. the talks between israel and hamas and are demanding they resume next thursday. we a great head, right, but we need to finalize the agreement we need to finalize as possible. officials say both sides have already agreed to the bulk of the deal. now is down to details like the timing of a planned hostage and prisoner swap. the cease-fire would go a long way towards alleviating tensions in the region. all eyes are on iran after israel's assassinations of top leaders of its affiliated terror groups, hamas and hezbollah. we continue to make clear to iran that they should not escalate this conflict. officials are also blaming iran for this week's attack on a u.s. military base in iraq
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was 2 rockets launched by what we believe to be an iranian-backed shia militia group. the pentagon says the strikes injured 4 service members and a contractor 3 of the 5 injured personnel. >>have been transferred to launch regional medical center in germany for additional treatment, the contractor and remaining service member have returned to work while the pentagon investigates how the rockets were able to reach their base in washington, i'm jessi tenure. >>newly released police body camera footage is shutting more light on the attempted assassination of former president trump. the videos also raise new questions about security measures in place that day. washington correspondent maddie fear temples in dc with the details. the body cam footage shows a chaotic scene of local law enforcement trying to reach the shooter before he opened fire. building you go top of this building. new video outlines the moments after local police spotted the gunman on a rooftop that lane
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down. the first-hand perspective shows the butler township police officer hoisted onto the roof. >>the officer then drop down after the shooter points. his gun at him shortly after shots ring out. >>rotary turnaround it's straight up. the former president was wounded, one rallygoer killed and 2 others seriously injured in the frenzy minutes that followed a secret service officer is heard asking a local schroder to have a weapon. is that was a report. local police are then heard questioning the security measures because i thought we were in post. kaiser here in a statement the u.s. secret service says it's reviewing the body cam footage and quote, the attempted assassination of former president donald trump was a u.s. secret service failure and we are reviewing and updating our protective policies. the former president said thursday he's healed from the bullet that grazed his ear pretty much recover again.
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>>i'm a fast healer. the attempted assassination led to the resignation of the secret service director and prompted congressional investigations. the secret service has said it's trying to be as transparent as possible in its investigation. >>it's acting director has already held one press conference and we expect more in the future in washington. i'm maddie beer-temple. in a sh
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rarely seen in politics. a prominent california state senator has announced she's switching from the democratic party to the republican party after years as a democrat state senator maria alvarado gill says she feels her now
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former party has become unrecognizable. capitol correspondent eytan wallace spoke one-on-one with the senator about her decision. >>well, this is so rare at the capitol that the last time a sitting state senator changed parties midway through their term was 80 years ago. but now senator maria alvarado gill says what she describes as serious changes in her. now, former party compelled her to make this very big decision. the pendulum has swung so far to the left that this is not the democratic party that i recognize. that is why state senator murray over auto gill says she made the decision to switch from the democratic party. >>to the republican party, the bill passes not make any major change to the democratic super majority makeup of the state senate where democrats now hold 31 of the 40 seats overall do gill says she's changing parties to send a clear message to democratic leadership in sacramento. i think that they went in a direction that does not reflect the will of the people. it reflects a very small minority of special
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interests. and so i'm saying no to that. she says an unwillingness from democratic leaders to reform prop 47 played a huge part of her decision. prop 47 is the 2014 vote or approved a ballot measure that lowered penalties for some nonviolent crimes, including retail theft. when the items stolen are less than $950. supporters say it led to criminal justice reform and reduce the size of california's prison population. but opponents, including overgi >>believe elect criminals off the hook. voters have spoken over and over again of they're tired of the crime in their community. they are tired of the homelessness and they want to know that the super majority. >>listen to them and sees them and frankly, i haven't seen that in the 2 years that i've been serving in a statement, democratic senate president pro tempore might mcguire responded to alvarado gill. >>writing, this is disappointing for voters who elected senator alvarado gill as a democrat. they trusted her to represent them and she's betrayed that trust. while most republican leaders enthusiastically welcomed
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alvarado going to their party. gop assembly member billa say lee did not noting alvarado gills district which encompasses parts of the central valley and includes a huge area from lake tahoe all the way to death valley is comprised of more registered republicans than democrats say. lee believes alvarado gill changed parties to make it easier to win re-election in her district in twenty-twenty 6 quote gill only switched republican for political purposes. we do not need or want fake republicans in our party. he went on to accuse sarah previously supporting kamala harris for president, a charge denies. well, it's actually incorrect information. i've never endorsed kamala harris for president. are you leaning one way or the other for president? >>well, what i'm doing right now as i'm watching both of them and i want both of them to prove that they are worthy of the vote from california and all dough. gill is already facing consequences from democratic legislative leaders. she's been kicked out of the latino legislative caucus and she fully expects to be stripped of her role as
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the chair of the senate human services committee. by soon s. >>next week reporting at the state capitol. wallace kron. 4 news. >>more newk-pop
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fans. are you ready? k-pop republic is bringing an exciting pop-up event downtown hayward. they'll be exclusive merch photo car training and boba kron 4 shots. the mom is spoke with councilmember angela andrews to tell us all about it. >>thank you so much for joining us. appreciate your time. this afternoon. what for having so what inspired this? combination of k-pop in the library's in hayward. how did we get here? well, became a
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recent k-pop fan and i got to know and many people in my community who are also >>interesting and k-pop and wanted to bring k-pop where we've some pop-up events, but nothing like this. and i wanted to bring something for teens and for actually everyone for all backgrounds, ages and people of all backgrounds left k-pop music. and i wanted to do something that can bring folks to our downtown show with downtown has to offer. and i'm so grateful. depart bullet partner the city of herat library. and we're going to have performances. have a pop-up shop like a proper public and have boba available by teaspoon. and we are inviting folks to come downtown and walk around our downtown, a supporter, businesses and support our library. so this is happening next next weekend. and anyone can go. >>what is what is it about k-pop and and hayward that is just like a match made in heaven. we have a lot of k-pop fans and and there's just been
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korean wave of culture, an explosion of music. >>and we've been seeing is over the past. i would say 10 years of this music really dominating the charts, but also there are a lot of folks who are buying merchandise part of this particular brand of music. and so i if we don't have a permanent store, why don't we have a pop-up in their goal is to have pop-up the permanent for many of our businesses here. and so we are really happy to have the genre of music be so popular with our teens. and i want to do something for them. we always want to do something for them. that's a environment lot of pop fosters that it be performances. yes, we'll have some dance performances by local groups and will have music playing. i will have deejays from stacked records music from k-pop republic will be providing music to purchase as well as play for people to listen and dance to. there. also is this feature for a lot
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of k-pop advance caught random dance play. so if a comes at a lot these kids, they know the dance moves are ready and when does on their own. so we'll give them opportunity to do that. and do people have to buy tickets or anything like that or can you just show next weekend? no, you can show next week in the event is free. when you will be able to purchase boba by teaspoon. in part of the purchase you'll get an exclusive cup sleeve with many of the k-pop artists that will be featuring in terms of music playing in the background for performances. and are you going to be? >>teaching any the dances learning the dances. you don't want to see that. you that that that make them do said that. >>really fun event for the community. i hope a lot of come out. sounds like it's fun for kids, especially trying get back into school. go see their friends, hang out a little bit. congratulations of this event.
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>>thank you so much. that's why i think the downtown here in improving association, they really worked this as well as and the city of hayward city of library, k-pop republic. and of course he but look forward to having some of that sounds like a good time council member angela andrews. thank you for joining us. have fun next. we've got you. >>krand assistant prosecutor
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in ohio has been fired after allegations he paid off part of another man's finger during a road rage incident. it happened last month. but on thursday, the prosecutor's office says they terminated christopher murray reporter aliah see brooks has the details.
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>>riverside police say they use the cell phone dropped at the crime scene to find christopher murray who they say bit a piece of a man's finger off. >>and now look a missing part of my finger through body camera footage. you can see riverside police as they responded to several 9-1-1. calls on june 29th about 2 men fighting on state route. 35 near woodman drive by the time officers got there. one of the men had taken off. police found the other man suffering from an injury to his middle finger. >>i was in a headlock, but this guy and i cried for people to stop and help. >>the victim told police he honked his horn at a car that didn't go at a green light. he said that's when the other driver got out wanted to fight. detectives found part of the severed finger at the crime scene. they say the man's injury was serious and would require extensive surgery. however, they also found a piece of evidence that would point them to a suspect. the guy >>that my finger off, he dropped this out of his pocket or some, you know, at some
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point during the struggle that cell phone led police straight to christopher murray, who was an assistant prosecutor with the greene county prosecutor's office. in a statement the office says murray was placed on leave on july 9th in formally terminated on august. 8th. >>at this point, no arrests have been made in connection with this incident. murray now waits to see if he will be indicted on a felonious assault charge in greene county ilia seabrooks. 2 news. >>a priest or a treasure is found washed ashore on a rhode island beach. and the discovery was made by a 6 year-old reporter. jay coulter brings us the story of a fossilized, great white who found by an aspiring paleontologist. >>this really is a unique find. as one expert i spoke to says he's never even heard of anyone finding a shark tooth this large in rhode island. >>shocked. has there is point. >>oliver martinez made the discovery of a lifetime at just 6 years old.
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>>nesting >>from >>experts that you in the atlantic shark institute confirming its the fossilized tooth of a great white shark. that was likely road 15 feet long. really spectacular. find. i mean that that's that's something that really rarely rarely happens. i want to take and that absolutely phenomenal. great restraint that young boy, john dog with the atlantic shark institute says the tooth is at least 10,000 years old and could very likely be millions of years old. got even cooler to know that something so all done could be in such perfect shape. could be right here in our. >>favorite place in the world, mom, lauren martinez taking your boys to get the tooth examined by the experts. i was amazing just from the research they have easily they were able to identify and it was it was just so cool to see it. >>for their eyes, you know, i love that. they found it. they they love this stuff. >>that tooth will now live on for generations in the
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martinez family. all thanks to little over reporting in there against to coulter, 12 news. th
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some museum is a nonprofit organization that aims preserve. you guessed it, the vibrant and rich history of salsa music reporter grace gomez has more from new york. >>it not just them in a camping or puerto rican cuban thing has been this her all over the world. >>willie rodriguez is the co-founder of the international south museum.
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institution is currently holding an exhibition at the national jazz museum in harlem. one of the birthplaces of south in new york city where we're combining jazz and international salsa museum is a nonprofit organization that aims to preserve the vibrant rich history of salsa music. it started in africa. one through the caribbean landed here in city. this is where science i got it. >>with the funny all-star and in the acm has held a pop-up events all around the city and is aiming to have a permanent home in the bronx. >>also known a film that will in a sense where the rhythm was popularized by many puerto rican musicians. what we want to do is get a space. that's 400,000 square feet of the keys armory teach the public on what this music is all about. our rules. museum is looking to have a traveling
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exhibition of brought it to expand their mission preserving cells u.s. history. and i just some vicks also one the musicians. the booking need the club promoters. >>everybody that played a role and back here at home. the goal is to foster a relationship with the new york board of education and contribution to their musical and cultural programs. >>get into the schools and teach kids the rhythms where they come from roots. show them how important it is to keep his legacy alive when south. >>where we go, we've got to show them some top in eyes final one to interested coming to see and check out the exhibition, international extradition at the national jazz museum in harlem. you can do until october 15. course, we'll have all that information on our website. pix 11 dot and carla and grace gomez pix. 11 news.
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>>matt damon and casey affleck play 2 robbers on the run after a bungled heist in the new flick. the instigators and just released friday border land starring cate blanchett and jamie lee curtis, scott mantz has the entertainment report. >>we start here with a classic combination city of boston, matt damon and affleck not casey affleck in this case that his star in the new film called the instigators. >>your first i know what i'm away for a change to 60. the question if i'm given instructions not do enough to say i have a gun. >>thank you. notes. >>okay. so here's my review of the movie. i was looking forward to this one. a lot. matt damon and casey affleck back in a heist movie after ocean's 11, 12 13. but they're
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phoning it and as sam, and i heard him say this a lot about certain movies, the instigators is aggressively average i'm surprised it's streaming on apple tv. plus, because it feels like the kind of sporadically entertaining, but otherwise lazy on inspired by the numbers run of the mill and instantly forgettable heist gone wrong. action flick that quite frankly, usually find on netflix to that extent, the instigators is the kind of movie you can have on in the background. why are clean your house when the laundry stuff like that? that still makes it better than border lands. speaking of bordeaux. and so if you thought what i have to say about the instigators was banned, wait till you hear about a border lands. so our lands. yeah. okay. right now it's at 6% on rotten tomatoes.
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it was 7% this morning, but it fell back down to 6. i'm ashley surprised. it's that high because border land is off all very much. wants to be like a guardians of the galaxy kind of movie. but without the find the humor and the charm that made all 3 of those films that series really good. even with oscar winners, cate blanchett, jamie lee curtis border lands just doesn't work lame on inspired. don't care about the characters. fittingly, it's off to a bad start making just over 1 million darse last night at the box office. so it is going to find this weekend. that's the entertainment report from hollywood. scott movie mantz.
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>>fires from the pacific northwest no. circulation, the wind is bringing some of it that drove smoke over to the bay area. so you may notice some hazy skies this weekend. as for right now, here's the big picture statewide. we do have moderate air quality in the bay area, but you can see that poor air quality is visible in southern california and in the pacific northwest in oregon where those wildfires are burning so moderate air for now. expect a similar conditions tomorrow. so here's that smoke forecast. you see that heavy smoke and this light blue color. it does indicate that haze we will be seeing here. usually we see the black, which means we're in the clear but doesn't look like it this weekend. so if you're sensitive to that, look over some moderate air quality across the bay area except for the north bay. looks like you have good air quality tomorrow. as for temperatures, you'll notice a change. starting sunday that ridge of high pressure that's been warming us that is now moving east and breaking apart. low
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pressure will be cooling us down for the next couple of days. you'll see it in the 10 at 10 in just a bit. so here are saturday's daytime highs. we have the fog over by golden gate park. so partly cloudy skies for outside lands. 60 degrees for you tomorrow. 60's around san francisco along the peninsula will be cloudy as well. upper 50's and low 60's and then we have some mild temperatures as you make your way towards south san francisco, upper 60's 78 in burlingame and some 80's in towards the south bay and santa clara county. that's when it starts to warm up in mid to upper 80's, even 90's in morgan hill. so these will warm areas. we will see some low 90's like in pleasanton and livermore and the east bay shoreline. 77 in hayward, 73 in union city. 74 in oakland and 75 in san leandro and then starts you start to see some 90's in walnut creek in danville, frank, what it looks like. it's triple digits. so hottest areas once again and then to the north bay, if you're going wine tasting, we
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have some 80's for you in napa and sonoma and more 90's, low 90's over in the santa rosa at 60's along the coast. and here's the 10 of 10 outlook. it looks like tomorrow that last day in the 90's, at least inland. and then starting sunday, looks like we're holding on to the 80's for the next week or 2 70's and 60's along the bayshore 60's by the coast. >>well, don't look now, but the giants are starting to make their postseason push. san francisco winners of 10 of their last 13 games entering tonight against detroit. and it was perfect weather for a nice walk to the ballpark fans in a good mood. excited to see robbie ray on the hill making his 4th start with the giants hoping to get the homestand off to a good start. runs are at a premium in this one from both teams will pick it up in the second inning. runners on the corners for detroit. ryan vilade with the fly ball to left michael got it. >>offline with the throw. so the run scores. luckily it
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didn't result in any extra runs coming home. one nothing. top 5. still one zip. you see how the buyers dancing around trying to steal 3rd curtis alleys throw gets away from matt chapman. it was a rough game for challis who committed 3 errors tonight, detroit goes up 2, nothing so giants didn't have a hit through the first 6 innings, but they got going late after a sac fly in the 7th, made it to one. patrick bailey came up in the 8th, drove in another run on the sacrifice, fly and that ties the game at to some good situational hitting tonight from san francisco. now, bottom 9 bases juiced one out. mark hanna, the bay area native in his first home game with the giants. a chance to win it. and he does just that. you guessed it. it's another sacrifice. fly. he gets the job done. giants win it 3 to 2. it's their league-leading 10th walk-off victory this year and they are now just 2 games behind the mets for the final wild-card spot in the national league. now before
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the game, we had some stunning news giants closer camilo doval. >>sent down to the minor leagues. triple a sacramento. i guess when you look at his numbers, maybe it shouldn't come has that big of a stunner. dobell all the way up to 4.7, 0 after last night's blown save against washington. so for now, ryan walker is going to take over as closer. meanwhile, the a's beginning a six-game road trip tonight in toronto, mitch spence on the hill looking for his 3rd win in his last 4 starts. but george springer. given a rude welcome. he got every last bit of that one. a as the senate to the upper deck 421 feet away. looks like we've got some forty-niners video up to let's get is rolling again and another look. and george springer fifty-nine's leadoff home run of his career trailing only ricky henderson, big joe in that category. ricky has 81, but is would return the favor in the 3rd
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inning. darrell darrell herndon hernaiz towards left his first career major league home actually was his very first major league extra-base hit. >>ties the game at one. defense played a big role in this one showing years with 2 on and 2 out in the 6th pops it up into foul territory and just an incredible catch. vladimir guerrero junior into the net. if you're in the first look out, you've got to flatten your left. great effort to end the inning. bottom half now, man on for spencer horwitz. how about max schuemann with the great grab but his throw is off target and that's going to put runners on the corners. it would lead to an rbi fielder's choice to put toronto 8th inning. horwitz with some insurance. a no doubter right ends up in the top deck at rogers center as the blue jays take game 1, 3, 1, >>all right. now to football. the forty-niners left for the bay area are left the bay area
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for tennessee today ahead of their first preseason game with the titans tomorrow, the brandon aiyuk saga continues on according to multiple reports, including from cbs sports. there's actually now some optimism in the niners santa clara offices you could end up staying with the team. this is an about face. for what has transpired over the past week with reports that i knew. >>and that doesn't here for us at kron-on will be back with the morning news at 7 o'clock on stepha for watching and have a great rest of your night.
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♪ ♪ >> nischelle: tonight... a feud? the "it ends with us" drama explained. what went down between blake and justin as their costars seemingly take sides.


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