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tv   KRON 4 News Weekend  KRON  August 24, 2024 7:00am-10:01am PDT

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jack: thanks for joining me on today's adventure. from the columbus zoo, i'm jack hanna, hoping you'll join me next time as we go "into the wild." >> now on the kron 4 morning news. oakland residents demanding more protection from police during an ineugural town hall with the city's new chief. and a look at oaklands
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latest crime statistics from the police department after another deadly week. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at 7. >> good morning. thank you so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. good saturday to you. let's get your day started with a look at the weather with dave sphar. good morning, dave. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. starting off a little bit of peter patter of rain. we have all but this morning, little bit of drizzle at work here. that's from our from the low pressure system in our backyard. >> most of the action is up north and with daytime heating will see more action going on. potentially some thunder showers way to the north really north of lake county. but some of the impact may be felt in parts of the bay. here's a live look at what you can see what's going on for san francisco. we still have quite a bit of cloud cover short, but even for the city that's going to clear out, it looks like as the morning starts to progress, got some of that fog kind of deal with a little bit on the ground in some spots looks pretty good
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as we approach around noon and including the coastal areas will see some clearing as well back to the satellite and radar picture. you can see the rotation of the low. not a lot happening in the bay area by comparison. the heavier stuff is in the mountains. you'll notice, however, again, you at some of that daytime heating and it was spring alive a little bit potentially some thunder shower action really up north towards reading. but still some of that could drift into parts of the north bay contra costa county as a possibility. might see some late afternoon clouds and some drizzle or some light rain showers, a possibility winds a little bit of an onshore flow. most of them are pretty much in the single digits. temperatures pretty mild 60's at that lower to middle 60's. and yes, that's above where our numbers were. this time from yesterday. more apparent up north. really 11 degrees ahead. santa rosa, 13 for nevado. so for today, shaking off the clouds and the drizzle blue. 71 by 11 o'clock by 2 at 76 mild temperatures with that as well. but those 90's are not far from home. they'll be returning by tomorrow. more on
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your weekend forecast and a bit, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you so much. a major part delay happened last night in the east bay. >> it's the second issue at the macarthur station in a week's time. several stations were closed because and of an equipment problem on the track that included all the yellow line stops from west oakland to rockridge as well as lake merritt in ashby, barr first reported the problem shortly after 08:00pm last night. buses were seen picking apart riders of rockridge station. we know that regular service returned early this morning at 06:00am in a message to crown for a bart spokesperson said there was a physical altercation last night and an arrest was made. the victim suffered non-life-threatening injuries and did not pursue further treatment on monday. you may remember bart also dealt with a major delay after smoke-filled train cars filled it approaching the macarthur station, forcing evacuations off that train. and bus services in san mateo county may be disrupted next week. samtrans says the union
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representing workers rejected a contract proposal. the transit agency says this is the second time the union rejected their offer. samtrans says riders should seek alternative transportation options on monday and possibly tuesday. hotel workers in the east bay voted to authorize a strike. the employees work at the oakland marriott city center and hyatt house emeryville. the union says 91% of workers voted in favor of a strike. they are demanding extra staffing, more manageable, workloads and benefits like health insurance. safety. top of mind for dozens of oakland. residents at the first community town hall with the city's new police chief kron four's jack moment shows us the heated debate. >> if we can't wait, we can't wait for people to get hurt and it will >> has >> gone. gerald somewhere has called oakland home for 70
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years. he's no stranger to crimes in his community. he got his car stolen and now doesn't drive. this is the first time gerald says he's seen oakland's leadership like this all in one room. what are you what you want to something positive something that's going really work friday night. the city of oakland hosted the first of what's expected to be a series of community town halls. it also comes off a deadly week in the city. 5 people were killed in the last 7 days with 2 of the deaths happening just 24 hours ago. i'm a firm believer that if you want something done, you need to get up and do something. she loved. richardson lives in west oakland and says this meeting is a long time coming in. not seen the results like we're supposed to see. so a lot of frustration and hopelessness. she wants to see that hope. >> and action. we know we can do that. city leaders took the opportunity to talk about the efforts of increasing police stopping and chief floyd mitchell touting about violent crime in oakland is down by
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15%. >> this was his first community meeting since starting the job as oakland's top cop. you want to believe we're not securing i'm telling you are seeing reduction. that reduction in crime was a point of contention. >> i'm not seeing that. i'm not seeing a reduction in crime. >> mary merrick has lived in oakland for 30 years. she wanted to see more of an open style forum. instead, the city took questions by britain, only merrick says that's led no real debate. it was it was too controlled and it gave me new information. she florida mitchell says this meeting was critical. we aswed them about the reduction in violent crime in the city and how most people that crossed for has interviewed say they just don't feel it. if you are a victim of a crime, you don't really care what the numbers say. you have been victimized and you want that address. so i i feel their frustration. but >> one of the metrics that >> a lot of communities measure their policing by is the numbers. so the numbers are what the numbers are and those numbers, chief michel says will stand for themselves as they continue to build more
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community relationships. now the city of oakland is planning more of these events to bring the police chief fire chief and other members of the city. >> to the community and talk about what's happening. if you do want to attend any of those meetings, your expected to rsvp online reporting here in oakland, jack molmud kron. 4 news. >> and that is not all in a press conference friday opd gave more details about those shootings and hit and runs kron four's lezla gooden reports. >> you know, we've had 5 people to lose their lives in this in this last 7 days and all through, you know. people being reckless comes to social interactions. >> on thursday night in oakland, 2 people were killed and others injured. and 2 separate shootings all taking place just hours apart. the first shooting occurring at the 7900 block of ne avenue near richey street around 07:00pm here. police discovered a man had been fatally shot and others injured. >> a preliminary investigation, dfficers found
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2 additional subjects were responded to highland hospital showed up at highland hospital suffering from apparent gunshot wounds from the same incident. those 2 individuals, one male, one female. are expected survive their injuries. then around 11 o'clock. another shooting was reported. >> at harry's drive-in off of macarthur boulevard. units quickly responded to the scene. to find a male subject suffering. >> from apparent gunshot wounds. was rendered as well. but unfortunately. the gentleman succumbed to his injuries. police are still investigating possible motives and those responsible for the shootings. the latest homicides are ending a violent week in oakland. >> friday's press conference to address the quadruple shooting on saturday where a man and woman were killed on monday of this week. august 19th grand county sheriff's
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office. >> we're able to take 2 individuals in custody. based on the investigative work, homicide investigators and our patrol officers going investigation and officers thank the community for their assistance in a resting and allege an license and drunk driver who killed a 17 year-old in critically injured. her mother earlier this week. they say he was going 80 miles per hours. we don't want our residents to become victims themselves trying to intervene in something they >> you know, we again, we really appreciate the community's help with stopping this individual who appeared to drinking and driving after he crashed and try to flee from vehicle. but again, we ask that our residents be very good. witnesses. >> what i'm asking is for our community to take a serious look at ourselves internally about how how quickly. >> we result to gun violence. we have to stop this. there's no reason why we have 4 people shot in the city of oakland within a week. there's no reason why this young lady lost her life. mother was
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critically injured. lezla gooden kron. 4 news. >> the man suspected of starting the massive park fire in northern california has pleaded not guilty to arson chprges. ronny stout is accused of pushing his burning car down an embankment near a park. the park fire grew to nearly 430,000 acres and spread across 4 counties destroying more than 640 structures at last check. it is 67% contained. stanford engineers are developing a new fire jail they say will help protect houses and other buildings from wildfires. engineers say powder used in disposable diapers helped inspire the product. they say the gel mixes with water and heat and then swells into a thick shield as a fire retardant. the engineers claim this new jail is both safe to people and the surrounding environment. and take a look. a man jumped on top of a waymo driverless car on market and davis streets in downtown san francisco. this happened during rush hour traffic on friday. he stood on top of the
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could have the current is seen waving at people even appearing to well, okay. said someone before jumping off of that car across 4 has reached out to women and police for more information. and update you if we hear anything. coming up on the kron. 4 morning news. a north a military museum is gearing up for its largest event of the year. we take you inside >> plus, california, a blue states seeing an increase in registered republican voters. a look at the latest numbers >> all right. some morning drizzle, all of that. but opening up the skies very nicely this afternoon, including areas along the coast. keep a few little scattered bay clouds in and maybe the flare up of a few little showers up in solano county this afternoon. get a check of your forecast in a the kron morning news continues.
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i'll say what city hall insiders won't. we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit. i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses.
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>> heartbreak in a southern california community after a beloved baseball stadium featured in the movie a league of their own was destroyed by fire. reporter angelica caught a has reaction. >> this baseball park in ontario may best be known as the park. one of the most famous baseball lines of all time was first uttered by the actor tom hanks. >> a crying in baseball. >> today with much of its wooden stands turned to ash in a fire thursday night. baseball fans were indeed in tears. our father was a little bit. >> and a great man. >> gary littleton is the son of jay littleton, who the ball park is named after and says
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his father's relationship with it dates back to 1958. running youth programs and even taking several teams to championships. it feels like we're reliving our father's death today. >> it's very, very painful. and i just just love the respect near people becoming out and given it to us. just said people like long-time neighbor, gina johnson, now used to tell people, you know, smell like the actor, geena davis and film them will be over even cried when i saw that. and tony pre who umpired at the historic ballpark and says when kids played here, they felt a special. >> knowing that >> movies are filmed here. you know, big league players played here. minor league teams played near ontario. fire department says their crews found heavy smoke and fire from the stadium and dugout. and while the cause is still being investigated, gina and tony say >> they have their guesses. >> you know, first thing i went through line is, you big.
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>> probably homeless because is normally blocked out pretty good unless they hopped over a fence and that's what they do. >> all right, live look outside at 7.15. some nice look at the fog out there. dave. >> yeah, we some drizzle going on this morning to good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and that's npall going to part for us. eve a few folks along the coast. so we'll get some decent clearing this afternoon. however, that low in the system driving all of this is right in our backyard. we're actually in a very warm sector is it brings in that onshore flow and taps into a little bit of a moisture coming in from the south. so this is a kind of a mile of drizzle thing going on. no, not the monsoon. that's what we would normally it would normally feel like we get that monsoon pattern. this little different. this low is coming in from the direction we get in the winter months. lower to middle 60's on the board. you can see right now you're 66 for san jose. 63 san francisco. let's get back to future cast for okay. here it
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is. that low in place. daytime heating a couple little spots you can see show up there. they seem to favor off towards the north and the our perspective here. but we're going to still keep it in the forecast is that flare up in the afternoon as a possibility, very widely scattered with the concentration north and east today. all right, that we get to overnight. we still don't completely get rid of this drizzle overnight here at the coast. new day on sunday. so some pesky cloud cover a little bit of parts of the bay. but on balance, really opening up the skies and warming to we're going to return to those inland highs near about 90 already. and we're going to cue that gravy train into early next week. futurecast for here's a pop of the winds. we get a little bit, not particularly real, real active considering this a potential for some thunder showers, maybe not so much in our area, but further up north with that low. but still, we continue this trend with onshore winds this afternoon and continue. the may get a little bit tomorrow afternoon. there's a little bit of a switch here with kind of a pop
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off shore that should be watched. that's going to be more apparent way up in north state. not so much for us, but still it will be there a little bit around the bay. again, we continue with that onshore wind. but again, that offshore pop far north. okay. morning drizzle. clear it out as the shot here. you can see sfo, no delays happening there. late shower. well inland. i just talked about that up around slower county tomorrow, sunny and warmer. they are around 80 or so. so it's a big jump for bay temperatures too. 90 ish or so happening well inland. so we're going to be like 88 89 90 91 already continue that into next week and a little he pomp and we're talking about numbers well inland that by tuesday or wednesday next week, a pop near 100 or so and then spend a lot of the week still in the 90's before a big surprise happening next weekend. you don't see it so much on the 7 day forecast. but it looks like a by the time we get to next saturday, another big juicy lowered our backyard here, too. it looks like they got the memo for the winter pattern. here is what we're getting almost 70 for san francisco morning. drizzle
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variable clouds will call up again. lot more sunshine your afternoon. 74 oakland, 79, san jose and well inland yet to some lower 80's. that's it up north. you get all those 70's that work there in a battle about 80. but a 67 going on for half moon bay. so that's pretty nice, particularly this time of year. all right. let's do it for the next several days. up to 90 for sunday, 98 monday. so it's bag 100 or so. you know, tuesday, wednesday bought and of the week. looks really interesting. another low coming right across the bay area by next saturday doesn't look really wet, wet, but it definitely will break the back of a bites we ok, alright, so we just got to get through but warm up. yeah, we have this warm-up may have some statements will let you know if that develops, but it would be tuesday wednesday. >> all right. thanks so much. danger. >> all right. well, with less than 75 days until election day, state election officials are seeing an increase in registered republicans and a decrease in registered democrats. our capitol correspondent eytan wallace takes a closer look at the
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data. >> we felt great. that's the sentiment of california republican party chair jessica millan patterson after new voter registration numbers released by the state show between october 2023. in july of this year, california saw increase in registered republicans by nearly 200,000 voters. inhat same time period, registered democrats saw a decrea of more than 112,000 voters in the no party preference label also ticked down by more than 64,000 voters. we've seen republican registration growing every single assembly district. every single senate district, every single congressional district in every single county interstate. definitely the enthusiasm is on our side. but even with the latest gop gains, california is still a majority blue state where registered democrats outnumber registered republicans by about 2 to one. >> democratic delegates just returning to california from the dnc say they are energized by kamala harris's presidential campaign. static. she's brought a distinct
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energy. >> that we much needed in the party as we move forward in november. still, state republicans say the new registration numbers have given them fresh momentum. it comes after years of state gop messaging campaigns and voter outreach project including a partnership with the republican national committee to open with the party describes as community centers across the state. we needed to shop in communities that have been neglected by our party over the years. in little saigon and michelle park, south district in bakersfield. and congressman david is district palmdale in congressman garcia's district in marseille. congressman john, to our taste district showing up in the asian community showing up in the latino community, making sure we're communicating year-round with all of these voters doing so she says will be key and a handful of close congressional races across california that could ultimately determine which party takes control of the u.s. house. >> of representatives. we are the road to the house majority. we're not just going to hold onto the house majority. hear that. but what
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we're going to do is we're going focus on growing. the house majority were going on the offense and 3 additional seats. and we're looking forward to being a major player on the national scene. >> we reached out to the california democratic party for a response but did not hear back as of news time reporting at the state capitol. a tonn wallace kron. 4 news. >> and north a military museum is gearing up for its largest event of the year. reporter tony salazar is in fairfield with a preview. >> the american armory museum is a hidden gem. nestled in fairfield near i-80 freeway and prides itself on educating the next generation that freedom isn't free. we are very hands-on with with the youth as well. and they can't come out here and actually experience these vehicles get in hand, you know, and see what it's like, you know, a day or so afterwards they forgot their even here this weekend, families are invited to learn more about world war, 2 to modern wars through the
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museum, extensive military equipment. what think are we in right now? way we are in a british court bn that would actually use in the mall for organizers say 80% of its collection runs and drives, including this 12 track vehicles where families have a chance to ride in them. >> during the museums open house event on saturday, we've got military vehicle rides. >> leisurely affair have tracked. this starts at $15 and the prices go up according to vehicles. but >> we will simulate fire all of artillery pieces. we crush cars with tanks. it's just full hands on active weekend. if he can make and would like to help preserve american history. organizers say they're always looking for extra help. always looking for more volunteers from. >> tough hear from general maintenance to repairing vehicles, the even helping out with these events and displays reporting in tony salazar. >> that's still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, california joins in an
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antitrust lawsuit against a software company accused of helping big landlords fix prices.
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>> the justice department is suing a real estate software company in alleging it enable landlords to collude on prices across the u.s. attorney general merrick garland announcing the lawsuit friday morning against the texas based company. real page. the anti-trust suit has been joined by 8 states, including california. the suit alleges real page facilitated a price-fixing scheme which boosted reds for millions of americans. it's the first major antitrust lawsuit where the role of a software algorithm is central to the case. >> and americans should not have to pay more in rent simply because the company has found a new way to scheme with landlords break the law. >> real page says it plans to vigorously defend itself against the lawsuit saying its software was built to be legally compliant. >> rang the doorbell call tax nothing. and that's when i saw him to shop. >> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, a stressful weekend for one bay area bride
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to be after the shop housing. her dress closes just before her wedding.
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it'll be raining cats and dogs again. time to waterproof with gorilla. waterproof with gorilla? gorilla waterproof patch & seal. of course. spray it, tape it, spread it, brush it to stop and prevent leaks. for the toughest jobs on planet earth. [ding] [upbeat music] ♪ yeah, baby, i like it like that ♪ ♪ i like it like that, i like it like that ♪ ♪ si a ti te quiero mi amor, i like it like that ♪ ♪ eeeeeh, baby, i said i like it like that ♪ ♪ stomp your feet if you think i'm neat ♪ ♪ clap your hands if you want some more ♪ ♪ i said i like it like that ♪ there's nothing like a wendy's frosty. it's cool. it's creamy. it's only a dollar right now.
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wait... what?! the one and only frosty is a buck? gotta be wendy's. morning news surveillance footage shows a group of people connected to a series of car burglaries. we've got the latest out of pacifica. and complaints filed about illegal fencing along the sands of stinson beach. how the county is now getting involved good morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news as get you started this half hour with a look at our forecast with mister dave spahr was tracking all that
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weather for us. hey, good morning. today. >> good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and some gray skies out there, drizzle fog and all that business. that's not gonna remain all day. however, rain is an entirely done for everybody after we approach around noon or late afternoon shower for a least some fringes parts of the bay area. you may see a little bit up there in the far north and the far east a little bit. first things first after checks in again with those gray skies. but don't worry that will linger all day today. that should clear out as the morning progresses. we'll try about 71 by 11 to 76 and sunny for the most part. but again, some spots very far inland. you may see a flare up of a little shower going on here. here it is in total. you can see that low kind of digging in to the west here. and it's really traversing towards our north here a little bit. and, you know, in may actually be producing some snow showers up in the sierra a little bit with all of this. not going to be up there in the nosebleed section up there, talking about 9,000 feet, 8800 feet and it probably won't stick,
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it's august to me mentioning any snow going on, at least in the mid latitudes. that's so noteworthy a little bit here. so something to look out for a bit as well in our temperatures are in the lower to middle 60's at this point, a fairly mild, even in places like half moon bay. we're in the warm sector of things tapping. it is some of that moisture from the lower latitudes a little bit. although this low is coming from the north, you can see here were some half-dozen degrees ahead of our numbers from yesterday from the temperature contrast for you in a bit. we're gonna take a look at that longer range forecast here in this low seems to of burnout up half because will be followed by another one coming about a week or so. nice. little surprised with that. we'll have a look at that in a little heat pump coming our way as well. stephanie. >> a half before the big day. the bride to be devastated to learn the bridal shop, holding her wedding dress had closed kron four's. philippe djegal explains what happened. >> off the rack. this wedding
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gown cut akila, morongo z zy casting the bright to bees imagination forward a year when she could envision wearing it down the aisle in san diego where she is set to recite her wedding vows and begin the next chapter in life with the love of her life september. 1st, i have that dressed since october of last the girls probably holding soon after she became engaged with money earned from working 3 jobs mungo's. he bought the dress late last year from billy couture in downtown pittsburgh. forking over close to $1000 for and a few other services. but have the owner breece a burn all seen helping one busy during this hitting store. the dress in the bridal shop until the big shuns were being made in the moments ahead. these would be for the guys and these are for the girls longo's. these last few ding was in early july. the last time she saw the dress and the owner. >> a few weeks before the wedding over the phone, the 2 made arrangements to meet up
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and finish the alterations. but one goes, he says, but all stopped answering her polls didn't show up for appointments. >> and this week when she stopped by the shop, it was cleared out. nothing left, including her dress. my heart >> i think i was calm all the way up to that moment. i don't really she's my full shortly after we met with one goes, he has her friend scramble to find her and fielding generous offers from the public bass. a burn all returned our phone call accepting responsibility for leaving. one goes the f the proverbial all turns his rate she says her store's lease was up at the end of july and spontaneously chose not to renew and instead save some money through the rest of the year before opening up in a bigger space downtown in january. >> i started so she packed everything up and is storing her inventory in her home until she moves into her new spots may see is finished. >> goes up the middle another
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in december. it's when that quite full already. only the threat for handling continue to nyc something he all started her business in bolivia 20 years ago and operates 5 shops there. >> the pittsburgh location is the only one in the united states and britain prides herself and keeping customers happy and accepts responsibility for leaving a few clients like one goes e in the dark is miami's think because. that they she here and i know kill her because use my phone. that is my full. it going to go on whether i have addressed or least she will not only have one like her fiance that caught her eye and captured her heart. in pittsburgh, philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> and pacifica surveillance video shows thieves running up to a car and smashing in the windows. police say 20 cars along he's cliff drive a broken into wednesday morning.
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one neighbor says many of the targeted cars were outside of his home. >> when i pulled on fire, i saw like glass street the car. my neighbor's home him. you get a lot what they actually it right. >> 3 suspects in the case, officers are reminding neighbors to lock their cars and not leave valuables behind. in the north bay. a dispute over private fencing at stinson beach kron four's gayle ong looks into a complaint filed about neighbors allegedly roping off parts of the beach without the proper permits. >> it doesn't really bother me, but i wrote have not. they're just because the beach there on the beach. you know, it's kind of major robert peddler of petaluma is talking about these fences around homes along stinson beach. it's always been a problem. somebody always wants to kind of out boundaries. earlier this month, the county of marin receive a complaint that buy properties on the beach have installed fencing that
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may be on public beach land whenever we receive >> a complaint like this, we take very seriously communications director of the county of marin at laney hendricks. as the county issued code enforcement personnel out to the area. there's determining whether or not this is something that occurred on public versus private land. really the concern there is any attempt to robot public beach, a public lands considered privatization. >> hendricks, as privatization falls under the violation of the coastal act and any develop. and that takes place on the coast requires a coastal development permit as far as the county is concerned, none of these fences are permitted. one of the homeowners told kron 4 off camera that she is not doing anything wrong and that her fences around her property and is taking the necessary steps to get a permit. according to the california coastal commission, all beaches are public up to the mean high tide line. a final conclusion with marin counties. findings should take weeks in stinson
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beach, gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> for president of san francisco unified abruptly resigned friday. lanny modem that he cited health and personal reasons for her immediate departure now to replace her mayor london breed swore infill kim, a former teacher in public education administrator. the announcement comes as the district faces an enormous budget deficit and possible school closures. >> we need to make sure that we have a strong collegial, successful school board to help usher this school district during a very difficult time financially and their hard decisions that need to be made. the decisions have consequences. and so the need to listen to parents. the need to listen to and work with educators. the need to ensure that our children are put first every step of the way. that is why i have chosen to a point phill kim.
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>> position until the term ends in 2026. unless a special election is called before. then. it's tough hub is set to pay nearly $300,000 in penalties. this after the online ticket reseller was accused of failing to refund customers for canceled events during the covid pandemic. instead of issuing cash refunds stub-hub provided credit after an investigation began. stub-hub begin issuing those cash refunds back in may 2021. and burning that kicks off tomorrow. that week-long festival in the nevada desert does typically sell out by this time. but there are still tickets available on its web site last year. heavy rains caused flooding and muddy conditions leaving festival goer stranded for quite some time. and the year before there was extreme heat. officials say economic factors could also be playing a role this year. if you want to go to get started $630, a vehicle pass goes for an additional 150 bucks. and some drivers
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can now access their driver's license on their phones. governor newsom's office making that announcement friday. google wallet users now have the option to store driver's licenses and that means they'll be able to use mobile wallets to get through airport security checkpoints. officials say they are working on a version for iphone users. and more than 3500 hot rods, muscle cars, classics. alright display at the alameda county fairgrounds right now. organizers say the good guys car show is fun for the whole family. >> you see some of the younger guys. we've cars like me. and so makes it enjoyable for me, especially inc. you know, i'm i'm older. i could be their son or grandfather. so they come up start asking you questions. it's it's pretty exciting when that happens to them in florida. it's much as i have over years. >> the car show is open from 8
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in the morning until 5 in the evening today and from 8 until 03:30pm, in the afternoon. tomorrow. a celebrated chef at san francisco is getting creative with her menu as the city deals with dungeness crab shortages. last season was cut short by months. and the upcoming season remains unclear. here's chef nancy oakes boulevard. >> because there's no grounds they're looking at other things to these come from santa barbara crop on off car, going on a >> next thursday will be the last of the creative crabs centric dinners at boulevard. the official san francisco dungeness crab season is set to start november. coming up on the kron 4 morning news, the niners went up against the. >> what we have more details on the upcoming game. our own aaron wilson sat down with some forty-niners and we've got more on that coming up. >> well, don't hold off on us. i want to hear more. >> highs today. right? okay.
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we will have more. you state but lower 80's going on far inland. big the issue will be maybe the flare up about isolated little shower, maybe a thunder shower that will be far up north. meanwhile, 70's 80's in the north bay, we'll check in your longer range forecast for you coming up in npjust thought for morning news continues. welcome back. good
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morning. a golden gate bridge checks in very ominous looking clouds in the background there a little bit. you see some sun pairing on through the little bit. that will be our future. >> give it a little time to kind of work its magic. so we have the kind of traditional fog it's sort of in place. but this low is bringing up that moisture from the south a little bit. that's why it's kind of a mild little drizzle. we had to start things off and temps will be actually mild into this afternoon. yes, good morning, everybody. live shot coming in from sfo. meanwhile, in the same kind of scenario with some of that fog in cloud cover. but no delays being reported out that way. let's jump to tahoe now. little misleading on this because we're not talking about saturday on here today. today they may get some snow in the very, very higher elevations. you get up to about 8500 feet beyond. i know that's a nosebleed section and everything. but the mention that that's kind of interesting to be in august like this to get a little bit of snow working here showed you there is some cooler air with this low associated with it. meanwhile, we get into tomorrow and temperatures start climbing real quickly. as a reminder, it's still summer monday into tuesday.
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there's the the heat up that we're talking about in the bay area obviously will be warmer. so you can checking in over the next few days. it's got 60's in the east bay up north, the same deal to 63 san francisco. 66 for san jose. back to future cast for for the shorter term forecast. we clear out as we talked about, we get that daytime heating and you can see a pin wheeling their the little opportunity for a pop of some showers going on again, cause of the colder air aloft in the daytime heating. then by tomorrow morning, maybe some drizzle occurring overnight here a little bit along the coast. but that's going to clear out pretty quickly once the sun joins us and we'll clear up most of the bay for a sunny day. and those were temperatures are going turn very much to where they're very traditional. upper 80's back to 90 and through the 90's into next week. so we have a heat pump that's trying to develop here right now. this is our low. it's cool cord its core. but it is bringing in some of that southerly moisture a little bit. so that's why it's kind of mild from our perspective. but it will be cool for today
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for the season. so that low goes away. yes, we see you back to our high pressure cell. we know what that means, but i'm stopping in here just for a moment because up north here you'll see a little piece of action break south of that. so we have more to come. but just remember that. all right, going forward, high pressure will have its little he pump only what we got over here. nice rotation. there looks something developing. get to the latter portion of the weekend. here it is. we get to friday or so. we're still in the warm sector now when that high, you don't see a big, big drop in emperatures yet. and then this low. it's your queue right here. not had time to moderate a little bit. it took a while spin off from that gulf of alaska situation. but this is a pattern little bit more of kind of familiar with were the winter months. so it's not the monsoon. we get that coming in from the southeast. so don't see a lot of rain with this. but, you know, another cool down. another break, the back of the heat pump that we're expecting. okay. so good news there. 70 for san francisco today. not too bad 60's hanging at the coast here. we
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expect again some clearing going on. 75 for burlingame, 78 foster city 78. meanwhile, also for palo alto with the south bay checking into upper 70's near about 80 or so keep mid-seventies cooking here along the east bay shoreline, tri valley, lower 80's. that's for today. you'll see a bump tomorrow. 82 for concord, 70 going on for berkeley. the laos. 67 fairfield, 77, napa, 73 78 for santa rosa. here's a warming up trend we're talking about. we might get some statements with this. but the days to look out for our monday tuesday and into wednesday when it finally starts to slide into friday, there's more sliding too, with that pesky little low. it's a different the trooper it's going to be somewhat moderate a little because it's going to be the mid pacific here. but it will break the back of our heat spike coming up. so ok, it's all right. so that's some good news if we like to call them. like covid, ok? all right. thanks a
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>> and emotional moment earlier this week at the dnc, as you can see right there. so this an stealing the spotlight for that moment as his father formally accepted the nomination for vice president? so emotional there that moment sparking conversation about the 17 year-olds learning disabilities. >> reporter saito brings us that before. >> it was this family shout out that overshadowed night 3 of the dnc, minnesota governor to watch his son does could be seen yelling back. that's my dad. >> the 17 year-old web through much of his father's acceptance speech as the vp nominee. >> when it was all over, he climbed on stage and gave his dad tight bear hug the authentic fatherson moment captivated those on the convention floor. it's seen governor walz's love affection
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and shouting out his son was everything. meant so much. not just me personally, but to me the autism neurodiversity communities that i represent. people magazine recently profound the family. >> revealing that guns as a non-verbal learning disorder. in addition to anxiety. >> and adhd calling the high school seniors condition his secret power. every time they cut to guys. >> it made me happy. it made me smile. >> it made me cry. he might not look familiar. but joey travolta john travolta's big brother is a filmmaker who's devoted his life to helping bring his craft to those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. what are you hoping to experience to with >> we people i would expect his latest project lights, camera, friendship is a docu series. the highlights inclusion films, a program that has served thousands of
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aspiring neurodiverse filmmakers. i want people to see what i say. >> doing camps for children on the autism spectrum training adults intellectual and developmental disabilities and finding work for them. >> a powerful moment regardless of politics that putting a spotlight famines with special needs kids. i hope governor walz vice president was will use his voice to advocate for not only so, but for kids, they look like his side. >> reporting los all 7. we started a family. the nfl preseason is coming to an end. the final week featuring a longtime bay area rivalry. >> erin wilson has the details from allegiant stadium. >> well, the nfl preseason has come and now gone. it is all said and done any ended on the raiders in the niners on a tie score of 24 with this game was less about winning and more about getting a job. it was a lot of young guys are here on both sides of the ball competing for a job. a lot of
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them put in a bid to at least find a place on 53 man roster because the teams do have to cut it down come tuesday from 90 2.53. we talked to a couple of guys in the locker room spoke about their experience to the preseason, but also their hopes coming up in nfl season. take a listen. i see also like long as you are confident within, you know, your abilities and also the game plan. i believe that the game does slow down for at the end of the day. so that's when time to get to iv u.s. lee, you know, with with a minor setback in that, you know, didn't didn't help anything. but >> no, like i said, you know, just approaching it one day at a time, you know, fortunate i was able to make it back to this game. you know, try to take advantage of special team reps and then obviously on offense as much as i could and, you know, that was kind of the mindset the whole time. so, you know, i'm fortunate enough to be able to. been in this game. you know, i wasn't sure if i was going to be the case. so, you know, the fact that i could do was excited clay county ruling with it. you know, obviously, felt
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really good, my first time being a part of that. that new dynamic with the new kickoff kickoff return role. but, you know, it's exciting. you know, a lot of room for big place there at this point, all of the guys can turn their focus to week. one they have about a week of a buffer between now and the time that the niners welcome the new york jets and aaron rodgers. >> to levi's stadium. so now they will prepare for now, some said news when it comes to a couple of guys out here today, louise gross-matos and leonard floyd both went out of the game here tonight. early both with knee injuries. they were questionable to return. that was upgraded later to out for the game. so right now we do not have specifics on what's going on with 2 of those with the 2 of them in their knees. however, we will, of course, try and find that out in the next coming days. i didn't know it was a great effort put in by guys on both sides sharing. pierce is excited to see that he has some young guys out there that he could capitalize on. but i'm sure caution ahead. can say the same about some of the
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young guys to perform tonight. for back to you guys in the studio. erin wilson at allegiant stadium. >> you can hear him and now you can hundreds of sea lions taking over a beach in monterey, prompting local officials to close down a portion of san carlos ph local say they've never seen so many of the animals gathered here before. animal experts are not entirely sure why the seals chose this beach as they're gathering spot this year, but say it could be due to the diverse food supply in the area. most of these sea lions are male and experts predict they'll stay here for up to 4 weeks. reminder it is illegal to get too close to a sea lion. so just watch respectfully from a distance. we'll be right back. and
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allusive canada lynx was spotted in vermont earlier this month for the first time in 6 years. how cool is this? conservationists and wildlife enthusiasts soon. the lynx was a male. you can see a walking along the road's edge there really cool. the sighting has sparked renewed interest in the endangered species presence in the state. what a beautiful animal. >> and still ahead on the next hour kron, 4 morning news, bart trains back up and running this morning after a fight on a train weeds to hours of delays. plus, with more wildfire danger on the way. the latest on a new product developed by stanford engineers aimed at protecting engineers aimed at protecting buildings from fire.
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wendy's has new saucy nuggs. and if wendy's found a way to make their nuggs even better... anything is saucibllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
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for a whole new way to nugg... gotta be wendy's. >> now on the kron 4 morning news, oakland residents demanding more protection from police during an inaugural town hall with the city's new chief. and a look at oaklands latest crime statistics from the police department after another deadly week. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at >> good morning. thanks so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. >> it's saturday august the 24th. let's continue our news
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coverage with a look at our weather with dave sphar. hey, good morning, dave. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody off the kind of a cloudy start, at least in part so that we can see now sober cameras are showing the skies opening up a little bit here. and that will yield to not a bad saturday for you to kind of mild of those temperatures to get a nice break with this as well. first things. first, we take a look at our beauty shot of what's going on the east bay shoreline. still hang with some of this cloud cover given little time to lift on out. will go mostly sunny mode. for the most part, maybe some scattered clouds left over. and you see some of these up in the north bay along the coast just a little bit. but still, you'll be seeing some raise a son going on here. so that's definitely worth that. what we're really watching here is this low digging in. it's not dropping across the bay proper. it's really up towards our north here around reading. and that may put to produce later on some thunder showers with daytime heating. some of this drifting into the bay area in terms of some light rain showers potentially in solano county, maybe napa and also into contra costa counties would be all far inland locations here a little
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bit after we take care of this morning. cloud cover most of the bay will be treated to mostly sunny skies on balance. a look at the winds you can see they're mostly on shore at the last check and mild temps as we referenced lower to middle 60's at this hour. that puts several degrees ahead of yesterday's numbers. even some half-a-dozen degrees above where we were this time from yesterday. so again, turning kind of mostly sunny as we get into the afternoon and not too bad in those temperatures, either upper 70's to near about 80 but don't get too attached. are going to be knocking our doorstep very soon. in the next couple of days. we'll take a look at that forecast. but another little break coming our way next weekend, 70. all right. great, dave, thank you so much. bart trains are back up and running this morning following a major delay in the east bay. >> several stations shut down last night, including all the yellow line stops from west oakland to rockridge as well as lake merritt and ashby. but first reported the prob em shortly after 08:00pm last night buses were seen picking apart riders at rockridge
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station and regular service return this morning at 06:00am a bark spoke. a bart spokesperson telling kron 4 a fight unfolded on board. one of the trains approaching the west oakland station police arrested one person. the other person suffered non-life-threatening injuries on monday. you may remember bart also dealt with a major delay after smoke-filled train cars approaching the macarthur station, forcing some evacuations. services in san mateo county may be disrupted next week. says the union representing their workers rejected a contract proposal. the transit agency says this is the second time the union rejected their offer samtrans as riders should seek alternative transportation options on monday and possibly tuesday. tell workers in the east bay voted to authorize a strike. the employees work at the oakland marriott city center and hyatt house emeryville. the union says 91% of voters or rather workers voted in favor of a strike.
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they are demanding extra staffing, more manageable, workloads and benefits like health insurance. and safety was top of mind for dozens of oakland. residents at the first community town hall with the city's new police chief and mayor sheng thao. was jack moment shows us that conversation got heated. >> if we can't wait, we can't wait for people to get hurt and it will >> has >> gone. gerald somewhere has called oakland home for 70 years. he's no stranger to crimes in his community. he got his car stolen and now doesn't drive. this is the first time gerald says he's seen oakland's leadership like this all in one room. what do you what you want to something positive something that's going really work friday night, the city of oakland hosted the first of what's expected to be a series of community town halls. it also
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comes off a deadly week in the city. 5 people were killed in the last 7 days with 2 of the deaths happening just 24 hours ago. i'm a firm believer that if you want something done, you need to get up and do something. she loved. richardson lives in west oakland and says this meeting is a long time coming in. not seen the results like we're supposed to see. so a lot of frustration and hopelessness. she wants to see that hope. >> and action. we know we can do that. city leaders took the opportunity to talk about the efforts of increasing police stopping and chief floyd mitchell touting about violent crime oakland is down by 15%. >> this was his first community meeting since starting the job as oakland's top cop. you want to believe we're not securing i'm telling you are seeing reduction. that reduction in crime was a point of contention. >> i'm not seeing that. i'm not seeing a reduction in crime. >> mary merrick has lived oakland for 30 years. she wanted to see more of an open style forum. instead, the city took questions by britain, only merrick says that's led
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no real debate. it was it was too controlled and it gave me new information. she florida mitchell says this meeting was critical. we asked them about the reduction in violent crime in the city and how most people that kron 4 has interviewed say they just don't feel it. if you are a victim of a crime, you don't really care what the numbers say. you have been victimized and you want that address. so i i feel their frustration. but >> one of the metrics that a lot of communities measure their policing by is the numbers. so. >> the numbers are what the numbers are and those numbers, chief michel says will stand for themselves as they continue to build more community relationships. now the city of oakland is planning more of these events to bring the police chief fire chief and other members of the city. >> to the community and talk about what's happening. if you do want to attend any of those meetings, your expected to rsvp online reporting here in oakland, jack molmud kron. 4 news. >> that's not all. in a press conference friday opd gave more details about those shootings and hit and runs kron four's lezla gooden
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reports. >> you know, we've had 5 people to lose their lives in this in this last 7 days and all through, you know. people being reckless comes to social interactions. >> on thursday night in oakland, 2 people were killed and others injured. and 2 separate shootings all taking place just hours apart. the t rst shooting occurring the 7900 block of ne avenue near richey street around 07:00pm here. police discovered a man had been fatally shot and others injured. >> a preliminary investigation, officers found 2 additional subjects were responded to highland hospital showed up at highland hospital suffering from apparent gunshot wounds from the same incident. those 2 individuals, one male, one female. are expected survive their injuries. then around 11 o'clock. another shooting was reported. >> at harry's drive-in off of macarthur boulevard. units
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quickly responded to the same. to find a male subject suffering. >> from apparent gunshot wounds. was rendered as well. but unfortunately. the gentleman succumb to his injuries. police are still investigating possible motives and those responsible for the shootings. the latest homicides are ending a violent week in oakland. >> friday's press conference to address the quadruple shooting on saturday where a man and woman were killed on monday of this week. august 19th grand county sheriff's office. >> we're able to take 2 individuals in custody. baned on the investigative work, homicide investigators and our patrol officers going best a and officers thank the community for their assistance in arresting and allege an license and drunk driver who killed a 17 year-old in critically injured. her mother earlier this week. they say he was going 80 miles per hours. we don't want our residents to
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become victims themselves trying to intervene and something they >> you know, we again, we really appreciate the community's help with stopping this individual who appeared to drinking and driving after he crashed and try to flee from his vehicle. but again, we we ask that our residents be very good. witnesses. >> what i'm asking is for our community to take a serious look at ourselves internally about how how quickly. >> we result to gun violence. we have to stop this. there's no reason why we have 4 people shot in the city of oakland within a week. there's no reason why this young lady lost her life. mother was critically injured. lezla gooden kron. 4 news. >> a man suspected of starting the massive park fire in northern california has pleaded not guilty to arson charges. ronnie stout is accused of pushing his burning car down an embankment near a park. the fire grew to nearly 430,000 acres and spread across 4 counties, destroying more than 640 structures. at last check, it is 67 percent contained. stanford engineers
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are developing a new fire jail they say will help protect houses and other buildings from wildfires. engineers say powder used in disposable diapers actually helped inspire this project. they say the gel mixes with water and heat and then it swells into a thick shield as a fire retardant. the engineers claim this new jail is both safe to people as the surrounding environment. and take a look. a man jumped on top of a waymo driverless car on market in davis streets in downtown san francisco during rush hour traffic on friday, he stood on the hood of the car and is seen waving at people even appearing to blow kids before jumping off of the hood of that car. crawford has reached out to waymo and police for more information on what happened here. >> and here's a look at the breakdown for today. about 73 at high noon to 3 o'clock with to 77. a little warmer for your sunda%. a check of your forecast. we come back. but for morning news continues.
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alright. what's the definition of character to you? umm... would you be a superhero or a supervillain? if you could say one thing to big tobacco, what would it be? it's so important in this time of change that we reclaim our sacred ways. i had to open my eyes. you can't continue to do this. deep breath. i'd want to ask them “why?” (♪♪)
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>> all right. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news live. look outside at a 12 this morning at the bridge and it's looking really pretty out there day. it's not that looks like it's opening up already. that's right. and it's looking like it's on that in some of the other camera shots. not so peachy here yet. you can see some sun peering on through a little bit. but >> still little bit of a cloud cover dealing with some of the leftover fog and all of that,
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that, again, will clear out, however, parts of the bay area's still watch the skies, a touch. we got some mid 60's going on the east bay up north, some lower 60's. 67, meanwhile, for san jose. but these numbers are not too bad direction above the warmer edge of things because the low that's facilitating all of this is far to the north. and we're getting a little bit of the bubbling up from the south is not quite the monsoon that would come in from the southeast. so we haven't really seen too much of that this year. that's a good thing because that can produce them. thunderstorm activity, which this may be responsible for as well. let's go forward with this clear out pretty nicely for the bay. there you see getting active in the sacramento valley a little bit far up towards the north. that again is facilitated by daytime heating. so it kind of goes away, but clouds fill back in again and might have a stray shower or thundershower some of this may bleed into some of the exhaust into napa solano counties, maybe even in the far east bay potentially you lose the daytime heating the logos way and that's all said and done. overnight. you
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might have some sprinkles along the coast in the fall comes back. but not much of an effort here. and we clear out pretty quickly with warmer temps tomorrow expected then today where to get back to the business of near about 90 happening inland, where today we're just going to be staying in the run. the ad is for you, folks well inland, there's the onshore winds. now, we do have a little bit of a flip that happens here in solano county. want to note that's the very edge of that front that passes that sometimes a problem for us when we get the systems with that, we don't get much rain for the passes on through and then we get those offshore winds throughout the day. now that's not happening. this go around. but there is that little pop you can see in that pocket there with the north of a temporary offshore wind. but most will be on shore tomorrow. all right. morning drizzle and then clearing late shower well inland tomorrow, got some warming going back to about 90 or so and we will build on that monday tuesday, wednesday. now gradually temperatures will relax for the latter portion of the week and the warmest days or hottest days. we're expecting again, will be that tuesday
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wednesday zone. no statements yet, but some might be issued later. now, as far as with that cool down is next weekend. show you that longer range forecast coming up in a bit. it looks pretty sweet. 70 san francisco morning drizzle and cloud variable clouds. 74 for oakland, 79 san jose, but still some lower 80's in the far east bay up north. plenty of 70's. we've got 80 for a battle but showing the onshore winds in place. the lay. what a pleasant 67 or a cool one at that 90 again back again tomorrow. looks like in by monday will do about a 98 or so expected with that little heat bump will call at this point. might have some statements on this coming up. we'll let you know that will be maybe by sunday and monday when those get issued. again, i'm gonna have more on this extended forecast in a bit, stephanie. all right, dave, thank you so much. >> in the south bay, the bay area continues to grab net rather excuse me. the bay-area in general continues to grabbed national headlines over the issue of homelessness and in san jose, the work and the search for solutions continues to get the city's homeless people off the streets and into shelter right
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now. san jose as an unsheltered population of about 6300 people. joining us live this morning to discuss is mayor matt mahan. good morning to you. >> good morning, stephanie. good to good to see you as well. so mayor, we know this is a top priority for your office. you've watched a number of initiatives around this and you're now exploring the idea of creating safe camping site, something the city of san diego already has in place. >> so walk us through how this could work and why you see this as an effective solution. >> yeah, thanks, stefanie. was just down in san diego with mayor todd gloria give me a personal tour of their safe sleeping site. this is essentially neat rows of sturdy city-issued tense with porta potties handwashing stations on site security and case management including basic health care consultation. the idea is to get people out of very unsafe, unsanitary only unmanaged
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encampments, which we see sprawling across much of the state and get people into a managed environment with based the basics, security sanitation, some case management. you know, that is to stabilize people. it is better for those who are unhoused to get them stable and connected to services and it reduces our spending and impacts that are really preventable. we've spent millions of dollars picking up trash, responding to fires. and none of that money is making everyone's life better or just resistance band is managing the impacts of homelessness. so this is certainly not the end goal, but it's we see it as an improvement over the status quo as we continue to build housing and treatment centers build more permanent solutions to the crisis. got to add, mayor, we understand that you're exploring some potential sites for in the city of san jose. >> for the safe camping sites as well. >> that's right. so in this year's budget, we set aside
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funding to enable us to begin the pilots safe, sleeping sites with capacity up to about 500 people. as you mentioned, we have thousands of people living in unmanaged encampment. so this would truly be a pilot for the first few 100 folks to see how it goes that the early signs down san diego's that it can be quite successful at mitigating those impacts and giving people greater dignity. that council. the city council in san jose has already preapproved a list of 8 potential sites. we will move all of those forward any time soon, but will probably start with 2 or 3 of them as we experiment. >> got it. and of course, public safety is always a priority here as well. so does the city have a plan to ensure that the unhoused the or excuse me this the city have a plan to ensure that these sites to remain safe and clean for residents who are going to be at the safe camping sites and also for the neighbors who might be living in the area too. >> yes, great question. we have studied these sites will
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have on site security and basic rules. if you know that we will not allow weapons for drug use on site and violations of the rules of the community. we'll have someone exited. people will get kicked out for violating the basic rules. i will just note that this is a this is an incremental, but i think meaningful improvement over the status quo. the truth is these folks are already out on our streets with no security. very few rules. if any, no support of services. and we're spending millions of beginning can't picking up trash and just managing these impacts without making any one's life better. so i yes, we will make sure the sites are safe is safer to have people in the managed environment with security guards and case managers and some basic rules. then frankly that the free for all that we've seen on our streets for far too long.
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>> and does the city have a plan to ensure that the un house can transition from the safe camping sites in get the services they need to get into permanent supportive housing. >> well, that's the goal. but as you know, we don't have anywhere near the amount of permanent supportive housing as as we need and my argument to the community has been we can no longer wait than many years. and frankly, if you do the math probably decades, it will take to build a brand new supportive. you did a brand-new apartment for every person on our street to its to slow its too expensive. people need help. now we have over 200 people a year die on our streets. they deserve better. they should in environment with access to showers, bathrooms. 3 meals a day and case management for job training, counseling to addiction treatment. those basic should be available to anyone. and when they are available, we should require that people use them because
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the impacts of these unmanaged encampments are completely unacceptable for the broader community. so, yes, we are going to continue to build housing and shelter. i supported prop one which will add 10,000 new treatment beds across the state. i'm advocating for prop 36 which would give judges new tools to mandate that people use those treatment beds when they're available, they're going to be many more solutions in the years to come. but in the meantime, no one should be living in unmanaged unsafe encampments any anywhere and emerywhere across the city that that just needs to come to an >> okay. all right. san jose mayor matt mahan, thank you so much for joining us live this morning. and for sharing your perspective on this big issue. we appreciate it. thank you, stephen. the justice
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department is suing a real estate software company alleging it enables landlords to collude on prices across the u.s.. >> attorney general merrick garland announcing the lawsuit friday morning against the texas based company. real page. the anti-trust suit has been joined by 8 states, including california. the suit alleges real page facilitated a price-fixing scheme, which boosted rents for millions of americans. it's the first major antitrust lawsuit with the role of a software algorithm is central to the case. >> and americans should not have to pay more in rent
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simply because the company has found a new way to scheme with landlords break the law. >> as it plans to vigorously defend itself against the lawsuit saying its software was built to be legally compliant. a fire broke out at an abandoned building in oakland friday morning. this used to be home to the butter cup restaurant at the intersection of denison and cotton streets. crews say this isn't the first time they've responded to a fire at this location. >> abandoned restaurant that closed about a year and a half ago. and in that time we've probably got about dozen different fires in this we've had a lot of problems with with the on. how is the finding their way inside and living inside and whiting multiple small fires in the past. >> crews say no one was hurt in the fire. and take a look at this. officials are warning about this been right there. that's killing trees. it's called the shot hole. borer beetle. it's about the size of a sesame seed. the insect was
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recently found in san jose. researchers are unsure when or how this beetle arrived in the bay area but think it could have come from southern california. the county is asking residents to help by reporting any infested trees. still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news rang the doorbell week. all tax. >> nothing. and that's when i saw in the shop. >> that was a bay area bride expressing how stressful she is because the shot that was housing, her wedding dress closed just before her wedding. we've got her story coming up. now on the kron. 4
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morning news surveillance footage shows a group of people connected to a series of car burglaries. >> we've got the latest out of pacifica. and complaints filed about illegal fencing along the sands of stinson beach. how the county is getting involved. it's 29 this morning. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news. thanks oo much for being here with us. we start this half hour with a look at the forecast with dave spahr. hey, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. we had a little bit of drizzle and we have those cloud cover and fog. all that to deal with. but that's all going to part. we're going to go in the mostly sunny mode. >> although later on today, once we get some daytime heating might see some thunder showers way, way up north and some of the over and some of the blow off a come our way a little bit to seem like straight showers going on way up north in the far east bay, here's a half moon bay still quite a bit of cloud cover. but this with the part open up
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the skies little bit for you, folks there and not bad for the temperatures either. 73 at high noon, it looks like inland. 77 by 3 o'clock. we're looking for better warming happening, however, by tomorrow, which doing all this for us is a low in this lowe's origins are up north. so it's cold to the core. >> and we actually see it may produce some snow showers way, way up there for the sierra. we're talking above. 8500 feet 9, oh, that's a nosebleed section. all that. but, you know, it's august. so snow snow. and after that, all the parts, we're going to see a warm up even in the sierra too mid to upper 60's. we see right now or maybe mid to lower 60's that that 67 san jose. but these are ahead of the numbers from yesterday. in some cases close to half-a-dozen degrees. but again, building on that into the early part of the other to the next week, though, it looks like we're going to see numbers get tuesday wednesday to the highest that we're going to see next week. maybe close to 100. no statements yet, but some might be issued a little bit later on. and after all, that nice little cool down for saturday.
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stephanie. all right, dave, thank you. >> a wedding nightmare for an east bay woman less than a week and a half before her big day. the bride to be devastated to learn the bridal shop, holding her weddang dress had closed kron four's. philippe djegal explains what happened. >> off the rack. this wedding gown cut akila, morongo z zy casting the bright to bees imagination forward a year when she could envision wearing it down the aisle in san diego where she is set to recite her wedding vows and begin the next chapter in life with the love of her life september. 1st, i have that dressed since october of last the girls probably holding soon after she became engaged with money earned from working 3 jobs mungo's. he bought the dress late last year from billy couture in downtown pittsburgh. forking over close to $1000 for and a few other services. but have the owner breece a burn all seen helping one busy during this hitting
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store. the dress in the bridal shop until the big shuns were being made in the moments ahead. these would be for the guys and these are for the girls longo's ease. last meeting was in early july. the last time she saw the dress and the owner. >> a few weeks before the wedding over the phone, the 2 made arrangements to meet up and finish the alterations. but one goes, he says, but all stopped answering her polls didn't show up for appointments. and this week when she stopped by the shop. >> it was cleared out. nothing left, including her dress. my heart sunk. >> i think i was calm all the way up to that moment. i don't really she's my full shortly after we met with one goes, he has her friend scramble to find her and other down field generous offers from the public bass. a burn all returned our phone call accepting responsibility for leaving. one goes the f the proverbial all turns his heart rate she says her store's lease was up at the end of july and spontaneously chose
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not to renew and instead save some money through the rest of the year before opening up in a bigger space downtown in january. >> i started so she packed everything up and is storing her inventory in her home until she moves into her new spots may see is finished. >> goes up the middle another in december. it's when that quite full already. only the threat for handling continue to nyc something he all started her business in bolivia 20 years ago and operates 5 shops there. >> the pittsburgh location is the only one in the united states and britain prides herself and keeping customers happy and accepts responsibility for leaving a few clients like one goes e in the dark is miami's think because. that they she here and i know kill her because use my phone. that is my full. it going to go on whether i have addressed or least she will not only have one like
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her fiance that caught her eye and captured her heart. in pittsburgh, philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. in pacifica. surveillance video shows thieves running up to a car and smashing in the windows >> police say 20 cars along he's with drive were broken into wednesday morning. one neighbor says many of the targeted cars were outside of his home. >> when i pulled on fire, i saw glass street the car. my neighbor's home him. you get a lot what they actually it right. >> police believe there were at least 3 suspects in the case. officers are reminding neighbors to lock their cars and not leave valuables behinds. in the north bay. a dispute over private fencing at stinson beach. proffers gayle ong looks into a complaint filed about neighbors allegedly roping off parts of the beach without the proper permits. >> it doesn't really bother me. but i wrote have not.
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they're just because the beach there on the beach know it's kind nature. robert peddler of petaluma is talking about these fences around homes along stinson beach. it's always been a problem. somebody always wants to kind of push out boundaries. earlier this month, the county of marin receive a complaint that 5 properties on the beach have installed fencing that may be on public beach land whenever we receive >> a complaint like this, we take very seriously communications director of the county of marin at laney hendricks. as the county issued code enforcement personnel out to the area. there's determining whether or not this is something that occurred on public versus private land. really the concern there is any attempt to robot public beach, a public lands considered privatization. >> hendricks, as privatization falls under the violation of the coastal act and any develop. and that takes place on the coast requires a coastal development permit. as far as the county is concerned, none of these fences are permitted. one of the homeowners told kron 4 off
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camera that she is not doing anything wrong and that her fences around her property and is taking the necessary steps to get a permit. according to the california coastal commission, all beaches are public up to the mean high tide line. a final conclusion with marin counties. findings should take weeks in stinson beach, gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> the nfl preseason is coming to an end. the final week featuring a longtime bay area rivalry ramos and has the details from allegiant stadium. >> well, the nfl preseason has come and now gone. it is all said and done any ended on the raiders in the niners on a tie score of 24 with this game was less about winning and more about getting a job. it was a lot of young guys are here on both sides of the bar competing for a job. a lot of them put in a bid to at least find a place on 53 man roster because the teams do have to cut it down come tuesday from 90 2.53. we talked to a couple of guys in the locker room
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spoke about their experience to the preseason, but also their hopes coming up in nfl season. take a listen. i see also like long as you are confident within, you know, your abilities and also the game plan. i believe that the game does slow down for at the end of the day. so that's time to get to iv u.s. lee, you know, with with a minor setback in that, you know what did and didn't help anything. but >> no, like i said, you know, just approaching it one day at a time, you know, fortunate i was able to make it back to this game. you know, try to take advantage of special team reps and then obviously on offense as much as i could. no, that was kind of the mindset the whole time. so, you know, i'm fortunate enough to be able to to have. been in this game. you know, i wasn't sure if i was going to be the case. so, you know, the fact that i could do was exciting. have a ruling with it. you know, obviously felt really good. that's my first time being a part of that. that new dynamic with the new kickoff kickoff return role. but, you know, it's exciting. you know, a lot of room for big plays. now at this point, all of the guys can turn their focus to
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week. one they have about a week of a buffer between now and the time that the niners welcome the new york jets and aaron rodgers. >> to levi's stadium. so now they will prepare for now some said news when it comes to a couple of guys out here today, louise gross-matos and leonard floyd both went out of the game here tonight. early both with knee injuries. they were questionable to return. that was upgraded later to out for the game. so right now we do not have specifics on what's going on with 2 of those with the 2 of them in their knees. however, we will, of course, try and find that out in the next coming days. i didn't know it was a great effort put in by guys on both sides sharing. pierce is excited to see that he has some young guys out there that he could capitalize on. but i'm sure caution ahead. can say the same about some of the young guys to perform tonight. for is back to you guys in the studio. erin wilson at allegiant stadium. and burning man kicks off tomorrow with a week-long festival in the nevada desert. does typically sell out by this time. but there are
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>> still tickets available on the website last year. heavy rains cause flooding and muddy conditions. as you may recall, leaving a lot of festival goers stranded for some time and the year before that there was extreme heat. officials say economic factors could also play a role this year. if you want to go tickets to start at $630, a vehicle pass going for an additional 100 and 50 bucks. and some drivers can now access their driver's license on their phones. governor newsom's office making that announcement friday. google wallet users now have the option to store their licenses and that means they'll be able to use mobile wallets to get through airport security checkpoints. officials say they are working on a version for iphone users as well. and more than 3500 hot rods. muscle cars in classic cars are on display at the alameda county fairgrounds. organizers say the good guys car show is fun for the whole family. >> you see some of the younger
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guys no part its cars like these. and so makes it enjoyable for me, especially you know, i'm i'm older. i could be there. grandfather. and so they come up start asking you questions. it's it's pretty exciting when that happens to them in florida. it's much as i have year. >> the car show is open from 8 in the morning until 5 in the evening today and from 8 until 3.30, in the afternoon tomorrow. >> looks like with him. with the pre world war, 2 cars and a fine of those. okay. look at the highs today. we have the lower 80's going on the far east bay up north. it's a mixture of 70's and 80's coming back at you. check in that extended forecast and therefore is on the kron. 4 morning news continues.
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>> all right. a 43 this morning live look outside at the golden gate bridge. it looks like even the bridge is just starting to wake up with all that fog out there day. >> set them going back to bed. look. saw no, no, no. don't let that scare yeah, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. as a part, those clouds and it looks like this as a photo where no delays happening here. little bit of that leftover moisture. it's a low kind of agitating things up towards our north here. it's not going to directly impact us after this.
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however, there are parts of the bay that may get later on shower tahoe. this forecast is a little misleading because you see how warms up real quickly. but today and the very higher elevations, they may pick up 10 shalit, some snow it off. it's going to stick with us or early in the season. but it 500 feet or above. yes, that's very high up there. but still talking about snow in august, not too bad in the mid latitudes. mid to lower 60's at this hour. we see this up north to 64 san francisco. 67 for san jose. not bad there. let's get back to the future cast short term. yes, stay time. heating. you see a flaring up a little bit. some of that may blow into parts of the north bay or the east bay. a little bit. maybe some light rain or drizzle potentially this afternoon. very briefly and thunderstorm action north of sacramento. that's a little bit more problematic, although very wet, maybe not as much so. but that can be sometimes an issue. plus, they have burned areas up there, too. they got to watch out for now as we get into sunday morning. we have a little in the way some drizzle going on. still. but that will
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depart for us pretty quickly. and everybody goes in a mostly sunny moton. you're going to feel that a little jump happening in temperatures that's gets us longer-range thing. all right. this low gets out of here comes the high felt like it was gone for a long time and we have another heat pump coming our way for monday, tuesday into wednesday. but now that i have this stopped, another piece of energy is going to break off from that low up there on the north. that's going to moderate a little bit because it's in the central pacific, but it's still going to be d% there comes down south. it's all wound up here waiting for its cue as we get into the weekend next weekend. that is get to next saturday. it will then give us the big guy. and there's that little chance of seeing temperatures break again. to a lot of rain with it at all. but it's the pattern that's really interesting in august like this, because typically we start to see some of this light rain event, stuff. it's tuesday that monsoon bubbling up from the southeast. not good because that brings us thunderstorms. now this as another cold core low can be problematic there, too. but it will break the back of the heat spike that we're he pump are getting this week. 70 going on for san francisco.
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got a lot of 60's head on the coast here. 75 going on for burn again to about 78 foster city. 78 palo alto in the south bay. the readings near 80 east bay shore line mid 70's tri valley. you're looking at lower 80's today. 82 for danville, 70 for berkeley. we still have that the couple cooling. 78 allay onshore wind. thank you. 77 fairfield, 73 for now up in about a 78% are rose a check it out. 7 day forecast. it pulls back again on friday. you'll notice here. it's next weekend. we're watching. we might get a nice relief like we're getting this weekend as well the cards are lining up that way. stephanie. >> looking very toasty out there. all. other thing that's heating up is, of course, the election season. and we are your local election headquarters here at kron. 4, the democratic national convention wrapped up this week in chicago, delegates and officials gathering to praise president joe biden's legacy while embracing vp. kamala harris for the top of the ticket this november. joining us live now to talk about the
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highlights and the impacts is from 4 political analyst and former senior adviser to nancy pelosi, michael yaki. good morning to you, michael. morning yeah, lots of popcorn over the last michael, i just a little you said you said the review said there was a time collecting the size of your chair because you just don't want something to go yeah. what as someone who used to work. >> at conventions and you just sit there and you're going. so it's like, you know, what's interesting here is michael, just a little over a month ago, democrats, they seem to be struggling to get behind president biden and whether he might be the best person to represent their party against. >> former president trump but fast forward to now. and what a difference a convention makes. >> yeah, i mean, there's are 2 things. they're there to serve audiences that were basically the convention is patient. one was train wreck, ratchet up the base right to get them excited again. they were as resigned to the possibility to
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the fact that joe biden was going to be now many. and then when everything sort of change, rather then it you got energized. and then that second audience, the broader audience, the the undecided, the middle of the one, that's really, really this convention was aimed at. that's we started to get interested in a race that they are all kind of board you. we all remember the polls going up to the same people are going. i can't believe we have the same 2 people running again. you had you. trump was doing very well. you know, he got that big bump after the after the assassination attempt and then you have you joe biden just are flailing and then everything change. everything changed. and the democrats decision is a change for the is a change for o'neill, my and they decided to go for the good. and you saw that at the convention this past this past
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week, they they they went full bore what they wrapped it up. they were they wanted to get their base all excited that they really wanted to speak to that. middle was skeptical. but we voted for joe biden 4 years ago in an old box barack obama. you know, 12 years ago. so i think that they were that i think they accomplished what they wanted to do. now, the hard part he's coming ahead, which is we have 73 days between now and november. 5th and every single day it's going to extraordinarily for both for both campaigns. absolutely. no. a number of themes also emerged from paris's address on thursday. >> i wonder you could walk us through some of the highlights and how what she was saying. contrast to the message from the trump pence ticket. >> i think i think was pretty clear she would need to introduce yourself first to the american people. he heard about her. they kind of thought this kind of cool, but or this is interesting. but who she? and think that she
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starts off by talking that about her middle-class roots. and that is clearly, you know, 100% laser targeted at those middle middle undecided voters, the ones that the ones in the in the rust belt in the sun belt straddling the line. then when you look at it, if you look at your speech was very time. 34 minutes. but was a very carefully curated. 34 minutes as well. she she she had a paragraph about the border. that's a that arizona, maybe a little bit of texas. lot of people to keep. i think that we could ever win texas. just think well, not maybe maybe. but i know prime of few years. yet for that. she had something aimed at she she had and i think she i think she truly believe and i know she truly believe that she had a paragraph about it about about middle east, about support for israel, but also with a very strong statement ending ending
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the suffering of the people in gaza. that was really something that 4 for the ever american palestinian communities and in michigan, michigan, especially where that could that could have been the turning point in terms of weather trump won or i think doing that was aimed bring that back. and then he's just saw a lot of kitchen table talking about, you know, who who am i? i'm so who fight was fought for i know on your behalf as attorney general has a prosecutor time and time again. mike lang has always been the people, whether it's the people of san francisco, the people california or the american people. and that's who my client is going to be. it's used essentially made the case of i am. i'm the person who's going to be prosecuting against the people who are making your life miserable on your behalf. the other guy is only client himself. and then he started seeing the contrast about about about trump and
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the segue into freedom and freedom is an interesting workers. freedom is something that the republicans that trump is trying to capture for it for themselves for himself. and i think the democrats hang on we have to might proceed, which is the return the buying thing. we're going read make democracy and freedom co equal. in terms of how we're going to look at this. then he talked every production writes that 100 feet to talk about a number of different freedom sing and the more you say the word freedom you start thinking at least from a u.s. are thinking about fdr and the 4 freedoms, things like that that became part of his part of campaign. and i think that what she's trying to say to people is that they're all these things that we care about. aspire to that that we as american people and i can make sure that i can bring that to you with with you along for the as cold as as as my clients as my as my as my
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colleagues versus the other guy who just thinks only of themselves. and then you saw going back to litany the chaos and and and january 6 and the talking about we want to go forward. we don't want to go back and i think that's going to be a recurrent between now and the next 7, 3, 7, 3, days and certainly at the debate in just a few a few weeks, couple weeks from now, because this is all going to be about for path where she's trying to say i will work with i work on your behalf versus going back to chaos and and everything want to say about how donald trump had. has, you know, had behaved over last president since president. >> alright, pro for political analyst michael yaki. thank you so much for your perspective this morning. and we certainly will keeping a
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close eye on the upcoming debate as i'm sure you will, as well. thank you so 73 days. worker of crazy. coming stay tuned. thanks, stephanie. >> all right. we'll be right back.
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i'll say what city hall insiders won't. we have a drug, homelessness, and economic recovery crisis, because the system that's supposed to fix things is the problem. record budgets. fewer officers. business killing bureaucracy. the insiders won't change a system built for their benefit.
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i'm daniel lurie and san francisco needs a mayor unafraid to take on the status quo, bring accountability, and stop the excuses. hour of the kron, 4 morning news. bart trains back up and running this morning after a fight on one of the trains leads 2 hours of delays. and with more wildfire danger on the way. the latest on a new product developed by stanford engineers aimed at protecting buildings from fire. and a man jumps on top of a waymo
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autonomous driving car in san francisco. stay with us. the francisco. stay with us. the kron 4 they say the hardest part of getting something done let's go! hustle! is getting started. well, we did that 30 years ago, when california first took on the tobacco industry. this is not just about access. it's about the message it sends... now smoking is down 60 percent. lung cancer 42 percent. a couple of our cities have already ended tobacco sales. a california without big tobacco isn't just possible, it's already happening.
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now on the kron. 4 morning news. oakland residents demanding more protection from police during an inaugural town hall with the city's new chief. and a look at oaklands latest crime statistics from the police department after another deadly week. >> from the area's local news station. you're watching the kron. 4 morning news at no.
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>> warning, thanks so much for joining us here on the kron. 4 morning news. i'm stephanie lin. it's saturday august 24th and we continue our coverage this morning with a look first at the weather with dave sphar. good morning day. well, good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and off to kind of a gloomy start in spots. however, this all makes out for us and we'll go back to the mostly sunny mode for a good chunk of the bay. >> we must. do you still see other kind of trailing a little bit of us? a couple showers developing because we're on the southern edge up in the far north bay in the far east bay. there you have it to the east bay shoreline. still kind of that on cloud cover that you see going on right now that will be clearing out in the next couple of hours. some problem areas remain up there in the north bay a bit towards the coast. but on balance, it won't be so much of a fog issue will be turning our attention up north and the east. yeah, this low that's digging in. you can see things kind of dissipate a little bit towards the end. that's because the atmosphere doesn't have a lot of energy with it. you have the daytime heating to even though temperatures will be muted for us today. we'll see the flare up of some
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showers and even some thunder showers. they even have a flash flood watch way up north. there. but some of this will blow in or drift in some shrapnel, if you will, for some drizzle or some light rain showers for the north bay in the far east bay. those winds, by the way, remain pretty much onshore. there is a little bit of an offshore pop in the pocket around solano county and napa counties a little bit temporarily tomorrow. there are your numbers for current. so we have the mid to upper 60's at work here. so very mild, a dean and give you the contrast that to 24 hours ago. we're still a couple degrees ahead of that note. temperatures today will probably be a little cooler, though, for afternoon. highs are looking at 74 for 1 o'clock by 4 at 77 because we're still in that same kind of cool or mild air mass. but things warming up very quickly tomorrow and into next week. we'll get more into that coming up in a bit. stephanie. >> all right, dave, thank you. bart trains are back up and running this morning after a major delay in the east bay. several stations shut down last night, including all the yellow line stops from west oakland to rockridge as well as lake marion ashby. first
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reported the problem shortly after 08:00pm last night buses were seen picking apart riders at rockridge station regular service return this morning at 06:00am a bart spokesperson tells kron for a fight unfolded on board. one of the trains approaching the west oakland station, police arrested one person. the other person suffered non-life-threatening injuries. and on monday, you may remember barr also dealt with a major delay after smoke-filled train cars approaching the macarthur station, forcing some evacuations. services in san mateo county may be disrupted next week. sam tran says the union representing their workers rejected a contract proposal. the transit agency says this is the second time the union rejected their offer. samtrans says riders should seek alternative transportation options on monday and possibly tuesday. we'll tell workers in the east bay voted to authorize a strike. the employees work at the oakland marriott city center at hyatt house emeryville. the union says 91%
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of workers voted in favor of a strike. they are demanding extra staffing, more manageable, workloads and benefits like health insurance. and safety. top of mind for dozens of oakland, residents at the first community town hall with the city's new police chief and mayor sheng thao. was jack moment shows us that conversation got heated. >> we can't wait, we can't wait for people to get her indicted for >> has gone. gerald somewhere has called oakland home for 70 years. he's no stranger to crimes in his comm nity. he got his car stolen at now doesn't drive. this is the first time gerald says he's seen oakland's leadership like this all in one room. what do you what you want to something positive something that's going really work friday night. the city of oakland hosted the first of what's expected to be a series of
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community town halls. it also comes off a deadly week in the city. 5 people were killed in the last 7 days with 2 of the deaths happening just 24 hours ago. i'm a firm believer that if you want something done, you need to get up and do something. she loved. richardson lives in west oakland and says this meeting is a long time coming in. not seen the results like we're supposed to see. so a lot of frustration and hopelessness. she wants to see that hope. >> and action. we know we can do that. city leaders took the opportunity to talk about the efforts of increasing police stopping and chief floyd mitchell touting about violent crime in oakland is down by 15%. >> this was his first community meeting since starting the job as oakland's top cop. you want to believe we're not securing i'm telling you are seeing reduction. that reduction in crime was a point of contention. >> i'm not seeing that. i'm not seeing a reduction in crime. >> mary merrick has lived oakland for 30 years. she wanted to see more of an open style forum. instead, the city took questions by britain,
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only merrick says that's led no real debate. it was it was too controlled and it gave me new information. she florida mitchell says this meeting was critical. we asked them about the reduction in violent crime in the city and how most people that kron 4 has interviewed say they just don't feel it. if you are a victim of a crime, you don't really care what the numbers say. you have been victimized and you want that address. so i i feel their frustration. but >> one of the metrics that a lot of communities measure their policing by is the numbers. so. >> the numbers are what the numbers are and those numbers, chief michel says will stand for themselves as they continue to build more community relationships. now the city of oakland is planning more of these events to bring the police chief fire chief and other members of the city. >> to the community and talk about what's happening. if you do want to attend any of those meetings, you are expected to rsvp online reporting here in oakland, jack molmud kron. 4 news. >> and that's not all in a press conference friday, opd gave more details about those shootings and hit and runs
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kron four's lezla gooden reports. >> you know, we've had 5 people to lose their lives in this in this last 7 days and all through, you know. people being reckless comes to social interactions. >> on thursday night in oakland, 2 people were killed and others injured. and 2 separate shootings all taking place just hours apart. the first shooting occurring at the 7900 block of ne avenue near richey street around 07:00pm here. police discovered a man had been fatally shot and others injured. >> the preliminary investigation officers found 2 additional subjects. we're responding highland hospital showed up at highland hospital suffering from apparent gunshot wounds from the same incident. those 2 individuals, one male, one female. are expected survive their injuries. then around 11 o'clock. another shooting was reported. >> at harry's drive-in off of
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macarthur boulevard. units quickly responded to the same. to find a male subject suffering. >> from apparent gunshot wounds. was rendered as well. but unfortunately. the gentleman succumb to his injuries. police are still investigating possible motives and those responsible for the shootings. the latest homicides are ending a violent week in oakland. >> friday's press conference to address the quadruple shooting on saturday where a man and woman were killed on monday of this week. august 19th grand county sheriff's office. >> we're able to take 2 individuals in custody. based on the investigative work, homicide investigators and our patrol officers going best a and officers thank the community for their assistance in arresting and allege an license and drunk driver who killed a 17 year-old in critically injured. her mother earlier this week. they say he was going 80 miles per hours.
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we don't want our residents to become victims themselves trying to intervene and something they >> you know, we again, we really appreciate the community's help with stopping this individual who appeared to drinking and driving after he crashed and try to flee from his vehicle. but again, we we ask that our residents be very good. witnesses. >> what i'm asking is for our community to take a serious look at ourselves internally about how how quickly. >> we result to gun violence. we have to stop this. there's no reason why we have 4 people shot in the city of oakland within a week. there's no reason why this young lady lost her life. mother was critically injured. lezla gooden kron. 4 news. >> the man suspected of starting the massive park fire in northern california has pleaded not guilty to arson charges. ronnie stout is accused of pushing his burning car down an embankment near the park in chico. and that park fire did grow to nearly 430,000 acres and spread across 4 counties, destroying more than 640 structures. at
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last check, it's 67% contained. a separate engineers are developing a new fire jail they say will help protect houses and other buildings from wildfires and near say powder used in disposable diapers helped inspire this project. they say the joe mixes with water and heat and then swells into a thick shield acting as a fire retardant. the engineers claim the new jail is both safe to people and the surrounding environment. and take a look at this. a man jumped on top of a waymo driverless cars on market and davis streets in downtown san francisco during rush hour traffic friday, he stood on the hood of the car and you can see him waving at people evening appearing to blow someone a case before jumping off of the car. kron 4 has reached out to waymo and police for more information. still ahead on the kron 4 morning news, california joins in an antitrust lawsuit against a software company accused of helping big landlords its prices. >> check out these drugs, a
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little blues, if you will, going to mostly sunny as we get into the afternoon palatable temperatures, the scratch and only about 80. going to build on that though, tomorrow and it's going to be back to summer again. real quick into early next week and a check on your forecast. we come back to kron. morning news continues.
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is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? -your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible.
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it's happening. switch to reliable comcast business internet with security and get started for $49.99 a month. plus ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. call today! >> welcome back. good morning, everybody. here's a live shot coming in the east bay shoreline here for us. still some of that fog left over here. a little bit drizzle
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that we discussed here a bit, governor, little time to kind of mix out maybe around noon or so or a little bit before that. however, later on, there's another little wrinkle to look out for here. this is compliments. the daytime heating and the agitator that we have that will help do that. temperatures for you right now. we got a lot of the middle 60's going on inland. you can see some upper 60's working too up north, lower to middle 60's. san francisco at 65 63 there for half moon bay. already 70 for san jose. but all these numbers are a little warmer than this time from yesterday. so watch carefully. you can see kind of the rotation and place. it opens up and that daytime heating just allows it to flare up later on today, too. so even though it looks like it's becoming invisible, it's still there at all. the dynamics are there and you can see some of the exhaust coming down south a little bit. as you can see. so from our perspective, maybe not so much the lightning but might get a stray shower up there solano county little bit in the far east bay. but most of the action is going to be up north of sacramento. and that's why they actually have
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a flash flood watch has been posted about noon. i think today that's due to some of the rain that they have up there, the burned area so can retain moisture as well. sunday morning, we have some sprinkles off towards the coast, but we get into the day that all clears out and we build on those temperatures are going to be returning to near about 90 already by tomorrow. so this little kind of break from summer, almost like fall feeling that's going to and real quick in a big way early into the week to watch the winds. now they are on shore. that's the typical drill. we have the low in place and this is somewhat typical, particularly when the season starts to break. this is kind of a warning sign when we get into the autumn months. that's why we talk about fire season in september, october, even early november because get the front that's great. maybe you'll get some of that marine layer. you might get some drizzle or rain. that's ok. but on the backside of that, you get some time, some offshore winds. there's the pop up to solano county, although most of the bay area was still be in the onshore wind department. as you can see, getting into some of the double digits a little bit in
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the afternoon. so putting it all together. we got morning drizzle in clearing a late shower happening well inland with all of this here. and that's what talking about. routes level county and contra costa county as well. then tomorrow, sunny and warmer. we'll get those bay numbers near about 80 or so 90 happening in london occ. there's a change even happening along the bay shoreline and certainly well inland the next week. let's build on this for monday. tuesday, wednesday, it looks like these numbers are getting kind of close to 100 particularly tuesday and wednesday zone. there have been no statements that have been issued yet, but i suspect we might start to hear maybe some heat advisory talk potentially, and that again, will be probably our inland areas. there for the east bay. a bit lately. even sfo here, by the way, no delays happening out sfo. that's always good news. so clearing out the skies a little bit here. san francisco morning drizzle variable clouds on balance for today. 74 going on for oakland u.s. to about a 79 san jose clearing out and mild that did have some morning clouds lower 80's for highs and the far east bay up north.
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let's do some 70's and scratching about 80 or so for nevado. you are see east bay shoreline into the mid 70's here next couple of yeah. con covered up the flag. sorry about that. but you can see there's treasure island off the distance. 81 90 for sunday in monday, about 98. and yet more of those to come hot, hot, hot stuff next. saturday's it's still august. and i was talking about earlier about snow up in the sierra. that's way up their nose bleed section. but, you know, kind of interesting. okay, lovely. thanks so much information >> all right. well, the bay area continues to grabbed national headlines over the issue of homelessness in san jose. the work and the search for solutions continues to get the city's homeless population off the streets and into shelter right now. san jose has an unsheltered population of about 6300 people earlier today i discussed some of those issues with san jose mayor matt mahan. watch this morning to you. good morning, stephanie. good to good to see you as well. so mayor, we know
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this is a top priority for your office. you've watched a number of initiatives around this and you're now exploring the idea of creating safe camping site, something the city of san diego already has in place. so walk us through how this could work and why you see this as an effective solution. >> yeah, thanks, stefanie. was just down in san diego with mayor todd. gloria, you give me a personal tour of their safe sleeping site. this is essentially neat rows of sturdy city-issued tense with porta potties handwashing stations on site security and case management, including basic health care consultation. the idea is to get people out of very unsafe, unsanitary only unmanaged encampments, which we see sprawling across much of the state and get people into a managed environment with based the basics, security sanitation, some case management. you know, is to
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stabilize people. it is better for those who are unhoused to get them stable and connected to services and it reduces our spending and impacts that are really preventable. we've spent millions of dollars picking up trash, responding to fires. and none of that money is making everyone's life better or just resistance band is managing the impacts of homelessness. so this is certainly not the end goal, but it's we see it as an improvement over the status quo as we continue to build housing and treatment centers build more permanent solutions to the crisis. got mayor, we understand that you're exploring some potential sites for in the city of san jose. >> for the safe camping sites as well. >> that's right. so in this year's budget, we set aside funding to enable us to begin the pilots safe, sleeping sites with capacity up to about 500 people. as you mentioned, we have thousands of people living in and managed encampment. so this would truly be a pilot for the
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first few 100 folks to see how it goes that the early signs down san diego's that it can be quite successful at mitigating those impacts and giving people greater dignity. that council. the city council in san jose has already preapproved a list of 8 potential sites. we will move all of those forward any time soon, but will probably start with 2 or 3 of them as we experiment. >> got it. and of course, public safety is always a priority here as well. so does the city have a plan to ensure that the unhoused the or excuse me this the city have a plan to ensure that these sites to remain safe and clean for residents who are going to be at the safe camping sites and also for the neighbors who might be living in the area too. >> yes, great question. we have do. sites will have on site security and basic rules. you know that we will not allow weapons for drug use on site and violations of the rules of the community. we'll
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have someone exited. people will get kicked out for violating the basic rules. i will just know that this is a this is an incremental, but i think meaningful improvement over the status quo. the truth is these folks are already out on our streets with no security. very few rules. if any, no support of services. and we're spending millions of beginning, can't picking up trash and just manage iin. these impacts without make anyone's life better. so i yes, we will make sure the sites are safe is safer to have people in a managed environment with security guards case managers and some basic rules. then frankly that the free for all that we've seen on our streets for far too long. >> and does the city have a plan to ensure that the un house can transition from the safe camping sites in get the services they need to get into permanent supportive housing. >> well, that's the goal. but
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as you know, we don't have anywhere near the amount of permanent supportive housing as as we need and my argument to the community has been we can no longer wait than many years. and frankly, if you do the math probably decades, it will take to build a brand new supportive. you did a brand-new apartment for every person on our street its to slow its too expensive. people need help. now we have over 200 people a year die on our streets. they deserve better. they should in environment with access to showers, bathrooms. 3 meals a day and case management for job training and counseling and addiction treatment. those basic should be available to anyone. and when they are available, we should require that people use them because the impacts of these unmanaged encampments are completely unacceptable for the broader community. so, yes, we are going to continue to build housing and shelter. i supported prop one which will add 10,000 new treatment beds
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across the state. i'm advocating for prop 36 which would give judges new tools to mandate that people use those treatment beds when they're available, they're going to be many more solutions in the years to come. but in the meantime, no one should be living in and manage unsafe encampments any anywhere and everywhere across the city that that just needs to come to that. >> okay. all right. san jose mayor matt mahan, thank you so much for joining us live this morning. and for sharing your perspective on this big issue. we appreciate thank you, stephen. with justice
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department is suing a real estate software company alleging it enable landlords to collude on prices across the u.s. attorney general merrick garland announcing the lawsuit friday morning against the texas based company. real page. the anti-trust suit has been joined by 8 states, including california. the suit alleges real page facilitated a price-fixing scheme which boosted grants for millions of americans. it's the first major antitrust lawsuit where the role the software algorithm is central to the case. >> and americans should not have to pay more in rent simply because the company has found a new way to scheme with landlords break the law. >> page says it plans to vigorously defend itself against the lawsuit saying its software was built to be legally compliant. all right.
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take a look at this. officials are warning about this book right here. that's killing trees. it's called the shot hole borer beetle. it's about the size of a sesame seed. the insect was recently found in san jose. researchers are not sure when or how this beetle arrived in the bay area think it could have come from southern california. the county is asking residents to help by reporting infested trees. >> rang the doorbell. call tax nothing. and that's when i saw him to shop. >> still ahead on the kron, 4 morning news, a stressful weekend for one bay area right to be after the shot that was keeping a hold of are dressed woes "the doctor will see you now." but do they really? do they see all that you are? at kaiser permanente all of us work together to care for all that is you.
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is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? -your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible.
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it's happening. switch to reliable comcast business internet with security and get started for $49.99 a month. plus ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. call today!
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>> now on the kron 4 morning news surveillance footage shows a group of people connected to a series of car burglaries. we've got the filed about illegal fencing n- along the sands of stinson beach. how the county is getting involved. welcome back to the kron. 4 morning news 9.29. this saturday get you started this half hour with a look at the forecast with dave sphar heyday. a good morning, stephanie. good morning, everybody. and it's kind of a pleasant day. temperature wise going on for us. although it's kind of starting off a little on the gloomy side, at least in some of the shots that we have, but things will improve and will have plenty of sunshine for everybody. >> this afternoon and that means you folks along the coast. things are also looking up to this is live half moon bay and already at this 9 o'clock hour, we're clearing things out so you get an idea of the trend here, but temperatures will be pretty much on the mild side. a breakdown for you today about 74. 1 o'clock at 4. 77 high
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temperatures will still manage maybe about 80 in some inland spots. but still, that's a nice little break in mid august here. there's a difference, however, next week that will get back to the real summer again, which going all of this, it's kind of a cold core low. the kind of thing we would see in the winter months giving visit here, you can see in northern california, some heavier rain showers. they even have a flash flood watch has been posted for the next few hours. that's due to the burned areas. already. they're not providing any relief. so therefore, you can have of a sudden a flood spark into it. but when we get the daytime heating, we might see the flare up of some thunder showers. and some of yhat may drift a little bit into parts of the north bay in the east bay a little bit as well. but that's only just very, very widely scattered temperatures right now mid to upper 60's in the east bay mid-sixties up north 17. meanwhile for san jose and the comparison for you. well, we're getting a little closer now. we're almost even and a good chunk of the beta numbers take compared to yesterday. we will see a warm up next tomorrow,
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rather and into early next week. we'll have details on that. plus, a surprising cooldown into next weekend. stephen. >> all right, dave, thank wedding nightmare for an east bay woman. less than a week and a half before her big day. the bride to be devastated to learn the bridal shop holding her wedding dress had closed kron four's philippe djegal reports. >> off the wreck. this wedding gown cut akila, morongo z zy casting the bright to bees imagination forward a year when she could envision wearing it down the aisle in san diego where she is set to recite her wedding vows and begin the next chapter in life with the love of her life september. 1st, i have that dressed since october of last the girls will probably holding soon after she became engaged with money earned from working 3 jobs mungo's. he bought the dress late last year from billy couture in downtown pittsburgh. forking over close to $1000 for it and a few other services. but have
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the owner breece a burn all seen helping one busy during this hitting store. the dress in the bridal shop until the big bulter asians were being made in the months ahead. these would be for the guys and these are for the girls. longo's ease last feeding was in early july. the last time she saw the dress and the owner. >> a few weeks before the wedding over the phone, the 2 made arrangements to meet up and finish the alterations. but one goes, he says, but all stopped answering her polls didn't show up for appointments. and this week when she stopped by the shop. >> it was cleared out. nothing left, including her dress. my heart sunk. >> i think i was calm all the way up to that moment. i don't really she's my full shortly after we met with one goes, he has her friend scramble to find her and fielding generous offers from the public bass. a burn all returned our phone call accepting responsibility for leaving. one goes the f the proverbial alternative she
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says her store's lease was up at the end of july and spontaneously chose not to renew and instead save some money through the rest of the year before opening up in a bigger space downtown in january. >> i started so she packed everything up and is storing her inventory in her home until she moves into her new spots may see is finished. >> goes up the middle another in december. it's when that quite full already only threat for handling continue to. i see something he all started her business in bolivia 20 years ago and operates 5 shops there. >> the pittsburgh location is the only one in the united states and britain prides herself and keeping customers happy and accepts responsibility for leaving a few clients like one goes see in the dark as miami's think because. that they she came here and i know kill her because use my phone. that is my full. it going to go on
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whether i have addressed or least she will not only have one like her fiance that caught her eye and captured her heart. in pittsburgh, philippe djegal all kron. 4 news. >> in specific, a surveillance to a car and smashing in the windows. police say 20 cars along heath cliff drive were broken into wednesday morning. % one neighbor says many of the targeted cars were outside of his home. >> gunfire. i saw last street the car. my neighbor's home him. you get a lot what they actually would try. >> police believe there are at least 3 suspects in this case. officers are reminding neighbors to lock their cars and do not leave valuables behind. in the north bay. a dispute over private fencing at stinson beach know kron four's gayle ong looks into a complaint filed about neighbors allegedly roping off parts of the beach like you see right here without the proper permits.
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>> it doesn't really bother me. but i wrote have not. they're just because the beach there on the beach. you know, it's kind of nature. robert peddler of petaluma is talking about these fences around homes along stinson beach. it's always been a problem. somebody always wants to kind of push out boundaries. earlier this month, the county of marin receive a complaint that 5 properties on the beach have installed fencing that may be on public beach land whenever we receive >> a complaint like this, we take very seriously communications director of the county of marin at laney hendricks. as the county issued code enforcement personnel out to the area. there's determining whether or not this is something that occurred on public versus private land. and really the concern there is any attempt to robot public beach, a public lands considered privatization. >> hendricks, as privatization falls under the violation of the coastal act and any develop. and that takes place on the coast requires a coastal development permit as far as the county is
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concerned, none of these fences are permitted. one of the homeowners told kron 4 off camera that she is not doing anything wrong and that her fences around her property and is taking the necessary steps to get a permit. according to the california coastal commission, all beaches are public up to the mean high tide line. a final conclusion with marin counties. findings should take weeks in stinson beach, gayle ong kron. 4 news. >> fl 3 season is coming to an end. the final week featuring a longtime bay area rivalry. erin wilson has the details from allegiant stadium. >> well, the nfl preseason has come and now gone. it is all said and done any ended on the raiders in the niners on a tie score of 24 with this game was less about winning and more about getting a job. it was a lot of young guys are here on both sides of the bar competing for a job. a lot of them put in a bid to at least find a place on 53 man roster because the teams do have to cut it down come tuesday from 90 2.53. we talked to a couple
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of guys in the locker room spoke about their experience to the preseason, but also their hopes coming up in nfl season. take a listen. i see also like long as you are confident within, you know, your abilities and also the game plan. i believe that the game does slow down for at the end of the day. so that's when time to get to the or via slee, you know, with with a minor setback in that, you know, didn't didn't help anything. but, >> you know, like i said, you know, just approaching it one day at a time, you know, fortunate i was able to make it back to this game. you know, try to take advantage of special team reps and then obviously on offense as much as i could and, you know, that was kind of the mindset the whole time. so, you know, i'm fortunate enough to be able to. been in this game. you know, i wasn't sure if i was going to be the case. so, you know, the fact that i could do was excited clay county ruling with it. you know, obviously felt really good. my first time being a part of that. that new dynamic with the new kickoff kickoff return role. but, you know, it's exciting.
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you know, a lot of room for big plays. now at this point, all of the guys can turn their focus to week. one they have about a week of a buffer between now and the time that the niners welcome the new york jets and aaron rodgers. >> to levi's stadium. so now they will prepare for now some said news when it comes to a couple of guys out here today, louise gross-matos and leonard floyd both went out of the game here tonight. early both with knee injuries. they were questionable to return. that was upgraded later to out for the game. so right now we do not have specifics on what's going on with 2 of those with the 2 of them in their knees. however, we will, of course, try and find that out in the next coming days. i didn't know it was a great effort put in by guys on both sides sharing. pierce is excited to see that he has some young guys out there that he could capitalize on. but i'm sure caution ahead. can say the same about some of the young guys to perform tonight. for back to you. guys used to aaron wilson at allegiant stadium. >> and burning man kicks off
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tomorrow with a week-long festival in the nevada desert. typically sells out by this time. but there are still tickets available online last year. heavy rains caused flooding in muddy conditions leaving festival goers stranded the year before. there was the extreme heat as well. officials say economic factors could also play a role this year. if you'd like to go tickets start at $630 and a vehicle pass goes for an additional 150 bucks. in some drivers can now access to driver's licenses on their phones. governor gavin newsom's office making that announcement friday. google wallet users now have the option to store licenses and this means they'll be able to use mobile wallets to get through airport security checkpoints. officials say they're working for working on a version for iphone users. and more than 3500 hot rods, muscle cars, classics all on display at the alameda county fairgrounds. organizers say the good guys car show is fun for the whole family. >> you see some of the younger
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guys no parked like these. and so makes it enjoyable for me, especially inc. you know, i'm i'm older. i could be their son or grandfather. so they come up start asking you questions. it's it's pretty exciting when that happens to them in florida. i here. >> the car show is open from 8 in the morning until 5 in the evening today and from 3 until 03:30pm, in the afternoon how pristine it is inside one of sunnyhill south there, too. >> look at the next couple of days ahead. 81 again today. tomorrow up to 90 papa near 100 as we get early into the weekend. we're going to backtrack a bit into the weekend. that is next weekend. back in a bit to explain all
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>> all right, 9.43 this morning taking a live look outside at the golden gate bridge. and is that? >> dame belt we have to day we have to. all here and some light rain showers. now. this is the early part of the affair. we're talking more about the afternoon, the potentially with some daytime heating might see something. they're also here's sfo for you. got to get in the cellar. anything? no, no, no. it's just some cloud cover that's left over this. also clear out to no delays happening there. that's good news. meanwhile, it doesn't have it here, but the fact that everything is playing out because of the so-called low were actually getting snow, at least aloft about 8500 to 9,000 feet. that's the nosebleed section up there. but still being august, being able to mention snow, even the higher elevations next couple of
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days. you see the warming trend, which we're going to get on the home front to temperatures right now. already moving a little bit mid to upper 60's east bay lower 60's up north, 70 or so for san jose. but it's this low that's going to kind of a star of the show a little bit today, keeping the temps suppressed today. quickly, we recover and we see over there, high pressure takes over for a couple of alright has its day in the sun tuesday wednesday, the 2 days to kind of watch. it's not quite done with us maybe on friday. but boy, this low one-inch on in and it's going to be a player by next weekend will see how that all comes together in the wash. that looks like a nice temperature drop for us. again, 70 san francisco, the 4 zone forecast 60's cover the coast, burlingame, about 75 will do about a 78 foster city. also for palo alto in the south bay, upper 70's to near about 80 or so east bay shoreline. you've got the middle 70's tri valley. meanwhile, is the lower 80's for today. 82 or so for concord, 70 for berkeley. vallejo at 67. 77 for
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fairfield. 73 for napa. and it's to about 78 for santa rosa. so going to be toasty this week might have some statements on all of this later on. bill. usually try to issue about 36 to 24 hours before that will happen. so we might have something for you as we get to. what is that block there? there's a block right there. what's that? thank you. taking that away. we want to block party us anyway. honest. i know tuesday, wednesday. want to watch maybe a heat advisory. my pop up and then cool off this weekend's. okay. good information there. thanks a lot, dave. >> all right. well, kron 4 is your local election headquarters and the democratic national convention wrapped up this week in chicago. delegates and officials gathering to praise president joe biden's legacy while embracing vp kamala harris for the top of the ticket this november earlier today, we looked over the dnc with kron, 4 political analyst and former senior adviser to nancy pelosi, michael yaki, which this? good morning to you, michael warnings yeah,
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lots of popcorn over the last michael, just a you said. you said the review said the most attended clutching the size of your chair because you just don't want something to go yeah. what as someone who used to work at conventions and you just sit there and you're going, >> so it's like, you know, what's interesting here is michael, just a little over a month ago, democrats, they seem to be struggling to get behind president biden and whether he might be the best person to represent their party against former president trump. but fast forward to now and what a difference a convention makes. >> yeah, i mean, are 2 things. they're there to serve audiences that were basically the conventions patient. one was train wreck, ratchet up the base right to get them excited again. they were as resigned to the possibility to the fact that joe biden was going to be now many. and then when everything sort of change, rather then it you got
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energized. and then that second audience, the broader audience, the decided the middle of the one, that's really, really this convention was aimed at. that's we started to get interested in a race that they are all kind of board you. we all remember the polls going up to the same people are going. i can't believe we have the same 2 people running and you had you. trump was doing very well. you know, he got that big bump after the after the assassination attempt and then you have you had joe biden just sort of flailing and then everything c-anged. everything changed and the democrats a decision is a change for the is a change for me or my and they decided to go for the good. and you saw that at the convention. this pass from this past week. they they they went full bore what they wrapped it up. they were they wanted to get their base all excited that they really wanted to speak to that.
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middle was skeptical. but we voted for joe biden 4 years ago in and a lot barack obama, you know, 12 years ago. so i think that they were that i think they accomplished what they wanted to do. now, the hard part he's coming ahead, which is we have 73 days between now and november and every single day it's going to extraordinarily for both for both campaigns. absolutely. no. a number of themes also emerge from paris's address on thursday. >> i wonder you could walk us through some of the highlights and how what she was saying. contrast the message from the trump pence ticket. >> i think i think was pretty clear she would need to introduce yourself first to the american people. he would hurt about her. they kind of thought this kind of cool, but or this is interesting. but who she? and think that she starts off by talking that about her middle-class roots. and that is clearly, you know, 100% laser targeted at those
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middle middle undecided voters, the ones that the ones in the in the rust belt in the sun belt risk rattling the line. then when you look at the look at her speech was very tight 34 minutes. but was a very carefully curated, 34 minutes as well. she she had she had a paragraph about the border. that's a that arizona, maybe a little bit of texas. lot of people to keep. i think that we could ever win texas. just think well, not maybe maybe. but i know pride of few years. yet for that. that she had something aimed at she she had and i think she i think she truly believe and i know she truly believe that she had a paragraph about it about about middle east, about support for israel, but also a very strong statement ending ending the suffering of the people in gaza. and that was really something that 4 for the ever. american palestinian communities and in michigan,
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michigan, especially where that that could have been the turning point in terms of weather trump won or i think doing that was aimed bring that back. and then he's just saw a lot of kitchen table issues talking about, you know, who who am some who fight was spot for. you. i know on your behalf as attorney general has a prosecutor time and time again. mike lang has always been the people, whether it's the people of san francisco, the people california or the american people. and that's who my client is going to be. it's used essentially made the case of i am. i'm the person is going to be prosecuting against the people who are making your life miserable on your behalf. the other guy, his only client himself. and then we started seeing the contrast about about about trump and the in the same into freedom and freedom is an interesting workers. freedom is something that the republicans that trump is trying to capture for it for
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themselves for himself. and i think the democrats and hang on we had microswitches returns abiding thing. we're going wait make democracy and freedom serco he will in terms of how we're going look at this then they talk reproductive rights. the talk of treatment only talk about a number of different freedom and the more you say the word freedom you start thinking at least for me, i started thinking about fdr the 4 freedoms, things like that that became part of his part of campaign. and i think that what she's trying to say to people is that they're all these things that we care about. we aspire to that that we as american people and i can make sure that i can bring that to you with with you along for the as cold as as as my clients as my as my as my colleagues versus the other guy who just thinks only of themselves. and then you saw going back to litany the chaos
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and and and january 6th and the talking about we want to go forward. we don't want to go back and i think that's going to be a recurrent between now and the next 7, 3, 7, 3, days and certainly at the debate in just a few a few weeks, couple weeks from now, because this is all going to about for a path forward where she's trying to say i will work with i will work on your behalf versus going back to chaos and and everything want to say about how donald trump had. has, you know, had behaved over last president since president. >> alright, pro for political analyst michael yaki. thank you so much for your perspective this morning. and we certainly will keeping a close eye on the upcoming debate is i'm sure you will, as well. thank you so 73 days are corrupt, grazing coming stay tuned. thanks, stephanie.
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stay tuned. thanks, stephanie. >> all right [upbeat music] ♪ yeah, baby, i like it like that ♪ ♪ you gotta believe me when i tell ya ♪ ♪ i like it like that ♪ ♪ i like it like that, i like it like that ♪ ♪ clap your hands if you want some more ♪ ♪ que rico ♪ ♪ yeah, baby, i like it like that ♪ ♪ i've got the soul i've got the soul ♪ ♪ i like it like that ♪
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"the doctor will see you now." ♪ i've got the soul but do they really? do they see that crick in your neck? that ache in your heart? will they see that funny little thing
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that wasn't there last year? a new bounce in your step? the way your retinal scan connects to your blood sugar? at kaiser permanente all of us work together to care for all that is you. >> well, you can and now you can see them there. hundreds of sea lions taking over a beach in monterey, prompting local officials to close down a portion of san carlos beach. locals say that they've never seen so many of the animals gathered here before. animal experts are not sure why the seals chose this speech as they're gathering place this year, but say could be because 2, there's a diverse food supply that cities area and most of the sea lions are male
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and experts predict that they'll stay here for up to 4 weeks. so about a month and a reminder it is illegal to get too close see lines. so please keep a respectful distance if you would like to check them out. they are looking for a date. i guess they're just hanging out bunch of guys out. party out there and you know what? off camera? some guy eating store-bought popcorn. what? >> here's what's on radar right now. you know, you reference this earlier, stephanie, the line of little rain showers. >> yes, we have a little line here, but this is not a spoiler. let this all pass through next hour or so. the next thing to watch is way up north. you don't see much later today after we see the daytime heating, we might see something later on it. just a little passing shower from our vantage point, little bit more rock and farther up north. so we're watching monday, tuesday, wednesday, those of the hottest days in the bunch might reach the triple digits. then as we head into next weekend, there we go. we're numbers plummet as we watch another low dropping south here. we've got the winter pattern already. tons 100 out
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of august. it was fascinating to see the golden gate bridge, a little dance this morning. it closed to well, thank so much for joining us here in the proper weekend. morning news with see you back here tomorrow. bright and early 07:00am taking care. is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? -your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. switch to reliable comcast business internet with security and get started for $49.99 a month. plus ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. call today!
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