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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX  January 28, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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showdown for the us senate program this week, you can watch it right now on the fox 11 los angeles youtube page or fox la com. you can also stream it in podcast form. just search for the issue is wherever you stream, which also features interviews from our show. a big shout out to everyone who watched, submitted questions and helped make that debate happen. a huge thanks to our partners at politico, usc, kfi, california environmental voters, and the biggest thanks to the issue is behind the scenes team who made the debate look so spectacular. look at that. from the lighting to the set to the camera shots, the directing job well done to everybody, including my co-host melanie mason. we'll see you next week >> shannon: i'm shannon bream. standoff in text as governor abbott refuses to comply with
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the supreme court decision. >> text simply is securing the border. >> choose whether they want to solve a problem or get in the way as core political points. >> half the country's governors are backing text in its fight with the biden administration, all republicans. here in washington, the administration releases record-breaking numbers for the border amid reform talks in the science being blasted by gop front-runner donald trump. >> rather have no bill than a bad bill. >> the idea someone running for president would say please hurt my country for politics is a shocking development. >> shannon: we'll speak with oklahoma senator lankford and rick scott who opposes what he knows of the deal.
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plus, growing outrage over aid workers in gaza funded by u.s. tax dollars accused of participating in the terrorist attacks with israel. there are 12 people -- >> it is bad if there are one. >> shannon: get reaction from mike mccaul and sit down with nato chair jens tolberg. and the largest military exercise since the cold war. then presidents biden and trump eager to start the general election despite nikki haley determination to stay in the race. >> nikki haley, have you ever heard of her? i didn't know she was still campaigning. >> you can't bully your way through the process. >> shannon: ask the panel if there is a path for the gop notchination for nikki haley. all now on "fox news sunday."
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>> shannon: hello from fox news in washington, stunning numbers. customs and border patrol confirming the u.s. southern border saw 302,000 migrant encounters, marking the first time that number surpassed 300,000 mark. house republicans move forward with impeachment of alejandro mayorkas. there will be two articles impeachment laid out by the committee set to be marked up this week. first will focus on accusations that secretary alejandro mayorkas refused to comply with the law and breached public trust making false statements and obstructed oversight of
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homeland security. we will speak with the gop lead negotiator on the border oklahoma senator lankford and florida republican senator rick scott who is opposed of the deal so far. we turn to matt finn as the stand off with text and the government heats up. hello, matt. >> hello, shannon, this is the hottest spot on the southern border. last month up to 4000 migrants per day were crossing here. text got so fed up it kicked out the biden administration and took the border battle into its own hands. text is not giving into the biden administration demand it allow u.s. border patrol back into she, lby park. ken paxton is asking the biden
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administration to prove it has ownership over the park, text insists it has constitutional right seize. >> show us information that you are correct and i doubt they will be able to do that. >> text does not want the federal government removing the razor wire barrier that is serving as a border wall. u.s. custom and border protection says border patrol does not want to rip down the wire, cut it only in emergency. border has no plans to remove the wire, if we need to access an area for emergency response, we will do so. paxton tells fox he would be open to cutting wire if someone's life is in danger. text doesn't want border agents back in the park. why do they need to be here?
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they don't have enough border patrol people anyway. we got it covered. mr. president, mr. president, you say you want to secure the border, text has secured it, leave it alone vm >> in washington, science is hammering out bipartisan immigration bill. paxton does not want a plan that approves illegal crossing. why put a stamp on what biden is doing. i am opposed, bad idea. >> president biden says if the senate is serious about passing that bill, he will sign it. shannon. >> shannon: thank you. joining us oklahoma republican senator lead negotiator on this potential border deal, lankford. welcome back to "fox news sunday." >> thanks, good morning to you. >> shannon: you were here a month ago and said you were
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getting close then and are closer now. talk about the rumors and give you a chance to respond to critics who do not like this bill. something akin to title 42 that would allow everyone to be turned away once there were 5000 people showing up. here is senator ted cruz on that bill. >> this bill normalizes 5000 people per day, which is 1.8 million per year. that is called an invasion, under joe biden we had 9.6 million. the great compromise, we are for two-thirds of open borders, let in six million instead of nine million, this makes no sense. >> shannon: is that part of the deal and how do you convince someone like senator cruz to vote for it?
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>> james: this is our great challenge of fighting through the final words, right now there is internet rumors. it would be absurd for me to agree to 5000 people per day, we want zero illegal crossings per day, no amnesty and increases asylum officers and detention beds, it ends catch and release and focuses on deportation flight out and changes asylum process to a higher standard and get returned back to their home country. this is not letting 5000 people in per day. this is misunderstood. let me tell you briefly what it is. last four months, we have had seven days that we had less than 5000 people, this is set up if you have a rush of people coming
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at the border, the border closes down and no one gets in. it is not someone standing with a clicker and it stops, it is shutdown of the border and everyone gets turned around. how do we intervene in this adminiran people around and not l them in. >> shannon: there may be additional measurement, you get to 5000 in a week and zero from there. our bill melugin. the gates would open again. can you confirm or deny that? >> yeah, again, it is not gates opening, misunderstanding of the bill, how many can we process and deport. when you raise the standard and increase detention bed and deportation flights, you do not let people in. people are thinking how the
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biden administration is running it now, they are allowing 1500 people per day to get released into the country. people get a knows to appear and get released, all that stops. we want to deport out of the country, not release >> it would be absurd to say we're slowing number of releases, we focus on how to enforce the border and get back to zero people crossing the border. every administration has struggled to get authority in place. >> shannon: senator mike lee brought up idea of work permits. you want to set the bar higher for getting in on asylum and you say a lot of people will not make it and be turned away. his concern is for people that make it through, they have to
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wait 180 days and that would go to zero turning into a magnet to bring people in. >> you come to port of entry, work permit is given first day you walk across the border, show up, tell us your name and you are in the country. tell us in advance you are coming, only limitation. people apply for asylum, they don't qualify. they apply and get a work permit, these folks are driving folks crazy, they are wandering around cities. we want only people getting a work permit are people that have been evaluated and likely to end up with asylum, those are the individuals that will likely stay here, fraction of the
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people in the process. vast majority of people will be turned around and deported. we are the united states of america and open to legal immigration in the process and if people are legally going through the process and qualify and gone through vetting and such, we would continue to have work permits but we're stopping the free pass out at the border and if you give us your name, you get a permit, that ends. >> shannon: president biden spoke about this last night on campaign rally, he says he would fix this whole thing. republicans are saying he has executive power and laws not being enforced, why give him this? the cover of this deal critics say will still let a lot of people get in and he takes a victory lap he's gotten something done. it will not let people in, it is focused on turning people
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around. republicans would not give funding for ukraine and israel and southern border because we demand changes in policy, we will not give money for this, we want a change in law. a few months later, getting to the end, just kidding, i don't want a change in law because presidential election year. we have an oath and need to do whatever we can to secure the border. last four months, we've had 50 people cross the border on the terror watch list and tens of thousands declared a national security risk that came across the border and released. it is our constitutional obligation to secure our country as fast as we can secure our country. this puts in mandatory pieces that have -- if president trump was elected, he was president
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now, this border would not have this problem. the thought president biden can be pro-national security president in last months is not believable. we've had millions cross because he opened up our border and invited the world to come and they came. we have chaos and have to stop it. and put new tools even trump administration was looking for in place for every president from here on out. >> shannon: keep us up to date, thank you for your time. joining us now florida republican senator rick scott, woman back to "fox news sunday." you heard the explanation from your colleague, from a well respected person within the senate and he talks about terror watch people coming through, special interest aliens and it comes on the back of this letter from fbi executives warning saying this, it would be difficult to overstate danger
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represented by presence of army of young, single adult males from hostile nations. the country has been invaded and will continue as long as it is tolerated. do you agree with that assessment and why not take something that would stop some traffic sooner rather than later? >> well, first, i think james is smart, hard working and knows the issue. he's on a suicide mission. democrat do not want to secure the border. i'm a business guy, never secured a deal where the other side did not want the same thing. this border could be secure, we have a lawless administration. only way this will happen is if we have accountability that forces biden to enforce the law. there are laws now, trump
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secured the border and biden decided to open the borders. we need to force biden to comply with the law. now james is doing best he can to explain the bill. i don't know why they don't share ith us. i rather for for something, we don't get anything, what we know biden is lawless and doesn't want to secure the border. democrat don't want to secure the border and mcconnell told lankford he cannot put accountability measures to require biden to secure the border today, he said that will not happen. >> shannon: what about the issue, if you have this number, if you hit 5000, it would be mandatory the border closes down. is that not a measure of accountability that would stop the flow until a reelection or
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different president? >> biden could do this today. trump secured the border with the exact same laws. unless accountability measure tied to ukraine aid or something else, something like that, biden is not going to comply with the law. if important to comply with the law, he would do it right now. if we can't force biden to secure the border, we need to shut the border today. everybody in florida love legal immigration, we don't want drugs, we don't want human traffickers, criminals or terrorists. it needs to be done today, we need a bill that forces biden to do it. mcconnell will not allow lankford to put that in the bill, it is not in the bill. >> shannon: you know what negotiations are like, this is tenuous back and forth, hope you
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will see the text and we all will. ask you about the accusation you don't want to get a bill done. "washington post" says democrat are offering something republicans have wanted for years, dear leader trump says no and gop senators are afraid to say yes. how much of your objection is based on the former president's objection to this bill, that he has not seen either?>> ht to th conversation, he's not in offis never asked me to oppose something. american voters are in the same position, secure the border today and you have t do it. you have to haveo something. what i don't get is mcconnell doesn't want to do that. most important thing we want out of this bill. we have to be careful we don't
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codify biden's policies. if you don't want to secure the border today, don't blame it on trump. say you don't care what the voters think, it is not what trump thinks, it is voters want to secure borders today. >> shannon: ask you about a case you have involvement with, government contractor worked to get irs records and leak them, including for president trump and thousands others. you said you were impacted by this and you don't think the doj is taking this seriously enough. "wall street journal" says this man will be sentenced tomorrow, littlejohn gave the files to the ew york times" and he decided the american public had a right to know president's tax information. will you be at the sentencing? what would you like to see? >> i will be there, he released
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my tax return and released trump's tax return and 7500 people. he will plead guilty to one case. this is just example of the justice department decide if you do something against republicans, who cares, if you do it against democrat, you can't. >> shannon: thank you for your time. >> thanks. >> shannon: up next, republicans lineup behind the former president, nikki haley rakes in the cash after trump threatens to blacklist anyone who donates to her campaign. we will discuss whether haley has a genuine path forward, that is next. >> "fox news sunday" is brought to you by pacific life, over 150 years of strength and stability. imagine your future with confidence.
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>> shannon: both president biden and former president trump cruise to victory in new hampshire, now eyes of 2024 campaigns shift to the south carolina primary. gop will vote, but democrat moved up their vote to this coming saturday. peter doocy live from columbia, south carolina, the president is traveling to rally support. >> peter: south carolina saved president biden in 2020, he was as low as primary candidates get and limped in one and hoping to use this state as a springboard for a second tomorrow. >> president biden: if i were smart, i would say thank you and
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leave. >> peter: he stayed with l thanks to black democratic voters. >> president biden: a promise made and promise kept. >> peter: it is believed gop nominee will be donald trump. >> i'm looking at the math and path going forward and i don't see it for nikki haley. >> haley not happy. rnc resolution was floatd and pulled this week to declare trump the party's presumptive nominee. now trump is taking incoming from haley and biden for the same thing. nikki haley was in charge of security january 6. confused these days. >> i think he was a bit confused. >> president biden: he can't telling it is difference in nancy pelosi and nikki haley.
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>> i feel sharper than i did 20 years ago. >> peter: trump rein mas democrat's top tarringel. preese >> president biden: you are the reason we will win. >> peter: we didn't hear biden say nikki haley's name once, even in her home tested and firing lines have nothing to do with anything biden did in office, they are all about trump. shannon. >> shannon: peter doocy, thank you. time for sunday group, francesca chambers. juan williams, kevin roberts and hill national political reporter julia manchester. have you recovered from iowa and new hampshire? good to see you all here. now on to southern warmer,
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sunnier place. nikki haley reacting to this huge verdict against trump on friday, she says we are not talking about border or inflation, america can do better than donald trump and joe biden. white house has to love this and will enjoy the fighting. >> they do believe donald trump will be nominee and using this runway to go ahead and focus on who they believe will be their opponent. nikki haley making comments on x touched on this in south carolina, as well, she says russia and china and iran has to love this, this is a distraction if he wins the presidency. haley is not going for that knock-out punch against donald
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trump. if you look at fox's survey of voterings in new hampshire, two-thirds of them don't think trump did anything wrong. she has to find a way to cut into his voteings with rural votes heading into south carolina if she wants to have a chance. >> shannon: trailing by double digits. president trump reacting and saying legal system is out of control and being used as a political weapon, they have attorney away first amendment rights. voters say that is the reason they are rallying for him. does this work? >> juan: it works with the maga base, nothing will deter them from supporting the former president. there is reality in iowa and new hampshire, you get tremendous number of independents and some republicans who say they will
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not vote for donald trump and it is odd, he won, he won both states. 35% of republicans, i see in new hampshire said they will not vote for trump if he's the party nominee. 58% of independents and 55% in iowa voted for trump. a jury found him libel for sexual assault and now introduces some of what nikki haley is talking about in her message, there is unhinged sense of chaos and trouble that follows donald trump. >> shannon: another thing we heard from haley, that was the attraction to her, they like her offering what she says is chaos-free option. "wall street journal" had a piece in the last day or two
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talking about nikki haley going for broke, saying she should stay in this race. this is a veteran speech writer who says this, admit you are not as exciting as he is, that is okay, you are running to lead. a rabied squirrel in a chemistry lab is exciting to watch, but can do a lot of damage. does she make that argument? >> no. this morning, shannon, nikki haley is not going to deliver a knock-out punch on president trump, it has to do with the fact people recognize these cases, all legal cases are illegitimate and president trump focuses on securing the border, addressing the economy and public safety. until haley and radical left and president biden wrap their head around that, president trump will lead in every poll that has
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come out in the last several months. >> shannon: we see rallies where he is making the case he's moved on to the general. interesting piece talking to a woman who was a supporter of trump in 2016 and soured with january 6 and she did not want him to run and was not going to vote for him, but now she had a choice to make. why are they giving him a second chance? she says more than anything she did not want another four years of democratic control of the white house. julia, are those who somehow broken with president trump and said i will never vote for him again. are there more matching this thought? >> absolutely, a group of voters look at trump versus biden, this is an awful choice in 2020, it
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was a traumatic year for many reasons and very ugly election year and this harkens back to it. i think that is why there is so much interest in a third party. do you think a third party nominee will win the presidency? likely not. they are gravitating toward that. >> shannon: one leader of no labelses they are likely to run as third party bid, we will see. don't go are fa, up next, going back to the crisis at the border. breaking details about the articles of impeachment drafted against alejandro mayorkas. i have a copy and we will get reaction from house foreign affairs chair, mike mccaul. next.
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you want to see who we are as americans?
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i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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>> shannon: you're looking at live pictures in eagle pass, text, the border area under dispute, tensions ramp up between text governor greg abbott and white house over the administr administration response at the
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southern border. moving forward with articles of impeachment, vote to impeach alejandro mayorkas. joining me to discuss is text republican congressman mike mccaul. welcome back to "fox news sunday." we have brand new two articles of impeachment, willing and systemic refusal to comply with the law and reach of public trust. is he just a messenger? >> he knows better ands chairman of homeland security when jay johnson was deputy, a u.s. attorney in los angeles. he knows better. this is not by accident, it is by design. he is the architect of destruction. eight million encounters, 300 on the terror watch list, there is fentanyl poisoning. we look at our founding fathers
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they did not have federal criminal statute, breach of public trust is sufficient to impeach. and i think it is important we respond to the american people. >> shannon: response from jake awkenclos. >> if republicans are serious about border policy, engage on this bill, this is they don't have plans, they just have anger. >> shannon: you are angry? >> my constituents are angry. it is worse than its ever been, detention spaces are overflowing and they are let into our sustain. it is unsustainable and causing injury to the state. this is greatest injury i've seen and it was because of
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change in policy by execute itch fiat and changing executive order from the previous administration. i love the fact we will try to do legislation, but president biden could change this tomorrow if he changed the executive order high did on day one, remain in mexico came out of my committee and says you are detained and remain in mexico pending political asylum. catch and release is over and it stopped and secured the border. this president could do the same thing and chooses not to. >> shannon: if the senate deal comes together, but doa in the house, will the house vote on ukraine aid notes atached to the border or is that a package deal for you? >> that has gone back and forth and that is leadership question and i can see it tied to israels and indo-pacific.
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i have my thoughts and we can't abandon our allies. >> shannon: maybe border splits apart. >> mike: i don't know if the senate version is sufficient in the house, i don't know if speaker johnson will put it on the floor unless he has policy changes like i'm talking about. >> shannon: we don't have the text yet, we will see. given your foreign policy connection. we are supposed to help people in the gaza strip and beyond, there are accusations several employees were involved in the massacre on october 7 and long been questions about their activity. how do we get aid to civilians and decide how to hold this
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agency accountable? >> do it through other ngos. the trump administration cut all funding for a reason, for this reason. the idea enra was harboring weapons to assistant with invasion of israels, those allegations come out of israel. we are investigating. if true, think how outrageous is that and they are using money to give aid to hamilton. i have advocated to cut funding and the administration put a pause on it a couple days ago. they will testify before my committee and we'll get answers. >> shannon: bypass bipartisan group wrote about strikes on houthi targets and all that is goings on in theed s employs
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they want your is up to congres debating putting uh attacks lik. >> my committee would pass this. right now they are using article two self defense, houthi rebels, they shut down the red sea. 450% increase, inflation and energy. bottom line is to some extent, i agree congress should authorize, i would authorize and in my proposal, we authorize use of force against iranian proxies that changed since 9/11 and it is causing weakness, whether russia, china and ayatollah has
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brought this on. >> shannon: we'll see if the white house comes to you on this. good to see you. joining us nato secretar sunday" as we continue international affairs conversation, good to have you. you are launching the largest military exercise since the cold war, tons of countries, war power, ships out there. look at what is happening in the midweek pick-me-up and china says you are the reason things are unstable, nato is a walking war machine. what is the broader message you hope to you communicate? >> the purpose of nato is to preserve peace and prevent war and this exercise demonstrates strength how we can work together, not to provoke conflict, prevent conflict, as nato has done for 75 years.
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peace in europe is there because we stand together in north america and europe. >> shannon: i imagine part of the messaging is for russia, as well. putin said early on part of his problem in the war with ukraine, he did not want nato to expand. looks like sweden will join. i spoke with -- a few weeks ago. >> the nato membership, mother of all unintended consequences for russia thinking. this was not planned. >> shannon: not a consequence russia wants, they may see this as provocation and may be reaction from mr. putin once sweden joins. >> mr. putin wanted less nato, he is getting more nato in
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eastern part of poland and getting two new nato members, finland has joined and soon sweden will become a member thchl is nof pro -- this is not provocation. this reflects we are in a dangerous world. putin used force and invaded ukraine and these countries have decided to join and we welcome them. >> shannon: you talked about a path for ukraine to join nato, as well, do you worry given putin's actions once ukraine joins, the task force will be drawn into a military war with putin? >> nato is there to prevent war. i'm from nor way and nor way is bordering russia and soviet
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union. it was provocation if norway became a member. it is right of every sovereign nation to choose. that is right norway has, finland and sweden have and also ukraine. it is important that putin doesn't get his way in ukraine. that will embode bolden powers. tomorrow it may be taiwan. it is good deal for us and the united states to support ukraine and become full member of the alliance. >> shannon: ukraine, you will meet with top officials and lawmakers on the hill, what is your message about ukraine funding from the u.s.? >> i understand the border issue is important in the united states as in many other nato allies.
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what matters, ukraine gets continued support because we need to realize that this is closely watched in beijing and not only making europe more vulnerable, but the united states more vulnerable if putin gets what he wants in ukraine. this is a good deal because by using fraction of the u.s. defense budget, we have been able to destroy and degrade the russian army substantially. theref therefore, we should continue to do so, this is spent in united states, we buy u.s. weapons to support ukraine, securing jobs in america and makes us all safer. >> shannon: there is growing skepticism on the hill. thank you for stopping in. good to see you. up next, biden administration makes move on energy sector
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critics say will hurt our economy and national security. climate activists say this is long overdue, our sunday panel debates the fallout next. we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. ooh, take this exit. how's the heart? i feel like it's good. you feel like it's good? how do you know when it's time to check in on your heart? how do you know? let me show you something. it looks like a credit card, but it is the kardiamobile card.
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>> it is lower cost for american families, including energy costs. today's pause recognizes climate crisis for what it is, existential threat of our time. >> shannon: president biden placing freeze for liquified natural gas projects. back with the panel to talk about this. the "wall street journal" says not love this. who cares about the real world impact o r
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-- i think we have to put this in some context and biden administration does not talk about it. liquid oil production is at record highs, the u.s. is setting records as number one producer of liquid natural gas in the world. biden is saying and i think he's saying to that young voter cohort, shannon, we care about climate change, the united states. "wall street journal" business would say, wait a second. with they are very intent in this political year in sending a political message. >> shannon: senator jack reid says this will increase supply of domestic national gas.
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>> right, that is important right now in the economy and with americans not feeling or saying they are not feeling effect of booming economy. to juan's point, i think this is definitely a way for the biden administration to galvanize that young voter base. that is part of this coalition biden relied on to get electd and democrat rely on that are breaking from him. it is serious. we see in polls they are breaking on issues like environment and war in gaza and israel. this is something that the biden administration is trying to reach across to those voters to galvanize them. we don't know if it will work yet. trump campaign going on the offensive and curious to see how this will vote with independent voters. >> shannon: people are feeling it, even though there was good
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news in the fourth quarter. they say it is mistake to keep harping on how great the economy is, it is only marginally better for most families. talk about how much more needs to be done in a second biden term. they are not walking away from bidenomics, they are harping on this. >> it is bizarre. heritage foundation has some fault. an opponent of this l&g decision, it does not help 2.3 billion people live nothing poverty in the world. instead of natural gas, they are using coal. it aids russia and this ties into the question about the economy, this is retribution, most of the media commentary is retribution for president biden. god bless text for standing up
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on the border. it is border, policy, public safety. >> shannon: i have heard this allegation that because text has three locations for liquified natural gas and has nothing to do with border, people will play politics in washington. this is just an allegation, back to economic issue. pew research says economic remain far less positive than before the pandemic and more americans believe economic conditions will be worse a year from now than better, that is tough in reelection year. >> last night in south carolina, president biden did not use the word bidenomics and talked about 1400 dollar checks his administration sends to people, $300 for children. tangible things americans could
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hold versus roads and bridges that are not connecting with voters. it is not helping his numbers. >> juan: consumer confidence numbers are rising. keep rising going toward november. stock market is unbelievable right now. >> shannon: when people are buying grocery and gas, there is daily measurement for them. we'll see in november of this year. thank you very much, see you next sunday, up next trey yingst joins us live from israel with more on those shocking allegations that employees un agent werer 7 terror massacr
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>> shannon: u.s. forces and houthi rebels trade blows around red sea as conflict escalates amid war in gaza. fox news trey yingst joins us from tel aviv with the latest. hello, trey. >> trey: it is day 14 of the war between isra hamas as
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concern grows about conflict across the region. chaos erupts at the hospital in khan yunis. there is no space left for the injured. the simplest things such as pain killers and anesthesia are not available. a doctor explains. we are trying our best to deal with patients and keep them alive. israeli air and ground campaign with hamasing the second largest city. civilians chant the people want to overthrow hamas. they are running out of places to go. the country braces for another war, israeli forces launch new drills to prepare fconflict wit
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hezbollah. and the united states engaging houthi rebels in yemen, including new strikes saturday morning to destroy anti-ship missile, there are growing fears of a broader regional war. >> diplomatic efforts are ongoing to calm the region and cia director is in paris with qatari prime minister trying to hammer out details o you may know adam schiff's work to protect the rule of law, or to build affordable housing, or write california's patients bill of rights. but i know adam through the big brother program. we've been brothers since i was seven. he stood by my side as i graduated from yale, and i stood by his side when he married eve, the love of his life. i'm a little biased, but take it from adam's little brother. he'll make us all proud as california senator.
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i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. bounced from one doctor to the next. does it have to be like this? at kaiser permanente, we have a different kind of healthcare... so, how did you like doctor lum? ...where all of us work together for all that is you.


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