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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  February 1, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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wept silently as her attorneys announced a federal civil rights lawsuit against the alameda county sheriff's office, accusing deputies of attacking her twice. i swear to god, first in a courtroom and fauci. later at a hospital. >> all these roguish, thuggish deputies chokeslammed mr. shot while she was handcuffed in a hospital bed. >> it all began in august 2022 at the hayward hall of justice sheriff's body cam. video shows a shot in the gallery waiting for her civil dispute case to be called. suddenly the woman she's seeking protection from hits her repeatedly in the head with a cell phone. a shot grabs the woman's hair as deputies rush over. a shot thought that deputies were coming to help her. however that relief quickly turned into confusion and panic when mr. shot was treated as the actual assailant and not the victim. ashard says deputies piled on her and yanked her out of the courtroom. she was taken
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to kaiser in san leandro for a ct scan, but deputies told hospital staff she didn't need one, according to the lawsuit. at one point, a female sheriff's sergeant came to the scene to assad's relief, and another female officer here, she said, thank you. >> she had the grace to say thank you, even though somebody had slammed her. i'm surprised she could put a sentence together. >> attorneys say deputies attacked her again while she was handcuffed. >> that was not a reason to arrest her. it was not a reason to punch her. it was not a reason to choke her. it was not a reason to slam her in the bed in a statement, the sheriff's office says in part that the body cam video released are a, quote, limited and skewed depiction of the incident and do not represent the totality of what occurred. >> now, the sheriff's office also says the woman received appropriate medical treatment, but declined further comment on the lawsuit, saying they haven't yet been served with it. christina. mike. all right. >> henry lee, live tonight in the newsroom. henry. thank you. >> contra costa. health officials are receiving more
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information about the investigation into the cause of a toxic release from the martinez refining company. the refinery released in november 2022, contained toxic chemicals and increased hourly emissions from the refinery by up to 90 times its normal rate. spent catalyst dust from the release coated homes, cars and sidewalks in the neighborhood surrounding the refinery. county inspectors are set to be at the martinez refining company on march 5th. so far, an independent investigation has found there were inadequate safeguards and that operator error was not a root cause. our analysis, essential discounts operator error as a root cause and the reason for this is because humans make mistakes. >> and what we really need to do is design our and safeguards. so that an operator error doesn't lead to an incident. a final risk assessment report is set to be released to the public on february 22nd.
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>> tonight, the faith community, reacting to recent vandalism incidents at multiple hindu temples. two temples in the bay area have been vandalized. in just the last couple of months. ktvu is crystal bailey live tonight in the city of hayward with more on the story. crystal >> well, mike, the hindu temple behind me is just one of the two places that was hit recently. you can actually still see on the sign there the markings of that spray paint. those words being called divisive. this is the sherawali temple police say the sign was tagged in january, just two weeks after swami narayan mandir in newark was also hit. the sikh community of the bay area and the jakara movement, a community building nonprofit, came together this morning alongside law enforcement from hayward, newark and the alameda county sheriff's office to stand against the vandalism. the mayor of newark also came, saying the city does not stand for hatred and asking the police to do what they can to find the criminals. the law enforcement is calling the cases possible hate crimes for those
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listening that know anyone that could have been a part of this, there is a lot of ignorance out there. >> let's try to understand what may be the reason behind your actions, or those that might have done this and seek opportunities to learn more rather than choose acts of hatred, acts of violence and acts of divisiveness and the messages in the vandalism are in support of a sikh separatist movement. >> according to the hindu american foundation, and also criticizes india's prime minister, sikh and hindu leaders say the incident was intended to sow division between the two faith communities in the bay area, and law enforcement is continuing to comb over the case. they say right now they have no leads, but they are working with the fbi and they're asking anyone with information to come forward. i'm live in hayward. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news, and hopefully those tips do come in. >> all right. crystal thank you. >> a live look now at san francisco international airport
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where wet and windy weather continues to cause numerous delays. the latest data from flightaware shows 50 delays and seven cancellations. that's down from the more than 150 delays at airports that they saw at noontime. those delays averaging around 25 minutes. a number of bay area communities are opening emergency shelters for people who need to get out of the rain. the caritas center on sixth street in santa rosa will be open until friday in san rafael, people can take shelter at marin health and wellness on kerner boulevard in oakland. the jacqueline and square aquatic center on the embarcadero, and the east oakland sports center on eads avenue are open. and in san jose, people can go to the roosevelt community center on santa clara street. all right, a pretty healthy storm last night. >> and this morning, even some lingering showers and thundershowers out in the central valley and parts of the north bay. let's take a look at the big satellite picture. the engine or the low still sits up here, but most of the activity has moved through and you can see what look, all those white spots pop pop, pop pop pop.
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those white little dots popping in. that's the lightning thunder , convective cells. so quite a few of them moving through the valley this afternoon. the rainfall totals pretty impressive for just a wednesday and thursday. 24 hours worth. i mean kentfield came in at four inches boulder creek, four inches. i didn't see any six inches, but san francisco. that's the one that's pretty impressive. that 2.6in in 24 hours. and then oakland at 1.32. so really, if you look at these numbers, you can kind of see how it favored the coastal hills. right. or the west side of the bay as opposed to the east side. redwood city 109, san jose and all the numbers on the left, obviously on the left side of the coast or on the left side of the bay. and they had more, more activity, more rainfall. and so outside we go. and it's a live camera shot and you can see that there's a lot of cloud cover still out there. and we still have activity in parts of the bay area. you'll see right here i'm going to back it up again here. this is the last 4 or 5 hours. but back it
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up. so this is what's what we're left with. and this is what we might see tomorrow to this, this scattered, unstable air. see the white pop up there in santa rosa about 12:00. and then another one, then another one. so these are lightning strikes. you may have heard them or seen them in your neighborhood. looks out by merced. really got going on. got a couple reports of unconfirmed tornado in the north bay. we'll see how that works out. we've got the picture looks pretty good, and then we've got a funnel cloud that might be a tornado down in stockton. and that's all because of this unstable weather, which is nice in a way, because it's not that complete aerial coverage of rainfall like we had last night. because, right, what would happen last night when those flood advisories started to click if you were with us? we hit a tipping point and fortunately we had everything behind it. behind the front was much less rainfall rate. so we're very fortunate because again, the tipping point is what you get. another two inches on top of that. then you got problems. there's more rain in our forecast. i'll have the full forecast coming up. >> all right bill thank you. well the north bay, the recent rain did cause some street
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flooding that led to road closures. >> ktvu tom vacar has more on the well-known spots that always tend to see problems during wet weather in sonoma county. >> in schellville highway 121, which connects highway 37 at sears point to the napa valley, flooded as it often does in heavy rains as sea level rise continues, this very low lying but heavily traveled road cannot help but to flood more often and for longer periods of time. beyond travel, there's a major fire station at this location, and several wineries will also be heavily affected until meaningful mitigation can be built. by midday thursday, santa rosa swift water rescue team was standing down, only likely to be called back into service for monday's expected heavy rains, with drainage mostly on tap for the north bay. now, san rosa is turning its attention to next week. >> the focus right now is the next round of rains on wednesday , although we're not expecting much in the amount of rainfall,
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it's continuing to keep the ground saturated and then our eyes are kind of on the potential for a substantial storm. uh, next week near the intersection of rohnert park expressway and stony point road, which also had an early morning closure, we found two members of a u.s. geological survey crew. >> they were fielding some high tech equipment that looks like a mini trimaran on the end of a tether, all of which is lowered into the river. individual americans directly benefit from this service. >> our data is made available to help protect life and property during a flood event. >> in this case, the usgs is measuring the width, depth and flow velocity of laguna de santa rosa, which is sure to flood this intersection during heavy rain periods. that feeds into the russian river on its way to the pacific. the usgs also has. a permanent radar to sense the river's level, sending the data to the national weather
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service's flood prediction division. water officials, first responders and the public on its website. >> it's a satellite system that relays the data from the field to the satellite and back to our databases. and, um, so obviously that's quick. uh, the idea is speed to be able to get it out there as fast as possible. >> this really is your tax dollars at work. and as sea level rises, it's important also rises every day. tom vacar kate icu, fox two news and the north bay. >> not alone. our weather coverage picks up right after the break. >> high winds, heavy rains. we'll look at how santa cruz county fared in the most recent storm and what's ahead for the incoming storm this weekend. i'm mark sayer in capitola. i'll have that story just ahead. >> also, heavy flooding in southern california leaving vehicles submerged. the details on theamage
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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preparations already underway for the next storm, expected sometime this coming weekend. ktvu is mark sayer has the story . >> here at capitola village, anytime weather alerts go out predicting high winds, heavy surf and rain, there is just a little bit of extra concern. that's because at this time last year, the village was flooded out by a series of storms and the recovery took months. >> so i mean, after everything that we've been through from last january, i think that everybody is definitely a little on edge with the storms. but luckily we have such a great community down here. you know, everybody pulls together. >> customers are enjoying their meals at zelda's in capitola village, but sandbags have been set up outside just in case any
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unexpectedly high waves crash ashore. there were a few trees down and also some minor mudslides that came down on top of roadways during the recent storm. as you can see in these photos provided by santa cruz county, since there was no damage to the actual roadways, though, crews were able to reopen these roads quickly. and in downtown santa cruz, the san lorenzo river is flowing with mud and debris washing down from higher elevations, but so far there has been no flooding and so when the ground gets saturated, we have these very flashy creeks and rivers here in santa cruz county that rise and fall quickly. >> and if there's nowhere for that water to go, they all funnel down into the creeks and we'll see flooding. that's what we were worried about with this recent storm. >> one of the towns, which is most often at the very top of regional rainfall totals is ben lomond. and that was no exception. this time around, sandbags are ready to go at the valley churches united operation manager linda meyer says all of the sand deliveries from earlier in the week went quickly, and she feels residents in this mountain community take the rain and the threat of flooding
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seriously. every time big storms are expected. >> well, we're not concerned, but we're aware and we prepare so we get our everything charged , our phones charged, and our little chargers. charged and our lanterns charged and we check outside and make sure that if there's going to be some kind of runoff, it's blocked with either sandbags or a waddle or something of that sort. so we prepare while the high surf advisory did expire here on thursday afternoon, there is a flood watch remaining in effect until early friday morning. >> and of course, all eyes are on the incoming storm set for later this weekend. reporting in capitola i'm mark sayer, ktvu, fox two news and it's an issue we have come to expect with more wet weather as saturated ground leading to downed trees as ktvu allie rasmus explains, it was a pretty busy morning for public work crews along the peninsula. >> san francisco public works crews spent the morning sawing and cutting what was left of a 40 foot tall monterey pine that fell early this morning, spanning the width of this roadway. this is noelville
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drive. this is in the midtown terrace neighborhood near sutro tower in the city. this tree came down during some of the heavy rainfall just around 5:00 this morning. luckily. no one was hurt. i spoke with the owner of the home where that the tree fell right next to, and he told me there wasn't any serious damage to his house. luckily, the tree fell short of hitting his roof, so he said, really, the only sort of damage he had in his house was some paint scraped on the outside of the home by some of those branches, but it's the kind of thing we expect to see in the bay area whenever the ground is soaked. >> it was a torrential downpour. you could hear it all night. it was unrelenting. and so i'm not surprised that this morning we woke up to find a tree down on our block just south of us, and daly city. >> last night, a tree came crashing down onto an apartment building on king street. it happened around 1030 in the evening after the heavy rainfall. luckily, no one inside that apartment was hurt. we don't know how many people may have been displaced by the damage, but here in san
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francisco, you can see a nice view of sutro tower with the blue skies, the clouds are clearing and just a little bit of fog left over. so now the cleanup begins for many parts of the bay g here in the city, ktvu, fox two news and the rain caused flooding in southern california this morning. >> you can see a couple of vehicles here submerged. this is underneath the 710 freeway in long beach. other drivers navigated through deep water on roadways elsewhere in the city. parts of the pacific coast highway through huntington beach were closed at times. >> many california beachfront cities have piers that are popular with tourists and residents, but climate change has some community leaders questioning the cost of maintaining those piers. storms and waves are more powerful now than when most of those piers were built. >> some of the california's most popular piers, including the capitola wharf and the san diego pier, are currently closed because they are so badly damaged and scientists say the problem is only going to get worse.
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>> this is going to be an increasing problem for all kinds of coastal infrastructure, and we're not going to be able to re build back in the same places and in the same ways that we did before the capitola wharf in santa cruz county, already under repair work is expected to be finished before the end of this year. >> engineers decided to make the wharf more resilient by making it twice as wide in the pilings are being built so they can be raised over time if it does become necessary. most of california's piers have undergone major repairs after erosion from the ocean and even fires. while the work is costly, once those piers are gone, experts say it would be nearly impossible to replace them next, at five hamas now considering a new cease fire deal as fighting rages on in southern gaza. and coming up tonight at six. new video just coming in, a twister, possibly in the north bay. more on this possible sighting in sonoma county, and also a reminder that you can now stream
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ktvu news on your smart tv. you can watch live newscasts and stories on demand on your amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv, or android tv. just search the fox local app and then select ktvu growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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if those two sides will agree to it. as fox's trey yingst reports from tel aviv, the diplomat efforts are increasing along with the battle on the ground.
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>> there's no end in sight to the fighting in southern gaza, with israeli forces still going block by block, trying to clear the city of han younis. but there could be a diplomatic solution coming soon. hamas leader ismail haniyeh reportedly traveling to cairo on thursday to review a three stage peace plan that would begin with an initial six week halt to the fighting. that deal, also being considered by israel and reviewed by the united states. >> we are actively working for peace, security, dignity for the israeli. i'm engaged in this day and night. >> it would also include more aid deliveries into gaza, but that won't be easy on wednesday. dozens of israeli protesters tried to block aid trucks from entering the strip, prompting some clashes with border police. >> i know that this war is getting longer and longer and endangering our soldiers and our sons because of all these trucks that are going into gaza. >> meanwhile, president biden, also working to stop the
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violence in the west bank, issuing an executive order targeting israeli settlers who attacked palestinians in retaliation for the hamas attacks. the order includes visa bans and economic sanctions, part of a broader push to position the us as an honest broker when it comes to postwar security. >> we are actively pursuing the establishment of an independent palestinian state with real security guarantees for israel because we do believe that is the best way to bring about lasting peace and security. >> secretary of state antony blinken is expected to visit israel over the weekend for talks on the ceasefire proposal. in tel aviv, trey yingst ktvu, fox two news, the pentagonparina multi-tiered response to the middle east drone attack that killed three u.s. service members defense secretary lloyd austin today said the goal of the response would be to degrade the capabilities of iran backed militants without plunging the. region into a broader war. >> secretary austin has declined to discuss operational details. however, it's expected to include airstrikes over several days on targets in countries
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including iraq and syria, and possibly yemen. >> we will respond when we choose where we choose and how we choose, the president will not tolerate attacks on american . troops, and neither will i. according to a u.s. official, the drone that hit the u.s. base in jordan last weekend was iranian made the bodies of the three service members killed will arrive tomorrow at dover air force base in delaware, where president biden will be waiting to honor them in washington, a potential bill involving a new border policy and aid for ukraine and israel seems to be collapsing. >> the text has not yet been released, but the measure would reportedly allow the president to shut down the border if illegal crossings reach 5000. in one day. house republicans argue that laws already on the books give president biden the authority to shut down the border. speaker mike johnson says that anything above zero illegal crossings. is a nonstarter. >> why is it 5000? if you add
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that up, that'd be a million more illegals into our country every year before we take remedial measures. it's madness. >> they want to walk away. and this is exactly what people hate about washington. let's not forget that it's israel aid and ukraine aid. and if that bill is dead, what happens? what happens to those issues? and with border talks dragging on, some lawmakers in washington say it is time to separate aid for ukraine and israel from the national security package next year. >> 580 report highlighting a lack of diversity among governor newsom's appointees to state boards and commissions also, rising tensions over parklets in san francisco left empty post-pandemic
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine.
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i approved this message because this is who we are. and coming from some of san francisco's commercial corridors. many restaurants say they still need outdoor dining to pay the bills, but some say the parklets are actually taking up valuable parking spaces. ktvu christien kafton has the story. >> west portal is one of those quintessential tucked away districts in the city of san francisco, centered along bustling west portal avenue. now, some are concerned that the parklets that sprung up at restaurants during and after the pandemic are taking away valuable parking and forcing people to double park or park illegally to visit neighborhood businesses, says scott. wheeler has been coming to the submarine center since he was a kid, and says getting in and out is getting tougher as far as the parklets are concerned. >> obviously, we need as much space as we can get because this
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is such a popular place. everybody comes here and there's never anywhere to park. >> some businesses also grumbled about the spaces but don't want to speak out, worried that it could impact their relationships with their neighbors, many restaurants say the outdoor dining option is critical to their business. spiazzo ristorante has been a neighborhood fixture for 30 years, and says the outdoor dining option is critical to their bottom line. >> it's extremely important. it's about a third of our restaurant space, so it helps us accommodate all the people that do want to sit outside, the restaurant said. >> this space is packed on weekends, nights and holidays, and while they understand the frustration over parking, eliminating the parklets would only hurt small businesses. >> there has to be a balance point somewhere along the way. >> some neighbors say they see both sides and finding that balance point can be difficult, but it's kind of a catch 22. >> part of it is really nice when it's a nice day to be able to sit outside and yet again, um , it's frustrating because we've lost so many parking spots.
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>> yeah, many businesses, restaurants and non restaurants alike pointed out that the recent statewide ban on parking within 20ft of a crosswalk is also taking away critical parking spaces at a time when parking is already pretty scarce. we're live here in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news. i don't know, christian. >> i haven't been out in the city a lot lately. i mean, do you see a lot of people weekends, weekdays, actually using those those parklets? >> yeah. you know, mike, it's it ebbs and flows with the seasons. right. you know when we see those spring days, those summer days, we're going to see a lot more people out. i've talked to businesses in the neighborhood here in west portal, and they've said on the weekends, especially if they're covered ones like this one, like this parklet here behind me, they can get customers in them. there but really, when you start getting those longer days of summer, you get more people out looking to have a late dinner. that's when you see those parklets really getting packed. >> all right, christian captain, live in san francisco.
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christian. thank you. assembly member matt haney of san francisco has introduced legislation that would require first aid kits in all workplaces in california to contain naloxone, a nasal spray that medication can reverse a deadly opioid overdose. haney says for the first time in state history, drug overdoses have become deadlier than car accidents and homicides combined. in 2022, there were more than 7300 deaths due to opioid overdoses. a growing number of those deaths are among young people. one out of every five youth deaths in california is now caused by an opioid overdose. >> san francisco mayor london breed is stepping up her support for a proposition aimed at building more housing and improving the city's downtown area. mayor breed plays prop c on the march ballot to build on her administration's efforts to address downtown office vacancy, housing and the lack of downtown economic activity caused by the shift to working from home since the pandemic. right now, san francisco's office vacancy rate is at 32. if passed, proposition c would temporarily waive the
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city's transfer tax to help convert empty office buildings into housing. >> this has always been a 9 to 5 financial district. at night, a ghost town on the weekends, a ghost town. but rapidly we see that people want downtown to be more like a neighborhood, an exciting place to go to make sure that businesses are thriving and opportunity exists. >> but right now, the city's transfer tax is around 6% for properties valued at more than $10 million, which is the highest in the state. opponents say the city would lose a lot of money. they describe prop c as being a giveaway to billionaires. >> people who attend this year's lunar new year celebration in san francisco might be able to park for free. supervisor connie chan has introduced a measure to provide two hours of free parking at portsmouth square and saint mary's square, parking garages near chinatown. the city's chinese new year parade is on february 24th. the board
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of supervisors is set to vote on that proposal next wednesday. tonight the group behind a recent study that found governor newsom appointing mostly white people to positions on commissions and task forces is now speaking out. >> this report showed that 52% of appointees were white 17% latino, 11% were black, 8.5% were aapi and 2% indigenous. the group, called hispanas, organized for political equality . our hope release the findings from data from the governor's office. the ceo of hope said they want to ensure that voices of all californians are being heard. if we do not have fair representation of a state that is as large as california, that all our voices are being represented in these important commissions that are inclusive of water boards, right, of inclusive of infrastructure boards, then we're not getting the best thinking from across the state. torres says legislation has been reintroduced, requiring the governor's office to publish
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annual demographic information on appointments. the governor's office defended its record, saying they work to build a diverse and qualified pool of candidates for appointment. >> san francisco based okta is the latest tech company to announce a layoffs. the identity management company plans to cut 400 employees, which is about 7% of its workforce. in a message to employees, the company's ceo said the layoffs are due to, quote, the reality that costs are still too high. this is the second round of layoffs for okta, which cut 300 employees a year ago. >> san jose based zoom also announcing job cuts, according to bloomberg video communication service zoom plans to cut about 150 jobs, which is less than 2% of its current workforce. the company says the reductions are not company wide, and zoom will continue to add more employees this year in areas such as artificial intelligence, sales and engineering. zoom released a statement to ktvu, saying we regularly evaluate our teams to ensure alignment with our strategy. we. as part of this effort, we are rescoping roles
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to add capabilities and continue to hire in critical areas for the future. >> and we now know google spent almost $3 billion in severance and related packages after 12,000 employees were laid off in the last year. parent company alphabet announced another 700 million in expenses is expected in the first quarter of this year after another 1000 employees were laid off. however the billions of dollars in expenses is less than 1% of the company's annual $307 billion revenue from last year. >> all right. coming up, in sports, 49ers looking to break a three game losing streak to those kansas city chiefs. niners head coach kyle shanahan. addressing the media today, jesse gary joins us with more from the coach as they prepare for super
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not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs
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to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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studio with us. look, they've lost to the chiefs a few times in a row, but throw that all out the door. it's game time. >> it's been thrown. all right. >> good. let's go. let's go. >> ten days from now, super bowl 58 kicks off in las vegas. the niners, currently favored by two and a half points over the chiefs two of the last three games, decided by just a field goal. but as we all know, it's the points at the game's end that will determine who hoists the vince lombardi trophy. this will be the fourth time these
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teams have played with patrick mahomes and the chiefs winning the previous three meetings. the first time mahomes beat the niners was in his first full season as a starter 2018. that game was in kansas city, and the chiefs won 3827. the next meeting was in super bowl 54. mahomes erased a ten point the t earned him his first lombardi trophy in 2021. the chiefs blew out the niners 4423, at levi's. in those three games, mahomes averaged 341 yards passing and nearly three touchdowns per game . of course, success flows from the top down and under, head coach andy reid. mahomes has a 14 and three playoff record. 49ers head coach kyle shanahan is well aware of the stats, leading in to this year's super bowl. i think the quarterback is hard to beat, as anyone who's ever played the game, the things he can do from a talent standpoint, um, and then you pair that up with his scheme, with andy, how andy runs the team, um, with mahomes
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experience now, i mean, that's why no matter what type of game it is, whether it's low scoring, high scoring, um, whether they're struggling or not, i mean, they always have a chance if they can keep it close. >> he's really tough to stop. and when you can always have a chance and you also got a really good defense. you got a great coaching staff, a great head coach. um, that's usually a very good formula to win most games. >> if you're listening closely enough, you would think kyle shanahan was talking about his own team and organization. all right. the clash of the nfl's two best teams takes place sunday, february 11th, 3:30 p.m. our time here in the west coast, that's in vegas at allegiant stadium. go, niners. >> go, niners. yeah of course. and i know we hear the word rematch a lot from that previous super bowl. but if you look at the rosters i think it's about ten players from the chiefs, ten players from the niners that played in that game. so a lot of new faces, a lot of new faces. >> not necessarily a rematch. it's like, you know, a couple of guys who know each other. but you know this is like a whole brand new. >> but for the coaches it's a
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rematch. and they know each other well. >> yes they do. andy reid i've known him. i've followed him since he was in philadelphia. so it'll be a good one. >> all right. thanks, jesse. yeah >> well the super bowl uniform matchup is set for those niners and chiefs. those colors that they wear are strikingly similar. we now know the kansas city chiefs will wear their red uniforms or home uniforms on february 11th. our nfc champions san francisco 40 niners will wear their road whites. the chiefs are the designated home team for the big game and were afforded first pick on what to wear. >> still to come, fallout for fafsa, leaving college students in a holding pattern. the error causing a cascade of delays for those in need of federal aid, and it's campaign season. >> but fake presidential candidates could cost you real money. the cyber scams you need to watch out for after the break. >> here we are tracking the next incoming system, but not right away. we're getting kind of a break. i mean, we got some breaks today for sure. we'll get a little bit of a break again tomorrow and then things kind of light up again on sunday. we'll se ho two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican,
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is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. hi there. do you need any help? yeah. i was just wondering what nosh means?
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[blowing whistle] natural. organic, specialty, healthy. yay. nosh! everything marked nosh means natural, organic. specialty and healthy. that way, you can eat healthy while sticking to a budget. ummm, no.
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fafsa, the department of education says it fixed the error with the fafsa application forms. however, the new, shorter form and the fix, which adjusted for inflation, will now delay when students are able to see their financial aid packages. officials say it's because data from the form won't be given to colleges and universities until march or later. >> it hurts the students who are already stressed with making one
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of the largest financial decisions of their life. >> we should take a look at the situation and make sure that, um, any problems that occurred that create challenges for our young people pursuing assistance in terms of their efforts at higher education are resolved today. >> the biden administration also announced that it will try to deliver more student loan forgiveness to borrowers experiencing financial hardship as election season ramps up. >> so do the scams, fox's evan brown tells us. experts say to be wary of giving your personal information for things like campaign donations and voter registration. >> the presidential election is still months away, but the campaign is already heating up and so are the scams surrounding all that political activity. the cybersecurity company reason labs has identified two emerging trends so far scammers looking to spread misinformation to skew the election results, and good old fashioned thieves looking to
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steal your information and then your money. >> the context is now easy to say, hey, listen, you know you're missing, you know, relevant information to vote. >> you know your registration is not complete. please fill in all this information and artificial intelligence will play a big role. >> it's now easy to make so-called deepfake imitations of public figures. a robocall featuring a fake president biden made waves just before the new hampshire primary, and with generative ai now available to pretty much anyone, those types of scams could intensify in the coming weeks. >> we're gearing up for it. you know, in the last five years alone, not only is technology changed on the ai front, but malware technology has changed significantly. >> ultimately, most experts say education and awareness are our best defense, and folks should always double check before giving out sensitive information . so their political activism isn't leveraged by bad actors. >> we were told that it's growing up as a kid, you know, you see it with your own eyes. it's, you know, it's true. now,
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the problem is you don't know the difference. >> and the fbi has already warned that the 2024 election is under attack from who they call cyber criminals. and malicious foreign actors in miami, evan brown, ktvu fox two news. >> all right, the recent storm here in the bay area bringing snow to the sierra palisades, tahoe. sending us this video. the resort says it had four inches of fresh snow last night, with more on the way right now. chains are required on 50 for all vehicles. no chain restrictions though on 80, but trucks are being screened. caltrans says conditions, of course, can change quickly, so it is always best to be prepared for that snowy weather and mikey, snow levels have come down, which is nice, a little more cool. >> air up there and you're going to have chains on and off probably the next couple of days , because it's just sort of that unsettled weather. we saw here today that stuff stacks up on the west slope and just kind of keeps it coming. so i would definitely check my road conditions going into the mountains and then sunday is another deal. i'll show you that. coming up here are the rainfall totals. very impressive really for 24 hours, maybe a
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little more than that. that's very impressive. san cruz mountains did pretty well. they were forecast in some cases to get five and six. but come on, that's not bad. then san francisco at 2.6in or over 2.5in of rain. so that's very significant. this is the model i want to show it to you. the long range model, which we often do. there's our breaks. right. we're getting breaks now. look to the south right here as we go into friday, saturday. and you see that. look at that thing starting to develop down there. and this thing at one point was slated to well, it still could move a little further north. it's just going to clip us and we'll get some clouds and some showers, probably. at one point we were thinking we may get what they're getting in los angeles, because this thing in la is going to be a real rain producer, if that. if that's how it goes down. so this all starts. i can back it up again for us, it shows up sunday around lunchtime. for them. it's already going on. it's out of here quick for us and it hangs on in la for a good amount of time. and then after that we get
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a kind of a break and then more showers move in through the coastal sections, but nothing really aimed at us except this deal on next thursday. but that's a long way off. so i just showed you a bunch of stuff. the main takeaway from all that is that there's breaks just like we got today. you felt that you woke up this morning and go, oh good. because last night we did hit a tipping point in terms of rainfall accumulation, rainfall rates. that's when trees start to come down. that's when power starts to go out. that's when that was all happening. and then the storm stopped. and i'll tell you what, when things get nutty is when that that doesn't stop, when it keeps going. and we've seen that before. and that's when you get sort of the, the epic kind of storms. and last night storm had the potential to be a extreme extreme storm. and in some cases it was. but we fortunately had a back end here is the back end. and this is what it looks like. you see the scattered showers out there right now, kind of some stuff over in san francisco, some stuff on the peninsula that continues on as we go into tonight. the forecast model here we are right now. and then see
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there's more tomorrow morning, more tomorrow afternoon. not a bad day. it's just maybe maybe a shower, maybe a stray shower. and then as you get into saturday more and then as you go into sunday you see it down here. that's that system starting to come up. it'll warm up when that happens too. we'll see what happens with that. that sunday system is pretty interesting right now. it really does look like the models are last couple runs have been consistent on keeping it south more towards big sur and santa barbara and southern california. in los angeles, we'll see. but los angeles looks like they're going to have a rough go here as we go into the next three, four, five, six days. they're expecting some of the forecast models are real aggressive on their rainfall potential. that that can change because we've seen that. but certainly something to pay attention to if you're heading to southern california the next week or so. but certainly this sunday will be be something you want to consider, maybe even flight delays. these are the forecast highs for tomorrow. and yeah, got a good amount of rain and the snow turned out okay too. but in the mountains that thing is going to keep going. the these these scattered showers for us technically not
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technically essentially just mean they're going to be getting snow. continue they could see another. heck they could get another six inches of snow tonight. up there. maybe even more. so there's the five day forecast. i guess we'll see you back here at six. >> hear about the lower snow levels there in tahoe. thanks bill. sea otters are helping to protect a northern california estuary that had been collapsing on itself. the estuary at moss landing, halfway between santa cruz and monterey, is full of wildlife, including birds and crabs. now one of the crab species has been eating away at the plant roots that help stabilize the banks of the estuary, and experts are looking for a natural solution. they've decided to relocate sea otters to the estuary because otters often eat the crab when they came into the system, they cued in on one marsh crab that that is super abundant in the marsh creek. >> and by eating that marsh crab and lowering its densities, they they lowered the erosion effect
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of those crabs and thereby slowed the sloughing of the creek banks. >> professor silliman says. marshes increased production in fisheries protect against erosion during powerful storms, and gather and hold carbon 10 to 20 times faster than forests. >> goodwill is celebrating the success of their willie brown collection on sale. the former mayor of san francisco donated several items from his closet. the auction raised more than $7,400 for the san francisco goodwill. one item alone, we're told, went for $660 and all but three items were sold. those items have now been put back on ebay for bidding. families and lawmakers are ramping up the pressure on social media ceos over rising concerns on child exploitation and coming up new at six as san francisco become a drug tourism destination. >> we're live with one supervisor says he has a plan to find out. also a possible tornado. as you can see on your
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screen in the north bay caught on camera, our coverage of the weather that we've seen today coming up in just a couple of minutes on ktvu news at six. not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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in the next 25 years. an estimated 20 million cases of cancer were diagnosed worldwide in 2022. that's up from 18,000,000 in 2020. w.h.o. research shows there could be 35 million cases by the year 2050. science ists say the disease will be fueled by aging, obesity and tobacco and alcohol use. >> a legal settlement creates new rules for how california public schools should spend $2 billion to help students recover from pandemic learning setbacks. the lawsuit was filed back in 2020 by the families of 15 students from oakland and los angeles. it accuses the state board of education of failing to provide the support needed for
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low income students to access remote learning during the pandemic. as a result, the state will target the $2 billion of remaining learning lost money to low income students, though it doesn't exactly say how that money will be spent. the cdc says the latest versions of the covid 19 vaccine are 54% effective at preventing covid symptoms in adults. this vaccine became available last year. it's designed to better protect people against the mostrillionecent variants of the coronavirus. the cdc has recommended the new shots for everyone six months and older, but most americans haven't gotten them. the agency's latest data shows only about 22% of adults have received the new vaccine, and only 11% of that are children. >> members of congress are pushing for legislation to force social media sites to do more to protect children, and it comes after a hearing with the ceos of companies like meta, tiktok and snap on capitol hill. lucas tomlinson is in washington with
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the latest. >> one day, after a contentious hearing with the heads of the most popular social media platforms, green parents are holding what they call a day of advocacy going door to door on capitol hill, lobbying for congress to take action against big tech. the families of kids lost to social media bullying don't want to lose momentum, and they're calling on lawmakers to strike while the iron is hot, legislation needs to be put in place to hold these ceos accountable. >> it really seems like that they are just not interested. all they care about is their profits. >> even in this deeply divided congress, there could be action coming soon. south carolina senator lindsey. graham says he'll force a vote on five separate bills reining in social media, and then call on house speaker mike johnson to do the same. and on thursday, a bipartisan group of lawmakers unveiling the kids online safety act. >> all of these supposed billions of dollars they have spent on safety, baloney.
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they're not getting it done. other lawmakers are also pushing separate legislation tackling a host of online privacy and mental health issues, all part of a broader push to make cyberspace safer for kids. >> i think we are going to see significant bipartisan action in these areas. >> this is one area where i think nearly all americans can agree. >> and while congress figures out its next steps, there's plenty of action taking place on the local level. with more than 100 school districts nationwide suing social media companies over mental health concerns. jones in washington, lucas, tomlinson ktvu fox two news. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at six. >> well, a wild day of weather across the bay area. we saw a little of everything. heavy rain, some flooding, downed trees, even a possible tornado sighted in sonoma county. >> good evening and thanks for joining us on this thursday. i'm cristina rendon and i'm mike
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mibach. >> we do have new video into ktvu newsroom. this was shot late this morning in sonoma county west of petaluma. you can see it in the distance. a possible tornado or funnel cloud at this point, we are waiting for confirmation on if it actually made contact with the ground. >> and this time lapse, pretty much what we saw across the bay area all day this was taken late this morning in the skies over oakland. sunshine and storm clouds moving in as well, things getting very dark and then followed by rain. as we also said, that possible tornado in sonoma county and the spotty downpours continued into the afternoon hours. >> this was shot out at oakland international around four this afternoon. heavy rain coming down for a short time there. >> it wasn't all dark clouds and rain. this is looking over at san francisco at about 415 this afternoon. what comes after the rain? of course. a rainbow, a little rainbow. get over to meteorologist bill martin. bill, how are things now? are they calming down? >> they're calm down quite a bit, but we've had funnel clouds in the valley. we've got that potential fun


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