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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  February 2, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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let families know they are not alone on this journey. >> ktvu fox two news at five starts now. now, i don't know what to say. >> i don't know what to do except to make noise. except to say this is not okay. and this downward spiral has to end. >> a frustrated mother offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of a group of armed robbers accused of attacking and robbing her son and his friends at an oakland gas station. the harrowing incident caught on surveillance. those victims visiting from out of town. good evening. >> i'm greg lee and i'm cristina rendon. the robbery happening in broad daylight at the 76 gas station along oakland's hegenberger road. our henry lee spoke with one of the victims parents and joins us live from the newsroom with more on what they're saying. henry. >> well, this family is from texas. they've been to oakland before, but they had no idea how bad it's gotten with tourists and rental cars being robbed at gas stations and restaurants. now they want justice.
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>> they take their luggage. then my son comes out and they pull a gun on him and hit him on the chest. >> it happened at the 76 gas station at hegenberger and edgewater, near the oakland airport on monday afternoon. surveillance video shows an infiniti g35 pulling up. a guy gets out and breaks the back window of a ford explorer at the pump. inside the suv are a group of friends visiting from texas, including victor, obi-wan and maxie shares son, who had just celebrated his 21st birthday in the bay area. others get out of the infiniti. >> they kept the gun to him as they were taking the things off of his wrist, and they put his hands in his pocket and got everything in it in his wallet. >> the thieves then speed off with their belongings right before the victims were to flown back to texas. this is what their explorer looked like afterward. they had no idea. many others have been similarly victimized. while in reynolds near the airport. >> to the naked eye, it doesn't look like a bad neighborhood. it looks like a well kept gas station and a well kept area and they had no idea. now we know. >> i just think it should not be
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normalized and people should not have to just live like this. like, you know, looking over their shoulders just to get gas shares. >> an attorney who's offering a $10,000 reward leading to whoever's responsible. >> we're angry and we're furious about the fact that it happened, and it happened to our kid and to his friends, and nobody seemed to bat an eye. >> it's heartbreaking as a mother to hear about what her son experienced. >> oakland city council member trevor reed represents the area plagued by both car burglaries and business closures. she says one arrest has been made. >> whether you live here, uh, work here, own a business. in this quarter, we are doing everything that we can to increase the safety and security that they deserve. >> and obi-wan had this message for the thieves. >> they could really do better things in life. create good and not these sorts of experience and not represent their city in this, in this manner. >> so some words of advice to
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tourists go straight to the hotel or airport. keep valuables with you and not in your car, or drop off your luggage first. prepay for gas for your rental if possible. now it's all unfortunate, but it might save some heartache later. live in the newsroom henry lee ktvu, fox two news. >> yeah, really is unfortunate that that's the reality of the situation in oakland. henry. thank you. >> there's been another car stolen in a car burglary, another dog stolen in a car burglary in oakland. violent a three year old french bulldog was taken from its owner's bmw, parked on college avenue near harwood in oakland's rockridge district. surveillance video shows an infiniti g35 pull up alongside the car. someone gets out, smashes the bmw and steals violet. the video shows the infiniti speeding off after the theft. witnesses say the same infiniti later turned up in front of a home on chester street in west oakland. the dog's owner, katie, tells ktvu. violet usually stays home, but her pet was sick, so she took her along as she went to pick up
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her daughter from daycare. >> yeah, i think it just perpetuates this feeling of insecurity. like every little thing that you decide to do could lead you to being a victim somehow, and then it's your fault. i mean, i'm really having to fight. i'm having to fight those feelings internally already. i don't need other people to tell me, um, the mistakes i made. >> katie has been passing out fliers in the neighborhood offering a reward and pleading for her dog's safe return on. >> four people are displaced and two of them badly hurt. after a house fire in the east bay. the fire started just before midnight at the house on temple drive in pacheco. when contra costa county firefighters arrived, flames were coming from the roof. two people made it out of the house safely thanks to smoke alarms in the home. two others were sent to the hospital . one of them had to be airlifted to the uc davis burn center. there's no word on their conditions tonight. the cause is under investigation. i want to give you a live look now across the oakland estuary, where skies are relatively clear. >> you can see those clouds moving in and crossing the sun.
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but a flood watch is on the horizon. the national weather service issuing the watch for the bay area and central coast. this weekend. that flood watch is set to go into effect saturday evening through monday morning, and crews in the north bay are taking extra precautions , bracing for another round of rain. ktvu tom vacar joins us live now from sonoma county with the preparations underway there, tom, this could be what could become a model for the nation. >> a says public safety road shut off. in what could be called a preemptive action. sonoma county is closing at least five highly flood prone roads ahead of the atmospheric river on sunday and monday. >> we've never done this before, sonoma county infrastructure director johannes hoevertsz says 12 hour closures will start 7 p.m. sunday until 7 a.m. monday. >> busy slusser road between river road and mark west creek will be closed. this will deny
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river road community is a direct road to sonoma county airport, forcing them to use highway 101. we have seen an uptake and the aggressiveness of the motor is when it comes to flood roads. mark west station road from trenton, healdsburg road to star road will be closed and is already partially flooded. star road will also be closed with its over flooding just a few inches away. trenton healdsburg road will be closed up to east side road, which already has proven deadly in floods. >> they're choosing to go and drive over flooded roads, which exposes them to risk and when they get stuck in the, you know, on flooded road, then we have to have, uh, first responders have to respond to that event. and it's a life threatening event. >> it was in january of 2023 when a 43 year old woman here on healdsburg trenton road, actually was swept into the vineyard over there where she called for help but ultimately
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drown. >> once you get to a point where the water reaches the bottom of your car, your vehicle is pretty much going to flood. i most likely turned off. >> and it's not just the flowing water, but all manner of debris, including large trees that threaten the stranded and the firstrillionesponders alike. >> there's trees, there's debris, there's all kinds of things that you know that go in the on the water, that could hit a first responder or the drivers themselves. >> again, the county may choose to add to that number of preemptive safety roads. or if mother nature simply commands it. reporting live from slusser road in sonoma county, tom vacar , ktvu fox two news. >> tom, you've been in that community all day. can you tell us about some of the creek or river levels that you've seen already after that first storm this week? >> well, we have seen, for example, the russian river, there's an area which generally
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floods, but it's an area on the other side. right. what you're looking at is slusser road and that bridge right there, that's mark west creek underneath there. that's pretty much about as full as it can get, uh, with maybe a foot or two to go. so that's at risk on the other side, trent road is under water because the overflow in that part of the russian river has gotten into the fields there. and that's true generally throughout here. the creeks are high. they could go higher whether or not they go to flood stage. we don't know. but the roads that they have picked out, no question about it. these are commonly flooded roads. and you got to remember with sea level rise, it's the backup is stronger against emptying. and that keeps it going more often and longer. yeah >> that community on high alert this weekend tom vacar live in sonoma county. tom thank you. >> a live look now at the partly cloudy skies along highway four as we brace for the next round of rain. this is looking out towards bay point meteorologist rosemary oroczo joining us now with more on what we can expect
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throughout the weekend. high risk mary yes, christina. >> another strong storm very similar to the one that pulled through. although we are already just very saturated as we heard tom vacar are talking about a moment ago. so with that said, do expect the trees to come down. the possibility of power outages as this storm is not only bringing a lot of rain, it's bringing the wind once again. here's a live look outside our doors where a little bit of sunshine out there today, but the rain didn't stop on and off. pretty much for everybody out there with widespread scattered showers and temperatures this afternoon in the low to mid to upper 50s, it's been a cool one, and that's not going to change a whole lot. our temperatures won't change much moving forward. the snow levels actually dropped down about 3000ft earlier today, so that's an indication of again, the cooler weather out there, a scattered showers continuing through the bay area and california. and look at what's happening over the sierra. in addition to that, snow, we've got thunderstorms there with all the lightning strikes appearing
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here on storm tracker two. next system all ready on its way, tapping into that atmospheric river. the origination of the storm all the way back to over towards the hawaii. so that tropical and subtropical moisture is coming along with it. and here's a look at the advisories expected with this next storm that will move in late saturday and into sunday. flood watch for the entire bay area. a wind advisory for the bay area. winds could reach 40 to 45mph or so, with the gusts and a high wind warning for the santa cruz mountains, we could see gusts closer to 55mph. here's a look at the future cast to into tonight. tomorrow morning we start out with mostly cloudy skies, scattered showers. there's a look at your early afternoon. mostly cloudy, a few scattered showers, and even into the first part of the evening. mostly cloudy with scattered showers, but this is what's coming our way. by saturday night and into sunday. a better look at what we can expect with this storm and the timeline coming up in the extended forecast. rosemary >> thank you. you can stay up to
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date on this weekend's storm with fox local app. there you can find extended weather coverage along with live updates as the rain moves through. it is free to download on your smart tv. san francisco is considering expanding a ban on right turns on red lights. >> ktvu christian captain tells us why the city says this is a matter of pedestrian safety. san francisco's municipal transportation agency is proposing a plan that would bar right turns on red lights at about 200 intersections in the south of market and financial districts in the city's downtown. >> the agency's executive director says the plan is aimed at protecting pedestrians. >> so what we're trying to do is to figure out how do we make traffic flow steadily and smoothly in san francisco so that motorists can get where they're needing to go. but at the same time, pedestrians can also get safely across the street. >> the city has already implemented a similar plan in the tenderloin district, which had some of the city's most dangerous corridors for pedestrians, and the sfmta says that ban on right turns on red
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is saving lives. the problem, according to the sfmta, is that drivers at red lights are looking for cars, not pedestrians. >> if you imagine you're driving up into an intersection and you are looking over your left shoulder to see if it's clear to turn and merge into that right hand lane, you may not see the pedestrian that has started walking across the street in the crosswalk to your right. >> many drivers already waiting at red lights say the plan would just make getting around town even more difficult than it already is. >> that's horrible. the traffic is so crazy already. parking is crazy. everything is so crazy in here. frustrating. yes >> it's ridiculous. that's why i don't drive out here. >> jody medeiros from walk san francisco, a pedestrian advocacy group, supports the plan and says changing policy would save lives and have minimal impact on drivers. it's seconds more. >> it's not really that long. so
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when it comes to saving, possibly your neighbor, uh, it's definitely somebody's mother or grandmother or grandfather. either that you'll be saving and just asking for a little bit more patience. >> the sfmta is hoping to open the idea for public hearings this spring. if the city adopts the plan, it wouldn't be the first. new york already has a ban in place, and washington, d.c. will have a ban on red light turns next year in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu fox two news coming up in the next half hour, the series of affordable housing projects spearheaded by vta is expanding details on the latest development and later base operations teams prepping for those headed to the slopes this weekend. >> we're live with the conditions in the sierra and how this latest weather system could impact the snow. >> the first strikes launched against syria and iraq as the us retaliates for the deaths of american troops killed by iran backed forces jor not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials.
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katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress.
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you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. killed in jordan last saturday. national security spokesman john kirby revealing military forces hit more than 85 targets spanning seven facilities linked to iran backed militias. >> president biden issuing a firm warning following the strike, saying in part, the united states does not seek conflict in. the middle east or anywhere else in the world. but let all those who might seek to do us harm know this if you harm an american, we will respond. >> the president and first lady joined the grieving families of the soldiers for the dignified transfer of those three us soldiers killed in jordan,
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taking place at dover air force base this morning. >> fox's rebecca castor has more from washington. sergeant william rivers, breonna moffatt and kennedi sanders back on american soil after making the ultimate sacrifice for their country. >> it's hard for the parents to endure. um, that's why i honor so much and believe she's a hero at that age. >> being that that that selfless and willing to put her life on the line and go out and do that for a nation, for a country that speaks volumes. >> the three us soldiers were killed in a drone strike in jordan over the weekend, an attack the white house says was backed by iran. >> um received a call from brianna's mom, francine moffit, on sunday. >> um, and i just knew when she called, she said she didn't make it. and we just cried together over the phone as one of his most solemn duties as commander in chief, president biden was at dover air force base in delaware to honor the soldiers and meet with their families. >> us defense officials tell fox retaliatory strikes have begun in syria and iraq.
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>> it's all based on decision making within the white house, and they took their time to make this decision, and it's a clear decision to me. >> but the families reuniting with their lost loved ones are focused on healing. >> however, the president of the united states decides to respond. it won't change our situation at all. so we just choose to move forward and continue to pray for those who are still there and continue to pray for kennedy's battle buddies who are still there. >> the white house says it does not want a war with iran and most lawmakers want to see the us hit iran financially in washington, rebecca castor fox news both israel. and hamas are under increasing pressure from world leaders to accept a new cease fire deal brokered by qatar and egypt. >> there continues to be intense battles in central gaza. while both sides consider the cease fire plan, the proposal includes extended pauses in the fighting in exchange for phased releases
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of prisoners being held by hamas and israel, a senior hamas official says the group will respond very soon to the proposal. meanwhile, israeli tanks and armor have been massing near the southern city of rafah for another offensive. the un is warning that hundreds of thousands of palestinian refugees have fled to that city and could get caught in the crossfire, and most are living in makeshift structures, tents or out in the open rafah is a pressure cooker of despair, and we fear for what comes next. us secretary of state antony blinken is expected to make another visit to the region this weekend to discuss the cease fire plan. senate negotiators say they have reached a deal on a bill to overhaul the asylum system at the us border. >> the text of the bill is set to be released over the weekend. the national security package will include tens of billions of dollars for ukraine and immigration enforcement, as well as funding for israel and other allies, as it's expected to make
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it tougher for people to enter the asylum system and to deny asylum altogether if border crossings grow to unmanageable levels. conservative republicans , led by former president trump, say they're opposed and there's no good for the republicans. >> and frankly, any republican that signs it should be ashamed of himself or herself. >> i know that there is a growing coalition of people who have concerns just from what's being reported. i think that combined with speaker johnson saying he's not going to put on the floor, makes me think this is dead. senate majority leader chuck schumer says he wants a test vote on the bill. >> no later than wednesday. >> coming up next, the 49ers have about a dozen players who were on the team the last time they faced the chiefs in the super bowl. we'll hear from two of them as they look to take care of some unfinished business. >> and coming up new at 6:00, an early morning swim turns dangerous when a man is attacked, beaten severely robbed and in san francisco. his story coming up at six and a reminder that you can now stream ktvu news on your smart tv.
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>> you can watch live news, casts and stories on demand on your amazon fire t roku, apple tv two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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prepare to fly to vegas this weekend. the niners are set to leave for las vegas sunday afternoon from san jose. >> mineta international airport. many are calling this a rematch of super bowl 54, but there's been a lot of roster turnover.
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turnover on both sides. jesse gary joins us for more on this upcoming contest. hey, jessica. >> hey, greg. christina i'm going to choose a different word, not rematch. we're going to go with intra faction. as you know the 40 niners roster looks different from year to year. and it's been four years since these teams met in the super bowl. there are currently 11 players who are on the team when they faced the kansas city chiefs in super bowl 54, many of them are now key players for san francisco, including linebacker fred warner and defensive end nick bosa. in super bowl 54. in miami, bosa had five tackles, one pass deflection and a sack. warner tallied seven tackles, a pass deflection and an interception. the niners defense, though, gave up. yikes 397 total yards to the chiefs. bosa and warner have grown a lot since that day. bosa won last year's defensive player of the year award, and warner this year named a first team all pro a vote that was unanimous a week from sunday, it'll be up to the veterans to impact wisdom and
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pick and pass it on to the younger players on the team. >> we've been so close and now we finally have another opportunity and you got to make. the most of it because you never know if you're going to have another opportunity. you know, you've got to you really got to sell out for three hours and give it your best. >> there has to be a different level of effort, of intensity, of unselfishness that you have to get to for every single snap that you're in there, bowes said . >> the niners will need all the intensity they can muster, as san francisco has never beaten patrick mahomes and the chiefs. the. 49ers two and a half point favorites right now against the defending champions, who have won in five games in a row, led us hope and pray it does not stretch to six in a row. >> listen, those are good vegas odds and the niners need to have a good first half. they haven't done that. and those are good vegas odds to which you are going yes yes we've been talking about it. >> you know this. you said it last night too. i am going to
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vegas and we'll be there starting next wednesday covering the team up through monday. so let's hope on monday we're giving a good report about them being super bowl champs, but we don't want to. >> and returning with the t shirts that yeah you don't want to say it. >> yes, exactly. >> jesse and i will be cheering you on. >> yes. from afar. all right jesse, thank you. >> the 40 niners will be wearing their white jerseys for the super bowl, but fans, well, you're going to have a hard time buying one. we just checked the only official jerseys with the super bowl patch available online are the team's red home jerseys. the nfl's exclusive manufacturer and distributor of jerseys is the company fanatics. the company has plenty of red jerseys with the patch on its website. many of those will not ship until after the game. chiefs fans are also frustrated they can buy the red home jersey with a patch, but most of them will not ship until after that game is over. parking for private jets is in short supply for high rollers heading to the super bowl in las vegas. las vegas airport officials say most of those spaces have already been spoken for, and the faa says smaller regional airports are also booked up, observers
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say. noted nfl. fan taylor swift. you heard of her? has time to make it to the game after her show in tokyo the day before. if she has a spot reserved for her plane. commercial airlines have added flights ahead of the big game, turning empty lots into affordable housing. >> vta's plan and why officials are calling it a win for everyone involved and the atest jobs
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not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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to the winchester lightrillionail station. >> it's part of a bigger picture plan to activate underutilized sites, bringing in new revenue and new transitrillioniders ktvu dan rubin is live in campbell tonight, where that housing will be built and. yeah this is the fourth development project vta has announced in the last nine months. >> and santa clara county officials say the new housing can't come soon enough. soon. this vta park and ride lot will make way for affordable multifamily housing. 90 units right next to the rail line at winchester station. >> you're revitalizing an area that needs to be revitalized. we're able to address a very significant need in our community, which is homeless families. >> and for vta, it's part of a big picture vision for transit oriented development. they've. looked at land they own from mountain view to gilroy, and they've identified 29 sites. they think are underutilized for
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projects, have been given the go ahead. so far. >> you're going to see housing. you're going to see commercial, you're going to see retail opportunities. all along our transit stations where people can access, work, live and play. >> they're anticipating 11,000,000ft!s of development ad with it, a long time revenue source for vta to help with operation and maintenance costs and added benefit. the new projects will also bring new riders. >> we're going to build with the development of these sites, new ridership to the tune of 14,500 new daily riders from the buildout of our program, but that equates to $23 million a year in fare box generation as well. >> developers of the winchester site call it a win win, they say. for those moving in being close to transit will be a benefit. >> you could be minutes away from. you know, the school that you want to go to child care, your family, other community amenities. you can get to places in a way that you just can't as easily if you don't have a car.
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sergio lopez, who is campbell's vice mayor and vta vice chair, welcomed the project. >> this is personal for me. i know what it's like to, uh, be housing insecure, to not be sure how you're going to keep a roof over your head. this project just goes to show the kind of collaboration that's possible when you think big, and when you have a big vision. construct here at the winchester station site is set to get underway in 2025, with completion around 2027. >> greg. cristina, good news for the community there. >> and reuben live in campbell for us and thank you. >> in redwood city, a pop up museum celebrating black history in america is one step closer to finding a permanent location. today, menlo park state senator josh becker presents the dominie hoskins black history museum, a symbolic $1.25 million check to the senator becker. excuse me, senator becker negotiated the money as part of a legislative budget process. the pop up museum is on jefferson avenue,
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but officials have been searching for a permanent location for nearly ten years. city leaders in san francisco revealing a new push to have historically black colleges and universities open up new satellite campuses in downtown san ktvu. allie rasmus reports from san francisco on what we know so far about the plan. well, downtown san francisco has some empty office space and vacant buildings. >> it would like to fill. and part of the city's vision to doing that includes bringing in more students in academic institutions to the city at a kickoff event for the start of black history month here in san francisco, san francisco mayor london breed spoke about a plan to bring in and recruit some satellite campuses in downtown san francisco for historically black colleges and universities, also known as. hbcus for short. the city's human rights commission has been working on that long terme plan, and speaking or meeting with representatives from the following hbcus you see on this list from howard and tuskegee universities to morehouse college and others providing a satellite location for students.
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>> because when you think about it, we don't have any historically black colleges on the west coast. they're all pretty much in the south and on the east coast. and how do we start to bridge that gap? how do we bring more of that experience to san francisco? we do so by looking at a long terme opportunity. >> as for the short terme starting this summer, 28 students from hbcus will take in-person summer courses here in san francisco and some san francisco based universities have agreed to step in to help. those 28 students will live in the dorms at the university of san francisco. san francisco state will lend classroom space, and ucsf will offer those students some paid internships and mentoring and training so they can get experience and still cover their expenses while they live here. now that longer tum goal of creating those satellite hbcu campuses is just that a long time goal. there's no timeline yet on when that could become a reality here in the city. in san francisco, ali
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rasmus, ktvu, fox two news, some california lawmakers want the state to do more to eliminate certain degrees as a requirement for government jobs. >> this comes as the vacancy rate for state jobs is rising. before the pandemic, it stood at just under 15. it is now at 20, according to the state's human resources department. east bay assembly member rebecca bauer-kahan has proposed a bill that would reduce the emphasis on college degrees and high school diplomas for state hiring. that bill died in the assembly appropriations committee. many city and county governments are facing even higher vacancy rates. according to a report by the berkeley labor center, san francisco's human resources department says the city faces an unpaid hiring crisis. the city has changed the requirements for 267 out of 915 job classifications over the past ten years, a strong january jobs report, with the economy adding 353,000 jobs, the strongest in a year. the unemployment rate holding at
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3.7, wages also outpaced expectations. fox's edward lawrence breaks down the numbers the administration boasting about the report saying this is bidenomics the last time the economy created more than 353,000 jobs was a year ago. >> january 2023. this adds fuel to the fact that the federal reserve might not cut rates in march. now you have to be careful with these numbers because this marks a yearly re benching. so these numbers may be a little skewed in this report. does not carry as much weight as others. still, this is why the labor department has the issue here. listen, this 353 headline number just underscores the point i made about the wild seasonal adjustments for the month of june. >> jury. again, when we flip the calendar from december to january, the economy loses 3.2 million jobs as all those holiday workers disappear here. and the ability of the bls to measure that with any fine point is ridiculous. and i think this number will be revised lower.
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>> you can see the trends, though, in this report. for example, government hiring again one of the top four sectors of job growth over the past three months. government. has hired an average of 40,300 people per month. now, career firm challenger gray and christmas found planned layoffs jumped 136% from december and january. marked the lowest planned hiring for companies since 2009, when the measure began. we've seen layoff announcements from a number of companies. the reason a forecasted economic slowdown and increased costs from inflation. we've seen layoffs, announcements from a number of different companies amazon, google, macy's, blackrock and more. is 2024 are going to start this wave of layoffs. >> but having a good job makes all the difference in the world. and so that is why, you know, the jobs report that crushed expectations is something that we are happy about. and is a sign that we should keep on going. >> and we'll have to see exactly how much of an effect the announced layoffs have in the
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next jobs report. next month at the white house, edward lawrence fox business. >> a fresh round of snow headed for the sierra. coming up, a live look at the conditions in tahoe. >> and across the bay area, we're awaiting the next big storm. i'll have a look at the timeline and what you can expect fo your neighborhood. coming
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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start to roll in. let's bring in meteorologist rosemary oroczo. rosemary feels like the storm never really left. if it did, it was just a short time. what's the timing of this next one here? >> yes. still lingering. right, greg? a lot of folks enjoying or, you know, dealing with the scattered showers today. the next storm is going to move in. right now. it looks like the brunt of it late saturday night into sunday. between now and then, we just expect to have on and off light rain giving you a live look here at storm tracker two, where that's exactly what you see coming off the pacific. there and over areas of the bay area, as well as most of california and in the sierra, the snow continues rouz with thunderstorms reported. over the sierra foothills. you may have seen some of that lightning. the strikes are going on. so this next system once again tapping into the atmospheric river. we do expect this storm. to be just
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as strong as the last one, but we are already very saturated, which could add, of course, the dangerous conditions out there. here's a look at saturday night, 10:00. it's already breezy out there, but take note of the shades of reds and purples that begin to pop up into the overnight hours. there's a look at 5 a.m, and so the strongest winds will come with the strongest rain. and again, it looks like the late saturday early sunday time frame getting into sunday afternoon. we do expect the winds to continue in the breezes with the wind advisory over parts of the bay area. pretty much the entire bay area for the weekend, lasting. into sunday. here's a look at the future cast model. if we time it out, you'll notice out there right now the clouds mixed in with a few scattered showers. here's a look at tomorrow morning. clouds and scattered showers. here's a look at early afternoon clouds. scattered showers, and then into the first part of the evening. we begin to see it turn widespread and by late in the evening, we're already into midnight. but
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that's when the yellows and the reds are now popping up and then it continues. during the overnight hours, there's a look at 3 a.m, there's a look at 5 a.m. so it is going to go on for several hours. but by sunday morning at 7 a.m, we're now beginning to break away to scattered showers once again. and the scattered showers just keep coming. so anywhere from an inch to four inches a possibility for our urban areas, 4 to 6in for our hills, including the coastal range and santa cruz mountains. so a lot of flooding expected and with the very strong winds, we could see the hazardous conditions toppled, trees, power outages as the sierra 4 to 6ft of new snow. so at the peaks by the end of the storm. and with that, there's a winter storm warning for the better half of the weekend as well. if you're going to be traveling, be prepared. and if you don't need to travel over the sierra, don't wait. here's a look at the temperatures outside right now. we're in the 50s. tomorrow morning, upper 30s to upper 40s,
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and then into the afternoon. very similar conditions expected in the 50s. your extended forecast a soggy one tomorrow with the better part of the storm coming in late saturday into sunday. and then we continue with scattered showers monday and a chance on tuesday as well as wednesday. meanwhile, our afternoon highs, they don't change much. back to you. >> all right rosemary, thank you. as we prepare for the rain here, the sierra is ready for some snow and the wind with this next storm. this is video at bear valley mountain resort. you can see that wind blowing up the mountain in the overnight hours, making those ski lifts rock back and forth. >> the operations team working in the pre-dawn hours to prepare for eager skiers and snowboarders. those snow cats working to keep the slopes in good shape. clearing off the mountain, creating those smooth trails for visitors and they're also clearing out parking lots and moving some of that fresh powder to prepare for the weekend. the ops team even
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shoveling out walkways to prepare for the rush. they will be busy this weekend with more snow on the way. >> all right, for more on the conditions up in the sierra, we're joined by kevin coop cooper, director of communications at corley pass resorts group. coop, good to see you. much slower start to the snow season, especially compared to last year. but it's already snowing there. we can see what is your excitement? what is your stoke level for a second storm this week? >> it's actually starting to rise right now. it feels good. it really does. greg. it feels really good to start seeing it snow again. it was tough. it was a rough start to the winter. i mean, we really just saw rain over on the west slope and really nothing carrying over into the sierra. but these last several storms have done really good. just in the last 24 hours, trying to peak 22 to 24in bear valley, 18 to 24in, and then dodge ridge 15 to 18in, which gave them the ability to open up at 100. so it's just nice. but this next round, oh yes, winter has just started, my friend. >> okay, coop. so then talk about the skiing conditions up there. look, people heard about the avalanche not too long ago. um up near palisades. and if
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people are kind of apprehensive and they don't follow closely, what are the ski conditions like? and what would be the message to people who are going out? >> you know, that's a that's a great question because here's what happens. you just showed some of that footage of the mountain operations teams. they were when you're when you're finishing your adult frosty at the end of the day, or getting a cup of joe before you go home with the mountain, that's when everything starts. we have mountain operations teams that work 24 over seven, and each and every one of our resorts, they get out there all night long, and whether they're grooming or doing avalanche mitigation, they're just preparing the mountains to get ready for you to go. now the cool part is, in the next, you know, through next sunday. here's the good part. once we get sunday to monday and tuesday, there's another storm behind it. most resorts are going to be open at 100. the skiing right now is mid-winter shape that is amazing. you're going to see most of the terrain open up. you're not going to be. it's not low tide. we just had the low tide for the last 90 days. it's going to be really good to get up. and this snow quality is light. it's dry. it's very, very good. not quite cold
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smoke but after this next storm we might just see cold smoke. pow. yeah >> that's good news for skiers, coop. the wind and the snow. we just heard rosemary talk about it a little bit. that could create some dangerous traveling conditions in the sierra. possibly whiteout conditions. you're an expert on this. what do people need to be aware of this weekend? especially >> you need to prepare, guys. you need to have that road kit, right? we haven't had a lot of snow all winter. people were driving up without chains. caltrans and chp have been dealing with that on i-80, highway 50, state route 88, state route four, and state route 108. be prepared. have that full tank of gas. your ev car should be fully charged before you come up over this year. chains, chains tensioners have your water. have extra food in there. have your cell phone charged. if that road closes, you want to be prepared and you want your family and you to be safe so you can pull off to the side of the road, just kind of hunker down for a little bit for caltrans to open it up safely. so just be aware, drive with care, slow your roll out there and remember the burm can be
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firm. >> i love that everything just rhymed. that's right, the berms firm. remember everything. my goodness. okay kevin coop cooper we appreciate your time. kylie passe resorts group always appreciate it. have fun out there. >> take care. we'll see you on the mountain. all right. >> still to come, the most renowned rodent makes his prediction a longer winter or an early spring. we'll take you to the pennsylvania tradition and honoring the say, hey, kid. >> the special once in a century date and how san francisco will celebrate will mays growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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for as willie mays day in honor of the legendary hall of famer who wore the number 20 for the giants, say sunday's festivities will include a special banner hanging from the 24 palm trees outside of oracle park. the ferry building and salesforce tower will also be decorated with black and orange lights and the say-hey kid's godson, barry bonds and giants president larry baer expected to join city leaders during the proclamation. nba legend michael jordan sneakers have broken an auction record. >> sotheby's says a set of six individual air jordan sneakers worn by michael jordan during the nba finals sold for $8 million today at an auction in new york city. that breaks the global auction record for game worn sneakers jordan's 1998 finals opening game jersey still holds the world record for any game worn sports memorabilia. that one sold more than $10
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million at auction back in 2022. >> all right, the unscientific but entertaining ritual of weather forecasting by rodent unfolded in pennsylvania this morning. punxsutawney phil did not see his shadow as he was hoisted into the air in gobbler's knob. this morning. that is supposed to mean winter will check out early this year. thousands of people turned out for the festivities in freezing temperatures. historians say the event comes from pennsylvania dutch culture, with groundhog lodge opening in the 1930s. >> i think it's just, um, you know, a kind of sense. so let's do something kind of tradition, like santa claus, you know, uh, let's have some kind of fun with a traditional icon and, you know, just pretend that somehow it's going to tell us what the weather is about. >> the event exploded in popularity after the release of the bill murray movie groundhog day, back in 1993. who could
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forget that? for what it is worth, punxsutawney phil only has about a 40% accurate rate. that is much worse than our weather forecasters, as they will tell you the same. so punxsutawney phil, though at least he's cute. >> well, punxsutawney phil isn't the only animal predicting an early spring. >> it is indeed going to be an early spring today in new york, clucks anthony. >> henrietta laid an egg, which is her way of forecasting an early spring. henrietta lives at a farm about 45 miles north of new york city. this is the sixth year that henrietta has delivered a forecast. >> listen, i'm all for it. you know, when they have the animals, predict the winners of, like, the world cup or the super bowl, like i'm all for that stuff. pandas which which ball do they pick? >> that's true. and there's one for the super bowl, too. i just can't remember which one it is. there's an animal that chooses maybe a tortoise, maybe that's a tease for ten. >> there you go. uh, i still love groundhog day, one of my favorite movies. all right,
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coming up, artists concerns with i continue to grow the issues raised by the music industry that are, again, getting the attention of lawmakers and coming up at 6:00, like most mornings, a san francisco man headed out for an early morning swim. >> but he never made it to the water. >> he's very kind. he never has a bad word for anyone. >> the man attacked and severely beaten and robbed all two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing,
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lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. hi there. do you need any help? yeah. i was just wondering what nosh means? [blowing whistle]
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natural. organic, specialty, healthy. yay. nosh! everything marked nosh means natural, organic. specialty and healthy. that way, you can eat healthy while sticking to a budget. ummm, no. you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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came out to support their favorite team, but covid hit, bringing an end to overwatch as a popular spectator sport. now the leagues are being revamped, the new overwatch champions series or wcs, will use an international regional tournament based system. organizers say it will create an open ecosystem for professional players and amateurs looking to break into pro game play. >> a group of house lawmakers met in los angeles today to hear from artists and music industry leaders about their concerns with artificial intelligence, as reporter connor hansen tells us, some artists say a lifetime of work can be ripped off in an
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instant using ai. >> i'm a barbie girl in a barbie world. >> it's a cover that nobody asked for and wasn't approved by the estate of johnny cash, a house subcommittee used it as an example of how artificial intelligence is being used to mimic artists. lawmakers moved from their typical setting to hear directly from musicians in l.a. >> i do not have to tell you how much of a gut punch it is to have your name, your likeness, or your voice ripped from you and used in ways that you could never imagine or would never allow. >> artists aren't just worried about their music. country star lainey wilson says her likeness was used to sell weight loss gummies, something she says she'd never do. and i've got a lot of little kids watching me. >> i want to encourage them to feel comfortable in their own skin and love themselves. >> in another high profile scandal, i was used to create explicit images of taylor swift
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that circulated on the internet. >> the question is, will we protect celebrities from deepfakes using a.i. was a major sticking point. >> the recent sag-aftra writers. strike industry leaders say the technology can be useful, but they have to be careful to keep artists autonomy. >> importantly, i will be a tool that our editorial team will use to enhance and expand. their work, not replace it. >> last month, a bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced a bill they hope will protect people's voices and likeness online. but as the technology advances, less legislating, it becomes increasingly complicated. in new york, connor hansen, fox news. this. is ktvu, fox two news at six. >> usually i would park behind the maritime museum. it's dark. it's a little scary. >> a san francisco swimmer just headed outor some early morning exercises in the hospital tonight, after he was badly beaten by carjackers this morning.
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>> he's so kind and he's also very physically strong. i mean, he is very strong. andrew, if you're seeing this, i hope you get well soon. we miss you. and we really love you. >> messages of support after the early morning attack in san francisco. good evening. i'm cristina rendon, and i'm greg lee. >> police say the two suspects attacked, beat and robd andrew carter at a rowing club near aquatic park. like most mornings, carter was just headed out for an early swim. other swimmers, now concerned for their friend and their own safety. new at six ktvu is crystal bailey is in the newsroom with more on carter and the community's reaction. crystal >> well, greg, this happened right outside the south end rowing club, where he was a member. his family tells me he was beaten so badly his jaw will need to be wired back together. for people who knew him had only good things to say about him. now the swimming community is doing everything they can to support him. members of the south end rowing club are shaken up. >> i am shocked that this happened after


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