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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  February 2, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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hospital tonight, after he was badly beaten by carjackers this morning. >> he's so kind and he's also very physically strong. i mean, he is very strong. andrew, if you're seeing this, i hope you get well soon. we miss you. and we really love you. >> messages of support after the early morning attack in san francisco. good evening. i'm cristina rendon, and i'm greg lee. >> police say the two suspects attacked, beat and robbed andrew carter at a rowing club near aquatic park. like most mornings, carter was just headed out for an early swim. other swimmers, now concerned for their friend and their own safety. new at six ktvu is crystal bailey is in the newsroom with more on carter and the community's reaction. crystal >> well, greg, this happened right outside the south end rowing club, where he was a member. his family tells me he was beaten so badly his jaw will need to be wired back together. for people who knew him had only good things to say about him. now the swimming community is doing everything they can to
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support him. members of the south end rowing club are shaken up. >> i am shocked that this happened after finding out one of their swimmers identified by family and friends as andrew carter, was attacked early friday morning. >> i was walking in from the museum parking and i just saw a bunch of police cars. didn't think much of it until i heard what happened. >> san francisco police say the victim was assaulted by two unknown suspects just before 6 a.m. at the corner of beach and hyde streets. club members receiving this email shortly after the attack, alerting them a member had been, quote, badly beaten after parking. his car and he was robbed and his car was stolen. he was trying to, like, hold his face together. other club members came to his aid and he was taken to the hospital. >> it's really a tragedy because he's a great volunteer for the south end rowing club. he's very kind. he never has a bad word for anyone, and he's also one of the fastest swimmers in the south end rowing club, which really says a lot.
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>> swimmers say they often arrive in the early morning hours for a swim. >> we start out with blinky's when we swim because it's dark. i'm hoping, um, yeah, the police will take this seriously and do a little patrolling, the club announced they would be hosting a public safety meeting with police for their members in the near future. >> andrew, if you're seeing this, i hope you get well soon. >> we miss you. and we really love you. >> and i did speak with andrew's father. he tells me andrew is going to be okay. he'll need surgery for the injuries to his face. police are asking anyone with information to contact them. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, now to our weather. after a bit of a break today, we are in for a stormy weekend. much of california is expected to get hit hard. and governor newsom says the state is getting ready this afternoon, he announced he's mobilizing emergency crews and supplies to prepare for possible problems, including 4000 caltrans workers, 550 cal oes mutual aid, first
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responders, 19 swift water rescue teams and 7 million sandbags across the state. let's get right over to ktvu meteorologist mark tamayo with a look at what this weekend will bring. hey, mark. hi there. >> greg. yeah, the second storm this week. another potent one developing offshore. really impacting the central and southern portions of california. but even here in the bay area, we are talking about significant rain and some strong gusty winds. so that area in the in that big red circle that is the development of our next system. that's the kind of a wave cyclone and a big plume of moisture developing. this is the next atmospheric river that will really be targeting southern california for us. rainfall expectations around 2 to 6in. the strongest winds around 45 to 65 miles an hour. we might have the highest peaks. we could have maybe some stronger winds approaching maybe 70 miles an hour. and as i mentioned, extreme rain. they have some hazardous conditions in southern california. now for us here in the bay area, a flood watch begins. 4 p.m. tomorrow. all day sunday until 10 a.m. monday. so
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that means there's the possibility of some flooding and if it actually occurs, we could be see flood flood advisories issued or flood warnings. now the winds also really ramping up a wind advisory for a good portion of the bay area. but the areas in red near the coast and for the east bay hills, also the santa cruz mountains, we have will have winds gusting to over 60 approaching 65 miles an hour. so here's the timing for your saturday. there is the chance of a shower tomorrow morning at 7:00. we begin to bump up the rain chances later in the day. this is 5 p.m. and then things start happening. this is 10 p.m. on saturday and then into early sunday morning. that's a lot of rain with possibly some thunderstorms moving across the bay area. the focal point with the heaviest rain that will be the santa cruz mountains. and we're still talking about some off and on rain as we head into midmorning on sunday. we'll continue to track this system and also we're talking about more rain clouds and your five day forecast. we'll have the update coming up in a little bit. >> all right. mark thank you. crews in the north bay getting ready for any potential problems . ktvu tom vacar was in sonoma
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county for all of the preparations. >> in what could be called a preempted of action, sonoma county is closing at least five highly flood prone roads ahead of the atmospheric river on sunday and monday. we've never done this before. sonoma county is infrastructure director johannes hoevertsz says 12 hour closures will start 7 p.m. sunday until 7 a.m. monday. busy slusser road between river road and mark west creek will be closed and this will deny river road commuters ortiz a direct road to sonoma county airport, forcing them to use highway 101. >> we have seen an uptake and the aggressiveness of the motorists when it comes to flooded roads, mark west station road from trenton, healdsburg road to star road will be closed and is already partially flooded . >> star road will also be closed with its over flooding just a few inches away. trenton healdsburg road will be closed up to east side road, which
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already has proven deadly in floods. >> they're choosing to go and drive over flooded roads, which exposes them to risk and when they get stuck in the, you know, on flooded road, then we have to have, uh, first responders have to respond to that event. and it's a life threatening event. >> it was in january of 2023 when a 43 year old woman here on healdsburg trenton road, actually was swept into the vineyard over there where she called for help, but ultimately drown. >> once you get to a point where the water reaches the bottom of your car, your vehicle is pretty much going to flood. i'm most likely turned off. >> and it's not just the flowing water, but all manner of debris, including large trees that threaten the stranded and the first responders alike. there's trees, there's debris, there's all kinds of things that you know that go in the on the water that could hit a first responder or the drivers themselves. again, the county may choose to
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add to that number for preemptive safety or if mother nature wills it. so tom vacar ktvu fox two news and you'll want to stay up to date all weekend with the rough weather moving in, we have made it easy for you. >> just download the ktvu weather app today. the us military hit dozens of sites in iraq and syria in retaliation for the drone strike that killed three us troops in jordan and injured over 40 more last weekend. the massive barrage of strikes by manned and unmanned aircraft hit more than 85 targets at seven locations used by iranian backed militias. >> they included command and control headquarters, rocket and missile sites and drone and ammunition storage facilities. president biden and military leaders had been warning for days that the us would strike back at the militias. the groups have stepped up attacks on us military installations since israel declared war against hamas. but the us strikes appear to stop short of directly targeted iran, which has denied
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it was behind the jordan attack. officials say the targets were chosen to avoid civilian casualties and based on evidence that they were connected to attacks on us personnel, president biden said in a statement that the us show of force will continue, quote, at times and places of our choosing. the statement added, the united states does not seek conflict in the middle east or anywhere else in the world, but let all those who might seek to do us harm know this if you harm an american, we will respond. >> the us attacks come just hours after the president and first lady attended the dignified return of the remains of the three service members who died in jordan, xbox's rebecca kaster tells us their families are calling these people heroes. >> sergeants william rivers, brianna moffatt and kennedi sanders back on american soil after making the ultimate sacrifice for their country. >> it's hard for the parents to endure. um, that's why i honor her so much. and believe she's a
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hero at that age. >> being that that that selfless and willing to put her life on the line and go out and do that for a nation, for a country that speaks volumes. >> the three us soldiers were killed in a drone strike in jordan over the weekend. an attack the white house says was backed by iran. >> um received a call from brianna's mom, francine moffit, on sunday. um, and i just knew when she called, she said she didn't make it. and we just cried together over the phone as one of his most solemn duties as commander in chief, president biden was at dover air force base in delaware to honor the soldiers and meet with their families. >> as us defense officials tell fox, retaliatory strikes have begun in syria and iraq. >> it's all based on decision making within the white house and they took their time to make this decision. and it's a clear decision to me. but the families reuniting with their lost loved ones are focused on healing.
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>> however, the president of the united states decides to respond. it won't change our situation at all. so we just choose to move forward and continue to pray for those who are still there, and continue to pray for kennedy's battle buddies who are still there. >> the white house says it does not want a war with iran, and most lawmakers want to see the us hit iran financially. in washington. rebecca castor, fox news. >> raider and player, hollywood movie star carl weathers has died. weathers was best known for playing apollo creed in the rocky movies. he also faced off against arnold schwarzenegger in predator and had parts in happy gilmore and arrested development , and more recently, the mandalorian. and while he was playing in the nfl, he got his master's degree at san francisco state. during the off season. we're told he passed away in his sleep. carl weathers was 76 years old. >> i don't know what to say. i don't know what to do except to
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make noise, except to say this is not okay. and this downward spiral has to end. >> coming up at 630. why a texas mother is offering up to $10,000 in a reward for the arrest of a group of men who armed or armed men, rather, who robbed them in oakland. >> and it's a win win. affordable housing that should cause more people to use public transportation in the south bay two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing,
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lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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the january jobs report, some calling it a stunning burst of hiring. ktvu tom vacar looks at the numbers in terms of us jobs and employment. >> the american economy is booming, eye popping and almost beyond belief, says former director and current duane morris. law firm counsel michael bernick. >> 353,000 jobs gained over the month. the expectation coming up to this morning was that we might gain about 185,000 jobs. so the numbers this morning far exceeded expectations. >> that's almost twice what was expected. it even exceeded the previous month's unexpected large job gains of 330,000. and well above the rolling monthly average. >> and the numbers released yesterday on new unemployment claims nationwide show that claims continuing to be under 200,000 nationwide, very low number. >> so are these numbers real? >> the bureau of labor statistics, the federal bureau, um, for years, for decades has
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been um beyond politics. so, um, i think the numbers are sound or as sound as they can be. >> add to that year over year wage gains of 4.5% now outstrip the 3.4% inflation rate. none the less, the highly respected pew polling organization's most recent survey of americans says the booming economy message has not sunk in with the public. it showed that despite the job growth and the wage growth, most americans have a negative view of the economy generally and a negative view of their own situation and a negative view of where the economy is going to be a year from now. >> at the root of those concerns are higher prices baked into the consumer economy by inflation. >> this appearance of a shaky economy is a major social factor, since perception is often political fact. whether warranted or not. tom vacar,
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ktvu, fox two news the january jobs report celebrated on wall street stocks closed up across the board, with both the dow and the s&p hitting record highs. >> the dow is up 134 points. nasdaq was up big 267 points. the s&p gained 52 points. >> president biden is coming to california this weekend. he and the first lady will visit los angeles tomorrow ahead of a trip to las vegas on sunday and monday. not a lot of specific details from the white house on what they are doing on saturday, but there are reports he will meet with entertainers and industry leaders to talk about issues at stake in this upcoming election. >> well, did you feel it? it wasn't a big earthquake, but it was felt throughout san francisco. >> today, the usgs says a 3.4 magnitude quake was centered in the ocean about three miles west southwest of the san francisco zoo. it struck just after 130. this afternoon. no damage of injuries or injuries. just a lot of people talking about it and
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that most likely is probably the san andreas fault zone. >> as you would expect, some activity with a magnitude three or 2 or 3 in that region. so talking about the weather now, we are expecting the rainfall to pick up the second potent storm this week will be bringing in some heavy rain and some strong winds. it says sunday, but it actually begins to move in saturday afternoon evening. but the main brunt of this moves in sunday morning. so rainfall, a big range around 2 to 6in. winds will be a factor. the winds could be stronger than the last system that moved in, could be upwards of 60 to 65 miles an hour. and they have a developing situation in southern california as they try to prep for this system, because the atmospheric river is going to kind of stall out over, over southern california. so that's going to create some issues now for us as you can see, the rainfall expectation is there adding up in a few spots. the south bay, the inland areas could be over two inches a place like san francisco could be over three inches, not as much for the north bay, but santa cruz. santa cruz county could be around 4 to 5in. and as you go up in elevation, they will pick up
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more in the santa cruz mountains. that's going to they're going to pick up the most rainfall with this system. could be around 5 to 7in. we'll definitely have to keep an eye on some potential landslides as we get that much rain. and it's already so saturated out there. some thunderstorms out toward portions of the sierras you can see right now. and also some scattered rain showers here in the bay area, kind of drifting across the region. here's a closer look. and we are not completely dry just yet, so still some scattered showers. one of those deals where it was dry and you go outside for a few minutes and all of a sudden a sudden downpour moves in. but as we back out the maps once again, we'll show you the next storm developing out here in the pacific. we're going to pick up this big area of low pressure that's going to approach northern california, this big stream of moisture will be approaching central and southern california into the weekend. so current numbers mainly in the 50s. santa rosa 50, oakland 53 and san jose 53 degrees. the next storm is queuing up. you can see it's kind of expanding across northern california, basically covering the entire state by sunday morning. and then still some lingering rain
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chances into monday. so here's the forecast model. there's the chance of a shower tomorrow for your saturday. we begin to bump things up into saturday night and look at the forecast model trying to bring in these strong winds from the south. so winds will be an issue. the possibility some power outages and some downed and some downed trees as this system inches closer to our coastline. >> all right, mike, we'll check in in a bit. thank you. as we celebrate black history month, an ambitious new plan for education here in the bay area. coming up a little later. the plan to bring in historic black college or university to san francisco, plus israel and hamas could be inching closer to a cease fire where the talks stand next. >> introducing an all new way to watch ktvu news live on your big screen search fox local on your tv streaming device and download it for free. access all fox two newscasts plus exclusive features like the ktvu video vault archives search fox local on your tv streaming device or scan the code for how to stream ktvu news
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not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading.
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and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. hi there. do you need any help? yeah. i was just wondering what nosh means? [blowing whistle] natural. organic, specialty, healthy. yay. nosh! everything marked nosh means natural, organic. specialty and healthy. that way, you can eat healthy while sticking to a budget. ummm, no.
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boxes. mike tobin reports the deal was brokered by qatar in egypt, and both sides are facing increasing pressure to accept an intense battles are still being reported in and around the city of khan yunis in central gaza, while both sides consider a new cease fire plan, a senior hamas official said friday that the group will respond, quote, very
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soon to a proposal that includes extended pauses in the fighting. >> in exchange for phased releases of prisoners being held by hamas and israel. officials on both sides are facing tremendous pressure from world leaders and civilians to accept the deal. there is no victory here. >> it's not a matter of cost. it's not a matter of how many. >> it just needs to be done and we'll deal with whatever happens after the proposal comes as israeli forces are reportedly wrapping up operations in khan yunis after weeks of block by block battles to root out the militants, they're now expected to turn their attention south, and israeli tanks and armor have been massing near the southern city of rafah for several days now. >> we are completing the mission in khan yunis, and we will also reach rafah, and we will eliminate anyone who's there, who is a terrorist, who is trying to attack us. >> but the un is warning that hundreds of thousands of palestinian refugees fled to rafah during the northern gaza offensive, and unless israel adjusts its tactics, those civilians will be caught in the
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crossfire when the fighting starts, most are living in makeshift structures, tents or out in the open. >> rafah is a pressure cooker of despair, and we fear for what comes next. >> us secretary of state antony blinken is expected to make another visit to the region this weekend to discuss the cease fire plan in tel aviv. mike tobin, fox news. coming up on ktvu news at 630, a mother in shock after watching video of her son being violently robbed at an oakland gas station. >> why that texas what that texas mom is doing to try to help here in oakland? turning empty lots into affordable housing. >> plus it could help take more cars off the road and people onto public transit. >> and coming up later in sports, we'll hear from 49ers quarterback brock purdy on what the team will need to do to avoid another slow start. the team has had to overcome um in these playoffs
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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flood prone roadways next week. this includes a direct path to the airport, so expect traffic delays and plan an alternate route. the closures will begin sunday evening and last through monday morning. >> former raiders linebacker and hollywood star carl weathers died today at the age of 76. he's best known for playing apollo creed in the rocky movies while playing in the nfl. weathers also earned a master's degree at san francisco state. we're told he passed away in his
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sleep in san francisco. >> a man is in the hospital tonight after he was attacked outside of the south end rowing club this morning. the family identified the victim as andrew carter. he's a member of the club and was going in for a swim . when police say he was badly beaten by two suspects. he was also robbed and had his car stolen. >> you're watching ktvu, fox two mother is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of a group of armed robbers. >> she's from texas, but her son was one of the victims who was violently robbed at an oakland gas station. all that caught on camera. ktvu henry lee shows us the family has visited this area before, but they were surprised by what's going on in oakland. >> they take their luggage, then my son comes out and to pull a gun on him and hit him on the chest. >> it happened at the 76 gas station at hegenberger and edgewater, near the oakland airport on monday afternoon. surveillance video shows an infiniti g35 pulling up. a guy gets out and breaks the back window of a ford explorer at the
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pump. inside, the suv are a group of friends visiting from texas, including victor, obi-wan and maxie shares son, who had just celebrated his 21st birthday in the bay area. others get out of the infiniti. >> they kept the gun to him as they were taking the things off of his wrist, and they put his hands in his pocket and got everything in it in his wallet. the thieves then speed off with their belongings right before the victims were to flown back to texas. >> this is what their explorer looked like afterward. they had no idea. many others have been similarly victimized while in rentals near the airport, so the naked eye, it doesn't look like a bad neighborhood. >> it looks like a well kept gas station and a well kept area and had no idea. now we know. >> i just think it should not be normalized. people should not have to just live like this like you know, looking over their shoulders just to get gas shares. >> an attorney who's offering a $10,000 reward, leading to whoever's responsible. >> we're angry and we're furious about the fact that it happens. it happened to our kid, and to
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his friends, and nobody seemed to bat an eye. >> it's heartbreaking, as a mother to hear about what her son experienced. >> oakland city council member trevor reed represents the area plagued by both car burglaries and business closures. she says one arrest has been made. >> whether you live here, work here, own a business. in this quarter, we are doing everything that we can to increase the safety and security that they deserve. >> obi-wan had this message for the thieves as they could really do better things in life. >> create good and not. these sorts of experience and not represent their city in this, in this manner. >> some advice for tourists. go straight to the hotel or airport. keep valuables with you, not in your car. prepay for gas if possible. it's all unfortunate, but this might save you heartache later. henry lee ktvu, fox two news another dog has been stolen in a car burglary in oakland. >> violet, a three year old french bulldog, was taken from its owner's bmw parked on
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college avenue near harwood in oakland's rockridge district. the surveillance video here shows an infiniti g35 pull up alongside the car. someone gets out, smashes the bmw and steals violet. the video shows the infiniti speeding off after the theft. witnesses say the same infiniti later turned up in front of a home on chester street in west oakland. the dog's owner, katie, tells ktvu. violet usually stays home, but her pet was sick, so she took her along as she went to pick up her daughter from daycare. >> i think it just perpetuates this feeling of insecurity, like every little thing that you decide to do could lead you to being a victim somehow, and then it's your fault. i mean, i'm really having to fight. i'm having to fight those feelings internally already. i don't need other people to tell me, um, the mistakes i made. katie has been passing out fliers in the neighborhood, offering a reward and pleading for her dog's safe return.
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>> four people were displaced and two of them badly hurt after a house fire in the east bay. the fire started just before midnight at the house on temple drive in pacheco. two people made it out of the house safely thanks to smoke alarms in the home. two others were sent to the hospital. one of them had to be airlifted to uc davis burn center. there is no word on their conditions tonight. >> new affordable housing is coming to campbell. thanks to vta. they are developing the site right next to the winchester lightrillionail station as ktvu and ruben shows us. it's part of a bigger picture plan to activate underutilized sites, bringing in new revenue and new transitrillioniders as soon this vta park and ride lot will make way for affordable multifamily housing. >> 90 units right next to the rail line at winchester station, you're revitalizing an area that needs to be revitalized. >> we're able to address a very significant need in our community, which is homeless families. >> and for vta, it's part of a big picture vision for transit oriented development. they've
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looked at land they own from mountain view to gilroy, and they've identified 29 sites they think are underutilized, and four projects have been given the go ahead. so far. >> you're going to see housing. you're going to see commercial, you're going to see retail opportunities. all along our transit stations where people can access work, live and play. >> they're anticipating 11,000,000ft!s of development, and with it, a long time revenue source for vta to help with operation and maintenance costs and added benefit the new projec will also bring new riders. >> we're going to build with the development of these sites, new ridership to the tune of 14,500 new daily riders from the buildout of our program. but that equates. to $23 million a year in fare box generation as well. >> developers of the winchester site call it a win win, they say. for those moving in, being close to transit will be a benefit. >> you could be minutes away from. you know, the school that you want to go to child care,
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your family, other community amenities as you can get to places in a way that you just can't as easily. if you don't have a car. >> sergio lopez, who is campbell's vice mayor and vta's vice chair welcome sms the project. >> this is personal for me. i know what it's like to, uh, be housing insecure, to not be sure how you're going to keep a roof over your head. this project just goes to show the kind of collaboration that's possible when you think big, and when you have a big vision, construction here at the winchester station site is set to get underway in 2025, with completion sometime around 2027. >> in campbell and ruben, ktvu fox two news coming up as we celebrate black history month, the push to bring an hbcu to the bay area and get ready for more changes at some san francisco intersection, the alterations all being done in the name of safety
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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by the african american historical and cultural society. mayor london breed and other elected officials join members of the community at the celebration to recognize and help preserve the city's african american culture and history. on behalf of the city and county of san francisco, i want to recognize the work of the historical society for so many years, and as we kick off this month, today we are going to officially acknowledge the month of february in the city and county of san francisco as black history month in our city. >> thank you. >> this month, there are black history month events happening in neighborhoods around the city, including the bayview, lakeview, and the fillmore and hours before that kick off, city leaders in san francisco unveiled a new push to have historically black colleges and universities open up new satellite campuses in the city. >> ktvu sally rasmus reports from san francisco on what we know so far about the plan. >> well, downtown san francisco
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has some empty office space and vacant buildings it would like to fill. and part of the city's vision to doing that includes bringing in more students and academic institutions to the city at a kickoff event for the start of black history month here in san francisco, san francisco mayor london breed spoke about a plan to bring in and recruit some satellite campuses in downtown san francisco for historically black colleges and universities, also known as hbcus, for short. the city's human rights commission has been working on that long time plan, and speaking and meeting with representatives from the following hbcus. as you see on this list from howard and tuskegee universities to morehouse college and others providing a satellite location for students. >> because when you think about it, we don't have any historically black colleges on the west coast. they're all pretty much in the south and on the east coast. and how do we start to bridge that gap? how do we bring more of that experience essence to san francisco? we do so by looking at a long terme
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opportunity as for the short terme starting this summer, 28 students from hbcus will take in-person summer courses here in san francisco and some san francisco based universities have agreed to step in to help. >> those 28 students will live in the dorms at the university of san francisco. san francisco state will lend classroom space, and ucsf will offer those students some paid internships and mentoring and training so that they can get experience and still cover their expenses while they live here. now that longer tum goal of creating those satellite hbcu campuses is just that a long time goal. there's no timeline yet on when that could become a reality here in the city. in san francisco. allie rasmus, ktvu, fox two news in redwood city, a pop up museum celebrating black history in america is one step closer to finding a permanent location. >> today, menlo park state senator josh becker presented the dominie hoskins black history museum, a symbolic $1.25 million check. becker negotiated
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the money as part of the legislative budget process. yes, the pop up museum is on jefferson avenue, but officials have been searching for a permanent location for nearly ten years. >> well, barry, whether we're talking about some clouds still some showers right now, but another storm offshore, we'll bring in more significantrillionainfall, some strong winds, and even down to our south, we're talking about extreme rainfall in southern california. we'll have the update coming up. >> let's go to ktvu. frank mallicoat now with a look at some of the stories we're working on for west coast rapid seven right here on ktvu two. hi, christina. >> hi, everyone. super bowl tickets, hotel prices in the events, host city may be breaking records, but many people are finding ways to experience the game in las vegas on a budget tonight, a west coast rap. we'll see how they're making the trip without spending a small fortune in the process. and a west coast company has a robot ready to take your coffee order, show you how the high tech gadget may transform your daily routine. those stories much more coming up at seven on
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the west coast. rap followed by ktvu, fox two news at 730. we will see you soon. >> all right, frank, thank you. but first, a proposed law in san francisco may have some drivers seeing red, but it's all in the name of safety hi there. do you need any help? yeah. i was just wondering what nosh means? [blowing whistle] natural. organic, specialty, healthy. yay. nosh! everything marked nosh means natural, organic. specialty and healthy. that way, you can eat healthy while sticking to a budget. ummm, no.
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(vo) meet fargo, the new virtual assistant from wells fargo. fargo makes banking faster, and easier. (woman) fargo, turn off my debit card! (vo) lets you pick up the tab, even if you forget your wallet... (kaz) i got this. (ben) fargo, send kaz $145 dollars with zelle®. (kaz) smooth. (vo) fargo puts important information at your fingertips. (dad) fargo, what did i spend on groceries this month? (son) hey dad, can the guys stay for dinner? (dad) no... (vo) want to see everything fargo can do? you can, with wells fargo.
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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ktvu christien kafton tells us why the city says this is a matter of pedestrian safety. >> san francisco's municipal transportation agency is proposing a plan that would bar right turns on red lights at about 200 intersections in the south of market and financial districts in the city's downtown . the agency's executive director says the plan is aimed at protecting pedestrians. >> so what we're trying to do is to figure out how do we make traffic flow steadily and smoothly in san francisco so that motorists can get where they're needing to go, but at the same time, pedestrians can also get safely across the street. >> the city has already implemented a similar plan in the tenderloin district, which had some of the city's most dangerous corridors for pedestrians, and the sfmta says
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that ban on right turns on red is saving lives. the problem, according to the sfmta, is that drivers at red lights are looking for cars, not pedestrians. >> if you imagine you're driving up into an intersection and you are looking over your left shoulder to see if it's clear to turn and merge into that right hand lane, you may not see the pedestrian that has started walking across the street in the crosswalk to your right. >> many drivers already waiting at red lights say the plan would just make getting around town even more difficult than it already is. >> that's horrible. the traffic is so crazy already. parking is crazy. everything is so crazy in here. frustrating, yes. >> it's ridiculous. that's why i don't drive out here. >> jody medeiros from walk san francisco, a pedestrian advocacy group, supports the plan and says changing policy would save lives and have minimal impact on drivers. it's seconds more. >> it's not really that long. so
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when it comes to saving, possibly your neighbor, uh, it's definitely somebody's mother or grandmother or grandfather. for that, you'll be saving and just asking for a little bit more patience. >> the sfmta is hoping to open the idea for public hearings this spring. if the city adopts the plan, it wouldn't be the first. new york already has a ban in place, and washington, d.c. will have a ban on red light turns next year in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu fox two news. >> well, not a complete break from the rainfall for today. still had some some clouds and some passing showers across parts of the bay area, but we are kind of already preparing for our next storm. it's going to be moving in saturday night and into sunday, so flood watch already posted for the entire bay area. we have wind advisories in parts of the bay area, especially near the coast, and for the higher elevations. we have a high wind warning, rainfall expectations around 2 to 6in. so next storm later in the day saturday and into sunday . heavy rain with the possibility of some roadway flooding, a big rise in the
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creeks and the streams, and the strong winds expected. we could have winds around 45 to 60 miles an hour. but the real intense rainfall will be down in southern california and they will. unfortunately, this could create some hazardous conditions down to our south. this is what the model is thinking with the numbers. but in general we're thinking around 3 to 6in. but for the mountains they could be picking up around 8 to 12in for the mountains. and the foothills. so that is a lot of rain as the atmospheric river. the next one developing will stall out over southern, central and southern california. here's a situation right now in our radar. we still have some scattered rain showers out there, and actually quite a bit of some snow in the sierra for tonight. we do have, in fact, a short tum closure right now on interstate 80 with that, with a lot of multiple spinouts, a lot of accidents in the sierra this evening showing you the radar right now, a few scattered showers out there. as you can see, we're not 100% dry. but as we back out the maps, here is our next storm developing the circulation out here in the pacific and the next atmospheric river developing within this
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flow here. and that will really target southern california, but it will be impactful for us as well. here's a live camera looking above san francisco. lots of clouds in place and still a few scattered showers out there. temperatures in the 50s in santa rosa, 50 degrees san jose 53. of course, we'll be watching all the rivers and the creeks over the next couple of days. right now, russian river at guerneville is 20.6ft, expected to go up to 24.6ft by monday afternoon. we'll see if that happens. a lot of that depends on the rainfall rates. that number could be going higher. so something we'll be watching closely and the san lorenzo river at big trees you can see right now 6.6ft expected to go to 14ft by sunday afternoon. so today we just call it unsettled. we had some off and on showers out there. but upstream in the flow here is the next system developing that will deliver significant rain here in the bay area. and of course all of that wind which will lead to possibly some more downed trees and possibly some power outages. so we'll time things out. here we are tomorrow morning, 8:00. the chance of a few sprinkles or
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a light shower later in the day. we begin to bump up the rain chances late saturday afternoon into saturday night. but here we go. the first waves of heavy rain coming on board saturday night and into early sunday morning. some heavy rain downpours here. look at all these yellows and reds. and the focal point in terms of the heaviest rain that will be in the santa cruz mountains. they could pick up upwards of 6 to 7in. so of course mudslides will be a big concern. in addition to the flooding, as those rainfall rates are coming on board the intense rainfall rates sunday. you can see into the afternoon hours maybe a break. we'll see if it's not going to be completely dry. but in terms of the real storm, the heavy rain of interest, maybe backing off a little bit into the afternoon hours on sunday, highs for tomorrow will be in the 50s. the possibility of some showers, but getrillioneady. first thing sunday morning this stuff will wake you up early sunday morning. heavy rain, some strong gusty winds, showers likely into monday. we're going to hold on to maybe some more shower chances into tuesday and wednesday of next week. >> sounds good mark. thank you. allegiant stadium in las vegas getting all spruced up and ready
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for the super bowl today. >> crews were painting the field. you can see 49ers gold going down on one of the end zones out side. the two teams logos plastered on the side of the stadium, and crews along with trucks, equipment, tents all going up ahead of the big game. >> all right. coming up next in sports, jesse gary joins us on what the 40 niners and chiefs are looking forward to as they prepare for the big game on next sunday
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not just any whiteboard... ...katie porter's whiteboard is one way she's: [news anchor] ...often seen grilling top executives of banks, big pharma, even top administration officials. katie porter. never taken corporate pac money - never will. leading the fight to ban congressional stock trading. and the only democrat who opposed wasteful “earmarks” that fund politicians' pet projects. katie porter. focused on your challenges - from lowering housing costs to fighting climate change. shake up the senate - with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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super bowl 58. the niners in chief set to tangle on the las vegas strip ahead of the game concerns, though, over how well the niners will or will not begin the game. san francisco has gotten off to a slow start in their previous two playoff games. the team and its faithful fans want to avoid digging a hole for a third consecutive game in the divisional round against the green bay packers, the niners found themselves down by a touchdown late in the third quarter. christian mccaffrey. you see him there scoring the go ahead touchdown with about a minute to play. and then dre greenlaw sealing the deal with the interception san francisco goes on to win 2421 in the nfc championship game the niners were down. and i think we all
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remember this. they were down 17 points at the end of the first half. i stopped watching and i listened on the radio. i thought it was me. to their credit, they rallied, flipping the script in the second half, san francisco erupting for 27 straight points at one point to win the game 3431, and advance to next week's super bowl. the niners have proven they're clutch when their backs are against the wall, but the chiefs have a top five defense and brock purdy knows a lot, is riding on his right arm. >> the mindset of our backs being against the wall and we need it. that's when our best style of ball comes out and we all step up to the plate and play our best. so um, whatever that mindset is early on, we need to get to it. obviously we can we need to do a better job with, you know, third downs early in the game and converting on those and staying on the field when we needed to come back. we step it up, we pick it up. the intensity, uh, everyone's just on it in on point. so if we can have that kind of mindset early on, that's something that we all got to talk about. and be better at for
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sure. and that starts with me. >> if you did not know such a thing exists, national tight ends day is celebrated the fourth sunday in october, but it was not 49ers storm surge star george kittle, who inspired inspired the unofficial holiday instead, it was his former teammate, quarterback jimmy g. the nfl's top two tight ends, kittle and kansas city chief travis kelce, face off once again in the super bowl this season. kittle has caught 65 balls for 100 for 1020 yards and six touchdowns. he's also considered one of the best run blocking tight ends in the league. that fraternity is close knit today. kelce heaped praise on his brother by another mother who plays the same position. >> the king of tight end. you man. he's, uh, best tight end in the league. and i mean deservingly. so this year he's been playing lights out, um, playing the best football of his career and really catapulting that that san fran team through the playoffs, man. and i couldn't be more proud of him and couldn't be more honored really to go up against, uh, george and another super bowl. um can't say enough amazing
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things about who he is as a guy and who his family is. um, i can't say a bad thing about him, man, so it's going to be a fun time. >> it's always a good time down on the monterey peninsula, especially when the rain gives way to sun. and that view today. second round action of the at&t pebble beach pro-am. as we see each year, this tourney brings out the stars. tom brady there. you saw him practicing his form okay, let's speed it along. as we see the 17 former niners. great three time super bowl champion harris barton rolls in his putt there for a. but we're going to switch to the to the number of world's number one. that's scottie scheffler now he was on seven teen and he continues his hot streak of long putts. he rolled in that one. he would go on to birdie 18. he sits at 11 under through two rounds tied with ludwig at berg. there are goals in soccer and then there are goals. goals like the one you're going to see right now. let's take a look at our cto for this friday. this is from beyond the half field
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stripe. look at this. this is amazing. using a 70 yard goal the goal. and i know what the goalie is saying. i know what the keeper is saying. what >> get back, get back, get back. >> and it goes. came in the 12th minute to make it a three nil for al-nassr. they would go on to win six nil. but that is a fantastic from beyond the midfield. made it look easy. i know the goalie is going to get a talking to well, but what are you going to say? >> that's right. all right jesse thank you. thanks >> thanks for joining us here. our west coast wrap is coming up next growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn.
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and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. hi there. do you need any help? yeah. i was just wondering what nosh means? [blowing whistle] natural. organic, specialty, healthy. yay. nosh! everything marked nosh means natural, organic. specialty and healthy. that way, you can eat healthy while sticking to a budget.
7:00 pm
ummm, no. we have some mudslide onto a major road. >> you may not be able to get back to your own home. >> just one of the warnings tonight for people across the storm battered california as ne


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