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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  February 7, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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dusting of snow could be seen at the lick observatory on mount hamilton. >> our chief meteorologist, bill martin, is here now. and bill, this was a much colder storm than the previous ones. >> yeah, it is, and i think that's one of the reasons it didn't we didn't get that much rainfall because cold air hasn't a whole lot of rain. but we did get i mean up to a half inch felt like more than that actually. san jose was a half inch of rain. san francisco was a half inch of rain. napa a half inch, a quarter of an inch in santa rosa and san rafael. and of course, it comes right on the morning commute, where things getting a little sketchy out there as driving in and moving around in that mid-morning hour. then the sun comes out this afternoon, we got ourselves in a situation where that low is kind of moved off to the east and the mountains, they got snow. it's snowing up there pretty good. and if you are traveling that way tonight especially, you want to consider definitely traveling. maybe a little later tomorrow, or making sure that you have chains on you as we go into friday and through sunday, we're going to see this high pressure build back in. and this would be that extended dry period that we've been waiting
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for. again rainfall accumulations pretty, pretty mild compared to what we just went through, but still very wet morning. and now it's a mild to partly sunny afternoon tonight. right. some valley fog possible. and then high pressure and a weekend dry. i'll see you back here. we'll do the full forecast. just a few minutes. >> all right. we'll see you in a bit bill. thank you. well pg and e says some customers may not have their power back on until this weekend. as crews continue to work to repair damage from sunday's major storm. there is some progress this evening. total outages are down to under 26,000, including some new outages from the rain and wind today, more than 16,000 are in the north bay. nearly 6000 in the south bay, 1.4 million customers were out of service sunday into monday. in san rafael this afternoon, a utility vice president said. more than 5000 crews are working to restore power in many cases, we had downed power lines across roads, trees, etc. and so the first obligation that we have is
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to make sure that the community is safe and supporting first responders. >> we then need to gain access in some cases that's a little bit easier and we can drive up to a location. in other cases, we have to remove trees, walk in, or in some cases access via helicopter, pg and e said sunday storm was the single most damaging in its history. >> they say 750 poles and 2000 spans of wires were affected from winds in excess of 90 miles an hour. and stay up to date by downloading the kttv icu weather app. there you'll find an interactive radar and hourly forecast. you can also send us your weather pictures that we could feature on air, and it's all free to download. >> at&t wants to terminate landline service for most of california, and this proposal is getting some backlash from people right here in the bay area who still rely on those lines. ktvu is jesse gary live tonight in the santa cruz community of felton. jesse, good evening mike.
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>> good evening to you. and during rainy season here in the santa cruz mountains, there's just some problems that people have grown used to dealing with slippery roads when it's raining, downed trees, downed power lines. as julie was just talking about and loss of cell phone service. many people here say losing landline phone service also would leave them isolated at the very worst time. dangling above remote roadways, a series of phone lines is a literal communication lifeline for some santa cruz mountain communities. the landline will work when other phones don't work at all. >> a bad idea to get rid of the landlines, for sure. phone provider at&t currently holding public hearings on its 2022 request to the state to end hard line phone service for almost all of california executives, arguing that forcing the one time monopoly to maintain so-called carrier of last resort status puts it at a competitive disadvantage for isolated communities, is out of reach of cell towers, landline lines which come directly into a home
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or business, are the only way to stay connected. >> this is a real problem for our folks living in the mountain community that really rely on that landline in case of an emergency, part of assemblywoman gail pellerin's, district includes areas in the santa cruz mountains. >> within the week, the area has been inundated with rain, downed trees, power outages and loss of cell phone service. >> living up here you have it's harsh and it's very close to silicon valley, but it's a different lifestyle. um, and people have to sign up for that. when you move up here. >> some residents have written the california public utilities commission urging its members to reject at&t request. others are reaching out to their state representatives. >> what we did is we wrote a letter to the puc expressing our concern with this proposal. it's not just the landline, it is a lifeline, and we're dealing with a situation where this could be the difference between somebody's survival going through an emergency and or
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losing their life during an emergency. we >> perlin wants more public hearings closer to the bay area. the last one was last night in clovis, and the next scheduled for february 22nd in mendocino county. we're live in felton. this evening. jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. mike, back up to you in oakland. >> all right, jesse, thank you. >> well, fired oakland police chief leronne armstrong is fighting back in court. he is now filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against the city. and mayor xiang tao, our crime reporter henry lee is here now. after speaking with the mayor, henry and julie. >> the mayor is the only city official named as a defendant in this lawsuit. but the chief and others are pointing fingers at the federal monitor overseeing oakland police reforms. they say he is partly to blame for what happened to the former chief. former oakland police chief laurent armstrong is suing the city and mayor xiang tao, saying he was wrongfully fired. it's important that we filed this
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lawsuit to restore the chief's reputation, billy winter, an attorney for armstrong, says the lawsuit is bolstered by the fact that a neutral arbitrator ruled in the ex-top cops favor, finding that the city should not have fired him. >> we believe that the case we brought has merit that the hearing officer has, um, confirmed that the criticisms against the chief were unfounded . >> the suit says he was fired because he had the courage to speak out about alleged misconduct by the federal monitor, robert warshaw. warshaw had commissioned a report that said the chief failed to hold a sergeant responsible for two alleged cover ups. i caught up with the mayor, who referred me to the city attorney's office, but i asked her about the search for the next chief. >> i believe that, you know, getting having a chief just be named chief is not good enough. we need a chief who understands the intricacies of being under the federal oversight. >> in his lawsuit, armstrong said he led opd to the closest it's ever been to ending federal oversight. and that tao bowed to pressure from the monitor.
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armstrong accused warshaw repeatedly finding problems with the department in order to benefit financially and stay in his role. the suit says, in part as long as warshaw opines that opd has leadership problems, warshaw can argue his continued supervision at great expense to oakland and its taxpayers remains necessary. >> the consent process in oakland, not everywhere but in oakland, was adulterated. >> reform ann kirkpatrick, armstrong's predecessor as chief . received $1.5 million from oakland after jury found she was wrongfully fired. you've seen a whole lot of police chiefs tumble under him, and i think that federal judge needs to take a very close look at his federal monitor. >> now that federal judge has said he has full confidence in the monitor. the monitor, for his part, does not speak to the media. the city today declined to comment on the lawsuit, saying they have not yet been served. a final note the oakland police commission has restarted
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its search for the next chief after the mayor rejected its shortlist. three candidates, which included armstrong. those new names are expected in march. live in the newsroom, henry lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> yeah, henry oakland clearly has some severe problems. it's been nearly, almost a year this month since oakland has had a police chief. are they saying any type of timeline or setting a timeline for when to get that person in that position? >> well, the commission hopes to finalize its list by march, and after that, it's up to shengtao, the mayor to see if she likes someone from that list. >> all right. we'll stay up to date on it. henry lee reporting live for us tonight. henry thanks. >> new at five. the centers for disease control and prevention says it is investigating right now. an outbreak of illness on board a cruise ship that arrived in san francisco yesterday. canard says that 128 out of 1800 passengers on the queen victoria were sick with symptoms including diarrhea and vomiting. 25 crew members also reported being sick. cruise line officials say they've increased cleaning and disinfection and
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isolated those sick passengers and crew. the ship is in the midst of a world voyage. it is scheduled to depart san francisco tonight. police in the south bay are looking for three people suspected of writing hate filled messages on a high school campus. they were discovered yesterday on the walls of christopher high school in gilroy. authorities say three intruders broke right into a campus monday night and spray graffitied and ransacked the classrooms at gilroy school resource officer is working with school administrators and investigating this vandalism as a possible hate crime. >> san jose police say two suspects are now in custody who they believe are responsible for more than 70 organized retail thefts. san jose residents jaime flores and thomas spinoza are accused of stealing from big name retailers such as target, best buy, rei and others at this nike store, surveillance footage appears to show the men leaving with armfuls of merchandise. investigators say this allegedly took place from july 2023 to
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january 2024. >> our san jose police department's organized retail theft detail has been tremendous. our detectives have been workinground the clock utilizing our field resources, investigative resources, as well as technology to make sure that we combat these organized retail thefts, flores was arrested december 16th for grand theft at westgate mall. >> spinoza was already in custody for an unrelated incident on january 31st, when detectives obtained a warrant for his arrest. the loss from the thefts totals more than $75,000. southern california digging out from hundreds of mudslides and other serious storm related damage. >> we will have the latest coming up and the super bowl has become a global event. >> media from all around the world have converged on sin city to cover the super bowl, including our own joe fonzi. he'll have a live report for us coming up from las vegas next at growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer.
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those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists.
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he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. after the helicopter they were on was located, search crews founded this morning in pine valley, about 45 miles east of san diego. the condition of the chopper was not released. officials say the super stallion helicopter. it's the largest helicopter in the military, by the way, departed creech air force base near las vegas yesterday and was headed to marine corps air station miramar in san diego. officials say snowy conditions are making access challenging on the ground, where crews are searching for those five marines, two police officers were shot and wounded right near philadelphia today at a home that later went up in flames. the officers were called to the
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house on a report that an 11 year old girl had been shot. now, when they arrived, the officers immediately came under fire. one officer was shot in the arm. the other in the leg. both are expected to recover. there was no word on the condition of anyone inside the home, including the child who was reported wounded or even the status of any suspect. >> s an investigation is underway in san francisco after a waymo self-driving car hit and injured a bicyclist. >> this happened in the city's potrero hill neighborhood as ktvu balio carol reports, industry experts say the crash could actually point to a larger issue giving humans he people, you know, even in cars, break down with humans inside and that there is nothing they can do. >> so same thing. you know, they have glitches, they break down jesus, the owner of an auto body shop near a bustling waymo car park, said like normal drivers and cars, autonomous vehicles have problems occasionally. >> on tuesday, a waymo self-driving car and cyclist crashed into each other on 17th street and mississippi in san
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francisco, according to waymo, a large truck passed through the intersection at the same time as a cyclist, but the truck hit that cyclist. the cyclist crossed into the path of a waymo car, and at that point, the car couldn't break fast enough. they crashed into each other, waymo said. the cyclists reported only minor scratches and walked away. but missy cummings, a professor of engineering and computing at george mason university, said the waymo computers should have been able to stop it before it reached the point of a crash. >> their sensors are typically faster than the human, your average human, she said. >> it appears the waymo car made its maneuver too aggressively, so no u turn before you look, and most people would let a truck go by and then, you know, make sure and then go right. >> so there would be a brief pause. we asked waymo if they planned on releasing the dash camera footage captured at the time of the crash. >> they ignored that question. instead sending a statement they released yesterday in which they said they contacted police who
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came to the scene coming, said the crash, albeit not life threatening, is an example of how far off mass mainstream use of self-driving vehicles truly is. i think if drivers, just like i think of waymo, they're still trying to find that sweet spot of how you know enough in every situation to be able to behave in a reasonable manner. >> but this is where computers diverge from humans. you know, they don't really know anything. they just know what they've been programed. now the waymo cars are back out on the streets of san francisco this morning, the nearest parking lot to where that crash happened, where these waymo cars are kept. >> typically it's completely empty. there is just one car in there. this morning we watched a steady stream of them head out and hit the streets. this morning, just about the time that rush hour was happening. in a statement, waymo did tell us that they are cooperating with the proper agencies as it pertains to the investigation of this crash in san francisco. i'm
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bailey o'carroll, ktvu, fox two news. players and coaches from the lahainaluna high school football team from maui are heading to the super bowl in las vegas, the nfl announced today they will serve as the honorary coin toss captain. >> many of the coaches and players lost their homes and possessions in the maui wildfires back in august. their school was also damaged. the nfl says the team emerged as a source of inspiration and rallying point for the lahaina community, and the super bowl has become a global event with thousands of members of the media gathering in las vegas from all over the world. ktvu joe fonzi joins us now. he's live from las vegas tonight. joe, quite the scene there. yeah >> no question. i don't need to tell you guys how this thing has grown through the years. you know, the very first super bowl wasn't even called a super bowl. it was called the nfl afl championship game. it didn't sell out. that was 58 years ago, though. nothing exemplifies how this thing has grown more through the years than radio row . and radio row was like just
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about everything else at the super bowl. you never know just who or what you might see. in addition to the variety of media outlets you could see, oh, carrot top in an arm wrestling contest, it seemed, oh, the nfl is no longer just a us passion. it's spreading to places where football means an entirely different thing. >> it is, hands down the fastest growing spectator sport like tv, sport in the uk. i'm coming out on monday morning and they're talking about like the fumble out the back of the end zone. and what does that rule exist and things. so it is it's amazing how much it has developed over that time. >> the 40 niners have got a lot of fans from the from the golden days and from the montana and steve young. um, we've got an aussie on the field for the 40 niners and mitch wishnowsky. so there's a lot of people pulling for him, but there's a lot of chiefs. kingdom down under as well. >> and then of course there are the broadcasters a little closer to home. >> i have a great feeling about the game. i do think they're
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going to win. look, i know we're going to get some patrick mahomes. it almost seems like this is kind of back in the niners days where they had joe. and now we know how everybody feels with patrick mahomes. >> the players who will be in this sunday's game are a long way from here at their respective practice facilities. but if you've ever played in the super bowl or are just one of the guys who have tried to make it here, there's a feeling that you'll always be part of an elite fraternity. >> you got to have endurance, mental endurance, physical endurance. and for your san francisco 40 niners, they've been able to weather the storm. i think sunday's game presents who does their job the best by protecting the football. you got a guy who's won multiple super bowls, and then you got a guy who was selected in the last the last pick in the draft, and they're both here fighting for a championship. so it's motivating from each spectrum. well i've been to this game, but i've been as a spectator. >> i would love to come as a player. but man it's i mean, this is for everything, you know? so, um, i'm hoping my niners are able to pull it out,
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you know, man, deep down inside though, well, i rock with the niners. >> the veterans we talked to said this was the biggest gathering so far at radio row. growing just like everything else at the super bowl. you know, guys, you can always learn something too. i didn't realize that if the 40 niners win, mitch wishnowsky would be the first aussie to win a super bowl. so that's significant. and you know, we were in london a few years back when the 40 niners were there and all that's happened since then is the nfl game has grown more and more uh, in great britain as well. so very interesting how the game is spreading globally. and they're going to actually play a game in brazil next year. so it's only getting bigger and bigger. >> and joe, i don't know about you, but of all the storylines out there, i'm into the father son storyline and there's a couple of them. but to go back to the 40 niners in their last super bowl when they beat the chargers, you had ed mccaffrey playing in that game. and now his son is playing in his first super bowl for the same team the san francisco 40 niners. i mean
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that's got to be pretty special to have as a dad to watch your son playing for the team you won the super bowl and now pulling for him. so he gets his first. >> yeah. no question about that. and you know mike it doesn't stop there either kyle shanahan mike shanahan was the offensive coordinator on that team before that. he then left to go be a head coach with the broncos. so kyle was a ball boy all the way back then. so you're right. that father son thing runs deeper with the mccaffreys and with the shanahan's. >> yeah, it is a small world. the nfl and so many connections all woven into that. so fun to see, joe. thank you. we'll look forward to more reports from you coming up. >> thanks, joe. all right. coming up in a little bit. we're going to go back to las vegas for one of the premiere events at most super bowls. and that is the super bowl experience. ktvu is christina rendon will take you inside to see the super bowl experience at mandalay bay. imagine a football theme park with interactive games and that is just the beginning. >> and we have coverage from las vegas throughout this super bowl week. our joe fonzi and cristina rendon will show us everything that's happening before the big game on sunday. on friday, we
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have a fox two sports special, quest for six at 9:30 a.m, then sunday at 9 a.m. we have the quest for six live in las vegas. and at noon before the game, the quest for six. countdown to kick off. all righty. >> checking in on the rain that we got today. this morning, essentially, it was pretty wet out there. the morning commute messy. and these are some of the totals. we looked at them earlier. pretty aggressive rain for not being a big storm right. so we've had some big weather in here. and this was much less. but still it a half inch of rain and four hours. that's that's a lot of rain. so definitely came down. and it depends on where you were. and then the sun came out, as you know. and then still some scattered showers out there. it's going to be cold tonight. we're going to see a frost advisory will go into effect because the ground is wet. temperatures are going to drop down the winds will die down. it's still kind of breezy out there now. we had some gusts today up to 25 and 30 miles an hour at times. and if you look at the we'll come in close and you can kind of see the trough.
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you can see the cool air to whenever you see the speckled clouds, that's usually you see a cumulus cloud with blue sky between it. that's what you're looking at. these are vertical, vertically developed clouds and then the air, the air goes up, the cloud forms and then the air sinks. and on either side or on three sides, four sides of the, the cloud, the air sinks and dries. and so is it dries. you see the clear skies. right. so that makes sense. yeah so that's the plan. look at the rain down there in fresno right now and out in bakersfield as well. it's coming closer. we got some travel concerns up around lake tahoe. so be careful driving around up there. these scattered showers is still showing up around here despite the sunny conditions, but the winds are much less. we do have a 21 mile an hour gust at novato, 24in santa rosa and sfo still gusting to 36 miles an hour. so still windy out there on the west side of town. we will be looking at temperatures tonight that it get cool enough for frost to form. we will see some snow or some snow flurries and already have on like mount hamilton. very high top there and maybe mount
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diablo might see a little white dusting tomorrow morning when you get up. i'll be back. we'll do the full forecast. we'll look at the five day forecast and there's more rain, a significant rain coming our way as we get into the next week. >> a vote to secure funding for the border ukraine and israel in the senate fails. >> i'm connor hansen in new york with details on why congress is split and what could happen next. coming up. >> and coming up tonight at six, a longtime tortilla factory in santa rosa is moving out of state with the move means for hundreds this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to
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make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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state supreme court ruled he was ineligible. colorado's highest court removed trump from the ballot after ruling that he did engage in insurrection. on january 6th, 2021, the 14th amendment prevents insurrection is from holding federal office. the question for the court here is whether this applies specifically to the president and his conduct while in office. >> i think that our us constitution, which is our democracy, is at stake. we either abide by the terms of the constitution or we do not. and i think that's what the justices will have to decide. what happened at our capitol was not good, but president trump did not make these people do this, and he sure wasn't engaged in it himself. >> a ruling could take days or even weeks, and this case could just be the first of trump
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related appeals to reach the supreme court this election year, as he faces four criminal trials, including one over alleged election interference in 2020. >> a bipartisan bill to overhaul the nation's border policies with aid to israel and ukraine failed in the senate, fox news connor hansen tells us. there's a new plan now in the works, headed up by democratic leaders. >> senate republicans shot down a major aid package funding the border. israel and ukraine majority leader chuck schumer's next step, a similar bill without the border portion. >> the legislation on the floor today is one of the most important security packages the senate has considered in a very long time. so the onus is on senate republicans to finally take yes for an answer. >> speaker mike johnson said he would wait and see what the senate comes up with, but complained that democrats wouldn't pass a standalone israel aid package a day earlier. >> there is no reason whatsoever for them to object to the
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contents of that bill. they're doing it for political purposes. it's bad for national security. it's also terrible policy and terrible politics. >> but democrats accuse republicans of doing the same when they oppose the original bipartisan border deal. >> republicans have been ordered by donald trump, not. to solve the challenges at the border, but to continue to play political games because they want to use the border as an electoral issue. in november. and that's going to backfire. >> speaker johnson pushed back on criticism about the lack of results. >> its we have steady hands at the wheel. we'll get through it. everybody take a deep breath. it's a long game. we're going to get the job done. >> the white house says it supports the senate's version of the national security bill. without the border piece in new york, connor hansen, fox news. coming up, hundreds of thousands
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of people are streaming into las vegas, and many of them are heading to the nfl experience. >> our cristina rendon will join us live with a look at all the action and some lucky football fans are now headed to the super bowl, all thanks to a hollywood actor. >> this. we'll explain this one coming up and the alert today from the state attorney general to c iforni ren
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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many of them actually stopping at the nfl experience at the mandalay bay hotel on the vegas strip. and that is where we find ktvu. cristina rendon standing by live and cristina, we heard that you were actually able to catch up with one of the greatest at catching the football. that is number 80, jerry rice. >> that is exactly right. mike and julie. it was pretty exciting. this nfl experience opened or the super bowl experience opened at 3:00. and it's only been about two hours now. and around 4:00 we heard that the vince lombardi trophy may be coming out. we'll get to that in just a second, but i just want to give you the lay of the land here at the super bowl experience. so many people walking around here in niners jersey, some chiefs jerseys. but really it's the niners fans that are dominating here. this crowd and we ourselves finally made it to las vegas today after touching down this morning when we walked in it was immediate. you could tell that the stage was empty, but we knew something was going on because we saw a fedex van. so take a look at the video. we shot around 4:00 about
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an hour ago. jerry rice put on those white gloves. he had to make sure that he did not get the vince lombardi trophy dirty at all. it is a pristine trophy. and this is not a replica. this is the actual trophy that will be hoisted to the winning team on super bowl sunday. hopefully for niners fans, it will be the niners that are that will be holding that trophy as well. so jerry rice did the honors kicking off the celebrations here for the super bowl experience. and we heard from him and asked him what it's like for him and what it means for him to be the one to deliver the trophy to the stage. with the niners playing on sunday. >> you know what, guys? i'm going to be honest with you, it's not about me. it's about those players right now. and you know, it's always i have this connection with the fans and i always enjoy giving back. and that's the reason why i'm here. because to show my support. but it's all about those guys going out there playing together. >> brick by brick. >> one heartbeat and win super bowl 58. >> okay, so what you're looking at now is the get moving play 60
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area. lots of people trying out their skills here as a quarterback, tossing the ball, maybe running some routes. there's a big field where kids can run as well. and you know it's pretty difficult. it looks easy. but this is not an easy thing to do. i remember doing this eight years ago when super bowl 50 came to the moscone center in san francisco, and it was fun back then. and i have to do it again. i have to try just for old time's sake. the difference with this though, guys, is that i have a microphone in my hand this time, so i'm going to be throwing one handed. so please, let's do it. bear with me here. uh let's do it. okay. let's see. oh, let's wait for these people to pass. i don't want to hit anybody in the head. >> i wish she could put the microphone down. give her a good shot. there we go. oh. that was. >> hey, dad. >> let's try it one more time. one more again. >> a little higher, a little. right >> ah, yeah. so close. yeah >> much better. maybe third time is going to be the charm. maybe. >> let's see. i think she's having a lot of fun throwing.
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it's all in the mind. oh, sorry to disappoint you guys. >> but you know what? that's why i'm not brock purdy. he's going to do a better job on sunday. you get an a for effort, though. >> i remember i was going to ask you about that eight years ago when you were covering it at moscone center. so how does this, uh, fan experience compare to the one that was in moscone center? eight years ago? and what's the biggest draw for fans? what are people most attracted to at this experience? >> okay, so far there is a section. there's a locker room section that everyone is flocking to. they have a bunch of helmets and a bunch of jerseys that anybody can just take a look, take a selfie that has been a hit so far. uh, as far as this experience compared to moscone, i would say this is bigger. i remember being in the moscone center and it is huge, but this seems to span for, uh, you know, miles, even though it literally is not. but this conference center here at mandalay bay is very large. we're only on one end. it goes all the way past this section here, all the way down to the other end. and there's so many different experiences. this really is disneyland for
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football lovers. if you love football, you would love this experience. it is $25 today or 50 days from here on out until super bowl sunday. so if you're still in the bay area and you're coming down and you don't have tickets to the game, this is still a really great experience to try and learn about the history of the nfl and see the vince lombardi trophy. get your hands on some gear. there's an nfl shop selling all of the official super bowl merchandise is. it's really a very cool experience and it's fun to be back. >> great party and i'm glad you're there in the mic in the left hand football on the right. you did a great job christina. great job. >> appreciate it. if i didn't have the mic, i probably would have made it if i with you nailed it. >> i'm with you on that one, christina. thank you. have fun tonight. >> thanks, christina. well, die hard 40 niners fans are packing up and heading to las vegas for that big game. ktvu is an reuben caught up with some of them, including a brother and sister lucky enough to win some free tickets. >> 40 niners fan philip ramos of turlock can't quite believe his luck. he and his sister won free tickets to the super bowl in las
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vegas through the roof. >> i'm shocked. i'm grateful. um and it's just like now i just can't wait for it to hurry up and get here. >> take a look. super bowl tickets more. >> you two. >> it was a ticketmaster promotion. olivia culpo, fiance of 49ers running back christian mccaffrey, shows the pair at random. surprised them with the tickets and then posted the video to instagram. >> if you saw my face in the video, it was very shocking. my brother started crying and we just couldn't believe it. >> ramos is an army veteran who did two tours in iraq, and although he was desperate to go to the big game, tickets seemed out of reach. >> i'm on a fixed income and i probably wouldn't be able to afford the tickets anyway, so to be gifted this this is amazing. >> with ticket prices anywhere from 5000 to $20,000, even the 408 faithful had to think twice. but joe iturralde, who goes to nearly every game, was determined not to miss this one.
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>> i thought it was expensive. in miami four years ago, and this. whoa. it's just, you know. but this is what we save up for. this is what we you know, become season ticket holders for this is the ultimate goal. >> sean spanic is going to he says the game is all he can think about. he's hoping this rematch with the chiefs will mean 49ers redemption. i've been having sleepless nights, just like the players, to be honest with you. for phillip ramos, there are souvenirs to purchase and there's a new skill to learn. instagram he wants to make sure he documents every bit of this trip, so now i got to figure it out. >> i got a lot of people going, we're going to live through your eyes. so yeah, so it's like i got to at least not let them down. >> a lot of fans we spoke to are already hitting the road. however, phillip ramos and his sister still have a few days to gear up and finish packing their stuff. they fly out to vegas for this experience of a lifetime on saturday in santa clara. anne ruben, ktvu, fox two news, state attorney general rob bonta is issuing guidance and alerts to protect california renters.
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>> bonta was in san francisco today, where he issued five consumer alerts advising tenants of their rights and protections under state law. he also alerted property managers and landlords of their obligations to their tenants. bonta says those rights and obligations are extended to all californians, regardless of immigration or employment status, race or gender identity. >> we know that some landlords perpetuate discriminatory housing restrictions based on protected characteristics like race, like sexual orientation or source of income, and that is not acceptable. that cannot be our new normal. and in california, we're not going to allow it according to the state budget and policy center, almost 17 million californians live in rented houses and apartments. >> that is, 44% of all state residents. >> coming up, southern california cleaning up tonight following major damage from the recent atmospheric river to hit the area, including hundreds of mudslides. >> also ahead tonight, new figures are out on how common
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fraud has become for home sellers and home buyers. plus, israel rejects hamas latest cease fire deal. >> i'm mike tobin i l av
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of americans who purchased or even sold a home in the last three years have fallen victim to some type of real estate fraud. the company says criminals dig through public
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records, breach broker and title systems and then pose as an involved party in order to steal the funds. the latest data from the fbi shows victims lost more than $440 million in 2022, certified report suggests agents, title agencies and attorneys all need to step up education efforts with their clients to prevent the fraud from happening. positive day out there on wall street, the s&p set another new record high closed within a fraction of a point of the 5000 mark. the dow also fared well, gaining more than 156 points, and the nasdaq had a great day, up 147 points, nearly 1. a good day coming after the latest impressive earnings reports from ford and chipotle. >> now to the middle east, where today israel rejected hamas's latest counteroffer as the war enters its fifth month, the deal would have eventually freed all of the remaining hostages. fox news mike tobin. has more now from tel aviv. >> i'm back, first and foremost, to consult directly with our partners on the joint efforts to bring all of the remaining
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hostages home secretary of state antony blinken giving. an update after israel rejects hamas ceasefire proposal. >> blinken met with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu on the third day of his middle east tour. he's been traveling in the region with the goal of securing a cease fire agreement. there are clearly non starters in in what it what it's put forward. >> um, but we also see space in in uh what came back to pursue negotiations to see if we can get to an agreement. and that's what we intend to do. >> hamas has. offered to release all the remaining hostages in exchange for a 135 day ceasefire in three stages. phase one would be a 45 day pause, where all israeli female hostages, males under 19, the elderly and sick, would be exchanged for palestinian women and children. during phase two, remaining male israeli hostages would be exchanged for palestinian prisoners and israeli forces would leave gaza completely. both sides would exchange remains and bodies in phase
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three, but netanyahu rejected hamas's cease fire terms, saying total victory in gaza is possible within months, tylenol will be offered to the complete victory is the only way to win. >> agreeing to hamas's demands will not bring back your family members. >> how can you accept the deal four and a half months? try restarting a war. after that. hamas would use that time to regroup, rearm and prepare the next onslaught against israel. officials in gaza say the death toll is nearing 28,000. many of those casualties are women and children in tel aviv, mike tobin, fox news. a muddy mess and scenes of destruction in california. >> i'm max gordon in los angeles. i'll have the latest on the atmospheric river that's been slamming california and how an event that's become a super bowl sunday tradition helps raise awareness about pet adoption. >> and we are tracking the weather. we've got some rain today, cleared up this afternoon . is there more rain in time for the weekend? it's not that far off now. we'll look at that
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forecast coming up. growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message. with the majority of my patients with sensitivity i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum and enamel it relieves sensitivity helps restore gum health and rehardens enamel. i am a big advocate
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of recommending things that i know work. [car tires screeching] (♪) whenever heartburn strikes. get fast relief with tums. it's time to love food back. also available tums+ eep support. two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years,
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including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. has 400 land and mudslide since sunday. several people are dead in california, and the state is still in the grips of a dangerous atmospheric river that started on sunday. >> the historic storm triggering
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nearly 500 mudslides across southern california. >> it came down in once and then then, then another two, three times. more mud came down until it just covered the whole entire backyard in santa barbara county. >> a cliffside collapse, erosion on a bluff caused an apartment building's deck to crack and fall. 45 people were displaced. meanwhile, downed trees and utility lines knocked out electricity to hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses. >> it just sounded like a sizzle . about six in the morning, i saw the flashes from the electric pole and went outside to check, and the whole thing had fallen over into the middle of the street. we called 911. >> rescue crews have worked around the clock since the weekend, with dozens of people and even pets plucked from the water. another rescue, the corona fire department, saved three people from a car that drove through a flooded road last night and got stuck. luckily, it did have a safe ending. the historic atmospheric river eased just about over, but one more burst of rain today is complicating recovery efforts. it's not really right now that's
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so difficult, but, um, kind of how quickly it gets back in shape afterwards. >> the landslide that we're standing next to right now is one of 475. >> in los angeles alone, the muddy mess making it difficult for neighbors to get to their homes in los angeles, california. max gordon ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, checking in on the weather. we've got a day tomorrow that will be mostly clear, but there is a slight chance of a shower. we got a frost advisory for the early morning hours and temperatures tomorrow will be on the mild to cool side. you might even see a little bit of snow on top of the peak, especially hamilton. mount hamilton a little higher than diablo. diablo might have a little snow on it tomorrow morning too. and then this high builds in for friday and through sunday, saturday and sunday. then gives us a nice weekend. so a nice dry period and relatively dry tomorrow as well. i think that chance shower would be not much if anything, but we'll keep an eye on it. and so here's the long range model, which we often do. this take us through seven days and then you can see the
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rain moving out today. then you see the trough. we can't really see the trough anywhere. the ridge builds in some clouds on sunday. sunday morning. and then this guy looks interesting. that green comma kind of opens the door a little for this one behind it. right there. and that system and then these systems are the ones out in the pacific. the one behind it, that big green blob out there looks like it has the potential to be a pretty wet as we go into the middle of next week. so that's kind of all i wanted to show you. there was. yeah, the pattern goes into a ridging pattern and then it goes right back into a kind of a zonal flow or a low latitude kind of a subtropical jet or pineapple express or el nino kind of like pattern. that would be the middle end of next week. so we'll keep an eye on that. and then the forecast for the next few days will be nice. overall, this area has to clear out. and while it's trying to clear out, there will be a chance as there is tonight for a few scattered sprinkles out there. the winds are kind of windy now or blowing oakland, gusting to 41 miles an hour, so the winds did pick up a little from the last hour or 36
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miles an hour, gusting at sfo, sustained at 23. so breezy along the coast, sustained at 22 miles an hour down towards san jose. forecasts overnight lows are going to be chilly. we're going to get a frost advisory in the inland bay valleys of the north bay uf just because you're in the east bay doesn't mean you're not going to get frost. but the frost advisory is for the north bay and then these are the forecast overnight lows. so it's going to be chilly just just above freezing in many places and at freezing in other places. and then you see how clear it clears out tomorrow. there is that slight chance of a sprinkle. these are the forecast highs for tomorrow. so kind of cool 52 5455 degrees. and then the five day forecast. so there you go. and as we push into the weekend kind of nice. and then the middle end of next week looks wet julie. >> ooh. all right we're in it for some people. >> super bowl sunday means something other than football coming up we'll show you the competitors in this year's puppy bowl. some of them from right here in the bay area. >> and coming up tonight at six.
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it's a factory that has been making tortillas in the north bay for decades, and now it's moving to kansas . and the reasons why t's aving
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter.
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porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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so this is what happened to a family down south in ojai. that's in ventura county. their camel, uh, named albert. somehow got inside the house after first looking through the pantry. he began going through the rest of the kitchen. very curious. albert is eventually the owner managed to get albert's attention with the good old apple and lure him right back outside. an apple. all right. tens of millions of people are expected to watch the super bowl, but some of them may be watching another big game right before it. and that's the puppy bowl. >> the puppy bowl. it's a chance to raise awareness about pet adoption. ktvu ali rasmus reports from the humane society of silicon valley, the home turf of two of this year's puppy bowl competitors. there's these puppies from the humane society of silicon valley are four legged 49ers fans and friends of two of this year's puppy bowl competitors, frankie and niner, were chosen from the humane society silicon valley shelter to compete in this year's puppy bowl. >> frankie was the smallest of
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the group and the only girl, and she was a spitfire. nin was was just the chunkiest biggest boy, and i just knew together they would be so cute together on screen. frankie and niner had a chance to train with some of their own 49ers coaches ahead of the big game. each puppy had a coach. a lot of smack talking between the two coaches about who's puppy was going to get chosen, and then ultimately both got chosen to go to the big game. we don't know which team won the puppy bowl. >> it airs on sunday. we know that frankie and niner have found forever homes, but there's still many puppies still looking for a family, including puppies like tom. he was part of a group of puppies from the humane society silicon valley that helped with this puppy therapy session for the 49ers before their nfc championship game. several of the dogs were adopted after video of the cuddling session went viral, but tom and others still need a home. >> we have more than 60 animals available for adoption right now. >> their biggest challenge fostering and adopting out large
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dogs that weigh more than 50 pounds. >> i think it's the lack of housing, um, pet friendly housing is really a problem. >> as puppy bowl competitors frankie and niner are now ambassadors, the humane society silicon valley is running a $49 special to adopt out some of their friends at the shelter. we have a link to all the info about it on our website ktvu dot com in milpitas. allie rasmus ktvu, fox two news. >> this is ktvu fox two news at six. >> former oakland police chief leronne armstrong is trying to take the city and the mayor to court. his attorneys say the reasons for his firing were baseless and illegal. >> we believe that those criticisms were unfounded and that the reason he was terminated was retaliatory. >> we need a chief who understands the intricacies of being under the federal oversight. the intricate ways of ensuring that, you know, the progress that we've made here in oakland, that it keeps pace. so with that, armstrong lawsuit
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comes nearly one year since he lost his job, and the mayor has yet to name a permanent chief. >> good evening, i'm julie haney. and i'm mike mibach. >> armstrong was first placed on paid administrative leave last january over allegations he mishandled some internal investigations into officer misconduct. mayor shengtao fired armstrong on february 15th, nearly one year ago. in september, an independent state report exonerated armstrong of any wrongdoing. that his termination was based upon, and then in december, mayor tao rejected a short list of candidates for police chief, and armstrong was on that list. ktvu crime reporter henry lee explains what's now at stake with the lawsuit. >> former oakland police chief laurent armstrong is suing the city and mayor xiang tao, saying he was wrongfully fired. it's important that we file this lawsuit to restore the chief's reputation, billy winter, an attorney for armstrong, says the lawsuit is bolstered by the fact that a neutral arbitrator ruled in the ex-top cop's fa


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