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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  February 8, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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biden's are clear. continuing to quote most notably, after given multiple chances to return classified documents to avoid prosecution, mr. trump allegedly did the opposite. according to the indictment. he not only refused to return the documents for many months, he also obstructed justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and then to lie about it. in contrast, he went on to say mr. biden turned in classified documents to the national archives and the department of justice consented to the search of multiple locations, including his home, sat for voluntary interview and in other ways cooperated with the investigation. end of quote. i've seen the headlines since the report was released about my willful retention of documents. this these assertions are not only misleading, they're just plain wrong. on page 215, if you had a chance. i know it's a long it's a thick document on page 215 of the report of the special counsel found the exact opposite. here's what he wrote. there is in fact, a shortage of
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evidence that i willfully retain classified materials related to afghanistan. on page 12, the special counsel also wrote for another documents the decision to decline criminal charges was straightforward. the evidence suggests that mr. biden did not willfully retain these documents , the evidence said. i did not willfully retain these daca amounts. in addition, another some attention paid to some language in the report about my recollection of events. there's even reference to that. i don't remember when my son died. how in the #### dare he raise that? franklin, when i was asked a question, i thought to myself, wasn't any of their business. let me tell you something. some of you have commented i wear since the day he died, and every single day the rosary he got from our lady of. every memorial day we hold a service remembering him attending by friends and family and the
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people who loved him. i don't need anyone. i don't need anyone to remind me when he passed away or passed away. the simple truth is, i sat for five hours or two days of events going back 40 years at the same time, i was managing an international crisis. their task was to make a decision about whether to move forward with charges. in this case, that's their decision to make. that's the council's decision to make. that's his job . and they decided not to move forward for any extraneous commentary. they don't know what they're talking about. it has no place in this report. the bottom line is the matter is now closed. i'm going to continue what i've always focused on my job of being president of the united states of america. and i thank you. and i'll take some questions. president biden, something the special counsel said in his report is that one of the reasons you were not charged is because in his description, you are a well
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meaning elderly man with a poor memory. >> i'm well meaning and i'm an elderly man and i know what the #### i'm doing. >> i've been president and i put this country back on its feet. i don't need his recommendation. that's totally out of your memory and can you continue as president? my memory is so bad, i let you speak. that's that's that's my memory has gotten worse. >> mr. president. >> my memory is not. my memory is fine. my memory. take a look at what i've done since i've become president. none of you thought i could pass any of the things you've been listening to. >> president biden addressing the nation tonight from the white house after the special counsel report into his handling of classified documents. want to bring in our greg lee now for his thoughts on what president biden just had to say. >> i mean, look, this is a president that is on defense. and while the special counsel has deemed that they are not seeking prosecution for these documents, you heard the question. there that the report said, this is a well meaning elderly man with a poor memory. republicans have jumped on that. remind you this is an election
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year, that they're in the middle of primaries. president biden trying to assure the public and voters that he is up for this job. but that has been a chief concern of a majority of the nation, including democrats, about his mental acuity and physical fitness for this job. and so now he's going in front of the nation and saying, i'm okay, i got this. and he will take questions. but you wonder what that will do to assure people about this situation. >> he is. so you think the president did not like the narrative once this report was released? >> correct. and we and that's why he did this tonight. >> and then what did you think of his tone there? and we know that his defensive right. >> he was coming out in front of the nation and saying this is what it is. his lawyer is already attacking the special counsel and saying what he said about the president's mental acuity does not belong in this report. and he's now trying to shift things to former president trump and his legal issues. again, this is an election year, and this is a president on the defensive tonight. and obviously he has reason to be after seeing what was released in that report today, this was not a scheduled
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talk by the president addressing the nation tonight. >> just moments ago from the white house. we'll get more later from you right now, the 5:00 news starts now. >> ktvu fox two news at five starts now. >> you smash and grab, you put a gun to someone's head. you need to be held to account. period. full stop. i'm not going to sugarcoat that. >> governor newsom says enough is enough. today. he offers even more help to alameda county and the city of oakland in its battle to fight crime. the governor, in an exclusive interview with ktvu calling the situation unacceptable. good evening everyone. >> i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener, the governor announcing today he is sending state attorneys from the department of justice and the california national guard to help prosecute crimes in oakland and the east bay. now the move comes just two days after he deployed 120 more chp officers to the area, targeting theft and violent crime. ktvu political reporter greg lee spoke exclusively. with the governor during his stop in oakland. >> he's pretty fed up about this situation. yeah, mike, julie gavin newsom said. >> he is alarmed by what he is
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seeing in oakland. and he said candidly, the state needs to do more. that's why he said he's sending these increased crime fighting resources to alameda county. he did not put a time frame on how long the help would be here, but he says they need to see results and a dent put into these issues. anyone at hand governor gavin newsom carried a trashed barbecue off the side of i-880 in oakland. the unannounced stop and clean up part of the state's three year old clean california initiative to get trash off of roadways and public spaces. >> i love doing this, and that's about restoring the final point a little pride back in oakland. this is a special place. they absolutely this oakland, calif, we're over 2 million cubic square yards of litter picked up across the state. >> the more dirty a place is, the less well it's kept that it leads to crime related issues. >> for governor newsom, focusing his energy this week on trying to clean up oakland of trash and crime. thursday, he announced he's sending state attorneys to
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help prosecute crimes in oakland in the east bay. two days after he deployed 120 more chp officers to the area targeting theft and crime, particularly focused on vehicle theft and vehicle break ins. >> that's unacceptable. retail workers that are smashed their windows over and over and over again, that's unacceptable. i don't like these headlines at denny's leaving. i don't like the headlines of in and out leaving the governor pointing to statistics from oakland in 2023 showing violent crime up 21, robbery increasing 38, and vehicle theft increasing 45, while other parts of the state have seen decrease, as some have described this as a tougher on crime approach from you. >> do you agree with that? that common sense? >> it's not tougher on comments keeping people safe. people can't live with feeling terrorized by the fact their car has been broken into 4 or 5, six times. you can't live like that. can't expect small business person to put everything on the line. take risks and have new beginnings. investing in oakland if they feel like their place is going to be robbed.
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>> the anti-police terror project condemned the move to bring more chp officers to oakland, instead calling for more community prevention measures. newsom pointed to investments the state has made in community programs, including the clean up efforts by the freeway. >> i want accountability and i want community building at the same time, and it's not it's not either or. and i'm just not interested in the old binaries of the past, newsom stressed. >> this is the state working with local government. you have people that are frustrated, like you described, that are tired of their cars getting broken into. they point to the chief situation. they point to the mayor. what do you tell those people i got? >> i got ten fingers. none of them are pointing in any direction. all of us are in this together. i'm not interested in who's to blame. i want to solve this problem. >> the frustration is real. i'm also frustrated. but, you know, we have to ensure that we diagnose the problem, which we have. and now this is the implementation phase. >> the governor has called for new legislation to crack down on property crime, but has stood by proposition 47. the law that changed some felonies to misdemeanors. this, despite criticism from republicans and now some in his own party,
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calling for reforms to the law. >> 10th toughest felony thresholds in the united states of america. when you assert something, you got to back it up. and the challenge right now is a lot of people are pointing fingers without frankly, understanding those facts. but the fact remains we can improve how we prosecute organized retail theft. and that is something we are advancing now in his demand for accountability, the governor said his office would be sharing his results of what he calls a blitz in oakland. >> he also said to expect more announcements in this space moving forward. so the governor taking this to heart and saying more needs to be done. okay, so oakland has been without a police chief for a year now. >> did he say anything today about putting pressure on the commission or the mayor to move that process along? >> yeah, and i asked the governor right in front of the mayor. i said, are you frustrated that things are what they are? and he said, we're here to offer support, not be combative. and he said, i
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support localism, which means supporting the mayor to make the decisions that she needs to. but obviously, if you speak to residents and business owners, they have been beating the drum saying, we need a chief and this is the source of a lot of the issues in addition to many other things. but you have to wonder behind doors if there's a conversation between the two, the governor and the mayor, and he may be encouraging the mayor to say, hey, let's get this done. especially as you bring in all this support for this city that has been struggling and you have to wonder if that is certainly part of those conversations. yeah >> she herself said it's time for the implementation process, so let's get things implemented and go, yeah. all right greg, thank you greg. >> well, the governor spoke about his plan to send state attorneys to alameda county to help prosecute criminals. ktvu crime reporter henry lee live tonight in the newsroom with that part of the story. henry. >> yeah. mike. the governor in california, attorney general are sending what's known as dags and jags. deputy attorneys general and judge advocate generals to help alameda county da pamela price jags working with the state doj. >> and we're going to support the da to aggressively start to prosecute folks as well. >> it's all hands on deck, rightfully so, to work together and help each other out and lift up oakland and the east bay in
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the in the process. governor gavin newsom is sending three judge advocates general or national guard attorneys to embed with alameda county da pamela price's office to prosecute drug cases and violent crime. >> the state ag rob bonta, making available his deputies to help tackle complex crimes and organized retail theft. they will be following our policies with respect to charging price rejected any assertions from critics that the state stepping in reflect negatively on her leadership, or that the outside attorneys are replacing those who have left her office. >> my detractors are disappointed that their candidate lost, so it's unfortunate, but we're doing a great job. our deputies are every day prosecuting cases. >> ryan costa is prosecutor under price, who's running to unseat san francisco da brooke jenkins. >> we should be open to help and more resources and collaboration. i think partnerships is a good thing. it's like putting a band-aid on a broken arm. >> alameda county public defender brendan woods says the county needs to invest in education, housing and employment.
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>> all this is going to do is increase the amount of black and brown people that are incarcerated in cage in alameda county, ktvu legal analyst michael cardoza says the chain of command better be clear cut. >> otherwise you're going to have a mini da's office within the da's office doing something completely different than the incumbent da. >> it could be a horrid mess. now the start date has not been determined and these attorneys will be working with the alameda county district attorney's office through a top veteran prosecutor in the office, mike all right, henry lee, live tonight in the newsroom. >> henry. >> thank you. the mayors of the bay area's two largest cities are throwing their support behind an effort to overhaul a state law aimed at reducing jail populations. san jose mayor matt mahan and san francisco mayor london breed announced their support this morning to roll back parts of proposition 47. it was passed by voters ten years ago to reduce punishments for drug possession and theft of property worth less than $950. mayor mahan says prop 47 was not
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perfect and has had significant unintended consequences. i i like mayor london breed and hundreds of thousands of california prisons. >> am signing the petition. to put this important measure on the november 20th, 24 ballot and return common sense to our criminal justice system. >> mayor breed, who initially supported prop 47, says the goal of the reform effort is not to keep people locked up, but to have real consequences for crimes that are committed. >> i cannot express my gratitude enough for the police department and their dedication to this case. >> tonight, a story of gratitude. how new dna technology is closing some cold cases from the 1970s and bringing closure and healing to the families of the victims. plus talk about storm damage at
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a giant dock. >> more than 300ft long, slammed into other docks right here on bethel island. and the folks here want something done about it. >> with super bowl 58 now just three days away, you can feel the build. i've got a live report coming up from las vegas and we are tracking the rain around here. >> well, there is no rain around here, but what happens now is it gets cold overnight. frost advisory again for parts of the bay area. i'll have those details coming up. snow up on hamilton as well. that was a sight to see this morning from the south bay. i'll see you back here after the break. this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good."
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blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer.
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those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution. in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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infer some hall of famers. ktvu joe fonzi live tonight from las vegas. the party joe picking up. >> it is picking up mike. you know there are a lot of extravagant things associated with super bowl week, but the fan experience is really a neat one. it's got a little bit of something for everybody, no matter who your favorite team is, and you don't have to buy an expensive game ticket to come here and enjoy this. but you guys asked me last night if we could kind of feel the buildup. maybe not so much on wednesday night, but it's definitely building now with the super bowl just three days away. as the week gets closer to game time, the buildup can be felt everywhere. hallways that were empty on monday and tuesday, they are suddenly packed with fans of any of the 32 nfl teams, but obviously. 49ers and chiefs
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heavy. >> yeah that's brady. yes, sir. >> it's also a time when the big hitters on and off the field show up. mr. las vegas wayne newton. everybody's trying to get this bills quarterback josh allen pitching subway sandwiches and a guy that 49ers saw twice this year has gone from obscurity to record setting rookie receiver puka nacua. >> it was one heck of a year. it's so fun and i'm glad i came out healthy. >> and we have to ask you, as a guy who's seen the 40 niners twice already this year, if you have to pick somebody this week who do you think has the edge? >> uh, i'm an offensive guy, so i'm going to go with the best. the chiefs i think the chiefs, they got a good offense with that guy. number 15 back there who's pretty crazy. >> 40 niner fans will always have a soft spot in their hearts for tight end vernon davis, who's written a book with the foreword authored by his former coach, mike singletary. >> the story about him sending me to the locker room, that's a that's a powerful story because it goes back to the connection
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that we were able to like, create over time. it's very inspiring when you hear what he has to say about some of the challenges that i had to face and that he inspired me to push the push, the limits to get even better hype about the game isn't the only thing that builds a hall of fame finalists. >> find out today if they receive their sports ultimate honor. davis's teammate patrick willis is expected to be voted in. >> he deserves it. i mean, you're talking about a guy who played at the highest level when it comes to playing the linebacker position. he deserves it. he deserves it. we wouldn't have been able to win all of those games without him. i started crying, uh, to think to be elevated into the highest level of their sport in terms of your accomplishments, it's really gripping and it was just like i said, i was in tears. >> it really is the ultimate honor for a football player. >> it is the ultimate honor meant a lot. >> i didn't know how i was acting, i probably was relieved
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because it was eight tries, but yeah, it's a feeling that you don't. >> you don't get every day. guys want to be super bowl champs. they don't want to be hall of famers. >> by the time we get to thursday of super bowl week, you have to remind yourself that this is probably the only thing with this much buildup for what is ultimately just a 3.5 hour event. so yeah, you know what's really neat about this, guys? and i you've said it. i've covered a lot of super bowls, but you just never know day to day who you're going to run into. we started with a clean slate and then you run into vernon davis. you run into all those hall of famers, uh, and then wayne newton to boot. and carrot top yesterday. so you just don't know what you're going to see at the super bowl. it's a mixed bag i know, joe, like you said, you've been covering these for years. >> super bowls. what's your favorite part? is it running around just kind of bumping into people at random that you haven't seen for years or talking to old veteran players? what do you like the most? >> yeah, i would have to say that is the favorite part for me . uh, i've been so fortunate to
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do this all these years, and you do develop friendships with people. hadn't seen vernon davis for a few years. uh, we ran into takeo spikes. yeah today. and when you get to run into a guy that, you know, we covered them from all those years and you develop a little bit of a friendship with them, i will say, for me, that's probably the favorite part as well. >> and real quick, joe, for all the 40 niners fans here in the bay area, just an update on the team. is it lockdown time? like are they just fired? you know, dialed in on practices. no more media. yeah >> today was their last media availability. yeah. the two opposing coaches will meet tomorrow. and then it's, uh, locked down time on saturday. and uh, game day on sunday. a really quick too. >> i want to ask you about the practice field. i know there was controversy and concern about the 40 niners having to practice at outside at unlv, and the chiefs getting to practice inside. how has that been for the 40 niners? did you hear anything new today? hey, no, the funny thing about that, remember that was kind of a big story on monday.
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>> then the commissioner held a press conference and he disputed everything that was said. and all of a sudden things got very quiet about that. so i think it was one of those situations where when the commissioner speaks, everybody says, okay, uh, that's beyond our pay grade to go above his head. >> all right. joe fonzi live from las vegas, joe. thank you. thanks, joe. >> super bowl sunday, no doubt a very big day. and we do have you covered here at ktvu. we've got our quest for six shows. all niners, all the time. the first special airing 930 tomorrow morning. there's a live show also from vegas. sunday, nine in the morning and then a countdown to kick off show at noon on sunday. all right. we saw some sunny skies out there today, but , uh, you could actually see some snow here. julie. lingering out there at least on one bay area peak. yeah. >> look at that. sky fox brought us this video over mount hamilton. it got a good dusting of snow. you can see the covered hillsides there of course. a very chilly morning around the bay area. it's always fun to see a little dusting of snow on our bay area mountain peaks. let's
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go over to our chief meteorologist, bill martin. now for more on this really kind of cool weather. but it is winter after all. but it's nice to get a little break from the rain as well. >> yeah, and hamilton, mount hamilton in the south bay. it's higher than you think. it's 4267ft up there. so it's i think it's a good knowledge right there. yeah. well google they knew this was coming but no but yeah a little bit of snow up there. it was cold last night a little bit of snow flurry activity up on diablo. but diablo not as high right there. good. 500ft lower. so yeah it's that time of year to where we start seeing snow on bay area peaks late february through march is when we start getting these these cold storms drier storms, but colder storms. so here's the long range model because i like it. we're just going to do it. it does it mean a lot sometimes it's real good at locating jet position, jet stream position and the you know, where the storms are, what latitude they're at, are they high or are they low where they come from? and what's what's the trend going to be this week? and so as i roll this forward, you
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kind of see that you can see the ridge pretty much kind of just those lines going north to south there. and you see that little bump right there. so ridge, ridge ridge that's sunday something tried to get in. you see that doesn't happen. and then this guy looks gamey here right there like oh here we go. and then it kind of bumps into the ridge. so the ridge looks like it has the model is saying the ridge has the potential to be pretty aggressively strong and bump that out of here and then detract probably that next one out there, that big one that looks like the real deal, but that might get pushed to the north too. so we'll see this one, that one we're staring at right now, that would be a major storm if it were able to get in here. look at the latitude. it's stretching from all the way from the aleutian islands down to the hawaiian islands. so that's a big, big setup there. and i'm going to step back out of here. i left the little box, guys. so here's there we go. and then we so we got the forecast which includes a frosted advisory tonight. and that frost advisory will stay in effect through tomorrow morning. and it's bigger now. more area more coverage than we had yesterday
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or this morning. it was here. now it's kind of everybody. so in the morning scraping windshields early to work jackets for the kids. i'll see you back here in a few minutes. all right bill, thank you. >> coming up next tonight, important arguments at the supreme court. it is a case that will have an effect on this year's presidential election. plus, coming up at six. coming up, a fixed income community in berkeley hasn't had their mail delivered in more than five months. >> i'm crystal bailey, and i spoke to one elderly woman who says she's done everything she co
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for that state's ballot. fox news rebecca castor shows us how the justices are navigating uncharted, uncharted legal territory. >> donald trump and colorado voters who want him off the presidential ballot had their day in court. the nation's most powerful, for that matter. i thought it was very it's a very beautiful process. >> the court's nine justices now deciding whether to uphold or overturn a colorado court's ruling barring trump from the ballot over insurrection claims, an effort spearhead by 91 year old norma anderson, a former colorado state senator. and lifelong republican. >> i've gone through a lot of presidents, and this is the first one that is trying to destroy the constitution. but during public arguments before the supreme court, the justices
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seemed wary of allowing one state to determine a national election. >> what's a state doing? deciding who gets to be who? other citizens get to vote for? for president? >> colorado is not deciding who other states get to vote for president. it's deciding how to assign its own electors under its article two power. >> trump is facing ballot challenges in more than a dozen states with super tuesday in colorado's primary in less than a month away. that's why the supreme court's decision will likely come quickly, and either days or weeks. >> i think if you ask the people of colorado, the consensus of those people would be we can be trusted to elect whoever we want to elect. >> the justices spent almost no time debating whether trump actually did engage in insurrection on january 6th. trump has repeatedly said he was not trying to incite violence during the capitol riot, and says his speech was protected by the first amendment from the supreme court. rebecca castor, fox news.
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>> i feel so down on the dock and we see this massive 500 foot dock coming towards us, breaking loose. >> the massive dock that broke away from its moorings during this week's storm, causing some dangerous conditions in the east bay. >> and two bay area women sexually assaulted and killed back in the 1970s. tonight, the families finally have justice. how dna linked them to the killer
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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in contra costa county during this week's storm. and now that 300 foot marina dog is threatening property, it's even levees around it. ktvu tom vacar spent the day on bethel island to see what the damage, and also what's being done to fix it. anchor marina dock last sunday going down taylor slough, a high wind and rain deluge on bethel island apparently caused a gigantic section of a marina, floating boathouse from the closed anchor marina to break loose and break up. >> one section is 300ft long, the other up to 200ft. the winds were, i'm telling you, gusts 5060 miles an hour. >> and i was like paul revere, running down the levee, going the docks are coming, the docks are coming, neighbor ray walton said. >> even though it's often windy here, this was different. >> it was gusting. so you could you could barely stand up.
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>> it's very dangerous and very scary. there's nothing you could do. it was massive. >> the wind driven docks sped down the slough, doing serious damage to as many as ten homeowner boat moorings and slamming into the adjacent levee on jersey island. since then, changing winds and currents have caused the huge breakaway docks to go up and down. taylor slough, doing even more damage. >> at one point, there might have been, uh, eight, ten, 15 people all down here trying to figure out what to do about it. >> the very temporary solution at least tie down the big section with the help of a knowledgeable friend. >> he started with his rope, tying it up at different locations. the idea was that we didn't want it to move away. >> there's two more docks sitting over there ready to come out in the next storm. >> neighbors say that anchor marina has been a rodent infested eyesore, a garbage pit and a fire hazard with a long time squatters camp to boot. places been neglected for years,
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and the county shut it down. >> this has been a problem. you can anchor marina. you had nothing but police reports over there and no electricity, no sewage and no water. >> fact of the matter is, whatever needs to be done needs to be done sooner than later. why because we have almost three more months of the rainy season and big storms, possibly coming up. tom vacar ktvu, fox two news pkg says 5000 crews are working to restore electricity to customers who lost power during sunday's storm. >> the mostrillionecent numbers show just over 11,000 customers are still without electricity this evening. the bulk of those are in the north bay, with about 6500 still in the dark. that's followed by the south bay at about 1900 pg. and e says access to some sites remains a challenge, especially if heavy equipment is needed. >> i know it's been frustrating for our customers to be without power, and these last outages that we have require very
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methodical work because we're going into customers backyards. there were instances where we can't get there because the customer is not there. they need to give us access. the east bay has actually seen an uptick in outages today, from 300 this morning to about 1400 tonight. >> a sinkhole in san francisco's mission district has now been repaired. the eight foot wide hole started forming yesterday afternoon right near 14th and guerrero. at least two vehicles had tires blow out after hitting it. lanes were then blocked off while crews worked overnight making those repairs. officials have not yet said what caused the sinkhole. also in san francisco, police are investigating a fatal hit and run south of market. the officers responded to the area of sixth and bryan around 5:00 this morning. they found someone with life threatening injuries who was pronounced dead at the scene. the victim's identity has not been released. no word yet on the maker model of the car that drove off, or a description of the driver in the east bay. >> two cold cases are now closed after dna technology helped police identify an oregon man
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responsible for murder. 50 years ago. police say fred farnham is the suspect in two sexual assaults and homicide, but he died back in 2007 of unknown causes at the age of 73. authorities say genetic genealogy linked farnham to the 1972 sexual assault and beating death of nellie hicks in newark. her body was found by one of her sons. farnham was also tied to the 1979 sexual assault and beating. death of teresa pica in hayward, 45 years is a long time . >> it's been a long time for generations of investigators who have worked on this case and it's been a long time for the families of the victims and our community as they've waited for answers. this case passed through the hands of generations of investigator, and their determination and tenacity has brought this case to a close. as technology evolved, the latest dna evidence and fingerprint capabilities were sent and resent for processing of the
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evidence collected. >> in 1972, police say they believe other unsolved cases in the bay area may be linked to farnham. >> they're asking any agencies with similar incidents to give them a call. still ahead tonight, the 49ers not the only bay area team making news today. coming up, a look at the oakland roots and their plan for the upcoming season. >> also a chance for the community to get involved in keeping the aapi community safe. >> and drug company ceos grilled on capitol hill today. the push to bring down the sky high prices of med ions
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two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists. he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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some lawmakers, however, say they want real solutions rather than those sound bites. fox's connor hansen has the story. >> the american people are sick and tired of paying, in some cases ten times more for prescription drugs. the ceos of johnson and johnson, merck and bristol-myers squibb on capitol hill thursday questioned over high prescription prices and why americans pay so much more than other countries. >> committee chairman bernie sanders is grilling merck's ceo over the price of a life saving cancer drug. >> yes or no? is it true that the list price of keytruda is
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$191,000 a year in the united states? >> that is close to being true. yes. thank you. >> is it true that that same exact drug can be purchased in canada for 112,000 a year and $44,000 a year in japan, generally? >> yes. >> ceo robert davis arguing pricing can be extremely complicated and says middlemen in the pharmaceutical market are partly to blame for high costs. the drug makers say they're at the forefront of innovation and creating effective new drugs is expensive and takes years. the united states has built a health care system that prioritizes patient and physician choice. while some democrats accuse the massive companies of being more focused on profits, some republicans said the entire health care system needs to be examined, and we grossly over oversimplify our problem and blame corporations. >> we demand ceos come before the committee for public verbal stoning, drug prices could be a significant talking point on the
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presidential campaign trail. >> just this week, president biden went after trump, claiming his policies would raise prescription prices in new york. connor hansen, fox news it's devastating. >> i rethink that the last few games all the time. >> the oakland roots missed the playoffs by a single game last year, but the 2024 squad is back and better. coming up next, our frank mallicoat has a look at this year's team, and it's going to be a chilly one again tonight. >> that frost advisory has been extended to include much of the bay area, so we'll take a peek at that beautiful sunset right now. we'll take a peek at the weekend and win when we might see the wet stuff again two leading candidates for senate. two very different visions for california. steve garvey, the leading republican, is too conservative for california. he voted for trump twice and supported republicans for years, including far right conservatives. adam schiff, the leading democrat, defended democracy against trump and the insurrectionists.
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he helped build affordable housing, lower drug costs, and bring good jobs back home. the choice is clear. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. hey billy, how you doin?
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community. san francisco supervisors. aaron peskin and connie chan were part of a group holding a rally this morning outside city hall. it was ahead of a public safety committee hearing on crime and violence targeting asian american seniors. the point of the hearing was to help create a platform for agencies such as the police department and the da's office to report what's being been happening with hate crimes in the city. >> i want to give a chance to the community to be a platform for them to really voice their concerns and tell us what is it that they are seeing on the streets, and what is it that they need from the city so that we can do better to protect them
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and ensure their safety? >> the district attorney's office says there are currently 41 hate crimes being investigated in san francisco, 25 are based on race and 13 of the victims in those crimes are from the aapi community and the diversity of the asian community was celebrated by the us postal service. >> the new forever stamp in honor of the year of the dragon was unveiled at san francisco's san francisco city hall today, mayor london breed helped do the honors. the stamp features a folk art style dragon mask, similar to those used in lunar new year parades. >> ours is truly a world culture , which is why it is so important that our stamps reflect the nation's rich multicultural heritage and tradition. as >> the lunar new year stamps have been produced now for more than 30 years, and the postal service says they are some of the most popular series year after year. >> the city of oakland has lost three of its professional sports teams in the last five years, but one thing has remained constant the oakland roots ktvu
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frank mallicoat was at media day today celebrating the soccer team's six eighth season here in the bay area. time to get pumped up because soccer is back. >> oakland roots style. we've been working very hard in pre-season. >> we have some new additions to the team that we're very excited about. um, had some good games and looking forward to the upcoming preseason games that are going to come right now, like the city, oakland's roots are diverse. >> they're 19 players represent 12 different countries, including second year defender brian tamaki's, the captain of el salvador's national team. he is one of the most popular players in that country, and whenever we post about him, it just goes viral in there. >> in el salvador more than anywhere else. yeah like messi status. i would say for el salvador, there are people as big as messi. >> fresnos johnny rodriguez is the roots cover boy. he led the team with a dozen goals last season, and the fifth year striker wants even more this
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year. >> i told the coaches the number, i won't say it on here, but the coaches know and hopefully by the end of the year, you guys will know the goal that i'm reaching for and hopefully it's a little higher. >> palo alto's paul blanchett was last year's usl save king, one of a handful of local roots who are forever staying true to their name. >> we make sure that everything we're doing is uplifting. oakland and it's about oakland first. always. it's about knowing your roots and where you come from and representing the city at the highest level. >> the roots open up the first of 17 home games on march the 9th. it's a saturday night and all those games are played at cal state east bay in hayward. tickets are still available, but if you can't make the game, you can watch it on ktv. icu plus, with the roots here in alameda, i'm frank mallicoat, ktvu, fox two news. >> all righty then. lovely day today. kind of nice to dry. there are a couple sprinkles. tried to come through. i saw it on the satellite and i didn't see anything touching down further south. there were a few
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sprinkles, but turned out to be a nice day. this is the story and you know that that's that's classic high pressure ridge over the top. everything goes away from us. it's going to be a pretty strong ridge too. so it looks like it's going to hold up to the middle of next week. but with the ridge a high pressure, the high, the air sinks. right. and when the air sinks, it gets down around the surface and it just gets clear. the air. there's no not any cloud cover typically. and so you get these cool nights and that's what we're going to get. so the frost advisory has been extended to for the southland or to peninsula south down to santa cruz in the inland valleys, everything away from the bay. but you pick up sausalito here. san francisco's out of the frost advisory. frost advisories are funny because i'm not a big gardener. not i don't know how to do that really that well. but it is it does impact us when you get get you're in a rush in the morning, right? and you grab in your credit card trying to scrape, scrape the windows and stuff. so that's how frost advisory affects, i think me and most of us, for the most part, i'm sure there's certain plants, probably many plants that don't like it, but i just don't know
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about them. so again, let's interesting. i kind of see. i kind of almost looks like virga, like rain kind of showers, kind of trying to come down, you know, you see that sometimes it evaporates before it hits the ground. that would make sense. i don't know if that's what that was or not. might just been the camera. so the ridge of high pressure that's the story through tomorrow through the weekend through monday. tuesday there'll be some clouds coming in for the most part, but overall we look dry through wednesday. there is an opportunity for some aggressive weather kind of late in the week next week. it showed up last night and then tonight it's a little the model sort of backed off it a little bit. so so it's hard to say anyway when you're that far out. it's kind of ridiculous sometimes to. but right now it looks like it's going to going to be kind of dry right through the middle of the week next week. so we're in good shape. there's the frost advisory. we talked about that. we've got forecast overnight lows that are very similar to last night, which were cold and just above freezing, but still, you know, 33 degrees is cold in this time of year, especially if
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you're in concord or in clayton. so friday morning, friday afternoon or friday evening, saturday morning, there's the valley fog. you see it show up there and that means it'll probably be little valley of fog for us as well. just didn't pick up on the model. and then there's saturday night and then sunday a couple clouds start to come in. so the forecast highs tomorrow a lot like today. kind of chilly today. kind of chilly. it's kind of chilly in here actually i should say that. but that's just the fan. so there's a five day forecast. and you can see we've got temperatures that are going to try to warm up a little bit into the low 60s, which is pretty typical for this time of year. i'll see you back here at six devils avenue. and brandon are you and god loves ralph curtis hands a new spin on an old niner anthem. >> hear the new version of we are the 49ers and the producer behind it. >> next and coming up tonight at six, a friendly wager between a senior home on the peninsula and one in kansas city. as long time 40 niner fans get excited about
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer. those are good careers! but i chose a different path. first, as mayor and then in the legislature. i enshrined abortion rights in our california constitution.
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in the face of trump, i strengthened hate crime laws and lowered the costs for the middle class. now i'm running to bring the fight to congress. you were always stubborn. and on that note, i'm evan low, and i approve this message.
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sports authenticator shows purdy is the hottest card on the market, heading into super bowl 58, and the 49ers and chiefs not the only ones practicing and getting ready for sunday. >> the singers for the lead up to the game and halftime show are also getting ready for the super bowl. reba mcentire will sing the national anthem and post malone will sing america the beautiful. both say they are honored they've been chosen. >> and then there is the big halftime show. usher headlining this year's super bowl halftime show. it's being billed as a performance, quote, 30 years in the making. >> i wanted to put on a show that i felt would represent my idea of creativity. what i've been able to do is bring a great deal of atlanta and the melting pot that it is musically, culturally, uh, to las vegas. um you know, usher doesn't get paid for the halftime show. >> the appearance is considered a great opportunity for artists because of the streaming and sales generated by the performance. well, one musical fan of the niners is also a
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grammy award winning producer who has worked with some legendary recording artists. >> he first produced an anthem for the 40 niners nearly 40 years ago, right before they won their second super bowl ktvu. >> amberleigh shows us now that he has a new version for the team's quest for a sixth championship. we will rock you till we win the fight. >> say we're the 40 niners. >> narada michael walden, a three time grammy award winning producer, was dynamite and a 49ers faithful composes a new anthem for his beloved team at his recording studio in san rafael. he tells me the nfc championship game against the detroit lions inspired him to give the niners a musical boost. >> then we miraculously won that game. i said, okay, let me see what i can do to help give energy for the super bowl. this song is a new spin on his first anthem for the 40 niners, which he wrote in 1984 before the team went on to win super bowl 18.
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this music, which i know is a higher power, can really help, you know, help get get things to victory. we cut the song on for the 40 niners. >> walden shows me the original track on tape that he keeps inside a vault. he tells me 49ers great ronnie lott, seen here on the right, inspired him and sang in the original song. in this new 2024 version, walden gives shout outs to current players deebo samuel and brandon . >> are you and god love frankfurt? his hands. >> he enlisted the help of his wife and three children for the chorus. >> i produced a song called i'm every woman. >> walden tells me all the good vibes from creating and recording great music in this studio with legends such as whitney houston, mariah carey and aretha franklin will be positive. energy passed on to the team. his 49ers anthem can be found under his name, narada michael walden on youtube. >> may the best man win, but i
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know if our team plays well, it's going to be a #### of a party. our. michael. thank god walden wants all 49ers fans to hear the anthem and sing along with it all to bring good luck to the team to get their sixth super bowl win at tarpan studios in san rafael. >> amber lee ktvu, fox two news. there are spikes in some crimes in oakland and in the east bay, and the east bay is my home. >> i care deeply about it and its future. >> next, at six, the state attorney general announcing a plan to send additional prosecutors to help tackle ongoing crime issues in alameda county, also, there's nothing about this place that can't be fixed. >> nothing. >> the governor pays a visit to oakland, cleaning up blight by city streets and freeways. he spoke exclusively with ktvu about oakland's problems, and we are now just three days away
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from the 49ers played in super bowl 58. >> we are live tonight inside the super bowl experience in las vegas. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at six. >> and good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> we begin tonight with the latest announcement from state leaders to address the ongoing crime wave in oakland. and the east bay. just yesterday, the governor announced the state will send 120 chp officers into oakland to help with crime enforcement. today, the governor and state attorney general announced plans to send state prosecutors to help with prosecution in alameda county. the governor also spoke today about the ongoing efforts to clean up trash along freeways across the state. ktvu henry lee begins our coverage. >> the jags, working with the state doj, and we're going to support the da to aggressively start to prosecute folks as well. >> it's all hands on deck, rightfully so. to work together and help each other out and lift up oakland and


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