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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  February 14, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm PST

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plus a lot of these drivers are hurt. what you hear is what you see right now is the hurt. >> a date night strike. some
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rideshare drivers picketing, picking. excuse me. valentine's day to send an anti love letter to their employer. plus love is still in the air. this holiday and so are wedding vows. the couple saying i do on the official day of love. >> this is ktvu fox two news at 730. >> a sweet day for many. nice to have you with me on this valentine's. i'm heather holmes, a love took center stage today at san francisco's city hall. more than 100 couples choosing valentine's day today to exchange vows and express their love and commitment to one another. ctv's alice wertz has more on the february 14th ceremonies to have and to hold from this day forward. >> it was a busy and bustling day at san francisco city hall. serious and yet joyful. >> i now pronounce you husband and wife. yay you may kiss woo! >> valentine's day will always
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be extra special for those who chose this day to marry in one of the most iconic landmarks in san francisco, lily lang. and lake everett of berkeley have been together for eight years. i work for the city, and so when i found out that extra appointments were being opened up on valentine's day, i thought, well, this is one way he can always remember an anniversary. >> it was the perfect occasion. >> couples come from around the bay area, the state and the world to marry in san francisco today. lots of fashion, flowers and love in the air. we do our marriages in english, french, spanish and cantonese language if requested. >> i've been performing marriages since 2009 and married about 10,000 couples. it's so much fun to be with people and they're so happy. >> john plesch has worked in city hall for 23 years before he retired twice. now he's back volunteering as a marriage commissioner once a week to serve as an officiant.
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>> my favorite part is just performing the ceremony. it's just so much fun. >> many told us why they chose today of all days to marry. >> he asked me to be his girlfriend on valentine's day. he proposed on valentine's day, so this was the only day there is for us and all the excitement wasn't lost on the flower girls. >> for mrs. lara's wedding. what is valentine's mean to you? um the day of love. a very busy and fun loving day in san francisco. over 160 couples will be married on valentine's day, and the buzzwords today i do in san francisco, alice wurtz, ktvu, fox two news, and congrats to all of those couples. >> will san francisco mayor london breed today joining city leaders and the lgbtq plus community to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the winter of love back in 2004. then san francisco mayor gavin newsom defied the federal ban on gay marriage and issued marriage licenses to same sex couples.
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today mayor breed marked the occasion by renewing vows for two couples, including a couple who was married at city hall 20 years ago and the city's executive director for sf pride. mayor breed said that the city is proud of its long support for the community. >> when we think about the challenges that this community still faces, what i am most proud of is what san francisco continues to do to lead the way people may want to talk about us and write us off, but we know what we stand for. >> we tell them all the time, write san francisco off all you want, but you better write in pencil. mta >> the mayor also announced that this year's theme for pride month will be beacon of love. okay, turning now to our weather and the rain has returned to the bay area. this is what it looked like in downtown san francisco earlier this afternoon. you can see a lot of people carrying umbrellas and wearing hoods to try to stay dry. and here's what it looked like as people began their commute back home on the
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wetrillionoads roads. this was along highway 17, in the santa cruz mountains. the chp, as always, asking drivers to stay safe and to slow down during this wet weather. and here's a live look now at the golden gate bridge and you can see, boy, there is light traffic out there right now. drivers navigate hitting the roads, the lamppost illuminating just how saturated the road there is. okay, let's bring in our meteorologist, mark tamayo, and mark the rain today. really only the beginning. >> yeah. and we are talking about stronger storms as we head into the holiday weekend. but there was a nice little burst of a downpour this afternoon. >> really? yeah. later on today. >> absolutely. yeah. so yeah, it kind of reflected in those rainfall amounts. we're not talking about flood warnings or anything like that, but still pretty impressive. and a few spots especially up in the north bay and san francisco, downtown san francisco, point two two, but only a couple hundred of an inch in san jose, concord .07. so you can see the rainfall from today. in fact, this is the first of several storms that will move into the bay area. so periods of rain today, system two, that will definitely be stronger as we start off the
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weekend. and then sunday night into monday and possibly. tuesday. that could be talking about a stronger storm with heavy rain and the potential for some stronger winds as well. so here is today's system, at least with the forecast models thinking. now the headline we get a break tomorrow. there's a chance of a shower tomorrow morning. but for the most part into the afternoon hours, we get a chance to dry out. friday. we should be dry, but then into saturday you can see that system coming on board and then another one queuing up offshore. that will be sunday night especially and into early monday morning. in fact, monday is the stormy day and that could continue into tuesday as well. so these numbers will really add up. today was just kind of a, you know, the kind of a introductory storm as it moved into the bay area. but the real rainfall will move in as we head toward the weekend and into early next week and look at the coastal hills of the north bay. we could be talking about six and a half to possibly eight inches. we'll definitely have to keep an eye on the rivers, creeks and the streams as we show you the current, the current radar right now. still some scattered rain across portions of the bay area.
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light to moderate rainfall. it's going to stick around throughout the evening hours. as you can see with the radar coverage. current numbers out there mainly in the 50s, as you can pick out and the winds definitely up there today. right now, though, the winds have backed off a bit single digits. but sfo, you can see a wind at about eight miles an hour. here's a live camera looking out above oakland, where we still have mostly cloudy skies and the possibility of some rain showers for this evening. here is the forecast model. we're going to hold on to the chance of a shower tomorrow morning, but then into the afternoon hours. a sun cloud mix friday we will thicken up the cloud cover, but it is the day to prepare as we have another system coming on board. so here you can see multiple storms offshore out here in the pacific and a lot to track over the coming days. so clouds and sun for thursday and friday. but in the saturday and especially to monday we have the rain showers coming on board in the sierra. we do have the winter storm warning in place until 4 p.m. thursday. snowfall could be around 10 to 24in. we'll probably have more of winter storm warnings in the sierra as we head into the holiday weekend. it is mild for your
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friday, but look what happens into the weekend. our next storm comes on board saturday and then sunday night into monday. looks like the rainfall could be picking up once again. heather >> okay mark. thank you. san jose based cisco systems announcing today that it's cutting 4000 jobs. it's about 5% of its global workforce. the layoffs are expected to begin this year and continue into 2025. it's all part of a restructuring plan. the company didn't give any details on where the job cuts would happen. these layoffs, though, come on top of thousands of jobs that were cut last year. the news today sent cisco's stock down in trading. all right. more than 100 uber drivers are out there on strike tonight showing up to the company's headquarters earlier today in san francisco to send uber the opposite of a valentine's day love letter. drivers blaring their horns and drove right, drove with signs demanding better pay and more respect for their efforts. veteran drivers say uber is taking more money out of each ride than it used to, making it harder for full time drivers to make a living with more employees across the country demanding better pay or
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unionizing. some drivers believe that this could turn into something bigger. >> i believe this is the beginning of it. there are other , other places like new york. they started their own company, a driver owned cooperative. that can happen here. it's about it not working anymore. of course it's going to get bigger. >> a lot of these drivers are hurt that what you hear is what you see right now is the hurt. >> uber says it does not expect this strike to impact pricing or the number of rides available. all this valentine's evening, a drivers with lyft and doordash also striking today for better wages. well from celebration to chaos, the parade and rally for the super bowl champions taking an unexplored and deadly turn, several east bay leaders coming together today to combat crime. we'll tell you about their new idea to address public safety concerns in their cities and help is on the way for business owners in the south bay. how a new pilot program is empowering
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them in the fight against crime the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging.
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most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. following the chiefs super bowl parade and rally, the station said, quote, this senseless act has taken a beautiful person from her family and this kc community. the chief of police saying the shooting happened despite the presence of some 800 officers covering today's event that drew about 1 million people to downtown. 21 other people were wounded by gunfire, including eight children. police say three people were quickly taken into custody and that weapons were recovered. the
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motive is not yet known. san francisco mayor london breed, reacting to today's shooting, saying on x quote on sunday, kansas city and san francisco shared a thrilling and joyous moment over an incredible football game today. what should have been a celebration is now heartbreaking. i've reached out to mayor lucas, she said, to offer support and love during this difficult and tragic time. new at 730, a 14 year old in santa rosa has now been arrested for manufacturing guns. police say officers served a search warrant this morning at the boys home on summer creek drive, and they seized a3d printer, gun parts, ammunition as well as gang paraphernalia. the student was attending class at montgomery high school while that search warrant was being served. he was taken into custody and transported to juvenile hall. police say officers also found gang paraphernalia inside the student's locker. a new public safety partnership was announced today in the east bay police and city officials from oakland, berkeley, emeryville, san
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leandro and alameda county making their announcement outside a hotel along hegenberger road in oakland. that's a corridor that's seen a high number of profile high a number of high profile burglaries and business closures. the officials plan to leverage technology, resources and interagency expertise to better identify crime trends on a broader level, the perpetrators of crime aren't constrained by jurisdictional lines. >> um, they don't stop when they get to a city's borders that means that we cannot stay siloed . >> officials say they plan to meet quarterly to share crime trends, as well as data. they say the new partnership could result in coordinated policy changes that go beyond law enforcement, comparing notes about specific crimes is a new polling on san francisco issue shows the majority of likely voters there are pessimistic about the state of the city. the chamber of commerce released its annual city beat survey on a number of issues and 7,472% of san francisco voters say the
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city is on the wrong track, 61% said they feel safe visiting downtown during the day, but that drops to just 34% at night. now we go to san jose, where a new initiative there is expected to equip business owners and high crime zones with surveillance cameras. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary tells us the goal here is to use evidence from the cameras to prosecute and also reduce crime. thank you so much. >> yeah, we'll help carry it in wednesday. >> lisa montez's, south san jose family business getting an upgrade with the city's mayor and a police captain doing the heavy lifting. >> we've seen quite a few things. um there was a young man killed here in the shopping center. um, somebody came in with a knife to crack down on crime in high crime areas. >> san jose mayor matt mehan launched the capture. crime pilot program. >> we need to leverage technology to fill the gaps.
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studies have shown that surveillance cameras can reduce the overall crime rate by 25% under the $75,000, two year program, 50 small businesses across the city will get surveillance cameras, monitors and an external hard drive, all free of charge. >> the cameras must be registered with the san jose police department and images could be stored for up to 30 days. when we have digital evidence, images of the crimes per se, those are prioritized, uh, within the investigation. >> when we have little to nothing to go on, it becomes a little more troublesome. >> this pilot program was first mentioned during sam liccardo's mayorship. mehan is carrying that torch for the next two years. some experts say lowering crime will lessen the economic burden shouldered by many small businesses. >> this is a terrific program. it's. a step in the right direction with the hope that it will help us to maintain an a
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thriving business community in the city of san jose. >> montez is hopeful the new hardware will lower the chance of another close call inside her family restaurant. >> we would have the video and that would help if somebody comes and commits a crime and they, uh, police can have access to those videos and they'll be able to find the person responsible. >> so far, lisa is the only business owner to sign up for the pilot program. city and police officials want others to take that action by contacting the san jose police department in the south bay bureau. i'm jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. he is a trailblazing sportswriter who's covered the nba now for two decades. >> at the intersection of race, sports and culture. we'll tell you how he got his start right here in the bay area. plus, a new social media initiative is called hashtag hayward. we'll tell you about the city's effort to try to help small businesses boost their branding. and he left his heart in san francisco. and now he's got his own cable
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car celebrating tony bennett in the city that is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. hey billy, how you doin? with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. thanks. it's happening. get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $1000 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today!
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hidden by fourth grade students. he posted some of them on x and one of them says a is actually from a fourth grader named lucas . and it says in part, i love your starry nights when the wind blows. i love your beautiful ocean with your soft sand. i love your rocky mountains. i love your fields of grass. the governor's office says these letters were chosen from all across the state, and we continue our celebration of black history month tonight with a profile on a local, award winning sports journalist, mark spears. briefly played on the san jose state basketball team before turning his passion for basketball into a renowned riding career spanning three decades. now now, he's a senior writer with espn's andscape,
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writing about nba news, african american athletes, and the intersections of race, sports and culture. last year, he won a journalism award from his alma mater. the same year, one of his biggest dreams came true. when i was a kid, i dreamed about being in the nba as a player, like i would watch the ceremony all the time. >> so to get there as a writer, it's crazy. like i'm my name is in the naismith memorial basketball hall of fame in springfield, not far from kobe bryant, not far from michael jordan, not far from bill russell, not far from larry bird . but i'm in there. >> quite the accomplishment. spears plans to continue mentoring young journalists and is actually headed to paris this summer to cover the olympics. the alameda county district attorney, pamela price, was the guest at a hayward middle school today in honor of black history month, price spoke about her life, the civil rights movement and the importance of youth engaged during a student assembly at bret harte middle
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school. price described what it was like being a 13 year old runaway in cincinnati who ended up in foster care, then went on to attend yale and uc berkeley. price is one of a few african american women to have argued a case in front of the u.s. supreme court, and is the very first to serve as alameda county's top law enforcement officer. all right, making the most of the post how one east bay city is helping small businesses build a bigger presence on social media democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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hashtag hayward to leverage the power of social media to boost brand awareness, and to also reach a wider audience. now, this program helps small businesses with a number of improvements, including the creation of murals like the ones you see right there and sculptures outside of their stores, which can serve as an ideal backdrop for people to take photos and then share them on social media. early today on the four, i spoke with paul nguyen, he is the chief economic development officer for the city of hayward about this innovative grant program. >> customers like you and me, heather, are going to places to shop and we are sharing our experiences through social media by taking selfies, pictures of our food, pictures of the interior of cool shops and what
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the city of hayward hashtag hayward grant program does is provide small businesses with the funding to make those improvements, to make those eye-catching improvements so customers can post online. >> now, businesses can also receive help with window lighting and enhancements to the facades of their buildings. any business in the city of hayward with an active storefront and active business license, is eligible to apply for a grant. by the way, these grants can be as much as $10,000. the city of hayward has already identified bay area influencers who plan to help promote hayward businesses. it's a great program, so think about being a part of it. okay, well, he left his heart in san francisco and now tony bennett has a cable car named after him in the city. the city today unveiling the cable car commemorating the singer right outside the fairmont hotel at california. and mason streets. san francisco mayor london breed, the head of the mta and other officials all on hand to show off the car, which was built in san francisco in 1907, and bennett's widow was also
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there to help do the honors. >> the song i left my heart in san francisco is not just the city's anthem, but it was tony's too, and to have the cable car named after him. i think there's only 2 or 3 others, so it's a really an amazing, uh, honor. and i know tony would just be thrilled it's going to attract a lot of tourists to the tony bennett car was recently refurbished to include special plaques featuring bennett. >> it will carry passengers right there along the california line. okay. we have live weather coverage throughout the night for you right there on the fox local app starting now at 8:00. we will have consistent coverage of the rain and the other approaching systems, including live updates from the ktvu weather department, all leading up to the 10:00 news. so don't forget to download that app that's going to do it for me tonight on this valentine's evening. thanks so much for watching. hope to see you right back
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that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo.
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ken jeong: tonight, for one night only. it's why we're here. it's a who's who of celebrities. or is it? adrienne: oh, my gosh. they look so much like them! this is wild! that's right. it's doppelganger night.


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