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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  February 15, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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closing and how it will affect patient care. >> we are very disappointed to let you know that we are no longer able to provide trauma to stemi or comprehensive stroke services in our community. >> on thursday, executives at regional medical center announcing shifting demand for service has doomed its level two trauma center, currently, the hospital's e.r. outpaces capacity, so executives are investing $10 million to expand the number of e.r. beds from 43 to 63. i'm glad to hear that they're committing to a $10 million investment in expanding the number of beds and services in the emergency room, but we don't ever want to see lifesaving medical services cut, particularly in our lower income neighborhoods. >> no one ever gets into the profession of taking care of people and thinking that they're not going to be able to do that, not be able to do their job. >> four year registered nurse melissa gong says there were rumors of the trauma centers needing a lifeline. now she
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worries for east san jose residents, who will have to travel across town to valley medical center in west san jose or 15 miles north to stanford medical center in palo alto, depending on what time of day you're having your medical emergency, you could be stuck in 15 to 45 minutes of traffic to get to the nearest hospital. experts say hospitals and the entire health care industry is under the same economic pressures as other types of businesses, and that is forcing pragmatic decisions. >> of course, health care is a business and they need to keep their lights on. and if services could be better provided for emergency basis as opposed to a stemi or a trauma center and reallocation of resources is necessary, that's probably mostly a financial decision that's also backed by the numbers. >> with about six months to go, it's not an easy waiting game to see how the latest waves of change will impact those dependent on services. on the east side of san jose. >> we are providing the appropriate services that our community needs. some members of
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the california nurses association say they're going to fight the closing of the trauma center with actions such as pickets, to try to force management to change its mind. >> in the south bay bureau, jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. new at five more than two dozen students in napa started to feel sick during class this morning, but no one knows why. >> fire officials say they were called to vintage high school after a student passed out in the music room. when they arrived, they found 24 more students complaining about nausea, headaches and fatigue. everyone at the school was told to shelter in place while authorities searched the buildings for a possible carbon monoxide or gas leak, but they didn't find anything. >> we went through all of our checklists, checking for co hydrogen cyanide and any other potential causes, and we also had pge come out and we also checked the hvac system, went through all of our systems and our excuse me, all of our check points. and we didn't find anything. >> authorities say they also
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ruled out any potential exposure to drugs. five of the students were taken to the hospital. the class resumed as normal the rest of the day. >> new information about the deadly mass shooting right after the kansas city chiefs parade in rally tonight. police say it appears this shooting stemmed from a dispute between several individuals. the woman who was killed is a mother of two, and the 22 people injured do range in age from 8 to 47 years old, with half of them under the age of 16. fox's connor hanson is in kansas city with more on the shots that sent fans scrambling for safety. police still have streets shut down just a day after bullets tore through the crowd at kansas city's super bowl parade. >> and we're now learning that many of the victims were kids, and so were some of the people taken into custody. we just tucked and rolled kind of deal folding chairs, blankets and food remains scattered outside of union station in kansas city, left behind by chiefs fans running from gunfire. police say the shooting at wednesday's super bowl victory parade appeared to result from a
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dispute between several people. two juveniles were among those detained. >> preliminary investigative findings have shown there was no nexus to terrorism or homegrown violent extremism. >> lisa lopez galvan, a mother of two, was killed in the shooting. more than 20 others were injured and according to police, half of them are under 16 years old. >> yeah, when we tackled him, the gun came out some who were caught in the chaos tackled a suspected gunman. >> there's a big, uh, scramble in the crowd. i hear somebody, you know, yell, you know, get him. i look to my left, i see a flash. um, i, i, i tackle that individual. >> more than 800 law enforcement officers lined the parade route when the gunfire erupted. officials here say the incident is reigniting the conversation about what can be done to prevent these tragedies. >> there is a gun violence challenge in this community and many others. that, however, does
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not mean that kansas city will stop having major events. we will do all we can to make sure people are safe. >> officials estimate a million people were here for the celebration. despite the violence, the mayor says they still plan to go forward with their saint patrick's day parade next month. in kansas city. conner hanson, fox news. >> a deadly day on the bay bridge. three people died when their car stalled on the bridge this morning and was rear ended by a pickup truck. katie icu henry lee joins us now. he's near the toll plaza with the latest on what happened. henry >> yeah, this deadly crash once again raises the question should you stay in your car if you're stalled or otherwise involved in a wreck? the answer is it all depends. tragedy before dawn on the bay bridge, a stalled mini cooper was rear ended at high speed by a toyota tacoma pickup truck. all three people in the mini cooper died. it happened when the car stalled and it was heading east on the lower deck
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of the bridge. at about 415 thursday morning, someone in the car called 911, but within minutes before help arrived. >> shortly thereafter, a toyota tacoma, uh, crashed into the rear of the mini cooper. >> san francisco firefighters had to use special equipment to cut off the top of the car to get to the victims. it is difficult because the cars are mangled up and space is very limited, so it does take a lot of training to be able to access the patients and try to make it as quick as possible. >> the driver of the pickup was seriously hurt, but is expected to survive. >> we asked the chp whether people are supposed to stay in their car after a stall or crash . >> that is open for debate. there is not a right or wrong answer, chp officer mark andrews says. >> generally speaking, the chp recommends pulling over to the closest shoulder, activating your emergency blinkers and keeping your seatbelts on. but there's no shoulder on the lower deck of the bridge just west of treasure island, where the crash occurred, the mini cooper ended
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up in the number four lane. there are five lanes on the bridge, so the car had not moved all the way to the right. it's going to be a case by case scenario. >> uh, what? someone will decide to do if they feel like they have the opportunity to exit the vehicle safely and try and move as far away as possible, then do so. >> he says the pickup driver could have potentially steered away from the mini cooper in time, or minimize the impact. >> we don't know exactly what this driver, the toyota was doing just before the collision. if he was distracted, if he was going too fast. um, but obviously this could have been avoided. >> it's unclear if this mini cooper had started out in the fast lanes, and it was trying to move over to the right into the slow lanes, or if it stayed in that number four lane until the crash. now, the names of the three victims who died have not yet been released. live near the toll plaza. henry lee ktvu fox two news tragic story henry. >> thank you. >> cal fire firefighters rescued a person from a car in santa cruz county. officials say
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around 730 last night, the car dropped about 200ft down the embankment on felton empire road, right near kiln road. firefighters heard someone yelling and used their voice to help them locate the vehicle. they used a rope rescue system to pull the person to safety. the patient was hospitalized for minor injuries. >> san mateo police have confirmed the identities of the family found dead inside their home this week. authorities say the father has been identified. as a non henry. the mother, alice benziger and their twin boys who were minors. investigators responded to their home monday after a relative said they couldn't reach anyone for days. the parents were found dead with gunshot wounds, but the exact cause of death for the two boys is unclear. the initial investigation. the initial investigation suggests the father as the suspect. and a reminder tonight if you or someone you know is in need of help, there is a national hotline where support is available 24 hours a day. that number is on your screen right
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now. it is nine, eight, eight. >> a man in richmond was arrested after law enforcement found a large collection of illegal firearms inside his home. the state attorney general's office says agents located 11 military style machine guns, 60 assault rifles and about a million rounds of ammunition, among other weapons and explosives. the search happened back on january 31st. authorities did not release the suspect's name or the exact location of his home, where the weapons were found. a federal judge is holding the bureau of prisons in contempt of court after a ktvu story this week about alleged retaliation against an inmate, rhonda fleming testified before the judge last month about ongoing sexual abuse of women at the federal prison in dublin. fleming was put into the special housing unit and then moved to the metropolitan detention center in los angeles. shortly afterward. now, the judge wrote that she had specific banned any transfers of prisoners without her approval. she will now decide whether to order more
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oversight at the prison, where seven officers, including the warden, have been found guilty of sexual assault at the san francisco police union. >> and others say they oppose a san francisco ballot measure meant to boost police staffing. today, supervisor matt dorsey, along with the union and anti-crime advocates, unveiled new no on b advertisements. proposition b is on the march ballot. it would set minimum police staffing levels and require the city to budget enough money to keep officers on the force, but the police officers association says the measure won't get more police officers out on the street. >> it takes two years to get. a fully trained police officer out on the street, so no right. the right there. this measure isn't going to get a new cop back on the street like tomorrow. >> supervisor dorsey wrote the original proposition, but with drew support for the measure. after supervisor ahsha safai amended it to allow for potential future tax measures to
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pay for staffing, supervisor safai, who is running for mayor, says that guaranteeing funding for the department would be irresponsive considering the city's debt hit a popular spring and summer spot for families may be making a comeback after being shut down last year. >> coming up, more on the future of raging waters should pedestrians and bike riders pay a toll to cross the golden gate bridge? >> the debate today that began with a resounding no! >> all right, we've had some rain this week and much more headed our way this coming weekend. but before we get hit, we're going to check in on those california reservoirs and we are heading towards the weekend now. >> we got some rain back in the forecast. you knew that today was dry. what about tomorrow and saturday? we'll have the details coming up
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and making sure that all state owned bridges and the golden gate stay free for pedestrians and cyclists. ktvu christian captain live tonight in san francisco. christian. pretty popular idea here. yeah >> popular idea. mike. hold on. just a second, though, before we get to our main story, we're going to go to a quick story that's developing here at crissy field in the presidio, in san francisco. you can take a look there. there is a coyote there in the distance that has brought a lot of the activity here to a standstill in this area. people have, as they've walked by, stopped what they were doing, taking pictures and observing a little bit of our, uh, urban, uh, uh, urban nature interface, where you can see incidents just like this, a coyote taking in the scene here, it seemed to be, uh, on the hunt a little earlier in crissy field here. now, onto our matter at hand. we'll keep
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an eye on that coyote. we'll give you a little update at the end of our story here. uh, back to the matter at hand, though, mike, as you'd asked about right now, it is free to walk across the golden gate bridge and other bridges here in the bay area and up and down the state. and while there are no plans for that to change, assemblyman, uh, san francisco assemblyman is taking what he calls a preemptive step up. people come from around the world to visit the iconic golden gate bridge, many choosing to walk its 1.7 mile length. now san francisco assemblyman phil ting has introduced assembly bill 2669, making sure that trip and walking and biking trips across other publicly owned california bridges stays free. >> we want to ensure that we can have this right in perpetuity for cyclists and pedestrians to ensure that they can walk and bike across the bridge freely without being worried about being charged a toll. >> the golden gate bridge highway and transportation district says it hasn't had a chance to review the legislation, so it doesn't have a formal position, but did confirm it has no plans to charge a toll for the sidewalks
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on the golden gate bridge. >> that was my first time. i was really, really nice. i'm just visiting the city first time, just looking at everything. >> visitors to the bridge say paying to walk on it would diminish the experience. people might feel like they're being shaken down to experience the city, you know, and bay area locals like jasmine from oakland agree. >> i don't think that's a good thing because, i mean, if you look around like all these beautiful people out here are enjoying themselves. so like, i feel like they they shouldn't charge people to do something like that, you know, a move to charge pedestrians isn't unprecedented. >> in fact, from 1937 to 1970, pedestrians paid to cross the golden gate bridge, the golden gate bridge, highway and transportation district is, like many transit agencies, is facing a budget crisis, assemblyman ting says lawmakers need to work on a better long tum fix than tolls, and eventually have voters decide how to pay for public transit and bridges going to the voters to fix that gap. >> because to say, hey, you know, voters, if you if you want
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a vibrant public transit system, you got to go support it. >> the golden gate bridge highway and transportation district said it was. grateful to assemblyman ting for his, quote, strong support of the golden gate bridge and active transportation in the bay area. the bill is now headed to committee and could be on the governor's desk in september. coming back to our live shot as promised, we're going to take one more look at that coyote here. uh, out on crissy field. it is hunkered down there in the bush there. and as i said earlier, it looked like it was maybe getting ready for a hunt. this, uh, from past coverage, i know that they are active at dusk and dawn. and of course, there's a lot of wildlife out here around crissy field. the one caution cautionary measure is that i've noticed that everybody has been keeping their distance trying to stay away. that's which, of course, you're supposed to do is let them go ahead and do their coyote thing. we do. our people thing. and of course, anybody who has dogs with them just kind of stay
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clear. and i've noticed a lot of people doing exactly that. guys. uh two stories for one. mike. how's that? uh, we're live here in san francisco. christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news. yeah >> those coyotes, they are around crissy field. great spot in the city, too. all right, christine, thank you for that. bart will not be running trains between the richmond and el cerrito stations this weekend. the pause will allow crews to replace old track equipment and remove trees along the line. busses instead will be running between those stations. they'll also run on three upcoming weekends to accommodate the project. bart suggests riders plan for about a 20 minute delay. so far, the rain is not expected to disrupt the project already. >> a nice day today. dried out pretty nicely. a little bit of sunshine as well. temperatures were about 5 or 7 degrees warmer than they were yesterday, so everything worked out in our favor. the chance to dry out. here's what the model does. the long range model that we often look at. this will mimic the five day or the seven day as we go through time here. so as you look, there's tomorrow a lot of clouds tomorrow. by the way,
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there's 6 a.m. friday somewhere around friday night, this guy starts knocking at the door. this is going to be saturday's system right there. that looks pretty good. that looks good. that looks certainly stronger than what we had yesterday. yesterday we got anywhere from an inch to a quarter of an inch to less of rain. this system appears to be able to deliver maybe a solid inch and a half in some areas, maybe a little more, but mostly an inch and a half, down to about a quarter of an inch. back end comes through sunday, late or sunday, early morning, sunday is pretty, not pretty. okay, most of the day. and then the clouds and showers move in sunday evening and then you get into sunday night, monday morning, and then a lot of the energy shifts south on tuesday and into wednesday. so kind of a wet period coming our way. although the upshot to it is, despite what you might be hearing, we're getting breaks. right. and so those breaks are going to allow us to manage that water and make it beneficial as opposed to oppositional. the jet stream is lined up. we've got systems out in the pacific. this is what happens when you get an el nino year. often and you get
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atmospheric rivers. they line up. that's why so many things can change, because there's what you got three of these things or those three sectors, each one of those sectors is a lot of a lot of fetch, a lot of distance between them. so lots of things happen out in the pacific, thousands of miles, you know, out in the pacific. so things will change, like that stronger storm on monday could move around easily as it has the potential to be a bit of a cut off. and that would could do almost anything. so here's how it goes. what i just showed you for the next couple of days, it's going to hold true tomorrow. looks good. mostly cloudy. and then tomorrow night late showers develop and then saturday is a wet day. we'll get back to the full forecast coming up in a few minutes. >> all right. see you in a bit, bill. thank you. the ballers have a new home coming up. a new oakland baseball team shows off where it will take the field. since the a's will not allow them at the coliseum. >> and coming up tonight at six, a new idea to address retail theft problems across california. and lawmakers say this one could make radical changes without needing voter approval. also, a reminder here that you can now stream ktvu
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news on your smart tv. you can watch live newscasts and stories on demand on your amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv, or android tv. just search for the fox local app and then select ktvu . this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are. tentative agreement for california dreamin entertainment to run the park temporarily.
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after interviewing a number of companies, raging waters closed last summer when the previous operators ended their lease with the city. the park is expected to reopen as soon as this summer, pending approval by the city council. make some quick capital investment, including upgrading, landscaping and partnering with food trucks and opening an outdoor wine garden to bring our families and young people back to raging waters this summer. this is a one year agreement, the city says it will now conduct a search for a long terme operator, which could be california dreamin or another company. well, the new professional baseball team in oakland has a home for the upcoming season. >> the oakland ballers say they have chosen raymond park in west oakland as their home field. the oakland ballers say they have a $1.6 million plan funded through private investments, to make upgrades to the ballpark. the deal is for one year, with an extension in the works. they will play 48 home games there at the park, starting with the
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inaugural home game on june 4th. well, the a's today met with officials from oakland and the county of alameda as the team does try to figure out where it's going to play once its lease with the coliseum expires at the end of this upcoming season, a stadium in las vegas is not expected to be completed until the year 2028, so the a's will need a home for the next three seasons. some diehard oakland fans say all of the back and forth has created a lot of confusion about the team's future. but if the vegas plan does go full steam here, they say they do not want the a's in their town anymore. if you're not confused, you're not paying attention. >> we as fans don't want you know them just to stay. we're done with them after this season. if they if they're going to leave, if they want to go play at a minor league park or split time between, you know, the giant stadium and wherever else, good riddance. >> last month, a's executives toured stadiums in both sacramento and salt lake city as
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possible options for a temporary home. in a statement to ktvu, just today, the a's said we had a positive meeting with the city and county. we look forward to further discussions regarding a lease extension at the coliseum for the interim period before the vegas ballpark opens. she would love to see and she would love to help. >> studio arts better their lives with the scholarship that's in her name. >> a family honors a loved one by creating a scholarship in her name, and they're paying for it by auctioning off shoes. we'll explain coming up and we've seen a lot of rain and snow in the past couple of weeks, and more is on the way this coming weekend. >> we're going to check in and we're going to check on our reservoirs. plus what to expect in the sierra for the presidents day holiday weekend and russia has obtained what experts are calling a troubling new weapon, a look at what it is and what it does next
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means california's reservoirs are looking pretty healthy. but of course, there's always room to improve. ktvu tom vacar is tracking the latest data, and he joins us live tonight from the newsroom. tom. >> well, it's important to think about this when you think about washing your car or, you know, doing your landscaping and all of that stuff, you know, while intense snow and rain can be a serious challenge, the silver lining is the color of abundant,
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clear, clean water. snowpack wise. the uc central sierra snow lab reports that we're now 88% of the historical amount of sierra rain and snow for this date, but that the water content in the snowpack is only 57. the reservoirs are in far better shape and with a lot more water coming, provided that it keeps coming. >> it's great to see this stream of storms because to get even up to average conditions, we need 4 or 5 big storms during our winter wet season. >> as of thursday, california's big six mega reservoirs are 76% full, but that's. 115% what is usually in them. on this date. statewide on average, california's more than 154 reservoirs are at a healthy 118. that's enough water to cover every square inch inside the state with three inches of water. however we would need
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double that to completely fill all the reservoirs. >> we're better off this year because we didn't have that dry condition last year. >> underground storage and aquifers remains deficient because we've overdrawn them for so many decades. big money needs to be invested in land acquisition, allowing floodplains to actually flood and building injection wells to replenish this critical underground source. the right investment s from the work we've done show that it's at least ten times the cost. ski wise, the holiday ski weekend looks to offer another wowser. >> yeah, i mean, we got a foot of snow overnight. it's still snowing right now and there's more storms on the way this snow right now is really light and fluffy, and most of our mountain has really great coverage. >> but with the string of storms still coming, drive only when it's likely not to be. when cal trans is fighting snow dumps, it's going to be a great ski week. >> i just really suggest
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checking with the road conditions with caltrans, making sure we're laying down the sand to increase traction. >> we try to get the salt down when we're battling it to break up any ice that's going to be forming. just stay home. >> stay home if you can. yeah, that's what we would have done if we could turn back the clock. >> interesting to note that palisades tahoe says ski season could last into may at least last year. it lasted into july. maybe it'll happen this time again. tom baker ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, tom, thank you. >> well, federal lawmakers are expressing their concerns about plans to build a new city in solano county. that plan is backed by silicon valley billionaire. today, state congressman mike thompson and john garamendi hosted a forum about the proposed california forever development near travis air force base. lawmakers say project organizers have not answered basic questions, such as where would the water come from for the new homes or where would the sewage go? >> they may be the greatest people in the world with the most lofty ideas and an odd
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morals, but i believe that you trust but verify, and there's nothing that they have done that leads me to believe they're trustworthy, and there's nothing in their proposal that will allow for verification. >> california forever says the project will create good paying jobs, and that the community will also have solar farms, parks and affordable housing. >> a $95 billion foreign aid package, which includes sending weapons to ukraine, is stalled in the house of representatives. house republicans insist that any foreign aid bill must include an overhaul of u.s, mexico border policies. minority . leader hakeem jeffries has suggested using what's known as a discharge petition to go around the house speaker and force action on the floor, but he would need 218 signatures and some progressive democrats are expressing discomfort over aid to israel and a ban on humanitarian funds. >> i think there's also a lot of
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concerns about the restrictions on the aid to go to that. the senate put into the bill, including suspending aid to unwra, which is the only agency that can deliver aid in gaza. >> the house and senate are on recess for the next week, and when they return, the first order of business in the senate will be the impeachment trial of department of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas, the first of several criminal trials against former president donald trump is officially scheduled for next month. >> that means the gop front runner will be tied up in the courtroom as primary season ramps up. fox news rebecca castor has more now from washington. it's not the decision donald trump and his legal team were hoping for thursday, a new york judge officially scheduled his first criminal trial over allegations he paid hush money to adult film star stormy daniels for march 25th. >> they want to keep me nice and busy so i can't campaign so hard, but maybe we won't have to campaign so hard because the other side is incompetent.
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>> the trial is expected to last six weeks, keeping trump tied up in legal meetings in courtrooms as dozens of states still have to vote in the gop primary. >> we're here during the day, and i'll be campaigning during the night. >> meanwhile, in atlanta, a judge is hearing arguments over whether to disqualify district attorney fani willis from leading the georgia election. interference case against trump. willis is accused of lying about a romantic relationship with the prosecutor she hired. and if those claims are true, the entire case is at risk of being thrown out. >> the bombshell is the witness who testified that there was a personal relationship before the prosecution of this case. >> and if that wasn't already enough to keep track of a verdict in new york civil fraud case against trump's businesses is expected as early as friday. republican challenger nikki haley adding her $0.02 on ex writing all of this chaos will only lead to more losses for republicans, up and down the ticket. the first step for
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trump's criminal trial in new york is for the defense and prosecution to agree on an impartial jury, the judge says. jurors will be informed ahead of time that trump is the defendant . in washington, rebecca castor, fox news the white house confirmed today that russia has obtained a serious and troubling new weapon capable of targeting satellites in space. >> the biden administration says the information secured by us intelligence reveals that while russia has access to the technology, it is not currently operational. officials also say it does not pose an immediate safety risk. they say the us is closely monitoring the situation along with its allies and analyzing information gathered on the emerging technology now to the middle east today, israeli forces stormed the main hospital in southern gaza and what the army says was a search for the remains of hostages taken by hamas. >> fox's trey yingst reports from tel aviv. >> israeli forces are making an aggressive push to end the hamas threat in khan younis, gaza's
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second largest city, on thursday , the idf storming nasser hospital, the biggest medical facility in southern gaza. israeli officials say they have credible evidence hamas was operating from within the complex, and more raids could be coming, with an estimated 85% of major medical facilities in gaza being used by the militants. >> our message to them is clear we seek no harm to innocent civilians. we seek to hunt down hamas terrorists wherever. they may be hiding. but the world health organization warns the gaza health system has essentially collapsed. >> at this point. there are few supplies making it to hospitals, and many health care workers have been evacuated or detained by israeli forces. and they say the situation will only get worse until the fighting stops. >> this degradation of the health system is really striking and the only way forward is peace. uh, the only way forward is a ceasefire. and we hope and pray it comes, uh, as soon as
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humanly possible. >> but that's not likely to happen soon. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he won't even consider the latest ceasefire proposal until hamas softens its demand for an israeli withdrawal from gaza. >> i insist that hamas dropped their delusional demands, and when they drop these demands, we can move forward, netanyahu also says israeli forces will expand their offensive into the southern city of rafah, where more than a million palestinians have fled since the start of the war. >> in tel aviv. trey yingst, fox news. well, tax season has begun and today the head of the irs is in the hot seat on capitol hill. >> coming up, the tough questions about new tax laws and a very impressive sneaker collection going up for auction. >> so these shoes that she's got are really special. they're all retros. they're all limited edition products. >> coming up, the unlikely collector and how she'll be honored by the sale i'll
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice...
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as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. her memory and now in partnership with retailer shoe palace, there having an auction of her incredible collection as ktvu and rubin reports, the goal to raise money for a scholarship in her name.
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>> ask any sneaker head and they'll tell you this collection is impressive. mostly jordans, many of them rare. >> these shoes that she's got are really special. they're all retros. they're all limited edition products. >> the collection belonged to virginia wright, aka sp gina, a beloved san jose school teacher and unlikely influencer. this was gina back in 2019, and they go, we're going to get you your own shoe. >> and my first response was, right, sure. you know, i didn't believe them. >> it was unheard of. bay area based retailer shoe palace and jordan brand created a special sneaker just for gina. she's the only non-celebrity to ever get one. gina found the sneakers were a way to connect with her students because it was just, you know, everything. >> everything about the jordan shoe that she loved. but how the kids noticed it and she knew she could grab that kid in and, you know, talk to that kid and that's that's what it was last year, gina died suddenly in a car accident. >> her family knew they wanted to honor her memory, trying to
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figure out, you know, um, the shoes and the amount of shoes and, um, how to make her proud. shoe palace. gina's favorite store, stepped in with an idea they could auction off all those shoes to raise money for a scholarship. >> it was tragic that what happened to her and i just felt like at least her legacy can still live on. we have a part in that. i feel like that's what we're trying to do here. >> there are more than 200 pairs. the family rented a u-haul to deliver them to shoe palace. jason marks, a well-known shoe cleaning company, is getting them back to mint condition. one shoe that won't be auctioned. gina's personal pair of her namesake sneaker using different products , maintaining them. >> whatever we need to do to bring them back to life as much as we can. >> the family decided the scholarship should be for gina's alma mater, san jose state. they say the auction being about sneakers and education just seems right. she would love to see that and she would love to help students better for their
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lives with a scholarship that's in her name. the online auction will be done through the charitybuzz site. the family and shoe palace hope to raise at least $50,000 to fund the san jose state scholarship in perpetuity. the auction should be live in early march in morgan hill and ruben ktvu fox two news. paying their fair share, the sweeping plan from the irs when it comes to the nation's highest earners. >> plus. >> all right, a chance to put the umbrellas away today. tomorrow will be the same. then we get back into it. umbrellas will be needed again. check out the sunset. beautiful night in bay area
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if advanced lung cancer has you searching for possibilities, discover a different first treatment. immunotherapies work with your immune system to attack cancer. but opdivo plus yervoy is the first combination of 2 immunotherapies for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread, tests positive for pd-l1, and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is not chemotherapy, it works differently. it helps your immune system fight cancer in 2 different ways. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain; severe nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness;
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joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. your search for 2 immunotherapies starts here. ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. a chance to live longer. the economy is simply not working for ask your doctor about opdivo plus yervoy. millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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with the head of the irs over its new mission to make the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes. as hillary vaughn reports, the irs is announcing sweeping efforts to restore fairness, despite the fact that the top 1% of taxpayers paid a record high 45% of all federal income taxes. >> tax season is here, and while most of us are preparing our returns, the head of the irs is being grilled by skeptical lawmakers on capitol hill at a thursday hearing, commissioner daniel werfel talked about how the agency is preparing to process millions of tax returns, admitting they need to do better with digital security and customer service. but most of the hearing was focused on the fair share debate, with republicans criticizing a new
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multi billion dollar effort to target high income taxpayers. the irs is spending its windfall of $80 billion and fantasy land claims about how much revenue the agency thinks it will generate from increased audits and new irs data appears to back that view, showing the top 1% of taxpayers paid a record high 45% of all federal taxes in 2021. but werfel is pushing back, claiming the agency is only going after those who break the law. this should frustrate people and we have so many honest americans who pay their taxes on time, and these millionaires and billionaires are not. ultimately, the new irs effort to, quote, restore fairness to the tax system will likely continue. democrats are expected to make it an issue in the 2024 congressional campaign, despite criticism from republicans who say the irs should be spending money on services, not more audits. >> the question of fairness in the tax system is at hand. we all have different opinions
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about it. i believe that you're there to oversee fairness, and werfel is asking lawmakers for another $800 million to close what he calls the inequity gap on capitol hill. >> hillary vaughn fox business well, mortgage rates rose again this week as applications are sharply lower. >> the average rate for the benchmark 30 year fixed mortgage climbed 6 to 6.7% this week, according to freddie mac. that is up from 6.6% last week. the 30 year average rate was 6.3% a year ago, and the mortgage bankers association says applications fell more than 2% last week as rates move higher on wall street. stocks continued, setting records despite mixed news on the economy. the dow jumped 348 points today. nasdaq climbed 47 and the s&p rose 29. a new report showed. sales at us retailers weakened more than expected in january, but that could also mean that inflation will continue to ease all right.
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>> pretty nice day today. got a break from the rain. got a bit of rain yesterday. up to an inch and a quarter in some places. five 5/10 or a half of an inch in others quarter inch in others. trace amounts and seven hundredths or ten or point a 10th of an inch in others. i'm just trying to. i was trying to run the spectrum. let's go a 10th of an inch to an inch and a quarter. that's where we were yesterday. this next storm that comes in on saturday has a potential, i think, to bring more like an inch and a half to half inch, something like that. so we'll see. but it's going to be wet on saturday. you know that as we look at the setup out in the pacific, you can see that we break down the different little segments or sections of this the next couple of days. so there's tomorrow, friday clouds, mild though temperatures in low 60s. today was warm low 60s again. next system on saturday. that's the wet one. we'll show you that on the model coming up. and then the swells coming up as well, which we know when the el ninos get going and you get a lot of activity out in the pacific storms, wind and what have you generate? wind and
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surf. right. because they're out in the pacific, they're always going to go through the whole thing. but you get the idea. you get a lot of wind, you get waves, and we got a lot of wind, big storms and we got waves. so surf's going to get big the next few days. certainly starts, not tomorrow. so much is on saturday and sunday, and then the rainfall accumulation is not out of control, which is great because this is saturday through tuesday and you look at those numbers, you go, that's a that's a good amount of rain for a couple of storms. but that's saturday through tuesday. so it's like 3 or 4 days. so that's some some good stuff. these are the highs from today a little warmer than average. certainly and warmer than yesterday. well actually a lot warmer than average if that 69 in vallejo verifies. that's really warm 65 in hayward, 67 in san jose. yeah. you bet it was much warmer. this is a live sunset. beautiful. and you can feel it. it's got the whole it's winter vibe. and that's what we got. we got winter. we got a big extensive area of moisture out in the pacific. we've got a jet stream that's lined up to push things into our direction. and we also have a setup where we're going to get breaks like we're
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seeing today, like we see tomorrow, saturday. then we get a little bit of a break on sunday, and then sunday night into monday we get another system. so the breaks are the breaks. that's when you get those. you're set and that's what we're going to see. so overnight lows maybe a little patchy valley fog i didn't i didn't. there must have been a little this morning. i didn't see any in my house. but it must been a little bit out there. this is tomorrow morning. friday. this is saturday morning or no pardon me friday night. it's one of those days. now, this is saturday morning okay. and then see saturday morning here. and so this is the system. little stronger than the last one. and then pushes through about 3:00. and then we get a break until sunday morning in the afternoon. then it's sunday afternoon into monday morning we get another pretty good system, probably a stronger system than the one that we're going to see saturday. so all in all, it's good stuff. beneficial rain. >> it's still exciting. i always love listening to him and looking at him. proof it's never too late to find love. >> coming up, we will introduce you to a couple you won't soon forget. then coming up at six,
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people here in kansas city remain on edge after a super bowl celebration turns into a terrifying ordeal. >> i'm connor hanson in kansas city, and i'll have the details coming up. >> also, new developments on the oakland a's attempts to cut a temporary deal to stay in oakland before possibly moving to las vegas. we're now hearing from the commissioner of baseball. >> i am confident that the deal in las vegas isolid
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice.
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woooooo! ( ♪ ) this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. bounced from one doctor to the next. does it have to be like this? at kaiser permanente, we have a different kind of healthcare... so, how did you like doctor lum? ...where all of us work together for all that is you.
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for help. >> and it's not often that we have historical artifacts or historical art pieces stolen from the city. >> englewood police in colorado and the fbi's denver bureau say someone stole a 200 year old painting of george washington from a storage unit last month. the painting of the nation's first president was inked in the early 1800s. police are not sharing the value of the painting and the owners say they just want it back. >> the victim and the family is just asking for this painting to be returned. it's been in their family for 50 years and obviously is a is an important piece of their history as well
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as the nation's history. so they would really just like it returned. >> police say they believe someone broke into the storage unit last month, but the family did not realize it until two weeks later. well valentine's day is behind us, stevens, so we do have a sweet love story to share with you from redwood city . >> yeah, one couple is sharing their story to let others know it's never too late to find love. ktvu is amber lee spoke with them about their relation ship. >> 82 year old carolyn downey and 85 year old don levy are celebrating valentine's day with the white wine he gifted her. they first met here eight years ago in the dining room of brookdale redwood city. a retired home was eating breakfast and he just kept hanging around and i didn't know why. >> something attracted me to her . she's a good looking woman, levy tells me. >> he was not looking for love at the time. it was two years after losing his wife of 54 years down, a retired school
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teacher says after two short marriages that failed in her early years, she too was not interested in a relationship. >> he was persistent and we wound up then eating together and then going in the in the pool. >> downey says she was impressed by levy's accomplishments. he worked for the city of san francisco for many years before retiring. >> it's still exciting. i always love listening to him and looking at him. >> but three years ago, levy moved away to join his daughter in washington state. >> i was really mad and i wouldn't even go and say goodbye to him and he left and that was that, levy says. >> after 18 months away, he changed his mind. >> i kept calling her every night and fly ring down here to be with her. >> and he returned to redwood city and moved in with downey. she tells me she never thought at this stage of her life, she would meet the love of her life.
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levy reads from the valentine's day card she made for him. >> may you continue to thrive for a very long time with love. yours carolyn. happy valentine's day. thank you, don. >> downey and levy want to share their love story to give hope to others. >> older people can really fall in love and enjoy life. >> the couple tells me they'll be holding what they describe as a blessing ceremony at a catholic church this summer to solidify their relationship. then they'll take their fifth cruise together in redwood city. amber lee, ktvu, fox. two news this is ktvu, fox two news at six, several students at a high school in napa taken to the hospital, all because of a potential exposure to a hazardous material. >> good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> officials say there was an emergency response from multiple agencies, but still no explanation as to what caused
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it. ktvu is crystal bailey joins us now with more crystal. >> well, it's truly a mystery to health and safety officials who say 25 students at vintage high school were feeling sick this morning. but after testing levels and looking for evidence of a gas leak, everything came up clear. it was first period students had just settled into choir class when some of them started feeling sick. the fire department was called and the students were relocated away from the music room. >> we had a total of 25 patients that needed to be assessed that were all complaining of symptoms of nausea, headaches, and fatigue. >> the schools put on lockdown and five students were taken to the hospital. pg and e also responded to the hazmat call. napa police saying all parents of the six students were notified and asking parents to stay away from the building while they worked. but officials say they checked for carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide and inspected the hvac system, even looked for evidence of


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