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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  February 15, 2024 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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ing kids. i did not see that coming. and someone's search for love... wait! wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. i can't keep everybody. ...unexpectedly ends. ( woman sniffling )
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in one year since oakland mayor shengtao fired the city's police chief and still no replacement tonight, the long, drawn out process raising big concerns means the sooner that the mayor gets this decision done, the better it will be. >> i'll be leaving in oakland for 25 years and i've never seen it this bad. >> former oakland police chief anne kirkpatrick and residents sharing confusion and frustration over the lack of progress in the course of the year. good evening. i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. >> lauren armstrong was fired exactly one year ago and is permanent replacement. still nowhere to be found. new at ten ktvu zac sos live tonight in oakland. and zack, i mean the police commission is tasked with selecting the candidates, and it appears the commission is in this kind of back and forth with the mayor. >> yeah, absolutely. and folks, i spoke to largely frustrated
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about that. they don't understand why this process has been so drawn out, and they feel that crime won't be properly dealt with until a new chief is in place. so they want one appointed now, not later. it should not take this long to have a new police chief. thursday, marking one year since the firing of oakland police chief leronne armstrong by mayor xiang tao and giovanni vincente. far from the only one questioning the city's search for a successor. my thoughts are i don't know why it's taking so long. >> i don't know why we can't get a good chief of police, but this have been expedited. >> does it need to take this long? >> it does not. and um, i squarely put a great deal of responsibility. be on the police commission. >> former oakland police chief anne kirkpatrick now chief of new orleans, accusing the commission of playing politics with the process after submitting armstrong name as a candidate to the mayor in december. others saying both sides are to blame.
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>> it just seems to be, uh, the way things are here in oakland and nothing gets done. >> everyone is threw the ball to each other. >> in the meantime, kirkpatrick says, the city is suffering without a permanent chief. >> it's extremely disruptive. it is, uh, disturbing rising not only internally, but if you destabilize your police department and you destabilize your community and that's reflected in crime from the streets of rock ridge. >> i never seen this bad. i've been robbed. uh twice at gunpoint in two east oakland's hegenberger road. >> the crime, um, in this area has just gotten out of control. >> crime is going rapid. >> in september, mayor tao telling ktvu if the city was still without a chief by the end of the year, she declare a state of emergency. that's yet to happen, but kirkpatrick says it likely should have, allowing tao to expedite the process or name a chief herself. that's what major cities do. >> make other cities just say, i want this person to be my next
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chief, and they do it. um, oakland, i would have thought, would be a major city, but they're not. they're not acting that way. >> and mayor tao unavailable for an interview today due to a death in the family. but her office says her plan is to continue to work collaboratively with the police commission to find a new candidate and a new chief of police. mike, anything that takes one year, i mean, there may be something wrong with the process. >> let me ask you about the process. what about this next list of candidates? zach i mean, are they under a deadline to get that list to the mayor? >> yeah, the police commission expected to submit those three new candidates by the beginning of march next month. but again, the mayor always reserves the right to reject those candidates . and then we'd have to start this process all over again. >> mike. then you also have the story, the whole morale of the police department. that's a whole entire story. there zac sos live tonight in oakland. zach, thank you for that. also
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in oakland, an upscale mexican restaurant is dealing with another break in. the manager at agave uptown says this is the third time in three weeks. and the 22nd break in since the restaurant opened in 2016. so surveillance video here showing the man entering the restaurant near 22nd and broadway just this morning. he appears to be behind the bar, taking liquor. the manager says they're all frustrated and restaurants in oakland are leaving one by one. >> a vallejo police officer has been arrested, ktvu has learned. officer ronald dupree is accused of domestic violence making criminal threats and stalking. he's currently being held at santa rita jail in dublin without bail. dupree has previously received awards for his involvement in making arrests for dui and stolen cars. the police department says officer dupree is on paid leave for an ongoing personal matter. >> tonight in kansas city, community members coming together to honor those affected by the super bowl parade shooting that left one woman dead and more than 20 others injured. chief fans putting on
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the red and yellow once again, but this time for a candlelight vigil. no charges have been filed yet after that shooting, which did cause a tragic end to the kansas city chiefs super bowl celebration, a motive is still unknown. >> tonight, fox news connor hansen has the latest now from kansas city. >> kansas city police have ruled out any connection to terrorism or extremism. but this community remains deeply disturbed by the outburst of violence, sending 11 children, some as young as six, to the hospital. but now the community starting to come together. >> we know lord, in the midst of all of this, you are right here with us. >> kansas city is still reeling, gathering at a vigil thursday night as the city tries to heal after wednesday's tragedy in the aftermath of yesterday day. >> we know that our community is struggling. our kids are struggling, as is our health care workforce. >> it should have never happened. >> nine of the children taken to the hospital were shot. all are expected to recover. police
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found several guns at the scene, but they're asking the public for help with any information or videos from the shooting. >> we'll do everything that we can both as a city and working with our state and federal partners to see that we can help avoid these types of situations. >> there were an estimated 1 million people downtown celebrating the chiefs super bowl victory when the shots rang out, and more than 800 law enforcement officers were at the parade. video from the scene appears to show good samaritan working with officers to tackle the attackers. chiefs fan tony janssens says his active shooter scenario training kicked in when he heard gunfire. >> i'm pointing, yelling at tackle this guy, tackle this guy and i'm jumping up and down. and luckily these four other guys heard me, mayor quinton lucas recognizes the threat of gun violence, but says it won't stop the city from holding other large events. >> though he acknowledges it might have to change where and when they're held in kansas city, connor hansen, fox news.
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>> and to stay on top of the latest developments coming out of kansas city, you can download the ktvu fox local app. it's a free download for your smart tv. >> police have confirmed the identities of the four family members killed in a triple murder suicide in san mateo. authorities identified the father as a non henry and the mother as alice benziger. their twin boys were four years old. investigators responded to their home monday after a relative said they could not reach anyone for days. the parents were found dead with gunshot wounds tonight. the exact cause of death for the two boys remains unclear, and a reminder that if you or someone you know is in need of help, there is a national hotline where support is available 24 hours a day. that number there on your screen right now, nine, eight, eight. >> new at ten tonight. some pushback this evening to driverless cars on the peninsula. the san mateo county board of supervisors has asked state regulators to reconsider allowing waymo to operate in the county. this comes as a south
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bay lawmaker is proposing a bill that would allow local government to decide if they want driverless cars out on the road. ktvu lamonica peters live now in san mateo with more lamonica. the board says that safety concerns and technical issues played a major role in their stance. >> state senator dave cortese says that this bill will give more control to local governments and hold driverless cars more accountable. >> this technology is not ready for prime time. >> san mateo county board supervisor david canepa says the board has unanimously decided to support state senate bill 915, which will give local governments the power to decide if it wants driverless cars on its streets right now, the cpuc decides where driverless companies can operate, and it approved waymo's application to expand to san mateo county last month. >> the last thing i want to do is to make highway 101 a beaker
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in waymo's science project. want to make sure we have speeds going at about 65 miles an hour? um, want to make sure, uh, that people are safe and look, in san francisco, they've had a multitude of problems over the last two weeks in san francisco, a bicyclist was struck and injured by a waymo driverless car. >> and another waymo car was set on fire by a group of people in chinatown. state senator dave cortese from san jose says he's proposing sb 915 because local governments have no way to regulate driverless cars. we're going to fix that loophole in the law, and we're going to let cities and counties, um, start putting ordinances together, laws together at the local level as they see fit for their particular community may be different, um, from one community to another, cortese says he believes driverless car technology will continue to improve, but regulation should
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happen at the local level. >> i think what they've proven to us is that they're not quite there and, and, um, we certainly need to let local communities like san francisco, in the san francisco board of supervisors come up with their own rules to protect people. >> now, in a statement, waymo said that it did provide information about the company to the board and other stakeholders before applying for the permit. state senator cortez says that it could take about a year for this bill to work its way through the legislature. mike. >> all right. lamonica peters reporting live for us tonight in san mateo county. thank you. well the san francisco giants reportedly no longer have cruise patches on their jerseys. sfgate reports the team will now switch to chevrolet, a different general motors owned car company . cruz is the san francisco based driverless car company that had its permit suspended last year after multiple issues. the giants told the gate. cruz
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continues to be a valued partner in bringing hundreds of electric vehicle chargers. chargers rather to the ballpark. >> a record breaking donation to the san francisco ballet. coming up, how the generous gift will shape the future of young, aspiring dancers. >> and your weekend just around the corner. now we'll take a peek at it. there are some rain in it, as you know. we'll have that timing coming up and coming up tonight at 1030. >> the search for a man accused of murder in the north bay more than a decade ago, with the fbi, is now
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go ballet announced today that it has received the largest donation in the company's history. a $60 million gift from an anonymous donor, ktvu jana katsuyama joins us live from san francisco, where you did talk with the ballet's directors. and, jan, a big day, big night for the ballet. oh such a big night, mike. >> they had a performance right here at war memorial opera house, and i talked with the artistic director and the interim executive director, and they said when they heard the news, they were thrilled and also humbled and. a night at the ballet. >> this is my first time going to night. yeah, it was really
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exciting. my friend patrick invited me and i just liked trying new things, so i thought it would be really fun. >> fun for first timer robert coleman, who was ready to see the san francisco ballet with his friend patrick smith, who says he was brought by a friend ten years ago and ended up loving it. >> i never thought in my wildest dreams that i would be be able to be in a season ticket holder and really opened my eyes and my ears, but even more so, my heart . >> that beauty of motion and music, which san francisco ballet has been bringing to the stage since 1933, now has moved one ballet patron to open up new possibilities for the company's future. >> it's five times larger than the biggest gift we've ever received, arturo jacobus, the interim executive director, says a donor decided to give $60 million to the san francisco ballet. it's clearly a historic gift both for san francisco ballet and for the world of ballet. >> the anonymous donor didn't want to be in the spotlight, but
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wanted to help the company put a spotlight on new artists and choreographers to be able to bring in new audiences is absolutely key to the to the future of organizations like san francisco ballet. >> i'm looking forward to seeing what they do with it and see see all the ballets they put on. i'm very attracted to the uniqueness of and it represents san francisco to me. >> the good news comes just as the new artistic director, tamara rojo, starts her first season grateful for this gift. >> it's not just me, but all future directors that will be able to continue to create the classics of the future. >> $50 million of the gift will be devoted to the endowment for creating new works. >> i believe in the transformative power of the performing arts. we're here to provide a common empathy and understanding for different points of views in a way that is confrontational, which is very rare today. and the executive
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director says another other hope by that anonymous donor is that it will inspire other philanthropists to give to some of these arts organizations. >> mike, creating new works, getting new audiences. as you said at the beginning, a big night for the san francisco ballet. jenna thank you for that. usa today announced its restaurants of the year for 2024, and one of them, right here in the bay area, atelier crenn is a three star michelin starred restaurant on fillmore street in san francisco's cow hollow. it was the only bay area mentioned on the hand-selected list of 47 eateries. it's known for being the first certified plastic free restaurant in america. menu items are partially inspired by the produce grown at one of the co-owners farms in sonoma. >> sfo has received $31 million in federal funding to make improvements to the international terminal today, the faa and the biden administration announced nearly $1 billion in grants from the bipartisan infrastructure law
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for airports across the country. the money that sfo received will be used to replace heating and cooling systems inside the international terminal. that terminal opened back in 2000 and is now dealing with aging infrastructure. >> the city of oakland is taking steps to improve its waterfront right along the embarcadero, mayor shang tao says the city has awarded a $25 million contract to reconnect community in west oakland, chinatown and downtown down all the way to the waterfront. the plan is to design a pedestrian and bike trail, as well as upgrade railway crossing equipment. the goal, she says, making the waterfront safer, more accessible and vibrant. >> the latest winner collection data shows california reservoirs are doing much better than they were this time last year. as of today, the state's mega reservoirs have reached 76% capacity, which is 115% of what's usually documented on this date. although water storage is looking pretty good, experts are grateful california will see a couple more storms over the weekend. to add to that
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capacity. it's great to see this stream of storms because to get even up to average conditions, we need 4 or 5 big storms during our winter wet season. in the storms will also benefit those heading north to ski this holiday weekend. palisades tahoe says they got a foot of snow overnight. let's bring in our chief meteorologist, bill martin now for more on the current conditions. bill. >> yeah, we've got more rain coming. julie, as you know, it's february. it's doing what it's supposed to do. it's an el nino year. it is absolutely acting like an el nino year where we're getting these weather systems every three days or so, every four days or so. we've got a system that went through yesterday, dropped some rain. now we've got another system coming in on saturday. here's the long range model. here's tomorrow. the if you see the bay area you see the clouds right. so tomorrow is about partly cloudy, mostly cloudy. then tomorrow around midnight. right. the showers start to move onshore and early in the morning in the north bay it starts to rain. there's 7 a.m. saturday and then there's 3:00 saturday. so it's kind of an all day
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event. looks like it's going to be wet from from the beginning to the end of the day on saturday. there's your break. see the gap in there. so that's what you need. we'll probably get an inch and a half in some of the heavier locations from the saturday event. and then we get going here and then we get our next system in here on sunday evening looks to be the strongest in the north bay. and then it kind of pushes out and out and weakens. so we'll see how that goes. that's the basic long range forecast. if you break it down in terms of potential for rainfall, this is what we're talking about. and this is over a couple of days. this is over 3 or 4 days. so it's not that impressive. it's really a beneficial rainfall as opposed to a one that causes us problems with with with flooding and mudslides. at least that's how it looks in the forecast. models so that's the plan. tomorrow looks good. partly cloudy temperatures in the low 60s. saturday rain. we'll time it all out in a few minutes. >> all right. see you in a bit, bill. thank you. san franciscans. hoping to vote in the march primary. mustrillionegister by next week to get that ballot. city officials say voters need to finish their registration by tuesday. now, this means
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completing your registration online by midnight on the 20th, or have your paper registration forms postmarked on or before the 20th. eligible voters who missed that deadline can register or update their registration at city hall voting center. >> coming up tonight, an historic day for lgbtq rights. the country that just legalized same sex marriage. >> also, tense moments in a georgia courtroom. the investigation into fulton county d.a. fani willis following claims of misconduct, but also ahead tonight, controversy at an east bay school board meeting, the comments that landed one member in hot water
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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the manhattan district attorney is charging the former president with falsifying records from the trump organization. he's accused of using the money to hide hush
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money paid to kill stories, allegedly hiding affairs outside of his marriage. the former president denies all wrongdoing. meantime in atlanta, a judge is hearing arguments over whether to disqualify district attorney fani willis from leading the georgia election. interference case against former president trump. >> now, willis is accused of lying about the timing of a romantic relationship with the prosecutor, who she hired. fox's randy travis, was inside the courtroom today. >> well, let's be clear, because you've lied in this. this. let me tell you which one you lied in right here. i think you lied right here. no, no, no, no, this is the truth, judge. and this. it is a lie. it is a lot. miss willis, you say mr. >> rarely does a prosecutor in a criminal case get questioned under oath by the defendant's attorneys. but it was clear long ago the election interference case against donald trump and 14 others now is no typical prosecution. we're talking about professionalism. >> no. are we talking about professionalism? she put in three different documents. he lived with me for opportunity to respond.
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>> a defiant fani willis testified she and nathan wade dated for about a year after she brought him in as a special prosecutor, but they've done nothing improper, she says, and she did not benefit financially from the relationship. wade testified his marriage was irretrievably broken in 2015, but he and his wife decided to stay together until their children were out of school. when did your romantic relationship with miss willis begin? >> 2022. when in 2022, early 2022? >> that would have been after he was hired by willis to manage the racketeering case against donald trump and others. wade said the two didn't travel together before then and they roughly split vacation expenses. >> you don't have a single solid free deposit slip to corroborate or support any of your allegations that you were paid by mrs. willis and cash, do you? >> no, sir. >> not a single solitary one. >> not a one. >> willis confirms she reimbursed wade and cash, explaining her father always advised her to keep six months
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cash on hand. since she's a single woman. >> i don't know why this old black man feels like that, but he does. when we were growing up, my daddy had three safes in the house, so my father bought me a lock box and i always keep cash in the house. >> defense attorneys argue willis only hired wade, paying him more than $650,000. so far, so she could get a financial benefit from all those trips. but throughout her testimony, fani willis was defiant. i object to you getting records. >> you've been intrusive into people's personal lives. you're confused. you think i'm on trial? these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. i'm not on trial. no matter how hard you try to put me on trial and that was randy travis reporting. >> willis is expected to return to the witness stand tomorrow in a landmark victory for supporters of lgbtq rights. >> greece has become the first orthodox christian country to legalize same sex marriage. in
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athens tonight, crowds gathered to celebrate the historic moment following the 176 to 76 vote in the greek parliament. the law gives same sex couples the right to get married and adopt children. opinion polls have suggested that most greeks support the reform by a narrow margin. coming up, the fbi now offering a reward for a man wanted in a north bay murder more than a decade ago. >> plus, we didn't find anything . >> no readings on our monitors. pga found nothing either. >> a mystery in napa county after dozens of students complain about suddenly feeling sick, the emergency response at a high school later in sports, giants manager bob melvin is thrilled about one of his new signees. >> our jason appelbaum will have the details. please. also coming up tonight, a special sneaker auction will soon honor a late and beloved san jose teacher. the story behind the shoes
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for a murder in solano county. mario guadalupe vasquez is on the fbi's most wanted list after an attempted robbery led to a deadly shooting in fairfield. this was back in 2012. authorities say there is a chance vasquez may have fled to mexico. he is considered armed and dangerous. anyone with information is urged to call the fbi. >> now to napa, where five students were taken to the hospital today after getting sick during class. but as ktvu crystal bailey shows us, there's still no clear explanation as to what caused it. it was first period students had just settled into choir class when some of them started feeling sick. >> the fire department was called and the students were relocated away from the music room. we had a total of 25
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patients that needed to be assessed that were all complaining of symptoms of nausea, headaches, and fatigue. the school was put on lockdown and five students were taken to the hospital. pg and e also responded to the hazmat call, napa police saying all parents of the six students were notified and asking parents to stay away from the building while they worked. but officials say they checked for carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide and inspected the hvac system, even looked for evidence of drugs. >> we didn't find anything. no readings on our monitors. pg and e found nothing either. so we're still at a loss as to what caused this. >> the lockdown was lifted and students returned to class later in the day, and napa county says it is monitoring the situation closely alongside the school. district officials say as soon as they can identify a cause, they will provide an update. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news as the hayward school board censured one of its members after he made controversial comments to a colleague, school
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board member joe ramos reportedly made a racist comment at a meeting last month. >> in response, at last night's meeting, the board voted to censure ramos, meaning he will not be allowed to serve on any committees or interact with staff while an investigation is underway. this all stems from the district's now terminated contract with the woke kindergarten program team. the district spent $250,000 in federal funding for the described for profit, anti-racist teacher training program last night. ramos also criticized the program, saying math and reading test scores are now worse. after two years of the program, and he claimed the school board members are racist. >> you guys are screwing with the latino community, and what's going to happen is this i'm just going to let them know more and more because you guys allowed this program in here so they could and you let them loose on some spanish speaking kids and latinos because you don't care. and you talk about racism. you guys are the racist. >> well, the district has since decided to cut the woke
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kindergarten program after facing backlash for anti-israel comments made by the program's founder. >> this contract and this relationship with what kindergarten was starting to attract a lot of heat and a lot of controversy and a lot of criticism, and it was more than anything, becoming a big distraction for the school district. and for the school. the district also says while test scores did go down over the last two years, so did absenteeism and suspensions. >> a national survey by ranks california among the top five most expensive states for child care in 2023. california is third most expensive for nannying, second for babysitting , and fifth for infant daycare. on average, this breaks down to $890 a week for nannies, $197 for a babysitter, and $304 for infant daycare. more expensive states in these categories include massachusetts, nevada, and alaska. child care in santa clara county is especially
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expensive, with services costing hundreds of dollars more a week, according to the joint venture. silicon valley index. >> some big changes coming to san jose's regional medical center, hospital executives announce its trauma center will be closing this upcoming summer. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary has the story. >> we are very disappointed to let you know that we are no longer able to provide trauma to stemi or comprehensive stroke services in our community. >> reporter thursday executives at regional medical center announcing shifting demand for service has doomed its level two trauma center, currently, the hospital's e.r. outpaces capacity, so executives are investing $10 million to expand the number of e.r. beds from 43 to 63. >> i'm glad to hear that they're committing to a $10 million investment and expanding the number of beds and services in the emergency room, but we don't ever want to see life saving medical services cut, particularly in our lower income
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neighborhoods. >> no one ever gets into the profession of taking care of people and thinking that they're not going to be able to do that, not be able to do their job for year registered nurse melissa gong says there were rumors of the trauma centers needing a lifeline. >> now, she worries for east san jose residents who will have to travel across town to valley medical center in west san jose, or 15 miles north to stanford medical center in palo alto, depending on what time of day you're having. >> your medical emergency, you could be stuck in 15 to 45 minutes of traffic to get to the nearest hospital. >> experts say hospitals and the entire health care industry is under the same economic pressures as other types of businesses, and that is forcing pragmatic decisions. >> of course, health care is a business and they need to keep their lights on. and if services could be better provided for emergency basis as opposed to a stemi or a trauma center and reallocation of resources is necessary, that's probably mostly a financial decision that's also backed by the
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numbers, with about six months to go, it's not an easy waiting game to see how the latest waves of change will impact those dependent on services. >> on the east side of san jose. >> we are providing the appropriate services that our community needs. >> some members of the california nurses association say they're going to fight the closing of the trauma center, with actions such as pickets, to try to force management to change its mind. in the south bay bureau, jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. lawmakers today introduced the california retail theft reduction act. >> it would keep repeat offenders in custody and increase jail time for suspects identified as professional retail thieves. lawmakers say they are working on solutions that will fix retail theft issues at all levels. this new package adds to the list of the 15 to 20 proposed bills that intend to address retail crime. um. the act would not require voter approval. each element of the bill could be enacted by the governor or legislature, a
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difficult six months for autonomous vehicle operator crews coming up at 11. >> the latest change in leadership and how it could affect the company's goal of getting driverless vehicles back onto the streets of california for. >> and we're checking into that rain for saturday. we'll let you know how it plans out for the weekend, how it times out, and then the five day forecast coming up. but first, a new software by openai ai is in the works. >> and this one is transforming text into video. we'll explain after the break is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. hey billy, how you doin? with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible.
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video platform sora, and the latest achievement for artificial intelligence is the microsoft backed company shared these ai generated videos, they say. sora can create 60s of
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highly detailed and realistic scenes and movement. this is all based on just a few sentences of text. description openai says it has a team specializing in misinformation, bias and hateful content, testing the model to improve safety efforts. >> santa clara based tech company nvidia is now the third most valuable company in the united states, surpassing google parent alphabet. nvidia is now valued at $1.825 trillion. nvidia controls about 80% of the high end artificial intelligence chip market, a position that has boosted its stock price, which has more than doubled in the past 12 months. >> on wall street, stocks continued setting records despite mixed news on the economy, a new report showed. sales at us retailers weakened more than expected in january, but that could also mean that inflation will continue to ease. the dow was up 348 points. nasdaq climbed 47 and the s&p
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rose 29. traders are still anticipating the federal reserve will cut interest rates this spring or summer. >> some federal lawmakers are expressing their concerns tonight about plans to build a new city in solano county. the plan is backed by silicon valley billionaires. today, congressman mike thompson and john garamendi, both representing parts of the bay area, and solano county, hosted a forum about the proposed california forever development right near travis air force base. lawmakers say project organizers have not even answered basic questions, such as where would the water come from for the new homes? or where would the sewage go? >> they may be the greatest people in the world with the most lofty ideas and morals, but i, i believe that you, uh, trust but verify. and there's nothing that they have done that leads me to believe they're trustworthy and there's nothing in their proposal that will allow for verified in california
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forever has said in the past the project would create good paying jobs and that the community will have solar farms, parks and affordable housing. >> mlb commissioner rob manfred, speaking today about the oakland a's coming up, his thoughts on the team's future in las vegas lost an impressive shoe collection will soon hit the auction block, and it's all in honor of a late south bay teacher. >> how her family is keeping her memory alive and clear skies tonight across the bay area. >> similar conditions tomorrow, but come saturday, we can expect some stormy conditions. our chief meteorologist, bill martin, is back after the break with your neighborhood forecast the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate.
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i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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upcoming season. the proposed new ballpark in las vegas is not expected to be completed until the year 2028. this would mean the a's will need a home for another three seasons. on top of this, one last month. a's executives toured minor league ballpark in both sacramento and salt lake city as possible options, and today, mlb commissioner rob manfred said he is confident the las vegas deal is solid. >> whenever you're leaving a market where you've been for decades and you're going to make a move to a different city where there's not a stadium that
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that's a really difficult undertaking and it's not going to you know, be seamless, smooth . there are going to be bumps along the road. >> and if the a's stay at the coliseum and in the market for the next four years, the team would continue to keep its broadcasting rights deal worth roughly $70 million a year. the new professional baseball team in oakland has a home for the upcoming season. >> the oakland ballers say they have chosen raymond park in west oakland as their home field. they'll play 48 home games at the park, starting with the inaugural home game on june 4th. the oakland ballers say they have a $1.6 million plan funded through private investments, to make upgrades to the ballpark park. the local community will have access to the field on the other 372 nights. when the team will not be playing. >> teacher in san jose was known for her devotion to her students and also her love of shoes. actually collecting quite the collection over the years. yes she though died suddenly last year and now her family is honoring her name in a unique
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way. >> ktvu is an reuben has the story. >> we ask any sneaker head and they'll tell you this collection is impressive. mostly jordans, many of them rare. >> these shoes that she's got are really special. they're all retros. they're all limited edition products. >> the collection belonged to virginia wright, aka sp gina, a beloved san jose school teacher and unlikely influencer. this was gina back in 2019, and they go, we're going to get you your own shoe. >> and my first response was, right, sure. you know, i didn't believe them. >> it was unheard of. but area based retailer shoe palace and jordan brand created a special sneaker just for gina. she's the only non-celebrity to ever get one. gina found the sneakers were a way to connect with her students because it was just you know, everything. >> everything about the jordan shoe that she loved. but how the kids noticed and she knew she could grab that kid in and, you know, talk to that kid, and that's that's what it was last
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year. >> gina died suddenly in a car accident. but her family knew they wanted to honor her memory. >> we were just trying to figure out, you know, um, the shoes and the amount of shoes and how to make her proud. >> shoe palace. gina s favorite store, stepped in with an idea they could auction off all those shoes to raise money for a scholarship. it was tragic that what happened to her. >> and i just felt like at least her legacy can still live on. we have a part in that. i feel like that's what we're trying to do here. >> there are more than 200 pairs. the family rented a u-haul to deliver them to shoe palace. jason marks, a well-known shoe cleaning company, is getting them back to mint condition. one shoe that won't be auctioned. gina's personal pair of her namesake sneaker using different products , maintaining them whatever we need to do to bring them back to life as much as we can. the family decided the scholarship should be for gina's alma mater, san jose state. they say the auction being about sneakers and education just seems right. >> she would love to see that
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and she would love to help students better their lives with the scholarship. >> that's in her name. >> the online auction will be done through the charitybuzz site. the family and shoe palace hope to raise at least $50,000 to fund the san jose state scholarship in perpetuity. the auction should be live in early march in morgan hill and ruben ktvu fox two news. >> all righty. teed up for the weekend. now tomorrow's friday. i hope you've got a short day planned. the weather looks not too bad for tomorrow. i mean, as you know, the weekend is going to be wet, especially on saturday. i think sunday is your best day in terms of the morning. i think you'll get some stuff done. the systems are stacked up out there. we've got a couple of them lined up out in the pacific, el nino year, atmospheric river, the whole bit, and it's setting up pretty nicely. so saturday right now, friday late night into saturday looks like our best bet for rain . here is the water vapor loop or the precipitable water. this just shows you this atmospheric
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river. you can clearly pick it out. so here it comes. here we are friday morning. here we are in the about 1 a.m. so that's late friday night early saturday morning. and you see it kind of sweeps on through pretty quickly in a few hours. so that saturday event is going to lose its moisture. tap to some extent. so that's why we're expecting good amount of rain but not ridiculous amounts of rain. and then it drips south into southern california. the main plume. but then look to the north again. see that area pick up right there right over the bay area. that's our sunday system that lingers into monday as some of that moisture gets pulled in on monday morning, early. so i know it's a lot, but it just gives you an idea where the moisture is. and it looks like the atmospheric rivers kind of break off for a little while. so with that in mind, over the course of 3 or 4 days, we're going to get this much rain, which is super manageable considering we've got these breaks. it's just going to be getting used to driving in the rain. getting to mountain travel will be sketchy. i think this will be again, a pretty aggressive move. marin storm in on the coast. of course not
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tomorrow, but on saturday and sunday the swell comes up. as you would expect. so 15 to 20ft. easy it's just going to be big and gnarly and you just don't want anything to do with the water. the ocean, the saturday or sunday. and these were the highs from today. pretty warm. look at how warm it was. san jose was 67 degrees, so outside we go. we've got clear skies are partly cloudy skies right now. it'll be cloudy most of the day. tomorrow we'll call it partly cloudy, partly sunny. here's the satellite loop showing what's happening now. there's the cloud . it keeps us warm overnight. that's why temperatures are trending a little bit. well, about where they were a little cooler, maybe, but they keep us warm. they'll keep us above freezing these clouds. and so that's tomorrow morning's forecast. here's the model forecast for friday afternoon. and then there you go. friday late night into early saturday morning. and this is the system of concern. and there it is 1:00 on saturday day. and then it pushes through and then get that break on sunday. most of sunday. and then sunday afternoon it gets going again as you see
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right here if we get going. so yeah it's good stuff. here's a five day forecast coming up right after this temperature map. and you'll see that we've got breaks then then rain then break, then rain then break. and that's how you want to do it. i'll see you back here at 11. >> all right bill thank you. the warriors in utah tonight for the final game before the all star break. and klay thompson coming off the bench. jason appelbaum with the highlights next in sports. >> then on the 11:00 news a massive explosion in southern california sends some fire fighters to the hospital. we'll have reaction from nearby residents after a gas tank erupted
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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for regular season win number 500. klay thompson's new role off the bench and the warriors
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trying to climb back above 500 before the all star break. the team back in utah to make up the game that was postponed following the sudden death of assistant coach dejan milojevic a month ago, and klay, a reserve for the first time in 12 years. and he responds big time tonight. hit a major milestone two. that layup gave him 15,000 career points. warriors up ten. watch this pass by steph a little flick lefty flick to brandon pisemsky who hits the three to beat the first half. buzzer pisemsky getting the start for klay. looking like one of the steals of the draft. he finished with 13 points, eight assists late third klay, he said of his new role you can pout or you can respond. he did the latter tonight. klay was seven threes a season high 35 points. warriors up 17. but they tend to squander big league leads and they are held without a field goal. the final 438 of the game collins sexton's put back has
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the jazz only down by three. he finished with 35. then with two seconds left, sexton a chance to tie it. no, that would have forced overtime, but the warriors hang on. won 40 to 137 and kerr, the fifth fastest coach to reach 500. regular season wins, and the warriors head into the break in 10th place in the west 27 and 26. their record saint mary's gaels going for their 13th straight win. no problem with pepperdine tonight in moraga and a special night for former gaels center joe landale, who becomes the fourth saint mary's player and third from australia to have his number retired seconds before the first half ends. look at this shot. alex ducas from half court. you betcha. he had a big night. aidan mahinmi, mahaney made the three pointer here and the 18th ranked gaels. they win big. and i mean big. 103 to 59
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to improve to 12. and oh in conference 21 and six overall all former the sacramento kings great peja stojakovic in seattle to watch his son and the stanford cardinal take on washington. this one all huskies already up 20 when corin johnson hits the pull up. three johnson finished with a career high 30 points off the bench, and washington beats stanford 85 to 65. mark madsen and the cal bears about 300 miles to the east of seattle in pullman to take on washington state. miles rice, he led the way for the cougars. he had 19 and washington state similar score here. then the washington stanford game 84 to 65 cal on the short end and history tonight in iowa city. >> here comes clark. how will she go for history that is. >> and with that 30 footer, iowa's caitlin clark past former university of washington star
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kelsey plum to become the ncaa all time women's scoring leader with 3528 points, clark's scored the first eight points of the game in michigan against michigan in route to an iowa single game record, 49 points for kaitlin clark. the hawkeyes cruise past the wolverines 106 to 89, while football season has come to an end, baseball season just around the corner and spring training is officially here. bob melvin, of course, now running the show for the san francisco giants, which may take a little getting used to after seeing him in an a's uniform for 11 seasons, and then two more with the san diego padres. one of the giants big off season signings was without a doubt, korean baseball star jeong ho lee, who comes in on a six year deal worth $113 million the 25 year old outfielder was the mvp in the korean league two years ago, and he's projected to hit
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leadoff for the giants. >> to me, it was it's glaring how quickly it seems like he's fit in and how comfortable he's been. he's a good player, so i mean, you watch batting practice and defensive drills and so forth. and you know, we've got a pretty good handle on all that. >> how about the sharkies? they are in calgary tonight taking on the flames. third period. sharks up 3 to 2 flips zadina big night for him. he works the nice give and go with nico sturm and zadina scores to make it four two sharks. he had a couple of goals two assist. sharks win 6 to 3, their 15th win of the season. that's one more than the chicago blackhawks, who have the worst record in the league, and tiger woods. he dealt with back spasms in his first pga event since the masters last april, but he did make it through the opening round of the genesis invitational at the riviera country club in pacific palisades. woods had his moments five birdies on the day. watch him curl this one in on the
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sixth hole, but he also had six bogeys to finish one over par 72, tied for 49th. and your leader is patrick cantlay thanks to putts like this one on 14 for birdie. he leads by one stroke at seven under par at the genesis invitational us right out there on the green i can hit a putt like that every now and then. >> we can all do very good. golfer jason. yeah. all right jason thank you. all righty. next at 11 the driverless industry has done a good job of convincing a lot of people that those cars are a lot more sophisticated than they really are. >> this is just about good government making sure that we have local control over our autonomous vehicles. >> driverless vehicles, getting even more pushback as bay area elected officials now doing what they can to regulate the cars, the 11:00 news on kttv icu fox two starts now right now, san mateo county trying to prevent waymo's expansion into the county. >> meanwhile, a state s i


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