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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  February 17, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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the mayor feels out of the loop on the decision. then governor gavin newsom was in the east bay to announced a new round of project homekey awards, with plans to convert more spaces into housing. details on the
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state grant that oakland will soon receive. and just a couple of weeks after a major storm hit most of california residents are getting ready to get hit by more wet weather. the preparation some are taking in the full forecast, with rosemary oroczo, with more on which areas will get hit the most and when. >> from ktvu. fox two news this is mornings on two. >> good morning to you and welcome to mornings on two. on this saturday, saturday, february 17th i'm claudine wong everyone i'm frank mallicoat. >> happy weekend. it's going to be a wet weekend and it all gets started today. so let's throw it over to rosemary and find out when it's all going to start. it looks mighty green behind you, by the way. >> yes, it's just now coming ashore, as you can see here on the satellite and radar. and it will be light to begin with. today's system going to bring us a light rain on and off for the first part of the day, and then it does pick up steam and bring us pockets of moderate rain into the afternoon. here's a nice
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look into san francisco. where we do have mostly cloudy skies and the sunrise is just upon us. although tough to see the sunshine, this morning and a view of storm tracker two, where you can see areas along the coastline now beginning to see some lightrillionain, as well as sections of the north bay. the advisory for today is a high surf advisory. it starts at 10:00 this morning and will go until tomorrow afternoon for large breaking waves. we're talking 22ft. perhaps up to 28ft, stretching along our west facing beaches from the north bay, all the way down into monterey for more advisories to come. with the stronger system expected for tomorrow. so i'll have a better look at what we can expect for today and the week. the rest of the weekend. coming up. >> okay. thank you rosemary. and as rosemary mentioned, with the storm systems headed our way, preparations are underway across the bay area for santa clara county is opening all seven of its warming centers this weekend as a resource for their local unhoused community. the county also suggests those living in encampments along waterways move now, before they become more
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vulnerable to rising water levels. san jose says crews have cleared debris from 35,000 catch basins to prevent flooding. valley water officials are taking preemptive action to make sure conditions do not get worse . >> our crews are out there. they have been out there since the start of the storm season, just making sure there's no blockages in our creeks and making sure everything is clear. so the creeks can flow as intended to reduce flooding. >> the city is also getting ready to respond to downed trees and power lines as overly saturated soil makes those problems more common, and the chp is warning drivers who are wanting to head to lake tahoe this holiday weekend to expect heavy snow and stormy conditions on the highway. you're taking a live look at the south truckee bypass, and you can see it looks wintery out there right now. there are no chain requirements currently on highway 50 and interstate 80. the. main two
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highways that link the bay area to the sierra. but that is expected to change later today as the storm picks up steam. so always remember to have those chains with you and emerging supplies. the chp is urging drivers to check current road conditions before leaving for lake tahoe. >> time now is 703 and new this morning. the public library in antioch is closed until further notice. contra costa county library system says it's too dangerous to keep the doors open. currently ktvu james torres live in antioch, where some city leaders are questioning that decision. james, good morning, frank, and morning. >> and you would certainly see the obvious signs that. it's closed. i mean, not only are we standing in an empty parking lot, but they have about 3 or 4 different signs in the door saying it's not just closed for the holiday weekend, it is closed until further notice. the library says making that announcement yesterday and it takes effect today. that means if you rely on the internet or
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really any other resources here, you won't be able to access it for the unforeseeable future. contra costa library officials say repeated dangerous incidents forced them to make this decision, but they didn't really specify more than that. and that's leading to some questions about what it is that they mean. questions even coming from the mayor. here's a statement offered by mayor lamar hernandez thorpe saying in part no. one in the city of antioch, including the police chief, was informed of any safety concerns by contra costa county regarding the library. now, there is no set date for when the library is set to reopen, but on its website, library officials say they will try to reopen as soon as possible once they figure out security measures to implement. to make this area a little bit more safe. but again, there's really no telling what it is they're referring to in terms of safety concerns. we will be reaching out to library officials this morning. of course, once we hear more answers, we will bring that to you. for now, we're live this morning from antioch. i'm james
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torres, ktvu, fox two news. thank you. >> james. governor newsom was in the bay area highlighting the very latest efforts to address homelessness. the governor was in oakland at the site of a motel which has been converted to supportive housing units under project homekey. he announced a new round of homekey awards statewide project converts former offices, motels and other underused buildings in a housing for people that are experiencing. homelessness today we're announcing, as was noted, a $99 million additional investment. >> there's still additional resources left to be precise 138 million left of the 3.5 billion after the 99 million is distributed today in six counties in the state of california, including here in alameda county, along with the homekey awards for alameda county, the governor also announced awards for projects in fresno, l.a, san diego and yuba city state. senator scott wiener wants to speed up approval of
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downtown development by suspending environmental reviews. >> the senator says his bill would create a temporary ten year exemption from the state's environmental quality act. for many projects downtown, he says, the law has been abused to delay or stop beneficial projects like housing, transit and clean energy, and he said it would still apply in environmental sensitive areas like the waterfront. mayor, london breed offered support in a statement, saying, quote, the possibilities for transforming downtown should be wide open, but too often barriers stand in the way. we are changing local laws and now state laws to. i'm proud to sponsor this effort by senator wiener to make it easier to bring real change to downtown. >> a new resource in the north bay is looking to help men struggling with their mental health. it's called thug therapy , and it's coming to the city of marin this morning. registration for all the workshop is free to all participants. the goal is to get more men comfortable in a therapy setting, talking about their emotions and mental health
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challenges. it was created by bay area rapper and community activist mistah fab in an alpha male dominated world. >> it it is looked at as, oh, it's weak or they you know, they look at it as feminine or uh, so it's tough for men to be able to say, listen, man, i'm going through some things. i'm stressing. i'm my mother died. i don't know how to, you know, i'm having trouble raising my daughter. >> the session is at nine this morning to 230 in the afternoon, hosted at the manzanita recreation. center in marin. all hours for the oakland chinatown lunar new year parade say they won't let this upcoming storm flood out their festivities. >> this is the second year for a new year's parade will be held in oakland's chinatown. it is set to be hosted at wilmington park tomorrow afternoon. top leaders of the group played in the parade say it would take one nasty storm to cancel this event. it's going to be rain or shine. >> we've told our partners and we've told spectators, uh, rain
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or shine, we're going to go for it. uh uh, well, we have ponchos , we have umbrellas, and we have , um, you know, our stage is going to be covered in case if there's rain and the rain isn't expected until after the parade finishes around 1 p.m. >> so they're going to be keeping an eye on any changes in the forecast over the next day leading up to the parade. they'll join us here in studio later this morning for a closer look at the preparations underway. and certainly we know from the chinese new year parade that ktvu broadcast in san francisco. rain or shine, we can do this. we prefer no rain. >> i was going to say, you're going to you're going to be right in the middle of it all next week. >> you and mike watching that forecast, rosemary, like you wouldn't like. every time it changes i'm like, oh hourly okay i know because i've been asked about this forecast. >> i don't know how many times already. yeah. right now it looks like 20% scattered shower chance. so not too bad. but yes, we show up and the fans show up rain or shine. which is very commendable. giving you a look
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here at a gray golden gate as we get into the second part of the day, the storm is expected to bring moderate pockets of rain between now and then. it should be generally light, giving you a look here at the temperatures where we're a lot warmer this morning, upper 40s to mid 50s across the region. oakland 55 degrees right now san francisco 54. our winds are generally light. this is the weaker system . tomorrow additional advisories and we'll talk about tomorrow. coming up let's focus on today where you can see that line of rain bringing some lightrillionain to our north bay coastline for areas along the san francisco peninsula coastline, as well, but areas inland south bay, even the inner north bay still dry at this time . if i back up just a little bit, most of this is still offshore. we are going to see anywhere from a quarter inch to about an inch and a half of rainfall. with this and there is
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an advisory for the sierra that begins at 10:00 this morning. so the sierra still dry, as well as we mentioned a moment ago, no change required at this time, but that begins to change. the first advisory will expire early tomorrow morning. a second to follow you know, 12 hours later, which will be sunday afternoon. and that second one goes until 10:00 in the morning. so let's put a timeline on this. here we go into noon. we do have lightrillionain falling over the bay area. then it looks like we hit a little bit of a lull before for the bigger part of the storm moves in. this is 5:00. if you have dinner plans five, six, 7:00. do expect those pockets of heavy rain and then we break away to scattered showers. once again, getting into the evening hours and the start of tomorrow. as far as rainfall amounts again, anywhere from quarter inch to about an inch and a half expected. with this system, the stronger storm arriving tomorrow has a wind advisory as well as a flood watch. a better look at the rest of the weekend and what we can expect coming up. okay >> thank you rosemary, and you can stay up to date with the
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latest weather forecasts. we have special forecasts all weekend long, along with stories that you can only find on our fox local app. that is a free app for your smart tv or streaming device. >> up next, just the day after the a's president had a meeting with oakland and alameda county officials, now a potential pivot in a lease agreement. why sacramento has now emerged in the plants coming up and the department of the interior has reached an historic agreement with the klamath basin tribes up in northern california for how that deal will have a major impact on the efforts to restore the area's ecosystem. >> after the klamath dam was recently removed
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and are seeking conservatorship for him after he was diagnosed with dementia. the petition
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states that the 81 year old rock and roller and the hall of fame musician's mental health had declined and he is unable to care for himself after his wife passed away last month. will son's family has asked a judge to appoint two longtime associates to oversee both his personal and his medical decisions. >> a former ucsf administrator has been sentenced to 20 months in prison for stealing $1.5 million in tuition payments. 55 year old sandra lay will also be required to pay back the $1.5 million. she will also be under supervised release for three years after she's out of prison. lay pleaded guilty to diverting tuition payments to her personal accounts while she worked for ucsf, oakland and major league baseball have had discussions about possibility of the city being guaranteed an expansion team if the a's leave. >> this week, the city and the team met and discussed the possibility of extending the athletics lease at the oakland coliseum. team's current lease
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is set to expire at the end of this upcoming season, and their las vegas park is not expected to be completed until 2028. mayor tao's chief of staff telling the chronicle, quote, if a three year extension was to be offered and granted, then our expectations is that the city of oakland would retain an mlb team. but now a potential change in those plans, according to the athletics or the athletic director. the a's are reportedly eyeing sutter health park in sacramento to be their temporary home from. 2025 to 2027. the a's did not directly comment on the report, but a spokesperson said to the east bay times that talks with oakland and the alameda county officials have been constructive and positive for the a's incentive to stay at the coliseum would be that the team would continue to keep its broadcasting rights deal worth roughly about $70 million a year. but according to the athletic, once again they could
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retain some of that money, even if they do move up to sacramento. the biden administration says it has brokered a historic agreement between native american tribes and farmers along the california oregon border. >> the us interior department says the deal marks a truce in the long running battle involving access to the water from the klamath river. it's providing $72 million in federal funds for a major river restoration project. it would allow the tribes to continue fishing in the same waters that local farmers need for their crops. >> although we're seeing a good amount of snowfall up in the sierra. experts say this does not necessarily help our reservoirs in the state. east bay mud says their reservoirs are more than 80% capacity. doing okay right now thanks to customers pass conservation efforts. but they say we'll need more of the heavy, wet snow instead of dry, powdery snowpack to help raise water levels during the spring runoff, a spokesperson with east bay mud says the company's storms will be a welcome boost, though i
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think the colder storms that are forecast for later on next week should hopefully help us with that because we rely. on that snowmelt, we rely on that water content in that snow to run into our watershed and then serve our east bay customers. east bay mud says they appreciate customers water conservation efforts that are making a big impact on protecting our water supplies. >> all right. time now. 717. and speaking of water, we're expecting a lot of it over the next several days as we watch these storm systems very carefully. rosemary. >> yes, it's all about the timing. right. and we'll see if we can put some of that into perspective for you, giving you a look here over the golden gate, where it's a little bit of a soggy start to the first system coming ashore, bringing with it a light rain. we'll check in on the radar here momentarily. let's talk about again the advisories that are coming along with these rounds of rain. the high surf advisory
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begins later this morning and will last until sunday for our entire stretch of the coastline, there. so be careful. we do have hazardous conditions expected out at the coastline. the flood watch and the wind advisory start tomorrow. that's when the stronger storm is expected to begin to move in. here is where we are right now. lightrillionain falling over the north bay from the coast into our hills and into the valley. locations as. we shift to the central bay, we've got the coastline as well as just inside the bay. some of the lighter shade of green indicating virga. it's not hitting the ground just yet, beginning to moisten the atmosphere, and eventually it will be hitting the ground because we have more to come. of course, as we get into the afternoon, this is a look at the storm coming our way for sunday and will linger into tuesday before we begin to dry out on wednesday. so all said and done, we do expect a quite a bit of
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rain as well as sierra snow anywhere from 2 to 4. even five inches of rainfall, even more expected for our coastal range in our hills, as we typically get. and then as we look over towards the sierra, we're talking feet of snow at the higher peaks. right now. kirkwood a projection there 38in by wednesday. say the timing on this as we get into your lunch hour, lightrillionain is falling. let's talk about the dinner hour five, six, 7:00. pockets of moderate rain expected. trying to time it out for you so you can sort of conceptualize where you will be at this time. there's a look at tomorrow morning. we're mainly dry, mostly cloudy skies, and then it takes until the afternoon before it moves ashore. and when it does, we're looking at pockets of moderate to heavy rain once again sunday afternoon. and then it moves through. here's a look at overnight into monday morning. here's hoping everybody has the holiday. not getting out to work because the roads are going to be flooded in the area on monday morning. and then monday at lunchtime another round coming through and another round on tuesday. so we will have dry periods. but then another round
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will sweep in. it has to do with the nature of the storm, with the wind advisory as well as the flood watch advisory. for those that time frame temperature wise, outside our doors this morning, it's a warmer start, upper 40s to mid 50s, and for the afternoon, seasonal upper 50s to low 60s. our temperatures don't change much. not the overnight lows and not the afternoon highs. moving forward with again, just the soggy weather all the way through tuesday. even a slight chance on wednesday. back to you. >> the level of trash that gets dumped out to sea is the size of texas. >> the number of storms we've already seen this year have caused a large amount of trash to wash up on the coast. white beachgoers and surfers say it shouldn't have to take so much of an effort to get it cleaned up. >> also ahead, a new york judge has officially ordered former president donald trump to pay millions in penalties. why the ruling creates a major setback for his presidential campaign.
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trump is also banned from running any business in the state of new york for the next three years. the judge ruled trump and his two older sons inflated the value of their holdings on financial statements to banks to get favorable loans. yesterday's ruling followed a five year investigation into the trump family's real estate empire. >> donald trump may have authored the art of the deal, but he perfected the art of the steal. this long running fraud was intended egregious, illegal. >> the judge also ordered eric and donald trump jr to pay a $4
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million penalty. the former president has denied all wrongdoing and says he does plan to appeal the judge's ruling. >> time now with 724. the bay area russian community held a vigil in honor of russian opposition leader alexei navalny in san francisco last night. more than 100 people attended the candlelight vigil for navalny supporters brought flowers and signs of photos photos of him who was a champion of the democracy and an outspoken critic of russian president putin. russian officials say the 47 year old political prisoner lost consciousness after a walk friday and died of natural causes. it's like a small part of me died as well. >> it's like i felt hopeless for some time. but then i remember that he wouldn't be, um. he wouldn't support that. that mood, as he told us before he left, that we shouldn't give up and just keep fighting for free russia. he is like the main opponent of, uh, russian
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government regime right now. >> and, uh, so he is probably one of the last unifying forces, uh, for russian people. >> navalny had been imprisoned since january of 2021. now the death of navalny is sending shockwaves all around the world. navalny's wife and his supporters say they put the blame for his imprisonment and sudden death on putin. president biden also said that there is no doubt that the death of navalny was a consequence of something putin did. navalny's death comes just one month before the russian election, with putin widely expected to win a fifth terms as president at ford may reconsider where it builds future vehicles following last fall's auto workers strike, the company's ceo said ford's relationship with the union was damaged to the point where it will think carefully about its factory locations as it transitions to electric vehicles . >> union officials say ford should stay focused on building the best auto industry, not moving factories to pay lower wages. more than 9000 auto
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workers are threatening to go on strike again next week at ford's largest factory if a contract dispute is not resolved. and this week, a shooting in kansas city rocked the community at a time when they should be celebrating later this morning, we're sitting down with an expert to talk about why this has such a heavy impact on the public when it comes to major events. >> also ahead, college students got frightening news of a threat of a shooter on the campus. coming up, the investigation now underway, and why students say they feel angry coming up
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wendy's breakfast 2 for $3 is so good, the crew is giving every combination codenames. bis-squared. egg and cheese biscuit and sausage biscuit. 2 biscuits! i'm impressed tyler knew what squaring was... mathletes! no matter what you call it, choose wisely. choose wendy's breakfast 2 for $3.
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bounced from one doctor to the next. does it have to be like this? at kaiser permanente, we have a different kind of healthcare... so, how did you like doctor lum? ...where all of us work together for all that is you. at first, i used better than bouillon for broth. and then stir fry... sauces... even marinades! and now there's the culinary collection! italian herb for pasta... smoky chipotle for fajitas... it's like the deliciousness never ends! make everything better with better than bouillon!
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fire crew in the east bay targeted by thieves, is now trying to recover from a major theft and get their gear back. why? the firefighter says this couldn't have come at a worse time. >> and the antioch library is closed until further notice starting today. but we're not totally sure why. we'll give you some details coming up in a few minutes from ktvu, fox two news. >> this is mornings on two and good morning. >> happy weekend one and all. and we've got a lot of green on your screen. the radar says we got rain coming our way. in fact in the north bay it looks pretty prevalent already. and it looks like it's pretty much all over the bay area. and it's going to
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be that way for several days. the first of 2 or 3 waves come in our way. welcome back to ktvu mornings on two. on the saturday i'm frank mallicoat and i'm claudine wong. >> let's talk about our weather because there's lots to talk about. meteorologist rosemary oroczo joining us, and i feel like this is window weather. you look for the windows to go do the things that you need to do. we have some celebrations in oakland this weekend. they need a window. people who are traveling for the holiday weekend need a window. sure, absolutely. everyone needs windows. yeah, that's a great way of putting it because it's not going to rain the entire, you know, between now and wednesday. but it is going to be off and on. it's going to be heavy at times. today's system bringing with it a showers this morning, followed by heavier rain in the afternoon and then tapering off until tomorrow. system arrives. have high surf advisory today. we have advisories for flooding as well as wind for tomorrow. that will kind of linger into the week ahead, with scattered showers and even the chance for
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thunderstorms on monday. a better look at today and what we can expect moving forward. coming up. all right. thank you rosemary. well new this morning. the public library in antioch is closed until further notice. the contra costa county library system says it has just become too dangerous to keep those doors open. let's go to ktvu. james torres, who's live for us in antioch. where some city leaders are questioning that decision. good morning. james >> good morning. cloudy. not too many specifics here, but if you walked up to the antioch library in its front doors, you'll see the obvious signs, literal signs saying that it is closed. we see a number of them on the doors this morning, some saying they're closed for the holiday weekend, some saying they are closed until further notice. and that is what you need to know today. the library suddenly making that announcement yesterday and it takes effect today. that means if you rely on the internet here or any other resources, you won't be able to access it for the unforeseeable future. contra costa library officials say repeated dangerous
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incidents forced them to make this decision, but they didn't really go into much more detail than that. and that is leading to some questions about what it is that they mean. questions even coming from the mayor of antioch. here's a statement from lamar hernandez thorpe saying in part no. one in the city of antioch, including the police chief, was informed of any safety concerns by contra costa county regarding the library. so we still really don't know what it is they are referring to, but there is no set date for the library to reopen at this point on its website, library officials say they will reopen as soon as possible. in the meantime, they say they are working on security measures to implement and once they have that figured out, they will then set a date for this library to reopen. but we are still waiting to see when and how soon that might be. of course, once we have those details, we will bring them to you. for now, we are live this morning from the city of antioch. i'm james torres, ktvu fox two news. thank
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you james. >> officials at stanford university investigated a false report of a potential campus shooting. palo alto police say they received a call from an unidentified person claiming they were at the entrance of the campus and planned on committing a shooting at school yesterday afternoon. students on campus say they were scared when they saw an alert about a potential shooter on their phones. i was terrified because i'd never been through something remotely close to a situation like this, and i get the call from my brother. >> he's like, go home right now and lock your door. that was just going past the oval and the main quad. >> and there was officers with guns just walking around. extremely unusual for this campus, this stanford public safety officer spent several hours searching the campus. >> students say a number of events and classes were canceled out of caution. >> we ended up just canceled it just in case that something would really happen. >> i know some midterms have been canceled. some of them are
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being rescheduled because people feel generally unsafe to be outside right now. i was really scared. i think we know in the us we have a large number of like mass shootings pretty regularly. um, and there was a shooting at berkeley recently. so i very much thought that threat was very real and very scary. >> last week, a gunman was arrested after firing nine rounds on the cal campus. nobody was injured, but the incident only heightened concern. and as you heard on stanford's campus after yesterday's alert, police in pinole are searching for a man that they say shot and killed the mother of his child. >> the deadly shooting took place yesterday morning at a home on summit drive. investigators say 36 year old jeffrey kendall broke a window to get inside the home, then shot and killed the woman in the basement. they say the couple's toddler son was home at the time of the shooting, and this crime has shocked people living in this usually quiet neighborhood. >> i was getting a barrage of text messages telling me what was going on. and, you know, of
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course, having a child at home and not being close to home, it was frightening. police say this video shows kendall running away from the home before driving away in a gray hyundai elantra. >> they warn that he is armed and dangerous, and anyone who sees him should contact pinole police immediately. >> a fire crew in the east bay is trying to recover three thousands of dollars worth of stolen items. the firefight cars were targeted by thieves while working to help communities clean up from the winter storms. ktvu is amber lee spoke with one of the crew members, who explains why the items taken in the burglary are essential to their work. >> the newly formed hand crew, eight, from alameda county fire, will be responding to calls this weekend, despite a recent setback, three out of the unit's four vehicles were vandalized and essential equipment was stolen. >> our main purpose for what the crew is around for, especially during the storm damage was to be available to respond to
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hazard trees and immediately after the incident, we were on an unavailable to do that during the first weekend of february, the crew responded to storm damage caused by fallen trees in different parts of alameda county. >> the ten member team was staying at the doubletree hotel in pleasanton while on assignment for the california office of emergency services on february sixth, around 6 a.m, crew members found their parked vehicles damaged in the hotel parking lot. thieves had broken in and stolen five expensive high performance chainsaws. firefighter chad marino shows me what the stolen saws looked like . >> you can see the logo, he says. >> each one has a sticker with the alameda county fire logo and a serial number. no word yet on possible suspect. that's the department managed to buy three saws that will make it possible for the crew to continue to respond to fallen trees. still marino says the loss hurts and it's very frustrating. >> it's personal for us. those
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tools that they took from us, uh, are very specific to us and are very important part of the job that we do as a hand crew in the pack. normally we carry our water bottle. >> also stolen was a fire pack such as this one. each crew member uses them to carry items including gloves and a fire shelter. marino says it's especially tough since it was a $2 million state grant that made the creation of this long anticipated new unit possible. >> for somebody that just has no due regard, really, for anything to come in and just deal with the blow that large. i mean, $12,000 is nothing to bat an eye at. and then the availability of these things, it just makes our job harder. >> marino tells me the crew will be ready to respond to any storm related incidents in the coming days. despite the theft, but when they'll have all their equipment back is unknown at this point in dublin. amber lee ktvu, fox two news well, new problem is washing ashore on
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some bay area beaches and shorelines. >> people have been noticing a lot of trash and debris popping up on ocean beach in san francisco, and there are concerns that the heavy rain in the forecast for the weekend could make things even worse. some residents say trash builds up on the beach after storms. >> once in a while, you'll see like a bigger piece of trash float by. um, lots of wood during the storms and the winter season, but it's all on the beach because tomorrow the rains will be back in and, uh, so will the garbage. >> sadly. but, uh, we'll just pick up half a bag of garbage today and, uh, it'll be one less bit of garbage that'll be in the ocean. i many residents agree that cleaning trash from the beach after storms doesn't have to be an organized event, but they say it is not an easy task and every effort counts. >> not exactly. a beach weekend. we got a lot of rain coming our way, and the first of a series
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of storms. uh coming, uh, right now, looking behind you with all that radar behind you there. >> yes. uh, today, going to be the weaker system before the second one brings with it the possibility of flooding in the coming days as well as now, a wind advisory issued by the national weather service. and we'll talk about that coming up. let's focus on system number one already upon us. here's a look at lake tahoe, where it is mostly gray and a gorgeous view, mainly dry. still over the sierra with the advisory coming a little bit later this morning. here's a view of storm tracker two. as frank mentioned a moment ago, we get into the north bay and a lot of green on the screen. the darker shades of gray indicating the better possibility of some rain falling in those areas. it looks like a over our north bay hills. the lighter shades of green maybe a little bit of drizzle, light scattered showers, some of this virga not hitting the ground just yet. another stretch here. darker shades of green right over the golden gate bridge. so likely to have scattered showers
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along the peninsula and the east bay as well. the south bay still mostly cloudy, mainly dry. uh, santa cruz mountains i imagine a little bit of drizzle falling there, but not too bad. and as we pull back here, this is all the moisture that is coming our direction in the lightrillionain and showers will be with us for most of the day. and then as we get into the second part of the day, it does turn heavy. i'll show you that with the timeline here coming up for today, a high surf advisory that will go until tomorrow afternoon, some of those large breaking waves expected to reach 22ft, maybe even 28 for our west facing beaches and for the sierra, a winter weather advisory that begins later this morning and will go until early tomorrow morning, to be followed by a winter storm warning for sunday afternoon. that will go all the way until wednesday morning. the timeline on this. here's a look at your lunch hour. the lightrillionain is falling overhead. here's a look at five 6:00 in the afternoon. heavier pockets. so if you're thinking about getting outdoors for dinner, maybe to be out and
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about, we do have it looks like about five, six, seven pockets of heavier rain. and then it breaks away to scattered showers . so definitely can handle this first storm here with anywhere from half inch to an inch and a half of rainfall. temperature wise, we are off to a warmer start, upper 40s to mid 50 out there right now with generally light winds, a little breezy at the coast. a better look at what we can expect for the rest of the weekend. with this wet weather coming up. okay. thank you rosemary. well san francisco is extending a program created to help small businesses in their early stages. why? the mayor believes it is important to continue that support for the local economy. >> and kansas city is still mourning the tragic shooting this week that resulted in one person dead. when we come back, an expert dives into why this has such a heavy impact on the public when it comes to major events. stay right there
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey.
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adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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shots rang out right in the middle of the celebration. one person has died and now two people are in custody. but the intensity of the shooting in the middle of a major public event has again sparked fear in the public. for events like this in the future, we're joined now by santa clara university psychology professor doctor thomas plant for a closer look at the mental toll this can have on all of us. doctor plant, good morning and great to have you with us on this saturday. >> thank you. thank you for inviting me. good to be with you. >> well, many of the victims were children, and i'm sure there are a lot of kids out there saying, why, why, why did this happen? what advice would you give to parents trying to comfort their own kids right now ? >> yeah. you know, it's really hard because as you know, these
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shootings happen so regularly. and when you have a high profile event like the super bowl victory in kansas city, uh, of course it's going to get even that much more attention. and in an event like that, you're going to have a lot of children and people have really of all ages and so it's really hard because these are frequent events. and this was a particularly high profile event. and so people are traumatized and scared. and somehow we have to as parents and as a community to try to comfort our children. often, however, we know that these things can happen tomorrow or the day after. and so forth. so i think we have a fairly high level of trauma out there and anxiety not only when these events actually happen, but when there's a threat of these events. and as you just reported a few minutes ago at stanford yesterday, there was a threat. and you interviewed a variety of students and so forth on campus.
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and people spoke of their fear and anxieties and even though that threat didn't result in anything, and it sounds like it was a false report of some sort, uh, and yet it still adds that level of stress to everyone body. um, and that's a kind of a tragic situation. boy is it ever. >> we're we're all kind of getting numb to this in a, in a little bit, but some children, even adults, may seem okay on the outside, but maybe full of fear on the inside. how do you break the ice, be it an adult or or a family member or a child? yeah that's a great question. >> and part of it first question has to do you i think we have to attend to what's the developmental stage task or the place of the child. so for example, you're going to talk to a five year old differently than you're going to talk to a ten year old or a 15 year old. and so one issue is what can they kind of from a developmental standpoint, what can they hear and how can they hear it? now, for the most part, you also want
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to look at signs and symptoms. you know, are children being particularly fearful? are they talking about what, you know, guns or violence or stuff like that? are they are they showing some, uh, fear and panic, not wanting to go out, not wanting to go? let's say, to the mall or to, you know, go to the park or whatever. and that does there if they're young children, you want to look at their play and if their play is, uh, speaks to, you know, shooting and violence and things like that, that might give you a key, uh, to understand where they're coming from. so i think we want to be thoughtful about that developmental place. uh, then secondly, i think we want as parents and loved ones or teachers. and so forth, try to speak to how we do everything we can to be helpful and protect our children and so forth. um, yes, there are some things we can't control, but we also have to look at the odds to, you know, the odds are slim. even though these events happen frequently. and even though we get a lot of media attention
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about these things, you know, the odds are still in our favor that you're going to go about your business and be okay. and somehow to be able to communicate that to children in a way that they can hear, uh, may be helpful. >> how about a fear of large gatherings? uh, we had that obviously with covid, uh, but with shootings, especially one as big as this, not as many victims, but in a joyful occasion where people let their guard down and, um, talk about that. and ptsd is that a real issue here with maybe some kids that were right there on the front line? oh, yeah. >> sure. absolutely. because, you know, we pay attention on an event like this. and i should by the way, i meant just mentioned as an aside that, you know, i used to live in kansas city. um, i, i went to graduate school at the university of kansas. my wife and i met, uh, at, at ku for grad school and so we're very familiar with the kansas city area, the, um, you know, certainly ptsd can be expected. you know, a lot of attention
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goes, uh, is provided to the to the actual children that were injured. and, you know, thankfully, none of those children died. sadly one woman as as you know, uh, was was was, um, died, uh, she was in her 40s, uh, terribly tragic and but but a lot of, uh, children were injured. but it looks like they'll be okay, according to news reports. but in addition to those children who are actually injured, you have all those children that heard the shots that ran for their lives that saw the fear in their parents eyes that's going to cause trauma and that could create ptsd down the road. and so we have a lot of people out there, both, you know, at the kansas city event, but also at other of these events that that are probably struggling with a certain degree of ptsd, which means what does that mean? it means there may be hypervigilant. there anxious, they may have trouble sleeping. they may have trouble eating.
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uh, they may have, uh, panic, develop a certain degree of panic. uh, they when they hear loud sounds. they may kind of overreact to them. so this is probably true for an awful lot of people. now at these large events, you know, we always want to be vigilant wherever we go. but, you know, these shootings happen at large events, small events, medium size events, i mean, all sorts of events from private parties to the shopping mall to a college campus to, you know, super bowl celebration party. so they can kind of happen anywhere at any time. and we can't live our lives in constant fear and paranoia, but we probably want to be thoughtful and vigilant. um and, uh, and that's just life in america. >> yeah. sad but true. be aware of your surroundings. and i guess just keep those communication lines between loved ones wide open. if you see a difference in the in their attitude and how they go about their day. uh, doctor plant, thank you very much. we
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appreciate your insights this morning. >> you're very welcome. and uh, hopefully we can find our way to a safer world. but uh, perhaps not today. well amen to that. >> uh, we're all in. thank you. doctor. of course, the big story today is our weather. let's check in with rosemary for the, i guess, round. one of a few that are coming our way in the next five days. >> yes, frank, how about a start at a beautiful view here of lake tahoe, where it's still quiet. we do have a snow on the way for lake tahoe with snow levels hovering between 5 and 6000ft in the coming days. we do have an advisory that begins for the tahoe area later this morning, and it is expected to expire tomorrow, followed by another advisory in the afternoon. meanwhile, for us here at home, most cloudy skies, a scattered showers, falling over parts of the bay area at this time and temperatures in the 50s. a few upper 40s areas like walnut creek reporting 48 degrees, but a lot of 50s out there this morning, followed by upper 50s low 60s for the afternoon. we
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see a green on the screen here headed to the north bay, where it is fairly widespread at this time. some of the lighter shades of green indicating virga, but the darker shades of green over our hills and parts of our valley locations, as well as along the coastline. seeing some lightrillionain drizzle. and it's widespread over the central bay as well. the far inner east bay as well as the south bay. mainly dry still at this time, but moisture expected to, you know, continue to pump into the bay area and bring us even pockets of moderate rain. a little bit later today. here's a look at storm number two. once this arrives on sunday, it's going to kind of linger all the way into wednesday. so with that , we do have a flood watch as well as a wind advisory that begins tomorrow. and we do expect moderate to heavy rain at times. roadway flooding is going to be possible, as well as those sharp rises on our streams, our creeks. shallow landslides will be a possibility, and our hills and our mountains. and with the wind advisory winds could gust to about 50mph, indicating
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downed trees as well as power lines. the futurecast here again. noontime 1:00. the lightrillionain for your lunch hour. pockets of heavier rain expected between 5 and 7. and then we break away to scattered showers for the rest of the evening and tomorrow morning we start out mainly dry while we await the next system. right now it looks like it will come in maybe noontime. one 2:00 in the afternoon. you can see moderate to heavy pockets of rain. also a wind advisory at this point. so wet and windy for tomorrow. here's a view of early monday morning. another round coming through. then a bit of a lull monday afternoon. another round coming through a little bit of a break. here's a look at tuesday morning. so it just continues round after round on and off pockets of moderate to heavy rain and all said and done anywhere from 2 to 5in for our urban areas. even more in our hills and for the sierra. take a look at kirkwood. we're talking feet of snow at the peaks. so rounds and rounds of wet weather
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and wind on the way. meanwhile, if you're going to be out and about for today, expect those scattered showers temperatures in the 50s for most of the day. getting out to walk the dog, bring the umbrella just in case, and we do have a lady available at the san francisco spca. she is a two year old terrier here. here's a look at the extended forecast. temperatures won't be changing much. we're going to remain in the upper 50s low 60s throughout overnight. lows don't change much either. finally, begin to dry out on wednesday. >> frank i'm ready for that. okay, rosemary. thank you. coming up, a record number of electric vehicles were sold here in california. how the governor's office says it's helping the state hit their goal of zero emission vehicles across the state. and all that wet weather means big sur is seeing a major impact with highway one being closed. yet again. coming up at 8:00. why nearby residents say they are frustrated. stay right there.
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office announced that a record high number of zero emission vehicles were sold in california last year. that was especially true in the third quarter, when sales hit their highest share ever when compared to a decade ago. the state says electric car sales are up more than 1,000. >> san francisco is extending its first year free program, which waives permit fees for small businesses. mayor london breed made the announcement this week. the program waives the first year of permitting. license and business registration fees for new and expanding small businesses. mayor breed says the program saves around $11,000 per business to encourage entrepreneurs and first time business owners to find opportunities in the city. more than 6000 businesses have enrolled in the program. 3000 of
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them are new, established. the program has waived more than $2.5 million since it started in 2021. up next, rain or shine. >> city of oakland is getting ready to kick off their chinese new year parade tomorrow, coming up at 8:00, we're sitting down with experts on why the parade means so much to oakland's chinatown community. back right after. the break. stay right at first, i used better than bouillon for broth. and then stir fry... sauces... even marinades! and with all the varieties... organic... reduced sodium... and now the culinary collection... ... it's like the deliciousness never ends! make everything better with better than bouillon!
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say they had to make that difficult decision and why the mayor feels out of the loop on the decision. then governor gavin newsom was in the east bay to announce a new round of project home key awards, with plans to convert more spaces into housing. details on the state grant that oakland will soon receive. and just a couple
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of weeks after a major storm hit, most of california residents are getting ready for another round of rain. more on the preparations and the full forecast. rosemary oroczo is going to have details on which areas we'll see the most rain and when from ktvu, fox two news. >> this is mornings on two and good morning to you. >> welcome to mornings on two. let's take you outside for a live look at the oakland estuary this morning. you can see it is a gray saturday welcoming you on this rainy weekend that we are expecting. we're going to get a couple rounds here, keeping us a little damp and then pretty wet. welcome to mornings on two. it is saturday, february 17th. i'm claudine wong. >> hi everyone i'm frank mallicoat. happy weekend. yes, the round one of maybe 2 or 3 rounds that are going to kind of get us wet here to wednesday. let's check in with rosemary because we're just kicking off the big round. yes we are. >> and we have guests that just entered the studio and said, yeah, it's raining out there. we will have the light rain with us
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throughout the first part of the afternoon and then pockets of heavier rain expected for we're going to say right around dinnertime, five, six, 7:00 tomorrow, another system this time bringing with it wind. so a wind advisory expected on sunday in addition to more rain and scattered showers and the possibility of thunderstorms into monday. as frank said a moment ago, a wet weather expected through about wednesday . way a better look at what we can expect for the weekend and beyond. coming up okay. >> thank you rosemary. and as rosemary mentioned, the storm systems are headed our way. and so preparations are underway across the bay area. santa clara county is opening all seven of its warming centers this weekend as a resource for their local unhoused community. the county also suggests those living in encampments along waterways move away from those areas now, before they become more vulnerable to rising water levels. san jose says crews have cleared debris from 35,000 catch basins to try to prevent flooding. valley water officials are taking preemptive action to
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make sure conditions do not get worse. >> our crews are out there. they have been out there since the start of the storm season, just making sure there's no blockages in our creeks and making sure everything is clear so the creeks can flow as intended to reduce flooding. >> the city is also getting ready to respond to downed trees and power lines as overly saturated soil makes those problems more common. >> new this morning, the public library in antioch is closed until further notice. the contra costa county library system says it's become too dangerous to keep the doors open, at least for now. ktvu james torres joins us live at antioch, where some city leaders are questioning that decision. james, good morning. >> frank. good morning. you know, we've seen some people who've stopped by here this morning who are having some very similar questions to what we're having. and asking, why is this library closed? well, library officials are telling us it's because they have deemed this a little too dangerous to operate.
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and while they are closed, they are trying to figure out some security measures to figure out how they can continue to operate . are trying to look out for their staff and the people who come out here. but the people who do come out here, at least who come out here, this morning, say they don't really see why that makes sense. but i'll go ahead and give you your attention over to the front doors here, because they have a number of signs that say it's closed and it's closed until further notice. the library said only making that announcement yesterday, and that takes effect today. that means if you rely on the internet or other resources here, you won't be able to access it for the unforeseeable future. now, of course, a lot of questions here, questions even coming from the mayor of antioch . a statement offered by lamar hernandez thorpe saying in part no one in the city of antioch, including the police chief, was informed of any safety concerns by contra costa county regarding the library. now, there is no set date for the library to reopen again. they say that they want to figure out some security measures to make sure that their employees and the people who come here stay perfectly safe.
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they say once they figure that out, that's when they'll decide when they can reopen again. but there is no timeline for how soon that might happen. of course, once we have more developing details, we will bring that to you. for now, we are live this morning from antioch. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. thank you james. >> governor newsom was in the bay area highlighting the latest efforts to address homelessness. the governor was in oakland at the site of a motel which has been converted to supporting housing units under project homekey. he announced a new round of homekey award. rouz statewide project converts former offices, motels and other underused buildings into housing for people that are homeless. we're announcing, as was noted, a $99 million additional investment. >> there's still additional resources left, to be precise, 138 million left of the 3.5 billion after the 99 million is distributed today in six
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counties in the state of california, including here in alameda county, along with the home key awards for alameda county, the governor also announced awards for projects in fresno, los angeles, san diego and yuba city. >> state senator scott wiener wants to speed up approval of downtown development by suspending environmental reviews. the senator says his bill would create a temporary ten year exemption from the state's environmental quality act. for many projects downtown, he says, the law has been abused to delay or stop beneficial projects like housing trans pit and clean energy. and he said it would still apply in environmental sensitive areas like the waterfront. well, mayor london breed offered support in a statement, saying, quote, the possibilities for transforming downtown should be wide open. but too often barriers stand in the way. we are changing local laws and now state laws to. i'm proud to sponsor this effort by senator wiener to make it easier to bring real change to downtown . >> time now 807. the biden
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administration says it has brokered a historic agreement between native american tribes and farmers along the california oregon border. us interior department says that deal marks a truce. in the long running battle involving access to the water from the klamath river. it's providing $72 million, all in federal funds, for a major river restoration project. it would allow the tribes to continue fishing in the same waters. local farmers need for their crops. >> people living near highway one in big sur are stranded after convoys have been canceled ahead of the incoming storms this weekend. a ten mile stretch of highway one on big sur has been closed, and that's because of landslides. last week, caltran has been escorting locals in and out of that area to access food and other provisions, but reports say that agency is going to hold off on those convoys until at least next week, as more powerful storms are expected to impact the region. >> although we're seeing a good amount of snowfall up in the
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sierra, experts say this does not necessarily help california's reservoir. cause. east bay mud says there reservoirs are at more than 80% capacity, doing okay right now? thanks to customers past conservation efforts. but they say they will need more of the heavy, wet snow instead of dry, powdery snowpack to help raise that water level during the spring runoff. a spokesperson with east bay mud says they're coming. storms will be a welcome boost, so i think the colder storms that are forecasted for later on next week should hopefully help us with that because we rely on that snowmelt, we rely on. that water content in that snow to run into our watershed and then serve our east bay customers, east bay mud says they appreciate customers water conservation efforts that are making a big impact on protecting california's water supply. >> all right, let's talk about tahoe. the chp is warning drivers heading to lake tahoe on
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this holiday weekend to expect heavy snow and stormy conditions on the highways. you are taking a live look at interstate 80 in the eastbound direction at soda springs, and right now this might be a little bit deceiving because the roadways are clear, things are going to change very quickly. so right now there are no chain requirements. if you're going on highway 50 or interstate 80, of course, those are the two main highways linking the bay area to the store to the sierra. but keep in mind the storm is coming and the road conditions that are clear now are. expected to be looking very different as the storm picks up steam. so the chp says if you are heading up there, make sure you check current road conditions before you leave for lake tahoe. we are just talking about how getting stuck on those roads no fun. i remember fun driving up a couple of times last year and it's not so much just you and controlling your car. >> you don't know what the guy in front of you behind you is going to do, and visibility
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changes very quickly. oh, by the way, i'm going to try to get up tomorrow after the show. so do i have a window? >> rosemary, you do have a window do. yeah. so yeah, it looks like the first part of sunday looking pretty good to get up. >> now the question is when do you come back? because monday looks a pretty hazardous over the sierra. and it could linger into tuesday as well. here's a look over the east bay where we have mount diablo in view. overcast skies, light showers, falling over the bay area this morning. and do expect it to remain light before it picks up just a bit. getting into the second part of the afternoon early evening time frame temperatures this morning a lot warmer. most of us are in the 50s, 52 reported in santa rosa, san jose. you're 57. a look at storm tracker two, where it is widespread at this point over areas of the north bay from the coast in our valleys, over our hills, even a little bit of heavier rain over our hills there. and as we shift to the central bay, widespread here as well from our coast across the bay, the inner east bay, those
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very light shades of green could be virga livermore, maybe a few sprinkles, a little bit of drizzle, but more is on the way. and as we shift towards the south bay areas in the santa clara valley, now beginning to see a few sprinkles as well. if i back up here, show you the system that is pretty much still offshore and with more to come. there was that plume of moisture there stretching all the way back towards the hawaiian islands. so do expect a soggy day. we don't have any advisories when it comes to wind or flooding. for today. say that begins to change tomorrow. what we do have today, a high surf advisory, large breaking waves are west facing beaches for the entire coastline could see anywhere from 22ft to perhaps 28ft on those large breaking waves. and for the sierra, the winter weather advisory starts at 10:00 and will go into the overnight hours. it does expire at 4 a.m. that window of time we're talking about, because the next advisory starts at 4 p.m. a better look at what we can expect for the rest of the
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weekend. rainfall amounts, as well as snow coming up in just a bit. >> all right, speaking of snow getting to and from the mountains over the holiday weekend could be challenging. being ahead of the storms next at 830. how resorts are getting ready for a peak in visitors, and safety tips for those that might be hitting the slopes. >> then oakland is getting ready to kick off its second annual chinese new year parade tomorrow. after the break, we're going to sit down with organizers to talk about why the new tradition is so important to the community. we
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here's your biggie bag. all that food for 5 bucks. -that's my go to. -oooh - that's my ride or die. hah.... just like you and me.... (singing) ♪ bag boys ♪ ♪ bag boys, whatcha gonna do ♪ don't... -♪ whatcha gonna do ♪ -don't... -♪ when we bring your food ♪ - it... go biggie and get all this with the jbc for just 5 bucks. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ visit your volvo car retailer for special offers during our presidents' day sales event. we've got multiple events happening across the area and oakland is kicking off its parade tomorrow morning for the second year. we're joined now by oakland chinatown improvement council president stuart chen and executive director tony trinh to talk about this parade. i'm so excited. we were just talking about it. windows of
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time for people to come out and have this parade tomorrow. >> that's right. first of all, kong hei fat choi how? yeah >> thank you so much for coming and tell me about why. i mean, this parade was new last year after like 50 years. you guys were like, look, we need our own parade. and really, how well it was received because people really loved it. >> last year was i bang. we got almost 10,000 people crowded into oakland chinatown district. they stayed, they dined, they shop in chinatown. we're hoping for a repeat performance. yes that's what you need, right? >> because, i mean, these are really economic boosts to the community. and really, i mean, did it surprise you that that there were so many people out there? >> not at all. everybody was very excited for it. >> they were like, how come it took so long to get this parade? tell me about the parade and what it's going to look like when people expect 11:00 in the morning, right? so we're going to have a grandstand where our vips, and we're hoping that mayor and assembly member mia
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bonta will be there to kick off the celebration. >> the grandstand will have some speeches, of course, and some dignitaries who will do some quick introductions. and of course, we got to thank our sponsors. yes you have a lot of sponsors. >> thank you. it's always important in terms of the best strategy, tony. i mean, when you're telling me people are coming out and they're saying, okay, i want to come to this parade and how do i manage? i don't think there is a bad seat in the house right? i mean, grandstands are the best seats, but but but is there is there a place of how you say when people should get there and how long the parade lasts? >> yes. we'll be meeting at wilmington park. the grandstand is going to be there. uh, the speeches are going to start at 11, so we suggest getting there a little bit earlier than that. but along the parade route, there's going to be a lot of great locations for everybody to sit and watch the parade. so. >> and how important is this? i mean, you mentioned this. you touched on this at the beginning for the community to not only
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celebrate culture and how big of a part of the community the celebration is, but also to revitalize and spend a little money and, and visit some businesses and make a whole day of it and part of our task as the cbd for the chinatown district. >> there's nine bids in oakland and oakland. chinatown district is just one of nine. our task is to revitalize chinatown by bringing in safety and cleanliness and festivities like what we're planning on doing now. last year. if this is going to be just like last year or going to match the numbers we received last year, it was amazing because people came back the following day and the following week, and they got their taste, their introduction of oakland chinatown, some of the knickknack shops that we have and the stores and the groceries. and we're hoping this will be another catalyst to give this chinatown a little boost. >> yeah, it's not just about one day. it's about every day that
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follows. and really a familiarity with saying, oh my gosh, this is now my favorite restaurant. and this is my favorite place to go. >> absolutely. >> yeah. um, in terms of the weather, i know, i know. listen we get dumped on when we have these parades and it's fine. and if we don't, it's even better. so either way, rain or shine, this goes rain or shine it goes, uh, hopefully you're the dragon. >> we'll have some good fortune. weather should be cloudy and sunny from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. >> you're putting in the order now? yes, yes. okay. no pressure. rosemary but yeah, well, the parade in san francisco, i believe there were a few years where it really poured the brave last year. it was like someone was throwing buckets of water on us and it was still crowded. and people are still having a good time. >> exactly. it's festive. bring your raincoat, your umbrellas. but we're hoping for the best. there's going to be a break right? i like it, i like it. >> i think that you're the
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dragon. will be. will be just fine. all right. stuart, tony. thank you so much for coming in. best of luck. in the event, i told you i'm going to try to see. scoot over there after the newscast tomorrow, because i love a good parade. and in oakland is setting a really, really fabulous new tradition here. thank you. >> we'll see you there tomorrow. i'll be there. thank you. >> rosemary, the order is in. we just need a little window from like, you know, let's say 1030 to for. all right. >> see what i could do. oh four. well, that might be a little. >> i'm just pushing it. i'm trying to think positive. so maybe three. all right, let's let's take a look at the timeline and hope mother nature cooperates giving you a live look here at, uh, mount diablo. >> overcast skies, widespread light rain at this point across the bay area. and do expect it to remain generally light with light winds a little breezy at our coastline, but not too bad. but we still have more to come, and i think the heavier pockets of rain will move through. five, six, 7:00 later today. there's a
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look at storm number two, and that one is going to bring with it the possibility of flooding and wind advisories. so for tomorrow, not today. for tomorrow. flood watch that goes until wednesday for the entire bay area. and a wind advisory also beginning tomorrow that will go until tuesday. for some of those wind gusts expected to reach 45 50mph or so, that will bring down trees and power lines. meanwhile, all the rounds of rain expected between now and wednesday will bring with it flooding concerns. 2 to 5in of rainfall expected for many areas, even more in our hills now. the timeline. there's a look at five 6:00 in the afternoon when the lightrillionain turns heavy, but it doesn't last. it moves through. here's a look at tomorrow morning where we do look to remain mainly dry, at least until noontime. but then the second part of the afternoon noon. now this is the tail end of the festivities going on in oakland for tomorrow. we could see those pockets of moderate to heavy rain begin. two, three,
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4:00, and then into the overnight hours it will continue with rain expected early on monday morning. and then there's a look at lunchtime. um, so the extended forecast here is going to be on and off. it's going to be windy at times, even the possibility of thunderstorms at times, temperature wise we don't budge. we've got temperatures in the low 60s with each passing afternoon, then finally dry out on wednesday. back to you. >> okay. thank you. rosemary well, coming up we're learning more about new developments in the shooting of the kansas city during the chiefs super bowl parade. we'll have more on that. also so california completing its first turbo roundabout more at 830.
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bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you.
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former president. civil fraud trial. trump is also banned from running any business in the state of new york for the next three years. the judge ruled trump and his two older sons inflated the value of their holdings on financial statements to banks to get favorable loans. yesterday's ruling followed a five year investigation into the trump family's real estate empire. >> donald trump may have authored the art of the deal, but he perfected the art of the steal. this long running fraud was intended final, egregious,
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illegal. >> the judge also so ordered eric and donald trump jr to pay a $4 million penalty. the former president has denied all wrongdoing and says he does plan to appeal the judge's ruling. >> time now is 825. ford may reconsider where it builds future vehicles following last fall's auto workers strike, the company's ceo said ford's relationship with the union was damaged to the point where it will think carefully about its factory locations as it transitions to electric vehicles. union officials say ford should stay focused on building the best auto industry, not moving factories to pay lower wages more than 9000 auto workers are threatening to go on strike again next week if ford's largest factory, if a contract dispute is not resolved. >> well, two minors have been charged in the deadly mass shooting at the kansas city chiefs super bowl parade. authorities say they are both being held in a juvenile detention center on gun related and resisting arrest charges, and more charges are expected to
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come. 43 year old lisa lopez galvan died in the gunfire as the parade and the rally were wrapping up. lopez galvan was married with two children and was a popular local radio dj. >> she was here to do then. she was a good person. this was senseless. singer taylor swift contributed $100,000 to the family through a gofundme fundraiser. >> 22 other people, including many children, were injured in that shooting. all but two have been released from the hospital, all coming up next combatting election misinformation. >> the new pact between some of the bay area's leading tech companies to crack down on ai and inference, and changes heading to contra costa county library in our next half hour. >> why officials are adjusting its online login process and what cardholders need to know
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coming up. we're live in contra costa county, where crime concerns force library to close by. the news is not sitting well with antioch's mayor and the security measures on the works in order to reopen the doors to the public and crime concerns of force contra costa county library to close. >> we'll tell you why that news isn't sitting well and we're also talking about berkeley housing. the city of berkeley hit with a hefty fine over $2 million. we'll tell you why. an alameda judge says the city mishandled the developer's
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application and of course, the big story right there tracking the storm for the big holiday weekend. >> the last minute preps across bay area communities prone to flooding, also keeping a watchful eye on the best time for drivers to head up to the sierra. coming up from ktvu, fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. >> happy weekend. good morning everyone. rise and shine. it's 830 sharp on a holiday weekend and it's a saturday. and as you can see, the roads are wet. that first wave of rain beginning to come in here to the bay area. then we're going to get hit with another on sunday and perhaps another on tuesday and wednesday as well. it's going to be a wet couple of days. good to have you on board though. here on mornings on two at 831. now i'm frank mallicoat and i'm claudine wong. >> let's talk about our weather. the big news of the weekend and rosemary oroczo watching it all for us. and it is just a timing issue and amounts. there's a lot coming. >> yeah. and you know the live pictures, they say a lot, right? we've got the wet roadways already. notice the flag kind of
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blowing around but not too bad. the winds are generally light. no wind advisory today. that begins tomorrow when the stronger storm is expected to arrive. so for today we're calling for a light showers followed by pockets of heavier rain into the afternoon tomorrow. the second system bringing with it the possibility of flooding and a wind advisory that will linger for not only the holiday but into tuesday, maybe early wednesday. way a better look at what we can expect for today and the days ahead. coming up. >> okay. thank you rosemary. and as rosemary mentioned, the storm systems are headed our way. so preparations are underway across the bay area, santa clara county is opening all seven of its warming centers this weekend as a resource for their local unhoused community. the county is also suggesting that those who live in encampments along the waterways move now, before they become more vulnerable to any rising water levels. san jose says crews have cleared debris from 35,000 catch basins to try to prevent any flooding. valley water officials are also
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taking preemptive actions to make sure conditions don't get worse. our crews are out there. >> they have been out there since the start of the storm season, just making sure there's no blockages in our creeks and making sure everything is clear so the creeks can flow as intended to reduce flooding. the city is also getting ready to respond to any calls about downed trees and power lines. >> as an overly saturated soil can make those more common problems. and the california highway patrol warning drivers heading up to lake tahoe over the holiday weekend expect heavy snow at times. >> stormy conditions out on the highway. right now, there are no chain requirements. highway 50, interstate 80, the main two highways, of course, link in the bay you're looking at so to springs eastbound highway 80. that's about a good ten minute ride to donner summit. right now. cars are moving along just fine, but that will change in a big way later tonight. certainly on sunday and into the week. chp urging drivers check the current road conditions before you take off for the mountains as wet
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weather and snow in the mountains approaches for the weekend, our team of meteorologists will keep you updated throughout on the fox local app. we'll have special forecast, so make sure you know the latest about storms. you can download the fox local app. it's a free app for your smart tv. then select ktvu. >> new this morning, an east bay library is now closed indefinitely, and that's because of concerns about crime. the contra costa county library system has alerted patrons that the antioch library is closing its doors this morning, and it will remain closed until further notice. the library's website says the closures, due to what's being called a series of dangerous incidents that threaten the safety of patrons and library workers, but antioch mayor lamar hernandez thorpe says city leaders were never warned about that decision to shut down the library. the mayor released this statement, which says in part no one in the city of antioch, including the police chief, was informed of any safety concerns by contra costa county regarding the library.
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ktvu james torres will have more on this story. during our 9:00 hour. >> the wife of sonoma county sheriff is scheduled to be sentenced next month in her drunk driving case yesterday, 47 year old natasha whittinghill pleaded no contest to felony charges of driving while under the influence. prosecutors say her blood alcohol level was more than twice the legal limit when she crashed her car into a santa rosa home that happened last year, one person living in the home suffered cuts and bruises in that crash. the city of berkeley has agreed to pay a $4 million settlement for illegally blocking a housing project application. an judge fined the city for violating state housing laws by denying a developer's application to build a 260 unit housing complex at the ohlone shellmound site. the money will go into the city's housing trust fund, to be used to build affordable housing. we've reached out to city officials for comment, and we have yet to hear back. >> state senator scott wiener
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wants to speed up approval of downtown development by suspending environmental review. the senator says his bill would create a temporary ten year exemption from the state's environmental quality act. for many projects downtown, he says, the law has been abused to delay or stop beneficial projects like housing, trains and clean energy. and he said it would still apply in environmentally sensitive areas like the waterfront and mayor london. breed offered support in a statement, saying, quote, the possibilities for transforming downtown should be wide open, but too often barriers stand in the way. we are changing local laws and now state laws to. i'm proud to sponsor this effort by senator wiener to make it easier to bring real change to downtown. >> time now is 836. governor newsom was in the bay area highlighting the very latest efforts to address homelessness. the governor was in oakland at the site of a motel, which has been converted to supportive housing units under project homekey. he announced a new round of homekey awards statewide project converts former offices, motels and other
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underused buildings into housing for people that are homeless. >> today we're announcing, as was noted, a $99 million additional investment. there's still additional resources left out, to be precise 138 million left of the 3.5 billion after the 99 million is distributed today in six counties in the state of california, including here in alameda county, along with the homekey awards for alameda county, the governor also announced awards for projects in fresno, la, san diego, and yuba city. >> organizers for the oakland chinatown in lunar new year parade say they're not going to let this upcoming storm flood out their festivities this is the second year for this new year's parade that's going to be held in oakland's chinatown. it will be hosted at wilmington park tomorrow starting at 11:00. top leaders of the group say planning the parade is making sure that it goes rain or shine.
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>> it's going to be rain or shine. we've told our participants and we've told spectators, uh, rain or shine, we're going to go for it. uh uh, well, we have ponchos. we have umbrellas, and we have, um, you know, our stage is going to be covered in case if there's rain and we just spoke to them earlier here on mornings on two, they're very excited for this. >> and the rain really isn't expected until after the parade finishes. rosemary is working on that timing for us, but they are going to be keeping an eye on any changes in the forecast leading up to it, and we've been talking to them about making sure that people go to the parade and then also go out afterwards. go get something to eat, make sure to enjoy all the spaces out there, enjoy chinatown. >> yeah, and i think the parade itself if might be rain free, but let's ask a professional and check in with rosemary. what time does it start tomorrow? 1111 rosemary. >> right now, 11 looks pretty good. we do expect the rain to develop. uh, maybe by noontime,
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1:00 and, well, you know, we're talking about just an hour or two. mother nature could change your mind. and that storm could come in a little bit sooner. so we will be watching it between now and then. for you here on ktvu. meanwhile, outsider doors at this hour, storm number one already bringing us the lightrillionain winds are generally light. no wind advisory with the system for today. a live look there over san francisco temperatures this morning. a lot warmer as a result of this new pattern change here in the 50s. for most 52 right now. concord as well as santa rosa, 57, in san jose. storm tracker two it's widespread and lightrillionain falling across the bay area. north bay, central bay through the south bay, and this is expected to continue for most of the day before it turns a little bit heavier. right around 5 or 6:00. if you have dinner plans, you may get caught up in those pockets of heavier rain. i'll show you that with the timeline and this plume of moisture just continuing to feed into parts of california, including the bay area for the next 24 hours or so before the next system begins to
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move in for today, we do have a high surf advisory for the entire coastline. for those large breaking waves, and anywhere from 18 to 22ft for our west facing beaches could even be higher than that in some isolated spots. this will go until tomorrow afternoon. the advisory for the sierra starts at 10:00 this morning, expires at 4 a.m, to be followed by another advisory at 4 p.m. this first system is expected to bring 4 to 6in of new snow to the higher peaks, and we can see one inch reported there. all the way down to about blue canyon, about 5000ft. so we do expect, of course, the passes to be impacted later today into the overnight hours and rainfall. for us, half inch to about an inch and a half with this system here, a better look at what we can expect with the stronger storm coming ashore on sunday and lingering into early next week in the extended forecast coming up, seeing a bit. >> thank you rosemary. they call it thug therapy. the resource heading to the north bay today
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providing help for men struggling with their mental health, plus something for everybody, family friendly and some great gnarly terrain. >> some some bay area residents are getting an early head start to the sierra, and that is a good idea. >> we're going to talk about the best times to go to and from the mountains. if you are still planning on making that drive the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads.
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we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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while trump is also banned from running any businesses in the state of new york for the next three years, the judge ruled trump and his two older sons inflated the value of their holdings on financial statements to banks to get favorable loans. yesterday's ruling followed a five year investigation into the trump family's real estate empire. the former president has denied all wrongdoing and says he plans to appeal the judge's ruling. >> 844 your time the white house announced that president biden will be coming to california next week. in a statement, the white house said he plans to be here from tuesday through thursday. president is scheduled to travel to san francisco and los altos hills and los angeles during the trip. as for what he'll be doing, the white house will only say he'll be
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participating at several political engagements. >> a new resource in the north bay is looking to help men struggling with mental health. it's called thug therapy, and it's coming to the city of marin this morning. registration for the workshop is free to all participants. the goal is to get more men comfortable in a therapy setting, talking about their emotions and mental health challenges. it was created by bay area rapper and community activist mistah fab in an alpha male dominated world. >> it it is looked at as oh, it's weak or they you know, they look at it as feminine or uh, so it's tough for men to be able to say, listen, man, i'm going through some things. i'm stressing. i'm my mother died. i don't know how to, you know, i'm having trouble raising my daughter. >> the session is at nine this morning until 230 this afternoon. it's hosted by the manzanita recreation center. >> although we're seeing a good amount of snowfall up in the sierra, experts say this does not necessarily help california's reservoirs down the
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road. east bay mud says the reservoirs are more than 80% capacity and doing okay right now, all thanks to customers past conservation efforts. but they say we'll need more of the heavy, wet snow instead of all the dry, powdery snowpack to help raise that water table during the spring runoff, a spokesperson with east bay mud says the company storm surge, though, will be a welcome boost. >> i think the colder storms that are forecast for later on next week should hopefully help us with that because we rely on that snowmelt, we rely on that water content in that snow to run into our watershed and then serve our east bay customers. >> east bay mud says they appreciate customers water conservation efforts that are making a big impact on protecting california's water supply. >> well, travelers headed up to the mountains can expect back to back storms this three day weekend. meteorologists warning that two snowstorms will potentially drop more than a
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foot of snow, and driving is expected to be difficult. officials say they may have to close highways through monday depending on how severe the conditions get, and it can be a little deceiving when you're looking at this live picture from interstate 80 at soda springs, where things are clear now, we do expect things to change pretty quickly as the weekend progresses. so keep that in mind if you're heading up, getting back may be the biggest challenge. well, some people decided to try to beat the traffic in the bad weather and got on the slopes already. >> we've gotten over six feet of snow in february, so we're expecting a nice busy week ahead and it should be great. it's a fantastic time to come out and ski with your friends and family, so we're looking at some good numbers this week. i'm still kind of a beginner on skis , so i really like all the runs off of this christmas tree. >> you can kind of get a little bit more technical or take the easy way, way back in high school resorts are reminding skiers to keep safety in mind
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and always use caution in the snow. >> so we have a dedicated patrol team and they use a variety of different techniques to keep the mountain as safe as they can for folks. >> so they'll go out and they'll do some preventative mitigation where they'll actually take bombs and they will remove some of the hazard by setting them off manually. um, to make sure that the terrain can open as safely as possible any day that i'm here, that it's storming or it's right after, like this, been a good amount of snow accumulation. >> i almost always wear my beacon on me. um, you know, staying in sight of the people that you're riding with, like, especially when you're off piece, like, um, like always having someone spotting your line or you're spotting someone else's line, like day and buddied up. >> some other safety tips are to avoid areas of increased risk like steep slopes. make sure to carry a small shovel and that it's collapsible and an avalanche probe to help rescue others. got to get up there
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before you can ski though, and right now looks like a pretty good window. >> i don't know how much rain we're going to get in about 3 or 4 hours, but if you want to scoot, you better get out the door, right? >> yes, the first advisory starts at 10:00 this morning and will expire early tomorrow morning. and then another window of time tomorrow. uh, before the advisory kicks in at 4 p.m. on sunday afternoon. an outsider doors at this time, we do have mostly cloudy skies. we have lightrillionain falling over the bay area, and do expect it to be generally light for today. here's a look at storm tracker two, where it is widespread. at this point, we don't have to spend a whole lot of time looking at it because it's from the coast into our valleys and over our hills and as i pull back just a little bit, feeding into this plume of moisture here , what some are called the pineapple express, what we know is the atmospheric river stretching back towards hawaii. this is a look at storm number two. now this is going to move closer to the coast. and just kind of hang out for a few days. and we will see rounds and rounds of rainfall heavy at times the risk of thunderstorm
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forms and wind. and with that a flood watch that begins tomorrow morning and we'll go all the way until early wednesday. and we do expect, of course, the possibility of flooding near our rivers, our creeks, the low lying areas and the wind advisory also beginning tomorrow. that will go until early tuesday morning. some areas could see wind gusts 40 50mph. that will be enough to bring down the trees, create the possible of a areas of a home. i want to say blackouts, power outages. this is going to be with us over the next few days. and in regard to how much rainfall we do expect to get, i'm going to push you all the way out until wednesday. anywhere from two and a half to 5.5in of rainfall for our urban areas. even more in our hills. so easy to see why we do expect some flooding. meanwhile, in the sierra, snow levels down to between 5 and 6000ft, and some
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of those higher peaks could get feet of snow. all said and done, that projection for kirkwood is above three feet. here's a look at the futurecast on the time for today. light rain, generally light winds. a little breezy on our heels. a little breezy at the coast. no advisory though. and there's the pockets of heavier rain coming in five 6:00 this evening. if you have evening plans, dinner plans, you may get caught up in that. here's a look at tomorrow morning. we're mainly dry while we await the next system. there's a look at the afternoon, so it looks like at least if this remains on track, we are going to remain with just a light scattered showers. the possibility for the first part of the day. then after lunchtime, it does begin to pick up. and then it kind of goes on and on and on off and on. here's a look at early monday morning. there's a look at monday lunch hour. so again going to see rounds and rounds come our way. and we do expect to remain you know wet throughout tuesday morning showers on wednesday before drying out. temperature
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wise we will see upper 40s to low 50s for most of us throughout the course of the morning and then afternoon. highs in the low 60s. back to you in one of san jose's most dangerous roads, is gearing up for a major upgrade. >> what we know about the final safety plan targeting king road. >> also ahead, the relocation of a marine county middle school, sparking mixed reaction by some mill valley residents, are not on board with some of the proposed sites for that new campus coming up
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision?
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garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. at first, i used better than bouillon for broth. and then stir fry... sauces... even marinades! and now there's the culinary collection! italian herb for pasta... smoky chipotle for fajitas... it's like the deliciousness never ends! make everything better with better than bouillon!
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council will hold a public hearing later this month on the plan to make major changes to a six mile stretch of king road. it has been the scene of eight fatal accidents during the past six years, along with crashes that have caused dozens of injuries. the safety plan calls for adding more clearly marked crosswalks, traffic signals and center dividers. a council vote is set for april. californians demand for electric vehicles is soaring. the governor's office announced that a record high number of zero emission vehicles were sold in the state last year. that was especially true in the third quarter, when sales hit their highest share ever when compared to a decade ago, the state says. electric car sales are up more than 1,000. >> mill valley school district officials are still considering where to build a new middle
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school. community members have had mixed reactions about the proposed sites for the campus. district officials plan to put students in portable classrooms. and rebuild the school at the same location, but opponents say using the recreation area between the middle school and the mill valley community center would rob the city of a well-used community field space. >> oakland and major league baseball have discussions now about the possible city of the city being guaranteed an expansion team if the a's head down to the desert this week, the city and the team met and discussed the possibility of extending the athletics lease at the oakland coliseum. home teams currently set to expire at the end of this upcoming season and. their las vegas park is not expected to be completed until 2028. mayor shank tells chief of staff, telling the chronicle quote, if a three year extension was to be offered and granted, then our expectation is that the city of oakland would retain an mlb team.
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>> combating election mrna formation. the new pact between some of the bay area's leading tech companies to crack down on ai
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from an unidentified person claiming they were in the
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entrance of the campus and planned on committing a shooting at the school yesterday afternoon. students on campus say they were scared when they saw the alert about a potential shooter on their phone. i was terrified because i'd never been through something remotely close to a situation like this, and i get the call from my brother. >> he's like, go home right now and lock your door. >> that was just going past the oval and the main quad. and there was officers with guns just walking around. extremely unusual for this campus. >> stanford public safety officers spent several hours searching the campus. students say a number of events and classes all were canceled out of caution. major technology companies signed a pact friday to adopt a reasonable precautions to prevent artificial intelligence tools from being used to disrupt elections around the world. tech executives included from amazon, google, meta and openai all gathered at a munich security conference. they announced a new
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framework for how they will respond to ai generated misinformation around elections. companies aren't committing to ban on removing deceptive ai content. instead, they say they will try to detect and label the content when it shows up on their platforms. >> all right. thank you for joining us this morning on ktvu. don't go anywhere, though. we'll be jumping over to the plus momentary. >> we'll be there. you can also watch the latest news and weather anytime by downloading the fox local app and streaming on your smart tv. have a great day everybody, and we'll see you over on the plus in a matter of seconds >> we are fox sports! ♪ ♪ >> on tuesday, baylor scheierman posted creighton's first triple-double in nearly 40 years. his bluejays


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