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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX  February 18, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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emil michaelson there you can also check out the debate that i recently moderated for the house seat currently held by congressman adam schiff. we also encourage you to listen to the issue is podcast for extended interviews with all of our guests. just search for the issue is wherever you stream our final image this week is of our eagle cam up in big bear. this is where jackie and shadow take care of their eggs. does it get more american than that? we'll see you next week for more of the issues >> shannon: i'm shannon bream. new pressure on the president to deal with putin after the kremlin's fiercest domestic critic winds up dead. >> president biden: make no mistake, putin is responsible for navalny's death.
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>> shannon: president biden joining chorus of world leaders placing the blame for alexei navalny squarely on moscow, this coming after fire storm on capitol hill after house intelligence chair sounds an alarm about a nuclear weapon in space, forcing the white house to clarify. >> this is not a weapon that could be use the to attack people or cause physical destruction on earth. >> we'll talk about the latest foreign policy headaches. >> shannon: then, the 2024 campaign heads to south carolina. >> it's so good to be home. >> shannon: president trump stays on offense. >> nikki haley, have you heard of her? you don't hear her name much anymore. >> shannon: we'll discuss that with senator tim scott. with nikki haley surrogate, new hampshire governor chris sununu about her path forward. plus --
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>> you're confused, you think i'm00 trial, these people are on trial for trying to steal the election in 2020. >> shannon: we'll break down the lead proceedings piling up on the gop front-runners plate. and -- >> i will not be seeking a third party run. >> shannon: sunday panel weighs in on which candidate benefits most from that news, all right now on "fox news sunday." >> shannon: hello from fox news in washington. we begin with different vision for american foreign policy from the two front-runners in the 2024 race. president biden slamming congress for being out on recess without passing aid to israel and ukraine and previous president saying he wouldn't come to the aid of any country
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that wasn't up to speed with payment on the alliance and calling president biden's foreign policy weak and saying we should not be making direct cash payment. get reaction from both sides, michael bennett and republican senator tim scott is backing president trump. turn to fox news correspondent lucas tomlinson who is live in rohoboth beach. >> lucas: russia's biggest victory in months and president biden blames putin for the loss. lucas tomlinson president biden voices outrage over house republicans refusing to vote on the senate's 95 billion aid package for ukraine, israel and taiwan. bipartisan alternative has been introduced, which includes
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funding for the southern border. days before the two-year anniversary of russia launching envagz of ukraine, there is growing concern in washington about russia launching a nuclear warhead into orbit. >> we are discussing russian antisatellite weapon. it is something we have to address seriously on a basis. lucas tomlinson russian president vladamir putin warned the west about future intention and blinken blinken huddled with counterparts to other than wa them russia's new weapons threaten their communication systems, too. former president donald trump rattled nato allies when he said the u.s. might not defend alliance if russia attacks. >> i encourage them to do whatever the hell they want, you got to pay your bills.
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>> president biden: critical to our survivor issue the idea nato began to split is against the interest of united states of america. >> lucas: biden spoke to reporters in yesterday and says he blames -- for the death of navalny. >> shannon: senator, good to see you. >> it is great to be with you. >> shannon: president biden said there would be devastating consequences if navalny while in russ hands. what oping do we have? >> there is no doubt putin did this and did this during the munich security conference to tell the world he can do anything he wants to do.
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most significant thing we could do to push back is to continue to fund ukraine, push back on the illegal invasion that putin has led, the first incursion into a free country in europe since the world war ii new order was established and that is what we should do. >> shannon: what do you think about this question now of president biden pushing back, limiting export of liquified natural gas, folks say that will empower putin. folks counting on exports will have to seek elsewhere, arguing it gives him advantage at a time we should put him in a corner. >> i don't support what president biden is doing there, it is important for american liquified natural gas to replace natural gas russia was sending to europe. it is important for us to have the benefit of selling that
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natural gas versus other countries like qatar in this world. i believe one of united states massive strategic strengths is our energy, our clean energy and our fossil fuels and that is a short-sighted decision. >> shannon: you mentioned aid, senate passed package including aid for ukraine, israel, taiwan, other interests, as well. do you consider ukraine and israeli threats equal, as urgent in both cases? if you if the house does not vote this package, vote for ukraine aid and separately for israeli aid? >> michael: i don't think we should pass stand alone packages, house has shown they cannot pass israeli aid by itself. in the senate, we passed it not just with democratic votes, with 22 republican votes, we got 70 votes for the package. you can't get 70 votes for
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anything in the u.s. senate, that is reflection of how urgent republicans and democrats feel about this. i believe it is a reflection of the american people's sense of urgency when democracy is under attack and american people want america to lead. they don't believe in this isolationist rhetoric that donald trump is pursuing, which is, by the way, identical to isolationist rhetoric america firsters used before world war ii. history has not shined well on those people and i don't think it will on people looking for every excuse for america not to lead in this fight for democracy. this fight for freedom. this fight for the western world, which is what we're engaged in right now. >> shannon: if the house will not do a package, if they sent back individual bills would you be no vote for israel, for
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ukraine? >> michael: i think they shouldn't pass it individually, if it comes over as individual, of course i will vote to support it. these legislative mattinations that the house is playing, should we do 10 billion here or 10 billion there, when talking about 60 billion in the face of having spent 4 trillion on afghanistan and iraq, i mean, here we have a case where there are not american troops where we are able to rebuild our armed forces as a result of what we're doing. we've been able to learn the russian battlefield and use of technology. there is so much the united states gained from this engagement and amount of money we spent is pittance compared to money we spend in less successful efforts. so look, i'll vote for it either
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way. the point is, get it over there. they had their first defeat, the ukrainians since last may, partly they are outgunned 10 to one by russians, we should help solve that problem for them. they have done everything anybody should ask them to do and they are worthy of our support. >> shannon: the israel part, you support a two-state solution, as does the administration. prime minister netanyahu talking about this yesterday before a cabinet meeting saying no way that will happen without direct negotiation between the two and unlikely in any case, he thinks it is a reward for terrorists and it is an existential threat 24/7. do you disagree? some are proposing conditions. would you vote for condition on aid to israel that required them to do something like a two-state
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solution? >> michael: i disagree with what prime minister netanyahu said, i don't think he would care. he is animated by his own political interest. he wants to stay in charge and that is why he's pursuing the policies he's pursuing, i think. it is important for the united states to continue to stand as democratic and republican administrations had over generations for a two-state solution. that will be the only solution that will endure. there is no way for there to be an independent democratic jewish only state in the region without also there being a palestinian state. that is not just what i believe, that is what democratic and republican presidents have always believed for good reason, that is only way there will be
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enduring peace in that part of the middle east. >> shannon: stay in the middle east, new polls this week, we asked voters, do you think president biden or president trump is better equipped to handle this israel/hamas split? michigan voters give trump eight-point advantage and south carolina voters a 15 point advantage on he'lls of nbc news poll saying three quarters, including half democrats, say they have concerns about president biden's mental and physical health, and that is before the hur report came out. what do you say to americans who worry president biden is not up to handling these issues? >> michael: what i say on that, president biden will have to go out and litigate this election. his age is an issue in the election. i think he will be able to run on domestic accomplishments he
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had and an economy getting better and foreign policy coalition he's put together in the wake of russia's invasion of ukraine. the situation in the middle east is a grave one, at the moment, and the american peoplare reacting understandably to chaos that is there. the question i would ask, and i will ask when voting in november, which of the presidents is more likely to bring more chaos, which is more likely to work without allies around the world to bring a more enduring, if not peace, a path forward in the middle east. that has eluded all of us for the last 70 years and we need to do better than we've done. people in palestine deserve to live a decent life. people in israel hope to live a decent life and i hope america
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can be a stalwart ally moving in a world with a two-state solution. i can tell you this, i was there throughout this time, iran became more dangerous during donald trump presidency, came closer to a nuclear weapon than they did during barack obama's pr presidency and that is huge cost to president trump's approach to matters in middle east. not sure everybody listening to fox this morning will agree with me, it is true. >> shannon: i'm guessing the next guest will not and we'll take that up with him. senator, thank you for your time. >> thanks for having me. >> shannon: joining me south carolina senator tim scott. he said things got worse under president trump, who you have endorsed. >> hog wash, under the nuclear
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deal in place with iran. it was a disaster. what did we say within the jcpoa, testing of mid-range missiles. under president trump we were just better off. world peace, before president trump, incursion in ukraine, after president trump, a war in ukraine. the one thing that is completely clear, when president trump was in office, world peace was an objective and we were experiencing it. under president biden's botched withdrawal from afghanistan, war in ukraine, conflict in the middle east, instability in the indo-pacific and our southern border, might be in my opinion, the greatest national security risk we have today. we've lost 70,000 lives because
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of fentanyl coming through ports of entry across our southern border. president biden refuses to close our southern border and it is the number one issue according to the american people, that's why he's underwater, according to all the polls against president trump. it is just called common sense. let's secure our southern border. >> shannon: let's talk about that. you and your fellow south carolina senator lindsey graham were just at the border, you were talking about president biden and what he needs to do. majority leader chuck schumer said it is nice you took a field trip, but says actions speak louder than words, they voted against necessary resources to secure the border. if the issue is urgent why vote against a package that did something about the flow of people coming illegally across
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the border? >> let me say this to every person watching this show. i hope that the united states senate and frankly congress, will have a field hearing in eagle pass, texas at the southern border and you will understand why i voted against the border deal that lacked two important points. one thing i heard from border patrol agents themselves was this. if you have a physical impediment, border wall, it would drop crossings significantly. if it had, the remain in mexico policy, within two weeks, some of the border patrol leaders said, we would see a 90% drop in two weeks in the eagle pass area of our southern border, without doing those two things and allowing, according to the bill, up to 2 million illegal immigrants in the next 12 months or so, that is not a bill anyone should sign and certainly not a
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big that i can support. 5000 per day, they allow in the bill. and it codifies catch and release. >> shannon: it would be once they hit 5000, they say it would shut the border, not to continue to allow more, it would stop it. no for you for now, clearly. i want to talk about support for president trump, you may be on short list for vp, you potentially being vetted for that. talk about some of his policies. heading into the south carolina primary, critical to your home stage. former governor nikki haley, who appointed you running against president trump and taking shots at him. she is concerned about his foreign policy, comments about nato and letting people be attacked if they have not paid dues and she is concerned about the relationship between president trump and vladamir
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putin, here is her take. >> he's going to side with a thug who kills his political opponents? he's going to side with a dictator who arrests american journalists and holds them hostage, he has not hidden hatred for america. >> shannon: why would president trump give the appearance he would support any of those things? >> it is ridiculous, i think she is desperate without question, she will lose her home state in double digits, not a state she can win. in new hampshire, she lost women voters, lost millennials and seniors to donald trump. here is what i can tell you about donald trump and foreign policy. resources necessary to protect this world according to nato, resources went up under donald trump because of his language. number two, we had a safer
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world. putin stayed out of ukraine. hamas stayed out of israel. indo-pacific, china was not targeting taiwan. our southern border had on average lasts year in office, about a thousand folks crossing our border illegally, today average is closer to 6000. one thing we know for sure with president donald trump as our president, we are certainly better off and that is not even talking about the economy, which is a number two issue. low unemployment, low inflation, talking demographically for ispanic, asians, women 70-year low. when you look at law and order, there were not challenges we are seeing in poorest communities, we had law and order where people could walk streets in their neighborhoods. all that can be back with four more years of donald trump.
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>> shannon: before you go, there is a lot of tension between president trump and governor haley, that makes sense heading to you can so. he says things like may not be eligible to run, suggesting she was not born in the u.s., which she was, he called her bird brain and made comments with her husband being on deployment to get away from her. he will need some of her admirers to vote for her in of in, independents and democrats who voted for her, is president trump writing them off? where does he think her supporters will go if he continues to attack her like that? >> no doubt the race has gotten challenging and rhetoric coming out of haley camp talking about people's age, haley camp and the family referring to me as judas hysteria. we are hearing chatter out of
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the haley camp, matching rhetoric from the trump side and going further. why? they are desperate. here is what i can guarantee you in just six days, president trump will win my home state of south carolina and we will see a sweep in this state. go to super tuesday and he will run the table there, as well. and turn our attention to where it should be now, on joe biden. joe biden is underwater, in all the battleground states. if momentum continues, we'll have four more years of donald trump, law and order, not chaos in the street, the strongest economy with low inflation, we have not seen that in nearly four years and we'll have secured southern border. we will unite around donald trump as republicans, as independents will do the same thing. it is being reinforced when i go to church and the gym and in
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polls across the country, we want four more years of stability, for more years of security and world peace, donald trump. >> shannon: ultimately up to voters to see where they go, we'll be watching in south carolina and beyond. just days until south carolina, nikki haley facing a steep uphill climb to try to close the gap. we'll bring in one of her fiercest advocates, new hampshire governor chris sununu on why she's refusing to back down. he is next. >> "fox news sunday" brought to you by pacific life, 150 years of strength and stability, imagine your future with confidence. you don't have to wait until retirement to start enjoying your second act. with protected lifetime income from pacific life... ...imagine your future with confidence. for more than 150 years...
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>> shannon: south carolina voters head to polls saturday for the state a 2024 gop primary, nikki haley traveling across her home state aiming at president trump over foreign policy and his legal woes, polls show she has a lot of ground to make up to meet him. alexandria has more on that. >> the former governor's message is south carolina is not her final battle and points out in 10 days after the primary, 20 states will cast ballots and those votesers deserve to have a
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say, too. early primary state she knows best. >> it's a great day in south carolina. >> home is no safe haven for nikki haley who will crisscross south carolina hoping to come out at least competitive in saturday's primary. her focus has been on foreign policy, calling out gop front-runner donald trump's recent statement russia should do whatever the hell they want to nato members who don't spend enough on defense and haley hit on trump's lack of comment regarding death of putin foe alexei navalny. >> if you encourage trump, you need to tell us, what does that mean that you think about what putin did to navalny. do you think he is responsible? he is responsible. putin kills opponents. >> at a rally last night, former president trump made no mention of navalny and briefly mentioned
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south carolina. >> get out and vote, watch south carolina, we are doing great. >> according to adimpact, trump maintained commanding lead despite receiving $10 million less than haley in political adsupport. >> trump has been critical of voting regulation here in south carolina. in this primary, registered democrats can vote in the republican primary as long as they did not cast a ballot in the democratic primary earlier this month. >> shannon: thank you. joining me now, new hampshire governor chris sununu. good to have you with us, governor. >> you bet, good to see you. >> shannon: let's talk reality, latest monmouth "washington post" poll among republican primary voters trump 58% and governor haley 32%. recent polling shows a wider gap. why is she still in? >> two states, new hampshire and
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iowa, don't dictate the entire country, you got to let this play out and give folks a choice. these are filters to narrow it down to a one-on-one race, we've gotten that. nikki haley has resources and will play in all the super tuesday states and i think she doll well and i think she will do well in south carolina. there is a lot at play here. nikki haley had 4 percent of the vote before new hampshire and in that timeframe, she wiped out every other candidate and got within 10 points to him, showing there is a choice. this is not just about the primary, it is about november. nikki haley trounces biden in november. with trump it will be a nail-biter, just like in 2022 and 2020. she trouncing biden, if trump is
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nominee, biden wins and next president of the united states is kamala harris, that is reality of domino effect. >> shannon: seems like argument primary voters are not buying and there is issue of all polling has shown governor's unfavorability ticked up and favorability ticked down. one analyst, we see significant dip in favorability rise and unfavorability that seems to correspond with attacks on trump, indicating in south carolina as in the nation as a whole, the republican party is very much trump's party. is there room for nikki haley in party that most think belong to donald trump? >> absolutely. look at south carolina, they have a low voter your hturnout, typically stay on the sidelines and get them out to vote. there is a lot of margin to get
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the new voter out to vote, the polls don't show those numbers. polls had nikki haley down 20 day before the primary and she closed it to 10 points. you can't look at the polls, it is decided at the voter box. two or three states do not dictate the nominee. they will tell us who the nominee should be for the entire party and country? that is not the way it should work. take this at least through super tuesday and show with trump's most recent comments overseas on putin, will hurt him, those are unamerican comments. fact she is raising and spending money on campaign, he is spending his money, 50 to 60 million on legal fees. where are resources going to come? rnc has record low cash on hand.
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you need everybody to get in, if you don't get suburban moms back and young voters back, you cannot win in november. >> shannon: do you think those legal cases are legit nonpartisan apolitical cases against him? >> no, i don't, he will still have to defend himself, that is his point. legitimate or not doesn't matter, chaos surrounds him and will if he becomes president, nothing will get done. whether you buy off on him or not doesn't matter, they are his chaos and he has to handle it. >> shannon: "new york times" said all punches governor haley is landing on trump are helping biden in the general election quoting tyler jones. mrs. haley is aiding biden campaign by attacking donald trump in republican spaces.
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so statistically there is almost zero chance she can pull off the nomination, why help president biden in the general? >> shannon: there is not a zero chance she could win. if you go to 2016, it played out and you can't attack the front-runner, democrats might use it. this is about nomination at this point and battling and calling the candidate out, who are they voting for? what are they saying? what is rhetoric there? where will his policies go? that should be on the table and to say we do two or three states and call it a day, that is crazy. that is trump fans praying the former president gets a free ride. he doesn't deserve a free ride, republican party deserves
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options and choices and leadership that has same policy ideas that could win in november and implement policy ideas, being fiscally responsible, building the wall, drain the swamp and get rid of bureaucracy, trump did none of that. we want a candidate that can deliver for america. >> shannon: we will see what happens in south carolina. fox news channel hosting two town halls, first today 5 p.m. eastern, nikki haley sits down with john roberts and later this week former president donald trump sits down with laura ingraham on the "the ingraham angle" on fox news channel. former president trump slapped with a fine in new york, half a billion dollars and then, sparks fly in georgia courtroom when the d.a. behind trump's criminal trial takes the stand. >> no, no, nobody, this is the
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truth, it is a lie. it is a lie. a few years ago, i came to saona, they told me there's no electricity on the island. we always thought that whatever we did here would be an emblem of what small communities can achieve. trying to give a better life to people that don't have the means to do it. si mi papá estuviera vivo, sé que él tuviera orgulloso también de vivir de esta viviendo una vida como la que estamos viviendo ahora. es electricidad aquí es salud.
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you want to see who we are as americans? i'm peter dixon and in kenya... we built a hospital that provides maternal care. as a marine... we fought against the taliban and their crimes against women. and in hillary clinton's state department... we took on gender-based violence in the congo. now extremists are banning abortion and contraception right here at home. so, i'm running for congress to help stop them. for your family... and mine. i approved this message because this is who we are.
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>> donald trump may have authored the art of the deal, he perfected the art of the steal. >> she's a horribly corrupt
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attorney general and all having to do with election interference. >> shannon: that was leticia james and former president donald trump speaking after the judge handed down ruling in civil fraud trace against trump barring trump for running business for three years and there is half billion dollars. coming after month november long trial stems from james lawsuit saying trump committed fraud. our legal panel, assistant attorney general tom dupree and law professor jonathan turley. great to have you back. we'll try to get to as much as we can. start with that case. the judge in the rules said this about the defendants, complete lack of contrition and remorse borders on pathological, he went after them.
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>> john: >> jonathan: he did and the opinion comes off cathartic and you really see that in the ultimate conclusion. he just imposed damage equal of gop and what is basis of this? you imposed $350 million in damages plus another $100 million coming from interest in case where zero dollars were lost by banks. the banks wanted to do more business with the guy you just barred from doing business with them. the question of excessiveness of the fine raises an appellate issue, not just for new york court of appeals, but for supreme court. >> shannon: people asking questions about the bank, if there are not victims that came forward and said i lost money and i'm in the hole because of this guy. why are banks and other
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institutions, do your own due diligence and appraisal, why are they not caught up in this? >> these were not unsophisticated businesses and they look at material that borrowers submit to them. what is unusual, new york law did not require attorney general to prove there was a victim. she did not need to prove that. i am not aware of other cases where you have a prosecutor bringing charges and claims of this nature when you don't have a bank or someone saying i was victimized. this statute has been on the book for a long time, i can't think of anything similar to this. >> shannon: in georgia, d.a. fani willis on the stand over questions of ethical lapses or allegations, here is her on the
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stand. >> it is offensive when they implicate you slept with somebody the first day you slept with them, this is contrary to democracy, not to mine. you lied in this. i will tell you where you lied, here, you lied here. >> your honor -- >> this is the truth, judge. it is a lie. you think i'm on trial, these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020, i'm not on trial, no matter how hard you put me on trial. don't be cute with me and think you will not get an answer. >> shannon: trying to think of another case when i've seen a prosecutor on the stand, this is unusual. >> here is the thing, fani willis made a calamitous misjudgement bringing in mr. wade, even liberal and trump poen pons acengine this was a terrible error. why shouldn't she just stepped
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aside. prosecutors are judged by appearance of impropriety. and these sorted personal details about when the relationship started and ended, can she continue to serve in this role? if she wanted prosecution to move along, you would think someone might pull her aside, look step aside, let someone else take over. >> shannon: she and mr. wade so no relationship prior to this and cash repayment to him for what he spent. do you think the judge has seen enough to say where there is smoke, there is fire? >> no one will say election law is boring again. >> shannon: not after this case. >> the astonishing thing, you have two prosecutors accused of filing false statements in court. mr. wade is accused of answering falsely and willis accused of making false statements, that is
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what they are prosecuting for. building on what tom said, you have to recognize personal interest have to give way to interest of the case and the office and they have not done that. has the judge heard enough? yes, but he's still in a tough position. disqualification is a heavy left much issue of impropriety may give him basis for saying step aside. will he refer these two to the bar? allegations of false statements being filed, their testimony did not help in that respect. will the judge suggest that one or both of you remove yourself or order it. i will ask the bar to look into allegations. >> shannon: quickly before we go, supreme court is sitting on this request for stay from the partly cloudy essentially president trump, he wants to be able to litigate issue of immunity, slowing down the jack smith trial against him, does
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supreme court get involved or leave it alone for now? >> there is good chance the court will let it stay where it is, they have done a lot of lifting on the election and may want this cup to pass from their lips. trump has one good argument, the justices are not that persuaded on immunity. the idea of extinguishing for an intermediate appeal does rub a lot of us the wrong way. >> shannon: final word. >> i agree with jonathan, trump litigation fatigue at this point, they say if they have a complex issue, if we defer this, maybe it will go away. let a trial play out, if there is kwksz conviction, we can address it is on the back end. >> shannon: we'll take a deeper dive into fox news poll out of two swing states with our panel
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the worst we've ever had. the happiest man in our country today is a man named jimmy
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carter, because he is considered a brilliant president by comparison. >> president biden: position of maga republicans characterized by "new york times" headline, reads trump first, putin second, america third. >> shannon: president trump and president biden trading shots, polling indicates a collision course of rematch of 2020. talk with josh kraushaar, and katie pavlich, forbes writer richard fowler and daniel, welcome to all of you. brand new out of swing states. north carolina trump has advantage on biden and michigan, tighter, but two-point advantage. how is the white house feeling about the pollings these days? >> they are not feeling great, there is a problem in michigan and they sent the campaign
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manager to meet with political leaders there and she was rejected from some meetings, so they told john finer, we regret what we did in gaza, they are looking at polls and feeling nervous. >> shannon: when you add third party like jfk, trump lead to nine point and trump leads to five points in michigan. looks like joe manchin is not running. >> we will not have joe manchin, there will be other third party candidates challenging joe biden from his left. look at numbers and joe biden has a center problem, a lot of independent voters that backed him and now are supporting donald trump. he has a base problem. it is shocking to see over 20% of african americans in north carolina and michigan supporting donald trump in the polling. he only got single digits, three
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times more support among nonwhite voters. it is a big red flag. biden, you heard daniel talking about arab voters in michigan, arab and african american voters. >> shannon: richard, you have a piece, how should biden manage the concerns? >> the only poll that matters is election day. look at black voters, specifically black men, last election in 2023 in ohio, we saw this, when it comes to protecting a woman's right to choose, demographic in the highest percentage for that was black men. what the white house needs to do is have a conversation with these voters, they will decide in michigan because of detroit and charlotte and raleigh, durham. requires white house has a real
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conversation with them. this president has a low approval rating, this economic environment is working in the right direction, inflation is down, unemployment record low. these things are working in the president's favor, he has to figure out way to get credit for it. >> shannon: polls show in north carolina and michigan that people do not feel like the economy is going well for them. majority saying holding steady or falling behind in michigan and north carolina, largest group said they are falling behind and this comes in a week when treasury secretary janet yellen is saying people are doing better than they think they are. >> katie: economic numbers are not working in joe biden's favor, they are trying to sell bidenomics, it is not working. inflation has not gone down, things are going up and things are going up on things people need like food and housing and energy that everybody is using. that is a big problem for the white house and for president
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biden, look at polling, president trump beats biden on number one issue for voters on immigration and economy. the other issue the white house is having a huge problem with and in week two, mental capacity issue joe biden is facing. you have a number of democrats having huge concerns about this issue. president trump beats joe biden on that topic of mental acuity, mental capability and serving as commander-in-chief to make big decisions by 20 points. >> shannon: feels like we would have been done talking about the hur report, white house brought it up again, sam ms is urging caution in the future with reporting his inattention to detail or misconstruing facts and evidence. they were not happy, that memo reignited a conversation about it. >> no reporter wants to be told how to do their job. they recognize age is a huge
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issue, the white house officials i talk to. remind ourselves biden was supposed to be a transitional candidate in 2020 and hinted he would serve one term and kamala harris was not able to become the great political star they hoped to take the mantel and that dogged the white house in terms of having biden in that role. >> shannon: press corps reigniting this conversation. kelly o'donnell says the president will not -- adhere to our view of what they are doing. >> the white house spin is age is not an issue, look at joe biden and see what he does. people are looking and are worried, 85% of americans in polls are concerned about joe biden's age. that is republicans, independents and democrats, major concern for reelection.
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>> katie: white house staff is desperately trying to spin the special counsel report was inappropriate and shouldn't say things, when they prove he is capable, he makes big mistakes, in speeches to push back on the report or on republicans criticizing. >> shannon: five seconds. >> undercard is kamala harris, the president is having meetings trying to figure out how to break out of this bubble and that is important to watch. >> shannon: thank you, see you next sunday, up next, trey yingst live in israel with an update on the ground offensive if southern gaza, he is live next. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? we were loading our suv when... crack! safelite came right to us,
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and we could see exactly when they'd arrive with a replacement we could trust. that's service the way we want it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ a few years ago, i came to saona, they told me there's no electricity on the island. we always thought that whatever we did here would be an emblem of what small communities can achieve. trying to give a better life to people that don't have the means to do it. si mi papá estuviera vivo, sé que él tuviera orgulloso también de vivir
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de esta viviendo una vida como la que estamos viviendo ahora. es electricidad aquí es salud. >> shannon: israeli cabinet voting to approve resolution rejecting any recognition of a palestinian state without direct negotiations with israel. idf preparing for major ground offensive in southern gaza. joining us live is trey yingst. hello, trey. >> trey: shannon, good morning. day 135 of the war between israel and hamas and no concrete solutions on end the conflict,
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tension remains high across the middle east. in northern gaza, children hold signs and chant, we wound flour, lack of aid delivered to this part of the strip and hamas threatening to suspend negotiation for ceasefire deal until food and medicine reach the vulnerable people. israeli operations continue ahead of a looming ground offensive into the southern most city of rafah, where one million palestinians are sheltering. with conflict raging on, it is worried that attacks will continue until agreement is reached between israel and hamas. hezbollah still launching rockets into northern israel, drawing heavier responses and threatening war with the jewish state. in yemen, houthi rebels maintain attacks against red sea shipping
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lanes, kouzing four new strikes last week hitting missiles prepared for launch. >> trey: diplomatic efforts are unfolding with oversight from the united states, each passing day, possibility of broader conflict increases. >> shannon: trey yingst in tel aviv, thank you. that is it for today, thank you for joining us, i'm shannon bream, hav e a grea democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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local agencies are preparing for potential flooding and rain or shine, san francisco will be celebrating the lunar new year with the alaska airlinhi


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