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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at Noon  FOX  February 21, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. and how it will be used to enhance safety. plus, new information about a deadly shooting in santa clara. the victim, just three years old. what we know about the investigation so far. then singled out for hate speech at a city council meeting. how? when walnut creek council member reacts to a shocking act of anti-semitism. what we've learned about the man who
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delivered a message of hate. >> this is ktvu, fox two news at noon. >> good afternoon. i'm garcia mikaelian. i'm andre senior. >> thank you for joining us. we start with what was supposed to be a major announcement for oakland mayor shengtao on her first day back at work, following the passing of her mother. instead, it was overshadowed by protests involving those who want her out of office. ktvu reporter henry lee joins us with details. henry >> andre. this was a key mayoral announcement mixed in with some political theater against the specter of a recall effort. in other words, just another day in oakland politics. now, tempers flared in downtown oakland this morning as supporters of a recall effort against mayor shengtao interrupt her press conference announcing a $3.5 million safety grant. the money will expand the safety ambassador program in downtown and chinatown, which deploys mediators trained in de-escalation to help those in crisis. >> this program will promote safer and more secure streets while improving outcomes for
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people in crisis. oakland is aggressive, pursuing a comprehensive, a comprehensive, and community safety strategy. get this, get this, get this, get this, get this, get this, people. >> stop provoking. get down from monkey. >> stop provoking, stop provoking to crash. >> the mayor's event included activists seneca scott, he and others have been holding news conferences of their own around the city, saying the mayor is not doing enough to crack down on crime or stop businesses from leaving. now one point edward escobar, who also supports shengtao being recalled, called oakland police, saying bodyguards for the mayor were attacking scott. officers arrived and kept the peace but made no arrests. today was the mayor's first day back at work after her mother died. today she did thank everyone for being there, including the protesters holding recall signs. she said this is our democracy coming up at five more on this grant that she announced today live in the
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newsroom, henry lee ktvu, fox two news. >> henry. thank you. a security guard was shot during a robbery at an oakland business overnight. according to police. two men entered the. its at it is. smoke shop located on san pablo avenue at 25th street the counter, pulled a gun,ind grabbed some cash from the register. the thief shot at the security guard whileni out of the store, and the guard shot back, but it's not knowetr the suspects were t. they drove off in a vehicle. the guard was hospitalized and is said to be in stable condition right now. >> new information now on a tragic story in the south bay, a man is accused of killing his girlfriend's three year old son and has been booked into the santa clara county jail on a murder charge. investigators say the child's mother called police to report that her son was shot by her live in boyfriend, identified as 24 year-old sergio colin gomez. officers went to the scene, tried to save the boy, but he died inside the home. police arrested gomez after a brief struggle. this is the first time i'm hearing this. >> yeah, so i'm a little bit scared. also feel a little
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uncomfortable, you know what i'm saying? >> gomez was taken to a local hospital for treatment of minor injuries. he is not the boy's father. police have not revealed a possible motive behind the shooting. new at noon. state regulators have suspended waymo's request to expand robotaxi service in san mateo and los angeles counties. the cpuc. s decision comes after protest letters over safety concerns from local leaders in both counties. the suspension could last up to 120 days. waymo is already operating in parts of san francisco and los angeles county. we reached out to waymo for comment. the company has yet to release an official response. >> well, a shocking anti-semitic hate speech briefly brought a walnut creek council meeting to a halt. ktvu bailey o'carroll has more on the comments that were made and reaction from a council member who was at that meeting. >> shocked into silence, this is what the chambers at walnut creek city hall sounded like for 15 seconds after a man went off
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on a hateful anti-semitic tirade during the public comment portion of the city council meeting on tuesday night. that is, until the silence was broken by council member kevin wilk. >> we live in a free country and there is free speech, and that means we have to live to listen to awful and heinous comments like we just listened to. and i would like to apologize on behalf of the city council and anybody that had to hear that horrible, horrible speech. the man who spoke wore a shirt with a swastika and the words white power written across it, and covered his face with sunglasses . >> he spoke for two minutes, expressing his disappointment in the city's october decision to no longer allow public comments on zoom meetings and singled out wilk, who is jewish, before ending his speech with a hail to hitler. >> makes me feel sad that there are people that live in this world that have such hate that they can't even keep it within themselves. they feel that they have to go out and spread it publicly. >> the man's words and attire
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are an example of what jewish leaders say is becoming more and more common, and jewish organizations around the country have determined no, we're going to address this. >> we're going to make sure that people realize that we're not going to hide away. we're going to call this out, and we're going to be strong about this. and it's not going to make us cower and it's not going to keep us quiet. >> according to the american jewish committee, nearly half of all american jews have altered behavior out of fear of anti-semitism. >> when this kind of thing happens in city hall meetings, it gives a green light to people , all other people who feel maybe like they wouldn't feel less comfortable, they would feel less comfortable saying this sort of thing in the past. now they feel emboldened. now they can feel like they can walk into their community, into their school, into their place of work, and they can repeat this kind of thing. >> but wilk says, not so fast that other cities have taken the tact of, you can talk on non-agenda items, but it has to
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be city related business. >> hate speech is not city related business, and those speakers are cut off, wilk says. >> the ultimate decision is up to the city attorney, planner and mayor wilk told us that that man who made the speech is not from walnut creek. he's actually from the central valley. wilk also said that the fbi is aware of the man. reporting in walnut creek. i'm bailey o'carroll, ktvu, fox two news. >> the oakland police department continues to investigate vandalism near lake merritt as a hate crime. photos of the spray painted messages were posted on the organization's stop anti-semitism. one of the messages reads long live hamas. the vandalism was reported monday afternoon just after 1230 to oakland police. there is no word yet about who's responsible. >> president biden is scheduled to arrive in the bay area in just a few hours from now, as part of a three day fundraising trip to our state yesterday afternoon, the president arrived in los angeles today. he's expected to deliver a policy speech near la before flying to the bay area. he'll attend
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fundraisers in san francisco and los altos hills today, and tomorrow. this marks president biden's third visit to california in two months for political events. so far, his campaign has outraised that of former president donald trump's by about $13 million. is this week's storm flooded several streets in san francisco. ktvu amber lee shows us some of the damage and resulting safety concerns. >> this video of flooding on san francisco's streets was posted on social media tuesday afternoon. the city was under a flash flood warning that expired at 4 p.m. the user rights. luckily, i crossed the franklin river before it got too deep. residents say the water receded fairly quickly. >> fortunately, now there's a big break so we can come out and take a little walk before the next downpour. >> we're from the philippines, so we're used to pours real rain . so today was rain, but real rain. rain it's not. it's not a typhoon.
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>> still, the rain did raise safety concerns for some people in the mission district who live or work on folsom near 17th street, a low lying area prone to flooding. >> it's always a little concerning, i guess whenever you get any of those severe weather warnings, but i guess you can only really try and just go about your daily life in anticipation of the flooding. >> sfpuc put up these barriers. the city's department of public works says there was not a flood of calls reporting problems, despite the weather, and that crews were able to respond quickly where needed. we know what the rain does, so if you're in a low lying area or if you have a garage that has like a driveway going down, like protect yourself with sandbags, we're always looking to keep the catch basins clean. >> you know, we work closely with the puc, the sfpuc and public works department are receiving high praise from people along folsom street, where flood waters have done damage in the past. >> they tell me the barriers work since 2020. >> they've just gotten better and better monitoring the rain and knowing when to put up the barriers, learning how to use
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them. >> so yeah, we've been pretty happy. >> still, these two tell me they do pay attention to flash flood warnings and the weather forecast. >> just like looking out the window every now and then, keeping an eye on the rain. >> city officials are reminding residents and business owners that they can get free sandbags at the public works yard. there available monday through saturday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in san francisco. amber lee ktvu , fox two news well, two businesses on the capitola pier are set to be demolished after city leaders deemed the structures unsafe. >> officials say the wharf house restaurant and the capitola boat and bait shop building are structurally unsound. a town hall meeting is scheduled today, where city leaders and experts will talk about what's next for the wharf and listen to community concerns. the general manager of capitola boat and bait shops is determined to find a way forward. >> the impact personally for me, one is my family, of my employees. you know, they, uh, they stood behind me. we fight,
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we argue, we cry, we laugh, and they don't have a job to come back to. if i don't have something back out there. >> the city started an almost $8 million project to repair and modernize the wharf. leaders say that work should be complete by this fall, bringing artificial intelligence into the classroom. >> the bay area school district that wants to bring that technology to its lesson plans and prepare students for the future, plus, taking the stage for one final debate. the final push by the four top candidates hoping to represent california in the senate and in barry weather. >> a little bit of everything out there. some sun, some clouds, some passing showers could be heavy at times. we finally are heading into a dry weather stretch. we will have the update co ngng up ♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch.
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(fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products. (other money manager) then how do you make money? (fisher investments) we have a simple management fee, structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) your clients really come first then, huh? (fisher investments) yes. we make them a top priority, by getting to know their finances, family, health, lifestyle and more. (other money manager) wow, maybe we are different. (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. final debate, candidates touched on the economy, immigration, foreign policy and the environment. ktvu jana katsuyama has the highlights and the high stakes. as a new poll shows, a tight race. >> california's leading senate candidates took the stage in los angeles tuesday night for their final debate. three democrats representatives barbara lee, katie porter and adam schiff, and one republican, steve garvey, trying to define and differential themselves. >> let's start with inflation. >> we need to bring down energy
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costs. we can do this with a windfall profits tax on oil companies. >> what really happened is the overspending in washington, which caused inflation. >> career politicians haven't focused on our challenges, including the cost of housing, the cost of childcare. people are working two and three jobs just to pay rent, just to afford child care. >> we have to think about and talk about a living wage. the candidates were asked about the recent bipartisan immigration bill, all saying they would not have voted for it on a cease fire in gaza. >> lee, the only yes on the diablo canyon nuclear plant, a nuclear power porter and lee were opposed, schiff said. nuclear power has some value. garvey, supporter throughout the debate, frontrunner adam schiff presented himself as someone who'd get things done. but porter, his biggest threat was on the attack. >> i made a choice when i ran for office to never take corporate pac money. representative schiff made a different choice. >> garvey said he would be a unifying senator if elected.
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>> go to all 99 other senators and to meet with them and to tell them i'm there to build consensus. >> but he faced criticism over his past support of former president trump. congress woman barbara lee did not attack, instead focusing on her personal background. >> i have faced so many obstacles, such as being on public assistance, such as food, being on food stamps and her progressive record. it is a shame and disgrace that we cannot not allow our daca students, our dreamers, to become the united states citizens and in the in the senate, that would be the first thing i would do. >> janet katsuyama, ktvu, fox two news ahead of the saturday south carolina republican primary. former president donald trump and former i haley are cag across the state. the latest real clear politics average of polls shows former president trump is leading haley by 25 points in south carolina. it's her home state, where she served two terms as governor. haley says she has no plan to drop out of the race. >> she's down by 30, 35 points
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and everybody knows her. you're not supposed to lose your home state. shouldn't happen anyway. and she's losing it big, big. i mean, really, uh, i said big lie and big lie. >> south carolina will vote on saturday, but on sunday, i'll still be running for president. i'm i'm not going anywhere, haley notes in the ten days after the south carolina primary , there are 21 more states and territories that will be voting. >> she says she intends to stay in the race until the last person has voted. all right, back here at home now, we are still watching the weather, even though we are seeing some sun here along the oakland estuary, something we haven't seen in the last couple of days. >> mark tamayo is here now with more on our forecast. hey, mark. >> yeah, kind of what we call it. unsettled day today. we can expect everything with some sunshine, some clouds, some heavy downpours and then back to sunshine again. so there's still a chance of some scattered showers in your wednesday afternoon forecast. here's the overall weather pattern. we have been tracking over the past couple of days is a big area of
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low pressure offshore and unstable air mass. that's why we had all the warnings and the watches, the heavy downpours yesterday, the flash flood warning in san francisco, in fact. take a look. this is a map of showing you all of the some of the storm reports over the past few days across the bay area and also up in northern california. if i were to put a big box around all of these, it's adding up to over 300. and that's just for here in northern california. there's more down in southern california. so the rainfall has really been adding up in a few spots. one site in santa rosa reporting six inches of rain over the past seven days. you can see ben lowman in the santa cruz mountains approaching six inches kentfield, over three inches san francisco, 2.40. of course, they had that big downpour yesterday afternoon and san jose over an inch of rain in the sierra. this was the scene earlier today and we're showing you some of the snow totals over the past seven days about on average, around 3 to 4ft of some brand new snow in the sierra. so that's a nice for the skiers and snowboarders. and also great news for our water supply. as well. we definitely needed a big boost in the snowfall. here is the satellite
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and the radar once again. and as we come in closer to northern california and the bay area, still some scattered rain showers out there. a live camera is picking up on some of those clouds you probably noticed in the foreground there. those those hillsides really green and vibrant with all this recent rainfall across the region. now here's a closer look at the radar right now. just over the past hour and some coverage really focused up in portions of the north bay. so we're not completely dry. still, some lingering rain showers closer to, say, tiburon, also extending across the bay. and then also up in the north bay as well. and some of these are capable of producing some pretty good downpours, especially up in portions of the sonoma county right now closer to the town of sonoma. current numbers out there in the 50s to the lower 60s. san jose right now 62, san francisco checking in 56 degrees. of course, we had some gusty winds over the past couple of days. wind advisories, but not the case right now. you can see in the single digits across most of the bay area. so thankfully we're not talking about strong winds right now. half moon bay you can see a southerly wind at about nine
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miles an hour. so here's the overall forecast of the short tum. we're showing you this. the possibility still of some scattered showers. we'll have that sun cloud mix this afternoon. and then we should get a nice little break. so here's what's happening over the next several days. this afternoon. and then on thursday looks like a we'll bring in some clouds tomorrow morning. and then on friday morning some clouds. but we get a chance to get outside and not have to worry about the rainfall for thursday, friday and even into saturday. our next chance of some showers. that'll be for the second half of the weekend. looks like this is an outdated map that shouldn't be in here. this was from last week talking about all of the stormy weather that was headed our way. so this is what we've already experienced here in the bay area. and this was the scene in the sierra. of course, we were talking about winter weather advisories, but no longer the case for today. in fact, there are no winter weather advisories, no winter storm warnings in the mountains. highs for this afternoon. upper 50s to the lower 60s, and the look ahead. your five day forecast. we get a chance to get outside thursday. friday. it's warm on saturday, 60s to maybe 70 degrees. the chance of some showers by sunday. another
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american detained in russia as the us prepares new sanctions in london. >> i'm alex hogan, i'll have more on is
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. out of one of the jet models during an alaska airlines flight. now a member to employees states ed clark is leaving the company. clark had been with the company for 18
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years. he's being replaced by katie ringgold, the current vice president of 737 delivery operations. boeing says it's focusing on ensuring that every airplane meets or exceeds all quality and safety requirements. a united airlines flight headed to los angeles international airport had to be diverted due to a security issue, the faa says the plane was headed from newark liberty international airport to los angeles. when crew members on board reported a security incident. the plane was diverted to chicago once it arrived, law enforcement officials were on hand as passengers deplaned. 202 passengers and nine crew members were on board. no other details are being released at this time. federal authorities are investigating united airlines flight from san francisco to boston that was diverted to denver. passengers on the flight shared video that appears to show a damaged plane panel rather on one of the wings. united airlines says the boeing 757 plane landed safely monday afternoon, and then passengers were put on another plane to
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continue on to boston. united has not said what caused the damage to the plane's wing. >> now to a developing story. an american detained in russia has been identified as a 33 year old spa worker from los angeles. she's now being accused of treason by moscow. alex hogan has the latest developments from london on. >> we're learning more about the american being held in russia on spy charges. she's been identified as 33 year old ksenia karelina, a dual russian american citizen living in los angeles. she works at a spa in beverly hills. she's also a ballerina. but on a recent trip to her hometown of yekaterinburg, she was arrested and accused of raising money for the ukrainian military, reportedly about $50. the state department says american diplomats are trying to gain access to her, but it won't be easy. >> russia does not recognize dual citizenship, considers them to be russian citizens first and foremost, and so oftentimes we have a difficult time getting consular assistance, making things even more difficult. >> relations with russia are
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near an all time low. more american sanctions are coming in response to the death of opposition leader alexei navalny in a russian prison, prompting fears that carolina could be used as a political pawn at this point, the relations are so low that i don't expect any improvements. >> how do you negotiate with the person whom you actually designated as a killer? >> the state department is now recommending u.s. citizens not travel to russia because of, quote, the singling out of u.s. citizens for detention. meanwhile, her friends and family are working hard to shine a light on the situation, hoping that the publicity will keep her safe until they can get her home. >> i know that we need to create some noise. we need to get some attention to this cause, and we need to get her out of the jail. president biden says those new sanctions will be officially announced on friday in london. >> alex hogan ktvu fox two news. >> i recently retired pittsburgh police chief will serve as antioch's new interim chief.
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brian addington will begin his new role on monday and is expected to serve until the permanent chief is appointed. addington led the pittsburgh police department for more than ten years before retiring in 2022. antioch's most recent police chief retired unexpected last fall amid an investigation into racist and homophobic text messages exchanged by antioch police officers. >> well, bringing the future into the classroom how one east bay school district is trying to adapt its lesson plans to teach students about artificial intelligence, plus preparation, are well underway for san francisco's chinese new year parade. the nonprofit that will be aking center stage o satu
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(whisper) air wick. how far would you go to control the fragrance in your home? [door bell] [dog barking] (♪) there's an easier way to get things smelling
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just the way you want. try air wick vibrant. infused with 2x more natural essential oils, to get up to 120 days of amazing full room fragrance per dual pack. now that's a breath of fresh air wick. tell this morning announced the city is being awarded $3.5 million through the crisis act. mayor says the money will go toward expanding the safety ambassador and mediator program in downtown oakland and chinatown. >> this program will promote safer and more secure streets while improving our ems for people in crisis. oakland is aggressively pursuing a comprehensive, a comprehensive, and community safety strategy. >> that announcement by mayor tao was overshadowed by a protest involving a group
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calling for her recall. there was some shouting. police kept the peace community activist seneca scott, who ran for mayor, was in the group. they say the mayor is not doing enough to crack down on crime or stop businesses from leaving oakland down to san jose. >> a man is in jail accused of choking a man to death during a fight inside of a liquor store. investigators say two men started fighting inside williams liquor in willow glen monday afternoon. the store's owner says one man used his bare hands to strangle the other man near the store's atm, 32 year old leonardo soulet was arrested shortly after the incident. >> just goes to prove it. you know that could happen to anybody. you're here today, gone tomorrow. all right. and i'm having a hard time dealing with it, you know, because because i like the guy, man. >> investigators don't know why the men started fighting. >> and east bay school district wants teachers and students to embrace artificial intelligence tools such as chatgpt, and learn how to use them in the classroom and beyond. ktvu allie rasmus
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explains why leaders in the san ramon unified school district say banning the use of ai for classwork and even homework is the wrong move. >> artificial intelligence and its role in how students learn was the focus of an hour long presentation at the san ramon unified school district board meeting last night. >> we're still in a space where there's a lot of fear on how to do it the right way. >> district leaders say they've been discussing and studying how ai could impact education ever since chatgpt made its debut in november 2022. >> how to use it for prompting, how to use it to enhance your critical thinking, but also when it when it's not appropriate to use it. >> this morning, a group of more than 30 teachers and admin leaders from the district's middle and high schools met to discuss and define that question. >> we're going to address the topic of plagiarism, which is something that has come up. teachers are going to help us write what that would look like. >> some students tell us their teachers have already adapted, and my class is doing like a lot more stuff on paper. >> so like if we have to write
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an essay, we'll have to do it in class and we'll have to write it out on like a piece of sheet or a sheet of paper, like just by hand? yeah, just by hand. >> when we're at school, they have like apps open so you can see the tabs. so if you're cheating, like they're going to know anyway. so might as well just do it right. at the board meeting last night, teachers spoke about how they've gone through training to use ai to make their lessons more fun and engaging. >> what are middle schoolers interested in? well, taylor swift, right? so what if i could take the entire chapter of a math book and in an instant transform all of the word problems to be about taylor swift? >> some told the board that banning the use of platforms like chatgpt altogether is not the solution. >> we want to prepare our students to be successful in the future, where they go off into the workforce and their their employment is using ai. we have done our students a disservice by not teaching them about what this really, really fantastic tool ethically and responsibly.
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>> the san ramon unified school district will have an information session for parents and students to ask questions about how ai is being used in the classroom. that's scheduled to happen a week from now. wednesday, february 28th, in danville. ali rasmus ktvu, fox two news the house of representatives has a new bipartisan task force on artificial intelligence. >> 12 republicans and 12 democrats were on the panel. it will research the new technology and make recommendations about policies. the goal is to make sure the us keeps pace with new developments in ai, while also making sure safeguards are in place. south bay congresswoman anna eshoo was named to the new task force. >> there's much work to be done. it represents ai, represents a great promise, but there's also peril and we have to look after. obviously our national security, but we want to continue the innovation. and so no legislation is in order for time magazine recently named congresswoman eshoo as one of
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its top 100 most influential people in ai. >> some san francisco business owners in the mission may sue the city over traffic changes, business owners along valencia street say muni's decision to move the bike lane to the center of the road dramatically reduced the number of available parking spaces, which led to fewer customers. was some of those business owners say they've closed because of a drop in business, and others say they're struggling to stay open. >> i have lost my business and dozens of other small business owners have either already been forced to shut down or are on the verge of losing everything. >> we contend that the city would not have built the center bike lane here if valencia street neighborhood did not have a high proportion of people of color residing here, the business owners want the center bike lane removed and for the city to compensate, businesses for lost income. >> if the city denies us that claim, the business owners plan to file a lawsuit. now, san francisco's municipal transit transit agency released a
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statement saying, quote, valencia is a vibrant corridor that we all love, and we're partnering closely to make it a place where people can bike safely and local businesses can thrive. the street was not safe for people biking, so we had to act. at the same time, our success must include the success of this beloved corridor. muni says it had converted 71 parking spaces to loading zones, but after talking to business owners , that number has been reduced to just 13 spaces. >> final preparations are underway for the chinese new year parade in san francisco this saturday. while most people watch for the line dancers and colorful floats, there will also be an important message about something many people are reluctant to talk about. ktvu claudine wong spoke with counselors at rams club, a mental health provider for the city, about their message to parade watchers. when gregory broyles walks through the streets of san francisco, he sees a place of love and support a city that stood with him in his darkest moments. >> no shame in my game. i wouldn't be where i'm at today if i hadn't gone through the
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things i've gone through. so so i, um, gosh, i have a long history, i.e. a family history of both substance abuse and mental health, but my obviously turned into, you know, alcoholism and then eventually meth addiction. and he was actually ripping and running, as they call it, for 18 years. um, during that time, also my, my mental health, i went into a first depression and then i ended up having bipolar disorder, or that was induced by my meth addiction. and so, yeah, i mean, i lost all the jobs that i had. i lost everything i had, um, i managed to stay housed. um, but i did that by doing the various deeds. right. um, so it was really rough. i lost my family and all my friends from high school, and, uh, um, and then i, you know, i got into recovery and i got into recovery because i'd been committed to a psych ward, a number of times. and one time i often would get
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so depressed i'd try to end my own life. and i just realized, oh, one time i was i was like, i'm actually going to succeed at some point. and that was kind of scary to me. and my parents were getting older. i was in my 40s at this time, and i thought, gosh, the last thing i want in the world is for my mom or dad's last thought to be, god, i hope greg is going to be okay today. >> he is not only okay, but he is grateful and is giving back as a lead peer of the peer transition team at rams, the city's largest contracted mental health provider founded 50 years ago in 1974, rams now has more than 30 clinical programs at over 130 sites. it offers counseling, outreach, education and training, and they do it all in over 30 languages, with people like senior peer counselor, wing shum. >> my story is, um, i'm immigrated here and then my i got divorced, she says. >> as a single mom, she struggled and knows that language and cultural stigmas can be a barrier to getting the
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help that is available. being able to speak to people in their native language, she says, can be critical to providing the support people need. >> my first language is chinese. i don't think my english is perfect enough, but it's really powerful to have the people have the language, a language problem. >> you think there's still stigmas for, especially specifically the chinese community, about getting mental health services? >> yes, yes. >> because, um, the background, our history don't really feel when you get the mental health issue is to go to hospital here. >> peer counselors not only give support, but they receive it. and people we talked to say throughout the years participating in the chinese new year parade has always been a source of joy for this group. >> the first year is the year of the dog. we are so excited and um, yeah. and then now this is my home traditional because my son at that time is around eight years old. and then we build
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some small decoration and then bring him to parade. and then now every year we do our own thing, little thing, and then bring that and then go to the parade. it's fun. >> i can't remember if that was like the second or third year. i don't think it was the first year, but i mean, he came in inflatable pig costume, right? you know who does this? you're the director. and so that's the type of people that are at rams. and so it turns this event and it's just joyful, right? >> this year, an estimated 75 people will march and carry a dragon decorated with banners that showcase rams services. >> i guess the first thing that comes to mind is i want them to know we're here. that's our our our banner, which is, you know, about that. um mental health. it's also about the colors of the rainbow and, and you know, that everybody's welcome. it's a banner that will be a beacon in the dark, carried by people who have also walked a difficult road, people who would welcome the chance to walk with you,
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too, in san francisco. >> claudine wong, ktvu, fox two news. we dhope you join us for the san francisco chinese new year pade. >> this 100% is something you have to do at least once. if you're anywhere near san francisco. however, if you can make it there in persons time, you can watch le coverage hosted by claudine wong and mike mibach that starts at 6:00 this saturday nightere on ktvu, fox two, and of course, on the fox local app for your smart tv. >> it's a make or break moment for house republicans looking to impeach president biden over his family's business dealings. i'm rebecca castor in washington. the latest on the president's brother's interview with congress. coming up and a barry weather. >> we are still tracking some showers this afternoon for your wednesday, but if you are waiting for a drying trend and some warmer weather that's in the forecast as well, we'll have the update in the timing coming up
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this ad? typical. politicians... "he's bad. i'm good." blah, blah. let's shake things up. with katie porter. porter refuses corporate pac money. and leads the fight to ban congressional stock trading. katie porter. taking on big banks to make housing more affordable. and drug company ceos to stop their price gouging. most politicians just fight each other. while katie porter fights for you. for senate - democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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in the last year, the new safety plan means there will be supervision for students at all times. gaps will be removed from student schedules. all students will need a pass to leave the classroom, and a parent will have to be present to check out a teen from high school. from school early in the day. this follows a series of incidents on campus last year, including one in which a student walked on campus armed with a loaded ghost gun and knife. that student was arrested. officials say they hope the safety plan will be
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adopted by other schools in the district. president biden signed an executive order this morning aimed at securing the nation's ports from cyber attacks. the new regulations are part of the administration's efforts to modernize and protect critical infrastructure. experts say that cyber attacks can be as damaging as hurricanes or other physical threats. the nation's largest fuel pipeline temporarily halted operations in 2021 due to a ransomware attack. the company later paid four and a half dollars million to russian hackers. the justice department recovered much of that money. president biden announced today he's canceling another $1.2 billion in student debt. this will help almost 153,000 people currently enrolled in the college repayment program. borrowers will receive an email notifying them their loan is being forgiven. the administration has been looking for ways to cancel student debt after the supreme court invalidated a broader based plan last year. people in the college repayment program have been paying back their loans for at least a decade. >> president biden's brother,
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james biden, is on capitol hill today as house republicans pressed forward with their impeachment inquiry into the president and his family's business dealings. now, critics say the gop has yet to come up with any concrete basis for impeachment. but that this is the closest they've gotten to the president's inner circle. rebecca kaster reports using his name to help. >> that's not president biden on capitol hill. it's his younger brother, james, who will be grilled by lawmakers wednesday in a closed door interview. the money, the business, the brand that will be the focus, i think, of today's question. reporter it's all part of republicans impeachment inquiry into joe biden and whether the president or his family used his name for financial profit. >> this impeachment investigation is nothing but a wild goose chase. >> so far, through previous interviews with biden family, business associates, gop lawmakers have uncovered minimal evidence against joe biden. critics say it's far from enough to impeach, and the republican investigation is at risk of
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collapsing. wednesday's interview with james and next week's deposition with the president's son, hunter, are critical in a year ago. >> i think that the administration would have denied that they would ever have. biden family members coming before the oversight committee as part of this impeachment inquiry. this is going to be a very important moment in this investigation. >> james biden will likely face questioning over two loan payments he paid his brother and his time at a now bankrupt hospital firm called americorps, a company he's accused of using biden's name to join, so he would openly discuss leveraging his brother's connections in order to get business and aid. >> this was a company that left a lot of people holding the bag, but not the bidens. >> the pressure is on for republicans to find more evidence to connect the president to family business dealings, especially after their star witness, former fbi informant alexander smirnov, was accused of lying and having ties to russia in washington, rebecca
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castor, ktvu, fox two news. >> well, today is the last day to apply for a grant program through the california earthquake authority to secure your home to its foundation, to protect it against earthquake damage. homeowners can apply for grants up to $3,000 through the brace and bolt program to retrofit qualifying homes built before 1980, and income eligible homeowners can apply for supplemental grants that may cover up to 100% of the cost of a seismic retrofit. >> all right, straight back to our bay area weather. the gorgeous sunshine on the oakland estuary. this is our get out and do stuff day right. mark >> yeah. at least be prepared for maybe a few leftover showers this afternoon. but yeah, we are heading in the right direction. if you want a dry day to not even worry about any rain clouds. so yeah, we need the rain. but we also nice. we also like to have the breaks as well. it has been quite the turbulent period over the past few days. this big area of low pressure, this big trough has been setting up camp offshore, keeping things unstable, especially on yesterday. we had those real heavy downpours and those strong winds. but even prior to that as
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well, these are all of the storm reports. as you can see over northern california, the bay area, and just within this run, one box, we're showing you over 300 storm reports out there. now the rainfall is really adding up. take a look at these numbers. santa rosa one site. this is over the past seven days reporting six inches of rain up in santa rosa. ben lowman 5.79 kentfield over three inches san francisco over two inches and the sierra look of this. those storm clouds trying to clear on out as well. this was the scene from homewood within the last hour, and the snowfall totals really adding up. so no longer winter storm warnings, no longer winter weather advisories. and we're talking about 3 to 4ft of some new snow in the mountains. here is a look at the satellite and the radar. as you can see here up in northern california, we still have some some lingering green on the radar. nothing too widespread, but still looking. okay, here's a live camera looking out toward the bay here. and still some clouds out there. and those green hillsides. now the radar imagery we are showing you this some activity kind of focused especially up in the north bay.
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in fact, we will go to the north bay right now and we'll show you some of the coverage up in sonoma county. this is actually a lingering flood warning that continues until 9:00 tonight. so the creeks and streams have been up there. so this whole box includes areas santa rosa, rohnert park, sebastopol, cotati, forestville and graton. so still some high water levels up in portions of the bay area, especially up in the north bay. and still some rainfall showing up on the radar this afternoon. as you can see, the focus has been up in the north bay, sonoma county, especially up into a napa county. right now. these yellows and oranges showing up here on the radar. so still some lingering rain to track this afternoon, but still we have some sunshine as well. current number is in the 50s and the 60s. fremont 64, santa rosa 56 and the winds have backed off considerably. so no longer we're not talking about any wind advisories. you can see most areas reporting winds in the single digits, around 3 to 8 to about nine miles an hour. so today this afternoon, still the possibility of a few scattered showers out there this is 4:00
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this afternoon. but then look what happens. we are just talking about some clouds in your thursday outlook. and then once again into your friday outlook. and then looks like the weekend starts off dry and warm. this is saturday, early saturday morning, 4:00. but saturday, the warmest locations, could be close to 70 degrees. our next chance of some showers that will be by sunday, but probably not a major storm at all. temperatures for this afternoon in the 50s to the lower 60s. still don't be surprised. it's one of those deals if you drive for half hour, you might encounter some dark clouds, some sunshine, and all of a sudden a sudden downpour. and then back to sunshine. so that we call that unsettled for today, thursday partly sunny sun and clouds for your friday. it is warm to start off the weekend, which is the chance of some scattered showers as we head towards sunday. >> mark. thank you. coming up, breaking down barriers in wine country. what a north bay wine expert is doing to diversify the industry.
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(fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) you can't be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought! (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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passion. he's also working to change the face of what has long been an almost exclusive white profession. ktvu crystal bailey has his story from saint helena. >> for vincent morrow, wine is a lifestyle. >> while this is roughly 5000 bottles of wine, the funny thing is, as a michelin recognized master sommelier, he didn't like the first wine he tasted on the first taste. i spit it out and dumped it, but eventually, years later, he says, he got a wine business degree at sonoma state university and began working in tasting rooms, restaurants, even in the vineyards. >> harvesting. now, morrow works as the wine and beverage director at press, a michelin star restaurant in saint helena. i really started to, um,
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internalize the, the disparity. >> there are four tiers of sommeliers. the highest being the master sommelier, and there are less than 300 master sommeliers all over the world, and only four of them are black. >> it's a small number that, for me is something i want to see grow even more in the future, he says. >> he's part of the diversity committee for the court of master sommeliers, the program that facilitates the certificate options. >> when you see someone that looks like you, that can achieve something like that, i would hope that that act itself would be inspiring for others to become a master sommelier takes money and time. >> you have to prepare for the three part test, which includes blind tasting, mock table service and a rigorous oral exam. morrow says the committee began partnering with different hospitality programs and colleges and universities, targeting young. underrepresented people who might not know a career in the wine industry exists. he says early exposure is the key to changing the demographic of wine
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experts. >> my goal as for this to become more common in in an academic setting that people feel like they can, they can go for it. >> but to get where you're going , you can't forget where you've come from. >> our industry is kind of built on the back of immigrants. >> it's not just about the wine, it's about the stories of the people behind the wine and the legacy telling the story of each bottle as he goes and building a new legacy in napa valley. >> crystal bailey ktvu fox two news. >> well, the golden state warriors are trying to focus on education with some of their black history month celebrations. now, the warriors launching a new program called minds right. it's a series of events aimed at increasing the retention of male educators of color in oakland and san francisco schools. two time grammy award winner rhymefest and bay area's mister fab met with teachers to talk about creating connections, support and understanding. >> we're also going to be taking lyrics from rap music that may mention trauma, that may mention
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some of the hardships we go through, and unpacking those lyrics for how. what tools do we have to deal with these situations? we go through in our everyday lives? >> the event was sponsored by the nonprofit generation thrive. it's a partnership between the warriors community foundation and kaiser permanente. after the discussion, everyone was invited to take part in a free basketball clinic. beyonce is the first black woman to top billboard's hot country chart. >> her new song, texas hold'em, has been streamed more than 19 million times in the first five days since it was released during the super bowl, earning it the number one spot for other new single. 16 carriages landed at number nine. the two singles were released after the singer's surprise album announcement during the super bowl. beyonce has now held the number one spot in seven different categories on the billboard charts. her new album, act two, debuts march 12th. falcon that lives on top of uc berkeley's bell tower has been named after a prominent alumnus. a group of scientists and volunteers at cal named the male bird archie. archie is the
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latest mate for annie, the falcon, who's hatched several chicks. there on top of the campanile. the name was voted on and chosen in honor of the first african american on the campus to run for student council, archie williams. the oakland native, went on to win a gold medal in the 400m race at the 1936 summer olympics. was a us air force pilot who flew missions during world war two and the korean war. well today is national breakup day. >> the unofficial holiday was started 19 years ago and comes one week after valentine's day. therapists say it gives people a day to think about former relationships and realize the personal growth that came with those experiences. his mental health and dating experts say people can grieve the time spent in relationships that did not work and celebrate the positive parts of relationships before they start dating again. it's crucial to really take a look at yourself and not only look at the things that you want, but what are some of the things that you can do within yourself to change? well, therapists say
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there is no formula about how soon after a breakup, someone should start dating again. but that grief over a past relationship makes it harder to have fun with other people. >> i was like, a little reflection every now and then will reflection, sometimes a little time as well. right? time for sure. it's an important ingredient for sure. thank you so much for joining us today at noon. you can see the sun is out along the oakland estuary. a nice break between these storms we've had. if you'd like more information anytime, don't forget that you can stream ktvu news on your smart tv. of course, you'll see our live newscast and you can also get stories on demand on your amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv, or android tv. scan that qr code at the bottom right of your screen. now you can also search for the fox local app and choose ktvu. we'll see you back here at 4:00. dictionaries up next (upbeat music) - [announcer] can you guess what this is? ♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ - [announcer] if you guessed chainsaw, then you'd be a great contestant on "pictionary." our first celebrity captain is the pride of chicago,


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