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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  February 22, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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tonight. horrifying new details in the case of the killing of a three year old boy. good evening. i'm greg lee, and i'm cristina rendon. >> in court documents released today, authorities reveal the three year old boy was shot while he was in his own bed at close range. ktvu fox two reporter mark sayer is live at the santa clara county hall of justice tonight, where the suspect in this case was just arraigned. mark >> well, christina, this is simply a heartbreaking case. the suspect made his first court appearance today, where a judge ordered him held in jail without bail. prosecutors also released graphic new details today as part of their court filings. and even veteran prosecutors say all of this is very difficult to process. 24 year old sergio collin gomez appeared in court wearing a brown jail jumpsuit. gomez is formally charged with murder and assault upon a child under age eight. in the death of three year old ivan martinez alvarado. ivan was the son of gomez's live in girlfriend, who prosecutors say was five months
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pregnant with his child. new details in court documents reveal ivan was shot in the head from possibly just six inches away at this time, we believe that mr. gomez killed the child during an argument in which he believed that ivan's mother had been cheating on him. >> santa clara police responded to the riley square apartments, just off lawrence expressway around 2:30 a.m. tuesday morning in a probable cause affidavit filed with the court in. >> investigators say gomez had been accusing the boy's mother of infidelity, demanding a yes or no answer over several hours when the mother went and locked herself in the bedroom with ivan, gomez broke in with a handgun, the mother says the shot was fired before she could reach for the handgun. he was in the child's life for about two years, and he was actively involved with the child. santa clara county district attorney jeff rosen says. this is a very difficult case. >> it's a three year old child. being murdered is not something
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that i can really comprehend. and i'm enormously upset by it, as i know everyone is. when adults are having an argument, as was happening here, and a gun is introduced into that argument and no good ever comes from it. >> now, we did learn today that the gun allegedly used in this crime was legally owned and registered to mr. gomez, and was being stored inside the actual apartment where this murder occurred. and because mr. gomez was actively involved in the boy's life, as you heard the prosecutors say, there is a special statute under california state law, if you have care and custody of a child, there is a special charge for that. and because he was so involved in this boy's life and knew him well, the prosecutors have also applied that second charge. so again, a very difficult day in court here today. that is the latest from santa clara
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courthouse. i'm mark sayer, ktvu, fox two news christina. greg. breaking hearing about this case. >> and mark, is it possible that additional charges will be filed ? >> yeah. prosecutors do say that forensic investigator portion is still underway. there are still tests that are being run. they do say if they develop new information in this case. absolutely the charges could be amended and additional charges could be filed. right now, it is just the two charges that are being used to hold mr. gomez in jail without bail. all right. >> mark sayer live in santa clara county tonight. mark. thank you. >> an emotional meeting in san francisco. president biden spent time with the widow and daughter of russian opposition leader alexei navalny, who died in prison last week. the president embraced yulia navalny and expressed his condolences for their loss. the president promised the two women he would sanction russian president vladimir putin, and said he holds the russian leader personally responsible for the death of navalny. ktvu krystal bailey joins us from the newsroom with more krystal. >> yes, alexei navalny died on
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friday in the midst of the war with ukraine. he was a political prisoner and a russian opposition leader. president joe biden and us allies say putin is to blame. president biden sharing those photos of this meeting with yulia and navalny earlier today. those photos showing that warm embrace during the exchange, he shared on social media that navalny's legacy of courage will live on, and his wife and daughter, who are fighting for democracy and human rights. >> this morning i had the honor of meeting with collection of navalny's wife and daughter as the state. the obvious. he was a man of incredible courage, and it's amazing how his wife and daughter are emulating that. and we're going to be announcing the sanctions against putin, who is responsible for his death tomorrow. >> the meeting was not on the president's schedule during this visit here in san francisco, president biden would not answer any more questions about the sanctions he plans to announce. so far, the us and its allies
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have already placed sanctions on thousands of russian people and firms freezing russian funds and banning russian goods. dasha, navalny's daughter, attends stanford university political scientist and russian politics expert catherine stoner spoke to us about her bravery. >> i think it was the right thing to do morally, to meet with yulia and dasha navalny. they're very brave. uh, dasha is a very brave young woman, and we're proud to have a connection with her father at stanford. and, um, it's a this is very sad for people who believe in a different future in, in russia, um, as as alexei navalny did. and his wife and daughter do. >> and while in the bay area, the president held several fundraisers before heading home to dc. greg live in our newsroom for us tonight. >> krystal, thank you. >> the family of an alameda county excuse me, the family of oscar grant is getting a little closure. 15 years after he was killed by a bart police officer
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on the fruitvale bart station platform this morning, the alameda county district attorney, pamela price, returned oscar grant cell phones to his mother. they were held in evidence, while johannes mehserle, the bart officer who shot grant, was put on trial. >> i'm anxious to go home and turn it on and charge the battery, uh, and hopefully see, you know, some of my son's pictures and what else he had in his phone. miss johnson says the last picture grant took with his phone was of mehserle moments before her son was killed. >> mehserle claimed he meant to use his taser instead of his gun. he was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and served half of a two year prison sentence before being released a while. >> three county chase came to an end in hayward with the help of chp officers. in the air and on the ground. our crime reporter henry lee is live here in studio with the details. henry >> yeah, greg, i heard this hot pursuit, in fact, passed through my neighborhood. many other people did as well as sirens
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wail and the chp helicopter whiz by. this chase went all the way from vallejo to hayward. we are requesting speech with a spike looking up to the 680 interchange. >> i want you know what? we're going to go here in a second. >> this is video from a chp helicopter at about eight wednesday night as a monitor, the chase of an assault suspect wanted by vallejo police. >> a man in a chevy pickup accused of attacking and threatening a vallejo rec and park worker with a bottle refused to stop for officers and led them across the benicia bridge, down 680 and highway 24. in contra costa county and highway 13 in the oakland hills before exiting on 98th avenue in east oakland, going straight at the bottom of the ramp. >> continue on 98, passing las vegas avenue, but the driver got back on an eastbound 580 despite having some of his tires flattened by spike strips approaching dutton in the number two lane. >> tires are starting to come apart at 65 miles an hour. >> here you can see sparks fly and a tire rolling off the chevy, narrowly missing a police car. the driver then took a circuitous route through
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hayward, even going through an apartment complex with missing tires. vehicles now traveling northbound through the complex. at one point, he drove toward oncoming traffic on foothill near mission, and he's going the wrong way on foothill 50 street, southbound in the northbound lanes. >> no units are behind him. >> speeds of 20 then crawled to a stop on mission near highland and gave up. >> one occupant, an occupant stepping out. hands up. isn't coming out walking back towards officers, our cameras caught the aftermath of the chase, which involved vallejo police and chp officers from solano contra costa oakland and hayward. >> the suspect, 35 year old george guttenbeil, was turned over by the chp to vallejo pd. i've learned he's wanted on a warrant in san mateo county after being charged there with grand theft and theft by false pretenses. the suspect is being held at solano county jail. total bail $120,000. live in studio henry lee ktvu, fox two news. all right, henry, thank you. >> the major trouble today for
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tens of thousands of cell phones, the problem spanning coast to coast early this morning. >> and it wasn't entirely fixed until this afternoon. fox's gerri willis shows us the issue. and the carrier it affected a major cellular outage impacting tens of thousands across the u.s. reports started at about 12:46 a.m, when tens of thousands of people started to say, hey, my phone's not working. >> that's a large number for the middle of the night. >> this is at&t. second major outage within a week, the carrier releasing a statement saying, quote, some of our customers are experiencing wireless service interruptions. this morning. we're working urgently to restore service to them. we encourage the use of wi fi calling until service is restored. lord digital service tracking site, down detector says folks were impacted in multiple parts of the country, hitting states like texas and georgia the hardest all up and down the eastern seaboard, central part of the u.s. houston is a big reporting number. >> they're stretching all the
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way out here to the west. >> both verizon and t-mobile say their service is fine. the problems only occur when their users try to call people with at&t. t-mobile says, quote, we did not experience an outage. our network is operating normally. down detector is likely reflecting challenges our customers were having attempting to connect to users on other networks. verizon saying its network is, quote, operating normally. this just doesn't happen. >> you just don't have multiple wireless networks go down simultaneously and have this level of outage. >> at&t global network operations center, which handles major outages, is assessing the situation. still no word on what caused the problem in new york. gerri willis, ktvu, fox two news. at its peak, there were about 73,000 reported problems and by this afternoon, that number was down to fewer than 1500. >> cell service was not the only technical problem. people dealt with today. pharmacies facing widespread delays following a
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cyber attack against one of the country's biggest health care tech companies, change health care handles orders and payment patient payments across the united states. the problems are ongoing and as is the investigation into who may be behind this attack. >> new at 530. save the business and serve the customer a new plan by an old store to battle rampant thefts, high flying history may just in the past hour. >> the first us mission to the moon in half a century appears to be a success, but there were some hiccups. we'll show you those in weather. >> finally, a dry day. here is our live camera looking out towards san francisco. a bit of a warming trend in fact, we're talking about some 70s as we head towards saturday. we'll have the update coming up, and it might seem counterintuitive of warmer weather could mean problems for some produce. >> we'll explain. coming up the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads.
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we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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the alabama supreme court ruled frozen embryos are protected as children. health providers in alabama already putting a pause on any ivf procedures. as our jesse gary shows us the fallout from the ruling could spell major changes for in vitro fertilization. >> for decades, in vitro fertilization has allowed couples suffering with conception issues to achieve pregnancy, but recently, the alabama supreme court ruling frozen embryos awaiting implantation into a woman's uterus have the same legal protections as children. >> we have seen more broadly an expansion of fetal personhood ideology in law, and it is it's not unusual for states to sort
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of copy one another when they're creating new legislation or even when courts are determining things. >> the high court ruling in the cotton state thursday, sending shockwaves through the south and beyond. some couples considering using the high priced technology to conceive now on the brink of reconsidering because of the potential legal ramifications, the court said. three couples whose frozen embryos were destroyed can sue. >> emotionally, i can't view them as children. they're potential children, an i just want my right to have a child, to be protected. >> this has huge impacts in the provision of medical care in potentially labor law. um, and we've seen a lot of cases of criminalization, um, based on the idea that a pregnant person is harming her own pregnancy, she. >> a measles outbreak has health officials on alert in florida. six cases have been confirmed at an elementary school in weston.
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that's a city west of fort lauderdale. the measles is highly contagious and was declared eliminated in the u.s. in 2000. but it has slowly reemerged. the world health organization says worldwide measles deaths spiked by 40% in 2022. >> very unnecessary tragedy. we can avoid the measles, mumps, rubella virus a vaccine is among the most important vaccines on the planet. >> at manatee bay elementary in florida, the district estimates 92% of the students are vaccinated. health officials have been on campus offering the shot for free. >> warmer winter weather around the country. it could mean even higher prices at the grocery store, especially when it comes to your favorite fruits. this spring and fall. fox's gary baumgarten has the story. >> while many fruits are sweet, consumers could be in store for some sour news. this as agricultural experts warn that mild winters may be impact the
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health of future harvests. spelling potential trouble for your wallet according to melissa widholm, climatologist at purdue university, some plants go through a process called dormant c during the winter, a lot of different varieties of fruits and nut crops. >> they may have to go through a period where they're sitting at temperatures that that are readying them for the next growing season. and so we call that a chilling period. different plants need to be exposed to colder temperatures for various periods to help strengthen them for when it's time to bud. take apples, for example. you can have some varieties that may need as little as 200 chilling units. you could have some that need up to a thousand or more chilling units, but with winters getting warmer, some plants aren't staying dormant for as long as they should. >> this could prevent them from surviving cold spells in the spring and lead to damaged crops
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, so plants have to have an optimal amount of chilling before they start to break dormancy and to ensure they have a really high quality crop the next year and this season, the national oceanic and atmospheric administration says el nino weather patterns are creating conditions for warmer than average temperatures for much of the country. gary baumgarten, fox news an international team of scientists exploring deep sea ecosystems off the coast of south america, found more than 100 previously unknown species. >> the scientists explored undersea mountains off the coast of chile and found that each seamount was home to distinct ecosystems, including deep sea coral reefs and sponge gardens. the biggest of the seamounts is four times taller than the world's tallest building. all right, well, a robotic spacecraft, no crew on board. just made lunar history in about the past hour. >> the odysseus awarded outstanding effort. >> i know this was a nail biter, but we are on the on the surface and we are transmitting at. and
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welcome to the moon, houston. >> odysseus has found his new home. >> today's landing was the first ever conducted entirely by a commercial company based in houston. intuitive machines, the force behind the landing, says today's final descent was a bit of a struggle, as mission control had to resolve last minute navigation glitch. luckily the six legged robot was still able to touch down and make history well in weather. >> nice to have a break in the rainfall for today. some sunshine and just some mild conditions to get outside so it looks like our dry stretch will continue over the next few days. and so now we'll just take a look at the rainfall for the season. as you can see, going back to july 1st. and as you know it has been pretty active for us. take a look at these numbers so far for the season. santa rosa is now over 30in of rainfall. san francisco approaching 20in of rainfall. so this is a pretty impressive. and everybody, at least most areas up above the average oakland airport, about 90% of average. so we get a break in the rain
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for right now. and the sierra has been quite the february. so far. taking a look at the snowpack for the northern, central and southern sierra, those numbers have been going up dramatically just over the past couple of weeks, from 80 to 80 2 to 99% in the northern sierra. now today, though, it was a typical pattern where we actually had some recent rainfall. and then you have a stable setup out there, those two ingredients lead to usually some fog. and we had some dense fog this morning, dense fog advisories out there. in fact, this was the satellite satellite earlier today. most areas right now enjoying partly to mostly sunny skies as we expand the view out here in the pacific. there's a system out here. this will bring in some more clouds tomorrow. so we will definitely bring in more mid to high level clouds. but in terms of rainfall , our dry weather stretch will continue. here's our live camera looking above san francisco toward the golden gate bridge from sutro tower. still looking pretty good. as we head into your thursday evening. current numbers out there in the 60s. as you take a look at these numbers, just know that eventually we're talking about some 70s back in the bay area forecast. so warming trend that really kicks in as we head
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toward the weekend. tonight, partly cloudy skies, some patchy fog tomorrow for your friday. mostly cloudy. it's a mild friday and then the weekend. it's warm on saturday and then more clouds moving into the region on sunday. overnight temperatures will be in the upper 30s, but upper 30s to the 40s, but most of the bay areas starting out the day in the 40s. mostly cloudy skies with still some patchy fog out there. here's the forecast. models you can see it's bringing in the clouds throughout the day on your friday and then into your saturday. we will have partly to mostly sunny skies and then on sunday we could bring in some more clouds and cooler temperatures. but saturday will clearly be the warmest day of the weekend and we'll have more on your weekend outlook coming up in just a little bit. mark >> thank you. it has been closed for days after part of the road crumbled in the big storms. but tonight some good news for commuters who use niles canyon road in alameda county. and a reminder you can now stream ktvu news on your smart tv. you can watch live newscasts and stories on demand on your amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv, or android
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tv. just search for the fox local app and then select ktvu "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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state route 84 between old canyon road and main street in sunol has been shut down since earlier this week, when the weather caused part of the road to slide. caltrans was hoping to have it at least open to one way traffic by tomorrow morning, but
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were able to open it up early before 4:00 today to one way traffic during the closure, crews were able to repair rockfall netting and cleared vegetation and installed one way traffic control signals. with the temporary fix in place, caltrans says it's now working on a permanent fix. >> get ready to start paying a higher toll to cross the golden gate bridge. new rates could be in place by this summer. the golden gate transportation district says it needs to start charging people more to make up $900,000 in weekly maintenance losses. it currently costs $8.75 to cross with fast track and 975 without it, transit officials say they need tolls to reach between 10 to $12 in the next couple of years. at a public hearing today, people suggested charging pedestrians and bikers instead of raising tolls. >> it's the only wonder of the world, both modern and ancient, that it's actually free to visit. we're giving away a tremendous asset that could easily and painlessly be monetized in a way that would help sustain it.
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>> just last week, assemblyman phil ting introduced legislation that would ban tolls for pedestrians on state owned bridges and the golden gate bridge. the transit board will make a decision by march 22nd, on which toll hikes to approve, and those would kick in on july 1st. >> san jose state university now officially has a new president. a ceremony took place today for cynthia tennant matson, who will serve as sdsu's 31st president. she. was appointed last month after eight years serving as the president of texas a and m san antonio. she's the first latina president in san jose state's 166 year history. she says she's looking forward to what's ahead for sdsu and that its future is bright. >> we are clearly in a leadership role at this critical inflection point in core industries like ai, robotic space travel, climate science and so much more. i'll tell you, sdsu is at the epicenter of the future, and that future is bright. >> tatiana mattson is san jose
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state's fifth leader in the past ten years. she takes over for steven perez, who served in an interim role following the resignation of mary papazian in 2021. there we go. >> this san francisco hardware store has aisles that are usually full of customers, but right now they're having to clear them each individually because of rampant, rampant shoplifting. >> plus another community group in oakland looking for help to make their city safer. but they are not asking the city to step in. we'll explain. >> and a judge in texas makes a decision over a student being disciplined for the length of his hair reaction from that student coming up
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may be establishing a new model of how to fight rampant theft. this program focuses on upping customer service and cutting down on thefts. ktvu tom vacar spent the day in san francisco's cow hollow neighborhood, where an experiment called save the business while serving the customers is currently underway. >> the skilled and knowledgeable staff of frederickson hardware and paint a hallowed generations old store in the cow hollow marina area of san francisco, now escorts each and every customer as they shop for and pick up their items. >> they've been here for 100 years. it's a it's something that they are familiar with. they're familiar with, you know,
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the numbers of their thousands of products. they have here. >> that's solely because theft has gotten out of hand, threatening the store's very existence. >> we weren't really given a choice. i mean, it just we have to keep our employees safe and the customers safe, but when they're coming in to do snatch and grabs, that was the final. the final straw. >> it's been a while. we never thought that it was going to actually happen in this area, but you know, it's just crazy. these people come in, they have nerve. >> they think they can just walk away with them and go sell it on the street or the internet or whatever they do. it's sad. >> they're doing what they have to do to stay in business, and i can't really blame them. >> normal security cannot fight this plague of pilferage. >> just a man at the door is not doing it in most places. and there's i mean, the rate of empty storefronts throughout the city, it's a shock. >> i think this has been happening. maybe all over the city and other parts of the country, but that it's finally reaching cal hollow. it's very terrible to see the city and the
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state and the business owners having to get together to defend their store. >> a proposed ballot measure would drastically lower the value of what was taken to make it a felony. i think they should enforce smaller, smaller theft. >> i mean, anything $50. >> i would personally say like $100 is already more than enough. >> that's exactly it. there's no consequence to it. and they're not even thinking about that. that's exactly right. so why is this all happening? >> too sad facts one we live in a culture of rampant theft, and two, for the people that are doing the thieving don't actually feel that there are any true consequences or punishments for their actions. and you are paying for it. tom vacar ktvu fox two news, a coalition of oakland community groups today called on the alameda county board of supervisors to take action to help keep residents and businesses safe. >> a group calling itself the coalition for community engagement held signs and
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rallied outside the alameda county administration building in oakland, the group said. the city is in a dire situation facing a surge in violent crime, homelessness and failures in the 911 system. organizers called on county supervisors to intervene and declare a state of emergency on behalf of oakland, saying its mayor is unwilling to do so. >> coalition believes that this is a necessary and urgent measure to protect the lives and livelihoods and livelihoods of the people of oakland, and to access the full range of resources and assistance from the state and federal governments in oakland, the group says that a state of emergency would allow oakland to secure additional personnel, equipment and funding for public safety. >> the federal prosecutors say a 30 year old man from oakland has been sentenced to more than six years in prison for selling fentanyl, heroin and other illegal drugs in san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood. melvin alexis diaz artiaga was
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convicted last year on six drug charges. he was arrested back in 2022, prosecutors say. at the time of his arrest, he confessed to possessing almost 15 pounds of fentanyl, along with other narcotic mix, all intended for sale. investigators say diaz artiaga would go to san francisco's tenderloin every night for more than a year to sell his drugs on the streets. we have the names now of three people killed last thursday morning after their car was rear ended on the bay bridge. >> they have been identified as 59 year old sean luchterhand, a 38 year old larissa weller and 29 year old bhim thorpe. all three are from alameda county. they were killed when the mini cooper they were riding in was hit by a pickup truck. the car was registered to weller and it was stopped in the far right lane. when it was rear ended. investigators have not said who was driving at the time of the crash. the first trial related to the deadly shooting of a cinematographer by actor alec baldwin on the rust movie set, started in new mexico. >> today, it centers around the armorer's role in the accident.
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as fox's cb cotton tells us during opening statements, the prosecution focused on the guns in the case. >> hannah gutierrez read, the weapons supervisor for the movie rust, is charged with involuntary manslaughter and tampering with evidence. the tampering with evidence relates to gutierrez-reed allegedly asking a friend to hide cocaine for her. while police were searching the set. she has pleaded not guilty to all counts . manifestation >> karen. i'm sorry. >> you're all right. just relax. >> so here's the box that i got them out of. >> donning a different hair color from the incident. gutierrez-reed didn't show emotion when the attorneys made their opening statements, giving jurors a preview of evidence that they think will present at trial. the prosecution began talking about the victim. >> ladies and gentlemen, this is halyna hutchins. um, this is the victim in the case that we're here to deal with this morning. >> hutchins was killed when alec baldwin accidentally shot her during a rehearsal using a replica gun that had been loaded with live ammunition. back on
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october 2021, the prosecution, making an important distinction about the guns in this case throughout this trial, we all may refer to these type of firearms as prop guns. >> but make no mistake, they are legitimate firearms. >> defense attorneys have called the shooting a tragic accident. >> just because there was a tragedy. does not mean that a crime was committed. >> alec baldwin is also expected to stand trial on an involuntary manslaughter charge in connection with the killing. he has pleaded not guilty. in new york, cb cotton, fox news. >> a student who was suspended from his school in texas over his hairstyle has lost his legal battle today against the school district. the judge decided that the crown act, which bans discrimination on natural hairstyles, does not protect hair length. 18 year old darrell george was suspended after his dreadlocks exceeded the hair length limit within his school's
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dress code. the school said his locks were allowed, but the length was the issue. the student says he's disappointed in the ruling. >> it just makes me feel angry. very angry that, you know, throughout all these years, throughout all the all the fighting for the black history that we've that we've already done, we still have to do this again and again and again. is, is ridiculous. it makes no sense . >> the high school junior has spent most of his school year in disciplinary programs. due to this conflict with the school over its dress code. many children in the fight for their life and now one bay area leader, is pushing for new rules to help. >> coming up with the laws would do in the battle against childhood cancer and as a new ceasefire in gaza is discussed, a terror attack at a traffic checkpoint may bring those talks to an end and celebrating black history month with a mural at an oakland school. not only did the students design and create the mural themselves, they got to meet the woman who inspired it
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it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind.
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for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente. democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. the number of new claims for unemployment benefits dropped 12,000 last week to 201,000. it's smaller than expected number of people signing up for benefits and continuing claims. those still receiving benefits declined by 27,000. the numbers
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are a sign layoffs are subdued, or that those looking for a job are finding one quickly. >> it was a big day for stocks as investors celebrated nvidia's blowout results, which beat the already sky high expectations for the santa clara. i company. the dow was up 456 points. the nasdaq up about the same, and the s&p up 105 points. a new survey shows americans credit card debt has exceeded their emergency savings. the bank rate survey released today found 36% of households have more credit card debt than money in their nest egg. however, the poll found many americans are working to improve their emergency savings, with nearly 30% of adults saying they have more emergency savings than they did a year ago. >> the south bay congresswoman anna eshoo, is emphasizing the urgent need to address pediatric cancer. rep eshoo was at lucile packard children's hospital, stanford, this morning. she announced. she's introduced three bills to address pediatric cancer. she says two of them are
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directed at closing loopholes that prevent children from benefiting from combination therapy. the other speeds up the fda approval process of pediatric cancer treatment drugs . >> we can't know whether a drug will work for children even if we don't test it, and both bills will fix this. the legislation, i think, can save children's lives. i'm so grateful to pediatric cancer is the second leading cause of death among children ages 1 to 14 years old and drivers scatter as a gunman opens fire on a highway near jerusalem. >> the fallout from what's being called a deadly terrorist attack, plus, firefighters battle a high rise inferno as fire engulfs two entire buildings, sending desperate residents out onto balconies and windows. >> and in barry, whether nice to have the sunshine back today, a bit of a break in the rain over the next several days, and a warming trend in our forecast, we'll have the update after the break and not a wily coyote.
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>> it's a sly fox as he grabs his rescuers phone and bolts. this and more on ktvu news at five continues. oh, it's cold outside. time to protect your vehicle from winter's wrath. of course, the hot sun can be tough on vehicles too. you need weathertech. laser measured floorliners and cargo liner will shield the carpeting from sand and snow. for your interior, there's seat protector and sunshade. plus, mud flaps and bumpstep for the exterior. while the new impactliner, with shock absorbing rings, safeguards your truck bed from costly damage. order american made products at
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the economy is simply not working for surf's up! millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. video shows residents trying to escape from the flames on their balconies as fire crews battle. that inferno. at least 13 people were injured and there are fears that residents were trapped inside. witnesses say. crews
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have managed to rescue several people. that fire began on the fourth floor of 114 story building, and went on to ravage the whole residential block. >> shocked israeli drivers scrambling to get out of the way during a terrorist attack near a checkpoint in the west bank today. the incident comes as tensions in the west bank continue to spike. >> israel showing force in a city crowded with displaced people from gaza as officials threaten to launch a ground offensive there if hostilities hostages are not released. fox's trey yingst has more. >> israeli police say three gunmen opened fire with automatic weapons on cars waiting near a checkpoint in the west bank. the shooting happened while morning traffic was moving slowly on a main highway east of jerusalem. >> teams of marda got to the place and a few minutes with icu units, regular ambulances, motorcycle first responders, israel's national security minister visiting the scene. >> i expect that there will be more and more checkpoints here. we need to finally come to an
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understanding our enemies are not looking for excuses or enemies just want to harm us. >> meanwhile, in gaza's southernmost city of rafah, where approximately 1.5 million displaced gazans are seeking shelter, a new round of destruction on thursday. >> the mosque was struck by two rockets. >> see all those houses that were destroyed here? they were housing for displaced people. >> the latest strikes come as there are reports of new attempts to reach a ceasefire deal. however, members of israel's war cabinet are holding firm, saying unless hamas agrees to release the remaining israeli hostages from gaza, israel will launch a ground offensive into rafah during the upcoming muslim holy month of ramadan. families of hostages are trying to be optimistic. i've got hatred for hamas, but i have to keep that down because if i fill my heart with too much hate, there's no room for the love of the family that have gone. officials estimate 30 of the remaining 130 hostages are believed to be dead. in tel aviv, trey yingst, fox news. >> an oakland high school today
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unveiled a colorful new mural to celebrate black history month and to honor civil rights activist and former black panther ericka huggins. huggins was on hand for the unveiling at west high's ericka huggins campus on harrison street. students had first met with huggins for a discussion before they got to work to design and create the mural, she said. she was moved by how thorough the artwork was. the students demonstrated the thoughtfulness, care and compassion for their community with the work. >> the biggest message of the mural is love and the big, the loudest message i want to convey is love. and in the center of the mural, that's what you see. a heart and the unity between communities. >> in addition to her work as a community leader and human rights activist, huggins is also a writer and longtime educator. >> final preparations are underway for saturday's big chinese new year parade in san francisco. the city held its official kickoff celebration at
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city hall last night. as ktvu is, amber lee shows us the public, including members of the chinese community and merchants, attended the festivities. >> the traditional lion dance opens the city of san francisco's 2024 chinese new year celebration. the performance dazzles the audience in the rotunda of city hall. it's a display of pride in the chinese culture. when i see this event held for celebrating the lunar new year, i feel very proud and privileged of how the city are doing this for the for our community, for the chinese community. >> the joy, the traditions and that san francisco is back. >> community members say this year of the dragon marks a recovery from the pandemic and anti-asian hate crimes. >> it's the time to celebrate. instead of looking at the bad things that we were subject to. >> chinese new year brings business to chinatown. merchants hope this year will bring
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prosperity and progress. >> all the merchants in chinatown already are preparing for this date for myself. i get everything i stock up all my inventories, and i really talk to a lot of owners and they are ready to close later. the preparations are part of the anticipated of the city's historic annual chinese new year parade. >> lunar new year. >> with our diverse asian community is really an important part of what makes us special and what makes us unique. that's the celebration that we are hosting here tonight. >> a filipino folk dance reflects the city's embrace of asian culture. for a solo performance features a korean dancer, a display of inclusion and unity, prosperity, good food, family. >> it's just a happy time, especially we need that in today's times. amber lee, ktvu, fox two news well, the chinese new year parade is one of those
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events that you really have to see in person at some point. >> yeah, it's a spectacular show with lots to see, hear and experience. >> but if you can't make it to the city on saturday, we have you cod, as we always do once again this year we'll bring you live coverage of the parade starting at 6:00 right here on ktvu channel two, and the fox local app on your smart tv. >> and last year, if you remember, they had some rain clouds over the parade. but this year we are lucking out with a dry weather pattern and actually a mild weather pattern as well. so the weekend starts off with some pretty nice conditions to get outside. a great day for a parade and here you can see as we come into san francisco, there's the parade route. and here is the forecast to start things off with partly cloudy skies with the parade start at 515 and temperatures will be in the upper 50s. so it is a nice day to get outside. nice evening to get outside for saturday. take a look at the highs from this afternoon here in the bay area. we have been warming up 60s. the warmest locations in the upper 60s and we will continue to bring in some more 70s as we head towards saturday. what about rain? you know, it's been quite the active weather
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stretch for us. we'll take this into early next week. we could be talking about some scattered showers on monday. not a major storm, as you can see here. and then into maybe we'll see what happens about a week from now. basically a thursday, february 29th could be talking about some more shower chances. i will say some of the forecast models have been hinting at a strong hint that as we head into early march , there could be more significant storms headed toward the bay area. right now, the satellite is showing you this. the fog from this morning. we actually had some dense fog advisories out there. we have cleared things out nicely. this afternoon. here's a satellite you can see the system out here. we will pick up some clouds in your friday forecast with partly to mostly cloudy skies. but for right now we'll enjoy the clear conditions. a beautiful sunset looking out from our south bay camera so it looks like a nice thursday evening out there. we could have some patchy fog reform overnight and the current numbers in the upper 50s to the 60s. san francisco right now 59 san jose checking in 63 degrees. and here we go with your weather headlines for tonight. partly
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cloudy skies tomorrow. definitely some more cloud cover the weekend. saturday will be the warmest day and then more clouds roll into the area on sunday. so here's this weather system out here in the pacific as we come in closer. this will send in some clouds tomorrow, but it is still a mild forecast for your friday upper 60s to maybe right around 70 degrees. saturday will be the warmest day of the week. that easily means some 60s and maybe some low to mid 70s. and your saturday forecast on sunday. just some more clouds and there's a slight chance of a sprinkle or maybe some drizzle. so here's the forecast model. here we are tomorrow with more clouds out there. and then into your saturday. it's looking just great to no rain clouds to worry about for your saturday. and then on sunday more clouds rolling into the region and a slight chance of a sprinkle on sunday and the shower chances could be going up by monday of next week. take a look at the numbers for tomorrow. 60s warmest locations could be close to 70 degrees. san jose will go 70. mostly cloudy and mild to warm. here's a look ahead. saturday is the warmest day of
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the week. that means the warmest locations in the lower 70s. more clouds on sunday and then the chance of some showers into early next week. but this will not be a major deal. no major storms, at least in this five day forecast. and just enjoy the sunshine headed our way. nice weekend ahead, mark. >> thank you. panda diplomacy is back! find out which california zoo will receive two of the prized pandas from china. >> and coming up at 6:00, some signs that the passenger experience on bart is improving. what the latest results of a new survey reveal. >> plus, the son of a former police chief has been acquitted of murder. the conclusion of a trial over an east bay man who was killed nearly five years ago "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises
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"her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter with democrat katie porter. or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us.
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in surrey, england, and the camera was rolling as the feisty fox checked out the device, grabbed it and bolted. you can see him carrying the phone as he runs through the woods. he eventually dropped the phone, sniffed it again, decided he didn't want it, and took off the phone and the fox were eventually found. all right, more pandas could be coming to the us as soon as this summer in china, says it's reached a cooperation agreement with the san diego zoo to send two of the
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iconic bears. >> fox's tanya jay powers reports. >> it's a new era of panda diplomacy. china. announcing thursday plans to send a new pair of giant pandas to the san diego zoo after pulling nearly all of them from the us. these two bears a male and female, are expected to arrive as early as late summer once permits and other requirements are approved. >> we're preparing the enclosures we're working on our our protocols for care and health. and of course, we're working to develop our, our research questions and proposals . >> china's wildlife conservation association also reached an agreement with the madrid zoo in spain. officials in vienna say they're also in talks to bring the bears there, as well as back to washington, d.c, after an exchange agreement expired in december. >> we look forward to further expanding the research outcomes on the conservation of endangered species, promoting mutual understanding and friendship among peoples. >> china gave giant pandas to
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the us as a friendly gesture. after president richard nixon visited the country in 1972, but some foreign policy analysts believe beijing began recalling the animals as tensions with the west grew. the san diego zoo says it has continued to work with china after the zoo's last pandas left five years ago. >> we have to develop research proposals to show. how we're going to help, uh, increase knowledge about their biology and conservation and apply that back to conservation management. >> currently, the only pandas in the u.s are in atlanta, but they're due to return to china this year in new york. tanya jay powers, fox news. >> a three year old child being murdered is not something that i can really comprehend. >> next at 6:00, a man is in court for the first time after being accused of shooting and killing a three year old boy. point blank also ahead, as the state the obvious.
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>> he was a man of incredible courage. >> president biden meets with the widow and daughter of russian opposition leader alexei navalny in san francisco. the president's strong message to the kremlin on his final day here in the bay area, and caltrans crews work around the clock to reopen a storm damaged part of highway 84 in the east bay. >> and tonight, evening, commuters are enjoying the road being partially reopened. >> plus, bart has faced problems with passenger satisfaction for years. why the agency now says it's on the right track. >> this is ktvu fox two news at six. good evening. >> this thursday, i'm cristina rendon and i'm greg lee. >> we begin tonight with the wrap up of the president's visit to the bay area. >> the president departed on air force one from sfo about two hours ago. his visit here was primarily a fundraising visit, but he also made a stop to meet with alexei, navalny's wife and daughter, to express his condolences. ktvu crystal bailey joins us now with the story. crystal. >> well, president joe biden says alexei navalny's legacy of


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