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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  February 23, 2024 4:00am-7:00am PST

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and feel good. that makes me happy. >> this weekend, two years ago, russia invaded ukraine. the musical gesture made by one ukrainian student here in the bay area that has inspired a group of schools to follow his lead and make it a show of peace and support. and facing a judge in the south bay after being accused of killing a three year old boy. what happened in the courtroom and what we now know from court documents about this disturbing case from ktvu. >> fox two news this is mornings on two. >> well, good morning to you, and thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on two. i'm dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook. it is friday made it to friday. yeah. take a moment to enjoy.
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yeah february 23rd. let's check in with steve paulson for our forecast. what do you see for today and payday friday? it is payday for us. that's always a happy day. >> double bonus. all right. >> don't spend it all in one place steve. >> that's tough to do. this i know you're paying the bill. all right, here we go. 40s on the temps. mostly clear this morning, but there's a lot of high clouds that are streaming up. we talked about this, and there they are. i think if you're north, you get a little more sun. if you're south, you're going to get a little more high clouds kind of the way it looks, but it's dry and temperatures, my goodness, it's pumping up. san jose says, catch me if you can. we'll go 68 there. all right. sal is here. i saw him in the parking lot, said good morning. i'll say it again, steve. >> good morning. thank you sir. all right. yeah you know what? sometimes on friday i'm tired, but feeling good. you know how it is, right? all right, let's go to the bay bridge. looks pretty good. no major problems. we don't have a lot going on now . and we hope that friday is going to be a friday light. it's
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not guaranteed, but sometimes, you know, we do get lucky. we'll see. we'll know by about six. you leaving work now? you leaving the house now? you probably shouldn't see anything going on. we've been looking at the peninsula and the bridges and everything is off to a good start at 401. let's get back to the headlines. >> thank you. sal, today the biden administration is announcing more than 500 new sanctions on russia following the death of opposition leader alexei navalny before leaving san francisco yesterday, president biden met with navalny's daughter and widow navalny's daughter dasha attends stanford university this morning i had the honor of meeting with aleksey navalny's wife and daughter as the state. >> the obvious. he was a man of incredible courage, and it's amazing how his wife and daughter are emulating that. >> doordash is a very brave young woman, and we're proud to have a connection with her father at stanford and, um, it's a this is very sad for people
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who believe in a different future in, in russia, um, as as alexei navalny did. and his wife and daughter do. alexei navalny died one weeks ago, one week ago in a russian prison. >> president biden says the new sanctions will target people connected to navalny's imprisonment, as well as russia's financial and military sectors. >> our time now. 402 this weekend marks the start of the third year of the war in ukraine . ukraine's military leaders say they're soldiers on the front line have been devastated by two years of fighting. the russians and many of those soldiers are joining the president of ukraine in calling on the united states and other nations to give ukraine more military aid. >> i'm ready to fight as long as necessary, but we still need additional mobilization in soon. >> the ukrainian government hopes to mobilize a half million more troops, and it may lower the age for enlisting in the military from 27 years old down
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to 25. well a student from ukraine who lives in the east bay has inspired a way to make sure the ukrainian people are not forgotten today. >> bell towers at campuses across the country, including uc berkeley and stanford university, will play the ukrainian national anthem, ktvu gianna katsuyama spoke with the student who wants the sound to replace the sounds of war that are echoing thousands of miles away. that's why i need is not. >> the bells ring out every day from the top of uc berkeley's campanile, but this week the bells will strike a different tone. >> i have a couple of friends that died, and it's just one morning. you wake up and that's it. person is gone. >> maxim zubkov, a fifth year uc berkeley graduate student in mathematics, is from ukraine. and as the war grinds on, his heart aches for his homeland. lost friends and his brother fighting on the front lines. max left school briefly and went
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back for six months to help with humanitarian aid. i was in kiev and one morning i woke up to explosions and the feeling that i felt is like unbearable on this week's somber two year anniversary of russia's invasion , max wanted to replace the memory of those bombs with another sound, and that's when he hit on an idea at berkeley's campanile bell tower, something he hopes will resonate with other ukrainians here. >> berkeley is going to play at noon, just ukrainian national anthem. >> berkeley, stanford and several other universities around the country agreed to his request to play ukraine's anthem in a message of solidarity through song. the bell towers will play the anthem friday with more ukrainian songs on saturday , a clarion call he hopes to let freedom ring. >> think about this a call for freedom, a call for justice in the fading light, max played the anthem, which will resound over
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the bay this weekend. >> a proud and poignant plea for peace. i'm thinking about this tower is some sort of candle. >> sometimes a small candle is enough. when you enter the complete darkness to light up, max says. >> on saturday at 11:30 a.m. before the anthem, he's holding a rally on the steps of the campanile to celebrate the country that he loves so much. at uc berkeley, jana katsuyama ktvu fox two news. >> thank you jana. prosecutors in santa clara have revealed the suspected motive in this week's fatal shooting of a three year old boy. that revelation came as the man accused in the shooting made his first court appearance. the district attorney's office charged 24 year old sergio gomez with murder and assault in the violent death of the young son of his girlfriend. >> at this time, we believe that mr. gomez killed the child during an argument in which he believed that ivan's mother had
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been cheating on him. >> investigators say the tragic killing took place tuesday morning at the couple's apartment just west of the lawrence expressway. even veteran prosecutors in santa clara county are shocked by what happened in the case. >> a three year old child being murdered is not something that i can really comprehend. >> and i'm enormously upset by it, as i know everyone is. >> prosecutors say the suspect's girlfriend is five months pregnant with his child. >> our time is now 407. the son of a former bay area police chief who was charged with murder, was acquitted by a jury. tyrone mcallister was found not guilty for the death of a man who was killed in 2019. police say mcallister, who is the son of retired union city police chief darryl mcallister, fired one shot while robbing a man near san pablo avenue again when
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he has been acquitted by a jury. >> a california law that went into effect last year requires public colleges and universities to offer free narcan to students . some campuses are giving out the life saving nasal spray, others are not. now, state data shows every uc and cal state university has ordered narcan from the state in the last two years, with the exception of the csu maritime academy in vallejo. but that drug is reportedly available in its student health center just this year, another law went into effect that added fentanyl test strips to the requirements. >> time is now 408 pg, and e's new earnings report says the company's profits jumped almost 25% since 2022. now last year, pg and e, which is based in oakland, had $2.2 billion in profits and company officials expect even bigger profits this year as its rates increase. the rate hikes, according to pg and e, are necessary to upgrade its aging infrastructure and reduce
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wildfire risk. >> s at&t has restored service to tens of thousands of customers. the company now says it believes the outage was caused by an incorrect process, as it was expand the network during the outage, many customers were unable to place calls, texts or access the internet for many, the incident raises questions about reliance on cell service and data. >> time is now 408. the irs now cracking down on the owners of private jets. the irs says it will start auditing the jets owned by businesses and the way they're used by executives for personal use. the irs says many big corporations are not obeying the tax rules when it comes to those private planes, and the irs has been focusing more on ultra high income earners and companies in recent months. and following new funding from congress, will the airlines reportedly earning a lot of money off of luggage fees? here's a new report showing
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baggage fees brought in $33 billion for the top 20 airlines last year around the world, the fees were more than 4% of revenue for the airlines. some of the companies have recently added new baggage fees, others, like american, recently announced it's raising the bag fees for checked bags are. >> yeah, all right. on that note, 409 is the time. if anyone's traveling out. but it seems like, ooh, seems like a nice start to the day. it is. >> we actually get a break here today. not even any fog. we'll take a look ahead to tomorrow. your parade forecast. it looks pretty mild and warm to me. uh, i'm going 60s. i would not be surprised if it's on the warm side, at least to start the parade. looks good to me. i'm sure this will change with somebody else, but it looks good to me, and i don't think there'll be much of a factor with the weather. uh, a lot of high clouds are on the way now. more south and north. if you're
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north, you're under mostly clear skies. any fog? well, novato. petaluma. say some fog. so we still have to deal with that. stockton. it's not as widespread as yesterday. i did not see any on the way in, but that doesn't mean you might not 40s on the temps. i think we'll get some 30s here with the skies clearing to unless the higher clouds sneak in here. but santa rosa, petaluma, walnut creek down there as well. 40 threes. popular menlo park, mountain view is in there, but 50 the city and also berkeley. san anselmo's 39. sonoma is 39. middletown down to 33. ukiah upper lake in there. windsor's 42. yeah. bodega bay and bolinas fire station are in the 50s. 1918 well, 19 at truckee and 18 south lake tahoe. mammoth at 15 and reno is at 27 degrees. looks good if you're heading to the mountains. that next system is heading to the west southwest, but the higher clouds are sneaking in from that system, getting caught up right down there. right there. and they'll paint us with some mostly cloudy skies today. but temperature trend is up. we'll continue that today. and i think top it out on saturday before starting a significant cool down as we go into early next week. so look for a lot of high clouds today.
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the rain forecast monday. i think we'll get a little bit, but the focus here going forward is going to be in the mountains here. probably not until probably late next week, but it looks like some pretty good snow is on the way in about a week until then, 62 to 68 mostly clear, cool, a few high clouds, morning sun, then higher clouds. even with the higher clouds, it will be warmer here. temperatures in the 60s to upper 60s, maybe near 70. in the santa clara valley. >> all right. thank you steve. the owner of a pie shop in the south bay lost thousands of dollars. they say after tesla cancer and a massive order, we're going to show you how people are stepping up to help. and five armed robbers targeted a taco truck in oakland. >> we'll let you hear from the owner. worried about her safety, but says she has no choice. she has to keepoi what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls.
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i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. here's your biggie bag. all that food for 5 bucks. -that's my go to. -oooh - that's my ride or die. hah.... just like you and me.... (singing) ♪ bag boys ♪ ♪ bag boys, whatcha gonna do ♪ don't... -♪ whatcha gonna do ♪ -don't... -♪ when we bring your food ♪ - it... go biggie and get all this with the jbc for just 5 bucks. (whisper) air wick. how far would you go to control the fragrance in your home? there's an easier way. try air wick vibrant, with 2x more natural essential oils for up to 120 days of amazing fragrance per dual pack. now that's a breath of fresh air wick.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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over misclassifying workers now staffing company quick, has beec over misclassifying workers now staffing company quick, has been accused of denying gig workers guaranteed wages, benefits and other protections. the city argued that quick had been illegally labeling workers as independent contractors, despite california law that says they are entitled to the same perks as regular employees. the company will pay the staffers more than $2 million. >> our time is now 414 money problems for the company responsible for ferrying visitors to alcatraz island, the sf standard reports that hornblower group filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy this week. the company says business has not bounced back from the pandemic. hornblower's ceo said this bankruptcy filing won't affect ferry service to
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alcatraz, the company says it does expect to emerge from bankruptcy in four months. several city and county attorneys from the bay area are banding together to form a new coalition focused on community safety. >> no attorneys who represent san francisco, oakland, san jose , santa clara and san diego are creating the civil prosecutor's coalition. the group says the goal is to work together to help shape legislation that will better protect the public. they say this new partnership will help safeguard workers and tenants rights, prohibit predatory lending and promote equal opportunity. >> our time is now 416. the owner of a taco truck in oakland says she's working, but fears for her safety after her business was hit by five armed robbers this week. ktvu zac sos talked with the owner, who says she has to keep going to make up for what was stolen inside the la loca taco truck thursday. >> it looks like a normal day.
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we have the guys who prep the tacos because busy is normal for these workers here in east oakland, but mariana says the truth is they are scared. >> scared because i know that we're not safe. >> her employees traumatized after being robbed at gunpoint on wednesday night, only opened a year. it's the first time this popular business has been targeted right now, it's hard for them to work right now because i know that maybe they're thinking, you know what? >> later at night, they're going to come again. >> it was just before midnight, right around closing, when police say five people wearing ski masks rushed the food truck on san leandro street. >> they were just pointing that gun to them and they were not really talking. it was more like money. money making off with a full day's earnings for the business. >> police arriving soon after, but not in time to catch the armed suspects. mariana calling on the city to provide more patrols in the area. >> i know that the police are doing their best. um, but us as
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a street vendors, uh, small business. i just feel like we need more support. >> neighbors frustrated with city leadership. >> never was like this. there's no direction up stairs now. i mean, small businesses can't, um , survive. >> you know, people out here making a living, and it's hard to make a living nowadays because, you know, you got things like this happening. it makes you not want to go out and do things. >> mariana now, taking another look at how they operate their truck. >> i think we're going to have to make some changes. we're working. i mean, we're trying to survive day by day and safety wise, we don't feel safe and in terms of what's next, they say they really don't want to move locations. >> they have a loyal following there. and the community they certainly don't want to see them go. so they plan to shift to a mostly cashless transaction policy in oakland, zac sos ktvu fox two news. >> thank you, zach. well, the owners of a hardware store in san francisco's cow hollow neighborhood have a unique plan for fighting crime. fredrickson
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hardware and paint on fillmore street will now provide personal escorts for each and every customer who enters the store. an employee will join customers the entire time they're shopping for one on one service. it's an effort to stop a shoplifting problem, the owners say is now out of control. >> we weren't really given a choice. i mean, it just we have to keep our employees safe and the customers safe, but when they're coming in to do snatch and grabs, that was the final. the final straw. >> these people come in. they have nerve. they think they can just walk away with them and go sell it on the street or the internet or whatever they do. it's sad. well the hardware store has been there for the past 100 years. >> the owners say the security measures they've used in the past simply do not stop. today's increasingly bold shoplifters. >> our time is now 419. the veterinary team at the oakland zoo bouncing into action this week. it's starting treatments for an injured tiger. the
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department of fish and wildlife rescued an eight month old tiger cub from a privately owned facility, then she was dropped off at the oakland zoo with several fractures that needed to be tended to and a metabolic bone disease as well. after she's healed and fully healed, she'll be moved to her new home at a licensed facility specializing in caring for big cats. now, the oakland zoo has been nominated, by the way, for the best zoo award by usa today's ten best and zoo officials are asking for your vote. oakland zoo is also nominated for best exhibit for its california trail. zoo officials made the announcement on next and posted the links to it for you can submit your votes for the zoo. coming up to see you, pam i love going to the zoos and visiting all the critters. >> all right as we go to steve. also shout out to frederick's hardware. i lived in the marina
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for some time. it is the most amazing little shop. they've been there forever and it's one of those stores. steve, like all of our dads, would have loved it. they have everything. everything everything in there. anything you need. yeah. you just it just everything from decor to tools lost in there. you can there's decorations, there's tools. look behind the counter. yeah. and they're and the people there know so. so if you say, hey, i have this little thing on my, you know, my cable that i need. yeah. and they have it. so you need that thingamajig. >> oh, it's right down the thingamajig. >> we have three of them. all right. >> well, thank you for that, pam. all right. uh, we do have mostly clear skies. a little bit of fog to the north. petaluma. novato. but a higher clouds are on the way, and they'll continue to paint us with some high clouds. but it will be warmer today. out there at the berkeley ranch. half mile visibility. can't see the barn. i'm telling you, nevada. zero visibility. petaluma says a quarter of a much better napa. fairfield and, uh, so i mean, compared to yesterday and higher elevations are a little northeast breeze, i'll say oakland hills there. that's at oakland north, right above the claremont northeast at
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16. uh, boulder creek is 39, but an east wind at ten. we are going to bump up these temps today. low 40s for many a few 50s, especially around berkeley over to the city and half moon bay, with an offshore breeze is 55. orinda and lafayette both there at 39 danville says, hey, so are we. but look at alameda and berkeley and kensington already 50. so a little bit of a separate here on some of these temps. it's not something we've seen much of this week. 40 in ukiah, 47 bookends fresno and bakersfield, california. santa barbara 49. but crescent city is 50 and san diego is 52. higher clouds coming in. so more to the south. i would think. cloudy to mostly cloudy. santa clara valley, maybe partly sunny to the north, at least for a while. that system out there, it's dragging up that moisture from the west southwest, but we are looking for a little bit of fog to the north. some higher clouds, but warmer today and even warmer tomorrow. i think we get more sun highs near 70 degrees. but what i mean, the old roller coaster on the temps. up we go today. tomorrow and then i mean a big drop. maybe as much as 15 degrees by monday
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because the system will be coming down from the north. so we're good to go today, tomorrow, probably sunday as well, although i think we'll get some increasing clouds sunday. but it does look like some light rain returns on monday and we'll take a look at it here. watch out, there's your cloud cover for today. but watch what happens saturday saturday looks good. looks sunny to me and i think warmer with that south wind. sunday we start to cloud it up maybe a little bit of rain on monday, but overall look for some warmer temps today and tomorrow. all right. >> see, time is 422. it's an historic mission. we'll talk to you about the private american spacecraft that landed on the moon for the first time in more than 50 years, and the warriors push for the playoffs is under way. >> we have the highlights of the game against the los angeles lakers from
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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hot streak alive tonight when they host the charlotte hornets.
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>> don't count them out. no. last night the warriors defeated the los angeles lakers 128 to 110, in chase center steph curry had another great game, scoring 32 points in the warriors ninth victory in the past 11 games as it's always a team game and a team mentality of how do you win and what are you asked to do to win and created a lot of guys for making those unnecessary adjustments. >> we obviously got a long way to go, but, uh, it's good to win . >> it is good to win. yeah l.a. lakers star lebron james sat out last night because of an ankle injury. it is for 25. >> well you know it's called the chase center. but it could also be known as the house that carrie built. the warriors home arena released video of the first time the warriors star point guard and his wife took a tour of the chase center exactly five years ago. the warriors would leave their longtime home at oracle arena in oakland. then
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they moved into san francisco's chase center in the fall of 2019, and the oakland based women's premier basketball association says it will be partnering with google pixel. the pba, which is once to transform women's professional basketball at the developmental level. is calling this a perfect partnership. the pba said it celebrate the google pixel's concerted efforts to uplift women's sports. s now leaders with google pixels say this partnership lines up with their own desire to support impactful, community level projects. >> one sponsor has pulled out of fan fest for the oakland a's. the partnership cancellation that almost put tomorrow's event in jeopardy and how local businesses stepped in to help, and more layoffs to tell you about. >> but tell you, some of the companies that announced workers are being let go when barbara switched to turbotax... i broke four generations of family tradition
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with five little words... ma, i wanna make perfume! ( ♪ ) getting my business off the ground was a full-time job. so i made barbara's new side gig count by guaranteeing 100% accurate filing and her maximum refund. make your moves. we'll make them count. intuit turbotax. 100% accuracy, guaranteed.
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the order anymore. so i called her. i'm like, what happened? >> an outpouring of support for a local pie shop after they say tesla canceled an order and left them with thousands of desserts. we're going to show you how the community is rallying to help the owner. and a massive avalanche hit northern california. talk about the effect it has had on the area, and a look at the damage from ktvu. >> fox two news this is mornings on two. good morning. >> thank you for waking up with us here on mornings on two. i'm pam cook and good morning i'm dave clark. >> it is friday february 23rd. you got us to another friday pam with your help. dave clark just a little bit. >> all right. i think it's a pretty nice day in terms of the forecast and into the chinese new year parade. let's check in with steve paulson. >> that is correct. a lot of clouds today, but it will be warm and especially tomorrow
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does look warmer. 40s on the temps, few 30s showing up mostly clear. there's a little bit of fog to the north. novato petaluma are reporting some higher clouds will work their way in throughout the day, but it will still be on the warm side. temperatures pushing mid 60s to a few up or 60s. all right. sal's here at 430 in the morning. and i hope it's a friday light. >> yeah, things are okay. there is a felony traffic stop going on. and that means the freeway temporarily blocked. looks like they might be getting it out. i just heard the code four come over. that means that everything's under control. however, chp was doing a traffic break in san mateo county. units were affecting that traffic stop . so traffic break is when the cop does the zigzag in front of you. i'm not sure if you've ever experienced that, but chp officer will basically stop you from driving faster. this is all coming to an end, so it should be gone soon for the time being, avoid 101 at 92 and use 280 instead for 31. let's go back to the desk. >> all right. thank you. sal, the owner of a san jose pie shop
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says tesla ordered thousands of pies, then canceled the order. yikes. >> people across the country are now stepping up to support her business. ktvu lamonica peters has the story and talked with the owner about some of the people who were buying pies. >> eric yokota says he owns a business near the giving pies, and like so many others, he wanted to help. >> being in small business myself, it you know, it really kind of hit close to home owner van de rosa posted this message on social media saying tesla contacted her to order 2000 of these pies for about $6,000. >> when she asked for a quote, and then she said, uh, that it was approved and she's excited to work with me. i'm like, yes, you know, i got it. wow, 2000 is crazy. but, uh, 2005 is crazy. but yes, i'm so excited. >> but the message went on to say her excitement soon turned to disappointment. she says tesla even asked to double their
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order and after submitting a new invoice, she never received the payment. >> they said, well, sorry, it's a made a big miscommunication and she had no authority to promise any payments. rosa marinara says after her story went viral, tesla offered to buy the pies and a tour of their factory. >> she says she still hasn't received a payment, so she's focusing on other customers like the san jose sharks, who spent $500 for pies after hearing her story. we are the brand of the city of san jose and the san jose area. >> we take that very seriously and when somebody is in need, we want to be able to jump in and be able to support that. >> and i just have all of the, um, the small. yeah, i was thinking tesla doesn't, you know , they don't need extra money. so i thought i'd help out like a small business and get some pie. >> now the owner says since she's made that post, she's been selling out of pies every day, and she's even getting requests
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from across the country. now, we reached out to tesla for comment , but they didn't respond in time for this report. lamonica peters, ktvu, fox two news our time is now. >> 433 well, businesses are stepping up now to make sure the a's fan fest happens as scheduled tomorrow. fan groups like the last dive bar and the oakland 68 will host an unofficial all athletics fans fest. drake's brewing was among the sponsors for the event. well, this week, drake's, which is an a's partner, said it would no longer be sponsoring fans fest. at least six breweries have said they'll step in and help sponsor tomorrow's fan fest, including almanac, line 51 and original pattern. now the a's are telling ktvu it did not contact drake's about the sponsorship of fans fest, and have told any vendors to not take part in the event. the team hasn't hosted an official fan fest since 2020. >> vice media has laid off
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several hundred employees and will no longer publish material on its website. new york based was once a $5.7 billion company geared to a younger audience. the storytelling style encompassed digital television and film, the company says. it's no longer cost effective to distribute media on its website. it says it will instead focus on partnering to provide content with traditional media companies as our time now. >> 434 rivian, the electric vehicle company based in california, is laying off 10% of its salaried employees as the ev manufacturer is citing economic and geo political pressures. like historically high interest rates as a reason for those job cuts. rivian says it expects to build about 57,000 vehicles this year, the same amount as in 2023. but that is disappointing. investors who want to see more vehicles produced every year. rivian stock, by the way, is at
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an all time low now, down 92% since its ipo in 2021. well, the oversight board for facebook and instagram is expanding its purview of the company, meta said the board will now moderate decisions made at threads and also hear appeals from users. those now threads was founded in july of 2023 as a direct competitor to twitter, a new poll shows. >> there is one clear leader for the us senate race in california. the public policy institute of california found democrat adam schiff in the lead, with 24% of the vote. democrat katie porter has 19, and republican steve garvey has 18. the poll also found only 6% of voters are undecided at this point. the top two vote getters next month will be on the november ballot, no matter the political party. >> time now for 36. a new san francisco chronicle poll is showing san francisco mayor london breed is facing some
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tough competition for her job. the poll surveyed more than 800 likely voters. 20% said they prefer supervisor and former interim mayor mark farrell. that's followed by 18% for mayor. london breed philanthropist daniel laurie came in at 16, while supervisor ahsha safai received 8. now it's still anybody's race for the november election, 38% say they are still undecided. all right. >> we're continuing our series of interviews with the three frontrunners in the race to fill retiring congresswoman anna eshoo seat in silicon valley, and ktvu talked with evan low, who says he's ready to bring a fresh perspective to washington. >> it's important that this generation of new leadership is required, especially when we're seeing the type of dysfunction that we see in congress. how do we help address many of these different issues, which, of course, disproportionately impact younger generations? we know that the issues of affordable housing that younger
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generations cannot afford to live in these communities or obtain the california and american dream that previous generations were able to obtain. so that's why it's important that the lived experiences are represented in congress. >> low also shared with us how he plans to address the issue of affordable housing within the district. right. >> well, number one, it's that of the funding issue to help make sure that we get the type of funding and the housing vouchers specifically to individuals getting in their communities, while also helping partner with the state on ensuring that we get the type of development, the carrot and the stick. previously when we think about developments, it's that with the local jurisdictions, the state and the federal, how do we make sure that all three work in tandem and addressing these issues? >> now, lo says he's also focused on protecting reproductive rights and has previously coauthored a law that created mandatory prison sentences for certain sexual assaults. evan low is one of 11
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people running to represent the 16th congressional district, which stretches from pacifica to san jose. the top two candidates in the march fifth primary will move on to the general election on november 5th. well, this week we are talking with the three front runners in the crowded race on wednesday, joe simitian joined us live on the four. >> today it will be sam liccardo and we're posting the full interviews with the candidates to watch later on governor newsom met with white house officials as part of his attendance at the national governors association meeting in washington, dc at the discussions, newsom said he insisted that fema honor its commitment to fully reimburse california's local governments for expenses to shelter our homeless people during the pandemic. fema says its reimbursements were meant for two weeks of stays, not months or years. newsom says he also expressed interest in working with the biden administration on a number of other key priorities, including better support for people with complex
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behavioral health needs. >> our time is up. 439 a massive avalanche at mount shasta over presidents day weekend formed this 60 foot tall wall of snow. just look, the mount shasta avalanche center says the snow slide started around 12,000ft up the mountain in what's called avalanche gulch. it ran for more than three miles at its end, the 300 foot wide avalanche had fallen almost 5000 vertical feet and left walls and walls of snow. despite the big size, though, the avalanche did not threaten people or or structures . >> it's definitely out there in the in the back country, but wow , that is a gorgeous shot though. there i think we have quite a bit of snow in tahoe. i don't know if more is on the way, but let's check in with steve paulson. we have a nice weekend and next week. >> but but shasta gets 75% of its water from rainfall. oh, trinity gets theirs from snow. but we tend to forget about
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shasta lassen on snow. they've had a lot of snow up there as well this month of february. now for the parade tomorrow. it looks good to me. uh, you know, i don't see any reason why you have to worry about anything. might even be on the warm side here. certainly, as we head towards 515. might even be around 64. would not surprise me in the least. a little bit of patchy fog to the north, but higher clouds streaming in. they'll continue to paint us so cloudy to the north. maybe partly sunny to the south or to the north i should say partly cloudy to the south. novato sold out novato airport, petaluma quarter of a mile. stockton a quarter of a mile. so not as bad as yesterday, but much better towards napa. fairfield. that's for sure. concord. livermore. so a little bit of fog. 44. mount veeder 48. oakland hills, northeast 16mph. that'll do it. that'll warm up, i think oakland berkeley could be pushing upper 60s here, maybe even near 70 if everything fell into place here. but boulder creek at 39, 55 half moon bay, berkeley. is 51, the cities 50. yet we have some 30s. look at vallejo. it just depends. if you
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get that east breeze, 50s, pacifica, half moon bay pillar points 55 monterey beach is sleeping in. that's all right. you're allowed. yeah. woodside's 40. atherton and menlo park 41. stanford, los altos, 42. in belmont and san mateo. mid 48. teen truckee, south lake tahoe, 46. down in la, las vegas and 45 down in monterey. there's the higher clouds. they'll give us a cloudy to mostly cloudy day, but it will still be mild to warm. the flow coming around that low pressure system is pumping in the moisture from the south, so high clouds but warmer. and then we'll get 60s and 70s. nice sun. saturday will be the warmest day. starting to cool down on sunday. monday >> all right. thank you steve a new earnings report for pg and e. coming up we take a look at the record profits the company raked in after years of rate hikes and taking good care of your pet. >> keeping your pet healthy. the number one health problem for pets and why it could have even bigger consequences is if you ignore it
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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some progress in the ceasefire negotiations about the war in gaza, with hamas saying its top political leader has met with egyptian officials. now, israel insisted that there can be no ceasefire until hamas releases the remaining hostages. hamas is holding about 100 hostages as well as the bodies of about 30 more hostages who died. >> there can be no sustainable cease fire in gaza without the hostages being released. >> israel has said if hamas does not release the remaining hostages by the beginning of the muslim holiday of ramadan next month, it may expand its ground offensive into the southern town of rafah. that's where more than a million palestinians have fled to get away from the fighting. >> a jewish advocacy group is asking a uc davis chancellor to overrule a measure passed by
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students that accuses israel of genocide and prohibiting student government funds from being spent on products from companies that do business in the jewish state. now, it says the measure, passed by the association of students at the university of california, davis, kowtows to the boycott, divest and sanctions movement and would ban student funds from being spent on products from companies on a boycott list. >> our time now. 445 a bay area institution has opened the world's first long covid tissue bank. ucsf said it's now operating a bank with tissue specimens from people who suffer from long covid. the cdc says 14% of people who've had covid have developed long covid. ucsf says this tissue bank will allow researchers to study the biological processes that occur across tissue compartments in the blood, in the gut, in the lymph nodes, spinal fluid and the bone marrow of people who
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have long covid. well, legal and medical analysts are predicting alabama's court ruling about frozen embryos will affect reproductive health rights all over the country. >> just this week, three in vitro fertilization providers suspended services after that ruling. now, alabama the supreme court ruled that the in vitro fertilization embryos have the same legal protections as children. health experts say this decision could send couples looking to conceive to other states, including california. >> california is somewhat of a leader in terms of reproductive technologies, and so people were traveling to california for care before the, um, but i think now there is certainly a much greater incentive of the largest hospital in alabama paused its in-vitro fertilization program as doctors and patients assess the ramifications of this court ruling. >> governor newsom posted online his reaction to alabama's
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ruling, saying, quote, we need to pause and reflect on just how cruel this is. a woman who has had desperately dreamed of becoming a mom could now be prosecuted in the state of alabama for trying to make those dreams come true. >> all right, our time is 447. the month of february is pet dental health month, and veterinarians are urging pet owners make sure your pets have a proper routine that includes brushing with a special animal, toothpaste and tooth brush, or give them a dental treat like mojo pam. 80% of dogs and 70% of cats face a risk of some kind of dental disease. plaque and tartar build up causes gingivitis, inflammation of the gums that then loosens the tooth roots can cause tooth loss and also, as you would expect, a lot of pain and discomfort for our pets. >> the other big concern is with that state of infection and inflammation. that's when bacteria can enter the
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bloodstream and go around their body, causing issues with their heart, their liver or their kidneys. >> now, infections and inflammation in the mouth can lead to bacteria getting into your pet's bloodstream that can damage their heart, their liver, or their kidneys. pet owners should also have a veterinarian check the gums of your pet as part of an annual checkup. well, an affordable housing plan in san francisco is back to the planning stages. >> the plan to build 200 homes for seniors was originally approved in october. the chronicle says. the developer has filed new plans for the project, adding what would now be seven stories and 123 studio and 113 one bedroom apartments and single two bedroom apartments. >> time now for 48 niles canyon road in the east bay has partially reopened after those heavy storms earlier this week caused part of the road to slip out and collapse. part of highway 84 between old canyon road and main street in sunol is
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open again, with only one lane open, though the crews out there repaired the road along with rockfall netting, and they cleared vegetation, vegetation and installed one way traffic control signals. caltrans says it's working on a permanent fix out there, but there's no timeline on when that will be completed. >> we should soon start seeing the first images of the moon from a new historic space mission. >> congratulations iam team! we'll see how much more we can get from that. odysseus is a private lunar lander that touched down on the moon. >> it is the first successful american moon landing in more than 50 years. intuitive machines is the private aerospace company that built the lander with funding from nasa. engineers are now downlinking. the first data includes images it'll be a really important next step in establishing more of a
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longer time presence on the moon and testing new technologies for landing on the moon. this lunar lander is carrying six nasa experiments. researchers hope odysseus can find ice crystals that could be turned into water, oxygen, and even fuel. amazing, incredible, incredible video and it's a fun to watch that. all right. we'll continue to keep an eye on that while steve keeps an eye on our weather. what do we need to know for today? >> it'll be warming up today and tomorrow. even with cloud cover coming in, we'll take a look at yesterday's temps. i don't know if san jose airport is correct. they said 73 yesterday. i couldn't find anybody within five degrees of that. so i think that's spurious. so i went with another observation closer to san jose state meteorology department in downtown 68. sunnyvale was 67 east san jose. reid-hillview was 66, cupertino 65, santa cruz 65. vallejo, hayward and oakland all checking in at 64. it looks good to me tomorrow. i'm sure somebody will
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change this graphic, but i don't see any issues weather wise. looks good. temperatures on the mild side might even be a little warmer than that at 515, so you don't have to worry about rain this time around. higher clouds sneaking in more to the south into the north. team of fog to the north. nothing compared to yesterday, although out to the valley as well. but far cry from yesterday. but novato? petaluma. so there's a few pockets of it out there. mount diablo, the east breeze. there's a no doubt about it. pronounced east breeze in the oakland berkeley hills, also out to mount diablo, north east at 1543 degrees. but look at berkeley 51 vallejo with a little east breeze there at 50 degrees, half moon bay 55. the city 50. yet there's a lot of low 40s for some and 30s even for others. boulder creek's 38 santa cruz, though at 47 mid 40s to low 40s around san jose. aptos at 43, scotts valley at 4118. truckee, south lake tahoe 45, and monterey, santa barbara at 49. higher clouds stream in, i think cloudy to mostly cloudy south. partly sunny, partly cloudy to the north from that low which is drawing up a lot of
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moisture, but with that south wind, high clouds, it will be warmer, no doubt about it. and the warmest temps by far will be on saturday. i think we'll pop to some low 70s, but boy does it come down fast early next week, so don't get used to it. but you can see the moisture coming in from the south. what about rain? maybe a little bit monday, but i think today, tomorrow most of sunday will be all right. but some changes. much cooler next week. >> dave, our special program voices for change returns this week and join us as we continue to celebrate black history month with a number of impactful interviews. we're going to speak with the founder of the black cowboy coalition, an organization focused on sharing the joy of horses and ranching with underserved communities. we'll also have a conversation with the driving force behind the new peanuts special. welcome home, franklin. it tells the origin story of the peanuts first black character, franklin franklin was coming into this established group from the
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outside when it badly to fit in here. >> i was coming into this established thing called peanuts worldwide wanting really desperately to fit in. and here i was, uh, a black person representing something for black people. and on some level, franklin feels that you can watch a new episode of voices for change this sunday morning at 930 right here on over on the ktvu. >> plus, that is. and then 630 in the evening, right here on ktvu, helping and injured tiger. we're going to tell you how the oakland zoo stepped up this week to help a cub start its long road to recovery. and the budget cuts for a bay area transit agency. why the organization that's seen success since the pandemic will now have less money to work with
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long after guests leave, viruses and bacteria linger. air fresheners add a scent. but only lysol air sanitizer helps erase the trace, eliminating odor and killing 99.9% of viruses and bacteria in the air. scent can't sanitize. lysol can. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user.
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i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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helicopter video recorded the pursuit of 35 year old george goussainville is accused of attacking and threatening a vallejo parks and rec worker and refusing to stop when ordered by police officers. authorities say he led them across the benicia bridge, down interstate 680 and highways 24 and 31, before surrendering southbound in the northbound lanes. >> no units are behind her speeds of 21. occupant an occupant stepping out hands up. coming out, walking back towards officers. the pursuit involved law enforcement agencies including vallejo police, chp officers from solano contra costa and alameda counties. >> we understand that guttenbeil is wanted on a grand theft warrant in san mateo county. san mateo county residents have until the end of today to apply
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for the county's independent civilian advisory commission to oversee the sheriff's office. now, the seven member commission will include a sheriff's appointee, and each supervisor will choose a person from their district to serve. the commission will advise the board of supervisors on community police relations, accountability , transparency, and public engagement. applications closed today at 5 p.m. you can find the online application on our website links. the sonoma marin area rail transit is making significant budget cuts. the board voted this week to slash more than $11 million from its 2024 budget. the board says the freight side of operations is going to be challenging this fiscal year, as the agency is estimating $200,000 less in freight movement fees than was budgeted. >> that, you know, highlights the reasoning for, you know, doing everything we can to try to leverage our storage, track and try to, uh, you know, make a
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profit there. um, but our challenges are real. we're working hard to fill that gap. but um, as this board knows, it's not easy. >> now, the cuts come a year after the agency recorded its highest ridership numbers in history. a new bart survey shows rider satisfaction. satisfaction is at its highest in more than ten years. the transit agency says the overall customer satisfaction rate reached 81% in the most recent passenger experience survey. now that's up 7% from the previous quarter and the highest since 2012. bart says it also received positive feedback on police presence. about 20% of participants said that they saw bart police on trains or at the stations. that's also a record high. the gains come as overall ridership has increased by about 10% in the last year. the san francisco ballet is bringing back swan lake starting today. tchaikovsky score, which dates back to 1877, holds special meaning for the company. critics say the sf
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ballet performance back in 1988 is what launched san francisco's dance company into the world class discussion. swan lake runs at war memorial opera house through march 3rd, and you hear ukrainian national anthem and that will make them smile and feel good. >> that makes me happy. >> this weekend, two years ago, russia invaded ukraine. the musical gesture made by one ukrainian student here in the bay area that has inspired a group of schools to follow his lead and make it a show of peace and support and facing a judge in the south bay after being accused of killing a three year old boy. what happened in that courtroom and what we now know from court documents about this very disturbing case from ktvu, fox two news, this is mornings on two. well, good morning to you and thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on two. i'm dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook.
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it's friday february 23rd i want to check in with steve paulson for the forecast. where are you starting. well it's mostly clear, but it'll be warmer today even though with clouds coming in. >> palo alto and santa rosa are both down to 40. kind of a big spread here on some of the temps. there's a decent east wind coming off the east bay hills, so the city's 50. berkeley is also 50, but if you don't have any breeze, it's much cooler. little bit of fog up towards petaluma, nevada, but the higher clouds will continue to sneak in here today. but if i can dream of dry and warmer weather than today's today and tomorrow you'll get it. patchy fog, cooler, mild high clouds increase, but it will be warmer a lot of upper 60s on the temps to maybe near 70. more likely i would think tomorrow as well. if you're heading out and you have suspicious minds on if the traffic's all right. here's the man to answer that question. >> abc steve, i see where you're going with this. and right now we are doing very well. i don't see anything going on when it comes to this commute. i mean, i can't help falling in love with
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it. it's absolutely clear out there right now. and if it was only this way, all the time, well, i'd probably be doing something else. this is a look at 580. even highway four is doing very well this morning. if you're driving on the south bay commute, we're off to a good start. now it may not stay this way, but right now it looks very good. 501 let's go back to the desk. >> thank you. sal. today the biden administration is announcing more than 500 new sanctions on russia following the death of opposition leader alexei navalny before leaving san francisco yesterday, president biden met with navalny's daughter and widow navalny's daughter dasha, attend stanford university. >> this morning. i had the honor of meeting with collection of navalny's wife and daughter as the state, the obvious. he was a man of incredible courage, and it's amazing how his wife and daughter are emulating that. >> doordash is a very brave young woman, and we're proud to
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have a connection with her father at stanford and, um, it's a this is very sad for people who believe in a different future in, in russia, um, as as alexei navalny did. and his wife and daughter do. alexei navalny died one week ago in a russian prison. >> president biden says the new sanctions will target people connected to navalny's imprisonment, as well as russia's financial and military sectors. >> our time now. 502. this weekend marks the beginning of the third year of the war in ukraine. ukraine's military leaders say they're soldiers on the front line. have been devastated by two years of fighting. the russians. and many of those soldiers are joining the president of ukraine and calling on the united states and other nations to give ukraine more military aid. >> i'm ready to fight as long as necessary, but we still need additional mobilization in now. >> soon, the ukrainian government hopes to mobilize a half million more troops, and it may lower the age for enlisting
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in the military from 27 years old, down to 25. well events will be held around the world this weekend to mark two years since the russian invasion of ukraine, and that includes a show of support for the people of ukraine at two bay area universities. >> that's why. the bell towers that ring every day on the campuses of uc berkeley and stanford university will strike a much different tone later today, those towers will be playing the ukrainian national anthem on campus, and a musical message of solidarity. one cal student from ukraine came up with the idea as he prays for peace in his homeland. >> so i'm thinking about this tower, some sort of candle, sometimes a small candle is enough. when you enter the complete darkness to light it up . >> several other colleges and universities across the country
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have also agreed to his request to play the ukrainian national anthem. today prosecutors in santa clara have revealed the suspected motive in this week's fatal shooting of a three year old boy. the revelation revelation came as the man accused in the shooting made his first court appearance. the district attorney's office charged 24 year-old sergio gomez with murder and assault in the violent death of the young son of his girlfriend. >> at this time, we believe that mr. gomez killed the child during an argument in which he believed that ivan's mother had been cheating on him. >> investigators say the tragic killing took place tuesday morning at the couple's apartment just west of the lawrence expressway. even veteran prosecutors in santa clara county are shocked by what happened in the case. >> three year old child being murdered is not something that i can really comprehend and i'm
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enormously upset by it as i know everyone is. >> prosecutors say the suspect's girlfriend is five months pregnant with his child. >> our time is 505. the son of a former bay area police chief who was charged with murder, was acquitted by a jury. tyrone mcallister, the son of former union city police chief darryl mcallister, was found not guilty for the death of a man who was killed in 2019. police say the tyrone mcallister fired one shot while robbing a man near san pablo avenue. again, he's been acquitted by a jury for the homicide, but he was convicted of a separate robbery that occurred hours before that deadly shooting. >> a california law that went into effect last year requires public colleges and universities to offer free narcan to students. now, some campuses are giving out the life saving nasal spray. others are not. state data shows every uc and cal state university has ordered
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narcan from the state in the last two years, with the exception of csu maritime academy in vallejo. but the drug is available in its student health center just this year, another law went into effect that added fentanyl test strips to the required. its time is now 506. >> the oakland zoo helped to rescue a tiger cub from a private owner and zoo officials say that tiger cub has some serious injuries. ktvu james torres in the studio now to tell us what the oakland zoo plans to do next. good morning jane. dave >> good morning neil. right now that tiger cub is still under the care of a team of veterinarians at the oakland zoo . they say they do expect the tiger to make a full recovery, but it will take a long time. zoo officials were working on behalf of the state department of fish and wildlife tuesday. they say they can't say much about where they found the tiger because an investigation is still underway. but only that the cub was rescued from a private facility in the western united states after a bunch of tests. vets said the tiger had at least ten improperly healed
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fractures and its bones are severely lacking in calcium. it can stand, it can walk, but it's struggling to run and climb. >> so for this little tiger gal, um, if things go well, um, probably in about a month, we'll be able to see if her skeleton is reclassifying correctly. we have a lot of lab work pending federal laws against privately owning any big cat. >> passed about a year and a half ago. that was the result of what was exposed in the netflix series tiger king, which showed how some private owners across the country treated tigers. and this isn't the first time the oakland zoo got involved in something like this. rescuing tigers. there are two at the zoo right now, which were rescued two years ago from an abandoned sanctuary linked to the tiger king series. tiger zoo officials are caring for now and well, now. they say they're caring for this tiger. now they say it will move to another facility once it is in better health. dave.
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>> all right. james. thank you. speaking of the oakland zoo, the oakland zoo was nominated for best zoo by usa today's ten best and zoo officials want your vote. the zoo is also nominated for best exhibit for its california trail, and the zoo officials made these announcements on x and posted the links there so you can submit your votes. >> very nice. don't be greedy about it. the little piggies. yeah. all right. steve paulson has our forecast of friday. looking into the weekend. it seems pretty nice. >> yes, yes it does. friday and saturday. i think we'll get a lot of clouds on sunday. and then maybe some light rain on monday. but we are looking at temps yesterday. bumped up here. if you thought a little warmer. man, that felt good didn't it? well don't get too used to it. but today and tomorrow will be a little warmer. san jose was 68, sunnyvale east, san jose, cupertino, santa cruz, vallejo, hayward and oakland all between 64 and 68 degrees. what about tomorrow? looks good to me. i'm sure someone else will change this graphic later, but i think
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it looks good and temperatures will be in the 60s. dare i say. might even be warm. dare dare dare. so i'll go with it and the higher clouds are on the way. a little bit of fog up towards novato, petaluma and out toward the valley. we'll get a lot of high and mid-level clouds today. i think more to the south and to the north. there's petaluma, novato, but much better around napa. parts of 80, uh, around pinole. also hercules. yesterday man, you couldn't see the hood of the car, but today was much clearer. stockton a quarter of a mile, but even better out to fairfield, vacaville and of course, livermore and concord saying ten miles visibility. we had a lot of fog out to the east bay yesterday as well. oakland hills, look at that ford that's above the claremont northeast 16 boulder creek, those cold 38. but they have an east wind and mount veeder has a northeast breeze. that means we're going to warm up here for some berkeley 50 two, half moon bay 54. the city's at 50. and if you get that east breeze and i think oakland and berkeley, emeryville , el cerrito, kensington will be on the warm side today 30s for a few sonoma's in there. san
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anselmo is in there yet. look at bodega bay, point reyes and bolinas fire station, all at 53. see how that works there? uh, 44 in american canyon, richmond 4241 cloverdale, healdsburg and windsor. all in there yet 30s up in mendocino county and lake county. two bits out there at the loan outpost and elko. flagstaff, 3349 crescent city to 5352 from los angeles to san diego, a lot of cloud cover, especially south. some higher clouds will make it here, but this system out there is tapping into that moisture. it's not doing anything until sunday, when it will start to get drawn up here and we'll see increasing clouds. but today, except for high clouds, it will be warmer and the warmest day will be tomorrow. i think we'll push some low 70s with the south wind, but don't get too used to it. boy, does it come down fast. especially early on sunday and into monday. next week looks much cooler, but today and tomorrow warmer. >> all right. thank you. steve. the owner of a local pie shop says she was left with thousands of desserts when tesla canceled a massive order. we're going to show you how people are stepping
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up to help. >> and five armed robbers targeted a taco truck in oakland. what the owner says as she fears for her safety, but says she has no choice. she has to keep going in. just a quick reminder, you can now stream ktvu news on your smart tv. you can read about how later today, cal athletics is honoring civil rights olympic activists tommie smith and john carlos as part of their black history month panel. you can also watch live newscast and see stories on demand on your amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv or android tv. just search for the fox local app and then select ktvu
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. with democrat katie porter. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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multimillion dollar lawsuit with a hospitality startup over misclassify paying workers. now, staffing company quick has been accused of denying gig workers guaranteed wages, benefits and other protections. the city argued that quick had been illegally labeling workers as independent contractors, despite california law that says they're entitled to the same perks as regular employees. the company will pay the staffers a total of more than $2 million. >> our time now 515 money problems for the company that ferries visitors to alcatraz island this week, the sf standard reports. hornblower
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group filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. the company says it's business has not bounced back from the pandemic. the ceo of hornblower says this bankruptcy filing will not affect ferry service to alcatraz and the company is predicting it will emerge from bankruptcy in four months. >> several city and county attorneys from the bay area are banding together to form a new coalition focused on community safety. attorneys who represent san francisco, oakland, san jose , santa clara and san diego are creating the civil prosecutor's coalition. the group says the goal is to work together to help shape legislation that will better protect the public. they say this new partnership will help safeguard workers and tenants rights, prohibit predatory lending and promote equal opportunity. >> your time now 515 the owner of a taco truck in oakland says she fears for her safety after her business was hit by armed robbers this week. police say just before midnight, right before closing time, five people wearing ski masks rushed that
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food truck on san leandro street. the thieves stole a full day's earnings. now the police arrived soon after, but not in time to catch those suspects. the taco truck owner says her workers are scared right now. >> it's hard for them to work right now because i know that maybe they're thinking, you know what? later at night, they're going to come again. >> the taco truck owner says she doesn't want to change her location because she has loyal following in that area. they do plan to shift to a mostly cashless transaction. policies will the owners of a hardware store in san francisco's cow hollow neighborhood in the marina, have a unique plan for fighting crime? >> frederickson hardware and paint on fillmore street will now provide personal escorts for each and every customer who enters the store. now, the employee will join the customer in the entire time they are shopping for one on one service. it's an effort to stop a shoplifting problem. the owners
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say is now out of control. >> we weren't really given a choice. i mean, it just we have to keep our employees safe and the customers safe, but when they're coming in to do snatch and grabs, that was the final, the final straw. those people come in, they have nerve. >> they think they can just walk away with them and go sell it on the street or the internet. whatever they do, it's sad. >> the hardware store has been in business for more than 100 years, and the owners say the security measures they have used in the past simply do not stop. today's increasingly bold shoplifters. >> our time now. 517 at&t has restored service to tens of thousands of its customers. now, the company says it believes that outage yesterday was caused by an incorrect process as it was expanding the network. during that outage, many customers couldn't place calls or send texts or even access the internet. but for many of them, that raises a question about depending on cell service and data.
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>> well, the irs is cracking down on the owners of private jets. the irs says it will start auditing jets owned by businesses. and the way they are used by executives for personal use. the irs says many big corporations are not obeying the tax rules when it comes to those private planes, and the agency has been focusing more on ultra high income earners and companies in recent months. following new funding from congress. all right. that leads us to steve paulson covering our forecast for today and into the weekend. how's it look, steve? >> well, we'll get a lot of clouds, but it looks warmer, so we'll take that into not only today but also tomorrow. there is an easterly breeze. no doubt about it here, especially up in the oakland berkeley hills maybe where you are, that's an offshore wind and you can see it here coming up. and that's going to lead to some warmer temps, even with the higher clouds. there's an offshore breeze at the surface. there's more of a southerly breeze in the higher up. and the higher elevations and temperatures. 1916 truckee south lake tahoe 40, ukiah 44. down in monterey and 50 from
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santa barbara, la. and san diego to 61 and palm springs. that's the higher cloud deck. a lot of this will favor areas more to the south, so cloudy to the south, i think. partly sunny, partly cloudy to the north from that low drying up that moisture. but we do get a break. you know, it'll be a drier forecast. a little bit of fog towards novato, petaluma and out to the valley, but more sun, plus warmer near 70. i think for some especially on on saturday. so that's going to stick and stay. no it's going to come right back down really fast, especially sunday and into monday. tuesday but that system may spin in some cloud cover on sunday and could give us some light rain on monday. that's kind of the way it's looking here, but the focus will be end of next week for the sierra systems, coming more down from the north, which could be really beneficial on snow. but we have a week to go before that happens. although on monday i think we could get some light rain, probably san francisco, oakland south more so than north. mostly clear, cool, patchy fog, mainly north, although mild if you're around, uh, parts of the bay with that east wind, morning sun and clouds. but even with the clouds, that offshore breeze
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equals warmer 60s on the temps to near 70 receives. >> thank you. time is 520. it did it. and it was an historic mission. the latest on the private american space craft that landed on the moon for the first time in more than 50 years. and warriors one and their push for the playoffs is underway. we'll have the highlights of last night's game against the lakers
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it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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live tonight. they'll be hosting the charlotte hornets last night the warriors defeated the la lakers 128 to 110. and san francisco's chase center steph curry had another great game. 32 points in the warriors ninth win in the last 11 games. it's always a team game and a team mentality of how do you win and what do you have to do to win and created a lot of guys for making those unnecessary adjustments. >> we obviously got a long way to go, but, uh, it's good to win. >> how about it? lakers star lebron james did not play last night because of an ankle injury . well, it's called the chase center. but it could also be known as the house that steph curry built. the warriors home arena released video. the first time the warriors star and his wife toured the venue exactly five years ago, the warriors would then leave their longtime
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home at oracle arena in oakland and moved to san francisco as chase center in the fall of 2019, and the oakland based women's premier basketball association says it will be partnering with google pixel and the pba, which wants to transform women's pro basketball at the developmental level. is calling this a perfect partnership. the pba said it celebrates google pixel's concerted efforts to uplift women's sports leaders, with google pixel, say the partnership lines up with their own desire to support impactful, community level projects. time is ford 524. we now know which teams will be making stops at levi's stadium next season. the 49ers have home games against some of the top teams from last season, including a super bowl rematch against the kansas city chiefs along with games against the dallas cowboys and the detroit lions. now on the 49ers
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will hit the road for games against the packers. the vikings, the bills, and the dolphins, among many others. they will also play every divisional opponent twice. the dates for these games will be released in may. it is 525. one sponsor has pulled out of a fan fest for the oakland a's. the partnership canceled. that almost put tomorrow's event in jeopardy. and how some other local businesses stepped in to help out and add more layoffs. we'll tell you about some of the companies that said their workers are being let go. don't forget, now you can have the morning headlines delivered right to you by signing up for the ktvu newsletter. just go to ktvu dot com slash email, sign up for the daily service what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton
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in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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(vo) beneful knows a full life doesn't just's a choice woooooo! to take a swing... to taste all life has to offer. choose joy, choose beneful. and try incredibites, just for small dogs. democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice.
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mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. the company raked in after years of rate hikes. >> plans have changed. uh, you know, i don't think we're going to need the order anymore. so i called her. i'm like, what happened? >> an outpouring of support for a local pie shop after they say tesla canceled a huge order and left them with thousands of desserts. we're going to show you how people are rallying to help from ktvu fox two news. >> this is mornings on two.
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>> good morning. thank you for waking up with us here on mornings on two. >> i'm pam cook and good morning i'm dave clark. it is friday. it is february 23rd. friday feels good. >> it does feel good. and i think the weather's pretty nice. rain out a couple of days away. let's check in with steve paulson. >> that is correct. it will be warm today for some and even warmer tomorrow. 40s and 50s. there is an east breeze coming in off the oakland berkeley hills, so some locations already in the 50s. others are in the upper 30s to 40s. cloud cover is on the way here. it's mainly going to be a cloudy day to the south, partly cloudy to the north, but mild to warm. and if i can dream of dry weather and warmer temps. today is the day and so is tomorrow. a little bit of fog to the north. not much, but high clouds increase, but warm earth, upper 60s and temperatures pushing above average here, especially to the santa clara valley. i think even warmer tomorrow. all right, time now for a little less conversation and get right to the traffic. and steve, don't be cruel. >> is that the real forecast? >> that is a real forecast. >> great. i'll take it. thank
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you very much. all right. uh, good morning, everyone. uh, you can see some of these commutes are doing very well. and right now traffic on the bay bridge looks good. we're hoping for a friday light. uh, you know, that's going to be all right with me. if it stays this way. uh, northbound 101 in san jose, all the way up to peninsula. so we're off to a very nice start. uh, it is only 530. we'll see at six what it's actually going to be like. but i have a feeling we're going to be okay. 530 let's go back to the desk. all right. >> thank you. sal. more than $2 billion in profits. that's how much pg and e made last year. and the utility expects profits to be even higher this year. ktvu is ali rasmus joins us now with more on the numbers. and, uh, the reaction as this comes as customers have been paying more. ali >> yeah, people in northern california pay some of the highest prices for natural gas and electricity in the nation. and that's translated to some big profits for pg and e in an
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earnings report released yesterday, the company reported $2.24 billion in profit for the year of 2023. that's a 24% increase in profits compared to the year before. now, pg and e explains that its profits are driven in part by those rate increases that were approved by the public utilities commission last year. rates were bumped up to 13% starting in january of this year, which for the average residential customer means an extra $400 in utility costs per year. the pg and e says it needed that rate hike to pay to bury 1200 miles of electrical wires underground for wildfire safety. in a statement. as part of that, earnings release, our earnings report pg e's ceo said, quote, our story of progress continued in 2023, including further reducing wildfire ignitions and burying more power lines than any prior year end. quote. now this, of course, has led to an outcry among ratepayer advocacy groups and nonprofits. they point out that since 2014,
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pg and customers bills have increased by 92% on average, far out pacing the rate of inflation over that ten year period. live in walnut creek. allie rasmus ktvu, fox two news. >> all right. thank you, ali vice media laid off several hundred employees and will no longer publish material on its website. new york based was once a $5.7 billion company geared to a younger audience. its storytelling style encompass digital television and film, the company says. it's no longer cost effective to distribute media on its website. it says it will instead focus on focusing on partnering with traditional media companies to provide content. >> our time now 5.33 rivian, the electric vehicle company, is laying off 10% of its salaried employees, is now. rivian cites economic and geopolitical pressures like historically high interest rates, as reasons for the job cuts. rivian expects to build about 57,000 vehicles this
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year, the same as it did in 2023. and that's disappointing. investors who want to see more vehicles produced every year. the stock of rivian is at an all time low and down 92% since its ipo in 2021. well the community is helping a san jose pi shop after a massive catering deal fell through with tesla. what a story. now the electric car maker ordered 2000 pies for about $6,000, but the company canceled that order, leaving that pie store. the giving pies with leftover ingredients and other supplies. the owner of the business posted what happened on social media, and now some of her neighbors, her businesses nearby, even the san jose sharks are buying her pies. >> we are the brand of the city of san jose and the san jose area. we take that very seriously. and when somebody is in need, we want to be able to
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jump in and be able to support that. >> now, when the story went viral, all the pie shop says tesla offered to follow through on that order and give the owner a tour of its tesla factory. but she says she still hasn't received a payment. >> they said, well, sorry, we made a big miscommunication and she had no authority to promise any payment. >> now this shop has now been selling out of pies every day. we tried to contact tesla to get a comment, but so far have not received a response. the time is now. 534 businesses stepping up to make sure the a's fan fest really takes place tomorrow. fan groups like the last dive bar and the oakland 68 will host an unofficial athletics fans fest. drake's brewing was among the original sponsors for the event, but this year, drake's, which is a partner with the a's, said it would no longer be sponsoring fan fest. at least six other
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breweries said they'll be stepping in to help sponsor tomorrow's fan fest, including almanac, line 51 and original pattern. now the a's tell ktvu it has not contacted any vendors about their participation in tomorrow's event. the a's have have not hosted an official fan fest since 2020. all right. >> we're continuing our series of interviews with the three frontrunners in the race to fill retiring congresswoman anna eshoo's seat in silicon valley, and we talked with evan lowe, who says he's ready to bring a fresh perspective to washington. >> it's important that this generation of new leadership is required, especially when we're seeing the type of dysfunction that we see in congress. how do we help address many of these different issues, which, of course, disproportionately impact younger generations? we know that the issues of affordable housing that younger generations cannot afford to live in these communities or obtain the california and american dream that previous
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generations were able to obtain. so that's why it's important that the lives experiences are represented in congress. now evan, though, also shared with us how he plans to address the issue of affordable housing in his district. >> well, number one, it's that of the funding issue to help make sure that we get the type of funding and the housing vouchers specifically to individuals getting in their communities, while also helping partner with the state on ensure that we get the type of development, the carrot and the stick. >> previously, when we think about developments, it's that with the local jurisdictions, the state and the federal, how do we make sure that all three work in tandem and addressing these issues? >> now, lowe says he's also focused on protecting reproductive rights, and he previously coauthored a law that created mandatory prison sentences for certain sexual assaults. >> well, evan lowe is one of 11 people running to represent the 16th district, which stretches from pacifica to san jose. the top two candidates in the march
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5th primary will move on to the general election on november fifth. >> this week, we're talking with all three front runners in the crowded race on wednesday, joe simitian joined us live on the four. today it will be sam liccardo and we're posting the full interviews with all of those front runners to watch later on governor newsom met with the white house officials as part of his attendance at the national governors association meeting in washington, dc. at the discussions, governor newsom said he insisted that fema honor its commitment to fully reimburse california's local governments for expenses to shelter homeless people during the pandemic. fema says its reimbursements were meant for two weeks of stays, not months or years. newsom says he also expressed interest in working with the biden administration on a number of other key priorities, including better support for people with complex behavioral health needs. >> our time is now. 538 well, a massive avalanche at mount shasta over the president's day weekend formed this 60 foot tall
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wall of snow. the mount shasta avalanche center says the slide started around 12,000ft up that mountain, in what's called avalanche gulch. it ran for more than three miles at the end. this 300 foot wide avalanche had fallen almost 5000 vertical feet and left behind walls of snow. despite that immense size, the avalanche was not threatening to people or buildings. >> okay, we've had a lot of snow up in the sierra. i think it's a pretty good snow count so far. steve. >> in february, yeah, at the beginning of the month was not so good. but boy, right now it's looking good and it's even better. and there's more on the way here. so the percentage has gone way up in what just about in three weeks here. the northern sierra is at 99% of normal here in the central sierra is 82. and the southern sierra is at 80. beginning of the month it was 60% 53 and 35. that's a big jump in 22 days, if
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you will. and there's more on the way. yesterday was warm san jose, sunnyvale east, san jose, cupertino, santa cruz, vallejo, hayward and oakland 64 to 68 on the high side. and tomorrow looks good. somebody will change this graphic later, but i think it looks good and temperatures will be on the mild to warm side . i think 62 i mean temperatures will be nice here as we head into tomorrow. that will be the warmest day by far. a lot of high clouds streaming in so cloudy south. partly sunny north. fog is not a huge issue, but still out towards stockton, novato and petaluma. it is now. yesterday it was a bigger deal, but napa, fairfield, concord, livermore, other locations which were having a lot of foggy issues yesterday, not so much today. nonvoters 43. look at the oakland hills though. northeast that's right above the claremont 16. east wind at boulder creek, northeast at mount veeder. that's making for some mild conditions. half moon bay, berkeley the city. yet petaluma is 39. uh, so there's some big spreads on these temps. if you don't have that breeze, you have clear skies. you're probably in
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the upper 30s to lower 40s. orinda at 38. yet kensington, berkeley and alameda are all in the 50s. uh, 42 out in brentwood and 42 in north dublin. dublin itself, at 40 in danville, is at 38. there's your easterly component that'll allow for some warmer temps today. the system higher pressure inland, lower pressure off the coast. the high doesn't like the low, so it fills it with that breeze. but the flow around that is bringing up that moisture from the south. so high clouds, warmer today, 60s. and i think 70s on saturday we'll start to see increasing clouds. sunday, if there's any rain, i think it would be monday. it'll be light and then we'll start to get ready for a cooler pattern. it could be a big snow producer in about the next 710 days for the mountains. >> all right. thank you steve. a dozen cars were targeted. and in east bay bart station coming up in our 6:00 hour of mornings on two, the investigation underway at a parking lot that people say is usually safe and keeping your pet healthy. >> the number one health problem for pets and why it could have bigger consequences if you
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband...
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the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. even the most chill of parents know when it's time to go into protect mode. nothing kills more viruses on more surfaces than lysol disinfectant spray. ♪
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and medical analysts predict a court ruling in alabama about frozen embryos will affect reproductive health rights all over the country. >> just this week, three in
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vitro fertilization providers suspended services after the ruling. now, alabama's supreme court ruled that the embryos have the same legal protections as children. health experts say this decision could send couples looking to conceive to other states, including california. >> california is somewhat of a leader in terms of reproductive technologies, and so people were traveling to california for care before. um, but i think now there is certainly a much greater incentive. >> the largest hospital in alabama paused its in vitro fertilization program as doctors and patients assess the ramifications of last week's court ruling. now, governor newsom posted online his reaction to alabama's ruling, saying, quote, we need to pause and reflect on just how cruel this is. a woman who has desperately dreamed of becoming a mom could now be prosecuted in the state of alabama for trying to make those dreams come true. a bay area institute has opened
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the world's first law covid tissue bank. now ucsf announced it is now operating a bank with tissue specimens from people suffering from long covid. the cdc says 14% of people who have had covid have developed long covid symptoms. ucsf says this tissue bank will allow researchers to study the biological processes occurring across tissue compartments in the blood, gut, lymph nodes, spinal fluid and bone marrow. in people with long covid. >> our time is 545. well, february the month of february is pet dental health month and veterinary fans are urging pet owners make sure your pet has a proper routine that includes brushing with a special animal, toothpaste and tooth brush, or give your pet a dental treat. 80% of dogs 7% of cats are at risk of some type of dental disease. >> as plaque and tartar build up causes gingivitis, inflammation
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of the gums that then loosens the tooth roots can cause tooth loss. and also, as you would expect, a lot of pain and discomfort for our pets. the other big concern is with that state of infection and inflammation. that's when bacteria can enter the bloodstream and go around their body, causing issues with their heart, their liver or their kidneys. >> now, infection and inflammation in the mouth can lead to bacteria getting into the animal's bloodstream that can damage their heart, their liver, or their kidneys. you pet owners should also have a vet check the gums of your pet as part of an annual checkup and affordable housing plan in san francisco is back to the planning stages. >> the plan to build more than 200 homes for seniors was originally approved in san francisco. it has now been changed to into a seven story building with multiple apartments. the project would develop an abandoned lot at 2675 folsom street, across from parque ninos unidos. the chronicle says the developer has
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now filed those new plans. more affordable housing is coming to mountain view, a five story development for low income residents broke ground yesterday at the corner of shoreline boulevard and montecito avenue. the project will replace a vacant office building with 84 affordable units for families with children. half of the apartments have been set aside as rapid releasing units for those with unstable housing, supported by measure a funding. >> our time is 547. some good news, niles canyon road in the east bay has partially reopened after the storms earlier this week caused part of the road to collapse. now, the portion of highway 84 between old canyon road and main street in sunol is open again, but only one lane is open. the crews out there repaired the road, along with installing rockfall netting. they also cleared vegetation and installed one way traffic control signals. as caltrans is trying to develop a permanent fix out there, but there's no timeline on when that will be
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completed. >> we should soon see the first images of the moon from a new historic space mission. >> congratulations iam team! we'll see how much more we can get from that. >> odysseus is a private lunar lander that touched down on the moon. it is the first successful american moon landing in more than 50 years. intuitive machines is the private aerospace company that built the lander with funding from nasa. engineers are now downlinking the first data, including images . >> it'll be a really important next step in in establishing more of a longer time presence on the moon and testing new technologies for landing on the moon, the lunar lander is carrying six nasa experiments. >> researchers hope odysseus can find ice crystals that can be turned into water, oxygen and even fuel. >> that's exciting. it is all right. time is 549. i'm going to see if everybody out there on
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the roads are behaving for sal. how's it look? so it looks pretty good right now. >> dave and pam and some of these commutes may be getting a little busier later. so let's go to highway four. i want to check it out. looks like it's now or never here because it's going to get busy even on friday. light highway four does get busier. that's the one freeway that always seems to have a backup. so get on the road soon if you can. also, looking at some of these other commutes in contra costa county southbound 680 that looks good. 80 also in a good spot here. and so is marin county. so we do have some great commutes here. even the peninsula that traffic is moving well. and also the east bay as you head to union city and fremont. 549 let's bring steve back in with today's weather. >> uh, the wonder of you, sal. thank you sir. well thank you steve. any time. all right. we have a big difference on the temps here. 30s, 40s and 50s. the key here is that there's an east northeast breeze coming in
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off the oakland berkeley hills. so berkeley's 53, alameda is in there as well. i think it's i even seen some 50s around oakland. look at half moon bay. that's an east breeze. so that's allowing for some mild to warm temps. pacifica pillar point, half moon bay yet woodside's at 40 atherton, menlo park 41. it's close for stanford los altos 43. foster city and also san carlos and there it is. see how that works? east southeast breeze, especially up in the hills. that'll translate into some pretty warm temps here from this low, which is also funneling in some moisture. so we'll have a lot of high clouds coming in today. but warmer temps are on the way today. and probably i think we peak it out tomorrow with some low 70s. so high clouds warmer, a little bit of patchy fog north but not much more sun and warmer near 70 on some of those temps. but change starts sunday with increasing clouds. i think we get some light rain on monday. all eyes and focus will be on next week as some cold systems come down from north. could paint some pretty low snow levels again. it's a week away, but that's what the forecast models are advertising and it makes sense. the p and a the pacific north
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american oscillation or telecom action if you will, has done as deep as negative. dive in about 5 or 6 months. that's usually a sign that we'll see a colder pattern. and that's why it's leaning. but not today or tomorrow. mostly clear. cool patchy fog, mainly north. a lot of high clouds. but even with the clouds, it will be warmer 60s to upper 60s on the temps. and i think we get some 70s tomorrow. still okay sunday, but clouding it up and then much cooler with some light rain monday into tuesday. >> all right steve, thank you. time now. 551 ktvu special program voices for change comes back this weekend. so join us as we continue to celebrate black history month with several impactful interviews. we're going to speak to the co-writer of the new peanuts special, welcome home, franklin, telling the original story of the comic strips first black character. also, there's a conversation with the son of the first black photojournalist analyst at the oakland tribune. look at these pictures as he talks about the new gallery he's curated featuring his father's unseen
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work that honor black women. >> the true essence of a black woman at their best. black identity, black pride, uh, education, um, love and joy. um, empower moment. it meant strength. it meant, um, you know, you you have hope and you have a chance to catch a new episode of voices for change. >> this sunday morning at 930 here on ktvu, on ktvu plus, and at 630 in the evening right here on ktvu. fox two time is 552 record request, sir. mounting for the oakland police. some people say they've been waiting for months to get a response. up next at 6:00 with the agency says is causing the backlog and budget cuts for a bay area transit agency. >> we'll tell you why. the organization that has seen success since the pandemic will now have less money to work with
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. another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters.
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[ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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suspected thief after a wild chase from the benicia bridge to the oakland hills. the chp helicopter video was actually recording that pursuit. 35 year old george gunton is accused of attacking and threatening a
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vallejo parks and rec worker, and refused to stop when the police ordered him to. authorities say he led them across the benicia bridge down interstate 680 and highways 24 and 31 before he surrendered southbound in the northbound lanes. >> no units are behind him. speeds of 21. >> occupant and occupant stepping out hands up! >> coming out. walking back towards officers. >> now that pursuit involved law enforcement agencies including vallejo police as well as chp officers from solano contra costa and alameda counties. we've been told that guttenbeil is wanted on a warrant of grand theft in san mateo county. well san mateo county residents have until the end of today to apply for the county's independent civilian advisory commission to oversee the sheriff's department. the seven member commission will include a sheriff's appointee and each supervisor will select a person
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from their district to serve. that commission will advise the board of supervisors on community police relations, accountability, transparency, and public engagement. now, the application period closes today at 5 p.m. you can find the online application at ktvu .com/ web links. well, california is one step closer to building the controversial delta tunnel project. >> the tunnel would divert water from the san francisco bay delta estuary and into big cities in agriculture operations, state scientists say. taking away the water would threaten the state's declining chinook salmon population. it's now up to the state's water resources control board to deny or issue the permit for the project. time is now. >> 558. the sonoma marin area rail transit is making major budget cuts. the board voted this week to cut more than $11 million from its 2024 budget. the board says the freight side
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of operation will be challenging this fiscal year, as that agency is estimating $200,000 less in freight movement fees than was budgeted. >> that, you know, highlights the reasoning for, you know, doing everything we can to try to leverage our storage, track and try to, uh, you know, make a profit there. um, but our challenges are real. we're working hard to fill that gap. but um, as this board knows, it's not easy. >> now, these cuts come a year after the agency recorded its highest ridership numbers in history. >> a new survey shows bart riders are happy with the improvements that have been made. the transit agency says the overall customer satisfaction rate reached 81% in the most recent passenger experience survey. now that's up 7% from the previous quarter and the highest since 2012. bart says it also received positive feedback on police presence. about 20% of participants said that they saw bart police on the trains or at the station. the
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gains come as overall ridership has increased by almost 10% in the last year. >> a three year old child being murdered is not something that i can really comprehend. >> very disturbing details about the shooting death of a toddler in santa clara with the court documents show about the man who opened fire and how he is connected to the little boy's mother, and a long recovery expected for a baby tiger rescued by the oakland zoo. that cub is healing from several bone fractures and more. we'll let you hear from the vets taking care of the cub from ktvu. >> fox two news this is mornings on two. well, good morning to you. >> welcome back. and welcome to mornings on two. i'm dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook. it's friday february 23rd. we have the chinese new year parade tomorrow. so it sounds like we're going to have some pretty nice weather for it.
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>> it looks good to me. somebody else may say something differently, but i think it looks good. and in fact mild to warm here. we do have a little bit of fog. petaluma, nevada. other than that, unless you're out to the valley, big difference on temps i've seen anywhere from 38 to 54 degrees and offshore breeze is making for some mild conditions, especially around oakland. berkeley over towards the san mateo coast. but some 30s upper 30s danville's in the upper 30s. san anselmo is 38, so there's some big spreads on some of the temps here, a lot of high clouds will stream in, but overall, if i can dream of drier weather and warmer weather, today is your day and probably tomorrow as well. patchy fog, but high clouds but still looks like a okay day. a lot of cloud cover south, partly sunny north but temps bumping up mid 60s to a few upper 60s. all right sal is here to tell us if it's friday light or something new. it is very light steve. >> almost boring for me, but that's all right. if you are driving on 680 or 880, it looks very good. so it's good that i'm sitting here doing not much. there are a couple of small
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crashes here and there that are pulled to the shoulder. no big traffic on the sonoma grade. looks like they've opened up niles canyon road. that's pretty good. and things are looking much better than they did for the first four days of the workweek. at 601. let's go back to the headlines. all right. >> thank you. sal. the oakland zoo is coming to the rescue of a severely injured tiger cub. >> yeah, and ktvu james torres is in the studio now to tell us what the oakland zoo will be doing to treat this tiger cub. yeah >> it's not the first time that the oakland zoo has been involved in trying to rescue cubs. right now, this tiger cub is still under the care of a team of veterinarians. they say they expect the tiger to make a full recovery, but that will take a long time. zoo officials were working on behalf of the state department of fish and wildlife on tuesday. they can't say much about where they found the tiger because an investigation is still underway. but they say that the tiger cub was rescued from a private facility in the western united states after a bunch of tests
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vets said the tiger had at least ten improperly healed fractures and its bones are severely lacking in calcium, all of which they say are likely the result of poor treatment and a bad diet . it can stand it does walk, but officials say it's struggling to run and climb, so for this little tiger gal, um, if things go well, um, probably in about a month, we'll be able to see if her skeleton is calcifying correctly. >> we have a lot of lab work pending federal laws against privately owning a big cat. >> passed about a year and a half ago. that was a result of what was exposed. and the netflix series tiger king, which showed how some private owners across the country treated tigers. this isn't the first time, as we mentioned, that the zoo got involved with rescuing tigers that are actually two at the zoo right now, which were rescued about two years ago from an abandoned sanctuary. three linked to the tiger king series. the tiger zoo officials are now caring for this new tiger, and
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they say it will move to another, larger facility once it's in better health. pam. >> all right. thank you. james. the oakland police department is looking for ways to speed up its response to requests for records. now, people who become victims of car break ins and other crimes often need a police report to file an insurance claim. journalists request police records to get background for their stories, and lawyers often need them for lawsuits and other court cases. but the problem of a delay in responding to these requests came to light during a recent meeting of the oakland public ethics commission, a visit to next request will reveal that opd is quite far behind. >> it seems. um, i think last i looked, uh, up to, i think about four months behind in response to public records requests. >> now, the oakland police department says it's doing everything possible to promptly respond to requests for records. but it adds the department receives more than 800 new
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requests every month and doesn't have the staff to keep up. >> our time is now 600 for more closure for the family of oscar grant, 15 years after he was killed by a bart police officer in fruitvale, alameda county district attorney pamela price returned, turned oscar grant cell phones to his mother. they were held in evidence, while the bart police officer who shot oscar grant was put on trial. >> i'm anxious to go home and, uh, turn it on and, uh, charge the battery, uh, and hopefully see, you know, some of my son's pictures and what else he had in his phone. >> now, rhonda johnson says the last photo that oscar oscar grant took with his phone was of officer johannes mehserle, moments before her son was killed. and the medal said he used his taser instead of his gun. now he was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and served half of a two year prison sentence before being released.
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>> prosecutors in santa clara have revealed the suspected motive in this week's fatal shooting of a three year old boy that revelation came as the man accused in the shooting made his first court appearance. the district attorney's office charged 24 year old sergio gomez with murder and assault in the violent death of the young son of his girlfriend. >> at this time, we believe that mr. gomez killed the child during an argument in which he believed that ivan's mother had been cheating on him, investigators say the tragic killing took place tuesday morning at the couple's apartment just west of the lawrence expressway. >> even veteran prosecutors in santa clara county are shocked by what happened in the case. a three year old child being murdered is not something that i can really comprehend and i'm enormously upset by it as i know
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everyone is. prosecutors say the suspect's girlfriend is five months pregnant with his child. >> our time is now 606 today, the biden administration is announcing more than 500 new sanctions on russia after the death of opposition leader alexei navalny. now, before he left san francisco yesterday, president biden met with navalny's daughter and his widow. navalny's daughter dasha goes to stanford university this morning. >> i had the honor of meeting with election navalny's wife and daughter as the state. the obvious. he was a man of incredible courage and it's amazing how his wife and daughter are are emulating that. >> doordash is a very brave young woman and we're proud to have a connection with her father at stanford and, um, it's a this is very sad for people who believe in a different future in, in russia. um as as
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alexei navalny did. and his wife and daughter do. >> alexei navalny died a week ago in a russian prison. president biden says the new sanctions will target people connected to navalny, his imprisonment, as well as russia's financial and military sectors. >> well, the golden state warriors will try to keep their hot streak alive when they host the charlotte hornets tonight. >> now, last night the warriors defeated the lakers 128 to 110 at chase center in san francisco . and yes, steph curry had another great game scoring 32 points. it was a ninth win for the lake warriors in the past 11 games. it's always a team game and a team mentality of how do you win and what do you have to do to win and created a lot of guys for making those unnecessary adjustments. >> we obviously got a long way to go, but, uh, it's good to win . >> oh, yeah. oh, by the way, lebron james of the lakers, he didn't play. he sat out because
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of an ankle injury. >> all right. don't count them out. that's what i say. all right a lot of talent in the warriors. and i believe it was uh trace. uh jack jackson davis davis jackson jacks and davis. jackson davis. thank you. i was like, wait, jackson davis? yeah, i think it was his birthday yesterday. and he scored, you know, some good points yesterday, too. >> i'll tell you. uh, dave and i were talking about this dave. we were. we're just amazed by what a 35 year old guy can do. of course, it's not just any 35 year old guy. >> he's just amazing. >> so it's sad that we consider that old. but yes, in basketball years, it's kind of like dog years. >> pam, in basketball years, uh, anyway, let's go out and take a look at the commute. you can tell that there's not a lot going on here. uh, just because. well, it's friday, and sometimes we have a friday light, i would say. so far, so good when it comes to the friday light action , you can see the traffic is going to be a little bit slow here and there on highway four, but that's about all. take a
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live look now at interstate 880. if i can pull it up here and you can see traffic is moving well in both directions here, there's very little delay at the bay bridge toll plaza. in fact, there's no delay. you can just kind of go on in without any delay here. getting into san francisco 609. let's go back to the desk. >> all right. thank you. sal. a unique approach to tackling retail theft in san francisco. we'll tell you what one store is doing to try to fight crime. >> and more than a dozen cars targeted at an east bay bart station. the investigate is going on at a parking lot that users say has been spared from break ins until recently
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you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives."
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with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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fears for her safety after her business was hit by armed robbers this week. police say it was just before midnight, right around closing time, when five people wearing ski masks rushed the food truck on san leandro street in oakland. the thieves stole a full day's earnings. police arrived soon after, but not in time to catch the suspects. the owner says her workers are now scared. >> right now, it's hard for them to work right now because i know that maybe they're thinking, you know what? later at night, they're going to come again. >> now the owner says she does not want to change locations because the truck has a loyal following in the area. they do plan to shift to a mostly cashless transaction policy.
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>> all right. our time is 613. the police are out there searching for whoever responsible for breaking into almost two dozen cars in the parking lot of the north berkeley bart station. now, it happened wednesday outside of the bart station on sacramento street, a few blocks north of downtown berkeley. police say the thieves smashed out the windows of many of the 23 cars before stealing items inside. so far, no arrests have been made. well the owners of a san francisco hardware store have come up with a unique plan to fight crime. >> it could become a model for other small businesses across the city. even the country. ktvu is andre senior talking about this experiment in retail sales has quite a reaction from the store's customers. it's very interesting, very interesting. >> pam, for sure. the frederickson hardware and paint store in in fillmore or on fillmore street. it's been doing business now in cow hollow for more than 100 years. the owners now provide personal escorts for
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each and every customer that enters their store. an employee joins those customers at the front door and stays with them for this one on one retail service. the entire time they're shopping. it's an effort to stop a shoplifting problem. the owner, say, is now completely out of control. >> we weren't really given a choice. i mean, it just we have to keep our employees safe and the customers safe, but when they're coming in to do snatch and grabs, that was the final. the final straw. >> well, the owners say the security measures they have used over the many years they have been in business, simply do not stop today's increasing bold shoplifters and many of the store's longtime customers agree it is now time for drastic action. >> these people come in, they have nerve. they think they can just walk away with them and they go sell it on the street or the internet or whatever they do. it's sad. >> it's very terrible to see the city and the state and the business owners having to get
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together to defend their store. >> many frustrated customers and merchants agree there are two main factors in america's growing shoplifting crisis. they say we now live in a culture of rampant retail theft. at the same time, those same shoplifters don't feel there will be any punishment or any consequences for their criminal actions. we'll see how this change will affect that store. dave. >> all right. andre. thank you. time is 615. a growing number of bay area school districts now going green when it comes to offering transportation for their students. seven major school districts from berkeley to milpitas have at least one electric school bus. and that number is expected to grow dramatically in the coming years . new legislation requires that all new school busses purchased after 2035, in urban areas be zero emission vehicles. now, the price of electric school busses could be as much as five times the cost of a traditional diesel
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powered bus. >> all right, let's check in with sal for the friday morning commute. how's it look out there, sal? that looks great. >> you know, it's. i'm just looking around to make sure i didn't miss anything because i have a suspicious mind sometimes if it looks too good to be true, sometimes it is. uh, but, uh, right now it looks good. i've been looking around, so i think that perhaps on on fridays we do have a very good traffic. uh, so you can see traffic on the south bay commute looks good. also on the golden gate bridge. and the fog issues we had the other day here on the golden gate are not there. pretty good visibility as you drive south. and, uh, traffic is moving along very well all the way into san francisco at 616. let's bring steve back in with today's weather. >> uh, sal, you're trouble. trouble if you know what i mean. trouble. all right, let's get to it. by the way, that's his best king creole. when he sings trouble up on the bar. can't get better than that on an elvis movie. all right, sierra snowpack. it was not so good at
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the beginning of the month, but sure looks pretty good now. and guess what? there are signs that the end of february and march will be coming in like a cold big old line. we are now at 99% for the northern sierra, 82 for the central and 80 for the southern sierra. at the beginning of the month, they were about a third or half of that, if not more so. we've made up a lot of ground. yesterday was warm. if you were anywhere around san jose, sunnyvale east, san jose, cupertino, santa cruz, vallejo, hayward, oakland, all between 64 and 68 degrees, i think tomorrow will be warm, uh, mild to warm here. i'm sure someone will change this, but my $0.02, is that it looks good. and i think between 62 and 64, as temps will bump up on saturday and there's 5:00, it'll still be on the mild side, no doubt about it. a lot of high clouds streaming in. i think it will be cloudy south, mostly partly cloudy north here, but we have a easterly breeze and it's a pretty good breeze up in the oakland berkeley hills. thus berkeley is a warm 54 degrees, yet petaluma is 39. walnut creek
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is 39. half moon bay is 54. so there's some big spreads on the temps. boulder creek 37 degrees, a lot of 40s, not so much pronounced down towards santa cruz. santa clara valley. it's more along the marin coast and also san mateo coast and around the bay. but santa cruz is 46 degrees and i think they'll get to 68. if not today, tomorrow. that system is drawing in a lot of moisture and it'll be with us. but it's also going to give us warm temps. we'll peak it out tomorrow with some low 70s and a big drop with clouds and cooler temps. sunday, monday. >> you hear ukrainian national anthem and that will make them smile. >> this weekend marks two years since russia invaded ukraine. in the gesture, a bay area student has inspired in hopes of replacing the sound of war and oakland unified approved a calendar for the next school year. why many parents say the holidays and breaks in the plan will make child care very difficult
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton
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in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads.
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we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. weekend. now ukraine's military leaders say two long years of fighting the russians. is taking a devastating toll on their soldiers on the front lines. many of those soldiers are joining ukraine's president in urging the united states and other nations to provide more military aid.
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>> i'm ready to fight as long as necessary, but we still need additional mobilization in now. >> the ukrainian government hopes to soon mobilize half a million more troops to dramatically step up its battle against russia, and it is considering lowering the nation's enlistment age from 27 to 25 to meet that goal. all events will be held around the world this weekend to mark the start of the invasion. they include a show of support for the people of ukraine at two bay area universities. that's why i need to stop. the bell towers that ring every day on the campuses of uc berkeley and stanford university will strike a much different tone later today. those towers will be playing the ukrainian national anthem on campus, and a musical message of solidarity. one cal student from ukraine came up with the idea as he praised for peace in his homeland. >> so i'm thinking about this
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tower, some sort of candle, sometimes a small candle is enough. when you enter the complete darkness to light it up . >> several other colleges and universities across the country have also agreed to his request to play the ukrainian national anthem. today parents want the oakland school district to change how it sets the school year. now, parents say other school districts release their calendars as far as three years in advance, giving families time to plan summer vacations and child care. but oakland often releases its schedules less than six months before classes begin. parents are also worried about their children studying in classrooms when the next school year opens on august 8th. historically one of the hottest times of the year, california teachers association is supporting proposed legislation that would eliminate state performance assessments for teachers. now, according to edsource. supporters of eliminating the california teaching performance assessment says it will increase the number
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of teachers in the state. critics of the proposed legislation says it's important that teachers show they know how to teach before they take over a classroom. a new survey shows bart riders are happy with the improved routes that have been made. the transit agency says the overall customer satisfaction rate reached 81% in the most recent passenger experience survey. that's up 7% from the previous quarter and the highest since 2012. bart also says it has received positive feedback on police presence. about 20% of participants said that they have seen bart police on trains or at the stations. well, it's called the chase center, but it could also be known as the house that curry built. the warriors home arena released video of the first time the dubs star point guard and his wife, ayesha curry , toured the venue exactly five years ago. the warriors would leave their longtime home at oracle arena in oakland and move into san francisco's chase center. they moved in the fall of 2019 when the oakland based
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women's premier basketball association announced it will be partnering with google pixel and the pba, which seeks to transform women's professional basketball at the developmental level, is calling this a perfect partnership, said the celebrating google pixels. concerted efforts to uplift women sports leaders with google pixel say the partnership aligns with their own desire to support impactful community level projects. we now know which teams will be making stops at levi's stadium next season. the 49ers have home games against some of the top teams from last season. that includes a super bowl rematch against the chiefs, along with games against the dallas cowboys and detroit lions. they'll hit the road for games against the packers, vikings, bills and dolphins. the team will also play every divisional opponent twice. the dates for those games will be released in may. state lawmakers introduced a package to provide rapid options for black californians. we're going to
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take a look at the next steps for the bill and budget cuts heading to bay area transit agencies. why one transportation system that just saw record ridership dip will now have less money to work with
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what do i see in peter dixon?
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i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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prices for natural gas and electric city y pg and e says there big profits have nothing to do with rate increases. >> plus 2005 is crazy. but yes, i'm so excited for one small business owner in the bay area. >> the excitement over a promising deal didn't last long. the outpouring of support now for a pie shop owner in the south bay. after tesla canceled a big order from ktvu. >> fox two news this is mornings on two. all right. >> taking you live to the new york stock exchange this morning. a lot of excitement there because madison square garden entertainment ringing the opening bell as they kick off the 2024 world tour of the harlem globetrotters. that's the globe. yeah. guy on the left. shares in intuitive machines set to jump more than 30% as that bell rings live. that's the texas based company that makes the unmanned spacecraft that
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just touched down on the moon. so so very fun. they're excited. some tall. you can tell who the basketball players are right there. like this much taller. all right. thank you for joining us here on mornings on two i'm pam cook. >> something about spending that basketball. you have to you've tried that right. oh yeah. good morning i'm dave clark. welcome to friday. it is february 23rd and it's beautiful outside. it is beautiful. >> we have a nice sunrise. let's check in with steve paulson for our forecast. >> it'll be nice here. warmer a lot of high clouds but still warmer. dry today and tomorrow. this. there's some big differences, especially around oakland, berkeley and over towards the coast. i mean we're seeing mid 50s almost to some upper 30s not far away. it's because of a northeast breeze in the hills. there's your higher clouds. so mostly cloudy cloudy to the south. if i can dream though of drier weather and warmer temps today is your day. a little bit of fog, nothing compared to yesterday. temps today bumping up 60s mid 60s to a few upper 60s. well on the friday traffic i got to know. so don't be cruel. sal castro
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steve, i see what you did there and i approve. >> as a matter of fact, we have some nice pictures to show you here of the golden gate bridge, and you light my morning sky with burning love. here, look at this picture. beautiful beautiful. no fog, beautiful sky. and not a lot of traffic to talk about. i have to tell you, i'm looking around. but look at the bay bridge here. it is, 631. we have no slow traffic, so i am definitely. it's all right for me. not to be doing anything today. 631 let's go back to the desk. >> all right. thank you. sal. more than $2 billion in profits. that's how much pg and e made last year as ktvu is. ali rasmus tells us. and as we know, this comes after rate hikes went into effect for pg and e customers. more possibly on the way. ali has the latest information. >> yeah. and an earnings report released yesterday pg and e says it made about 24% more in profits in 2023 than it did the
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year before. and the company says that part of the reason why it made so much money was because of the rate hikes that went into effect that pg and e customers have been feeling the effects of. for the last year or so. pg reported $2.24 billion in profits in 2023. a series of rate hikes went into effect that year, with the most recent one ending happening in january. that added up to a 13% rate increase for most pg and e customers, with the average residential customer having to pay an extra $400 a year in costs. now, pg and e says it needed that rate. those rate hikes to pay to bury 1200 miles of power lines underground for wildfire safety. in a statement, pg and e ceo said, quote, our story of progress continued in 2023, including further reducing wildfire ignitions and burying more power lines than any prior year end. quote there may be higher costs for pg and e customers on the way this year.
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next month, the california public utilities commission, the state agency that's supposed to regulate pg and e, will vote on whether to allow the company to add an additional 4 to $6 on their customers monthly bills. pg and e says that money would pay it back for the 519 million it spent in 2022. upgrades wildfire and adding wildfire safety components. so more increases expected for pg and customers coming up this year, cpc will vote on whether to approve that at its meeting on march 7th. live in walnut creek. ali rasmus ktvu, fox two news okay, ali, thank you. >> time now. 633 california's legislative black caucus introduced a package of reparations legislation that included more than a dozen proposals and says the community continues to be affected by the legacy of slavery. >> we have to understand that in order to do some of the most innovative and some of the most
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targeted reparations legislation, we must first clear the path of any legal barriers that exist within our constitution. >> now, the package does not include direct cash payments, but instead it focuses on improving everyday life for black california. the bills now have to clear the committees in either the senate or the state assembly by april 26, governor newsom met with white house officials as part of his attendance at the national governors association meeting in washington, dc. >> now, at the discussions, newsom says he insisted that fema honor its commitment to fully reimburse california's local governments for expenses to shelter homeless people during the pandemic. fema says its reimbursements were meant for two weeks of stays, not months or years. governor newsom says he also expressed interest in working with the biden administration on a number of other key priorities, including
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better support for people with complex behavioral health needs. >> there's a new study out that says there's a political divide about what children should be learning in public schools. the study was conducted by researchers at the university of southern california and found that more than 80% of democrats support high school students learning about lgbt q plus topics, while less than 40% of republicans approve of that. those numbers go down significantly among both political parties. when it comes to teaching those topics. in elementary school, we are continuing our series of interviews with the three frontrunners in the race to fill retiring congresswoman anna eshoo seat in silicon valley, and we talked with evan lo, who says he's ready to bring a fresh perspective to washington. >> it's important that this generation of new leadership is required, especially when we're seeing the type of dysfunction that we see in congress. how do we help address many of these different issues, which, of course, disproportionately impact younger generations? we
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know that the issues of affordable housing that younger generations cannot afford to live in these communities or obtain the california and american dream that previous generations were able to obtain. so that's why it's important that the lived experiences are represented in congress now. >> evan lo also said how he plans to address the issue of affordable housing in the district. >> well, number one, it's that of the funding issue to help make sure that we get the type of funding and the housing vouchers specifically for individuals getting in their communities, while also helping partner with the state on ensuring that we get the type of development, the carrot and the stick. previously, when we think about developments, it's that with the local jurisdictions, the state and the federal, how do we make sure that all three work in tandem and addressing these issues? >> evan lo also says he's focused on protecting reproductive rights, and he previously coauthored a law that created mandatory prison sentence for certain sexual
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assaults. lo is one of the 11 people running to represent the 16th congressional district, which extends from pacifica to san jose. the top two candidates in the march 5th primary will move on to the general election on november fifth. >> now, again this week, we are talking with all three front runners in the crowded race on wednesday, joe simitian joined us live on the four and today it will be sam liccardo. we're posting the full interviews so you can watch all of them on ktvu dot com. the olympic valley is welcoming the top male skiers from around the world this weekend. they will compete in the stiefel palisades tahoe cup. more than 100 athletes representing. 28 countries will be at the global event. of the more than 40 stops on the world cup ski tour this season, this is one of only four in the u.s. we raced in a different country every race so far, and it's going to be really cool to have a bunch of races in the us here. >> this next block. it's amazing to have the american fans and
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inspire the next generation of american skiers. >> our crews have been out there, you know, ever since mid-january, preparing the course. so that takes a lot of grooming, a lot of different water in the course, as well as side slipping the renowned ski racing venue known for hosting the 1960 winter olympics, is no stranger to the preparations it takes to put on an event like this. >> they host all kinds of events there and ski racing teams train there, so yes, they are ready. very exciting. >> you know, sal is a snowboarder too. >> at least you were, weren't you? skier. >> no no no no no skier is just that era. they've all right. i still have my solomon x wings. pam. oh, no. >> yeah. >> those are my skinny skis. those are my rock skis now. yeah so the technology is much better than that. but i knew you would know what i was talking about. all right. good morning, everyone. right now it looks good here at the bay bridge toll plaza. i can't help but falling in love with this commute. look at it. looks great. it looks great almost everywhere. i've
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been a little suspicious because i have a suspicious mind, but i don't see a lot going on. there's a little slowing on highway four. you know how it is when things are too good. you think? hmm, i don't know, something got to happen. but for now, we're going to leave it alone. things are actually doing well. 639 let's bring steve back in here now. steve, don't be cruel. give me a good forecast. >> our 6 a.m. producer, stephanie, is a really good border. really good border shredder. she shreds. all right, uh, don't be cruel. i will not, patrick says something that i noticed yesterday. he's in beautiful redwood shores there. another season of early bud break. cherry blossoms are also popping. i did the walk around the old castle yesterday. uh the plum trees are starting to bloom. or. well, the bud break, if you will. no doubt about it. the apple trees and definitely the cherry tree. the apricots have not yet. that's what i noticed yesterday. but yes,
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early bud break here. but the problem is we're getting warmer. i think next week though is going to be put the brakes on. it will be much cooler. i don't get a redwood shores, but i get a redwood city. it's 44 degrees, foster city 40. look at the pacifica, pillar point and half moon bay offshore breeze 50 there yet? woodside, atherton, menlo park are in the 40s. warm arm yesterday. if you thought so. it was san jose 68. san jose airport reported 73. i can't find anybody around there who was hotter than warmer than 68. so i think it's an outlier. i wrote the weather service and said, you guys, by this chris henry and morgan hill had 67. he says, no, i don't. so we'll just go with it anyway. oakland, all these locations, 64 to 68 today will be probably warmer forecast tomorrow. steve's forecast mine is it'll be it looks good. i think we'll be all right in mid i think low to mid 60s. so you don't have to worry about anything maybe even warm. there's the higher cloud deck coming in. it will be with us today but we'll still with that offshore breeze be on the mild side. but even with the cloud
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cover, temps should bump into the mid and upper 60s. that system will then spread in more clouds on sunday and that'll give us some rain. i think light rain on monday, but today high clouds and warmer 60s and 70s today and especially tomorrow. you guys all right. >> thank you thomas 641 a new housing development in sonoma county. a step closer to becoming reality. the proposed blueprints that were revealed for the first time all right, before we do that, let's head into our newsroom. >> check in with garcia for the other stories we're following for you. good morning. happy friday. >> and to you, when i get to join you in studio here. as we all know, it's been a rough few years for people in santa cruz county when it comes to natural disasters, fires, flooding, storm is coming up at seven. why the county is struggling to help all those in need. then oakland was named one of the top cities in the country for coffee lovers recently. now the original name and coffee in oakland is marking an incredible milestone. we go inside peerless coffee to learn how business has actually boomed
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since the pandemic. we'll be right ba
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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a wild police chase from the benicia bridge to the oakland hills. a chp helicopter recorded the pursuit. the suspect, identified as 35 year old george guttenbeil, is accused of attacking and threatening a worker for the vallejo parks and rec department, and he refused police orders to stop. authorities say he led the pursuing police across the benicia bridge and down interstate 680 and highways 24 and 13, before he finally surrendered. southbound in the northbound lanes, no units are behind him. >> speeds of 21. >> occupant and occupant stepping out. hands up! >> coming out. walking back towards officers. >> now the pursuit included vallejo police and chp officers from solano contra costa and alameda counties. we've been told that guttenbeil is wanted on a grand theft warrant in san mateo county. time now. 646 the
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man accused of stealing a small plane from the palo alto airport and then landing it on a beach in half moon bay, is being evaluated now for his ability to stand in court, according to the da's office. the san mateo county resident asked to represent himself in court, but that was rejected. however, the judge granted a motion to have his mental health device read earlier this week. the court suspended criminal proceedings and moved the case to monday. >> we're now learning new details about a proposed mixed use development in sonoma county . now, according to documents filed with the county, the redevelopment plan for the campus of the sonoma developmental center in glen ellen includes 930 housing units, including single family homes, townhomes and apartments. the plan also includes open spaces, a ball field, playground and some dog parks. san rafael can receive emergency dispatch service from the marin fire department later this year. the city council members unanimous
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voted to join the county's fire agencies. officials say financial contributions among the eight agencies are based on population. marin county and san rafael will combine to pay nearly half of the cost. san rafael will also contribute about $123,000 per year over the next 15 years, to help pay for an improved dispatch center. well, this week, meta started to test an in-app camera shortcut cut and drafts on the threads app. the draft function allows users to save one draft to post later. mark zuckerberg also posted a photo using the new camera shortcut. the shortcut would make it easier to quickly post a photo to the app, but it's still unclear if it comes with basic editing functions, as the sonoma-marin area rail transit smart making significant budget cuts. the board voted this week to slash more than $11 million from its 2024 budget. the board says the freight side of operations is going to be challenging this year, as the
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agency is estimating $200,000 less in freight movement fees than was budgeted. >> that, you know, highlights the reasoning for, you know, doing everything we can to try to leverage our storage track and try to, uh, you know, make a profit there. um, but our challenges are real. we're working hard to fill that gap. but, um, as this board knows, it's not easy. >> these cuts come a year after the agency recorded its highest ridership numbers in history. >> well, the community is helping a san jose pie shop after a massive catering deal fell through with tesla. >> yeah, tesla, the electric car company, ordered 2000 pies at a cost of $6,000 from the giving pie store. but tesla canceled the pie order, leaving that pie store with leftover ingredients and other supplies. the owner of the pie shop posted on social media what happened and now her neighbors and other businesses
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rouz even the san jose sharks are buying her pies here. >> the brand of the city of san jose and the san jose area. we take that very seriously. and when somebody is in need, we want to be able to jump in and be able to support that. now when that story went viral, the pie shop says tesla came back and offered to follow through on the pie order and also give the pie shop owner a tour of the tesla factory. >> but she says she still hasn't been paid. >> and they said, well, sorry, it's a made a big miscommunication and she had no authority to promise any payments. >> now that pie shop has now been selling out of pies every single day. we tried to contact tesla to get a comment on this, but so far we haven't received a response. they just got a lot of really good publicity though. >> i think they're selling out of pies now. so that's that's good. that's happy. happy really good. >> didn't they? yes they do good. i'm that. and also the um,
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we've been doing another story about the taco truck on san mateo avenue. yes that food look good. are you trying to do to me? good morning everyone. let's go out and take a look at the commute. looks very good here. it's a very nice looking commute. uh, no major issues here. so i would say that if you're on the road, please, uh, get out there. don't drive too fast just because, you know, chp never takes a day off. but a lot of other people apparently are. or they're working from home and you can see traffic is moving along very well if you are driving. and let me push this button here. if you're driving in the south bay, that traffic is looking very good. and also we do see that traffic is moving along pretty well on the san mateo and on the dumbarton bridge. so traffic is moving along very well. i'm not doing much and that's all right. let's bring steve back. at 6:51 a.m. good stuff sal. >> thank you. good stuff. all right. uh, a lot of cloud cover
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coming in from the south. it's don't worry about it. it's just it's, you know, innocuous there, but it will give us a cloudy to mostly cloudy day, but temps are bumping up. there's an offshore breeze at not only at the surface but in the hills, oakland, berkeley hills. if you're up there. i mean, i've seen it up to about 2020 five miles per hour and over to the coast where there's some warm temps, half moon bay, berkeley and half moon bay are both 54. yeah you can find 39 in walnut creek and 38 in petaluma. so if you don't have that offshore breeze is on the cold side. if you if you do, it's on the mild side. i even saw 53 or 54 at bolinas to bodega bay's 52 pillar point 54. you see a lot of high clouds, so cloudy south, i think mostly cloudy, partly sunny north. that's the system that's drawing up that moisture. it will all backtrack until probably sunday, then start to spin a more cloud cover in. but today and tomorrow, even with the higher clouds, it will be warmer. the warmest day by far will be tomorrow. i think we'll get more sun and highs near 70 and then we'll see. cloud cover rolling in sunday. i think some light rain makes it monday, but
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about san francisco, oakland south looks to be the line for me. but even with the clouds today, it will be warmer 60s on the temps. i think we get more sun than clouds tomorrow, so enjoy, get out and enjoy because a big change is on the way. much cooler going into next week. day >> all right steve, thank you. time now 652. scientists telling us about a new development that they hope could help fight depression. the reason they think a device implanted into the brain could make a difference. and more demands for a ceasefire in gaza, the city that could consider a resolution because of the loud public outcry.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics."
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let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. this bay area city to debate a resolution calling for a cease fire in gaza. >> there are many students and families right here in morgan hill who have been severely impacted directly by the horrific atrocities in israel and palestine. >> it's time for morgan hill to join other cities and put this item on the agenda and vote to have a cease fire. >> now, a group of speakers asked the morgan hill city
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council to draft and approve a resolution demanding an end to the war between israel and hamas. now now there are proposals for a ceasefire and a totally separate motion to prevent the city council from taking action on foreign matters , as it is. 656 ktvu special program. voices for change comes back this weekend. join us as we continue to celebrate black history month with several impactful interviews. we're going to speak with the founder of the black cowboy coalition. it's an organization focused on sharing the joy of horses and ranch ing with underserved communities. also, a conversation with the driving force behind the new peanut special. welcome home, franklin telling the original story of the peanuts first black character named franklin. franklin was coming into this established group from the outside when it badly to fit in
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here. >> i was coming into this established thing called peanuts worldwide, wanting really desperately to fit in. and here i was as, uh, a black person representing something for black people. and on some level, franklin feels that now you can catch a new episode of voices for change this sunday morning at 930 on ktv. >> plus, and then again at 630 in the evening right here on ktvu fox two. it is 657. well, we now have one of the first images of the moon from the new historic space mission. a camera aboard the lunar lander odysseus took this photo of one of the moons craters as it touched down on the moon's surface. >> congratulations iam team. we'll see how much more we can get from that. >> now, this is the first successful american moon landing in more than 50 years. intuitive machines is the private texas
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aerospace company that built that lander with funding from nasa engineers are now downlinking downlinking data from its systems. >> it'll be a really important next step in establishing more of a longer time presence on the moon and testing new technologies for landing on the moon. >> now, this lunar lander is carrying six nasa experiments. researchers hope odysseus can find ice crystals that could be turned into water, oxygen, even fuel, and her bones are decalcified from eating an inner appropriate diet. >> and she has multiple fractures in her skeleton. >> an eight month old tiger in the care of the oakland zoo. now, after being confiscated from a private owner, what the zoo is doing to help the big cat recover. plus. bell towers at two bay area universities are marking a somber anniversary. what's happening today at noon to mark two years of war in
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ukraine, then a bay area resident who held the title of the oldest person in america has died. a look back at the 116 year old's life and how she spent her last day from ktvu fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. good morning, i'm gasia mikaelian and good morning i'm dave clark. >> welcome to friday gasia that moon is bright out there, isn't it? it is february 23rd. steve knows all about the moon and your weather. >> i do indeed, thank you, mr. clark. and gasia. it's full tomorrow morning. you guys, at 430 in the morning. it will be the snow, moon, snow moon. all right. a lot of high clouds. not much fog. sunny for some, but i think we'll go cloudy to mostly cloudy here pretty soon. here and you can see the cloud cover coming up. it will be with us today. we'll get a break on saturday. but if i can dream of drier conditions and warmer temps. yes, you can today and tomorrow. then it's back to, i think, some rain and colder


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