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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  February 23, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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ukraine, then a bay area resident who held the title of the oldest person in america has died. a look back at the 116 year old's life and how she spent her last day from ktvu fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. good morning, i'm gasia mikaelian and good morning i'm dave clark. >> welcome to friday gasia that moon is bright out there, isn't it? it is february 23rd. steve knows all about the moon and your weather. >> i do indeed, thank you, mr. clark. and gasia. it's full tomorrow morning. you guys, at 430 in the morning. it will be the snow, moon, snow moon. all right. a lot of high clouds. not much fog. sunny for some, but i think we'll go cloudy to mostly cloudy here pretty soon. here and you can see the cloud cover coming up. it will be with us today. we'll get a break on saturday. but if i can dream of drier conditions and warmer temps. yes, you can today and tomorrow. then it's back to, i think, some rain and colder
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temps early next week. but today, bump it up mid 60s to upper 60s on the highs. all right sal here i don't think he's taken a nap but it's a slow friday. well you know steve something happened and steve can you hear me. >> yes you can okay good. yes me and some of the other suspicious minds around here knew it was too good to be true. there was . fortunately no injuries. however it was in the right lane for a bit. they're moving it now. no serious injuries, as i said, but let me show you the bay bridge toll plaza backup. now it is backed up out of nowhere. we got one. so you see, i knew that it was some somewhat too good to be true. now it wasn't an injury crash and that's good. so they can move it quickly. and this should clear up in the next hour or so if you want to get on the road soon, you should, because the traffic on the bridge is a little slow. it's still kind of winding down. silicon valley commute is okay. we just got a new crash reported northbound 101 at north san pedro, right near the marin county civic
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center. that one does appear to have injuries. medics are on the way. 701, let's go back to the desk. >> the oakland zoo is coming to the rescue of a tiger cub with severe injuries, including broken bones. ktvu james torres here in studio to share what the oakland zoo plans to do next. >> jesse, good morning to you. right now that tiger cub is still under the care of a team of veterans. they veterinarians, i should say. they say they expect the tiger to make a full recovery. but that will take a long time. zoo officials were working on behalf of the state department of fish and wildlife tuesday. they say they can't say much about where they found the tiger cub because an investigation is still underway, but only the tiger cub was rescued from a private facility in the western united states after a bunch of tests. vets said the tiger had at least ten improperly healed fractures and its bones are severely lacking in calcium, all of which they say likely the result of poor treatment and a bad diet. it can stand. it can walk, but right now it is struggling to run and climb.
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>> so for this little tiger gal, um, if things go well, um, probably in about a month, we'll be able to see if her skeleton is re calcifying correctly. >> we have a lot of lab work pending federal laws against privately owning any big cat. >> passed about a year and a half ago. that was the result of what was exposed in the netflix series tiger king, which showed how some private owners across the country treated those tigers . and this isn't the first time the zoo has gotten involved in rescuing tigers. in fact, there are two at the zoo right now, which were rescued about two years ago from an abandoned sanctuary linked to the tiger king series. the tiger zoo officials that they are rather the tiger that the zoo officials are caring for now will say they will move it to another, larger facility once it's in better health. garcia >> james torres, thank you. it's now been two years since the russian invasion of ukraine to bay area universities will be showing their support for the people of ukraine later today.
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that's why. the bell, the bell towers on the campuses of uc berkeley and stanford university will strike a different tone as they'll be playing the ukrainian national anthem on campus in a musical message of solidarity, one cal student from ukraine came up with the idea. he says he prays for peace in his homeland. >> so i'm thinking about this tower is some sort of candle. sometimes a small candle is enough when you enter the complete darkness to light it up, says all other colleges and universities nationwide have also agreed to his request to play the ukrainian national anthem. >> today, our time now. 703 the biden administration announcing more than 500 new sanctions on russia after the death of russian opposition leader alexei navalny, one week ago in a russian prison. now yesterday, before he left san francisco, president biden met with navalny's daughter and his widow navalny's daughter dasha goes to
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stanford university. >> this morning. i had the honor of meeting with aleksey navalny's wife and daughter as the state, the obvious. he was a man of incredible courage, and it's amazing how his wife and daughter are are emulating that. >> doordash is a very brave young woman, and we're proud to have a connection with her father at stanford. and, um, it's a this is very sad for people who believe in a different future in, in russia. um, as as alexei navalny did. and his wife and daughter do. >> now, president biden says the new sanctions will target people connected to navalny's imprisonment, as well as russia's financial and military sectors. >> prosecutor in santa clara have revealed a suspected motive in this week's fatal shooting of a three year old boy came as the man accused in the shooting made his first court appearance. the da's office charged 24 year-old
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sergio gomez with murder and assault in the death of his girlfriend's son. >> at this time, we believe that mr. gomez killed the child during an argument in which he believed that ivan's mother had been cheating on him, investigators say the killing happened tuesday morning at the couple's apartment just west of lawrence expressway. >> even veteran prosecutor in santa clara county say they are shocked by this case. >> three year old child being murdered is not something that i can really comprehend and i'm enormously upset by it as i know everyone is. >> prosecutors say the suspect's girlfriend is five months pregnant with his child. >> our time now. 706 the oakland police department now looking for a way to speed up its response to requests for records. the people who are victims of car break ins and
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other crimes often need a police report to file an insurance claim. journalists asked for a police records to get background on stories, and lawyers often need those records for law suits and other court cases. but the problem of a delay in responding to these requests came to light during a recent meeting of the oakland public ethics commission on a visit to next request will reveal that opd is quite far behind. >> it seems. um, i think last i looked, uh, up to, i think about four months behind in responding to public records request. >> now, the oakland police department says it's doing everything possible to quickly respond to requests for records. but adds the police department receives more than 800 new requests every month, and they just don't have the staff to keep up with it. >> santa cruz county leaders say that years of natural disasters are putting them in a deep financial hole, and the county is seeking about $143 million
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now in reimbursements from the federal government since 2017, presidents have issued seven disaster declarations in santa cruz county, ranging from wildfires to storms. >> we've had actually rain events that have damaged roadways in 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 20, 21. we just can't sustain that same level of climate disaster going forward. um, so we've been working with our having a lot of conversations with our federal representatives. >> key projects include repairing roadways and modernizing bridges. the county says storm damage is the biggest capital debt. a new report details toxic waste found in the pacific ocean. chemical analysis turned up radioactive waste, ddt , among other toxins, researchers say. the waste comes from several sources, including oil drilling off shore dumping, military munitions and refineries. the environmental protection agency also says companies contracted disposal services to illegally barge acid waste offshore and discharge it
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into the ocean. >> in our time now, 708 the ferry boat operator for tours of alcatraz island filed for bankruptcy. hornby lower group said they experienced a major increase in debt made worse by the pandemic. according to the sf standard, the company said it has about $1 billion in assets against 1.2 billion in liabilities. despite the company's financial problems, hornblower group's ceo said it won't affect services in the bay area and operations will continue to run as normal. >> the oldest living american and second oldest person in the world died yesterday. edith ceccarelli of willits, a small town up in mendocino county, had just celebrated her 116th birthday earlier this month, according to the press democrat. she ate a light meal early in the day, then dozed off in the care home where she lived for the past nine years. check she lived longer than any other californian on record.
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>> time now is 709. i just want to mention that there is a crash in marin county along northbound 101 in san rafael, near north san pedro road. as you head up toward novato, it may affect traffic southbound as well. it looks like it is just because people can see it from the other side of the road. so if you're driving through marin on a friday, it's usually light this morning you are going to see some slow traffic there. likewise, for the bay bridge, it had been light, but now there's a bigger backup and that's because they're clearing a crash on the bridge. no major injuries. however it was blocking lanes. they had to slow the metering lights down and suddenly we went from zero back up to a pretty hefty one 709. let's go back to the desk. >> okay, so we'll meta the parent company of facebook and meta ceo mark zuckerberg, expected in a california courtroom today. we'll tell you what's at stake in this hearing in federal court. plus i've seen arguments up to fight regarding
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certain debates within the coffee industry. >> and that's pretty serious. if you're willing to fight somebody about a belief in coffee and oakland institution celebrating 100 years, the journey for peerless coffee and how the company is marking its success today with a giveaway for early bird customers
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other school districts released their calendars as far as three years in advance, giving families to time to plan summer vacations and child care. the parents say that oakland often releases its schedule less than six months before the first day of school. some parents were also worried about their children being in a classroom starting in early august. historically one of the hottest times of the year. >> our time now 713 medical researchers are testing what could be a groundbreaking treatment for severe depression. some doctors describe it as a pacemaker for the human brain. the treatment involves implanting electrodes in the brain, which are then attached to a device placed in the chest under the skin. it senses signs of depression from the brain down and then counters them. >> if i hadn't had dbs, i'm pretty sure i would not be alive today because ect was working as a short terme treatment. but like i have said, sometimes with other treatments, medication
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ect, my brain will respond for a while and then it's like as soon as the stressor hits it crumbles. >> now, medical researchers hope dbs could eventually help almost 3 million americans just like that lady dealing with depression. that right now resists almost all forms of treatment. >> happening today. peerless coffee in oakland is celebrating 100 years in business by giving away 100 free cups of coffee right up the street here near jack london square. i recently spoke with the president of peerless about making it to this milestone. when it opened in 1924 on washington street in oakland, peerless coffee was the first specialty bean shop in the western united states. peerless moved to the warehouse district near jack london square, almost 50 years ago. today. it's one of several roasters in the immediate neighborhood, with even more across oakland, but it still stands out as a business that's not only survived, but is thriving amid pressures. its founder, a yugoslavian immigrant
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named john vukasin, could have never imagined. >> so they will self cook unless you cool them so it goes in the cooling cart. the cooling cart is perforated on the side. in the bottom air is sucked through it, arms turn and the beans are cooled within 90s vukasin grandchildren now run the company with the same ethos of quality. first, all the beans are sorted by size because you need to cook things uniformly, so same thing with cooking a steak, a filet and a t-bone are going to cook different, so you have to cook them separately. >> peerless roasts thousands of pounds of beans every week. you'll smell it when you drive by that smell has stayed the same through world war two. the great depression in several recessions and the pandemic. covid shutdowns in 2020 fueled a huge growth in at home brewing. we received a purchase order from a large grocery chain that was blank. >> they said whatever you can sell us, sell us, which i'd never seen that before. exactly people just started brewing and
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not only brewing, but brewing at a higher level and a higher quality level. and so demand for higher quality beans then has has exploded. >> vukasin says his family is so grateful to be marking a century in oakland, a city that's made national headlines recently for high profile departures, largely blamed on increased crime. >> you know, i would be lying if i didn't say that it has crossed our minds at times, but, you know, our goal was to turn 100 in oakland and we've achieved that. and we have no plans of moving. but that was really kind of our focus. and so we're just so happy and humbled that we've been able to achieve that. >> peerless is now looking toward the next 100 years. vukasin says the future is bright no matter what people love their coffee. i've seen arguments up to fights regarding holding certain debates within the coffee industry, and that's pretty serious. >> if you're willing to fight somebody about a belief in coffee, well, peerless is historic.
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>> it's also long been on the cutting edge of industry standards in organic fair trade and eco friendly practices. even those burlap bags you just saw in the report are reused for the central valley produce harvest. now coming up today on the night peerless is coming to our studio for a cupping like a tasting. but for coffee and we'll get some secrets to making better tasting coffee at home. dave clark i know you brew for the newsroom, yes, but big believer i go to peerless all the time. they have the best beans. >> their president is. blend is my favorite. >> we send that to our grandma esther. yes, we send it. you know, halfway across the country, every, every birthday for her great people. >> they're our neighbors, right here. great story guys. thank you. all right. time is 717. sal is back. you've had your feet up on the desk. no major problems on this friday. >> i want to tell garcia something. yes. that building where you went to, where they are now at on oak street. railroad tracks used to come through there. that's right. >> oh, really? >> that's right. yeah. and i remember because i started working here way back then. >> well, you know what's interesting? the ceo, he said
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that that train engineers, this is going back used to stop their train, jump out and get a coffee, a cup of coffee at peerless, get back in the train and keep going. right. >> imagine. >> so can you imagine now how you drive to work? they're down the street. there were two railroad crossings. yeah, one right there. and then they built that new building. so anyway, i'm looking forward to the segment on the nine. let's go out and take a look at the commute here at the bay bridge. now, uh, dave asked me and i'll answer you, dave, things are getting better on the bay bridge, but there was a crash here and, you know, was very nice commute. i was sitting around doing nothing, but then we had the crash. we also had some other things pop up, but for the most part, i don't know. i don't want to, uh, you know, i don't want to make this commute sound worse than it is. highway four has some slow traffic there, but 680 looks pretty good and 80 is moving along very well. so, you know, we're not exactly returning this commute to sender, but there are some issues out there. you can see
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that the silicon valley commute is looking very good. 719 let's bring steve back in with today's weather. >> i did not know that sal, about two, two tracks. >> can you imagine? can you imagine, you know how you come to work and sometimes there's a freight train going by. oh can i imagine it? yeah. imagine having to deal with two of those. >> i that's way before my time though. so i thank you, sir. uh, i think you're all good to go for the parade. if you're going tomorrow. uh, because it looks mild to warm to me. uh, you know, somebody may change this later, but i'll stick my neck out there and say it'll be mild to warm. looks good. i'm going 64 at 515. tomorrow will be the warmest day. by far. a lot of high clouds are streaming in, though, so it'll be cloudy to the south. mostly cloudy, probably to the north. but with that offshore breeze, that is the direction the wind is coming from. um, that makes for mild temps. half moon bay, berkeley, sfo. look at that. i mean, petaluma is 37 yet you're seeing 54, berkeley 54, half moon bay. this is really one of those
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patterns that favors kensington, el cerrito, berkeley, alameda. look at that. see, they're in the 50s. you had danville's 38, orinda was 39. but again, it's an offshore breeze. so it can that makes you want to be in weather forecasting. you have to forecast those highs today. that's not easy. a lot of cloud cover coming in but it will be warmer today even with the cloud cover associated with that low which is drawing the moisture up from the from the south. and you can see that right there. that's what that's what's over us today. but but i think by saturday we'll see some clearing and then higher clouds but warmer today mostly sunny, partly sunny tomorrow near 70 for some. then big changes start. sunday. we start to cloud it up. i think we'll get some light rain. i'm drawing the line about about san francisco south. although it may move a little bit more north. cooler are those the big message and could be a really good snow producer by this time next week. but again, that's seven days away. mostly clear except for the higher clouds coming in and they'll be with us most of the day yet. temps are bumping up mid 60s. only the higher clouds would stop. some 70s i think, but i think tomorrow we'll get there
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and then clouding up. sunday some light rain. monday much cooler. tuesday you guys. >> steve thank you. the hot sauce industry is heating up. what experts say is behind a spike in sales. plus save the business and serve the customer. >> we tell you about a new plan by an old store to battle rampant crime and theft
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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could become a model for other small businesses across the city and country, and ktvu is. >> andre senior has details and also how the store is customers are reacting to it. >> yeah, everyone is trying something new now to curb shoplifting. well, the fredricksen hardware and paint store is on fillmore street. it's been doing business in the cow hollow neighborhood for more than 100 years. well, the owners now provide personal escorts for each and every customer that enters their store. an employee joins those customers at the front door and stays with them. for this one on one retail service, the entire time they are shopping. it's an effort to stop a shoplifting problem the owners say is now completely out of control. >> we weren't really given a choice. i mean, it just we have to keep our employees safe and the customers safe. but when they're coming in to do snatch and grabs, that was the final, the final straw. well the owners say the security measures they have used over the many years, they have been in business simply do not stop today's
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increasingly bold shoplifters, and many of the store's longtime customers agree it's now time for drastic action. >> these people come in. they have nerve. they think they can just walk away with them and they go sell it on the street or the internet or whatever they do. it's sad. >> it's very terrible to see the city and the state and the business owners having to get together to defend their store. >> many frustrated customers and merchants agree there are two main factors in america's growing shoplifting crisis. they say we now live in a culture of rampant retail theft. at the same time, those same shoplifters do not feel there will be any punishment or any consequences for their criminal actions. they've all right, andre. >> thank you. time is 725. some world class skiers arriving this weekend in the sierra. we have details of the event at palisades tahoe as part of the world cup ski tour part. >> riders are changing their views on the transit agency and how it's operating. what a new rider satisfaction survey shows
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that hasn't been seen in more than a decade
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the economy is simply not working for
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millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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communities from the risk of wildfires. plus we think that the moon could become a refueling station for astronauts. >> this is potentially a game changer. >> it is a small step towards putting boots back on the moon in the history making leap in a mission that returns the united states to the moon for the first time in more than 50 years, from from ktvu. >> fox two news this is mornings on two. >> well, good morning and thank you for joining us. welcome back to mornings on two. i'm dave clark i'm gasia mikaelian. >> it is friday, february 23rd. this is the weather weekend we have been waiting for. true steve paulson. it's nice when the dry weather coincides with most people's days off. >> no kidding. you know, we've had, i think, what seven out of the last nine days we had was, was some rain. well, today we get a break, tomorrow we get a break. i think most of sunday we get a break monday though it
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does look like some rain returns. 40s, 50s on the temps. there's some pretty big spreads, especially on the coast and bayside versus inland. seeing anywhere from 30s to mid 50s. a lot of cloud cover is on the way. that will be with us today. so if i can dream about drier weather and warmer weather today and tomorrow, look pretty good, even though the high clouds are there, we'll get some mid to upper 60s, maybe near 70 tomorrow. mid 60s. i'll go 68 in san jose. all right sal is here all of a sudden. got busy. where the. >> yeah, the bay bridge. and there was a crash and usually when i say bay bridge crash, people get all shook up. but it was a non-injury crash and that's good. we're already seeing improvement, so don't let it worry you if you have a little time and you wait. this commute will get much better because we don't have the volume that we have on a monday through thursday. you can already see it's getting better. at one point it was backed up to the maze and now it's only backed up to that parking lot. we do have a new crash on the pleasant hill road on ramp to eastbound 24. that one just came in. medics are on the way. we'll let you
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know more about that in a bit. at 731, let's get back to the desk. >> all right. sal thank you. at 731, more than $2 billion in profits. that's how much profit pg and e made last year. and pg and e expects this year's profits to be even bigger. ktvu is ali rasmus is here now, and this comes weeks after rate hikes took effect for pg and e customers. good morning ali. >> good morning dave. yeah it's no surprise to those of us who are ratepayers in northern california. we pay some of the highest prices for natural gas and electricity in the nation, and that's resulted in some big profits for pg and e, the company reported. $2.24 billion in profits in 2023 last year. that's a 24% increase in profits from the year before. now, in a call with investors yesterday, pg and e says its profits are driven by rate increases that started in 2023. the most recent went into effect just last month. a monthly increase of
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about 13% in rates for most customers, which translates to an extra $400 a year in average in costs for ratepayers. pg and says it needed that rate hike to pay to continue work, burying 1200 miles of power lines underground for wildfire safety and prevention, pg and e ceo said in 2023, they buried more power lines than in any previous year. but in a call with investors, the company says it believes future rate hikes will allow it to remain profitable through the year 2028. >> our new five year capital plan represents an increase of over $10 billion $555 for one month for a family of three. >> we have to keep the heat on. it's cold but we're really struggling just to pay such a high bill. it's never been this high. it really makes it challenging for, you know, the middle class family. >> now, since 2014, pg and customers bills have increased 92, far outpacing the rate of
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inflation over that same ten year period next month, the california public utilities commission, the state agency that's supposed to regulate pg and e, will vote on whether to allow the company to add an additional 4 to $6 on their customers monthly bills to pay it back, $500 million for some wildfire safety upgrades that pg and e made back in 2022. so the cpuc will vote on whether to approve of that additional cost to ratepayers and to pass that along at its next meeting on march 7th. live in walnut creek. allie rasmus, ktvu, fox two news. all right. >> allie, thank you. time 733 rivian. the electric vehicle company based in california, is laying off 10% of its salaried employees as the maker of evs cited economic and geopolitical pressures like historically high interest rates, as reason for those job cuts. now, rivian expects to build about 57,000 vehicles this year, the same amount that it built in 2023. but that's disappointing.
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investors who want to see more vehicles produced every year. rivian stock is at an all time low down 92% since its ipo in 2021. >> a san jose pie shop is getting a lot of support from the community after a massive catering deal with tesla fell through, the owner of the giving pie says someone from tesla ordered 2000 pies and then suddenly canceled. that meant the pie shop was left with all the ingredients and supplies, but no payment for what was nearly $6,000. order the owner posted the story on social media. now, neighbors and other businesses, including the san jose sharks, are buying up her pies. >> we are the brand of the city of san jose and the san jose area. we take that very seriously and when somebody is in need, we want to be able to jump in and be able to support that. >> after the story went viral, the pie shop says tesla offered to follow through on the order and give the owner a tour of the factory. but she says tesla
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still hasn't paid her. >> they said, well, sorry, it's a made a big miscommunication location and she had no authority to promise any payments. >> the shop has now been selling out of pies every day. we did reach out to tesla for comment. we have yet to receive a response. >> our time now. 735 businesses stepping up to make sure that the a's fan fest that planned for tomorrow still happens. fan groups like the last dive bar and the oakland 68 will host an unofficial athletics fans fest. drake's brewing was among the sponsors for the event, but this week drake's, which is a a's partner, said it would no longer be sponsor the fan fest. at least six breweries have said they're going to step in and help sponsor tomorrow's fans fest, including almanac, line 51 and original pattern. the a's told ktvu the team has not contacted any vendors about their participation in the event planned for tomorrow. the team hasn't hosted an official fan fest since 2020, a new survey
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shows customer satisfaction on bart has reached a level not seen in more than a decade. >> bart says the overall customer satisfaction rate reached 81% in the most recent passenger experience survey, up 7% from the previous quarter, and the highest it's been since 2012. bart also says it received positive feedback on police presence about 20% of participants said they saw bart police on trains or at stations. the gains come as overall ridership has increased by almost 10% in the past year, but still lags behind pre-pandemic levels. 736 now to some of the first images of the moon from a new historic space mission. a camera aboard the lunar lander odysseus took this picture of one of the moon's craters while touching down on the surface. >> this congratulations iam team. we'll see how much more we can get from that. >> this marks the first successful american moon landing in more than 50 years. private texas aerospace company
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intuitive machines built the lander with funding from nasa. engineers are now downlinking data from its systems. >> it'll be a really important next step in establishing more of a longer time presence on the moon and testing new technologies for landing on the moon. >> this lunar lander is carrying six nasa experiments. researchers say they hope odysseus can find ice crystals that could be turned into water, oxygen and even fuel. >> all right, guys, your time. 737 the olympic valley. now welcoming the top male skiers from all over the world this weekend. they're going to compete in the steeple palisades tahoe cup. more than 100 athletes representing 28 countries will be at this global event. and other more than 40 stops on the world cup ski tour this season. this is one of only four in the united states. >> we raced in a different country every race, so far, and it's going to be really cool to
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have a bunch of races in the us here. this next block. um, it's amazing to have the american fans and inspire the next generation of american skiers. >> our crews have been out there, you know, ever since mid january preparing the course. so that takes a lot of grooming, lots of different water in the course as well as side slipping. >> now, the famed and renowned ski racing venue known for hosting the 1960 winter olympics , is no stranger to all the preparation it takes to put on a major event like this. driving up to the mountains this weekend will be a lot easier than it was last weekend. >> let's see if we are getting through this friday morning, okay? by turning to our traffic center and sal castaneda, i'm glad you mentioned that, garcia, because 80 and 50 are open right now in no chain restrictions. >> and of course, you should always have the that and check the roads before you go. but right now it looks good. let's go out and take a look at the bay bridge. just a little while ago it was full and the traffic times on those map apps was up, but now it's coming down. that
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crash that we had has gone and there are no problems here. so things are doing very well. highway four is a little slow, but for the most part we've had a pretty good commute today. on a friday. look at that silicon valley commute. it's looking very good and that's all right with me. 7.39 let's go back to the desk. >> okay, sal. thank you. well, plenty of cities just like oakland facing struggles to recruit enough. and 911 dispatchers. we'll tell you how some communities are now turning to people fresh out of high school to become dispatchers. >> let's go out to our newsroom now. say good morning again to andre senior as you look ahead to the next hours of mornings on two. >> well, researchers are taking a deeper look into whales singing. well, new at eight. what researchers discovered about how they produce their unique songs. and later on tonight, we continue our major discussion on the development for college applicants. we've been reporting on the growing number of top universities that will start requiring standardized test scores again.
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and we will talk live with an expert about the shift in t admissions approach stay if you feel like things don't add up right now... you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg. well, we want to help. so when prices go up, we find new ways to go low. and now, we've lowered the price on hundreds of your favorite products. designing something beautiful is easy. designing something beautiful with great quality for a low price? that's a different story. it's why we're here. that's a promise. not a promo.
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face a shortage of 911. dispatch offers more high schools are stepping in to introduce and teach students about answering
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emergency calls. that includes this emergency dispatcher course in colorado at a public high school. the international academy of emergency dispatchers created the course, as they say, reports from all over the country show people dialing 911 can be on hold for 46 seconds to more than 1.5 minutes that we've reported on the rise in wait times up to 20 minutes here in oakland, when you dial 911, i want to make sure that someone's there to answer and someone's there to respond. >> and that's what this whole thing is focused on. >> in the end, it's twofold. if they don't pursue the career they have learned so much. if they need to call 911 now at the end of the course, students get a certificate good for two years. >> it allows them to walk into any dispatch center around the country and start working. time now. 744 mark zuckerberg will be
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in court today in oakland, defending his role in social media's impact on children. also this week's landing on the moon has the attention of wall street pam cook back in studio to share this in dollars and cents. >> always looking for something to invest in, right. so investors are eyeing the texas based company that makes the unmanned spacecraft that just touched down on the moon shares in intuitive machines jumped more than 30% when the opening bell rang this morning. madison square garden entertainment rang that opening bell to kick off the 2024 world tour of the harlem globetrotters. that is big g. i have learned on the left, the globetrotters mass. so they're exciting. they're taking you live to the new york stock exchange, the s&p 500 at a fresh new record 5100 hit that level this morning, up about a quarter of a percent. there's a live look at the dow jones up almost 200 points, 39,002.62. the nasdaq down a little bit but still above 16,000 today. meta
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ceo mark zuckerberg will be in federal court in oakland, where he will argue that he should not be held liable for children becoming addicted to his company's social media platforms. now according to bloomberg, zuckerberg has been personally sued in two dozen cases by parents who say he was repeatedly warned that instagram and facebook are not safe for children, but ignored those findings. zuckerberg has argued that he can't be held personally responsible for actions of users, just because he is the ceo. a san francisco based social forum platform, reddit is filing for an initial public offering. sec documents show it applied to the new york stock exchange under the ticker symbol tt. the company has not shared details on how many shares it plans to issue or at what price. those details will be worked out closer to the ipo. reddit also announced that it has struck a $60 million deal with google that allows google to use reddit's online discussion posts for training. its artificial intelligence models. hot sauce
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sales are on the rise, nutritionists say it's being driven in part by healthier choices in the kitchen, hot sauce manufacturers say one major driving factor for the sales increase seems to be the push to add flavor in healthy ways. i've been given a carrot based hot sauce by my neighbor, and when i was blown away by how healthy it was and how good it tasted on literally everything that's partially driven by the health food kick, people going plant based and eating leaner and it's a great way to generate a ton of flavor without adding a bunch of sodium or different things that can come from seasonings. a fortune business insight says the hot sauce market is projected to grow by more than $2 billion by 2030, a lot of people have their favorites. i'm pam cook, that's a look at your dollars and cents. >> some girl scouts from sacramento had a ten minute phone call. one they'll likely never forget. >> if anyone says any one says
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from november 6th, november alpha, how copy? >> yesterday they used a ham radio to talk to an astronaut on board the international space station spacecraft was close enough to earth to make the phone call possible. the girl scouts used that brief window to ask astronaut jasmin moghbeli several questions. >> there are some experiments you are working on. what is your favorite? um, i'd say probably one of my favorites is one we just did. >> that's using bone marrow stem cells. >> what are you most looking forward to when you return to earth? avery i'm most looking forward to three things. >> seeing my little girls and my husband, my friends and family, and share a meal. >> volunteers from a local ham radio group set up the phone call between the sacramento girl scouts and the astronaut aboard the space station. >> i love it, what an experience. all right, sounds back at 747. what's happening on the roads now? so uh, you know, it's getting a little bit better. >> we've had some problems out there, dave and garcia, i want to focus now on some of these
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commutes we've had. let's go to the east bay, where highway four is still a little bit slow, but 680 has been good as a matter of fact, most of these commutes have been good. so there's been some there have been some crashes out there for sure. but right now it looks good. if you look at the map here, you can see that 80 westbound has a little bit of slowing in in for i was going to say fremont in richmond, but when you get to the bay bridge it looks good. there have been no major issues on the san mateo or the dumbarton bridge, and traffic is pretty much doing very well across all those spans. so if you're going to use the san mateo or the dumbarton bridge, it's now or never before something happens 748 let's bring steve back in with today's weather. >> all right. thank you, sam. we'll get right to it. we'll start up in the mountains. why? well, because at the beginning of the month, it wasn't so good. it's pretty good now and getting better. and i think there's signs that it might even get over 100% here for many. now, the northern sierra looks pretty good here, but i mean we went from about 30 and 45% to 99, 82
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and 80, especially the southern sierra. i think it was 35 at the beginning of february. and there's more on the way, if not monday night. again late next week is kind of the way it's looking. so a lot of high clouds, but warmer today. more sun than clouds. uh, tomorrow. so that will be the warmest day near 70. increasing clouds sunday cloudy. looks like some light rain on monday, but i think for tomorrow, if you're heading to the parade. looks good to me. i think you'll see some low 60s on the temps and more sun than clouds, but the cloud cover continues to stream in here from the south. but there is an easterly breeze in the hills and at the surface. oakland, berkeley hills. that easterly breeze is making for 54. in berkeley, 52 sfo, 55 half moon bay at petaluma's 37. so now 38. but there's some big differences on the temps. look at pacifica, pillar point, half moon bay 50s. you have woodside, atherton, 42, not far away for others. so some pretty big differences here, but look for a cloudy but mild day today. the low is tapped. the flow around
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that's bringing that higher cloud deck in there. but i think 60s to near 70 more sun plus warmer on saturday. any rain on the way. yes probably a monday evening doesn't look like a lot. but at the end of next week could favor some cold systems dropping down. so enjoy the warmer tens because next week is looking colder. mostly clear, but clouds are already on the move. some patchy fog, especially petaluma, rohnert park, maybe novato, but a lot of cloud cover today. but mild 60s on the temps. any sun breaks tomorrow, we'll rock it right up there. but then after that we start to cloud it up sunday and then it looks much cooler early next week. >> steve, thank you. two children killed after a hillside collapses near the shasta dam. what we've learned about the incident coming up at eight plus really do think this is a win win for the student. >> and for local hospitals. a new effort to make sure there are enough nurses to handle hospital workloads. >> the new programs that are helping with the nationwide shortage
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. it's the work behind the scenes, with democrat katie porter. let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ]
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for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente. almost two dozen cars in the parking lot of the north berkeley bart station. it happened wednesday that thieves smashed the windows of the more than 23 cars before stealing items inside, so far, no arrests have been made. some bart users
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tell the berkeley side. that they parked at that north berkeley lot for years, and they were surprised to come back to a car with smashed to glass as it is. 754 the owner of a taco truck in oakland says she fears for her safety after her business was hit by armed robbers. this week. police say it was just before midnight, right before she closed, when five people wearing ski masks rushed the food truck on san leandro street. the thieves got away with a full day's earnings as the police arrived soon after , but not in time to catch the suspects. the taco truck owner says her employees are scared right now. >> it's hard for them to work right now because i know that maybe they're thinking, you know what? later at night, they're going to come again. >> now the taco truck owner says she doesn't want to move to a new location because the taco truck has a loyal following in that area. they do, however, plan to shift to a mostly
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cashless transaction policy. it is 755. a new poll is out showing a tight race to make the top two spots in california. for senate primary. the public policy institute of california found democrat adam schiff in the lead with 24% of the vote. democrat katie porter has 19, and republican steve garvey has 18. that poll also found only 6% of voters are undecided, and now the top two vote getters next month will be on the november ballot. no matter which political party. now we're continuing our series of interviews with the three key frontrunners in the race to fill the retiring congressman, congresswoman anna eshoo, seat in silicon valley. and we talked with evan lowe, who says he's ready to bring a fresh perspective to washington. >> it's important that this generation of new leadership is required, especially when we're seeing the type of dysfunction that we see in congress. how do
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we help address many of these different issues, which, of course, disproportionately impact younger generations? we know that the issues of affordable housing that younger generations cannot afford to live in these communities or obtain the california and american dream that previous generations were able to obtain. so that's why it's important that the lives, the experiences are represented in congress. >> now, lowe also shared with us how he plans to deal with the issue of affordable housing in his district. >> well, number one, it's that of the funding issue to help make sure that we get the type of funding and the housing vouchers specifically to individuals getting in their communities, while also helping partner with the state on ensuring that we get the type of development, the carrot and the stick. previously, when we think about development, it's that with the local jurisdictions, the state and the federal, how do we make sure that all three work in tandem in addressing these issues? now lowe says he's also focused on protecting reproductive rights, and he previously coauthored a law that
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created mandatory prison sentences for certain sexual assaults. >> evan lowe is just one of 11 people running to represent the 16th congressional district. it extends from pacifica to san jose. the top two candidate in the march 5th primary will move on to the general election november 5th. it is 757. some universities getting really creative now to deal with the nation's nursing shortage. a 12 month accelerated programs are becoming more popular as nurses are facing a higher workload than ever before, and a new fast track nursing program at the university of new england in maine starts in may. now, it should help students get into the workforce a lot sooner, but they'll have to put in some serious training. >> there's nothing cut back, there's nothing less. they do the same amount of clinical hours, so we allow time for that. the schedule might have to
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be a little more flexible to include consideration of weekends. now government figures estimate the u.s. will have a shortage of more than 78,000 registered nurses next year. >> the states most in need of nurses. washington oregon, california, michigan and georgia . it is 758. our special program here at ktvu voices for change comes back this weekend. join us as we continue to celebrate black history month with several impactful interviews. we're going to speak with the co-writer of the new peanuts special, welcome home, franklin, telling the original story of the comic strips first black character. also so there will be a conversation with the son of the first black photojournalist at the oakland tribune. he shows photos like this and talks about the new gallery he's curated, featuring his father's unseen work that honor black women. >> the true essence of a black
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woman at their best. black identity, black pride, uh, education, um, love of joy. um, empower. armament. it meant strength. it meant, um, you know, you you have hope. >> now you'll be able to catch a new episode of voices for change this sunday morning at 930 on ktvu plus, and then at 630 in the evening right here on ktvu. fox two. it wasn't a child's life for about two years, years. >> and he was actively involved with the child. >> we're learning more about the horrendous killing of a toddler. the alleged motive behind this case, then a privately owned tiger cub seized, now being treated at the oakland zoo. the injuries it was discovered with and the investigation now underway from ktvu to fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. >> welcome to mornings on two at 8:00 as you look live at the golden gate bridge this morning.
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yeah, we're in for a different type of weather today. we're getting an update from that in just a moment. thank you so much for joining us. i'm andre senior. >> good morning. i'm gasia mikaelian and it's friday february 23rd. sort of gray up there in san francisco in the marin headlands. other parts might be seeing sun see folsom. >> i gotta say, you're spot on. absolutely. that is correct. more sun north, more clouds south. the visible satellite. you need daylight to see it now. just showing you the clouds increasing coming in from the south. get a better look at it there as it starts to move in. that's what's going to give us a cloudy to mostly cloudy day. but i think if you're north, yes, sun clouds already to the south. but still, if i can dream of at least a drier pattern and some warmer temps today and tomorrow. yeah, patchy fog though. petaluma, rohnert park high clouds increase. warmer with 60s on the temps and mid 60s here. if we can get through some of that cloud cover, we'll get some mid to upper 60s. all right. well don't be cruel. on that morning commute sal. you know what? >> i can't help falling in love with this commute, steve, for
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the most part, it has been good. if this was our commute every day, i could certainly deal with it. we do have lighter conditions. there's a little bit of slowing here and there, but for a, you know, for a weekday commute, i like it. even when there was a crash at the bay bridge, uh, the crash was there. there was a backup and then it cleared up. that's great. so so right now on the bay bridge, you might find a little bit of slowing on the bridge because of an earlier issue, but it's getting better by the moment. 801 let's get back to the desk at the oakland zoo is coming to the rescue of a tiger cub with severe injuries, including broken bones. >> ktvu james torres is live this morning to tell us what the zoo plans to do next. >> james garcia, good morning to you. well, right now that tiger cub is still under the care of a team of veterinarians. they say they expect the tiger to make a full recovery, but that will take a long time. zoo officials were working on behalf of the state department of fish and wildlife tuesday. they say they can't say much about where they found the tiger cub because an investigation is still underway,
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but only that the tiger cub was rescued from a private facility in the western united states after a bunch of tests, vets said the tiger had at least ten improperly healed fractures and its bones were severely lacking in calcium, all of which they say likely the result of poor treatment and a bad diet. it can stand, it can walk, but it struggles to run and climb. so for this little tiger gal, um, if things go well, i'll, um, probably in about a month, we'll be able to see if her skeleton is recalcitrant correctly. >> we have a lot of lab work pending federal laws against privately owning any big cat. >> passed about a year and a half ago. that was the result of what was exposed. and the netflix series tiger king, which showed how some private owners across the country treated tigers. now, this isn't the first time the oakland zoo got involved in rescuing tigers. there were there were actually two at the zoo right now, which were rescued about two years ago
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from an abandoned sanctuary linked to the tiger king series. this new tiger will move to another, larger facility once it's in better health. andre james, thank you. >> time now is 803. the community is helping a san jose pie shop after a massive catering deal with tesla fell through, the electric car maker ordered 2000 pies for about $6,000, but the company canceled the order, leaving the store the giving pies with leftover ingredients and other supplies. now the shop owner posted what happened on social media, and now neighbors, businesses and even the san jose sharks are buying her pies. >> we are the brand of the city of san jose and the san jose area. we take that very seriously, and when somebody is in need, we want to be able to jump in and be able to support that. when the story went viral, the pie shop says tesla offered to follow through on the order and give the owner a tour of its factory. >> but she says she still has not received any payment. >> they said, well, sorry, it's
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a made a big miscommunication and she had no authority to promise any payments. >> the shop has now been selling out of pies every day. we reached out to tesla for comment, but have not yet received a response. >> prosecutors in santa clara have revealed a suspected motive in this week's deadly shooting of a three year old boy came as the man accused of the shooting made his first court appearance. the district attorney's office charged 24 year-old sergio gomez with murder and assault in the death of his girlfriend's son at this time, we believe that mr. gomez killed the child during an argument in which he believed that ivan's mother had been cheating on him. >> investigators say the killing happened tuesday morning at the couple's apartment just west of lawrence expressway. >> veteran prosecutors in santa clara county say they are shocked by this case. >> a three year old child being murdered is not something that i
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can really comprehend. and i'm enormously upset by it, as i know everyone is. >> prosecutors say the suspect's girlfriend is five months pregnant with his child, the son of a former bay area police chief who was charged with murder, was acquitted by a jury. >> tyrone mcallister was found not guilty for the death of a man in 2019. police say mcallister, who is the son of retired union city chief daryl mcallister, fired one shot while robbing a man near san pablo avenue again, he has been acquitted by a jury for the murder. he was convicted of a separate robbery that happened hours before that fatal shooting happening today to bay area universities will be showing their support for the people of ukraine to mark two years since the russian invasion of ukraine. >> that's why. the bell towers on the campuses of uc berkeley
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and stanford will play the ukrainian national anthem on campus in a musical message of solidarity, one cal student from ukraine came up with the idea and said he prays for peace in his homeland. >> so i'm thinking about this tower, some sort of candle. sometimes a small candle is enough. when you enter the complete darkness to light it up . >> several other colleges and universities nationwide have also agreed to their request to play the ukrainian national anthem. >> today, the biden administration is announcing more than 500 new sanctions on russia today following the death of opposition leader alexei navalny before leaving san francisco yesterday, president biden met with navalny's daughter and widow navalny's daughter dasha attends stanford university. >> me this morning i had the honor of meeting with collection of navalny's wife and daughter. as you state the obvious, he was a man in credible courage and it's amazing how his wife and daughter are emulating that.
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>> doordash is a very brave young woman, and we're proud to have a connection with her father at stanford. and, um, it's a this is very sad for the people who believe in a different future here in, in russia. um, as as alexei navalny did. and his wife and daughter do alexei navalny died one week ago in a russian prison. >> president biden says the new sanctions will target people connected to navalny's in prisonment, as well as russia's financial and military sectors. out of this, two kids died after a hill collapsed near the shasta dam, the sheriff's office responded to a campground area after reports that rocks and debris had broken away from a hillside. the kids had fallen down the hill and got caught in the debris, officials say water flow from the dam was temporarily reduced as rescue teams searched for the kids. both children were found in the debris and pronounced dead at the scene. >> the company that operates cruises to alcatraz has filed for bankruptcy. hornblower group says it's experienced a significant increase in debt
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that was worsened by the pandemic. the company said it has around $1 billion in assets and $1.2 billion in liabilities. hornblower group ceo says this will not impact service in the bay area. operations will run as normal. >> time is 808, and we do have a much improved situation at the bay bridge. we had an earlier crash on the span. it actually caused a bigger delay than i thought it would, but then it left. so the delay lasted for about 40 minutes or so. and now we're back to absolutely clear the way it was before the crash. a little bit of slowing in the east bay for the most part, we do have a much better commute and that silicon valley has been lightly traveled at 808. let's go back to the desk. well, black california lawmakers introducing a new package of reparation proposals. >> while they say it's necessary for the black community, the bay area hardware store pioneering a new strategy to help combat retail theft, the creative way that's meant to help their customers feel safer while shopping. >> then a quick reminder you can
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people who become victims of car break ins and other crimes often need a police report to file an insurance claim. journalists request police records to get background for their stories, and lawyers often need them for lawsuits and other court cases. the problem of a delay in responding to the request came to light during a recent meeting of the oakland public ethics commission. >> a visit to next request will reveal that opd is quite far behind, it seems. um, i think last i looked up to, i think about four months behind in responding to public records requests. >> the oakland police department says it's doing everything possible to promptly respond to records requests. it adds the department receives more than 800 new requests every month and doesn't have the staff to keep up. police are searching for whoever's responsible for breaking into nearly two dozen cars in the parking lot of the north berkeley bart station.
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this happened wednesday outside the bart station on sacramento street, a few blocks north of downtown berkeley. police say thieves smashed the windows of many of the 23 cars before stealing what was inside. so far, no arrests. some bart users tell the news site berkeleyside. they've parked at that north berkeley lot for years, and were surprised to see all the shattered glass. >> the owners of a hardware store in san francisco's cow hollow neighborhood have a unique plan for fighting crime. frederickson hardware and paint on fillmore street will now provide personal escorts for each and every customer who enters the store. an employee will join customers the entire time they are shopping for one on one service. it's an effort to stop a shoplifting problem that the owner says is now out of control. we weren't really given a choice. >> i mean, it just we have to keep our employees safe and the customers safe, but when they're coming in to do snatch and grabs, that was the final. the final straw. >> these people come in, they have nerve. they think they can just walk away with them and go sell it on the street or the internet. whatever they do, it's sad.
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>> the hardware store has been in business for the past 100 years, and the owners say the security measures they have used in the past simply do not stop. today's increasingly bold shoplifters. 814 now, several city and county attorneys from the bay area are banning together to form a new coalition focused on community safety. attorneys who represent san francisco, oakland, san jose, santa clara and san diego are creating the civil prosecutors coalition. the group says the goal is to work together to help shape legislation that will better protect the public. they say this new partnership will help safeguard workers and tenants rights, prohibit predatory lending and promote equal opportunity. >> bay area transit agencies are looking to give people more incentives to use their services , according to oaklandside, leaders from several agencies, including bart and ac transit, are working on a discount pilot program that would allow riders to make unlimited transfers between any bus, train or ferry within two hours and receive a discount. customers who transfer between local busses will get a
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free second ride. transit directors say they want the pilot to begin before the year ends. pilot will largely be funded through a $22 million grant from the mtc. a new survey shows customer satisfaction on bart has reached a level not seen in more than a decade. bart says the overall customer satisfaction rate reached 81% in the most recent passenger experience survey, up 7% from the previous quarter and the highest it's been since 2012. bart says it also received positive feedback on police presence. about 20% of participants said they saw bart police on trains or at the stations. these gains come as overall ridership has increased by almost 10% in the past year, but still lags behind pre-pandemic levels. >> if you are driving sal castaneda is tracking the roads for you to tell you how to get around the trouble spots. hey, sal. >> yeah, i like this commute, too. andre and garcia, you can see behind you and the bay bridge. it's light, and i'll put it back up on the screen. and this is kind of amazing because
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we had a big backup because of a crash. now, the thing we had going for ourselves in that crash is that it didn't have injuries. so they were able to clear it out rather quickly. and that's what's happening with a lot of these commutes that if there is a crash, then there are slowdowns. but other than that, there are none. southbound 880 if you're driving north and south, it looks pretty good. now you may be looking at me with a suspicious mind. say, it can't be that good, can it? well i think it is. and i don't want to jinx anything, but look at the golden gate bridge. look at the weather. it's clear visibility. i like where we are right now at 816. let's bring steve back in with today's weather. >> oh, no. i'm all shook up. so i know all shook up here. thank you sir. uh, i don't know if you noticed it. uh, the one person who usually does is allie rasmus. she'll say, oh, that flag at the golden, it's offshore. yes it is. uh, we're getting a pretty robust offshore breeze for some. not for all that's at the surface. higher clouds are streaming in above.
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so there are actually even though it's a quiet forecast. there's a lot going on. novato petaluma. zero visibility up to rohnert park. there's some thick fog areas that had a yesterday are good to go a little bit out towards stockton. but napa and fairfield, which was socked in yesterday not not today. but boy to the north. yes there's still some there yet. that easterly breeze coming in off the oakland berkeley hills and right along the san mateo coast is making for some blustery conditions. half moon bay, 16 east at 2526. sfo is east at 14. and when you get that, you get warm temps on the coast. i'll say pacifica is 51, montara beach 54. pillar points 55. half moon bay is 52. i should add that bolinas at point reyes and bodega bay are all in the 50s as well, so there's some big spreads in the east wind, and that east wind will make for some mild temperatures. berkeley is 55 with that east wind, so around berkeley, el cerrito, emeryville , uh, albany, you can get some warm temps and that that east
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northeast breeze coming in off of albany heads right over to golden gate fields and then out to the golden gate bridge. uh, higher clouds, those streaming in. so that's all coming around this low, which is offshore. so high clouds warmer, little breezy for some, but 60s and 70s, i think we get more sun near 70 tomorrow. but change is on the way. we just simply cannot get a long stretch of dry weather because we'll get some light rain on monday next friday looks like a cold rain moves in. this could be a pretty good snow producer for the mountains as we head into march. is the way it's looking here mostly clear? cool with the clouds rolling in now. patchy fog, mainly north. a lot of clouds, but even with the cloud cover we're warming up mid 60s. breezy for some. not for all. especially that offshore breeze from about the bayside right over towards the coast. warmer tomorrow then here come the clouds. sunday. some light rain. monday much cooler going into next week. >> that's the sound of a whale singing new at eight. what
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researchers have discovered about the whales sound of music and a's fan fest is tomorrow. >> how six local businesses are stepping up to ensure the celebration after a partnership cancellation threatened to put the event in jeopardy "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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yesterday, edith ceccarelli of
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willits, a small town up in mendocino county, just celebrated her 116th birthday earlier this month, according to the press democrat. a light meal early in the day then dozed off in the care home where she lived the past nine years. ceccarelli lived longer than any other california man on record. >> a 22. as the nation continues to face a shortage of 911 dispatchers, more high schools are stepping in to introduce and teach students about answering emergency calls. that includes this emergency dispatcher course in colorado at a public high school. the international academy of emergency dispatchers created the course and says reports from across the country show people dialing 911 can be on hold for 46 seconds to more than a minute, and a half. we've reported on the increase of wait times of up to 20 minutes here in oakland. >> can you dial 911? i want to make sure that someone's there to answer and someone's there to respond. and that's what this whole thing is focused on. >> in the end, it's twofold. if they don't pursue the career they have learned so much, if
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they need to call 911 at the end of the course, students get a certificate that is good for two years and allows them to walk into any dispatch center across the nation and work san mateo county residents have until 5:00 this evening to apply for the county's independent civilian advisory commission to oversee the sheriff's department. >> the seven member commission will include a sheriff's appointee and each supervisor will choose a person from their district to serve. the commission will advise the board of supervisors on community police relations, accountability, transparency, and public engagement. the online application is at ktvu dot com slash web links. businesses are stepping up to make sure the ace fan fest happens tomorrow. >> fan groups like the last dive bar in the oakland 68 will host an unofficial athletics fan fest. drakes brewing was among the sponsors of the event this week. drake's, which is an a's partner, said it would no longer be sponsoring fan fest fan fest,
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rather, at least six breweries have announced they will step in and help sponsor tomorrow's fan fest, including almanac, lynn, 51, and original pattern. the a's tell ktvu the team hasn't contacted any vendors about their participation in tomorrow's event. the team hasn't hosted an official fan fest since 2020. california based electric vehicle company rivian is laying off 10% of its salaried workers, as the ev manufacturer cites economic and geopolitical pressures, including historically high interest rates, as reasons for the job cuts. >> rivian says it expects to build about 50,050 7000 vehicles this year, the same number as last year, disappointing for investors who want to see more vehicles produced every year. rivian stock is at an all time low, down 92% since its ipo in 2021. at 824, we'll move to some of the first images of the moon from a new historic space mission. a camera aboard the lunar lander odysseus took this picture of one of the moons craters while touching down on the surface. >> congratulations iam team!
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we'll see how much more we can get from that. >> this is the first successful american moon landing in more than 50 years. private texas aerospace company intuitive machines built the lander with funding from nasa. engineers are now downlinking data from its systems. >> it'll be a really important next step in establishing more of a longer time presence on the moon and testing new technologies for landing on the moon, the lunar lander is carrying six nasa experiments. >> researchers say they hope odysseus can find ice crystals that can be turned into water, oxygen, even fuel oil. >> a political rift in school curriculum the new study, revealing the stark divides over teaching lgbtq issues in school, and some measure of closure for the family of oscar grant wood. >> his mother received from alameda county officials 15 years after her son was killed by a bart police officer
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost
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to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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of the latest package of legislation and how it does not contain something that's been a topic of heated debate. then, weeks after pgd rates went up significantly, the electricity provider reports a big profit. what we know about future rate hikes in the face of billions of dollars in profits. next from ktvu fox two news.
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>> this is mornings on two. >> good morning and welcome back i'm gasia mikaelian i'm andre senior. >> thank you for joining us. today is friday february 23rd. and we are dealing with a little bit warmer temperatures right now with some many people have been looking out for. so let's check in with steve paulson right now to see what else is on tap for this friday. >> well, there's a pretty good offshore breeze for some. and the oakland berkeley hills about 25 to 32mph. and along the san mateo coast about 20 to 25mph. a lot of high clouds are coming in, though, so we'll have a mostly cloudy but mild to warmer day. not cloud covers coming up from. you can see it right there coming up from the south. so today if i can dream of mild and warm temps today, sitting along with dry, but there's a pretty good breeze out there for some, not for all. and temperatures bumping up mid 60s for many to a few pushing the upper 60s. all right sal is here. it was quiet. got busy. now it's back to quiet again. >> yeah yeah. and right now it looks pretty good. steve, if you are driving on the marin county commute, we had a couple of
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crashes. they cleared up and everything is looking good. heading down to the toll plaza there. no problems at the bay bridge toll plaza, there was a crash there and it cleared up and all of a sudden everything is light. so there hasn't been much to do here in the traffic center. and that's all right with me. but we're still watching just in case something happens. and then all of a sudden we get a back up out of nowhere. i'll let you know. it's 830. let's go back to the desk. >> well, more than $2 billion in profits sets how much pg and e made last year. and the utility expects their profits to be even higher this year as ktvu allie rasmus explains pg and e wants to add an extra fee to customers bills, which state regulators will decide on next month. ali >> yes, the california public utilities commission, the state agency that's supposed to regulate and oversee pg and e has to approve any rate hikes or any price increases will decide next month whether to allow pg and e to add an additional 4 to $6 on all of their customers
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monthly bills. it would be a new fixed rate fee. that would be the same amount, no matter how much customers used in energy or how much they saved. now this comes as the utility and the company pg and e says it made some record profits last year. in 2023, the company reports. $2.24 billion in profits in 2023. that's a 24% increase from the year before. in a call with investors pg and e says its profits are driven by rate increases that started in 2023. the most recent of which went into effect just last month. that increase of about 13% for most customers translates to an extra $400 in costs per year. now, pg and e says it needed that rate increase to pay to continue working to bury 1200 miles of power lines underground for wildfire prevention. pg and e, by law, is allowed to make a profit off of those capital improvements, including wildfire safety, investments.
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>> when you're in competence is causing me to pay more money. it's i don't see you know, the math than that. um, so no, i don't think it's fair at all. um, that that we're shouldering it. uh, do a better job. >> our new five year capital plan represents an increase of over $10 billion. >> and that's part of the investors call with from pg and e yesterday. executives say they believe future rate hikes will allow pg to remain profitable through 2023. at least now since 2014. so over the last ten years, pg and customers bills have increased 92, far outpacing the rate of inflation over that same ten year period. again, the next step is next month. the cpuc state agency will vote on whether to allow pg and e to add that new fixed rate charge to all of its customers bills. about 4 to $6. they'll vote on that at their meeting on march
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7th. live in walnut creek. allie rasmus ktvu, fox two news. >> allie thank you. the owner of a taco truck in oakland says she fears for her safety after her business was targeted by armed robbers this week. police say just before midnight wednesday, right around closing, five people wearing ski masks rushed the food truck on san leandro street. the thieves made off with a full day's earnings. police arrived soon after but didn't catch the thieves. the owner says her workers are scared right now. >> it's hard for them to work right now because i know that maybe they're thinking, you know what? later at night, they're going to come again. >> the owner says she doesn't want to change locations because the truck has a loyal following in that area. she says she plans to shift to a mostly cashless transaction policy almost 830 for now, the family of oscar grant is getting a little closure. >> 15 years after he was killed by a bart police officer on the platform at the fruitvale bart station, alameda county district attorney pamela price returned oscar grant's cell phones to his mother. they were held as
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evidence for years after bart officer johannes mursili was convicted of killing grant. >> i'm anxious to go home and, uh, turn it on and, uh, charge the battery. uh, and hopefully we see, you know, some of my son's pictures and what else he had in his phone. >> miss wanda johnson says the last picture her son took on his phone was of mursili. moments before he was killed, mursili claimed he meant to use his taser instead of his gun. he was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and served half of a two year prison sentence before being released. >> the california legislative black caucus introduced a reparations legislation package with more than a dozen proposals . >> we have to understand that in order to do some of the most innovative and some of the most targeted reparations legislation , we must first clear the path of any legal barriers that exist
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within our constitution. because if you touch, the package does not include direct cash payments to black california aliens. >> instead, it focuses on measures meant to improve everyday life for black californians. the bills must now clear committees in either the senate or the assembly by april 26th, a new study finds a political divide about what children should be learning in public schools. >> now, the study by the university of southern california researchers found that more than 80% of democrats support high school students learning about lgbtq plus topics , while less than 40% of republicans approve those numbers dropped significantly among both parties when it comes to teaching those topics in elementary school, scientists say they've learned new information about how whales make noises. >> or in lab experiments, scientists discovered that baleen whales use a cushion of fat and tissue that no other animal has to sing underwater for the sound made by those baleen whales, including humpbacks, which we just heard
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sounds like a low hum. similar to the noises made by boats, which makes it difficult for the whales to communicate with each other. >> the only way for them to find each other is by sound. so if we add a bunch of noise to the oceans, basically on a global scale, this will really reduce the areas of which these animals can communicate and make it harder for them to find each other. if they can find each other, they can't mate. and if they can't mate, they cannot be any population growth. so this is really it's really crucial for them to be able to communicate via sound. >> scientists say unlike humans and other mammals, baleen whales don't have teeth or vocal cords. instead, in their voice boxes, they have specialized tissue that allows them to breathe in massive amounts of air to make their songs. oh, how interesting . >> very, very cool stuff there. all right. uh, cell. uh, no. paul. steve paulson, you can go to me. >> yeah, i'm trying to put graphics together here. hold on a minute. hold on a minute. here uh, the wind is. if some areas
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are getting a pretty good breeze here. uh, i want to get this out there. stephen falk, his wind is blowing pretty hard up here in hiller highlands, and i'm not surprised because i put this out there. uh, right above the claremont. it's called oakland north. 32mph. uh, above the oakland south is above the oakland zoo. but look at middle peak, that's at tam mount tamalpais, that's east wind, big rock, east wind, sonoma mountain, northeast at mount veeder, northeast atlas peak, mount diablo, all the northeast. a little bit of fog, though petaluma is still holding on to a little bit. i think it's kind of it's lifting now with the higher clouds coming in, a little bit of a breeze, but still, that breeze is making for some windy conditions, especially on the san mateo coast as well. but a lot of high and mid level clouds are on the way and there it is. that's the surface wind east to southeast that is offshore, no doubt about it. there's half moon bay 17 gusting to 26. so is moss beach. so there's but other locations says calm sfo east at 14 palo alto though mountain view sarkum. so it's isolated but
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look at the temps. pillar point 56 monterey beach 54 half moon bay, pacifica 5150 at bodega bay . uh, also at bolinas. i mean, there's some warm temps for some. there's half moon bay. look at berkeley. also at 55, you had petaluma, some of that fog. still 39 might be a little warmer than that. now hayward, oakland. also in the 50 with an easterly breeze, a lot of high clouds streaming over us today associated with that low offshore. so high clouds, warmer, breezy for some, especially that offshore breeze from around bayside, el cerrito, oakland, berkeley right over toward across the bay towards the golden gate bridge, and then on the san mateo coast. but we'll end up with 60s and 70s. clouds start to roll in on sunday. i think we get some light rain on monday. all signs are pointing towards a colder air pattern end to next week with a lot of sierra snow is what they're advertising right now, but it won't be until this time next week. high clouds, patchy fog, offshore breeze bay and coast clouds continue to increase, but even with the clouds will be warmer. 60s mid
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60s. tomorrow i think we'll pop into a few low 70s and then we clouded up. sunday some light rain, a much cooler early next week. >> thank you steve. making. it to 100 years in oakland is a milestone to be celebrated next on the nine. we'll take you inside oakland's peerless coffee and tea for a look at how that business continues to thrive. and we'll test our own taste buds against the ceos. >> a combination of inflation and increased interest rates is causing financial stress for americans. while financial experts are saying now is a crucial time to pay off those credit card debts
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you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas
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to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. was court ruling over frozen embryos will affect reproductive health rights nationwide just this week. >> three in vitro fertilization providers suspended service after the ruling alabama supreme court ruled the embryos created by in vitro fertilization have the same legal protection as children. experts say this decision could send couples looking to conceive through ivf to other states, including california, to california is somewhat of a leader in terms of reproductive technologies. >> and so people were traveling to california for care before, um, but i think now there is certainly a much greater incentive.
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>> the largest hospital in alabama paused its in vitro fertilization program as doctors and patients assess the ramifications of last week's court ruling, governor newsom responded to alabama's ruling by saying, we need to pause and reflect on just how cruel this is. a woman who's desperately dreamed of becoming a mom could now be prosecuted in the state of alabama for trying to make those dreams come true. >> some universities are getting creative to combat the nation's nursing shortage. 12 months a 12 month accelerated programs are gaining popularity as nurses are facing a higher workload than ever before. well, a new fast track nursing program at the university of new england in maine starts in may. it should help students get into the workforce sooner, but they'll have to put in some serious training. >> there's nothing cut back. there's nothing less. they do the same amount of clinical hours, so we allow time for that. the schedule might have to be a little more flexible to include consideration. of
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weekends. >> government figures estimate that the us will have a shortage of more than 78,000 registered nurses next year. the states most in need of nurses are washington, oregon, calif, michigan and georgia. >> smart. the sonoma-marin area rail transit agency is making significant budget cuts. the board voted this week to slash more than $11 million from its 2024 budget. the board says the freight side of its operations will be challenging this fiscal year. the agency is estimating it will see $200,000 less in freight movement fees than what was budgeted. >> that you know, highlights the reasoning for, you know, doing everything we can to try to leverage our storage track and try to, uh, you know, make a profit there. um, but our challenge is, are real. we're working hard to fill that gap. but, um, as this board knows, it's not easy. the cuts come a year after the agency recorded its highest ridership numbers yet. >> well, some girl scouts from sacramento had a ten minute
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phone call. they will likely never forget anyone. >> if anyone says from november six, november alpha, how copy? yesterday they used a ham radio to talk to an astronaut on board the international space station. >> the spacecraft was close enough to earth to make the phone call possible. the girl scouts used that brief window to ask astronaut jasmin moghbeli a number of questions, as some experiments you are working on. >> what is your favorite? um, i'd say probably one of my favorites is when we just did. >> that's using bone marrow stem cells. >> what are you most looking forward to when you return to earth? avery i'm most looking forward to three things that seeing my little girls and my husband, my friends and family and share a meal. >> volunteers from a local ham radio group set up the phone call between the sacramento girl scouts and the astronaut aboard the space station. >> that's crazy cool. i know one of my first trips when i was in the boy scouts when i was younger was to go to cape canaveral. oh, wow. that was one of our first trips and they let us camp because it's in a wooded
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area. they'll just camp out there. >> oh that's amazing. we got to go to the base. >> it was my first time at nasa. >> oh, boy. yeah, i'm sure some astronauts were born that day. >> yeah, well, yeah, i wish, i wish i could have been an astronaut, but i couldn't make it nice. >> yeah. >> all right, let's talk about money here in the face of increased inflation, credit card debt is still climbing. >> yeah. and this week's moon landing has the attention of wall street. >> pam cook joins us with a look at today's dollars and cents. >> i've also taken that tour in florida, a great incredible yes, incredible. and it's on the minds of a lot of people. investors are eyeing the texas based company that makes that unmanned spacecraft that just touched down on the moon. shares in intuitive machines jumped more than 30% when the opening bell rang this morning. madison square garden entertainment rang that opening bell to kick off the 2024 world tour of the harlem globetrotters. some of the representatives there showing off their tricks, along with big g, the globe for the globetrotters is taking you live to the new york stock exchange and the big board. dow jones, up about a third of a percent. 123
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points. the s&p 500 also climbed to a new record high. it surpassed 5100. just just below that right now the nasdaq down a little bit, but still above 16,000 for the nasdaq. hot sauce sales are on the rise. experts say it's being driven in part by healthier choices in the kitchen . hot sauce manufacturers say one major driving factor for the sales increase seems to be the push to add flavor in healthy ways. >> i've been given a carrot based hot sauce by my neighbor and when i was blown away by how healthy it was and how good it tasted on literally everything, that's partially driven by the health food kick, people going plant based and eating leaner and it's a great way to generate a ton of flavor without adding a bunch of sodium or different things that can come from seasonings. >> as fortune business insights says, the hot sauce market is projected to grow more than $2 billion in value by 2030. santa
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clara based nvidia certainly the stock to watch this week. chinese company huawei is apparently the major competitor in the production of processor that power artificial intelligence. nvidia reported strong earnings this week with its profits for the three months ending january 28th, up 769% from the year before. but its business in china took a hit from us restrictions on chip sales to the country. so nvidia saying huawei, the biggest competitor there, americans are facing record record credit card debt. analysts say a combination of inflation increased interest rates and the end of pandemic tied relief, such as the moratorium on student loan repayments, has led to that record record credit card debt, delinquencies is also on the rise. people are late with those payments, the new york fed's report found 6.4% of credit card debt was delinquent by 90 days or more in the last quarter of 2023. i'm pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents,
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pam. >> thank you. niles canyon road in the east bay hills has partially reopened after storms this week caused part of the road to collapse. the part of highway 84 between old canyon road and main street in sunol is open again, but only one lane is open. crews used rockfall netting to make repairs and cleared vegetation, and they also installed one way traffic control signals. caltrans is working on a permanent fix, but there is no timeline on when that will be completed. >> the olympic valley is welcoming the top male skiers from around the world this weekend. they'll compete in the stiefel palisades tahoe cup. more than 100 athletes from 28 countries are at this event. of the more than 40 stops on the world cup ski tour, the season. this is one of just four in the united states. >> we raced in a different country every race so far, and it's going to be really cool to have a bunch of races in the us here, this next block. it's amazing to have the american fans and inspire the next generation of american skiers. >> our crews have been out there, you know, ever since
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mid-january, preparing the course. so that takes a lot of grooming, a lot of different water in the course, as well as side slipping. >> the renowned ski racing venue known for hosting the 1960 winter olympics, no stranger to the preparation it takes to put on such a spectacular event. >> all right, many people no doubt, will be heading up that way. uh, for the weekend. uh, but meantime, right here in the bay area, traffic seems to be a little light. sal castaneda. >> that's right. andre and garcia. and right now is a good time to go. so a little less conversation, a little more action. get on the road now before things change. you can see it right now. and also that applies to 80 and 50. we just talked about going to the snow. those roads are open. so get on it if you can. uh right now traffic on highway four and 680 has improved quite a bit. a little slowing in richmond, but for the most part, this commute looks pretty good. speaking of looking pretty good, steve, how do you do it? >> 8:51 a.m. i read your book, so i'm on chapter eight. thank you. yes, sir. thank you. all
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right. uh well, there's a pretty good breeze here kicking especially offshore. not for all. uh, right above, uh, sausalito. i've seen 25mph. pacifica 25mph. middle peak, which is mount tamalpais, 26. now that oakland north. of course, as soon as i show it to you, it's not. it's 33mph. that's right. above the claremont. there's a pretty good breeze. also, over to moss beach , pacifica, half moon bay, due east or northeast around 2620 seven miles per hour. yet san jose, mountain view, livermore are calm, but from about oakland, berkeley, oakland, berkeley hills straight over. uh, even albany over to the golden gate bridge and on the san mateo coast and parts of the sonoma and marin coast. there's a robust offshore wind. and also coming in above that, a lot of high and mid-level clouds. if you're north, i think you have a little bit more sun, but if you're south, you're starting to turn cloudy to mostly cloudy, 55 half moon bay, berkeley. one observation is 56 warm degrees. look at that. uh, that'll do it. that offshore breeze. but a lot of cloud cover today. but temps doing their best to bump up
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along with that east breeze. if it isn't for the cloud cover, we'd easily pop into the 70s. i say tomorrow, i think tomorrow we'll see a little bit more sun. uh, there's a lot going on here for the end of february. going into march, but i think we'll get some light rain on monday. not a lot. probably about san francisco, oakland south, but all signs of the screaming message here on the forecast models is we're going into a colder pattern by this time next week. so it does look like march is coming in like a lion, a cold lion, i should add. there's going to be a lot of snow up in the mountains. here is the way it's looking. but for today, high clouds, patchy fog, offshore breeze bay and parts of the coast. high clouds continue to increase, but even with the cloud cover coming in, i think we'll get some mid 60s out of this. with that offshore wind. so temperatures bumping up today, tomorrow, then clouds roll in sunday. much cooler with some light rain. monday and then it's gone tuesday. but cooler and breezy by then. >> steve thanks. we just told you about that recent court ruling in alabama that could shake up reproductive health laws nationwide. when you join us on the ninth, though, we're talking live with a former
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superior court judge about the alabama supreme court's decision to grant legal protections to frozen embryos. no more playing around. >> time to do what we're talking about. no blood snow. >> thanks to jennifer lopez's highly anticipated tour, officially go on sale in about an hour. what you need to know after a short break, all tha the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress
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and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. i'm going on. and right now, no more playing around. time to do what we're talking about. >> no trailer was set to perform at chase center in san francisco on tuesday, july 16th. pre-sale tickets went on sale tuesday. general tickets go on sale ten this morning. the jenny from the block star is going on tour for
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the first time in five years. she announced the tour shortly after announcing her first album in a decade, this is me now, san francisco ballet's performances of swan lake begin this evening. >> tchaikovsky's score dates back to 1877, holds special meaning for the organization. many say. former artistic director and principal choreographer helgi tomasson's, 1988 production of swan lake launched sf ballet into an elite group of world class ballet companies. swan lake runs at the war memorial through march 3rd. san francisco's recreation and parks department shared photos showing the results of a much needed park repair job. the department posted a before photo of an old pathway at golden gate golden gate heights park that had fallen into disrepair, and after photo shows the road with a smoother pathway ready to guide guests to the public playground in tennis courts. >> 857 now california one step closer to building the controversial delta tunnel project, that tunnel will divert water from the san francisco bay delta estuary and into big cities and agricultural operations, state scientists say. taking away the water would threaten the state's declining chinook salmon population. it's
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now up to the state's water resources control board to deny or issue the permit for the project. our special program, voices for change, returns this weekend. join us as we continue to celebrate black history month with a number of impactful interviews. we'll speak with the founder of the black cowboy coalition and organization focused on sharing the joy of horses and ranching with underserved communities. also, a conversation with the driving force behind the new peanuts special, welcome home, franklin. it tells the origin story of the peanuts first black character, franklin franklin was coming into this established group from the outside when it badly to fit in here. >> i was coming into this established thing a peanuts worldwide wanting really desperately to fit in. and here i was, uh, a black person representing something for black people. and on some level, franklin feels that, well, you can watch a new episode of voices for change this sunday morning at 930 and ktvu plus and then at 630 in the evening right here on channel two. >> more bay area school
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districts are turning to more environmentally friendly ways to transport their students. seven major school districts from berkeley to milpitas have at least one electric school bus. the number is expected to grow dramatically in the coming years because new legislation requires all new busses purchased after 2035, in urban areas to be zero emission vehicles, the price of an electric school bus could be five times higher than the cost of a traditional diesel powered bus. >> massive avalanche at mount shasta over the presidents day weekend formed the 60 foot tall wall of snow, the mount shasta avalanche center says the slide started around 12,000ft up the mountain, and aptly named avalanche gulch, and ran for more than three miles at its end , the 300 foot wide avalanche had fallen nearly 5000 vertical feet and left walls of snow. despite its size, the avalanche did not threaten people or any structures in that area. >> disturbing details about the shooting death of a toddler in santa clara, a three year old child being murdered is not


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