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tv   The Eleven O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  February 23, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm PST

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managed to beat brant ford one nil. he wants a do over. >> maybe he was just trying to pass it to the winger on the right side. >> it's like the want to get away moment. like in those old ads. you want to get away. he wanted to get away. >> absolutely. all right jason thank you. all righty. next at 11. >> there's only so much that the police can do. >> so i constantly look around to see if i'm watching at a neighborhood on the peninsula plagued by home burglaries. >> tonight. an uneasy feeling for many residents. >> the 11:00 news on katie icu fox two starts now. >> safety concerns in one menlo park neighborhood tonight. hello again. >> i'm greg lee and i'm christina rendon. the community facing more than a dozen burglaries since the beginning of the year. new tonight ktvu zac sos shows us everything from jewelry to safes have been stolen at night. >> it's scary to think if somebody is watching you to see if you're out. >> since the beginning of the year, all the crime notifications in this menlo park
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neighborhood. hard to ignore one burglary after another. >> i put my alarm every time we leave the house, even for ten minutes. we didn't used to be like that. >> the homeowner who didn't want to provide her name well aware of just how many 14 in the city and according to police, almost all of them in sharon heights, her neighbor among the victims, they lost a lot of things, um, of meaning, jewelry from parents from 30 years ago and stuff like that. >> it is heartbreaking. police say the thieves have been striking when no one's at home stealing, along with the jewelry and tire safes and designer items. >> the department says it's beefed up patrols in the area, but some neighbors say they'd still like to see a bigger presence. as for shawn maude, who grew up here, there's only so much that the police can do, and that's ultimately what it comes down to. >> so it's just unsafe. >> etling calling the crime unthinkable even just a few years ago. police asking neighbors to take additional security precautions and be on the lookout for anything
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suspicious, like a certain car that's parked somewhere that, you know, is there for longer than usual. >> i'll go ahead and ask my neighbor, like, what's going on? >> notify the neighbors when we're going and so they can keep an eye on the place. >> measures this neighbor who just moved in and didn't want to appear on camera, plans to adopt right away. >> i'm a female and i live alone, so it makes it ten times scarier to be in that type of situation. >> crime like this. what? she says she moved here to get away from. told by friends. >> that's one of the safest areas near the bay that you could go to. that's perfect. so hearing about this is pretty alarming. >> and police are asking anyone with information or potential video tied to the crimes to reach out. the city has also created a video surveillance camera registry program, allowing anyone with cameras on their property to let police know where they are in case another crime happens nearby in menlo park, zac sos. ktvu fox two news. palo alto residents
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are being asked to notify law enforcement of security cameras on their property. >> police say the new neighborhood security camera program will allow officers to contact camera owners in the aftermath of a crime to obtain footage for use as evidence. police said. choosing to sign up for this program does not allow officers to remotely access any security cameras. >> new at 11, an oakland man has been convicted for shooting and killing three people at a father's day party in richmond. that shooting happened back in 2021 at a home on dunn avenue, and was said to be fueled by mistaken identity and gang rivalry. enrique ramirez carmo is one of the two shooters. in this case, he now faces life without the possibility of parole and will be sentenced next month in santa rosa. >> a man called police after he says a driver flashed a gun at him. it happened today near coffee lane. officers tracked down the suspect and say they found two loaded guns inside the truck. police say the suspect, 37 year old eduardo soto, is a
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convicted felon and is barred from owning guns. they did not say why he pulled out a gun on the driver or what led up to the incident. christina soto is now facing several charges. >> 44 pounds of narcotics are now off the streets after san francisco police arrested four people accused of selling drugs in the tenderloin this week. officers arrested four people at homes in hayward and san leandro, police say they had seen the suspects bringing drugs to the tenderloin and selling them during the raids. officers say they found 44 pounds of illegal narcotics, including more than 8 pounds of fentanyl and more than 32 pounds of meth. >> and these were drugs that would have ended up on the streets of san francisco and the tenderloin community. um, this is a part of a months long investigation with our sfpd, uh, narcotics team. and in cooperation in cooperation with the dea. so it's really i mean, we're really happy that we were able to get this amount of drugs off the streets.
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>> officers also seized a ghost gun and several thousand dollars in cash. the four people who were arrested are now at alameda county jail facing drug related charges. >> a group of community organizations in san francisco commending a police commission vote that intends to curb racial bias in police, stops the policy , approved wednesday, restricts pre text stops which use vehicle , pedestrian and traffic codes as pretext to search people and their cars. it disproportionately affects people of color. member of the coalition to end bias stops and director of the sf public defender integrity unit brian cox says, quote, these modest but important changes will help turn the tide on the unacceptable racial disparities in police stops and spare countless individuals and families the trauma of unlawful search and needless detentions and police violence, end quote. sfpd has 90 days to implement the policy in less than 24 hours, san francisco streets will come alive for this year's chinese new year parade. and
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tonight, the community gathered for the miss chinatown usa pageant. another major event leading up to the big event on saturday. ktvu amber lee has the story along san francisco's waterfront workers put on the finishing touches to the year of the dragon floats designed to dazzle during the chinese new year parade. this year was really fun because the dragon allows for a little bit more creativity than, say, a rooster, so we were really able to push color, texture, environment in ways that we don't always get to do. >> stephanie mufson designed many of the floats, and with the help of a crew, built 18 of the 19 that will be featured in the parade, dragons with different looks and feel. >> behind me, of course, is my favorite. our disco dragon. i'm really, really enamored with him . >> nine contestants competed in the miss chinatown usa pageant held at the hilton hotel, union square, on the eve of the parade. they come from all over the united states, including hawaii, texas, and illinois. the
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pageant coordinator was herself a contestant and titleholder ten years ago. >> it's really about what beyond looks. it's about how they speak, how they represent their city specific city or country. >> ashlyn suey, last year's miss chinatown usa, has this advice for young women if you know what your passion is, put everything you can into it and we have number five. >> don't be afraid to be fearless at sunset, the production crew tested the lights set up at union square for ktvu live broadcast of the parade. >> our station has been bringing this historic event into viewers homes for more than 35 years. there's a new dragon that's close to 300ft long that came in from china just for this event. >> there's a couple groups in the parade that are here for the first time. that'll be that'll be great to see. and we're bringing back a live fireworks show set to music. so that should be a lot of fun and a great way to button up the
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parade at the end of the show. >> contestant number seven, taro wong. nash was crowned 2024 miss chinatown usa. she's 25 years old and she's from foster city. her talent is singing mike mibach claudine wong and i will be bringing you live coverage from the parade. hope you'll join us at union square in san francisco. amber lee, ktvu, fox two news. the parade route >> it starts at second and market streets, wraps around union square a ends at kearny articketed bleacher sections watching the parade at street level fre, and there are no bad vantage points. some nearby streets, though, will be closed for most of the day, and a reminder you can also watch it live right here on our fox socal app. you can also find our coverage leading up to the big event. all of it is free to download on your smart tv. >> dwindling enrollment at california state university campuses across the state. coming up, the facts that might be forcing some students down a
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different path, plus some changes are coming to one major airline. >> the new prices at united that will have people paying a little more at check in. >> but first west coast rap up next in just 90s the california social light found guilty today after hitting and killi two young boys the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still
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can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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was found guilty on all five counts, including two counts of second degree murder and vehicular manslaughter, with gross negligence. the mother of the two young boys spoke to reporters after the verdict. my family, we've been waiting for this for three and a half years now. >> we've been waiting to for to trust the justice system. um, so today we're just giving glory to god the god of marc and jacob. he's been with us through that time. he helped us through, um. he carried us. we are also super thankful for our our prosecution. they have worked tirelessly three and a half years. they went above and beyond to the. they only cared about the truth. >> sentencing is set for april. grossman could face up to 34 years to life in prison, now to washington, where a case being called the largest military sexual assault suit in history started its court martial process. >> today, doctor major michael
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stockton, from joint base lewis-mcchord, is charged with sexually assaulting at least 42 service members while they were under his care. this happened at madigan army medical center, stockton pled not guilty to all 53 charges against him. he's accused of preying on his male patients under the guise of a sensory exam, where he allegedly inappropriately touched them. so far, all victims in the case are from jblm. the army says it has not identified any other victims from stockton's previous medical positions in maryland or hawaii, and in utah, lawmakers there took a step today they hope will bring a major league baseball team to the state. >> a house committee advanced a bill designed to raise hotel and car rental taxes. that money would be used to help build a ballpark on the west side of salt lake city. hotel owners are raising concerns about the tax hike disproportionately impacting them. they're also warning that not all of the tax increases would be absorbed by out of state visitors. the bill now goes to the full house for a
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vote, and you can hear about the west coast top stories every weekday right here on ktvu. a west coast rap with alex savage airs at 7:00 monday through friday or you can find round the clock coverage at west coast >> new at 11. united airlines announced today that its checked bag fees will be going up. costs will go up by $5 after february 24th. an economy passengers first bag will now cost $40 and united will charge them 50 for a second bag. the airline cites maintenance and labor costs, increases for the bag fee hike. american airlines and jetblue airways announced similar increases this month. >> enrollment is down at california state university campuses. coming up, a closer look at the numbers that show just how big the problem is here in the bay area, plus berkeley. >> recognizing who they call the champions of justice. tonight, at a special black history month event. >> it is a last weekend of february, so we have the last chance of rain. and i will tell
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you when to expect it with your bay area forecast, it's all coming up right after this. stay with u "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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california state university campuses has made history today by voting to unionize. the group voted 97% to join the csu employees union. the students say they voted in favor of organizing so they could fight for better pay. working conditions and benefits. the csu vice chancellor for human resources issued a statement today following the announcement, saying in part, quote, the csu has a long history of providing on campus jobs to students through student assistant positions, which give our students the opportunity to gain valuable work experience. the csu respects the decision of
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student assistance to form a union, and looks forward to bargaining in good faith. csu campuses, especially the ones in the bay area, are enrolling far fewer students these days. >> ktvu tom vacar spent the day looking at the hard numbers that both universities and students are facing in the rapidly evolving world of higher education. >> for many generations, americans believe that a college degree was the promise of a better life on many levels. >> that's what i was told. you know that you go to the to a school to get a degree, and then after that degree, you start earning money. but that's not always exactly the case. as w know, former golden gate university business school dean and author of a book, critical of higher education, terry conley, says this. >> in 2010, the broad american population, regardless of their politics, really expected, wanted their children to go and complete college. okay right now, that number is less than half the nonprofit campaign for college opportunity found that
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csu's 23 campuses statewide enrollment declined by 6.5, almost 28,000 fewer students locally, sonoma state's enrollment is down 34. >> csu east bay down 25, san francisco state down 20. on top of that, the face of the student body is changing. white student enrollment declined by 13.1. black student count was down 5.4. asian students down 4.1, while the latino student count was up. >> i think it's always worrying about money. that's firsthand because, um, then you have to pay off like loans. if you're taking any, conley says. >> crushing debt crushes, amassing other wealth. >> right now, you can't even get in the door of buying a house if you've got the kind of student loan burdens that people are carrying, half of those ages 18 to 29 told pollsters that a high school diploma and two years of
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community college is enough to get them through life. >> many others think trade schools, from carpenters to jet mechanics, will get them the high paying, skilled jobs they seek. in that scenario, colleges lose and consider this only 60% of the people who ever enroll in college at any level actually complete the process. tom vacar ktvu fox two news. >> first things first. the forecast. everybody's been asking me about the chinese new year parade forecast. remember last year it was dumped buckets of rain, not not so much this year. in fact, it's going to be stellar. it's going to be clear. and we have a temperature of 64 degrees falling to about 60 at the tail end of the parade. have a great time, boy. no rain on that parade. live weather camera looking out. i wanted to share this with you because we have no visibility issues at this hour. no fog developing. visibility is at ten miles. we do have a few
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clouds, roughly around 25,000ft. otherwise when you see that green on the screen, watch it redevelop. that's virga. it is rain that's actually squeezing out of the clouds, but evaporating before it hits the land mass. due to the warmer air mass that's in place. we had temperatures today that hit 70 degrees. all right. so here we go. watch our futurecast set up. tomorrow morning is at 647. clear skies. it'll remain mostly sunny, all day. you notice the shield of cloudiness to the south of us. clouds to the north of us. smack in between. we're monitoring this system here, and it gradually gets closer. watch by sunup on sunday, it will be partly cloudy, mostly cloudy during the day. and i hate using that word chance. i really don't like putting a chance in the forecast, but it's just like a little minimal amounts of rainfall and it just wants to get closer and closer. so a chance of rain on sunday. also, it looks more favorable for precipitation on monday. so we're going with less than a 10th of an inch of rain in san francisco, maybe a little bit more in the san jose area with
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that shield of cloudiness. as far as your tahoe forecast is concerned, if you're heading to the sierra, it is going to be gorgeous 48 degrees, but then on sunday it clouds up. we will have some scattered light showers and then that translates over to snow. on monday, turning cooler and breezy. so keep that in mind for your traveling plans tonight. overnight temperatures into the 40s. few low 50s 51 in pacifica backing through half moon bay. otherwise tomorrow. yes. take a look at your neighborhood. how about mid 70s across the santa clara valley? 71 degrees in oakland and across the bay and redwood city and redwood shores. how about low 70s around the tri valley? 72 santa rosa through cotati and 73 also in morgan hill. here is your extended forecast. again, those rain chances on sunday and monday and then dry until about the first day of march. and greg and christina march is going to come in like a lion. >> we'll enjoy the weekend while we can. roberta. thank you,
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kaiser permanente's latest partnership is with the oakland unified school district, awarding them a $9 million grant. the money will be spread out over three years. it's intended to help both students and staff lead healthier lives by boosting health and academic services. we spoke with a spokesperson at kaiser, who explained the long terme benefits of supporting kids in schools. >> investing in our youth is investing in our future and so, you know, 20 years from now, sitting in these seats, you know, the students who are benefiting from from the investment, they're going to be our doctors and nurses and lawyers and journalists and superintendent s and so, you know, the roi for this investment is just so important. >> o usd superintende says some of the money will specifically go toward the district's health centers and investing in school community manager, who act as liaisons between the community and district. >> oakland is receiving $14 million in additional funding
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from the state to shelter homeless seniors. the latest award from california's homekey program will fund supportive housing in east oakland and the 40 unit dignity village on eads avenue and clara street will become the ninth oakland project created through a state pandemic program from the city's eight previous homekey awards have facilitated the conversion of existing buildings like motels and dorms into supportive housing. the city of oakland is also contributing $6.3 million to the project, covering 15 years of operation. lion's mayor shang tao, writing on x today. homekey has been an incredible program for our city, helping us secure 467 new units of permanent supportive housing since 2020. this aligns with oakland's goals of expanding supportive housing with wraparound services to get more neighbors off our streets and parks into safe, dignified conditions. >> for all right, here's a look at the story shredding tonight at ktvu dot com. one of our top stories. eight people died in a
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crash today in the central valley. this happened in rural madera county, about 25 miles north west of fresno. two men painting a building in north san jose were hurt today when one of them made contact with a high voltage transmission line in san francisco, police will have extra officers on patrol during the chinese new year parade this weekend. you can find these stories and more at kttv coming up, it's called the champions of justice event. >> the three historic figures recognize tonight at uc berkeley .
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision?
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garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. event honoring three men behind an iconic moment during the 1968 olympics. ktvu joey horton spoke
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to the honorees, who were celebrated tonight for their action as a crowd of admirers packing the uc berkeley alumni house friday night to honor three giants as athlete arts scholars and change agents. >> you exemplify the spirit of generations. >> two san jose state university sprinters on a victory podium at the 1968 olympics in mexico city. >> we became a beacon in the lighthouse, bronze medalist john carlos on the right, referring to his claim to fame standing alongside gold medalist tommie smith in the center with their heads bowed and each with a raised fist, the black power salute all of this during the national anthem, a silent protest during the civil rights movement, the world got a chance to see. it's almost like they opened the blinds for society. >> see the athletes advocating for black people in the u.s. and around the world. >> we joined together and
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decided to make a stand, not only a physical stand, but an academic stand to lend help to those who believe running was a lifelong message. >> reporter their inspiration then san jose professor doctor harry edwards, creator of the olympic project for human rights. >> i don't think anybody expected, you know, 55 years later for us still to be saying, hey, this was an important event. >> the goal to inspire black athletes to boycott the 68 olympics, to shine a light on the civil rights movement and to inspire change. >> we're better than denial of civil and human rights, a cause they believe still rings true today, and one that the next generation at cal is grateful for honoring this iconic trio for their contributions to sport and society, both of those men were actually kicked out of olympic village for politicizing
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the games here at uc berkeley. >> they understand what they were protesting and they celebrate it at berkeley. joey hornick ktvu, fox two news. >> this weekend, san francisco is holding its fifth annual black history month parade. the celebration kicks off tomorrow at 11 a.m. at the bayview opera house near newcomb and third, after the parade, there will be a block party that's expected to begin at 1230 at the southeast community center near evans and third. organizers say tomorrow's events will feature live music, retail and food vendors, a gumbo kickoff and a kids zone. as well as horseback rides. also happening this weekend, the black joy parade in downtown oakland. the celebration aims to provide a hyper positive environment amplifying the african diaspora's contribution to history and international culture. there will be dancing, music, art, food and more. the parade will take place just outside the gates of bart's 19th street oakland station sunday afternoon. it starts at 1230. >> the oakland roots sports club
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launched their 2024 jerseys, celebrate oakland in the 100th anniversary of the oakland tribune tower. they are available online now, but people attending tomorrow's grassroots it's a's fans fest will be able to pick one up in person. the kits have a black base with overlaid geometric shapes. kaleidoscopic colors symbolize the diversity and unity of the oakland community. the chief marketing officer says dropping a new jersey is another way to uplift the people and places that make the town the great city that it is. i really want one. >> i know they look really nice, really great. >> all right. thanks for watching the 11:00 news. our next newscast is at 7 a.m. >> to stream the latest news and weather on your smart tv anytime, just download the fox local app to your tv. good night. bay area welcome to like it or not the show where we take on some of those water cooler topics that are always amusing, never


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