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tv   The Eleven O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  February 25, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm PST

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minute here in injury time. messi works the two player game well and he does it there. he does what messi does best. works that one beautifully. he would find the top shelf of the goal to tie the game ends in a one one draw. that one a wild finish , but you expect nothing else from messi guys, right? no, that's what we expect. >> yeah. bailey thank you. thanks, guys. all right. coming up next at 11. >> it can occur in restaurant food. it can occur on cruise ships. it's just extremely contagious. >> norovirus making its way across the country. and that includes california. this virus picking up steam as more people prepare to get away for spring break. the 11:00 news on ktvu fox two starts now. and right now, the western us is experiencing one of the largest outbreaks of this stomach virus. hello again everyone. >> i'm heather holeman and i'm alex savage, new tonight ktvu south bay reporter lamonica
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peters has more on what's causing norovirus to spread so rapidly, and how you can stay healthy earlier this month, over 150 people were sickened while on a cruise set to sail from san francisco. >> people reported stomach flu like symptoms that included vomiting and diarrhea. the cdc now says there's a more than 12% rise in norovirus cases in the western union. in the last three weeks, just behind the northeast, which has seen a 14% increase. it says the virus spreads from person to person and can survive for weeks on surfaces and objects like doorknobs, countertops and phones. >> so it's really that, you know, going back to the beginning of even covid, when we were always thinking about washing our hands, soap and water in the bathroom, stuff, flu or food poisoning are common terms used for norovirus, but the virus is not a flu or respiratory sickness, nor virus can be transferred by touching someone or any object carrying the virus. >> it usually spreads rapidly in
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closed and crowded spaces like schools, hospitals, nursing homes and cruise ships. >> the best thing to do is kind of old fashioned symptomatic treatment. staying hydrated. um, don't um, you know, again, don't pass it around, um, and just keep on drinking, especially with electrolytes. if you're if you're passing a lot according to the california department of public health, norovirus causes over 20 million illnesses, up to 71,000 hospital asians and up to 800 deaths each year. >> so people die from norovirus because they get really dehydrated. and it's mainly people who can't, um, you know, take a gatorade or go get some water to drink. so the very young so like babies. >> doctor chin-hong says that older adults are seniors are also more likely to be dehydrated. there is no treatment for it. and you should continue to drink fluids and stay hydrated. if that doesn't
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work, you should go to the hospital. lamonica peters ktvu, fox two news new at 11 police are investigating a possible case of arson in san francisco after two teslas were set on fire within blocksf each other in the south of mket neighborhood. >> the first fire was near fourth and folsom, just after midnight on saturday morning. firefighters cleared that scene in just about a half hour. the second fire was a few blocks away. just 40 minutes later, it was cleareby 130 in the morning. both of those cars were tesla model y, and that is prompting police to believe these cases may be connected. and a 36 year old woman has been arrested for stealing an amazon delivery van in palo alto. police say elena flores jumped into that van on west charleston road near wilkie way last thursday. police say amazon dispatchers were able to live track the stolen van, which ended up at an amazon facility in san jose. officers were there when she arrived and she was
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arrested. flores told police she was trying to get back to san jose all of the packages in that van were accounted for. >> vallejo police are sharing the successful results of a recent coordinated retail theft blitz. the bust was a partnership with a business on admiral callaghan lane, near the gateway plaza mall. officers were deployed strategically in the store for a rapid response. nine people were arrested in the blitz, four of them repeat offenders. at this business. the group attempted to steal about $2,606 worth of merchandise. >> more than 50 cars were broken into in west berkeley in just one night, and police say they believe one crew is responsible for all of that damage. video posted on social media shows car after car with windows smashed. the police officers association says all of these break ins are tied to the same overnight crew. there's no word on why these particular cars were targeted and what was taken. if anything, or who police are looking for.
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>> i was just walking the dogs and came by and saw that there was glass everywhere all over the place and you know, all the windows smashed in the cars. >> this was the second time this week when a large number of cars were targeted all at once. on wednesday, nearly two dozen cars parked at the north berkeley bart station were broken into. police say at least 23 cars had their windows smashed and items taken in a mall in southern california is taking a page out of a bay area store's playbook in torrance, south of los angeles, the del amo fashion center says shoppers under the age of 18 must be with a parent or an adult who is at least 21 years old. younger guests will have to show id to get inside the shopping center. this measure establishes that one parent can only watch up to four kids at a time, mall officials explained. adults will be responsible for the actions of the people they're accompanying. the new rule comes after the increasing number of violent attacks involving teens in this area. now here in the bay area,
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fredrikson hardware and paint in san francisco implemented a similar restriction. the store now requires that every customer be escorted through the business with an employee, all in an effort to curb retail theft and injured mountain biker is now receiving treatment after being rescued by the chp. >> officers used the chp s h 30 helicopter to find to find that mountain biker on a trail in alamo yesterday afternoon, the san ramon valley fire helicopter rescue technician lowered there to get the injured person. we're told the cyclist was taken to an ambulance and then transported to the hospital. that cyclist is expected to recover. okay, bart, trying to get more young people interested in reading. the transit agency is expanding its short stories kiosk program and is holding a poetry contest for bay area teens. ktvu zac sos is here now in studio with more on on this contest. zach. >> yeah, the contest. yet another way to build on that mission of using these short story dispensers to help get
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kids reading. and what better way to do that than give teens the chance to author some of those works in those machines, and perhaps into the hands of thousands of writers? >> amid the daily rush to the train, you might have missed them a chance to grab a short story for the ride ahead, arms crossed with motor running. >> words will hold up gauge. asked when kyle reached him here and his father jerome, becoming big fans of the bart story dispensers installed at downtown berkeley and three other stations in 2021, it's also a long time using it. >> yeah, a third time. that's right, hugo opting for the three minute read. >> it's long, that's for sure. near palou's house in the rich, deep earth, dark eggs lay. >> and now kids just like him are being given a shot at getting their works on the trains, too. and it's a really exciting thing. this is a poetry contest for teens and the winners will be able to have their poetry read by the
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writers, i mean potentially reaching thousands of writers teens, 13 to 19 years old, living within the five counties, bart services are eligible. the deadline to submit is march 8th. >> i think that's a good idea. i mean, it's like, yeah, it's like a little competition. i think it'd be cool, actually. >> a little bit of poetry in our life, i don't know, it's like fun to have that on board. so yeah, why not? it's lovely to have kids be more involved in reading among the writers, just learning about the contest, some even about the existence of the machine themselves. >> and how does one do that? just push a button all right. see, it's like a cvs receipt, but the rewards so much better. i am waiting, i am waiting, i have always been waiting. >> might he soon be reading the works of hugo on the train? >> i'm not a good writer, so i wouldn't do it, but i know a lot of people who would for like who are interested. so the first time for everything. >> it's a good point. yeah maybe i will. >> i'd think about it. i take part every day, and the deadline to submit again march 8th. >> but the submission period
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could close sooner if they receive 300 works before then. if they get close to that number, bart says it will provide an update on the contest web page. we will, of course, be posting a link to the page on good luck to the poets out there. >> i'm excited to see what these young folks come up with. all right, zach, thank you. >> coming up tonight here on the 11:00 news, a six figure salary doesn't go as far as it used to in two bay area cities. the local communities where a $100,000 payday puts you squarely in the lower middle class income range. plus sure, it might be animated. >> sure, a lot of them may look unrealistic, but there are a couple that look real. >> a group of teenagers in southern california accused of bullying coming up in tonight's west coast rap. >> the technology the teens are suspected of using to torment classmates, and we are tracking the chances for rain this week. >> not right away though. couple nice days to go and then rain showing up towards the middle end of the week. i'll have that with a five day coming up
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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now in the hospital after a multi-car crash this afternoon in southern california. and this story begins tonight's west coast wrap. >> it happened around 1115 this morning. los angeles firefighters called to a crash at the at an intersection in reseda. the there crews found 11 people who were hurt following
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the crash that involved at least four vehicles. crews say one person died. six people were hospitalized. a nearby fire hydrant was also severed, temporarily shutting down that intersection. that area, though, has since reopened. staying in southern california, students at a middle school in beverly hills accused of bullying using the latest technology. >> as matthew seedorf reports, the kids allegedly used artificial intelligence to share explicit images of classmates. >> disturbing reports out of beverly vista middle school students accused of using artificial intelligence to create and share deep, fake nude photos of classmates. >> these things are like, you know, they're going to be out there forever. there's really nothing to make up for it. >> evelyn krueger, an eighth grader at beverly vista, speaking with us alongside her mother. >> it's a scary situation. this week, teachers learned there were i generated nude photos of kids circulating around the school. >> then they began contacting and interviewing victims. >> girls are being called out
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one by one, and there's always that fear. like, am i going to be next? am i going to be called in? there's going to be a naked photo of me presented to the entire world. >> beverly hills usd sending this email to parents saying students made and shared images that superimposed the faces of other students on the i generated nude bodies. >> sure, it might be animated. sure, a lot of them may look unrealistic, but there are a couple that look real. >> the kid side of things is happening every single day, dozens of times a day. we're seeing news reports of it everywhere. >> pete nicoletti, a cyber security expert with checkpoint. is there anything that parents can do to protect themselves and their children? >> it's never a good idea to over post publicly at all number two, parents need to control what's downloaded and running on their on their phones, on their kids phones. they're going to have to do time limits. they're going to have to do application download approvals and then they're going to have to talk about what are the consequences.
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you know, if these kids do this stuff, the school district tells parents while the law is still catching up with the rapid advancement of technology and such acts may not yet be classified as a crime, we are working closely with the beverly hills police department throughout this investigation. >> congress needs to act to create safeguards to protect all of our our children. >> so while laws aren't exactly crystal clear with these deepfake images, the school district tells parents that students that had made or even shared these images could be expelled. reporting in beverly hills, matthew seedorf, fox 11 news. in washington, state asylum seekers and homeless families now have a possible option in seattle. >> yeah, the low income housing institute has created a community made up of 42 tiny homes, ten of them are set aside for immigrants and the homeless. the village also has community spaces and access to case managers, along with more plans to build affordable housing. >> and you can hear about the west coast top stories every weeknight right here on ktvu.
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west coast rap airs at 7:00 monday through friday. you can also find around the clock coverage on stories happening all across the west at west coast >> hey, bill, in case you're wondering, alex host that show. oh yeah i love actually thank you kevin. >> go ahead. you could say something nice bill. >> no i actually like west coast rap part of it i do. okay. it's a great idea too. it's all the west coast stories of the day. it's actually makes a lot of sense. but i'm not on it, so it's not, you know, it's. i can get you on that. i'd like to get on that. okay. so here's the story with the, uh, the model tomorrow, we've got a chance of some light scattered showers. not a big deal. and i want you to see how. not a big deal it is. here we are tomorrow morning. this is the model. all right. and see where the showers are and could be. that's sort of down by felton, down towards davenport and then into santa cruz. and then it kind of clears up real quick. so that's the forecast for tomorrow. so you're going to see like oh there's a chance of showers and there is. but it's to me looks like a
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nonevent based on that model output. these are the highs from today 60s even some low 70s a little cooler today than yesterday. highs tomorrow will be cooler still. and we're going to forget about the 70s for a while. and even the mid upper 60s we're going into the low 60s next few days. and then when the system comes in, it's a cold system. that's on thursday night into friday and that system is going to be a good snow producer for the mountains. i'll show you that in a little bit. here's this system here. this is the one that's going to bring us that slight chance of a sprinkle tomorrow. and it's but you saw the model and how it reacts to it. here are the current temperatures. here are the forecast overnight lows which by the way trend above above above average for this time of year certainly especially in the inland valleys where we're not going to be freezing. okay. here's the model. more granular, kind of more narrowed in. here's tomorrow morning. here's was tomorrow afternoon. and then here's the end of the day tomorrow. so. right. so that's that's that. and then now we're going to move into tuesday morning tuesday afternoon. so basically we're pretty dry right through thursday night. here we
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go into wednesday morning into wednesday night. and then the clouds cloud up on thursday. and then thursday night into friday is when it gets going. and this is going to be all about the mountains. it's going to be snow elevations, snow elevations down around 5200ft up to 3 to 4ft of snow. by the time it's all said and done, the bay area will get a little bit of rain. but again, cold systems not that great in terms of producing rainfall. here's that slight chance tomorrow and then we'll pop the weekend in and around here it gets unsettled. two heather alex. and that means you know for us, the last few storms brought in two three inches of rain. this deal on thursday friday, saturday maybe a half inch or an inch at least that's how it looks because it's colder, not as much water available. >> okay. thanks, bill. all right. thanks, bill. well happening tomorrow afternoon, pg and e will have to answer before a san francisco board of supervisors committee following many long lasting power outages that took place in the city. >> supervisor myrna melgar called the meeting after some san francisco neighborhoods went without power for more than 48
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hours. during recent winter storms. supervisor melgar will be asking the utility to provide an explanation for the recurring outages, especially in light of recent rate hikes. >> plans for a 25 story apartment tower right across from san jose state university are moving forward next month, the saseity council will consider genliting a 210 unit apartment building on south fourth street near eastan salvador street. t proct received unauspproval from the city's planning commission last week. the apartment building will be targeted to university students and faculty. >> okay, the power of a six figure salary is fading depending on where you live. moving some earners into a lower middle class status, according to a recent analysis from gobankingrates, an annual salary of $150,000 qualifies as a lower middle class income in three cities arlington, virginia, san francisco and san jose, with irvine in seattle rounding out the top five. now, in those
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cities, an annual household income of higher than $125,000 qualifies as lower middle class. as for how it compares to household income across the country, according to the us census data, the national average is less than $75,000. okay, actor sylvester stallone announcing that he will be permanently leaving california and moving to florida. the rocky actor made the announcement on the season two premiere of his reality show the family. stallone, he told his family that they will be selling their home and that they already have a new place in palm beach. the wife of florida's governor, ron desantis, welcoming the actor to the state on x, writing that in florida, you can be free and you can also buy toothpaste without having an armed guard in cvs. unlock it for you. >> a critical shortage of nurses is causing some schools to create faster training programs. forms. the national center of health workforce says there is a projected shortfall of about 78,000 registered nurses next year. in response, many
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university nursing programs are now offering accelerated one year programs to get them into health care systems quickly. medical experts say these programs are a win win for students, as well as hospitals and facilities. a previous bachelor's degree is still needed in order to enroll in the programs. california is among other states seeing the highest need for nurses, a new report finds. home foreclosures are up this year. adam, a real estate data provider, says foreclosures in january are up 5% from a year ago and up 10% from december. in california, specifically, foreclosure orders went up between 34 and 47. adam says the uptick in foreclosures could be for a number of reasons, including the high cost of living. >> all right, here's a look. now at some of the stories trending tonight on ktvu .com. one of our top stories. a librarian in solano county known for his presence on social media, now stepping down citing mental
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health reasons. he says though he will continue to advocate for literacy, he well, the family of a man hit and killed rather in a hit and run in san francisco, really pleading with the driver to turn themselves in and at&t says it will offer customers account credits after last week's network outage. you can find these stories and more on our website at up next tonight, chinese new year festivities continue today in san francisco at the city's visitacion valley neighborhood, celebrated the holiday and the familiar faces joining in on the fun and a quick reminder that you can now stream ktvu news right there on your smart tv. you can watch live newscasts and stories on demand on your amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv, or android tv. just search for the fox local app and then select ktvu . democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice.
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mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us.
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black joy parade. special appearances in the parade included representative barbara lee carr's clubs and dance performances from greek organizations. attendees got to enjoy beer gardens, a food court, and browse dozens of black owned black owned businesses. this year's theme was all about finding the joy in the hustle is inspiring, and being around like minded people. >> people put their heart and soul into their businesses. some people have brick and mortar. some people don't. but something about being around people that look like you. the hustle,
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everyone out here grinding and meeting each other. it's like the super bowl. >> the parade also sponsored an official after party at crybaby there on telegraph avenue, complete with special guest djs and afrobeat performances. >> well, hundreds of thousands of people filled the streets of downtown san francisco for the city's annual chinese new year parade. organizers say the biggest crowd in decades lined the parade route to celebrate the year of the dragon. they came out to watch the dazzling display of colorful floats marching bands, dancers and plenty of dragons and parade lovers of all ages agree that the weather last night was absolutely perfect. >> i love seeing all the floats. i like seeing all the different types of people that come out. >> what's your favorite so far? dragon about it. >> the dragons actress, comedian and rapper awkwafina. was this year's grand marshal, and once again, ktvu fox two was honored
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to broadcast at the chinese new year parade with host claudine wong and mike mibach. it was a great time being out there and san francisco mayor london breed expressed her appreciation for all the city staff who helped to make the parade a success. she gave a shout out to all the street cleaners, the first responders and the muni operator and the parking control officers , officers, mayor breed thanked all those workers for, quote, working behind the scenes and making san francisco shine and a big shout out to everyone here at ktvu. >> those who broadcast the parade, they were such professionals and do a great job every year. so congratulations to all of those behind the scenes who made that parade a big success. all right, the festivities continue today in san francisco's visitation valley, where the community came together for a big lunar new year party. all told, own chantel moore for the visitacion valley neighborhood association hosting the event at the asian pacific american community center. city leaders came to join the fun, including state
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comptroller malia cohen, who grew up in the city. >> what i've admired growing up is just how there's generally national traditions that are passed down from grandmother to daughter to granddaughter, and you see it here today. you have young children helping serve food to their seniors and it's just an opportunity where communities are coming together. >> today's party follows a joint gathering held in visitacion valley last weekend that celebrated black history month and lunar new year together in hollywood. >> the movie oppenheimer was one of the big winners at last night's 20th annual screen actors guild awards, picking up the award for outstanding performance by a cast in a motion picture. the film's star, cillian murphy, won the award for male actor in a leading role , and robert downey jr won for his supporting role in that same film. the holdovers took home the sag award for best picture. the. >> okay, thanks so much for joining us tonight for the 11:00 news. our next newscast is at 4 a.m. and a reminder before we
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go, you can stream the latest news and weather on your smartphone and smart tv anytime wi the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. hey what's going on? everyone. i'm alex savage. welcome to this edition of like it or not


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