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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  February 26, 2024 4:00am-7:00am PST

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considered conservative states. you have details of the governor's new efforts focusing on women who need reproductive care. >> it can occur in restaurant food. it can occur on cruise ships. it's just extremely contagious. >> the norovirus now spreading across california and o er parts the country. we'll tell you how you can protect yourself and your family from catching it . >> from katie icu fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> well, good morning to you and thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on two. i'm
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dave clark i'm allie rasmus. >> it is monday february 26th. and what a gorgeous weekend weather. we had it at. and it seems like it may be a little bit short lived. let's check in with steve paulson to find out about the change. it's already over. >> it's already over. i did have the windshield wipers on driving. yes, i had a little drizzle myself. uh 40s and 50s on the temps. after a spectacular weekend, though, everything is changing. low clouds are in place and a lot of high and mid level clouds will move in. i think we'll get some light rain, mainly south though, but by this afternoon this evening. the key though is coming down from the north. that's going to be the big signature here as we go into the rest of the week here. and that's going to produce some heavy snow totals by the time we get to the end of the week and into the upcoming weekend 60s on the temps from above to below, just like that at all, right, 4:00 in the morning. sal is here. quiet. something new. what >> uh, you know, i think we're okay for the most part. we do have a nice looking commute out there because it's nice and early, but looking at the map, i don't see any slowdowns. not even on the altamont pass or
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highway four. so if you get up early, there's your reward. uh, things are doing very well. if you're driving around, you can see the bay bridge has a handful of cars coming through. so right now is your time. 401 let's get back to the headlines. all right, sal, thank you. >> we're going to begin with breaking news. the contra costa county sheriff's department has locked down a neighborhood near san pablo and richmond parkway because of law enforcement activity out there. that shelter in place order was issued about an hour ago. it's affecting people living in the area of rachel road and heather drive. it's in the montalvo manor neighborhood. the people there are being told stay inside your homes, close all of your doors and windows until further notice. now stay right here with us on mornings on two. we do have a news crew heading out there now. we'll bring you the latest information as we get it. >> well, today pga executives will have to answer questions from some san francisco supervisors about some long lasting power outages that have
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happened in the city in recent weeks. supervisor myrna melgar called the meeting after some san francisco neighborhoods went without power for more than 48 hours during recent storms. supervisors say they want an explanation for those recurring outages. it comes as people struggle with their pg and e bills following recent rate hikes. >> our time is now 402. well, it doesn't sound like a whole lot, but at&t plans to reimburse customers with a $5 credit if they were affected by last week's cell phone and internet outage. in a statement, the company said that the $5 credit that it would apply to each of the affected accounts is the estimated average cost of a full day of service. that outage affected more than 70,000 customers, and at&t believes a technical error caused it. time is now 403. the cdc is saying across the country, cases of stomach virus are spreading and fast and the western u.s, according to the latest data, has the nation's second highest
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rate of norovirus. >> this ktvu lamonica peters spoke with doctors about what may be causing the outbreak and how you can protect yourself. >> earlier this month, over 150 people were sickened while on a cruise set to sail from san francisco. people reported stomach flu like symptoms that included vomiting and diarrhea. the cdc now says there's a more than 12% rise in new virus cases in the western union. in the last three weeks, just behind the northeast, which has seen a 14% increase. it says the virus spreads from person to person and can survive for weeks on surfaces and objects like doorknobs, countertops and phones. >> so it's really that you know, going back to the beginning of even covid, when we were always thinking about washing our hands, soap and water in the bathroom, stomach flu or food poisoning are common terms used for neural virus. >> but the virus is not a flu or respiratory sickness, nor virus can be transferred by touching someone or any object. carrying
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the virus. it usually spreads rapidly in closed and crowded spaces like schools, hospitals, malls, nursing homes and cruise ships. >> the best thing to do is kind of old fashioned symptomatic treatment. staying hydrated. um, don't, um, you know, again, don't pass it around. um, and just keep on drinking, especially with electrolytes. if you're if you're passing a lot. >> according to the california department of public health, norovirus causes over 20 million illnesses up to 71,000 hospitalizations and up to 800 deaths each year. >> so people die from norovirus because they get really dehydrated. and it's mainly people who can't, um, you know, take a gatorade or go get some water to drink. so the very young, so like babies. >> doctor chin-hong says that older adults or seniors are also more likely to be dehydrated, and there is no treatment for it. and you should continue to
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drink fluids and stay hydrated. if that doesn't work, you should go to the hospital. lamonica peters, ktvu fox two news. >> all right. lamonica. thank you. thomas 405 among young adults, a number of workplace injuries have increased in some states that have legalized recreational marijuana. now according to the us department of labor between 2006 and 2020, states that had recreational marijuana laws also saw a 10% increase in those injuries, mainly among people between the ages of 20 and 34 years old. however, the opposite effect was found among older workers. injury rates actually went down among older workers who use recreational marijuana, since some, according to the research, use marijuana to relieve pain. governor newsom is kicking off a political commercial blitz against abortion, travel bans to help trump. >> republicans want to criminalize young women who travel to receive the reproductive care they need. the
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governor unveiled the ad yesterday. >> it will first air in tennessee, where a proposal in the legislature would make it a felony to take pregnant minors out of state to get an abortion without parental permission. newsom says similar restrictions based on a law already passed in idaho, are also being considered in oklahoma and mississippi. this ad campaign is being funded by a political action committee newsom launched last spring. today, the u.s. supreme court is scheduled to take up a case that could have an impact on the nation's social media companies. the high court will consider whether states can take steps to moderate the content of sites like facebook and youtube. the laws at the center of the case are in florida and texas, where state lawmakers say they want to limit platforms from deciding what posts can be removed. some of those lawmakers claim the sites are biased against conservatives. the social media companies argue these state laws are an infringement on their constitutional right to free speech. >> our time is now 407. in the race for the republican
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nomination for president, former president donald trump is celebrating his latest victory over the weekend in the south carolina primary, trump easily defeated nikki haley, south carolina's former governor, as he carried that state with almost 60% of the votes compared to haley's 39. the margin of victory in south carolina appears to put trump on the path to his third straight republican nomination for president. >> an even bigger win than we anticipated. and. i was just informed that we got double the number of votes that has ever been received in the great state of south carolina. so that's pretty good. >> now, trump's win in south carolina follows republican victories in iowa, new hampshire and nevada. >> however, nikki haley is making it clear she has no plans to drop out of the race. >> there are huge numbers of voters in our republican primaries who are saying they want an alternative. i'm not
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giving up this fight when a majority of americans disapprove of both donald trump and joe biden. >> now nikki haley is trump's only remaining opponent in the race for the republican nomination for president. with super tuesday elections now just a week away today, haley's campaigning in michigan leading to tomorrow's big primary there and president biden easily won south carolina's democratic primary with 96% of the vote. well voters here in california have to turn in their ballot by next tuesday's deadline. >> and it's not just the presidential race on the ballot. voters will also decide who should be california's next senator. the top two candidates will move on to the november general election. there's also one ballot measure voters will decide on prop one, which would authorize nearly $7 billion for mental health facilities and housing. there's also several open seats in congress, including in the south bay, to replace congresswoman anna issue, who is retiring and in
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the east bay to replace congresswoman barbara lee. and as we get closer to super tuesday, stay connected with fox local. it's a free app on your smart tv. you can find everything you need to know ahead of the primary election, like what's on the ballot and how you can vote. just search for the fox local app and then select ktvu. >> all right, ali, time is 409 today. the u.s. secretary of energy will be right here in the bay area, kicking off her california tour, focusing on the biden administration's clean energy efforts. jennifer granholm is expected to lead a ribbon cutting ceremony in san leandro and take a tour of a new battery innovation facility from cuberg. now, she'll be highlighting efforts to speed up clean energy deployment in rural as well as remote communities. >> today, uc berkeley students, along with some community groups, are organizing teach ins on people's park. these teachings are designed to provide different perspectives about what's going on at people's park. according to the groups organizing it right now, people's park has around the
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clock security and is barricaded with some shipping containers and barbed wire fencing. >> well, pavement repairs are scheduled today on vasco road. contra costa county officials say drivers up there expect about 15 minute delays. the work will affect the northbound lane of vasco road, between the alameda county line and camino diablo, public works crews are expected to be there between 9:00 this morning until 3:00 in the afternoon. soon the paving repairs should be finished by wednesday, but it all depends on the weather and the weather is changing. >> starting with today. we noticed it when we headed out the door this morning. steve >> no doubt much cooler. the wind picked up last night and the cloud cover has been increasing here. low clouds in place. there's actually a merging of two systems here. the one from the south, which was there all weekend. it was just too far away. and then the one coming down from the north, which will show up the next time i show the satellite image. but 40s on the temps, 50 on the temps. but really it's there's
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some drizzle out there, a couple of 30s, but i think those will disappear pretty rapidly here. 40s and 50s. 51 popular fairfax in their san anselmo ross also tiburon, uh, sonoma is at 45. cloverdale 44 upper lake, 4437 truckee, south lake tahoe. uh, ukiah is at 48. cloud cover coming in. i'll draw the line mainly. i think light rain south with farther south. you are a better opportunity for some light rain later today, but again, some drizzle could stack up or some light rain from this system as one comes down from the north. that's the first of a couple we'll get a break until about thursday, but that's going to be the trend here. watch for the mountains. watch starting on thursday, friday, saturday may not let up until sunday. there are multiple feet being advertised here. this will be a snow event more than a rain event, but we'll still get some of it. heavier amounts will be north. that's later today. i think most of that will kick out, so we'll just go with light rain. here comes the system thursday going into friday, going into saturday. and that's a deep cold system. uh, there's
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some signs, maybe even a little bit more after that. but the main focus will be the end of this week into the weekend. so low clouds drizzle, clouds increase, mostly cloudy, cooler, some light rain, mainly to the south. but goodbye to those 70s. it's now back to 50s and 60s. >> all right. thank you steve. it has now been two years since russia invaded ukraine. the new number of soldiers who have died and the number of people who've been missing since that war began. >> everyone out here grinding and meeting each other, it's like the super bowl celebrating community and culture. >> we're going to take you to oakland's black joy parade with the focus is on the contributions of the black community . "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate."
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"known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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the city's seventh annual black joy parade. >> it was a big day. ktvu story. gaines was out there and continue rouz our coverage of black history month, taking in the sights and the sounds and the flavors that local business owners had to offer. to >> double dutching. um, singing, chanting. there's a drum line. there's 3 or 4 different car clubs. there's horses. there's everything out here. and they're all really, really excited to bring the energy to oakland from honey to books to the latest african made fashions, bay area business owners showed up and showed out in support of the parade. we're in the coffee and joy business, so black joy parade makes sense for us here at the black joy parade business owners aren't just selling wares and goods, they're also building community. so this year's theme for black joy parade is find joy in the hustle. it's really the redefinition of a hustler. and so the goal was really to bring economic empowerment back into oakland.
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>> bush and oakland's own kenneth randolph used to be a registered nurse, but when he learned about the healing properties of kenyan honey, he changed course. >> i worked in the e.r. and we use honey for the road rash and really had much better outcomes than many of the things that are on the market nowadays. >> business owners we spoke to had more than just sales in mind. many focus on social entrepreneurship as they grow. it's important for me to represent not only my community, but what we're trying to do for the community here by bringing in good, healthy products and these businesses aren't just helping people here in the u.s. sort of a social enterprise. >> we hire people in nigeria. we have about 15 seamstresses and tailors. so they make the clothes, send it over here. we sell all over the world, and it really helps impoverished communities. and we have beautiful pieces there were even treats for the kids like books written by a local author. unfortunately, i noticed that there weren't resources for black children that talked about body safety, consent, and boundaries. and i needed to remedy that. so i created my first book, where hands go,
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which is the introduction to safe and unsafe touch, to talk about these taboo and hard topics for parents. >> nicole felix borders and her husband, reggie borders founded their cake company, pound business, based on a family recipe that had been treasured for years now. now they aim to give back. we've been able to help other entrepreneurs. >> we've helped our customers get into homes, we've given scholarships to different, um, youth, uh, help starting their own businesses. >> what we do with the resources that we get here at pound business is, put it back into the community and the oakland community came out in full force to support these businesses. >> it's inspiring to be around like minded people. um, people put their heart and soul into their businesses. um, some people have brick and mortar, some people don't. but something about being around people that look like you, the hustle, everyone out here grinding and meeting each other. it's like the super bowl in oakland. >> tori gaines, ketv, fox two news. for 18 now and
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firefighters from alameda county will be hosting a presentation today on the legacy of african americans in the fire service. >> the 11th annual chief is my belief event will be held at nine this morning at anna yates elementary school in emeryville. this presentation will feature prominent african american firefighters from the bay area and across the u.s, who've made significant contributions to the fire service. >> our time is now 418 in southern california, an african american woman with a passion for cars is shattering barriers in the automotive world. her name is tina blankenship. early nicknamed the first lady of lowrider, she's the first woman inducted into the national lowrider hall of fame and is the first named woman of the year by lowrider magazine. her love of cars started decades ago when she started installing audio equipment in the chevy impala that belonged to the father of her best friend from then, they started calling me first lady. >> first lady, first lady, and so, you know, it was a name that
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was given to me so that, you know, and i hold that as at a higher standard. >> now, there's no physical monument for the lowrider hall of fame, just the title, but miss blankenship early has appeared in music videos and the opening scene of the hit movie straight outta compton. one of her cars, by the way, features images of former first lady michelle obama. >> well, a year after storms resurrected a central california lake, it has disappeared again, leaving behind only a few stretches of water. this is what lake tulare looked like after snow melt from last winter storms resulted in flooding in san joaquin valley. you can see the water on both sides of that roadway there. the lake at one point covered 10% of kings county. now it's reportedly just a few square miles. farms and roads previously engulfed by the floods are slowly popping back up as the lake continues to evaporate. eight for 20 is the time now, and no chance, at least as far as we know, of that lake filling up any time soon.
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>> maybe spring melt. okay, there's a lot of snow on the way. that used to be a permanent feature, that lake until it was drained, but it came back and it may if everything's coming in with the snow that we're seeing forecasted here, that might be another concern, say around may or april depending. i'm getting way ahead of myself, but most cloudy here. a lot of low clouds are coming in in advance of the system. one to the north, one to the south. 40s 50s on the temps, our sunshine and upper 60s 70s. that's on its way out of here pretty fast. 40s 50s on the temps due to the cloud cover. so everyone's pretty close here. 37 truckee, south lake tahoe, 57. down in palm springs, 51 crescent city to 58 san diego. if there's any rain, i mean, there's drizzle. coast and bay, but if there's any rain, i expect it to be light, mainly around santa cruz. san jose south looks to kind of be the line. there's not a lot to work with here, but i'll keep it in the forecast. just you know, it's been it's a rain year. so you don't want to say no because every system seems to produce
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something. but the focus is no doubt about it going to be from the north here. watch the sierra snow forecast here. just keeps going up and up and up and up. this will be thursday, friday, saturday probably a break by sunday we'll get some rain. but this looks to be all about the sierra snow and more so than us. we've had our rain events and they've had some snow here in february to really help the cause. this may put them well over as the way it's looking here. so that would start thursday and probably go into sunday morning is the way it's looking today. partly to mostly cloudy here. there might be a few sun breaks, but much cooler here. low clouds drizzle, light rain mainly to the south again, not a big deal. 5060 on the thames. >> see time now for 21 gauge. >> asked when kyle reached him, phone call turning riders into readers who tell you about plans to expand the program celebrating storytelling on bart and the two most recent nba champs, go against each other at the chase center. >> the frustrating loss for the warriors against the denver
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nuggets last night what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i
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approved this message.
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wizards. the warriors look to rebound from their disappointing home loss last night to the defending nba champion denver nuggets. klay thompson started off red hot, giving the warriors a 15 point lead, but the nuggets stormed back to tie at halftime and broke away in the fourth quarter to win 119 to 103. steph curry only had 20 points and looked worn down as the game went on. do you not want to rest it all coming up you know okay doing the all star game same stuff. >> not getting much of a break three games in four nights. um you know the whole deal. so he looks it looks a little tired. um but this is all part of the season. and third quarter. >> klay thompson had 23 points, but none in the second half. and that's when the warriors were outscored by 16 points, which was that difference in the game.
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>> well over the weekend, the warriors hosted a free basketball camp for local youth. 25 kids from the contra costa boys and girls club took part in the fueling young athletes clinic, and chris mullin, the former warriors star and olympic athlete, was there as well. >> what are you learning today, or each and every day of practice with your coaches is important, but the only way you can perfect it and really take your game to the next level is by putting the time in by yourself. your coaches can guide you and give you nice drills to do, but the players that put the extra time in on their own are the ones that are going to keep, uh, keep improving and excel and maximize their talent. >> yesterday's event was at the warriors oakland training camp center, happening today. >> buffalo wild wings says it will make good on its promise to offer free wings to everyone in the u.s. that's after the 40 niners and chiefs went into overtime in super bowl 58 two weeks ago. buffalo wild wings
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launched a promotion in 2019, promising that the restaurant would give away free wings if any future super bowl went into ot. at that time, only one super bowl had gone into overtime when the patriots battled the falcons in 2017. well more than 50 cars broken into in west berkeley in one night. why residents are worried about this trend. >> and over the weekend, there was a big jump in bart ridership . we'll tell you about the events that bart says made a big difference when it comes to how many people were on bart trains. and don't forget, you can have the morning headlines delivered right to you by signing up for the ktvu newsletter. just go to, sign up for the daily service here's your biggie bag. all that food for 5 bucks. -that's my go to. -oooh - that's my ride or die. hah.... just like you and me.... (singing) ♪ bag boys ♪ ♪ bag boys, whatcha gonna do ♪ don't...
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-♪ whatcha gonna do ♪ -don't... -♪ when we bring your food ♪ - it... go biggie and get all this with the jbc for just 5 bucks. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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years since russia invaded ukraine. what we are learning about the number of soldiers who have died and the number of people reported missing since that war began. and chinese new year celebrations wrapped up in san francisco this weekend. how visitacion valley celebrated the holiday and the familiar faces who joined in on the fun. >> from ktvu fox two news. this is mornings on two. good morning and welcome back to mornings on two. >> i'm allie rasmus and good morning i'm dave clark. >> welcome to monday. it is february 26th and we want to get you started with a look at the weather steve paulson. >> you might need to bring a raincoat light raincoat when you head out the door. well there's a little drizzle out there. >> it's a big change though. it's already started here. much cooler temps, 40s 50s and we have a lot of low clouds. some drizzle out there, cold and bay. combination of two systems, one to the north, drawing up that one to the south. i think if there's any rain it might be later. it would be mainly south, but we'll keep it in the forecast least from drizzle 5060 on the temp. so down they go. and they may even get colder
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than that by the end of the week. all right. south here almost 430 on a monday. we still okay out there. >> yeah we are. there's not a lot going on steve. which is nice. just kind of want to leave it alone here in these first hours you can see traffic is moving. well, as you drive on to the bay bridge, there have been no problems in the east bay. and a little bit of slowing is beginning to develop on the altamont pass. and 205 before it. 430 let's get back to the headlines. >> we want to update you on this hour's breaking news. the contra costa county sheriff's department has locked down a neighborhood near san pablo due to law enforcement activity. ktvu james torres joins us live to tell us what we have learned. so far. james, good morning, ali. >> good morning to you. well, we are standing just along, uh, san pablo avenue here right off of the richmond parkway here. and we can see what looks like a number of police officers, both with the contra costa county sheriff's office, as well as the california highway patrol blocking off the entrance to the mount alvin manor. it's a community here. i think it's a
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community full of mobile homes and trailer parks as well. you're not even getting close to anywhere near the scene of where they're actively investigating what looks like, what sounds like they're looking for someone who may be armed, but we don't know entirely why. we don't know what actually started this entire response this morning, but we know it's created quite a number of closures of, uh, of roads leading up to where they are, again, the malt alvin manor , that is the neighborhood that they're, uh, keeping blocked off this morning. it's also home to an elementary school nearby. so if this lasts long enough, that could affect who is going to school. this morning, we are reaching out to the contra costa county sheriff's office. that's who we believe to be the lead agency in handling exactly what is going on this morning. but we know as for now, the officers on the scene, they are looking for someone who, uh, some sort of suspect in some sort of crime. they believe that that suspect may be armed. uh, we believe that shots may be fired coming from that suspect, but we don't
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know in what direction. if it's toward the officers or, uh, in another direction. so of course, once we get those updates from some of the officers and investigators on scene, we will bring that to you. but this is all happening at the montalvin manor with an elementary school nearby here. we know, uh, some person that might be armed is barricaded somewhere within the neighborhood, and officers are trying to make sure that they either surrender peacefully before they start making some more intense decisions here. we did see a pretty big, uh, uh, vehicle come in through the neighborhood. a bearcat called in by the contra costa county swat team. uh, that's now moved in. we're not sure to what extent that will be used in this situation. but again, all these updates and these details that we learned, we will bring to you for now, we're live this morning. i'm james torres, ktvu fox two news. >> all right james we'll continue to check in with you throughout the morning. thank you. san francisco police are trying to determine if two teslas that caught fire were related cases of possible arson. the first fire happened in the
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south of market neighborhood just before 1:00 saturday morning at fourth and shipley streets. the second fire happened a half hour later, just a few blocks away. both fires involved tesla model y vehicles. no one was injured in either fire. a south bay woman is in the santa clara county jail accused of stealing an amazon delivery van. authorities say the keys were in the ignition of that van when 36 year-old elena flores jumped into the vehicle on west charleston road in palo alto last thursday and drove off amazon dispatchers used gps tracking to find her. the van ended up at a san jose amazon facility after her arrest, flores told officers she just needed to get a ride back to san jose. no packages were missing. >> our time now for 34 police in berkeley continue to search for the criminals who broke into 53 cars in one night in west berkeley. it happened last thursday near the aquatic park apartment complex on fourth street, where there are still bits of glass on the ground in the parking lot and video posted on social media shows. parked
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cars with windows smashed. the police officers union says all of these break ins are tied to the same criminal crew, and it comes as berkeley has seen a rash of car break ins. >> the person belonging says something like not replaceable, something coming from my mother's, you know, uh, memories . uh, yeah. so it's very sad. but so many people struggling their life and they're looking for, uh, something to take right now. >> the police are also investigating 23 cars that were burglarized last week at the north berkeley bart station. windows were smashed and items were stolen from those cars. >> mayor london breed in san francisco took to social media to comment on the recent intruder incident that happened in a kindergarten classroom. a man jumped the fence of an occupied playground on february 16th at new traditions elementary school. then that man climbed into the window of a kindergarten classroom. the mayor wrote that the city is, quote, committed to the safety of students and educators and can use funds such as the rapid
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response portion of the student success fund to install new pa systems or additional security measures. the mayor goes on to say her office will work with the school district to address the community's concerns. president biden will meet with congressional leaders at the white house tomorrow to press them on passing an emergency aid package for ukraine and israel. the legislation would provide $60 billion for ukraine as it enters its third year of war with russia. ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky says the number of ukrainian troops killed during the war is far less than russia's losses. >> 31,000 ukrainian soldiers died in this war, not 300,000. not 150,000 that putin lied about us intelligence estimates more than 300,000 russian troops have been killed or wounded since the start of the war. >> ukraine's national police say more than 30,000 people have been reported missing in the past two years in sacramento county, the california national guard showed its support for ukraine in a flag raising
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ceremony, soldiers raised the ukrainian and california state flags together. the california national guard described it as a symbol of unity, saying ukraine's fighting against aggression is a fight for us all. our time now for 36 in progress now reported in the efforts to reach a ceasefire in the gaza strip. >> now it comes as the israeli military has shifted its focus to rafah, a city in southern gaza near the border with egypt. more than a million palestinians are seeking refuge in that city. israeli prime minister netanyahu says even if a ceasefire agreement is reached, israel will continue its plans for a ground operation in rafah. >> we've already destroyed 18 out of the 24 hamas terrorist battalions, and four of them are concentrated in rafah. we can't leave the last hamas stronghold on without taking care of it. obviously we have to do it. >> we do not believe that an operation in a major military operation should proceed in rafah, unless there is a clear
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and executable plan to protect those civilians to get them to safety and to feed, clothe and house them. and we have not seen a plan like that. now the situation for people living in rafah are getting even more desperate. >> some people have turned to eating weeds to avoid starving with humanitarian aid, mainly stalled. our time is now 437. hundreds of thousands of people filled the streets of downtown san francisco over the weekend for san francisco's annual chinese new year parade. we were there as a beautiful day. organizers say. the biggest crowd in decades lined the parade route, celebrating the year of the dragon. they were watching the incredible display of colorful floats, marching bands, dancers and plenty of dragons. parade lovers of all ages, agreed the weather was perfect for the biggest lunar new year celebration outside of asia. >> i love seeing all the floats.
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i like seeing all the different types of people that come out. what's your favorite so far? >> dragon. >> no actress, comedian and rapper awkwafina was the grand marshal this year, and once again, ktvu fox two was honored to broadcast the chinese new year parade. >> we were on that bus together, dave. it was a lot of fun. there well, the festivities continued in san francisco, visitacion valley, where the community came together for a lunar new year party. >> a local standard for all the visitacion valley neighborhood association hosted the event at the asian pacific american community center. >> state comptroller malia cohen, who grew up in the city, was among those who attended the event. >> what i've admired growing up is just how there's generational traditions that are passed down from grandmother to daughter to granddaughter, and you see it here today. you have young children helping serve food to their seniors. and it's just an
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opportunity where communities are coming together. >> the party yesterday followed a joint gathering held in visitacion valley last weekend that celebrated black history month and lunar new year together, and the weather was just perfect for all of those festivities and a lot of community events happening over the weekend. but now the change has come. steve paulson it did not last. >> it was nice, but it has definitely changed here and it's going to change even more so as we head towards the end of the week here. a week system today coming down from the north is drawing up a system from the west southwest. so fog, drizzle, clouds that should say cooler me and my army of one will fix it when i have time. looks dry tuesday and wednesday and then big changes thursday, friday, saturday. heavy heavy mountain snow. more on that coming up, but it looks like some big time event for the sierra nevada thursday friday into saturday we get some cloud cover here, low and high clouds. combination of two systems, one to the north, one to the south. being drawn up. any rain i think could be south and it'd be light 43 at
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mount veeder west at 12 oakland hills, 49. south wind boulder creek, 42. south breeze as well 40s and 50 on. the temps probably won't change all that much with the cloud cover and the breeze picking up on the peninsula 40s as well. a couple of 50s in there. foster city, san mateo, belmont all at 51, stanford campus, and woodside, both at 4537. truckee, 37, south lake tahoe, 43, in reno and when that cloud cover you can see it will be drawn up. but there's not a lot to it. it's kind of meager on this system, but that's the key. it's the system dropping down from the north. that is the first of what will eventually be a couple. so i'll mention some light rain. i think that's a little overdone for san rafael. i'll have to tweak that. but overall we'll be okay until probably early thursday when a really cold pattern looks like it's setting up the. the forecast for the sierra is eye popping, to be honest with you. significant threat of heavy snow starting off around 5000 foot level. maybe 60in of snow at the 5000 foot level. by the time
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everything's or more uh, that put a, you know, 80 to 90 plus up in the higher elevations might even make it down to 1500ft by the time we get to saturday. saturday night, sunday should be gone, but it will be windy and cooler. here comes that first system. that's thursday afternoon. we'll get rain out of this, but this is no doubt about it. a big time sierra snow event. if it continues to march and is advertised, it'll take us through saturday night, then a break on sunday. although there's a few more systems in the pipeline that look like they want to pay a visit going into next week. today though, low clouds drizzle, clouds increase, but mostly cloudy, partly sunny and cooler. light rain, mainly to the south. later 5060, so a big drop on those temps. and speaking of big drop in the temps, they may be 10 to 15 degrees below average by the time we get to the upcoming weekend. >> all right. thank you steve. governor newsom targeting red states in a new ad. details of the governor's new national push. just a week before super tuesday. and just one look could move your car. >> we'll tell you about a
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company that says all you need is ai and a smartphone to co rol our
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this year, i got serious about my taxes. i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. all on my own. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. i'm too tired to smile. make your moves count. intuit turbotax. let a full-service expert do your taxes for you, as soon as today. (♪) lowe's knows you don't just want a low price... you want the lowe's-est price. did you say lowest, or lowe's-est price? it's basically the same thing. if you find a better price somewhere else, we'll match it. get the lowe's-est price, with our lowest price guarantee. you got this. we got you. here's your biggie bag. all that food for 5 bucks. -that's my go to. -oooh - that's my ride or die. hah.... just like you and me.... (singing) ♪ bag boys ♪ ♪ bag boys, whatcha gonna do ♪ don't... -♪ whatcha gonna do ♪ -don't...
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-♪ when we bring your food ♪ - it... go biggie and get all this with the jbc for just 5 bucks. deadly shooting where two people were killed. another was hurt. it happened saturday afternoon around 330 near foothill boulevard and miramonte avenue in an unincorporated part near san leandro. alameda county sheriff's deputies found a man who'd been shot outside of an apartment complex. he died later at the scene. after that, deputies found two other men who'd been shot. one of those men also died at the scene. the other man was taken to the hospital and is expected to recover. investigators believe this shooting was part of a fight between family members. >> the family of an east bay man killed in a hit and run crash in san francisco is now making an emotional plea. they're calling on the driver responsible for the death of 31 year-old. david bridges jr, to surrender to
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authorities. the antioch man was run over and killed in the early morning hours of february eighth. it happened at sixth and bryant in san francisco, south of market neighborhood. >> it makes you realize that your days are not promised. you know you never know what could happen. and how fast it could change. >> so far, there is no description of the vehicle that hit and killed bridges or the person behind the wheel. the family members say they hope that the driver involved will do the right thing, and turn themselves in part of highway 29 will be temporarily closed, starting today for tree maintenance. this will be in napa county, north of saint helena, within the tunnel of elms. the closure will start at 9:00 in the morning and last until five in the evening. today through friday, crews will manage one way traffic in the area as they trim back the elm trees. motorists should plan to use alternate routes and expect delays. >> our time now. 446 bart recorded a big spike in ridership over the weekend because of two bay area events. bart says san francisco's
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chinese new year parade and fans fest in oakland boosted the ridership numbers almost 124,000 trips were recorded saturday. that's 54,000 more trips than the saturday before. bart says saturday broke a post-pandemic record for ridership on saturday that was set back in october during fleet week. well, bart is trying to get more young people interested in reading its ktvu, zac sos tells us bart is expanding its short stories kiosk program with a poetry contest for bay area teenagers. amid the daily rush to the train. >> you might have missed them. a chance to grab a short story for the ride ahead motor running, whereas the holyoke gauge asks when kyle reached him, peer and his father, jerome becoming big fans of the bart story dispensers installed at downtown berkeley and three other stations in 2021. it's also
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going to i'm using it. >> yeah, a third time. that's right, hugo opting for the three minute read. >> it's long, that's for sure. near palou's house in the rich deep earth, dark eggs lay. >> and now kids just like him are being given a shot at getting their works on the trains to. >> and it's a really exciting thing. this is a poetry contest for teens, and the winners will be able to have their poetry read by the writers, i mean potentially reaching thousands of writers teens, 13 to 19 years old, living within the five counties. >> bart services are eligible. the deadline to submit is march 8th. >> i think that's a good idea. i mean, it's like, yeah, it's like a little competition. i think it'd be cool, actually. >> a little bit of poetry in our life, i don't know, it's like fun to have that on bart. so yeah, why not? >> it's lovely to have kids be more involved in reading among the writers, just learning about the contest, some even about the existence of the machines themselves. >> and how does one do that? just push a button.
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>> all right. >> see, it's like a cvs receipt, but the rewards are so much better. i am waiting, i am waiting, i have always been waiting. >> might he soon be reading the works of hugo on the train? >> i'm not a good writer, so i wouldn't do it, but i know a lot of people who would for like who are interested. so first time for everything. >> it's a good point. >> yeah, maybe i will. i think i'd think about it. i take bart every day. >> zac sos ktvu, fox two news a new york train conductor is making sure commuters enjoy their trip each day. >> one of the 25th street. without further ado, opening now on track number two, paul passante does not rely on mundane prerecorded announcements. >> instead, he makes up his own, and each one ends with a rhyme he's worked on this particular route for two decades, and he started freestyling just before covid, and his rhymes really took off during the pandemic. >> and if you don't have a mask, you need only ask. a member of the crew will provide one to you. it's personal pride, personal pride. and at the same time, you know, passengers, the public, the customers are
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business. so we got to got to keep them happy, got to keep them informed. >> he lifts his spirit. he makes the moment light. he makes you laugh for that few moments that you're on the train or if you're riding the conductor starts early and keeps going. >> each day he calls out each stop again, using those rhymes, starting at 5:00 in the morning. >> that's amazing. all right, time is 449. this is amazing to a company in china. released a new smartphone that can be operated by moving your eyes. now, the company is called honor . it demonstrated how artificial intelligence can interact with eye tracking technology to remotely move a car just by looking at a phone screen, the company says. this technology is useful in such situations where you can't use your hands. >> the real use of this technology is really to enable another way for users to interact with the phone. so if you didn't want to touch the screen for any reason, let's say you've got dirty hands or whatever. then by looking at the
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screen, you can then interact with the phone in a new way. >> now the smartphone with that eye tracking technology is already available in china. the company is now working on an international version. our time is now 450. some of the best male skiers in the world were in lake tahoe over the weekend. for the stiefel palisades, tahoe world cup, more than 100 athletes from two dozen countries were competing in slalom and giant slalom on the weekends. race was one of only four world cup events being held in the united states this season. jet seymour jr. of colorado finished in the top 15, and he appreciated competing on american soil. >> it's unbelievably beautiful with all the sunlight and the fans and everything and being surrounded by such legendary mountains that have produced such legendary skiers. it's incredible. now the ski resort's very challenging terrain and the dedication to snow sports have
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produced countless olympian and world cup champions through the years. >> it also hosted the olympics back in 1960. >> well, a rowdy crowd surrounded rapper and actor ludacris following a performance in tahoe. the placer county sheriff's department took this photo with him posing with the grammy award winning rapper after his show at palisades tahoe. the sheriff's department says after the show, the crowd gathered around ludacris car, preventing him from leaving and the artist then took the photo with him. after deputies helped him get to his vehicle. what an event in at palisades tahoe over the weekend. they had that competition that great weather and ludacris. i mean, what more could you ask for in tahoe for the weekend? but that's. in the rear view mirror. let's focus on the weather today. here at home changes are on the way here. >> they've already started here. fog. drizzle. clouds. cooler for us tuesday wednesday looks dry. it'll be nice but cooler. thursday friday saturday rain returns, but heavy mountain snow. in fact, this could be a big deal here. thursday friday
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saturday should start to wind down sunday, but significant threat of heavy snow with multiple feet possible 60 plus inches is likely. after everything said and done above the 5000 foot level, and snow looks like it could make it down to even 1500ft by saturday, which yes, would put it on the bay area hills as well where there's enough available moisture. but take a look at the mountain projections on the snowfall between now and into sunday night. truckee 80, kirkwood 986. now we'll get rain, but this is no doubt about it looking like a snow event more than a rain event. and if it all comes in, i'll tell you. we'll be sitting pretty, so to speak. a lot of low clouds in place. two systems, one coming up from the west, southwest being drawn up by that system from the north. but it's also going to push it east and south. so probably the best we can do is drizzle or some light rain to the south. 40s 50s on the temps 41. boulder creek 41 in hollister. so a little cooler to
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the south. mid 40s for some, upper 40s for others, and temperatures uh, probably not going to cool off all that much. too much cloud cover is coming in. but that system that's the first of the leading edge of a huge pattern change for us. again, the bulk of it will be later in the week. there's some light rain possible. i mean, san jose, santa cruz from this system coming in later today. tonight towards morgan hill. i would expect far less, if any, to the north. but, you know, every system seems to overachieve here. but that'll be the focus to watch as we go into this week here. so i mean we'll get some rain. there'll be some heavy rain, probably mendocino county north, but this is all about the higher elevations. shasta, lassen, tahoe, truckee, probably all the way down to mammoth in the southern sierra, all the way down into the desert southwest is the way it's looking. low clouds drizzle, clouds increase. partly sunny to mostly cloudy, cooler. some light rain possible, mainly to the south. 5060s on the temps and we are expecting a break tuesday wednesday. bring in some clouds. thursday rain thursday night and then a cold rain friday into probably saturday
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night. >> all right, that taste of spring is now gone. we'll have to wait for the next one. thank you steve. donald trump easily wins the south carolina primary. we'll tell you what it could mean for nikki haley and the future of her campaign. and quick action by the chp helped two paragliders to safety. what rescuers had to do to get to them in a remote my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user.
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i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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helicopter in the north bay. it had to rescue two paragliders in two separate rescues at the same location. both rescues were in the vallejo hills above columbus parkway. footage from the chp second rescue shows the injured person at a rock outcropping getting strapped into a harness, and pulled to safety, before being taken to the hospital for treatment. it's not clear what caused the two incidents. the chp helicopter was also called on to rescue an injured mountain
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biker in alamo. over the weekend. the mountain biker was injured on on a trail saturday afternoon. the chp lowered a san ramon valley fire helicopter rescue technician to get the injured person. and we're told the cyclist was taken to an ambulance and transported to a hospital. that cyclist is expected to recover. tens of thousands of loyal a's fans gathered at jack london square this weekend for an unofficial fan fest. they came to celebrate the new baseball season, despite the a's plans to continue with their move to las vegas. the team's management stopped hosting an official fan fest event after the 2019 season, so these a's fans took matters into their own hands. they created their own event to show that they still support the major league baseball franchise. that first came to oakland in 1968. many wore green t shirts urging current a's owner john fisher to sell the team. >> it is embarrassing. i mean, a bunch of, uh, my friends are like, so what are you going to do? that's embarrassing. i love the a's, but ownership is pushing everybody away. i mean,
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it's pushing me away. >> oakland mayor shengtao told the crowd she was honored to attend the event that was organized by a's fans. she says this big street party sends a clear message to the team's owners. we don't need billionaires who fail as a party. >> we know how to throw ourselves a party. well we have showed the world today is that oakland's got the best fans on the planet. thank you. >> the mayor says she'll continue to fight to keep the athletics in oakland, but the team's owners continue to make plans to move the a's to a new home on the las vegas strip. well, february is the shortest month of the year, but this year it is one day longer. 2024 is a leap year, and that means thursday will be february 29th. since the month is one day longer than the previous three years, scientists say these leap years are needed to match our 12 month calendar with the earth's movement around the sun. >> what happened is eventually the calendar would get out of
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sync with the seasons, so we like to have the start of spring be in march, and if we didn't have the leap year eventually the spring would start to drift and we'd start having the first day of spring be in january or october. >> these adjustments date back to ancient civilizations, as people around the world have been using the sun and the moon to plan and chart their calendars for thousands of years as well. >> we are following breaking news now out of the east bay sheriff's deputies issued a lockdown order for a neighborhood near san pablo. we're live at the scene and we'll tell you the very latest on what we know so far. plus ice. >> it can occur in restaurant food. it can occur on cruise ships. it's just extremely contagious. >> we're talking about the norovirus is now spreading across california and other parts of the country. we'll tell you how you can protect yourself and your family from catching it from ktvu. >> fox two news. this is mornings on two.
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>> well, good morning to you and thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on two. i'm dave clark i'm allie rasmus. >> it is monday february 26th. and after that beautiful weekend weather we had, you might want to get your umbrella or at least some warmer boots and coats. this week. right, steve? >> that is correct. especially end of the week there ali. no doubt about it. 40s, 50s on the temps, a lot of 40s here. but our our stretch of two days of nice weather has come to an abrupt end here. low clouds are in place, some drizzle. the system coming up from the west southwest might spin in a little light rain. i would think south around santa cruz mountains, san jose south. that'd be later today. system from the north, though, is going to usher in a cooler pattern here. so look for 50s and low 60s on the temps. all right. sal is here 5:00 in the morning. something new. we still good? what >> i we're still pretty good. there's a little bit of slowing now on the altamont pass. steve, if you're on 580, heading over to vasco road. and beyond that, let's talk about it. there you can see traffic is moving along very nicely with no major
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issues. a south bay commute also looks good, and so does the san mateo bridge, a very lightly traveled at the bay bridge so far. and that's what you can see right here. it's light now at 501. let's get back to the headlines. >> thank you. sal, we begin our 6:00 hour. excuse me, our 5:00 hour with breaking news. the contra costa county sheriff's department has locked down a neighborhood near san pablo due to some law enforcement activity . ktvu james torres joins us live to tell us what we've learned so far in james. are the details on what type of activity exactly still hard to come by? >> yeah, ali, we're still trying to figure out what brought police to this area in the first place. we are at the or rather just outside of the montalvin manor. it's a neighborhood here in san pablo, right along san pablo avenue near the corner of the richmond parkway. every entrance inside the neighborhood is blocked off to the public. here we have seen cars that have come out. so if you're inside and trying to go somewhere, you
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can do that, but no other cars are being allowed in. and we're even seeing some people who seemingly live in the area potentially being evacuated here. that's something we've heard from officers a little earlier this morning, something that they have been on scene for hours at this point. they have told the public through a message saying if you are in the area, shelter in place, lock your doors, lock your windows, stay off the phone and stay off 911 unless there is a life threatening emergency. we're still trying to figure out what it is that brought them out here in the first place, but we know that they are looking for somebody in the area who might be barricaded inside some sort of home, and they may be armed. we have heard some reports of shots fired, but we don't know if that's coming from the suspect toward officers or vice versa. but we have been reaching out to the contra costa county sheriff's office, who is, of course, on scene and distributing some of those messages. the california highway patrol, also on scene, trying to help navigate some of these road
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closures and redirecting some of the people who are driving in and out of this area. they've been here for several hours. they've not given us much of an indication of what it is they are looking for. what are they looking to do and what it is that they that brought him here to start this whole situation in the first place. but of course, once we have those details and that updated information, we will bring it to you. for now, we're live near san pablo. i'm james torres, ktvu fox two news. >> james. thank you. well, today , pg and e executives will have to answer questions from some san francisco supervisors about a series of power outages that happened in recent weeks in the city. supervisor myrna melgar called the meeting after some san francisco neighborhoods went without power for more than 48 hours during recent winter storms. supervisors want an explanation for those recurring outages. it comes as people struggle with their pg and e bills following recent rate hikes. >> all right, time now 504 doesn't sound like a lot, but at&t plans to reimburse customers with a $5 credit if they were affected by last
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week's cell phone and internet outage. in a statement, the company said that the $5 credit that it would apply to each of the affected accounts is the estimated average cost of a full day of service. since the outage affected more than 70,000 customers and at&t believes a technical error caused it. well, the cdc says highly contagious stomach bugs are spreading fast here in the bay area and around the country, and the federal health agency reports these norovirus cases are hitting california and other western states especially hard. >> the cdc says there's been a 12% increase in these cases in the west just during the past three weeks. medical experts are now urging everyone to remember the lessons of the pandemic and frequently wash their hands with soap and water. they have advice for those who already are sick. >> the best thing to do is kind of old fashioned, symptomatic treatment. staying hydrated. um, don't, um, you know, again, don't pass it around, um, and
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just keep on drinking, especially with electrolytes. if you're if you're passing a lot. >> norovirus is a medical problem often linked to cruise ships. but doctors stress it can spread anywhere through contact with an infected person or by ingesting contaminated. contaminated food or water. >> time is now 505 among young adults, the number of workplace injuries have increased in some states that have legalized recreational marijuana, according to the us department of labor. between 2006 and 2020, states that had recreational marijuana laws also saw a 10% increase in those injuries, mainly among people between the ages of 20 and 34. but the opposite effect was found among older workers. injury rates actually went down among older workers, who used recreational marijuana since some, according to the research, they use marijuana to relieve pain. >> today, the us supreme court is scheduled to take up a case that could affect how social media companies do business. the
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high court will consider whether states can step in to moderate the content of sites like facebook and youtube. the laws at the center of that supreme court case are in florida and texas, and that's where state lawmakers say they want to limit platforms from deciding which types of posts can be removed. some of those lawmakers claim the sites are biased against conservatives. the social media companies argue these state laws are an infringement on constitutional right to free speech. >> our time now 506. today, the us secretary of energy will be here in the bay area, kicking off her california tour, focusing on the biden administration clean energy efforts. jennifer granholm is expected to lead a ribbon cutting ceremony in san leandro and take a tour of a new battery innovation facility from cuberg. she'll be highlighting efforts to speed up clean energy deployment in rural as well as remote communities. >> today, uc berkeley students, along with community groups, are organizing teach ins on people's park. these teachings are designed to provide different
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perspectives about what is going on at people's park. according to the organizers. right now, people's park has around the clock security at one point, it was barricaded with stacked shipping containers and has barbed wire fencing around it to keep people out. uc berkeley owns that plot of land and is moving forward with plans to build student housing there. >> time is 507 pavement repairs on vasco road are scheduled for today, and you drivers expect a delays of up to 15 minutes. the work will affect the northbound lane of vasco road between the alameda county line and camino diablo. the public works crews are expected to be there between 9:00 this morning until three in the afternoon. the paving repairs should be finished by wednesday. it all depends on the weather. we get and those weather conditions. >> speaking of which, they are changing this week. right, steve? >> they are indeed. they're changing today, but bigger by the end of the week. but we'll look at some of the temps from the weekend. saturday was the warmest day, but sunday was still nice for many here, napa
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said. 72 san rafael, 71, san jose 70. livermore fairfield, menlo park were close. just missed 70 by one in fremont and vallejo, both at 68 warm degrees. not anymore. fog. drizzle. clouds. cooler here. tuesday wednesday looks dry. then big changes. rain returns with significant mountain snow. likely is the way this is looking. multiple feet possible. thursday friday saturday should be winding down by sunday morning, but above the 5000 foot level, 60 plus inches of snow is likely and the snow level could make it if there's enough available moisture late saturday, down to 1500 feet, this will be a big deal for the motherload. makes almost impossible mountain travel, especially friday into saturday morning. but take a look. truckee being forecast with 80. kirkwood 96 and that'd be more than that above the 7000 foot level. we'll get rain out of this, but this is more, no doubt about it, more of a snow event than a rain event is. if it
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continues to come in and everything is pointing in that direction. two systems, one coming in from the west southwest, the other one coming down from the north, will make for a cooler day. a little breezy started last night. if there's any rain, i would think san jose south santa cruz mountains south. later today we'll get some drizzle 40s, 50s on the temps, middletown still says 34, but everyone else is in the 40s or the 50s, so i would think with the cloud cover and the low cloud deck in place, these probably won't change all that much. that system coming in will wash itself out, but that's setting the stage for a much cooler pattern. you can see santa cruz, morgan hills, san jose, ben loma, maybe a little bit towards the south. i don't think there'll be that much to the north, but we'll keep it in the forecast. that's just the first of many the bigger system will sweep through thursday evening, friday, saturday. by sunday we should be on the drier side, but it will be a cool, windy pattern so you can see some heavy mountain snow is likely here over the next 5 to 7 days, but low clouds drizzle, clouds increase, but now partly sunny, mostly cloudy, cooler. some light rain possible to the south later today. 5060s on the
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temps. we get a break tuesday wednesday. then here comes thursday afternoon. evening rain begins and then a cold rain will move in over the weekend. >> all right thank you steve. it has now been two years since russia invaded ukraine. president biden plans to ask congress for more money to help that country, as ukraine shares its numbers on the number of soldiers killed and people missing. >> everyone out here grinding, meeting each other. it's like the super bowl celebrating community and culture in oakland . >> we'll take you to the black joy parade, where the focus was on the many contributions of the black community. we the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still
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can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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former president donald trump is celebrating his latest victory over the weekend in the south carolina primary. trump easily defeated nikki haley, south carolina former governor, as he carried that state with almost 60% of the vote, compared to nikki haley's 39. the margin of victory in south carolina appears to put trump on the path to his third straight republican nomination for president, and even bigger win than we anticipated. >> and. i was just informed that we got double the number of votes that has ever been received in the great state of
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south carolina. so that's pretty good. >> now, trump's primary win in south carolina follows republican primary wins in iowa, new hampshire and nevada. however nikki haley makes it clear she has no plans to drop out of the race. there are huge numbers of voters in our republican primaries who are saying they want an alternative. >> i'm not giving up this fight when a majority of americans disapprove of both donald trump and joe biden. >> now, nikki haley is trump's only remaining opponent in the race for the republican nomination for president. with super tuesday elections just a week away today, say haley's campaigning in michigan leading to tomorrow's big primary there and president biden easily won south carolina's democratic primary with 96% of the vote. well voters here in california have to turn in their ballot by next tuesday's deadline.
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>> and it's not just the presidential race on the ballot. voters will also have to decide who should be california's next senator. the top two candidates will move on to the november general election. there's also one ballot measure voters will decide on prop one, which would authorize nearly $7 billion for mental health facilities and housing. there's also several open seats in congress, including in the south bay, to replace congresswoman anna eshoo, who is retiring, and in the east bay to replace congresswoman barbara lee, who is running for california senate and as we get closer to super tuesday, stay connected with fox local. it's a free app on your smart tv. you can find everything you need to know ahead of the primary election, like what's on the ballot and how you can vote. just search for the fox local app and then select kttv. >> icu our time now. 515 thousands of people flocked to downtown oakland for the city's seventh annual black joy parade, so this year's theme for black joy parade is find joy in the hustle. >> it's really the redefinition of a hustler. and so the goal was really to bring economic
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empowerment back into oakland. >> the big parade featured float s marching bands, car clubs, and many performers. oakland business owners were there to showcase their products and also support the parade and joy business. >> so black joy parade makes sense for us. we've been able to help other entrepreneurs. >> we've helped our customers get into homes. we've given scholarships to different, um, you youth, uh, help starting their own businesses. but the black joy parade was first held in 2018. >> its founders say they were inspired by the black lives matter marchers to create an experience that celebrates the black community's contribution to history and to culture. >> firefighters from alameda county will be hosting a presentation today on the legacy of african americans in the fire service. the 11th annual chief is my belief event will be held at nine this morning at anaheim elementary school in emeryville this presentation will feature prominent african american
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firefighters from the bay area and across the u.s, who have made significant contributions to the fire service. >> time is 517 down in southern california, an african american woman with a passion for cars is shattering barriers in the automotive world. her name is tina black, early nicknamed the first lady of low riding and is the first woman inducted into the national low rider hall of fame and the first named woman of the year by lowrider magazine . in her love for cars started decades ago when she started installing car audio equipment in the chevy impala that belonged to the father of her best friend. >> from then, they started calling me first lady, first lady, first lady, and so, you know, it was a name that was given to me so that, you know, and i hold that at a at a higher standard. now there's no physical monument for the lowrider hall of fame, just that title. >> but miss black early has
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appeared in music videos and the opening scene of the hit movie straight outta compton. one of her cars, by the way, features images of former first lady michelle obama. >> well, a year after storms resurrect a central california lake, it has disappeared again, leaving behind only a few stretches of water. this is what lake tulare looked like after snow melt from last winter storms resulted in flooding in the san joaquin valley. the lake at one point covered 10% of kings county, now it's reportedly just a few square miles. farms and roads previously engulfed by the floods are slowly popping back up as the lake continues to evaporate. but steve paulson has been telling us we'll have to wait until may to see if lake tulare makes a comeback. >> i think it will, based on some of the snowfall being projected here as we go into this weekend. so i would not be surprised if that happened. but, you know, it all depends on how the snow melt, how how fast and all that. that's down the road though. yesterday it was another warm one. 72 napa san rafael, 71, san jose, 70 livermore or
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fairfield. menlo park at 69 fremont was closed 68in vallejo, also at 68 degrees. but it's cooler forecast today for napa livermore, palo alto and san jose from the upper 60s to low 70s to the low 60s. big drop here. so it's going to kick in today and then really take a tumble towards the end of the week. thursday friday, saturday, maybe into sunday morning. a significant threat of heavy snow here above the 5000 foot level, 60 plus inches is likely and maybe down to 1500ft by saturday. there's enough available moisture, multiple feet, possible travel, almost impossible as well, especially by the time we get to friday and friday night into saturday. i mean, you're seeing some big time totals being advertised here. it's their turn. february has been a great month. they've been waiting, waiting, waiting. we've had multiple rain events. they really haven't had a lot of snow until this month, and it looks like they're going to get a lot more two systems, one from the west southwest, spinning in some clouds. another one from
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the north is more of a really kind of the impact. so cooler today. that's the main message here. some drizzle is being reported 4050 on the temps here. uh, danville 49, castro valley 48. dublin's 45. brentwood 47. but a lot of 50s here, especially pinole, kensington, orinda due to the low cloud deck, the breeze. so our warmth is gone two days and it's out that system will swing through. could produce some light rain. here again, it looks to be mainly south, but i'll mention it for anyone else. couple 100. certainly in the realm of possibility or every system seems to overachieve if you've noticed them, but this is the first system to usher in a cooler pattern, and it will be the systems coming in behind that. now we'll get pretty good rain thursday night, friday, saturday, maybe even into sunday morning. but it's all about the mountains. there will be some big time totals here after everything is said and done today. low clouds drizzle, clouds increase. low and high clouds partly sunny, mostly cloudy, cooler, some light rain. i would think more likely to the south, but we'll keep it in the forecast for all 5060s on the temps. we'll get a break cooler, but a break tuesday wednesday clouds roll in. thursday
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morning. rain thursday night. not a cold rain will take us into the weekend. where's the hurry up gorgeous? >> when kyle reached him, phone call the look at this turning writers into readers. >> we'll tell you about plans to expand a program that celebrates story telling on bart and the two most recent nba champs clashed at chase center, the frustrating loss for the warriors against the denver nuggets last night what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton
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in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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wizards. the warriors hope to bounce back from last night's disappointing loss at home against the defending nba champs denver nuggets. the klay thompson was red hot to begin it. he gave the warriors a 15 point lead, but the nuggets stormed back. tied the game at halftime. and then they just broke away in the fourth quarter. and won the game 119 to 103. as for steph curry, he only had 20 points and he looked tired as this game went on. >> you not want to rest it all coming up you know. okay >> doing the all star game and stuff. not getting much of a break. three games in four nights. um, you know, the whole deal. so he looks it looks a little tired. um but this is all part of the season. third quarter. klay thompson had 23
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points but he had none in the second half. >> and that's when the warriors were outscored by 16 points. and that was the difference in the game. well over the weekend the warriors hosted a free basketball camp for local youth with 25 kids from the contra costa boys and girls club took part in the fueling young athletes clinic, and chris mullin, the former warriors star and olympic athlete, was there as well. >> what are you learning today or each and every day of practice with your coaches is important, but the only way you can perfect it and really take your game to the next level is by putting the time in by yourself. your coaches can guide you and give you nice drills to do, but the players that put the extra time in on their own are the ones that are going to keep, uh, keep improving and excel and maximize their talent. yeah >> yesterday's event was at the warriors training center in downtown oakland. for more than
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50 cars were broken into and burglarized in west berkeley in one night. we tell you why the people living there are worried about a possible trend, and over the weekend, there was a big jump in bart ridership. we'll tell you the events that bart said made a big difference when it comes to how many people were on bart trains democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost
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to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback?
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( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) emergen-c crystals.
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of states. details of the governor's new efforts to appeal to women concerned about their reproductive rights. >> if ukraine loses, we won't exist. our existence will cease. it has been two years since russia invaded ukraine. >> what we are learning about the number of soldiers who have died, the number of people still missing and president biden's continued efforts to ask congress to approve more financial aid from ktvu. >> fox two news this is mornings on two. good morning and welcome back to mornings on two. >> i'm allie rasmus and good morning i'm dave clark. >> it's a monday. it is february 26. >> let's get you started with a look at what you're going to have to bring with you if you head out the door later this morning, steve paulson, maybe an umbrella. >> there's a little drizzle more towards the end of the week, maybe. yeah. you have one handy, no doubt. 40 50s on the temps there, ali, because we have a big change here. temps will drop a good 510 degrees 4050 low clouds are in place. some higher clouds are coming up from the west southwest. a cold front's
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coming down from the north. so the combination of these two are giving us a big drop on the temps and a significant change. 5060 now on the high temps. all right. here's sal steve. >> thank you. you know what. right now we don't see a lot going on which is good. we're beginning to see a couple of things out there. let's go to the bay bridge. we don't see a lot there yet. i was talking about some of the other bridges as well. it's still nice. richmond bridge eastbound that's coming toward richmond. there were some sort of stall or something. you can see that traffic is recovering, but it's still a little bit slow. heading over to richmond now at 530. let's go back to the headlines. >> okay, sal. thank you. we have an update on breaking news in the east bay. the contra costa county sheriff's department is locked down a neighborhood near san pablo because of law enforcement activity out there. that shelter in place order was issued about two hours ago. it's affecting people living in the area of rachel road and heather drive in the montalvin manor neighborhood. residents there
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are being told stay in your homes, close the doors and windows until further notice. this. now make sure you stay with us on mornings on two to get the latest information. ketv news james torres is already there. he'll bring us a live update in about 30 minutes. >> 531 now is the time. and with super tuesday coming up next week, governor gavin newsom is launching national ads in so-called red states. states with republican controlled legislatures. ktvu is amanda quintana joins us live to explain where and why those ads are being shown. amanda. well, ali, the ad launched yesterday on meet the press. >> in it, governor newsom accuses conservative leaders of holding women hostage by imposing travel bans and preventing women from seeking reproductive care out of state, help trump republicans want to criminalize young women who travel to receive their reproductive care. >> they need. >> the ad will first air in tennessee, where there's
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currently a proposal to charge adults with felony if they help pregnant minors get an abortion out of state without their parents permission, it will then air in other states trying to pass similar legislation. newsom spoke about it on meet the press, calling it a war on women . >> the conditions are much more pernicious than they even appear. these guys are not just restricting the rights of self-determination to bear a child for a young child, a young woman, but they're also determining their fate as it relates to their future in life. by saying they can't even travel. these travel restrictions, modeled after a version that passed in idaho, is now being proposed in tennessee. in oklahoma, in mississippi, the ag himself of alabama wants to criminalize travel not just for children, but for adults seeking reproductive care. that's how serious this moment is. >> the ad directs viewers to right to travel. org this ad campaign is being funded by a political action committee. newsom launched last spring.
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now, newsom was also asked about the presidential election and his confidence in president biden winning a second time. newsom said biden is doing everything he needs to do, and when pushed about whether new pussum was ruling out a run in 2024, he said he is supporting and celebrating joe biden. ali, back to you. >> thank you. amanda mayor, london breed took to social media to comment on a recent security scare at a san francisco elementary school. a man jumped the fence of onto a playground february 16th at new traditions elementary school. during the school day, the mayor wrote that the city is, quote, committed to the safety of students and educators and can use funds such as the rapid response portion of the student success fund to install new pa systems or additional security measures. she goes on to say her office will work with the school district to address the community's concerns. >> our time now. 534 police in berkeley still out there searching for the criminals who broke into 53 cars in one night. it happened last thursday near
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the aquatic apartment complex on fourth street, where there's still bits of glass on the ground in the parking lot, and video posted on social media shows parked cars with windows smashed. the police officers union says these break ins are tied to the same criminal group, and it comes as berkeley has seen a rash of car break ins. >> the person belonging says something like not to replaceable, something coming from my mother, you know, uh, memories. yeah. so it's very sad . but so many people struggling their life and they're looking for, uh, something to take. >> the police are also investigating 23 cars burglarized last week at the north berkeley bart station. windows were smashed and items were stolen from those cars. >> san francisco police are trying to determine if two teslas that caught fire or were cases of possible arson. the first fire happened in the south of market neighborhood just before 1:00 saturday morning at fourth and shipley streets, the second fire happened a half hour
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later, just a few blocks away. both fires involved a tesla model y. no one was hurt. a south bay woman is in the santa clara county jail accused of stealing an amazon delivery van. authorities say the keys were in the ignition when 36 year-old elena flores jumped into the vehicle in west charleston road in palo alto last thursday and drove off. amazon dispatchers used gps tracking to find her. she ended up driving that van to a san jose amazon facility after her arrest, flores told officers she just needed a ride back to san jose. no packages were missing. time is now 535. >> another california shopping mall banning unaccompanied. minors from coming into the mall . a shopping mall in torrance in los angeles county will start asking shoppers to show their i.d. s at the door. anyone under the age of 18 has to be with a parent or an adult. that's at least 21 years old, and one parent can only watch up to four kids at a time. this new rule
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comes after the increasing number of violent attacks involving teenagers in the area, and big problems with shoplifting. >> president biden will meet with congressional leaders at the white house tomorrow to press them on passing an emergency aid package for ukraine and israel. the legislation would provide $60 billion for ukraine as it enters its third year of war with russia. ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky says the number of ukrainian troops killed during the war is less than russia's losses, treats it. >> 31,000 ukrainian soldiers died in this war, not 300,000. not 150,000 that putin lied about us intelligence estimates more than 300,000 russian troops have been killed or wounded since the start of the war. >> ukraine's national police say more than 30,000 people have been reported missing in the past two years in sacramento county, the national guard, california national guard showed its support for ukraine in a flag raising ceremony. soldiers raised the ukrainian and california state flags together. the california. national guard
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described it as a symbol of unity, saying ukraine's fight against aggression is a fight for us all and quote, our time is now. >> five 3700s of thousands of people filled the streets of downtown san francisco to watch the annual chinese new year parade. and organizers. say the biggest crowd in decades lined the parade route, celebrating the year of the dragon. they saw beautiful, colorful floats, marching band, dancers and lots of dragons. parade lovers of all ages agree the weather was perfect for the biggest lunar new year celebration outside of asia. >> i love seeing all the floats. i like seeing all the different types of people that come out. what's your favorite? >> so far? dragon and actress, comedian and rapper awkwafina was this year's grand marshal. >> she did a great job too, and once again, ktvu fox two was honored to broadcast at the
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chinese new year parade, and the festivities continued in san francisco, visitacion valley, where the community came together for a lunar new year party. >> monsanto all the visitacion valley neighborhood association hosted the event at the asian pacific american community center. >> state comptroller malia cohen, who grew up in the city, attended the event. >> what i've admired growing up is just how there's generations, traditions that are passed down from grandmother to daughter. to granddaughter. and you see it here today. you have young children helping serve food to their seniors and it's just an opportunity where communities are coming together. >> the party yesterday followed a joint gathering held in visitacion valley last weekend that celebrated black history month and lunar new year together, and it was perfect weather all weekend long, especially on saturday evening. dave, you and i were on that. the ktvu bus at the lunar new year parade and it. was t-shirt
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weather the whole time. but that has come and gone. steve paulson, as you've been telling us, this morning, weather changes already here, believe it was the second warmest parade ever. second, i believe it. >> yes, i think a 78. and i'd have to go back and look it up. somebody told me, but i think it was about 25 years ago. but it was 71 degrees. so it was warming up. fog, drizzle, clouds, cooler today tuesday wednesday looks dry. nice but cooler rain returns for us thursday friday saturday, maybe into early sunday. heavy be mountain snow. we'll start with the cooler first. napa, livermore, palo alto. san jose. down we go from the upper 60s 70s yesterday to low 60s today and maybe even cooler than that by the time we get to saturday is in upper 50s, 68. threat of heavy snow, multiple feet possible thursday to sunday for the mountains. i'm just focusing on tahoe and the sierra, but above the 5000 foot level after everything is said and done, 60 plus inches of snow is likely snow down to 1500ft is also
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possible by saturday, which would put it, yes, on the bay area hills. if there's enough moisture, we're seeing some astronomical amounts. both the gfs and what's called the jam. the canadian model cmc show 99in of snow between now and. next monday. seven day totals. now we'll get rain, but this is no doubt about it. a snow event more than a rain event, but it will be a cold rain for us today. we have a combination of two systems, one is to the south and on another cold front to the north. so 40s 50s on the temps. i think there will be some sun breaks, but 40s and 50s on the temps here on the peninsula. 45 woodside 45, stanford 60. could give us some very light rain. not a lot. i would think more likely south as the system gets drawn in. so i'll mention that. drizzle some light rain possible. this is mainly a cooler big drop on the temps. that's the first of what will become a much more significant drop in these temps and precipitation, especially in the mountains going into thursday night, friday saturday probably winds down early on sunday.
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today though, 5060s. we're cooling it off. low clouds drizzle, clouds increasing. partly sunny, mostly cloudy, cooler on the temps 5060s again. we'll get a break. tuesday and wednesday. then here comes on thursday afternoon, evening. a cold rain will take us from friday into the weekend. >> do you need a haircut? do you? because i'm. a barber, giving hope to the bay area's unhoused community. >> new at six. why a peninsula barber says a haircut has the power to help people down on their luck. >> and just one look could move your car. we'll tell you about a any that ay
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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here's your biggie bag. all that food for 5 bucks. -that's my go to. -oooh - that's my ride or die. hah.... just like you and me....
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(singing) ♪ bag boys ♪ ♪ bag boys, whatcha gonna do ♪ don't... -♪ whatcha gonna do ♪ -don't... -♪ when we bring your food ♪ - it... go biggie and get all this with the jbc for just 5 bucks. within the tunnel of elms. the closure will start 9:00 this morning and last until five in the evening. today through friday, crews will manage one way traffic in the area as they trim back those elm trees. motorists should plan to use alternate routes and expect delays. >> our time is 545. over the weekend, bart saw a spike in ridership because of two big bay area events. bart says san francisco's big chinese new year parade and fans fest in oakland
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helped to boost ridership numbers on bart. on saturday, almost 124,000 trips were recorded, 54,000 more than the previous saturday. the numbers for saturday broke a post-pandemic record for saturday. ridership that was set back in october during fleet week. well, time is running out in bart's poetry contest for teenagers. >> his arms crossed with motor running. words will hold up gauge. asked when kyle reached him. >> that's pretty good. bart is now accepting submissions for its first ever writing contest for teenagers between the ages of 13 and 19. they want to give young people a loud voice to express their ideas and their opinions. now it's for bart. short story kiosk program. the winning poems will be loaded onto special vending machines that will print out those messages. >> rouz and the winners will be able to have their poetry read
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by the writers, i mean potentially reaching thousands of writers. >> i'm not a good writer, so i wouldn't do it, but i know a lot of people who would for like who are interested. so first time for everything. it's a good point. yeah, maybe i would. i think i'd think about it. i take bart every day and keep in mind the deadline to get into the contest is next friday, but only the first 300 qualified submissions will be accepted. >> bart will then stop the contest after it receives 300 applications. >> 546 now and a new york train conductors making sure commuters enjoy their trip each day. >> one of the 25th street. without further ado. opening now on track number two, paul passante does not rely on mundane prerecorded announcements. >> instead, he makes up his own, and each one ends with a rhyme. he's worked on this particular route for two decades. he started freestyling just before covid, and his rhymes really took off during the pandemic. >> and if you don't have a mask, you need only ask a member of the crew will provide one to
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you. it's personal pride, personal pride, and at the same time, you know, passengers, the public and the customers are business. so we got got to got to keep them happy, got to keep them informed. he lifts his spirit. >> he makes a moment light. he makes you laugh for that few moments that you're on the train or if you're riding, the conductor starts early and keeps going. >> each day he calls out each stop through rhymes starting at 5:00 in the morning. >> i love it. our time now 547 a company in china just released a new smartphone that can be operated by moving your eyes, as the company called honor demonstrated how artificial intelligence can interact with eye tracking technology to remotely move a car just by looking at a phone screen, the company says the technology is useful in situations when you can't use your hands. >> the real use of this technology is really to enable another way for users to interact with the phone. so if you didn't want to touch the
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screen for any reason, let's say you've got dirty hands or whatever, then by looking at the screen, you can then interact with the phone in a new way. >> that's smartphone with the eye tracking technology. it's already available in china. the company is now working on an international version. our time is 548. some of the best male skiers in the world were in lake tahoe this weekend. for the stiefel palisades, tahoe world cup, more than 100 athletes from two dozen countries were competing in slalom and giant slalom events. this weekend's race was one of only four world cup events held in the united states this season. jett seymour of colorado finished in the top 15, and he loves competing on american soil. >> it's unbelievably beautiful with all the sunlight and the fans and everything and being surrounded by such legendary mountains that have produced such legendary skiers, it's incredible. >> now that ski resorts,
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challenging terrain and the dedication to snow sports have produced a lot of olympians and world cup champions through the years. it also hosted the olympics back in 1960. >> 549 is the time and let's check in with sal castaneda for a look at the commute this morning. how's it going, sal? i hear the scanner on in the background. there must be something going on. >> yes. those, uh, those scanners do provide information. as you know, ali and dave, good morning to you both. let's see the bay bridge. we're going to start there because it is backed up for a small delay. nothing big, but already beginning to see a little bit of a delay here at the toll plaza. we're kind of easing into a monday commute. no major problem here. if you are driving on highway four, you can see that traffic is moving along relatively well. and if you're driving in the south bay, there's a little slowing on northbound 101. and that's about all. 550 let's bring steve back in with today's weather. >> all right sam, thank you sir. well, we have a system coming
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down from the north. this is not a big system, but it's going to usher in a pretty significant change here. it's the first of really a big time event. it looks like for the for the mountains on snow. by the time we get to the end of the week, this will produce some maybe light rain. again, more of it's a cooler pattern. we'll drop a good 510 degrees today from the upper 60s and 70s. yesterday i'll keep some light rain in the forecast. i think more likely it's about, you know, santa cruz mountain, san jose south. but i'll mention it. there's some drizzle out there. that system will swing through and that will drop our temps and keep them there, probably in the upper 50s, low 60s thursday afternoon evening is when all this really kicks in. and it will probably go all the way to saturday night, if not sunday morning. this is really a big story for the mountains. there are some significant totals being advertised here, but again, it's three days away, so we'll mention it now and then. fine tune the details. we get closer, mostly cloudy, cooler. some light rain drizzle out there, but the big drop in temps here 5060 now and we'll get a break on tuesday. wednesday itrain wio
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saturday. and then a cool probably clearing out, but a windy and cool pattern by sunday . >> so thank you steve. a fire inside a bay area target forces the store to shut down. new at six. the investigation underway into vallejo about what exactly happened here and how long the store will be closed. >> and the chp acted fast to help rescue two paragliders and bring them to safety. we'll tell you what. rescue teams had to do to get to them in a remote area what i thought was a complete life was nowhere near complete. but it is now. vo: learn about adopting a teen at
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the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness.
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we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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paragliders in two separate rescues at the same location. both rescues were in the vallejo hills above columbus parkway. look at this video from the chp second rescue showing the injured patient at a rock outcropping being strapped into a harness and pulled to safety before being rushed to a hospital for treatment. still not clear what caused those two incidents. now the chp helicopter was also called in to rescue an injured mountain biker in alamo over the weekend. the mountain biker was injured on the trail saturday afternoon. the chp lowered a san ramon valley fire helicopter rescue technician to get to that
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injured person. we're told the cyclist was taken to an ambulance and then transported to the hospital. the cyclist is expected to recover. >> the new spring training season is now underway for both the a's and giants, and many giants players and fans are already complaining about the team's new jerseys. they made their debut against the chicago cubs in scottsdale, arizona, this weekend, and critics say that the lettering on those jerseys is too small and the orange and black colors don't look right to longtime giants fans. major league baseball says these are the same nike jerseys used in last year's all star game, and were popular among the players. tens of thousands of loyal oakland a's fans gathered at jack london square this weekend for an unofficial fan fest. they came to celebrate the new baseball season despite the a's plans to move to las vegas. the team's management stopped hosting an official fan fest event after the 2019 season, so these a's fans took matters into their own hands and created their own event to show they still support the major league baseball franchise that first
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came to oakland. back in 1968. many wore green t shirts urging current a's owner john fisher to sell the team. >> it is embarrassing. i mean, a bunch of, uh, my friends are like, so what are you going to do? that's embarrassing. i love the a's, but ownership is pushing everybody away. i mean, it's pushing me away. oakland mayor shengtao told the crowd she was honored to attend the event that was organized by a's fans. >> and she says the big straight party sends a clear message to the team's owners. we don't need billionaires who fail as a party . >> we know how to throw ourselves up. bernie >> well, we have showed the world today is that oakland's got the best fans on the planet. >> thank you. >> the mayor says she will continue to fight to keep the athletics in oakland, but the team's owners continue to make plans to move the a's to a new home on the las vegas strip. >> our time is 557. the biggest stars in movies and television gathered over the weekend in los angeles for the 20th annual screen actors guild award, often
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, naaimur was the big winner, picking up the sag award for outstanding performance by a cast in a motion picture. the movie star kelly and murphy won the award for male actor in a leading role. his costar robert downey jr won for supporting actor. the holdovers took home the sag award for best picture and honored that, well, thrilled the star of that movie. >> it's your fellow actors, you know, and it's like it's an organization of, you know, i've been a member since i don't know how long, you know, and the actors are the best. you know, i love actors. so to be acknowledged by actors, it's fantastic. >> hmm'hmm the cast of succession won the sag award for outstanding performance by an ensemble in a drama series and entertainment legend, the great barbra streisand received sag's lifetime achievement award. >> well, february is the shortest month of the year, but this year it is one day longer. 2024 is a leap year, and that
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means thursday will be february 29th. since the month is one day longer than in the previous three years, scientists say these leap years every four years are needed to match our 12 month calendar with the earth's movement around the sun. >> what happened is eventually the calendar would get out of sync with the seasons. so we would like to have the start of spring be in march, and if we didn't have the leap years, eventually the spring would start to drift and we'd start having the first day of spring be in january or october. these adjustments date back to ancient times, as people around the world have been using the sun and moon to chart their calendars for thousands of years . >> well, a neighborhood near san pablo is on lockdown right now. we're live at the scene trying to get new information about what is actually is happening behind that police barricade. you see on your screen. plus the best thing to do is kind of old fashioned symptomatic treatments. bay area water
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samples show a rise in the number of norovirus particles. the simple things doctors say we can do to protect ourselves and avoid becoming sick. >> from ktvu, fox two news this is mornings on two. >> well, good morning to you and thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on two. i'm dave clark i'm allie rasmus. >> it is monday february 26th. and for the start of this workweek you may want to bring a light jacket a raincoat. right steve paulson little drizzly out there, a little drizzly out there. >> some light rain is possible. cooler is the big message there. no doubt about it. ali 40s, 50s on the temps here. but the cloud cover is there. we're under mostly cloudy skies. probably notice little change. last night the wind picked up two systems, ones the west southwest. that's mainly going to drive east and south, but the cold front coming down from the north could give us some light rain later, but mainly it's upper 50s and low 60s out of those upper 60s and 70s. all right. salcea almost 6:00 in the morning on a monday bridge freeway. where are we
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going? yeah we're going to the bay bridge, steve, because we do have some slowing already here bright and early on a monday. >> it's not all the way to the maze, but definitely there is a crowd and it looks like a lot of people are coming through on highway four or highway four as well. highway 580 through the altamont pass. so we're going to get to all that. we're going to have another report coming up in just a few, but it does look like things are beginning to get crowded at 6:00. let's go right back to the headlines. >> thank you. sal will we continue to follow the breaking news we've been covering all morning? an east bay neighborhood in lockdown, the contra costa county sheriff's office and deputies have shut down streets. >> ktvu is james torres has been out there for several hours. now you're back to tell us what you know so far. james good morning ali. >> dave, good morning to you. well we are across the street from the neighborhood where this is all happening, and that's because where we are is a parking lot full of people who can't get inside to their homes. at this point, we've talked to a number of them, and they tell us
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that they have been hearing gunshots for hours, though they don't really know where it's coming from. what's it result of? but they just know that when they try to come back home for doing whatever errand they had to do at this hour of the morning, the police officers and those on scene are not letting them back inside. i'll show you what we can see from where we are. we are across the street from the mount alvin manor, which is a neighborhood where a number of people live in here, every entrance into that neighborhood closed off this morning. this is along san pablo avenue, just off of the richmond parkway. here you have police officers. contra costa county sheriff's office deputies, as well as california highway patrolmen blocking off every single entrance. people can come out if they need to, and that's what we've heard from some of the people out here this morning. they said that they've gone to drop off, loved ones to a nearby airport or to work. one woman we spoke to said that she was coming out of the gym. she told me that her husband heard gunshots at around 1:00 this morning. then she too heard those shots around 4:00 this morning. >> this crazy things that happen
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over here but not shooting. that's that's pretty new for me. yeah, yeah. my neighbor, she literally called me. she was like, hey, like, be careful. like he's just blindly shooting around. >> and as we inch closer to daylight, of course we're seeing many more people exit the neighborhood going to work for whatever reason. and of course, we're seeing more people come into this parking lot where we're standing at this point telling us that they can't go back in because of course, officers have it all blocked off . i mean, we have seen it a number of times, people trying to make that turn into the neighborhood. and that chp patrolman, they're having to go on a radio, slash a light letting people know, you can't get in here right now. now, we've not heard anything official from the contra costa county sheriff's office or those investigating the scene out here. the only thing they've really told us and the public is that everyone is on lockdown here. there's a shelter in place alert if you live in the area to stay inside, lock your doors, lock your windows, stay off your
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phone as well. avoid calling 911 unless there is a life threatening emergency. that is the robot blast and a text message blast that they've sent out to everyone who lives out here. of course, we are reaching out to the sheriff's office to learn more about what brought them out here in the first place. we're live this morning near san pablo. i'm james torres , ktvu, fox two news. >> thanks for that update, james. we'll continue to check in with you and stay connected with fox local for the latest on this developing story. it's a free app on your smart tv. just search for the fox local app and then select ktvu. >> okay, allie, time is 603a solano county target store expected to stay closed indefinitely after someone started a fire inside that store . see the video on social media shows the flames and employees rushing near the fire. vallejo fire captain says it all happened saturday afternoon, about 3 p.m. at the target on admiral callahan lane. the fire was started in the paper towel aisle. preliminary reports
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estimate about $1 million in damage was caused. no injuries were reported, so far, there's no word of arrests. >> time is 604 now, and the cdc says a highly contagious stomach bugs are spreading rapidly around the country. and the federal health agency reports these norovirus cases are hitting california and other western states, especially hard. the cdc says there has been a 12% increase in these cases in the west just in the past three weeks, medical experts are now urging everyone to remember the lessons of the pandemic and wash their hands with soap and water frequently. they also have advice for people who are already sick. >> the best thing to do is kind of old fashioned symptom treatment. staying hydrated and, um, don't, um, you know, again, don't pass it around and, um, and just keep on drinking, especially with electrolytes. if you're if you're passing a lot. >> norovirus is a medical problem. sometimes linked or
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associated with cruise ships, but doctors stress it can spread anywhere through contact with an infected person or by eating or drinking contaminated food and water. >> our time now. 605 today, executives for pg and e will have to answer questions from san francisco supervisors about a series of power outages. in san francisco, supervisor myrna melgar called the meeting after some san francisco neighborhoods went without power for more than 48 hours during a recent winter storms. now, supervisors want an explanation for these recurring power outages and it's coming as people are struggling with their pg and e bills. after recent rate hikes. >> it doesn't sound like much, but at&t plans to reimburse customers with a $5 credit if they were affected by last week's cell phone and internet outage. in a statement, the company said that the $5 credit it would apply to each of the affected accounts is the estimated average cost of a full day of service. the outage
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affected more than 70,000 customers and at&t believes a technical error caused it. >> our time now 606 thousands of people flocked to downtown oakland for the city's seventh annual black joy parade. >> so this year's theme for black joy parade is find joy in the hustle. it's really the definition of a hustler, and so the goal was really to bring economic empowerment back into oakland. >> and the big parade featured floats, marching bands and car clubs and a variety of performers. oakland business owners were there showing off their products and also supporting the parade and bring the coffee and joy business. >> so black joy parade makes sense for us. we've been able to help other entrepreneurs. >> we've helped our customers get into homes. we've given scholarships to different, um, youth, uh, help starting their own businesses. >> the black joy parade was first held in 2018. the founders say they were inspired by the
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black lives matter marches and movement to create an experience celebrating the black community's contribution to history and to culture. >> well, the warriors begin a four game east coast road trip tomorrow when they take on the washington wizards. the warriors look to rebound from their disappointing home loss last night to the defending nba champion denver nuggets. klay thompson started off red hot, giving the warriors a 15 point lead, but the nuggets stormed back to tie at halftime and broke away in the fourth quarter to win 119 to 103. steph curry only had 20 points and looked worn down as the game went on. he not want to rest at all. >> coming up you know okay doing the all star game stuff. >> not getting much of a break three games in four nights. um you know the whole deal. so he looks it looks a little tired. um but this is all part of the season. first and third quarter. >> klay thompson had 23 points, but none in the second half. that's when the warriors were
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outscored by 16 points, which was the difference in the game. >> is your was over the weekend warriors also hosted a free basketball camp for local youth. 25 kids from the contra costa boys and girls club took part in the fueling young athletes clinic, and chris mullin, the former warriors star, was there. >> what are you learning today? or each and every day of practice with your coaches is important, but the only way you can perfect it and really take your game to the next level is by putting the time in by yourself. your coaches can guide you and give you nice drills to do, but the players that put the extra time in on their own are the ones that are going to keep, uh, keep improving and excel and maximize their talent. >> yeah. you heard his trade from chris mullin. yesterday's event at the warriors training training center in downtown oakland. all right. time is 609. we'll get you to where you need to go. sal is here. what's happening out there in our commute? i see it's really busy
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at the toll plaza. >> yeah, it's right behind you there. dave and allie and the toll plaza. it is busy. and on this monday, people are up and adam, you can see traffic is going to be busy as you come through. there's no delay today. i shouldn't say there's no delay . there's no problem. there's no stalled vehicle or crash on the bridge, but it's getting busier. highway four is also getting slower through pittsburgh and bay point on the way over to concord, and we don't have a lot of slowing in the silicon valley or on the peninsula. so if those are your commutes, you may want to get out there before the crowd does. at 609. let's go back to the desk. >> thank you sal. well, turning right orders into readers. the changes bart is making to its storytelling program and how it could benefit some aspiring young poets. plus do you need a haircut? >> do you? because i'm a barber. >> he's a man. it's amazing how a haircut can also give hope. how one bay area barber is giving help and hope to people
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who are down on their luck
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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for the millions suffering from long covid there is one urgent question... how long? how long? how long? ...until we solve long covid? the solve long covid initiative is bringing people together to find answers now. go to to learn more. studio with a poetry contest for teenage writers. andre yeah. >> good morning to you. bart is expanding its short story kiosk program. it became so popular, featuring adult authors that bart now wants to find younger writers to his arms crossed with motor running words.
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>> will holyoke gage asked when kyle reached him, a phone call. >> well, the transit agency is taking submissions for its first ever writing contest for teens between the ages of 13 and 19. barr says it's looking to quote, lift and amplify the voices of bay area youth, whose perspectives, opinions and ideas are providing us with a roadmap for the future. >> it's a really exciting thing. this is a poetry contest for teens, and the winners will be able to have their poetry read by the writers, i mean potentially reaching thousands of writers. >> oh yeah, that's a good idea. i mean, it's like, yeah, it's like a little competition. i think it'd be cool. >> well, winning poems will be loaded into special vending machines that print out messages. the current kiosk set for bart stations, including at downtown berkeley, have won three and five minute ads. short story editions. >> i'm not a good writer, so i wouldn't do it, but i know a lot of people who would for like who are interested. so first time
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for everything. >> it's a good point. >> yeah, maybe i'd think about it. i take part every day. >> well, the deadline is friday, march 8th, but only the first 300 qualified submissions will be accepted. bart will stop the contest once it reaches that 300 limit. now, bart's teen poetry contest is part of the transit agency's rider engagement plan. it brings passengers together through their unique experience. his previous efforts include an anime project, a book club, live streams, tiktok's, and free celebratory events. at stations and on board trains. dave all right, andre, thank you. >> time now. 614 bart saw a jump in ridership over the weekend because of two big bay area events. bart says san francisco's big chinese new year parade and fan fest in oakland boosted the bart ridership numbers. almost 124,000 trips were recorded on saturday 54,000 more trips than the previous saturday. bart says saturday's numbers broke a post-pandemic
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record for saturday ridership that was set back in october during fleet week. >> u.s. secretary of energy jennifer granholm will be in the bay area today. she is expected to kick off her california tour, highlighting the biden administration's efforts to support clean energy initiatives . granholm is scheduled to head a ribbon cutting ceremony in san leandro after she tours a new battery, making facility. granholm's tour will, uh, will highlight efforts to speed up clean energy deployment in rural and remote communities. >> our time now 615 the sausalito marin city school district has a new proposal to deal with a $1.4 million budget deficit. the school district trustees submitted a plan to the marin county office of education to cut the equivalent of more than 12 jobs and save almost $1.9 million. the plan also involves restructuring the grade levels of some of the school campuses in the district. >> the former head of stanford's
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digital language lab is now a barber, using his talents to help the homeless. hello >> do you need a haircut? do you ? because i'm a barber and i volunteer to do that. we found a . taker or two for a haircut out here today. >> joseph katz visited visits, encampments offering his services to anyone in need. he says a new haircut makes people feel better about themselves, and they can get a new outlook on life. he calls his nonprofit tent city barbers. he started it in 2019 as he was finishing his cosmetology classes. >> bravo to him. all right, our time is 617. let's get you to where you need to go. right back to south. getting busy on the roads. it sure is. >> dave and allie. right now we do have highway four beginning to get into the act. it's slowed through pittsburgh and bay point, but you can tell it's moving. it's just moving slowly. i think that if you drive this
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every day or for every commute day, you know that this is not out of the ordinary. but i just want to let you know it's there. same with the bay bridge. it's backed up nearly from the mays. not quite, but there's about a ten minute delay before you make it onto the span. as you look at the east bay, you can see traffic is okay and south bay commute still off to a very good start. and on the peninsula this commute looks good. so if you're a peninsula driver, you may want to get out there before it gets a little bit too heavy. weather is not an issue for this morning's commute, but that may change this week. let's bring steve back in. it will change this week, sal. >> no doubt about it. here. now we have a change today after the weekend of sunshine and warm temps. fog drizzles back, a lot of clouds, low clouds, some high mid level clouds, cooler. tuesday wednesday will be dry. nice but cooler. and then everything begins. the next main event will be thursday afternoon evening. this is. we'll get rain out of this. but this is no doubt about it being highlighted in neon heavy mountain snow. first, we'll start with the cooler napa, livermore, palo alto, san jose from yesterday, upper 60s, 70s. today it's all
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low 60s, 61, 62, 61 and 62. but the main message here is significant threat of heavy snow starting. thursday and probably going into sunday morning. multiple feet possible above the 5000 foot level, 60 plus inches of snow is likely. and if we can have enough moisture available, i think snow gets down to 1000 502,000ft by late saturday, maybe early sunday. just take a look at some of the snowfall projections being advertised here. 96in of kirkwood, truckee 80. both the gf watts. one thing for the gfs to advertise a lot of snow, but when the canadian global model is called the gem, the cmc shows identical amount almost a 99 98in of snow between now and next monday, and some of the higher elevations of the sierra. we'll get rain. i mean, we'll get an inch to two, maybe three, but this is really about the sierra snow. uh a couple systems. one is coming in from the west southwest being drawn up by that system to the north. i mean, there's not a lot of available moisture, but i'll mention you can see some light
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rain out of that system sweeping through later today. we have some drizzle this morning, 40s, 50s on the temps probably going to going to go up a little bit. boulder creek at 40, hollister's at 40. then 47 cupertino, santa clara campbell. so there are some cool readings, no doubt about it. but the trend here is to bring in the slow cloud deck. some drizzle and then that sweep that cold front through, which will set the stage for a dry. but cooler pattern. tuesday, wednesday. not a lot with this first system. i mean a little bit. couple 100 here. maybe you know, a 10th of an inch around san jose or morgan hill would probably be a best case scenario, but this is the start of a significant change in the pattern. again, we'll get some rain out of this thursday friday, saturday probably done on on sunday, but there will be some big time totals here after everything is said and done. i think by the time we take a look at shasta last and certainly tahoe area and central mammoth all the way down to the southern sierra, low clouds drizzle partly sunny, mostly cloudy, cooler, maybe some light rain. i would think more south and north 5060s on the temps. it'll be dry
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tuesday wednesday not very warm and then we start off thursday with clouds. rain returns thursday evening and i mean cold coming in. a cold rain will take us friday into saturday. all right. >> thank you steve. well, controlling medical marijuana in the south bay. what city leaders in milpitas want to do in response to a new state law about cannabis deliveries and the fda approves a first of its kind medication to treat food allergies. how the stanford led study is giving some allergy sufferers relief
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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marijuana products within the city. milpitas does not allow the sale of marijuana or the delivery of recreational cannabis within city limits, but a new state law requires them to allow medical marijuana deliveries. the proposed ordinance by milpitas city leaders would place restrictions on those types of deliveries, including when they can be made, who would be allowed to make them, and what types of products could be delivered. former president donald trump is celebrating his latest victory in his effort to return to the white house. trump easily defeated former governor nikki haley in her home state this weekend in the south carolina primary. he carried the state with nearly 60% of the vote to haley's 39. the margin of victory in south carolina looks to put him in the path to his third straight republican nomination for president trump's victory in south carolina
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follows his victories in the iowa caucuses. new hampshire and nevada primaries. however nikki haley is making it clear she has no plans to drop out. >> there are huge numbers of voters in our republican primaries who are saying they want an alternative. i'm not giving up this fight when a majority of americans disapprove of both donald trump and joe biden. >> haley is trump's only remaining opponent in the race for the republican nomination for president. with super tuesday now. just one week away, she is campaigning in michigan today ahead of tomorrow's primary in that swing state, voters here in california have to turn in their ballot by next tuesday's deadline. it's not just the presidential race on the ballot. voters will also vote on who should be california's next senator. the top two candidates will move on to the november general election. there's also one ballot measure voters will decide on prop one, which would authorize nearly $7 billion in state money for mental health facilities and housing across
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california. there's also several open seats in congress, including in the south bay, to replace congresswoman anna issue, who is retiring and in the east bay to replace congresswoman barbara lee, who is running for california senate. and as we get closer to super tuesday, stay connected with fox local. it's a free app on your smart tv. you can find everything you need to know ahead of the primary election, like what's on the ballot and how you can vote. just search for the fox local app and then select ktvu. well, a medical research team at stanford university has come up with the first ever treatment for food allergies. the fda recently approved the use of this medication following successful tests involving volunteers, both young and old. doctors say it dramatically reduces the risk of a possible life threatening reaction to things like peanuts, wheat and other food allergies. the stanford study found. two thirds of the people who got this injection avoided severe allergic reactions. however, medical experts stress the medication does not cure food allergies. patients should still
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do everything possible to avoid foods that make them sick. us leaders are optimistic over a potential break in the fighting. between israel and hamas, but some say the two sides are still apart on some key issues. an update on the call for a ceasefire and a plea for help in the east bay. what a family who lost a loved one earlier this month in a hit and run is hoping for the suspect to do now
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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focused on abortion and reproductive health. >> plus, there's glass everywhere all over the place, and you know, all the windows smashed. thieves targeted more than 50 cars in one night in berkeley. >> who police say committed these crimes in one neighborhood in west berkeley from ktvu, fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. >> let's take you live to the opening bell at the new york stock exchange. jennifer gabriel , she is the ceo of the national women's hall of fame, ringing the opening bell. and of course, next month is women's history month. u.s. stock futures are on track to open lower this morning as investors are cautiously awaiting the results of new data and reports expected to come out on inflation this week. good
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morning and welcome back to mornings on two. i'm allie rasmus and good morning i'm dave clark. >> it's a monday morning. it is february 26th. let's find out what we can expect when it comes to our weather this monday morning. >> here's steve paulson. >> cooler, cooler already. the fog is in place here. maybe some. we've already had some drizzle. i know ali had some. i had some on the way in. not a lot, but a little bit there. but you can see there's plenty here. our warm weekend is now just a memory as it's gone. temperatures will be in the upper 50s and 60s today, not the upper 60s or 70s. much cooler pattern, 40s and 50s. a combination of two systems, one coming in from the south, one for the north. that's the cold front. that's the main one there. so behind the clouds, it's a cooler for cast, no doubt. low clouds and drizzle partly to mostly cloudy. some light rain is possible. uh, temperatures taking the tumble though upper 50s and low 60s as well. when i get where i'm going, i'm either going to thank this man or be be mad. how's the traffic out there? >> well, it's actually okay. there's some slowing out there,
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steve, but i wouldn't say it's all that terrible, but there is a some sort of activity. southbound 880 at 92, i don't see a crash, but there's some sort of lane blockage. it could be a police stop, or it could be just a broken down car. southbound 880 at 92. we'll keep an eye on that for you. i also want to look at highway four. you will see that highway four is slowing down. it's pretty slow commute coming in from all of pittsburgh and bay point into concord. when you get to the bay bridge toll plaza, we are backed up almost to the maze and the metering lights are on. it's looking like a busy commute in the east bay so far south bay is off to a good start. 631 let's go back to the headlines. >> thank you sal, we are following breaking news from the east bay. the contra costa county sheriff's department has locked down a neighborhood near san pablo due to law enforcement activity. there. you see the intersection at the entrance of the montalban neighborhood there. that's where a shelter in place order was issued a few hours ago for that neighborhood. now we don't have the specifics on what that specific law
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enforcement activity includes. that's information we are working to find out. but here's what we do know. there's a shelter in place order issued for montalvin manor neighborhood . that means people who live there should stay in their homes with their doors and windows locked until further notice. right now, some people in the area report to james torres, who is out there this morning, that they've heard gunshots earlier in the morning. again we don't have specifics on what exactly is happening here, but we do know that this neighborhood is locked down near san pablo and ktvu. james torres will have another live update from the scene for us in about 30 minutes, with super tuesday coming up next week, governor gavin newsom is launching national ads in so-called red states, states with republican controlled legislatures and ktvu is amanda quintana is here in the studio now to tell us where and why these ads are being shown. >> good morning. >> good morning. well, this is a new ad. it just launched yesterday on meet the press. and in it, governor newsom accuses conservative leaders of holding women hostage by imposing travel
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bans and preventing women from seeking reproductive care out of state health. >> trump republicans want to criminalize young women who travel to receive their reproductive care. they need the ad will first air in tennessee, where there's currently a proposal to charge adults with a felony if they help pregnant minors get an abortion out of state without their parents permission, it will then air in other states trying to pass similar legislation. >> newsom spoke about it on meet the press, calling it a war on women. >> these guys are not just restricting the rights of self-determination to bear a child for a young child, a young woman, but they're also determining their fate as it relates to their future in life by saying they can't even travel. these travel restrictions, modeled after a version that passed in idaho, is now being proposed in tennessee. see in oklahoma, in mississippi, the ag himself of alabama wants to criminalize travel not just
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for children, but for adults seeking reproductive care. that's how serious this moment is. >> the ad directs viewers to right to travel org. this ad campaign is being funded by a political action committee newsom launched last spring. newsom was also asked about the presidential election and his confidence in president biden, winning a second terme. newsom said he's doing everything that he needs to do now. when pushed about whether newsom was ruling out a run in 2024, he said he is supporting biden. dave i'll send it back to you. >> all right, amanda, thank you. time is 634. police in berkeley are still out there searching for the criminals who broke into 53 cars in one night in west berkeley. it happened last thursday near the aquatic apartment complex on fourth street. they're still bits of glass on the ground in the parking lot and video posted on social media shows parked cars with windows smashed. the police officers union says all of these
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break ins are tied to the same criminal crew, and it comes as berkeley has seen a rash of car break ins. the person belonging is something like a not replaceable something coming from my mother's, you know, uh, memories. >> uh, yeah. so it's very sad, but so many people struggling their life and they're looking for a something to take. >> the police are also investigating 23 cars that were burglarized last week at the north berkeley bart station. windows were smashed. items were stolen from those cars. >> the family of an east bay man killed in a hit and run crash in san francisco is now making an emotional plea. they're calling on the driver responsible for the death of 31 year old david bridges jr, to surrender to authorities. the antioch man was run over and killed in the early morning hours of february eighth. it happened at sixth and bryant in san francisco, south of market neighborhood. >> it makes you realize that your days are not promised. you know you never know what could
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happen and how fast it could change. >> so far, there is no description of the vehicle that hit and killed bridges or the person behind the wheel. family members say they hope that driver does the right thing and turns themselves in our time. >> now. 636 pavement repair is on vasco road are scheduled today and you drivers expect delays of about 15 minutes. the work will affect the northbound lane of vasco road between alameda county line and camino diablo. the repair crews are expected to be there by 9:00 this morning and be out there until 3 p.m. the repairs should be finished by wednesday. say everything all depends on the weather coming to the bay area. >> 636 is the time and let's check in with sal castaneda for a look at the traffic conditions. and it looks pretty busy at the bay bridge toll plaza. >> it is ali and dave. good morning. it's also busy on highway four and a lot of the east bay. looking at highway four, you can see the traffic coming through slow through all
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of pittsburg and bay point in the concord. nothing unusual about that. bay bridge is backed up to about the maze, and the 880 southbound. there was a crash near hegenberger, just south of the coliseum, but doesn't seem to be causing a huge backup just yet. we do see the general east bay commuters. all right, and south bay commute is light so far at 637. let's bring steve back in with today's weather. all right, sal, thank you. >> we have a cooler forecast. i think that's the main message here for today. napa livermore, palo alto, san jose from the upper 60s, low 70s yesterday. it's all low 60s today. and i'd get used to this, if not even colder. the message here to get out here. i know it's early, but thursday to sunday significant threat of heavy mountain snow. much paypal feet possible above the 5000 foot level. maybe 60 plus inches is likely. and if it continues to come in as it looks, snow level could get down to around 1500ft, which would put us in the in the window as well. but this will be a bigger
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snow event than it will be a rain event. we'll get rain, but there are some projections over the next seven days of almost a 100in of snow being forecast around lake level and above. so again, they're in sync on that. just me, robbins and clayton. he knows his mountain travel weather. i defer to him on some of this. going to be honest, i think 80 and 50. we'll see. extended closures thursday night into sunday. and i cannot argue with that 1. i think i'm on board with that because it just looks like it's going to be a pretty good event here. coming in now, today we get mostly cloudy skies, mainly an increase in the low clouds. drizzle could be some light rain, but 40s and 50s on the temps. cold front sweeping in. so that's going to drop. our temps. that as well might give us some light rain. there's not a lot to this couple 100 should probably cover it, but this is setting the table if you will, for a much stronger system to sweep in here thursday afternoon evening. and this will be a cold rain that comes in. so yes, we'll get rain. i mean, we'll have some, you know, it'll be a good winter system here.
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it's coming from the north, so it's not an atmospheric river, for crying out loud. it's a cold, cold storm. but the mountain travel will be difficult. and the totals? shasta lassen, not only tahoe, but all the way down to mammoth and southern california. southern sierra could be quite impressive here. low clouds drizzle, clouds increase. mostly cloudy, partly sunny, but cooler 5060 on the temps. after today we get a break. not very warm, but it will be a break. tuesday wednesday rain returns thursday evening, then a cold rain will take us friday into saturday. >> sure, a lot of that may look unrealistic, but there are a couple that look real. >> the latest on the investigation at a california middle school. the new technology that teenagers are suspected of using to bully classmates. >> now let's check in with gasia mikaelian for a look at what's coming up in the 7:00 hour of mornings on two. good morning gasia. >> good morning allie and dave. when i join you in studio artificial intelligence has reached self-driving technology could revolutionize the way some of us interact with cars. new at seven. details on a new system
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being developed to allow drivers to control their vehicles with their eyes. the new research finds a troubling conclusion about the causes of violence in the classroom by. a study says it's actually possible to focus too much on grades and the results on the page will be back the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate.
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i'm adam schiff and i approve this message. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more.
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the israeli military has shifted its focus to rafah, a city in southern gaza near the border with egypt. more than a million palestine fans are seeking refuge in that city. israeli prime minister netanyahu says even if a ceasefire agreement is reached, israel will continue with its plans for a ground operation in rafah in order destroyed 18 out of the 24 hamas terrorist battalions and four of them are concentrated in rafah. >> we can't leave the last hamas stronghold on without taking care of it. obviously we have to do it. >> we do not believe that an operation in a major military operation should proceed in rafah, unless there is a clear
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and executable plan to protect those civilians to get them to safety and to feed, clothe and house them. and we have not seen a plan like that. >> now, the situation for people living in rafah is very desperate. some people are now eating weeds to avoid starving with humanity. an aid mainly stalled and it is. 644 president biden will meet with congressional leaders at the white house tomorrow to press them on passing an emergency aid package for ukraine and for israel. that legislation would provide $60 billion for ukraine as it's going into its third year of war with russia. ukrainian president zelensky says a number of ukrainian troops killed during the war is a lot less than russia's losses. >> 31,000 ukrainian soldiers died in this war, not 300,000, not 150,000. that putin lied about. >> you are u.s. intelligence is estimating more than 300,000
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russian troops have been killed or wounded since the war began. ukraine's national police says more than 30,000 people have been reported missing in the past two years. our time is 645. some students at a school in beverly hills are apparently using artificial intelligence to bully their classrooms. administrators at beverly vista middle school emailed parents last week notifying them about images of students that were distorted by artificial intelligence to make them look naked. officials are investigating this. they're trying to find more of the victims here. the students say they're scared because any body is vulnerable. >> girls are being called out one by one, and there's always that fear, like, am i going to be next? am i going to be called in? there's going to be a naked photo of me presented to the entire world. >> school officials say they're working with police to try to find everyone responsible for making these fake photos, and the school district is prepared to implement the most severe
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discipline actions allowed for any student. creating disseminating, or in possession of artificial intelligence generated images could be expelled. >> and new numbers from the census bureau show that last year, more than half of californians lived in a home that they owned. the home ownership rate hit 55.9. that's the highest it's been since 2010, when it was 56.1. but nationwide, california has the third lowest ownership rate, ahead of just new york and washington, d.c. west virginia had the highest home ownership rate in the country at 77. this week. google is rolling out some new features as the company continues to expand its use of artificial intelligence. the search engine can now read out summaries of long text message and group chats, and can provide suggestions for quick replies. google also has a new artificial intelligence feature that can help visually impaired people read food labels and legal documents. it's a state program for at risk young people is
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creating new economic opportunities for them, and it is getting another $78 billion in the state budget. the california youth job corps is a job assistance program that helps young people find jobs in the industries they're interested in. it's for people between the ages of 16 and 30. the program gives priority to teens and young adults who grew up in foster care, may have had trouble with the law, or suffer from mental health and substance abuse. the nonprofit education site edsource reports that some members recently worked with a richmond landscaping company, rubicon landscape, that hosts a vocational training class happening today. buffalo wild wings says it will make good on its promise to offer free wings to everyone in the us. that's after the 40 niners and chiefs went into overtime in super bowl 58 two weeks ago. buffalo wild wings launched a promotion in 2019, promising the restaurant would give away free wings if any future super bowl went into ot. at that time, only one super bowl had gone into overtime. that happened when the patriots battled the falcons in 2017.
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>> all right, our time is 648. hundreds of thousands of people filled downtown san francisco streets over the weekend, enjoying the chinese new year parade. those fireworks were incredible. organizers say the biggest crowd in decades came out, lined the parade route celebrating the year of the dragon. they watched a dazzling display of colorful floats marching bands, dancers and lots of dragons. parade lovers of all ages agree the weather was perfect for the biggest lunar new year celebration outside of asia. >> i love seeing all the floats. i like seeing all the different types of people that come out. what's your favorite so far? >> dragon and actress, comedian and rapper aqua fina was there. >> she was the grand marshal and once again ktvu fox two was honored to broadcast the chinese new year parade, and the festivities continued in san
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francisco's visitacion valley, where the community came together for a lunar new year party. >> what's going on? >> santa? all the visitacion valley neighborhood association hosted the event at the asian pacific american community center. >> state comptroller malia cohen, who grew up in the city, was among the people attending. >> what i've admired growing up is just how there's generations, traditions that are passed down from grandmother to daughter to granddaughter. and you see it here today. you have young children helping serve food to their seniors and it's just an opportunity where communities are coming together. >> the party yesterday followed a joint gathering held in visitacion valley last weekend that celebrated black history month and lunar new year together. >> all right, our time is 650. let's go right to sal castaneda sal, have you fixed everything out there on the roads? >> well, we're looking at crowded conditions there, dave. >> and allie at the bay bridge. you can see it is backed up and that's typical. it's backed up
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to the maze. you look at 880. there was a crash near hegenberger. they've moved that to the side in the non commute direction. northbound is the commute direction. we've had slow traffic on 880 northbound and getting up toward the two. and the marine to exit northbound 880. watch for some slow traffic there as you come up through. traffic is going to be busy as you drive, let's say from 238 all the way up into downtown oakland. 650 let's get back to steve with today's weather. >> thank you sal. we'll get right to it here. a cooler pattern after a fabulous weekend with 60 and 7090 more. we're going into a different direction. and that's a much cooler direction and colder by the time we get to the end of the week. a lot of low clouds in place. some drizzle has been reported. there is a cold front sweeping down which might give us some light rain later. not a big system, but amounts should be light. but i'll mention it here. heavier amounts if you if i should even say that. but it would be. i think san jose south looks santa cruz mountain south.
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there are a couple 100 should probably cover it here, but this is the start of a significant pattern change and a colder one. not really. we'll get rain. this is we'll be okay. but this is more about the mountains. looks like some significant sierra snow. shasta lassen snow. even down to central and southern sierra. by the time we get to sunday as a series of systems are going to drop down from the north and give us some much needed snow, they had a great february. it could end on an epic february if this all comes together and it looks like it has for us. low clouds drizzle, clouds increase. mostly cloudy, partly sunny, cooler, some light rain. i'm favoring areas more south and north, but 50s and 60s. the highs are not going very far, that's for sure. you'll get a break tuesday wednesday clouds increase. thursday morning. rain develops thursday night and then a cold rain will take us friday into saturday. >> all right steve, thank you. time is 652. a promising sign about the number of spawning coho salmon here in the bay area . the reason for the surge in salmon. the experts are seeing in tens of thousands of a's fans showed up to support their team
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the weekend celebration, as the a's are going into what could be their final season here in the bay area. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics."
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let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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at clear lake. the epa says the lake just north of the napa valley wineries is one of the most polluted waterways in the united states, due in part to a sulfur mine that's operated along its shores for almost 100 years, starting during the gold rush days until it was closed in 1957. the epa says the abandoned mine contained with arson, arsenic, mercury and other toxins. well, some of the best male skiers in the world were in lake tahoe over the weekend for the stiefel palisades tahoe world cup. more than 100 athletes from two dozen countries competed in the slalom and giant slalom. the weekend's races was one of only four world cup events held in the us this season. jett seymour of colorado finished in the top 15, and he was happy to compete on american soil. >> it's unbelievably beautiful
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with all the sunlight and the fans and everything and being surrounded by such legendary mountains that have produced such legendary skiers, it's incredible. >> now the ski resorts, challenging terrain and dedicated to snow sports have produced many olympians and world cup champions through the years. it also hosted the olympics back in 1960, with thousands and thousands of loyal oakland fans gathered at jack london square over the weekend for an unofficial fans fest. they were celebrating the new baseball season despite the plans by the a's to move to las vegas, the team's management stopped hosting an official fan fest event after the 2019 season, so these a's fans held their own event, showing they still support the major league baseball franchise. that first came to oakland in 1968. many of them were wearing t shirts urging the current a's owner, john fisher, to sell the team.
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>> it is embarrassing. i mean, a bunch of, uh, my friends are like, so what are you going to do? that's embarrassing. i love the a's, but ownership is pushing everybody away. i mean, it's pushing me away. >> now. oakland mayor xiang tao told the crowd she was honored to be at this event that was organized by a's fans and said this big street party sent a clear message to the team's owners. we don't need billionaires who fail as a party. >> we know how to throw ourselves a party. well we have showed the world today is that oakland's got the best fans on the planet. thank you. now mayor shang tao says she'll continue to fight to keep the a's in oakland, but the team's owners continue to make their plans to move the a's to a new home on the las vegas strip. >> it is 658. the biggest stars in movies and television gathered over the weekend in los angeles for the 20th annual screen actors guild award. oppenheimer was the big winner,
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picking up the sag award for outstanding performance by a cast in a motion picture. the film's star, cillian murphy, won the award for male actor in a leading role. his costar robert downey jr won for supporting actor. the movie the holdovers took home the sag award for best picture, an honor that thrilled the star of that movie. >> it's your fellow actors you know, and it's like it's an organization of, you know, i've been a member since i don't know how long, you know, and actors are the best. you know, i love actors. so to be acknowledged by actors, it's fantastic. the cast of the movie succession won the sag award for outstanding performance by an ensemble in a drama series, and entertainment legend, the great barbra streisand received sag's lifetime achievement award. >> my neighbor called me and she informed me that somebody's been shooting since 1 a.m, a neighborhood in west contra costa county is on lockdown
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right now. >> we're live in the area that's flooded with law enforcement. an arson attack inside a bay area target store. what vandals targeted and what's happening at the store now. we'll also detail how much damage was done then in oakland, the next step in the search for a new police chief, where you can hear from some of the top candidates directly this week from ktvu fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. >> good morning and welcome back. i'm gasia mikaelian and good morning i'm dave clark. >> it is monday. it is february 26th. good to see you. good to see you. >> what a weekend. we just had. >> it was a great weekend steve will tell you how the weather's changing in our area. >> it's changing fast. that is for sure. after a lovely weekend there with 60s and 70s, we are now looking at a big drop on the temps. a lot of low clouds in place, 40s, 50s, mainly 40s on the temps. some drizzle has been reported out there. two systems, one to the west southwest, but a cold front coming down from the north could give us some light rain. but behind the clouds it's a cooler forecast will drop into


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