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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  February 26, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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drug crisis. >> many of the front runners in the san francisco's race for mayor are voicing their concerns and outlining potential solutions. harm reduction, from my perspective, is not reducing the harm. >> it is making things far worse . >> i'm the only one in this race actually coming from the outside that has a track record of getting big things done. >> we have the money. we have to have the ability to lead and put all the pieces together. >> the leading candidates for mayor, including incumbent london breed, all agree that the overdose crisis is a problem, but they all have slightly different ideas on how to address it. good evening. i'm claudine wong and i'm mike mibach. >> today, several candidates went to the voters with those plans. ktvu christien kafton has the story. >> fentanyl continues to ravage parts of san francisco, and now the candidates for san francisco mayor are explaining how they hope to address overdose deaths and substance abuse. daniel lurie, picking up an endorsement from a former police commander, is pitching a plan his campaign
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says is supported by law enforcement and former public defenders. lowry's six point plan calls for having police and substance abuse experts respond to calls engaging with substance abusers immediately and referring them to drop off crisis centers that can treat them, and an end to the revolving door at hospitals and jails, lurie says. accountability for city services and for nonprofits alike is the path forward. >> i'm the only one in this race actually coming from the outside that has a track record of getting big things done, holding people accountable. >> 800 people die. it's not okay. >> neighborhood groups and nonprofits organized a rally and march from the tenderloin to city hall demanding change. candidate for mayor and district 11 supervisor safai stood with the crowd and said accountability begins at the top. the city, he said, needs to see that the programs already in place are funded and staffed to live up to their potential and providing vital wraparound services. >> if you get someone inside in a supervised area with medical
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professionals, job training, medical training, all the other things that they need, but that you can prevent them from dying, you're going to begin to turn this around. >> current mayor london breed was also on hand and said her challengers have come to this fight late. she says her administration has been making progress addressing the crisis and that any red tape needs to be cut to allow the city to agree to take steps to address fentanyl use and overdose deaths . >> i have allocated funds where this program has been around for 30 years, and they were always denied by public. health and not the breed administration, public health, because i made it clear that we are going to support abstinence based solutions. >> we also reached out to the most recent candidate to toss his hat into the ring. former mayor mark farrell, who said, quote, we have tilted too far towards a harm reduction approach that is enabling drug use rather than helping people actually recover from addiction. he's saying as mayor, he would mandate treatment, create sober
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living and recovery plans and audit the city's health and welfare budgets. in san francisco, kristin kafton, ktvu, fox two news new at six pga heard from frustrated residents in san francisco today over recurring power outages. >> it's in comprehend and unacceptable and something must be done about this pga really do not care. >> i am sorry i called them. they just say oh, you know this is it. it's a storm. we do. we lose power without a storm. >> san francisco supervisor myrna melgar called the meeting today before the board, after some neighborhoods went without power for more than 48 hours during the recent winter storms. pga says it is working to update and replace aging equipment, but did not provide a timeline. >> and we'll follow up with your office immediately. we're going to need a little bit more detailed information because, um , our our lines go through neighborhoods. so we'll need some very specific addresses that we can then look up and then look up the history and
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then from there we can go so we'll rosie will schedule a time with your office in the next week or so. and then from there, we'll let you know how long it's going to take us to collect the data. >> those residents who spoke at the meeting live on the west side of san francisco. they say extended power outages happen all the time, even when there is not a storm. >> governor newsom is now facing the threat of another recall effort. the new campaign, launched by the same group that was involved in getting a recall on the ballot back in 2021, ktvu . political reporter greg lee explains what makes this recall attempt different from the others. it's got enough problems here. >> he was hired to do a job here. he needs to do that job here or he's going to get fired. >> governor gavin newsom is facing another potential recall the second time in three years conservative activist group rescue california said more than 400 proponents have joined the new effort. the group helped collect money and signatures in
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2021. >> i don't think we can afford to have three more budgets with this guy. he has two more years. that's what he had the last time we did it. >> the group's campaign director and dunsmore pointed to new estimates of the state's $73 billion budget deficit and argued newsom's involvement in national politics is keeping him from his job here. newsom's a top surrogate for president biden's campaign and is using money from his super pac to target republicans on abortion with out of state ads and governor newsom is an effective spokesperson for democrats to go on the offensive. >> this also serves as a distraction, not a distraction that you can ignore. and that's another other element here, newsom responded quickly to the new recall effort, posting on x trump. >> republicans are launching another wasteful recall campaign to distract us from the existential fight for democracy and reproductive freedom. we will defeat them and express themselves so overwhelmingly by rejecting the division, by rejecting the cynicism, by rejecting so much of the negativity that's defined our politics. in september 2021, voters rejected the recall of
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newsom nearly 62% voting against it. the state republican party did not endorse any of the replacement candidates, and when asked about the new effort, wrote this quote, the california gop's attention is on turning out the vote in the primary election and supporting our endorsed candidates who can fix our broken state. the 2021 special election cost the state about $200 million, and newsom raised nearly $75 million to fight it. one way experts say this effort could actually make him stronger. so there are a lot of things that did backfire, fire or had a backlash by the voters in terms of expenses, helped democrats raise money brought up the profile of gavin newsom in order to qualify for the november ballot, recall proponents must gather just under 1.4 million valid signatures by may. greg lee, ktvu, fox two news governor newsom has launched a national ad targeting states with republican controlled legislatures. >> help trump republican ones
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want to criminalize young women who travel to receive the reproductive care they need. >> the ad shows a woman handcuffed to a bed with a rape kit on the table next to her. the ad is going to first air in tennessee, where there is currently a proposal to charge adults with a felony if they help pregnant minors get an abortion out of state without out their parents permission. it will then air in other states trying to pass similar legislation. >> the point of the ad is to give him face time in tennessee. among people in tennessee who at some point in the near terme or in the long terme, may want to support him for president. >> this ad campaign is being funded by a political action committee newsom launched last spring. >> elise in san jose arrested a man wanted for murder. nicholas ramos is accused of stabbing and killing a man right near almaden expressway. last month. police say the motive and circumstances surrounding the incident continue to be under investigation. the name of the victim has not been released. ramos is now facing homicide
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charges. residents have been given the all clear in a neighborhood right near san pablo after an hours long standoff came to an end late this afternoon, police put the neighborhood on lockdown after people reported hearing gunfire last night. coming from a house. police now say they. police say they've now arrested a man in connection with the standoff. ktvu henry lee has the story. >> i feel like it's stupid because as bullets go up in the air and they come down a west contra costa county neighborhood under siege by a barricaded gunman, this woman cut off mid-interview by a sheriff's suv . you could actually hear the contra costa sheriff. >> hours of uncertainty after a man let loose with bursts of gunfire beginning sunday night. this view from skyfox monday afternoon shows an armored car in the neighborhood and a swat team surrounding a home near rachel road and heather drive, where the gunman was holed up. >> you'd hear clip clip like he would put it in. you would hear him like load clip, clip, hear it load like clip clip. you
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would hear it the whole entire time. >> deputies blocked off access to the neighborhood residents were stranded for hours, including michelle kilmer, who can't get to her grandmother, who has dementia and a broken leg. her eight year old daughter's school closed for the day. >> i'm off at the guy. i hit him with a frying pan if i could, kilmer says. >> many residents heard shots ring out, beginning at about 9:00 sunday night, and a lot of people thought, oh, it was just like fireworks. but more shots rang out at 1:00 monday morning and again several hours later. at one point, the suspect apparently fired shots at a law enforcement drone. there have been no reports of injuries, but the gunfire brought deputies to the scene. richmond police and the chp also came to help some residents were able to leave the neighborhood, but some got stuck, unable to get back in this. >> crazy things that happen over here, but not shooting. that's that's pretty new for me. yeah, yeah. my neighbor, she literally called me and she was like, hey, like, be careful. like he's just blindly shooting around. >> so i thought, well, there must be another entrance. then when it went down to the other entrance, i realized it's the whole area is blocked off. the
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suspect was apparently bitten by a police canine and will be booked into jail once medically cleared near san pablo, henry lee ktvu fox two news well, new at six, no longer rooted in oakland, skyfox flew over the oakland coliseum today as workers were taking down the big sign at the ballpark entrance that said, rooted in oakland since 68, it's coming down ahead of what could be the a's last opening day in oakland. >> the a's lease at the coliseum expires at the end of this upcoming season. the team's proposed las vegas ballpark is projected to open in 2028, and right now, the team is in talks with the coliseum authority to extend the lease and is also considering alternative ballparks in sacramento and salt lake city to play games. until that new stadium in vegas is built. >> still to come, the united states supreme court takes up free speech on social media. what the case could mean for silicon valley plus we're close. >> we're close. it's not done yet. hope for a peace deal in
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the middle east. >> the president promises that a cease fire in gaza could be imminent. >> a new week, a new storm coming our way. i'll have the forecast coming up. >> and later. how artificial intelligence is now helping first responders get to emergencies. >> and here's a check of your evening commute. takes a look at the traffic on the top part of your screen. that one's moving into san francisco a little slow there. the mac maze. uh on the top of your screen from our emeryville camera, where it looks like traffic is what you'd expect at 610 on the monday evening, you're watching ktvu news at six.
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southern california edison reached the agreement with the us attorney's office today in connection with the thomas fire. this fire burned more than 430mi!s of ventura and santa barbara counties. two people were killed during the fire, and the scorched hillsides then gave way to mudslides in montecito that killed 23 others. investigators say they determined that edison equipment sparked the fire in two different locations. as part of the agreement, the utility did not admit wrongdoing or fault in connection with the fire. new at six in sonoma county, a woman tried to fight off deputies as they attempted to rcue her from the russian river. this happened yesterday afternoon right near johnson's beach. that's in guerneville. deputies
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y they saw lacey mosher struggling to stay afloat, but when they jumped in to help, she started fighting and pushing one of the deputies underwater. now deputies say the water is deep, cold and moving fast. a rescue boat arrived and pulled everyone to safety yesterday. authorities say the woman continued to assault first responders while they tried to treat her. she is now facing multiple charges. >> well, the us secretary of energy, jennifer granholm, is here in the bay area to kick off her california tour that focuses on the biden administration's clean energy efforts. granholm, along with east bay congresswoman barbara lee, attended a ribbon cutting ceremony at san leandro based cuberg. it's an advanced battery systems company that continues to expand. granholm is leading the department of energy's effort to advance clean energy technologies that will help reach the biden administration's goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2050. in 2050, if we've reached our goals, these batteries are not just going to be in our cars, but they're
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going to be in our busses and cargo and airplanes and military aircraft and super high speed vehicles. secretary granholm is set to travel to southern california tomorrow to tour energy efficient, solar powered homes and communities that are funded through a department of energy program from the supreme court heard arguments today involving social media and free speech, specifically whether they can remove controversial or political posts that violate the rules of the platform. ktvu tom vacar barr explains the implications is the ultimate question for the court. >> what precisely is social media? is social media a completely open public forum where anyone can post anything without filtering, editing, or restraint? that's what allen musk sided with when he wanted to buy twitter. >> i do think that we want to be just very reluctant to delete things or is social media more like a newspaper that can gather and edit any kind of information it chooses? >> sometimes it's based on
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perhaps opinion, but it's often based on just what they consider to be worthy of putting in their newspaper. it gets into some very dicey issues when it comes to political speech. >> that's exactly what social media companies want. in fact, 50 years ago, the supreme court ruled that under the constitution, s first amendment newspapers can pick and choose their content, but they have the right to delete things that, in their opinion, violates their terms of service. >> for a variety of reasons. maybe because it's racist or hateful. maybe because it's dangerous. >> technically, in a completely open public forum encouraging suicide, racism, hate spewing lies, fentanyl use or overthrow of the legal government may be allowable, but that doesn't mean that a privately owned company like meta has to carry them. we took the question to the streets of alameda. >> i think fact checking is important, and i think some of the social media companies do that. i also know of a lot of
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accounts that have gotten banned for very silly reasons. so i'm not sure more control is the better way to do it. >> yeah, i think there should be rules of the road for social media for anything out there. i see what's going on with these kids and such on online and bullying. well, absolutely. >> there's a social responsibility if you give a platform to be able to spew hate. you're also like encouraging, like the retaliation that comes with it. >> yeah. it's the best thing to do would be to get things. yeah. have a, have a, have an open forum and work out work it through with rules. yes with rules. >> and make no mistake, this is all about politics. all postings true false or fantasy. tom baker , ktvu, fox two news. >> all right. wow what a weekend we had temperatures in the 70s mid 70s in some places. temperatures last couple of days will especially today a little bit cooler by 3 or 4 degrees. so we're into the mid 60s but still quite warm for february. here we
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are. and it's going to change as we go into the next few days. temperatures did drop today. they'll continue to drop a degree or two. and then on thursday, friday, saturday they drop significantly as a cold weather system comes our way, you'll hear a lot about it this week because there's not much going on until thursday night and friday. and at that point, the mountains are going to get a bunch of snow, a bunch of snow, like maybe over three days. they could get six. i saw some reports like 8 or 9ft, but that's on the high end i would guess. right. but most, most, most mountain resorts will get four feet of snow over a three day period, which is good, significant snowfall. so it's going to be a major snow maker. but as you know, cold air doesn't hold a lot of water in terms of rain. and so the potential for us to get a lot of rain is not really there. it's going to be a moderate to minor rain event for us over three days inch and a half of rain, which would be fine. but it's not going to be as potentially intense and robust as what's going to happen up in the mountains. so there's the
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salesforce tower reflecting the sun as it sets a little a little bit later. this, this, this time of year. the day is getting longer, as you know. and just beautiful. just love that shot. if you're not looking at it right now out on the bay, it almost looks like october. the way the sun angle is right now, which it gets there. the temperatures tomorrow are going to be about the same, but a couple of degrees cooler tonight is going to be cooler because we got a frost advisory in the north bay. not unusual at all. and that'll cover the north bay. but that doesn't mean you won't get frost and say concord or livermore, but frost advisory tonight, probably again tomorrow night for the north bay. i'll see you back here. we'll get on with the models and show you what the future of this next weather system looks like. >> okay. thanks, bill. well, still to come, president biden and former president trump both planned visits to the mexican border on the same day. >> also a big day for both parties tomorrow in the michigan primary. what tomorrow night's results could mean for the general election plus, it's important that we know our history because you might not find these in the history book honoring those who broke
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barriers in emergency response and how school students and firefighters are recognizing the contributions of black firefighters. >> introducing an all new way to watch ktvu news live on your big screen. search fox local on your tv streaming device and download it for free. access all fox two newscasts plus exclusive features like the ktvu video vault archives search fox local on your tv streaming device or scan the code for how to stream ktvu
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haley is continuing her campaign in michigan today despite losing the primary over the weekend in her home state of south carolina . as fox's connor hanson tells us, michigan's primary, which is tomorrow, will be an important test for both republicans and democrats. >> after losing her home state of south carolina, nikki haley is keeping her commitment to stay in the race. since the weekend, the former un ambassador and governor lost a major donor but raised $1 million from supporters. >> as long as americans want me to be that voice, i will continue to fight for them. as long as we think that there is an option, michigan's primary will still be an important test for both democrat s and republicans in the key battleground state surrogates for biden are working to keep up voter enthusiasm. >> some folks unhappy with
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biden's handling of the war in gaza have been encouraging voters to vote uncommitted. >> there's a lot of like, jewish people in the area. there's a lot of like arab muslims in the area. you never know who somebody's going to vote for. >> if you vote uncommitted, they'll realize how much of an impact we're making. >> michigan governor gretchen whitmer urged democratic voters to turn out anyway. >> i just want to make the case, though, that it's important not to lose sight of the fact that any vote that's not cast for joe biden supports a second trump turn, a second trump turn would be devastating. >> this election will determine the future of our country for the next four years. the health of our democracy is on the ballot. >> super tuesday comes just one week after michigan's primary. voters for more than a dozen states will head to the polls in new york. connor hansen, fox news as both president biden and former president trump are headed to the us mexico border later this week, president biden is scheduled to meet with us border patrol agents, law
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enforcement and local leaders in brownsville, texas, on thursday. >> they are expected to discuss the need for a new federal border agreement on the same day that trump will be making a campaign stop about 300 miles away in eagle pass, texas. republicans have been critical of the biden administration's handling of migrants crossing into the united states. however, democrats, including governor newsom, say it's the republicans who are to blame. >> the republican party is responsible today, now for the conditions that persist because of their unwillingness to work with this president, who went farther than any democratic president in my lifetime on a comprehensive package, an open border is the biden border policy full stop? >> that has been their policy. >> the us senate passed a bipartisan border security agreement earlier in the month, but house speaker mike johnson says it doesn't go far enough on border security and will, quote, never see the light of day in
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the house. >> a federal judge in los angeles today reversed the bail release of a former fbi informant accused of fabricating a bribery scheme involving president biden and his son, hunter alexander. smirnov has pleaded not guilty to charges that he falsely told his fbi handler that ukrainian energy company burisma had paid the bidens $5 million each as part of a bribe. today's ruling requires smirnov to remain in custody while he awaits trial, and it reverses a previous ruling by a judge just days ago that allowed smirnov to be released on electronic monitoring. >> coming up on ktvu news at 630. a big shakeup in palestinian leadership just as president biden indicates, a ceasefire deal could be ironed out very soon, and putting artificial intelligence to good use. >> how one company is helping emergency responders better navigate around traffic jams, and one of the most beloved and successful giants of all time is moving on to another team. >> jason appelbaum has that story tonight in sports
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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here is san pablo into lockdown has come to an end with an arrest. residents say shots were fired in the area last night and early this morning. contra costa county sheriff deputies blocked off access to the neighborhood due to an armed, barricaded suspect. and then just about 4:00 this afternoon, that lockdown was lifted. the suspect was apparently bitten by a police canine during the arrest
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in san francisco. >> there was a march in a rally demanding change and action to combat the drug overdose crisis in the city. mayor london breed, as well as mayoral candidate, supervisor asha safai, were at that rally. mayor breed says her administration has been making progress. addressing the crisis, safai says the city needs to fund and staff programs already in place so they can live up to their potential. >> governor newsom, facing another potential recall rescue california, said more than 400 proponents have joined this new effort at the group's campaign pointed to the state's budget deficit, and argued newsom's involvement in national politics is keeping him from doing his job here. newsom responded, calling the effort wasteful and a distraction. >> you're watching ktvu, fox two news at six £0.30. president biden is promising a sweet deal is in the works on gaza. >> the president making the unannounced stop at an ice cream parlor in manhattan with talk show host seth meyers. the president said he believes the deal on a cease fire in gaza is
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imminent. i hope by the beginning of the weekend, i mean the end of the week end, at least my national security adviser tells me that we're close. >> we're close. it's not done yet. and my hope is by next monday, we'll have a cease fire. >> okay. thank you. okay. thank you. >> negotiators are currently angling for the possibility of more israeli hostages being released as part of this cease fire agreement. >> the leader of the palestinian authority today announced his resignation. that's amid mounting pressure from the u.s. to reform its leadership. fox's mike tobin has the latest from tel aviv. the palestinian prime minister says his government is resigning. >> its this decision comes in light of the political and economic developments related to the aggression against our people in gaza. >> the move could allow us backed reforms in the palestinian authority that are essential to the leadership group governing gaza. in a post war world, a strengthened,
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empowered palestinian government that can administer the whole of the occupied palestinian territory is critical as part of a path to achieving the establishment of a fully independent, democratic, contiguous, sovereign and viable palestinian state. but many obstacles remain chief among them tensions rising with hezbollah in lebanon, israeli forces striking deep into lebanon monday, hitting targets that are among the deepest into the bordering country since the israel-hamas war began. >> but they may not leave home. >> we are increasing our firepower and are ready to act against hezbollah everywhere with increasing intensity. >> as tensions increase, talks continue regarding a cease fire and hostage release in gaza, israeli and hamas leaders aren't releasing any details yet, but actions may soon speak louder than words. israeli officials are on the cusp of approving plans to execute at the idf offensive into rafah, on the gaza-egypt border. >> we've been clear that we do not believe that an operation, a major military operation, should proceed in rafah unless there is a clear and executable plan to
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protect those civilians, and we have not seen a plan like that. more than 1 million refugee are reportedly seeking shelter in rafah in tel aviv. >> mike tobin, fox news. >> a new report from the faa found glaring flaws in boeing's safety culture. the report found disconnects between senior management and other employees at boeing, with breakdowns in communication. it also noted that boeing had made some improvements since two deadly crashes involving the 737 max eight jets in 2018 and 19. the faa says it will continue to hold boeing to the highest standard of safety and ensure the company comprehensively addresses these recommendations. >> artificial intelligence, or ai, has blasted onto the scene recently, sometimes with concerning results and discussions about federal oversight and regulation. but one silicon valley company has developed an ai platform to help first responders get to where they are needed faster. ktvu south bay reporter mark sayer has a look at that technology.
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>> when you need help in an emergency, every second counts. and some of those valuable seconds can be used up when emergency vehicles are delayed in traffic or at intersections. and that's where a.i. comes into the picture. >> so when it comes down to you or me or a loved one having a health problem, we want to have responders there as soon as possible. so how can we learn about daily variations? ai is the greatest choice. tim menard is ceo of a santa clara based company called light, which has developed a cloud based ai system to link regional traffic management centers to the emergency vehicles that use the roadways. here's the fire station. here's where the truck has to go to. here's the traffic . what's the perceived amount of congestion? are there people walking around so that the road gets set up with green lights ahead of time, so that everybody's out of the way? >> this is a demonstration video provided by the company from seattle, where it is already operating. you can see on this map every single traffic signal
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along this route turns green. by the time the fire unit reaches the intersection, the system will even adjust in real time. if the fire crew makes a last minute route change. >> one thing where ai is really helpful in is actually the productivity of hey, are there going to be able to go down this primary street? or is there an event and they're going to have to go right, or go left, or use a back alley, right. it's notorious that emergency responders know different ways around the city. so ai in this case here is able to predict where they're going to go so that those lights can be set off. >> the city of san jose is already using the light technology to help route vta busses around the city on busy monterey avenue. while busses only get priority sequencing signals and not immediate signal changeovers, the power of ai to analyze complex traffic patterns is already clear, so the busses now are next in line. >> they're prioritized at every intersection they go through. that's 120 intersections along that full monterey corridor route. it's made them have spend less time at red lights and it's
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let them get the green light more often. that improves transit. reliable and service for transit customers. >> the founder of light says its ai models are only collecting raw traffic data and not any personally identifiable information, such as license plate numbers. reporting in san jose i'm mark sayer, ktvu, fox two news. new details into the latest layoffs to hit the bay area's tech industry. >> as cisco plans to cut hundreds of jobs, and recognizing the progress made in the ranks of firefighting, east bay firefighters reflect on black history in the fire service
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. how layoffs by cisco will impact workers here in the bay area. according to official warn notices, the company sent out to the state employment development department, the company is planning to cut 729 jobs in the bay area 447 of those jobs are in san jose, 147 are in milpitas
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and 108 are in san francisco. the company notified employees of those impending layoffs, two weeks ago. those layoffs are set to take effect on april 15th. a new study at stanford university shows an asthma medication can reduce severe allergic reactions in people who have multiple food allergies, the fda recently expanded its approval for the use of the medication xolair following successful tests involving volunteers, both young and old. >> doctors say it dramatically reduces the risk of a possible life threatening reaction to peanuts, wheat and other food allergies. >> food allergies affects two kids in every classroom and 1 in 10 adults over the last few decades, we've seen food allergies on the rise, the stanford study found two thirds of the people who received the injection avoided severe allergic reactions. >> however, medical experts do stress that this medication does not cure food allergies,
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becoming more serious, and we are tracking the next round of rain and snow for the bay area. >> i'll have the five day forecast after the break, and let's go now to ktvu. >> s alex savidge with a look at some of the stories we're working on for west coast rap at seven right here on ktvu. alex. >> claudine. thank you. coming up tonight at seven, more than 1500 migrants are scrambling to figure out what to do next after being dropped off at california's southern border tonight on west coast rap, where they're turning for help as president biden and former president trump prepare for dueling trips to the southern border later on this week. also a clinical trial underway in arizona is giving heart patients new hope. see how a special device is getting them back to doing the things they thought they had to give up for good? we'll have those stories and much more coming up tonight at seven on west coast rap and of course, that's followed by the ktvu fox two news at 730 with heather holmes
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extensive history presentation recognizing the contributions of
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black firefighters in what's called chief is my belief. ktvu crystal bailey has the highlights from that event. hi, crystal. >> hello, claudine. it was the 11th annual chief is my belief. it all stemmed from a teacher at annie yates elementary school in emeryville, tiffany johnson, who first began inviting firefighters to her classroom in 2013. now it's a yearly school wide assembly dedicated to black history in the fire service. alameda county firefighters inspiring the kids at annie yates elementary school in emeryville share stories of black firefighters who came before them. it's important that we know our history because you might not find these in the history books. students were joined by fire and police chiefs from multiple agencies, city leaders and trailblazers like nadia haven hill >> in 2017, an alameda county fire department hired their first african female firefighter, which is firefighter. nadia haven hill. >> local heroes were recognized for paving the way like the
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first black firefighters in oakland in 1920 and earl gates, the first black firefighter in san francisco who broke barriers and faced extreme discrimination when he joined sfpd in 1955. >> it's very important for us to recognize our members, people of color, those who are less represented in the fire service, especially african american firefighters, because we have given a great, tremendous debt and contributions to the fire service. >> they also highlighted black history from all over the country, like the charlotte neptunes, a black firefighting brigade in north carolina, and molly williams, the very first female firefighter in the early 1800s, a former slave reminding the kids that they can do anything they set their minds to . >> you are each a chief in the making. >> firefighters were also recognized and gifted. special portraits from oakland artist shomari smith. as part of the presentation in alameda county fire department offers this for black history month for schools all over the country who are
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interested in signing up for that webinar. they also say it serves as a recruitment tool exposing kids to a career in the fire service, no matter what their background. i was just going to say, i bet there's a lot of young men and women in that room who will someday. >> indeed be a firefighter. >> absolutely. yeah. it's so important. bristol. see what you can't. you can't be what you can't see. so it's a great event. all right. thanks, crystal. >> all right. we'll send it over to you, bill. >> all right. yeah. a interesting week ahead, you guys. it starts off kind of nice. kind of mild. today we had the mid 60s tomorrow kind of low 60s. and then it changes around. let me show you the long range model and how this thing lays out. and it's really going to be about friday saturday sunday starts thursday night. so here comes you're like you can't really make anything out here. but watch right. see this thing coming down from the north that look where it's coming from. right right off the alaskan plate there. and it's cold. so it gets in here and somewhere on thursday night into friday, it starts snowing up in the mountains and it keeps snowing. and there's a trough. i think you can see the bottom edge of that trough with those lines
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that that loop that's a deep trough. and that's going to mean cooler weather for us. low snow elevations, lots of snow for the mountains and for us really rain, but just moderate rain. nothing really out of control. so we'll keep an eye on it. it's got a long way to go, but i think i showed you this earlier in the five. but look at some of the forecast numbers for almost 100in of between thursday, friday, saturday at kirkwood. so you're coming up on six feet of snow. so it's going to be a major snow producer. they're going to have most likely i don't know how they keep 50 and 80 open on friday with that, especially on friday because of the winds, um, blizzard conditions. so we'll keep an eye on it for you. but it's we have we seen storms that strong? you bet we have. but we haven't had one this year. and so this is going to be our biggest snow event of the year, certainly in the mountains and for us because it's a cooler storm, lower temperatures, less water, rainfall accumulation and significantly less than what we were seeing. so not anticipating any hydro problems gets cool. tonight we got a frosted
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advisory in the north bay. probably see one again on tuesday morning. these are the forecast. overnight lows don't need freezing to get frost, which we know just it's about the surface and how much moisture is in the air. so the surface is like windshields. cool. really quickly. and so windshields that's why you get frost on your windshield because it cools fast. it gets down very cold. so here is the current situation here was that chance of a few showers today didn't really happen, at least in my house. i didn't get any reports of scattered showers, but i see some radar returns here, potentially in south of down by santa cruz mountains, southern california. got a little bit of rain. so as it lays out for us next couple of days, pretty nice frost advisory in the north bay. you could easily see frost at your house tomorrow morning in the next couple of mornings. and then the model does this tomorrow morning. valley fog on the east side of the valley, that white area. and then tuesday afternoon. so wow, tomorrow's going to be money right. and then wednesday morning looks good. wednesday afternoon looks pretty good too. and then it's thursday when the clouds start to come in. and
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then thursday evening that moves in that system. the cooler air, the snow starts in the mountains and it's on. here is the five day forecast. and you can see it really does kind of become all about for us friday, thursday night, friday, saturday and sunday a little bit. but the mountains it's going to be going off you guys. yeah. >> busy week ahead. thanks bill. golden state warriors will be getting some much needed help for steph curry and company jason sports next the economy is simply not working for millions of hard working families. they're working harder than ever and they still can't make enough to get by to afford food and medicine to even keep a roof over their heads. we need to build more housing that's truly affordable. we need to address this terrible epidemic of homelessness. we need to invest in good paying jobs, union jobs and investments in our future. this, this is why i'm running for the us senate. i'm adam schiff and i approve this message.
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and i appreciate it so much. you guys are the best. appreciate it . >> when brandon crawford said goodbye to giants fans in last year's season finale, there was some hope that he might return to san francisco for a 14th season. the free agent. but that is not going to happen. good evening everybody. arguably the greatest shortstop in giants history is now a member of the saint louis cardinals. the 37 year old crawford, pending a physical, will join the cardinals, where he is expected to serve as a backup to rookie shortstop mason winn. crawford previously spent his entire 13
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year big league career with the giants, where he was a three time all star, four time gold glover and was instrumental in helping the giants win their last two world series titles in 2012 and 2014. crawford was a homegrown ballplayer through and through. born in mountain view, grew up in pleasanton, where he starred at foothill high. he was drafted by the giants in 2008 and called up to the majors the year after. the giants won their first world series in 2010, and you figured crawford might be special right from the get go. his first big league hit was a grand slam. he would hit 145 more home runs and make countless eye popping plays with his glove over his stellar giants career. all right, cactus league game number three for bob melvin and the giants hosting the angels in scottsdale. bottom third seven nothing. angels jorge soler making his giants debut, singled in his first at bat and then slaps that r.b.i. single up the middle in his
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second at bat. but the giants still trailed 7 to 1, but they cut it to seven three bases loaded for rookie shortstop tyler fitzgerald. and yeah, that one's over the wall. grand slam home run for fitzgerald tied at seven. however the angels respond with four runs not shown here in the seventh to win it. 11 to 9 a's hosting the diamondbacks in nearby mesa. tied at eight bottom of the ninth, drew lug bauer sends everyone home with the walk off home run. trust us, judging by everyone's reaction, the ball did indeed go over the fence. the one camera shoot in mesa a's win 9 to 8 to get themselves their first cactus league win. last night's loss notwithstanding, the warriors they've been playing a better basketball lately and they're finally fully healthy too. after missing the last 21 games, chris paul he's set to return tomorrow in washington. open against the
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wizards. he's been out since january 5th with a fractured left hand that required surgery. the 38 year old, he's going to come off the bench and according to steve kerr he's going to get all the non staff minutes and then some with steph on the court as well. he's averaging. 9.7 assists in this. his. 19th nba season in. >> he's such a connector and a floor general. and a guy that gets everybody in the right spot. so whether it's when i'm on the bench or the rotations where we're on the court at the same time, hopefully uh elevate us to another, you know, to another level. okay >> we learned thursday before the super bowl that 49ers linebacker patrick willis was elected to the pro football hall of fame. here's how willis found out the news. >> oh, man. that's great. oh, man. pee willie oh, man. willis.
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oh man. welcome to the pro football hall of fame class of 2024. all right man, congratulations. >> that's class of 2022. hall of famer bryant young delivering the news to an emotional willis. that's his sister anika. there uh, in just eight seasons willis made his mark as one of the all time great linebacker bears. certainly one of the best in 40 niners history. and what a bear hug from bryant young clip to see. yeah. when he comes to your door and opens it with that gold jacket on. that's pretty cool. very cool. >> it's emotional very sweet. yeah. >> no it's really, really cool to see. i've never seen that. so that just came out today. >> all right. thanks for watching everybody. west coast wrap alex avage co "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge."
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katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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it's disgraceful for our country and


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