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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  February 27, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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>> this is ktvu fox two news at six. >> another big loss to san francisco's union square. city leaders confirming macy's is planning to close its landmark store. >> we are of course, disappointed, but we also see it as an opportunity because macy's is making a shift. >> the iconic store is one of 150 macy's locations set to close nationwide during the next two years. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm claudine wong. >> the union square store first opened nearly 80 years ago. katie icu christien kafton has reaction to the decision. since 1947, the macy's name has hung above san francisco's union square. >> now, the company announced it is restructuring to address new financial realities. in a statement, the company says it is, quote, focusing resources by closing approximately 150 under productive locations, including approximately 50 by the end of the fiscal year. macy's union square, one of those
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underproductive locations that will be shuttered. san francisco mayor london breed saying for macy's, this was not a safety issue, but came down $2 and cents. >> macy's made a business decision to close 150 stores all over the country, and they are selling the property at union square. >> the union square alliance released a statement saying the closure hurts, but the head of the union square alliance said she, quote, believes that we should work toward a solution that allows macy's to keep this iconic store open. however if that does not come to pass, our expectation is that a new owner for this iconic site will come forward to continue a fresh and vibrant vision at this critical location. the mayor also talking about the possibility of adapting the 400,000ft!s of retail space to better fit the city's needs. >> our goal is to make sure that we focus on the opportunities and the opportunity to ensure that this space is used for something that will be profitable, that will be a
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destination that will attract people. yes, at nearby historic john's grill, the news was devastating. >> we have guests that you know, during the holidays go to macy's, come to john's grill. it's a family tradition and the restaurant has stood here since shortly after the great quake and welcomed macy's in the 1940s. >> and the current generation of owners says they're sorry to see macy's and the tradition they built disappear. >> it will be interesting to see kind of where this goes and where we're going to embrace the next put operators into the downtown area. >> what is unclear at this time is an exact timetable. various sources that have been in contact with macy's say it will not be among the first 50 to close down this coming year, but that it will likely be here for at least a year, maybe two, and that the store will remain open until macy's can find a buyer for the building in san francisco, christien kafton. ktvu fox two news. well san
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francisco is not the only macy's store that will be closing. >> macy's news ceo announced plans to close 50 macy's stores nationwide this year, and another 100 by 2026. after posting a fourth quarter loss and declining sales in an effort to turn things around, macy's says it will upgrade its remaining 350 stores by adding more salespeople to fitting areas, and will pivot to a focus on luxury. item sales may is also the parent company of bloomingdale's and the cosmetics and skin care chain bloomberg. the company says it will open 15 new bloomingdale's stores and 30 new bluemercury stores in the next two years, and two of the leading candidates for mayor of san francisco are now expressing their concern about the closure of the iconic store in union square. >> it's scary for the city of san francisco. macy's has been an iconic part of our city for decades. it's been the anchor tenant of union square. it's the tree lighting. it's the ice skating rink. over the holidays. it's so much that the city of
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san francisco, this is really a frightening day for our city. >> former supervisor and interim mayor mark farrell said. the city needs to fix issues, including crime, drugs and homelessness to attract businesses to the downtown core. another candidate, nonprofit executive daniel lurie, called today a major blow. >> retail has changed. there's no question about it. um, but i'm just going to worry about san francisco. i'm going to be concerned about making sure we attract retail. we attract businesses here. and it starts with public safety, the drug crisis, the mental health crisis . >> lurie said that he also wants to cut red tape and bureaucracy to help encourage businesses, large and small, to open in the city. just a quick reminder here that you can get more ktvu news coverage on your smart tv through the fox local app. you can watch live newscasts and see all kinds of in-depth content from our newsroom on a variety of topics. it is a free download for your smart tv. >> governor newsom announced today that the california national guard seized a record
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more than 62,000 pounds of fentanyl in the state last year. that's a 1,066% increase compared to 2021. back then, the california national guard recovered more than 5,300 pounds of fentanyl. last year, they recovered more than 62,000 pounds. that has a street value of $649 million. the amount of fentanyl seized in california in 2023 is enough to potentially kill the global population nearly twice over. a group of honduran national is allegedly linked to the sale of fentanyl and other drugs in san francisco's tenderloin neighborhood are now in custody today. the justice department, the fbi and the dea announced the arrests and the seizure of firearms and property purchased with the drug money. officials say the dea assisted honduran law enforcement officers last month in the arrest of the three suspects. all three were fugitives. two had been arrested previously in the bay area but fled to honduras before their trials.
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>> the profits from these drug sales provide funding to buy large homes in honduras, along with vehicles and livestock, farm equipment and firearms. these extraditions should send a clear message to those who peddle poison in san francisco. >> all these suspects have been charged in san francisco federal court on several drug related counts, and they are set to return to court at later dates for detention hearings. just a chaotic scene in the city of vallejo, where a driver who crashed right into a car during a sideshow is beaten and attacked. >> even as he ran into a store trying to escape the crowd. ktvu crime reporter henry lee has the story. >> video shows this white gmc pickup truck crashing into a ford mustang while trying to get through a sideshow in vallejo. that's when things get ugly. the crowd gets angry and surrounds the truck, beating the driver, shooting at him, and stomping on his windshield near springs and rolling wood. at about 530 sunday afternoon. in this video,
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you can see the driver wearing an orange shirt running from his truck, but it wasn't over yet. the man in orange runs into the 7-eleven at the corner and is chased by the crowd, and again attacked inside the store. some in the crowd then loot the 7-eleven of everything from cigarets and candy to lotto scratchers and beer. hey. what's up? >> let me get some hot cheetos. >> at one point, someone set the victim's truck on fire. vallejo police arrived and saw many sideshow participants taking off and running red lights. the truck continued to burn. big t works at a pawn shop at the corner, which was covered with tire marks. >> yeah, he's just an innocent person trying to get to wherever he's going and then he gets victimized and sideshows are all they do is just, you know, disrupt everybody and they're dangerous. and people get hurt. >> tom davis lives nearby. of course, we're frustrated. >> we're angry. you don't see the police. you never see the police. the only time you see the police is 30, 40 minutes later after. after whatever happens. vallejo mayor robert mcconnell says those caught
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spinning donuts should have their licenses revoked and face stiffer penalties beyond having their cars impounded for 30 days. >> i believe it should be much longer. i would like to see 90 days, so they're just making a mockery of everybody else. >> vallejo police are scouring for leads in these videos. they're asking anyone with information to give them a call in vallejo. henry lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> new at six tesla has made good on a canceled order for pies at a san jose shop. we told you last week how tesla abruptly canceled an order of 2000 mini pies. while the owner of the giving pies on west alma avenue posted about the problem on social media. since then, community members have stepped up to support the business. elon musk posted on x that he would make good in. today we learn that has happened. they asked for a invoice for the $2,000 that i lost and they paid paid it right away. >> and then they asked me to cater more events. >> but i don't have the
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bandwidth now because you're so busy. yes it's very busy. we were almost all night yesterday. >> well, the owner also says she is happy and grateful for all the support of the willow glen community. >> a seismic shift in bay area representation, the loss of experience and the changing of the guard in congress. >> also ahead, polls have just closed for michigan's primary and voters are signaling discontent with the frontrunners of both parties. >> and we are headed for some more wet weather. not as much as we've been seeing, but in the mountains it will be a lot. a lot of snow this weekend. we'll have that forecast and it was a momentous day in bay area black history. >> the family of oscar grant reflects on what it's changed more than 15 years later. >> we have to continue to speak out about what happened with oscar and to speak out with what happened with
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing!
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then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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it is in the memory of the 22 year old man shot and killed by a bart police officer, johannes mehserle, in the early hours of new year's day 2009. >> it has been now more than 15 years since his killing marked a watershed moment in bay area black history. ktvu is crystal bailey spoke to grant's family and police to learn about what's really changed here since his death. crystal >> well, it's been 15 years since oscar grant was shot and
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killed on the platform at the fruitvale bart station. today would have been his 38th birthday. it was the first police shooting taken on cell phone camera and capturing the attention of the nation, calling for police reform. wanda johnson still remembers the call that changed her life. >> receiving that phone call had having to hear someone on the other end screaming, january first, 2009, a day etched in her memory. that changed all of our lives. that very gunshot, she says she remembers oscar grant as a leader who wanted to help people, and a family man who loved being a father. with tatiana was in preschool. he would actually comb her hair and get her ready for school. >> and these days, those memories are her fuel because we dare let others forget. >> we get back on the train
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right now. get him! ryan coogler's 2013 fruitvale station featuring michael b jordan, brought to life the story of oscar grant that helped send it on the big screen and everybody to see that oscar could have been your nephew, your cousin, your friend or somebody father. will be spacex police. >> but before the movie, there was the start of a national movement to address police brutality, beginning in oakland, there was hope. >> there was a possibility that we can stop this madness and eventually, of course, deal with the situation of police violence , not just in alameda, but in the country. >> that incident is, you know, a part of our history that was a turning point for us with the families advocacy at the national outcry, bart police changed their practices and procedures. >> we look at some of the you know, outcomes of that incident and some training issues associated with it. >> and we really made a commitment to train above and
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beyond the standard. >> the event, captured by a flip phone, was a catalyst for transparency in policing nationwide. and that video showed us the truth of what happened to oscar. >> he was wrongfully murdered. the officer was convicted. we don't count it as a victory. we count it as a historical moment because they only did 11 months. >> bart, police was one of the first agencies in the country to implement body worn cameras back in 2012, and in 2010, ab 1586. nickname named the oscar grant. bill became law. grant's family, pushing for a citizen oversight committee with an independent police auditor and a citizen review board made up of 11 members of the public who review police misconduct and every use of force. incident at bart. police >> we created a body from the community to now have some say in policing procedures. >> it's one of the strongest oversight models in the country. as grant's family continued to tell their story, laws began to change and we started seeing
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tears fall from legislators. in 2018, the right to know act was passed, requiring agencies to disclose records of police misconduct and use of force. >> johannes mosley had eight complaints filed against him before he murdered oscar and not a single reprimand took place. so had he had been reprimanded in a in addressed about these large number of complaints coming in on him in his use of force tactics, oscar could be living today. >> in 2019, assembly bill 748 took effect, which requires police agencies to release the audio and video of critical incidents in 2020. use of force bill ab 392 became the strictest use of force legislation in history, changing the standard for when it's legal to use police force and in 2021, the chokehold bill was passed, which paved the way for a change in restraint practices. >> his he could have been choked to death like george floyd that same knee that was on george floyd was on oscar's neck in 2009, and the family continues
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to serve the community through the oscar grant foundation, uniting the families who have experienced the same trauma through conferences held once a year. >> there is a sense of victory by being able to help another family who has faced a horrific loss. >> and on the anniversary of his death, a vigil is held at the bart platform where he was shot. each year we have to continue to speak out about what happened with oscar and to speak out with what happened with others and doing so will help us to begin to change how our society looks at those who have been killed by law enforcement and grant's family says there's still a long way to go in making change. the number of deaths by police officers is steadily climbing nationwide since george floyd's death in 2020. they also say they want to see fruitvale station, renamed in his honor,
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as well as a plaque added to the stop to tell grant's story. >> family has been through so much over the years, but to do what they're doing to this day and beyond in their goals is absolutely says a lot. >> they just continue to serve the community. yeah, they seem very steadfast. >> i mean, in terms of when they're planning for the future and all of these other goals that they have, it doesn't seem like they're slowing down in any way. >> it's kind of bittersweet. some of the families that they mentioned, they have over 300 people that come to these reunions, of people that have been affected by police violence. so it's sad to hear that there's that many families that are impacted, but yet bittersweet because they're able to come together and tells you how important the conversation is to keep going. >> all right, crystal, thank you . well, the city of san francisco has issued a formal apology to its black residents for decades of systemic discrimination. the san francisco board of supervisors today unanimously approved the apology resolution, which also takes accountability for targeted acts of violence and atrocities committed against the black community. that apology is
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viewed as the city's first step towards possibly providing reparations to black san franciscans. it's one of over 100 recommendations made by the city's african american reparations advisory committee. >> we know that an apology without action rings hollow. um, and i think that's why this must be seen in context as a necessary part of accountability and reparations, not as an end in itself, but it is an important step nonetheless. and is meaningful and lays the groundwork for further commitments to the black community here in our city. >> city leaders are still debating whether they will compensate out its 46,000 black residents for slavery. one proposal would provide a $5 million lump sum payment to qualifying black residents. >> taking a look at the weather around here, another nice day. we had temperatures back into the 60s, so a lot like the
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yesterday and not quite as warm as the weekend. over the weekend we had some mid 70s, so temperatures above the average as we get closer to march. not that far off now as we go into tomorrow, temperatures pretty similar, a little more cloud cover that'll probably drop the temperatures down a little bit. day is getting longer. you can see a little more daylight out there this time of night. clear skies north bay gets a frost advisory again tonight. the frost advisory in this basic area. but again you'll get frost if you're out in fairfield or out in parts of napa and places like that, you'll find you'll definitely find frost out there. and then concord probably get some frost as well. but again, it's kind of a mild overnight low above freezing by a few degrees. so it's not like a hard freeze or anything like that. it's just frosty weather which is not unexpected this time of year. what is, um, expected is this system up here? that's see that cold air in there? you can kind of see this open cell that's a big open celled cumulus clouds. and that's cool air rising. and then the air, the clear air, the blue represents
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the air that's sinking. so it just shows you there's convection out there. and the ocean is driving that ocean's very cold, but it's warm enough to fire up that cold air. and that's what's coming our way. as we go into the bay area weekend, which is going to include a lot a lot of snow, not a lot of rain. we'll get it. we'll get rain thursday night, friday and saturday. but pretty mild and moderate at best. but the mountains are going to get a lot, lot, a lot, a lot of snow. i'll see you back here. we'll do the full forecast okay. >> thanks, bill. well, still to come community leaders in oakland once again voice their concerns about the future of the coliseum and a big season for one east bay high school soccer team. >> tonight, the journey of the miramonte high school team, plus , there was an image of a of a large cat and she said, it looks like a mountain lion to me. >> so this video capturing a mountain lion prowling through an east bay suburb, the warning to neighbors on keeping kid an pe
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and that is prompting some concern for a few neighbors. as ktvu is. >> jesse gary tells us the mountain lion spotted at one house may have gone to visit others as well. the dead of night darkness of a suburban east bay street pierced by the eerie eyes of a mountain lion on the prowl. >> sunday, 3:01 a.m. >> um, there was a an image of a
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of a large cat, and she said, it looks like a mountain lion to me. she sent it to me and, um, she enough it it was a juvenile amanda murphy's parents lived near the intersection of sienna road and lexington way in livermore. >> the subdivision sits next to a large wildlife interface. murphy says the juvenile cat walked across her parents front yard and then moved down the block. were you afraid for your parents at all? >> no, no, not at all. um, just more concerned with, you know, letting people know that, um, uh , this is a normal behavior, but to keep your little kitties and dogs inside, the fact that it's near, like a forested area, an open space that makes sense to especially these younger individuals, they are still kind of figuring out how to be a mountain lion and other ones might be smarter at avoiding, you know, those areas at all. >> alice granados of the bay area puma project, says most confirmed and suspected big cat sightings in the bay area are not in the east bay. that area
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has 318 reports dating back to 2004, but the south bay, with over 2200 and the peninsula with 553, dominate the region. >> and the reason why that's even happening at all, at all is just because of the loss of their habitat. so that open space is a good place for them, but probably not big enough to, um, you know, encompass their whole home range. >> experts say the same mountain lion will likely be sighted near other homes in the coming days. they advise residents to bring in food and pets and be alert when walking at night. in the south bay bureau. i'm jesse gary , ktvu, fox two news. >> well, some residents of east oakland say they want the owner of the oakland a's to step up to the plate and help shape the future of the oakland coliseum. the oakland united coalition says it has been working for almost a decade to ensure that any stadium developed that happens equitably. they say it should include affordable housing, living wage jobs and safe and healthy neighborhoods.
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and they're calling on a's owner john fisher to sell his half share in the coliseum or to negotiate an agreement to allow other interested sports teams to use that facility. >> we demand self-determination. we demand community benefits. we demand that public land be used for public good. we implore the oakland athletics ownership to stop blocking east oakland communities from benefiting from the economic resources that a thriving, well used coliseum could provide. >> the a's lease at the coliseum expires at the end of this upcoming season, but the team is in talks with the coliseum authority to possibly extend that until the a's las vegas stadium is completed. >> coming up on ktvu news at 630, primary voters in the battleground state of michigan have cast their ballots, and a new poll shows a potentially tight race in the general election and three open
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congressional seats in the bay area could spark a generational change in local politics. >> the implications stemming from these races and stephan curry and the warriors try to get back to their winning ways in our nation's capital. >> jason applebaum has the highlights tonight in sports "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge."
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katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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50 underproductive locations. san francisco mayor london breed
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says she was told macy's is seeking a buyer for the iconic flagship building, and it could remain open for another year or two. >> a group of honduran nationals allegedly linked to the sale of fentanyl and other drugs in san francisco, tenderloin are now in custody. the dea assisted honduran law enforcement officers in making the arrests. all three have been extradited to california and the city of san francisco has issued a formal apology to its black residents. >> for decades of systemic discrimination, the san francisco board of supervisors today unanimously approved the apology resolution, one that is seen as a first step toward possible reparations as city leaders are still debating whether they will monetarily compensate black san franciscans for slavery. >> and you are watching ktvu, fox two news here at 630. early results from the michigan primary show joe biden and donald trump will likely win their respective parties nominations in that state. >> president joe biden and former president donald trump both easily won their party primaries in the state of
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michigan tonight. mr. biden has won close to 79% of the vote on the democratic side. but observers are watching to see how many votes were cast as uncommitted, which is seen as a protest of his handling of the war in gaza. donald trump is taking 65% of the republican vote, with 30% casting their ballots for nikki haley. she has said she will stay in the race through super tuesday and new polling from emerson college. among michigan voters show in a theoretical general election matchup for 86% of likely voters say they would vote for donald trump in november, 44% said they would vote for joe biden, 10% are undecided. the margin of error in that poll is plus or minus three points. and up next, republican caucuses take place on saturday in michigan, idaho and missouri as well as republican primaries in washington, d.c. and north dakota, and then on super tuesday, 17 states and territories hold primaries, and that includes california for more than 870. republican
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delegates are at stake. one week from today on that super tuesday here in california, voters will be deciding who to send to washington in with some very rare openings for bay area congressional seats. ktvu political reporter greg lee has a look at the generational changes that are coming when bay area voters have their votes counted on super tuesday, they will see a changing of the guard . >> longtime bay area representatives either retiring or running for new offices and taking with them decades of experience. that's that's a lot of, uh, brain power. >> people know who the district know how to get things done in congress. you're we're losing that. >> it began with congresswoman jackie speier, who chose not to run in 2022 after 15 years in the house. oakland representative barbara lee is running for senate, vacating the position she's held for 26 years. and silicon valley congresswoman anna eshoo will retire after 32 years in congress, representing really, uh, what i think is the most
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distinguished congressional district in the country. >> she has just been the honor of my life as she was first elected in 1992. >> and what was dubbed the year of the woman, 47 women were elected to the house, 24 for the first time, and women won an additional four seats in the senate, among them the late senator dianne feinstein, who served 31 years in the upper chamber. >> the representation is so important, uh, because now we have more african american women. we have of, um, uh, gay women. we have hispanic women, we have native american women. uh, and you know, their voices, um, are so important. >> we are losing a huge generation of seniority, and especially in the us senate, seniority is everything. so, uh, california is definitely going to be, um, you know, we're not
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going to have those impact players, these rare vacant seats in the bay area have set off a mad dash to fill them. >> nine people are running for lee's seat. 11 are competing to succeed eshoo. while the candidates may be novices in congress, eshoo says they all bring their own valuable perspective. >> there is a very asian of experience, some in local government, some local government and combined with work in the state legislature, some never having held public office, but have done a wonderful things in their lives. >> the bay area has had a long standing relationship with a lot of its politicians. the names are very familiar household names, but there comes a transition, a transition that could potentially define a new era. >> 33% of house members from california are women, and there's a possibility that that could shrink to even smaller numbers. and more than half of
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the voters are women. and so it's this is going to be a loss of, uh, female power, a very clear, very well could be as the age of politicians continues to come under scrutiny. >> some experts say the open positions represent an opportunity. >> i've always believed that it's important to bring in newer thinking, younger people. and i think that's basically what a lot of people are craving in politics now. >> as voters weigh in on who will have the opportunity to fill these giant shoes, shoe gives this advice for the next generation. >> number one, put country first. but always put your country first. our country first, right? uh don't vote out of fear. >> as shu points out, when she first ran, there were 32 women in congress. now, there are 151. greg lee, ktvu, fox two news. it has been years in the making, but now no more. >> why? apple is reportedly scrapping its plans for its own
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electric car
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are now paying off. proposition c was passed by voters in 2018 to put more resources into child care. will, since then mayor london breed says that the city has been able to recruit and retain more educators with raises for more than 1600 educators. the city has also rehabbed or created 40 new child development facilities insting in early childhood. >> we are investing in the architects of the future, ensuring that they have the tools, support and love. they need to build a world better than the one we know today. >> the city says it has been able to double the number of child care slots from 6000 to 12,000. because of these investments. >> well, apple is ending a
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decades long mission to build its own electric car. the company now is planning to shift its focus to i work after putting billions of dollars towards the ev project, but that car was intended to rival tesla's electric vehicles with autonomous driving features. the wall street journal reporting that some of the employees working on the project will shift to apple's ai group. others will likely face layoffs. and we are tracking the weather. >> we've got some rain and snow to talk about. not tomorrow though. another nice day tomorrow. and then we change. i'll tell you about that coming up. >> and let's go now to ktvu alex savidge with a look at some of the stories we're working on for west coast rap at seven right here on ktvu. alex. >> claudine, thank you. coming up tonight on the news at 7:00, more than 1500 migrants stranded right now in san diego and some local leaders there say this situation is quickly turning into a public safety problem. tonight on west coast rap, who is moving in to help there in
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san diego as the president and congressional leaders sit down together today to discuss, to discuss issues along the border. also, surveillance cameras capture images of a good samaritan fight with a suspected burglar in southern california. we'll hear from the man who says he struggled to keep that suspected thief at the crime scene for nearly 20 minutes. those stories and a whole lot more coming up tonight at seven on west coast rap. and of course, that will be followed by the ktvu fox two news at 730 with jana katsuyama. >> all right, alex, we'll see you at the top of the hour. but first here, the miramonte high school women's soccer team has had quite a run more on the journey that led them to
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate.
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...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. eight university. the campus will be the practice home of bay fc for its inaugural season in the national women's soccer league, which does kick off on march 17th. the team had 23 players on the practice field and until today had been practicing on different training grounds. >> it's going to be a relief to finally get on the field and show all of our hard work that
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we've been putting in and grind through a really hard preseason. the coaches have really pushed us and i think we're all going to be really excited and relieved to show that to everybody. >> bay fc will have its first match of the season in los angeles against angel city on march 17th. all home games will be played at paypal park. and today, the miramonte high school women's soccer team took a next step in what players have described as a magical season. now, this team already won the ncs championship and today tried to inch closer to the state championship title game. >> ktvu tom vacar was at the sendoff and shows us what makes this team so special. >> fresh off a last regular season victory friday, miramonte high school matadors varsity women's soccer team left for the norcal division soccer championship. >> it started on halloween night. it took a lot of hard work to get to this point and every player on this team put in everything they could. >> it's a giant step for a team that had a slow season start,
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but got this far by virtue of senior shawna lindheim penalty kick. >> i mean, we went to double overtime. it was the longest game of soccer i've ever played. i've never seen a women's sporting event have that many fans at a game. so that was so exciting and just win with your friends. being a newbie on the team, i was definitely not expecting this at all, especially like just the camaraderie the team has. >> i think it's been really special. the people are what made the great season possible. >> i think hard work can only get you so far, but i think a team dynamic is really special. >> kim bonner, white is the mom of two of the players and an alumnus of this school. >> it's not just the win, but the fact that the community rallied around us so wholeheartedly and lovingly and amazingly. it was just something i'll never forget. it's the most exciting sports event i've ever been to, including professional sports. >> i thought the crowd was awesome. we had some of the football players who won a section title say it was one of the most exciting sporting events they've been to in their four years. the women are all excellent students as well, who keep their eye on that prize as
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well. >> some of them are going to be studying on the bus today for test tomorrow. they take it all seriously. so it's not just about the sports, but really about them growing up to be these fine, you know, well-rounded, thoughtful, amazing citizens of our community, even with a mother's personal pride, it really is about the whole community. >> tom vacar, ktvu, fox two news as all right and the game between miramonte and colfax actually ended just a few hours ago. >> yep. and that goal by colfax in the final minute of the game ended this magical run that players have described. final score. colfax two, miramonte one. but congrats to the mats for a really fantastic season. >> great season all around, right? with that, we'll check in with bill martin and our weather. hey bill. hey, mike. >> yeah, the weather's looking pretty good. it's going to be nice again tomorrow. today was money. we had plenty of sunshine. temperatures today were in the 60s, mid 60s, upper 60s, 67 degree or 69, in san rafael today. so we're we're doing well. and we're going to do okay again tomorrow. but more
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clouds come in tomorrow as this next weather system, which is a cold weather system. and i mean, it's so different than the systems we've had this season. this season has all been low mid-latitude not all, but most of the big rain events have been lower or mid-latitude events. this is the high latitude meaning this thing was born, this this storm up in the aleutian islands, very cold up by alaska. and it's coming our way. and that means not as much rain, not as warm, obviously, and a lot of snow level drops in a lot of snow will drop. the frost advisory tonight. that's a second night in a row we've seen that the overnight lows for us tonight. that storm by the way isn't getting here for a little while. it really shows up thursday night thursday afternoon. so in the meantime time we just kind of roll on with what we're rolling on with. okay, here's one storm. that's one personality. that's a low latitude storm. and then there's another storm up here. that's a high latitude storm. duh and so this is we haven't seen that many of this of these. so this guy comes in drops in on thursday night friday saturday
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and does a deal where it's basically the jet stream. it's not it's cold. doesn't hold a lot of water, but it hits the jet stream hits the spine of the sierra nevada almost perpendicular. that's ridiculous. or graphics will occur. it's going to squeeze out every bit of water in that. in that air mass. so even though it's a dry storm, it's going to squeeze everything out. we're going to get an inch and a half of rain over three days. not a lot. they're going to get maybe eight and a half, nine inches of water equivalent, which would be the equivalent of 8 to 10ft of snow in some places as well. it's going to be pretty, pretty awesome. and it's much needed. so i mean that's the plan. it could change around certainly because we've got time before the event. but just so you understand, that's where it's coming from. it's dry but not when you get the perpendicular jet stream or graphics and all that that go into it. and so that's where we are. here's tomorrow morning, here's tomorrow afternoon or evening. kind of nice day. and then this is thursday morning. looks like it wants to start showering up in ukiah. and then right on by
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the time we get to the afternoon commute we're kind of wet. but you see how sparse and widely scattered the showers are. and that's because it's not a really strong moisture plume. it's really just very dry air coming our way. what it will do is introduce a bunch of wind again down the road. and that's it's going to be our main event. it's going to be friday into saturday . and then sunday looks okay. and you see that in the five day forecast. so frosty again tomorrow morning clouds increase on thursday. and we get ourselves some rain. not a ton but some on thursday night into friday. saturday. >> all right bill thank you. how about this. this is quite a different look brandon crawford in a uniform. other than that of the san francisco giants. we're going to hear from the two time world series champ about his new team sports coming up next
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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road trip in our nation's capital against an old friend, jordan poole. getting some love from stefan curry. poole, a non-factor today, 12 points off the bench. chris paul's first game in seven weeks. back with that hand fracture. great pass to trace jackson davis for the
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slam paul nine points six assists four steals. close game until the third moses moody same saves the ball. draymond green's going a one. hop it to curry who tosses up the underhand lob to jonathon kuminga for the alley oop. slam very pretty kuminga 21 points still in the third brandon pisemsky six foot four guard with the block warriors in transition. klay thompson knocks down one of his six threes. he led the warriors with 25 off the bench. warriors closed the third on a 25 to 6 run. and you can't give stephen curry that much time or two chances at a three pointer. he had no points in the first half 18 in the second as the warriors as they win it 123 to 112, their sixth straight road win. and 11th in their last 14 overall. they are in new york to face the knicks on thursday day. okay, giants fans, look away now. if you don't want to see brandon crawford in a saint
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louis cardinals uniform form. i warned you, there he is. it's weird. huh? cardinals red. uh, it's going to take some getting used to. crawford signing a one year deal with saint louis after spending his entire 13 year career in san francisco. >> so i did put this on and look in the mirror, and it was a little different. but um. but no, i'm looking forward to it. i'm excited. i've always liked the cardinals organization from afar, from across the field. and, um, they were one of a couple teams that i would have came out to spring training out here in florida for. that s giants new outfielder jung-woo lee, making his cactus league debut against seattle, his first at bat. >> lee sharpe one down the first base line. that's a base hit. the former korean baseball league mvp was one for three out of the leadoff spot. now, five batters later, the giants still at the plate, bases loaded for patrick bailey. and boom! there
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goes grand slam off jared bayless. giants score five runs in the first, but this is cactus league so the game can end in a tie. and you see the score there 1010. it's actually the giants second tie in their first four games of the cactus league a's at the guardians in goodyear arizona. that's just west of phoenix. brant rooker making his presence felt two run shot to left center. a's cruz 11 to 2 two to pick up their second straight win of the spring. and they host the giants tomorrow. so how about shohei ohtani in his dodger debut coming in camelback ranch in glendale, arizona against the white sox and ohtani? he did not disappoint, launching a towering shot in the fifth off former giant dominic leone. that's a two run homer for ohtani, one for three as a dh today, you can't believe the giants are going to have to face this guy up to ten plus times a year,
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possibly for the next decade. dodgers won the game 9 to 6. okay the nfl combine is underway in indianapolis with live drills beginning on thursday and who's that guy? right there? you recognize the guy on the left? >> oh, was that the security guy ? that's big dom, big dom. >> and he gets some love from john lynch. yeah good call man. big dom i'm here. >> uh, yeah. wow. as for the that's it. >> we just want to show you big dom. >> dom, we don't want to hear from john lynch. big dom. >> all right, jason. thank you. thanks for watching west coast rap with alex savage coming up next. good night everyone. good call
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when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. so he started having larger influxes of bus


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