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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  February 27, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm PST

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ed our campaign let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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investigating an ugly conflict in vallejo. when a bystander gets caught up in a sideshow and a nonprofit is banned from san francisco contracts after allegations of fraud. this is ktvu, fox two news at 730. good evening. i'm jana katsuyama. we begin tonight with the announcement from macy's corporate headquarters, the san francisco union square location is among 150 stores that are scheduled to close in the next two years. ktvu christien kafton has reaction tonight from the mayor and nearby businesses. >> since 1947, the macy's name has hung above san francisco's union square. now, the company announced it is restructuring to address new financial realities. in a statement, the company says it is, quote, focusing resources by closing approximately 150 underproductive locations, including approximately 50 by the end of the fiscal year. macy's union square, one of those underproductive locations
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that will be shuttered. san francisco mayor london breed saying for macy's, this was not a safety issue, but came down to dollars and cents. >> macy's made a business decision to close 150 stores all over the country, and they are selling the property at union square. >> the union square alliance released a statement saying the closure hurts, but the head of the union square alliance said she, quote, believes that we should work toward a solution that allows macy's to keep this iconic store open. however, if that does not come to pass, our expectation is that a new owner for this iconic site will come forward to continue a fresh and vibrant vision at this critical location. the mayor, also talking about the possibility of adapting the 400,000ft!s of retail space to better fit the city's needs. >> our goal is to make sure that we focus on the opportunities and the opportunity to ensure that this space is used for something that will be profitable, that will be a destination that will attract
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people. people at nearby historic john's grill, the news was devastating. >> we have guests that, you know, during the holidays go to macy's, come to john's grill. it's a family tradition. >> the restaurant has stood here since shortly after the great quake and welcomed macy's in the 1940s. and the current generation of owners says they're sorry to see macy's and the tradition they built disappear. it will be interesting to see kind of where this goes and where we're going to embrace the next great operators into the downtown area. what is unclear at this time is an exact timetable. the various sources that have been in contact with macy's say it will not be among the first 50 to close down this coming year, but that it will likely be here for at least a year, maybe two, and that the store will remain open until macy's can find a buyer for the building in san francisco. christien kafton ktvu fox two news. state senator
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scott wiener of san francisco shared this message on social media saying, quote, it's horrible news for san francisco. >> but the macy's closure is part of a mass closure of 150 stores. not for any san francisco specific reason. with that said, we must aggressively and creatively reimagine downtown, where advancing legislation to expedite san francisco's ability to make needed changes. macy's new ceo says the company plans to add stores to their luxury end bloomingdale's chain and increase the number of their bluemercury cosmetic stores. the company says it also intends to shift the remaining 350 macy's stores to selling more luxury items. >> exiting stores allows us to prioritize our highest return on mall opportunities and open more small format off mall. macy's is the macy's union square location in san francisco, employs about 400 people. >> a spokesperson for the san francisco union square alliance says they will work with macy's
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to have a union square christmas tree and holiday shopping at the store there at the end of this year, the city of san francisco today issued a formal apology to its black residents for decades of systemic discrimination in the san francisco board of supervisors unanimously approved the apology resolution resolution, which recognizes a history of targeted attacks, acts of violence and atrocities committed against the black community that apology is viewed as the city's first step towards possibly providing reparations to black san franciscans. the apology was one of more than 100 recommendations made by the city's african american reparations advisory committee. >> we know that an apology without action rings is hollow. um, and i think that's why this must be seen in context as a necessary part of accountability. and reparations, not as an end in itself, but it is an important step nonetheless. and is meaningful
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and lays the groundwork for further commitments to the black community here in our city. >> city leaders are still debating whether to compensate the city's 46,000 black residents for slavery. one proposal would provide a $5 million lump sum payment to be divided and distributed to qualifying black residents. well, this just into the newsroom. the oakland police commission late today released the names of the police chief candidates that could be submitted to the mayor. the names include new york city deputy mayor luis molina, cincinnati assistant police chief lisa davis, former lubbock police chief floyd mitchell and former san leandro police chief abdul pridgen pridgen recently left the san leandro police department after allegations he violated department policy. he also was on the last list of finalists rejected by the mayor. the commission is holding a community forum on thursday at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the candidates. vallejo police are
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investigating a chaotic scene that led to violence over the weekend. a man who tried to drive past an illegal sideshow was attacked and beaten. ktvu crime reporter henry lee has video of the confrontation. >> action video shows this white gmc pickup truck crashing into a ford mustang. while trying to get through a sideshow in vallejo. that's when things get ugly. the crowd gets angry and surrounds the truck beating the driver, shooting at him, and stomping on his windshield near springs and rolling wood. at about 530 sunday afternoon. in this video, you can see the driver wearing an orange shirt running from his truck, but it wasn't over yet. the man in orange runs into the 7-eleven at the corner and is chased by the crowd and again attacked inside the store. some in the crowd then loot the 7-eleven of everything from cigarets and candy to lotto scratchers and beer. hey. what's up? let me get some cheetos. at one point, someone set the victim's truck on fire. vallejo police arrived and saw many sideshow participants taking off and running red lights. the truck
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continued to burn. big t works at a pawn shop at the corner, which was covered with tire marks. >> yeah, he's just an innocent person trying to get to wherever he's going, and then he gets victimized and sideshow are all they do is just, you know, disrupt everybody and they're dangerous and people get hurt. >> tom davis lives nearby, of course we're frustrated. >> we're angry. you don't see the police. you never see the police. the only time you see the police is 30, 40 minutes later, after after whatever happens. >> vallejo mayor robert mcconnell says those caught spinning donuts should have their licenses revoked and face stiffer penalties beyond having their cars impounded for 30 days. >> i believe it should be much longer. i would like to see 90 days, so they're just making a mockery of everybody else. >> vallejo police are scouring for leads in these videos. they're asking anyone with information to give them a call in vallejo. henry lee, ktvu, fox two news, san francisco's city attorney says two leaders of a nonprofit are banned from future
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city contracts for trying to obtain at least $100,000 in fraudulent expenses. >> an investigation by the city attorney and controller's office found that the jj community resource center, it's ceo drew jenkins, and its secretary, susan murphy, participated in a scheme over the past several years. the investigation found they tried to personally profit from public grants and contracts with four city departments. it's our investigation revealed that jenkins and his affiliates defrauded the city in a number of ways by submitting fake invoices, double billing under multiple grants and seeking reimbursement for ineligible expenses like alcohol and cigars and motorcycle rentals. city attorney david chiu says he wants the investigation to send a clear message that the city will uncover and ban any contractors who tried to take funds illegally. he says it is up to the d.a. and federal authorities to decide whether to pursue criminal charges. also
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new. at 730, a north bay school district is poised to lay off a number of school employees, including teachers. the superintendent of santa rosa schools notified families last night. the layoffs are due to a budget gap. preliminary notices are due to go out to affected employees in the next two weeks. the district has not disclosed how many jobs will be cut. well, still to come. at 730, we will show you a brand new cancer center that opened this week through a partnership with ucsf and an east bay hospital. plus alerts go out about driving to tahoe this weekend as a blizzard warning is about to go into effect. >> yes, snow for the sierra and bay area. rain on the way. not for tomorrow though. only subtle changes expected, which means another cold start. a better look at what you can e ec
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down."
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and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. cancer center. the new jean and ken hoffman, cancer center opened this week on the walnut creek campus of john muir medical center. the outpatient facility boasts 35 cancer physicians and more than 200 cancer clinicians. the hospital says the facility will function as a one stop east bay location for patients, rather than having them travel to multiple locations for consults, tests and treatments. san francisco says five years of efforts to improve early childhood education are now paying off. proposition c was passed by city voters in 2018 to put more resources into child care. since then, mayor london breed says that the city has been able to
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recruit and retain more educators with raises for more than 1600 people. the city has also rehabbed or created 40 new child development facilities, including 17 just this year and it's doubled the number of child care slots from 6000 to 12,000. because of these investments. now to our weather. the national weather service has declared a blizzard warning for the sierra starting thursday, february 29th through sunday, march third. it says there will be, quote, extremely dangerous to impossible mountain travel during those dates. the best time to drive up to the tahoe area will be before 4 p.m. on thursday or sunday morning. and rosemary, we've certainly seen a lot of snow coming to the sierra over the past month or so. >> yes, and this could actually be the strongest of the season so far. so as you mentioned, a blizzard warning that about says it all. uh, yeah. so getting to the lake tahoe area, even yosemite area, also included in
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part of this advisory, at least the hills and mountains above the yosemite area for giving you a beautiful view into san francisco. my goodness, what a nice one out there. temperatures are beginning to cool and for tomorrow, do expect very similar conditions. we have a frost advisory to talk about, but we'll take care of tomorrow on the back end. let's focus on the system first here in the gulf of alaska. dropping in, bringing wet weather to the pacific northwest to by tomorrow. and then for us again, it holds off until thursday. and for the sierra as jana mentioned, we have a blizzard warning that begins at 4 a.m. and will go all the way until sunday, 10 a.m. could see 5 to 10ft of snow at the higher elevations, and we could have snow levels all the way down to about 2000ft, which means we could actually get a dusting of snow over the weekend. as well. very strong winds in the sierra going to create those whiteout conditions and very hazardous conditions. as far as the rainfall amounts
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for us, anywhere from 1 to 2, maybe three inches. so over a three day course, a time that's not too bad. but again, it's going to be a soggy one for the back end of the week. the future cast on this with the timeline. there's that system dropping in. here's a look at thursday. now we're into friday. we're into saturday. and it's still coming. it's still circulating. its way east ever so slowly. finally by sunday it begins to pull out. and then it looks like we will be drying out, but we have to leave in scattered showers in the forecast for even sunday. and temperatures are going to be very cool. obviously i'll show you that in the extended forecast outside right now. cool. 55, san francisco 53. walnut creek. the winds are generally light. we will have the frost advisory move into place during the overnight hours and is expected to last into tomorrow morning for our north bay valley locations. temperatures will be slightly better than what we had this morning. still very cold though. 37in the north bay of santa rosa
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, 38 in livermore, around the bay. low to mid 40s to start the morning and then for the afternoon. temperatures are going to be nice and mild. upper 50s to upper 60s san jose you're going to 68. here's a look at your extended forecast notice. temperatures begin to fall off when the storm arrives, and by the weekend we're talking about low to mid 50s. for the afternoon we got near freezing conditions during the overnight hours for our inland cities. >> gianna all right. still winter. thank you. rosemary. coming up, details on the new service that's available for san mateo county residents going through a mental health crisis. and employees at the bay area, anheuser-busch plant could be going on strike soon. coming up, we'll have details on when we might see a walkout and willie nelson makes a big announcement. but still ahead, the next tour that he's planning as the age
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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$9 million for an unarmed armed mobile mental health crisis response unit. when someone dials the national crisis line 988, the operator will determine if a dispatch is necessary and if it is, clinicians trained in crisis assessment, de-escalation and intervention will be able to work one on one with a person in crisis. and san mateo county supervisor david canepa released this statement, reading in part. now that the county will be able to provide unprecedented services, offering a new lifeline with in-person clinical support for those in crisis or feeling suicidal right where you live. this is 24 over seven, unarmed and compassionate approach meant to keep individuals out of our emergency rooms or jails and handled with care by trained clinicians and again, that national mental health crisis line is 988. it is free and open to anyone who is
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experiencing a mental health crisis. it is staffed 24 over seven and again open to anyone. sonoma county is holding its first ever resource fair this weekend for local farm workers. the county says the event will connect workers with more than 40 government agencies and nonprofits that can provide support with housing, food, health care, employment, immigration, law, tax preparation among other services. there also will be free health screenings and opportunity to obtain health care that fair is set for this sunday in windsor between 130 to 4 p.m. at our lady of guadalupe church on old redwood highway. students at the california school for the deaf in fremont are one step closer to their goal of new highway signs for their school. last fall, 12th grade students at the school made a presentation to state lawmakers asking them to propose legislation to install freeway exit signs to their school. the students say the signs would
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make more families with deaf or hard of hearing children aware of the school. assembly member alex lee now has introduced the legislation that the students requested. that bill is moving its way through the state legislature. 5000 workers at anheuser-busch are set to go on strike this friday, including those at the company's facility in fairfield. the strike, organized by the teamsters union, would disrupt operations at 12 breweries nationwide, and the union is demanding more pay, better benefits and job security. this would be the first strike by anheuser-busch workers. since 1976. on the road again. >> just can't wait to get on the road again. >> a familiar tune and a familiar voice that is willie nelson and he is going on the road again with a stop here in the bay area, and he's bringing along some famous friends. >> we'll have details coming up. then later tonight on the 10:00 news, we are closely monitoring
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tonight's primary election in the state of michigan, which is showing overwhelm results for joe biden and donald trump. plus, the future of union square, where the iconic spot now stands following the announcement that macy's will be closing down those stories and more tonight
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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championships. orinda's miramonte high school matadors varsity girls soccer team went up against colfax high school's team. both vying for the divisional norcal soccer championship and the state championship. the matadors worked for months to get to this moment. >> the people are what made the great season possible. i think hard work can only get you so far, but i think a team dynamic is really special. >> the game ended with a winning goal by colfax in the final minute. final score colfax two and miramonte one. congratulations to the matadors on a great season. well, the new bay fc soccer team kicked off training on its home turf for the very first time today. the women's soccer club began practice at san jose state university. the campus will be the practice home of the bay fc for its inaugural season in the national women's soccer league, which kicks off march 17th. the team had 23 players out on the practice field, and until today they had been practicing on different training grounds. new
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at 730, legendary singer songwriter willie nelson is stopping in the bay area this summer. headlined in a star studded festival tour on the road again. >> i just can't wait to get on the road again. >> the life i love is making music with my kicks off this june, the nine year old nelson will be joined by bob dylan, robert plant and alison krauss. >> john mellencamp and many others. this tour is scheduled to stop at the shoreline amphitheater in mountain view on august 3rd, and the tickets to the general public go on sale this friday. well, that does it for us. make sure to download the fox local app to your smart tv, and you can stream news, casts and stories and more. right there. have a great night.
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. (tense music builds) with democrat katie porter. i'm rob lowe and this is the floor. it's the season finale.


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