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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 5pm  FOX  February 29, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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video from chp in truckee of a snow plow already hard at work and here is a live look on interstate 80 in truckee. >> very little traffic rolling through the area as we have a blizzard warning in effect for the next several days, and people who live. up there are being told to hunker down in the message. >> for those who may want to head up, stay here in the bay area. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm cristina rendon, caltrans national weather service. >> even some ski resorts are telling people, don't even think about coming to tahoe this weekend. the first big wave of rain coming in right now. here's a live look out of the oakland estuary. rain drops on our camera lens above our ktvu studios roof, and cloudy dark skies as well. and here's a look at sfo. looks like the rain really coming down there. and it seems that there could be some flight delays out there as well. all right. >> let's bring in chief meteorologist bill martin. you called it last night and we got the wet weather late this morning. this afternoon? yeah >> he's coming in. it depends
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where you are. north bay has gotten significant rain accumulations. the rest of us, it's anywhere from it seems like a lot because it just keeps coming. it's just constant kind of heavy drizzle, heavy mist. it's equating to, for most of us, a 10th of an inch or just a little more. but in the north bay you see that kentfield number, which is not the kentfield north bay. they do get the rain like a rain magnet up there, so they're up over a half inch of rain. but you see the rain totals and the definite the disparity in different places around the bay. the wind advisory is in effect. that's going to stay in effect for a while into the east of us. a blizzard warning. let's take a look at the rain where it is now. of course, it's the afternoon commute. here we are, and it's raining and it's coming down the heaviest rain. i think of the evening has already moved through oakland and san mateo. you see this sort of line of showers, the yellows, the darker greens, so that is basically on the way out. but we do have a few scattered showers that are going to continue throughout the evening hours. so the afternoon commute, just a mess out there. and today was kind of a way a day. you know, it was wet. it showery. some breaks. right.
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that's how this whole weekend is going to be. it's going to be on and off with the opportunity of some thundershowers scattered in there as well. i'll see you back here. we'll do the full forecast. all right. >> bill sounds good rain here, but this storm in the sierra will be adding to the snowpack. multiple feet of new snow expected in the coming days. and today, the snowpack survey was done right off of highway 50. ktvu tom vacar has more on the results. he joins us live tonight with more on that story up in the sierra. tom >> gifts from the mountains, water, natural habitat, tourism and all kinds of other things. but the other not so welcome gift is the danger that mountains often create in bad weather. >> if you don't have to travel, don't. and i'm really going to be blunt when it comes to it. um, your safety is number one. >> even at its monthly snow survey, the department of water resources echoed the chp. >> we want to remind the public, do not travel to the sierra nevada. this upcoming weekend. >> so did pg and e it just avoid travel, stay at home or another
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safe place. the blizzard will bring high winds, massive snow, bitter cold, falling trees, even snow laden mudslides beyond full closures and long delays, slippery conditions can cause collisions or vehicles leaving the road into high snowdrifts, where deadly hypothermia is possible, or going off cliffs. running vehicles covered by snow can cause carbon monoxide asphyxiation. mountain power outages are likely to be widespread. >> we expect a significant storm, especially in the sierra nevada region, because of low and heavy snow. this does lead to power outages when trees get laden with snow and fail, the utility will bring in additional crews. >> contractors, materials and mountain machinery. knowing that access to downed power lines can be difficult or impossible. bill. that's because many power poles span forests instead of established roads. >> we use snow cats, snowmobiles, and other equipment that can travel on snow and carry materials and crews.
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>> none the less, at berkeley's california ski company, dangerous roads notwithstanding, the anticipated crowd of customers want to be mountainside to enjoy the after blizzard powder. they still want to get up there and be there so that when the resorts do open and it's safe to ski, they can have kind of the first taste of the new snow. the survey found the snowpack is now 80% of average for the state, but still just 70% of the peak. april 1st average. we have a big storm starting here through the weekend. >> um, and it will be a cold one. our first big cold storm of the year, and it will be a good snow producer. >> it will take several additional storms within the month of march to really get us from the current 70% of april 1st average, up to 100% of average by the 1st of april. and so, you know, the big six mega reservoir are almost 80% full. >> and that right now is 114% of
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where the historically been on this date. and that is generally true of the big northern california reservoirs, 30 major reservoirs right now. so coming back live, i just want to tell you that what we've got here is basically squalls going on. we have rain and then we have wind blowing, a little bit of rain. but off to my right i can actually see a little patch of blue sky. and right above me, almost a patch of blue sky. but that's the whole point of squalling is that as this rain gets more compressed and as these waves keep coming in, one right behind the other, then it's going to be nothing but rain, which is looking like what it's going to be for the rest of the weekend. but the reality is, right now it's just building up for the grand finale. >> all right. tom vacar live tonight in oakland. tom, thank you for that. as for interstate 80 and 50, both are open for now. of course, that can change as the storm continues to pound the sierra right now, chains are required. yosemite national park will be closed due to the massive storm. the park announcing late this afternoon
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it will close at midnight and remain closed through at least sunday noontime time. this is video from the park. last month. visitors currently in the park are being told to leave as soon as possible, while the park says it could also see several feet of snow there in the coming days. and now is a good time to make sure to download the free ktvu weather app. you can stay up to date on the weather over the next several days from rain here, and snow in the sierra. >> a form is set to get underway in less than 90 minutes for the port. for the public to hear. for from the candidates for the oakland police chief job, the oakland police commission released its new list of four finalists earlier this week. they include former san leandro police chief abdul pridgen, who left the job last week after beinglaced on leave in september. the dao is already rejected. him and two other candidates who were presented in december, cluding former police chief laurent armstrong, whom she fired more than a year ago. mayor xiang tao said she will not take part in tonight's meeting. tao told the commission that the public forum could put candidates at risk of losing
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their current jobs, or put the city in a bidding war with their current employer. tonight's meeting is open to the public. people can also participate through zoom. it starts at 630 at oakland city hall, and the commission says that it does intend to give mayor tao a second list of finalists tomorrow, though alameda county residents are voting to address the rules when it comes to recall procedures. >> the vote comes just as a recall effort is currently underway to remove alameda county district attorney pamela price from office. ktvu henry lee live tonight there in the newsroom with more on the story. henry >> mike. the county says its recall rules are inconsistent with state law. they want to align it so that everything is done legitimately. but some say this is not the time to change any procedures. alameda county voters are not voting tuesday on whether to recall district attorney pamela price, but what they will decide is whether to align the county's outdated recall procedures with those of the state is specifically about about a recall procedure. >> it's not about any one recall at all that means if passed,
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measure b would raise the number of signatures needed to put a recall on the ballot. >> give the registrar more time to count signatures, and set up a recall election supervisor lina tam says as it stands now, alameda county has a ten day deadline to verify signatures. state law allows for 30 days. >> we need to, uh, be practical in our ability to verify the signatures, but also call for the recall election in tam supports the measure, but critics said now isn't the time to change recall procedures, as some recall efforts are underway. they were a concern about the timing and the potential for confusion. >> state law requires signature gatherers to be only 18 or over. as it stands now under the county's charter, those with petitions must live in alameda county. >> but the supreme court has found similar requirements in other jurisdictions for circulating these type of petitions to be unconstitutional
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. >> let's give a big hand to pamela price and an event thursday with local pastors, price said. >> if measure b passes and if she's recalled, then the board of supervisors would likely appoint someone to fill the rest of her terms. price says not only would those who voted for her be disenfranchized, the entire electorate, every resident in this county who is a registered voter will have lost the right to choose how justice is administered in this county. >> give this dear servant of the lord, this community servant. give an opportunity. let us serve out her time. let her complete what she's doing because her agenda cannot be accomplished overnight. now the earliest any day recall election could potentially be set up would be a month after election day. >> if this measure passes, mike henry lee live tonight in the newsroom. >> henry. thank you. >> oakland's black cultural zone has a new cultural center for residents of east oakland. rise east held a soft opening today
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for the center at 83rd avenue in international boulevard. this is phase one of the welcome center organizers say it will have co-working and content studios that support economic empowerment of residents. rise east purchased the property through what it calls liberate land trust. >> the liberated land trust is our model of owning commercial properties along commercial corridors. >> we call them black cultural and commercial corridors, where not only will our organization hold these properties, but we are going to have our legacy residents and business as those who used to live here, who have been gentrified or displaced out and want to return and have a say in what we do with the properties that we acquire in december, rise east announced the opening of the clean 3.60 soap and candle factory, five blocks away on 88th avenue, coming up two border towns, two separate visits, one from the president and one from the man who wants his job, both pushing their immigration agenda.
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>> we'll take a look at the differences. >> and the man accused of the halfmoon bay deadly mass shooting faces a judge and enters a plea. plus once a staple of the downtown, lee's delis have disappeared. >> customers say they're sad. and now people are wondering what can replace them democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. and seven counts of murder and one count of attempted murder. this morning, his attorney entered a plea of not guilty on his behalf. zhao also waived his right to a quick trial. prosecutors say the mass shootings in january of 2022 at two of half moon bay mushroom
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farms happened after zhao had an argument with a coworker. the judge ordered that he returned to court in april to set a trial date. he remains in custody without bail. >> secretary of defense lloyd austin faced tough questions from members of congress today for not notifying president biden sooner about his hospital stay. last month. austin was hospitalized for complications from prostate cancer surgery back on january 1st. the president wasn't notified until three days later. austin apologized today during a congressional hearing, saying he didn't handle that situation right. >> i should have promptly informed the president, my team and congress and the american people of my of my cancer diagnosis. it's totally unacceptable that it took three days to inform the president of the united states that the secretary of defense was in the hospital and not in control of the pentagon. >> an internal review of the incident, released earlier this week, concluded that senior officials had no ill intent in not telling the white house about austin's condition. >> president biden and former
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president donald trump both traveled to the southern border today as fox's connor hansen reports, the influx of migrants coming into the united states is shaping up to be one of the top campaigns. issues for their likely rematch in november. this time to step up, it's time to step up, provide them with significantly more personnel and capability. >> president biden urging congressional republicans to pass more border security during a visit to brownsville, texas, on thursday. just five hours away, donald trump pointed the finger at biden, saying it's his open border policies that have led to a record number of migrant crossings in the u.s. >> this is a joe biden invasion. this is a biden invasion. over the past three years. i call him crooked joe because he's crooked. he's a terrible president ahead of a likely rematch in november, the president and former president made dueling visits to the southern border in brownsville. >> biden met with border patrol agents and local officials,
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fending off critics who argue the migrant influx has moved elsewhere. >> brownsville traditionally has been ground zero for this problem. >> 300 miles away, trump toured the city of eagle pass, the center of an ongoing court battle between governor greg abbott and the biden administration over border security issues, including. the placement of razor wire in the rio grande. the trips come as a growing number of americans name immigration as the most important issue facing the country, according to a recent gallup poll. >> the policies are just band aid solutions, so there really isn't, um, a clear, concise path for people to make it in here. >> as the immigration debate continues. rouz a federal judge on thursday blocked texas from enforcing a new law that makes illegal immigration a state crime in brownsville, texas. conahan on fox news while in south texas, president biden
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committed federal assistance to help those affected by the deadly wildfire burning across the texas panhandle. >> that wildfire, now the largest in state history, according to the texas forest service. it has now burned more than 1 million acres across the panhandle and into oklahoma. it is only 3% contained. at least two people have been killed and hundreds of homes have been destroyed. more are threatened. thousands of cattle have also died. the fire is one of the rare winter wildfires burning in the texas panhandle. >> all right. we got a few scattered showers out there right now. the heavy stuff kind of just moved through the central bay in the last half hour or so, and it's still continuing into the south bay at this time. you can see the line like, if you look this line right here, that's that's the pretty much the delineation of the front, i would suspect. and that's where the strongest dynamics are right now. everything behind it is more widely scattered. we've seen up to 2/10 of an inch to a half inch of rain to over a half inch of rain in the marin county watershed. most of us, like san
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jose, have been under a 10th of an inch, but still it's very wet outside this system. as we look closer, we can check out the current status on some of these rain events like so. you can see those yellow areas representing rain fall rates of 2/10 of an inch an hour here. santa cruz mountains about 2/10 of an inch. so even though it looks like it's coming down pretty hard and it feels like it is too, it's a cooler storm. and that's this whole thing with not we're not seeing a lot of accumulation as much as you might on those, like on those other storms that we had, those el nino type storms. so this is this cold air mass coming in, and it's going to do what it's advertised. and what we've been talking about, it's going to drop a lot of snow in the mountains already is. they've got over nine inches of new snow at palisades and just in this afternoon and this thing really hasn't even gotten there yet. so as it moves in tonight, it's really going to pick up that blizzard warning is definitely going to verify in the blizzard warning for a couple of days. more than two days, three days in that system will hang up north right through that period. creating really
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difficult travel conditions around lake tahoe. and for us all, this open cell cumulus, which is just at energy personified. i mean, that's you're just that's convection, right? so it's really energetic as that air moves into the bay area tonight and tomorrow, the potential for thunderstorms exists certainly through tomorrow. and again into saturday. and so. so we're going to see some breaks. we're going to see a little bit of sun here and there as we go through the next couple of days. but we're still going to be dodging raindrops and scattered potential for thunderstorms. so that's sort of the story for us. and the big story in the mountains is the blizzard warning, which stays in effect through 10 a.m. sunday. and again, some of the numbers i'm seeing and some of the models and how much snow is actually going to fall is stunning, quite frankly. i mean, 12ft of snow. some of the models are spitting that out, especially out around the kirkwood area. so it's going to be a lot, a lot, a lot of snow. don't go to the mountains. don't mess with it. don't be a
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hero. don't whatever. right. you just don't mess with it and not until maybe after monday or tuesday. in the meantime, everything's kind of tracking as anticipated. so just be aware of that. rain around here is going to be manageable. it was manageable today. it will be manageable tomorrow. but those thunderstorms could pack some pretty strong rainfall. uh, you know, rate rainfall rates. all right. that's it. on the five. uh, the full forecast in the five days. >> thanks, bill. we'll see you soon. $850 million. all coming to california to improve our public transportation systems. up next, how that money will exactly be spent. >> and today is a special and lucky day for many in the maternity ward. coming up at 6:00, we introduce you to some of the bay area's leap year babies, and a reminder that you can now stream ktvu news on your smart tv. >> you can watch live newscasts and stories on demand on your amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv, or android tv. just search for that fox local app and then select ktvu
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver...
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who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. people's park last month. this was an effort to secure the park for a university housing development. the uc says it spent 2.9 million on building a perimeter around the park. almost $4 million on law enforcement, 1.7 on police overtime, and another million dollars on services for people who were living in the park. this $7.8 million total does not include bills from other police departments and chp who helped
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uc berkeley seize control of the park. millions of dollars are coming to transit agencies across the state to help improve public transportation. california will receive about $849 million in funding from the bipartisan infrastructure law. it's part of $9.8 billion announced today to transit agencies across the country. that's the largest investment in public transit in us history. the government says the funding will help agencies maintain and operate trains, busses and ferries. it will also be used to upgrade stations and train tracks and provide access for seniors and riders with disabilities. the transit funding is going to all 50 states. new york is receiving more than $1 billion. it's the only state to receive more than the $848.9 million coming to california. the third on the list is illinois receiving $379.8 million. new jersey is fourth with 375 million, and texas will receive the fifth most $280 million. >> all right, let's talk soccer. ktvu is expanding its
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partnership with the oakland roots. kate icu will now broadcast every game both home and away on ktvu. plus, that's more than 30 games from march all the way through october. we spoke with the roots chief purpose officer mike geddes on mornings on two today, and he told us that while they're a young club, they are growing fast. >> we now have a women's team, the oakland soul, as well as oakland roots, our men's team, and we've got an amazing product we're playing right now out at cal state east bay in hayward. it's a great family atmosphere, fantastic entertainment. we want more people to have the chance to see our games, get involved in the excitement and hopefully come out and watch some incredible soccer. >> all right, so you heard mike mention oakland soul ktvu will also air oakland soul women's teams home game in june. geddes says that while the soul is currently pre professional, they hope to build a soccer specific stadium in oakland that will professional status as a media partner of the oakland roots, ktvu is gearing up for the start of the season. we're rna season
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preview this saturday right here on ktv at 9:00 in the evening, 'll also air the season opener saturday, march 9thn ktvu plus, and then we'll have an hour long post-game show following the opening match. >> well, she is women's college basketball's all time leading scorer, and today, caitlyn clark announced she is entering the upcoming wnba draft. the iowa basketball star made her announcement with one game remaining in the regular season and weeks after breaking the ncaa records for women. she is now just 18 points behind pete maravich, who holds the ncaa record for men or women with 366. excuse me 3667 points. he scored at louisiana state despite being a senior, clark had one year left of eligibility due to covid 19 modifications to the eligibility rule. >> it has just been two years, and the mayor of san jose already running again. the change is made to get more voters to the polls, and they used to be all over the financial district, a place to get good, cheap eats.
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>> but now they're all gone. the downfall of a deli and the stinky tradition that has people flocking to golden gate park right now . "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises
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"her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things:
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completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. city switched its election cycle to coincide with the presidential election. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary is live in the south bay bureau, with the reason behind that switch and how this election is
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shaping up, jesse christina, good evening to you. >> the switch was made towards the end of former mayor sam liccardo's last turn in office as a way to bolster voter turnout. early indications are that it worked, although the slim field of candidates this year begs the question, is anyone even campaigning this year? all right. days before the march primary election, san jose mayor matt mahan engaging in his version of stumping for votes in an empty lot in north san jose, is an unusual but picturesque setting to showcase his accomplishments in office. >> i think the best way to campaign is to solve the problems facing our city. i'm i'm focused on getting san jose back to basics, getting people indoors faster and out of these tent encampments that are across the city. >> the familiar theme is a holdover from mahan's campaign rhetoric of 2022, when he won the general election over cindy chavez. the city then moved its mayoral election to coincide
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with the presidential election cycle to increase voter turnout. they're going to have some variation from election cycle to election cycle, but but you're going to create a more diverse and representative electorate that's the idea behind the change this year. mahan's opponent is a little known political journeyman, tyrone wade. his website doesn't list campaign stops and touts campaign themes of human rights, religious freedom and limited government. >> this raising issues that are important to him. um, you know, it's another way to get involved. certainly in, you know, civic life is to, to run for office. and i would hope more people run for office. i think it's generally a good thing. >> while wade's impact may be muted by mahan's sizable lead, the santa clara county registrar of voters office says adjusting the mayoral election cycle has had an impact. this year. participation in the primary election is running between 5 and 10% ahead of 2022, right now, we are approximately about a little over 10, um, in returned ballots.
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>> um, and with an estimated voter turnout for the entire election, between 45 to 55, experts say the percentage bump could grow to 35% in the coming years. >> the first one. as for mahan, a sizable lead and no other options, means he's focused on delivering results, not making promises to appease voters. >> and i want to push us to be more focused, to be more efficient, biased toward action. >> if mahan secures 50% plus one of the vote on tuesday, he will win a four year terms as mayor. no need to go to the general election in november, and then in four years, he could conceivably win another four year terms that would put him in office for most of this decade. we're live in the south bay bureau. this evening, jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news. christina, back up to you in oakland. all right, jesse, thank you. >> san jose police are investigating a homicide on moore park avenue, not f from
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devargas elementary school. police say they were called to the area around 1:0th afternoon for a report of a weapons disturbance that resulted in the death of one man. no other information about the incident has been released. >> the city of san francisco released new data today that shows nearly half of those cited for drug use don't actually live in san francisco. the city looked at citations from march 30th of last year to february 2nd, and found that of the 718 cited, 47% don't live in the city. the data also found evidence of welfare fraud. 141 of those cited said they're collecting assistance from the city, but 33% of them don't even live in san francisco, making them ineligible for the monthly cash payment. lee's deli, a mainstay for people looking for affordable food in san francisco's financial district, has closed its doors for good as ktvu christien kafton reports, this neighborhood just cannot seem to recover from the pandemic. >> at one time, there were a dozen lee's delis dotted in the area in and around the financial
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district and south of market in san francisco. but owner lee kwan says a combination of covid, high minimum wage costs, street conditions, theft and a lack of people returning to the downtown all worked together to force him to close them all down. workers in the financial district say they'll miss the signature deli and inexpensive eats. >> i work over at 211 main and, you know, on the other side of market and i'm walking over here just actually walking around to see what's available in the, like, broader vicinity that isn't 20 bucks to eat lunch. >> those working in the area say it's part of a trend of closures that has left one vacant storefront after another, leaving them with few options and the options that are still here, they say aren't cheap. i just spent $29 on a sandwich and soup, and lee's would have been a lot less expensive. >> absolutely, i agree. >> so this is where it was here? >> yeah. inside here. rodney fong from san francisco's chamber of commerce was a former lee's deli customer himself and says rents are already being pushed down in the area.
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>> now the city needs to act to preserve businesses in the financial district and make it easier to start new businesses, permitting getting out of the way of allowing businesses to streamline, to open businesses, lifting some of the taxes. >> we're heavily burdened. tax city for businesses. and so lifting that opportunity, giving people incentive to be downtown. >> san francisco's office of economic and workforce development says the city is working to transform the area, to activate the space and bring people here at all hours, not just 9 to 5. vanderhill says the city helped him open wack donuts in four embarcadero. he says he'd welcome more events in the nearby plaza. >> i'd like to see stuff happening like monday through saturday, like, you know, have a little, um, events here for like, you know, and it could be a range you can have live music live, uh, functions, dance events, but for now, he says he and other nearby businesses need help to survive. there should be more incentives for small businesses like, hey, give us
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like you know, like a 25 k, like first time, you know, store front, you know, because a lot of us, you know, this is all a combination of mostly my savings that i'm literally putting into the shop. >> as for the owner of lee's deli, lee kwan says he'll miss his beloved customers and workers and says he's sorry to see the business go in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu, fox two news. >> it might not be spring quite yet, but that is not stopping a rare tropical flower from blooming today at san francisco's cow academy, the science museum, six foot tall corpse flower specimen named mirage is expected to open this evening, and once it opens, it will emit a famously foul smell. many compare it to garlic or feet, maybe even rotting flesh. the bloom will only last about 24 hours. people have come in from all over to witness today's unseasonably early bloom. >> it's incredible. it is just absolutely fascinating. and getting to talk to the
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biologists about the flower and learning a little bit more, more, um, has just been an incredible experience. >> corpse flowers are endangered and can take as many as 7 to 10 years to bloom. >> it has been a life saving spot for young people offering medical services to anyone and everyone who needs it. we take a look at the dream clinic coming up, plus, israeli soldiers fire on civilians in gaza city was it a war, crime or self-defense? >> i'm mike tobin in te aviv. deta s.oming
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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primary ballot. there illinois is the third state to make the move after colorado and maine. plaintiffs have argued that trump is ineligible due to a clause in the 14th amendment, prohibits those who engage in insurrection from holding office. the supreme court is now deciding whether a single state has that power in a presidential election committed insurrection, which of course, the constitution says if you do that, you can't be on the ballot. >> we have seen them unleash this cabal of lawyers, prosecutors and so forth, all designed to achieve one thing. >> and that is prevent donald trump from even being on the ballot, even having a chance to get elected. >> the illinois ruling is delayed from taking effect until the supreme court makes a decision in the colorado case, the supreme court has also agreed to consider trump's argument that he can't be prosecuted for his attempts to
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overturn the 2020 election because of presidential immunity. the hearing is scheduled for april 22nd. following breaking news now out of washington, the u.s. senate has just approved another short terms spending bill that will keep one set of federal agencies operating through march 8th, and another set through march 22nd. now, this legislation has actually already passed the house. >> it will allow congress to avoid a shutdown for parts of the federal government scheduled to begin on saturday. the short time extension is the fourth in recent months, the renewed focus on this year's spending bills does not include a separate effort to provide military aid to ukraine and israel in the middle east, witnesses say israeli troops opened fire on a large crowd of palestinians racing to pull food off of a convoy in gaza city. palestinian health officials say more than 100 people were killed. israel says many of those who died were trampled in a chaotic stampede, and that its troops only fired when they felt endangered by the crowd. israel says this was in
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self-defense. palestinians say it was a war crime. fox's mike tobin has more from tel aviv. in fact, the cease fire is possible by monday, sir. >> probably not by monday, but i'm hopeful president biden, not mincing words about the potential impact of an israeli strike on palestinian civilians. >> it happened on thursday. witnesses say israeli forces fired on a crowd of people waiting in line for food in gaza city. more than 100 were killed and at least 700 injured. but israeli officials tell a different story. they say the idf was helping to distribute aid when the crowd became violent, forcing the troops to defend themselves. >> humanitarian aid vehicles entered the gaza strip and were overwhelmed by by people attempting to essentially loot to take that aid from those aid trucks. >> the white house says it is still investigating, but the incident underscores the urgency of the cease fire talks currently underway. president
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biden had previously said he was hoping for a new agreement by monday, but acknowledges that's not likely after today's attack. >> we're checking that out right now. there's two competing versions of what happened. >> i don't have an answer yet. are you worried about a complicated negotiation? >> i know will making things worse. there are virtually no medical supplies to treat the hundreds of wounded civilians, resulting in chaotic scenes inside the few remaining hospitals still functioning in northern gaza. >> what is happening to us is unjust. it is unfair. we are people who just want to live and eat us. >> defense secretary lloyd austin told congress. more than 25,000 women and children have been killed in gaza since october in tel aviv. mike tobin, fox news. >> still to come, a special school with a special purpose. its goal to keep young mothers on the path to getting their high school diploma and more than a medical clinic coming up next. >> a place where young people can go not only for their health care needs, but help to navigate life and heavy showers moving
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through the bay area over the last hour or so. >> that should be the heaviest of it for the night. we do have light scattered showers on slate for the evening and more tomorrow. that forecast comi up.
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for more information about side effects talk to your doctor. thanks, mom. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. a pfizer product. democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. services for teenagers and young adults in the city of oakland, ktvu alice wirtz went to the dream youth clinic, where health
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care is just part of the support being offered. >> doctor aisha mayes is a physician focused on youth health. she's the executive director and founder of the dream youth clinic in downtown oakland. we love working with young people. >> i've spent my entire career working with youth in oakland and i really felt like it was so important to work for some of the youth who have been made most vulnerable by our society in oakland. so it really was a perfect fit. >> her mission is to help youth, not just with their health care needs, but making choices in life because if you can't, if you don't have support navigating your life, it's really hard to think about your health care. this isn't just a clinic. it's a safe space to get a meal, take a shower, or get help finding a job. >> in addition to medical services, we integrate our youth programing. we have health navigation for our young people, so that's working one on one with youth around those basic needs they may need. maybe they need to. get their identification, maybe they're looking for a job. maybe they're trying to reenroll in school
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with a large social media presence. >> dream youth clinic wants to be where students can find them. >> we always welcome questions and we always let young people know that they are here and they will receive services at no cost to them. >> social emotional, cultural. there's a lot for young adults to deal with these days. >> other social vulnerabilities. young people who are unsheltered, young people who are experiencing sex trafficking , young people who are involved in the foster care system or the juvenile justice system. and we open our arms for all those young people. >> one program at the clinic is the young mothers rising group. erica mcbride is a health advocate and coordinator. she knows her work being a mom of four herself. i let them know what i went through firsthand. >> and you're speaking to somebody who went through this. >> she knows what the young moms need. if i can get them connected with some type of housing program, that is my number one thing. >> and nine times out of ten, we are partnered with somebody who has a housing program for mothers with young children. >> partnerships are what make the program successful.
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>> we have very strong partnerships here. we partner with our shelter partners, with our behavioral health partners. other than partnerships, grant's foundation and individual gifts make these programs happen. >> at dream youth clinic, our community partners are very, so much involved. >> and it's not just one community partner. it's another two. so, you know, just wherever we can get the help to service these youth, we're going to do it. >> the dream youth clinic has been around since 2017. now with two locations in oakland and coming in late march, we'll have a third in east oakland in oakland, alice wirtz, ktvu, fox two news. a new school in san leandro is aimed at helping teen parents complete their high school educations. >> the ribbon cutting ceremony was held at the carolyn hobbs academy on foothill boulevard this morning. hobbs is a retired principal who served alameda county schools for more than 20 years. the academy and her name will provide on site childcare to support young parents as they work to receive their high
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school diplomas. >> as a child comes into this world with a clean slate, parents and educators have a responsibility to assist in building a child's slate, which will. bring value to the child and value to this world. >> the carolyn hobbs academy is partnering with la placita preschool, which serves english language learners. >> this week, construction got underway to repair storm damage to the historic trocadero clubhouse in san francisco's stern grove. the landmark building shut down last year after a large eucalyptus tree crashed right into the roof during a storm. the city's rec and park department says the $2.5 million repair project is being funded through its general fund, as well as reimburse from fema. built in 1892, the clubhouse once served as a dance and gambling hall in modern day and spent a popular spot for weddings and other events. it's expected to reopen by the end of the year. >> all right, some heavy showers
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on the afternoon commute, especially in the central and south bay, as this line of showers. as we look at the live radar, this line of showers right here, that's kind of the frontal system. temperatures have cooled a few degrees in the last few hours as it's passed through the north bay. it's moving off. it's going to move up into the mountains where it's going to do all sorts of snow production there. in the meantime, we've got this widely scattered shower activity behind the front, which is going to last. it's going to stick around this whole weekend. we're going to see a little bit of everything this weekend. even a thunderstorm is possible. and by sunday morning, snow on some bay area peaks not out of the question, but the real story obviously, is this mountain snow. that blizzard warning that's in effect for three days. the golden gate bridge looks pretty dry. not on the road, but dry from the sky for the most part right now. and you see the blue some some breaks in the clouds in the background there. that's kind of how this is today is sort of like how our whole weekend is going to go. so we're going to see a little bit of everything. we're going to see some breaks. we're going to see some clouds. we're going to see
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some showers. we're going to see some thunder showers. we're going to see some snow and bay area peaks. it's going to be very, very much like a spring weather pattern for us. tie on a little bit on steroids, but not massive rain amounts. but in the mountains, of course, it equates to a whole nother deal where they're going to get just slammed with nonstop precipitation, rain and snow, and to the point on sunday and monday the snow levels will be down to 3000ft. and that creates a whole nother issue when you get snow below the traditional spots, because then you're you don't have the resources, you don't have the plows, you don't have the things you need to clear. and that's so, so all those problems are going to ensue. it's a cooled off quite a bit from yesterday. just trying to point out that switch in the air masses. right. that front goes through. this is the forecast model. this is saying about now. and that looks like the front. and then we stop it at midnight tonight scattered showers. and then we stop it again tomorrow morning. and one thing i want you to notice is look at the mountains still going right. so no matter what we do, we're still going now this looks pretty juicy on friday night, a chance of a thunderstorm form and then it
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continues on saturday. so how do you forecast that? right it's air mass stuff. it's a giant cold, unstable air mass that if it hits a hill or it hits a mountain or it hits get some warmth underneath it, it hits a warm patch of ocean, it's going to it's going to go off and that's where we are in some areas. you see sun, we're going to see sun tomorrow. you're going to see a little bit of sun on saturday. but don't be fooled because it'll keep coming back. and the mountains, they ain't seeing sun. it's going to keep going because those clouds get wrapped up on that, on that, on that ridgeline, on the, on the summit. i will see you back here at six. >> but boom, i just stopped. i tried to get out. i couldn't get out. >> a 15 year old north bay star athlete suffers a spinal cord injury after a snowboarding accident. coming up next, hear from that teen about his road to recovery. >> and coming up tonight at six. proponents of the california forever plan city in solano county quickly facing a key deadline. the process needed to get the issue onto the ballot for voters to decide. also, some
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parents may actually try to avoid having their children born on leap day, but others look forward to it. the stories from inside a bay area maternity ward today "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. with democrat katie porter. let's go win this thing!
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then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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and his coaches, who say blake is an exceptional young man who will get through this difficult time. >> i caught edge and i was trying to avoid this tree, and i caught another edge and went boom, right into the tree. i just stopped. i could not feel my legs. >> blake mendenhall of napa spoke with me while recovering in a reno hospital. he crashed into a tree while snowboarding at a tahoe ski resort sunday afternoon. now his parents are by his side, along with his favorite nurse. family members say he severed his spinal cord and cannot walk. despite his life changing injuries, the 15 year old is upbeat even if something's going wrong. >> are you getting hurt? what i've realized from how much pain and suffering i've been through, is to just never give up, never
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back down. >> the family, says blake, has undergone multiple hours of neurosurgery and has rods holding his spine together. >> and the way he handles it completely changes the way i start to think about it. and he lifts me up at vintage high. >> blake is a talented athlete, excelling in many sports. his coaches and the community are giving his family support. >> he's always smiling. he's always just the. sweetest kid. >> so this is blake, right here kicking the extra point. >> the ninth grader is the kicker for vintage high's freshman football team. >> he's just going to work so hard to get to where he needs to be. even going through this tragedy. >> blake wearing number 12, is also a soccer player. and he recently joined the golf team. he was supposed to be in school monday to receive a special award for being an exceptional student athlete with a great work ethic. he was just awesome as a coach. >> whether it be football, golf or soccer. you wish you had like 20 blake's. you know, with that
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kind of attitude on your teams. >> i miss you guys back in napa and can't wait, can't wait to see you guys again. and thanks for all that support and help. >> blake tells me he will be receiving care at craig's hospital in colorado, which specializes in spinal cord injuries. it will likely be months before he'll be able to return home to napa. in the meantime, family members are raising funds to help with expenses, including modifications that are now needed in his home in napa, amber lee, ktvu, fox two news this is ktvu, fox two news at six. >> right now, the sierra getting hit by a powerful blizzard. authorities urging people here not to drive up to tahoe. the storm also has been rolling through the bay area. as we give you a live look out at the san mateo bridge. there it is. it has been a wet commute for many all across the bay area. this new winter storm bringing rain, snow and wind to northern
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california. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm cristina rendon. >> people in sierra are preparing for conditions that will make travel extremely difficult and dangerous in the days ahead. this storm is already causing problems on the road up in the sierra. the chp and truckee shared this video of a snow plow at work. we have been told there have been several accidents on i-80 near donner lake. we'll give you another live look here. this one at interstate 80 near donner lake. this hour you can see not many people on the road at all. chain controls are currently in effect on 80 as well as interstate 50. in the lake tahoe basin and here in the bay area, the rain has been rolling mostly off and on really throughout the day. >> this is what it looked like in oakland late this afternoon, not far from chinatown. people had their umbrellas out and windshield wipers were definitely going. and let's give you a live look at at san francisco international. according to the faa, the ground delay is currently in effect flights experiencing an average delay of more than two hours. with that, we bring in chief meteorologist bill martin. you've been saying, you know, off and on rain here, but up in th


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