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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  February 29, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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california. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm cristina rendon. >> people in sierra are preparing for conditions that will make travel extremely difficult and dangerous in the days ahead. this storm is already causing problems on the road up in the sierra. the chp and truckee shared this video of a snow plow at work. we have been told there have been several accidents on i-80 near donner lake. we'll give you another live look here. this one at interstate 80 near donner lake. this hour you can see not many people on the road at all. chain controls are currently in effect on 80 as well as interstate 50. in the lake tahoe basin and here in the bay area, the rain has been rolling mostly off and on really throughout the day. >> this is what it looked like in oakland late this afternoon, not far from chinatown. people had their umbrellas out and windshield wipers were definitely going. and let's give you a live look at at san francisco international. according to the faa, the ground delay is currently in effect flights experiencing an average delay of more than two hours. with that, we bring in chief meteorologist bill martin. you've been saying, you know, off and on rain here, but up in the sierra, i mean, it's not off
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and on. no it's going to be snowing going straight through. yeah. >> all this moisture is getting getting stuck. it's just like a dam and the moisture gets hits, hits the side of the sierra nevada. and it just stacking up there. even this system that's just moving through the bay area now and they're going to it's going to stay until it gets all the moisture ringed out of it by the orographic component of the lift. and, and so it's just going to i've talked to folks up there in the last ten minutes and it's, it's starting to snow. and they've already had inches of snow measured. but as this system which went through here this afternoon, you probably you're looking at the rain totals now. but the system that kind of moved through here is going to get stuck up on that. west slope. it's going to create winds that are up over 80 miles an hour. easy and blizzard conditions for sure here in the next few hours up there. so yeah, it's a it's a strong storm with the wind. and i think in the bay area when all is said and done, it's going to be we're going to talk a lot about the wind because the rainfall accumulations, even the rain we got in this last kind of downpour this afternoon is
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relatively light compared to what you could be getting in those atmospheric river type events that we had been seeing. but the wind advisory stays in effect and will be in effect through tonight and tomorrow, and the next day. and then the rain where is it right now? where is it going? there's the head. the main system right there. that kind of line you can kind of see it. it's pushing through. and then stuff behind it, but not as well organized. now we're getting into the colder air sector and we're going to see some instability. we might even see a thunderstorm as we head into late tonight or early tomorrow and the next day and the next day. widely scattered showers, a little bit of everything for the bay area. it's going to be a lot of one thing for the mountains. it's going to be a lot of snow, and that's going to be up to ten to 9 to 10 to 12ft. as we get into sunday morning. that's at least how it's looking, especially in the southern sierra nevada. so that's it. it's happening. it's going on. the mountains are not the place to be. right now. when i come back, we'll line up the forecast, the look at the model and we'll look at all the stuff we got back here in a few minutes. >> sounds good bill. thank you.
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a quick reminder you can always stay ahead of the storm with our ktvu weather app. the app has current conditions and a live interactive radar, and it breaks down the forecast hour by hour. it is free to download. all right, as bill mentioned, multiple feet of new snow, possibly 10 to 12ft expected in the coming days. >> there in the sierra. and today the snow survey was done right off highway 50. ktvu tom vacar has more on those results. >> if you don't have to travel, don't. and i'm really going to be blunt when it comes to it. um, your safety is number one, even at its monthly snow survey, the department of water resources echoed the chp. >> we want to remind the public, do not travel to the sierra nevada as this upcoming weekend. >> so did pg and e it just avoid travel, stay at home or another safe place. the blizzard will bring high winds, massive snow, bitter cold, falling trees, even snow laden mudslides beyond full closures and long delays, slippery conditions can cause collisions or vehicles leaving the road into high snow drifts where deadly hypothermia is possible, or going off cliffs. running vehicles covered by snow
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can cause carbon monoxide asphyxiation. mountain power outages are likely to be widespread. >> we expect a significant storm, especially in the sierra nevada region, because of low and heavy snow. this does lead to power outages when trees get laden with snow and fail, the utility will bring in additional crews, contractors, materials and mountain machinery. >> knowing that access to downed power lines can be difficult or impossible. that's because many power poles span forests instead of established roads, we use snowcats snow mobiles, and other equipment that can travel on snow and carry materials and crews. nonetheless at berkeley's california ski company, dangerous roads notwithstanding, the anticipated crowd of customers want to be mountainside to enjoy the after blizzard powder. >> they still want to get up there and be there so that when the resorts do open and it's safe to ski, they can have kind of the first taste of the new snow. the survey found the
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snowpack is now 80% of average for the state, but still just 70% of the peak. >> april 1st average. >> we have a big storm starting here through the weekend. um, and it will be a cold one. our first big cold storm of the year, and it will be a good snow producer. >> it will take several additional storms within the month of march to really get us from the current 70% of april 1st average, up to 100% of average by the 1st of april. >> the state's big six mega reservoirs are almost 80% full now, which is 114% of where they've historically been on this date. that's generally true at northern california's 30 major reservoirs tom vacar ktvu fox two news. >> a public forum is set to get underway in less than 30 minutes for candidates vying for the job of the oakland police chief, the oakland police commission released its new list of four finalists earlier this week. they include former san leandro police chief abdul pridgen, who
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left the job last week after being placed on leave in september. mayor tao has already rejected him and two other candidates, who were presented in december, including former police chief lauren armstrong, whom she fired more than a year ago. the mayor said she will not take part in tonight's meeting until the commission that the public forum could put candidates at risk of losing their current jobs or put the city in a bidding war with their current employer. tonight's meeting is open to the public. people can also watch through zoom. it starts at 630 at oakland city hall. the commission says it intends to give mayor tao a second list of finalists tomorrow. >> alameda county residents are voting to address the rules when it comes to recall procedures. voters are being asked whether to make changes and updates to align the county rules to california, says ktvu. henry lee reports. the vote comes amid a push to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price. >> alameda county voters are not voting tuesday on whether to recall district attorney pamela price, but what they will decide
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is whether to align the county's outdated recall procedures with those of the state. >> this is specifically about a recall procedure. where it's not about anyone recall at all. >> that means if passed, measure b would raise the number of signatures needed to put a recall on the ballot. give the registrar more time to count signatures, and set up a recall. election supervisor lina tam says. as it stands now, alameda county has a ten day deadline to verify signatures. state law allows for 30 days. we need to, uh, be practical in our ability to verify the signature, but also call. for the recall election. tam supports the measure, but critics said now isn't the time to change recall procedures, as some recall efforts are underway. >> they were a concern about the timing and the potential for confusion. >> state law requires signature gatherers to be only 18 or over. as it stands now under the county's charter, those with petitions must live in alameda county.
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>> but the supreme court has found similar requirements in other jurisdictions for circulating these type of petitions to be unconstitutional . >> let's give a big hand to pamela price and an event thursday with local pastors. >> price said if measure b passes and if she's recalled, then the board of supervisors would likely appoint someone to fill the rest of her terms. price says not only would those who voted for her be disenfranchized, but the entire electorate, every resident in this county who is a registered voter will have lost the right to choose how justice is administered in this county. >> give this dear servant of the lord, this community servant, give an opportunity. let us serve out her time. let her complete what she's doing because her agenda cannot be accomplished overnight. >> the earliest any day recall election could be sent out could potentially be a month after election day. if this measure passes. henry lee ktvu, fox two
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news. the mass shooting suspect accused of killing seven halfmoon bay farm workers was in a redwood city courtroom for his arraignment today. >> a grand jury indicted chunli zhao on seven counts of murder and one count of attempted murder. his attorney entered a plea of not guilty on his behalf. zhao was also waived his right to a quick trial. prosecutors say the mass shootings back in january of 2023 at two half bay, half moon bay mushroom farms happened after zhao had an argument with a coworker. the judge ordered zhao to return to court in april to set a trial date. he remains in custody without bail. the clock is ticking for the billionaire backers of a planned new city in solano county to gather signatures for a november ballot measure. >> today is the deadline for the solano county council to give the ballot initiative a title and a summary. now after that, the california forever campaign will have as little as two months to gather. 13,000 signatures for verified action. developers want to build a city that would include 20,000 new homes right near travis air
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force base. the plan has generated opposition among some nearby residents and lawmakers, who are critical of the secrecy that has surrounded the plan. >> the dueling visits to the southern voters, the contrasting messages from president biden and former president trump. >> also ahead, the governor fires back at claims his ties to a panera franchise owner influenced a state law on minimum wage. >> plus, it's a blessing and a curse, i think. yeah well, what are the odds of being born on a leap day? >> what the rare birthday entails for some special babies born today. >> and a quick check of that evening commute as we give you a live look at 880 in oakland on this thursday night. a little slow going there by the coliseum on the southbound direction there at the limit in the northbound direction. you're watching ktvu news at six.
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across the country. the money is part of the bipartisan infrastructure law that was signed into law two years ago and is the largest investment in public transit in american history. of that money, $849 million has been awarded to california. that includes more than 240 million for bay area transit. the money has not yet been allocated to specific agencies. >> president biden and former president trump both traveled to the southern border today. as immigration shapes up as a major campaign issue. president biden calling for the passage of a bipartisan security legislation that would include thousands of
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asylum officers. >> they desperately need more resources, say it again. they desperately need more resources. they need more agents, more officers, more judges, more equipment in order to secure our border. folks, it's time for us to move on this. we can't wait any longer. >> the president blamed donald trump for torpedoing the border bill as he met with federal agents in brownsville, texas. officials say arrests for illegal crossings fell by half last month following record highs in december. 300 miles away. former president trump was in eagle pass, where he blamed president biden for the increase in migrant crossings. >> but it's a allowing thousands and thousands of people to come in from china, iran, yemen, the congo, syria and a lot of other nations. >> the united states of america is dealing with more deadly consequences than we have in our entire lifetime because of joe
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biden's policies, forces on the border, donald trump went to a park as he saw, along with texas governor greg abbott, where the texas national guard has put up a razor wire in defiance of a supreme court order. >> trump is proposing reviving his controversial travel ban, imposing ideological screening for migrants and terminating all work permits. lawmakers in alabama are moving closer to approving protections for fertility clinics. three ivf providers in alabama paused services after the state supreme court ruled that frozen embryos are considered children. today, lawmakers in both chambers pushed legislation forward to shield in vitro providers from lawsuits and prosecution for the damage or death of an embryo during ivf services. lawmakers hope to have the measure approved by next week. >> well, it's a special day, february 29th. only comes once every four years, and so do
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babies or birthdays. for babies that are born on this day. but it also leaves kind of parents with the question, do they celebrate their baby's birthday on february 20th 8th or march 1st? >> ktvu crystal bailey spoke to some new parents at sutter health in san francisco about that decision. she's here with us in studio. an exciting day for these parents, crystal. >> it sure has been a very big day. it's also a very big decision to make. and for some legal document seishan these parents do have to pick a day. now, some parents actually try to avoid february 29th for child birth, but it does not discourage the couple. i met today who are thrilled about the birth of their first born baby on such a rare day, julia, persian, and edward very welcomed their newborn baby girl luna, just after one in the morning on february 29th. >> we're so grateful she's here. >> julia went in on monday to be induced, but it wasn't until thursday that luna arrived. >> friends were joking like, oh, it's going to be a leap day, baby. and we didn't think it would be. we were like, oh, that's way too far out. it's
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going to be here tomorrow. and then it actually took the full three days. >> she was the first baby born on leap day at sutter health's california pacific medical center. the proud parents waited until they got to know her before they decided on a name. we wanted to see her first, to really make sure that the name suited her. >> it's going to be sad for her, i guess. >> not to be able to celebrate her birthday every year on the exact day, but then hopefully that fourth year will make up for it. >> the chances of being born on leap day are about 0.068. that is about 1 in 1400 people, and they're often referred to as leaplings. >> our little leap ling yeah, roughly 5 million people in the world are leaplings. >> leap day began in 45 bc, when julius caesar added the extra day to keep the calendar in sync with the seasons. because it takes 300 and 65.25 days for the earth to orbit the sun. now, as for when julia and edward will celebrate luna's birthday next year, it's going to be february 20th 8th or march 1st, probably
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28th. >> um, or maybe she gets both days as a bonus and do something proper every fourth year because it's a very special day. >> and you heard that right. luna might have two birthdays. she wasn't the only leap day baby. today at sutter health cpmc there were three babies born earlier in the day with the expectation for three more leap links to arrive by midnight. >> i love it, it's so sweet and it's just so nice to see these families welcoming their children on such a special day. >> a unique day indeed, and a beautiful name. >> luna fits right? >> yeah, it really does fit right. >> crystal. thank you. all right, bill, we'll send it over to you. >> all right. we're looking at the weather right now. we've got the snow falling in the mountains. we've got some rain around here. most of the activity. the heaviest rain is kind of moved through the bay area right now. the heaviest really heavy mist, kind of drizzle and now we're getting widely scattered showers. and that kind of continues really right for the next couple of days. but the mountains will be the main story, as you know, and you can see that blizzard warning in effect until 10 a.m.
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on sunday. and basically whiteout conditions. and you impossible, nearly impossible travel up there, i would suspect certainly on friday i would think tomorrow the potential to have 50 and 80 close on and off is definitely a real possibility. so we'll keep an eye out on that. here are the radar returns and you can see the heaviest band of showers that has moved through. if i back it up a little bit, you can kind of see you can pick up that line. right. and that line that's, that's that was that big, heavy kind of burst we had. and now you see what's behind it are just kind of not well organized packets of energy that are going to come onshore between now and sunday morning. and we're going to see everything from scattered showers to sun to thunderstorms to some snow on bay area peaks. it's going to be like that for us, but in the mountains, as i keep saying, it's just going to be about snow, snow and more snow. wind is going to be a thing that a wind advisory goes into effect for the bay area. tomorrow we'll see a wind advisory in the or in the tahoe area. a wind warning as well as we go through the next three
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days where their wind gusts up there could easily reach over 100 miles an hour, easily. and that's going to create issues with power and what have you in the mountains. so just another reason to stay clear. i'll have the full forecast. we'll look at the five day when i return. >> sounds good. bill thank you. still to come, congress passes an 11th hour deal to keep the government funded. >> also ahead, a big silicon valley tie up between ai and robots. the idea that the two could help with everyday tasks, plus high. i'm franklin. >> i've lived in a lot of different places. >> welcome home franklin. still to come. continuing the legacy of peanuts creator charles schulz, the comic strip's first black character, the
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class
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had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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being reported in gaza city after witnesses say israeli troops fired on a large crowd of palestinians waiting for food. gaza health officials described it as a massacre and said that more than 100 people were killed and at least 700 were injured when israeli soldiers opened fire on civilians raced to grab food from humanitarian aid delivery trucks. israeli officials contend many of the dead were trampled in a chaotic stampede and that troops only fired when they felt endangered by the crowd. president biden acknowledged that the deadly incident threatened plans for a new cease fire agreement by monday. two competing versions of what happened. >> i don't have an answer yet.
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are you worried about complicated negotiations? i know will. >> officials say the situation is dire at the few hospital is still operating in northern gaza . those hospitals have been flooded with hundreds of injured civilians and virtually no medical supplies to treat the wounded. >> the us senate has just approved another short tum spending bill that will keep a set of federal agencies operating through march 8th, and another set through march 22nd. the legislation already passed the house earlier today. it allows congress to avoid a partial federal government shutdown that was set to kick in this saturday. this is the fourth short terme extension in recent months. renewed focus on this year's spending bills does not include a separate effort to send military aid to ukraine and israel. attorneys for the social media platform x appeared in court today after asking a judge to penalize a nonprofit research group for tracking hate speech on their platform. the attorneys for x argued that the center for countering digital hate violates their platform's terms of
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service, and that the center's reports about a rise in hate speech on accents. elon musk took over hurt the site's advertising. meanwhile, the center says musk is using his wealth to try to silence his critics despite his claims to support free speech. no decision was made today, but the judge appeared skeptical of arguments made by ex. >> new at six the latest deal in the tech world, openai is looking to fuze artificial intelligence systems into humanoid robots created by a sunnyvale based robotics startup . that startup is called figure and it announced the partnership today, as well as a $675 million in funding, which includes contributions from jeff bezos, microsoft and nvidia. under the deal, openai will build specialized ai models for figures robots likely based on open ai's existing language model, tech scene and chatgpt. financial terms of the deal were not disclosed on wall street markets did finish higher, partly because of the strength of ai and chip maker stocks. the
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dow was up more than 47 points. the nasdaq had a great day, up more than 144 points, ending at a record high, and the s&p ended the day up 286. a key government report on consumer spending showed prices rose by 0.3, which was in line with economists predictions. >> as you coming up on ktvu news at 630, san jose mayor matt marin has only been on the job for a year, and he's already up for reelection. some challengers trying to get him out of office. plus once a staple of the downtown, lee's delis have disappeared. >> customers say they're sad, and now people are wondering what can replace them. >> and the giants prize newcomer makes his presence felt almost immediately. jason appelbaum has the story tonight in sports
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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chain controls are currently in effect on both interstate 80 and highway 50 through lake tahoe. authorities are telling people in the sierra to prepare for heavy snow and strong winds. they're also advising people here in the bay area to reconsider travel this weekend. >> all right, let's give you a live look right now inside oakland city hall, where a public forum for the candidates for oakland police chief is just about to get underway here, four candidates are expected to appear in person or virtually, including the former chief of san leandro, oakland mayor shane tao says she will not participate in this meeting. >> the mass shooting suspect accused of killing seven half moon bay farm workers was in a
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san mateo county courtroom for his arraignment. shunli zhao pleaded not guilty to seven counts of murder and one count of attempted murder. the mass shootings in january 2023, at two half moon bay mushroom farms, allegedly happened after zhao had an argument with a coworker. a trial date will be set in april. he is being held without bail and you are watching ktvu, fox two news here at 630. >> san jose's mayor is up for reelection this year, even though mayor mehan has only been in office here for a little more than a year. >> yeah, that's because the city switched its election code to coincide with the presidential election. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary explains the reason for the switch. all right, days before the march primary election, san jose mayor matt mehan, engaging in his version of stumping for votes. >> an empty lot in north san jose is an unusual but picturesque setting to showcase his accomplishments in office. >> i think the best way to campaign is to solve the problems facing our city. i'm focused on getting san jose back to basics, getting people
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indoors was faster and out of these tent encampment that are across the city. >> the familiar theme, a holdover from mahan's campaign rhetoric of 2022, when he won the general election over cindy chavez. the city then moved its mayoral election to coincide with the presidential election cycle to increase voter turnout. they're going to have some variation from election cycle to election cycle, but you're going to create a more diverse and representative electorate. >> that's the idea behind the change this year. >> mahan's opponent is a little known political journeyman, tyrone wade. his website doesn't list campaign stops and touts campaign themes of human rights, religious freedom, and limited government. >> this raising issues that are important to him. um, you know, it's another way to get involved, certainly in, you know, civic life is to run for office and i would hope more people run for office. i think it's generally a good thing. >> while wade's impact may be muted by mahan's sizable lead, the santa clara county registrar of voters office says adjusting
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the mayoral election cycle has had an impact this year. participation in the primary election is running between 5 and 10% ahead of 2022. >> right now, we are approximately about a little over 10, um, in in returned ballots, um, and with an estimated voter turnout for the entire election, between 45 to 55, experts say the percentage bump could grow to 35% in the coming years. >> the first one. as for mahan, a sizable lead and no other options, means he's focused on delivering results, not making promises to appease voters. and i want to push us to be more focused, to be more efficient, biased toward action. if mahan secures 50% plus one of the vote on tuesday, he will win a four year terms as mayor. no need to go to the general election in november and conceivably in four years, he could run again and get another four year terms, putting him in office for most
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of this decade. the south bay bureau, jesse gary, ktvu, fox two news, governor newsom is brushing off allegations that his ties to a franchise owner of several panera locations in influenced a state law on minimum wages for fast food workers in 2022. >> the governor signed a bill into law that set minimum wages at $20 an hour for fast food workers, bloomberg news reported this week that panera franchise owner greg flynn, who is a high school friend of the governor, used his influence to successfully lobby for a carve out for chains that bake and sell bread. now, some republican lawmakers are pushing for an external investigation. >> who's in charge of investigating this? who's in charge of making sure that the law was actually followed and that there was nothing shady going on and frankly, i don't think the attorney general is capable of doing that. i mean, the attorney general is likely to run for governor and he's in the same party and very close with the governor. i think it has to be an outside agency.
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>> the governor's office says newsom never met with flynn about the bill, and that a legal analysis has found that panera is not exempt from the law. >> lee's deli, a mainstay for people looking for affordable food in san francisco's financial district, has closed its doors for good as ktvu christien kafton reports, the neighborhood there just can't seem to recover from the pandemic. at one time, there were a dozen lee's delis dotted in the area in and around the financial district and south of market in san francisco. >> but owner lee quan says a combination of covid, high minimum wage costs, street conditions, theft and a lack of people returning to the downtown all worked together to force him to close them all down. workers in the financial district say they'll miss the signature deli and inexpensive eats. >> i'm walking over here just actually walking around to see what's available in the like, broader vicinity that isn't 20 bucks to eat lunch. >> those working in the area say it's part of a trend of closures that has left one vacant
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storefront after another, leaving them with few options and the options that are still here. they say aren't cheap. >> i just spent $29 on a sandwich and soup, and lee's would have been a lot less expensive. absolutely i agree. >> so this is where it was here. >> yeah. inside here. >> rodney fong from san francisco's chamber of commerce was a former lee's deli customer himself and says rents are already being pushed down in the area. now the city needs to act to preserve businesses in the financial district and make it easier to start new businesses, permitting getting out of the way of allowing businesses to streamline, to open businesses, lifting some of the taxes were heavily burdened. >> tax city for businesses and so lifting that opportunity, giving people incentive to be downtown. >> san francisco's office of economic and workforce development says the city is working to transform the area, to activate the space and bring people here at all hours, not just 9 to 5. van der hill says the city helped him open wack donuts in four embarcadero. he says he'd welcome more events in
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the nearby plaza, you know, and it could be a range. >> you can have live music, live, uh, functions, dance events. >> as for the owner of lee's deli, lee quan says he'll miss his beloved customers and workers and says he's sorry to see the business go in san francisco. christien kafton ktvu fox two news. >> still ahead, franklin's time to shine a deeper look at the new special celebrating peanut's first black character
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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shut down last year after a large eucalyptus crashed into the roof during a storm. the city's rec and park department says the $2.5 million repair project is being funded through its general fund, as well as reimburse amounts from fema. built in 1892, the clubhouse
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once served as a dance and gambling hall. in modern day. it's been a popular spot for weddings and other events. it is expected to reopen by the end of the year. >> teen parents will get help to complete their high school educations at a new school that's just been opened in san leandro. the ribbon cutting ceremony was held at the carolyn hobbs academy on foothill boulevard this morning. hobbs is a retired principal who served alameda county schools for more than 20 years. she has long been known as a mentor to students and staff alike. she said it will provide the tools to allow students to thrive. >> the tools necessary to build a better and brighter world are honesty, kindness, love of truth and education. the carolyn hobbs academy is partnering with la placita preschool, which serves english language learners. >> the academy will provide on site childcare to support young parents as they work to receive their high school diplomas. >> all righty. we are watching
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the weather. we're checking the rain totals when we come back, we'll also look at what's to come as we head towards the weekend. >> all right. now to alex savidge and a look at some of the stories we're working on for west coast rap. coming up at seven. alex. mike, thank you. >> tonight at seven we'll take a closer look at all the preparations happening for what is expected to be california. s biggest snowstorm of the season. we're already seeing some crashes on those roadways up in the mountains. we'll hear from an emergency services coordinator up in the sierra who has some advice for people on how to stay safe during this storm. also, a washington man is looking forward to blasting off into space this weekend. we'll show you how he is getting ready for his mission. those stories and a whole lot more. tonight at seven on west coast rap. and of course, that's followed by the ktvu, fox two n s at 730 with heather h mes
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms
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and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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into one of the most beloved comic strips. >> peanuts is carrying on the legacy of charles schulz by telling the story of its first black character, franklin ktvu. greg lee spoke to the driving force behind the new program about what it means to him. >> i'm franklin armstrong, my name is charlie brown. >> the iconic peanuts comic strip introduces a new apple tv
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special, welcome home franklin, released during black history month. the new program tells the origin story of its first black character, frankie an was coming into this established group from the outside when it badly to fit in here. >> i was coming into this established thing a peanuts worldwide wanting really desperately to fit in and here i was, uh, a black person representing something for black people. and on some level, franklin feels that rob armstrong co-wrote the special he created the long running comic strip jump start, was a dear friend of the late peanuts creator charles sparky schulz, and was the inspiration for franklin's last name. it's continuing the legacy of charles schulz. this man was my friend. uh, i miss sparky to this day. >> schulz first introduced franklin in 1960, eight, months after the assassination of martin luther king junior, and amid the civil rights movement. a teacher in la harriet. glickman wrote him urging him to integrate peanuts. armstrong says sparky was hesitant because he didn't want it to come off as
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patronizing. when he did introduce franklin, his editor said no. schulz threatened to quit. >> this man said, i will forfeit my whole career in defense of franklin, and to me, it's the most important part of this story. >> hey, franklin, what kind of music do you like? the gods of soul, james brown. you're not related, are you? >> the new story shows franklin trying to make friends in his new town while being authentic to himself and gently addressing the issue of race along the way. >> one thing was for sure there was a lack of variety in this place. >> we didn't want to have him use his racial differences or their established, uh, whiteness. he didn't want to use his blackness as a cudgel against them, which is why he speaks in a kind of a subtext about it, using his notebook filled with advice from his grandfather, franklin finds his way in the peanuts world, and the book that he's carrying is a
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metaphor for how black people have to navigate their way through a white world. we have to be very structured in what we say and how we say it. >> while franklin gave black children a chance to see themselves in the comic strip, rob is helping black students see themselves as animators. he's teamed up with peanuts worldwide to provide scholarships to budding artists at historically black colleges and universities. >> i know this is not in vain. i know we are literally in the business of not just making dreams come true, but saving lives. and, uh, we can't know the length and breadth of what we're doing. we just have to do it. we just need we have to have a willing heart. what a bold move by franklin and charlie brown. >> as for what rob's longtime friend and mentor might think about the new addition to the peanuts universe, armstrong hopes he'd be proud. >> people say he's smiling down on you, though, man. >> i hope that's true, man. i
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hope he's smiling down on us. um, i think he would. i think he would love this. >> greg lee, ktvu, fox two news. >> all righty. we've got a few scattered showers out there that are going to continue for the next few days. right. we had the heavier showers move through. mark tamayo just updated the numbers for me here in the last half hour or so. so you can see kentfield coming in at nearly an inch of rain, which is a lot really. for what? for this storm. but that's marin county. most of us under a half inch and well, well under a half inch oakland quarter of an inch. concord 1300s. san jose zero 100. so this kind of event, because it's colder system has, you know, less potential to produce a lot of rain. although like you saw marin county got some rain. and then there's that main system going through. and that is sort of the big that's that's the headline for today's weather for us is that that was it. as it goes through, we've got widely scattered showers after it. we're going to see a little bit of everything. as i
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said, we're going to see the potential for thunderstorms. we're going to see sun. we're going to see showers. we're going to see some snow on bay area peaks. and that goes right through sunday morning. it's a cold. what it is, is it's not really a storm now and it is a storm, but it's a cold air mass. it's going to sit over us and it's going to react to the topography. it's going to react to the thermal components of the atmosphere or of the of the surface as the sun hits the ground. so that is the air mass, right there. and the air masses are funny. they're hard to they're hard to forecast to, to get in terms of where they're going to be. the models have a heck of a time trying to dial this one in. so what it does and you'll see in the models, it just shows widely scattered showers. when we come up here, which is what's going to happen. it's just, you know, if you're out trying to get in nine holes of golf or 18 holes, i can never do 18 holes. i get tired after nine. but if you're just if you're doing 18 holes, you might get you might get wet. you may need an umbrella. okay. and that's just how it's going to be all weekend. so here's tonight.
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here's tomorrow morning or pardon me, here's tonight early morning and then there's tomorrow morning. you see what we got. and then you'll notice the mountains just keep hammering. so the mountains are i'm not even talking about the mountains. mountains go off the whole the whole time. and then more. right. so what do you do with that? how do you time that out? that's friday at 2:00. 7:00. looks like tomorrow night. the afternoon commute looks a little bit wet. and then we start again saturday morning. more of this air mass potential for showers and thundershowers. i hope that makes sense. sunday looks like a okay day. better you know, i think it will be not bad, but in the mountains. no way. man. mountains are going to go off and they already are. i just got some video from palisades tahoe and billy hudson just sent me some stuff down, and it's going up there right now. so we'll see you back here at 10:00 and we'll update all this sounds good bill. >> thank you. a rare tropical flowers blooming right now at san francisco's cal academy. i want to give you a live look from inside the museum. now, as people are checking out that six foot tall corpse flower named
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mirage, it's blooming and expected to keep blooming through friday. now, what makes this flower unique is its smell. it emits a famously foul aroma that many people compare to garlic feet, even rotting flesh. corpse flowers are endangered and can take as many as 7 to 10 years to bloom, so this is perfect. you don't have to smell it. you can just see it here on their streaming cam. >> all right steph curry and the warriors playing good ball as of late. but can they take it to the knicks at madison square garden. jason appelbaum has the highlight sports coming up next
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ ) "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate."
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"known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. on their east coast swing four games total and tonight taking on the knicks at madison square garden. steph curry he loves playing at the garden. he had ten rebounds in the first half tonight. second quarter brandon pisemsky kicks it out to klay thompson. and that's a tough shot with a man in his face. he knocks it down. the warriors looking good early jonathan kuminga he's going to lose the ball. but pisemsky's there for the bounce. pass right back to him. and kuminga throws it down. >> and he had a big game
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jonathan kuminga one of his better games of the season. >> and watch this kuminga rips down the rebound. long pass to steph. the rebound the assist. and you know what steph's going to do with it. good yes they are still playing as we speak. late fourth warriors up by ten in this iowa basketball star. >> it's such a smart game caitlin clark. >> she's the all time division one scoring leader. and she is going to be headed to the pros. no surprise clark. she's a senior but she's going to forego a potential fifth season which she could have had via the covid waiver, but instead she's done pretty much everything in college. she's going to make herself eligible for the wnba draft, where she's expected and is expected to become the number one overall pick, and the indiana fever. they are licking their chops because they hold that top pick in april's draft. the giants. they are six games into their cactus league season and still looking for their first win, but there was a
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bright spot today. young who li led off the game with the diamondbacks with a double. he would be left stranded at second. however, the giants yeah, he is quick. the giants trailed two nothing in the third when li came to the plate again and this time the there it goes. you wouldn't tell by the home run trot. that's a 4.4 seconds and you can't tell by the camera angle either. but trust us, that one's gone 418ft. that was the only run though the giants could muster. d-backs win 2 to 1. giants now zero, four and two this spring. the a's another one. camera shoot over in mesa, arizona, and their second batter of the game, it's zach gelof. and yes, that one is gone, but you'll have to take our word for it. uh, the padres put up four runs in the fourth and another in the seventh. however to beat the a's 5 to 3. oakland i like saying oakland. oakland drops to three and three. soccer fans are. this is, uh, phillies. yes uh, they have scrapped their
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popular $1 hot dog night for this upcoming season. and i think you can maybe guess why. yeah unruly fans have taken to throwing those cheap dogs at each other during the game. wow they spoiled it for everybody. that was a staple. that little promotion for the last 25 years at citizens. bank. i want one. it may come back. you know, you just figure out who those fans are. all right. soccer fans speaking of fans, you're going to love this ktvu is expanding its partnership with the oakland roots. we will now broadcast all of their games home and away on ktvu. plus, that's more than 30 games from march through october . and the roots, they're a pro soccer club. they're playing in the usl championship league. and they are entering their sixth season. but they're about a whole lot more than soccer. their goal is to harness the magic of oakland and the power of sports as a force for social good. you know, we have a technical director, jordan farrell, who's really able to hold all these visions together
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and also focus into building winning teams on the men's and women's side. >> and, you know, we believe we can be most effective in terms of being a force for good in the community. if we're a winning, successful team. so that's absolutely part of it. yeah, yeah. >> you will hear a whole lot more from mike geddes as we go in depth on all things roots this saturday night, 9:00, our match day special, and you can catch the season opener against indy 11 next saturday, followed by a one hour live special following the match. the roots front and center i like it, i like it. >> thanks, jason. thank you for watching west coast recap coming up next with alex savage. yeah we'll see you back here tonight at ten. >> you can always stream the latest news and weather on you
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if you do have to be out, you need to be prepared. if something happens because i


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