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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 4pm  FOX  March 1, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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not at the beach. this is just somewhere else in. oh, that's a very bad harbor. dangerous though. that ain't for me. ain't for me neither. ok? have a great weekend. uh, we will see you piles and piles of snow, a monster storm pounding the tahoe area. and it is not expected to let up for several days. >> it could even give us one of the top ten snowiest days that we've seen at the snow lab going back to 1970, from ktvu, fox two news. >> this is the four. >> and take a look at this live picture up in the sierra. this afternoon. it really tells the story. travel in this area is almost impossible. this is the camera at twin bridges up on highway 50 as you head toward tahoe. here and we've been monitoring this shot for the last little while, and we've only seen a handful of cars coming through here along
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highway 50. and obviously, you can see why a ton of snow falling here, a blizzard warning is in effect right now up in the mountains, and we have dangerous conditions for much of the sierra. we've been warning you about this massive storm for days now. it is now here. welcome everyone to the for this afternoon i'm alex savage and i'm heather holmes. >> and already we've seen a wind gust measuring about 145mph there in the tahoe basin case. you're wondering that's the strength of a category four hurricane. and the area could see more than ten feet of snow over the next coming days. >> ktvu tom vacar has been monitoring the situation in the mountains. he joins us now live with some of the impressive pictures coming out of the tahoe area. >> impressive to say the least. the stars, moon and the isobars and jet streams have all aligned to whack the mountains. extreme caution is very much advised. >> once we get to sunset. that's where things do start to get a bit more spicy. >> so far, mountain winds and snow have not produced many
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power outages. among the many power companies that serve that region. but with the bigger winds and snows still on the way, that will change. >> but overall, we're looking at wind gusts around 4050 miles an hour in the in the communities and then up on the ridges up on the mountain tops, definitely in excess of 100 miles an hour already. >> some mountain top gusts have been clocked at up to 140 miles an hour. so no snow laden trees sitting on soggy ground and taking wind loads guarantee many tree falls and power outages. >> some of the models even are shown 4 or 5 even close to six inches per hour. i mean, just think about that. half a foot per hour. >> it could even give us one of the top ten snowiest days that we've seen at the snow lab going back to 1970. >> the national weather service in reno says it expects at least three inches an hour of snowfall in the tahoe region and the surrounding area by sunday morning. >> up in the up in the lake
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tahoe area, you know, seven feet, four feet, plus, including even around truckee and south lake tahoe, eight feet or more is expected in the higher elevations. >> but even down mountain reno can expect up to a foot of snow by sunday morning. so far as driving. forget about it. >> drifting snow so even if the snow plows come through and take care of some of the roads, the snow is just going to blow right back on it. >> even before the full storm truly kicks in, the sierra snowpack water content is 102% of normal for this date, but still 23% less than what will be needed to make a normal year by the april first deadline. >> the snowpack is back now. >> the bottom line hope for a chain of more storms to make the year an average one. and the way that happens, if it just keeps on coming. tom vacar ktvu fox two news okay, tom, thank you very much. >> now we want to bring in our meteorologist rosemary oroczo
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for a look at those conditions. and rosemary really is quite unthinkable. the amount of snow that is expected in the area. >> yeah. as he was saying, you know, 2 to 4in maybe even more per hour. and so while it's going to be epic up there digging out of that is going to be a whole nother story. giving you a look here at the satellite and radar, where you can see the entire west impacted by this storm. but really, our focus again is on this what is expected to be a historic snow event for the sierra and as we move in closer here, you can see thunderstorms firing off their over areas of the foothills as it works its way into the higher elevations. right now, snow level is still about 5000ft, but is expected to drop to 2000ft, maybe even below that over the next 24 to 36 hours. now we were just showing you the interview with the folks there at the sierra snow lab. again, they reported 19in in just a 24 hour period. this was earlier this morning. and then heather also talked about a peak gust at the
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summit at 8700ft, clocking 145mph. that also happened. it looked like yesterday into the evening hours and conditions are expected to worsen later today into the overnight hours. the blizzard warning will go until sunday morning. the avalanche warning, expected to last until tomorrow morning, which may be extended. and as we've been talking about now for a few days , ten inches, maybe even or i should say feet, maybe even 12ft expected all said and done. so a better look at the current conditions and what we can expect moving forward, including the wet, windy weather here at home as well. all coming up okay rosemary. >> thank you. well, caltrans and the national weather service have been warning people really not to even think about heading up to tahoe, given what's going on there. want to give you now a live look. this is at highway 80 at kingvale. and you can see here, well, you really can't see a whole lot, right? i mean, you can see the snow coming down on the lens there, and then you can just see that roadway completely covered right now and snow, a few little tracks there, but obviously no drivers out there
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right now. yeah. no one heading through that area right now. >> and much of the tahoe area for that matter. for more on the conditions up in the mountains right now, let's bring in jeremy lindner from caltrans. and jeremy, we can see here from your shot. you are in the thick of things right now. give us a sense of what your experiencing up there in the tahoe area right now. how would you describe the conditions conditions wise? >> i'd say it's been fairly decent with the forecast involved. one of the things that the crews have really said to me as i've been up here all morning is they've been shocked how light the traffic is. so it definitely appears that the public has heeded the warnings and so far are avoiding travel. of course, we still have quite a bit more of this to go through, and i know there's several that are itching to enjoy this fresh snow, but we've got to get through this weekend first before we can do that. >> absolutely. >> yeah. >> and i know that really your job is to make sure that that that the highways and the roads
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are passable for folks, a lot of whom are really eyeing those ski resorts and things. but talk a little bit about how caltrans has, has gotten ready for this moment and has prepared to make sure that you can get those roads clear as soon as it's safe . >> yeah. so there's a lot of steps that we did preemptively when we had that weak little system at the beginning of the week than we had the break. so crews were actively preparing, making sure the equipment was up and running. because it's one thing to battle mother nature and another to be battling equipment issues. so as long as our fleet is in good health, we are able to do our job well. so once they did that, we waited for the initial snowfall and then have been attacking it pretty aggressively. uh, we've had plow trucks, graders and blowers all three doing their part all day today. the crews are working in 12 hour shifts around around the clock to keep as much of the highway open as possible. that's our ultimate goal, is not to have to close 80 down. >> yeah. all right. so speaking of those closures, jeremy, we
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showed just a moment ago the situation over there on highway 50. and we saw very few cars going through that area. i know you're along interstate 80. i did see some reports a short time ago that you had a number of spinouts in that area and were holding traffic for a time. what's the situation where you are along interstate 80, and what do people need to know about the road conditions? >> yeah. so like you mentioned, we have seen a couple of spinouts. we've held traffic a few times today, uh, mostly in the westbound direction. but no matter if you're heading east or west, uh, the big thing is if you're coming into this, you need to be prepared. double check the forecast. you need to be checking quick map as well. that gives you real time traffic data, highway conditions, chain restrictions because it's been in place all day long. and by doing that, you know what you're getting into. also, slowing down is going to be the key. we've seen quite a few drivers, just not have the equipment they're trying to bypass chain controls. they're doing what they can to get to their destination quickly
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. and that's ultimately what you don't want to do. slow and steady is going to win this race to keep not only our crew safe, but get everyone safe to their destination. yeah you mentioned that even you know your folks were a little bit shocked about how few people there were out there on the roads. >> it seems like a lot of people have really taken the warnings to heart and are just avoiding making the trip, at least for now. >> exactly. and that's ultimately what we want when we have incidences and traffic collisions on the highway that stretches our resources. even thinner and sort of delays the focus off of the highway to clearing those. so by the traveling public doing their part and avoiding travel, that allows us to keep doing our job, which is essentially keep the highway open. it's a teamwork not only from our crews, but from everyone that likes to utilize this corridor. yeah >> all right. we appreciate what you and your colleagues at caltrans do. i know you have a lot of work ahead of you here in
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the coming days to clear a ton of snow? please stay safe. and we appreciate you checking in with us. >> thanks for having me. >> absolutely. all right. this storm has forced the closure of yosemite national park. the park closed at midnight last night. it will remain closed at least through sunday at noon. potentially later. there were some periodic closures during last year's winter storms because of high water and flooding. however, closing the entire park is rare. earlier we spoke with a yosemite park ranger, he says. this decision to close the park came after discussions with the national weather service. >> just as of yesterday afternoon. we just made the decision look, you know, with the amount of snow predicted, the rain, the wind, it's just not going to be safe for anyone. park employees or park visitors. so we made the decision to close the park, which is not something that we do very often. >> there were hundreds of park employees and visitors in the park at the time of the closure. the campground and hotel visitors were all given full refunds, and some bay area parks
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and recreational areas are also closing down because of these storms. yeah >> in san francisco, the japanese tea garden and san francisco botanical garden in golden gate park all closed a little bit early today. they did so at noon. pine lake is closed through saturday and stern grove remains shut down due to previous storm damage and access issues. city park officials are urging people using other parks this weekend to be wary of strong winds that they could, in fact, knock down some tree branches. so be on the lookout for that. and it's been raining off and on today. let's take a look outside. now, here in the bay area, let's take a live look in the east bay at interstate 80, looking towards emeryville and berkeley and as you can see here, things seem to be moving along on this friday afternoon commute. even with a little bit of rain out there. and here's a look now at the golden gate bridge, where it too is smooth sailing. but there are a lot of dark clouds out there. obviously, you can see that the roadway is wet from the earlier system that moved through, and we'll keep tracking that commute . >> and we want to let you know
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we have a lot more coverage online on this potentially historic storm up at our ktvu meteorologist, mark tamayo, lays out everything you need to know when it comes to blizzards. we're also updating all of the closures, including which ski resorts are closed and when they might reopen. plus, we'll have continuing coverage on the closure at yosemite. we're also streaming live cameras from all across the sierra, so you can see exactly what the conditions are like at any given moment. and you can check out our youtube channel for some great snow videos as well. and we will also be streaming any live updates from our weather team. and we will have up to date road conditions as well. a whole lot going on. we certainly have. you covered. you can stay with ktvu both on air and online. okay >> we're covering some other big stories today and that includes the availability of abortion pills is about to expand. we'll tell you about the two pharmacies that are set to start selling mifepristone next week. >> also, hollywood comes to silicon valley a little later in this newscast, we'll speak with one of the co-founders of cinequest in silicon valley
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about what makes this film festival different from all the others mr. box? i had this idea... is it giving people lots of great food for 6 dollars, and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great idea, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box! i launched our campaign at this union hall. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder
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to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. oh hey, jack. going up? actually, no, justine... my famous 2 tacos are still just 99¢ when you order on the jack app or online. could you press 6, please? i'm going up.
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get my famous 2 tacos for just 99¢. only on the jack app or online. ♪ facing public pressure to get ivf services resumed in the state, alabama lawmakers voted overwhelmingly yesterday in favor of legislation that would extend lawsuit protections to clinics. this vote came just hours after house democrats in washington, d.c, vowed to press ahead with legislation making ivf legal nationwide. >> any barriers to assisted reproductive technology are unacceptable and cruel, and anathema to the concept of building families. >> a final vote on that alabama bill is scheduled for next week. the governor of alabama is expected to sign it into law on wednesday. >> okay, now to a major development regarding the availability of the abortion
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pill mifepristone. two pharmacy chains announcing today that they will soon start dispensing those pills. our alix wirtz is here now with more on this announcement. alice. >> that's right. heather. both pharmacy giants. walgreens and cvs received certification to dispense the abortion pill to patients with a prescription. the potential for this move means increase access, making it easier for patients as it is now 50% of abortions are now performed using medication rather than surgical intervention by a doctor would still need to write a prescription. doctor daniel grossman is a ucsf professor of obstetrics and gynecology, and he's director of advancing new standards in reproductive health. he says it's not surprising that pharmacies are going to be dispensing these medications now. >> it's a very popular method. many people say that they see it as being easier the simpler it's more convenient. they can have the abortion at home, um, surrounded by their partner or
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family friends. >> now walgreens will start providing the pill within the next week in a small number of its pharmacies in new york, pennsylvania, massachusetts, and here in california, as well as illinois. now, cvs will begin dispensing in all of its pharmacies in massachusetts, in rhode island, in the next weeks ahead. that's according to a spokesperson. the chains are going to be monitoring the prospects in a few states, including states where abortion bans or strict limitations have been enacted. but there are legal challenges pending now at the end of march, the supreme court is taking up the case of challenging the fda in regards to whether mifepristone can be dispensed without a patient seeing a doctor prior to receiving the drug. we'll be keeping an eye on that. of course. >> all right, alice wertz in the newsroom. alice. thank you. the cdc has updated its guidance for people who test positive for covid. >> it now says people with symptoms that are improving and fever free for 24 hours will no
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longer be directed to isolate at home for five days. the cdc is also recommending that people who test positive for covid should base their isolation period on clinical symptoms and not use testing as a standard for deciding when someone is no longer contagious. >> okay, we are continuing our coverage of that big storm that is right now in the sierra, and this is a live look at a traffic cam. this is from caltrans and this is at the highway 5089 traffic circle at myers. and this is the first time actually, that we've seen this number of vehicles in this particular area . and we saw a spin out actually happened just a few seconds ago. so it is slow going for folks. you can actually see a snowplow there. again in this area at myers that caltrans is keeping an eye on as they try to clear out this area and make it accessible for drivers. but again, some some folks moving through this area just fine, obviously, very, very slowly though, we want to get an update on the conditions here and our unsettled weather. and let's
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bring in rosemary for that. >> yes. heather. so a wet and windy for us. we even have advisories to talk about. and of course that snow piling up in the sierra. and with that said, the snow levels are expected to drop come to tomorrow. so we are looking at, you know, snow levels all the way down to about colfax, perhaps, which means not only a whole lot of snow on those highways, but a long drive with the snow on the ground, 60 miles or so between colfax and we'll say kingvale or truckee. here's a look at what's going on here at home. that's actually a beautiful picture. there we see even a little bit of blue sky. how about some of the rainfall amounts we have seen since the system started to bring us rainfall yesterday? santa rosa picking up a little bit more than an inch. mount diablo an inch and 8/10, as well as ben lowman in the santa cruz mountains, novato a little bit more than 7/10, a san jose a little bit less than a quarter of an inch for you there. but more to come. storm tracker two
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there, showing you widespread scattered showers across the bay area. snow in the sierra obviously the winds have been quite breezy strengthening this afternoon. fairfield reporting a wind gust to 32. oakland reporting of 40. concord reporting 35. so a lot of folks are holding tight to the wheel this afternoon on that drive home, big rock in the hills reporting a 40mph mount diablo, also in the hills, 44 oakland north in the hills 44. so the wind gusts are expected to continue. the advisory will go until tomorrow morning. could see even stronger winds this evening to about 55mph. so it is going to be wet windy as we roll through friday. the winds do begin to die down during the overnight hours and into tomorrow morning. high surf advisory for the entire coastline there for our west and northwest facing beaches. as we get into the overnight hours, we will continue with this, and this doesn't expire until tomorrow around 4:00 or so. a look at some of the snowfall amounts reported so far. sugar bowl 20in north star reporting 17. the winds are already blowing quite strongly and
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continuing as we get into the evening hours. south lake tahoe reporting 50mph right now and then getting into the evening. 61 at kirkwood, 55 south lake tahoe. and the storm again expected to last until sunday. a better look at what we can expect for the rest of the weekend and the extended forecast coming up. >> all right. we'll see you in a bit, rosemary. thank you. a senate surprise a new poll shows how the race to replace the late dianne feinstein is shaping up just days before the primary
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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when the polls will open in 16 states, including right here in california. it is the biggest day of the presidential nominating contest so far, with former president donald trump leading in most states. super tuesday could essentially lock up the race. his rival nikki haley, though picking up some delegates in iowa, new hampshire and south carolina. she also raked in another $12 million last month, keeping her campaign well-funded. we don't anoint kings in america. >> we have elections and everybody has the right to decide how they want to use the power of their voice here in california, voters will vote in the primary for the us senate seat held by the late dianne feinstein. >> the top two will go on to the november election, as well as proposition one, which would authorize more than $6 billion
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for mental health treatment and housing. there are also several open seats in congress, including in the south bay, to replace congresswoman anna eshoo , who is retiring. and in the east bay to replace congresswoman barbara lee, who is running for senate. >> and speaking of congresswoman lee, ahead of next week's election, she voted early today. she, of course, is running in that closely watched senate race. she voted in person at prescott middle school in west oakland ahead of tuesday's primary election. lee is, of course, taking on fellow democratic representatives adam schiff and katie porter, along with republican steve garvey in the race to replace dianne feinstein, the top two vote getters. regardless of party, will advance on to the general election, and here are the latest poll numbers, according to the latest berkeley igs poll, respected as one of the best in the state, steve garvey now has 27% support, taking the top spot from adam schiff with 25% support. katie porter comes in third place with 19% support, and barbara lee has 8% support.
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the senate race, of course, is going to be a big part of the discussion coming up this weekend on our political show. the issue is joining us now for a preview. host alex michaelson alex, good to see you. >> good to see you, alex. adam schiff's money for steve garvey has made a huge difference. it's clear in this race that adam schiff would much rather run against the republican steve garvey than the democrat katie porter, which is why his team has spent over $11 million on ads talking about steve garvey, 60% of their advertising has been about steve garvey, not about adam schiff. and it seems to be working, lifting steve garvey up and putting katie porter potentially locked out of the top two. remember the top two advance regardless of party, we talk about that this week on the issue is with puck news's peter hamby, the elector. >> it in this poll, if you look
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at the cross tabs, is just not good for katie porter. and it is good for garvey, and it is good for schiff, who has most of the money and probably the biggest name id it is an older electorate, a lot of homeowners, not renters, that suggest old and they're voting set is also a little bit older, i think. um, but also importantly, almost half of the electorate in this poll is people who define themselves as moderate or somewhat liberal. only 19% of california voters in this poll say they're very liberal. uh, so not a lot of liberals, not a lot of young people. that's who katie porter is targeting. and i mean, her closing message is all over the place. i haven't really even been sure what her message has been the whole time, other than i'm a mom with a whiteboard, but now she's splitting hairs and answering questions from reporters on the trail about corporate pac donations. she's just not on offense. and that's not where you want to be. in the closing days of a campaign. >> of course, polls don't vote. people vote, and we will see who
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actually sends their ballots back before tuesday, 8 p.m. the final deadline to do that. it will be really interested to see that that poll also, alex showed that if it is schiff and garvey in november, schiff starts with a 15 point lead over garvey. if it is schiff versus porter, they're tied at 3030. yeah >> and that's why alex, we did see that strategy that was employed by congressman schiff to kind of box out the other two democrats. >> and it seems to be money well spent. the interesting part is he was trying to get steve garvey into second place. and he may have gotten steve garvey into first place with this whole thing, which could be a really interesting headline for people that maybe don't understand the dynamics of this. if you look at this and come the next week, it's steve garvey is in first place. >> yeah. no yeah. intriguing poll numbers here. just a few days before election day. we'll see how it all shakes out on
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tuesday. and we're looking forward to the show this weekend. alex have a great weekend. we want to let our audience know you can watch t full episode of the issue is with a preview of next week's election. the this sunday morning, 5:30 a.m. right here on ktvu. >> okay, well, as we mentioned, things are really piling up up in the sierra. coming up, we send a reporter up the mountain to see what it was like earlier today. and you can take a ride with them coming up in just a few minutes. also, we are kicking off women's history month with a soccer leader. meet the woman blazing trails with the san jose earthquakes
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warming up in the mountains right now, and this is what conditions look like in the soda springs area. this is about 6700ft up. and this is right along interstate 80. you can see here no one is going through this area right now. and you can see why so much snow coming down. chains required along interstate 80 here. and traffic being held in many spots. um, we have not seen very many cars here again in the past couple of minutes. earlier today, we did send ktvu james torres up along interstate 80, and he made it all the way up to near blue canyon. that was about 4600ft in elevation. and he shows us what things were like there. >> snowplow drivers are working overtime trying to move the snow all out of the roadway, making it easier for drivers to get through. we're also seeing big rig trucks without chains having to pull over because it is just
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too dangerous for them to drive any further. just 30 miles away from truckee, the snow picked up, giving snow plows a run for their money. >> so far, it's been pretty, you know, pretty mild. it hasn't really gotten too much. i mean, we got maybe, you know, six inches of snow. so far in the last 24. so i'm going to assume, you know, the heavy stuff still to come. >> antonio orozco runs the shell gas station off the nyack exit. he says this snowfall is only the tip of the iceberg. >> usually the folks that are unprepared are the ones that are having the hard time. you know, they they get worn. but a lot of people still come up, especially the truckers that come up, and all they want to do is sit and not do anything because they want to just wait till the storm is over. they don't realize it's going to be three days. you know, then they get buried out there. >> some drivers used this station as a stop to put on chains. this woman crossed over the donner summit, headed to stockton. >> it wasn't too bad. i've seen worse, but i mean, for someone who hasn't driven in the snow, it's not the best to go through caltrans and chp says driving conditions are at an r two
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level. >> that means chains are required for all big rig trucks, and most cars, unless you have snow tires with all wheel drive. people here say the blizzard isn't so bad compared to the weather. this area saw last year. but experts following the snow say last year was only a series of storms versus this year's single system. >> we saw, um, many back to back, moderate to large storms. uh, so we were seeing a succession of them occur and a lot of snow build up because of that. whereas this specific storm is expected to have very high snowfall rates and if it pans out, it could even give us, uh, one of the top ten snowiest days that we've seen at the snow lab going back to 1970. >> most resorts in the sierra are closing down because of the wind and snow. caltrans and chp advised to stay off the roads, warning whiteout conditions are possible this weekend, and reporting from placer county,
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i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news and all. >> throughout this weekend as the storm moves through, you can get updates on the conditions and also watch some great videos with all that snow piling up in the mountains, you can stream our content right on your smart tv, and you can watch our live newscasts and stories on demand on amazon fire tv, roku, apple tv or android tv. all you need to do is search for the fox local app and then select ktvu you. >> well, today starts a month long celebration of the women in our lives, in our communities and around the world. those who show resiliency, strength and courage. and on this first day of women's history month, we are thrilled to be recognized. a woman making her mark in professional soccer and doing so right here in the bay area. i want you to meet erin ridley of the san jose earthquakes, the first female coach in a major league soccer academy. and erin joins us now live here in studio. it is a pleasure to meet you. what is it like, erin, to
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be the first? >> you know, it's a huge honor. it's an incredible responsibility. it's something that i think for me gives me an opportunity to share the passion that i have as for the love of the game in a way that helps women see that they belong, um, and on the sideline on the men's game and in the women's game. and i think that it's just a really huge honor for me. >> explain a little bit about what you do in your job as a coach with an mls academy. sure >> i'm the head coach of the u-15 boys at the san jose earthquakes academy. i'm also the assistant coach for the u-17 boys as well. and so we have four teams within the academy that compete and play against all other mls teams across the country, and also in big events like generation adidas cup, which is coming up soon next month. >> oh, that's so exciting. soccer has been obviously a love of yours for quite some time. you played in college at the university of virginia who would you say played the biggest role in kind of shaping who you are, not only as an athlete, but but
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now as a coach? >> yeah, i think there are two major influences. one was my high school coach and you know, sometimes there's just a coach that really ignites the love of the game for you. and he was a richard northcott in tennessee. he was someone who was a goalkeeper like myself. and really inspired me to love the game in a way that i'd never seen it before. he was taping off satellite tv, vhs tapes of barcelona playing in the mid 90s, and i fell in love with the game then, and when i got to college, i played for this incredible leader named steve swanson, who was a head coach at the university of virginia, but also was a full national team assistant coach and just had a really huge influence on my development as a person and a player. >> and what do you take from those experiences in your coaching now, and what do you hope that these young athletes gain from you? >> i think one of the most important things is that they feel the love of the game, and that that's something that they not only can, can, um, take from other people and learn, but also pass on. i think that idea of leaving a legacy and, um, recognizing the game just helps
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you be part of something so much bigger than yourself. can be such a powerful thing for young athletes, and not all of them will be professional. we know that, but we hope that their character and their leadership go on to help them be great leaders in their community and great family members, and pass on the love and passion that they have in a way that that really goes beyond just themselves. >> it's easy to tell that you really enjoy and love what you do now, but what's maybe next for you in your climb up the coaching ladder? >> you know, i think it's hard to always know there's not necessarily a direct path. there's no other woman that has yet been a head coach at the first team level, or even at the second team level. yet i'd love to chart a pathway towards that for sure, but right now what i'm doing, i love. and if it's enough to open the door to help other women see that they belong on the sideline too, then that's that's the next step for right now. and then we'll see from beyond there. i want to continue to keep learning and growing. i'm part of a collaboration between major league soccer and the french football federation, with a coaching license called the elite formation coaching
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license. i'm hoping to be finished with that in august. and from that, that will be also a nice accomplishment as well. >> do you really ever think about the magnet side of just sort of your experience and just your presence there on the sideline and what it does, especially for young women? >> i think day to day it's hard to know what it is, you know, from a national perspective. but it is telling when i go to big events last year at generation adidas cup, there were actually women waiting after the game that were wanting to talk to me and just say, we see what we're doing and we see it and we appreciate it. and we want to be part of that. i was really lucky to speak at the united soccer coaches convention in january, and there were women waiting and men, two male coaches, looking to see how they can be good allies and help to continue the growth of women in the men's game. and it's incredible to see so when you when you confront it and you see that look in people's eyes that they're, they're wanting to know how they can do it to, then you really realize the magnitude of it. yeah. >> girls, women, they are watching you. they see you
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before i let you go. big things, though, expected of the san jose earthquakes this year and it starts tomorrow. and i've got some swag here to promote the home opener tomorrow. what are you expecting from the earthquakes this year, do you think? >> i think we've got a big year ahead of us. lucy gonzalez, our first team coach, is, you know, come in. and really he and our general manager chris leach put a lot of work into the roster. and i think we're going to we made a run to the playoffs last year. i think we're going to see even more success this year. we hope to see people come out tomorrow and see the guys we have a lot of youth players in our system, so even the ones that i get to work with now, we see for the future. and, um, you'll see a lot of talent on the field tomorrow. >> okay. >> looking forward to it. home opener for the san jose earthquakes tomorrow and congratulations aaron. thank you and really all of your accomplishments and blazing this incredible trail. thank you so much. all right alex all right. >> yeah. thank you both. up next here on the for today mixing films and innovation in the heart of silicon valley. that's what cinequest is all about. and up next, we'll talk live with one of the co-founders of the festival about what to expect at
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this year's event. >> and across the bay area this afternoon, wet, windy weather. i'll have a look at the current conditions of what we can expect into
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver...
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who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. turbotax makes all your moves count, whether you bought a house or started an award-winning tv show. that's right, we guarantee one hundred percent accurate taxes. she's good. that's connie. hey connie. hi there. well, i'm glad someone got lucky. hello? well. the winners have yet to come forward, so if
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you bought a ticket. >> yeah, that's drew barrymore for playing a newscaster in the movie. jackpot. one of more than 200 independent films that will be shown in next week's cinequest film and creativity festival in silicon valley. the event gets started on wednesday, with screenings happening at the california theater in san jose, as well as other venues. cinequest spotlights actors and filmmakers from all around the world, with the goal of blending great storytelling with emerging technology and. for more, we're joined here in studio by halfdan hussey, who is the co-founder of cinequest. thank you for the time we appreciate it. i'm sure you're excited about getting things going once again next week for people who are maybe unfamiliar, what is it. that that sets cinequest apart from the other film festivals? >> it's the power of discovery. discovering great art and new films and also technology. but more importantly than that, it's celebrating being with other people. it's community that's been the fabric of cinequest from day one. so you're going to have world in united states
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premieres and artisan from all around the globe, and you do it together. all walks of life, all ways of thinking. no, we're dealing with politics right now. we welcome all types of thought, all types of cultures, and just ways of just thinking and feeling about life. and that's the power of cinequest. it's not a oh, there's some red velvet ropes that i have to get behind. no come and join us. it's wonderful. >> so you're screening more than 200 independent films from 37 different countries around the world. how do you go about curating these films and deciding which films are going to be a part of cinequest and, and how are moviegoers going to decide who come and take part next week? how will they decide what to go watch? >> it's not easy. >> that's a tough choice. yeah >> so great movies we have to select from. but the u.s. and world premieres are all wonderful, and we give you a way of looking at them. comedies inspiring films, great dramas, thrillers. it's very easy. if you come to cinequest. org to find that movie that you might want. and also there's big experiences come to our opening
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night, it'll be a world premiere with all the actors, red carpets, parties or i day, you know, where tech meets films. so we have to deal with i yeah, i know, because you're in the heart of silicon valley. >> i was reading you are kicking things off. the whole thing kicks off on wednesday night, right. with something that's called an ai town hall. it's going to include san jose mayor matt mahan. how is this discussion going to sort of focus on on the benefits and the pitfalls of ai when it comes to filmmaking and the creative arts? >> we've showcased and been a pioneer with all kinds of technologies that have revolutionized filmmaking and delivery. but man, ai is big because it can be very powerful in a negative way or very empowering of creative people and our community. so we have a whole day's worth of open conferences, keynotes, panels, the mayor, town hall, and more. bringing people into that space of what's good about this, you know, what policies do we need to have? what ethics do we need to have around ai for creative people? we have a great panel called creativity consciousness
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in ai. you know, that's really powerful. plus, we have what you might expect. the powers and pitfalls of ai. so you're going to get the spectrum. yeah >> and that that will be a great discussion. i'm sure you and one of your colleagues you helped to start cinequest back in 1990. yeah, yeah, that's a while back. yeah, i was 12 years old. >> it was amazing. >> how did a 12 year old do that? that's what's most remarkable. how how though, has this event changed, changed and grown in that in that time, in those past 34 years? yes >> well, in some ways it's grown in a big way. the power of it, you know, the international acclaim being called the best in the world, at least always the top ten in the leader in technology as it meets film, going from 3000 people showing up to right before the pandemic, 110,000 people showing up, our internet and online and virtual platforms reaching the globe. so the power and influence has grown. but the heart always the same. still the warm, welcoming folks you know, that's
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cinequest. we want people to come together and celebrate as a community. that part is never changed. >> all right. what do people need to know here? lastly if they want to be a part of this and maybe check out some of the films or be a part of any of these events, how do they go about getting tickets? >> cinequest, you can get tickets, passes, individual tickets. we've not raised our prices during the inflationary times. in fact, we've lowered them. you can come to the ai day for free. we want you there okay. >> reverse inflation at cynically okay. wonderful halfdan hussey, one of the co-founders of cinequest. and it gets underway, as we said next week. and it runs between let's see what is it? march 6th and the 17th. that's right. all right. >> we're ready for you. >> all right. i appreciate it. i'm sure a lot of folks are going to head down there to san jose. thanks for coming in. >> thank you so much. >> all right. uh, let me see. i was going to send it to you, but it's going to be me here, and i'm going to let you know coming up here on the for today. when we return, e're goi t mr. box? i had this idea... is it giving people lots of great food for 6 dollars,
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and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great idea, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box! "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas
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to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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my french toast sticks are back starting at $2.50. now with a sweet new twist - cinnamon sugar churro. dunk, bite and savor them any time of day. or all day! it's totally up to you. only for a limited time. welcome to jack in the box! on. it's going to be a stormy weekend giving you a live look outside our doors and over the east bay where you can see the tree there, kind of swaying around. we'll check in on the winds here in just a moment. this is a cold storm, as we've been talking about, and temperatures are in the low 50s over areas like santa rosa, san francisco going to be just as cool, maybe even a little bit cooler tomorrow. back to storm
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tracker two. the broken up clouds here. back in here, the core of the storm indicating just that very cold air that still needs to come ashore and take a look at what is going on. we've got thunder and lightning across the entire state here. if we move in closer, we've talked a lot about all that snow in the sierra, and we'll talk more about that in just a moment. but here is a view of what's happening over the bay area. even picking up on a lightning strike there, coming ashore. and again, many folks reporting a downpours at this time moving in a bit closer, right over san francisco. the east bay shore, seeing some pockets of moderate to heavy rain at this time in the winds, are blowing quite strongly. oakland reporting a wind gust of 40. novato 28. and in our hills just as strong, even stronger. mount diablo 50mph. mount veeder reporting 30mph. so of course, you know, our focus is on the sierra as it should be. but we're seeing a whole lot going on right here at home as well. by sunday morning, we expect another inch to two inches of rainfall, maybe even more in our hills. and we've
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already seen an inch to two inches in the last 24 hours. so all this coming into fruition for us. meanwhile, the sierra is expected to pick up feet of snow by a sunday and take a look at colfax. the projection there, almost a foot of snow. all the way down to about 2400ft. so as we're talking about this being a cold storm, look at all that snow. so for folks that are attempting to get up over those passes, it's going to be treacherous. now when it comes to low snow, we may actually get a little bit here at home. we're seeing that the possibility at about 2000ft, maybe 1500ft, we'll see how it all goes. but some of our local hills likely to get at least a dusting timeline on this. there's a look at tomorrow morning. we will have scattered showers to start the day, and then the rounds of scattered showers just continue. here's a look at sunday morning where we do begin to taper off, but expect it to be a little bit unsettled even through sunday. we'll get a little bit of a break, but it looks like next week could be a little soggy as
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well. here's a look at your extended forecast. so cool conditions tomorrow morning. temperatures ranging from upper 30s inland to mid to upper 40s around the bay. afternoon highs will be in the low 50s. sunday we'll call for a mix of sun and clouds, scattered showers, kind of lingering temperatures don't feel much better into monday. we finally get a break. it will be on the cool side. upper 50s to low 60s, and by tuesday, another possibility of some rain moving into the bay area and creating that chance for showers. not only on tuesday but wednesday as well. back to you. >> okay, rosemary, thank you. well, it is a video game with a really important message. a new version of a popular game looking to the past for its future you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year!
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton
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in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. on her website. sweet july. the baby will join daughters riley, who's 11, ryan, who's eight, and their five year old son cannon. she did not say exactly when the baby is due. curry said even with the demands of her business and basketball for her husband, they decided they were ready for a fourth child. congrats to them . >> um. all right. the hit baseball video game mlb the show 24 is giving players a chance to play through history and to learn about the leagues.
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>> fox's eamon dignum spoke with one of the developers about the new storylines. game mode. >> one of the most popular sports video games is looking to the past for its future. for the second year in a row, san diego studios is adding the storylines feature to mlb the show. last year, they introduced the mode allowing gamers to play as different legends from the leagues. it gave players an interactive look at legends like number 42 himself, jackie robinson, while also highlighting lesser known players like martin dihigo. i went to mlb headquarters and spoke with ramone russell, product development spokesman for the game, about some of the new players, including tony stone of the indianapolis clowns, tony stone is the first woman who played in a professional men's baseball league that just so happens to be the leagues, an often forgotten piece of american history. >> and we're just trying to do our part to expose it to a much younger audience. and tony's introduction could lead to another storyline in the future. >> the all-american girls professional baseball league,
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which has gained wider recognition in modern times thanks to the movie and tv series a league of their own. >> we're having continued discussions on how we can continue to represent the contribution of women in baseball, but for now, in this jam packed game mode, in addition to stone, there will be at least nine other league pros, including legends like hank aaron, josh gibson and buck leonard. >> developers also say another storyline will focus on new york yankees icon derek jeter and follow him through his hall of fame career to hear more about this and other stories, check out the fox on tech, fox on games podcast. every weekend in new york, eamon dignam, fox news , ktvu, fox two news at five starts now. >> extreme wind and snow pounding the sierra right now. >> officials urging people in lake tahoe to hunker down amid life threatening blizzard conditions. feet of snow, whiteout conditions and ferocious winds. good evening.
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i'm greg lee, and i'm cristina rendon. >> we want to give you a look at soda springs near donner summit. this was just a few hours ago. the uc berkeley central sierra snow lab posted this video on x reporting 19in of snow in the last 24 hours, with snowpack at the lab now at 102% of the average to date, we're getting into the thick of the blizzard now with whiteout conditions and extremely strong winds at certain peaks in the sierra, including near palisades ski resort. for more on those conditions, let's go to meteorologist rosemary oroczo. hi, rosemary. >> hi, christina. we are looking at. yes, this of course, just getting started worsening as we get into the evening hours and for tomorrow as well. with lots of snow already piling up. here's a look at storm tracker two, where you can see the entire west actually impacted by this system. but as we move in closer, ta a look at what is going on right over the sierra thunderstorms reported here with lightning, a lighting up storm tracker two here recently, and snow level still about 5000ft. we'll continue to drop in by tomorrow, perh


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