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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  March 2, 2024 7:00am-8:30am PST

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green light expansion into the peninsula and los angeles. we have waymo's reaction and more
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details about objections from critics. and stay away from the sierra. that is the message from authorities. roads are closed, power is out, and the sierra blizzard warning. we've been watching remains in effect until tomorrow morning. for those who tried to make that trip whiteout conditions and closures causing a traffic mess here in the bay area. roads are still wet at this hour. we're seeing some major traffic issues causing lane closures in the east bay from the ktvu, fox two news. >> this is morning on two. >> good morning to you and welcome to mornings on two. on this saturday march second i'm claudine wong. happy weekend one and all i'm frank mallicoat. >> the big story today of course is the weather. not only here in the bay area but up in the sierra. let's check in with rosemary and find out how much and when it's all going to stop. are well, we will get a break. >> it looks like tomorrow though. today is going to be off and on the sierra. of course, the blizzard warning continues as you mentioned. claudine. so
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it is a stormy weekend giving you a live look here over san francisco where we have had thunderstorms roll through the bay area. we have a wind advisory that continues at this time. for most of the bay area, our coast, our hills, the inner east bay that goes until 10 a.m. meanwhile, the high surf advisory for large breaking waves to about 20ft expected today. and that advisory goes until 4:00 in the afternoon. ad up into the sierra, where the avalanche warning continues until 8 a.m. we'll see if that's extended and the 10 a.m. we'll have a look at the satellite and radar and what we n expect for your bay area weekend, as well as in the sierra coming up. sounds good. >> thank you. rosemary. new this morning. all lanes southbound 880 in oakland shut down at this hour due to a big rig that's now on its side. and leaking fuel onto the freeway. ktvu james torres joins us live from the scene to show us how that crash is affecting traffic. and i know we all had to scramble to get into work. it's not far from ktvu james. good morning frank.
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>> good morning to you. yeah, we are just around the corner from jack london square. and if you were coming from jack london square, this might bother you a little bit here we are actually standing along the on ramp of southbound 880. and at some point they were redirecting traffic and using this to get people off the other direction to get them kind of clear away from 16th and embarcadero. that's where they say that big rig actually overturned, and now it's leaking fuel. from what we can tell now, that truck is now upright. they've had tow trucks on the scene since early this morning. this crash happened just before 3 a.m. they've had those tow trucks there. they've uprighted that truck and now they're working on pretty much cleaning up the mess that's left behind. eventually getting the truck out of here and then eventually getting some traffic flowing through here a little more steadily. now, of course, traffic in all directions, all lanes now closed on 880. at this point here, just before 16th and embarcadero. and where we're
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standing right now, we're on the fifth street onramp here. they use this at some point as an off ramp car is going the opposite direction that you would normally see it, just to try to get some traffic clear off of 880. now that looks like they're trying to get traffic diverted at jackson street, which is just a few blocks away from where we're standing here, just so they can buy some more time and some more space for the crews that are out here working the scene here. you see the chp officers, the chp cars on the scene blocking some of that traffic. it looks like the westbound lanes are flowing through pretty okay at this point here, but it's that eastbound that is really, uh, causing more of a traffic concern here. looks like that tanker truck still on the scene. again, the whole big problem was that it was spilling some fuel. so that is going to cause some delays for quite a while here. we're checking in with chp officers. at this point. they say they have no idea how soon these roadways will open back up for traffic. luckily, it's early in the morning, so we're not seeing too many cars on the
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roadway here, but they're a little worried that if this lasts for quite a while, it will last. it would create eventually a pretty big backup. so that's what we're hoping to avoid. of course, we'll keep our eyes on this for the remainder of the morning once we have more details, more updates, we will bring them to you for now, we are live in oakland. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. all right, james, thank you for that. >> driving to lake tahoe this weekend is extreme dangerous. a blizzard warning for the sierra in effect until tomorrow morning. people ignored warnings and drove up interstate 80 and highway 50, dealt with whiteout conditions and some closures. one couple we spoke with hit a roadblock on i-80 just before blue canyon friday on their way from livermore to reno for a 60th birthday party. >> all my family's out there, so we just kind of woke up and we're like, you know, just planning on going to celebrate. >> um, we didn't expect to have to sit right here. i got starbucks and water might be more than that.
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>> you're urged to stay off the road if possible all weekend long, but if you need to be on the roads, be prepared with a full tank of gas, a full ev charge, warm clothes, a sleeping bag, and enough food and water for 24 to 72 hours. now the blizzard is causing more multiple closures, including yosemite national park. a live look from the valley now what little you can see there. the park closed at midnight on thursday and will stay shut down at least through noontime tomorrow, but it could be pushed late if need be. there were some periodic closures during last year's winter storms, all due to high water and flooding closing the entire park is very rare. >> the heavy rain and strong winds are causing problems everywhere you look here in the bay area, a mudslide has forced the closure of highway nine in the santa cruz mountains. as caltrans shared these photos on social media and you can see huge trees that have fallen on that mountain roadway, caltrans shut down all lanes between redwood gulch and sanborn road
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near saratoga, and there is no word yet on when that roadway is going to reopen for people are being treated for minor injuries after a big tree came crashing down on their car in san francisco, the san francisco fire department shared this photo of the scene. this is at laguna street and golden gate avenue in the city's fillmore district. you see the car right there, right on the right side of your screen, underneath all those branches. firefighters say it was fortunate there were no serious injuries. and a quick reminder to you that you can always stay ahead of the storm with the ktvu weather app. it does have current conditions for you. live, interactive radar, and it will break down the forecast hour by hour. >> opponents of waymo's robo taxis are considering an appeal after state regulators approved the company's request to expand its services onto the peninsula and into la ktvu. jana katsuyama takes a look at why waymo's response and the objections from critics. >> on friday, the california public utilities commission gave
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waymo the green light to expand and its robo taxi service. >> waymo submitted these maps to the cpuc, showing the expansion area along the peninsula and silicon valley, as well as the area of los angeles where robo taxis now will be able to roll out the cpuc. s letter said it received 81 letters in support of waymo's expansion and five objections. >> this was an irresponsible decision by the puc. >> san mateo county supervisor dave canepa says there are concerns about safety and a need for more communication with waymo. >> we're trying to put guard rails and making sure for that, local jurisdictions have local control. >> a bill by san jose state senator dave cortese is calling for more local power to oversee autonomous vehicles. >> the dmv actually, in some ways has primary authority. they're the ones that are taking all the accident reports. so it's very transparent. and then the public utilities commission regulates them as a taxi
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service. >> ethan elkind is director of the climate program at uc berkeley law's center for law, energy and the environment. he says nationwide, states have maintained primary authority over avs. >> i don't know of any states that actually give local governments any kind of formal role or veto. >> some people say they'd be glad to catch a ride. >> i heard, or i actually read that it's been through a lot of trials and it's pretty safe, so i would do it, yes. >> others say they feel the approval is too fast and want a slower rollout. i would say i'm not really for them right now, you know? >> i mean, let them develop them and all that. but i just, uh, i just, i worry at the, at the speed of, of things. >> i reached out to waymo and received a response from the company, saying that they plan to work closely with city officials and local community to make sure that the rollout is safe. they have not yet set a date for when service will start in the expansion areas in mountain view, jana katsuyama
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ktvu fox two news. >> mayor london breed sent a second letter to china's president and ambassador, asking the country to bring pandas to the san francisco zoo. more than 60 local asian american leaders and organizers cosigned this week's letter and it comes on the heels of last week's announcement that china is going to send giant pandas to the san diego zoo. china has control of the pandas, and which institution receives them. in the past, there have only been pandas at 2 or 3 facilities at a time. in the united states, 709 another check of weather on what is kind of a crazy day. >> not only here in the bay, but up in the sierra as well. tough sledding up there, huh? >> yes, and a friend of yours saying walnut creek receiving a hail just moments ago the size of walnuts. so that is the type of weekend we are looking at again, just a very cold storm. that's bringing with it some dynamic features. here's a look into san francisco, where we do have a lot of overcast sky and the scattered showers continue
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as well as the possibility of thunderstorms. and with that will come the hail. here's a look at storm tracker two, where you can see pretty much the entire west impacted by this storm. here and we talk about the broken up clouds that you can actually see here on the satellite. that is an indicator of just the very cold air. some of this air transported all the way from the arctic and so that's why it's such a huge snow maker for the sierra. and for us, a little bit of snow as well. take a look at the pink that is there on the hills on the east side of napa. we do expect snow levels to continue to drop anywhere from 1500ft to about 2000ft, right now we've got light rain over novato, san rafael, inside the bay, the richmond-san rafael bridge, as well as the bay bridge and along the peninsula. it looks like sfo right now. some light rain. the east bay shore and then over to the east, where it looks like highway 680 right now near a san ramon, dublin, all seeing some rain. did you notice a little bit of snow there over mount diablo and into the hills we go
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where i'm seeing a rain snow mix all the way to about colfax, which is about 2400ft. now, when it comes to snow accumulation, we have already seen feet of snow since thursday. this is what is expected between now and the end of sunday. notice colfax , at 2400ft, could pick up a foot of snow. so a very cold storm and snow levels are very low, as we've been talking about now for days. it is not a good idea to head that direction in fact, it's impossible to get over the passes right now. rainfall amounts for us. we could see another half inch to an inch or so. and if you do get a brief downpour due to a thunderstorm, could see a little bit more. the future cast on this when it comes to what we expect time wise, it's just going to be on and off. there's a look at your lunch hour and then into the afternoon. there's a look at sunset so it won't be a complete rain out, but don't think it's going away. here's a look at midnight where it is still in in effect and expected to again continue to bring us
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the rain. it will begin to taper off tomorrow and i'll show you that in the extended forecast. but again, come tonight we could see a rain snow mix all the way down to about 1500ft. the rest of your weekend. and what we can expect in the extended forecast coming up. >> see in a bit. thank you rosemary. let's take a look at traffic at this hour. we've got some mighty wet roads out there. but if you're on your way to san francisco from the east bay, the toll plaza is easy breezy. no issues whatsoever. if you're in marin, coming into san francisco on the golden gate or heading the other way, that looks pretty good as well. the flag is flying out there, so a little windy, but no issues. but if you're heading to the sierra highway 80 is closed to big rigs from outside of auburn to the nevada state line, all due to numerous spinouts. that's soda springs. there as you can see, not much is going on there. change and four wheel drive for cars from colfax to nevada. chp reiterating stay home if you can . it will get worse before it
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gets better over the weekend at 80. could shut down in a moment's notice. so take note if you're heading that way all right. >> those are conditions will continue to watch for you as those strong winds blow through the sierra. we've been seeing video like this all night long. more than a foot of snow expected this weekend. major routes remain closed. chain restrictions on those roads that are still open and again, changing conditions very quickly and in oakland theater getting a slew of anti-semitic and anti-trans comments on their social media page. >> the event this weekend that led to that hate speech. when we come back [street noise] [car door shuts] [paparazzi taking pictures] introducing, ned's plaque psoriasis. ned, ned, who are you wearing? he thinks his flaky red patches are all people see otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. ned? otezla can help you get clearer skin,
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what do i see in peter dixon? live in the moment. i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible.
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it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! of interstate 880, in the eastbound direction. that big rig that you're looking at on your screen right now has been the center of attention this morning since early this morning, i think about 230 is when the sigalert was called. there was a crash. and actually that big rig overturned. and then they were concerned about fuel that was leaking onto the freeway. we do know they took traffic off of the fifth street on ramp, got the traffic off, and that you can see on the eastbound direction, things are shut down. this is right near jack london square. we don't know how long it's going to be shut down, but we do know is that big rig is now upright,
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which is good news. so they're going to try to get that out of the way. make sure all the oil and any kind of fuel that may have been leaking is off the freeway, and then they will get that roadway back open. but right now, no, no word yet on how long that will take. you can see on the right side of the screen, firefighters walking along there. that is very common when they've got any kind of hazmat or fuel situation. and certainly an emergency situation. so we've got james torres out there who's continuing to follow developments. if you're heading in that direction, you may need to go find an alternate route for now. and we'll keep you updated as new information comes in. >> time now is 717. the owners of an oakland theater say they have been receiving hateful messages on their social media sites. those messages are all tied to an event scheduled for tomorrow. the new parkway theater at 24th street will host a drag queen story time tomorrow afternoon. the theater posted a statement which says, in part, sadly, we recently received a whole slew of viciously anti semitic and anti-trans comments on a social media post. prompts
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our drag queen story time, uh, to be shut down. the theater's owners said they have removed the hateful messages from its platform and the event will go on. pardon me. as scheduled. it will go on as scheduled. >> well, food lovers from across the country are soon going to learn all about a popular mexican restaurant in the east bay. america's best restaurants is bringing its road show to martinez later this month to do an in-depth segment on taco daddies. it will feature an interview with the owner, and we'll explore the restaurant's menu of mexican dishes. america's best restaurants is a popular website and social media platform that focuses on local, independently owned restaurants. >> 718 another check of weather with rosemary on a stormy weekend here in california. >> yes, thunderstorms expected to remain in the forecast and the snow piling up in the sierra. we're talking about. 12, 17, 24in reported in just the
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last 24 to 36 hours. here's a look over the bay where we have a little bit of sunshine out there. you know, it's the sunshine that only helps to add instability to what is going on out there. so don't be surprised if you have a brief downpour a little bit of hail, experience the thunder and lightning. we all know this at some point, but i will remind you if you are near a thunderstorm, go inside. they could be very dangerous. novato reporting onshore gusts there at 20mph. oakland 44. as we take a shift here, we've got mountain view reporting 17, sfo 23. so the wind advisory goes until 10:00 this morning. not quite as windy as yesterday, but still blowing in many areas. mount diablo reporting 20. middle peak in the north bay reporting 34. so it's a wet, windy one out there. we have flooding on the roadways, hazardous conditions. if you don't have to be out, don't go again. a look at this impressive storm that is bringing rain and
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snow pretty much to the entire west. you can see here. let's move in a little bit closer to the bay area, where we have numerous reports out there for standing water and flooding. this one in san francisco coming in at 342 this morning, north at 101 at the eastbound 880 standing water. and there are numerous reports like this, this one in the los altos hills water and all lanes northbound at 280, just south of el monte road. so be careful if you're going out. it's wet, it's windy. meanwhile in the sierra, take a look at this one. so many storm reports. wind gusts to 74. wind gusts to 61. if you take a look at the bottom of your screen, peak wind gusts at more than 100 miles an hour. i don't know if you can see that at the very bottom it might be cut off by the crawl, but 145 mile per hour gusts reported at some of the peaks out there, and a whole lot of snow. afternoon highs for us under a mix of sun and clouds and the possibility of thunderstorms are going to be cool. we're low to mid 50s as a
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result of this cold storm. we do expect the snow levels to be down a 2000ft, maybe even 1500 feet, by tonight. your extended forecast. we will begin to dry out tomorrow. we get just a slight break though, because take a look at what is on the icon for monday and tuesday. a chance of showers and we will be mostly cloudy on wednesday with only a slight rebound in our temperatures. upper 50s to about 60 degrees. back to you. thank you rosemary. >> relief could be coming for some san francisco drivers, the potential plan for the city's first carpool lane to ease congestion on a busy i-280. >> making history on the pitch. more on the woman who has now become the first and only female coach in a major league soccer academy. what erin ridley of the san jose earthquake says she hopes to pass on to young soccer players
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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right here in the bay area. ian ridley of the san jose earthquakes is the first and only female coach in a major league soccer academy. she is the head coach of the youth 15 boys and the assistant coach for the youth 17 boys at the earthquakes academy. we spoke with coach ridley about her love for the game and what she hopes those athletes will gain from her. >> i think that idea of leaving a legacy and recognizing the game just helps you be part of something so much bigger than yourself can be such a powerful
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thing for young athletes. >> the earthquakes do have one of the top academies in mls. currently, ten players on the professional first team roster are home grown academy graduates. the quakes say ridley coached many of them and has had a hand in their development. >> the warriors will be going for their ninth straight road victory when they face the celtics in boston tomorrow afternoon. last night, the dubs kept their hot streak alive by beating up on the raptors in toronto on the road 120 to 105. steph curry leading the warriors in scoring. he had 25 points coming. to had 24. golden state's win in toronto came after the team's flight out of new york city, and mechanical problems caused a huge delay and turned their flight into a red.i . >> that's the worst travel circumstances i've ever been involved with in the nba. i think we got in bed at 8:00 this morning. you know, the guys slept during the day and woke up and came to the game. after that
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slow start, which was understandable. we really locked in and did a good job. and the dubs have been doing a good job the last couple of weeks. >> overall, the worries of 113 of their last 16. they are now five games above 500 and sit in the playoffs. the play in spot rather at the number nine spot in the western conference as well. caltrans at chp warning drivers to avoid lake tahoe roads all weekend long. the dangerous conditions and ongoing effort to keep roads clear, and more caucuses being held today as we inch closer to super tuesday. >> a look at what the candidates are doing in these final days and what we can expect from california voters what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy.
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because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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this election is about who shares your values. let me share mine. i'm the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. when they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. when trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values.
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snow in the sierra. latest on the blizzard warning in effect right now, making travel nearly impossible and an east bay freeway is shut down right now after big rig overturned. a look at the issues it's causing right now and some other problem spots coming up. >> from ktvu, fox two news. this is mornings on two and good morning bay area. >> you're looking at highway 880. that's southbound where that big rig is stalled out. they had a crash earlier this morning shortly before 3:00. sigalert went out and right now highway 80 southbound is closed. so they're pulling traffic off. it has to kind of navigate through jack london square and
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jump back up onto the freeway. they're trying to clear that, but there is some leakage there as well. out of those tankers. so chp working on it. and they hope to have this taken care of hopefully shortly. but we will have a live report. james is out there, james torres and we'll check in with him in just a moment. welcome back to ktvu mornings on two. saturday, march the second. a busy morning already. >> i'm frank mallicoat and i'm claudine wong. yes. let's talk about the weather. we have rain here, but the stuff we're watching is in the sierra. that is what they're talking about. maybe historic totals as record breaking totals. and, rosemary, this isn't just. oh, it's snowing in the in tahoe. this is blizzard nonstop day after day. and it certainly having an impact this morning. yes. >> and imagine all that snow that folks will have to dig out of once it is finally past. and to be honest, we kind of remain with an unsettled pattern even into next week. but let's focus on what is going on right now, where again, the snow is piling up in the sierra and here at home we continue with the
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possibility of thunderstorms. in addition to the scattered showers in the forecast for today, gusty winds continue, although beginning to taper off a little bit and the wind advisory goes until 10 a.m. and snow levels will be lowering. in fact, already picking up on the possibility over our local hills, i'll have a look at the radar and we'll talk about the weekend coming up in just a little bit. thank you rosemary. >> it's been a busy one up in the sierra as the snow keeps coming down. multiple feet of snow have fallen. much more to come up to ten feet by the end of the weekend at some of the higher elevations. and officials are reiterating to stay home, avoid all travel up to that lake tahoe area. fox weather's max gordon has been up there. the last couple of days. he joins us in the sierra at south lake tahoe. i'm one of the snowiest weekends this season. max, how is it up there? hey. >> good morning. well, this storm was billed as the biggest storm to hit the sierra all season. and it's definitely looking like it. heavenly. where
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we're near right now. they say that they've racked up 20in of fresh powder overnight. we've still got a lot more snow to go. it's still falling this morning and very blustery conditions. we're seeing gusts of around 35mph here in the south lake tahoe area. we've been seeing very windy conditions though throughout this storm. a gust of 190mph was recorded over at palisades tahoe. that's nearing the all time record for wind gusts here in california. that record set on ward mountain back in 2017, 199mph. so just nine miles per hour short of that all time record. now, travel has been rough up here in the sierra chp warning folks to not do any travel, but those who didn't heed that warning, well, some of them got stuck on i-80. chp had to close down i-80 yesterday afternoon. cars backed up tractor trailers were
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jackknifing cars spinning out. it was just too dangerous at times and they had whiteout conditions on i-80. no word at this point when i-80 will reopen. uh, it's all going to have to do with the conditions. that's really kind of the word from chp. and they're still waiting on the conditions to improve. now for routes that are still open up in the sierra, us 50 being one of them, chain controls are in place on those routes still up in the sierra. other routes closed off at this hour. just really tough travel conditions. driving not advised when it comes to which resorts are going to be open and closed today. it's kind of a mixed bag. palisades. they're going to be shut down. uh, sierra at tahoe. they're going to be shut down as well. uh, heavenly though, where we're next to, they say they're going to be opening at 10 a.m, a delayed start. we've actually been hearing the avalanche mitigation booms as they detonate some explosives up on the hill, trying to make sure that the avalanche danger has
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been lowered. but there is a high avalanche danger that runs from today into tomorrow because of all this snow that's been falling down. but luckily, things are going to calm down a little bit going into tomorrow and into next week. so hopefully some good skiing to be had. back to you. >> yeah. ibex i was going to say some primo skiing maybe on tuesday or wednesday up there. yeah i'm curious. just getting around the lake around south lake. what's it like on some of the roads there after you get up ? if you can even get there yet if you get up here, uh, roads around south lake tahoe are looking relatively clear on the main artery is, uh, caltrans has been doing a pretty good job up here of clearing the way. >> uh, you know, when you get into side streets, though, that's when you can run into trouble. really though, if you can hold off for a few more days , uh, you know, there's going to be some good skiing, you know, early in the week, maybe midweek. uh, right now, though,
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is just not the time to come on up here. we talked to a guy yesterday who came up on us 50. really? before even the bulk of this storm started hitting. and he said that a route that normally takes one hour took him two hours. and he was right behind a plow. uh, so also, obviously if you don't have four wheel drive, you shouldn't be doing any driving up here. so it's really, really tricky, really slick up here and travel just isn't advised, at least for the next 24 hours or so. >> yeah, if you're not up there yet, forget about it. i think that's the call right now. max gordon, you were there. thanks for the live report. we appreciate it. and stay warm, my friend. thank you. well caltrans and the chp urging drivers to just stay off those roadways to lake tahoe this weekend. >> we've got those whiteout conditions. road conditions are struggling. we've been checking with caltrans on the road conditions in at last check, a stretch of eastbound interstate 80 remains closed to spin out. so even if you're trying to get up 80, you cannot. it is shut
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down. highway 50 is open, but as you heard, drivers can expect some very dangerous conditions due to the heavy snow and the conditions are constantly changing. we are still under a blizzard warning up in tahoe. caltrans says its crews are working around the clock to try to keep those roads open and as clear as as much as possible. during this blizzard waited for the initial snowfall and then have been attacking it pretty aggressively. >> we've had plow trucks, graders and blowers, all three doing their part. all day. the crews are working in 12 hour shifts around the clock to keep as much of the highway open as possible. that's our ultimate goal. >> caltrans says most drivers have been heeding their warning and have been staying off of those roads to tahoe. all right, 737 new this morning, all lanes of southbound 880 in oakland are shut down at this hour. and that's because there was a big rig that flipped over and began leaking fuel onto the freeway. let's go to ktvu. james torres
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joining us live from the scene. he's been monitoring the situation and can talk about how the crash is affecting traffic and certainly that area. it's fortunate we're on a saturday morning, but certainly any shutdown of a of a major interstate is going to cause some issues. yeah >> claudine, it's been this way since before 3:00 this morning. we are just on the fifth street onramp here to 880. so if you're heading out of oakland, going to say san leandro and hayward, this might be a problem for you, especially if you're trying to get out of jack london square here. and that's because all lanes here on the south bound lane are now closed. looks like the northbound lane traffic is now flowing pretty okay. and traffic for the most part is light at this point. but when you have this kind of closure, this does affect the traffic that we will see a little later this morning. creates a little bit of a backup. you see the tanker truck that is there. here's what we're learning from chp. that tanker truck at some point crashed into a couple other cars. it ended up overturning fuel, ended up
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leaking. tow trucks have been on scene. they uprighted that truck . so you see it standing up right now. but what crews are worried about now is trying to clean up that fuel, making it safe enough for drivers to pass through here. so now the south southbound part of 880 still closed this morning. and at this point, crews don't know how much longer it's going to stay that way. to give you a better idea of where exactly this is happening, this is just short of 16th and embarked cordero. so if you're going from jack london square over to brooklyn basin this probably about half mile stretch of it all shut down this morning. so you'll need to take five 8680. that will be your best navigation to kind of go around this and start heading back your way down, uh, south of the east bay here. but 880 still remains closed this morning. chp still does not have an estimated time that it can reopen here. but good news is they do have the truck upright and they are still cleaning up some of the mess that's left behind here. so
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they are making the progress. yes, they are taking the right steps to kind of get this situation complete and resolved at some point soon. we just don't know exactly at what point that will be. but of course we will keep our eyes on those conditions and all those those updates. and as soon as we have more specific updates, including when this freeway will reopen, we will bring that to you for now, we are live this morning from oakland. i'm james torres, ktvu fox two news. all righty. >> thank you james. let's turn to weather now. and i think you mentioned it earlier. but the gal lisa marie, who cuts my hair walnut size hail in walnut creek about an hour ago. >> yes. uh, we've seen thunderstorms just kind of roar over parts of the bay area at times. yesterday today we had a match going on. it was a, uh, for a high school team, and there were thunderstorms out at kezar, and they had to, of course, forfeit and go home, giving you a live look here at the advisories that are with us. and in addition to the rain out
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there, we have a wind advisory that goes until 10 a.m. for the coastline, our inland east bay, as well as our hills. and even though the winds not quite as strong in many areas as we were seeing yesterday, they are still very breezy. and we'll check in on the winds here momentarily. high surf advisory with a large breaking waves expected to reach about 20ft or so today. and that advisory goes until 4:00 in the afternoon, heading up into the sierra, our fox reporter talking a little bit about the avalanche warning right now it shows until 8 a.m. that may be extended, and the blizzard warning all the way down to about 2000ft. there we are looking at until tomorrow. so the snow continues to pile up the breezy conditions, and we are seeing the snow level down to about 2000ft or so in areas near forest hill, as well as at grass valley, you can see a rain snow mix. the levels were about 5000ft yesterday day, so have dropped in the last 24 hours. and meanwhile here at home, if you notice, in addition to green on our screen, we've got white as well because we have snow
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falling on our local hills. bit of a rain snow mix there. it looks like in the sonoma, as well as napa valley hills. and then as we take a look at the coastline, we've got rain falling over our north bay coast along highway one, scattered showers along the peninsula, as well as the inner east bay. if you look towards the south there, the diablo range in areas over the east of san jose and santa clara. we've got some snow in the hills there. the winds right now over areas like emigrant gap, a wind gust to 32, and here at home where we talked about the wind advisory that goes until 10 a.m. we are still seeing breezy conditions right now. sfo reporting a wind gusts to 23. that's the current conditions. i'll have a look at what we can expect for the rest of today and the rest of the weekend. coming up. >> okay. thank you. rosemary. all right. as rosemary mentioned it is wet out there. so let's take you out to the roads and you can see the conditions. not too bad in the bay bridge toll plaza. i got to tell you though, as i'm watching the chp traffic site, there are spinouts. there are in various parts of the bay
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area, so things look good here. but keep in mind, roadways are still wet and people are still kind of trying to maneuver around any kind of flooding or any kind of downed debris that they see on the roadways. if we take you over to the golden gate bridge, we can take a look at conditions there. we actually have some blue skies peeking out, but this rainstorm is not done yet. as rosemary has been mentioned, we've seen a lot of unsettled weather, but for now we'll enjoy a little bit of sunshine there while we can as traffic moves easily across that span up in sierra. it is a very different story though. highway 80 in the sierra closed due to numerous spinouts and all you have to do is look at this picture as it rolls through soda springs to see why that is a roadway there. you can't even see the pavement. caltrans crews have been working around the clock, but this blizzard just keeps coming, which is why they are telling folks do not try to make this trip again. 80 is closed right now, 50 is open, but again, the conditions, the whiteout conditions, the blizzard conditions, those have been going for days now and they
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will continue. it is not done yet. so the chp is reiterating stay home and do not head up to tahoe for the weekend. you're probably not going to get there. you could get stuck in your car. it will get worse before it gets better. >> up next. today san francisco city leaders addressing voters on a crucial issue their launch of the get out and vote blitz ahead of the biggest day for this year's primary coming up. >> and there are caucuses today, but all eyes also on super tuesday, saint mary's political professor cory cook joins us live in studio. we talk about what the candidates need to do as hundreds of delegates are at stake what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant.
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a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped.
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you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. dakota all in advance of super tuesday, where 17 states and territories will hold primaries. and that includes california. more than 870 republican delegates are at stake. joining us now to talk about all of this, give us some insight into the biggest day of this year's primary campaign. saint mary's political professor kory cook. welcome in. thanks for joining us. so lots to talk about as we head into super tuesday. certainly we've got stuff happening today, but super tuesday is what everyone is
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focused on. what have we learned from what voters have done so far? because certainly there have been lessons learned even though people have won. you know, we talk about former president trump and president biden have won majorities. it seems like every primary has sent a message. >> it has. and every primary there's about 30 to 40% of the republican vote. that is not for trump. and so on the one hand, he's amassing a delegate lead. he will certainly increase his delegate lead after tuesday. it's unlikely right now that that nikki haley wins any states, and she has to even win five states to be able to have a speaking role at the convention. so he continues to amass a lead. it's likely that that will increase through next week. it's also likely that by the end of the end of the month, the primary election is over. but republican primary voters continue to say that they have questions about president trump. and it's not a small minority of those voters. >> so if you're a nikki haley, what some people are asking, what is the point? what is she
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trying to do if by super tuesday, which she has said, okay, if by super tuesday i'm not there, then maybe i will withdraw, has she had positive impact for the republican party? has she done what she meant to do? >> well, it depends on what she i mean, she she's trying to win, right. and so, so no, on the other hand, she is certainly, uh, can sized this anybody but trump vote. as i said, if she can manage to win a plurality in five states, then she has a role at the convention in. remember in 2020, the republicans did not have a platform for the party. ultimately one of her arguments is that she wants to affect foreign policy through the republican party platform. the only way to do that is to stay in the election and win some states. now, again, if she comes in a decent second over and over and over again, that won't that won't happen. but if she can manage to win some of these races that are at least close, if she can surge ahead at the end in a couple of states, then there's a reason for her to stay
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in the race. >> let's talk about president biden. i mean, in michigan, you know, he won, but we had these uncommitted votes that were in protest of the war in gaza. and and then we had an emerson poll that said, you know, in a general election, theoretical matchup, president trump would win, former president trump would win over president biden. what does president biden need to do? and what is the takeaway? i mean, it's still obviously very early. you have voters who are maybe behaving differently in this election. >> yeah. and they're still not even engaged in the general election. so it's still very early in terms of a general election. obviously, he's he's facing minimal competition. it is concerning that you have these protest votes in states where people stay home, but it's mostly concerning for the down ballot races. keep in mind that also on the ballot are these really important primary elections. so in california, probably the most important in the election is the us senate election. and so if you don't have an active campaign going on at the top of the ticket, what that means is down ballot, you have all these implications, particularly in a state like california that has a top two primary. so if democrats don't turn out, they're going to end
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up hurting their own candidates and potentially risk their congressional majority. >> and they moved up california to be impactful and to have a positive impact in the space. can i ask you before we go, in terms of all the, you know, news that we are seeing, whether it's the war in gaza or whether it's the trump's court battles and all these rulings, it feels like we're waiting for ruling after ruling after ruling. how do you think and will they have impact in kind of how voters attack these primaries? as we head to the general? >> so it appears that all the court cases are going to be delayed through the summer. and potentially beyond the election. so the thought for somebody like nikki haley that maybe you stay in the race because ultimately before the convention, there might be a moment at which the republican party says, let's go with a different candidate. that's certainly will not happen. now might there still be court cases that impact the general election? certainly i mean, again, some of these schedule schedules that we've seen are looking at maybe august . i mean, that is right in the heart of the presidential election in the general. so certainly there's a lot to come between now and november. but at
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this point, it appears that the primary again, the down ballot races are fascinating. folks who are watching should definitely go vote. what's going on with the congressional races is critically important. but in terms of the presidential is particularly particularly interesting. >> so we'll watch voter engagement, we'll watch voter turnout. that's something to see . all right corey cook as always, thank you so much for coming in. appreciate it. all right. we're also watching the weather specifically in the sierra raining here. but that weather in the sierra rosemary has been something else. as blizzard conditions continue. >> yes. and like you, as you know, claudine, we are not going to see that lighten up anytime soon. the storm continues to roar through today. here's a look over parts of the east bay and you can even pick up on a rainbow there. we do have sun mixed in with the rain and the clouds. hail at times. thunderstorms expected to remain for today, and the snow is falling over some of our higher peaks. already temperatures outdoors this morning. chilly low to mid to upper 40s with that cloud cover and the wet weather. and if you're thinking
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about getting out, we are seeing a lot of ponding on our roadways. this morning. the storm still has a ways to go. it's still back in here. at least the core. and that's what continues to send rounds and rounds of rain and unstable weather to our bay area. scattered showers over the north bay coastline right now, as well as the inner east bay and those shades of white indicating snow levels down to about 2500ft already and will lower even more by tonight. here's a look at the future cast notice on and off. just the rain continuing to move through. there's noontime. there's your evening and into the evening as we go. we are looking at tapering off just a bit, but not going away. we have to leave in the possibility of scattered showers for tomorrow and now the models are predicting we will see the chance of rain monday. tuesday. mostly cloudy on wednesday with a little improvement in our temperatures. the low to mid 50s expected for the weekend into the afternoons, only slightly
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better for early next week. back to you. >> all right. thank you rosemary . the giants signed a familiar face, a former oakland a with one of the best third base gloves in the big leagues. more on the newest giant next and 80 over donner summit and absolute mess this morning. authorities are asking people just to stay home and off those roads as these blizzard conditions continue
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this election is about who shares your values. let me share mine. i'm the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. when they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. when trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values.
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at first, i used better than bouillon for broth. and then stir fry... sauces... even marinades! and now there's the culinary collection! italian herb for pasta... smoky chipotle for fajitas... it's like the deliciousness never ends! make everything better with better than bouillon! did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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stores across the country, including here in california. cvs and walgreens will start dispensing mifepristone this month. a prescription will be needed, but that can be done over the phone. last year, the fda removed the in-person requirement for the prescription . >> since that, uh, in-person dispensing requirement has gone away, there's been a big expansion in the use of mail order pharmacies and telemedicine to provide medication. abortion, which has dramatically expanded access to this service. it's a very popular method. many people say
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that they see it as being easier the simpler it's more convenient . >> later this month, the supreme court is taking up the case as to whether freestone can be dispensed without a patient seeing a doctor prior to receiving that drug. >> giants have signed an all star third baseman who is well known to baseball fans here around the bay area. former oakland a's star matt chapman as reportedly signed a three year, $54 million deal to play for the giants. the 31 year old veteran is one of the best defensive infielders in all of major league baseball, but chapman struggled at the plate during the past three seasons, hitting just 226, the last two with toronto. and we now know why the two time world series champion is often called the greatest shortstop in giants history. did not finish his career with the giants. brandon crawford signed a one year deal with the cardinals earlier in the week. crawford now says he wanted to stay in san francisco for a 14th and final season, but he blames
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the team's president of baseball operations, farhan zaidi, for ending his career with the giants. crawford making those comments in an interview with the athletic. an excerpt here. the bottom line is i was not wanted back by the one person whose opinion matters. i was told i could earn the last spot on the roster like anyone else could as a non-roster invitee. that was the nail in the coffin. crawford opted to sign instead with saint louis. meanwhile, the giants will host the padres today in their latest spring training game at scottsdale, arizona. yesterday the giants beat their former manager bruce bochy, and the rangers 11 to 5. davis ahmed and matos combined for eight rbi. it was giants first win of the preseason as well. a's will face the mariners later today. >> stay away from the sierra that is the message from first responders. roads are closed, power is out. and that sierra
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blizzard warning. we've been watching does remain in effect until tomorrow. here in the bay area, we are also seeing wet roadways and at this hour have major traffic issues causing a lane closure in a freeway closure in the east bay. >> this was an irresponsible decision by the puc opponent. >> opponents of waymo's robo taxis, gearing up for a fight after regulators green light expansion into the peninsula and los angeles. we have waymo's reaction and more details about the objections from critics from ktvu. >> fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> good morning to you. let's take you outside for a look at the golden gate bridge. this morning. the wind is blowing, as you can see from that flag on the right hand side of your screen. but we got a little sun peeking out trying to make an appearance after what's been a soggy few days, but things are
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not done quite yet. we are not ready to dry out. we still have some weather. we are watching. actually lots of weather that we're watching. welcome to mornings on two. it is march second. i'm claudine wong, everyone. i'm frank mallicoat. >> we had a little hope out there. we had a little sunshine about a half hour ago around the golden gate. all cloudy now. more rain today. more snow in the sierra and the song remains the same. yes. >> stay indoors if you can. we are looking at scattered showers. the wind advisory continues for the bay area for a little bit longer as well, giving you a look here at the scattered showers. widespread over the north bay along the coastline there. if you look to the east of us, san jose, we've got some snow falling there and snow levels are expected to drop later today. the wind advisory until 10 a.m. for our coastline, our inland east bay, as well as our hills. and we are seeing the breezy conditions out there. we have a high surf advisory that goes until 4:00 this afternoon, and as we've been talking about
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for days now, the avalanche warning has expired over the lake tahoe area. but the blizzard warning continues until tomorrow morning. i'll have a look at the current conditions and what we can expect for the weekend there and here. >> coming up, seen a bit. thank you. rosemary. new on the saturday morning. all lanes southbound 880 in oakland. still shut down at this hour. that's due to a big rig that flipped over and began leaking fuel onto the freeway early this morning. ktvu is james torres live from the scene to tell us how that crash is affecting traffic here at 8:00. good morning frank. >> good morning. well, it sounds like that big rig truck crashed into another car that was traveling on the southbound lane of 880 and the southbound lanes of 880 still remain closed this morning. the northbound lanes looks like traffic is flowing through just okay here, but you can see the situation right behind me here. the tanker truck . the truck all the way to the left side that you're seeing here. that was the one that was flipped on its side. tow trucks
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have since come in uprighted it, and now it's standing exactly the way you see it here. crews are still working to kind of clean up the mess that's left behind here, and that is what's stalling the reopening here of southbound 880. give you a better idea of where we are. this is just short of 16th and embarcadero. so if you were leaving jack london. jack london square rather trying to get to brooklyn basin. that would be near impossible to do. on 880, you'd have to take the city roads to do that. but also, if you're heading from, say, oakland and berkeley trying to get down to san leandro or hayward, 880 is not going to be the way to do that. you'll have to renavigate over toward 580 and 680 to kind of get down there and we still don't have any indication of how soon this may reopen. and this has been this way since just before 3:00 this morning. so this roadway, this freeway has been shut down for hours at one point lanes in both directions were closed because they didn't really understand how dangerous that situation was. they've since looked like reopened the
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northbound lanes. so if you're heading up toward oakland north side, you should be perfectly okay. that's southbound. lane is what's going to cause you some trouble for what seems like at least the remainder of the morning. we are checking in with chp. we are checking in with the crews on the scene here to see if they have any idea how soon they can clean this mess up, reopen, remove the cones, remove the barriers and get traffic flowing here again. of course, once we get those updates and that information, we will let you know. for now, we're live this morning in oakland. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. thank you james time now 803 driving up to lake tahoe this weekend is extremely dangerous. >> and a blizzard warning for the sierra in effect until tomorrow morning. people who ignored the warnings though and drove up interstate 80 and 50, dealt with whiteout conditions and closures. one couple we spoke with hit a roadblock on i-80 just before blue canyon on friday. on their way from livermore to reno for a 60th birthday party.
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>> all my family's out there, so we just kind of woke up and we're like, you know, just planning on going to celebrate. >> um, we didn't expect to have to sit right here. i got starbucks and water. >> you're urged to stay off the roads if possible all weekend long. highway 80 is currently closed. 50 is opened with chains and four wheel drive into south lake. if you need to be out on the roads, be prepared. have a full tank of gas. uh, have that ev all charged up warm clothes, a sleeping bag, and a food and water for 24 to 72 hours. now the blizzard is causing multiple closures, including yosemite national park live. look right now from the valley. perhaps there. the park closed at midnight on thursday, will stay closed at least through noontime tomorrow, but it could be pushed later. there's the live look of the valley. uh, it looks pretty dark, right now. there were some periodic closures during last year's winter storm, all due to
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high water and flooding. but closing the entire park is a very rare occurrence as well. >> the heavy rain and strong winds are causing problems everywhere you look here in the bay area, a mudslide has actually forced the closure of highway nine. this is in the santa cruz mountains. caltrans shared these photos on social media. you can see those huge trees there that fell on the mountain roadway. so caltrans shut down all lanes between redwood gulch and sanborn road near saratoga. and there is no word yet on when that roadway is going to reopen. and four people are being treated for minor injuries. after a big tree came crashing down on their car in san francisco, you can see it peeking out just from underneath those branches. the san francisco fire department sharing this photo of the scene, which is at laguna street in golden gate avenue in the city's fillmore district. firefighters say it was fortunate there were no serious injuries and a quick reminder that you can always stay ahead of the storm with the ktvu weather app. it has current conditions there live interactive radar, and it breaks
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down the forecast hour by hour upon bits of waymo's robo taxis are considering an appeal after state regulators approved the company's request to expand its services into the peninsula and los angeles. >> ktvu jana katsuyama takes a look at waymo's response and the objection from critics. >> on friday, the california public utilities commission gave waymo the green light to expand its robotaxi service. >> waymo submitted these maps to the cpuc, showing the expansion area along the peninsula and silicon valley, as well as the area of los angeles where robo taxis now will be able to roll out the cpuc letter said. it received 81 letters in support of waymo's expansion and five objections. this this was an irresponsible decision by the puc. san mateo county supervisor dave canepa says there are concerns about safety and a need for more communication with waymo. >> we're trying to put
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guardrails in making sure that that local jurisdictions have local control. >> a bill by san jose state senator dave cortese is calling for more local power to oversee, see autonomous vehicles. the dmv actually, in some ways has primary authority. >> they're the ones that are taking all the accident reports. so it's very transparent. and then the public utilities commission regulates them as a taxi service. >> ethan elkind is director of the climate program at uc berkeley law center for law, energy and the environment. he says nationwide, state courts have maintained primary authority over avs. >> i don't know of any states that actually give local governments any kind of formal role or veto. >> some people say they'd be glad to catch a ride. >> i heard or i actually read, that it's been through a lot of trials and it's pretty safe. so i would do it, yes. >> others say they feel the approval is too fast and want a slower rollout. >> i would say i'm not really
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for them right now. you know, i mean, let them develop them and all that. but i just, uh, i just , i worry at the, at the speed of, of things. >> i reached out to waymo and received a response from the company, saying that they plan to work closely with city officials and local communities to make sure that the rollout is safe. they have not yet set a date for when service will start in the expansion areas in mountain view, jana katsuyama, ktvu, fox two news. time now is 808 applications still open to serve on san mateo's grand jury. >> grand jurors investigate issues into the county and make recommendations for improvements . they also examined citizen complaints about local government agencies. jurors will serve from july the first of this year through june 30th, 2025. the deadline to apply is march 27th. you can find the application on. links. >> oakland congresswoman barbara lee cast her ballot in the california primary yesterday and
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urged others to do the same. i'm the voter turnout is pretty low, right now, but we know that our voters vote late and i hope they vote quickly, though, so that all of the ballots will be in by 8:00 by on tuesday night. congresswoman lee filled out her ballot at prescott middle school in west oakland. her run for the us senate means that she is vacating the seat in congress that she has held for 26 years. she says she feels good about her campaign, saying she'll be in san diego, orange county and los angeles this weekend to get her message out. and political organizers are trying to get more people to the polls today and tomorrow. san francisco democrats for change will hold a get out the vote blitz in debow's park, the group says with election day on tuesday, voter turnout is still expected to be less than 15. several. city leaders will be out this weekend's event, and we'll speak with voters about the issues and the races. organizers say the blitz will happen, rain or
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shine. it will start at 930 in the morning and will go until six at night. >> all right, 810 your time. how about tuesday? we're going to have some decent weather because today would not be a good voting day. rosemary you know the saying is if the weather is bad, people don't like to at least go out to the polls. >> but we are looking at, i'm going to say, unsettled weather, even though you know, this is of course, the biggest storm that we have been talking about for some time, but it looks like we could remain with the possibility of scattered showers. let's take a look at the satellite and radar here, where areas of. the north bay seeing widespread light rain at this time. also right along the coastline from point reyes down towards it looks like ocean beach. you can see some there as well, and you can also detect a little bit of rain snow mix in our hills this morning. snow levels look to be about 2000 2500ft. could be dropping down to about 1500ft by tonight. and we're seeing a rain snow mix over mount diablo. a rain snow mix. it looks like near mount hamilton at this time. i'm pulling back just a little bit.
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we do have a reports out there this morning for flooding on roadways. this one in saratoga, a power pole with the lines and tree down blocking. the slow lanes there. so it is a bit of a mess. and james torres of course, been reporting live on a big incident out there. uh just near the station in oakland. if we head into the sierra, countless reports for very strong wind gusts, even the tahoe city peaking at. um, 143mph, it looks like right about 8600ft or so. so the winds will continue as well as the snow continuing to pile up 20in, 24in reported just in the last 24 hours over parts of the sierra. we have a wind advisory that goes until 10:00. the winds are coming down, will be a bit breezy for today, but we are looking better than we were yesterday. mount diablo right now reporting winds to 26. middle peak at 28. i'll have a look at the futurecast model. we'll see if we can pinpoint the
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storm and what we can expect for the rest of the weekend. coming up. >> thank you. rosemary a dramatic rescue of a driver who semitruck has seen dangling from a bridge. how firefighters. got that driver out safely. >> strong winds are still blowing in the sierra and the snow is being measured in feet. coming up. we're going to talk live with the chp and i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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republicans, and winning. when they overturned roe, i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. when trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values.
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the possibility of flooding on those roadways. we do have the winds improving. that is some good news. but again, it could be breezy over our bridges. here's a look at storm tracker two, where we have widespread rain over areas of the north bay along the coastline from point reyes, over towards ocean beach and now sliding towards pacifica. we had a thunderstorm raw over the inner east bay earlier, with hail falling there and in the sierra. of course, the snow is piling up. some areas reporting anywhere from an inch to two inches of rainfall since thursday in our hills. closer to like mount diablo and ben lomond in the santa cruz mountains, reporting almost three inches of rainfall so far.
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and we will continue with the on and off scattered showers for today and seeing a little bit of a break even a little bit of sunshine out there this morning. but again, we're not finished. the storm is will continue until tomorrow and we are seeing areas like los altos hills with water and all lanes reported there north about 280. and that at 630 this morning. and then we talked about this one before the break, we have downed power pole with a tree, a tree also down in the saratoga area. so a lot going on on our roadways this morning and in the sierra, the winds continuing to blow right near tahoe city at the higher elevations, clocking 143mph. the winds here at home, we've got napa reporting eight, nevada reporting five. oakland 13. so even dying down a little bit since where we were an hour ago and in our hills, big rock reporting 20mph. a look at the forecast moving forward with the winds. we'll still be breezy. you'll notice the oranges and the reds, especially over our
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hills along the coastline for today. but it will be dying down tonight. and then tomorrow the winds look a lot better. here's a look at the future cast. here we are right now with scattered showers. here's a look at 1:00 notice. it picks up a little bit and then into the dinner hour past sunset. the scattered showers are continuing to fall. if you're going to be out and about and you leave the house because it's not raining, do expect the rain to turn back on once again, which means you may want to have the umbrella handy. here's a look at your extended forecast, where we will have temperatures on the cool side low to mid 50s in the forecast for the afternoon today, tomorrow and we're leaving in a chance of showers for monday and tuesday. so the unsettled weather is going to stick around for the next few days. mostly cloudy, but not much better with the temperatures on wednesday. back to you. okay >> thank you. rosemary. well, as rosa has been talking about, we've got this historic blizzard hitting tahoe. and the message has been the same. do not come to the sierra. we've been
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watching this camera all morning long. you can't even see through the camera anymore because the snow has piled up on it. roads have been closed due to spinouts. whiteout conditions, making visibility just tough. and the snow keeps coming. so let's welcome to the show chp officer art montiel to get an update on the roads and thanks for joining us. before we get to the sierra, can we really quickly get an update on 880? that's the other story i've been watching this morning with that big rig that was leaking oil. >> you know, right now we don't have any information regarding that. uh, we're just telling people to be careful when they go out to the sierra. if they if they really need to get out there. um uh, definitely try avoiding it because we're having a lot of issues that there's a lot of snow. uh, a lot of our officers are working very hard trying to, um, help people. but if you can avoid going up to the sierras, that would be the best thing. >> yeah. do you feel like people are, uh, kind of heeding that warning or. we have seen a lot of spinouts and we certainly know that the area has been closed, but this is a time where, you know, sometimes you
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tell folks, try to avoid it. if you can, and they just hit the road anyway. >> exactly. i mean, they, they don't until they actually get there. they realize that, you know, this was not a good idea. i mean, we we've been telling them since yesterday, uh, uh, the news has been telling them that there's gonna be a lot of snow coming down. um, roads are going to be closed. we don't want you guys out there because there's going to. there's a lot of possibility of, uh, you getting stuck in the snow, uh, like you said, like you mentioned, there's some areas that are closed. um, so if we can avoid it, just don't go up there. yeah >> for officer safety, has it been all hands on deck? >> exactly. yeah. we have everybody that's available out there and, um, we are trying to get people out. but again, if you if people are continuing to going up there, then it's not going to it's not going to help the officers. >> yeah. certainly i know it's hard to get to people. it's hard. and the message has been the same that if you're in your car, you might have to be prepared for 24 to 72 hours of
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being stuck in that car. all right. chp officer art montiel, we certainly appreciate you joining us this morning. thank you for all your officers are doing out there on the roads to try to keep everyone safe and we hope drivers just heed the warning and stay off the roads. >> let's hope sir. thank you. >> all right. time now is 820. bald eagle chicks could be born any day now. we're going to take you live to jackie and shadows. famous nest for an update on this season's hatch watch. >> and what man's trash is another man's treasure? why? the rare collectible piece found at the goodwill is now selling for more than 18 grand. that story coming up
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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the country to bring pandas to the san francisco zoo. more than 60 local asian american leaders and organizations cosigned this week's letter. it comes on the heels of last week's announcement that china is sending giant pandas to the san diego zoo. china does have control of those pandas, and which institution receives them, and in the past, there have only been pandas at 2 or 3 facilities at a time in the united states. well, march is women's history month, and we are recognizing a woman making her mark in
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professional soccer right here in the bay area. we're talking about erin ridley of the san jose earthquakes. she is the first and only female coach in a major league soccer academy. she's the head coach of the u15 boys and the assistant coach for the u17 boys at the earthquakes academy, and we spoke with coach ridley about her love of the game and what she hopes the athletes will gain from her. >> i think that idea of leaving a legacy and recognizing the game just helps you be part of something so much bigger than yourself can be such a powerful thing for young athletes. >> the earthquakes have one of the top academies in mls. currently, ten players on the professional first team roster are homegrown academy graduates. the quakes say ridley coached many of them and has had a hand in their development about some basketball. >> and the warriors will be going for their ninth straight road victory when they face the boston celtics tomorrow. out east last night, the warriors kept their hot streak alive by beating the raptors in toronto.
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one 2105 steph curry leading the charge. he had 25. jonathan kuminga had 24. rather loud points. golden state's winner in toronto came after the team's flight out of new york city had mechanical problems caused a huge delay, turned their flight into a red eye. >> that's the worst travel circumstances i've ever been involved with in the nba. i think we got in bed at 8:00 this morning. you know, the guys slept during the day and woke up and came to the game. after that slow start, which was understandable. we really locked in and did a good job. >> and they have been doing a good job the last few weeks. overall, the worries have won 13 of their last 16 games here. now five games above 500 is. >> curry has revealed that she and her husband, warriors star stephen curry, are expecting their fourth child. she announced the baby news on her website. the baby will join daughters riley, who's 11, ryan, who's eight, and their five year old son cannon. she did not say
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when the baby is due. curry said even with the demands of her business and basketball for her husband, they did decide that they were ready for a fourth child. so congrats to them and a rare 14 karat gold lego piece was donated to a goodwill store in central pennsylvania for, according to the to usa today, that toy was donated with a bag of jewelry. the item got 48 bids and it was auctioned off for more than $18,000. the goodwill spokesman says that money is going to go towards supporting the store's mission of helping people with life challenges and providing training opportunities, and we wanted to give a special shout out to this couple, 88 year old barbara proctor will be featured in a cool school next week. >> a volunteer reader in east bay schools, and the man next to her is her boyfriend, ernie glaser, who lives in rossmoor today is his 100th birthday. born march 2nd, 1924. i know he's watching. so ernie, happy 100th, happy 100th. >> what an amazing milestone. wow. well, thank you for joining us this morning here on ktvu.
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and don't go anywhere. we'll jumping over to the plus momentarily. >> you can watch the very latest news weather anytime by downloading that fox local app streaming on your smart tv. have a eat y
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ ) democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice.
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mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. >> could this be your biggest player of the year


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