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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  March 3, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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plans to tackle these challenges and whiteout conditions is
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persisting and road closures in the sierra. officials are continuing to advise people to not travel to the sierra. ski resorts remain closed and how caltrans is battling the storm's fury. we have the updates on those treacherous conditions and it is the final push to rally bay area voters to cast their ballots before tuesday's crucial election. today's last blitz by the san francisco democrats for change to get out the vote. >> from ktvu, fox two news. this is mornings on two. all right. >> blizzard conditions continue as we've mentioned, the snow just keeps coming down. check out this video. this was tweeted out by chp truckee just a moment ago. and as you can see visibility is an issue. you can't see the roadway because there's so much snow on it as well. and so if you can imagine driving up to tahoe this is not the scene that you want to see. and it's very quickly when you have conditions like this for things to get out of control.
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again, highways are closed, chains are required, and it is just not a good time to make that trip. welcome to mornings on two. on this sunday, march third, i'm claudine wong and good morning one and all. >> it is sunday. it's not raining, at least in parts of the bay area, but kind of another wet couple of days here. let's check in with rosemary now and talk weather not only here, but up in the mountains as well. yes scattered showers will continue for us today. >> a winding down a little bit later this afternoon. but you're right, the snow continuing in in the area of the west slope, as well as the sierra greater lake tahoe area. and with that there is the blizzard warning that is now extended. and i'll show you that. first, a live look here over the oakland estuary where the sun rose about 25 minutes ago. so you may notice the sky, a little light out there. here's a view of storm tracker two, where you can see the scattered showers that continue to pour in over the bay area as well as the sierra. we'll get in a little a little bit closer here. take a look. snow levels right now down to about 2000ft. it looks like.
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and the blizzard warning now extended until early tomorrow morning, followed by a winter storm warning that will go now until wednesday morning with snow expected now through the next few days not ending today nor tomorrow. meanwhile, for us here at home, in addition to scattered showers, it's a colder start and a frost advisory for our north bay valley locations and hills. a better look at the current conditions here. what we can expect for the rest of the weekend, and the extended forecast coming up. >> we will see you in a bit. thank you. rosemary snow has been falling for several days now and state officials continue to warn people to avoid travel at all costs in the sierra, the wind from the storm has created whiteout conditions and officials have made it very clear that if you still want to head up there, it's best to wait it out a day or two. many in the tahoe area still hunkering down and only venturing out to clear the driveway, but others open their door to that. that big wall of snow number. ski resorts, by the way, remain shut down again today. caltrans has been working overtime in peak
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blizzard conditions. as mentioned, a number of ski resorts remain shut down again today as some ski lifts can see up to 100 mile per hour winds. in these conditions. sports basement in berkeley put on a blizzard sale for customers that are eager to hit the slopes. a special post storm ski bus is being arranged by the store to take their customers up to the tahoe area tomorrow, but it could be subject to change if those conditions haven't improved later this morning. as for interstate 80, still unclear when they'll be able to get that back open over donner pass at last check. i-80 eastbound still being turned around at colfax, and westbound traffic being turned around at the nevada state line. businesses up in truckee were digging out of all that snow yesterday and will continue again today. you can see the main street through downtown truckee. totally snowed in. road uh, roads there, inaccessible and some resourceful people decided to
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get around with their cross country skis. some amazing snow totals coming out of the sierra right now. uc berkeley's central sierra snow lab and soda springs says it measured 20.7in of new snow from friday to saturday. palisades tahoe says almost three feet of snow fell yesterday, with half of that coming overnight. resorts are measuring the snow in feet, not inches. many are delaying openings today or staying closed altogether until those roads clear up here in the bay area, rain turned to snow at higher elevations. >> colder temperatures on mount hamilton allowed a light snowfall to stick to the roads. check out this video. you can see it coming down here. people in the neighborhood did go out to enjoy that rare bay area snowfall and say they were happy with the dusting of snow. they made the best of it. it's not a not a lot of snow. >> basically, it's, uh, like a ten, uh, layer of the snow. but anyway, it's cool. >> the two men we spoke to say
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they're from russia and tell us they are used to getting a lot of snow this time of year in russia. and as always, you can stay ahead of the storm with the free ktvu weather app. it does have current conditions for you. there is also live interactive radar and it will break down the forecast hour by hour. we are now in the final countdown to super tuesday in california. >> is march 5th primary and the candidates vying to represent california and the us senate are making their final push to voters. ktvu james torres he's live in the south bay in san jose, where a get out to vote rally is planned for later this morning. good morning frank. >> good morning to you. will come tuesday. voters will have a number of ideas that they'll have to consider from measures to primaries. but of course, one of the hotly contested races that we will be keeping an eye on is who will be california's next senator. it's a race between four candidates. we've been hearing this story, of course, for years now. representative adam schiff on the democratic side, and former baseball player steve garvey on
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the republican side, are both leading the pack, and they're both on track to be the two candidates headed to the general election. east bay congresswoman barbara lee and congresswoman katie porter are both expected to be in the bay area tonight to try and appeal to some of those last minute voters. we expect to see events all weekend long promoting people to get out and vote. we heard from state senator scott wiener, who is not facing any elections this cycle, but wants to see a higher than expected voter turnout. >> we got to get the vote out. turnout is really low so far. we want to make sure people know about this election and know that it matters. >> well, down in san jose, former mayor sam liccardo is hosting a get out to vote rally. he's also running to replace congresswoman anna eshoo, a seat that rally is set to start at about 9:00 this morning. everyone in california, you should have already received a ballot in the mail. that would have been weeks ago. you can use that to vote so long as it's postmarked by election day. of
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course, you can do the traditional thing as well and go vote at a local polling place in person again tuesday, super tuesday. that is the day to get out and vote. we are live this morning in san jose. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. thank you james. >> petaluma police are asking for your help in their search for a vandalism suspect. investigators have released surveillance images of a man vandalizing a business on lynch creek way. this happened on january the third. they say every glass window around the building had been shattered. and a black line had been spray painted throughout the exterior of the building. police say the suspect threw rocks, shattered windows in the same business back in august. >> the bay area's largest school district is prepared to close some of its schools. san francisco unified announced it could close an unspecified number of its schools in the coming years. the district says understaffing, declining enrollment and the deleterious ation of its facilities are hurting its ability to help children succeed. sf usd's superintendent says getting rid
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of older schools would help alleviate some of these problems . >> aims to create the schools our students deserve and our families expect. we must have fewer schools than we do now. we realize this is difficult to hear. no one wants to think about their school or any school closing its doors, us included. but by having fewer schools, we can concentrate our resources and enhance programs and teacher support and student services. is the superintendent says he will start an eight month process to set criteria for closing schools and at the end of that process, there will be a recommendation on which schools to put on the list. >> time now is 709. hundreds of thousands of young salmon have died at the site of a dam removal project on the klamath river. state officials telling the chronicle that the dead chinook salmon were among the first hatchery fish released on the klamath since that dam was removed. officials think they died from water pressure that
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was too strong inside a water tunnel. state leaders that removed the dam are set to demolish three others, all in an effort to protect that historic salmon spawning ground. and sausalito's plan to clear people living in richardson bay illegally appears to be working. a law bans boaters from anchoring for longer than 72 hours in the bay, and the sausalito and richardson bay authorities have been removing anyone who's illegally anchored in the bay. it was challenged in court, but the law stood. chronicle reports. up to 200 boats were in the water illegally in recent years, and now that number is closer to 40. the goal is to remove all the boats and find homes for people living in them by the end of the year, new project renderings for california's high speed rail project are giving us a better look at what some of the stations will look like. >> the high speed rail authority released these new images showing what the stations in the central valley might look like. the renderings depict stations in merced, fresno and bakersfield, and the design show
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a modern, massive design for all stations. officials say stations designs will be finalized later this year, with construction starting in 2027. >> 710. of course, the big story the last few days has been the weather and it continues today. look at all the green behind you, rosemary. i know i see not over yet. is it about to change? >> yeah. oh no, it's not over. we do have scattered showers remaining in the forecast for us. the snow of course, continuing in the sierra. here's a look from ktvu across the oakland estuary where it's a soggy one. out there. we are seeing a lot of cloud cover in addition to some drizzle, a few scattered showers and temperatures are chillier. this morning, especially in the north bay where we do have an advisory for frost, that means make sure you protect that people, pets, plants. this will go through the next couple of hours. novato down by five degrees. san carlos down by five degrees right now along the peninsula. low to mid to upper 40s. reported there. but this is where we are seeing some of our colder temperatures. 38 right now in santa rosa, 38
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in novato, mid to upper 30s across many of our valley locations in the north bay and back to storm tracker two, where you can see the scattered showers there. let's get in a bit closer. take a look at where we're seeing some light rain over areas. it looks like the valley, our hills as well. snow levels are about 2000ft. you may notice a little bit of rain snow mix here just below the graphic sign. and then as we shift into the central bay, it looks like we have a little bit of green here between san francisco, oakland, inside the bay, scattered showers and a little bit of rain. snow mix over the diablo range in mount hamilton into the sierra. the snow here continues for today. could see another foot or so checking in on just this one location. this weather reporter 48 hours in 26in measured in the last 24 hours and 42in over 48 hours. a lot of numbers there to dial in. but yes, the takeaway is there's a lot of snow and it's going to
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continue with the winter storm warning that will follow up behind the blizzard warning as far as the timeline on this notice, as we get into noontime, looks like a little bit of a moisture pushing through and then into the evening hours. not quite as much, but we are going to remain unsettled. pretty much for the entire day. i'll have a look at the rainfall amounts we have seen so far here in the bay area, and what we can expect for the week ahead. coming up. >> thank you rosemary. coming up, tesla charging stations now open to ford's electric vehicles . the strategic move to increase billions in environmental credits for tesla. >> if you don't have support navigating your life, it's really hard to think about your health. >> it has been a life saving spot for young people in the bay area. coming up next, the oakland dream clinic that is offering more than just health care needs "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate."
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"known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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here's your biggie bag. all that food for 5 bucks. -that's my go to. -oooh - that's my ride or die. hah.... just like you and me.... (singing) ♪ bag boys ♪ ♪ bag boys, whatcha gonna do ♪ don't... -♪ whatcha gonna do ♪ -don't... -♪ when we bring your food ♪ - it... go biggie and get all this with the jbc for just 5 bucks.
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of breast cancer day and is a reminder for all women to get regular mammograms. as these cancers account for about 10% of all breast cancer patients and is common, more common in women younger than the age of 40. it is also more frequently seen in black women. a triple negative breast cancer survival rates are lower than other forms of breast cancer, but is treatable if it's detected early and we do want to remind everyone that early detection is key to surviving many forms of breast cancer. just scan that qr code that's right there on your screen, and you can sign up for making stride events this fall in the bay area. those help fund research to end breast cancer. time now is 716. >> the past six years, the dream youth clinic in oakland has been providing medical services to teenagers and young adults. ktvu is alice wirtz recently visited a nonprofit clinic where health care is only one aspect of the support they provide. doctor
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aisha mays is a physician focused on youth health. >> she's the executive director and founder of the dream youth clinic in downtown oakland. >> we love working with young people. i've spent my entire career working with youth in oakland and i really felt like it was so important to work for some of the youth who have been made most vulnerable by our society in oakland. so it really was a perfect fit. >> her mission is to help youth, not just with their health care needs, but making choices in life. >> because if you can't, if you don't have support navigating your life, it's really hard to think about your health care. >> this isn't just a clinic. it's a safe space to get a meal. take a shower, or get help finding a job. >> in addition to medical services, we integrate our youth programing. we have health navigation for our young people, so that's working one on one with youth around those basic needs they may need. maybe they need to get their identification. maybe they're looking for a job. maybe they're trying to reenroll in school with a large social media presence, dream youth clinic wants to be where students can find them. we always welcome
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questions, and we always let young people know that they are here and they will receive services at noúcost to them. >> social, emotional, cultural. there's a lot for young adults to deal with these days. young people who are unsheltered and young people who are experiencing sex trafficking. young people who are involved in the foster care system or the juvenile justice system. and we open our arms for all those young people. >> one program at the clinic is the young rising group. erica mcbride is a health advocate and coordinator. she knows her work being a mom of four herself, i let them know what i went through. >> first hand. yougre speaking to somebody who went through thisc. >> she knows what the young moms >> if i can get them connected with some type of housing program, that is my number one thing. and nine times out of somebody who has a housing program for mothers with young children. >> partnerships are what make the program successful. >> we have very strong
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partnerships here. we partner with our shelter partners, with our behavioral health partners. >> other than partnerships, grants, foundation and individual gifts make these programs happen at dream youth clinic, our community partners are very, so much involved. >> and it's not just one community partner. it's another two. so, you know, just where ever we can get the help to service these youth, we'reúgoing to do it. >> the dream youth clinic has spbeen since 2017. now with two locations in oakland and coming in late march, we'll have a third in east oakland in two news. well the national weather service said there was a tornado in monterey county. >> just south of gilroy between prunedale and san juan bautista last night around 630. the tornado may have touched down, but there are no reports of damage right now as it's a pretty rural part of the county. people whoúdo live in that area, though, we're told to go to a basement or part of their home that had no windows.
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just as a precaution. it was the first tornado warning for that area since 2011. >> we've had a little bit of everything it has been busy. laf weeks, the last week for sure. and it continues, the sierra upy thursdayc though to get there. >> yes. and while i'm sure it looks is falling, i can't imagine having to dig out of that. no fun giving you a look here from a ktvu across the oakland estuary, where scattered showers continue. yesterday continue for today as the storm continues to move outúof. here's spa look at some of the rainfall amounts from the three days. we're talking about san jose half inch. meanwhile, redwood city anc inch and three 34/100 kentfield reporting. two inches our hills. our mountains, including mount diablolúben lomond and the santa cruz mountains. all reporting more
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on the scattered showers out that continues in the sierrat- pulling back here, we still nots circulationústill kind of off our coastline creeping inland, but bringing with it that moisture there and the broken up talking about, indicates the cold air the future cast on this. there it goes. monday into tuesday. but look what is following. we've got just this unsettled weather and a system that wants to work towards will keep us in days. so so once this bigger, stronger, colder storm moves through, we still haveúmore behind it. the winds out there are generally light, but our temperatures in novato in upper 40s for you, low 40s in walnut creek, 46 in the southúbay of san jose. getting into the afternoon. do expect to remain cool, similar to yesterday. a lot of 50s in the forecast, 50sy
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locations along the peninsula. 58 in redwood city and for the inner east bay. we'll go 56 in concord. here's a look at your extended forecast. our temperatures don't rebound quickly. we do have temperatures that remain in the upper 50s low 60s for tuesday, wednesday, thursday. while the snow will continue in the sierra as well. and advisories continue there, we will have cool conditions with the chance of showers monday, tuesday. right now it looks like wednesday dry on thursd. back to you. rosemary. well, a staggering $650 million is up for grabs. the mega millions jackpot is now the seventh largest ever. details on that jackpotúbuild up. and the next drawing vc spfunding for startups with blak founders takes a nosedive nationwide, with the bay area taking the hardest hit, shocking numbers behind that decline in funding. >> though stories much more coming up
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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and the resulting data is prompting concern from experts in the field, according to a study published in the researche death rate more than 2011 and 2% increase. data was pulled from over 22,000 deaths of homeless residents from more than ten eit california counties, such as sacramento, san mateo, santa spclara and solano. the data can be spotty since medical examiners are not always required to log someonegs housing status in death records. drug and alcoholúoverdoses were the leading cause of death, accounting for a third of the deaths, and new data from crunchbase is showing a massive decline in funding to bay area startups with black founders marking an 88% drop since 20r1. now according to the report, about $1.7 billion in venture capital funding went the bay ara
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in was its peak amid the racial justice movement, spurred by the killing of george spfloyd. but in 2023, thatc numr plummeted. to $198 million. nationwide funding dropped for $4.9 billion in. 2021 to $705 million in 2023, making it the lowest number since 2016, expert tells us san francisco standard spthat these drops might be dueo a pr approach toúfunding, rather than truly valuing the business. >> w25 your time netflix subscription prices could be seen. another increase again this yearn analysts at the finance company ubs securities are telling consumers to expect see rate increases, say membership fees could go up about about 5.únetflix reported over 260 million subscribers at the end of last year, marking a& 7.9. expert experts at ubs sayo
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scaling ad revenue plays a big part in rising prices. coming up next, the warriors, they are on fire. the team is officially number nine in their conference right now and are looking for their ninth straight road win today. they're taking on the celtics this afternoon . more on the dubs.
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>> woman: why did we choose safelite? we're always working on a project. while loading up our suv, one extra push and... crack! so, we scheduled at we were able to track our technician and knew exactly when he'd arrive. we can keep working! ♪ synth music ♪ >> woman: safelite came to us. >> tech: hi, i'm kendrick. >> woman: replaced our windshield, and installed new wipers to protect our new glass. that's service on our time.
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>> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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closures and travel restrictions in the sierra, and time is ticking. the effort to to get or california's primary election is news.ay. from ktvu, fox twot- >> this is mornings on two and good morning, bay area. >> there's what you're looking at up in the sky. we still got some clouds a little bit of sunshine. it depends where you are. but some scattered showers today. today and uh more more snow in the sierra. it has been quite a week weather wisec. welcome back to ktvu. mornings on two, uh, 730 on theúdot. march the third. already here on a sunday. i'm frank mallicoat and i'm claudine wong. >> yes. we talk about march coming in like a lion. it continues. meteorologist rosemary oroczo joining us andt& we were watching this blizzard. that's extended. so certainly this storm is kind of it looks like it's just sitting a little bit and making some treacherous
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conditions in this era. >> yes. many areas reporting still a lot of snow in just the last 24 hours. you know, 24in or so. and this is going to continue for today with the blizzard warning, as you said, extended until tomorrow morning, followed by a winter storm warning for more snow expected for the first part of the week. outside our doors, a lot of gray sky from this vantage point, th& beautiful photo live shot, i should say, behind claudine and frank showed a little bit of sunshine. there's a view of storm tracker two. the scattered showers continuing through the spbay area with snow levels down to about 2000ft. so rain snow mix over many of our hills, maybe even a little bit snow accumulating over mount hamilton, which is closer to about 4000ft into the sierra. the snow levels all the wayúdown to almost. placerville. placerville is about 1800ft. and a look at the advisory. so the blizzard warning,cc3 f1 most the sierra, will go until tomorrow morning at 4 a.m. for some, it expires at midnight. it's really hard to keep track
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there. but again, followed by a winter storm warning that will go. a better look atúthe current conditions and what we can expect for the days ahead. coming up. >> all right, rosemary, thank youn as mentioned, blizzard conditions continue up in the sierra today. the wind from the storm has created whiteout conditions, and officials have made it very clear want to head, it's best to wait it out until correspondent max gordon is in south lake tahoe once again and has been watching this massive storm firsthand and dare i callc it the year. goodúmorning. hey, good morning. >> yeah, mother lode of sierra cement here in southúlake tahoe. we've been talking a lot about these winds and they're going to continue throughout today, 40 to mountain passes. and these winds have made it really difficult to get kind of an accurate measure of how much snow we've gotten. right. because areas like this where, you know, of course, it's been cleared away a
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little bit, but there isn't a ton of snow. but then you've got a drift just like this, where maybe you go up a little ways up the drift and you measure it. i've got my handy dandy fox weather measuring stick here and looks like, you 17in or so. up the drift a little ways more. ooh, it gets hard to walk and then boomc, yo& get about 36in. so drifting snow has been roadways. we've seen that closure along i-80, i-80, that stretch fromt& colfax to the nevada line that is still closed down this morning. no word from chp on when that's going to be reopening. that's down since friday afternoon. essentially, chp said that there's too many jackknifed big rigs, cars that were spinning out theren it it down amid those whiteout conditions. now, we've also been seeing some power outages here in the sierra at at like the
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peak of the storm, wec saw about s2,000 customers withoutc power folks. butc some people have ben waking upúin the dark.úwe've also seen trees toppling over thesec snow laden trees, combind with the high winds, seen some trees down in some areas and then when it comes to the openings of these resorts up them sierra at tahoe forsome of are going to be closed down today. others are going to have delayed openings. palisades tahoe they got a ton of snow six feet of snow over the course of this storm.úthey are going to have a delayed opening, and a lot of these resorts are going to be only operating at limited capacity only some of the lifts are going to be opening at the higher elevations. we're still seeing those very gusty conditions still unsafe inúsome areas to be opening up, but you might have just heardúit right there. we're near heavenly here in south lake tahoe, and they are. they're detonating the charges on the slopes. those
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avalanche mitigation measures currently underway. we've had high avalanche danger over the past couple of days with all this snow coming down, and there is more on the way too. we've got a weaker system that's going to be moving in. come monday. it's going to drop between 1 to 2ft of snow, so not as much as we've seen over this past storm, but you know, just very snowy up here in the sierra right now, guys. >> jeez, i guess so. your knee deep in it i asked you yesterday, are people getting around town in south lake or are they allc still hunkering down? and as a weather forecaster, uh, you're certainly in your element. i, i definitely am enjoying this. you know, people have been getting out and about the roadways. caltrans has been doing aúpretty good job keeping the roads as clear as possible. you can actually maybe see some of the snow clearing going on. i believe that this is a south lake tahoe trying to gew cleared off the streets there.
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hoping to hit the slopes later on today. maybe take advantage of some of this new fresh snow they stack up on me today. but if i get off early, you might o. >> highly recommended. when in. when in rome. go haveúa little.n >> all right. >> max gordon, great job. we appreciate your insight. stay stay warm. and if you get on the slopes, have a good one. >> well, we are now in the final countdown to super tuesday and california's march fifth primary. and the candidates vying to represent california in the us senate are making their final push to voters. ktvu ist& from san jose where a getúout- the vote rally is planned for later this morning. and in james voter turnout continues to be >> always is. claudine, good morning to you. here will come tuesday. voters will have a number ofc ballot measures that they can consider. of course,
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the primary is we're looking at as well. but onec election contest that we are keeping a close eye on is that of who will be the senator representing california. of course, there their hat in the ring, hoping to win that election. wegre talking representative adam schiff on the democratic side and formert& baseball player steve garvey on the republicanúside. they are both leading the pack and are on track to be the two candidates headed to the general election in november. we congresswoman be and congresswoman katie porter area tonight to try to appeal to voters. most of those candidates spent their time in southern california yesterday. we expect to see events leading up to election day promoting people to get out and vote. we saw one yesterday put on by state senator scott wiener, who is not facing any elections. this cycle. but he says higher than d turnout this time around. >> we got to get the vote out. turnout is really low, so far,
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and we this election and in san jose, former mayor sam liccardo is hosting a get out to vote rally later this morning. >> he is also running to replace congresswoman anna eshoo. that that event is set to start at 9:00útoday. everyone in california received a ballot in the mail. if you want to get involved in this election, you can get that ballot postmark by election day and have it sent in. you can also just do the traditional style of going into a polling place and casting your vote. there we're live this morning in sanújose. i'm twoúne. thank you james. >> it's another big weekend of demonstrations in san francisco, between israel and hamas.h war yesterday hundreds of protesters gathered at the embarcaderot& plaza for a march and a rally. organizers say the demonstration was a show of support for the people of palestine. the protesters are also calling for an immediate
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end to the u.s. military aid to israel. >> the united states is not only enabling israel to commit this genocide, but is really facilitating this genocide of palestinians in gaza using our people recognize that the us is using our tax dollars, that creates more pressure on the us government to change its course. >> at one point, video shows one police officer using pepper spray on the demonstrators. organizers and officers both say they were hurt in the process, but nothing serious and another demonstration in downtown san gt jewish unity march and rally,ala set to begin at 130 this afternoon. continue until 4.30. demonstration will begin at the embarcadero plaza end at the civic center plaza. list of speakers do include san francisco mayor london breed and former week, teslaúopened
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thursday, theútesla chargingas f stations are now capable of recharging the ford's f-150 lightning ev truck and ford's mustang mach e sports car. a ford vice president says the new setup could helpúmake tesla 6 to $12 by 2030 for expanding to other evs and could earn tesla environmental credits as well. tesla allows gm electric vehicles car owners access to about 12,000 of its charging stations nationwide. >> time now is 739. theúmega millions jackpot has climbed to $650 million for the nextt& drawing that will happen on tuesday night. that prize is the seventh largest mega millions jackpot ever. there have been no big winners in the mega millions game since a remarkable event took place in l.a. county on december the 8thn that's when a gas station in encino sold two winning tickets on the same
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night. those two tickets were worth nearly $400 million. what are the chances of getting one, let alone two, atc the same gas station? >> that's right. i mean, it's 1 in 262,000,000. i think if i remember correctly, in the odds and then i keep buying. >> but mega millions is high and >> so it is tempting when gets up there, even though your odds, we should just say remain the same. they remain the same.e buying for or $460 million, it's just as hard to win that. but w& can dream, right, rosemary? >> yes, we can, we can. and if i had to gripe about it, i'd say i wish more of that money went to our schools as they had promised in the beginning. good morning to all ofúyou. giving you a live look here from ktvu across the oakland estuary towards what appears to be a very gloomy one outside, and we are seeing a little bit of sunshine. uh, sometimes, as you know, that sunshine helps to create more unstable air. and with that,
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scattered showers, brief downpours, still a possibility forc today and a frost advisory forúour north bay valley locations. it's a chillier somed valleys are reporting temperatures in the 30s, and it looks like the nationalc weather service already prompting another advisory forútomorrow morning. how about we check in on the tempsú38 in nevada right now, 49, san franciscol 44 in livermore. air. in addition to the partly sunny conditions. rohnert park reporting 40. sebastopol 38. uh, over towards the east bay shore. it looks like richmond. you're spalso in the and a view of stom tracker two the scattered showers on and off for today. the snow continuing in the sierra and of course, that has been the big story with this boy, is it coming into fruition. we haveúsnow levels down to rain snow mix this morning along the east bay shore. the darker shades of green indicating there's definitely some rain out there moving through we're
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looking at in that live shot. shows the snow levels down to about good amount of snow reported. the homewood has reported six feet of snow in the last few days, and it still keeps coming. here's a look at the future cast for today. notice lunch? we've got some light showers that want to push through. meanwhile the snow continuing in the sierra. and then for your dinner hour, a it will be winding down. but awg have a better look at what we can expect temperature wise fors that in the extended forecast. >> okay. thank you rosemary. a e slopes leaves a promisingúhigh positive attitude is inspiringt& everyone around 49ers making a e spchanging move. new defensive r
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assistant head coachúrather playbook shakeúup that's got everyone talking right now coming up at olive garden, sauce is the soul. it's what takes you on a tour of italy. and chicken and shrimp carbonara to the next level. made from scratch every day. it's one of the ways we put more in, so you get more out. ♪ what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy.
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because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. lowe's knows you don't just want a low price... you want the lowe's-est price. did you say lowest, or lowe's-est price? it's basically the same thing. if you find a better price somewhere else, we'll match it. get the lowe's-est price, with our lowest price guarantee. you got this. we got you.
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>> it's been a week since a napa high school student athlete suffered a life changing snowboarding accident. family members say he's shown nothing but strength on his road to recovery. ktvu is amber lee details what happened and the challenges that lie ahead. >> i caught an edge and i was trying to avoid this tree, and then i caught another edge and went boom, right into the tree.
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i just stopped, i could not blaa spoke with me while recovering in a reno hospital. he crashed into a tree while snowboarding at a tahoe ski resort sunday afternoon. now, his parents are by his side along with his favorite nurse. family members say he severed his spinal cord and cannot walk, despite his life changing injuries. the 15 year old is upbeat even if something's going wrong or getting hurtc. >> what igve realized from how much pain and suffering i've been through, is to just never give up, never back down. >> the family, says blake, has undergone multiple hours of neurosurgery and has rods holding his spine togetherúhe ht completely changes the way i. i start to think and he lifts me up at vintage high. excelling in many sports. hise,- coaches and the community are giving his family support.
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>> he's always smiling. he's always just the sweetest kid. >> so this is blake right here kicking the extra point. kicker for vintage high'set- freshman football team. he's just going to work so hard to get to where he needs to be. >> this tragedy. >> blake,úwearing number 12, is also a soccer player, and he recently joined the golf team. he was supposed to be in school monday to receive a special award for being an exceptional student athlete a great work ethic. he was just whethere >> you wish you had like 20 blake's. you know, with that kind of attitude on your team. >> i miss you guys can't wait. o see you guys again. and thanks for all that support and help. >> blake tells me he will be receiving care at craig's hospital in colorado, which specializes in spinal cord injuries. he'll likely be months before he'll be able to return home to napa. amber lee ktvu, fox two news. we wish you well,
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blake. >> we wish you well. governor march to be developmental disabilities awareness month over 400,000 californiansúhave intellectual and developmental disabilities use the state's this includes a handful here in the bay area has gone up some 31% since 2019. by making the proclamation for the spmonth, the state hopes to raie awareness for the communities that contribute to the strength and diversity of california. 49ers have filled their most high profile vacancyúon their coaching staff. the niners have promoted nick sorensen from defensive assistant to their defensive coordinator.úthat position has been open since steve wilks was let go three days after the 40 niners lost to the chiefs in the super bowl. san francisco is also adding former la charger head coach brandon staley to the niners coaching staff. red hot golden state warriors have moved they o
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the number nine spot in the conference after beating toronto on friday night. the warriors rn they takeúon a very good celtics spteam in boston at the garden. that'll happen later today. a global study reveals adults worldwide are dealing understann researchers found that just about one third of adults are unable to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. only 15% of people managed to get the recommended sleep for five or more nights a week, the research found. sleeping enough or getting too much sleep are both associated with such as hypertension, obesity and digestive issues. so bottom line, sleep is not overrated and neither is good weather. and it's been a while here in the bay area. rosemary. >> yes. now we're into march. we have the countdown to spring. well, today is going to feel and
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little bit more like winter. in fact, we have a frost advisory for our north bay valley locations for the next couple oc hours, giving youúa beautiful view there into san francisco. nice. we've got partly sunny conditions out there. we've got remain in the forecast for today . how about the last three days? we have picked up a good amount of rainfall. there uh, oakland reporting almost an inch. san jose 6/10, san francisco more than an inch. andt& get into our hills, mount almanor in the santa cruz mountains 4.5in of rainfall. mount diablo in the east bay tracker two scattered showers in the north bay. we have more coming off the coastline here. the east bay getting wet at the moment. the snow in the sierra, inland ever soúslowly, butve behind it we have unsettled weather for the next few days, so we're not going to dry out completely. here's a look at what we are expectingúfor the sierra today. additional foot of
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snow will be a possibility witho about 2000ft. you can see colfax there. the projection is two inches or so. the advisory contw morning. and thenúto be followed by another advisory for travel in the sierra that will last until wednesday. here's a look at what we can expect here at home. anywhere from a few 107 inch to a quarter inch of rainfall for today. and that again ending tonight. but let's see if we can put the timeline on this. there's a look at the storm moving through ever so subtly. finally, tomorrow morning, it looks like we're in theúclear with this on the way right now, monday looks to be an in-between day. we'll call for a spslight chance of scattered showers. here's a look at to tuesday morning as the storm is moving closer to us. and thent& wednesday morning right now looks like it wants to come ashoreúfor maybe closer to the central coast, maybe southern california. but but again, the takeaway is we're not done. the
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wet weather is going to be on and off, at least for the start of the week. winds out there right now are generally light. our temperatures very cold, noww 40s to start your morning concord walnut creek. if you're stepping out, go for the thicker coat.úafternoon highs today going to be below average in many spots. low toúmid 50s for most of us and into the week ahead. our temperatures don't rebound much. upper 50s low 60s expected all the way through about thursday with unsettled weather through the first part of the week. right now, thursday looks dry. frank. >> thank you rosemary. spring break is rosemary mentioned spring right around the corner. so is the break. we're going to talk to a travel expert about the ultimate tips hacks and this year's trending destinations. want to get away? stick around. it's all om g up
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is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data.
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a summer, and that includes d39 million in ticket ashley dvorkin sat down with some of the stars of the movie, and that includes oaklandgs own zendaya. >> i won't be fighting for him. i'm fighting for my people. >> returning dune part two star zendaya and new cast member florence pugh reminisced about a day pugh joined in epic set. >> they took me into this dark cave and i was was slightly like, not what i was coming in with. i was like, ba ba ba ba ba. and then i suddenly realized shooting a very, very, very intense, serious, like very, um, heavy scene. and danny is like, come and meet everyone. and this spis the first time that i'm meeting zendaya, and i haven't seen timmy in, and i've just completely, completely spruined the energy of what they were shooting.
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>> he brought good energy. >> josh brolin bautista noted changes in their characters angrier, more gruff than he is. >> anyway. and then when he sees timothy for the first time, he just, like, comes alive. >> just so layered, and he'st& just so pathetic and gave me somewhere to go with the character and made it more interesting to play as a performer. stellan skarsgard spoke about getting back into the physicality of his role gives you another way of moving. >> everything goes slower, lower and he sort of becomes a much more menacing. that is fascinating. that is fun. >> some stars also shared ideas. should there be a part three? do you have a wish list as to what more you want to see explored in there were to be more, i thinkc yeah, this. >> this. >> oh yeah. okay. yeah >> what's going on here? selfishly, i also just want to work with you more and do do more actual scene together would be really nice. >> see each other's processes in
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hollywood. >> ashley dvorkinl fox news. it's not a prophecy. >> yogurt lovers are certain to like the results ofc a new government health study. fda can dramatically reduce the risk of developing type spent five years studying american adults who eat at least two cups of yogurt eace less likely to develop the diseaseúthat currently affects some 36 million people across the countryn >> well,úthere's a new brewery open in the east bay this weekend is bricks factory bruins grand opening the business, which is near mandela parkway and 24th in west oakland, offers a variety of beers from west coast ipas to ales. the owner was formerly the head brewery i. rick's is open thursday through and on sundays from q1 until seven, and community effort is underway to help. >> a volunteer firefighter crashed his pickup on his way to
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a fire call. brian lewis has been a volunteer firefighter for mendocino county fire for the past five years. he was responding to a fire to post office in the small, small towns truck. a gofundme page has been set up to help replace his vehicle. while lewis was notc and even caught n his firefighting duties. 'll be right back
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made from scratch every day. it's one of the ways we put more in, so you get more out. ♪ whiteout conditions persist and road closures in the sierra. this morning we also have blizzardúwarnings extended. we'll tell you why the ski resorts remain closed to battle this storm's fury. plus, there are big changes ahead for san francisco unified school district as it's facing staffing shortages and declining enrollment. we'll tell you how the bay area is. largest school& district plans to tackle those challengesl and it is a final ao cast those ballots before tuesday's crucial election. today's last blitz by the san francisco democrats for change, as they try the vote
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from ktvu, fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. >> and as we've mentioned, that snow just keeps coming down is blizzard conditions andúchp. truckee just look atúwhat it actually looks like for people who've been tryingúto travel on those roads. again on interstate 80 still shut down. it was shut down for hours. lots of people stranded out there. but you can see why this ability low to zero as they have whiteout conditions during this blizzard. and then you also have the road conditions. i saw a lot of people sliding out. video of people just kind of getting stuck in snowbanks. this is not something you want to even attempt to drive in, and people are telling you to just authorities just stay home, wait on any travel to the sierra. welcome to mornings on two. on claudine wong.arch 3rd, i'm >> yeah. hi everyone. i'm frank mallicoat, especially at night. can you imagine snowmageddon up there in the sierras and you're
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out poking around at night? not a good idea on those roads still closed. let's check in with rosemary. can be a while too. beforeúthey all dig out. you got spmore storms coming? what, tuesday into wednesday too, right? >> yeah. a weaker system that will bring additional snow, not blizzard warning,úper se, but the winter storm warning, which is just as bad. you know, the national weather service, these spadvisories, they put out spprimarily for drivers. this is this is to you. those of you that are thinking about heading up, giving you a look here into san francisco, where we do have partly sunny conditions. that's a beautiful steel sky mixed in with some lighter gray. how about storm tracker? two scattered showers continuing over areas of the. ww there. it looks like got scatted showers in the eastúbay as well. and this is going to be on and off for today. perhapsúnot as but the storm is still movingay, continues to pile up in thewt- sierra. snow levels about 2000ft. and we do have the blizzard warning now for
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spsections of the sierra that wl go until early tomorrow morninge here, a winter weatherúadvisory down to about 2000ft until noontime today, as more snow is expected to accumulate, there, spfollowed by the winter storm warning that we spoke about. this goes until wednesday morning. so if yougre thinking about how the blizzard is going to be over soon, let's head up. well, wegve got more to come in the first part of the week. meanwhile advisory for our north bay valley locations, and it's a at the current conditions and what we can expect for the days ahead. coming up. >> thank you. rosemary. as mentioned, snow has been falling now for several days, and state officials continue to warn people to avoid traveling the we storm has created whiteout conditions. officials have made it very clear there, it's best to wait it out a the tahoe areal hunkering down and only venturing out to clear their driveways, but others open their doors to a big wall caltrans han
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working overtime at peak to keep with it. some amazing snow totals coming out of the sierra right now as well. uc berkeley's central sierra snow lab and soda springs says it measured 20.7in of new snow from friday to saturday alone. palisades tahoe says almost three feet of snow fell yesterday, with half of that coming down overnight at sugar bowl says there's so much snow it hasn't been able to measure it yet. many are delaying openings today or staying closed until the roads get cleared up. highway 80 and 50 businesses in truckee, meanwhile, we're digging out of the snow all day yesterday. that will continue on this sunday. you can see the main street throughc downtown truckee totaly snowed in with the roads in accessible some sort. people decided to get around though, on those cross country skis and bis basement in berkeley put on a blizzard sale for customers eager to get up to the slopes. a special post storm ski bus ist-o
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tomorrow on monday, but it could be subject to change if interstate 80, stillc uncleary when they'll be able to get that back open over donner pass at being turned around at colfax,ll and westbound traffic being turned around at that nevada state line as always, you can stay ahead of the storm with the interactive radar and it will break down the forecast it out.. >> we are now in the final countdown to super tuesday and california's march 5th primary. represent california in the us senate are making their final push to voters. let's go to ktvu james torres, live for us in san jose this morning where a get for the votec rally is planned morning to you,újamesn >> claudine, good morning to you. well come tuesday of course
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we have been talking about the number of the men, features, a ballot on tuesday. and ofnsidn course, one of the contests that we will keep our eyes very closely on is that of who will be california'súnext senator. of course, we know four candidates are vying for that position. democrat. uh representative adam schiff and former baseball player and republican steve garvey seem to be the two front runners here. they are leading the pack in our on track east bay congresswoman barbarahe lee and congresswoman katie porter are both expected to be in the bay area today to try to appeal to voters. schiff also expected in the area as well. most of those candidates spent their time in southern california yesterday. we've not seen any schedule events to sees leading up to election day promoting people out and vote. we saw something like that yesterday put together by state senator scott wiener, who is not facingúany he says he's getting
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involved because he wants to see aúhigher voter turnout. we got to get the vote out. >> turnout is really low so far, and we want people know about this election and know that it matters right now. >> down in san jose, former mayor sam liccardo hosting a get inúa little less than an hourint fromúnow of course, everyone in california, a ballotúin theúmaia mail in ballot. you can use that to get involved in this election. just make sure you have it postmarked. you can also drop a postmarked by election day. iúshould say you should. you canúalso drop it off at any ballot location. you can also just go to those precincts and vote in person as well. we're live this morning from san jose. i'm james torres, ktvu fox two news. >> thank you james. the bay area's largest school district is prepared to close some of its schools. san francisco unified unspecified number of itsont-
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schools in the coming years. the district says under staffing declines in enrollment and the spdeterioration of the facilitil there are hurting its ability to help the children succeed. sf usd superintendent says getting rid of older schools would help alleviate some of their issues. >> to create the schools our spfamilies expect, we must have fewer schools than we do now. we realize this is difficult to hear. no one wants to think about their school or any school closing its doors, us included. but by having fewer schools, we can concentrate our resources and enhance programs, teacher support and student services. >> the superintend added. he will start an eight month process to set schools. at the f the process, there will be a recommendation on which schools will be on that closing list. >> well, new project renderings for california's high speed rail project are giving us a better
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look at what will look like. the high speed rail authority released these new images thatt& show what stations in the central valley might look like. the renderings depict stations in merced, fresno and bakersfield. those designs show a modern, massive design for all stations. officials say station designs will be finalized later this year, with construction starting in 2027. >> 809 your time um like it. not sure doesn't. and i think we're all ready for a little bit of sunshine. watch the bulbs come up, all that good stuff. to wait. but we're going to have >> yes, we are going to have to of theúvalley which means if you do have sensitive plants, make sure they are protected. that advisory goes until 9 a.m. meanwhile, outsideúour doors at this time, a few scatteredc showers to report a tiny bit of sunshine. a lot of cloud cover and scattered showers will
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remain in theúforecast for todac . the snow in the sierra storm tracker two. here you can see it right here on the screen. we've got them coming and going. we have snow levels down to about 2000ft, and we're seeing a rain as we get to the north bay, we actually have a little bit of snow reported over cobb lake county. how about what'sbe- going on in the east bay? we've got light rain falling over the east bay. five 8880 over the hills as well. few scattered spshowers in and out of the peninsula, as well as along the coastline and for the sierra, the snow piling up here with the advisories that continue for travel, including the blizzard warning now from the last to r4 hours of boreal ski resort reported a 24 hour snowfall. all 30in 48 snowútotal. and in 44in at the elevation of 7700ftn there's so many numbers there, it's easy to get lost. meanwhile
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in areas over at donner, chp reporting a vehicle that was stuck, it looked like forúalmost 24 hours that reported yesterday and they got stuck on friday. the futurecast model here noonte may see an uptick in the scattered showers between 12 and 2. it looks like. and thenúas we get into the afternoon, just continuing with this moves out by tonight, remain unsettled with a weakero- system bringing the possibly of scattered showersúfor the first part of the week. meanwhile snowfall for today, by tonight r quarter of an inch a possibility by tonight as well. a better look at what we can expect a temperature wise, as well as the week ahead. coming >> thank you rosemary. coming up, several new feetúof snow have fallen over the sierra this weekend. still to come. we're live from south lake tahoe with a look at just how much snow
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that area is reporting. >> and the countdown to spring break has officially started. and we're going to talk next to a travel expert about the ultimate tips, hacks, and this year's trending destinations what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user.
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i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ ) "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate
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over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. rejuvenating escape from that daily routine you get unwind, soak up some sunshine that we haven't seen area for a little bit here. create those unforgettable memories. so i know now we're thinking sandy beaches. we're
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thinking vibrant cities. the possibilities are endless. but then you got to book those flights. you got to pay for it, and you're looking for the best deal. so joining us to talk more spabout the possibilities and te strategies, travel expert gabe sigler. and we're just talking about this. the flights are insanely expensive from where i'm sitting over how yeah, these flights i think march and april just the demand is hot. >> airlines are trying to match what we saw last year, which was a banner season for airlinesn and i think we're seeing that again. you know, the headline is that spring break travel is spabout 2 to 3% less year over year, but that's negligible when there's a family of 4 or 5 that we spring break. so short hops are expensive, have long flights, are ridiculous. uh, vegas seems to be the kind of bargain proposition i'mc actually considering taking my kids to las vegas for spring break, because that's the sort of one of the cheaper options out there. so the flip side of that year. i think it's going to ber- another banner year for international travel, even for spring. although the pendulum
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might swing a little bit, i'm thinking that last year, you know, a lot of the domestic hotel industry folks saw a little bit of a slow down. i think that will rebound this year. so some domestic hotspots. >> okay, give me some tips though, if i, if i tot& travel or i really want to travel, well what do i doúto try to save the most money? if >> so we're back to sort of some of these dependable pre-pandemic trends. that is, if you it's juo cost you more than traveling on that sunday through wednesday, thursday, uh, opportunity versus going on a, on a weekend that can save you 20, 30 plus percent depending on the destination. obviously, you don't want to check bags. uh, we're talking about this. i mean, that can be bag check fees have gone up and are going up and, you know, it's last year with my family ofe that was my one rule. so it is doable. but it's, you know, where you have toútrain themselves one way we can really trim. well, youúsay 50 bucks each way or something like that.
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>> if you don't check a bag. so i mean, that's something because it does add up. these add ons are killing me. you know, in terms of that sense. all right. let's talk about some of the specific places you just cruising to alaska. is that the way we should be going? >> alaska. and i'm, i'm talking about cruising in large part for ellen ellery, who is the executive producer here. who whose last day is today after 31 years at ktvu, i'm on this show for at least a decade, thanks to ellen. she is the most avid cruiser i know. in fact, leaving tomorrow for in alaska, for australia, australia. >> i know trying to get in to climb into that bag. >> so yeah, i've been chatting about for years. i did my first alaska cruise on the discovery princess, a new ship out thereúthat was launched in 2022. i highly recommend alaska cruising for that new to cruise individual. it's easy to access. you can do it roundtrip to do. unbelievable landscapes. you know. alaska cruising set a record last year, 1.7 million people doing alaska cruising a new record and princess saw a record in january for bookings. so if you're looking to book, you got to do it asap. >> now again, no waiting and
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september will be your better bargain. >> opportunities for those alaska.t& >> good to know. i've done an alaska cruise i love it. okay, last question. we just have to have some quick destinationsn you got warmer. we have >> yeah. so i think florida cruising is going to be hot as well. so if you want to do an alaska cruise thinkúprices will drop in the summer season. but getting yourself out to south florida doing some of those caribbean cruises, three for seven nights are going to be a good bargain opportunity for you for spring. i love southern california. if you're looking to stay you've got some great california, orange county beach destinations are going to be a bargain proposition, especially duringúthe midweek. also of thet operators, uh, options out there. you know, you don't have to do lax. you can do long beach, you can do orange county, uh, out of sfo. you've got alaska united flying down to, uh, sna, which is the orange county airport. some great opportunities there. and i'm also loving, um, mexico. i was just there last week. you know,
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luxury. yes. but at a more affordable price. uh, and, um, what else? hawaii. hawaii >> hawaii.úmaui. and travel hotel prices. still a little bit high, but some airfare opportunity there and you feel good about helping the >> yes, ma'am. all right, gabe, as always, good to see you. i'll take any of those trips. uh, the bargains. even better. but, yes, rosemary as we deal with these blizzard warningsúand these winter storm warnings here. >> i know, and we're just hoping that than later. right. good morning to all of you. hoout a look outside our doors where we continue with scattered showers, gray skies? it's going to be toh scattered showersúremaining in the forecastc for today. perhaps not as strong as yesterday. we're seeing a low snow all the way down to about 2000ft, and we've got some snow over cobb mountain in the lake county area this morning. i imagine areas likec mount diablo as well as mount hamilton
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receiving a dusting and a rain-snow mix at times along th& coastline. we have a little bit of a rain coming ashorec theren the san mateo county coastline, as well asúsome rain in the inner east bay. 685 80th may have some wet weather, a little bit of rain snow mix. there near mount diablo. how about in the sierra? well,c it just keeps piling up here and the blizzard warning continues rouz for many parts of the sierra until tomorrow morning, to be followed by a winter storm warning until wednesday morning. so we are not in the clear for folks that are traveling up. be prepared. you may want to delay. there's the storm that is just going to take spits time, but by monday mornig we look to be in between. so we'll call for unsettled weather . mostly cloudy, but nothing like what we're experiencing this past weekend. and then by tuesday there's another storm here. you see developing and then moving very close to the coast by wednesday. so it is not over. do have that umbrella handy because we will continue
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with soggyúweather for the start of the week. here's a look at the temperatures to upper 40s fr most and forúthe afternoon low to mid 50s. our temperatures really don't improve on settled all theúway through about wednesday, with scattered showers expected during that time frame, and we are dry on thursday. back to you. >> all right. thank you rosemary. well a heated gun law debate in florida after lawmakers there are trying to roll back several gun laws. why& some lawmakers think the state is moving backwards, not forward. that's ahead. and vc funding for startups with black founders takes a nosedive nationwide, with the bay area taking the hardest hit. the shocking numbers behind that decline in funding
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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lowe's knows you don't just want a low price... you want the lowe's-est price. did you say lowest, or lowe's-est price? it's basically the same thing. if you find a better price somewhere else, we'll match it. get the lowe's-est price, with our lowest price guarantee. you got this. we got you. well. new data from crunchbase is showing a massive decline in funding to bay area startups, with black founders marking an 88% drop since 2021. now according to this report, about $1.7 billion in venture capital funding went to black owned startups in the bay area in 2021. now, this was its peak amid the racial justice by the e floyd. but in 2023, that number plummeted. to $198 million. now nationwide, funding dropped from
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$4.9 billionc. in 2021 to $705 million in 202s, and that made it the lowest number since 2016& experts tell the sf standard these drops might be due to a pr approach to funding, rather than truly valuing the businesses. while california community colleges are considering a new program that would pay students for going to school, this is a $30 million program and it's called formerly incarcerated students for former and current foster children and those who receive calworks benefits. ten colleges got the money, including santat& rosa junior college, $2.6 millis already distributing that cash s are calculated around california's hourly, this givesm thousands of dollars in support as they juggle being a student while also working. >> time now is 826. netflix subscription prices could be
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seen. another increase again this year. analysts at the finance company ubs securities to see rates increase, say membership fees could go up about 5. netflix reported over 260 million subscribers at the end of last year. that's marking a rise in viewership from 7.7%t& up to 7.9. experts at ubs say scaling ad revenues play a big part in those rising prices. coming up, blizzard conditions in the sierra will continue for much of the day still to come, we're going to take you live to south lake tahoe with a check on conditionsúup there. stay with us this year, i got serious about my taxes. i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs...
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lawyering and... liaming. all on my own. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. i'm too tired to smile. make your moves count. intuit turbotax. let a full-service expert do your taxes for you, as soon as today. (♪) is it possible to count on my internet like my customers ascount on me?ay. it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability.
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and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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later today that's coming up, and dangerous conditions remain in the sierra. this morning we're live from south lake tahoe with a look at just how storm oe year has brought so far to the mountains. >> from ktvu, fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> all right, good morning, bay little bit. zoom out a littlet- bit. take a look at the gold gate. we've got clouds and a little bit of scattered rain around the bay area. still getting snow in the sierra. and we got more coming midweek in tuesday into wednesday. it's not over yet. welcome back toúktvu mornings on two. on this snowy sunday up in the sierra, i'm frank mallicoat and i'm claudine wong. >> yes, let's bring in meteorologist rosemary oroczo. it's funny because asúwe're talking about this winter storm warning that we're going to see
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after this blizzard warning is overl itúseems like that's small, but that's actually still significant when we're talking about that's what we usually have. it's just this storm bearing down on us is just so extreme. yes, absolutely. winter storm warning is serious business as well. right. and that's what's following the blizzard warning that will begin tomorrow morning. so i know a lot of folks are thinking about, oh, the blizzard will be over. let's head up. uh, monday, tuesday. well, now we have a winter storm warning in the spsierra to deal with as well. , what's happening outsidec our doors at this there of oakland.t some blue sky. wow, what a sight for sore eyes. we will have scattered showers continuing through as the storm continues to move east. you can see there on storm tracker two. moving closer. scattered showers reported over the north bay. we've got some snow falling over areas of cobb mountain county aa little bit of rain snow mix over mount hamilton a mount diablo ae inner east bay here showsúyou some rain falling over the east
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bay. six 8580 pleasanton, dublin . livermore. looks like you have some rain overhead at the moment into the sierra snow level. still downúabout 2000ft and the blizzard warning continuing for some areas until 4 a.m. there's a winter weather advisory for the sierra foothills that will last until noon time today for us. we also have. there's the winter storm warning expected in the days ahead, and we have a frost advisory over our north bay locations. so still a lot going on out there. i will detail to expect for the week ahead. coming up i guess so. >> okay. thank well, as mentioned, we've been blizzardúconditions continue up in the sierras today. >> the wind fromúthe storm has created whiteout conditions, and officials have made it clear th. wait it out. let's go to fox weather correspondent max gordon, live in lake tahoe once again watching these changes for us and max, those of us who have made that drive and maybe on the
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front end of a storm or the tail end of the storm, we know that the timing can be terrible, right? you like, oh, we left too late. i mean, certainly right now is too late for folksúthat just just know that, yeah, it's probably a good idea to wait it out at& little bit. >> although we do have that next system that's going to be coming on in earlier in the week, and we're going to see 1 to 2ft of additional snowfall snow really has been pretty relentless as we're here just in heavenly village, where some heavenly workers are currently digging out the gondola right now, having a good time over herel enjoyingúthis fresh new snow. some areas up here in tahoe have received around six feet of snow with this storm, so some pretty healthy snowfall amounts there. but really, i think the biggest story line throughout all of this has been the wind. we've just seen. absolutely wicked winds and those will continue throughout today over the mountain passes, we could see windsc between 40 o
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60mph. and right now i-80 still remainsúclosed. that section between colfax and the nevada state line. no word from chp on when i-80 is going to be reopened. essentially, things just got too dangerous along that stretch. it got too snowy. they had whiteout conditions at times getting stuck. we had cars spinning out, crashing, and so they closed that section of i-80 for safety. other routes up into the sierra that are still open chain controls are currently in place, so just keep that in mind. if about making tk up into the sierra. but again, it is not a recommended at this time. you probably want to wait or so. power outages. that has also been an issue we've seen thousands of customers without power because winds have been toppling over. these snow laden trees and the power lines, power lines as well, have just been coming down in the snow and in the wind. luckily, utility crews have been getting a handle on
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that and things have gradually been improving. now if you do get up here or if you're up here already, it's kind of a mixed bag of when resorts are going to be opening and which resorts are currently open. so sierra at tahoe, they are making the decision to stay closed today. heavenly where we are right here, they're going to be having a delayed opening at around alln is going to be open. it's still a kind of a reduced operation right now. but you know, luckily for folks who are here, there is some skiing to be had. other resorts to be doing a limited opening as well. so you just kind of kind of check if you're already up here. but again, the word from officialst& is that if you're not already up here, you probably want to wait it out just a day or two. guys g from the crew behind youl it looks like the vibe up there is pretty good. are people kind of heeding the warnings, staying home, hunkering down a little bit in our in our restaurants open at south lake? or is everything kind of shut down today? >> yeah, i'd say, you know, it's
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kind of half and half. i'd say half. the. others have had to ce down either because there haven't been enough clientele, because a lot of people left town on thursday. it's just to get off the mountain have you. e still open, and there have been roads that have still been able to be opened up by caltrans and city workers here in south lakei think they're pretty good. you know, people are pretty upbeat. you know, we love to see a healthy dose of snowúup here in the sierra, storm like this. you know, weúkind of haven't ton ofe sierra really gave all the ski resorts here a shot in the arm. palisades they say that they are going to be open until late may now. so you know, i think itgs good news. all around for folks. i think just really the main messaging though is, you know, just kind of hold your horses, justúa little bit, wait until this storm moves through and then get
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on up into the sierra andúthen enjoy the snow. >> like everythingútiming is next weekend, let the crews till clear out the roadways, get everything. plenty to enjoy. all right, max gordon, we appreciate it so much. thank you . all right. don't forget you can get more on this story and more like it on our fox weather app. just use your phone to scan that qr code on your screen. or politics now, a big day comingon up. >> super tuesday just two days away. and candidates are making their final pushes to the voters. dozens of people showed up to the get the out the vote blitz rather, at dubose park, democrats for change have already reached out to over 200,000 voters in the city. but voter turnout is only about 15. state senator scott wiener was among the city leaders there, ready to educate local voters with some really important issues on the ballot.
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>> we have a statewide measure to, uh, to build more mentalc health beds for people on our se have a measure, an affordable housing bond in san francisco. so we have a ballot measure to help revitalize downtown san francisco by converting more office buildings to housing. >> trust representative adam schiff and former baseball player and former dodger steve garvey, leading senate seat. the going to be here in the bay area, bay area later today. >> it is another weekend of tied to the five month war between israel and hamas. yesterday, hundreds of protesters gathered at the embarcadero plaza on market street for a march and rally. organizers say the demonstration was a show of support for people of palestine. the protesters also called for an immediate end to us military aidúto israel. >> the united states is not onlf
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palestinians in gaza using our tax dollars. and when a lot of people recognize that the us is using our tax dollars, that creates more pressure on the us government to change its course. so at one point,úvideo shows one police officer using demonstrat. >> you saw that there protesters and police officers both say they were hurt in clashes during the demonstrations. and another demonstration in downtown san francisco is scheduled to get underway in just a few hours. all areúcalling it a jewish unity march and rally. it is set to begin at 13p this afternoon, and we'll continue until 430. the demonstration will begin at the embarcadero plaza. it will end at civic center plaza, and the list of speakers includes san francisco mayor london breed , state senator scott wiener and former meta executive cheryl >> 839 your time mega millions jackpot has climbed to 650
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spmillion bucks for the next drawingc on tuesday night. that prize is the seventh largest mega millions jackpot ever. there have been no big winners in the a remarkable event took place in l.a. county on december the 8th. that's when a gas station in encino actually sold two winning tickets on the same night. those two tickets were worth nearly $400 million. tuesday night. two in. yes but i always feel like there's a caveat. >> with two bucks as it takes, 1 in 262,000,000. is also. which can't win unless you play. so $2 as long. i always think it should be a group. i always like group because that's a lot of money and you should share it. happy to be in your group. yes, we always like to do a big group here too. it'súfun. yeah, funúto think about and that old slogan. although i think this one always makes me spend more than $2.
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>> what's that i do on the group? oh yes. yes, >> so he has only $2, but then he makes us spend $5. yeah. i'm sphappy to put in five more chances, more wins. sp>> but it, i mean, two bucks. what the heck?c you got a shot?t& >> all right, let's talk about some otherc numbers. let's talk about the numbers. when it comes to weather and the rainfallc amounts, we have seen anywhere from almost 3.5in mount diablo since the wet weather began. and while in the sierra, we just can't stop talking about it outside sky? there is a beautiful view over the oakland skyline where we will be in and out of some sunshine today. the scattered showers will continue though, and it looks like an uptick right around a noontime temperatures this morning. also, the story for many upper 30s right now. santa rosa, 47, in. n we the north bay here,únotice our temperatures 3e
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bit of snow over a cobb mountain this morning. and as we pull back here, take a view of the satellite and radar. not only the snow over areas of our higher elevations and our peaks down to about 2000ft this morning, seeing a few light showers, it looks like right over petaluma. and then along the peninsula there and the coastline, we've got some rain moving ashore. san mateo, you've got scattered showers overhead and the inner east bay along 580 livermore, pleasanton area, seeing some light rain as well as along highway for the sierra continues with snow levels down to about 2000ft. here and all fl continue as well. 44in reported at donner and this couple of dad chp reporting a vehicle stuck and it looked like for at hoursn yesterday morning and that occurred on march first, i'll have a look at what we can expect with the futurecast modee have seen so far in and around
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the bay area, and what we can actually made its way to the bay area during the latest storm. we'll show you what piques at& dusting of snow straight ahead california mall are officially >> a look at implemented this w. that's democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice...
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as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. here's your biggie bag. all that food for 5 bucks. -that's my go to. -oooh - that's my ride or die. hah.... just like you and me.... (singing) ♪ bag boys ♪ ♪ bag boys, whatcha gonna do ♪ don't... -♪ whatcha gonna do ♪ -don't... -♪ when we bring your food ♪ - it... go biggie and get all this with the jbc for just 5 bucks. >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and get all this and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. >> tech: we're all set. >> woman: wow. that looks great. >> tech: schedule now at
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>> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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the indoor mall in torrance to be accompanied by an adult. and spthat's on fridays and on saturdays. this new policy comes several weeks after a massive fight broke out in that mall, involving more than a thousand teenagers, many adults who frequent the mall say the new policy will make it safer to shop. >> i think it's good. it's too bad it has to come to that, but i think something has to be put in place to negate theseúkind of issues happening where, you know , innocent bystanders like myself and other are just victims of what's going on. >> it took police in riot gear several hours to regain control of the mall during that melee back in december, at least three people were hurt and police did make several arrests. >> it is 846. a gofundme has
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been organized to help three yey month in the south bay. february spthe 20th santa clara police sy three year old yvonne alvarado was shot and killed by his mother's boyfriend while sleeping in his crib. a gofundme organizer says the boy's mother now needs financial assistance as she triesúto recover from this enormous tragedy. >> well, lawmakers in florida are considering several measures that would roll back many of the state's current gun laws. one proposal being debated at the state capitol would lower the legal age to buy a gun from 21 to 18, florida lawmakers had raised that age to purchase a gun back in 2018. that vote came shortly after the deadly school shooting at parkland's marjory stoneman douglas high school. 1& people were killed. >> shame on us. shame on us. we that we were going to protect- them every american has the
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right to defend it's the second amendment. we need to do more to make sure americans are protected against any threat at any time. >> florida lawmakers are also considering legislation that would removeúthe state's current three day waiting period to buy a gun. >> governor gavin newsom recently proclaimed march to be developmental disabilities awareness month. over 400,000 californians who have intellectual and developmental that does include a handful here in the bay area. the amount of people who use the system has gone up 31% since 2019, seen by making the proclamation for the month, the state hopes to raise awareness for the communities that contribute to the strength and diversity of the state. >> california's famous bald eagles jackie and shadow are still awaiting for their eggs to hatch. mom jackie laid those we've been watching them so closely because they are
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expected to hatch anyúday now. we can take a live look at the nest as it sits there. another chilly morning think so i'm nevo sure. i know they're taking turns and they wakeúup and check out their eggs and wait and wait and wait. and then we stare at them with this webcam provided byúfriends of big bear valley. so we're keeping an eye on,úandl let you know if there's any movement in the eagle chick watch. i looked it up 35 days to hatch a how many days has it been? >> they're it's a coming. any day? yeahl and it looks cool, too. >> i meanl if i were an, i might want to >> it looks cold in that egg a little bit longer. ñ> a big bear is cold right now. rosemary as is the sierra as is the bay area. it's a little soggy here. and certainly we've and will continue up in theinues after it.nd then the storm righ-
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>> yes, yes, a big sigh. yes we moving througheather that ist- scattered showers for us, snow in the sierra. this will begin to wind down and move out by tomorrow, only to be followedc y unsettled weather of the week. k here the oakland skyline, where. it's a pretty one out there this morning we will have the scattered showers throughout to the afternoon. in fact, it looks like we'll see a little bit of an uptick in the showers right sparound lunchtime. if you're going to be out and about, uh, be prepared. you still need the umbrella. santa rosa reporting a little bit of visibility issues right about a mile to a mile and a half at the airport thist& morning. one of the only spots most of us with the partly sunny conditions. the scattered showers, upper 30s to upper 40s for many out there this morningn san francisco, you're here's a e
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the opportunity of scattered showers as the storm continues e course of today. and here's a better look at what's going on as scattered showersc along the coastline, the peninsula. we've got somen the inner east bay, the snow is piling up over the sierra still by tonight, anywhere from a 10th of an inch to a inch will be a possibility for us here at home. and another foot sierra. here's a view of theet- futurecast model and the timeline on this. so there's a look at thatúbig storm there that will move through a little bit later today into tomorrow morning. finally beginning to see a breakc, but already more developing over the pacific here. and you can see over the pacific northwest as well. so we've got just on and off lighte stuff a possibility. there's a look at wednesday when the center, the core of the storm, is closer to the coast, could bringúwith that unstable air as
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well as well. you know, the wet thinking about getting out to walk the dog, bring the umbrella . we do have on and off scattered showers over the course of the entire day. again, between 12 and 2, it looks to be a little wetter. at. by the waye looking for a dog to walk, piglet is available at the san francisco spca, a four year old chihuahua and adorable. here's a look at your extended forecast again, an unsettled the key word here.úmonday tuesday, wednesday. right now chance for scattered showers with temperatures remaining in the upper 50s to low 60s throughout. back to you okay. >> thank you. rosemary well, the us debt has reached an all time high. still to come, a consumer expert gives us his $0.02 on how to better manage mounting debt. >> also ahead, taylor swift is in singapore this weekend. the reason why nearby asian countries aren't very happy about that either. we'll exp in when we come when peter dickson led my platoon into combat
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in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. this year, i got serious about my taxes. i met with a turbotax expert because i had two full time jobs... lawyering and... liaming. all on my own. count on me, mia. i'll file your taxes for you with 100% accuracy, guaranteed. i'm too tired to smile. make your moves count. intuit turbotax. let a full-service expert do your taxes for you, as soon as today. (♪)
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rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. what do i see in peter dixon?
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i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. electric vehicles. as of thursday, the tesla charging stations areúnow capable of recharging the ford's f-150 lightning ev trucks and ford's mustang mach-e sports car. a viw setup could help make tesla 6 to $12 billion a year by 2030 for expanding to other evs. it could earn tesla environmental credits
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as well. >> well, taylor swift is in singapore for her eras tour, but a neighboring country has bad blood with singapore over it. south east asian countries arec calling out singapore after it was made public that the country's government offered up to $3 million for that for taylor swift to perform in their country. as long as she didn't perform anywhere else in southeast asia. >> about football the niners have filled their most high profile vacancy on their coaching staff. niners have promoted nick sorensen from defensive assistant. he will now be the defensive coordinator at position, has been open since steve wilks was fired three days after the niners lost to the chiefs in super bowl 58. san francisco also adding former l.a. charger head coach brandon staley to the ninersúcoaching staff. lebron james has hit another milestone in his record breaking career. la laker forward has the first player in nba history to score
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night in the lakers 124, 111 loss to the defending nba champion denver nuggets. james latest history making moment sed spquarter, when he made a layupo surpass that 40,000 point mark. >> never thinking about a milestone when i'm out there battling and but when it happens, obviously we acknowledge it and being the first player to do something, it's pretty cool in this know te history, you know the greats. that's come through the leagues and then you seeúsome of the greats on the floor tonight. it was just great to compete. >> james is already the nba's all time leading scorer. last year, he broke that record by surpassing another laker legend, center kareem abdul jabbar. last night's loss kept the l.a. lakers in the number ten spot. the nba's western conference about the warriors. they are red hot and they are ahead of the lakers in the standings as they climb to the number nine spot in the conference after beating the toronto raptors friday night on the road, the warriors will now
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be going for their ninth straight road winner when they face the celtics on the garden floor in later today. well a global study reveals adults worldwide are dealing with poor sleep. >> australian researchers found that just about a third of adults are unable to get of slet their recommended sleep for five or moreúnights a week. the research found that sleeping enough or getting too much sleep are both associated with ill effects such as hypertension, obesity, and digestive issues. >> 7 to 9 huh? mm pipe dream. okay. want to thank you for suny morningl fox sports coverage of the big east conference. coming up next right here on channel two. >> but we do have another we certainly would love for you to come over there with us as well. and to watch more of mornings on two on tv, 36 over the air or on comcast channel six. don't have to change th chann . if youe
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9:00 am
"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. with democrat katie porter. >> there may not be a better trio in the country then trey alexander an


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