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tv   The Eleven O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  March 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm PST

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>> hegs going 100 yard dash. >> it beat the 217 record set by john ross by 1/100úof a second. you can see how the two runners would have fared if they had run head to head. >> that's that is super fast. ie fastn yeah. >> 421421. hello yes, exactly. joe. yeah. thank you. next at 1180 was closed. >> and then we looked at 50 and it was closed and then reopened. and so instead we decided to rent down here. yeah >> people looking to that snow n the sierra having some difficulty getting there. this weekend's blizzard shutting down major routes in the region. the 11:00 news on ktvu now storm, ts blizzard leading to several feet of snow piling up in the sierra. and it just keepsc coming. hell& again everyone. i'm heather holmes and i'm mike mibach still snowing tonight.t& >> and for many some time to die
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give you a live look along 80úin soda springs. that's just north of tahoe. here right now. the interstate is closed from colfax to the nevada state line in both directions. the section of 80 has actually been for most of the weekend. ktvu latest it the latest route in the tahoe region to temporarily close sunday morning amid a days long& blizzard in the sierra., caltrao get in there pretty quick. >> um, there was no reported injuries, but a couple cars were caught under the slide. um, and so they cleared those and were able to open it up. i think within 30 minutes. >> it's why everyone from the chp to caltrans and area officials continue to put out the same message. right now, we've been encouraging not to travel. >> it's been highly discouraged. and north on interstate 80, caltrans crews continuing to push ahead with their dig out of the highway along the donner
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pass closed since friday. >> we're crossing our fingers and hoping for the best. >> the storm also leaving many local roads impassable and walking challenging for some shorter folks. meantime, the wind causing a number of snow laden trees to topple onto power lines, at one point knocking out electricity to some 30,000 hits like this all at once, it's tough for everybody, even locals. >> more than anything, just the or not has probably caused the most amount of stress. i'm sort of gauging off of if other businesses are opening, if it's safe to, that kind of thing. >> some area ski resorts, including heavenly mountain, able to partially open for the day, but for others, the too mus tahoe opting to remain closed sunday, the resort seeing near record windsúduring the storm at one point clocked at 190mph, were back in the bay area.
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>> we're heading up, hopefully today, maybe in the morning. >> the draw of first tracks powder? >> yeah, that's what we're looking for. >> too hard to pass up for visual. and her husband anthony swinging by california ski company in berkeley before heading up. >> we got a truck, four wheel drive, all, all weather tires. >> we decided to rent down here can just hit the hit thehere, we mountain. >> even the stores manager, greg planning to play hooky? >> oh, we have to get after it. i mean, everyone wants to call in sick tomorrow and if you are heading up the advice right befe you do so for any road closures and to also pack those emergency kits with extra food, water and clothes. >> in oakland, zac sos. fox two news. >> all right. this morning around 10:00, uc berkeley's central sierra snow lab in soda springs says it measured about two feet of new snow in 24 hours. researchers say they have recorded more than five feet of snow at this point from the storm so far. and again, it is still snowing there tonight. okay back here inúthe bay area,
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new at 11 tonight. >> police still searching for two suspects who broke into a home in the oakland hills and stole some valuable property security camera footage showing the two suspects driving up to that home in this blue bmw. this was onúcoolidge,únear the mormon temple on february 26th. cameras also caught the pair leaving the home. the victim tells us a jewelry box was stolen. if you have any information or recognize those suspects, he urged to call oakland police and tonight, police are investigating a hit and run collision that killed a 37 year old vallejo resident. >> this happened on sonoma boevard friday night. the pedestrian was prounced dead at the scene. police say initial findings suggest the suspect vehicle was traveling east on valley vista when it struck the man near a crosswalk victim hast en released. if you have any information about this deadly collision, you're police. >> now we go to san jose, where cityúand county leaders there will gather tomorrow to announce support for senate bill 1395. this proposed bill is aimed at
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shortening the timeúit takes to build temporary housing here in california. our south bay reporter, lamonica peters, spoke to a housing advocate tonight who says this legislation does not do enough to help solve the homeless crisis. >> for more than 30 years, sandy perry has voluntarily worked to house the unsheltered in san jose. >> the underlying cause of homelessness is unaffordable rents. he's now vice president for the south bay land trust, a nonprofit organization created to ensure affordable housing by buying and retaining land in perpetuity. and as long as the rents keep going up, you're going to have more people becoming homeless than the ones that you're helping to get out of being homeless. and until that gets reversed, we're never going to solve this problem. >> senator josh becker, who sponsored senate bill 1395 or the interim housing act of 2024, will join san jose mayor matt marin, state senator dave cortese and others on monday at
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this newly built interim housing project on evans lane. the proposed bill will help to speed up the process of building interim housing, while permanent affordable housing is being constructed. state senator dave cortese about sb 1395 saying in part, this bill is a crucial step towards not just sheltering individuals and families forced to live on the street, but ensuring they have a foundation to secure permanent housing. perry says. he also supports expanding shelters and interim housing, but he doesn't believe that temporary solutions will keep people from living on the streets. >> the problem with shelters and interim housing is that when your interim period, you being built. that'súwhy permanent housing is the real solution. and you can't stop building permanent housing while interim. interim housing.o
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>> perry also says that private builders usually onlyc build if they can increase the rentsl so he believes that the state should build more mixed income housing that people can afford >> new at 11 alameda county district attorney pamela price is responding to reports that groups seeking to remove her from office have collected enough signatures to force a recall election. in a statement released tonight, price said this undemocratic effort threatens to undo strides we've made in alameda county toward a more just and equitable criminal justice system. it is disheartening to think that if successful, this could jeopardize the historic progress signatures are expected to bet- submitted to election officials tomorrow. a candidate for congress in silicon valley is using artificial intelligence to connect with voters. democrat peter dixon of palo alto says he's been using ai technology to deliver voice interaction over
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the phone through a platform, develop by the company. civics the 40 year old said silicon valley deserves a representative in washington who both understandsúand uses the technology that will define the next decade. dixon is running for the congressman anna issues 16th district seat. >> well, tuesday is election day and candidates are making their final push to win on super tuesday and the seats up for grabs here in california include those held by longtime congressional lawmakers. ktvu james torres tonight, with the efforts to try to get more sppeople out to the polls the weekend before super tuesday was full of election events saturday, state senator scott wiener rallied people to register and vote in san francisco. >> he's not facing an election himself, but wants to get involved to increase voter turnout. >> we've got to get the vote out. turnout is make sure people know about this election and know that it matters. >> two years ago, during the june midterms primary, voter turnout statewide was about 33,
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according to the secretary of state's office. the general election that year in november was about 50, the lowest it's been in nearly ten years. >> hi, rebecca, this is matt mehan, your mayor. i'm just calling on a bunch of volunteers today in supportc of sam liccaro for congress. how are you doing this morning? >> san jose's mayor spent the day campaigning for the candidates. he supports and says voting at this time is crucial because turnout is lower. >> actually, your vote has even more impact in a primary as we figure out who we're going to send to that, that debate in november, i think it's critically in early, make your preferences known, and the candidates are paying attention to the people who vote. >> mayor matt mehan made calls for former mayor sam liccardo running by anna issue for more than 30 years. a race with 11 candidates in the field, but likely the raceúmost closely watched this cycle will be california's for candidates are in the running. katie porter and barbara lee
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will rally voters in the bay area. republican steve garvey, a front runner for the, does not y scheduled events. >> but let's get this turnout up. >> i think the biggest message today is vote. >> let's go do it. >> i'm james torres, ktvu,c fox two news. okay >> and on the national stage, republican won the d.c, and this is the first win of the campaign for the former spsouth carolina governor. tonight's victory, stopping former president trump from sweeping the gop voting contest. mr. trump is expected, though, to pick up several hundred delegates later this week on super tuesday. haley has said that she will remain in the race through then. >> san francisco police caught on camera clashing with demonstrators this weekend in the city. the department's response toúthe video, plus, we always send resources when we can out of state to support our neighbors access continues to
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battle. >> the largest wildfire in that state's history. coming up in tonight's west coast wrap, the help that texas is getting from one of its neighbors, and we're getting ready for a new week >> we've got a frost advisory in the north bay. showers still are going to linger a little bit, but not enough to change your plans. the mountains, a blizzard warning for the next halfúhour or so, i'll see you bac re in democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate.
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stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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the state of texas. it is being called the smokehouse fire. it's already burned more than a million acres in the panhandle. this story beginning tonight's west coast round. >> temperatures today. really. marissa starbuck tells us texas now getting some help, though from a neighbor. >> the personnel and equipment have to be requested by a state, in this case, 11 were requestedy texas a&m forestry. >> i talked to one of our engine captains this morning, he said. they were really busy. that's the crew that's assigned to the grapevine fire. >> another arizona crew is staged where the fire first broke out to see if it reignites and spreads further, wreakingc more havoc on the state of texas. they were both originally assigned toúthe windy deuce fire , but one of the engines got reassigned to the grapevine fire. >> a couple of our overhead are assigned down in alice, texas, just to support texas initial attack purposes there. ñ> the arizona department of forestry and fire management says it's somewhat of an
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unspoken reciprocal agreement between the neighboring states to request personnel and equipment. currently texas is the only for help. >> we do it all of the time. usually when we're not in our fire season, because we need as many resources as we can have sphere at home. um, but we alwas send resources when we can out of state to support our neighbors, whether that's california, new mexico, the nots to be sending help when it's needed. >> the state send wildland firefighters, which are trained differently than structural firefighter ers that handle homes and buildings with the conditions in texas, it's likely the arizona crews could be staying for a while. >> red flag warnings through this weekend. very hot and dry conditions for texas. so it's, you know, not a matter of if but when there could be a potential& new start. there sp>> typically an assignment, they go for 14 days. but in this case it could be extended to 21 days depending oo get under control. reporting in phoenix, marissa sarbach, fox tenúnews.
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>> and in seattle, police are investigating two overnight shootings. the first in belltowe hours later, according to seattle police, three men were shot, including a bystander in the city's capitol hill neighborhood. police say two of the men were taken to the hospital, police then responded to shots heard from inside a building just after one woman with a gunshot she diedúao custody. it is unclear what led up to both of those shootings. >> now we go to southern california an l.a. county superior court judge has ruled that an lapd officer who was fired back in 2022 after challenging the city's covid vaccine and testing mandate that judge says that the officer is entitled to back pay, but have b restored. the judge ruled the city did not violate labor laws, terminating her because of a, quote, failure to comply with a valid condition of employment. the officer's lawyer says this
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case was not about the vaccine, but about employees being forced to pay for covid testing. and remember that you can hear all of the top stories here on the west coast every weekday, right here west coast rap with alex savage airs at 7:00 monday through friday, or you can find around the clock coverage at west coast i'm already taking a look at the weather >> it turned out to be didn't i? especially friday. friday was nutty with the big thunderstorms and the hail and the lightning and snow on some of the higher peaks and blizzard warnings. the this cold, this big low is ther- reason for all the activity. it's just very cold air mass and that creates within itself an energy, right? because it hits pushed up and wrings out the spmoisture, or you get heating from beneath, like we did on friday. and you get some convection, you get thunderstorms, you get lower snow elevations. snow probably tomorrow morning. i suspect they'll be snow packed or snow on mount hamilton. just
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dustings. you know diablo as well. perhaps not. probably not, tam, but you can kind of see things winding down. but it's going to wind down just enough to not go away. in other words, they're stillúgoing to be a chance of a sprinkle or a shower tomorrow. the blizzard warning will get dropped tonight at midnight, but thenúturns into a frost advisory. itúturns into a winter storm warning, which is still a big deal. and then the frost advisory in the north bay tonight, which is not at all unexpected. these are the highs from today. it was pretty mild and chilly. i would say 55 in santa rosa, 54 in napa. tomorrow will be a little bit warmer, probably mid and upper 50s. and then we've got temperatures in the city that are going to go mid 40s. so what's happening., nice week ahead. just keep an umbrella handy. see how this scattered shower i'll put a loop on it if iúcan. let's see. yeah. see that how that looks. that air mass stuff's going to continue. all that stuff has to come through. so the potential does exist for i mean technically, yeah. you could get i think for the most part,úwe're
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going to be looking at just a chance of a scattered showerúas we go into the tuesday morning and see how everything's just sparound us, but not on us. and there's wednesday and so on. but in the mountains, they'll kind of keep going. heather, i think that snow to a bunch of folksúand they were e that live up there and they're saying it'súi go, did the forecast verify, youúknow, because it was like ten, 13ft. >> i saw it last week. you're at 10 to 12, maybe big, big numbers. >> and i was like, and they all of them said to the person, probably about 8p% of what was forecast. so it was a little less. but i think that might have do with the 100 mile an hour or 190 mile an hour. >> yeah, you've got the wind that's going to be moving it, but i did see, you know, folks opening their front door. and i mean, it was all the way to the top of the door. so a lot of snow nonetheless. >> yeah, they needed it. you know, it's winter. there you go. all right, bill, thank you. thanks overseas israel says its military launched dozensúof airstrikes against positions inside gaza as they look to put
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new pressureúon hamas amid ongoing cease fire negotiations. people in the southern city of rafah are bracing for the possibility of a large israeli ground invasion, right where more than a million gazans are sheltering further north, palestinians rushed toward an aid truck over the weekend, desperate to grab bags of. theyo looked at the skies where the u.s. dropped 66 pallets ofúfood, consisting of 38,000 meals, while the framework for a cease fire deal was reportedly agreed upon. there is concern that it could fall apart here at the last minute. today, a delegation of hamas have arrived in cairo to continue talks while the israelis did not send their own team well, a unity march and rally in san francisco today in response to recent escalating acts of anti-semitism across the nation amid the ongoing war. >> i urge you to think of one thing you can commit to doing today name anti-semitism and call it out. report it when you see it and hear it in conversation on social media, at
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work and in here with us. >> the march started in the embarcadero plaza, finishing up in front of city hall. the goal of today's event was to bring together the northern california jewish community and its allies to combat anti-semitism and foster inclusion and belonging. similar events have taken place recently in the uk, france, germany and washington, and last night we showed you video of san francisco police clashing with pro-palestinian demonstrators. yesterday afternoon in downtown. during that interaction, officers were seen pepper spraying folks and using batons against some of the protesters. well, san francisco police releasing a statement now telling ktvu, quote, the group became violent and began to commit crimes ranging from assault to felony vandalism and causing property damage. a few of the officers at the scene suffered non-life threatening injuries along with one subject who was participating in the first amendment rights reporting nonlife threatening injuries as well. this remains an open and
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active investigation, sfpd says. >> all right, here's a look at theústories trending tonight on one of the top stories many elected leaders in the bay area this weekend trying to get more people to vote prior to super tuesday. also, governor newsom took a visit to the us-mexico border two nights ago. he criticized republican, claiming they've stopped attempts at improving the immigration process and the san francisco giants made it official, signing all-star third baseman and former oakland athletic matt chapman to a three year deal. you can find these stories and much more on ktvu. .com >> well, skin conditions, they are often undercounted in people of color. coming up, we'll tell you about the efforts to try to ge patients diagnosed and treated a
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas
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to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. in black patients and often with serious consequences. >> ktvu crystal bailey spoke tos working to change that. >> doctor leon clark at wilma chan highland hospital has been changing the way dermatologists look at skin. >> unfortunately, when you google rosacea see and this is what you see in the textbooks. >> but it looks different on darker skin and it can be skin e melanoma is overlooked. while organizations like the skin of color society is raising awareness on a national scale about diseases impacting people of color, a study by the national library of medicine found that nearly half of dermatologists feel their
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training was inadequate, diagnose skin disease in patients of color. >> if you don't know what to look for, you just won't see it. so he's made it his mission to educate other doctors about the health disparities. we teach young doctors specifically about skin of color, and specifically how to take care of the people here in our community. sp>> about 85% of alameda health system's patient population are people of color. and just last department saw about 4000gyt- patients. >> you're looking great. >> felicia woods has a rare and painful form of psoriasis that severely affects her feet. it was originally misdiagnosed as foot fungus by a podiatrist. >> this was a like a big let down for me to not be able to get out and. >> she's beenúseeing doctor clark for about a year. >> your foot was about this. this big initially. >> so painful. >> yeah. it causes. yeah debilitating arthritis. >> just by looking at me. he
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asked me to see my elbows and he that was a blessing to mee. and because i was herec for three months getting treated for fungus. >> we've come a long way, slowly but surely. >> woods says the goal is to be able to walk in normalúshoes again, and doctor clark is helping her get there. >> no, i'm just thankful for doctor clark. that's all i can say. okay >> go ahead. >> clark also does outreach to primary care clinics in the bay area to help them spot skin conditions. early and hopefully improve health outcomes for people of color. crystal bailey, ktvu fox two news and although black history month has concluded, our corage continues tonight on line visit >> slash black history to see all of our stories from the past month. >> well, we have an important health reminder tonight. today marks triple negative breast cancer day. the day aims to raise awareness for all women and encourage regular mammograms . triple negative breast cancer accounts for about 10% of all
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breast cancer cases, and is more commonly seen in women younger than the age of 40. it's also more frequently diagnosed in black women. triple negative breast cancer survival rates are lower than other forms of breast cancer, but it is treatable if detected early and experts say that really early dettion is the key to surviving many forms of breast cancer. and if you would like to lend a hand in the fight against this disease, i'll just scan the qr code on your scre right now to sign upor making strides events coming up later this fall here in the bay area thatúwill help to fund research to end breast cancer. all right. >> you have just a couple more days to buy your ticket for a chance at $650 million mega millions will draw numbers tuesday night for the seventh largest jackpot in the game's history. there have been no big winners in the mega millions a k place in los angeles county on december eighth, and that was when aústore sold two winning tickets in night, each ticket worth about 400, so goodf you're playing. thanks for
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watching the 11:00
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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alright what's going on? everyone? i'm alex savage. welcome to like it or not, you know the show. we put the hot topics out there and we have our panel weigh in and tell us whether they like


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