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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  March 4, 2024 7:00am-9:00am PST

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make theirúvoices heard. we're live in martinez to bring you more on the state's biggest racn the south bay burglarized. what we're learning from fire fighters about past crimes at that same station. and a gun battle between a suspect in the sonoma county sheriff's office, one deputy hospitalized in critical condition, and more are hurtn we have a live report from the on this breaking news and what led to the gunfire from ktvu icu fox two news. >> this is mornings on two. >> good morning and welcome back. i'm gasia mikaelian and good morning i'm dave clark. >> it is monday, march 4th. a busy monday very a lot going on. steve paulson here to tell you more about rain possible for us and snow up in the mountains. >> they're winding down on the snow. that's the good news. although we still have some rain around. it looks more threatening than it really is, but there's some light rain out there. it's cool. 40s on the tempsúfor most, 30s for some, where the cloud cover would be much colder than that, but still some light rain.úwe're not done
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yet. about ready to wind down, but we'll keep some mostly cloudy skies in there and some lingering rain next system will be here late tuesday. wednesday it's a weak system and it's going to go south, not into the sierra. so rainy days and mondays, that's for sure. light. a lot of cloud covers, cool temps will keep some light rain or sprinkles in the forecast, but it's a cool one with only 50s. well, for all we know, highway four is not so good. is that the case? >> it is not so good. and steve, you're so good. you're a superstar. no, you're the superstar. >> so thank you. >> good morning everyone. listen in. we do have highway four slow this morning. in fact, i can put that up for you right now. it is slow at bay point as you drive into the willow pass road area. also at the bay bridge, we have a typical backup spreading to the mays. no major issues. if you're going to the san mateo or the dumbarton bridge. those commutes seem a little bit better. north bay we do have one significant closure. that would be tod road completely shut down west of 101 for police activity.
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a lot of people use that road. obviously so the alternate here would be not to get out to sebastopol would be highway 116 or highway 12. just avoid todútt available until further notice. now let's go back to the desk. >> okay sal. thank you. back to the breaking news in the north bay where you saw the live newsr police officers were hurt. a man has died after a shootout and chase in saint santa rosa. we showed you the news conference about what happened, but let's go back to ktvu. ali. rasmus foe a while, so sum up what happened out there. >> yeah, well, let's start with where we are. todd road and moreland avenue. you just heard sal mentioned that this road is closed and this is the reason why we're now finally getting some information and details from santa rosa police and sonoma county sheriff's about the investigation that started here around midnight this morning. sheriff's deputies,
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four of them in four separate patrol cars, responded to a call about a man brandishing a gun outside stony point road. and todd. uh, todd road. and at that point, according to the sheriff's deputies, the man started firing his weapons at his weapon at police and then got in his car, a toyota, a white vehicle, and started driving off. and according to a sheriff's spokesperson, we just heard from in that news conference, the man, the suspect got out of his car, atúleast twice to shoot at the deputies for deputies were injured. one was shot in the leg, another one suffered a headúinjury. we don't know exactly how or how that head injury came. came about, but two other deputiesúhad injuries to their hands. and when i asked the sheriff's spokesperson on how that hand, how those hand injuries, injuries happened, he speculated possibly grazed by a bullet or maybe by some broken glass. so no deputies returned fire and they shot and killed the man who
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had been firing at them. so all of this happened along todd road, about a half mile stretch of this roadway happened around midnight this morning. and so because this crime scene spanned about a half mileústretch of road, it's going to take them a while to gather all the evidence and put things together for this police investigation. so what we know, according to spokesperson out here, that one of the with the head injury, is in critical condition at the hospital. and again, three other deputiesúalso hurt, including one deputy who was shot in the lower leg. so we'll continue to be out here to gather more information in the meantime, todd road is closed down, uh, between moreland avenue all the way to stonyúpoint road, be cloe foreseeable future. the spokesperson out here for the sheriff's department said they did not know when they would wrap up their investigation here and be able to reopen this roadway to drivers and people living and working in the area.
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dave, we'll send it back to you. >> okay. allie. rasmus. thank you. time now, 704. an investigation continues in southern monterey county and ki. three others were wounded. this happened last night in king city , a community south of salinas along highway 101. police say a car pulled up to where a house party was being held. three men got out of the car and who were standing outside of the house. then the gunman ran away. three men and a womanúwere killed in that shooting. three other men were rushed to hospitals. so far, no arrests have been made. >> candidates vying to become the next us senator from california are making their final pushes to voters, despite the latest polls that suggest there are two front runners, all candidates say they'll fight till the end. ktvu james torres live near the contra costa county elections office with a real race to theúfinish here. james and garcia and the conversation is often about voter turnout. >> a lot of theseúcandidates saying that they can win this seat if they get the appropriate
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voters out. we saw two of the four candidates in san francisco last night. representatives adam schiff and katie porter. we'll start talking about katie porter first because she spent her night at manny's in the mission in front of a crowd of about 100 people. recent polls are now showing that she is within arm's reach of getting a second spot to general election in november, but to do that, she will need to convince more voters than schiff, who held his campaign event at cityy district. he had star power with them. former house speaker nancy pelosi sat on the stage while he spoke by city attorney david chiu, city assembly member phil ting. east bay congresswoman barbara lee campaigned in orange county last night. she sent out a tweet saying that she cannot wait to be the progressive champion in the us senate, but again saying in order to do that, voters need to come out the latest berkeley igs poll shows republican steve garvey pulling ahead of all
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three of those candidates, polling at about 27. his campaign did not reveal any plans all weekend for any last minute events. we're not sure if he hasúany scheduled for today either. we know the top two candidates in this race after this election will head to the general election in november. polls show that that may eventually lead to a showdown between garvey and shift, though it looks like porter has a small gap that she can try to fill. barbara lee has a little bit of a longer, but the one message they all have in common is to get voters out to try to get that voter turnout rate a little bit higher back in 2022l the june primaries statewide in california had a turnout rate of about 33. that was right on par with counties like contra costa and alameda,úsan francisco was a little bit higherúthan that. and of course, in the general election, just a bit higher at about 50% statewide, which the secretary of state's office says was the lowest in ten years. we're live this morning in
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contra costa county. i'm james torres, ktvu fox two news. >> james, thank you. in recent years, many californians have switched to becoming no party preference voters. those in that group who want to votecúfor a presidential candidate in thet& primary need to take some extra steps. no party preference voters did not receive a ballot listing the presidentialt& candidates along with their mail in ballot. if you're a no party preference voter and still have not yet submitted your mail in ballot, here's what you need to do to be able to vote for a presidential candidate. first, head to your county want to vota presidential candidate in the democratic american independent or libertarian party, you can request what's called a crossover ballot. it will have the candidatesc names on it. now it's a different process. if you want to vote for a candidate in the republican green or peace and freedom party, those parties require you to officially reregister as a member of that party. you can do that there at the county elections office as well. in either case, you're advised to bring in the ballot you were sent to the mail so it
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can be canceled there on the spot. >> our time now. 708 over the weekend, a fire station in san jose a man broke into the fire station on the east santa clara street in 17th, after firefighters night. when theyúcame back, they found a man inside the fire station. they say he then ran away through the back door andc headd toward the creek with fire equipment, and some of the firefighters personal belongings . >> as firefighters, we spend approximately a third of our is like a second home to to havn invasion. it would be similar to somebody invading our own homes. >> now that man was arrested by the police and they recovered all of the stolen one firefighter's laptop computer was destroyed when the suspect threw it into. firefighters say this was the third time station eight has been burglarized. >> time now is 70y. we do have
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slow traffic all over the east bay, although it is not raining right now, and that's helping the commute. a lot of these backups are very typical for the time of morning. for example, highway four does have a backup stretching from pittsburg to concord, not unusual. their bay bridge toll plaza is backed up all the way out to the maze. and if you're driving on interstate 880, that traffic is moving well. no major issues on the san bridge. south bay commute. we'll check in with that in just a bit. it's beginning to get a little bit slower, but you still have a pretty good chance of getting out there before the major slowdowns begin. 709 let'? >> the bay area's biggest school district has plans to close several schools. we'll tell you why, the school district superintendent says that it is needed.c waymo gets the green light to expand its robotaxi service in the bay area, where you might start seeing more of those driv le vehic s
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future.
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it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done. did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ ) oh, it's cold outside. time to protect your vehicle from winter's wrath. of course, the hot sun can be tough on vehicles too. you need weathertech. laser measured floorliners and cargo liner will shield the carpeting from sand and snow. for your interior, there's seat protector and sunshade.
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plus, mud flaps and bumpstep for the exterior. while the new impactliner, with shock absorbing rings, safeguards your truck bed from costly damage. order american made products at surf's up! court has just rejected colorado's attempt to ban former president donald trump from the primary ballot there, one day before that state's primary. several states had attempted to remove the former president from their primary to hold the republican frontrunner accountable for the january 6th capitol riot. this ruling that came down just minutes ago happens one day before super tuesday. this court ruling
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impacts not just colorado, but also illinois, maine and other states that had hoped to take the former president off the primary ballot. clearly, this is breaking news here. a unanimous decision. by the supreme court is somewhat rare in recent years. we'll keep following the implications and the fallout for now to the weather for thistwo. weekend's storm brought several feet of new snow to the skiers d boarders are excited to get up morning it is still not an easy task. ktvu andre senior here in studio now with the problem still limiting travel to the nol can't get to north lake tahoe gasia on i-80 is still closed colfax to the nevada state line, and there is still no word on when it will reopen. highway 50 is open with chain controls, but there are still been problems. a snow plow operators in the sierra say the storm has been tough to clear.t& >> hectic is this snow is wet underneath. i've been an operator of these plows in this neighborhood right six years, aa
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pretty good been encouraging noo travel. it's been highly discouraged. >> even caltrans is having a hard time dealing with all the snow. the agency saysúall but six of their the i-80 corridor are broken down because of the intense conditions. even so, some people at resorts in tahoe say they're still finding ways to hit the slopes. >> we are going to go backcountry skiing because the resort is closed and we're bored. >> the storm has been pretty crazy. i've mostly just been hanging out inside, but today spwe're going to go ski some mellow tree lines and hopefully avoid the avalanches. >> while 80 remains closed, people here in the bay area are getting ready to head up later this week. at one ski shop in berkeley, workers say they've spto gear up. we've been getting >> some of them even got my phone number. i mean, people are
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very excited to get up there on this one good's an understatement. it's going to be amazing. uh, the snow is going to be soft. uh, there's going to be powder everywhere, and people are just going to be getting after it. >> they still have to be several resorts weren't able to open at all this weekend, including palisades tahoe, where strong winds were gusting as high as 190mph. palisades is aiming to reopen some of its lifts today. others, like heavenly, were able to stay partially open this weekend and you can expect all of those resorts to ramp up operations as the week goes on. dave. all right, andre. >> thank you. time now. 716. some schools in the bay area's biggest school district may soon be closing. san francisco unified plans to close an unspecified number of schools in the coming years. school officials point to understaffed and declining enrollment and school buildings literally falling apart, hurting the ability to help children succee& , school superintendent says. eliminate the older schools would reduce some ofúthose
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problems. >> to create the schools our students deserve and our families expect, we must have fewer schools than we do now. we realize this is difficult to hear. no one wants to think about their school or any school closing its doors, us included. but by having fewer schools, we can concentrate our resources and enhance programs, teacher support and student services. >> right now, the school superintendent says an eight month process will begin to create a criteria for closing schools. and when that is completed, recommendations will be made as to which schools will be on the list. well likely see more waymo robo taxis across the state soon. >> the california public utilities commission approved an expansion for waymo along the peninsula and silicon valley, as well as in los angeles. the cpuc says it received more than 80 letters of support and five objections. several bay area lawmakers, though, disagree with state regulators. >> this was an irresponsible
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decision by the puc. we're trying to put guardrails and making sure that local jurisdictions have local control , south bay state senator dave cortese is sponsoring a bill calling for more local authority to oversee autonomous vehicles. >> some bay area officials worry that there has not been enough research or testing to allow roads safely. waymo says it is grateful for the cpuc decision, and the company will work closely with local service is se and accessible. >> all right, gasia time now. 717 right back to sal. i know you've had problems on the roads . have you fixed them yet? >> well, you know, we're trying to, dave, and say, good morning to you both right now at the bay bridge, you can see that there is a backup here at the toll plaza. not not a huge backup, but it is going to be backed up to the maze, which is typical also, if you are driving this morning, you will see that traffic on interstate 880 in oakland. no
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major issues. san mateo bridge traffic is movingc along very well. south bay commute. we promised you a look at that. there's just a little slowing on 101 near capital expresswayn and also after 280. and weúwant to rosa, you cannot use the todd can't drive on todd road west towards sebastopol because of police activity. you should use one highway 12 or 116. i know a lot of people cut through there this morning. that is not an option 718 let's bring steve back in with today's weather south. >> thank you sir. uh, windingt& down up in the mountains. i'm sure some updated totals will be in about an hour. 8:00, 9:00 is when they but a lot of snow up there. better late than never, i much r conditions. chris henry said i saw this on the i love lake tahoe facebook winter has arrived, i'll say, trudging through the snow there. good. that'súa good picture. ever posted that snowfall totals
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spsince friday? as of sunday evening. homewood 88. sugar bowl is close at 87. boyle, 82, and n probably add 4 to 6 to some of these totals, but we'll know and again about an hour. i think they're about there. now we'll turn our attention to rain. you had a big time thunderstorm or something roll larkspur l central marin aboutt- 6:30 p.m. friday. it was mute.t& the tv opened the front door thing happened to me asin. same torrential rain. hail, cat looked up at the ceiling and i turned the tv volume down. it was so heavy. loma prieta the most. i saw five inches of rain sinceúfriday mount four and three quarters. mount diablo four. mount tamalpais had just over three other rainfall totals , including tiburon and konocti, moraga and saint helena, all over two to almost two and a hil just about two. livermore 1.63in vallejo at half. i think we're almost done, but we'll keep some lingering light rain or drizzle in the forecast, at least for the morning. there's your next system. it'll
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start to drag across this tuesday, tuesday night, wednesday with light rain. more of a nuisance, i think, than anything else. this is not a big system. it's expected to dive southl the central and southern california coast. but we'll get some light rain out of it through tuesday night and wednesday. it does not look like much of a deal for the sierra, as it goes south, so morning drizzle, light rain, mostly cloudy, maybe some sun will be optimistic here. lingering rain, but on the cool side with a break thursday. friday as of now, looks like another weak system on the weekend. >> steve. thank you barbie. the movie and concert is going on tour. more on the women led orchestra that's putting the concert together. and when it's coming here to the bay area. >> but first, protesters in downtown san francisco hit the streets. one group called for a cease fire in gaza, and the other called for an end to anti-semitism across the nation. we have the deta s nex
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect.
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because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. president kamala harris called for an immediate cease fire in gaza. she cited inhumane conditions palestinians are experiencing in gaza and the biden administration's recent >> thereúmust be an immediate cease fire on the table. >> this will give the hostages out and give a significantt& amount of aid in the vice
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president's remarks, were the most pointed statement the biden administration about the cease fire. >> she also urged the israeli government to do more to increase the flow of aid into gaza. >> our time now is up. in 24 protesters inúsan francisco turned out for a unity march and rally yesterday, responding to the rise in the amount of anti-semitism nationwide. now the march started in the embarcadero plaza. it ended in front of san francisco city hall. the goal was to bring together the northern california jewish community and its allies together with other communities. >> the full vibrancy and diversity of jewish identity will be embraced and celebrated. >> now, similar events have recently been held in the uk, france, germany and also in
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washington. well, pro-palestinian organizations are criticizing the san francisco police department over the use of pepper spray against protesters over the weekend. video from saturday's protest shows the police clashing with pro-palestinian demonstrators i& downtown san francisco. the officers could be seen pepper spraying and using batons against the protesters. thet& group organized the protest, says the rally's official police liaison was also one of the protesters was pepper sprayed. now, san francisco police sent us a statement about it, saying in part, the group became violent and began to commit crimes. this remains an open and active investigation. >> haiti has declared a 72 hour state of emergency after thousands of inmates escaped from prison. some 4000 inmates escaped after gangs overtook severalúprisons. at least nine people have been killed since the jailbreak, including four officers. the violence comes after the country's prime
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minister went to kenya seeking to move ahead with a un backed securityúmission. our time now, 726 tax day. >> it's coming up fast. we'll tell you what cybersecurity experts warn against as but fire tahoe region is reeling following the bay. >> the area's largest storm of the season so far. we're live near truckee. to give you a much spbetter look at the road conditions along interstate 80.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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us spec and sonoma county sheriff's deputies. one deputy is in the hospital in critical conditionn three others were hurt. we're a live report from santa rosa with more on what led up to this morning's gun battle. and if you're hoping to hit the in lake tahoe this week, you may have to wait. we'll have a live report near truckee this morning with a check on interstate snowe freeway from the ktvu. >> fox two news. this is mornings on two.
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>> well, good morning to you. thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on two. i'm dave clark. >> good morning i'm gasia mikaelian. monday march 4th i think steve paulson has been telling us. but it's worth hearing again. we're through the worst of it right by far. >> no doubt about it. we've taken better conditions here. but we'll start up in the mountains. our good friend heidi here, friend of the show. good morning, steve, from a snowy truckee, currently 21 degrees. that's a lot of snow, but it looks like they are about done here. there might be a little bit here coming across next day or two, but nothing compared to we as well are getting some nexk but it would not take much to generate some light rain. so rainy days and mondays. at least through about wednesday we'll have some off and on. rain light, nothing heavy, no strong wind or anything like that, but we're just not ready to kick this all out of here yet. and quite cool here on a lot of 50s here as well. hopefully, hopefully the traffic's better out there, but i think sal's going to tell me otherwise. guys. yes. no. maybe. yeah you
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know what? >> it is a little bit slow in some spots as we normally would be. traffic is better than it were raining, that's for sure. uh, let's go to highway four first. you can see highway four is slow. we have kind of the typical slowdowns. bay bridge backed up to the maze.t& interstate 880 is getting a little slower into downtown, and the bridges are crowded. butt& since it's not raining, it's not really critical. stop and go. busier. i do want traffic is okt todd road is closed, heading out towards 116 because of police activity. now at 731, let's get back to the desk. >> okay, sal, we're still following the breaking news in the north bay of a shootout this morning between sonomaúcounty sheriff's deputies and a suspect. ktvu allie rasmus. you've been up there for several hours. what's the latest on what we know? >> well, sonoma county sheriff's just opened up part of todd road, a very small stretch of it. there's still an active
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investigation going on behind us, but we are able to get a little bit closer to where this all happened for deputies. sonoma county sheriff's deputies were injured overnight. it started around midnight this spmorning. that's whenc sonoma county sheriff's responded to a person brandishing a gun on todd road, near stony point road. again, that was after midnight this morning. that's about a half a mile away from where we are. still, according to sonoma county sheriff's, the suspect then tried to drive off once confronted by the deputies, but then that man stopped and got out of his car at least twice to total of four sonoma county sheriff's deputies were hurt. one was shot inúthe lower leg, two others have hand injuries, possibly from broken glass or grazed by a bullet, and the fourth deputy suffered a head injury, a pretty serious one, according to the sonoma county sheriff's public information officer, and is in the hospital in critical condition. deputies fired back at the suspect killing him. the crime scene and the investigation spans several blocks and a long stretch of
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roadway between two intersections. as with a chaotic , dynamic crime scene like this that spans multiple locations with multiple deputies involved, uh, there's a lot of information to process as we're able to get more information to you guys, we will. uh, but sometimes this process is slow. so so, todd, road between stony point road and moorland avenue is stillúclosed off for this spinvestigation. >> we can take you back out here live. we aren't seeing a lot of activity or movement here. just several layers of crime scene tape. we know that people who live beyond the crime scene tape are not able to go to their homes. they occasionally see police are escorting. some people out of the area again, back out here,úlive, we're showing you the three layers of crime scene tape stretching from where we are on todd road all the way to stony point road. so it's a crime scene that spans about a half a mile. according to the sonoma county sheriff's
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office. they don't have an estimated time to reopen. live in santa rosa. allie rasmus, ktvu, fox two news okay, allie, thank you. >> time is 734. tomorrow is the deadline to turn in your ballot for california's primary election. but officials say that voter turnout is down say state, the number of ballots returned are not in line with the normal level of voter turnout for a presidential election year, and that the change in turnout could have a big impact in the smaller local races. >> as we are seeing an older, whiter and more conservative electorate in this low turnout environment, there are very few people. unless maybe you or a loved one is running for the legislature for that would say that this is the most important election of their lifetime. now the state registrar's office started sending out text messages to voters who haven't returned their ballot yet, remain, sending themúto vote. >> if you don't want to drop your ballot in a mail box,úvote
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centers will be open today all over we have a linkc on how to find the one that's closest to you on your our website, ktvu .com. just click on web links. >> new this morning the us supreme court just ruled in favor of former president donald trump, saying that states cannot keep his name off presidential primary ballots. the ruling comes one day before super tuesday primaries. it says states cannot invoke a post-civil war constitutional provision to keep presidential candidate s from appearing on the ballot. justice resides wits . the former president challenged a decision by the colorado supreme court, the city was disqualified from being president again and ineligible for that state's primary tomorrow, citing the 14th amendment. two other states, illinois and maine, made similar arguments. republican presidential candidate nikki haley has won her first primary election,úwon the washington, d.c, primary last night. haley's win stops former president donald trump from sweeping the gop voting contests. the former president is expected to pick up
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several hundred delegates this week on super tuesday tomorrow. haley said that she'll remain in the race through at least then our time is 736. >> a tax filing deadline exactly six weeks away. now, criminal investigator at the irsc identified $5.5 billion in fraud last year. now they, along with cybersecurity experts, are warning fraud could be a lot higher this year because oft& artificial intelligence research has found. posts on the dark web of scammers showing how they profited from fraud using stolen passports, ids and personal information on the scammers canc also create great photos andt& videos to fool theúirs. identity verification systems. >> so one of the things that taxpayers need to fear is people entering into some of these tax systems that use this technology, where, um, they decided to target now the us treasury department's trying to fight back. >> the department says it recovered. $375 million using an
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enhanced fraud detection process . so here are the recommendations from the irs on ways to protect yourself. file your taxes as early as possible. open an online account with the irs so scammers can't do it for you. get a pin number. it acts as an extra password for your account, so set up direct deposit because it's easierúto steal a paper jack. the irs will only notify you by mail. and don't give out personal information over the phone by text or tweets. >> 737 it's a busy monday morning commute. sal castaneda what are you most, uh, you know, not eagerly watching, but watching with most interest. >> oh, i understand what you meant. and yeah, the east bay. i would say, garcia, is what you're looking for, because we do have a lot of slow traffic there on highway four and 24 and 680. it's a normal monday, which is to say, a lot of people are
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out there at. and you will see the traffic is backed up from pittsburgh heading all the way out toward the concord area and over the hill. there have been no major problems there. you can see that traffic on 24 is moderately heavy. it's a little bit better than we thought it would be, and you can along sloy major issues here on interstateo 880. i do want to mention the bridges, the mid bay crossings are okay andúit's not raining helping usúout in our commute. now at 738, let's bring steve back in with today's weather. >> i thought you were tossing somebody else. so. >> yes, sir, but now right. uh,i was not ready, so i'll get to it in a second. here. when i have a second sierra snow totals. they've been updated here, and. well, now we'll do with the rain totals. that's just the way it's going to be. loma prietal five inches of rain. mount aluminum, four and three quarters. mount diablo four. mount tamalpais picked up three. there were numerous reports in the higher
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elevations around 3 to 4, but i think loma prieta had the most that i saw. other rainfall totals included tiburon, konocti, moraga, saint helena, morgan hill, san rafaell livermore, and vallejo, all between an inch and a half to almost twoúand a half. i think we're about done. there's just some light stuff kind of dancing around. next systemúis going to give us some light rain late tuesday night, early wednesday before driving southward. so this will not be a big deal for the sierra. uh, but, uh, we'll get something out of it. andc then a break probably thursday and friday. so for today, look for mostly cloudy skies. some light rain linger, rain, but quite cool in the temps with only 50 receives. >> thank you. time now 739. if get cheated in the next time you bite into some candy. i'm not kidding. i'll tell you why the candy companies are cutting back on a major ingredient that's coming next. >> let's swing out to our newsroom, say good morning again to andre senior. as you look ahead to the next hours of mornings on two. well, good morning. >> trouble looming for a historicúsan jose church site. the latest on a potential
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foreclosure as a lawsuit challenges the proposed housing development there and hoping sewage will help flush out the fentanyl and drug crisis here in california. coming up, assembly member matt haney joins us live on the nine to talk about expanding the testing across the st
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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forest river and san antonio creek trail. however, some parks have partially reopened, including guerneville river park , riverfront regional park, and toll lake regional park. more roads. india's many nationalc park are expected to partially reopen today. park officials closed yosemite on thursday because storms made roads unsafe for drivers. several highways partially reopened yesterday and more should open around noon today. officials say that visitors should still be mindful many of the roads and paths in w and ice, and that chains may. >> time is now 743 new trades are new. trade laws are being considered advantages for online chinese retailers. right now, trade exempt zones allow packages valued at $800 or less to come into the u.s. duty free per person every day. now, this rule is allowing chinese online fast food, fast fashion
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company sheehan to dominate the us market. american consumers can buy trendy clothing at low prices, while the chinese manufacturing company is not paying tariffs. last year, 1 billion shipments entered the us tax free, a 53% increase from 2022. it's ranging from anything to the pill press, die sets that people were utilizing, using to make, you know, fentanyl. >> that is devastating our communities. but we're also talking about, you know, you know, fake or counterfeit jewelry. now congress can repeal the current trade provision, which could add 20 to $30 to >> all right. our time is 74u, a big fine for apple. and a big merger has been called off. >> pam cook, so busy in this monday morning edition of dollars jetblue
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and spirit airlines. >> we've been talking about this a lot. they just announced this morning that they have ended their plans to merge, saying that there areútoo many regulatory hurdles. the two airlines argued that they needed to merge to compete with the big airlines that control most of the us market, but with the juse department and concerns about the deal, raising airfares. now, as the opening bell rang this morning, spirit airlines stock dropped 10. shares in jetblue are up about 3. as we take a live look at the markets this morning. now, at this hour, the dow jones headed lower. it's spstill down about a quarter ofa percent. the s&p 500 and the nasdaq are also down just slightly this morning. apple is being hit with a massive fine from the european union in a landmark antitrust case. the eun fine to apple over a complaint from spotify that said, apple prevented the company from telling users about payment
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options outside of the app store . the eu said that made for an unfair trade condition. fine is meant to be a deterrent for apple and other tech companies to prevent similar behavior, apple says it will challenge the fine in court. rodney strong vineyards in sonoma county is offering a sweepstakes and the prize is money to buy on an e-bike.c 15 winners will be awarded $2,500 toward the purchase of an e-bike. you can now enter through may 31st. winners will be chosen juneú7th. you can find the online registration link on ourúwebsite . just go to and click on web links. first though, was the doll collection. then the hit film. now barbie is going on a concert tour with a stop here in the bay area. it is called barbie the movie in concert. producers describe it as a live to film concert experience featuring an all women orchestra, most of whom are women of colorn they will play the film's award winning score.
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producers say music brought so much heart and excitement to the film. the tour begins. it will be at the shoreline amphitheater in mountain view, july 25th. i'm pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents, pam. >> thank you. your next piece of chocolate might contain less of a key ingredient in that sweet treat. the cost of raw cocoa hat year, hitting a ton for the first time recently, according to bloomberg. some manufacturers are shifting to products with less cocoa. some are making their candies smaller or filling them with things like caramel instead of chocolate. >> well, law enforcement is also warning consumers all over the world do not fall for deceptive online ads. an example is the willy wonka experience in scotland. it was promoted on social media. the colorful images like you see here were created using artificial intelligence. once guests paid $40 for the event, complained they got a half decorated warehouse with flimsy looking props and actors who looked depressed but it's very
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easy to mock up a photoshop of a bag or, you know, use ai to generate event image assets and kind of create all of this really creative and amazing and. >> ic think that's wrong, i really do. i mean, if you're going to do something make monet give the person what they they're buying and it's not just events being falsely advertised on social media. >> often they include products, trade commission has been goingl after companies for consumer said, hey, my hamburger doesn't look like what's up there on the menu board. yeah, it doesn't look like that. no. >> yeah. all right. sal castaneda very busy in the traffic center this monday. >> yeah. there do here. let's go to the bay bridge first and i'll show you that at the toll plaza. we do have a bigger backup getting into san francisco. so definitely a monday out there. people are not shying away from being on the road. san mateo bridge is
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improving, though. so is the dumbarton bridge. the south bay commute has been moderate. it hasn't been as heavy as sometimes tuesdays, wednesdays and thursdays are busier than they are on a monday and on a friday. i do want to mention that chain restrictions are not up. you know why? let's go to the sierra. i want to show you the truckee bypass because 80 is closed completely closed this morning. according to caltrans. it's closed from colfax to the nevada state line. and that's due to snow. this is the truckee bypass on 267 westbound. you can see the traffic coming towards us. so it is going to be some roads are open, others are closed. i would not recommend going up there now. just wait around until things get better. 749 let's bring steve back in >> all right. we have updated snow totals. i thought they'd come in around 8:00. they came in a little sooner than that. that's a good thing. and sugar bowl looks like the leader of the pack here with 125in of snow. since friday. boreal. not too far away at 119. homewood.
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just shy of 100 with 96in of snow and screaming wind gusts. looks like they are about ready to get a break here. it's still cloudy, but snowfall rates and wind have come way, way down. how about rain and snow? gary converse in calistoga saw some snow on mount saint helena peaks. i bet there's some on diablo as well once we see it. clear rain last 24 hours .09. rain as of from friday with just over three inches of rain. danville kentfield san francisco yountville. between 1.86 and 2, and a third, santa rosa at an inch and three quarters. oakland 1.17. redwood city close 1.16. in sanújose an inch and 13 light stuff, just kind of moving through next system. it's weak, but it will generate some light rain. looks like late tuesday into wednesday. of course the gfs drives it southward and misses us, but all the other three give usúrain, so nothing new there. uh, not a lot, but a little bit of light rain will
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take us till wednesday a break. thursday, friday it does look like another system though. on the weekend. not strong, but enough to generate some light rain. so light rain. morning drizzle, chilly to cold. mostly cloudy, some lingering rain just hanging on a break after wednesday, thursday and friday. changes, another system rolls in on the weekend. thank 751 if you and your best friend love soda, this could be the opportunity you have been waiting for. >> a soft drink company wants to send the two of you on a free cross country trip. what you have to do while you're on the road, and how you can earn thousands doing it. plus i won't be fighting for him. >> i'm fighting for my people. >> a sleepy box office gets jolted this weekend. how much dune part two made in its opening weekend, and why? experts say it's just what the box office needed. all right.
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver...
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who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. county will decide whether to recall a member of the board of supervisors. that's after supervisor kevin cry led an effort to get rid of the county's ballot counting machine , saying he didn't trustcúthose machines and he wanted the county's small election staff to count the ballots by hand, which the experts say is not realistic . in the end, the state legislature stepped in to pass d counting the ballots. critics
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have cried, then launched a recall campaign. >> we are a conservative county, no doubt about that. and we understand that. but what we've said is, well, we're conservative, not crazy. >> they have been so used to control everything on that supervisor board that no,únobody can get anything done. you can tell they don't want any change. they don't want kevin cry here because he is making some changes now in this campaign. >> ads against the recall cry says if voters remove him from office, governor newsom, who is unpopular in the area, would appoint his replacement. supporters of the recall say they formally asked if cry is recalled and wait until november for voters to decide on a replacement. time now, 756 here in the bay area, two for grabs. for the first time in decades in silicon valley, congresswoman anna eshoo is
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retiring after 32 years in congress. and that rare opening is attracted a large field of 11 candidates in the east bay, nine congressional candidates aret& trying to replace congresswoman barbara lee, who's running for the us senate, and she officially endorsed lateefah simon, a member of the bart board of directors, to replace her. the top two vote getters in both of these races will move on to the general election in november. the make sure you stay connected with fox local ahead of super tuesday. it's a free app. itgs on your smart tv. you can find everything you need to spknow about the primary electi, like what's on the ballot and how you can vote. just search for the fox local app and then select ktvu. time is 757 with the golden state warriors are trip that went pretty well until the last game in boston. the warriors won the first three
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games of the east coast road trip, but then they played the boston celtics yesterday and the celtics are the top team in the eastern conference, and the celtics crushed the warriors 140 to 88. only one warrior starter, moses moody, scored in double 52 points is the worst loss in the franchise historyn when you had steph curry, klay thompson andúdraymond green starting the game. in fact, it got so bad those three didn't play in the second half because the game was such a rout. >> you give them tonight from the jump. and it was one of those days. um you know perfect storms of just a rough night on our end and them taking it to us . >> it was rough. warriors head coach steve kerr told his players, flush that game out of your minds now. theúteam had a successful winning road trip. now they're back home. they have
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a couple of days to relax before they host the second best team in the eastern conference, the milwaukee bucks. on wednesday night. it is 758 registration now open for a program giving free swimming lessons to kids in the north bay. vamos en nada. which means let's go swimming in spanish has a series of free instruction beginning in march. this free program gives kids between the ages ofúfive and 18, a half day of swimming instruction. families are then given a voucher. it dramatically reduces the cost of city run swim lessons. the program was at alarming rates part two is gg the movie industry a big jolt. >> i won't be fighting for him. i'm fighting for my people. >> now, the long awaited sequel to the sci fi franchise has
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grossed $81.5 million domestically, double what the first movie opened with. the sequel is also a hit outside of spthe united states. this movie made almost $180 million worldwide wide over the weekend. >> well good morning. the last minute push is on for those running to be california's next senator. the events some of the candidates had as one of the contenders surges to the front of the pack. and it looks to make the race a lot more interesting. and a brazen break-in in the south bay. thievesútargeting a fire station. it's not the first time that that location has been hit, andúa morning of chaos in the north bay. what started as a police pursuit led to a gun battle. several deputies injured a crime scene littered across r. welcome to mornings on twoc at 8:00 as you look live across the oakland estuary, youúcan see this morning overcast skies. >> something we've been familiar with over the last couple of
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days. thank you so much for joining us. i'm andre senior. good morning. >> i'm gasia mikaelian. it's most part we're through the worst of it. according to our meteorology, steve paulson. >> yes, we definitely in rain wise, although we're not done with rain. strong wind and heavy rain is done and it looks like things have wound down up in the mountains. still cloudy, but not not not the rainfall. and snow them as we went into friday and- spthough, we'll get some light rain. the air is so saturated it wouldn't take much. so rainy days andcúmondays we've had some light rain drizzle this morning, probably off and on most cloudy cool temps though really only 50s here so well below average on the temps. all right, sal is here. 8:00. where are we going? >> yeah, we're going to the south bay right now. i'm just looking at a couple of slowdowns here. i'll looking at. the southúbay is going to be slow, but we had the critical mass that we've had. usually. sometimes we have more slow traffic a wednesday aa
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thursday. so so right now you te slow traffic or avoid some of the slow traffic we might see tomorrow. this is a look at the bay bridge toll plaza. there's a little improvement coming here, so i'll take it. traffic is moving along prettyc well. no problems onto the bridge. 801. let's get back to the desk. >> well, another breaking news in the north bay. we've been following all morning long. a police chase in santa rosa. four officers injured, a suspect dead . and about an hour ago, we carried a news conference where the sonoma county sheriff's office pieced together some of what happened. ktvu sally rasmus at the scene with what we know about the incident. ali well, we know that sonoma county sheriff's deputies and santa rosa police say it's going to take them a while to collect and gather all the evidence connected to this police chase and shooting that happened here during the overnight hours. >> so while they do that work, this stretch of road tod road between moreland and stony point road is going to be closed to
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the public. now you can see several layers of crime scene tape behind us. behind that second tape. there you see what is a sonoma county sheriff's vehicle with the door openúand zooming in with our camera, we can see what appears to be a bullet hole in that door. this all started around midnight this morning. that's when sonoma county sheriff's got a call about a man brandishing a gun. we're not sure if that man was standing outside a private residence or a business, but we do know there is a restaurant and nightclub at the intersection where that call came from. sonoma county sheriff's deputies arrived, and their office says that when they arrived and tried to confront the man with the gun, he then drove off the man then later fired his weapon at officers. a total of four deputies in separate patrol cars ended up responding. the suspect fired his gun at them during the chase. before that suspect finally crashed, and there are multiple crime scenes. >> um, the suspect stopped and fired rounds at different locations. um, it's unclear
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exactly how long the pursuit was . >> sonoma county sheriff's deputies fired back at the suspect, killing him. police are not releasing any information about the man's identity. as for the four deputies who were hurt, one was shot in the lower leg, two others have hand injuries, possibly from broken glass or grazed by a bullet. we don't know how the fourth deputy suffered a head injury and a pretty serious one. according to the sonoma county sheriff's office. that deputy is in the hospital in critical condition. now back out here live. there td road. itúremains closed from moreland to stony point road. and that you are seeing here as we now come up on seven hours, seven, eight hours of road closure and investigation after this initial incident was reported live in santa rosa. allie rasmus, ktvu, fox two news. >> none of southern monterey county after four people were shot and killed and
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three wounded. it happened last night in king city, a community south of salinas along highway 101. police say a car pulled up to where a house party was being held, and three men got out of that car and started shooting. people who were standing outside of the house. woman were killed in the shooting, and three other men were rushed to the hospital. so arrests have been made. >> breaking news now from washington, d.c. in a rare unanimous decision, the supreme court ruled the state of colorado does not have the spauthority to ban former president donald trump the stat. colorado is among several states that attempted to remove the former president trying to hold the republican frontrunner accountable for the january sixth capitol riot. mr. trump reacted to the decision in a post on social media, called it a big win for america. the high court is set to hear arguments next month in a case centered on whether the former president has broad immunity for his actions. on january 6th. candidatesc vyig to become the next us senator from california are making their
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final pushes to votersn now, the frontrunners, but every candidate says they'll fight till the end. ktvu james torres live near the contra costa county elections office. james, tomorrow is decision day. >> sure is. gasia.c you know, nt every ballot looks the same from county to county, but this is one of those races that is going to affect everyone in the state of california here. of the four spcandidates that we're talking about, two spent some time over the weekend in san francisco trying to rally some of those last minute votes. congresswoman katie porter, as wellúas adam schiff. let's start with katie porter here. she was at manny's in the mission, trying to talk to a crowd of a hundred people, hoping to earn their votes. there. she is, within arm's sect to make it to the general election in november. but to do that, she need to convince more voters than schiff, who held his campaign event at the pearl in the city's mission district or rather, mission bay districtn he had star power with him there. pelosi sat on stage while he
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spoke. he was also joined by city attorney david chiu, city supervisor aaron peskin, as well as assembly member phil ting, east bay congresswoman barbara lee campaigned in orange county last night. she tweeted thatúshe couldn't wait to become the progressive champion in the us senate, but in order for her to do that, voters need to come out and support the latest berkeley igs poll shows republican steve garvey pulling ahead of all three. democrats are polling at 27. his campaign has not revealed any plans for any campaign events all weekend long. we're not sure if he has anything else going on later today. the top two candidates will then head to a runoff in november. polls show that that might be a showdown between garvey and schiff, though it seems porter doesn't have that big of a gap to close in on. barbara lee is a little ways behind now. the one message all common is that they want to get voters out. they say that the voter turnout can help determine how well their campaign does. so they say if they get that rate
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up, it makes it better for them and for everyone. going back two spyears, the june primaries here in the state of california only had about a 30% rate of voter turnout, which is about the same here in contra costa county, and only slightly goes up just whene general election in november. we're live this morning in contra costa county. i'm james torres, ktvu, fox two news. >> james thank you. now, in recent years, many californians& have switched to become no party preference voters. those in that group who want to vote for a presidential candidate in this primary need to take some additional steps. no party preference voters did not receive a ballot listing the presidential candidates, along with their mail in ballot. if you're a no party preference voter and you've not yet submitted your mail in ballot, here's what you need to do to be able to vote for a presidential candidate. it all starts at your county elections office. go there. if you want to vote for a presidential candidate in the democratic american independent or libertarian party, you can request what's called a crossover ballot, one that will have the candidates names on it.
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now, itgs a different process. if you want to vote for a candidate in the republican green or peace and freedom party, those parties require you to officially reregister as a member of that party. you can do this at the county elections office as well. in either case, your advice to bring in the ballot you were sent in the mail so it can be canceled there on >> hey, to waste your time over the weekend, a fire station in san jose was the target of a burglary. police into the fire station on east santa clara street and 17th as firefighters left to answer a call at 630 saturday night. when they returned, they found a man inside the station. they say he then took off through the back door and headed toward the creek with fire equipment and some of their personal belongings. >> as firefighters, we spend approximately a third of our livesúin the fire station. this is like a second home to many of us to have this type of an invasion. it would be similar to somebody invading our own homes. police arrested the man and recovered all of the items. >> however, one firefighter's laptop was destroyed after the suspect threw it into the creek.
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firefighters tell us this statis been burglarized. >> time is 809, and right now we're seeing improvement at thec bay bridge. i like what i see here, and i know that mondays and fridays are not the volume that we normally see on tuesday. wednesday and thursday. so you may want to take advantage of that right now at the bay bridge. as i said, there's improvement. 880 is moderate. and the san mateo and dumbarton bridge commutes are much better. it's sunny there and it has been wet from overnight rain, but we haven't had rain on the commute. south bay commute i would call that moderate. we've seen a lot worse. there are some usual slowdowns heading over to the west valley at 809. let's go back to the desk. >> well, people in la sierra, breathing a sigh of relief after this weekend's winter storm. the updates on the reopening of skie ceasefire. >> vice president kamala harris demanding a ceasefire in gaza, citing dire conditions for palestinians. the latest on the administration's aid efforts .
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey
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is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. the news conference and submit the signatures. it's gathered to
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the registrar of voters office. supporters of the dar issued a conference. spokesperson for the protect the win campaign says that this undemocratic effort threatens to undo the strides we've made in alameda county toward a more just and equitable criminal justice system. it is disheartening to think that if successful, this could jeopardize the historic progress achieved in recent years across the bay, some schools in the bay area's largest district are set to close. the san francisco unified says it plans to close an unspecified number of schools in the coming years. school officials point to understaffing, declining enrollment and school buildings that are falling apart and say all that prevents children from succeeding without any change. the school district superintendent says eliminating older schools will help reduce some of these problems. >>úto create the schools our students families expect, we must have fewer schools than we do nown we realize this is difficult to hear. no one wants to think about their school or any school
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closing its doors, us included. but by having fewer schools, we can concentrate our resources and enhance programs, teacher support and student services. >> the superintendent says the district will begin an eight month criteria for closing schools once that's done, recommendations will be made as to which schools will be on that list of potential closures. >> 814 now, new legal issues facing an abandonedúchurch in downtown san jose, the bay area architectural firm planned to help build two housing towers at the site of the first church of christ, scientist, on east saint james street. but the firm says it's now suing the project developer to try and recover at least $400,00p in unpaid design work. the developer denies the allegations. meantime, local leaders, including san jose mayor matt mehan, are trying to get the rundown building renovated. the lawsuit could take this case to foreclosure. a billúwould reduce the time it takes to build california stateh becker sponsored the interim housing act of 2024. he will
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state senator dave cortese andt& others this morning at this newly built interim housing project on evans lane. the proposed bill will help to speed up the process of building temporary housing. while permanent affordable housing is being constructed. some critics of the proposed legislation say temporary housing is not the solution to homelessness. >> as long as the rents keep going up, you're going to have more people becoming homeless than the ones that you're helping to get out of being homeless. and until that gets reversed, we're never going to solve this problem. sp>> well, you went on to say te underlying cause of homelessness is unaffordable rent. so his organization, the south bay community land trust, is focused onúcreating more permanent affordable housing. >> 816 now, speaking on the war between israel and hamas, vice president kamala harris called for an immediate cease fire in gaza. she cited the inhumane conditions palestinians are experiencing in gaza and the biden ministrations. recent work in sending aid there must be an
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immediate cease fire, at least. 60 fled is currently on the table. >> this will give the hostages out and give a significant amount of aid in vice president's remarks, were the most pointed statement yet from a member of the biden administration about a cease >> she also urged the israeli government to do more to increase the flow of aid into gaza. >> we're getting a new look at california's new high speed rail project andúthe look of some of the stations, the high speed rail authority released theset& new images showing the proposals for the stations in the central valleyn the renderings depict stations in merced, fresno and bakersfield. the designs show a modern, massive design for all stations. officials say station designs will be finalized later this yearc, with construction starting in 2027. the santa clara valley transportation authority's fleet of 14 new
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paratransit vehicles is now in operation. the new vehicles are designed to provide a softer and quieter ride. there is also a seatbelt monitoring panel for added safety and an improved platform for wheelchair and scooters. the fleet was put into service on friday. >> all right, 817 let's see what's happening this monday morning. is this around the heat of the morning commute? the worst of it. >> you know, i on monday's the worst of it is in the 7:00 hour. garcia to answer your question. so i, i think we're actually on the better end of t, wednesdays and thursdays are the busiest. and there are still some slowing on the east shore freeway. don't get me wrong, it's still slow. there's still some slowing for sure. at the bay bridge toll plaza, although it is quickly improving. you could just tell that was happening last time when you didn't see any backup on 880. highway four is improving a little bit. it's still a little bit slow. thereúand highway 24 is busy on the way past the lafayette bart station, so it's a mixed bag. 880 is slow getting into downtown
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oakland. 818 steve, it seems like only yesterday it was raining, but today no rain during the commute or what's been really light. >> we get a break there so no doubt about it. thank you sir. we'll start up in thec mountains and some of the totals are coming the totals since friday, sugar bowl 125in of snow. boyle 119. homewood 98in. palisades tahoe 96. probably about done. there's just not a lotc coming across here. maybe another inch or two, but the howling wind and the whiteout conditions as they are done for now it's the most rain i saw was lomac prieta since friday at ovr five inches of cruz mountains, mount eminem wasn't too far away, so to speak. and three quarters, mount diablo four and mount tamalpais had three inches of rain. other rain totals were okay. again, this was more of a snow event than rain, but not too bad. tiburon konocti moraga and saint helena all over two to almost two and a half. uh, morgan hill one observation q.93 observer chris more than that. san rafael almost two, livermore 1.63. and vallejo
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had an inch and a half. still some light activity coming can s mendocino county, drifting now napa, uh, also into northernhern sonoma county. so while we're getting a break, we're not done. done, if you will. there'sc stil some light rain drizzle out there and it will be a mostly cloudy day. some sun breaks, but the next system, it's a weak system. it's coming across. it'll start to drag some cloud t looks like late tuesday into to wednesday. most forecast models agree on it. one gfs does not and that's nothing new there, but it will drive it southward. this will not be a system for the sierra. it will move south towards southern california. 50s on the temps here. morning drizzle, light rain. chilly to cold. mostly cloudy. we'll go with some sun lingering rain. just kind of a cool pattern here. 50s on the temps. more cloud cover rolls in tuesday into wednesday with some light rain. then it does look like a break thursday. friday before the next system rolls in. it looks like morec light rain for the weeken. >> thank you steve james 820.
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now coming up, general motors issues a recall for over 800,000 pickup trucks due to a tailgate problem. how gm is addressing the issue. >> we have an update on the aviation or one of aviation's investigation may be reopened in malaysia in the search for a plane that vanished. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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emergency landing after a door panel blew off mid-flight. the legal action says the incident was caused by negligence and resulted in the three passengers suffering severe mental, emotional and psychological injuries back in january. a door plug came loose from the aircraft minutes into a flight from portland, oregon, to ontario, california. boeing is already beingúsued by its shareholders andúis still under investigation by the ntsb and faa investigators in malaysia say they may renew the search for malaysia airlines flight mh370. >> this plane vanished nearly ten years ago after taking off from kuala lumpur to beijing. family members of passengers from malaysia, australia, china and india came together yesterday in kuala lumpur to remember their loved ones. malaysia's government says texas based company ocean infinity is
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willing to search again on a no find, no fee basis, no reluctance. >> as i've mentioned numerous times as far as malaysian government is concerned, we are committed to that search and the search must go on. >> one day there will be someone who will come forward and tell us what really going on. the truth. thatgs all we want. until we longing for that. yeah, until the day the boeing 777 plane vanished from radar shortly after taking off march 8th in 2014, 239 people were on board. >> only scant pieces of evidence were found. several pieces of debris washed ashore on the coast of easternúafrica and indian ocean islands, where the plane is believed to have crashed, a new study finds that people who drink soda are canceling out the benefits they get from exercising. >> the study, published inúthe american journal of clinical nutrition, says drinking just two 12 ounce cans of soda per week can eliminate the good you do for your heart when you resee urging people to give up sugar
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based sodas altogether, they say, artificially sweetened drinks don't have the same negative impact, but even so, plain water is your best choice. >> only two sodas a week. >> yes, two. >> oh boy. i saw myself in that a little. >> do two famous restaurant chains could be serving food under one roof? >> applebee's and ihop are owned by the same company. executives have been testing the idea of having both restaurants in one building. eight integrated restaurants have opened internationally so far, including in mexico. the two chains share one kitchen, one dining area, but there are two separate entrances. executives say the two chains complement each other. of course, ihop serves mostly breakfast and applebee's is more for lunch and dinner. the combination could come to the us in two years. >> all right. a troubling surge in overdose deaths linked to suspected fentanyl use. what it's prompted north bayc health officials to do now. >> tax day is coming up quickly. what cybersecurity experts are warning against and how scammers are getting even savvier these days
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what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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♪ [storms sound] whatever weather comes your way [wind and snow sounds] weathertech has you covered. [bird chirping] [laughing] with our laser—measured cargoliners. no drill mud flaps and floorliners. to secure your phone don't forget the cupfone. order yours today at you never know when it's gonna be a weathertech day. perfect weather today...
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when jeopardy is hospitalized in critical condition, three others injured. live report from santa rosa with what led to the gun battle. then a treacheroust& situation in the sierra is finally starting to ease, even after people were told to stay
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away from the region, some drivers were stuck in several feet of new snow amid blizzard conditions. a live look at the situation now and why reopening those roads is such a challenge. >> from ktvu fox two news. this is mornings on two. morning and welcome back i'm garcia michaelc i'm andre senior. thank you for joining us today is monday march 4th. we still have rain. just not as bad as it was before. much lighter stuff. technical terms steve paulson stuff. >> definitely lighter stuff. that is true. that's there's not much out there, but and also san jose, although i do think cloud cover will build up again. there's just it'sc just too much moisture in the air. but 30s, 40s, mainly 40s on the temps here. but look at the moisture streaming across coming into mendocino county, lake county, northern sonoma county, napa out to solano. so that's mostly cloudy there. yet. if i go south, there you go. you see some breaks there. some cloud cover will. we'll end up being mostly cloudy next system is
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weak, but it will drag across us. but it looks like some light rain late tuesday into wednesday. then a break thursday friday, but rainy days and mondays. even though the rain really has tapered off, there's still some lingering rain out there and it's going to be on the cool side with 50s on the temps. all right, sal sierra started off all right, then went downhill. >> now it's better there's a little bit of a backup here and there. but things are improving. and let's go to the bay bridge. there's a small backup here. and you know it seems like once you get onto the bridge it looks a little bit slow, but for the most part, things are improving. highway four is also improved quite a bit, getting over to concord, and if you're driving on r4, that is still really busy getting past theúlafayette bart station. 830 let's go back to the headlines. >> we begin this half hour with updates on breaking news we've been monitoring up in santa rosa a shootout between a suspect and sonoma county sheriff's deputies. the suspect is dead. fourúdeputiesúare in the hospital now. we'll bring back ketv's. allie. rasmus, you've ag us more information. ali
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>> yeah, and the investigation and evidence gathering in this crime scene continues after as you mentioned, a person was killed and deputies were hurt. this incident started just after midnight this morning. and behind us, you can still see where part of todd road from orland avenue to stony point road still completely closed off to traffic as police continue to complete their investigation and gather evidence, they don't have an estimated time to reopen this stretch. zooming in, we can see a sonoma county sheriff's vehicle that is parked behind a second row of crime scene tape and it appears with the door open that it appears there's some sort of bullet hole above the lettering that reads sheriff on the door. so this is all connected to this incident that started just after 12:00 this morning, just after midnight. that's when sonoma county sheriff's deputies responded to a call about a person brandishing a gun. that person then tried to drive off. when confronted by the deputies. but according to the sonoma county
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sheriff's office, that person got out of his car at least twice to fire his gun. deputies fired back, killing him. now, in the process of this chase and shootout for deputies were hurt. one shot in the lower leg, two others have hand injuries, either possibly grazed by bullets. the fourth deputy suffered a head injury, according to sonoma county sheriff's department, and a pretty serious one. he is in the hospital in critical condition. deputies again fired back at the suspect, killing him. we don't have any information about that man's identity, but the crime scene and investigation spans several blocks and a long stretch of roadway between two intersections, with a chaotic, dynamic crime scene like this with multiple deputies involved. >> uh, there's a lot of information to process. so as soon as we're able to get more information to you guys, we will. uh, but sometimes this process is slow.
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>> and in the meantime, todd road between moreland avenue and stony point road in santa rosa is closed off to the general public. you can see there's a lot of businesses and residents on this stretch of roadway. we've seen occasionally, police beyond the crime scene, tape out , but they are not letting people in to this area. they're still collecting and gathering evidence as part of this investigation. they don't have an estimated time to reopen. ian, live in santa rosa. ali rasmus, ktvu, fox two news. >> marin county is alerting residents about a disturbing increase in overdose deaths in the past twoúweeks. healtht& officials say five people died from suspected drug overdoses related to fentanyl. now, normally the county would have about one drug death during this department is issuing a public health advisory to local clinics and substance abuse counselors about the situation and reinforcing overdose prevention measures, such as having narcan
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and fentanyl strips on hand. hundreds of thousands of young salmon have died at the site of a dam removal project on the klamath river. state officials tell the chronicle that the dead chinook salmon were among the first hatchery fish released on the klamath, since that dam was removed. officials think they died from water pressure that wasútoo strong in a tunnel. three other dams are set to be removed in an effort to protect salmon spawning ground. >> some regional parks in sonoma county are still closed because of the recent storms. the website for the sonoma county spregional parks district rivern antonio creek trail. however, some parks have partial openings, including guerneville river park, riverfront regional park, and tule lake regional park. more roads into yosemite national park are expected to partially reopen today. park officials closed yosemite on thursday because storms made roads unsafe for drivers. several highways partially reopened sunday. more should open around noon today, officials say that visitors should still be mindful that many of the roads and paths in
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yosemite are covered in snow and ice, and that chains could be required on short notice. hey 35 the blizzard conditions that overtook the sierra this weekend have finally eased, and now the cleanup is set to begin. some areas near lake tahoe got several feet of new snow amid howling winds. the focus now is digging out and clearing the streets. fox weatherc reporter max gordon arrived in south lake tahoe. most recent storm. you have stayed put. i see sunshine on your face and it looks ideal, at least in that small box. yes >> yeah, it's very bright here. and the blue skies are abundant& right now here in south lake tahoe. we're right here in heavenly village, where the still waiting to see if they are going to run the gondola today. that's because winds are still at around 9000ft, they're still- getting gusts of 65mph. but theyúwill be opening at 9 a.m. this morning. and you can see the beautiful mountain top and all this fresh snow that
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we've gotten. some places have gotten around eight feet of snow with this storm. but really, the big headline throughout all of this have been the winds. we had that one gust over at palisades tahoe, 190mph, right. fierce winds. and that was part of the reason why i-80 had to be shut down. still no timeline on when that section of i-80 between colfax and the nevada state line is going to but a that caltrain says there's snow blowers essentially been breaking down, and they're down to just a handful. so they've had a lot of trouble clearing the roadway of snow. now it's been tricky. travel all across the sierra because of this storm. us 50 was also shut down for a time yesterday because of a essentially a snow slide over there near echo summit. several cars got trapped in that snow slide and caltrans had to use their snow graders to pull those cars out. luckily nobody was injured in that incident and they've reopened us 50. though chain controls are still in place. really, any route up into
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the sierra is going to require chains or four wheel drive with snow tires. we've also seen some power outages associated with this storm as well. thousands of customers had their power knocked out, though. luckily, utility crews have gotten the power on. for many of those customers, slowly starting to sink. now. resort s are going to be opening up today , except sierra at tahoe. they are going to still be closed today because they're still digging on out after this massive winter storm blew through. but the resorts that are going to be open, at limited capacity for the most part. some of those lifts just can't be open. still because of those spseeing here in the sierra, we are expecting between one to potentially even two feet of additional snowfall. this next week. but luckily this next storm system that's going to be blowing through is goingc to be nothing like the storm we just saw. back to you. >> thank goodness. look i know a lot of people planning to go up this weekend, so it feels like
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the region might need a couple of days to, you know, to really get can i ask you, just in the work that you've been doing, you know, shops and restaurants and hotels, are all those businesses open or is that also a slow recovery? yeah >> i mean, it's been kind of a mixed bag. again some businesses were shut down really during the height of the storm. but things appear to be getting back to normal here, you know, in south lake tahoe at least. so roads are still snow covered in many areas, but they are passable. you're going to want to have your chains or snow tires with four wheel you're going to be doing any driving around here. but yeah, things are kind of returning back to day on tap here, but again, we do have that next storm system that's going to be moving through. so conditions could change, things could get a little some areas. and again you're going to want to have four wheel drive or chains if you're coming up to the snow for sure. >> for sure. just the images of hopefully will stick with a lot of people. max gordon, glad you're glad you're doing great. thanks for these. the series of live reports. thank you. of
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course, of course. we'll get more information from steve in a second here about the storms in the sierra. also rain returning to the bay. we can also look at conditions nationwide through the fox weather app. use your phone to scan the qr right side of your screen, or just head to fox all right, speaking of that weather, let's turn things over now to steve paulson, who has been tracking it all for us. yo? >> snow totals from the mountains. see how i did that there with his report? yeah >> you put it together. >> yeah, well,c i've got a teamg everything together for me. i thought it was five. it was five, but one called in sick. oh, no. yeah. sugar bowl, 125in of new snow since friday. boreal 119. homewood 98. palisades tahoe 96. i think if you combine snow and wind, palisades tahoe there's not a lot more on the way. 1 to 4 is being forecastt& between now and thursday. the next system will come in and then go south. we'll get rain out of it. not much, but this is not system for this year. rain totals. loma prieta, you
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did it. i said. somebody would spget five inches more north, but you did it. five inchesc of rain. mount almanor four and three quarters. mount diablo four. mount tamalpais had over three. danville kentfield over two and a third. san francisco 186. yarnfield said that's exactly whatúwe had. santa rosa in town, one and city and san jose all over, just over an inch to almost an inch and a quarter. their rainfall totals. some of these are new here. west of healdsburg, three and a quarter cazadero 302 calistoga. thank youc. gary 301 tiburon. almost two and a half novato. almost two san rafael. almost two castro valley. thank you jay, almost up over an inchc and three quarter. there's still moisture streaming across more north and south. and that's producing some light rain. mendocino county lake county, maybe over to solano northern napa yet, but there are some breaks to the south yet. light rain continues to kind of march through. so i look still for a mostly cloudy day, even though in on more sun right now, the next system will do this. it'll
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come right to the coast. it'll do this, give us some light, and then do this and go down down the coast so it will be light rain for us. not much for the sierra. if at all, but some rain is in the forecastc tuesday night. wednesday a break on thursday, friday. the weekend looks like a lot of cloudc cover and now couple forecast models are bringing more rain in back monday and tuesday. so i don't think we're done. morning drizzle light rain, mostly cloudy, some sun, especially south. but i think overall mostly cloudy day 50s on the temps. we'll have another system tuesday night wednesday. then we'll get a break thursday friday. >> steve. thank you. coming up one day ahead of the second biggest voting day of the year. it's an extremely tight race to be the next us senator from california. ahead at nine. we're talking live with one of the candidates. we'll get adam schiff's take on low turnout and his last minute push in the bay area. >> a spacex bac flying car innovator hits record preorders for their futuristic flying vehicle details on how you can secure yours with a deposit
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under $200. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas
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to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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that rare opening has drawn a large field of 11 candidates in
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the east bay. nine candidates are vying to replace congresswoman barbara lee. lee is running for u.s. senate. she officially endorsed lateefah simonl a member of the bart board of directors. the top two who get races will advance to the general election in november. stay connected with the fox local app ahead of super tuesday. it's a free app on your smart tv. you can find everything you need to know about the primary election, like what's on the ballot and how you can vote. just search for the fox local app and then select ktvu. >> a new poll finds more americans have concerns about president biden's mental capability. the survey, conducted by the associated press, found 6 in 10 adults say they are not very or not at all confident in the president's mental capacity to serve effectively as president. >> what it found regarding the 81 year old biden is that 6 in 10, say they don't have a lot of confidence about his mental capability. that's important because in january of 2022, only half said they had those
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concerns as the same poll found just under 6 in 10 adults also said they have concerns about former president the weekend, tr president again confused president biden and former president barack obama at a rally. >> and putin, you respect for ot he's starting to throw around the nuclear water. you heard that nuclear he started to talk. >> it's the third time former president trump has confused president biden and former president obama in the past six months. for his part, president biden on friday confused gaza with ukraine twice as he announced us aid to the palestinian territory. >> 847 now the bay area's nvidia is now the third most valuable company in the world, and ford reports a surge in sales for its electric vehicles. >> pam cook, back in studio with dollars and cents. >> yes, some good earnings reports coming in this from ford. very important company. ford announced sales jumped more than 10% last month compared to february of last year. thanks to a spike in sales for its hybrid
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and all electric vehicles., ford about 4% when the opening bell rang this morning as that bell rang, nvidia stock jumped and id most valuable company in the world, behind apple santa clarap maker has already added $834 billion in value. this gained m, taking you live now to the market's numbers are all down across the board. no big losses but the dow jones you can see a& live look. it's down about a quarter of a percent. the s&p 500 down slightly. the nasdaq also down about a quarter of a percent. general motors is recalling 820,000 pickup trucks. the recall covers certain 2020 through 2024úmodel year chevrolet silverado and gmc sierra pickup trucks that have power tailgates now, water can enter a tailgate switch and cause a short circuit when parked, causing the tailgate to
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possibly unlatch while driving. gm will replace the parts with water resistant materials. a spacex backed startup in san mateo is taking preorders for its flying car. aleph aeronautics says it has received more than 2800 preorders for its twoúseater flying car. the company is planning to charge people $300,000 when it becomes available to preorder, you need to put down a $150 deposit, but the company says it plans to start production on the first flying car by the end of next year. and apple is being hit with a massive fine from the european union and a class action lawsuit over storage in a landmark antitrust case, the eu issued the k72 billion fine to apple over complaint from spotify that said, apple prevented the company from telling users about payment options outside of the app store . the eu said that made for unfair trade conditions and.
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apple faces a proposed class action lawsuit that claims an illegal monopoly over digital storage. the suit argues icloud is the only service that can host certain data on iphones, and thus prevents competitors from offering a comparable full service alternative. apple stock down close to $5 a share on that news this morning i'm pam cook. that's a look at your dollars and cents pam. >> thank you. tax deadline exactly six weeks away. so there's your warning. irs criminal investigators identified five and a half dollars billion in fraud last year. they along with cybersecurity experts are warning that fraud could be much higher this year because of artificial intelligence. researchers found posts on the dark web of scammers showing how they profited from fraud through stolen passports, ids and personal information. scammers can also create and videos to fool irs identity verification systems. >> so one of the things that taxpayers need to fear is people entering into some of these tax systems that useúthis technology, where they decided to target the us treasury, is trying to fight back to the
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department, says it recovered $375 million using an enhanced fraud detection process. >> here are recommendations for the irs on how to protect yourself. file as early as possible. open an online account with the irs so scammers can't. do it for you. get a pin number which acts as an additional password for your account. set up direct deposit because it's easier to steal a paper check, the irs will only notify you by mail, so do not give out personal information over the phone, text or tweets. all right. >> 850 a final check of the monday morning commute. where do weústart? >> let's start on highway 24. gasia and andre. westbound 24 still looks pretty slow here, and it's recovering a little bit, but some of the other commutes are doing better than this one. highway four is recovered. look at that. and at the bay bridge we've recovered quite nicely. so there are still some spots where things aren't recovered completely. but i like where we are. let's go to the san jose area. we do have some slowing there, especially on 85 through sunnyvale, but things
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are getting better there. 851 let's talk about today's weather. here's steve. >> all right sal, thank you.t& while there's some sun, especially south peninsula san jose, there's a lot of cloud cover and some rain continuing to march in from northwest to southeast, going through mendocino county, lake county, northern sonoma, parts of uh napa county, and also over to solano and even a little bit kind of flirting with marin county. now you go south of that and it's not too bad, but i do think we'll have a cloudy to mostly cloudy day. but to the north, yeah, still some light rain lingering here. so we're part, the strong wind gusts and heavy rain or thunderstorms that's mountain snow is also tapering off. there are some sun breaks. that's the good news.úbut some light rain still moving through and the air mass is so saturated. tomorrow another weak system comes in that will start to give tuesday evening into wednesday. i don't think it'll be much of a factor at all for the sierra. it's going to go south, but we're not done yet. with rain. there's no sign of any big systems, but some of the
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forecast rain back in sunday, monday and tuesday. so, you know, i'm i'm notúclearing anything out here too fast. morning drizzle, light rain, mostly cloudy. some sun more south and north. but we'll keep 50s on the temps here. start to clot it up again tomorrow. bring rain in late tuesday does look like a break. thursday friday you guys. >> steve thanks. a massive winter storm closed roads and shut down several resorts in the sierra. coming up on the nine, we talk live with mammoth expect this week.hat skiers can >> love in the digital age a groom goes viral after wearing apple's vision pro headset to part of his wedding. coming up, the mixed reaction and how that high tech accessory stole the spotlight at the reception this election is about who shares your values. let me share mine. i'm the only candidate with a record of taking on maga republicans, and winning. when they overturned roe,
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i secured abortion rights in our state constitution. when trump attacked our lgbtq and asian neighbors, i strengthened our hate crime laws. i fought for all of us struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. i'm evan low, and i approve this message for all of our shared values.
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder
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to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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projects to improve access to nine stations in alameda, contra costa and san francisco counties . the stations will get an elevated bikeway, new paving or other safety features, measure. rr is funding. the program was passed by district voters in 2016, providing $3.5 billion to rebuild bart's infrastructure. registration is now open for a program that gives free swimming lessons to some children up in the north bay. vamos a nadar, which means let's swim in spanish, has a series of free classes beginning in march. betf five and 18 can get a half day of swimming instruction for free. families are then given a voucher for a deep discount on the cost of city run swim started 20 years ago at a time when latino children were drowning at far higher rates than all children. >> 857 now the chinatown night market in san francisco are now returning this friday. the events were launched during the asia pacific economic cooperation summit and attracted thousands of visitors to the historic neighborhood. the night markets are scheduled for every second friday of the month until
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november. they will feature traditional food and entertainment, while the warriors are back home after a week long road trip that went very well until the last game in boston, the warriors won the first three games of the east coast road trip, but then they played the boston celtics yesterday. the top team in the eastern conference, the celtics crushed the warriors 140 to 88. only one warriors starter, moses moody, scored in double figures. the warriors losing by 52 points as the worst loss in franchise history. when steph curry, klay thompson and draymond game, it d those three didn't even play in the second half because the game was such a rut. >> you give them credit. they came out and whooped us tonight from the jump. and it was one of those, um, you know, perfect storms of just a rough night on our end and them taking it to usn >> that is warriors head coach steve kerr told his of their minds. now the warriors have a couple of days to relax before hosting the second best
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team in the eastern conference, the milwaukee bucks. and that's going to happen on wednesday night. now to some hockey san jose sharks are back in the shark tank tomorrow night when they host the dallas stars. san jose will try and snap a seven game losing streak. the sharks actually took a two to nothing lead over the minnesota wild yesterday, after the wild tied the game, the sharks pulled ahead only to see minnesota to win 4 to 3. >> the couple's wedding photo is going viral thanks to the unconventional accessory worn by the groom, jacob wright tied the knot with his fiance cambrie, in utah last month. jacob is a tech engineer and tried to convince spher to allow him to wear an apple pro vision headset at the ceremony. she wisely said no, because, i meanl is there any other time that you should be rooted in reality? >> stealing all the excitement away from the wedding? >> so then, if she's getting her bridal photos taken, guess what he does? he runs out to the car,
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brings out the virtual reality headset, and wears it at the reception. people on social media said the bride did not look too happy, but she says she didn't mind her husband's antics. she was just looking unhappy because she was uncomfortable amid the cold weather. soda companies looking on the adventure of a lifetime.o olipop is a prebiotic high fiber, low sugar drink wants to hire two people for the position of senior soda consultants. they would embark on an adventure across america and share their love of soda with people at their travel destinations. they'll receive $5,000 each, plus expenses. i'm guessing unlimited soda. if you're interested, head to links. the deadline to apply is march 22nd and. >> a suspect is dead and four sheriff's deputies injured in the north bay. details on what led up to the gun battle that left one deputy hospitalized. plus, tomorrow is super tuesday. >> it's a race between four senate candidates. the last minute push


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