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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  March 4, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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other states are casting their spballots ahead of with the whie house, congress and a number of key races hanging in the balance at this is ktvu, at sixn ñ> hello again everyone. >> i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach. >> we begin with onec of the mot closely watched races really na, the contest for california's open u.s. senate seat. >> more than two dozen people are competing, but four candidates have emerged as the frontc runners. ktvu political reporter greg lee shows us now how those campaigns voters to te final push to the ballot box in california's hotly contested u.s. senate race. >> the top four candidates in a crowded field crisscrossing the state trying to get out the vote. >> the future is in your hands. as voters, i hope you'll get out and vote, democratic congressman adam schiff went door toc door n the castro on monday morning, talking to voters, touting his experience in the house. i'm very proud of my record of delivering mass transit, bringing back millions to find affordable housing for people to
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help deal with the epidemic of homelessness. my efforts to pass california's patient a voice in me where they're standing up and saying, i've had it. uh, we want to send seed back to washington. we want his voice. >> a newly released poll from berkeley igs shows republican and former baseball player steve garvey pulling ahead of schiff for the first time, followed by democrats and house members katieúporter and oakland's barbara lee. >> washington needs to pay more attention to california, for we are the, we have the most people, and we are not always getting washington to focus on our issues. >> my campaign is a generationae coalition. >> the contest to fill the seat long held by the late senator dianne feinstein, breaking recoo adimpact, which tracks political spending more than $65 milliont& has been spent on ads so far. the most expensive senate campaign for the vast majority of that, many of his
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ads featuringúgarvey in an effort to set up a general election showdown. base to now playing politics and uh, but look, he's out of step. with californians. what he's saying is, i want to go against garvey. >> well, be careful what you ask for. uh, because people have always said, don't underestimate the number six. >> porter criticized schiff's tactic of elevating a republican. she defended her ads that featured eric early, another conservative in the race . >> this will create more cynicism about politics and about politicians. and so, look, we have spent the vast majority of our advertising budget and our engagementc budget on positive messages. >> early turnout is trending historically low democrats data that favors garvey. as these four candidates battle for a position in the top two, they're urging people to get to the polls. >> the point that i want to make today, though, is that everyone has got to get to the polls to
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vote, and we have so many trusted messengers who are >> governor newsom made a stop- at a san francisco union hall today to round up support for the yesúon proposition one >> the governor was joined by mayor london breed. sacramento mayor darrell steinberg and a coalition of mental health workers, doctors and firefighters. if approved, prop one would let the state borrow $6.4 billion. that money would be used to build mental health and substance abuse treatment housing for unhoused residents. governorúnewsom says itc has bipartisan support in the state legislature. >> we are in a position we haven't been inú50 years to address this crisis. that's why take this opportunity in thisc moment to not just assert ourselves, but to advance a paradigm which i think meets this a very unifying was bipartisan in the-
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>> opponents questioned the constitutionality of proposition one because they say it calls for forcing some mentally ill people on the streets into treatment programs. theyúsay homelessness cannot be solved ktvu will have full coverage of super tuesday tomorrow night. we'll have live reports here on channel two and on the- fox local app. we'll also be streaming local results live and providing regular updates between 8 and 10 tomorrow night. the fox local app is a free download for your tv. >> police in san jose are looking for the person who shot and killed a man right outsidec morning on moore parkc avenue.0- police say they arrived on scene and found the man in a car suffering from a gunshot wound. there's now a growing memorial outside the sports bar. the motive behind the shooting still under investigation tonight in the victim's name, has not been released so far. no arrests have been made. >> an overnight chase and shootout in sonoma county ended with four sheriff's deputies
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injured and a suspect dead. it all started outside a restaurant and nightclub. our crime reporter henry lee has the the t where a suspect died after wild gun battle and chase with sonoma county sheriff's deputies. it all began just to reports of at stony point, and todd road that doubles as a nightclub on weekends. as deputies arrived, the man took off in a white car. a short while later, a deputy reported that he was behindúthe that, the deputy yelled in hisr radio shots fired! after the suspect opened fire with a hight the deputies, they returned fire. >> the suspect got back in his vehicle and fled again driving n stony point. >> the suspect fired at deputiee crashing on stony point near butler avenue. he died, but it's not yet clear if this was the og hurt in the crash, or some of bt into this fence outside a homeed
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hours later. two damaged sheriff's cars were towed from the area. investigators spent hours at several crime scenes documenting evidence with a chaotic, dynamic crime scene like this that spans multiple locations with multiple deputies involved lot of information to process during the incident. >> four deputies were hurt. one suffered a serious head injuryt& and is in the hospital in critical condition. another was shot in and two others have hand injuries, either from broken glass or possibly being grazed by bullets. fellow deputies went to the hospital to check on their injured colleagues. santa rosa police are now heading up the investigation in our detectives are currently working diligently to put together the timeline of events to include the reason why the suspect chose to engage in the actions of the deputies by the sonoma te sheriff's office plans to release body cam footage near s,
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henry lee ktvu fox two news. all right, to the mountains we go. >> interstate 80 has reopened in the sierra, but it is still a slow roll for many people trying to get through. chains are required on all vehicles from nyack to truckee. some people we spoke to say it took them nearly four hours to drive from sacramento to truckee. just today. friday's closure of 80 did leave some drivers stranded for days. >> if you live in it, then you're used to it. but if you'rt come up here if you don't have to. that would be the rule of thumb to avoid having to come up here. if you could avoid it at all. all right. >> and here is a live look right now at 80. this is near donner. caltrans advising those who are driving through the sierra to drive slowly and be prepared for conditions to change. this big march storm in the sierra definitely bringing a hopeful outlook for all the skiers andt& snowboarders, as we do start to approach that spring skiing season. >> ktvu tom vacar has more now
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on sierra are digging out from this latest storm. plus what it all means for the state's snowpack. atmospheric river having barreled through the mountains, what is the long range forecast? >> if we have an average, we'lly be right at the typical peakúof the snowpack. to historical data as of monday, the snowpack is already 119% of average on this date, with water content, 98% of average big atmospheric storms. >> however, are still possible. >> i'd say the next 3 to 4 weeks are going to be really critical for what we get in in terms of , juicy storms, i think everybody worries about, well, what about next year or the year after that? we don't really have any information on that. >> closed since friday, palisades tahoe got eight feet of snow during the storm. >> it's a behemoth of a
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snowstorm, but our crews are ready. they've been out there working day and night. >> sunday, there were mountain top winds of 190 miles an hour. the highest reaches of hurricane category. >> today. we have part of our lower mountain palisades open and some lifts on the alpine side open. there is still so much work to be done with this storm. >> palisades, already called the spring open until very late may last year. it lasted into july. road wise highway 50 is open. interstate 80 opened early monday for automobile sales only. big rigs were permitted in the afternoon see snow again. >> overall, it's not not a major concern for us, definitely compared to what we just saw for drivers. >> however, expect cleanup crews working 24 over seven as well as this, expect chain controls. >> i don't expect those lifting
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today by any means, but you can make it through. >> that said, tahoe is open business. >> the roads in town are clear. we have a lot of snow the last couple days have been great, so it's a miracle march here. >> skiers already here at south shore tellúrip angeles morning e storm that's been here. >> um, and then heavenly and like, all the resorts have done a great job and like, opening as early as they can. >> finally, the 30 largest reservoirs are well above average for this date. tom vacar sp, ktvu, fox twoúnews is all right. >> checking in on the weather. there's a chance for a few sprinkles. you canúkind of see it out there with the cloud cover, but not a big deal. we'll look into that and the upcoming weekend with it might be a big deal. i'll see you back here. also ahead tonight, the trump court as the supreme court in decides the former president cannot not be barred from appearing on primary ballot.
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>> also ahead, the alameda county district attorney say they have the signatures required to put the attempt herd more trouble public schools. >> the tough decisions that could soon face
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. outside a house party last night in king city. that's in monterey
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county for people were killed. seven others were injured. witnesses telling police a silver kia pulled up right in front of the home where people had gathered for a party. three masked men got out of the cart& and opened fire in theúfront yard, and then drove away. so far, there have been no arrests and we will have on this story tonight at 7:00 on west coast rap with alex savage. that is always followed by the ktvu fox two news at 730 with heather holmes. a woman has been extradited from hawaii and charged in connection to office says 22 year old danielle dyer stole more than $20,000 worth ofc sunglasses from a stoe at stonestown was arrested after she got off the plane in honolulu last monthúand pleadedc not guilty at her arraignment on friday. dyer was booked into jail with bail set at $100,000. >> the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price is coming to a head. that effort started back in august,
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spand now, after months of collecting signatures, safe, the organization behind the recall has turned in ten boxes worth of signatures. ktvu crystal bailey recall organizersll. crystal. w, able to collectc 50,0p0 more signatures thanúthey needed. the county clerk has a bigújob ahead with only ten days to go through, and validate every single one of them. >> recall price. recall. price. recall price. >> monday morning, a day before the save alameda for everyone say they turned in more than 123,000 signatures at the county courthouse. >> we shouldn't have to do this. but for the safety of our community, the safety of our children, the safety of our businesses, this is something that had to be done. now the county has ten days to validate >> the recall expert joshua spivak, says the recall has a strong chance of getting on the ballot because 20% of signaturet
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thrown out. >> the amount of signatures looks very good for the recall effort. they have 40. they they gave 123,000. they need 73,195. that's a 40% cushion. but for price's supporters, nothing is set in stone. >> last week, the protect the win campaign sent a to attorney general rob bonta asking him toúinvestigate deceptive tactics by recall effort. organizers and monday morning they sent another letter to secretary of state shirley weber. >> we've asked her to ensure immediately to ensure that each and every signature is both reviewed independently and verified in late april or maybe early may. >> there election, but there's uncertainty around what happens >> measure b is on the ballot in alameda county for primary elections. >> it could be in two months, but it's not clear. it certainly won't be before, i would
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imagine, two months from now. but again, and especially with this measure b, it could be pushed off much further if it passes and price is recalled, county supervisors might havec o appoint a new district attorney, someone who is not elected. >> that's not great because we live in a democracy. >> super tuesday results could play a big role in the future of the district attorney seat plan. >> please register and vote. >> and if measure b does not pass and the recall is placed on the ballot, alameda county could be looking at a special election on top of primaries and the presidential election this year. it's also possible, even if it does pass, it won't go into law in time to apply to price's recall. crystal bailey ktvu, fox two news. the us postal service is planning to downsize a mail hub in nevada, and that has elected officials concerned about delays and mail in ballots that plan is to move package and letter processing from reno to sacramento, elected officials say. mail service would be snarled by the hours long round
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trip drive over the sierra nevada and processing ballots in california before returning them over the snowy mountains. to be counted in nevada would affect election results, a spokesperson for the postal service says plans are not final yet. new at six a proposed law would continue persons dna program today, state attorney general rob bonta said the program is set to lose its funding due to a sunset clause, but a new bill introduced by assembly member stephanie would ensure that the funding continues permanently. >> bonta sayshe program has identified more than 2000 missing persons since it was established in 2001. our programs use this technology to do many things identifying missing persons solves child abduction cases, analyzing rape and sexual assault evidence kits, helping local law enforcement identify samples collected at crime scenes. >> the missing persons dna
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program has been funded through proposition 69, which directed money from criminal fines. >> the proposed law would keep the current funding system in place. >> all righty. coming off the weekend, i hope you had a good one. the weather. wow right. friday. nutty thunderstorms, heavy rain,úbig snow in the mountains and saturday same kind of thing. not quite as robust. and then sunday, on and off and then today kind of off. i mean, just some clouds in the mountains still getting some snow though, but things have kind of winding down. these are the highs from today. a weak warm front went through this after this morning and this afternoon. and that sort not in, butúin some cases the low 60s. so a little bit warmer. and that will hold true for the rest of this week. temperatures are going to hover in the low 60s as we have a shot at a few widely scattered showers. as you can look outside as you look at thi& picture outside, or maybe inside , you can see the cloud cover. and that's how it's going to be. the clouds aren't going to go
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away. they're going to kind of linger around. so overnight lows will stay on the mild to warm side and the chance of a scattered shower exists. but it's not something to fret about at all because there's nothing going to happen much in terms of slowing you down. there might be a few sprinkles here and there, but it won't be much of anything right now. the radar shows some areas of activity. let's see if i come can kind of see that this is most likely notúhitting the ground up here around santa rosa. those might be a few sprinkles. that's what's going to be. and that's how the footprint is going to look tomorrow and how this this weather is going to go the next couple of. and this this weather radar actually depicts it pretty well. and this is what's happening nown it's not a model, but it's going to look like this kind of widely scattered showers. and that means in the mountains, more snow showers, maybeúchain it up at times. it's there. as you know, because of the topographic effects of the of the hillside. so what are we going to do next? couple of days? just be ready for a
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raindrop or two. temperatures will stay in the low 60s. but don't change your plans. should be mostly dry. >> all right, bill, thank you. still to come tonight, apple faces a major fine over stifling competitors to its own music service. also ahead, laid off twitter executives try to take elon musk to court. >ñ why they accused him and the company ofúskipping out on the severance and a unanimous decision by the u.s. supreme court to allow former president trump on primary ballots spnationwide. >> the impact of today's ruling democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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more than $128 million in severance, the wall street journal reports. the lawsuit filed today involves the ceo, cfo, legal chief and general counsel in that lawsuit, they accused musk of making up fake reasons to fire them in order to avoid paying them severance. the wall street journal says an attorney for musk did not comment on the lawsuit. >> former president trump, with aúbig legal supreme court ruledn appear on the colorado fox's caroline shively reports,- the unanimous decision also restores trump's name on ballots spin the states of and illinois. the court ruled that colorado had gone top will stay on the primary ballot. >> but the decision applies to all 50 states coming just one day before super tuesdayn it was a very important decision. >> we're very well crafted, sppresident trump, usually a critic of the us court system, called the justices ruling
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keeping him on the colorado ballot, unifying an inspirational. well, i think it will go a long way toward bringing our country together, which our country needs. >> at the center of the case, section three of the 14th amendment bars a person who has participated in an insurrection from holding federal office. the colorado court ruled in december that trump was ineligible because of the alleged role he played in the capitol riot in 2021. even been charged. reversing that decision, thec u.s. supreme cout held responsibility for enforcing section three against federal office holders and candidates. rests with congress and not the states. >> the entire court spoke against it all. >> nine the ruling not only reverses decisions in colorado, maine andc illinois, it also stops efforts in seven other states with similar court cases. >> if this was allowed to go forward, the colorado the decision to unilaterally remove the choice from the people, um, that it would create an untenable >> mr. trump faces much greater
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legal jeopardy next month, when the justices will hear his argument that he can't be prosecuted forúefforts to overturn the 2020 election because he's covered byt& president immunity. in washington, caroline shively, ktvu, fox two news. this is a crucial week for president biden . >> on thursday, he will have a major opportunity to connect with voters in his state of the union address with an approval rating of just 42. the address must could be the most important speech of his reelection campaign. millions of people are expected to watch, meaning the president can expect the biggest television audience he will get at least until the convention in august, according to the white house. mr. biden will highlight his economic agenda, protecting women's reproductive rights and uniting the country. >> i can tell you that the president is ready. he's ready to take that moment to talk about the state of the union, to lay out his future vision of how he sees this next year and beyond. >> president biden is preparing for the speech at camp david and
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has only one public event scheduled ahead of thursday's address, coming up on ktvu news at 630, some san francisco merging or even possiblysk oft- closing, the reason behind the declining enrollment. also, more questions about the updated guidance from the cdc on covid 19. some doctors dispute the new guidelines, andúsan francisco giants manager bob melvin polict has caught the attention of many. >> jason appelbaum has that story coming up tonight in sports
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suspect is now dead. following a rosa. it started just after midnight when deputies say they responded to reports of the a high powered rifle. the man drove off as deputies arrived scene, and during the pursuit, he stopped several times and exchanged gunfire with the deputies before eventually spcrashing. his cause of death s not been released. santa rosa police are nowúheading up the investigation. >> the tahoe area is recovering after being hit by a powerful blizzard. a portion of palisades tahoe resort back open today spafter being closed since fridl resorts reported more than 120in of fresh snow and they expect spring skiing to be open through may. >> the top four candidates in the us senate california today trying to get
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out the vote. a newly released poll from berkeley igs shows republican and former major league baseball player steve garvey pulling of adam schiff for the first time, members katie porter and oakland's barbara lee. >> you're watching ktvu fox two news at 630 san francisco schools are facing a budget crisis and still struggling with lower enrollment. >> the school district is facing declining enrollment, and as ktvu christien kafton reports here, the district now looking at some of the schoolsl san francisco unified schools finds itself at a crossroads. >> the district is facing a structural budget crisis. at the same time, enrollment is dropping. the district now abou& down from about fewer students s money the state superintendent, matt wayne says those realities need to be met head on, and that means beginning the process of closin. >> we're looking at the way we
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staff our schools, our central office, our school programs, our facility, and also our school portfolio. and we're recognizing we need to have a school new school portfolio with fewer schools so we can better meet our goals for student outcomes. at this point, the district has not said which of its 120 schools will be closed or consolidated. we are talking to our community, getting the crita should be for our new school portfolio and then also holding our values of educational equity at the center by doing an equity audit of our recommendations. >> reporter beth kelly is a mother in the district, and has kept a close eye on san francisco's school budget for years. >> when you look at whatúis happening with the district right now, they really have to get back to basics and really work on working within at& balanced budget, she says. >> with the district facing a very real fiscal cliff, this is one of the only left. >> we really do have to have the right number of schools for the students that we have. that
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means more money going to each student rather than overhead and facilities maintenance. the district will spend the remainder of the school year and the summer finalizing a list of impacted schools. >> they hope to have that plan in place for the 2025, 2026 school year. in san francisco. christien kafton, ktvu fox two news. a new bill making its way through the state legislature could reduce the time it takes to build temporary housing here in california. >> san mateo county state senator josh becker sponsored the interim housing act of 2024. he was joined in san jose today by mayor matt mehan and others at a newly built interim housing projectc. senator becker says te proposed bill would help speed up the process of building temporary housing, while permanent affordable housing is being constructed. >> this is a california issue do things and we need to try new models and fortunately we have a model that is working. interim supportive housing is that
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missing rung in the ladder. what you see here a2078 evans lane is this model in action? >> some critics of the proposed legislation say temporary housing is not the solution to homelessness in marin county. >> five people have died from suspected overdoses related to fentanyl in just the past two weeks. the county's health department has issued a public health advisory to clinics and substance abuse counselors, and reinforced overdose prevention measures, such as having narcan and fentanyl strips on hand. drug overdoses are the leading cause of death for people under the age of 55. in marin county, the ages of the victims in these recent cases, though, have not been released. the san francisco department of public health says its updated guidance on sexually transmitted infections has reduced cases. the city's health department became the first in the country more than a year ago to recommend the antibiotic doxycycline as a prevention method for stds, and gay and bisexual men. a health department analysis has found
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doxycycline has reduced cases of chlamydia and syphilis by 50% in that population, researchers found, though the treatment did not drive down cases of gonorrhea. >> the centers for disease controlc and prevention's new guidance on covidc is leading to some confusion, as fox news mike emanuel reports, some health experts worry it might do more harm than good. >> it was a big change that came four years after the start of the covid pandemic. the cdc announcing on it's dropping its recommendation that those testing positive for covid isolate for at least five days, saying instead if they've beenc fever free for 24 hours and aren't feeling sick, they can return to school or work. that puts covid on the same level as the flu, reflecting the downgraded risk since the early days of the outbreak. >> the first time i got it, ic was like, uh, in like fully sick for more than a month. it seems like it's just gotten less bad as viruses do over time, you know? >> but the guidelines are also causing a significant amount of
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confusion in health care. providers are reporting an uptick in calls from covid positive patients unsure of whether they should be isolating . while some doctors worry we could see a new surge from people not taking the proper precautions after testing positive, i don't want to necessarily send though, the signal to the general public that somehow we now think that you're no longer capable of spreading this disease, uh, jus& because itgs been 2 or 3 days. there's also uncertainty about exactly what to do if you head back to work or school and you're still infected. most doctors recommending sticking to the standard mitigation efforts that person he or she should still be wearing a maskc. >> if they're not, i would encourage them to do so. >> meanwhile, we're learning more about how long covid spdevelops. a new cambridge university study pinpointing low spiron levels after infection as the probable cause in washington. mike emanuel, fox news. >> still ahead, a historic day in france as the country becomes the first in the world to
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include abortion in its constitution and a warning to those who have not yet filed their taxes. >> the types of scams that regulators say people needc to watch out
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poor adoption. contra swan does. >> the bill was approved in an overwhelming vote of 780 to 7r, and nearly the entire joint session stood in a long standing ovation when the results were read, france is the first country to guarantee a woman's right to an abortion. the measure was promised by president macron following a rollback of abortion rights in the us. both houses of parliament, the national assembly and the senate have already adopted a bill to amend the french constitution to specify a woman's right to an
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abortion is guaranteed by the european union, has find cupertino based apple nearly $2 billion for hindering competition in the streaming music business. >> european regulators concluded that apple unfairly favored its own music streaming service by forbidding rivals, including spotify, from telling users how they could pay for cheaper subscriptions. the finding comes after a year long battle between apple and spotify. apple disputes the regulator's decision and plans to appeal jetblue and spirit airlines are ending their proposed $3.8 billion merger after a court ruling blocked their proposal. jetblue said that even though both companies still believe the benefits of a merger, they say they were unlikely to meet the required closing conditions before the july 24th deadline. the justice department sued to block the plan last year, saying it would reduce competition. >> and we are watching the weather. there's still more to come, we're still into winter and we've got rain potential as we head towards this weekend and
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maybe a few sprinkles in between , i'll have that coming up. >> let's go to ktvu. alex savage now with a look at some of the stories we are working on for west coast rap at seven, right here on ktvu. >> julie, thank you. coming up tonight at seven, we'll take a closer look at the storms that are hitting the west right now. they're causing trouble in more than just the sierra tonight on west coast rap. see how they're dumping snow and ice up in the pacific northwest. and how this is leading to school closures and road closures across that area. also in arizona, a woman on a mission she hopes will inspire others after donating a kidney. she's sharing why she believes it's important to climb to new heights. those stories and much more coming up tonight at seven on west coast rap. and of course, that's followed by the ktvu fox two news at 730 with heather holmes. >> all right, we'll see you in just a bit, alex. thank you. but first, an east bay bagel shop set up business during the pandemic and quickly gained national acclaim. and now now it's making plans to expand and
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when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad.
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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and fraud last year. they along with cybersecurity experts, are warning that the number of fraud cases could be much higher this year because of artificial intelligence and investigators say they have found online posts from scammers showing how they have profited from fraud through stolen passports, ids and personal information. >> one of the things that taxpayers need to fear is people entering into some of these tax systems that use this technology , where they decided to target the us treasury department, says they recovered $375 million last year using an enhanced fraud detection process to prevent fraud. >> the irs recommends to file as early as possible, open an online account with the irs. the scammers can't do it. instead of you get an irs pin number, which acts as an additional password for your account, set up direct deposit because it is easier to steal a paper check. the irs will only notify you via mail, so don't give out personal information over the phone.
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texts and tweets boychik bagels coming to san francisco. the popular berkeley based bagel chain is opening three shops in the city, set to open this spring. the shops will be located on sacramento street in presidio heights, fillmore street and lower park heights and battery street there, in the financial district. bagels exploded in popularity after a write up in the new york times three years ago. they were described as among the best of new york style bagels. new at 630, a first grader at chabot elementary in oakland is taking home national and local titles as the best in her age group, delivering speeches. >> we highlighted oakland six year old selma white back in january, when she won first place in the national frederick douglass oratorical contest. she then had a chance to give her speech in washington, d.c, where she met senator amy klobuchar at the frederick douglass national historic house, selma and her parents also got a tour of the white house, sponsored by congresswoman barbara lee. hey i
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will be sharing part of martin luther king's nobel peace prize acceptance speech, which i accepted nobel prize for peace at a moment. when 22 million negroes of united states of america are engaged in to create its battle to m-oh the night of racial injustice. and that is video from her most recent speech contest. she won first place in oakland's mlk speech contest in late february, where she presented mlk, nobel peace prize acceptance speech, which already starting off the workweek with a fairly nice day. >> a few clouds out there, there were a few spots of drizzle in some places. that's how it's going to go the next couple of days, with the potential for some slightly unsettled weather. but not enough to change your plans or to get out of out of sync with with like like the way
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today went is how tomorrow and the next day go essentially. but there will be a slight chance of a shower each one of those days. so outside we go. not that cold tonight. that's because we've got cloud cover. the cloud cover keeps things a little bit milder, so we're above freezing. no frost advisories and the lake tahoe area. still some snow flurries and they are still having some some slow traffic up on 50 and 80, as you would guess, because they're plowing cars and or plowing the snow. but within that, plowing the snow, when you're digging out like that, you're digging out cars. it may have gotten stuck in places, so there's going to be a whole lot of just kind of infrastructural infrastructure here. um maintenance over the next day or two if you're heading up that way, the overnight lows and mild, i would say. so for this time of year, above freezing for all of us, for the most part. and then there is the satellite, which just shows you a lot of clouds and that's sort of how this goes. this is the tail end of this weather system moving on. there's going to be weak systems kind of tweaking to the north the next couple of days. and that's why there is a chance and
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you'll hear this. there's a chance for a shower or a sprinkle and it just depends who you hear it from, how severe those showers are going to be. i don't think they're going to be much of anything. i think today there was a chance for a shower. it didn't happen. tomorrow there's a chance and then again wednesday or tuesday or wednesday. but i just don't think if it happens, it's not going to be a game changer. so here we are on this evening. the model okay. and then you can see where everything is up here. and then maybe santa rosa and then that's the day so cloudy tomorrow. outside chance of a sprinkle a little better opportunity on tuesday as this system comes close and then backs away. and you see kind of right in there. so wednesday afternoon might be the best opportunity for something. and then it breaks out on thursday. so what i just say two more days like today essentially. and temperatures are going to be tomorrow. like they were today, but a little bit warmer. and then the five day forecast there, it is a little chance i put it in there wednesday. there's a chance to i should probably change that from partly cloudy to a chance. and then
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saturday there is a real chance. i think saturday will actually be kind of wet. so if you have soccer games and lacrosse games and things like that, i think in baseball now, the kids are playing. um, i think there might be some sprinkles on you there. so we'll keep an eye on that as we get closer to the weekend. >> all right, bill, thank you. nine time pro bowl quarterback and super bowl champion russell wilson looking for a new team. jason appelbaum has the story coming up in sports
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for pro athletes as we know, one minute everybody loves you and the next minute you're looking for a new job. the latest example, denver quarterback russell wilson two years ago signed a five year deal with the broncos worth $243 million dollars. and today he was informed he was being released. but the main reason wins and losses wilson won only 11 of his 30 starts in denver and just did not mesh with head coach sean payton, nor the fan base there and cutting wilson the broncos. they're going to take an $85 million salary cap hit over the next two seasons. that's how much they wanted him off the team. and this falls under the
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category of worst birthday present ever. almost like a sick joke. just hours after the jacksonville jaguars wish defensive tackle foley fujisaki a happy birthday, they reportedly cut him, according to the nfl network. as always, the reason money, the move is going to save the jaguars 3.5 million under the salary cap. but happy birthday. and oh by the way, adios. you're off the team. and after 13 seasons in the nfl, philadelphia eagles center jason kelce, he made it official today and announced his retirement. he is, of course, the older brother of chiefs tight end travis kelce. jason played his entire career in philadelphia. he was named first team all pro six times, including last season, so he was still playing at an elite level. but at age 36, it was just time. kelsey, emotional as he said goodbye. oh my god.
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>> thank you. philadelphia from the bottom of my heart. thank you for letting me represent this city. that's all i got. >> yeah. and then a big hug from travis, who he does a very entertaining podcast with, by the way, and of course, hugs for mom and dad. next stop. quite possibly the hall of fame. okay odd timing on this one, but a day after the warriors lost to the celtics by 52 points, head coach steve kerr was named western conference coach of the month. now, how's that possible, you may wonder? well, kerr was honored for what the warriors did last month in february, which is when a league best 11 games to get themselves squarely back into the playoff conversation. yesterday's loss, by the way, the worst of the steve kerr era, a loss kerr said after the game that you just flushed down the toilet and you move on, okay. san francisco giants new manager bob melvin
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says there will be no kneeling during the national anthem under his watch, melvin said it had nothing to do with politics or protests, but rather being united and ready. in an interview with usa today, melvin said, quote, it's more about letting letting the other side know that we're ready to play. it was it has nothing to do with whatever happened in the past. and melvin was referring to i guess, former manager gabe kapler and some of the players of the giants kneeling in protest during the 2022 season. we have another retirement to announce, boy, this is retirement and guys getting let go. but former oakland a's third baseman josh donaldson, he's calling it quits after 13 seasons in the majors. the 38 year old he struggled the past two seasons with the yankees and brewers. but in his day, he was one of the best third basemen in the league. his best season coming in 2015, a year after the a's traded him to toronto that year with the blue jays, he hit 41 home runs, led the league with 123 rbis. in all, donaldson
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played with seven teams over his 13 year career. 49ers. they hold the 31st pick in next month's nfl draft. could christian mccaffrey's younger brother luke be on their radar? check this out. luke mccaffrey, who caught 126 passes the last two seasons with the rice owls. he ran a 4.47 40 at the combine over the weekend, and that's actually 1/100 of a second faster than his big bro, who ran it at the 2017 combine as the nfl network kind of shows that that cool visual representation he's projected to go somewhere around 4 to 6. >> i have a big brother. there's nothing like beating your big brother scott. >> bragging rights, that's for sure. >> good ni t everyo . w t i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future.
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it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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i can barely get out to the snow. >> burm a whole lot of op


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