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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 730pm  FOX  March 4, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm PST

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"overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message. submitted today and the giants manager outlining a new national anthem policy. bob melvin says
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everyone in the dugout will now stand on the field and this is ktvu fox two news at 730. and melvin insists this isn't about politics, but about the team's mindset ahead of a game. glad to have you with me on this monday night. i'm heather holmes. let's go straight now to scottsdale, where the giants are ten games in to cactus league play and are still trying to find their footing. they fell 12 to 10 today to the rockies. new manager bob melvin is hoping to turn the team back into a contender, and he's bringing a new culture to the clubhouse, including this new rule, which will require every person on the team now to stand for the playing of the national anthem. melvin, who is a bay area native , telling usa today about this mandate, quote, look, we're a new team. we got some good players here. it's more about letting the other side know that we're ready to play. i want guys out here ready to go. there is a personality to that. it has nothing to do with whatever
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happened in the past or whatever. it's just something i embrace, he said. time for us to go in depth tonight and welcome to the show. sean fletcher, assistant professor of public relations and sports communication at san jose state. thank you so much, sean, for joining me tonight. okay, so melvin says this has nothing to do with patriotism or politics, but clearly he is making a statement. >> he absolutely is making a statement. and i'm a little surprised because bob melvin is not new to the bay area. and if you're not new to the bay area, you understand the lineage and the history. and i'll even say dna of the bay area and it's social activism in particular within sport. so i think it's a bit naive at the least, to claim that it's not about politics when it is in inherently a political issue on its face. so i believe he's going to soon realize that, that he's not on the right side of this issue. >> okay. so let's go back to what he says here. he says this
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decision, you know, not about politics as i mentioned, but it does reverse that of melvin's predecessor, gabe kapler. you talk about activism. that was something that kapler embraced. in fact, in 2020, he kneeled in protest following the killing of george floyd, and he stopped appearing on the field in 2022 after the school shooting in uvalde, texas. so, sean, this is a notable change, as you mentioned, for the giants. can bob melvin get the players and others on board? >> i think it sounds good. what bob melvin melvin said. in theory, until will, it no longer works until something happens again to where now it is time for his players to have the right, their constitutional right. i'll add to exercise wise and peacefully protest. and again, like we've seen with with colin kaepernick, we saw in 2020 when, uh, many different, uh, activists within in the sporting arena did decided to show their displeasure with what they said
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and believe. was america not living up to its promises of equity and liberty for all? and they were using the national anthem as a way to do that, not as a disparagement of the national anthem, but they were really wrestling with racism and racial identity as well as national identity. and i think what bob melvin fails to realize is that by putting this policy in place, he is by default, infusing national nihilism and your ideals for nationalism as a stipulation for participation in sport. that is going to be a volatile subject at some point. it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when this comes to a head. >> okay. you mentioned, though, melvin, a three time manager of the year, said this has been a longstanding policy of his, which he implemented while he was managing the oakland a's and the san diego padres. sean, we'll see how this all plays out for the giants. really appreciate your time tonight and helping us go in depth on this topic. thank you always.
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>> thank you. >> well, new at 730 tonight, a man is behind bars after the chp says he led officers on a high speed chase last night. the chp says it's h 30. helicopter was called to a sideshow in vallejo when the chopper arrived. officers directed officers to the scene of that activity. police chased one of the vehicles involved through vallejo and into richmond. their officers say the man got out of the car and into a waiting vehicle. the chp helicopter, though, was able to keep up with that vehicle and helped direct richmond police, who were able to make an arrest. that suspect's identity has not been released. now, for some election coverage tonight in the top four candidates in the race for u.s. senate, they crisscrossed the state today trying to get out the vote ahead of tomorrow's super tuesday in san francisco, democratic congressman adam schiff went door to door in the castro today, talking to voters and touting his experience in the house. >> i'm very proud of my record of delivering mass transit, bringing back millions to find
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affordable housing for people to help deal with the epidemic of homelessness. my efforts to pass california's patient bill of rights now newly released poll from berkeley igs shows republican and former baseball player steve garvey pulling ahead of schiff for the first time, followed by democrats and house members katie porter and oakland's barbara lee. >> but people have found a voice in me where they're standing up and saying, i've had it. uh, we want to send c back to washington, and we want his voice, the contest to fill the seat long held by the late senator dianne feinstein, is breaking spending records, according to adimpact, which tracks political spending more than $65 million has been spent on ads so far. >> the most expensive senate campaign in state history. schiff is responsible for the mass vast majority of that. many of his ads feature garvey in an effort to set up a general election showdown. governor newsom meantime making a stop at san francisco at a union hall
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there today to round up support for the yes on proposition one campaign. the governor was joined by mayor london breed and san mayor darrell steinberg. if approved, prop one would let the state borrow $6.4 billion. that money would be used to build mental health and substance abuse treatment facilities and supportive housing for the homeless. we are in a position we haven't been in 50 years to address this crisis. >> that's why it's so important to take this opportunity in this moment, to not just assert ourselves, but to advance a paradigm which i think meets this moment in a very unifying way. this was bipartisan in the senate. >> opponents question, though the constitutionality of proposition one, because they say it calls for forcing some mentally ill people on the streets into treatment programs. and be sure to stay with us here on ktvu. we will have complete coverage of super tuesday with live reports right here on
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channel two and on the fox local app throughout the night. we'll also be streaming local results live and providing updates between 8 and 10 tomorrow night. the fox local app, by the way, it is free to download right there to your smart tv. okay, now to the very latest on the efforts to oust alameda county district attorney pamela price, the group behind that recall announcing today it has enough signatures to qualify for an upcoming ballot. ktvu crystal bailey is here now with a look at what comes next. crystal. >> well, heather, organizers of the recall effort say they were able to collect 50,000 more signatures than they needed. now, the county clerk has a lot of work ahead. with only ten days to go through and validate each signature recall price recall, price recall price monday morning, a day before the petition was due, organizers of safe or save alameda for everyone, say they turned in more than 123,000 signatures at the county courthouse. >> we shouldn't have to do this, but for the safety of our
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community, the safety of our children, the safety of our businesses, this is something that had to be done. >> now the county has ten days to validate each signature. recall expert joshua spivak says the recall has a strong chance of getting on the ballot because usually only about 20% of signatures get thrown out. >> the amount of signatures looks very good for the recall effort. they have 40. they they gave 123,000. they need 73,195. that's a 40% cushion. >> but for price's supporters, nothing is set in stone. last week, the protect the wind campaign sent a letter to attorney general rob bonta asking him to investigate deceptive tactics by recall effort organizers. and monday morning they sent another letter to secretary of state shirley weber. >> we've asked her to ensure that she dedicates resources immediately to ensure that each and every signature is both reviewed independently and verified in late april or maybe
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early may, there will be a special election, but there's uncertainty around what happens next. >> measure b is on the ballot in alameda county for primary elections. it could be in two months, but it's not clear. >> it certainly won't be before, i would imagine, two months from now, but again, and especially with this measure b, it could be pushed off much further if it passes and price is recalled, county supervisors might have to appoint a new district attorney. >> someone who is not elected. >> that's not great because we live in a democracy. >> see, the super tuesday results could play a big role in the future of the district attorney seat. >> police were chosen and vote if measure b does not pass and the recall makes it on the ballot, alameda county could be looking at that special election on top of primaries and the presidential election this year. >> it's also possible that even if it does pass, it won't go into law in time to apply to price's recall, crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right, crystal, thank you
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from that big blizzard. now to the big dig out. we check in with a ski resort up in tahoe for a look at the impressive totals. and boy, all the work ahead. and a former librarian in the north bay with a large social media following continuing his love for literacy, we'll tell you about the national platform he now has to promote reading for children and the chance for scattered showers will continue as we roll into your bay area. >> tuesday, i'll have a better look at what yo n expect
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democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line
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of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more.
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80. this is near truckee de spite the winter weather that they've had over the last several days, this stretch of road is now back open. this is the first time though, since friday evening when that blizzard first moved through the area. chain controls are still in effect. from nyack to truckee, you can see that it's slow going here. all of this snow, not just a headache for drivers. ski resort officials say they've had to work overtime to make the slopes accessible for visitors. >> today we have part of our lower mountain palisades open and some lifts on the alpine side open. there is still so much work to be done. >> already called the spring skiing capital is expected to be open until very late may. that resort receiving about six feet of snow during this three day storm. you see, berkeley has been keeping up with the storm's snow totals. the university snow lab there in soda springs says it has received more than six feet of snow from this blizzard.
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the lab also reports the statewide snow water equivalent is now at 104% of normal. that's the amount of water that can be obtained through melting the snowpack. so let's bring in our meteorologist rosemary oroczo. we all know that this storm is going to be beneficial to the state in terms of snowpack and our water supply. >> absolutely. and just remarkable. you know, here over the weekend, watching it just yeah, we are about two weeks to spring and you know still. yeah. in full effect. in fact it's time to spring forward on sunday . heather okay. all right. says that hour of sleep. yep yep. it's coming. giving you a look here at san francisco where we do have a mix of partly cloudy to mostly cloudy conditions and the chance for rain will linger. i'll show you why here. coming up in just a moment. first the numbers 53. right now. san francisco 54, concord. oakland san jose. hello. at 55, here's a view of storm tracker two. a lot of cloud cover out there picking up on just a little bit of moisture here. we may have a
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little bit of drizzle falling below the radar beam, but on the screen here on the east edge, there, saint helena yountville as well as napa, perhaps in the hills, a little bit of scattered showers and then into the hills of the sierra where it continues here as well. but into the coming days, it looks like the brunt of the moisture will be north of i-80. so the greater lake tahoe area, while has the opportunity for scattered showers, getting a little bit of a break and snow levels. came up today to about 4000ft after dropping down to about 2000ft over the weekend. this is the system here that is providing a little bit of active weather. you can see over the pacific northwest, northern california, also helping to feed in to the moisture into areas around the bay as well as the sierra. this is the next system that we will be working toward the coastline. and by wednesday looks to come ashore and that may be our best chance at seeing, you know, scattered showers in the bay area. here's a view of tomorrow morning. mostly cloudy. we'll call for unsettled weather tomorrow. very similar to today, but there's a look at wednesday
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morning and you can definitely see more moisture here as this continues to shift inland and slide south kind of simultaneously. tomorrow morning temperatures will be on the cool side but not too bad. low to mid to upper 40s. and then for the afternoon on right about where we should be, upper 50s to low 60s, even 65 for san jose, your extended forecast. we get past the soggy weather on wednesday. we're dry thursday friday, but right now it looks like an opportunity for wet weather on the weekend. heather okay, burisma thank you. >> really do have to have the right number of schools for the students that we have. >> san francisco's unified and considering consolidation. while the district thinks eliminating some of its schools could help solve some of its biggest problems, and south bay lawmakers trying to make it easier to build affordable housing here in california, we'll take a closer look at the proposed bill and why some housing advocates are against it. but first, empowering women in emergency situations. the new campaign launched by the
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governor that's aimed at helping women of color and the families as i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message
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because together we can still get big things done.
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today aimed at empowering women in emergency situations through videos and social media. the lisa's campaign teaches women how to lead their families during wildfire, earthquakes, floods and mudslides. the state office of emergency services says data shows that women under 50 here in california who are hispanic, black or asian american are among the most likely to view themselves as primarily responsible for their family's emergency preparedness. the san francisco unified, one of the largest school districts here in the state, well, now the district says due to declining enrollment under staffing and deteriorating facilities as well, it could be forced to close some schools. ktvu christian captain tells us the
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district believes, though, that this move could help long terme san francisco unified schools finds itself at a crossroads. >> the district is facing a structural budget crisis at the same time, enrollment is dropping. the district now serves about 49,000 students, down from about 53,000 a decade ago. fewer students means less money from the state superintendent, matt wayne says those realities need to be met head on, and that means beginning the process of closing and consolidating some schools. >> we're looking at the way we staff our schools, our central office, our school programs, our facilities, and also our school portfolio. and we're recognizing we need to have a school new school portfolio with fewer schools so we can better meet our goals for student outcomes. >> at this point, the district has not said which of its 120 schools will be closed or consolidated. >> we are talking to our community, getting their input on what the criteria should be for our new school portfolio and then also holding our values of educational equity at the center
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by doing an equity audit of our recommendations. beth kelly is a mother in the district and has kept a close eye on san francisco's school budget for years. >> when you look at what is happening with the district right now, they really have to get back to basics and really work on working within a balanced budget, she says. >> with the district facing a very real fiscal cliff, this is one of the only moves the district had left. >> we really do have to have the right number of schools for the students that we have, and that means more money going to each student rather than overhead and facilities maintenance. >> the district will spend the remainder of the school year and the summer finalizing a list of impacted schools. they hope to have that plan in place for the 2025, 2026 school year in san francisco, christien kafton, ktvu fox two news. a new bill making its way through the state legislature could reduce the time it takes to build temporary housing here in california.
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>> san mateo county state senator josh becker, sponsoring the interim housing act of 2024. he was joined in san jose today by mayor matt mehan and others at a newly built interim housing project. state senator becker says the proposed bill will help to speed up the process of building temporary housing, while permanent affordable housing is being constructed. some critics, though, of this proposed legislation, say temporary housing is not the solution to homelessness. all right. this weekend, thousands of flowers will flood san francisco's union square. the tips organizers are giving people so that they can try to beat those crowds and the coming up later tonight on the 10:00 news, california secretary of state shirley weber says her office is busy ahead of tomorrow , super tuesday, and is ready to combat any issues that might arise. plus, one measure on the ballot tomorrow would support building affordable housing on church sites here in the bay area. we'll have t and more "overflowing with ideas and energy."
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that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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what do i see in peter dixon? with democrat katie porter. i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver...
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who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. is now working with pbs kids. i am going to become pbs resident librarian for a social media series. last month, michael threets announced that he was leaving his post as the supervising librarian for the fairfield civic center library.
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he says now that he's teaming up with pbs for a special social media series promoting literacy and local libraries, threets was one of ten recipients last year of a prestigious award from the american library association, and he has nearly 2 million followers between instagram and tiktok. he often posts inspiring videos on social media promoting literacy, kindness and messages about mental health. well spring is right around the corner as rosemary was mentioning, and san francisco is getting into the spirit of the season. in fact, this saturday, union square will be hosting its flower bulb day. more than 80,000 tulips will cover the square. members of the public are invited to visit the garden and pick a free bouquet from 1 to 430 in the afternoon. it is expected, though, to be really crowded, so organizers are advising attendees to use public transportation. crowded but really beautiful. thanks so much for joining me tonight for the news at 730. don't forget to download the fox local app right there to your smart tv. you can stream all of our newscasts and also get some ories and find
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exclusiv con nt mr. box? i had this idea... is it giving people lots of great food for 6 dollars, and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great idea, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box! democrats agree. and you run and get conservative republican steve garvey
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is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
8:00 pm
oh hey, jack. going up? actually, no, justine... my famous 2 tacos are still just 99¢ when you order on the jack app or online. could you press 6, please? i'm going up. get my famous 2 tacos for just 99¢. only on the jack app or online. ♪ only on the jack app gordon: this season on "masterchef junior," we open the doors to 12 new young cooks... - welcome, guys! - this is a dream. - ...and one new judge. - who? my daughter tilly ramsay! come on, guys!


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