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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  March 4, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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ek, the auditions continue. -it's happening. -ah! -here we go. -here we go. -who will rise? -someone. pin drop. let's go. ♪ -who will fall? -i wish that you took bigger risks. -and who... -that's how you do it. -...will make the top 10? democrats agree. conservative republican steve garvey is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message.
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man charged with murdering his wife and his mother in law tonight. detectives still searching for clues as the victim's bodies have not been found. >> we want to ensure that we bring closure for the victims families. >> san pablo police calling this a horrific tragedy. good evening, everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> the suspect is facing two murder charges tonight for the disappearance and killings of his wife and mother in law. police say the murders happened in the couple's family home last fall. new at ten tonight. ktvu is amber lee joins us now. she's live from the west county detention center in richmond with new surveillance video in connection with this case. amber >> julie, the 40 year old suspect faces two counts of murder. now, like you said, police have not yet located the woman, nor have they said how they were killed. but they do
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say the suspect has been in consistent with what he has told police. police say the single family home in san pablo is a crime scene. they suspect that the owner killed his wife and mother in law in the home and tried to cover it up by reporting them missing in september. in investigators shared with me this video of them searching the home on thursday. police say they found enough evidence to arrest him for murder. a neighbor tells me she sensed something was wrong because she hadn't seen the women in months. >> the last time we ever saw them was back in september 2023, which is really weird, weird, says jasmine. >> rocio because tollet and her 74 year old mother, tran, would often be seen gardening in the yard. neighbors say police dug up the yard in their search for clues to the women's whereabouts . so far, they haven't been found, the husband allegedly told police the women drove off in this family vehicle and may have headed to southern california, but police say leads
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helped them locate the car in oakland at an industrial park and that they caught the suspect in a lie after they put the car under surveillance. >> this clip shows the suspect on december 5th entering the parked vehicle. >> peggy chow, san pablo police spokesperson, tells me surveillance video shows vo moving the vehicle just hours after telling police during an interview he didn't know where the car was. so from when the last time you saw her, you have you seen that car at all? no police say vo is a property manager and his wife works at a nail salon. and that an argument over money may have led to the women's disappearance. >> i can't even fathom the extent of grief or shock that, you know, a family, um, the family might be experience saying the couple has a young daughter and son who said mom disappeared after an argument with dad. >> sister his mom had been missing for a while and that they had fought or something,
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and he hadn't seen her and he missed her. the sussex bail is set at $2 million. he is scheduled to make his first court appearance tomorrow afternoon. police say they still have a lot of work to do. they are still looking for the two women. julie and amber. >> what about the two children? where are they now? now i'm i'm told that they are with relatives. all right. amber lee reporting live for us tonight. amber. thank you. well, police in san leandro arrested a man accused of shoing toddler. police say adam johnson fired a single shot into a home on west warner avenue wedsday, hitting a four year old boy in the leg. fortunately, that boy is expected to be okay. pice say the boy was not the intended target. they believe spect was looking for someone else at the multi-unit residential property. johnson is now facing numerous charges, including attempted homicide in monterey county. >> a search is underway tonight for three gunmen suspected of carrying out a mass shooting
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right outside a house party in king city last night. four people were killed, seven others injured. witnesses telling police a silver kia pulled up right in front of a home where people had gathered for a party. three masked men got out of the car and then opened fire in the front yard, and then drove away, one mother says. one of her daughters was killed. her other daughter was shot but survived. >> i want there to be justice. i want there to be justice for what happened to my daughters. i want justice as soon as possible. >> police have announced a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those involved in just a few hours, voters across the country will start heading to the polls for super tuesday. voters in 15 states and one territory will participate in tomorrow's primary election. alaska's democratic party is actually not included in this super tuesday. instead, it will take place next month. nearly one third, though of all republican and democratic delegates are up for grabs tomorrow. this includes from two
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of the most populous states california and texas. >> and here in the bay area. polls are set to open at 7 a.m, but vote by mail ballots already have been coming in for days. ktvu janet katsuyama joins us now live from san francisco with an early look at voter turnout and what you need to know if you still haven't cast your vote. jana julie, the director, tells me that in the last presidential primary in 2020, it was 61% turnout. >> the low 31% in 2012. well, as you mentioned, people are coming to drop off their ballots. just a few minutes ago, someone popped theirs in here to this box. some experts think that statewide turnout could be near the bottom, but at least in san francisco, the director doesn't think that will happen here. a steady stream of voters came to the corner collection box outside san francisco city hall. early birds dropping their ballots off before election day. >> i do like voting early that way i can do research at home. and just like take my time at
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home because it's voting so important to me. so if i could do it early and just check it off my list and yeah, it makes me feel a little bit more responsible. >> the voter guide, the ballot, the drop off locations, everything. it was a lot easier here than north carolina or connecticut or arizona where i've lived before. >> inside city hall at the san francisco department of elections, workers were processing the slow trickle of ballots coming in the turnout for this election as of this morning was 17. director of elections john arndt says 17% is low, but it isn't too far off from the 2020 presidential primary year. right now, we have 84,000 ballots back and compared to the march 2020 election, the previous presidential primary election, we had 85,000 ballots back. >> so we're tracking really well this year, though, with presumptive candidates in the democrat and republican presidential primaries. >> some people worry there might be less incentive for people to get out and vote. >> i knocked on doors today to say, have you voted? have you voted? i want to make sure my neighbors go and vote. >> hey, how are you doing in oakland outside the alameda county elections office, workers
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greeted voters at a drive through drop off. >> we have drop boxes. they can put it in the mail. they can drop it off at one of these drop stops. we've been open at our vote voting centers for now since last saturday. registrar tim dupuy says they are also seeing low turnout so far. the last presidential primary we saw a total turnout of around 50, but they are prepared for an election day rush and remind voters that voting centers and boxes remain open until 8 p.m. tuesday. we have same day registration. you can go in, we can get you registered, and we can get you to vote. >> and some voters say even without big presidential candidates driving the primary, they wanted to weigh in on state and local issues. >> measure b would be the big thing for me, the two, uh, biggest issues for me were housing and crime. >> and so those are why those are why i wanted to make sure i voted in this primary. >> so again, not too late to vote. even if you haven't
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registered, as you heard there, just go to a polling place or voting center tomorrow and you can get your ballot and cast it. and back here live, these boxes are going to be open until 8:00. that's when they will round them all up and take them inside to the registrar's office. the director of elections says that they don't expect that there will be many results tomorrow. they'll have the first wave with the mail in ballots, but then after that it will take some time to count all of those votes up. julie. >> all right. gianna katsuyama reporting live tonight in san francisco. gianna. thank you. california secretary of state shirley weber says her office is busy ahead of tomorrow and ready to deal with any issues that arise. >> we want to make sure that people understand and that that all these issues of fraud and deception that we fought back every last one of them, all the cases, the 50 some odd cases that have gone to court, we have defeated them all because while we have a fair and clear elections and we hope that everyone will take advantage of the possibility of voting. and if you want to go down and look
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at the process, all of our departments of or our registrar of voters have ways in which you can actually see and observe what is going on. secretary weber says her biggest concern for the election is technology, because sometimes it fails. >> she says state workers are testing and retesting voting machines, and an ai team is on standby by if needed. >> the four frontrunners in california us senate race were out campaigning today across the state. ktvu political reporter greg lee heard from those candidates about their final appeal to all the voters. >> the final push to the ballot box in california's hotly contested u.s. senate race, the top four candidates in a crowded field crisscrossing the state trying to get out the vote. >> the future is in your hands as voters, i hope you'll get out and vote democratic congressman adam schiff went door to door in the castro monday morning, talking to voters, touting his experience in the house. i'm very proud of my record of delivering mass transit, bringing back millions to find affordable housing for people to help deal with the epidemic of
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homelessness. my efforts to pass california's patient bill of rights. >> but people have found a voice in me where they're standing up and saying, i've had it. uh, we want to send seed back to washington. we want his voice. a newly released poll from berkeley igs shows republican and former baseball player steve garvey pulling ahead of schiff for the first time, followed by democrats and house members katie porter and oakland's barbara lee. >> washington needs to pay more attention to california, for we are the biggest state. um, we have the most people, and we are not always getting washington to focus on our issues. >> my campaign is a multiracial multi generational progressive coalition. >> reporter the contest to fill the seat long held by the late senator dianne feinstein, breaking spending records, according to adimpact, which tracks political spending more than $65 million has been spent on ads so far. the most expensive senate campaign in state history. schiff responded, for the vast majority of that, many of his ads featuring garvey in an effort to set up a general
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election showdown. >> he went from playing first base to now playing politics and out in deep right, right field. uh, but look, he's out of step with californians. >> what he's saying is, i want to go against garvey. well, be careful what you ask for. uh because people have always said, don't underestimate number six. >> porter criticized schiff's tactic of elevating a republican when she defended her ads that featured eric earley, another conservative in the race. this will create more cynicism about politics and about politicians. >> and so, look, we have spent the vast majority of our advertising budget and our engagement budget on positive messages. >> early turnout is trending historically low, older conservative voters outpacing democrats data that favors garvey. as these four candidates battle for a position in the top two, they're urging people to get to the polls. >> the point that i want to make today, though, is that everyone has got to get to the polls to vote, and we have so many trusted messengers who are out
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there canvasing, phone banking. >> greg lee, ktvu, fox two news, the united states supreme court has ruled former president trump can be on the 2024 presidential primary ballots. >> the justices ruled states cannot invoke a post-civil war constitutional provision that prevents former office holders who engaged in insurrection from holding office yet again, instead, that power resides with congress. as the court wrote in an unsigned opinion, trump had been removed from the ballots in colorado, maine and illinois, but all three rulings were on hold awaiting the supreme court's decision. >> coming up, a warning in the north bay what we're learning from health officials about a spike in fentanyl overdoses, and we are still tracking some rain drops around here. >> not much to speak of, but there is a chance you might need the umbrella a couple times in the next 48 hours, and then next weekend something is on the on the horizon. there so we'll take a look at it. when i see you back here. >> also, the new skipper of the
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san francisco giants already making some changes. and it's not about what happens during the game. the new team policy headed into the new season. what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver... who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message.
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in all related deaths, five in just the last two weeks, ktvu zac sos live tonight in san
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rafael and zach. these specific cases prompting the county health department here to send out this alert. >> yeah, that's right, mike and the big concern here is that people could be using fentanyl without knowing it. the county's health department says that all five of the people overdosed, were taking multiple substances at the time. and they say that it's quite possible that one of those substances was laced with fentanyl. >> we're seeing an unfortunate and dramatic uptick in overdose deaths in marin county. >> five overdose deaths tied to fentanyl in just the last two weeks. >> normally and tragically, you know, we have about one overdose death every week. >> but prior to the last two weeks, county public health officer doctor matt willis says only around half of those deaths were caused by fentanyl. >> these last five have all been related to fentanyl, and all have been among people who were using multiple substances at once. and so one of our primary concerns is that this may be a
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contamination issue. >> a number of street drugs now frequently being laced with fentanyl, creating a potentially deadly combination in the county's homeless population. particularly vulnerable. >> there are substance is like methamphetamine and cocaine that help people stay up so they can keep themselves safe. >> rory rieger heads up behavioral health services at the ritter center in san rafael. the nonprofit provides a range of free services to the county's homeless population, including substance use treatment. >> a newer approach that we have is contingency management or what also is referred to as recovery incentives, which is a regular drug screening that builds in incentivizing people to reduce or eliminate their messy amphetamine or amphetamine use. >> the center also provides a free vending machine stocked with narcan fentanyl testing strips, and other harm reduction supplies that we can provide more access and more low barrier care to people. >> that that is the solution.
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>> the county's message to anyone taking drugs carry narcan, carry testing strips and don't use alone. >> and if we do those three things, we think that we can be much safer for that, you know, segment of our population who is using substances. >> and another tool, the county says it's using right now to monitor drug use in the community. is the testing of wastewater. they say any spikes associated with cocaine, methamphetamine or things like, of course, fentanyl could lead to another one of those alerts going out. mike zac sos live tonight in san rafael. >> zach. thank you. now to the south bay, a former pharmacy technician now facing murder charges after selling drugs laced with fentanyl, 34 year old benjamin nathan williams has been charged by the santa clara county da's office with murder and drug sales. prosecutors say he sold cocaine laced with fentanyl to 26 year old hope warrick last year, leading to her overdose death. williams had
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previously served as a pharmacy technician near monterey, but lost his license for stealing pills in 2021. new at ten tonight multiple lane closures are in effect right now on the richmond-san rafael bridge for road work. >> the closure began at seven this evening. caltrans says crews are working to repair potholes. two eastbound lanes will be closed, and there's also a lane reduction in the opposite direction. driver should expect delays. >> interstate 80 back open tonight in the sierra with chain controls in effect as we give you a live look. now out at donner summit, where there is still a lot of snow on the roadways, 80 was closed for much of the weekend as that powerful blizzard slammed the sierra. caltrans, advising those who are driving through the mountains to go very slowly and be prepared for those conditions to change. the recent storm has brought on a hopeful outlook for skiers and snowboarders, as we do approach the spring skiing season, the blizzard brought multiple feet of snow to higher elevations. as of today, officials say the snowpack is already at 119% of average. and with that, it was
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dig out day for many resorts, including palisades and olympic valley, where some runs were able to open. today we have part of our lower mountain palisades open and some lifts on the alpine side open. >> there is still so much work to be done. >> palisade says it received about eight feet of snow and will remain open until late may. >> all right. our chief meteorologist, bill martin, joins us now. bill, a ton of new snow in the sierra. are they finally getting a little bit of a break? >> they're getting a little bit of a break. and we're talking about skiers and snowboarders. but i got to tell you, this is all about water. as far as i'm concerned. as far as the state's concerned as well, because we're putting a lot of water up in the mountains. it has gone to well over 100% of average for this time of year. and it's exactly what you want to see, because again, we survive on that water, that snowpack is what carries us through the summer, the dry months, mediterranean climate, dry summer, wet winter. we're dry all summer. so when it snows like that, it's a big, big boon to the state of california. changes of prices of crops and other other commodities. so
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okay, so here's the scattered showers. now what's left of them this footprint of scattered showers is going to look very similar again tomorrow. we're going to see an opportunity for widely scattered showers. was today an issue with showers. not really. well tomorrow be no will winds they be. no. there's just in there in the area. so just be aware of that. and the potential for some scattered sprinkles or showers. but i wouldn't say if you've got 18 holes lined up just go do it. just maybe throw an umbrella in. okay. these are the highs from today. highs today were warmer by a few degrees by a good 3 or 4 degrees, 60 degrees in antioch, 61 in morgan hill. highs tomorrow. a little warmer still, but cloudy. i'll see you back here with a full forecast coming up. >> all right. see you in a bit, bill. thank you. the new manager of the san francisco giants is requiring everyone in the dugout to stand on the field for the national anthem. bob melvin insists this is not about politics, but about the team's mindset ahead of a game. in an interview with usa today, melvin said it's more about letting the
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other side know that we're ready to play. for more insight. earlier tonight on ktvu at 730, we spoke with shawn fletcher, assistant professor of public relations and sports communication at san jose state. >> he absolutely is making a statement, and i'm a little surprised because bob melvin is not new to the bay area. and if you're not new to the bay area, you understand the lineage and the history. and i'll even say dna of the bay area, and it's social activism in particular within sport, this new rule reverses that of melvin's predecessor, gabe kapler. >> in 2020, kapler kneeled in protest following the killing of george floyd. >> coming up, police are investigating an armed home invasion in the east bay that landed one resident in the hospital. >> plus, chaos erupts in the north bay. the chase and shootout that ended with four injured sheriff's deputies and a suspect dead also has been years in the making. >> the first over the counter birth control pill now shipping out to retailers nationwide.
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coming up tonight at 1030. what this means for the future of women's health care "overflowing with ideas and energy." that's the san francisco chronicle endorsing democrat katie porter for senate over all other options. porter is "easily the most impressive candidate." "known for her grilling of corporate executives." with "deep policy knowledge." katie porter's housing plan has "bipartisan-friendly ideas to bring homebuilding costs down." and the chronicle praises "her ideas to end soft corruption in politics." let's shake up the senate. with democrat katie porter. i'm katie porter and i approve this message.
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is it possible to count on my internet with democrat katie porter. like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today!
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happened in the unincorporated community of kensington at about 11 this morning. police say two armed men forcibly entered a home, confronted the residents and then took off with some of their vuables. one victim was assaulteand taken to the hospital with non-life threatening inriespolice say the suspects covered their faces and wordark hoodies during the robbery. they were seen driving away in a white car, possibly a kia. they are believed to be in their 20s. >> four sheriff deputies in sonoma county were injured in a shootout and chase early this morning. in what is being described as a chaotic incident, officials say the armed suspect is now dead. >> our crime reporter henry lee has the latest on the investigation. >> candles mark the spot where a suspect died after wild gun
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battle and chase with sonoma county sheriff's deputies. it all began just after midnight when deputies responded to reports of a man brandishing a rifle at a restaurant at stony point, and todd road that doubles as a nightclub on weekends. as deputies arrived, the man took off in a white car. a short while later, a deputy reported that he was behind the car and let's. the minute after that, the deputy yelled in his radio shots fired! after the suspect opened fire with a high powered rifle fired rounds at the deputies, they returned fire. >> the suspect got back in his vehicle and fled again, but the man continued driving and led deputies on a chase north on stony point. >> the suspect fired at least a second time at deputies before crashing on stony point near butler avenue. he died, but it's not yet clear if this was the result of being shot or being hurt in the crash, or some combination of both. at least one sheriff's patrol car crashed into this fence outside a home hours later. two damaged sheriff's cars were towed from the area. investigators spent hours at several crime scenes documenting evidence with a chaotic, dynamic crime scene
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like this that spans multiple locations with multiple deputies involved. >> and, uh, there's a lot of information to process during the incident, four deputies were hurt. >> one suffered a serious head injury and is in the hospital in critical condition. another was shot in the leg and two others have hand injuries, either from broken glass or possibly being grazed by bullets. fellow deputies went to the hospital to check on their injured colleagues. santa rosa police are now heading up the investigation on our detectives are currently working diligently to put together the timeline of events to include the reason why the suspect chose to engage in the actions he did, the actions of the deputies are also under investigation by the sonoma county da's office and the sheriff's office plans to release body cam footage at a later date near santa rosa. henry lee ktvu fox two news coming up reaction tonight about the first over-the-counter birth control pill that will soon be available in many stores across the us. >> plus, for the safety of our
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community, the safety of our children, the safety of our businesses, this is something that had to be done. a big step forward in the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price, today's developments that could prompt a special election in sports. >> matt chapman gets his first action as a giant. what does the former ace star think about returning to the bay area? our jason appelbaum has the answer. later in sports. also coming up, elon musk slapped with a multi-million dollar lawsuit by former twitter executives are now taking legal action what do i see in peter dixon? i see my husband... the father of our girls. i see a public servant. a man who served under secretary clinton in the state department... where he took on the epidemic of violence against women in the congo. i see a fighter, a tenacious problem-solver...
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who will go to congress and protect abortion rights and our democracy. because he sees a better future for all of us. i'm peter dixon and i approved this message. feeling ughh from a backed up gut? miralax works naturally with the water in your body to help you go... your gut. and your mood will follow. for 8 grams of fiber, try new mirafiber gummies. i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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when peter dickson led my platoon into combat in afghanistan, he cared about two things: completing the mission, and making sure his marines came home. and we all did. pete's always fought for what he believes in, and i know he'll do the same in congress for affordable housing, the rights of women, and the democracy he swore to protect. because helping people who need it has always been pete's mission. and i know he'll get it done. next generation veteran fund is responsible for the content of this ad. hill is now shipping out to retailers. opil will be sold online and at drugstores, convenience stores and supermarkets. ktvu south bay
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reporter lamonica peters live tonight in san jose with more on the reaction. lamonica. >> mike birth control was first approved in the united states over 60 years ago, and now for the first time later on this month, girls and women will have access to birth control without a doctor's prescription. >> the ability to control your own fertility, maybe for the first time without needing to negotiate with a partner, is transformed. >> reporter as the country continues to grapple with the reversal of roe v wade and women's reproductive rights, consumer self-care products company perrigo says it will soon offer an over-the-counter birth control pill. >> i think it's magnificent. it's giving power where it belongs and we are self responsible. we are intelligent human beings. we should make our own decisions. period. >> approved by the federal drug administration last july, opal is the first daily birth control pill to be offered without age restriction and without a
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prescription. perrigo says 45% of pregnancies are unplanned each year in the u.s, and when taken as directed. opal has a 98% effective rate of preventing pregnancy. >> we have data that shows us when people have the ability to plan their pregnancies and regulate their fertility, that they're able to advance in so many areas of their lives that would not be possible otherwise. >> i think it's good because you don't know all these college students are doing out here. sometimes they might not be in the best position to, like, have a child right now. >> the manufacturer suggested retail price will be 1999 for one month supply and 49.99 for a three month supply. i never got taught any of that, so i think that could be one step closer to like teaching more people about anything like that. >> so i think it's a good idea. this woman says she remembers what it was like years ago when women tried to get access to birth control. >> it was very expensive that was one of the factors of how expensive it was. and your your
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choices were then having to use other methods. and so this way you can get more reliable method without having to pay a lot more money. >> now the company says that it's already started to ship a pill to major retailers across the country, and it will be available later on this month. it also says that it will have a cost assistance program for low income and uninsured people. mike la monica peters live tonight. >> there outside san jose state university. lamonica. thank you. now we go overseas. a historic vote today in europe. french lawmakers approved a bill making abortion a constitutional right for adoption. contra. >> the bill was approved in a vote of 780 to 72, and nearly the entire joint session in parliament stood, and a long
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standing ovation when those results were read. >> france is the first country to guarantee a woman's right to an abortion. this measure was promised by president macron following a rollback of abortion rights here in the united states . the national assembly and the senate had already adopted a bill to amend the french constitution to specify a woman's right to an abortion is guaranteed by the us air dropping relief supplies into gaza. >> this comes as the humanitarian crisis there grows more dire by the day. fox news jennifer griffin has the latest developments tonight from the pentagon. >> americans c-130 transport planes dropped 38,000 meals ready to eat along the beaches of southwest gaza. the aerial delivery comes after more than 100 palestinians were killed during a failed humanitarian aid delivery thursday, 30 trucks were swarmed by hungry crowds in northern gaza, and the israeli military opened fire amidst the stampede. >> there must be an immediate
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cease fire. >> this will get the hostages out and to get a significant amount of aid in the vice president spoke again before meeting israeli minister benny gantz. >> israel has a right to defend itself. >> are too many palestinian civilians and innocent civilians have been killed. we need to get more aid in. we need to get the hostages out. and that remains our position. >> miles of humanitarian aid trucks are lined up on the border with gaza, waiting to go in, but face delays by the israeli government, who control the borders, and egypt and hamas 2.3 million palestinians are facing hunger, with many parents forgoing meals to feed their children. one meal, a day, some by mixing bird and animal feed with flour to make bread. >> airdrops are really only ever used as an absolute last resort. they're logistically very complicated and very expensive as well. >> meanwhile, in the red sea, a belize flagged ship, the ruby mar, that was carrying 21,000
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metric tons of fertilizer finally sunk saturday after being hit by a houthi anti-ship missile on february 18th. the leak poses an ecological disaster for the red sea and its coral reefs. tonight we are learning about three undersea data cables in the red sea that have been cut as a result of ongoing houthi attacks. this is affecting internet and telecommunications around the world, with 25% of all data traffic crossing the red sea having been affected at the pentagon. jennifer griffin, fox news coming up tonight at 11, a close call right outside an east bay elementary school after an attempted kidnaping of a student. >> and now the search for the person responsible. >> and we are tracking a few scattered showers out there. or what areas that are trying to drop a shower or two, i'll have the forecast that includes more of that, and something for the weekend as well, but first, more changes are coming to san francisco's downtown mall. >> the latest stores closing their doors
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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control issues at boeing and one of its key suppliers. >> the faa says the audit looked at production of the boeing 737 max and identified not compliance issues, in boeing's manufacturing process. control parts handling and storage, and product control. the faa initiated the audit after a door plug came off of a 737 max jet shortly after takeoff back in january. boeing declined to comment on that audit. jetblue and spirit airlines are ending their proposed $3.8 billion merger after a court ruled ruling blocked that proposal. jetblue said even though both companies still believe in the benefits of a merger, they say they were unlikely to meet the
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required closing conditions before the july 24th deadline. the justice department sued to block the plan last year, saying it would reduce competition. >> former twitter executives are now suing elon musk, saying he owes them more than $128 million in severance, according to the wall street journal. the lawsuit, filed today involves the former ceo, cfo, legal chief and general counsel in the lawsuit, they accused musk of making up fake reasons to fire them in order to avoid paying them severance. an attorney for musk did not comment in the wall street journal report. >> new at ten tonight, san francisco's downtown mall is losing some business. his popular beauty retailer sephora is leaving the emporium center, san francisco, formerly known as westfield san francisco center. although it's unclear when it will close down. also, french beauty brand l'occitane had also reportedly shuttered. the emporium center location is no longer on the company's website. >> boychik bagels are coming to san francisco. the popular berkeley based bagel chain is opening three shops in the city,
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set to open this coming spring. those shops are going to be located on sacramento street in presidio heights, fillmore in lower packets and then battery street in the financial district . boychik bagels exploded in popularity after a write up in the new york times three years ago. they were described as among the best of the new york style bagels coming up tonight, a group of supporters rallying behind a bond measure that could allow affordable housing units to be built on bay area church sites. plus, how the recall campaign against alameda county district attorney pamela price is now moving forward. >> and it was a stormy weekend. can we expect rain in our forecast this week? our chief meteorologist, bill martin, is back with us right after mr. box? i had this idea... is it giving people lots of great food for 6 dollars, and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great idea, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box!
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democrats agree. and you run and get conservative republican steve garvey
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is the wrong choice for the senate. ...our republican opponent here on this stage has voted for donald trump twice. mr. garvey, you voted for him twice... as your own man, what is your decision? garvey is wrong for california. but garvey's surging in the polls. fox news says garvey would be a boost to republican control of the senate. stop garvey. adam schiff for senate. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message. oh hey, jack. going up? actually, no, justine... my famous 2 tacos are still just 99¢ when you order on the jack app or online. could you press 6, please? i'm going up. get my famous 2 tacos for just 99¢. only on the jack app or online. ♪
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deem the genesis workshop center worship center in oakland provides housing for former inmates who are reentering society now. they say similar housing is needed to help people get back on their feet. they are pushing for a regional housing bond that's being considered for the november ballot. the proposed measure could possibly raise 10 to $20 billion for the bay area. >> and if you were released from jail or prison and you have no resources, how are you expected to be able to literally rent a an apartment, especially with the not just affordable housing
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crisis, with the market rate housing crisis that we are having here, it's very challenging. >> the bay area housing finance authority plans to make a decision by june as to whether to put the bond measure on the november ballot. a new bill making its way through the state legislature could reduce the time it takes to build temporary housing here in california. san mateo county state senator josh becker sponsored the interim housing act of 2024. he was joined in the south bay today by san jose mayor matt mehan and others at a newly built interim housing project in san jose. sen becker says the proposed bill will help speed up the process of building temporary housing, while permanent affordable housing is being constructed, some critics of the proposed legislation say temporary housing is not the solution to homelessness. >> the effort to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price is coming to a head. that effort started back in august, and now, after months of collecting signatures, recall organizers have turned in ten boxes filled with signatures.
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ktvu is crystal bailey has the story. >> recall price. recall. price. recall price monday morning, a day before the petition was due, organizers of safe or save alameda for everyone say they turned in more than 123,000 signatures at the county courthouse. >> we shouldn't have to do this. but for the safety of our community, the safety of our children, the safety of our businesses, this is something that had to be done. >> now the county has ten days to validate each signature. recall expert joshua spivak says the recall has a strong chance of getting on the ballot because usually only about 20% of signatures get thrown out. >> the amount of signatures looks very good for the recall effort. they have 40. they they gave 123,000. they need 73,195. that's a 40% cushion. but for price's supporters, nothing is set in stone.
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>> last week, the protect the wind campaign sent a letter to attorney general rob bonta asking him to investigate deceptive tactics by recall effort. organizers and monday morning they sent another letter to secretary of state shirley weber. >> we've asked her to ensure that she dedicates resource immediately to ensure that each and every signature is both reviewed independently and verified in late april or maybe early may, there will be a special election, but there's uncertain around what happens next. >> measure b is on the ballot in alameda county for primary elections. >> it could be in two months, but it's not clear. it certainly won't be before, i would imagine, two months from now, but but again, and especially with this measure b, it could be pushed off much further if it passes and price's recalled county supervisors might have to appoint a new district attorney, someone who is not elected. >> and that's not great because we live in a democracy. >> super tuesday results could
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play a big role in the future of the district attorney seat plan. >> please register and vote. if measure b does not pass and the recall makes it onto the ballot, it's possible that there will be a special election in alameda county. >> and even if it does pass, it may not go into law in time to apply to price's recall. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. governor newsom made a stop at a san francisco union hall to round up support for the yes on proposition one campaign. >> the governor was joined by mayor london breed, sacramento mayor darrell steinberg, and a coalition of mental health workers, doctors and firefighters. if approved, prop one would allow the state to borrow $6.4 billion. this money would be used to build mental health and substance abuse treatment facilities and supportive housing for unhoused residents. governor newsom says it has bipartisan support in the state legislature. we are in a position we haven't been in 50 years to address this crisis. >> that's why it's so important
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to take this opportunity in this moment, to not just assert ourselves, but to advance a paradigm which i think meets this moment in a very unifying way. this was bipartisan in the senate. opponents questioned the constitutionality of proposition one because they say it. >> it calls for forcing some mentally ill people on the streets into treatment programs. they argue homelessness cannot be solved through forced treatment. >> a weak cold front moving through the bay area earlier today, our warm front. pardon me. and that's why temperatures warmed up. that was my point. it was pretty cold around here over the last few days. over the weekend, lower snow elevations, mild to cool temperatures. and then today we warmed up a good five degrees. so antioch got 66. morgan hill was 61. temperatures tomorrow back into the low 60s. and by the weekend or the middle end of the week, we'll be back into the low and mid 60s. not a big warm up, but not as cool as it was. that was kind of a very
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cold weather system. this is san francisco that is market street with the lights lit up and always again, whenever i look at the bridge, it's just that, that bend, that dogleg in the bay bridge always surprises me, right? you always think it's going from east to west, and it's got a lot of looks like that's. well, i can't even get the orientation of it, but you get the idea. it's really bent out there. so the scattered showers continue. this is kind of the plan. the next couple of days is just sort of unset. old weather systems offshore are not giving us a direct hit, not at least until saturday. but no direct hits, just these kind of drive by systems starts tomorrow and kind of winds down as we go into to wednesday or wednesday and thursday. so here's one system here. this is the one that's going to affect us on wednesday. it's a low that's working its way down the coast. and then this is the area that's going to affect us tomorrow. so not well defined either of them. so not really a big concern in terms of potential rainfall or potential issues with rain now in the mountains i'll get more snow. certainly snow levels are coming up. temperatures have
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warmed up to. that's that function of that warm front. 13 degrees warmer in petaluma tonight than last night. we're above freezing in all locations around the bay. this is the model. this is 8 a.m. tomorrow morning. and you'll see it just dancing all over the place and then stays here. and then cloudy . that's tomorrow afternoon or tomorrow evening. and then we get into wednesday morning and there's that low going down the coast. and it just kind of kisses the coast and then maybe drops a shower. so wednesday right now looks like the best opportunity for maybe some kind of a drive by sprinkle. but again nothing to change. at least it doesn't look like there's anything to change your plans over. none of them are direct hits. they're just kind of brushed bys and then on saturday, though, you'll see in the five day there is a system, an actual extratropical frontal system that's going to come in and bring a kind of further to the north, but it'll bring some scattered showers and snow to the mountains. saturday. saturday is our best bet for a few scattered showers right now, and you'll see it right there. chance of showers and then on sunday, much nicer. so the five day forecast looks pretty good as we get closer to springtime
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time. see you back here at 11. >> all right. see you then, bill. thank you. nine time pro bowler and super bowl champion russell wilson looking for a new team. but the broncos still on the hook for a pretty penny. our jason appelbaum with the story next in sports. and tonight on the 11:00 news. >> nearly a dozen people hurt after trying to cross a border wall in california. the numbers that show these injuries are becoming more and more common
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i launched our campaign at this union hall. let's go win this thing! then we hit the road and never stopped. you shared with me your frustration at working harder to barely get by and afford a place to live. your fears for our democracy and freedoms and your dreams for yourself, your family, and the future. it is not too late to realize those dreams. i'm adam schiff, and i approve this message because together we can still get big things done.
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minute. everyone loves you and the next minute you're looking for a new job. the latest example denver quarterback russell wilson, who two years ago signed a five year deal with the broncos worth $243 million.
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and today he was informed he was being released. the main reason wins and losses wilson won only 11 of his 30 starts denver and just did not mesh with head coach sean payton, nor the fan base and cutting wilson. the broncos. they're going to take an $85 million salary cap hit over the next two seasons. that's how bad they wanted him off the team. jacksonville jaguars defensive tackle foley fatukasi has turned 29 today, so the team wished him a happy birthday on social media. and then about four hours later, they reportedly cut him. released him. talk about the worst birthday present ever. happy birthday. you're fired. the reason? as usual, money. the move is going to save the jags about 3.5 million under the cap and after 13 seasons in the nfl, philadelphia eagles center jason kelce. he made it official today and announced his retirement. he is, of course, the older brother
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of taylor swift's boyfriend jason played his entire career in philadelphia and was named first team all-pro six times, including last season. so he was still playing at an elite level. but at age 36, it was just time. kelsey, emotional as he said goodbye. oh my god. thank you. >> philadelphia from the bottom of my heart. thank you for letting me represent this city. that's all i got. >> and then he got a big bear hug from travis, whom he does a very entertaining podcast with, by the way, and of course, hugs from mom and dad. next stop, quite possibly the hall of fame after after two years in toronto, matt chapman, he returns to the bay area and today we got our first look at chapman in a san francisco giants uniform. the former all
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star third baseman provides an immediate upgrade defense early, and though chapman doesn't hit for average, he does have some pop. one big reason he chose the giants was to be reunited with manager bob melvin, whom he played for over five seasons with the a's. chapman is saying they had unfinished business, and the giants were a perfect fit, getting to come back here and have an opportunity to be in an organization like the giants, um, you know, a team that's not afraid to spend, a team that's not afraid to go get free agents and keep guys together and keep adding all the all the things that you expect, you know, a winning franchise to do. >> now we have the opportunity to do that here. and i couldn't be more excited and speaking of former a's third baseman josh donaldson, he's calling it quits after 13 seasons in the majors. >> the 38 year old struggled the past two seasons with the yankees and brewers, but in his day, he was one of the best third basemen in the league, his best season coming in 2015, a
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year after the a's traded him to toronto that year with the blue jays, he hit 41 home runs and led the league with 123 rbis in all, donaldson played with seven teams over his 13 year career. okay, odd timing on this one, but a day after the warriors lost to the celtics by 52 points, head coach steve kerr was named western conference coach of the month. now, how is that possible, you wonder? well, uh, kerr was honored for what the warriors did last month, in february, which is when a league best 11 games to get themselves back into the playoff conversation in yesterday's loss, by the way, the worst of the steve kerr era for a loss, kerr said after the game. you just flushed down the toilet and you move on, okay, the 40 niners hold the 31st pick in next month's nfl draft. could christian mccaffrey's younger brother luke be on their radar? check this out. luke mccaffrey, who caught 126 passes the last
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two seasons with the rice owls. he ran a 4.47 40 at the combine over the weekend, and that's actually 41/100 of a second faster than his big brother ran at the 2017 combine. you see, the nfl network that that visual representation, luke, by the way, is projected somewhere in rounds 4 to 6. and take you out to salt lake city for our dunk of the night wizards at jazz collins. sexton floats it up to keyonte george who goes off the backboard and back to sexton for the slam. and watch this. you can see sexton kind of calling for it. and george delivers the great pass off the glass. great play from sexton. and george and the jazz. they win at 127 to 115. well designed right there. pretty sweet. you know you don't see that very look like an all star type guy play. yeah >> all right jason thank you. okay. next up at 11 we have same day registration. >> you can go in. we can get you registered and we can get you to
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vote. elections officials encouraging voters to make their voices heard. >> we are now less than eight hours away from the polls, opening here in the bay area for california's primary. the 11:00 news on ktvu fox two starts now. so far, bay area election officials say they are seeing a low voter turnout, but they're expecting more to show up tomorrow as people go in person to cast their ballots. hello again everyone. i'm julie julie haener and i'm mike mibach, california is not the only ones voting on super tuesday, and 15 states and one territory voters will cast those ballots for the primary election nearly one third of all republican and democratic delegates are up for grabs right here in california. >> voters have been able to cast those ballots by mail for several weeks now, and many departments are reporting that low turnout so far, ktvu jana katsuyama reports a steady stream of voters came to the corner collection box outside san francisco city hall, early birds dropping their ballots off before election da


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