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tv   The Ten O Clock News on KTVU FOX 2  FOX  March 5, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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on tuesday. the results are coming in from the presidential race to the top two vote getters in the race to fill the open, u.s. senate seat right here in california. >> i want this u.s. senatorc jo, and i want to do the job for you because you deserve it, because you're a great california. >> you helped us build the biggest grassroots campaign for senate in california history, and i cannot thank you enough. >> it is official. congressman adam schiff will advance to the general election against political newcomer steve garvey in the race to fill the senate seat once held by the late dianne feinstein. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> let's get right to the latest numbers newsroom tonight. right now, as you can see, democrat adam schiff has 36e of the vote,
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while republican steve garvey has 29% of the vote. they are the top two vote getters, congresswoman barbara lee have m coverage of the california senate race. ktvu cristina rendon is standing by live in oakland, where representative tonight. but first we go to our jana katsuyama janet garvey and schiff both celebrating a big win tonight. >> yes, you can see by the numbers that they reallyc pulled out ahead of the other two main candidates. butúalthough tonight is a primary, some people saw republican as paving an easier h for schiff instead of forcing him to battle another democrat. in november, both garvey and schiff spoke this past hour as well as porter, and there were actually some protests, as you'll hear, interrupting, schiff. >> i congratulate congressman schiff for joining me in the general election.
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>> speaking on election night just after the polls closed, former l.a. dodgers baseball player steve garvey pitched his come from behind campaign as a win for moderate california republicans. >> well, we feel good about double header, the second game a is going to be daunting. it'll be almost like a super bowl over eight innings, but i think it should be exciting. >> but with results still coming in, and in a state where republicans haven't wonúa senate seat since 1988, and democrats outnumber republicans 2 to 1, a runoff between garvey and democrat adam schiff seems more likely to clinch the seat for schiff. in november, schiff spoke from his campaign party in southern california after polls closed. >> it looks like we're going to the general ladies and gentlemen, my great gratitude to all of my wonderful supporters. i want to acknowledge the right of our protest ers, and i look forward to working with you all and onward to victory.
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>> in november, schiff cast his vote in burbank. earlier in the day, the southern california congressman with bay area roots in danville and stanford university continued campaigning on election day, meeting business owners in downtown la's grand central market. his sights set on november with strong endorsements by speaker emerita nancy pelosi, labor unions and the l.a. times. he had this to say tuesday. >> i really think californians are looking for someone in the senate that can take on the big fights when it's necessary, but knows also how to deliver, how to bring back resources to california. >> his closest democratic competitor, congresswoman katie porter, who voted over the weekend in irvine, cast her one that didn't take money from pacs and was endorsed by senator elizabeth warren and the san francisco chronicle. >> we know that tonight we will come up short. let me also say this our opponents threw everything, every trick millions of dollars, every trick in the
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playbook to knock us off our feet. but i'm still standing in >> that was porter earlier tonight at her campaign, had said that she plans to still hold a meeting tomorrow with members of the united auto workers union, which endorsed her campaign. it will be interesting to see mike and julie where she comes out on this race tomorrow by the light of day. >> thank you for that. now to ktvu cristina rendon in oakland tonight. and christina, barbara lee, she's already left the bay area. >> she has she's already boarded a plane back to washington, d.c. she says she still has her job to do, and she wants to make sure that congress works to keep the government still open and working. this, though, where we're at is a joint election night watch party that was organized by lee and lateefah simon campaigns for her seat, her successor that she believes will actually happen, which is lateefah simon, a bart board of directors behind us. she's been
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taking pictures with people. it is very loud in here, but regardless of the fact that barbara lee is already not conceding in this race. she said that her campaign has ran a phenomenal multiracial, progressive campaign, and she will wait and watch the votes in spthe coming days. barbara lee, east bay congresswoman barbara lee standing alongsideúthe leading candidate to be her of directors, lateefah simon.rd >> i'm going to pass this baton to you that ron dellums passed to me. >> lee is vacating her seat in congress to run for the late senator dianne feinstein's seat. she thanked volunteers and voters amid the more money. >> when you look at 30 some million dollars, when you look at 20 some million dollars by my opponents, it's like, come on, what do you think that is? i mean, i don't take corporate pac money. you could see the disparity in the money. i mean, come on, money doesn't go to a black
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progressive woman. but we have people and we have low donors. we have recurring donors for the past 26 years as congresswoman spfor the 12th district, she's held tough representing oakland in the east bay. >> she was the lone vote opposing the invasion of afghanistan in r001. she's fought for reproductive rights more recently, she was among the first to call for a permanent cease fire between israel and hamas. her backers include celebrities, bay area politicians and grassroots organizations. >> people understand that i see them, i hear them that i want to make their lives better, lee said. >> she'll be watching the votes in the coming days and also looking to the future in simon, who was once her student. when lee taught at mills college. fill your shoes in congress.e t- >> you were my professor, but you've been moreúthan that to me. we hold this baton so sacred. barbara lee speaks. >> and lateefah simon has
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tonight. at after 9:00 here on- stage at this election night watch party. full of enthusiasm. i'm sure you'll be hearing from her a little bit later in our newscast. now, as for lee, she is still very optimistic. again, not conceding. and as she heads back to washington and says wore also did not want to talk about her future. i asked her, regardless of the outcome tonight, what are her plans next for the future? and she did tha& mike. ñ> all right. cristina rendon cristina. thank you for that. barbara lee, her congressional seat indeed. now up for grabs. lee endorsed lateefah simon prea mentioned, simon is a bart board tran's 18. jennifer tranl a cal state university east bay professor. we heard from lateefah simon just a short time ago. we know that there's no one
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trick pony to public safety. >> it is about jobs, say jobs. it's about good health care, say health care. health care is about people in communities taking care of each other. >> lateefah simon again heavily favored to move on to november. but that race still has yet >> all right now to the race for the white house, where biden ant donald trump have both secured a >> and let's take a look at the republican primary results. donald trump with 75% of the vote tonight. nikki haley with 21. also, let's give you a look at how president biden is can ss secured 90% of those votes. a 2020 rematch appears to be inching closer. it sure does. >> nationwide, voters in 15 states, plus the territory of american samoa, cast ballots this super tuesday for both the democratic and republican parties. about a third of all delegates are at stake tonight in the presidential race. it was a big night forúpresident biden
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and former president trump, as again, they marched toward a rematch. now of 20r0. mr. biden now has an estimated 593 delegates, with many more to be allocated from tonightn he needs 1968 to become the presumptive nominee. so far, mr. trump has an estimated 751 delegates, 1215 are needed toúclinch the republican nomination. for a look at tonight's major takeaways at the top of the ticket, wet& political reporter, greg lee. greg, the focus now shifting toward the general election. >> julie, it certainly isc trump and biden dominating the contest tonight and honing in on each other. as polls closed around the country. bothúmen fell just short of a sweep of super tuesday, but certainly stage fo. nikki haley had vowed to at lear tuesday. she defeated mr. trump in vermont, a stateúwith an open primary where independents could vote. she narrowlyúwon. you can see about 98% of the vote in winning 50 to 46. many believed
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utah might also be a state where haley could do well. she rallied in the state leading up to caucuses. numbers are still coming in at this hour, trump leading haley 66 to 33, but tonight belonged to the former president. in addition to the big prize of california, he locked in texas, the second delegate rich state on the map today. he rolled to victory there 78 to 17. theúborder and immigration key issues in that state and will be in the general. mr. trump watched the lago estate in florida, and itt- changed from his previous victory speeches. he did not single out haleyc or call for hr to drop out. he didn't even mention her by name. the former president instead called for unity in the party. trump will bounce between the campaign trail and the courtroom as he faces 91úfelony counts. tonight, he centered his attacks on president biden as he turned the page. >> there has never been anything so conclusive an amazing night,n
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amazing day. it's been an incredible period of time in our country's history. it's been sad in so many ways, but i think it's going to be inspiring to d& something that, frankly, nobody has been able to do for a long time. november 5th is going to go down as the single most important day in the history of our country. >> president joe biden also focused on november, releasing a statement saying in part, tonight's results leave the american people with a clear choice. are we going to keep moving forward, or will donald trump to drag us backwards into the chaos division and darkness that defined his time in office? while biden cruised through tonight's primaries, only falling short in american samoa, an effort that started in michigan carried over intoúa few states, most notably in minnesota. voters choosing uncommitted instead of the president, a protest vote over his handling of israel and gaza. we saw voters in a handful of other states taking this step to get his attention. now back to the republicans. haley did not give public remarks tonight. she
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watched the returns from south carolina with her staff,úher campaign releasing a statement saying in part, there remains a large block of republican primary voters who are expressing deep concernsúabout donald trump. here's what she said this morning about the calls to drop out of the race. >> i don't know why everybody is so adamant that they have to follow trump's lead to get me out of this race.úyou know, all of these people deserve to vote. 16 states want to have their voices heard. let'súletútheir voices get heard. i think that's it's as it gets. that's where democracy we don't anoint kings in america. we let people have choices. >> again. haley, still in the race tonight. the next major date on the republican primary calendar, march 12th. four contest. trump's campaign believes he can clinch the nomination on that day. >> all right, we'll talk about the future in a little bit. don't go far. we've got more questions for you, but i want to get to proposition one real quick. it is the only statewide proposition on today's ballot. prop one would allow the state to borrow $6.4 billion to use to
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build mental health and substance abuse treatmentt& facilities. it would also build supportive housing for thet& homeless, taking a look at the results right now, 53% of the vote with yes, 47 say no. the opponents question the constitution, rationality of this measure, as well as its cost. this does have the support, though, from governor newsom. we will keep an eye on this proposition one race throughout the evening. >> all right. for more insight now, we're joined by ktvu political analystúhere. once ag, brian, race to fill the late senator dianne feinstein seat, adam schiff, steve garvey going head to head in garvey have a c? >> well, to be honest, not really. the registration numbers in california 2 to 1 dems and the money that adam schiff will be able to tap into knowing that he's got that kind of advantagea very high mountain to climb. attorney general race in 2010,-
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and kamala harris and steve cooley in a very tight race for that statewide position, 46% to 45. knowing that that there's a chance, will the republican party start to dump money into this? garvey campaign, and the party will certainly get behindf wanted. he spent $25 million on ads elevating the profile of steve garvey because he believed he would have an easier route facing him as a republican than katie porter, a democrat who was there. so this is exactly how the schiff campaign had drawn it up. but you have to wonder there will be some momentum here for steve garvey as the party looks toúget behind him, likely, and then see what he does. but again, as brian said, it is a steep hill to climb for any republican in this state. sp>> well, and one more thing to remember is that adam schiff has porter and barbara lee and say, hey, you know, yeah, it was a strategy that i know you didn't agree with, but it will deliver a democrat seat. and i did what
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i needed to do. there's going to be some upset people in both those camps, but it'll work itself out. >> weúdid learn tonight. californians want what type of liberalúin this seat. yeah. progressive or not, progressives left out ofúthis race as well as women. >> right, brian? i mean, thisúis the first time that since 1992 that california will not have a woman senator in a very long time. so that's part of this as well. >> okay. let's turn to the presidential race. not a lot of suspense as to who the nominees, presumptive nominees are going to be. president biden versus former president donaldútrump, t about the presidential campaigns? what are the key takeaways from this top of the ticket race? >> well, for joe biden i think s this thing that was reported on around uncommitted, votes and voters, that's an interesting thing to watch, because that is a quasi protest vote. or people who say, i cannot vote for the president for donald trump. i think hec is going to go soon to
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the haley camp and say, we actually need you and we need your supporters because we have a contest against an incumbent. and if we don't have you, we may not win this. nikki haley voters, are they gettable at this point? >> i don't think you look at some of the vote. oh go to joe n certainly won't go to trump.úbur as joe biden as a protest to donald trump. but you know, certainly the republicansúare going to be looking at those independents and those haley. ae biden has to look at younger voters, especially those the haf israel. hamas. well and we know that anecdotally, there are a lot of haley supporters who mayc just sit the thing out. >> they just cannot find themselves a place where they can vote for donald trump or joe biden. >> when we look down the biggesi want to ask both of you the same question. the biggest challenge facing president biden, former president trump, is itc all the legal problems for president
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joe biden? >> i think you've yes. yeah. the answer is yes. joe biden ist& eventually going to have to come out andústart doing interviews. he's going to have to debate. he's going an active candidate. donald trump, whether he can do this or not, is going to have to tone down the rhetoric that we're very familiar with and begin to run a presidential campaign. >> joe biden has a state of the union address very important for two nights. >> big deal. >> absolutely. be a launch in the general election. and i think beyond those factors as well, is the general apathy from people who don't want toúsee this rematch that we're headed want this rematch, but they're o get. >> all right, soúmuch to cover. it was great having both of your thoughts tonight. i think we're going to have a little bit more with you coming up later, brian. >> thank you. absolutely, absolutely. >> well, our election coverage continues coming up after the for you coming from sane report- francisco, where some controversial measures are ont& the ballot. a look at the latest
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numbers coming up. >> also a very big night in sili co
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determining the fate of seven different measures. one of the most contentious is measure e. >> it would give expanded powers to san francisco police,
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including officer chases. the measure would also reduce the powers of the citizen police oversight commission. it needs more than 50% of the vote to pass. here's a look right now at the latest numbers for measure e. as you can see right now, it is passing in a big way with 62% voting in favor of measure e. now moving on to measure b, that would set minimum staffing levels for san francisco police. it calls for creation of existing taxes to pay forúthe increased staffing. right now, as you can see on your screen, voters are saying no right now to measure b, 67% saying no. bus proposition f. it would require adults without dependance on welfare to be screened forc illegal drug use. the latest results here show prop f is passing with 64% of the vote passing in a big way. again, 36% no lee joining us live tonight from the city with
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reaction from both san franciscn breed, amber. >> that's right mike. we're at a nina, a bar in the hayes valley neighborhood. this is the party for the three propositions backed by mayor london breed.t& she's here with me. live to talk about the lead mayor. what's your reaction to all three being in the lead? >> well, i'm the future of san francisco. we have so much work to do, and being able to tools o do that work will be a gamet& changer. so i think the voters , they want to see change.úthey want to see us working together. they want to see progress on public safety. they want to see progress on the things we need to do for our economic recovery. and we are well on our way. just this past couple of months ago, i released the numbers for 2023, which shows that that was one of the lowest crime rates we've had
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in ten years, not including the pandemic. and we want to keep that momentum going. i'm really excited about what e and f is going to do to help keep that momentum going so that we can ensure continued safety in san francisco. >> well, you have critics that say prop e is rolling back police reform.úwhat'sc to that? >> well, say two things. they'll always be critics,únumber one. number two, we have not abandoned our police reforms here in san francisco and back. we're on track to complete the 272 recommendations from the obama administration, us attorney's office. we've been implementing those things every step of the way, but sadly, the police commission in some instances have gone too far. this proposition e in particular , creates a balance so that we can address some serious challenges we have around public safety. any surprise about, you know, how things have turned out for you tonight? well, first of
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all, i'm really excited. i'm really happy. i'm surprised i haven't already fell down on the floor. i've been up since i think 435 this morning. so i'm really excited. i'm a little delirious, but i can't believe this is happening. not just the ballot measures, includingúno on b, yes on a, things are looking good, but also a lot of the democratic county central committee candidates for change beat out even a number of elected of supervisors. and so i'm really excited about that. >> thank you. sticking around for us. thanks. thanks, mayor. have a good night.úwell, earlier tonight we also spoke with people who oppose two of those propositions . let's hear from them. >> proposition e to me is a hail mary by this mayor. who knows? public safety is one of the top concerns. and yet she's playing on people's fears. there's nothing in proposition e that
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will make san francisco safer. it will only make san francisco less safe. and it will target communities that have been overpoliced for decades. >> we don't have the resources to actually provide treatment to the folks who even need it now, who are asking for it now. they're waiting in. and so it's a false promise. is one of one of the problems we have with it. but also the unintended consequences are that it will increase homelessness. so some people may get increased treatment outúof the measure, but meanwhile we'll see more and more people who actually have substance use disorder ending w, no doubt this has been a good night for the mayor so far. if the results hold up. you see, people here are still here. there's about 200úpeople. the mood is absolutely upbeat. right. amber lee thank you for that i appreciate it.
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on the ballot the city,easurest- including measure c. it would eliminate real estate transfer tax for developers who convert commercial buildings into housing. right now, 55% of those who voted support the measure. 45% do not. also on the ballot, measure g, this would make city policy to encourage the san to offer algebra to eighth grade students, once again overwhelming. you can see 85% of voters support the measure. >> congresswoman anna eshoo retiring after more than 30t& years in office. >> coming up, the latest results in the crowded race to replace her in silicon valley and a live report from a where voters are keeping a close eye on some y ra s
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[ tense music ] one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted pain relief. aleve. who do you take it for? and for fast topical pain relief, try alevex. is retiring after 32 years in office. at this hour it is a
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tight race. former mayor sam liccardo, san jose mayor sam liccardo has 23% of the vote, and santa clara county supervisor joe simitian with 18% ofúthe vote. >> ktvu lamonica peters caught up with sam liccardo and assemblyman evan low tonight.t& she joins us live from cupertino. lamonica >> that's right. mike and julie, i am in cupertino right now. there were hundreds of people there's still a few dozen people left. i'm atúthe watch party for assembly member evan low, and last we checked at 930. as you mentioned, it showed that sam b0 votes. he had 13,000 votes, followed by joe simitian and then evan low. so with sam liccs well as evan low. and here's what about tonight's race. >> well, the name of the game is being in the top two, so that ultimately is thec goal. but wht is important is that we've done
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all that we possibly can. this sprace, showed that 11 candidats desire to run for congress and especially in an environment where congress is so spdysfunctional. and so you thik about who would want to actually but our district expectscessary- exceptionalism. and i'm, again, i'm so proud to be able to earn the trust of every single voter in the congressional district. >> what we're seeing in the early results is what i'm hearing at the doors. it'sc a reflection of the fact that our residents are responding to the urgent need to get congress moving around what we are most challenged with. >> now, two other things i wanted to mention, of course, the mayor of san jose was also being elected tonight, and it looks like mayor matt mehan will continue doing the work that he's doing in san jose and also measure b and the city of santa clara. it looks like 72% of voters want the police chief to
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no, on measure b has passed and the police chief will continue to be elected. now, of course, votes are still the final resultsúas soon as we have them. it usually takes a couple of days here in santa clara. so in santa clara county. mike. juli. >> tight race there in district 16l continue to monitor this one in silicon valley. lamonica thank you for that. you heard lamonica mention that one controversial measure in santa clara that is on the ballot. it is measure b in santa clara is the only city, by the way, that elects, as lamonica said, its police chief. now, measure b would change that to have the chief actually 72% n this measure, 28% had some support. >> we're live from an election night watch in san francisco. i'm crystal bailey
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and we've got reaction from both republicans and democrats tonight about two key races, the presidential and senate race. >> also ahead tonight, presidend donald trump. our greg lee will join us again after the break with a look the next state primaries and what's to come in november. >> and how big is a high school basketball game? when nbaúall star damian lillard shows up to watch? joe fonzi explains tonight in sports also coming spup, a shop inside an iconic sn francisco hotel is closing the reasoning beh the d is you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter
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for the white house. much of the focus tonight on the republican primary. >> we are joined once again by our political reporter, greg
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lee. and greg, it's been no he did lose in vermont and althh couple of other states right now >> yeah, utah and alaska continue to count. but by haleyn vermont and but she really doesn't have a forward. let's ga look at a couple of states north carolina 74 delegates up for the numbers. trump cruises tout- victory. about 98% of the vote in leading 74 to 23% in maine. haley was endorsed by republican senator susan collins. it was also one of the states that had efforted removing trump off the ballot, which was overruled hald to keep trump under 50% to win any delegates. it certainly does not look like she'll be able to do that. losing 72 to 26. so biden and trump big night. certainly looks like we're headed towards that rematch of 2020. >> you talk about rematch i think about four years the poll, biden ahead against donald trump tonight. some of those same
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sppolls have trump ahead of bid. so the question is what does president biden need to do? what issue is not resonating with americans? is it immigration?c s it inflation? is it i mean, there's aúlot. but if you had to campaign, the biden campaign needs some of the key issues that we'll see se union. and i think the biggest thing for people, obviously, the war in israel is one thing, but the economy, right? i think the economy is a major thing. while and jobs come up, people still,- at the end of the day are feeling like they don't have money in their pockets. they feel like they're having a tough time paying their bills. and i think the message is, how do you get that message to voters to tell them we're working on it? it's getting better, but that's certainly something that's going to play a big part in the general election. >> i know we're still really a long ways out, but it actually comes than we all like to think. when we look at down the road, who do you think could be a potential running mates for a president biden, a >> obviously, vice president
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harris will continue to be there with president biden. president trump has been former president trump has been asked this question a lot. she will absolue his vice president nominee. the question is, who in the party fits that bill for him? you would think he would like to fill that seat with a strong woman from the republican party. if that is something that he considers. but, you know, at this point, given us any hint as to who that person might be. but julie, as you said, november is in election terms and in political terms is a long way away. and same to your point that a lot can change in terms of voter sentiment and the issues that we are considering. you still have legal cases out there, and you still have legal cases out there too. and i and i will say,úyou would think that as you look at these legal cases, they would hurt the former president, butt& they have certainly helped him. and he strength and power, certainly fundraising of& of every indictment off of every court case. >> all right, greg, thank you. thanks well, here in the bay area, former congresswoman jackie speier is running for the san mateo county board of supervisors. she is up againstt& millbrae city council member anne schneider. the latest numbers show jackie speier is
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leading in a big way, with 70% of the vote toúanne schneider's 30% of the vote. board of supervisors jackie speier was on from 1980 to 1986, before winning seats in the state legislature and eventually moving on to congress. >> all right, both republican and democratic voters the bay area to keep an eye out on those results. as they do roll in this evening. ktvu is crystal bailey joins usúlive tonight from an election watch party in san francisco. crystal >> that's right. there's been high energy from both of the watch parties we went to. actually this is where the democrats are gathering in san francisco. you can see still tonight. and there's not really that much surprise specifically about the results surrounding two of those key races here on super tuesday, the senate and the presidential race. a mixed bag of reactions throughout the night as voters work to get their candidates on the november ballot, with most folks at the san francisco republican party election watch party in the marina district rallying around trump. >> my wife and i are looking fod
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to it. wegre looking forward to a different outcome this time. i'm hoping for trump and standing by steve garvey for the coveted california senate seat. being a giant fan, there's one dodger on the back. yeah, definitely. we like steve garvey across town. >> south of market was where the democrats held their watch night with the labor and working families party hosting. and while adam schiff took the primary seat, democrats in thet& city were betting on their speaks for me because she is from the bay area and with a rematch between donald trump and president joe biden for the presidency, biden's age has been a concern. >> i think i would rather he be younger, but they're both old. >> i'm younger thancc3 f1 think i'm too old to be president. >> so still, for most san francisco democrats, i, i definitely want to see biden beat trump. bay area voters are eager to see what happens next. >> i'm very excited about the prospects of the san francisco republican party moving forward. >> every vote really does
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matter. this time. >> and even if it was not their first choice, people from both sides of the aisle say they thes in the november election. they alsoúsay between now and then,t& they're going to be working on getting more people registered voter turnout. back to you,ighe- >> all right. crystal bailey live tonight in san francisco. crystal, thank you for that. across the the uc berkeley campus this evening, people gathered to watch returns for the primary elections and also discuss the issues. >> i think one of the things regardlessúof what are the particular struggles of this particular election, what issues we're facing or the dissemination of information, spaces for discourse, for civil discourse are evaporating rapidly. >> the uc berkeley institute of governmental studies tonight held an election watch party with trivia, games and food while live streaming the election, the event also giving attendees a better chance to really learn a bit more about what igs does statewide.
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>> we do consistent lobby trips to advocate on behalf of the different, you know, legislation that we want to see passed how e things looking? >> berkeley igs does bring together faculty and students to research matters of politics, public policy and public issues in alameda county, voters will decide on a recall measure. >> measure b would raise the threshold of signatures needed alameda county's recallúelection laws to mirror california's law. so far, tonight's results show that 64% are saying yes to measure b, 36% are saying no. again, this would be the effort to recall, alameda county district attorney pamela price. and a reminder now that you can get the latest election results for both local and national races on your website. just go to all right. >> coming up tonight at 11 pgn $900l000 last year in utility is
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warning about in regards to >> and we are there. a few morel potentially for tomorrow. and beyond that we'll take a look at the five day forecast when i see >> but first, more than a dozen guns seized in east ba
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are working to claims crime in many categories over the past three months. is down compared to the same time in previous years, but statistics show robberies are up 40% from invasg from 8 to 18 so far this year. a 125% increase. we spoke with the mayor, talked with mayor tao earlier on mornings on two, and she says the reduction in crime has been especially prevalent in business districts with concentrated police foot patrols and crime suppression teams. >> the robberies, the commercial burglaries, you know, the shipping, all of that has gone down. it's trending down. >> some merchants say they appreciate foot patrols, but those officers aren't there around the clock and their visible presence could arguably push would be criminals to target are searching for the person homicide of the year.ity's first surveillance video shows an unidentified man stab two victims. this was on the evening of february 8th near university
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and bell one was not seriously injured. the other person, frank finney, died from his injuries. the police department hoping the public will help solve this case. >> i don't believe this is going to start a trend because we do have officers actively going out there and again, building that that community trust, that community policing, and we're actively stopping and talking to subjects out there. >> detectives focused on finding this white suv used in the crime, which will hopefully lead them to a suspect coming up, a local business set inside an iconic san francisco hotel is shutting down. >> why? the owner is calling it quits after more than 30 years. >> also, oakland mayor shengtao, speaking about the oakland a's, what she is saying about the future of the team, and clear skies tonight following a little in the d
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not be renewing. the raphaels has been in business for 46 years. another location right near union square, closed ten burberry is trying to sell itsnd 17,000 square foot space on pos& street, in the heart of san francisco's union square. this is the first time in more than 20 years that the nearly 100 year old building could trade owners. the selling price is not yet known. >> all righty. let's take a look at the long range model right off the top. we know we had a few light showers today actually in the north bay. they got an ih up on mount veeder. and of the north bay santa rosa downtown like quarter of an inch. of us trace amounts to under a 10th. so here is the long range model. here we are. now here we go into tomorrow morning. so can you see the bay area. so right there's & slight kind of clears out pretty quickly on friday thursday friday. and then this system swings by late friday night into saturday morning doesn't look like much. and then you get a little. another swing comes in sunday afternoon and then maybe
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another swing by on on monday night. tuesday. so what i just show you there are three systems all pretty much near misses or not direct hits. and so it's going to continue with this sort of a forecast where like tomorrow. yeah there might be a sprinkle or two like today. temperatures will be a little warmer. we'll see a little more sunshine. butc you're going to potentially be dodging a few sprinkles, especially in the morning hours. so with that in mind we move on to theúmodel here. there it is at 1:00 right there. so peninsula san jose, maybe a few showers, maybe even a thunder shower if you buy that . so we'll see. so that's tomorrow afternoon. and then quickly around 6:00 it starts to sprinkle around oakland. andc qi know what do you do with that in terms of how do you plan your day?c i think you just go about it with an umbrella. and the idea that potentially especially appears in the morning and then the early afternoon, the chances for a shower are pretty strong. so another longer look at the model. this will take us out to thursday. friday. here's tomorrow morning and there's sie
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afternoon commute on the east bay might be a little bit damp. then it clears out, then you get a bunch of valley fog. that's thursday friday night. and then this is the saturday potential forc a near miss kind of a system. so nothing like we've seen pretty much all winter. we've had these direct hits or pretty close. and these are just these little brush bys which don't have the potential really to do much inúterms of precipitation snowfall for thato these are the forecast highs for tomorrow, which could be a little warmer than it was today and a little warmer than certainly the last couple of days. and that's where we hover. you'll see in the five day forecast. we're kind of in the low to mid 60s. there's that chance tomorrow there's a chance on saturday. and then on sunday we're going to spring forward. mike. we're going to set those clocks ahead an hour. >> sounds good. all right you i. >> all right oakland mayor shengtao says she is continuing toúwork toúkeep the oakland a's in oakland right now, the a's lease with the oakland coliseum
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runs out at the end of this season. multiple cities, including sacramento, have emerged as possible homes for the club next season. all of this comes as the team plans to move to las vegas. weúspoke with shengtao this morning about how she's addressing the future of the a's in oakland. >> they still haveúa possible deal in las vegas. and so i stand you know, really strong in what i believe in is, is that the oakland a's brand should be here in the city of oakland. we're going to continue to fight along with the fansn and whether it's with a new or with the current ownership. >> mayor tao says her team has kaval, and that those talks are ongoing. well, after much anticipation, new renderings sphave been released now of the proposed stadium in las vegas for the a's. they show a tiered seating bowl design with a sleek , fixed roof. the stadium plans to hold 33,000 fans. the roof allow a natural light and views from the vegas stripn the price tag, $1.5 billion. the ballpark
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is currently set to open for the 2028 season. for high school hoops, with teams trying to punch that ticket to the state championship game. joe fonzi with all the excitement from the hardwood coming up next in sports. >> then on the 11:00 news, we are continuing our coverage. this super tuesday, an update on some of the voting numbers and what to expect this week
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high schools were playing for the northern california basketball championship and a number of different divisions college hosted the boys openosta division game. reardon against
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the number one salesian of richd . in a back and forth game, alvin loving hits the three for salesian with less than a minute and a half left, the pride added two more to win 4944. salesian will now meet the defending state open division champs, harvard-westlake, in the boys division one game san ramon valley of danville met granada of livermore in dublin. this was the fourth between these two teams. s.r.v e stretch. mason thomas with the drive to the hoop to put the wolves in front by nine. with less than four minutes to play, thomas had 17 on the night. the wolves for the fourth time in school history, 5855.c in this one and the state title, the wolves will meet saint john bosco of los angeles inúan all oakland matchup in division two. oakland at oakland damian lillard in the oakland dariusquarter with grayson pulls up for a pair that puts the bulldogs a lead alive down the stretch. they go on to
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win 7366, beating the wildcats y centennial of bakersfield for the state title and other boys games. athenian of danville was a winner over san domenico of san solano in the division five game in d six. cornerstone christian of antioch was a big winner over napa christian in girls games tonight. it would have been an upset if top seeded archbishop mitty didn't win the open division title, the monarchs taking on clovis west in san jose. bel bramer gets the block at one end. then comes the pass from mcdonald's all-american morgan kelly to mckenna. velichko. velichko gets a pair off. that was the
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difference. o'dowd is moving on to the state championship against montgomery of torrance. after this 48 to 47 win. and in tonight's other girls games, university of san francisco went down to carruthers. oakland high is moving on in d5 after aú12 point win over crystal springs of hillsboro. with tonight's nba games in the books, the warriors stand number ten in the western conference. that would make them the fourth play in teams golden state hosts the number two team in the east tomorrow night. the milwaukee bucks. they'll do so with andrew wiggins back with the team. recent four game road trip for what he described as personal reasons still being resolved. he was a full participant in practice today. naturally steve kerr was asked if wiggins will be affected by the layoff. >> all right, congrats, he says he'll be ready to go. yes, sir. that's a good answer. if you
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want to go there or not. yes. all right joe, thank you. you bet. next at 11. >> what you are feeling tonight, it is what it's likeúto hit a walk off home run. >> republican steve garvey moves on to november in the california senate race to face off against front runner democrat adamc schiff. but not everyone happy with tonight's results for all of your support. we built an amazing grassroots team and the 11:00 news on ktvu. >> fox two starts interrupting congressman adam schiff's victory speech in southern california tonight. and one of the most widely watched races nationwide on this super tuesday. good evening everyone. i'm mike mibach and i'm julie julie haener. >> let's take a look now at the latest numbers coming in. adam schiff currently has if we can put up the numbers on the screen. there they are. he has 36% of the vote rig


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