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tv   KTVU Mornings on 2  FOX  March 6, 2024 4:00am-7:00am PST

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possibly drop out of the race as soon as this morning. >> what you are feeling tonight is what it's like to hit a walk off home, run. >> i want to thank you again. all of your support. >> steve garvey, the rep lican candidate for califo ia's u.s. senate seat, and democrat adam schiff will battle to win that seat in november. the seat once held by the late senator dianne feinstein. we'll tell you the reason some people are not happy with the vote results. and
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california congresswoman anna eshoo retiring after more than 30 years in office. the latest results in the crowded raceúin silicon valley to take over her seat. >> from ktvu, fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> well, good morning to you and thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on two. i'm dave clarkn >> good it's wednesday march 6th i think the drizzle and the rain is gone. but let's check in with steve paulson. >> oh, no. pamela. >> oh. wegre getting some today. >> well, it's south for sure. not so much north, but we're getting there. 40s. 50s on the temps. cloudy now around the bay. it's light drizzle, but south it's picking up here, but 40s, 50s under cloudy skies. our system is doing exactly what we thought. there's still some to the north. not as much as maybe yesterday, but still there. but watch around. look at that. so coming out of the santa cruz santa cruz mountains also the santa clara valley into san jose. so we thought this would develop on wednesday morning. guess what? it is there. so
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we'll focus more on that coming up. but today, 60s on the temp still below average. but we have some signs of warmer temps, but not for a couple of days. all right over to sal now at 4:00. just say good morning. let him take it. that's rightn >> sounds like our system is what we thought it was. it is what we thought it was, steve. and you can i know where you're going with that? exactly. it is what we thought it was. all right, let's go to the macarthur maze. westbound. coming around the corner. looks pretty good with no major problems. traffic is moving along very well on westbound 80. we're off to at& nice start. although, as you heard, the man say. and i'm going to say it to a little damp out there. so youúmight want to leave yourself a little extra time. by this point it's been raining all season. you probably a pro at this now, but just make sure that you slow your speeds. 401 let's go back to the headlines. >> sal. new this morning republican presidential candidate nikki haley is expected to drop out of the race for the white house. that's after she won just one state,
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tuesday primaries. nowl her campaign says she will speak this morning in california. president biden and donald trump easily won their parties primaries. >> so let's stop. take a look at the republican primary results here in california. donald trump had 79% of the republican vote. nikki haley 18% on the democratic side, president biden has also locked california, securing 89% of the vote so far in that williamson just 3. and with republican presidential candidate nikki haley expected to drop out this morning, the matchup in november will be between president biden and donald trump. both dominated the votes in their political parties in the super tuesday primaries around the country. >> they call it super tuesday for a reason. this is a big one. >> now, president biden released a statement. it said, in part, millions of voters across the country made their they're reado
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fight back against donald trump's extreme plan to take us backwards. the next major primary day is march 12th. that includes the battleground state of georgia. >> well, it looks like itc will be adam schiff and steve garvey advancing to the november election for california's open u.s. senate seat. taking a look at the latest numbers coming in, adam schiff with 33.2% of the vote, steve garvey 32.4, followed by katie porter and barbara lee. now ktvu jana katsuyama reports with reaction from all four candidates. >> i congratulate congressman schiff for joining me in the general election. >> speaking on election night just after the polls closed, former l.a. dodgers baseball player steve garvey pitched his come from behind campaign as a win for moderate california republicans. >> we feel good about where we are right nown i'll say tonight it's the first game of a double header, the second game is going to be daunting, but with results
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still coming in. >> and in a state where republicans haven't won a senate seat since 1988 and democrats outnumber republicans 2 to 1, a runoff between garvey and democrat adam schiff seems more likely to clinch the seat for schiff in november, schiff spoke from his campaign party in southern california after polls closed. >> it looks like we're going to the general ladies and gentlemen, my great gratitude to all of my wonderful supporters. i want to acknowledge the right of our protesters, and i look forward to working with you all and onward to victory. >> in november, schiff cast his vote in burbank. earlier in the day, the southern california congressman with bay area roots in danville and stanford university. his sights set on november with strong endorsements by speaker emerita nancy pelosi, labor unions and the l.a. times. his closest spdemocratic competitor, congresswoman katie porter, who voted over the weekend in irvine, cast her campaign as a progressive one, one that didn't take money from pacs and was
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endorsed by senator elizabeth warren and the san francisco chronicle. >> we know that tonight we will come up short. let me also say this our opponents threw everything, every trick, millions of dollars, every trick in the playbook to knock us off our feet. but i'm still standing in high heels. another top democrat, congresswoman barbara lee of oakland, said on tuesday her campaign has built a multiracial, progressive movement. >> what's important in terms of barbara lee understand that i se them, i hear them that i want to make their lives better. we have to get the public financing the campaigns because, well. you can see the i mean, come on, the establishment money doesn't go to a black progressive woman. >> congresswoman barbara lee flewúback to washington, dc on tuesday evening. she did not say what would happen if her 26
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years in congress comes to a close katsuyama, ktvu, fox two news. >> thank you, jana. adam schiff's victory speech was interrupted by a group of protesters. >> i want to thank you again. all of your support. >> pro-palestinian demonstrators chanted cease fire now schiff'sh party. one person was escorted away from the stage. schiff addressed the protest. following this disruption, he said, we're lucky to live in a democracy where we all have the right to protest at our time now. >> 406 well, former congresswoman jackie speierc is running for the san mateo county board of supervisors. she's running against millbrae city. now, the latest numbers showed this. jackie speier with 68% of the vote and schneider with 32. jackie speier served on the board ofc supervisors between
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1980 and 1986 before winning seats in the state legislature and eventually in congress in perhaps the closest watch congressional race in the bay area, it looks like former san jose mayor sam liccardo will likely face santa clara county supervisor joe simitian in the general election. >> liccardo received the most votes in a crowded 11 candidate field representing part of the silicon valley. >> we're going to fight for reproductive rights. we're going to fight for democratic institutions. i'll be fighting hard for all those things. but in between the fights,úwe got to get something done and our our country desperately needs a congress that will get something done. on homelessness, on high things that are challenging our- communities. >> la i'm sorry i'm wrong. we do have someone at 710. >> all right. mayor liccardo, former mayor liccardo served 16 years on the san jose city council, including two terms as mayor. he is trying to win the seat held by the retiring longtimeúcongresswoman anna
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eskow. >> now counting california's election results, often take longer, mainly because of vote by mail balloting and ballots that were put into mailboxes yesterday on election day may take a couple of days to arrive by mail ballots that are postmad by election day have to be accepted for up to seven daysn that means the total number of l next week. counties now have 28 days to complete the official vote, counting. now, remember, you can stay up to date on the races in the california races and in other super tuesday states by going to our fox local app. just search for the fox local app and then select ktvu. >> all right. back over to steve sppaulson because he's saying te rain is not completely gone. what he's seeing today mainly south. >> but there's a lot of cloud cover here. but now it's focused more towards santa cruz,c santa cruz mountains, santa clara valley. our system is going down the coast, but it's still the
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counterclockwise here around sa. santa cruz mountains 17 right there, heading right over san jose proper, los gatos. so and then peninsula as well, all up d san francisco, even so again, ye lowest a little bit too far offshore to really make a huge impact, but it will keep a lot of cloud cover in the forecast. and again, if you're farther south, probably a little bit more opportunity for rain here. but everyone's in on this a little bit as we go through the rest of today. then the good news is by thursday and friday we'll get a break 50 on the temps because of all the cloud 48. so a lot of 50s, but you can see a little bit right there over the bay heading over to richmond. so on 80 a lot of cloud cover. again, nothing widespread, but that's the best by far is up toward milpitas, san jose, los gatos, over to santa cruz, down to watsonville. and that line will probably continue to be the main focus
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most of the morning after this system, we get a break thursday and friday, then we will cloud it up again on the weekendúweek systems next. okay system looks to be on monday, so we're not done yet, but at least we'll get some warmer temps on friday. so cloudy of the heaviest rain is south towards the santa cruze low 60s. >> all right thank coverage cons with somec important measures on the ballot in san francisco. so coming up we take a look at the latest numbers. when we come back and watching the votes come in at an election day watch party with some of the voters who were there, said about ome t everyone's hyped that wendy's made the official hamburger of march madness a buck. ♪ sandstorm by darude ♪ yeahhh! wooooo! but tyler and toby are on another level. - get it for a buck. - get it for a buck. (both) dave's single, dave's single get hyped with fresh, never frozen beef
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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will offer an ultimatum to bytedance, the parent company of tiktok, which is based in china. it would give bytedance six months to either sell tiktok or face a ban here in the us. the bill is more than a dozen co-sponsors, but some experts are raising concerns about how it could possibly affect first amendment rights. >> openai is pushing back against elon musk's in a blog post, the san francisco based maker of chatgpt said it intends to dismiss all of the claims musk sued the company, alleging breach of contract, saying it is now focused on making money instead of developing an artificial general intelligence. but the leaders of openai say the company in 2017. in return- for funding for a for profit entity. then left the company shortly after. >> our time now 414, in alameda county, two seats are up for
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grabs in different alameda county districts. jennifer esteen is running against longtime county supervisor nate miley. that seat represents of oakland on the county board of supervisors. now, the other supervisor seat is district five of oakland city council member nikki fortunato. bass is in they council member john borders in second place, but only by a handful of votes. the mail in ballots could end up deciding the race. >> there's an open seat in the california state senate in district seven, which covers much of alameda county and part of contra costa county. here's a look at the results there. berkeley mayor jesse arreguin is 31, has 31% of the vote. comingn second with 17, followed by the other two candidates at 14 and 13. again, the two top two head
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to the general election in november. >> our time now 415, in alameda county, voters also deciding on a recall measure. measure b would raise the threshold of signatures that are needed for a recall that would change alameda county's recall election laws to be similar to california's law so far. the results show this the yes vote 64. the no vote 36. recall effort aimed at removing the current alameda county district attorney pamela price. well, both republican and democratic voters came together to closely watch the vote results as they came in. >> ktvu crystal bailey was in san francisco at an election watch party. >> a mixed bag of reactions throughout the night as voters work to get their candidates on the november ballot, with most folks at the san francisco republican party election watch party in the marina district rallying around trump.
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>> my wife and i are trump people, so we're looking forward to it. we're lookingc forward to a different outcome this time. i'm hoping for trump and standing by steve garvey for the coveted california senate seat. being a giant fan, there's one dodger on the back. yeah, definitely. we like steve garvey across town. >> south where the democrats held their watch night with the labor and workingt& families party hosting. and while adam schiff took the primary seat, democrats in the city were betting on theirúlocal candidate. >> definitely. barbara lee speaks for me because she is from the bay area. >> and with a rematch between donald trump and president pres, biden's age has been a concern. >> i think i would rather he be younger. but they're both old. >> i'm younger than him, and i think i'm too old to be president. >> so still, for most san francisco democrats, i definitely want to see biden beat trump. bay area voters are eager to see what happens next. >> i'm very excited about the
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prospects of the san francisco republican party moving forward. >> every vote really does matter this time. ñ> and even if it was not their first choice, people i spoke to fromúboth parties say they will be sticking with their party on election day in november. they also say between now and then, they'll be hoping voter turnout by getting more people registered to vote in san francisco. crystal bailey, ktvu, fox two news. >> thank you. crystal. well, dozens of people also gathered at uc berkeley last night for a super tuesday watch party. >> i think one of the things that we can all agree on, regardless of what platforms we're using, what are the particular struggles of this particular election, what issues we're facing or the dissemination of information, spaces for discourse, for civil discourse are evaporating rapidly. >> president biden this fall, the uc berkeley institute of governmental studies hosted last night's event to watch and discuss the election returns. those attending also had a chance to learn more about the institute. >> statewide,úwe do consistent lobby trips to advocate on
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behalf of the different, you know, legislation that we want to see passedúfor cal students. katie how are things looking so far? >> last night's watch party on the cal campus also included political trivia games and plenty of food. >> all right, pam,útime is 418. the sierra finally starting to dig out from all the snow it had caltrans lifted the chaind. requirements on interstate 80 and highway 50, the main two highways linking the bay area to the lake tahoe area. many longtime tahoe residents say this sierra snowstorm was bad, but they've seen it a lot worse. >> other notable years i'd say not too high. i've seen a lot, a lot more snow in a shorter period of time. this was a good snowstorm. it brought it brought us a lot ofúsnow. itgs good for >> yeah. that blizzard dropped more than ten feet of snow in some parts of the sierra. 126in of snow fell at pam's sugar bowl ski resort, 93in of snow fell at
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palisades. >> i don't know if i if i wish i owned sugar bowl, it'd be great. i'm sure it's a lot of work though, but i do love sugar bowl. i know all right, let's cn with steve paulson.úi'm sure a lot of people are thinking we should head up this weekend. is it going to be? go for it. okay. >> so it's not going to be another i think the insurance, though would resort. >> i think you're right. i think i have heard and i don't don't, you know, i haven't it's nott& confirmed, but i've heard aúgood percentage of the ski lift ticket is insurance related. yeah. >> yes. what a shocker. >> yeah. ñ> all right, let's get to it here. if you have plans for the mounds, everything isúpointing more towards weaker systems here. friday will be the day to go because it will cloud up on the weekend. there won't be much here, but we have our system making its move here and it is doing what we thought it would do.c and that's sending in some moisture and some activity. san jose, los gatos, santa clara valley, santa cruz, santa cruz mountains, over 17 along coast d
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right into the peninsula. so there's some activity even a bi. lightning strike off the coast there. so you have to put that in yellow. why anybody puts it in white? i don't understand, you can't see it, but i'll fix it. and the amounts, no doubt about it, favor areas to the south san jose. look at that. i think there's going to be a little bit more than that in the santa cruz mountains. but areas to the north, which was all about you yesterday, that's not the case today. a couple of 40s. petaluma is in there. livermore but it's all about 50s. everyone's really close. i think they'll be close on the lows and same on the highs today. a little bit of rain over the bay, on 80 richmond and then heading up north, butúit kind of weakens as it goes north, but not to the south. so milpitas san jose sereno, you're in for some rain. santa cruz area, santa cruz mountains. so that's the focus for today. after that, we get a break system, will dive south. there will be another system kind of clipping us a lot of cloud cover on the way for the rainfall would be on monday into
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tuesday, but sunny and warmer. so we'll we'll celebrate small victories, cloudy, cool drizzle to light rain. the heaviest rain is south, no doubt, and that will be the focus for today. if you can get a few sun breaks, you might pop into some mid 60s, but we'll save that for tomorrow. 60s on the temps. cloudy today. rain mainly south a break thursday friday, then more clouds on the weekend. >> all right steve thank you. time for 21 a shop inside one of san francisco's iconic hotels is closing. we'llc tell you the reasons behind that decision. >> and learning to read is child's development. we're going to show you how teachers and parents can play an active role in improving reading proficiency
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the name of the man who died after a deadly chase and shooting. he is identified as 53 year old jose cervantes of santa
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rosa. on monday, deputies chase cervantes after witnesses said he had an assault rifle outside a nightclub. both deputies and cervantes started shooting at each other. the pursuit ended in a car crash. four deputies were hurt. one deputy is still in the hospital in stable condition. the others have been released. oakland mayor xiang tao is rejecting suggestions that crime is on the rise. critics say she's omitting several key categories. now the mayor is pointing that show certain crimes, such as homicide and previous years. police have focused on foot patrols and crime suppression teams in the business districts. >> the robberies, the commercial burglaries, you know, the shipping, all of that has gone down. it's trending down. >> but figures from police show robberies are up 40% from this time last year. the number of home invasions went from 8 to 18. in the same time period. and that's a 125% increase.
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>> our time now for 25 schools all over the country are still trying to recover from the setbacks during the pandemic. in reading proficiency. now, education experts say many students became far behind, with fell far behind in developing their reading skills while they were away from the classroom during remote learning. and that led to several innovative new reading programs trying to reduce that trend. one school district what's called literacy coaches to help the students catch up. >> we always say universal screeners wave the red flag. coaches can help by providing demonstration lessons. you know, walking side by side with the teacher. >> teachers say they're not the only ones responsible for the struggles these students are facing. they say parents also have to do their part to help their kids at home. >> students in nevada have a new pre-k program specially designed for those with visual impairments
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skills kids learn at the nevada blind children's foundation is reading and writing braille. but the las vegas school has something that is more advanced than traditional braille machines. they have screens so that teachers can monitor students progress in the critical skills that they will need. throughout their lives. >> it's a lot of strength, motor strength that they need, so they will learn all of those motor skills in that pre-k classroom, either playing with play-doh, stringing blocks into, you know, a shoe string. >> so far, three students are enrolled in the spring pre-k class. barbara lee says she is still in the race for the california senate despite being in distant fourth place. we're going to show you the campaign event she held before finding out the results and a rise in nonsmokers developing lung cancer. >> what could be causing that to happen
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drop out of the race for president. we have a live report we are learning about her campaign, and there are new concerns over disruptions in the polling process, the role artificial intelligence could what experts say we need to look out for with the upcoming elections. >> from ktvu, fox two news. this is mornings on two. good morning. us here on morning sun two. i'm pam cook and good morning it's . it'súwednesday it's march 6th. all right. >> we check in with steve paulson for a look at our forecast. what are you seeing >> a lot of cloud cover and rain down towards san jose that's for sure. here. 40s for only a few petaluma and livermore in there. everyone else is in the 50s here,c but san jose is reporting rain. watsonville says rain. there's still some light activity to the south, but the
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focus will be no doubt about it. more towards san jose, santa cruz, santa cruz mountain, santa clara valley and peninsula along the santa cruz, santa cruz coast and san mateo coast as this upper low slides south, but the rotation around that is sending in some pretty good bands. 60s on the temps. all right. sal is here for 30 something new. we all right? what >> you know, hold on. let me turn all this down. we do have a new stalled vehicle in downtown oakland. 980 at 580. that's eastboundúthere, right there at the intersection. that's kind of a tough one. let's go and take a plaza. it is moving along very nicely with no major issues here. if you are driving through. traffic is moving along very nicely as you drive in, and if you're driving on is not thee okay. traffic is moving along the big news this morning, the presidential race. republican presidential candidate nikki haley said to be dropping out of
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the race this morning. that's according to people familiar with her decision. and that's after she only won one state, vermont, inúthe super tuesday primaries. both president biden and former president donald trumpúeasily won their primaries here in california. >ñ and. first, donald trump had 79% of the vote, nikki haley 18. meantime time on the democratic side, president biden also locked in california. he secured 89% ofúthe vote so far. >> now, with nikki haley expected to be out of the race, it will be a rematch between president biden, former president donald trump in november. doug luzader joining us live from washington, dc with the latest on these new developments. good morning doug. good morning. so tell us what you're hearing about nikki haley's campaign, her possible departure and how that will affect the race.
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>> well, nikki haley will announce in about 2.5 hours that she is suspending her presidential campaign, effectively dropping out. and not offer an endorsement ofll former president trump. she will not rule it out, apparently, but she will not offer up that endorsement, despite a pledge that many of the republicans had made through the debate season to endorse whoever was the ultimate republican nominee. now trump is not the nominee yet, but he is awfully, awfully close . after winning a slew of contests yesterday during super tuesday. >> how do you expect that to affect not going to endorse him, perhaps where will her supporters land? >> well, we don't know that she won't won't ultimately endorse him. it's certainly possible that that she won't. of leavingt possibility open today. you something. it doesn't mean that all your candidate that all your supporters just in lockstep move
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and in a, in aúcertain direction . so clearly the biden campaign will make a play for haley voters as well, arguing that that trump has a weakness with moderate republicans and exhibit a for them will be vermont, the state that haley was able to pick up during super tuesday yesterday. >> do you expect that we will hear from president biden or rei haley's campaign and a response to that? >> i'm sure we will, you know, i think it's going to be interesting to see what specifically former president trump says about haley. i mean, they certainly had some bad blood there toward the end, but we've seen people reconcile before in politics. so it will be interesting to see not just what haley says about trump, but what trump says about haley. >> that will certainly be interesting bad blood. and, see if they can unite the party and what will come from this. doug luzader in washington, d.c. thank you for your insight. thank you. well, here in california, voters had only one
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statewide ballot proposition. proposition one would allow the state to borrow $6 billion to use to build mental health and substance abuse treatment facilities. it would also build supportive housing for the homeless. now the proposition has the support of governor newsom, law enforcement and first responders. opponents questioned the constitutionality of the measure as well as the cost. the results this morning still pretty close to calls. you can see there on your screen on yes, 49.5% voting no. so far. >> all right, pam will, democrat adam schiff and republican steve garvey are expected to move on to the november election? in the race for california's openúu.s. senate seat. schiff and garvey have commanding leads over their rivals, but there are still many votes to count. barbara lee, despite coming in fourth place, says she's still in the race.
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ktvu cristina rendon was in oakland, where barbara lee held a campaign event for release. >> keys barbara lee, standing alongside the leading candidate to be her successor. member of bart board of directors lateefah simon. >> i'm going to pass this baton. she got to you that ron dellums passed to me. >> lee is vacating her seat in congress to run for the late senator dianne feinstein's seat. she thanked volunteers and she's fought against challengers with more money. >> when you look at 30 some million dollars, when you look at 20 some million dollars by my opponents, it's like, come on, what do you think that is? i mean, i don't take corporate pac money. you could see the disparity in the money. i mean, spcome on, the establishment moy doesn't go to a black progressive woman. but we have people and we have low donors. we have recurring donors for the past 26 years as congresswoman for the 12th district, she's held tough representing oakland in the east bay. >> she was the lone vote opposing the invasion of
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afghanistan in 2001. she's fought for reproductive rights more recently, she was among the first to call for a permanent ceasefire between israel and hamas. her backers include celebrities, bay area politicians and grassroots organizations. >ñ people understand that i see them, i hear them that i want to make their lives better, lee said. >> she'll be watching the votes in the coming days and also looking to the future in simon, who was once her student when lee taught at mills college. i will never, ever be able to fill your shoes in congress. >> you were my professor. >> but you've been more than that to me. we hold this baton so sacred. barbara lee speaks for me. >> cristina rendon, ktvu fox two news. all rightn >> christina, thank you. when congresswoman barbara lee decided to run for senate, she gave up her congressional seat in the house. she endorsed lateefah simon to be her successor. latifa simon serves on the bard board of directors,
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and she picked up endorsements from governor gavin newsom and lateefah simon is leading with 43% of the vote, compared to 17% for. >> i went back. to. an amazing legacy of the incredible ron dellums, the incredible legacy of barbara lee is one that i will deeply attach myself to. >> i deeply understand that violence now lateefah the noveml election. she will probably face jennifer tran, a cal state east bay professor who was born and raised in oakland. her parents were refugees from vietnam. >> we have a look now in san francisco where voters had to decide on seven different citywide initiatives. >> now, measure a would issue $300 million in bonds to pay for
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affordable housing construction that measure needs at least twoo pass. >> all right. and so far it does have 67, the six that was the previous one, measure b would set a minimum standard for police staffing and would establish a fund for officer recruitment and staffing. it could also result in a new tax, or amend existing taxes in the future to help fund that. so far, 67. no 33. yes on this, this one and all the others that follow need only a simple majority to pass and pam measure c would give a one time exemption on ownership transfer taxes for buildings that are converted from commercial to residential use. >> you can see the yes vote received 54% of the vote. the no vote 46, and measure d would expand the list of gifts that city employees cannot receive. >> 88% going to yes no votes,
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just 12% there. >> now is one of the most closely watched of the citywide measures in san francisco. it would give expanded powers to san francisco police. it would also reduce the powers of the city's police oversight commission. you can see the vote results 60. yes, 40% no. now, some city leaders say if these results hold as they are now, it's a path in the wrong direction for san francisco, proposition e to me is a hail mary by this mayor, who knows public safety is one of the top concerns, and yet she's playing on people's fears. >> there's nothing in proposition e that will make san francisco safer. it will only make san francisco less safe. and it will target communities that have been overpoliced for decades. >> also closely watched is measure f, which would require adults without dependents who receive public assistance from the city to be screened for illegal drug use. if the person
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is determined to be dependent on illegal drugs, they would be required to receive treatment in order to continue receiving benefits. 63% of the votes were spyes, 37% no. there's still soe questions. if it would have a long lasting effect. >> we don't have the resources to actually provide treatment to the folks who even need it now, who are asking for it now. they're waiting in line. and so it's a false promise. is one of one of the problems we have with it, but also the unintended consequences are that it will increase homelessness. so some people may get increased treatment will see more and more people who actually have substance use disorder ending up back out on the streets. >> and finally, there is measure g. it would urge the san francisco unified schoolt& district to offer algebra to eighth grade students once again
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. now, the measure is not legally binding, but it would encourage the school district to offer algebra in eighth grade if it passes. look at the vote's results. the yes vote was 84. now there are many other local propositions and races that we have information on, and you can find that at our website, ktvu .com, along with the fox local app. >> all right. back over to steve paulson checking in on our forecast. where are you starting? >> well, we'll start offshore and then work our way north and south here because the system is doing what we thought. it's going down the coast. but boy the moisture wrapping around coming around counterclockwise is still giving us a lot of cloud cover and some rain now not nearly as much to the north. there is some there, but it's all about really san jose. santa cruz, santa cruz mountains. watch that. look at that lifting up. and there's some pretty good rain being reported. los gatos as well, along highway 917 and along the san mateo coast, santa
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cruz coast into the peninsula as well. so that's the main focus here for the morning, and that's probably will end up being the most rain, although this forecast model is showing most of it in san jose, i would think it would be in the santa cruz mountains. that's where the most has been. bonnie doon and ben lomond have had just shy of a half inch of rain the last 24 hours. mainly 50s on the temps, couple of 40s, but mainly 50s. we're probably stuck on that. there's still some light activity around theúbay lifting northward along 80, so it's either sprinkles, light rain or a brief, brief shower. there's not a lot of heaviness to that, but there is to the south, no doubt about it. so that'll be the tune for the morning here into the late morning early afternoon as the low slides south. it will produce probably some pretty good rain down along the monterey peninsula to big ts way to southern california. we will get a break thursday and friday. next system will cloud us up on the weekend. next rain looks to be monday and tuesday. these are not big systems for the sierra, but they'll probably get a little bit of snow out of that. but you're still good to go if you're going to go going to the mountain, go friday. that
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will be by far and away the best day. cloudy, cool. maybe some drizzle north, but rain mainly south. and that will be the forecast through the afternoon and evening as well. around the santa cruz san jose area. 60s on the temps today as we get some rain. a lot of cloud cover starting to clear out. thursday friday looks warmer than clouding up on the weekend. >> all right, thank you steve. congresswoman anna eshoo retiring after more than 30 years in office. we have the latest results in the crowded race to replace her. >> and saving the cheesecake factory in san francisco. the new concerns that that restaurant could close at the same time as the macy's in union square
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i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort
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in as little as 14 days. now i can help again. feel the difference with nervive. about the impact of artificial intelligence on current and future elections. now, a fake version of president biden's voice was used in a robocall to deter voting in the new hampshire primary. afterwards, the us federal communications
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commission banned the use of ai generated voices for unsolicited robocalls. the agency warned the technology can be used to misinform voters. >> we do anticipate that generative ai certainly has the potential to increase misinformation campaigns. it can magnify or amplify the risk that already exists, right now, today, super tuesday, it's very quiet. we are not hearing of any spread of misinformation. but we know as we get closer to the general election, that will all change. >> election offices across the country say they are more worried about the use of ai technology to deceive voters than hackers breaking into voting systems. >> our time now. 446 the cdc says there is an alarming increase all over the country in the number of nonsmokers developing lung cancer, the cdc found cigaret smokers are still
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get lung cancer than those who don't smoke, but that same report found the recent rise in the number of lung cancer cases among americans who've stayed away from tobacco, all of their lives. >> we're finding now 15 or 20% of all lung cancers are occurring in people who've done everything right. they've never smoked, they've exercised, they've eaten right, and they still get lung cancer. >> now, medical research shows exposure to radon gas is the number one cause of this rise in lung cancer cases. among nonsmokers, radon gas has no odor. it's been found and detected in a growing number of american homes, schools and businesses. radon is found naturally in all soils and it can be trapped inside a building's well among other things. >> march is also endometriosis awareness month. the u.s. department of health and human services estimates more than 11% of women suffer from this
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chronic condition. some doctors say that figure may be inaccurate because some women don't even realize they have it. the condition causes tissue to grow in other places within the pelvis and abdomen, causing painful periods or even fertility issues. there's currently no cure for endometriosis, but medications and surgery can help withúthe symptoms. >> our time now. 448 a luxury women's clothing store in san francisco, will be closing after 32 years at the palace hotel. the raffles on market street will close sometime in june before its lease ends. the owner of the store blames several sales because of reduced foot traffic as well as crime. >> macy's plans to close itst& flagship store in san francisco's union square. it has stunned many bay area shoppers, and those closure plans are also raising concerns about the cheesecake factory there. people love to go into the building to
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eat at the cheesecake factory. it's casual dining spots. known for its large menu, popular dishes and family friendly atmosphere view my grandchildren loves to play around here and we love the spaghetti, the salad. i hope it doesn't go. >> the cheesecake factory has been in business in union square for nearly 25 years. the owners have not revealed what will happen to the restaurant once macy's closes its doors. >> all right. our time is 449, the bay area's oldest kosher bakery, grand bakery has a new owner who bought the business for $1. bay area business owner barry silber closed that deal on the historic grand bakery, officially took it over from sam tobias. tobias initially announced he was selling the grand bakery back in october for $1. more than 200 submissions
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came in for buying the business. ultimately, silber was selected as the new owner. now he comes with a long background of running other bay area businesses as well. >> i know, i just i've heard people talk about just, you know, well, i remember i used to cost this. yeah. all right. steve paulson, you and sal do your best. like old guy sitting on the porch. >> voices sometimes another profession where you get up very early. >> that is true. inúthe middle of the night. >> you got to get up to bake that in. no kidding. yeah. all right. rain totals. mount tamalpais is the most i've seen last 24 hours with three quarters of an inch. now the focus more towards santa cruz, santa cruz mountain, san jose, bonnie doon, almost a half inch. ben lowman, 42, south san jose, a quarter of an inch. bennett quarter of an inch kentfield and mount diablo, about 16/100 in los gatos, has picked up 0.08. see, our system there came right
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as we thought to the coast. now it's heading down the coast, but it's the moisture wrapping back around this way, doing this. see, that's the flow around that. and yes sir, it is producing some pretty good activity in around the san jose area. but there's some hit and miss all over the place here.t& but the focus, it is, is towards santa cruz, santa cruz mountains, san mateo coast peninsula and then san jose right up towards fremont, los gatos, and maybe in the santa clara valley. and that's where we'll keep it most of the day.t& that looks to be the focus of where the heaviest amounts will be, again, areas to the north. i mean, i'm not sure i buy that concord livermore, but you're certainly in the window areas north. not so much. areas south, no doubt about it. 50 on most of the temps. it's pretty close goingúto change all that much. this is not a system for the sierra 24, in southúlake tahoe, 36 in reno. but boy, this is a system for if you're on the peninsula, san santa clara valln to santa cruz, you can expect some moderate to heavy rain, but at times here. but there's some light activity. just kind of
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drifting northward, especially towards the east bay over san pablo bay, lifting north. so there's not a lot to that. but the system after it drives south, it will start to clear the area. look at the subtropical jet now that's staying south. but there's a lot of activity there. but i think it will stay south for now. and next system for us will be on the. but that looks just cloudy. but monday and tuesday i think we get back into some rain with some light mountain snow, notc expecting heavy amounts. 5060s, mainly 60s on the thames. cloudy, cool drizzle, rain mainly south and that's the area from san jose, santa cruz in that vicinity will get the most rain today. good news is can you give me a break on friday? yes, i can, it'll be warmer then we cloud it up again on the weekend. >> all right. thanks for the break, steve. pre-k for the blind. the state that's creating a program designed to help kids early in life. and oakland mayor shengtao says she's not done fighting to keep the a's in future of the teamsays about the
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my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. everyone's hyped that wendy's made the official hamburger of march madness a buck. ♪ sandstorm by darude ♪ yeahhh! wooooo! but tyler and toby are on another level. - get it for a buck. - get it for a buck. (both) dave's single, dave's single get hyped with fresh, never frozen beef on wendy's dave's single for a buck. only ithe app.
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did my legs shrink? i can move them. i mean, i knew alaska airlines' premium class had extra legroom but this... this feels different. okay. crazy idea. on the count of 3... i'm going to try and cross my... ohhhhhhhhhhh boyy that's nice. woooooo! ( ♪ )
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all time high last year. the electric company says it received nearly 43,000 reports from customers who were targeted by scammers impersonating the company. in total, customers lost approximately $875,000 in fraudulent payments. pgd says. scammers may threaten to disconnect your service, demand you purchase a prepaid card or say you owe a refund or rebate. pgd saysc it will never ask for financial information over the phone. facebook and instagram are working again this morning after being interrupted hours ye parent company meta, blames the outage on an unspecified technical issue. users from around the world could not open
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their apps and were mysteriously logged out, and could not log log back in for several hours. meta did not go into any detail, but later announced the issue was fixed and apologized. >> all we've seen so far is that it's a technical problem. they haven't said what it is. the implication is it perhaps a software installation that went bad. we just don't yet know what the specifics were. >> a senior us cyber security officer says the feds did not detect a link between the super tuesday elections and the spoutage. caltrans is adding to its fleet of passenger trains operating on amtrak lines through the bay area. a ceremony to mark the deployment of the trains was held at the ace train maintenance yard in stockton. caltrans says the seven sets of new passenger rail cars are safer, more comfortable, and more accessible than older trains. they will also be powered by zero emission engines. the new trains will be
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used exclusively on the amtrak san joaquins line, which makes daily round trips between oakland and bakersfield. >> each set will seat up to 430& riders, seven total daily round trips every day, five round trips between oakland and here, and two daily and bakersfield. >> amtrak will also be adding ten hydrogen powered, zero emission locomotives to the fleet. they will be the first of their kind in the country. gas prices are starting to go up just as people get set to hit the roads for spring break. triple-a reports the average price of a gallon of gas in california rose more than $0.25 in the last month, data from gasbuddy shows. prices are expected to rise another $0.10 in march, and april. one of the reasons spring break road trips increases demand for a full tank of gas. the jump also comes as
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distributors prepare to switch to the summer blend of gasoline, producen the a's have unveiled new artist renderings of its proposed $1.5 billion ballpark in las vegas. the indoor ballpark would seat 33,000 fans and feature a view of the las vegas strip. take a look. many fans have already pointed out the stadium's sleek design looks very much like the world famous sydney opera house in australia. the team plans to open the stadium in time for the 2028 season. now, before that, can happen, the team needs to figure out where it will play for the next four years. they'll play games this season in oakland, butúthey have no contract to play at the coliseum after that. oakland mayor shang tao says the city is in negotiations with the spa's to play in oakland for future seasons. she also says the city is not giving up on trying to keep the a's rooted in oakland. >> they still have a possible deal in las vegas. and so i
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stand, you know, really strong at what i believe in is, is that the oakland a's brand here in the city of oakland. we're going to continue to fight along with the fans, and whether it's with a new ownership or with the current ownership. >> now, the a's current lease with the oakland coliseum runs out at the end of this season. sacramento and several other cities have emerged as possible temporary homes for the club next season. >> well, some new developments overnight in the race for president of the united states. the candidate who may possibly drop out of the race as soon as this morning. >> what you are all feeling tonight is what it's like to hit a walk off home run. >> i want to thank you again all of your support. >> steve garvey, the republican candidate for california's u.s. senate seat and democrat adam schiff will battle it out to win that seat in november for the seat once held by the late senator dianne feinstein. the
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reason some people are not happy with the vote results. and california congresswoman anna eshoo retiring after more than 30 years in office. the latest results in the crowded race in silicon valley to take overúher seat >> fox two news this is mornings on two. thank you for joining and welcome to mornings on two i'm dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook. it's wednesday about the weathei heard a break in the weather for friday. that sounds nice. >> that is correct. it will be warmer friday, but we have rain today, especially south san jose, santa cruz mountains, mainly 50s on the temps. livermore and petaluma. only ones i can really find with some upper 40s there, but still some activity light to the north. but i think that will end upújust being that light, but not towards the coast, san jose up to fremont, back over to los gatos, towardsa
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cruz. look at that. let me do this even to watsonville reporting some pretty good rain. so if you're anywhere near there, i would expect some rain, maybe even brief moderate to heavy 60s on the temps. all you say there was one thing, or did i just hearing things? >> yeah, we're seeing a couple of things out there and some of them are on the air traffic cameras. others are not. first of alll let's go right to our triple a bay bridge toll plaza camera here. and you can see that it's light there, although more people are beginning to. in the san mateo bridge, the same thing goes. but the steve said it's wet out there. it definitely kind of like a rainy day, even though it's not may not be raining actively. the roads are going to be wet. here's something unusual, but it's happening more involved inh on 92 westbound at 880. the so e sending a full medical team out there.c so i think it's the iphone that does that. ifc it
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senses thatúyou've been in a crash, it will call 911. and that's exactly what's happening now 92 at 880 northbound 87 at curtner. there's a crash there, 502 let's get back to the desk. >> all right, sal, thank you. well, poce in alameda made an arrest. in what? the police department calls a successful. u bailey o'carroll is in alameda, right now. you're the latest details. good morning. bailey >> good morning dave. yeah. alameda police making an arrest here in this case also locating eight truckloads of stolen items found. they've also found some spstolen vehicles. and then on p of that, located $10,000 in cash. now these are some photos i want to show you that alameda police released, aboutúthis investigation. they say that they started investigating a grand theft that happened here at the old navy store inúthe south shore shopping center in
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alameda. they then found out that the stolen goods were taken to a home in oakland. but went y spsuspected that the house was a fencing operation for other thefts from around the bay area. and you can see in these photos all of the stolen goods, including clothing, handbags, shoes, blankets and even some personal care items that you see there. now, police say that this investigation is still ongoing, so it is far from over and that they are working to return those stolen goods to the proper retailer that they belong to in alameda. i'm bailey o'carroll, ktvu, fox two news. >> all right. thank you bailey. we'll new this morning. republican presidential candidate nikki haley is expected to drop out of the race for the white house and announce that shortly this morning. that's after she won only one state, vermont, in the super tuesday primaries. now, her campaign says she will speak this morning. >> now in california, trump easy
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won their party's primaries. let's look at the republican primary results here in california. donald trump with 79% of the vote. nikki haley with 18. >> on the democratic side, president biden has also locked in california, securingú89% of the vote. marianne williamson just 3% now with republican presidential. candidate nikki haley expected toúdrop out of the race, the in november will be between president biden and donald trump. >> both of them dominated the votes in their political parties in the super tuesday primaries around the nation. >> they call it super tuesday for a reason. this is a big one. >> now, president biden released a statement. it said, in part, millions of voters around the country made their voices heard, showing that they're ready to fight back against donald trump's extreme plan to take usr primary day is march 12th. that
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includes the battleground state of georgia. >> the race for us senate will likely come down between democratic adam schiff and republican steve garvey. now, these are the numbers for the full time race shifts slightly ahead at 33.2. garvey in second place at 32.4. they were trailed by katie porter and barbara lee. now garvey says primary elect. the primary election was just the first game of a doubleheader . >> the second game is going to be daunting. it'll be almost like a super bowl over the next, fourth quarter or eightc inning, but i think it should be exciting for all of us. i mean, it's actual competition now, garvey knows it is an uphill battle. >> california has not elected a republican to the us senate sincec year after garvey retired from baseball. adam schiff is the overwhelming favorite. with a large campaignw have to mend some fences with
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the democrats as he beat out last night the katie porter and barbara lee. he and garvey are trying to win the senate seat currently held by laphonza butler, which was also long held by the late dianne feinstein for almost 31 years. adam schiff's victory speech was interrupted by a group of protesters. >> i want to thank you again. all of your support. >> pro-palestinian demonstrators chanted cease fire now and free palestine at schiff's watch party. one person was escorted away from the stage. now schiff addressed the protest. following the are lucky to live in a democracy where we all have the right to protest our time now. >>c 507 former congresswoman jackie speier is running for the san mateo county board of supervisors. she's running against millbrae city council member ann schneider, and the latestúnumbers show jackie speier with 68% of the vote and
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schneider with 32. now, jackie speier served on the board of supervisors between 1980 and 1986, before she won seats in the state legislature and eventually in congressn >> in perhaps the closest watch congressional race in the bay area, it looks like former san jose mayor sam liccardo will likely face santa clara county supervisor joe simitianúin the general election. liccardo received the most votes in that crowded 11 candidate field, representing part of silicon valley. >> we're going to fight for reproductive going to fight for democratic institutions. i'll be fighting hard for all those things. but in between the fights, we got to get something done and our our country desperately needs a congress that will get something done. on homelessness, on high utility costs and all the other things that are challenging our including two terms as mayor. he
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is trying to win the seat held by the retiring longtime congresswoman anna eshoo, now, you can stay up to date on all the races in the california races and in other super tuesday states by going to our fox local app, just search for the fox local app and then select ktvu. all right. back over to steve paulson for a look at our forecast. so we're seeing some rain. is that southúof the city. >> well well yes south and east as well. mainly south though. but our system is rotating southward as it heads towards central and southern california. but the rotation around that is really ramped up some racy circulation. right there. and man ohc man, look around san joe peninsula as well, going right along the san mateo coast over half moon bay. i've seen some rain on the sanúmateo bridge mi, heading to fremont, sunnyvale, and then campbell, san jose. you can see some of thatúmoisture. there's some moderate to heavy rain embedded within towards thz mountains. and that will keep
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the patternúactive. aptos, capitola, santa cruz, right into scotts valley, ben lowman, and also over over towards the santa clara valley. but there a little bit east of it, that looks to be where the most rain will fall today. although not sure i buy that for concord and livermore. i definitely am in on it for i'm down for fremont, san jose, morgan hill. there will be more than that for ben lowman. i think santa cruz, they've already had about 45/100 of ben lowman and boulder and bonnie doon, 40s forúa few 50s for most. these probably won't change. there's too much cloud cover. this is not a big system at all for the sierra nevada, but it is a pretty good system here for the peninsula and san jose, san jose area, los gatos down to santa cruz and right along the coast there. look at that. i mean, starting to head northward well, even areas to the east. last few images here. livermore san ramon, san ramon, concord. so some light rain there, but the system is on its way out of the picture. once down towards san jose monterey, then it'll push into southern california. thursday and friday. more cloud
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coverúon the weekend, but next rain, real rain and tuesday, sot done yet. 50s for a few, mainly low 60s. cloudy, cool drizzle, rain, mainly south east as well. the heaviest rain will be. san a cruz peninsula area 60s on the temps. hang in there if you want a break. looks like thursday friday for sure. then clouds roll back in on the weekend. >> all right. thank you steve. our election coverage continues with some important measures on the ballot in san francisco. we're going to take a look at the latest numbers when we come back and watching the votes come in at an election day watch party with some of e vot ers
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its ties with china. the new bill will offer an ultimatum to bytedance, the parent company of tiktok, which is based in china. it would give bytedance six months to either sell tiktok or face a ban here in the us. the bill is more than a dozen co-sponsors, but some experts are raising concerns about how it could possibly affect first amendmentúrights. >> openai is pushing back against elon musk's lawsuit against the company. in a blog post, the san francisco based maker of chatgpt said it intends
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to dismiss all of the claims now. musk sued the company, alleging breach of contract, saying it is now focused on making money instead of developing an artificial general intelligence. but the leaders of openai say musk tried to take control of the company in 2017, in return for funding for a for profit entity, then left the company shortly after. >> our time is 514. two county supervisor seats are up for grabs in different alameda county districts in district four. jennifer esteen is running against longtime county supervisor nate miley. if this seat on the board of supervisors represents castro valley, most of pleasanton and a big part of oakland. now the vote that's coming in right now in district four, a nikki fortunato bass leading with 27% of the vote. and we'll get back to that a little bit later. the other supervisor seat is district five
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oakland city council member nikki fortunato. bass is leading, as i said, with 27% of the vote. emeryville city council member john bouchard is coming in second, but only by a handful of votes. the mailc in ballots may end up deciding that race. >> all right. there's an open seat in the california state senate in district seven, whichy and part of contra costa county. here is a look at the results there. berkeley mayor jesse oakland councilman dan cobb, 17% followed by jovanka beckles at 14% and 13. for the other candidate. now again, the top two head to the general election in november. >> now in alameda county, voters will decide on a recalled measure. measure b wouldúraise the thresholdúof signatures needed to have a recall. it would change alameda county's sprecall election laws to be
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similar to california's law. so far, the results are showing this. 64, the no vote 36. now the measure comes during a recall effort to remove the current alameda county district attorney, pamela price. well both republican and democratic voters gathered in locationsúaround the bay area last night. and one of the biggest gatherings republican gatherings, was in san francisco's marina district. >> wife and i are trump people, so we're looking forward to it. we're looking forward to a different outcome this time now. >> across town, san francisco democrats held a watch party of their own, held in the south of market neighborhood. >> i definitely want to see biden be trump. every vote really does matter. >> now. many democrats and republicans here in the bay area are already making plans to go to watch parties on election night in november, dozens of people gathered for another
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super tuesday watch party at uc berkeley. >> i think one of the things that we can all agree on, regardless of what platforms we're using, what are the particular struggles of this particular electionwhat issues we're facing or the dissemination of information, space is for discourse, for civil discourse are evaporating rapidly. >> now. the uc berkeley institute of governmental studies hosted last night's event. those also got a chance to learn more about the institute on the cal campus statewide. >> we do consistent lobby trips to advocate on behalf of the different, you know, legislation that we want to see passed for cal students. >> katie, how are things looking on the cal campus also includedy political trivia games and plenty of food. >> well, the sierra is finally starting to dig out from all the snow it had over the weekend in that blizzard. caltrans has lifted the chain requirements on interstate 80 and highway 50,
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the two main highways linking the bay area to the lake tahoe area. many longtime tahoe residents say this latest sierra snowstorm was bad, but they've seen it a lot worse. >> other notable years, i'd say not too high. i've seen a lot, a lot more snow in a shorter period good snowstorm. it brought it brought us a lot of snow. it's good for us. >> that blizzard dropped more than ten feet of snow in some parts of the sierra. 126in of snow fell at the sugar bowl ski resort. 93in of snow fell at palisades. >> that'súa lot a lot of snow. >> yeah, and people are anxious to get up there. some people i know, and steve says we have a break on friday. >ñ might be a good day. and friday okay. good driving day on the weekend. but friday will be the best look at rain totals here. and there's a pretty good rain here on the peninsula, san mateo coast, san jose. but mount tamalpais last 24 hours with the most at three quarters. bonny doon probably
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closing a half 100 south san jose, a quarter of an inch. bennettc valley, santa rosa area, also quarter of an inch kentfield and mount diablo is 16/100 in los gatos, has picked up 8/100. the upper low is swinging southward, but the rotation around that is sending in some pretty on the san mateo coast, moving up south to north on the peninsula. i know i've seen some rain on the san mateo bridge clipping san jose campbell milpitas heading over to fremont and you can see moving right along there along skyline as well. but the heaviest by far has been around san jose campbell into the santa cruz mountains. now that's you're getting a little bit of distortion because it's going over the radar site at mount aluminum. but still, there's some rain there back on 17 highway nine back into scotts valley, santa cruz, capitola, aptos and over towards the santa clara valley. heaviest amounts would, no doubt about it, be in will be more, i think, ink there bethlehem and santa cruz than san jose. not sure i buy the concord livermore, but they'll get some rain. there's some heading in that direction already. 50 on the temps here.
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you moving up. look at that. that's pretty impressive. now again, some of this, it moves pretty rapidly. but that's the good news. but it is lifting northward and now starting to head over towards san ramon, concord, walnut creek lifting along towards oakland over san pablo bay. the good news is, after this system, which, as you can see, driving southward will get a break on thursday and friday, but we're not done yet. cloud cover rolls in on the weekend. monday and tuesday look like rain days by far and away. the heavier amounts will be about san francisco, north santa rosa up towards ukiah, especially monday and tuesday. a lot of upper 5ps, low 60s, light rain east, north and east, but rain mainly south. but some of that will favor areas san jose, santa cruz. but and i thik everybody's in for some rain here. mostly cloudyúrain the heaviest amounts south. after today though, we start to clear it out tomorrow and friday looks warmer, so we'll take it. >> all right steve, shop insiden francisco's iconic hotels is closing. we tell you the reasons
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for that decision, and learning to read is extremely important for the development of any child. we'll show you how teachers and parents can have an active role in improving
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still trying to recover from the setbacks in the reading skills of children during the pandemic. education experts say many students fell far behind in
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developingc their reading skills during remote learning and that has led to several innovative new reading programs in an effort to reverse the trend. one school district in georgia is hiring what's called literacy coaches to help the students catch up. >> we always say universal screeners wave the red flag. coaches can help by providing demonstration lessons. you know, walking side by side with the teacher. >> now, teachers say they're not the only ones responsible for helping those struggling students. they say parents also have to do their part to help their kids at home. well, students in nevada have a new pre-k program. it's specially designed for children with visual impairments. one of the main skills kids learn at the nevada blind children's foundation is reading and writing using braille. but the las vegas school has something that's more advanced than traditional braille machines.
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they have screens so teachers can monitor the progress of students in the critical skills they'll need in their lives. it's a lot of strength, motor strength that they need, so they will learn all of those motor skills in that pre-k classroom, either playing with play-doh, stringing blocks into, you know, a shoe three students are enrolled in the spring pre-k class.úour time is 525. barbara lee says she is still in the race for the california senate, despiteúbeing in a distant fourth place in the primary. we'll show you the campaign event sheúheld before finding out the vote results. and a rise in the number of nono happen? don't forget you have the you can have the morning headlines delivered right to juo sign up for the dail
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mr. box? i had this idea... is it giving people lots of great food for 6 dollars, and letting them choose between two delicious sandwiches? great idea, devon. run with it! that went well. and you run and get my $6 jack pack. welcome to jack in the box!
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>> woman: why did we choose safelite? and you run and get we're always working on a project. while loading up our suv, one extra push and... crack! so, we scheduled at we were able to track our technician and knew exactly when he'd arrive. we can keep working! ♪ synth music ♪ >> woman: safelite came to us. >> tech: hi, i'm kendrick. >> woman: replaced our windshield, and installed new wipers to protect our new glass. that's service on our time. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ can neuriva support your brain health? mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. my french toast sticks are back starting at $2.50. now with a sweet new twist - cinnamon sugar churro.
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dunk, bite and savor them any time of day. or all day! it's totally up to you. only for a limited time. welcome to jack in the box! drop out of the race for president. we have a live report from washington, d.c. with what we're learning about her campaign and a substantial amount of trash cleaned out of lake tahoeúon the nevada side. we have a look at the nonprofit
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behind those cleanup efforts. >> from ktvu, fox two news. this is mornings on two. >> good morning. thank you for waking up with us here on mornings on two. >> i'm pam cook and good morning i'm dave clark. it is wednesday morning. it is march the 6th. >> yes. and we have some rain still lingering out there. let's check in with steve paulson for the forecast. >> yes we do, especially san jose, santa cruz area, santa cruz mountains, peninsula as well. 50s on the temps except livermore showing 46. but it's been some pretty good rain around san jose area and also along the san mateo coast peninsula over to fremont. but the heaviest amounts, no doubt about it. san jose back towards los gatos, santa cruz, santa cruz mountains and then lifting up around aptos, capitola. and you can see over just trying to work its way south san jose. and then just toúthe east is morgan hill and gilroy. but it's mainly that line coming in from santa cruz up to san jose. 60s on the temps. all right. sal is here to talk about. >> well, we have aúcouple of new
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things on, steve. and i'm also going to show you what the traffic looks like in general. let'súgo right to our triple a traffic cameras here and show you that 80 westbound at the macarthur maze looks okay. east 80 near pinole valley road, there is a crash out carquinez bridge. bay bridge doesn't look all that slow right now. itúmight change in the next half hour. san mateo bridge is moderate. you see, our cameras are showing wet weather. we have a brand new crash just came in southbound 101 right near the capital expressway. that one's so new that we don't know what's happening, but they're sending the emergency all right.ack to the headlines. >> thank you. sal. the big news this morning in the presidential race is republican presidential candidate nikki haley expected to drop out of the race this morning?úthat's according to people familiar with her decision. and that's after she won only one state, vermont, in the superútuesday primaries. >> now, both president biden and former president trump easily
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won their primary elections in california. let's look at the republican primary results. donald trump 79% of the vote. nikki haley has 18. meantime, on the democratic. he secured 89% f the votes so far. well, in just over an hour from right now, nikki haley is expected to announce she's dropping out of the presidential race. reporter doug luzader has more from washington, dc on where it all goes from here. doug good morning. >> good morning. former president donald trump has not locked up the republican nomination at this point, but he is so close. nikki haley clearly does not see a path tuesday fora reason. >> this is a big one. >> the former president trump celebrating one night. but namea
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report first in the wall street journal that nikki haley is calling it quits. >> i think if i'm the democrats at this point, i have to be evaluating. can i get any of those? haley voters to come over to my side? and i'm not sure that there's a real path for them to do that. >> the pundits will spend the day debating where the race goes from here, but for the front runners, super tuesday played out largely as expected. for trump. it was almost a clean sweep. nikki haley was able to win in vermont, showing trump's challenges with moderate republicans, but in a departure from recent election days, haley did not make any appearances last night, issuing only a statement. unity is not achieved by simply claiming we're united. >> my poll number is the last five polls you guys don't report. i'm winning. >> earlier in the day, president biden took issue super tuesday.d like trump, he was almost undefeated yesterday, losing only american samoa to a virtually unknown challenger. >> so i found out that i won the primary because my phone started
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blowing up. >> baltimore resident jason palmer was able to pick up three delegates despite never having been to american samoa. and while biden's wins elsewhere were decisive, he did have to contend with a high number of voters who chose uncommitted yesterday, many of whom are democrats, protesting his support for israel. now, we are told that nikki haley will not offer an endorsement for former president trump today, but shec is also expected to not rule it out at some point. back to you guys. >> all right. doug luzader live in washington. thank you for that update. california voters had only one statewide ballot proposition. the proposition one would allow the state to borrow $6 billion to use to build mental health and substance abuse treatment facilities. it would also build supportive housing for the homeless. now the proposition has the support of governor newsom, law enforcement and first responders. opponents questioned the constitutional safety of the measure as well as the cost.
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this, the results this morning. as you can see on your screen, there still too close to call 50.5. yes, 49.5% no. >> and democrat adam schiff and republican steve garvey are expected to move on to the november election. in the race for california's open u.s. senate seat, schiff and garvey had a commanding leads overt& their rivals, but there are still a lot of votes to count. and barbara lee, despite being in fourth place, remains optimistic. now she's leaving her seat in congress to run for the senate. barbara lee said her race was a progressive movement and she'll be watching the the y thanked her volunteers and voters for their support at her campaign headquarters in oakland. despite the uphill battles she faced against spchallengers who had more mone. >> so when you look at 20, some million dollars by myc opponent, it's like, come on, what do you think that is? i mean, i don't take corporate pac money. you
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can see the disparity in the money. i mean, come on, the establishment money doesn't go to a black progressive woman. but we have people and we have low donors. we have recurring donors. >> now. ktvu asked barbara lee about her plan for the future regardless of the vote outcome. she decided not to answer. barbara lee headed back to washington, dc shortly after the polls closed and did party in on francisco voters approved several propositions onútheir local ballots, including a measure that gives police the >> ktvu is ali rasmus talks about the results and the reaction to this. ali >> yeah, there were a total of seven local measures on the san francisco ballot for voters, and voters approved all but one of them of the measures that passed, the six that did pass, two of the most controversial and consequential are measures e and f. let's take a look at the vote totals for measure e at 60%
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of the vote it passed with. it authorizes the city to install public surveillance cameras, and use drones, facial recognition technology, as well as chase people suspected of committing violent crimes and felonies. now, when it comes to measure e, the police policies proposition that passed, voters were conflicted about it, the one about surveillance. >> i had a lot of challenge with i don't want to say publicly what i did, but i thought that was a really difficult issue for me. >> there are safeguards built into the measure for folks that are concerned. you know, the police department will have to go to the board of supervisors every year to basically explain that they're using fromootage surveillance cameras, from dronesn they'll have to explain how they're using the technology. we >> now let's show you the results of measure f. it passed with 60% of the vote as well. it requires people on public assistance in san francisco to go through drug screening tests and get substance abuse treatment. now, opponents of that measure say the city does
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not have the resources to provide substance abuse treatment to everyone who would need it to qualify. they called it a false promise. now, the one measure that failed was measure b, which would have tied police staffing levels to tax increases. voters rejected that one here in san francisco, but san francisco voters overwhelmingly 80, a measure syc measure that calls on san district to start teaching algebra to eighth graders,c once again live in san francisco two news. >> all right. thank you. allie, there are many other local propositions and races and you can find all that information at and our fox local app. >> all right. our time is 538. the nonprofit group responsible for a 72 mile cleanup of lake tahoe just released information from its two year survey of lake of the lake tahoe. clean up the lake says its dive teams went back to 20 litter hot spots on the nevada side of the shore.
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there was almost 880 pounds of litter in these areas in 2023, a major improvement from the almost 3,000 pounds of litter in 2021. the next step focusing on cleaning up the areas deeper in the lake are. i know that means a lot to you. >> it does i their efforts seriously, i so much so yes and shame on people leaving trash behind. look, i understand sometimes you're on a boat. things fly off. i get that that's true. sometimes it happens. >> that is true. >> but, you know. >> but on theúbeach, no excuse. but thank you to all those people cleaning it up. yes. >> mount it? well, you've had the most rain that i've seen in the last 24 hours. atúthree quarters of an inch. i'll tell you, there's some pretty good i want to tell you. there's some pretty good now. bonnie doon, almost a half- inch of rain south of blossom hill along the almaden expressway. santa teresa boulevard. i cannot get more specific than that. 0.47 what?
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danville 4/10 usually i don't. that's a little outside my forecast zone, but that tells you there are some lines a pretty good right now up towards santa rosa. bennett valley last 24 hours, quarter of an inch san jose. even the dry biased san jose airport 17/100, la honda 15 and los gatos now up to 11. the low is making its move, but boy is it pumping in some prettyt& good moisture coming in from the south it is lifting north. look overútowards walnut creek now concord up tot& solano county, starting to lift a little northward over san pablo bay, even into marin county, but without a doubt, it's all about san mateo coast, the peninsula, and then about fremont south towards milpitas. although it is not hitting morgan hill, it is now. you can see milpitas, san jose, campbell , los gatos, sunnyvale, san mateo bridge that's near the radar site at mount almanor. so it's a little distorted, but you can see the moisture coming up and that's aptos, corralitos, capitola, santa cruz, scotts valley to ben lowman and boulder creek. so that's the line i looked at five, six different rainfall accumulation amounts.
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here they are all over the map, so to speak. i went with one that was kind of in the middle. i think there will be more than that for some in the santa cruz mountains. san jose. not sure i buy the livermore concord, but more amounts south, less amounts north is today. 50s on the tempa few 40s. but look at the moisture streaming northward though. yet you can see how it's going right along. see? just not much. it's right there and then heading along towards the peninsula. that's the main band as that lifts northward. so we're in for rain here as it lifts northward into now areas, you know, lighter amounts north, but it's still there. after this system goes by, we get a break. a lot of moisture down here. look at all that moisture. tropical moisture here. but it's not playing into our weather. but we'll get a break thursday, friday, friday looks warm. and then a lot of cloud cover on the weekend with next system for rain being on monday into tuesday. these are not big snow spproducers. so 60s for temps today. off and on. rain mainlyt& south and east. heaviest amounts
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san jose santa cruz area. >> all right thank you steve. one local city is fed up with illegal dumping coming up at 6:00. the new fine people will have to pay if they dump trash along the roads in pittsburgh. >> and saving the cheesecake factoryúin san francisco. the new concerns thatúthat same time as the macy'sat thet- and union square
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if you try vaping to quit smoking, it might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good.
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nationwide in the number of nonsmokers developing lung cancer, the cdc says cigaret smokers are still up to 30 times more likely to get lung cancer than people who don't smoke, but that same report found the recent rise in the number of lung cancer cases among americans who've stayed away from alcohol, tobacco all of their lives. >> we're finding now 15 or 20% of all lung cancers are occurring in people who've done everything right. they've never smoked, they've exercised, they've eaten right, and they still get lung cancer. >> now, medical research shows exposure to radon gas is the number one cause of this rise in lung cancer cases among nonsmokers. radon gas has no
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odor. it's being detected in a growing number of homes, schools and businesses. radon is found naturally in all soils, and it can be trapped inside of buildings, among other things. >> march is also endometriosis s department of health and human services estimates more than 11% of women suffer from the chronic number may be even higherat because some women don't even realize they have it. the condition causes tissue to grow within the pelvis and abdomen, causing painful periods or even fertility issues. there's currently no cure, but medications and surgery can help with the symptoms. >> our time now. 546 in today's dollars and cents, there's a new report that says home ownership is now beyond the reach of many people. data from zillow reveals potential home buyers need an annual income of more than $106,000 to comfortable, fully afford a house that's an 80%
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increaseúfrom 2020. that report found that only three metro cities maintained comfortable affordability. pittsburgh, pennsylvania. saint louis and detroit. zillow says potential home buyers are now forced to continue to rent a luxury women's clothing store in san francisco, is closing after 32 years at the palace hotel. >> the rafael's and market street wil, is closing after 32 years at the palace hotel. >> the rafael's and market street will close sometime in june ahead of its lease ending the owner of the store blames a number of factors, including a drop in sales because of reduced foot traffic and crime. >> our time is 547, the chronicle says. the luxury clothing brand burberry is trying to sell its 17,000 square foot space on post street, right in the heart of san francisco's union square. it's the first building could change owners. the company hasn't announced a listing price, but they intend to stay in the building through
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at least july before relocating somewhere else within the market. >> well, macy's plans to close its flagship store in san francisco's union square is now raising questions about the rooftop restaurant. the cheesecake factory is one of san francisco'sc most popular casual dining spots. it's known for its large menu, popular dishes, family friendly atmosphere, and great views of union square. >> i like the view my grandchildren loves to play around here and we love the spaghetti, the salad. i hopeúit doesn't go. >> the cheesecake factory has actually been in business in union square for nearly 25 years. the owners have not revealed what will happen to the restaurant once macy's closes its doors. >> well, the bay area'sc oldest kosher bakery, grand bakery, has a new owner who bought the business for $1. bay area business that deal on the histoc
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grand bakery, officially taking over the business from sam it's back in october. he was selling the grand bakery for $1. more than 200 submissions came in to buy the business. ultimately, baer silber was selected as the new owner, and he comes with a long background of running other bay area businesses. >> it's all right. not sure why he's just selling the business for a dollar, but i'm sure wanted to get rich, wanted to just pass it on and keep the tradition going. so a lot of people happy about that. yeah >> all right. and you know, these segments that you put before me are always food. i'm beginning to catch on. oh yeah. >> that's true. good point. >> i know that dave and i are always hungry. right. >> this is true. this is true. >> so let's go. let's go and take a look at the triple a traffic camera here in san jose. steve has talked it is this camera shows it clearly. we don't have extensive slow
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traffic in the south bay. there are a couple of spots here and there for the general commute is okay. when you get out to the macarthur maze, you can see that traffic and it looks like it may be raining here as well. at the bay bridge toll plaza. it's definitely wet and we're getting a little bit of a backup. and on theúsan mateo bridge, the traffic is moderately heavy. so we've had a couple ofúthings out there. steve as i go to you, i was feeling a little bit adventurous today and i tied the double windsor. >> it's a nice nod, sal. it's my go to not the double windsor. >> yes, windsor. i got to be honest with you. >> it depends on the on the material. sometimes the singer single is as well as you want to go. yes, sir. otherwise it looks like the hangman's noose there. all right, we do have sal's, right. there's a rain moving up now. it's aúfine line between who's getting some and who is not on the san mateo coast. no doubt about it. skyline. there was some on the san mateo bridge and then over towardsc fremont. milpitas, you can see some, but really, it's about san jose.
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it's about you, san jose. look at that. now again, thatgs near mount almanor on the radar site. so it's kind of obscured. but over to campbell kind of distorted a little bit, but i could tweak it. but why, santa z mountains, although it isúnot along morgan hill, san martin and gilroy, if it does, it's light. but look at that coming up. aptos, capitola, santa cruz. i mean, there's been some half inch amounts over towards the ben lowman and also boulder creek, bonny doon, close to about 4/10 to a half inch. really tough on the projection on the rainfall. suffice to say there will be less amounts north , far amounts south, i think. i think san jose gets more than that. south san jose's i've already seen a 47/100 just south of san jose. 50s on the temps here for most, but you can see the moisture streaming north and now might be starting to clip right there. oh, it's so close. but maybe a couple of bands will flirt with gilroy morgan hill, but most of it is to the west of them. towards santa cruz, santa cruz mountains, los gatos, san jose, and lifting northward. now even oakland, heading over into mill, into millc valley, marin county over san pablo bay, lifting up to solano county.
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it's lighter amounts. there system is on its way southward. it will clear the area by later , friday, we'll get a break.rrow more cloud cover rolls in on the weekend. next rain will be on monday. tuesday? then it does look like somewhat of a break, but i'm reluctant in leery to go haven't had any of this entire winter, you know, like 2 or 3 weeks dry stretch, which is very common in mid winter dry spells. we haven't had any. and i think we'llc get maybe a week. then after that all bets are off. in my humble opinion, 60s on the temps. look for warmer temps though by friday. >> all right steve thank you. our time is 551. a request for ac transit to skip someústops in downtown oakland because of safety concerns is up next att& 6:00. how the new permanent detour will affect weekend services. >> and oakland mayor shengtao says she is not done fighting to keep the a's in oakland. what she is saying about the future of the team
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ceremony to mark the deployment of those trains was held in stockton at the ace train maintenance yard. caltran says the seven sets of new passenger rail cars are safer, more comfortable and more accessible than those older be powered by n
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engines. the new trains will be used exclusively on the amtrak san joaquins line, which makes daily round trips between oakland and bakersfield. >> each set will seat up to 430 riders, seven total daily round trips every day. five round trips between oakland and here, and two daily round trips between sacramento and bakersfield. >> and amtrak will also be adding ten hydrogen powered, zero emission locomotives to its fleet. it will be the erosion pe threatening a road above the caldecott tunnel betweenúoakland and orinda. tunnel road is often used by people living in the bay forest neighborhood of the eight years ago damaged a section of the area, and it has not been repaired. neighbors say this situation is only getting worse.
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>> the hill is still eroding and as these storms come through, the water flowing down here is spgetting under the tarps and still washing away the land underneath the road. and access for emergency vehicles is absolutely critical. up here. we remain in a high fire hazard zone. >> oakland is telling homeowners the city will complete an engineering study that was started late last year, and renovations could begin this summer. >> all right. our time is 556 gas prices. they're starting to go up. just as many get ready to hit the road for spring break. triple a says the average price of a gallon went up more than $0.25 in the past month. information from gasbuddy shows prices are expected to go up another $0.10 in march, and in april. this increase comes as distributors are preparing to switch to the summer blend of gasoline, which
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is more expensive to produce. >> the a's have unveiled new artist renderings of its proposed $1.5 billion ballpark in las vegas. an indoor ballpark would seat 33,000 fans and feature a view of the las vegas strip. take a look now. many fans have already pointed out the stadium's sleek design looks very much like the world famous sydney opera house in australia. the team plans toúopen the new stadium in time for the 2028 season. now,úbefore that can happen, the team needs to figure out whereúit will play for the next four years. this season, they will be in oakland, but they have no contract to play at the coliseum. after that. oakland mayor shang tao says the city is in negotiations with the a's to play in oakland for the city is not giving up ons trying to keep the a's rooted in oakland. >> they still have a possible deal in las vegas. and so i stand, you know, really strong at what i believe in is, is that the oakland a's brand should be
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here in the city of oakland. we're going to continue to fight along with the fans. and whether it's with a new ownership or with the current ownership. >> the a's current lease with the oakland coliseum runs out at the end have emerged as possible temporary homes for the club next season. rapper busta rhymes , who was set to perform in san francisco next week, has canceled his tour. his first stop was scheduled for next wednesday at the masonic in san francisco, but ticketmaster website now lists all 24 of his tour stops as canceled. now, it's unclear why the decision was made. if you had tickets for next week's concert, you should be getting a refund or an update about a rescheduled date. >> well, a possible end of the line for one candidate in the race for the white house. what happened overnight, right, in that candidate's presidential bid? plus it looks like we're going to the general. are. right now. about where wet- >> well, it looks like a blue
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versus red showdown to fill one of california's u.s. senate seats. you'll hear from the leading candidates as they get ready to face off in november. then a grand theft investigation in alameda county with the police revealed about this operation and the bust linked to truckloads ofc stolen retail merchandise. >> this from ktvu, fox two news. this is morningsúon two. >> well, good morning to you and thank you for joining us. welcome to mornings on dave clark. >> good morning i'm pam cook. it's wednesday march 6th steve paulson looking around for some rain. let's what's the forecast? >> i don't have to look too far. i found there's plenty out there here. 40s for a few livermore santa rosa, mostly 50s. but it's about rain here. no doubt about it. in parts of the peninsula lifting northward. now heading into south san francisco, into marin county, over the bay bridge. it's already been over the san mateo bridge, heading eastward as well, but the bigger bands are towards the south. san
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jose, los gatos, santa cruz mountains, santa cruz, along san mateo coast, just clipping to the west of morgan hill and produced about a half inch of rain for some pastú24 hours. 60s on the temps. all right. sal is here with more. where are we going? >> we're going to pinole. least 80 at pinole valley road. there is a crash that's blocking all of the lanes. and i want to put it up on the map here for you. east 80 at pinole sounded like it started with a sedan that was spinvolved in a crash, and then other cars got involved. one personc was hit, they've issueda sig alert. they've blocked all commute direction, but all theln activity is slowing westbound traffic as well. just because people can see all the lights, what's going on and taking you off the freeway. this is east 80 at pinoleúvalley road out to the triple a traffic cameras now. and we see that traffic at the macarthur maze is okay. no problems atúthe bay bridge, but it's gettingc more crowded and definitely it's a wet commute.
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it's not hard rain, but just wet enough to make it hard for you to drive a little harder for in. to the headlines. thank nikki sphaley is expected to drop outf the race for the white house. that's after she won just one state, vermont, in the super tuesday primaries. her campaign says she will speak in just about an hour. >> and we'll be watching now here in california, president biden and donald trump easily won their parties primaries here are the republican primary results in california.údonald trump 79% of the vote nikki haley, 81. >> on the democratic sidel president biden has also locked in california, securing 89% of the vote so far, marianne williamson just 3. >> and with republican presidential candidate nikki haley expected to drop out of the race, the matchup in november will be between president biden and donald trump. both dominated the votes in their political parties in
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the super tuesday primaries around the country. >> they call it super tuesday for a reason. this is a big one. >> the president biden released a statement it says, in part, millions of voters across the country made their voices heard, showing that they're ready to fight back against donald trump's extreme plan to take us backwards. now, the next major primary day is march 12th. that includes the battleground state of georgia. >> all right. in the race for u.s. senate, california will decide between a longtime democratic congressman and a republican baseball legend. >> ktvu is andre senior in our studio now to tell usúabout the race that is getting nationwide attention. >> it certainly is, dave. pam, good morning to you both here. we're talking about southern california representative adam schiff and former los angeles dodgers and san diego padres first baseman steve garvey. let's take a look at the primary results. now. these are the numbers for the full time race here. schiff slightly ahead at
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over 33. garvey is second at 32.5% will behind him. well behind him is katie porter and barbara there, 14 and 7% respectively. this race is still to fill the senate seat currently held by laphonza butler and also by the late senator dianne feinstein. for almost 31 years. of course, campaign spending hitting record levels for this primary, almost 250% more spending than the last three california senate races combined. mustered the support f california republicans. he says the election is just the first game of a long doubleheader. >> for the second game is going to be daunting. it'll be almost like a super bowl over the next, fourth quarter or eight innings, but i think itúshould be exciting for all of us. i mean, it's actual competition now. >> well, garvey knows it's an uphill battle. california has
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not elected a republican to the us senate since 1988, and that is the year after garvey retired from baseball. schiff, on the other hand, is the overwhelming favorite. he's congress for more than 20 years and has a campaign war chest that's spent almost $50 billion in ads. >> you helped us build the biggest grassroots campaign for senate in california history, and i cannot thank you enough. >> but schiff, during his victory speech, was reminded that the november general election will not be smooth sailing. schiff, a strong supporter of israel to defend itself at pro-palestinian demonstrators, chanting cease fire now and free palestine! interrupt his speech. one person was escorted away from the stage. schiff later said we are lucky to live in a democracy where we all have the right to protest now. schiff had hoped to face garvey, a rookie politician, but schiff must now mend fences with his democratic opponent, katie porter, and barbara lee, both of them from
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the progressive side of the democratic party. david. >> all right, andre, thank you. now you can stay up to date on all the races in the california campaigns and in other super tuesday states by going to our fox local app. just search for the fox local app, then select ktvu. >> this morning police in alameda have made an arrest in a successful retail theft investigation. now, officers say they located eight truckloads of stolen merchandise, stolen vehicles and more than learned l a theft at the old navy store at the south shore shopping center in alameda. police then found out that the stolen goods were taken to a home in oakland. as the investigation went on, they suspected the house was a fencing operation for other thefts around the bay area. investigators are working to return theústolen goods to the retailers. >> all right. our time is 606
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ac. transit has permanently ended service to some bus stops in downtown oakland on weekend nights. ac transit first started skipping those stops 18 months ago because of safety concerns. ac transit told its drivers broadway between 14th and 20th streets in both directions. they say the decision to skip those stops permanently at nighttime has the support of the alameda county sheriff's office. >> oakland mayor shang tao is rejecting suggestions that crime is on the rise. critics say she's omitting several key categories. now the mayor is pointing to stats that show certain crimes, such as homicide and commercial burglaries, are down compared to previous years. police have focused on foot patrols and crime suppression suppression teams in the business districts, the robberies, the commercial burglaries, you know, the shipping, all of that has gone down. >> it's trending down now. >> figures from police show
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robberies are up 40% from the same time last year. the number of home invasions went from 8 to 18. in the same time periods. that's aú125% increase. >> all right. our time is 607. the sierra finally starting to dig out from all the snow that fell in last weekend's blizzard. caltrans has lifted the chain requirements on interstate 80 and highway 50, the two main highways linking the bay area to the lake tahoe area. many longtime tahoe residents say the latest snowstorm was pretty bad, but they've seen it a lot worse. >> other notable years, i'd say not too high. i've seen a lot, a lot more snow in a shorter period of time. this was a good snowstorm. it brought it brought us a lot of snow. it's good for us now. >> the blizzard dropped more than ten feet of snow in some parts of the sierra. 126in of snow fell at the sugar bowl ski resort. like pam likes it, and 93in fell at palisades.
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>> i do love sugar bowl. i know it's a pretty close drive. it's not. not too far so you don't have to head over the huge pass. sal, i know you haven't. i don't know if you've been up there this year, but all that new snow, a lot of us are anxious to get on the roads, and i think they're going to be clear on friday. yeah that's a good news. >> yeah. i didn't want to go. you know, when it was really bad driving. but once the driving gets better i think it's going to be a lot of people. speaking of driving right now in the bayg it a little tougher. let's go right to our triple a traffic camera at the bay bridge. it is backed up all the way out to the maze and the metering lights are on non commute direction now east 80 at pinole valley road. all lanes blocked with an injury crash. this is also affecting westbound 80. if you're driving let's say from vallejo into richmond you're going to see a big backup as you get near highway four. highway four itself westbound through bay point and pittsburg a little bit slow northbound, 280 in daly city at highway one, there's a crash are starting to see a lot
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crashes where you get a bunch of crashes and people may be going a little too fast for the conditions. look at san jose. we've had a bunch of crashes here and it 85 they've been cleared rather quickly, these crashes. but it's one of those days where if you want to get on the sooner, it mu well. 609 let's go back to the desk. >> all right. thank you. sal. alameda county voters making their voices heard. the results coming in on a measure to change how recalls are held. we're also going to check on other area and the city in the east bay, fed up with the illegal dumping, changed the punishment for people who leave trash on the road. >> the expensive fine. you'll now pay if you're caught breaking the law in pittsburgh.
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i was like shaking you know, i was so scared. when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you.
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is running against longtime county supervisor nate miley for the seat on the board of supervisors. represents castro valley, most of pleasanton and large parts of oakland. here's how it looks. nate miley with 63% of the vote leading the way. now for other supervisor seat. district five oakland city council member nikki fortunato bass is leading with emeryville's city council member john bowser's coming in second, but only by a handful of votes.
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the mail in ballots may end up deciding the race. >> there's an open seat in the california state senate in district seven, which covers much of alameda county and part of contra costa county. here's a look at those results. berkeleyd councilman dan cobb with 17% of the vote. now, the top two candidates head to the general election in november. >> also in alameda county, voters will decide on a recall measure. measure b would raise the threshold of signatures. you need for a recall. that would change alameda county's recall election laws to be similar to california's law so far. results show the yes vote 64, the no vote 36. now, this measure comes during a recall effort to remove the current alameda county district attorney, pamela price. >> both republican and democratic voters gatheredúin locations around the bay area last night, and one of the
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biggest republican gatherings was in san francisco's marina district. >> wife and i are trump people, so we're looking forward to it. we're looking forward to a different outcome this time. >> now across town, san francisco democrats also held a watch in the south of market neighborhood. >> i definitely want to see biden be trump. every vote really does matter. >> now, many democrats and republicans in the bay area were already making plans to go to watch parties on election night in november. >> dozens of people also gathered for another supert& tuesday watch party at uc berkeley. >> i think one of the things that we can all agree on, regardless of what platforms we're using, what are the particular struggles of this particular election, what issues we're facing or the dissemination of information, spaces for discourse, for civil discourse are evaporating rapidly. >> the uc berkeley institute of governmental
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discuss the election returns. those attending also had a chance to learn more about the institute. >> statewide, we do consistent lobby trips to advocate on behalf of the different, you know, legislation that we want to see passed for cal students. >> katie, how arec things lookig so far? >> last night's watch party on the cal campus also included political trivia games and plenty of food. >> our time now 615 and other news. police in east palo alto want your help. they want to find the man responsible for the city's first homicide of the year. now, surveillance video on february 8th shows that man stabbing two people near university avenue and bell street north of highway 101. one victim had minor injuries, but the other, identified as frank finney, was in critical condition and was treated at a hospital. but he eventually died from his injuries last weekend at stanford hospital. >> i don't believe this is going to start a trend, because we do have officers actively going out
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there and again, building that that community trust, that, community policing, and, and, and we're actively stopping and talking to subjectsúout there. now police say surveillance video shows a white suv stopped in the road, and whoever was in that car likely saw finney be attacked. >> the group, called mothers person find the >> the east bay city of pittsburg is cracking down on illegal dumping. city leaders voted this week to increase the fines to $1,000 per incident. that is the most allowed by the state police in pittsburg. will also be given the authority to charge those responsible for dumping theúfull cost of the cleanup. illegal dumping pittsbg and many other bay area communities. for several years. >> all right, our time is 617 tonight. the warriors will try to bounce back, rebound against
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the milwaukee bucks after they lost by 52 points in boston on sunday. the warriors go into tonight's game 10th in the western conference standings. if the playoffs were to start today, they'd be the fourth and final of the play-in teams. warriors head coach steve kerr says forward forward andrew wiggins is back. he's available to play in tonight's game. he missed the team's recent four game road trip to tend to a personal family matter. >> you can't really simulate an nba game, obviously. so we'll see how he holds up. but he's hs perfectly fine to go ahead and play tomorrow. >> you know, being around the team. you know it's all it's all love. and you itgs a it's a fami miss the guys and obviously basketball and you know i'm happy to be back. >> good to see will be the first of a three games in four nights at chase center see andrw
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wiggins back. all right.úhis family is okay i know we do. all right salúis looking at the traffic and the commute. how's it look, sal? sp>> well it's getting crowded there. pam and dave. it's a rainy day. even though it's not hard rain, it's certainly wett& enough to slow you down. let's go to our triple a traffic camera here andúshow you that the bay bridge is backed up all the way out to the maze metering lights are on. that's kind of typical. not typical as all lanes blocked east 80 at pinole valley road. it really does have area westbound two because people are slowing to take a look. also highway four is usually slow. 680 looks all right from concord all the way to san ramon northbound. 280 daly city at highway one. they're clearing an injury accident. there the south bay, where it was raining hard, has a bunch of slow traffic. x7 101. we had a couple of earlier crashes. people are generally slowing down. this is an earlier than usual slowdown for that silicon valley commute at 619. let's go to steve who can expand
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on the weather. >> we'll do. thank you sir. we'll start though up with our good friendúraymond up in cazadero cazadero usually along with somewhere around mount tamalpais or santa cruz mountains, usually are the one of the leaders on the pack. on total rain 49 100. almost a half inch. on tuesday, my yearly total has broken through 60in for the season to a new total of 60.44 for the rain year. the rain year starts july 1st. the water year is october 1st. i'mt& old school. i use the rain year rainfall totals as well. mount tamalpais three quarters. bonny doon almost a half south of blossom hill, almost a half inch, watsonville 4/10 and bennett valley, san jose, la honda and los gatos all between 11/100 and almost a quarter of an inch. this upper low. honestly, the placement of it makes a huge difference. the flow around that is pumping in pretty good moisture and it's lifting south to north. look at that. going through marin county now, san pablo bay now over berkeley. you're getting some spbrief heavy rain out of this. and look at the line again. some areas nothing. palo alto has had
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0.04 yet. i know half moon bay has had a 10th of an inch, but it's really about san jose. spcampbell los gatos 17, highway 17, highway nine into the santa cruz mountains and capitola, apd corralitos. corralitos with a shout out here! heaviest rain will be for those areas, but we are getting some rain here. i think today's an overachiever, and after today's system, then we'll get a break on thursday and especially friday 50s, 60s on the temps, is that right? i don't know if that's my map or not, but anyway, it'll be nice on friday, so enjoy. all right. >> we will. thank you. steve. another alameda city joins the stage of the cease fire debate. we'll tell you how albany is taking a slower approach than other bay area cities, as it considers opening discussions of a resolution, and it was an important election day in silicon valley. we have the crod race to replace a longtime congresswoman, anna eshoo
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against millbrae city council member anne schneider. the latest numbers show jackie spear leading with 68% of the vote and schneider 32. now spear served on the board of supervisors from 1980 to 1986 before winning
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seats in the state legislature and eventually congress, but left congress to be back home with her family in perhaps the closest watched congressional race in the bay area. it looks like former san jose mayor sam liccardo will likely face santa clara county supervisor joe simitian in the general election . now, liccardo received the most votes in a crowded 11 candidate field representing fir reproductive rights. we're going to fight for democratic institutions. i'll be fighting hard for all those things. but in between the fights, we got to get something done on. and our congress that will get something done. on homelessness, on high utility costs and all the other things that are challenging our communities right now. >> liccardo served 16 years on the san jose city council, including two terms as mayor. he's trying to win the seat held by retiring longtime congresswoman anna. eschew counting election results in california often takes longer
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than other states, mainly because of vote by mail balloting. now, ballots put into mailboxes yesterday on election day may take a few days to arrive for the counting. california law says ballots postmarked by election day have to be accepted for that means tl number of votes cast won't be final until next week. now you can stay up to date on all the races in california and other super tuesday states by going to our fox local app. just search for the fox local app and select ktvu. albany is the latest bay area city in the debate about international conflicts, such as the war between israel and hamas. >> i would have spoken against the internment. i would have spoken in germany. and i feel incumbent on me to speak now, >> the council approved creating a committee that has two council members who will now study the possibility of drafting a resolution calling for a cease fire. one council member abstained from the vote, saying
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spthat this issue is out of the albany's purview. a new proposed legislation in the state assembly would require school districts to hire an armed law enforcement officer to patrol each of the campuses. current state law allows school districts to decide whether or not to hire armed or unarmed officers. if the bill becomes a law, it would be a state mandated program requiring the state to reimburse each district for the cost. pg and e is warning customers of a growing scam the tactic scammers aret& using that led to nearly $900,000 in losses in fraudulent payments. and oakland mayor shengtao talks to us about the a's, what she's saying about e futurec o
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tales of overnight developments indicating haley's campaign is ending. we'll tell you what's ahead for the remaining candidates. >> plus, you wanted to see san francisco become the place that we all know and love. >> some san francisco voters approved several new propositions. we'll look at some of the key issues in the city ar parts of the bay area from ktvu. >> fox two news this is mornings on two. >> all right. some big names in retail are in focus this morning as we take you live to the opening bell at the new york lor stocks set to drop close to 1p% as that bell rings after
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reporting disappointing holiday& sales and for the upcoming quarter. nordstrom also issued a disappointing quarter, but announced it will focus on its nordstrom rack format, which has been very successful, and taking a look at that opening bell. atlas clear holdings ringing the bell to celebrate their listing on the exchange. thank you for joining us here on mornings on two. i'm pam cook and good morning i'm dave clark. >> it is wednesday. it's march 6th. it's also raining outside the studio. it is okay. >> we'll see. right. >> thinking about it. there we go. see? yeah. it's been lifting south the north. and so it's a rainy morning here for many, this system was originally down towards san jose. santa cruz mountains. and it says i think i'll just go south to north. and that's exactly what's happening. so we're seeing rain now towards san francisco, oakland, berkeley, lifting along san pablo bay, east bay and areas north. but the heaviest amounts by far have been around san jose, santa clara, santa cruz
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mountains. so look for some rain this morning. when it rains, it pours. well i'll tell you, we're stuck in our. it's a rainy pattern. cloudy, cool morning rain south to north. heaviest rain, though, will be to the south. here i would favor the santa cruz mountains, san jose area 60s on the temps. all right sal is here. if you have a fast car, you may not be going too fast. >> no, sir. no, sir. right now, definitely. if you are driving here on the bay bridge, your fast car will do you no good. it's backed up all the way out. this is the triple a traffic camera showing big backup here at the toll plaza. no major problems on the bridge. 80 westbound. still a big problem. eastbound 80. all lanes blocked because of a crash at pinole valleyúroad. it's beginning to affect is slow. 680 is okay. northbound 280. they cleared that crash in daly city. the south bay. sort of slow because of the wet weather. i think that has something to do with it. get yourself extra time let's go back to the desk.2t-
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>> all morning and the presidential race, republican presidential candidate nikki haley is expected to drop out of the race this morning. that's according to people familiar with her decision after she only won one state, vermont, in the super tuesday primaries. >> now, both president biden and former president trump easily won their party's primaries here in california is look at the republican primary results. donald trump with 79% of the vote. nikki haley has 81. meantime, on the democratic side, president biden locked in california, getting 89% of the vote so far. >> well, nikki haley's campaign says she will make the statemen& outside her home in south carolina just about half an hour from now. doug luzader joining us now live from washington, dc with the latest on these new developments and the impact this will have on the campaign trail. >> doug, not really a surprise, really. when you look at the numbers here, i mean, nikki haley just did not have much of
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a path forward and she will call it quits. it sounds like in about a half an hour they call it super tuesday for a reason. >> this is a big one. >> the former president trump celebrating one win after another last night. but he never mentioned his one remaining challenger by name. and now a report first in the wall street journal that nikkiúhaley is calling it quits. >> i think if i'm the democrats at this point, i have to be evaluating. can i get any of those haley voters to come over to my side and i'múnot sure that there's a real path for them to do that. >> the pundits will spend the day debating where the race goes from here, but for super tuesdad out largely as expected for trump, it was almost a clean sweep. nikki haley was able to win in vermont, showing trump's challenges with moderate republicans. but in a departure from recent election days, haley did not makec any appearances last night, issuing only a statement. unity simply claimin. >> my poll number is the last five polls you guys don't
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report. i'm winning. >> earlier in the day, president biden took issue with reporters asking about super tuesday. and like trump, he was almost undefeated yesterday, losing only american samoa to a virtually unknown challenger. oy phone started blowing up. >ñ baltimore resident jason palmer was able to pick up three delegates despite never having been to american samoa. and while biden's wins elsewhere were decisive, he did have to contend with a high number of voters who chose uncommitted. yesterday democrats, protesting his support for israel. while haley is concerned we do not expect an endorsement for former president trump at this point, haley is also said to not rule it out soe surrounding that. back to you guys. >> certainly, doug, as you and i talked about earlier some bad be undecided people out there and nikki haley supporters alongúthe
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line. so how does her departure perhaps affect this race going forward, and how can they maybe get those votes? the two candidates remaining? >> well, at this point, the race for is all but over. both biden and trump have nearly the number of delegates they need to secure the nomination. once it gets to the general election, that's when it's going to be a question of both of them kind of centering up and going after some of those moderates that nikki haley was able to get on board. >> all right. it'll be interesting to follow this. doug luzader live in washington, dc. thank you for that update. >> all barbara lee, remains. she says she's going to remain in the race despite. right. coming in fourth place. >> barbara lee is leaving her seat in congress to run for the spus senate. she said her race s a progressive movement. she'll be watching the vote results in the coming days. the congresswoman from the east bay thanked volunteers and voters for supporting her at her campaign headquarters in
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oakland. despite the uphill battle she's facing against challengers who had more money. >> when you look at 20 some million dollars by my opponents, it's like, come on, what do you think that is? i mean, i don't take corporate pac money. you can see the disparity in the money. i mean, come money doesno to a black progressive woman. but we have people and we have low donors. we have recurring donors. >> ktvu asked barbara lee about her future plans, regardless of the vote results. she decided not to answer. barbara lee headed back to washington, dc shortly after the polls closed, and she did not go to the watch party in oakland. there are many other local propositions and races that we have information for you on. you can find, along with the fox local app. >> we're following some breaking news this morning out of hayward where there is a large police presence. ktvu o'carroll now on the scene. bailey, what can you tell us?
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>> good morning pam. yeah, we did just get to this scene probably about five or so minutes ago, and i can tell you that they did just put up this crime. crime scene tape behind me. this is newn this was not here when we pulled up. otherwise we would not have been able to park our car where we did. take a look. big portion. i'm going to guess as to why they closed down this area is because of, of course, a fire hydrant was hit here and it is spraying water. that's actually why i have my umbrella up. it's not raining out here, rather the fire hydrant. it's a little windy and it's actually kicking up quite a bit of water in our direction. you can see the streetsúflooded out here as a couple of firefighters standing in that deep water at this point, working to get that fire hydrant turned off. looks like they were unable to do that. and so it looks relatively clear now. but as i mentioned, they did just put up this crime& scene tape. and across the street from where we're
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standing, on the same side of the street as that fire hydrantv you can see there. looks like it was in a pretty bad, bad car accident. there is no other car here on the scene, so we don't know if it was a single car crashúif another car was involved in it. but it looks pretty bad. you can see the windshield there badly damaged. it appears i'm staring into the or looking into the driver's side window. it looks like as ww though, as i mentioned, mostly firefighters here on the scene spworking to get some of this flooding under control. they did just close off this road. it's a business park, so not super heavy traffic, but of course, as the morning picks up, you could assume that there'll be more workers, employees looking to come to work here. so there was already a really small backup of maybe 5 or 6 cars looking to get through the street that theyúare going to have to take an alternate route here, but not affecting too many cars, too
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much traffic at this point. but now firefighters again working to get some of this flooding under control. and on top of that, hoping to get this fire hydrant shut off here soon. we will of course remain on scene here. work to learn more information and bring you that as soon as we get it. reporting live in hayward. i'm bailey o'carroll, ktvu, fox two news. all right. >> bailey, thank you. i know you've got to go. let's check in with sal. sal, exactly where is& she? in hayward. and is traffic affected in that area? winton avenue near cabot,t definitely. there's a scenet& there as well connected to this crime scene. so there are two crime scenes. you saw bailey there standing in the street where you can't go right now. our aa traffic cameras are going to show us the regular commute is affected by rain all over the place. you can see traffic is backed up at the bay bridge toll plaza via this aa traffic camera . we still have a crash clearing east 80 at pinole valley road. this crash was blocking all lanes. they're making some progress here, but i do want to
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mention that you should give yourself plenty of extra time there. you can see that traffic is going to be okay on 280, but the rain really has slowed things down. san jose commute is going to be slow, slower because of the wet weather. speaking of wet weather and the weather inlk in to talk about that. >> all right sal, this i'm going right out full blown raini mean, it is just lifting northward and our good friend the nam nam forecast model just slapped 0.48 on sfo today from bradley. nothing to a half inch. so you can see it's lifting northward now up towards marin county, over towards berkeley along 80 over to san pablo bay. so and the heavier amounts have been to the but picking san francisco along the coast, san mateo coast. but really it's about san jose cruz mountains in towards santa cruz proper. i mean, i mean, just look at the moisture stream coming up. so, i'll buy into
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some of this forecast models are having a difficult time with this, no doubt about it. i think there'll be more than this is being forecast for some,úmaybe a little less for others. but the low will be with us today as it slides south. rain will go from, you know, we'll start to move south as well. 50s on the 10th. but look for off and on rain. now some areas may not get much at all, but others could easily get a quarter to a half inch. so look for decreasing by this afternoon. we'll get a break on thursday and friday. more clouds and rain returns probably monday into tuesday. for today though, rain goes south to north. maybe a little bit of a break later today, but the heaviest amounts will be on san jose santa cruz. >> all right steve, thank you. time 642 taylor swift, the superstar becoming a key part of a college course in the north bay. we tell youúhow a professor at santa rosa junior college is teaching friendship with a swifty twist. >> it's going to be a popular class. all right, let's check in with garcia. very busy day here on mornings on two. very. and of
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course, we will start withc politics here as former president donald trump marking a big win on super tuesday and looking for support for what appears to be a repeat of the 2020 presidential election. >> why he is turning to the ceo of tesla, spacex and x. that's at seven then. it's not often we report on bosses raising workers pay on their own. why? one california panera franchise owner is doing just thatn and the political pressure that's likely behind the move.
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on their primary election ballots, including a measure requiring anyone getting public assistance to undergo regular drug tests. ktvu allie rasmus is in san francisco right now with the vote results and the reaction to it. good morning >> good morning dave. well, there were a total of seven measures on the ballot for san spfrancisco voters to consider yesterday, and they approved all but one of them, the one measure that did not pass was measure b, which would have tied police staffing levels to tax increases. but one of the more controversial and consequential measures that did pass was
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measure f. let's take a look at the vote totals for that. more than 60% of san francisco voters approved it. it requires people on public assistance in san francisco to go through drug screening tests and get substance abuse treatment. now, supporters of the measure say it's a sign that voters want stricter enforcement of drug problems and drug use, but opponents of this measure make e problem worse. >> the unintended consequences are that it will increase homelessness. they will miss an appointment or, you know, not end up at the right treatment placeúor anything could happen that would allow them to just lose their benefits. and with that, they would no longer be able to pay their rent. >> folks will still have protection for their housing for 30 days and potentially longer. if the hsa, the city's department, decides. and really what this is about is, you know, we've already tried the carrot approach in san francisco. it's time to use a little bit more of
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the stick to nudge people into treatment. >> now, along with measure f, one of the other measures that mayor london breed supported and put on the ballot was measure e, it also passed with 60% of the vote. it authorizes the city to install public surveillance cameras and give police more flexible to use drones, facial recognition technology and chase people suspected of committing violent crimes and felonies. other measures that passed included measure c, which would eliminate the real estate transfer tax temporarily for building owners that convert commercial property into housing, live in san francisco. allie rasmus, ktvu, fox two news. >> allie. thank you. also in san francisco, measure a would issue $300 million in bonds to pay for building affordable housing. the measure needs at least two thirds of a yes vote in order to pass. >> measure c gives a one time tax exemption for building owners who are converting from commercial to residential use.
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68% voting yes ahead of the no vote. and measure d expands a list of gifts that city employees can't receive. moving on to, the next, algebra in classes, measure g, that would urge san francisco unified school district to offer algebra to eighth grade students again, that measure not legally binding, but would only encourage the school district to offer algebra in eighth grade if it passes 84% voting yes. all right. bam! >> there are many other local propositions and races that we have information to share with you on. you can find that on, along with the fox local app. >> students going to college in the fall are anxiously awaiting the results of their financial aid application. now, the free application for federal student aid, known as fafsa, usually opens in october, but last up ul
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the final days of 2023. now the form has been streamlined. the education department says it's now an easier application process. however, according to the bay area news group, financial aid administrators say students are confused by the new form. recent reports show submissions are down by more than 41% this year. cybersecurity giant fortnite, fortnite, bay area real estate properties now worth more than a half $1 billion. the tech company just purchased a building in union city for nearly $15 million. fortnite now paid more than $535 million to buy properties in sunnyvale, santa clara and union city. roku customers cannot watch their televisions until their consent to new terms. roku is the san jose based smart tv operation system. it sent emails to users notifying them about a change in its customer policy. users will now have to agree to the new
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informal dispute resolution terms before they can access any service. the technology news site techcrunch reports. changes include customers must first take their legal complaints to roku and later an arbiter if necessary, and two of the bay area's largest business groups are considering joining forces. the bay area council, based in san silicon valley leadership group, say they are thinking about creating a single organization, andúit will help the bay area compete with other cities. the group says the new sporganization would present wod represent business interests in all nine bay area counties. it's not clear how soon that merger could happen. waze is set to roll out new features later this month in an effortúto make driving safer and easier, the app announced that its drivers will get alerted for changes in the speed limit and will receive better directions regarding which lane they should be in to make a turn, a new feature will be added that will show the drivers the closest parking lots as well to their destination.
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more features are expected later this year. >> all right, and time is 651. i can tell the roads are wet around the bay area, so you're busy. you see it all? >> that's right. with the help of my aa traffic cameras, let's go right out and check what we have here on 80 westbound. the bay bridge is slow and it's not raining now,úbut the roads are definitely wet. we had an earlier accident east 80 at pinole valley road that's cleared, but westbound had took it on the chin there as people were slowing down to take a look . also, 280 in daly city, approaching highway one, there's a bigger backup there now because of an earlier wreck. 652 now let's bring steve back in with today's weather. >> all right, sal, thank you. well, we have rain moving south to north. a courtesy of this low right there. it's called a cut off low because it's cut off from the main flow or the jett& stream. and igll be up front and honest with it. they are brutal forecasts. you can look at four different forecast models and they have four different solutions. well one of the wetter ones, if this was a dry
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year, i don't think we'd get much. but it's a rain year. so we are 40s and 50s on the temps. that probably won't change much, but rain is moving south to north and there's some moderate to heavy rain, especially around san jose, santa clara, maybe in your backyard and other locations. hardly anything. but we went from not much to a pretty good here, one of the forecast models is just ramped up the amounts big time. not sure i buy into that, but, i mean, you're seeing two thirds of an inch at redwood city. probably overdone half moon bay, but i can't ignore it. far less to the north and also the east. so this is about the peninsula, about san francisco south towards san jose, santa cruz mountains. there's some good amounts coming in, and lifting south to north should start to slowly drift more southward spthroughout the day. but it's with us this morning. so we'll get rain this morning. for many, especially as i mentioned, san francisco, oakland south, not as much for snow here. going forward, but there will be another system, a weak one on the weekend, another one on monday and tuesday. cloudy morning, cool rain south to north. mostly cloudy rain. heaviest amounts peninsula san jose, santa cruz 60s on the
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temps. we get a break tomorrow and warmer on friday day. >> okay steve thank you. our time now 653. the mayor of oakland pushing back against what's being said about crime in oakland. the reason analysts change the perception of oakland and the recording studio just opened in the north bay. how this new location will help young people serving time at the sonoma county jail.
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the number of utility scams hit an all time high. there were almost 43,000 reports from customers who were scammed by people claiming to represent pg and e, and customers lost about $875,000 in fraudulent payments. pg and e says the scammers threatened to disconnect your service, demand that you buy a prepaid card, or say you owe a refund or a rebate. pg and e says it will never ask for financial information over the phone. well, gas prices are starting to go up again. just in time for spring break. triple a reports california's average gas prices rose more than $0.25 in the last month. details from by gasbuddy shows prices are
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expected to go up $0.10 in march, and in april, one of the reasons spring break increasing the demand tank of gas. that increase also comes as distributors are switching to theúsummer blend of gasoline, which is more expensive to produce. our time is 657. sonoma county's juvenile hall has opened a new music recording studio. the county probation department says the goal is to promote self-expression, positivity and wellness among the young people who are being detained there. the studio includes industry standard microphones and recording software, as well as guitars and keyboards, drums and other instruments. the probation department has hired a local music professional to help those inmates create their music. well, the a's have unveiled new artists renderings of their proposed $1.5 billion new ballpark in las vegas. take a
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look. the indoor ballpark would seat 33,000 fans and feature a view of the las vegas strip. the many fans are already pointed outúthe sleek design of the stadium looks a lot like the world famous sydney opera house in australia. the team plans to open this stadium in time for the 2028 season. our time is 658, well before can happen, the a's need to figure out where they're going to play for the next four years. now they'll play some games this season in oakland, but they don't have a contract to play at the coliseum after that. oakland mayor shang tao says the city is negotiating with the a's to play in oakland for future seasons. she also says the city is tryine a's rooted in oakland. the a's current lease with the oakland coliseum runs out at the end of this season. sacramento and several other cities have come up as possible temporary homes
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for the a's next season. >> new this morning, republican nikki haley expected to drop out of the race forúpresident. we're waiting directly, as she is campaign fop nomination. >> plus, it looks like we're going to gentlemen, welcome to the california comeback. >> the two top candidates are headed to the november election for california's senate seat. adam schiff, steve garvey projected to advance to the november race to be california's next senator. then here at home, we're tracking breaking news in hayward. we're live again fromúa scene that has a large police presence following a crash that sheared off a fire hydrant and sent water shooting into the air from ktvu, fox twoúnews. >> this is mornings on two. good morning and welcome back. >> i'm gasia mikaelian and good morning i'm dave clark. middle of


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