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tv   KTVU FOX 2 News at 6pm  FOX  March 6, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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modified tax to fund the idea, however, the other major initiative on public safety has passed measure. e gives expanded surveillance powers to san francisco police. it will also reduce the power of the citizen police oversight commission. san franciscans approving this measure with 60% voting, yes, another closely watch. measure in the city is measure f. it would require adults without dependence on welfare to be screened for illegal drug use ae passed with 63% of the vote. well some political analysts say these results indicate a shift in attitude inúsan francisco away from progressive values and toward more centrist ideals. but as k tv s christian captain explains many candidates and experts say it's more complicated than that. with san francisco voters approving proposition e granting police new powers and proposition f tying drug screenings to publicg if the city has shifted from its most progressive policies. mayor london breed who backed both
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measures says their passage does not indicate that the city frome principles in its push for safety. san francisco continues to push forward our values and extraordinary ways and we have not abandoned those, but we also accountability supervisor asha safaie, who is running for mayor says the results show a city fot change. they want to see new leadership around all the different issues. san francisco's facing people are concerned about public safety, rightfully so they are concerned about the homelessness crisis on the streets. the mental health spdrug abuse mark farrell, the most recent candidate to jump into the mayor's race, also voters looking for change. san francisco needs to change directions. the last sixúhave literally seen our city crumble. we need to do it about face as a city. incredible momentum. yeah. last night, daniel lurie, also running for mayor says the policies that voters approved reflect a more nuanced snapshot
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of the city's electorate than simply looking at it as electorate and moderate. not- residents of san francisco are absolute, absolutely looking for change from the outside. uh, that's what we saw yesterday, and that's what they're going to get. in november. san francisco state university political science professor jason mcdaniel said, looking at the election results to gauge if voters have fundamentally shifted their positions is too simplisticc, he said. the results need at in cot say that progressivism is out, but i think the electorate has certainly some of the policies that progressive politicians and progressive organizations and leaders have been put forward. a sf had pushed for a lot of the ballot measures that won last night.t& that organization said being a progressive city and a well policed city aren't at odd. but the ac of northern california , said the measures that passed proposition weakened oversight and undermined reforms that were put in place to protect the public. in san francisco. christian kafton ktvu, fox two news. and
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in the east bayl alameda county voters appear to have approved n recalling elected leaders measure b would raise the threshold of signatures needed for a recall. this would change alameda county's recall election laws to mirror existing state law results so far, show v4% of voters have voted yes, both critics and opponents of the measure dispute what effect it may have on existing recall attempts, including those of alameda county d, a mayor. to ie senate race here in california voters in november will decide between democrat adam schiff and republican steve garvey in the general electionúshould focused much of his primary campaign on elevating garvey and preventingg out katie porter and barbara lee k tv u political reporter greg lee now tells us about the strategies, the siff and garvey campaigns will try to leverage thank you. and let's go on and
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win this thing on and over, everybody. we haven't come this far. to only go this far. schiff will meet republican andy in the general election for the right to fill the senate seat long held by the late diane feinstein because now it's a different race. essentially adam schiff could run steve garvey's campaign in two primary system. now steve garvey has to find his race in state history s elevating garvey's campaign, much to the chagrin of democrats katie porter and barbara lee. remember that old saying? what s like the pitcher that throws me. watches be running around the bases. garvey aware of the challenges ahead. the last time a republican has been elected to
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the us senate from the state was in 19x8 registered democrats outnumber republicans to 1, and he'll to be asked if he supports donald trump, ans positions, he's going to have to just slap do more than the wall. let's see if he can do that. i want to acknowledge the rate of our protesters and i look forward to work with you all one challenge facing schiff evident at his victory partyn pro palestinian protesters interrupted most of his speech. she has supported aid in the gaza not an immediate ceasefire. something progressive. barb is still calling for. schiff, ironically, needs the two women that he beat up on or virtually ignored this particular primary and they could provide political cover for them. why would they no matter who wins in november, california will not have a female senator for the first time since 1992. it's a function
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of who the donors get behind early. it's a function of the consultant class and all those things really, um, did their tod katie porter, you know, out of the general election. amy allison is the founder of she, the people a political network for women of color, she says schiff and national democrats need to work to reach women and rebuild a diverse coalition. if we go back to 2020, it was women of colorc not in california but across the country. who were the margin of for democrats. if you shut them out now democrats can't win. greg lee k tv u, fox two news. bay area voters appear to have made some decisions on two open congressional seats in the east bay. two democrats are advancinl outgoing congresswomanc barbara lease. former board member latif assignment and professor jennifer tran are in the lead to advance to the election in the e retiring congresswoman anna esu.
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it is a close race between former san jose mayor sam ricardo clara countyt& supervisor joe smit and assemblyman evan lowe loo with the most votes right now. crowded 11 candidate field to rn valley, california voters had only one statewide ballot proposition to decide on if approved, proposition one would allow the state to build mental health and substance abuse, treatment facilities and homeless. this would all be- funded primarily of nearly six 4 billion in bonds tonight, the results for prop to call well ie for the white house. it now appears as though the 2024 will be a rematch between joe biden and donald trump. trump was able to win his party's in all but one state last night that brings him to a projected one thousand 31 delegates, fewer than 200 needed to secure the nomination. nikki haley announcing today that she is ending her presidential campaign , the republican lost all but
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two of this year's nominating contest, although she was trump's first ambassador to the united nations, haley was not explicitly endorsing former president donald she did congratulate him on a successful campaign, saying he has his work cutc out for him to earn the votes of her supporters. it is now to donald trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him. and i hope he does that. nikki haley said that one of the proudest moments from her entire campaign was when her own mother, a generation immigrant, got to vote for her daughter for president and on the democratic ticket. joe biden is also getting closer. with no meaningful competition. mr biden has now secured more than 1500 delegates and a quick reminder that you can find real time election results for and local races on our website. it's all at ktv, a chinese citizen living in the east bay was arrested and charged this morning. steel artl
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intelligence files from google a software engineer. kt v's crystal bailey joins us now in the studio with more on the story, crystal the released just this morning, says the google employee allegedly sold more than 500 confidential files surrounding the development of artificial intelligence and replicated the information at two chinese companies. the fbi arrested 38 year wei ding, known as mornings home in newark. ding a chinese citizen, started working as a software engineer at google in 2019, according to the department of justice. he's accused of stealing artificial intelligence related software. us attorney merrick garland during a visit to sant& francisco, shared the us leads in a i technology, saying it is important for our economy and national security. the justice department's first job is to uh, that lead and to protect our intellectual properties. the indictment says that in may of
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2022 periodically began uploading trade secrets stored in google's network by copying the information to a personal google cloud account is further that he stole this intellectual property. um while he was working for, uh, two companies based in the people's republic of china. while at simultaneously worked for a chinese tech start up where as y spofficer and a company he found and operated himself out of china. one of the companies explicit goals was to replicate an upgradec google's platform te same platform about which ding hadústolen google's trade secrets. is also accused of traveling to china to do business deals while google employee and covering up his crimes. the justice department just will not tolerate theft of our trade secret scenario of artificial intelligence. in a statement from google, their spokesperson
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told us we have strict safeguards to prevent the theft of our confidential commercial information and trade secrets going on to say we quickly referred the case to law fbi fot information and we'll continue cooperating with themúclosely. officials have not released a sppic a picture of him, but ding was charged with four counts of theft ofc trade secrets. if convicted, he could face 10 years in prison andúa 20. spfederal investigators say they take this kind of crime seriously. they're working very closely with companies here in silicon valley to protect intellectual property. crystal bailey k tv u, fox two news. is facing backlash from elected officials over the way it's responding to a rise in accountc takeovers across its platforms. in those takeovers, bad actors, compromise accountsúand change,d information access. bloombergc reports. some states have experienced a more than 700% jump in account lockouts between
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2022 and 2023. in response of bipartisan coalition of 40 attorneys general, including california's rob bonta, have signed off on a letter of sent e calling for the company to increase its investment in response and mitigation tactics to protect consumers from the harm of hackers. we have reached out to meta for a response in ta burglary suspect soon after one patrol car where the investigation stands ahead toniy fire station hit by criminals not once, but twice and firefighters are now stepping up security. in those showers are dying down out there beautifulc sunset after the clouds clear we have a forecast that does include a few more showers and some sun back here with that, and later in the newscast, more fallout from the blowout on a boeing 737 max jet, key regulators airing out their frustration in front of congress , and here's a quick check right now of the wednesday evening
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commute. this is a look at the bayúbridge toll plaza. no crashes on the traffic is heavy enough right now that the metering lights have been turned you're watching k tv news at six. we'll be right back.
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say they received a call of an injured man at the corner of
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hyde and golden gate, 830 last night. this is video from citizen app. when officers pulled up on scene, they say stab wounds. he was pronounced dead at the scene. no arrests have been made. anyone with information is asked police. >> san jose police havec arrestd two men suspected in two separate homicides. investigators say juan carlos perez shot three people on february 18th in a parking lot on story road. one of the victims, a man, was killed. investigators identified perez as the suspect and arrested him last friday. the second homicide happened last thursday on moorpark avenue. a man was shot while sitting inside a vehicle. denzel brown was identified as the primary suspect. the 30 year old was arrested in sunnyvale. police now are still trying to identify a second suspect in that case, we released a surveillance snapshot of the second suspect. >> i'm in a press release. so again, if anyone has any information, please come forward
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bring some closure to this case. but again, i do want to commend our detectives for not only identifying, but also arresting within less than 24 hours, the primary suspect. suspect? brown. >> the motives and circumstances surrounding both cases are now >> a burglary in hayward led toe chase. the suspects ended up getting away after an officer crashed during the pursuit. ktvu crime reporter henry lee has the story. >> reporter this nondescript building on west wintonc avenue in an industrial part of haywar& police say, was home to illegal marijuana grow that was targeted by burglars before dawn , an officer spotted the suspects taking off at about 535 wednesday morning. >> one of the first on scene saw several individualsúas they were fleeingúin a vehicle. he followed and tried to catch up to them to take them into custody, but that officer ended up losingúcontrol a few blocks away on cabot boulevard, crashing into and shearing off a fire hydrant. >> theúimpact flooded the street and sent water spewing 30ft into
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the air. the airbag of the police explorer deployed, and the officer reported on the radio that he was bleeding from his head. the mangled suv had to be pulled out of a ditch with an excavator before it could be towed away. >> the officer is okay. injuried received treatment at a local hospital, and has since been released and is at home and expected to make a full recovery searched the premises but found >> they found evidence that marijuana was being grown illegally and that the would be burglars left empty handed. i've learned hayward police received a burglar alarm from this business at three in the morning, but perhaps nott& unsurprisingly, those connected to this place were uncooperative with police. a nearby tenant at a neighboring business told me off camera, those involved in the grove managed to blend in with hayward police officer cassandra favell says isn't surprising. it's obviously bigger commercial buildings where you can hold and grow a lot of plants and oftentimes go undetected. >> other than the smell e bills.
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>> this investigation is ongoing, and anyone with information is asked to contact hayward police in hayward. henry lee, ktvu, fox two news. caused some flooding this afternoon. take a look. this is what it looked like along norris canyon and crow canyon roads between castro valley and san ramon. you can see all that water heading downstream, flooding the side of the roadway there, and in hayward, rain soaked the cal state east bay campus. the pioneers baseball sonoma state todayúwet weather,g martin. and bill. for a time there, it was really coming dowc in the east bay. >> yeah, just depending where one of those cells and some oft- the rainfall rates were an inch an hour. easy and it caused some urban and small stream flooding throughout the east bay and into the south bay, down around saratoga and now in the santa cruz mountains. if you're in santa rosa or in sausalito, or even san francisco, you're saying, well, what are you talking about? rain and here you
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see the numbers. concord, a half inch of rain. that's a lot of rain for a winter storm. a half inch of rain is solid for this kind of aúthing. it's a lot for just this sort of not a very dynamic system. so as we go into tomorrow, we're looking for clearing. you're seeing it out there now. the scattered showers still lingering tomorrow morning spwe'll see some valley fog as well. beautiful night out there. as things start to dry out. but as we back it up a little bit, this is a few hours. let's go all the way back to lunchtime. so right around here you can kind of see these things developing. now we're moving forward and boom, boom, boom. and you can see how how localized they are and how they're not really moving much over the course of an hour or two. they're barely drifting south. and east. most of thist& activity is heading off into southern california, where they're getting a severe or the potential for severe weather. they have flood advisories up down there. when i come back, we'll talk about their their brush with the rain, what it means to us this next couple of
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days, and the opportunity for more scattered showers on the bay area weekend. it's been that kind of week. i'll see you back. still to come tonight, congress taking another step toward avoiding a government shutdown. >> also, had president biden prepares to address the nation tomorrow night, just as the number of major issues and his approval rating hang in the balance. >> but first, burglars target a south bay fire station not once, but twice, and firefighters tonight stepping up their security measures at the firehouse, introducing an all new way to watch ktvu news live on your big screen, search fox local on your tv streaming device and download it for free. >> access all fox two newscasts, spplus exclusive features like e ktvu video vault archives search fox local on your tv streaming device, or scan the code for how to
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a party in monterey county, but the search continues for three gunmen. king city, southeast of salinas. the monterey county sheriff's office says the car, a silver kia sedan, was found in an unincorporated area of the county. it had been reported spstolen last month. four people were killed in that shooting, including a woman celebrating her 32nd birthday. seven othert& people were wounded, two of them critically. targeted andt& moving forward, the issue of security at firehouses is taking
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center stage. ktvu south bay reporter jesse gary has at one fire station that's been the target of criminals. >> we've had that. i know of two two break ins here at this fire station. >> officials say the break ins happened 16 months apart. the most evening as the four member a shift returned from a call. someone had broken through the front door of fire station eight on east santa clara street, stealing personal belongings and some city equipment. >> it's stressful, you know, when you're worried about your personal property, you're worried about the security of the fire station. >> san jose police were called and minutes later, the suspect, apparently living unhoused along >> our police department did a great job of apprehending the alleged perpetrator, recovering some of the personal belongings that were stolen. >> station eight is a throwback building dating 1949. it sits on a major thoroughfare,
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but also along the creek, which is dotted with unhoused encampments. the mayor says one of the solutions to such crimes spis getting unhoused people ino temporary and permanent housing. >> we need to get people out of our creeks, off of our streets, connected to other supportiveand services. we cannot continue on as a city that has thousands ofc people living outside. >> a statement from the firefighters union says, in part, this incident highlights the need for more security at all city buildings. we should not have to worry about our broken into and vandalized.- >> our bss director is a deputy chief and the department safety program manager were here yesterday taking a look, and they'll work with our public works department to implement solutions for security. >> san jose police have not identified the man who was arrested in connection with saturday's crime, or said, what happened to the items that were not recovered of san jose. jessy ktvu, fox two news coming up on
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ktvu news at 630 boeing faces more scrutiny in washington. >>úthe changes that regulators regulators want the plane manufacturer to make. also ahead alameda, california 76,p00 people with a relatively small police department. >> but they helped lead one of g operation for mass thefts and the cal bears looking to punch their ticket to face stanford in the next round of the pac 12 tournament. >> jason a elbaum, with the highlights tonight
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senate seat. the last time a republican was elected to the us senate in california, pete wilson, back in 1988, san francisco voters appeared to have approved a key measure that would expand police department surveillance, surveillance capabilities. >> it would also reduce the powers police oversight commission and in another, closely watched measure, voters appear to have approved measure f, which would require drug screening for single adults on welfare and at a news conference today in san francisco, us attorney general merrick garland announced the arrest of a chinese citizen living in the bay area, lin way. >> ding is accused of stealing confidential artificial intelligence files from google, where hec worked as a software engineer. the federal government says he shared the information
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with two chinese companies. he was arrested at his home in newark. he is charged with four counts of theft of trade secrets. >> you're watching ktvu, fox two news at 630.c boeing is under more scrutiny tonight, two months after a door plug on one of its jets flew off midair during an alaska airlines flight. >> and as fox's david spunt reports, the ntsb chair is now accusing boeing of withholding >> it's absurd that two months later, we don't have that ntsb chair jennifer homendy, not holding back her frustration at boeing. >> at a senate hearing spwednesday, homendy told lawmakers the company is withholding information from her investigators, including records indicating who worked on the door plug that flew off a 737 maxúnine mid-flight in january. >> we know for a fact that there is a team that deals with the an entire team of 25 people in a manager. >> a preliminary report last
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month found four bolts that helped keep plug in place were missing. after the panel during a repair job last september. homendy says despite repeated requests, boeing never provided records on that repair or even said if they kept those records. lawmakers were stunned at hammond's testimony. >> well, i will say that is utterly unacceptable. >> hours after the hearing, boeing submitted a full list of its 737 door team. it also addressed the issue of documentation, writing, quote, if the door plug removal was undocumented, there would to shl continue to cooperate fully and transparently with the ntsb's investigation. while homendy didn't suggest any intentional wrongdoing, she did stress the s overall probe. investigators began interviews at boeing's plant in washington state on sunday that will likely continue all week. the hearing 90 days to respond to qualityng-
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control issues raised by the agency and industry experts in washington, david spunt, fox news. billion spending bill package that would keep key federal agencies from going into a partial shutdown. the senate is now expected toúact before the shutdown deadline of midnight on friday. many republicans oppose the first measure, prompting house speaker mike johnson to expedite the process to bring the bill to a vote. many republicans wanted bigger cuts and more policy wins, but speaker johnson said they had to be realistic about what they could accomplish. >> president biden will give his state of the union address tomorrow. he is expected to touch on the warúin gaza, as well as his economic agenda, efforts to protect women's spreproductive rights and immigration. many people are expectedúto watch tomorrow, and with an approval rating of 42, some political analysts say this could be the biggest speech of biden's reelection campaign.
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following the president's remarks, alabama senator katie britt will deliver the republican response. the 42 year old is currently the youngest female woman elected to the senate from alabama. senator britt released a statement ahead of her speech saying it is time for the next generation to step up and you can watch the stateúof the union address and the republican response right here on ktvu. our coverage begins starting at 6:00 in the evening. ktvu, fox two news at six. by the way, we'll move over to ktvu plus. >> well, a protest at uc berkeley today focused on free speech for faculty. the group, rally. it says it is trying toe call attention to a uc regent proposal to ban uc faculty and staff from publishing political statements. the group a way spef palestine. >> this attack by regent shaw's is a heavy handed attempt to all
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pro-palestine speech, and we condemn it in the strongest possible terms. the uc regents have not commented on the protest, however, uc officials behind the proposal say it is necessary to ensure that the opinions of individuals or groups of faculty are not mistaken for the opinions of uc as a wholen >> coming up, negotiators working on a cease fire agreement in gaza. but plenty of sticking points remain. the hope, though that breakthrough could be near, also had an east bay. >> east bay authorities break up an extensive retail theft ring. how investigators were able to identify the suspects
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meantime, tensions are rising on israel's border with lebanon. fox's trey yingst has the latest nt& >> iron dome shooting down rockets fired from southern lebanon tuesday night. hezbollah
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says it launched the attack in retaliation for a deadly israeli airstrike earlier in the day. in response, israeli jets post. the latest round of officials say they're studying a proposal from the us envoy, designed to calm tensions at the border. >> there is no such thing as a limited war. escalation will noi people return home. escalation will not resolve this crisis.t& >> meanwhile, negotiators in cairo are still trying to secure a six week cease fire deal between israel and hamas. with less than a week to go before the start continue talks while still pushing for a complete withdrawal of israeli forces. spsome western officials remain skeptical. >> we think the proposal that israel put on the table in consultation with the united states and with qatar and egypt is one that hamas would agree to, and it's one that would alleviate the suffering of the palestinian people. >> but there's an urgent need to
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reach an agreement soon, with the un warning gaza is at risk of famine due to a limited amount of humanitarian aid entering the territory from others. >> our children are hungry and they want food. life is expensive in general. we only think about how we can feed them. >> on tuesday, the us and jordan conducted their second airdrop of aid over gaza, delivering more than 36,000 meals in tel spaviv. trey yingstl fox news. sp>> and we are tracking the weather out there. there are still some lingering they stick? what's you back here. >> all right. now to frank mallicoat and a look at some of the stories we'reúworking on for west coast rapn coming up at thc top of the hour. frank. >> hey, mike. >> good evening still ahead, details on a massive cyber attack on an arizona based health care tech company. the millions that reportedly paid out in ransom, and the first conviction in the rust movie set fatal shooting in new mexico. what the jury found. got those stories much more coming up at seven on west the top
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of the
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truckloads of stolen merchandise found and confiscated. ktvu tom vacar reports. >> the alameda police department showed off the fruits of great police work, $75,000 worth of stolen goods. it took an evidence truck, seven loads to haul it away. also seized multiple vehicles and more than $10,000 in cash. alameda police worked with the chp's organized retail crime task force and loss prevention experts at old navy, kohl's, lenscrafters, ross tj maxx, walgreens, carter's, walmart, safeway and nordstrom. >> you have more minds in the room. you have more people that can help process. evidence can help put together a case. >> it all began with a february 9th organized grand theft at the old navy store in the south shore shopping center. >> when it comes to retail theft, the lost items areúgoing to some type of fencing operation. >> the police learned that the
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items were going to an oakland residence, a residence that from other regional retailers. police got a search warrant. what we found in there was incredible. >> we're still counting up the total loss.t& >> the fencing operation left sales tags on the goods made inventory sheets and even detailed records of the operation, all of which was one. >> we are going to explore all of that. >> considering the success of this operation, we thought we'd talk to folks here on the streets of alameda about what they very good policing. >> i think the citizens of alameda are very fortunate to have a police department that's proactive and is shutting this kind of crime down. and, uh, job well done. >> the crimes has been crazy. so i'm really, really grateful that they are doing some movements in this. >> real estate advisors santosa says that many of her store owner clients and their
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customers are fed up with mass thefts. but she says one big bust does not make a trend. >> i don't know what is happening to america, to tell you the truth, but yeah, i hope the pendulum will swing. >> but those seized records makes this real progress. tom vacar ktvu fox two news. flying at san francisco citynow- hall ahead of saint patrick's day. breed, other city officials and the irish consulate general attended a ceremony and celebration today at city hall. mayor raising repe city's bond commitment, work and growth with the irish community in san francisco. >> san francisco has been celebrating saint patrick's day for 173 years. we've been celebrating that rich history that brings us together.shipt- >> there will be saint patrick's day events around the city over including the 173rd annual saint patrick's day march
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16th. all righty. >> it's a winter's evening out there. it feels like it. it's not real coldl but it's certainly some clouds and some clear skies some showers showing up. we'll look at those in a minute. the salesforce lit up and just a beautiful night in san rain right now is sort of moved up to the north a little. and then mainly it's moved south. take a look at this. this they have flood advisories effect. and that's the main low that that what went through here today was sort of just spin off from this without strong dynamics. this is where the strong dynamics are with this low. so you can see los angeles right now getting some very heavy rain. that low now is moving off. we can see it moving off to the south. and as it does we start to warm up. and that's& how it goes tomorrow. we warm up tomorrow not before we start off
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a little chilly. first time in a spwhile we're going to see temperatures down back into the 30s, even some mid 30s in places. it's not freezing, but chilly for the most partc has bn because we've had some overnight lows with this last set of systems, we were pretty mild to say the least, for overnight lows. so here's right now model. here's tomorrow morning and there's a bunch of fog. you that's tomorrow morning. and this looks good to me. here's friday morning friday afternoon. so thirsty friday money. and then this dealc on saturday clouds it up. and you can see on saturday maybe a sprinkle. it's just again it's not it's not really a direct hitn it's north of here. the dynamics are the south end.a direct hit. and then there's another one on sunday that's more of a direct hit. but we'll see. i mean let's just play it by ear right now. it's keep whatever you did today. and however you got through the last couple of days in terms of weather, do it again. it's just
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going to be a little bit warmer as we go into friday. it's thursday and friday and then saturday and sunday. there you go. you see it. we're used to it. we can deal with it. but no, just low grade stuff. julie. nothing real big. >> all right, bill, thank you. >> the us news and world report is releasing its ranking of the spbest cities to live in, basedn quality of life. and san jose took the number four spot, topping the list. ann arbor, michigan in boulder, colorado, go buffs coming in second, madison, wisconsin and third. all three big collegec towns right there. portland, maine rounding out the top five. >> coming up in sports, an archbishop mitty basketball star has been selected to play in the mcdonald'sc all american games this year. our jason appelbaum will have the full story coming up and a reminder that you can have the day's headlines delivered right to you by signing up for thec ktvu newsletter. >> just head t to sign ( ♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening.
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congratulate all the northern california high school basketball champions from the bay area. on the girls side, midea high. and for the boys, it's salesian, san ramon valley, oakland tech, athenian and cornerstone christian. congratulations all last night
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at oakland tech oakland high alum and milwaukee bucks star damian lillard sitting courtside to root on the wildcats. but ojai had no answer for a darius finished with 34 points, including 11 of the bulldogs final 12 points as tech avenges last year's loss inúthis same game to the wildcats, 73 to 66 to advance to the division two state championship game saturday, where they will face.t what point did you decide to take over this game? >ñ i tried to take over the whole game, but as soon as when the fourth quarter comes, that's when you know this close game, we got to we got >> we got to end the game. right. that's how that's what that's what i figured it to take it over. >> it feels so good. we put so much work into this. this was the this was the result we wanted. but we got one more. sot come saturday. but we're going
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to celebrate right now because we're happy. >> a huge honor today fort& archbishop mitty basketball star morgan shelley, who was selected to the veryúselective mcdonald's spall american team, where she will represent the next month. . she's a six foot two point guard who is the monarchs? uh, yeah. guard. yeah. headed to uconn. uconn? that's a pretty good program on a full ride, but not before she plays at rwanda of southern california. saturday for the state championship. saturday. >> it's always been a goal of mine and a dream. and, um, i feel so blessed and i'm so excited for the game and feel very honored to be chosen to, you know, be one of the mcdonald's all american players. >> yeah. very cool. okay. the cal bears kicked off the pac 12 women's tournament this afternoon in las vegas against washington state. ascii versus cougar. yeah, it's ascii all the way. doing some showing off the mascot. set the tone for the bears already up 16 when leilani
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mcintosh she starts lighting it up the five foot five senior guard hitting threes from all over the place, five of them at all in route to a game high 19 points. the bears win 6544. cows quarterfinal opponent will be a ranked stanford versus cal tomorrow at 230, bringing this program opening day for the a's three weeks from tomorrow. until then, we've got cactus league to show you a's at the angels this afternoon, uh, in tempe two nothing in the first for miguel andujar, and he absolutely crushesn look at that. crushes that one. the ball nearly leaves the park, ends up at the back of the burm and doha added a solo shot in the fourthn and the a's take it 12 to 5. okay, the 49ers they went their separatec ways about three weeks ago after the super bowl. we haven't heard much fromúmost of the players since, but deebo samuel, he has a weekly gig where he appears on
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the show up and adams with kay adams. and today he was asked about the 40 niners making it to four nfc championship games, two super bowls with no title to show for it. >> i guess people just say, you know, it's always the next year. but i heard that in 2019 and took four more years to get where we at. so i mean it's not that easy as people think to get to the super bowl and, you know, it takes everything. i mean, at the end of the day, you got to move on and you know, it's the next year. and you know, we're just going to continue to grind and do what we set out to do. >> and the greatest tight end to ever come out of monta vista high school. safe to say. right, julie. yeah, i would say so. he's returning to the nfl for his 12th season. it's zach ertz and he's signing a one year deal with the washington commanders. the deal worth up to $5 million okay a little more high school hoops for you salesian. as we said they beat reardon last night to advance to the state championship game in the open division. that's the highest
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division, after which the tv announcer had a little fun with theirúhead coach. >> i told you i would bring my hole punch. and what do we have is we're going to punch your ticket for sacramento. i don't know if this is going to get the family in or not, who that is? >> chris babcock i love him. the gregarious chris babcock. >> yes. have a little fun with legendary head coach bill mellis, the pride of salesian harvard-westlake for the state title on saturday and on saturday in sacramento. that's going to be a tough matchup for them and 49ers safety jr brown. he returned home where he was ge key to the city. the it to the super bowl in his rookie season with the 49ers, he got hugs from everybody. a nice banner behind him. but the key to the city pretty. all good stuff. chris babcock was the coach at
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monta vista high school with many years withúmy boys, so gooh chris babcock. >> that's cool. >> yeah. immediately when juliee like chris babcock. yeah, yeah. >> hi, chris. >> yeah, he's a he's a seems like a fun guy. >> he's a really nice guy. very supportive. he would come to a splot of jake's football games over the years and always like still keeps in touch with them. great. like mentor and >> yeah a lot of kids he seemst& loves high school sports. >> heúseems too. >> he's whenever there's a sense of humor, whenever there's a blocked shot, he calls it a wilson burger. and he cooks some good ribs too. >> oh, some good knowledge all around here. >> g d to kno thanks
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organizing in terms of the race. senate in california heating


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